minerals: macrominerals and microminerals ctvt pgs. 442-444


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Page 1: Minerals: Macrominerals and Microminerals CTVT pgs. 442-444
Page 2: Minerals: Macrominerals and Microminerals CTVT pgs. 442-444

Minerals:Macrominerals and

MicromineralsCTVT pgs. 442-444

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*You need to know the chemical symbols for these.

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Minerals are Inorganic Chemicals

• More than 18 mineral elements are believed to be essential for mammals.

• Minerals are divided into two groups: Macrominerals-required in large amts.

• Microminerals-required in small amts., also known as “trace elements”.

• Does anyone know what “inorganic” means?

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• Not composed of or involving living organisms or their remains or products.

• The big rage right now is organic foods. Does anyone buy and eat exclusively organic foods? Can you tell us why you have chosen to do this?

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Organic• Grown with fertilizers that consist only of

plant or natural matter, with no chemical additives.

• Did you know that the word organic comes from organism, meaning a plant or animal.

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• Please refer to Table 15-1, pg. 442

• Calcium and Phosphorus are usually discussed together because their actions within the body are closely interrelated.

• Calcium and Phosphorus are constituents of bone and structural proteins. They sustain the structural rigidity of bone and teeth.

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Phosphorus (P) (Anion)

Please refer to table 15-2, pg. 443

• Aids in bone and teeth formation

• Muscle formation

• Energy producing nutrient metabolism

• Energy production

• Reproduction

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Phosphorus Deficiency

• Decrease appetite• Decreased growth• Dull hair coat• Decreased fertility• Spontaneous fractures• Rickets ( a disease of young animals; a failure of

calcification of osteoid and cartilage of the bones which become bowed and a persistence with enlargement of the epiphyses so that the joints appear swollen. The animals are lame and dentition is delayed.)

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Phosphorus Excess

• Bone loss

• Urinary calculi

• Calcification of soft tissue

• Secondary hyperthyroidism

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Feline Hyperthyroidism• Feline hyperthyroidism is the most common hormonal

abnormality and is a common disease of aging cats. Hyperthyroidism is a feline disorder affecting multiple body systems due to an overabundance of the thyroid hormone, which increases the metabolism. Because of this increase, the cat's body systems function at an accelerated rate that it may not be able to sustain. As a result, problems with the heart, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys may occur; weight loss, hyperactivity, and increased appetite are classic signs of the disease.

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1. Normal Thyroid Gland 2. Parathyroid Gland 3. Parathyroid Gland 4. Enlarged Thyroid Gland

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Calcium (Ca) (Cation)

• Aids in bone and teeth formation

• Blood clotting

• Muscle function

• Nerve transmission

• Membrane permeability

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Calcium Deficiency

• Decreased growth• Decreased appetite• Decreased bone mineralization• Lameness• Spontaneous fractures, rickets• Loose teeth• Tetany (steady contraction of a muscle without

distinct twitching, continuous spasm)• Convulsions

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Calcium Excess

• Decreased feed efficiency

• Nephrosis (any kidney disease)

• Lameness

• Enlarged costochondral (rib/cartilage) junctions

• Effects bone and cartilage maturation

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Calcium Phosphorus Ratio

• Should be maintained at 1:1• Imbalance of this ratio, such as an increase of

phosphorus to calcium, can lead to serious bone malformation.

• However, nutritional excesses are far more common than deficiencies. High levels of calcium and phosphorus are harmful. They can cause hip dysplasia and Wobbler syndrome. Please refer to your handouts.

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Potassium (K) (cation)

• Aids in muscle contraction

• Transmission of nerve impulses

• Osmotic balance

• Energy transfer

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Potassium Deficiency

• Anorexia

• Decreased growth

• Lethargy

• Locomotive problems

• Hypokalemia

• Heart and kidney lesions

• emaciation

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Potassium Excess

• Rare

• Paresis (slight or incomplete paralysis; does include frequent falling, stumbling)

• Bradycardia (slow heart rate)

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Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Na=cation Cl=anion

• Aids in maintaining osmotic pressure

• Transmission of nerve impulses

• Nutrient uptake

• Waste excretion

• Water metabolism

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Sodium Chloride Deficiency

• Inability to maintain water balance

• Decreased growth

• Anorexia

• Fatigue

• Hair loss

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Sodium Chloride Excess

• Thirst

• Pruritus (itching)

• Constipation

• Seizures

• Hypertension, and death

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Magnesium (Mg) (cation)

• Component of bone, intercellular fluids

• Neuromuscular transmission

• Active component of several enzymes

• Carbs and lipid metabolism

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Magnesium Deficiency

• Muscle weakness

• Hyper-irritability

• Convulsions

• Anorexia

• Vomiting

• Decreased mineralization of bone

• Calcification of aorta

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Magnesium Excess

• Urinary calculi (crystal aggregations) of dissolved minerals in urine)

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• Excess macromineral intake can result from feeding large amts of supplements, such as bone meal, or a diet limited to just meat.

• Most commercial diets are already adequate in macrominerals. But many times it is the owner that over supplements their pet.

• You as a technician will encounter this situation and must educate owners. Purebred animal hobbyists tend to over supplement.

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Macrominerals-vs-Microminerals• Macrominerals are measured in the diet as a percentage

(%). • Microminerals are measured in part per million (ppm) or

mg/kg.• Never just consider the amt of mineral in a food, think

about how much of that mineral can be used by the animal.

• Considerations: solubility, metabolic interaction with other nutrient compounds, signalment of the animal, and the animal’s ability to store the mineral. What does signalment mean?