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Mini report


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6 Group Aims8 Introduction10 Methodology14 Current Lifestyle Offering26 Recommendations26 The Product22 Consumer30 Place36 Promotion37 Conclusion38 Future Recommendations40 Appendix52 Bibliography54 References55 Illustrations

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Brands typically change with the times, they learn to adapt with the current trends and willingly change their values, ethos and brand essence in order to withstand the changes in consumer opinion and behaviour. MINI however, has always held the fun, playful and witty image that it has today. Finding new and innovative ways to hold on to the mini that we all know and love is the basis of why it has been so successful.

Mini’s culturally aware consumers are conveyed well in the Mini International Magazine however, the lifestyle range is less suited to the British consumer, research suggesting its marketing is corny and targets an aspirational international consumer. Placing the two together results in confusion and gives off mixed signals to the consumer.

The car buying experience is one of the most important and costly purchases that most consumers will make in their lifetimes. Car buying can be ‘boring, tedious and time consuming’ due to long amounts of paperwork. Car dealerships are generally very ‘corporate’ [CPE 3, 2012: Telephone Interview] and are lacking personality. “It’s a lot of money, and for some people, you only get the chance to buy a brand new car once in life, so it should be an amazing life experience.”, “It seems all about numbers and stats.” [CPE 1, 2012: Telephone Interview] There is so much potential and as it is such an important purchase, the experience needs to be rejuvenated and replenished. Mini, however, are the innovators of car dealerships, having successfully made the experience enjoyable and distinctive for the customers. The lifestyle range, often situated at the back of the dealership, is of little priority. [See Appendix – p44]

Majid Wahid, [2012: Phone Interview] sales representative at the Nottingham Mini Dealership expressed that the lifestyle range is ‘normally an after thought, it’s not anything we would discuss at any stage during the buying process.’ When a car buying customer expresses an interest in any of the lifestyle products, Majid says that ‘we would normally give it them free.’, as an incentive to buying the car. The lifestyle range does not reflect the mini image and there is so much more potential to be made within lifestyle. Here are our findings and how we went about it.


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Fig. 3

Mini’s current lifestyle offering is a fashion and accessory range. As this project aims to find a way of generating footfall for the Mini brand and its dealerships, analysis of the lifestyle sector was an important initial investigation.

The research carried out lead to the conclusion that the current MINI Lifestyle range is targeted at a more international consumer and as merchandise [Partridge, A. 2012, Facebook Message] or a give-away, incentive for car buyers [Wahid, M, 2012: Phone Interview]. Within the existing range items such as the folding bikes represent mini well in style and show the expertise and quality behind the brand. Products such as key chains and t-shirts, and the way in which they are marketed within the catalogue and on the website however, do not represent the mini brand. Figure 4 gives consumer opinions on the Lifestyle Range. A more culturally aware, stylish image could be offered in a wider variety of goods in order to allow more exposure of the mini brand. Consumers of a new lifestyle range will be further assured of Mini being an aspirational brand through the quality and expertise of the goods and will therefore give them added encouragement and support when buying into the MINI brand further, and even a car.


Fig. 4

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Although the initial thoughts were leading towards a fashion range,the research led into more technology and hard appliance based products. The technology, innovation and expertise that could go into these hard appliances would reflect and promote the brand image. The product focus group candidates gave a clear idea as to what product expansion would best suit the Mini brand. An electronics range would sit within the MINI brand, whereas a sub-brand would have had to be created for a fashion range. Amelia Partridge said [2012, Facebook message] ‘Who’s going to wear clothes branded by a car?’ This would have completely isolated the lifestyle range, neglecting to create extra touchpoints for the MINI brand.

The research concluded that Mini would need to create a product range that would appeal to a varied cross-section of ages and lifestyles in the way the M&S appeals to a wide range of consumers. The range of products does not alienate consumers as each product is a necessity rather than a luxury.


Fig. 4

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AWFUL.Fig. 8

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Fig. 9

The responses from current Mini consumers and the public conclude that the lifestyle range is not marketed well enough. Consumers that have visited the dealership themselves to purchase a car failed to notice or even be told about the lifestyle range. Amelia Partridge [2012: Facebook Message] said,’ I’ve never heard of it no!?’ when asked if she knew about the lifestyle range and Emma Anderson [2012: Phone Interview] said, ‘I’ve never even really looked at it though, but I knew about the lifestyle range but that was only literally because of going for a service and MOT and being bored in the room where I was waiting.’.

When asked whether car dealerships would be more accessible if they were on the high street candidates responses such as ‘its too impractical to have it in the city center’ [CPE 1, 2012, Telephone Interview] and when talking about the dealership location Vasanti Vaitha [2012, Facebook message] said ‘Their outlets are also out of city and not so easy to get to.’. After having visited three dealerships and experiencing the lifestyle range, it can be understood that consumers would not visit the dealership solely to purchase items from the lifestyle range. The mix of lifestyle within the dealership could make consumers feel uncomfortable as they make feel obliged to buy the car and then lifestyle as a second purchase.

This research supports the decision to look into separating the lifestyle range from the dealership. Trends within visual merchandising, space sharing and collaboration and space squatting were discussed in the LS:N Autumn/Winter Trend Briefing 2012.

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CASE STUDY - SPACE UNTILISATION TRENDSpace utilisation influenced the decision to merge the shop with dining with successful examples including Back in Five Minutes [Figure 11] on Brick Lane in London and The Seagrass [Figure 12] in Islington, London. The Science Museum in London held the Chrome Web Lab [Figures 16-18] collaboration where the space is optimized even after opening hours. Space utilization ideas are various forms of making maximum use of an area, whether it is unusual opening hours, maximising the efficiency of or getting the best use out of the space. Back in 5 Minutes is a ‘restaurant and private dining room, hidden behind a clothes shop on Brick Lane.’ [Disappearing Dining Club, 2013: Online] The Seagrass [Hungry Nomad, 2012: Online] is a pie and mash shop by day that turns into a restaurant in the evening. This unexpected use of space, utilises areas when they are not in use, similar to a pop up shop temporarily opening up in a vacant shop. This is perfect for first time shop owners, or even those wanting to save some money on retail space, these nifty shops do wonders for the economy and are exciting, interesting concepts for consumers.

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

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The research revealed that Mini’s proposition is built on innovation, with reference to their car dealerships. To influence the aid of the lifestyle sector’s visual merchandising, competitor dealerships, inventive interior spaces and shopping environments were analysed. Such notions are visualized within the moodboard opposite of VM implementations. It is clear when studying such retail designs that embody a sense of originality, modern sensibility and creativity integration seem to impose the most impact and effect. As Mini is a brand with innovation at its heart such concepts need to be considered when creating recommendations.

The research found in this section has concluded that the lifestyle range needs to be adapted in order to make it more in keeping with the iconic image that Mini portrays. Separating the lifestyle range from the dealership and creating a more pioneering product range could construct a more credible extension for the Mini brand’s portfolio. This research will be carried through to the implementation section in more detail.


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From the findings of the consumer research studies ‘What am I Like’ and the photos and questions that followed, it was understood that the mini consumer have very varied lifestyles and are of diverse ages. With this broad consumer base, it is crucial to offer products and marketing as not to alienate any personality, lifestyle or age. Consumers ranged from 20 to late 50’s and can be assembled in three consumer types, the Empty Nesters, the Young Family and the Young Couple.


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Home furnishings and appliances are items that everyone will buy at least once in their lives. Whether you are a first time buyer, you are redecorating, buying a wedding present or just fancy a change, home furnishings could be a great way for mini to expand their brand as a cheaper entry level to the brand than the car, but still offering the same expertise and innovation. Neil Mason [2012: p1] states that small kitchen appliances is a ‘category consumers are investing more in quality and what they perceive as value …now that consumers are less prepared to spend money on products that they think will only serve a short lifespan in their kitchens.’.

This initial range of items such as toasters, fridges, kettle, washing machine, white appliances, crockery, cutlery, saucepans will remain loyal to the brand in heritage, expertise, quality and culture. The customizable products will be available in fun-colours and patterns, changeable handles and have the option to mix and match parts making products personalized to the individual. The product range consists of items that can be bought all year round and the lower price range allow entry into the brand without the bigger price tag, for example a luxury brand sells perfume to be more accessible to the masses. The price of the Lifestyle products will match Mini cars’ price ranges’, representing the value of its quality. The products will be aspirational but attainable to a broad consumer.


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Dyson shares in UK volume sales of vacuum cleaners 2007

Fig. 16

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Dyson hoovers are one of the most common household items in the UK. Owning over 20% of volume sales in the vacuum cleaner market in 2007-2009. [Strutton, M, 2010: Report] James Dyson, owner of this iconic brand, launched in 1993 is known as the Vacuum cleaner King for innovation and ambition. Their expertise and innovation have ensured Dyson’s success. Releasing new concepts in vacuum development such as the ‘Ball’ and root cyclone technology never fail to create excitement and exposure for the brand. The simplistic designs with dashes of colour, reliability, expertise and quality, Dyson is a leading example of the way in which Mini Live aims to be envisaged.

Consistently and effectively understanding Dyson’s consumers is a prolific warrant of their success. Understanding how their consumer’s lives could be made easier, features such as maneuverability, easy storage, two-year guarantees, miniature and hand held vacuums target a vast range of consumers. Whether they have pets, are city dwellers or consumers constantly on the go, editions such as the Stowaway range for easy moving and storing have been adapted.

Dyson shares in UK volume sales of vacuum cleaners 2009









Fig. 16 Fig. 17

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This report aims to separate the new Mini Home range from the mini dealerships in order to differentiate the new product range from the merchandise. The products will be available online and in Mini Live stores. Mini Live will initially open in the UK’s largest cities alongside high street shops such as Zara and COS, restaurants and cafes on streets similar to Brompton road in London. Responses from primary research clarified that to create a credible lifestyle range, there would need to be more touchpoints for existing and new consumers as dealerships alone are not enough to be sufficient.

Space utilization can also be a form of change that takes place within a location. For example space saving kitchens could be a great way for Mini Live to make a swift and effective change around from day to evening.

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By day, Mini Live will be a hybrid between a deli bar and retail environment in which consumers will shop on a try before you buy basis. The electronics industry is being outdone by online retailers’ competitive prices and high street stores such as comet cannot compete due to extra costs such as floor space and sales staff. The revolutionary shopping experience will ensure the success of Mini Live, similar to the way in which Apple stores work, eliminating the possibility of ending the same way that for example Comet did. Retailers such as Topshop are introducing cafes, hairdressers etc. into their stores in attempt to create more reasons for people to enter their shops and it creates a broader consumer. Consumers are looking for an experience and shopping needs to be changed in order to give consumers new reasons to visit city center shops. ‘Over the past decade consumers have become more mobile and their attitudes and preferences have changed – they now seek more ‘experience’ and a greater choice.’ [BIS Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2011: p6]


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Fig. 22

Fig. 21

Fig. 20

CASE STUDY - PUMA CAFÉMini Live will be a light and airy sandwich bar during the day with the products placed within the sandwich bar similar to the Puma Café in Prague by EDIT [DeZeen Magazine, 2012: Online] this multifunctional meeting point that combines a shop with a ‘social club’ concept and a café is a unique way to revitalise shopping. The store is an exciting concept, oriented towards a younger audience through collaborating with architecture students and a Puma, a popular brand amongst this age group.

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BY NIGHTBy night, the store will transform from a daytime café to a bistro and bar. The food will showcase traditional British dishes using locally sourced produce and great quality ingredients. The lights will be dimmed and a quick change around of furniture will take place transforming the atmosphere into an ambient, laid back and stylish place to eat. Integrating Microsoft Surface tablets on each table will allow diners to connect to the dealerships allowing them to make visual appointments [See Footnote], gamification and by designing their perfect Mini’s whilst waiting for their meals. Consumers will also be able to buy from the range that has been used to cook their meals via the Tablets. PCs/Laptops will be set up with direct links to employees at the dealership where consumers can make visual appointments if they have questions about the MINI car. They will also feature a 360° tour of the showroom as an extension of the deli bar/restaurant.

Space utilization can also be a form of change that takes place within a location. For example space saving kitchens could be a great way for Mini Live to make a swift and effective change around from day to evening.

The variety of consumer lifestyles, ages, etc., will be individually targeted within this transformation and diversity due to the accessibility of opening hours and themes suiting an assortment of lifestyles, moods and ages. The longer opening hours also allow maximum exposure and this type shopping experience will mean that consumers do not have to wait until they get home to try a product in return creating more items being sold.


PCs/Laptops will be set up with direct links to employees at the dealership where consumers can make visual appointments if they have questions about the MINI car. They will also feature a 360° tour of the showroom as an extension of the deli bar/restaurant.

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Fig. 26 Fig. 27

In order to create exposure and excitement for the new product range, there will be an initial 2 week promotional event in cities around the UK. There will not be any flagship stores or flagship promotion events, allowing people throughout the UK to get access to the brand. In the build up to Christmas, 5 leading Chefs will invent a British dish to be used in the national competition whereby the five unique dishes will go head to head in each of the locations alongside the existing menu. Consumers will be asked to vote for their favourite dish and the winner will be announced, rewarded with a permanent place on the menu. This nationwide event (rather than one single event or flagship) will allow for consumers all over the country to get involved. There is also the possibility of the event being aired on TV and being sponsored by MINI.

A more permanent promotional method would be for Mini Live to feature in publications such as Home magazine, Sunday Times Style, Stylist, Shortlist and Wallpaper and to take advantage of current consumers with emails and mailing lists, which would then be passed on through word of mouth.

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This report aimed to understand any possible changes that could be made to the Mini Lifestlyle brand in order to make it more successful and how it can be developed into a profitable extension of the brand and increasing entry into the brand.

Throughout this report, consumer and trend driven research has backed up an exciting product expansion concept for Mini’s portfolio. The Mini Home Range of kitchen appliances that will be sold within the Mini Live experience is a recommendation that is believed to ignite great potential within the Mini brand.

The Mini brand is a cultural phenomenon and an international British icon. These are messages that do not come across in the current branding and promotion of the lifestyle range. This report develops and rejuvenates this iconic image.


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-More detailed forms of promotion-Space utilization - changing interiors and space saving-Limited edition product ranges could link with Mini’s musical back ground, coinciding with national events such as The Brits, Film festivals the same way many brands used the Olympics and Jubilee in 2012-Collaboration with Dyson hoovers or another brand. The LS:N Autumn/Winter Trend Briefing 2012 [Wallman, J. 2012: Presentation] expressed that co-operation, orco-collaboration is a method that ‘Smart Brands are taking a new stance on capitalism. Instead of competing they are celebrating common purpose and turning competition into collaboration.’ For example Aldi did a collaboration with the more upmarket supermarket Fortum & Masom.




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METHODOLOGYIn order to gain complete understanding of the mini brand, five areas were looked into for the ability to form a decision for the future of mini.

1. History to get an idea of who they are, what they have previously done.2. Competitors and the current products/marketing/perceptions of Mini Lifestyle3. Car Purchasing environments - what it is like, who shops, what is the process link into lifestyle, where lifestyle range sits within4. Consumer5. What are Mini’s missed opportunities and what could they capitalise on in the future?

A rounded understanding of the Mini brand was gained through looking into their history and at what they have done in the past with marketing, collaborations and branding. It was beneficial to look at competitor’s history and what they are currently doing in order to understand how consumers currently shop in mini and when the lifestyle range is presented to them within the purchasing cycle was crucial. It was also beneficial to to find out who the consumers are and what process they go through in deciding their particular purchasing process. These areas were researched through primary and secondary research.

We started a questionnaire that would be distributed to prospective purchasers and those who had recently purchased a new vehicle. We wanted to find out the ways in which people acquire a car from asking where they bought it to what they felt about the buying process. As a result of obtaining initial responses, it was understood that the question was not relevant.


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PILOT QUESTIONNAIRE - PURCHASING A NEW CARWhat: We interviewed 4 individuals aged 23-49, investigate the car purchasing routine and their views on the experience.Questions: -Where did you buy the car?-Did you enjoy the car purchasing process?-Do you feel the car purchasing process / dealerships need reinventing? And why?-Do you feel that car dealerships would be more appealing if they were in city centres / on high streets?-Do you think that the car purchasing process should be a more exciting experience? And why?Result: The information received was insightful feedback expressing car buyers views on the current buying process and what needs to be changed or kept the same. This method was not continued as it was felt a better understanding of the consumers ensure a better understanding of the project.

WHAT AM I LIKE?What: This creative method of obtaining mini consumers’ personalities’ involved sending candidates a ‘What are you Like’ Poster allowing candidates to visually represent themselves in either a drawing or moodboard comprised of 5 of their favourite things. This method was followed with 4 on their feelings of the Mini car buying experience.Questions: -Why did you decide to buy a mini over another car?-What did you enjoy about the car buying experience and also what didn’t you enjoy?-Do you feel dealerships should be available in city centres?-Did you buy from the lifestyle range?Who: We sent this poster to a range of UK candidates aged between 18-70 who have purchased a MINI from a MINI dealership.Poster : (image)Results: This was quite a large ask from candidates and the lack of responses clarified that people weren’t willing to participate in this method so a more simple method was found.

PHOTO AND QUESTIONSWhat: Following the results for the What am I Like? research method being too demanding of the candidates, photographs were taken of the candidates stood with or in their Mini. Following the photograph, candidates were asked to answer the four questions that were initially asked in the What am I Like? research poster.Who: A range of UK candidates aged between 18-70 who have purchased a Mini in the last 5 yearsResult: The variety of candidates gave a clear idea of the Mini consumer and their personalities. The photos gave a lot of information without directly asking for it. We got an idea of their lifestyles through seeing what their houses are like, their clothes, the colour of the mini, even down to small details such as how they stood and what accessories they had in their cars.

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STAFF - CONSUMERS, BUYING PURCHASING,What: This method involved researching the types of consumers that go into the MINI dealerships, what the in-store buying touchpoints are and some more information on the lifestyle range. Due to constant interaction with the consumers on a day-to-day basis, members of staff at various Mini dealerships in order to get a thorough and detailed overview. Where: Nottingham, Birmingham, LeicesterQuestions: -When customers come into the dealership, what is the process that you take them through?-Do you offer the lifestyle within the car buying process or is it just something that they can look at on the side?-Who is normally more interested in the lifestyle range?-Do people buy the lifestyle range when they buy the car or do you get people coming in to solely buy the lifestyle range?-What is the normal reaction to the lifestyle range? Do people think it portrays the Mini brand values?-Would you say more people buy the lifestyle range online, from the catalogue or in store?-Do you think the lifestyle range would benefit from being a sub brand rather than being branded as Mini Lifestyle?-Do you think the lifestyle would benefit from being in a stand-alone store, separate from the car dealership?Who: We did interviews with a member of staff at the Birmingham store and another member of staff via phone interview. We spoke to Nottingham in-store and then did a phone interview. We then did an in-store interview with a member of staff at Leicester Mini Dealership. Results: Finding that the staff were very pleasant and willing to answer questions, insightful information was gained that may not have been possible to receive otherwise from the staff members. Telephone and in-store interviews are efficient but comprehensive ways to gain information.

DEALERSHIPSWhat: Mini dealerships were visited in order to understand how Mini is currently operating. Competitor dealerships were then compared to get an idea of the types of VM and their in-store environments.Where: Photographs in Nottingham car dealerships, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Leicester and Shanghai.Results: The photographs and the experience gave a rounded view of where mini stands and increased our understanding of the brand.

PHOTOS - DEALERSHIPS AND VMWhat: After researching Mini car dealerships and their competitors, the research channeled into looking at VM, in-store environments and trends that are happening in this area.

PRODUCT VISUAL FOCUS GROUPWhat: 12 people participated in a visual matching task whereby the participants were asked to choose three out of the 12 images that they felt would be viable as a brand extension for Mini. The images ranged from hair products to interiors, stationary, clothing and electronics.Results: This interactive task resulted in beneficial responses as participants were more enthusiastic about participating over a questionnaire for example.



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PURCHASING A NEW CARFEMALE 23Holly: Where did you buy the car?F: VolkswagenH: Did you enjoy the car purchasing process?F: It was exciting but it was long winded and couldn’t wait to get out – so boringH: Do you feel the car purchasing process / dealerships need reinventing? And why?F: It doesnt seem very personalised, it seems all about numbers and stats, which as a woman (sexist i know), i find very confusing. Id have rather the sales man talked me through the things that mattered in a more user friendly wayH: Do you feel that car dealerships would be more appealing if they were in city centres / on high streets?F: Not really. You do need to see the car and round it, and its too impractical to have it in the city centre, as where would they store all the cars? I wouldnt spend money if i hadn’t had the chance to see it and test drive it before hand- its too much money!H: Do you think that the car purchasing process should be a more exciting experience? And why?F: Yes i do. Its alot of money, and for some people, you only get the chance to buy a brand new car once in life, so it should be an amazing life experience, not a list of stats etc

MALE - 45H: Where did you buy the car?M: SaabH: Did you enjoy the car purchasing process?M: Yes, I couldn’t wait to drive my new car!H: Do you feel the car purchasing process / dealerships need reinventing? And why?M: My wife and little girl were with me. Lottie was entertained by the toys at first but my wife was very bored and Lottie began to get a bit restless. It could be made a bit more interesting, but I don’t know how! H: Do you feel that car dealerships would be more appealing if they were in city centres / on high streets?M: Yes I would love to go window shopping for cars! I think it would be dangerous though as it would be very tempting!H: Do you think that the car purchasing process should be a more exciting experience? And why?M: Yes, technology has moved on a lot and I think dealerships could be more efficient, less of the paper work, more driving!

MALE AGE: 49G: Where did you buy the car?M: Vauxhall Drive LeicG: Did you enjoy the car purchasing process?M: No because It was challenging, it took too long! It took three hours, understandably you have to go into details because you’re making a big purchase. But in my experience I had to barter down to a price with the manager which seems pointless in this day in age becuase we both knew they could give me a better deal.G: Do you feel the car purchasing process / dealerships need reinventing? And why?M: It does need it, it needs to be more up to date. More visual, less paper and more on screen. The show-room was big but seemed quite cold, it wasnt colourful and warm, surgery like. It wasn’t welcoming. Modern, yes, but wasn’t welcoming and comfortable G: Do you feel that car dealerships would be more appealing if they were in city centres / on high streets?M: Yes becuase you would be in a better surrounding because you always seem to be in industrial estates you don’t get the realistic cosy feeling so it feels like an industrial purchase not an everyday purchase.G: Do you think that the car purchasing process should be a more exciting experience? And why?M: Yes because you are spending a lot of money, but it shouldn’t be daunting. It is your choice to purchase the car after all, you haven’t been forced into a dealership, you know when you would like to buy a car. You shouldn’t be exhausted afterwards. It felt like there was a lot of pressure and you don’t feel excited that you have a new car at the end of it. Bloody hell it was like having your tooth extracted at one point!

FEMALE - 46G: Where did you buy the car?Vauxhall Drive M: Did you enjoy the car purchasing process?No, too long winded, new sales person, so he was long about everything, it was a cold day, didnt end up get-ting what we wanted. felt that we got talked into what we ended up with because the process was so slow.


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once settled, didnt go anywhere else cause had been so long. G: Do you feel the car purchasing process / dealerships need reinventing? And why?It depends on the person buying. Some people are in and out. you should be able to look online, you should be able to live chat with people in your time.M: Do you feel that car dealerships would be more appealing if they were in city centres/on high streets?No, because they take up too much space, high street is for relaxing and make small purchases not thinking about making big purchases. There could be virtual show rooms, a big computer, on the wall in the shop. 3d glasses, pretendG: Do you think that the car purchasing process should be a more exciting experience? And why?M: It depends on your age, and your motive behind buying the car. We bought our car on convenience and on a budget it’s practical so its not really exciting. and your status. If you’re a footballer with a lot of money, you can get excited about buying whatever car you like, if you’re on a budget you have more to think about.#3 CONSUMERSHi.Hope you’re well!My group and I are doing a live project with Mini, and I’m just trying to find as many MINI consumers as possible.I have a teeny tiny task for you. It would be great if you could answer a few questions and if possible, would you be able to send me a picture of your MINI and picture of yourself? We would like to show the range of consumers that Mini have. So please state your name, age and occupation.

Why did you decide to buy a MINI over another car?What did you enjoy about the car purchasing experience?Do you feel the dealerships should be available on the high street?What are your views on the lifestyle range?What did you think of it?What do you think about Puma collaboration with MINI?

I’d really appreciate it, thanks!Holly x

DISCLAIMER: Your picture will only be used for project purposes, it won’t be redistributed publicly on the internet and will be destroyed once the project is over. By submitting your photograph you allow it to be used for university project purposes only and confirm that you are over the age of 18.

OMID POURMOHAMAD - 231. I decided to buy a Mini over another car because I’ve always liked Mini’s and think there quite a good first car as there not to big! Also I liked the heritage British look that Mini’s have.2. Have always liked Mini’s as there not too big but also can look sporty and young.3. When buying my car I enjoyed the experience of browsing round the cars and also learning about the different models and extras that were available to me. 4. I do think dealerships should be available in the city centres as they could make the most of being in a city centre as it can be inconvenient to have to travel to find your nearest dealership. Also I think Mini would be able to really hone in on making the most of it being a British classic!5. In the end I decided on a Mini Cooper S Convertible in Racing Green with the added extra of Sidewalk with custom tan leather seats.

EMMA ANDERSON - 211. Visual Consumer Moodboard1. Food – Italian2. Pastime – Tennis, Photography3. Clothing brand – TOPSHOP, Whistles, French Connection4. Shoes – High Heels, Kurt Geiger5. Music – Rihanna & Beyonce6. Read – Magazines, Gossip ones and fashion ones, Company, Vogue.7. Holiday – Marbella & Salcombe – somewhere hot by the beach and a pool8. Weather – Sunny9. Transport – Boat10. Animal – Leopard11. Favourite Place – Salcombe, Devon12. Favourite Celebrity - Beyonce

Sarah: Why did you decide to buy a MINI over another car?Emma: Image, Reliability, Lifestyle choice, a popular and well-known brand. Went for it as a sort of fashion thing, my parents wanted me to have it because it was a reliable car. I was more sort of about the image of it and how it has a sort of persona to it. People who drive MINI’s have a certain persona attached to it.


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Young girls who drives MINI’s there’s a certain thought of them like image.Sarah: What did you enjoy about the car purchasing experience?Emma: Very personal, people who work there are quite attentive. They do a lot of research and then ring you back. Obviously they are after the sale. But it is quite a personal experience. Helpful members of staff. Also you don’t feel under pressure to purchase. They act as though they are more trying to help you than put you under pressure. As I think sometimes when you go into other dealerships it is sort of pressure selling and MINI it’s the whole experience. My purchase was all done over the phone. I didn’t buy a brand new MINI, it was all done over the phone. It was still done with a MINI – cherish MINI. It was done through that. You are given one person and you say what you are looking for and they search for what you are after, a second hand MINI. So it’s a safer way of doing it basically. So I was assigned someone who I told exactly what I wanted. They were still very personal in the way they dealt with the sale. And then they drove it to me as it wasn’t from a local location.Sarah: Do you feel the dealerships should be available on the high street?Emma: Hmmn I don’t know, I think it depends where it is, because obviously its not your everyday purchase. And you don’t want it to become something that is so common everyone’s got it.Sarah: What are your views on the lifestyle range?Emma: I’ve never even really looked at it though, but I knew about the lifestyle range but that was only literally because of going for a service and MOT and being bored in the room where I was waiting.Sarah: What did you think of it?Emma: It’s a pile of shit, because it’s really tacky, I wouldn’t want a mug with it saying MINI on it or a T-shirt. Or you can buy these.. they’ve got these bulldog things, like ornaments. I don’t know anyone whose got a MINI that has got one. George my friend who has also got a MINI is really into the stuff where you can kit your cars up, but not the lifestyle stuff. The John Copper works stuff, he’s just bought a new thing for his gear stick, a new thing for his steering wheel, he’s bought a new badge and stuff. The Lifestyle range is overpriced, and it doesn’t really work in England, people don’t really buy.. You go to MINI to buy a car you wouldn’t really think, O yes lets go to MINI to buy a mug.Sarah: What do you think about Puma collaboration with MINI?Emma: Puma used to be ok now I sort of associate it with being a bit chav. Pumas not as well known anymore. I don’t really hear about it. I hear about brands such a Nike, obviously. Addidas but Pumas sort of gone out a bit hasn’t it. I wouldn’t wear it, I wouldn’t wear their trainers, I think their trainers are awful.

AMELIA PARTRIDGE - 20Sarah: We are currently doing one of our projects this year with MINI lifestyle and wondered if you could let me know your opinions on the range etc - as a mini consumer yourself! We are just trying to build up the current perceptions of the range.Amelia: Aw yeh that’s fine sweetie! I absolutely love it! Like never want another car. I love that you can see digitally in front of you like your mph rather than having to read off the thing. It’s so easy to drive. And I feel really like chic and classy in it haha! I know that’s gay but it makes me feel good to drive.Sarah: Sorry, I mean the ‘Lifestyle range’ like all the extras such as the clothing’s and accessories etc. Its only been introduced a couple of years ago. But that’s still great what you’ve said for the perceptions of MINI itself as a brand and what it portrays. Have you seen much of the lifestyle range?Amelia: I’ve never heard of it no!? Will have a look on Google now. Right fair. Lemme just see. Ok just looked it up... I’m confused as to why they’re even trying to do this!? Who’s going to wear clothes branded by a car? I actually don’t get like their target market or what they are trying to achieve? Yeh it’s weird! Like I want to comment on what the stuff looks like and stuff but I’m so confused as to why they even have the range hah!! Difficult to analyze. Very souveniry than actual fashion. And cause Britain is so fashion orientated it’s just not fitting in.Unless you have like a middle aged man who wants to wear a mini logoed jumper to like walk the dog haha.I can see Brazil and China liking it, they’re less fashionable countries and have to wear ‘branded’ stuff so like feel good.

VASANTI VAITHA - 36Hi Gina, sorry been busy with work. Not been able to take pic but here’s rest of details Vasanti vaitha Age 36 Solicitor Yes it was my dream car - love it, it’s my baby! Not sure what other information you need - happy to receive any MINI freebies too!! What’s this assignment about then?G: It’s basically about the MINI lifestyle range, did you know that they sell clothes and luggage and stuff too? V: No I didn’t know that! Even to get their accessories is such a mission, as the show room do not always stock everything. Their outlets are also out of city and not so easy to get to. I recently needed to change my car mats and in the end, I had to pay a fortune got customised ones as MINI has a specific style. Let me know if I can help in anyway. My mate bought her car when single but now has a child - struggles with car seat and lack of boot space. Other than that, she loves it too.

Gail Dickson - 561. Decided to buy a mini for downsizing reasons, Also family moved away so didn’t need as big a car2. Car buying experience, enjoyable. excellent salesman, conscious to all our requests. made us feel comfortable and relaxed, not at all pushy.3. nothing4. i feel dealerships are better served on the outskirts and not in city centres5. not from the lifestyle range we dont think...

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STAFF INTERVIEWSBIRMINGHAM MINI DEALERSHIPSarah: What is the normal buying process you take customers through when they come into the dealership?Staff: Well we try to get to know the consumer, create a relationship with them and allow them to get comfortable in the surroundings. The dealership is quite a lot to take in, you can see, the lights, the images, posters, and everything and then of course the cars, people want to get inside them and love ‘testing’ them out. Then we go through the type of car that they are looking for, budget, customisable options and things like that.Sarah: When you have people come in to the dealership to look at the cars, do you offer them the lifestyle range? Staff: (laughs) not really. There’s hardly any lifestyle range to offer. Customers are never really interested but of course if they do express an interest they can have a look at whats available in store and if people do want them, can order from catalogue and online. It has only been available since last year so no one really knows about it, its when people are sat in the waiting area when they might see itSarah: Whose normally more interested in the lifestyle range? Staff: women usually want a key ring or something to hang in their car or whatever. Oh and the bulldogs area quite popular. But things like the t-shirts and that aren’t popular at all.Sarah: In your opinion what is the normal reaction to the lifestyle range from consumers?Staff: people aren’t that aware as it is new so its normally ‘oh I didn’t realise Mini did other products’ but don’t tend to buy anything (laughs) Sarah: Do you think the lifestyle range would benefit from being a sub-brand instead of being branded as MINI lifestyle?Staff: Not really no, because we tie it in together its better to sell it all under the MINI name.Sarah: Do you think that the lifestyle range could also benefit from being in a stand-alone store separate from the car dealership?Staff: We actually have a stand alone store all ready, ye it is in London. They’ve got a standalone store. Maybe if the products were a bit better, but for what it is now, the standalone store is enough I think!Sarah: Do you feel that other car dealerships including the Birmingham one benefit from being out of the city centre? Staff: We are the closest to the city centre out of all the ones in Birmingham. We get most customers come here through from all around Birmingham. Its really convenient for the motorway links, people can just drive straight in off the motorway.Sarah: Do you think the car buying experience could be better at all for consumers? As from some of our initial research we found that it can be quite male orientated.Staff: Up here we are more orientated to women at MINI. We sell a lot of cars to a lot more women than we do men. I think it’s the idea of having a mini that attracts women, an image thing!


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MAJID FROM NOTTINGHAM MINI DEALERSHIPS: When you have the customers come into the dealership, what is the normal process you would take them through?M: The first part of the process is called meet and great, say hello, get their names, the next stage from there is to just to build a report - find a bit about them What they like about MINI’s, what’s their hobbies, what they like doing, you’re more interested in finding out about them.The next step then is to find out what sort of model of car they are looking for and that’s called qualification. So its basically finding out what the type of car they are after, what engine size, whether its diesel/petrol they are after, how they are looking to pay for it, have they got a kid, son, boyfriend/girlfriend, wife, whatever and things like that.Then once you have established that then you can basically take them down one route that will lead to the car they want to buy. So the next stage from there is called a static presentation, so we present them the car that they may be interested in buying. It may not be the exact car they want to buy but something like for like. Then after that the next stage is called demonstration, so put them in the car get their bums on the seats, get them out for a drive in the car, see if they like the car, then after that come back, then ask if they want to buy it which is called buy or close. Take them to a side and ask is this the car for you? Yes or No?Then the next stage from that is called close.S: Within that process do you usually offer the lifestyle range?M: If I’m being honest the lifestyle range is normally an after thought, if someone walks in and says I’ve seen for example a T-shirt or a MINI mug or some Puma trainers, can I have those, I’ll buy it – well then ye we will… then ye, we would normally give it them free. It’s normally an after thought, it’s not anything we would discuss at any stage during the buying process.S: So it’s not generally a main thing?M: No, the reason why is that we have very limited exposure on the lifestyle range in our waiting area. We only a few pieces that are out for people to see.And secondly we don’t have any financial benefit to selling the lifestyle range, we don’t get any money from it personally. Where as if we sell them extras like gap cover or finance, we actually make money. So there is no financial benefit to us as sales people to sell any sort of lifestyle products.S: Do you find generally people come in for the MINI’s and not necessarily the lifestyle range?M: No, well, yes, Some people that are part of the owners club, the MINI owners club. There are about 200 in the whole country. So when they come in for a car, cause they do buy cars as well. They do want to see all the accessories and want to buy things off the lifestyle range and things like that. To them it is important, they are a part of a group of people that are MINI fanatics, so in their house it will be very MINI, like have a million accessories and thingsThey will have various things at home that they have been storing for the last 25 years, about MINI’s and stuff like that. Their more interested in the lifestyle range perhaps than Joe Bloggs coming in to just get a nice car for his wife.S: Do you find its more men or women that come into the dealership?M: ‘Laughs’ It used to be a lot of women, buts that’s changed over the last, last sort of 4 years, I reckon its 60:40, so 60% women to 40% guys that actually buy it.It used to be a women’s car but now it’s appeals to blokes as well. And a lot of guys do drive them. To be honest I’ve sold a lot of cars, I’ve been here for quite a few years now, a lot of them also go to even to the older people now such as 60-90.Customers ranging from 92, he bought it off me 6 months ago off me. And he loves it. MINI: Its dynamic, its fun, its retro, cause you get some people that had it when they were younger, they had the old, old MINI’s then, they are interested in the nostalgic sort of feeling of it. Having something that was many, many years ago but now is a modern shape and things like that. S: Do you think that’s what the main consumers are, the older consumers that relate to it in a heritage sense and the younger consumers from more of the modern branding that is done now?M:The older people tend to buy it on heritage and sort of the fact it’s an iconic British design. The younger people want something that is fun and dynamic, and sort of want to fit in with they rest because their mates got one, so and so’s got one, there’s loads in the road, it’s just quirky car. As daft as it sounds it’s the sort of car where you wake up in the morning and give them a hug. Its like a cat, its part of the family, you couldn’t do that with a BMW. You couldn’t give a BMW a hug. Its like a friendly car, its cute, you know it’s a nice car.S: Do you think people come in if they have seen it online, do they order it with yourself?M: They tend to order it through us, because we do have a sort of a bit of selection of items in our department, but it’s very limited, you can’t see everything. We have a collection of items, but what we do have on the computer we have a link that you can go into see all the products that are available for the lifestyle range. And we can email that to customers as well. They can go through and see what they want, then they can just email us back and say we want this T-shirt etc and we just get it ordered. Its normally next day delivery because they are all made in England items that you want. Its normally next day delivery, It comes pretty quickly.S: In your opinion do you think that, the lifestyle could benefit from being separate from the dealership, such as in a stand alone store?M:I think personally we should have a proper official MINI shop, that sells purely accessories and lifestyle.

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Because, you know I went to Rome, this is about 5 years ago and there was a Ferarri shop there, which is just purely for clothing and things like that.I reckon there should be one for MINI not necessarily here but in a town or somewhere. That purely just sells the clothing side of things; the accessories, the mirror caps you can have, toys, because we sell remote control MINI’s now. We’ve got them in the showroom’s now, they’ve come through in the past two weeks, we’ve sold loads of those. Literally loads of those. Because we are getting close to Christmas now, for a gift it’s ideal. So anyone with a kid, that’s interested in buying a car, we say oh ye do you want a couple of those toys there. And they’re like yeh why not. We can throw in those? Could you go with it? sometimes it does work. There’s a little teddy bear as well, a bulldog, you know we can throw in those, would you go with it. It does work. They have loads of mugs, about 6 months ago we were told we can’t use paper cups anymore. You know for teas and coffees. And they gave us like MINI mugs, and I thought you know what, this isn’t going to last long is it. And literally a week later, they had all gone because all the customers had nicked them. (Laughs). And now we’ve gone back to paper cups. S: Do you feel the car dealership experience is more male orientated?M: Car sales in general is male orientated. You don’t get many females that want to do it. Purely because they feel intimidated. I think MINI should have more females personally, because you’ll get a lady that prefers to deal with a lady. Because she perhaps understands her better than perhaps I can or someone else. I ignore the bloke cause he doesn’t wear the trousers anyway. I speak to the lady, because she’s the one who buys the car basically. But, ye it’s easier sometimes to speak to a lady salesperson than it is a bloke, as you don’t feel intimidated when you walk in. If you walk into the showroom its not as bad. But if you walk into BMW its very clinical, its like a hospital. Whereas MINI’s a bit more relaxed. We don’t wear ties because it’s just easier to talk to someone when you’re not that formal looking. MINI’s a bit more of a fun brand so we don’t wear ties and stuff like that.

LEICESTER DEALERSHIPby Gina Solanki - Diarised entry on the blog. Can be found at:

I visited the Mini dealership in Leicester today - Sunday 2nd December to have a look around and compare to the one I’ve seen in Nottingham and the couple that Sarah has been to. I walked in amazed just as I did with the Nottingham one. It looked brand new and shiny, clean and crisp. The right, contemporary music was playing and the colourful decor on the black backdrop, although familiar to me now was still impressive. Unlike the Nottingham branch, they had a reception desk and Laura who was sat at the desk was my first port of call. After explaining my reason for visiting she was really helpful, running to grab the 2012/13 lifestyle booklet. It was good to see that this dealership actually had the up to date catalogue/booklet. I was allowed to look around and took the photos below. (Unfortunately had to use my phone)

I asked her who the main consumer was as she sees them first on reception and she said: “Mainly female, early twenties, although now we’ve got the new range the ‘Countryman’ (it’s a lot bigger and a bit like a 4x4) I’m seeing more families with young children being interested”

The lifestyle range (to no surprise of mine) was tucked away in the far left corner of the dealership. When I asked Laura if anybody ever browsed through it she said:“I’ve not been here a great amount of time but I’ve never seen anybody go over and have a look at it”She mentioned that the layout stays the same in that area.But people do come in and ask what accessories they can buy as a gift for somebody who owns a Mini but she normally sends them over to the “Parts” department as that is where everything is stocked. She mentioned key rings quite a lot, it seems that lots of people are interested in those! This made me think of the merchandise vs. fashion range ideas that we’ve had.

I talked Laura through the brief and she said that she used to work for Lexus and they focus a lot more on their lifestyle range and suggested that maybe it’s because it suits their consumer more. This suggests that the Mini lifestyle range doesn’t suit its consumer. Which is I think a valid point and should be taken into account. This also adds something that we can further research and use as a case study.

The coffee table had reading material for the consumers showing the range of people that come into the dealership. (Image shows a four magazines, the middle two are Midlands local magazine 69 Degrees and dluxe magazine). Having worked for the middle two magazines I can confirm that their target audiences are completely different. Dluxe magazine is for LeicesterSHIRE readers over the age of around 35, and 69degrees is 20+ city loving youngsters.

She mentioned the word “fun” a lot also and said it is obviously a very fun brand and well established as a car; just not in the fashion world.

The street that the dealership is located on is exactly like the Nottingham branch, in an industrial looking area and is about 30 mins away from the town centre, bringing up accessibility issues (when looking at the fashion range - I wouldn’t want to drive all that way just for one store, I would do it if the range was truly worth it)

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Figure 1: Mini, 2012, No Visualiser [Online] Available at [Ac-cessed 2nd January 2013]Figure 2: Riddington, H, 2012, Mini Dealership Collage [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd November 2012.Figure 3: Riddington, H, 2012, Competitor Dealership Collage [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd November 2012.Figure 4: Riddington, H, 2012, Mini Dealership Collage 2 [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd November 2012.Figure 5: Riddington, H, 2012, Mini Visual Product [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd January 2013.Figure 6: Riddington, H, 2012, Mini Visual Product Results [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd January 2013.Figure 7: Riddington, H, 2012, Mini Visual Product Results 2 [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd January 2013.Figure 8: Riddington, H, 2012, Mini Lifestyle Catalogue [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd November 2012.Figure 9: Anater, P, 2011, A new Hide Away Kitchen From Valcucine. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 22nd January 2013]Figure 10: Niriti, 2012, Space Saving Kitchen Ideas. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 22nd December 2012]Figure 11: Riddington, H, 2013, VM Moodboard [Own Image] Nottingham: 2nd February 2013.Figure 12: Shelter Interior Design, 2012, Kitchen. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 15th January 2013]Figure 13: Kitchenisms, 2013, Kingswood House. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 15th January 2013]Figure 14: Kitchenisms, 2013, Luxeutility. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 15th January 2013]Figure 15: Riddington, H, 2013, Mini Product Moodboard [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd January 2013.Figure 16: Riddington, H, 2012, Dyson Infographics 2007 [Own Image] Nottingham: 26th November 2012.Figure 17: Riddington, H, 2012, Dyson Infographics 2009 [Own Image] Nottingham: 26th November 2012.Figure 18: Miss Immy’s London, 2012, Back in 5 Minutes. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 22nd December 2012]Figure 19: City Am, 2012, The Seagrass. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 22nd December 2012]Figure 20: Somerset House, 2012, Tom’s Deli. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 12th January 2013]Figure 21: DeZeen Magazine, 2012, Puma Social Club Wall. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 27th November 2012]Figure 22: DeZeen Magazine, 2012, Puma Social Club Interior. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 27th November 2012]Figure 23: Science Museum, 2013, Google Web Lab. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 2nd Febuary 2013]Figure 24: Science Museum, 2013, Google Web Lab Site. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 2nd Febuary 2013]Figure 25: Science Museum, 2013, Science Museum Interior. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 2nd Febuary 2013]Figure 26: Black Tomato, 2013, Gourmet Discoveries. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 22nd January 2013]Figure 27: Sean, 2011, Bangers & Mash. [Online Image] Available at [Ac-cessed 22nd January 2013]Figure 28: Elle Décor, 2011, Renovation Style Guide. [Online Image] Available at [Accessed 12th January 2013]Figure 29: Riddington, H, 2013, Future Recommendations Moodboard [Own Image] Nottingham: 22nd January 2013.


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