minimax 2010 nr2


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Chefredktör och ansvarig utgivare: Monika Ocieczek Chefredaktör: Mathilda Eriksson Layout: Monika Ocieczek


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What I wantWell, whoever read my previous editorial may remember my great (have-)to-do-list with all the dishes, dirty sheets and surplus of body fat to get rid of. "at’s all in the past. "is one is all about motivation and well-being. Like my therapist said; it’s not about what you have to do, but what you want to do.

So I’ll just do what I want to do. Seems easy. In theory. In reality not so simple, here’s how this crappy advice worked out for me;

"e #rst challenge I faced the #rst morn-ing of “the rest of my life” was of course, lying in bed all cosy and warm, the trade-o$ between staying in bed and going to the toilet. "e therapist didn’t tell me how to handle these kinds of con%icts. I have to pee versus I really want to stay in bed. Confronted with one impossible challenge I deserted and just did what I had to do. And a&er I did what I wanted to do; stay in bed all day.

I guess my conclusion is simply; you gotta’ do what you gotta’ do.

Monika Ocieczek

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"e importance of the SmåttingA&er a fast, and probably not completely accurate, counting I conclude that six of the articles in this issue were contributed by Småttingar and Juniors. Especially worth mentioning is the fact that our head-liner about Kårsek – Lisa Galaiba was one of them.

At the end of August every year SASSE comes to life again. A&er a spring #lled with lack of inspiration, the new students come as a surge of fresh blood to the veins of our Student Association. Bringing new inspiration and commitment not only do they contribute on their own to the di$er-ent projects, but they awaken the spirit of SASSE amongst the older students as well. As a proof, this issue is thick with inspir-ing articles, 60 pages to be exact. "at is, to the extent of my knowledge, the most in a couple of years. Something that could not have been done without fresh ideas and en-gagement.

Mathilda Eriksson

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A word from the President For the #rst time we have students in all the grades of our new program structure, BSc + MSc. "is means that the demands on SASSE, that used to come mainly from students in their #rst years, are now starting to come from students in all years. I #nd this inspiring and challenging as it pushes us to help out our fellow students in new ways, expand-ing our already vast #eld of operations. "is requires new skills as well, and I urge you all to contribute with your set of skills and make the most of your time here at SSE.

"e SSE student population is changing. I checked out our Fi-nancial Times Ranking (which looked really good by the way) and saw that 40% of students on our MSc programs are inter-national. How this will a$ect the SSE spirit in the long run is too early to tell, but my hopes are that it gives us all a broader experience of cultures, as well as opening up for increased in-ternational opportunities as the SSE Alumni network becomes even more international.

Grades. Grades tend to be of some importance for most stu-dents. A couple of years back SSE changed to normally dis-tributed grading. "e thought was to get an even distribution over time. However, this new system tends to give the incorrect picture that SSE students on average perform worse than com-parable schools. Even if SSE is a well-known brand, grades are of increased importance as students go more and more global. "e newly appointed Vice President Örjan Sölvell (who also is the Inspector of SASSE) is now working hard on reevaluating the system. As your representative I #nd this mistake unac-ceptable and will work to compensate those of you who have been a$ected by this grading system.

For those of you that don’t know, SSE has a BSc program in Retail Management. "e students get to work really close to the industry enabling a much greater understanding for it. "e program has also received a lot of attention from the world’s top schools in Retail Management. So, why have you perhaps not heard of this program and the students before? Perhaps, for starters, because the program is located in Norrtälje, a rough hours’ travel north of Stockholm. Another reason would be that they can’t attend SASSE events since they have a sep-arate student association. Since they also are students at SSE we are now looking to #nd a closer relation with the students in Norrtälje. Hopefully this could result in a shared SSE spirit and an SSE network that also reaches the huge retail industry.

Hannes Palm

A word from the Principal

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A word from the President

As a new student at the Stockholm’s School of Economics I soon #gured out that time is a limited resource that you have to pro#t- maximize if you want to get the best out of it. But does that mean that you have to prioritize your studies and leave your other interests to rest if you want to succeed?

Luis Suji, the 28 years old musician and sales operation development con-troller at Ori%ame, as well as old student at Stockholm School of Economics, is a living proof that you can, not only combine your economic studies with your passion, but also, thanks to your interests, facilitate your future job.

Sales Operator Rock Star

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For the interview, I asked Luis Suji to meet me here at the SSE. He told me that he felt quite re%ective when walking through the big gates and remembering his time as a student here. He was surprised in a nice way by the changes in the infrastruc-ture, such as the renovation of the inner garden. - Good to see the improvements, and still feel that the old charm has been kept in-tact Luis told me. Once sitting in the sofas located on the #rst %oor, I attacked Luis with questions about his work and his passion – music.

So you told me that you work at Ori%ame, how did you get the job?- It was actually during my years at the school I went to the job fair organized by the School, called “Handelsdagarna”, and came to speak about internship opportunities with a representative from Ori%ame. It ended up with me going to Latin America to work on di$erent projects during #ve months. A&er that I returned to the school to #nish my studies so that I could start working for the company. Today is actually my three year anniversary at the company.

So what is your position at the company then?- I’m working as Sales Operation Development Controller.

Sales Operation Development Controller sounds rather complex, can you explain what your assignments at the company are?- I work with di$erent projects and tasks. For instance, I prepare #nancial analyses which include tracking both sales development and cost deviations versus bench-marks in our di$erent markets. I am also involved in the budgeting process, helping some departments to prepare their annual budgets, as well as providing manage-ment with proper planning tools. A recent project that I am involved in, is related to implement improvements in our management process and enhance the %ow of communication among the di$erent levels at the organization – global, regional and local.

Sounds like a lot of assignments. Do you feel that you can thank SSE for your knowledge or was all the reading and carrying of the enormous, heavy books a waste of time?- I’m de#nitely adapting many of the theories that I’ve learned here when I’m work-ing on my projects. "at basic knowledge – the de#nitions, how di$erent concepts work; has proven to be useful in di$erent circumstances. Another important tool that helps me in my career is the analytical framework that one develops at the school.

Besides your work, you are singer and songwriter in a band, "e Stockholm Times. How do you manage to balance your work with the music?- My assignments at work and my band are two great passions in my life. I cannot imagine being without one of them. For me, it is a matter of organizing my time so that I can balance both my career and my musical interest in an e$ective way. I have learned to combine them in a manner that is bene#cial in both cases. For example, I look at the band as a project that needs planning, organizing, direct-ing and controlling – a framework which I have learned from my job and which I constantly apply. And vice versa. I think that the creativity spark that I get when I create a song helps me to approach business problems in a creative way. Call it to thinking ‘outside the box’ to use a cliché, which sometimes makes it easier to solve a problem. Moreover, on a conference that Ori%ame arranged I was even asked to perform with my band.

Do you think that it is important to have a creative hobby as a complement if you work with economics?- It must not necessarily be an artistic hobby but I believe that it’s really important to have a passion, to really feel for what you are doing. It does not matter if it’s teach-ing pure statistics or playing theatre. For me, music happened to be a great passion, since it is a way of expressing myself.

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What are your plans for the future? Will you continue to promote the band?- De#nitely. Right now we are planning the #lming of our #rst music video, which is going to be recorded in a couple of weeks. We are also recording some new songs and working on the graphic design for the CD. In October 8th we will have a gig at "e Li$ey in the Old City. We also have a gig two days a&er, on the 10th of October at Harry B James. All the latest updates are posted on our website.

Good luck with that! Any words of advice that you want to share with the stu-dents?- Make sure that you do what you feel passionate about, because when things be-come hard, that passion will help you overcome challenges.

Talking about challenges, look at each of them as an opportunity to grow and learn. I also believe it is helpful to be open-minded and %exible to change because the only constant thing is that everything is changing all the time.

Impressed by how well prepared Luis Suji was for the interview and how tactical he is when it comes to balancing his two passions that di$er so much from each other, I thanked him and said goodbye. When walking out of the big gates I couldn’t help but feel inspired and motivated. "e hope is there, we are all sharing the same fears of not having enough time or not managing to be the best. But as Luis said, each challenge is an opportunity to grow and learn and if he managed to make the best out of it, why shouldn’t we?

Text & Photo: Paulina Nordebrand

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Almost ready for take-o$

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”STOCKHOLM - August 5, 2010 - Mutewatch launch-es vibrating watch with disguised touch screen” said the press release. Since our last issue containing the article about the story behind the then soon-to-be-released Mutewatch, a lot has happend. "e team has made pub-lic the design of the time-management-tool and received plenty of attention. With the website crashing when the large amout of pre-orders were placed at #rst – success is within their reach.

- "e unique thing about Mutewatch is that we have combined the best of two worlds! says CEO and SSE student Mai-Li Hammargren, refering to her cooperation with cofounder and CTO Oscar Ritzén Praglowski, a student at the Royal Institute of Technology.

A&er more than two years of work, the watch with silent alarm, or rather vibrating wristband, was revealed to the world the anticipa-tion had been high. And the media coverage became intensive. Sites such as Engadget and Gizmondo wrote articles calling it everything from di$erent to useful and hits on Google reached 47 000 just with-in hours from the design release.

At the moment they are busy signing retailers such as Colette in Paris, and the goal so far is to sign all distributors on the nine #rst markets during October, the rest of the plan is a secret for a little while longer, says Mai-Li Hammargren.

Mathilda ErikssonPhoto: Tim Meier

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Who is the secretary for "e Student Association at the Stockholm School of Economics? To many stu-dents she has remained a mystery, but the waiting is now over. Minimax has interviewed this cool and laidback girl from the North of Sweden. We give you: Lisa Galaiba.

It is four o’clock in the a&ernoon when I take the stairs down to "e Student Association. Lisa is closing the reception for the day. Defying the outright lousy weather, we make our way to the SSE Student’s favorite place: Babel Deli. Lisa is very easy to talk to, so I instantly get the feeling that the interview will be a breeze. Despite her saying that she is nervous, it does not show at all. A&er receiving our beverages, we sit down at a table and start the interview.

I’m sure a lot of people are wondering what you do at SASSE. Can you give us brief introduction?

' I’ve been working as secretary for "e Student Association for a little more than a year now; I started last fall. I think many people believe that I just sit at the reception desk during open-ing hours, but I actually do a lot more. Among other things, there is a lot of administrative work, as well as caring for in-voices and cash. I act as a helping hand for the board when-ever they need it. For example I write all the protocols at their meetings.

I ask Lisa what sort of things she can help you with as a new student at SSE. She especially mentions questions regarding membership SASSE membership, guest-ID (good if want to visit Uppsala and party for example) as well as the Mecenat-card and di$erent certi#cates. She also handles receipts for ex-penses made during SASSE activities.


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' Furthermore, if you’re active in a committee and you want to hire a room, or if you want to hire the cabin at Enoksro, I’m the person to talk to.

But before we delve too far into the interesting work as SASSE secretary, we should perhaps take #rst things #rst. Lisa was actu-ally born i Moscow, but the family moved to Sweden and Luleå when she was just eight months old, and that is where she grew up. "ere she went to elementary school and high school. A&er #nishing her school years, she moved #rst to Barcelona, where she lived for six months, then to London.

' I’m the only child. Not having any brothers or sisters means that I’m very close to my mum and dad. I do speak Russian, al-though it doesn’t sound very nice. My dad was a football player for one of the best teams in Russia, Torpedo Moscow. Today he’s coach for a junior team and works at Intersport, so he’s still true to his interests. My mum works at a mental hospital. (As a bit of curiosity, Lisa’s father can actually be seen in a Youtube clip. Just search for “Torpedo Moscow vs Bayern”).

How come you came to work as secretary here at SASSE?

' It was through a friend that I heard that SASSE was looking for a new secretary. First I made a telephone interview and during the summer of last year, I came down to do a face-to-face inter-view. "e next day, they told me I’d received the job. It was quite hard to #nd a place to live. I lived on my friends’ couches and for a while I lived as a lodger. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever done. Now, I live with a friend at Söder, which I fancy a lot.

What do you do in your free-time?

' I like everything and anything! Especially to hang out with friends and go to bars and clubs. I also enjoy reading, and I’ve been thinking about becoming a librarian. Although it feels more like something I just do, like getting dressed, than a real interest. Anyway, my goal is to become omniscient in literature.


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Favorite author?

' No, you can’t ask that! I have to think about it.

I ask Lisa how it feels to work at the SASSE. A&er all, it must be quite strange for somebody who is not a student. She tells me that people tend to think that she has got a dream job, because she meets a lot of students all the time, can go to student parties and because she works in a place where there is a lot of movement and action. When she started her employment, she had expected more of a reception job, and was surprised by how much variety there was to it.

' It’s a bit weird when students who are ten years older than me ask me for help. And you have very young people making huge budget decisions. I’ve heard that the secretary is usually changed when the board is changed. How did you manage to hang in there for another year?

' Well, #rst I don’t think there’s been a rule to change the secretary before. When I started working last fall it was so fun. "ere was al-ways something new happening at work. I signed up for a year, but when Hannes became president, he asked me if I wanted to con-tinue. Saying yes felt like the right thing to do. I will continue until the end of this semester at least.

Are you going to begin your studies to become a librarian then?

' Yes, I’ve applied to Stockholm University and Borås Högskola. I’ll probably start and see how it works out. It’s possible that I’ll feel to-tally sick a&er six months, so we may see. Right now I’m quite tired of working, so it would feel good to study again.

Being the only person who is not a student at SASSE both has its pros and cons. On the de#nite upside is the fact that you do not

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have to study at the same time as you are working for the SA. But one thing can be really frustrating. Despite that everyone, during the intro week, is told that Lisa not a student, this doesn’t always seem to stick. Sometimes she gets calls late at night or when she’s on vacation, on her private telephone. "ey don’t understand that she work her hours and that’s it. Others approach her during pub-nights and ask for a certi#cate. But she’s there as private person, not as a representative of the Student Association, which some students can have a problem understanding.

Do you participate in a lot of SASSE activities?

' When I started my job I went to a lot of sittningar and parties. But now it feels like everything is repeated all over again, so this semes-ter I haven’t been to anything. But last year de#nitely felt a bit like being a student.

Do you have a favorite committee?

' I actually like all the committees equally much.

"at was a diplomatic answer.

' Well, I’m supposed to be diplomatic and neutral, ain’t I?

For how much longer can you stand working at SASSE?

' At least until the turn of the year, then we’ll see. I have to plan my life a bit #rst, I think. "ings can change from one month to the other.

We #nish our salads and then abandon the warmth of Babel Deli for a cold and rainy Stockholm. And, by the way, I still have not received an answer to the question about her favorite author.

Jakob NyströmPhoto: Paulina Nordebrand

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Salut les bûcheurs!

Now here’s October. Still not far from %ip-%ops and summer es-capades, but already far into a semester full of parties, studies and SASSE projects.

"e new students have started #nding their way around the block and the #rst large events of the student association have once again showed why institutions, employers and students stay in touch with our alma mater. It’s nice to see that the school ob-serves these values - inspired by the large participation of alumni during the jubilee celebrations last year, they have now instituted an annual Homecoming Day on November 17th. In this edition of Minimax we emphasize the value of having an active international exchange. Exchange students make up a large part of our student body, and every year we have well over a hundred students travelling abroad.

Many more students apply than are allowed to go and still the school is considering to cut down on the number of slots. For-eign students coming to SSE bring along new insights and help spread its reputation abroad. "e students that we send are con-versely ambassadors for our programs, increasing the value of Your future diploma. In this edition, we have dedicated the cen-trefold to greetings from abroad.

Enjoy the reading!

Max Friberg

As usual, the school year at the Stockholm School of Economics started o$ with two introduction weeks for the bachelor students. "e newcomers were thrown into the exciting world of the Stockholm School of Economics. "e variation among activities was huge and surely everyone found something that suited them. But how about other universities? Does the Stockholm School of Economics really have the best student association? Or can KTH, SU or KI compete with the Stockholm School of Economics when it comes to the introduction weeks?

To #nd that out, we got four exclusive interviews with students from the outside world (and with an insider too of course). So what is the outcome? Well what did you expect, the winner is of course Stockholm School of Economics! And why? "ere’s a bunch of reasons, but ultimately the snogging-meter is the best way to determine whether people at the school are having fun or not. Our friend Sebastian was so pleased with his (and other’s) experiences of intimacy at the school that he generously rated with a #ve, and that’s what we call having a good time.

Oh and we almost forgot – please notice the di$erences in how the students found the de#nition of “an empty wallet” di$erent. It seems that we, the students of SSE, represented by Sebastian considered 1200 kr as a three, when the general rating of costs that exceeded 900 kr as a four. And what conclusions can we draw from that – nothing more than what we already know, our wallets are simply bigger.

Yi ZhangPaulina Nordebrand

"e School Editor

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Name: Michael VessmanAge: 19 University: Stockholm University (Kista)Program: Development of computer games

Hangover 1 2 3 4 5

Sponsor/parent 1 2 3 4 5

How empty is your wallet 1 2 3 4 5 (900SEK)

How much snogging have you seen/ experienced 1 2 3 4 5

How much do you like your university today 1 2 3,5 4 5

What is your…?

Best memory: I don’t know

Most embarrassing memory: Ehm…I accidently spoke a bit too loud during a lecture and somebody shushed me.

Worst memory: Same as the embarrassing one.

How many seatings did you have: One

What activities did you have: Ehm…we started with the course right away. "e #rst day we got a little introduction, we were shown around the school and we had a pub on Friday evening. "at’s it.

What are your expectations for the future: I hope that the course will be more fun than the introduction weeks.

Would you consider taking part during the introduction weeks next year: Mhm

Name: Beatrice DinuAge: 19 University: Royal Institute of TechnologyProgram: Architect

Hangover 1 2 3 4 5

Sponsor/parent 1 2 3 4 5 How empty is your wallet 1 2 3 4 5 (1200SEK)

How much snogging have you seen/ experienced 1 2 3 4 5

How much do you like your university today 1 2 3 4 5

What is your…?

Best memory: Everything has been great so it’s hard to choose, but if I have to, I would say that the best part was when we man-aged to build our house of carton (a&er having consumed a number of beers and ciders) – a project on which we had been working during some days. "at made one feel really proud!

Most embarrassing memory: I can’t recall doing anything em-barrassing and hopefully nobody else will remember me doing anything embarrassing.

"e best theme? Bond, because everyone participated, it was re-ally fun to see the out#ts that the students wore.

Did you have disguised students: Yes, and one of them pretended to be a very exaggerated brat haha!

Do KTH bully any other university? Handels! haha

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Name: Sebastian Dypbukt KällmanAge: 18University: Stockholm School of EconomicsProgram: Business and Economics

Hangover 1 2 3 4 5

Sponsor/parent 1 2 3,5 4 5

How empty is your wallet 1 2 3 4 5 (1200 kr)

How much snogging have you seen/ experienced 1 2 3 4 5How much do you like your university today 1 2 3 4 5

What is your…?

Best memory: "e #rst night the infamous Jessica engaged in oral networking. Or I mean, it was fun at #rst, but then it never stopped.

Most embarrassing memory: Wearing an egg hat the #rst day. Brilliant idea Gustaf Wallenberg.

Worse memory: "e #rst Marketing class.

Did you have disguised students: Yes (two per group) I miss Vic-tor Yddragård. Suited up trader. He owns a horse.

What activities did you have: a seating, Rebusjakten, Stockhol-msjakten, Vattendagen, three pubs, Småttingsresan and some other smaller activities.

What are your expectations for the future: I wish I’ll #nd my #rst friend soon…

Name: Emma MattssonAge: 19 University: "e Karolinska InstituteProgram: Psychology Program

Hangover 1 2 3 4 5

Sponsor/parent 1 2 3 4 5

How empty is your wallet 1 2 3 4 5 (400 kr)

How much snogging have you seen/ experienced 1 2 3 4 5

How much do you like your university today 1 2 3 4 5

What is your…?

Best memory: Anphiox Day – consisted of competitions be-tween di$erent groups, it was fun because we were clowns and clowns don’t roll in %ower and water at Norrmalmstorg every-day.

Most embarrassing memory: I accidentally introduced myself as Baby Spice when presenting my name to everybody for the #rst time.

Worse memory: It rained cats and dogs one day when we were on a study visit.

What activities did you have: Seatings, a pub, a camp (two days), Amphiox Day

What are your expectations for the future: "at I’ll make it to graduation.

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Each semester some 100 students leave the familiar corridors of the SSE, changing Panini for Papaya and Rotunda discos for tailgating and full-moon parties.

"e students return with rich experiences from abroad, con-tributing to their own education as well as that of their peers at home. Here are a few greetings from around the globe.

“Sun, heat, beers for a dollar, pool area at school with hot tub, football games with 100k people, gun ranges and cli$ diving. Texas is awesome”/Erik, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Trading a semester in Stockholm for a quarter in LA is probably one of my better decisions in life - the skies are blue, the palm trees tall and the atmosphere amaz-ing. Shopping in Beverly Hills, sur#ng at Venice Beach and going out in Santa Monica - life’s pretty sweet in the shadow of the Hollywood-sign.../Anne Christine, UCLA, California

Las Suecas Mexicanas recently arrived from a #ve days-holiday - seven mariacchis singing serenatas to us in the middle of the night, accompanied by red, white and rosé wines.. life COULD have been worse! :)Saludos, Abrazos, Besos y Amor,/Eriana, Karolina y Ulrika, ITAM, Mexico

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Julia has found a new lunch spot in the NZ wilderness - sun, djungle and springtime all make my experience a blast./Julia, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand

Laos ar det nya Lund./Jonas, "ammasat University, Bangkok "ailand

Chateau Margot -67 vs. Kronenbourg 1664, chèvre vs. brie, escargots vs. foie gras by the beach. En plus, the summer heat and beautiful surroundings of Aquitaine with all from kite sur#ng to wicked house parties make this exchange our best experi-ence ever!/Mikael, BEM Bordeaux Management School, France

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad - a world class MBA school with some of India’s smartest individuals as classmates + campus monkeys and elephant gods. /Magnus & Charlotte, IIM Ahmedbad, India

Observing how things turn out when students aim for A+ instead of A. Lack of VAT and the resulting endless opportunities to consume feels liberating compared to (S)weden./Stefan & Henry, HKUST, Hong Kong

From bondi beach / to the great barrier reef!Enjoying spring break on a boat in the sun / diving, snorkling and heaps funGoing back to Sydney soon / Where days are #lled with surf and goonLife down under is very nice / "ink of us when Stock-holm turns to ice!/Cat, AC & Maria, University of Sydney, Australia

Till Singapore ända från Svea,Här drickan dock ej är på rea,Om dricka man villVårt tips då blir till:Att köpa sin sprit på IKEA/Helena, NUS, Singapore

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Really, Sweden?Why Sweden?!?Many people are wondering why somebody would choose Sweden as the destination for his/her term abroad when they could easily go to Spain, Portugal or Italy as well. However, there are several aspects which should not be underestimated when coming to this Northern country. Sweden might not be the warmest or cheapest country. Neither is it easy to #nd ac-commodation or the store for the party supplies. Sun is also a rare source in the winter/autumn time.

However, no matter how many people (who actually have been in Sweden) I spoke to, the answers were very consistent and similar. First of all, Sweden has an amazing landscape as we experienced during our Cray#sh party in Enoksro. Gamla Stan, the small pubs and the welcoming Swedes of whom nearly 99% speak English make Sweden and in particular Stockholm a beautiful and convenient city. In addition, and to broaden the cross-cultural experience, Stockholm provides the base to visit all other Nordic countries, be it Norway, Denmark or Finland. But also because the Swedes are absolutely open for communication (982 out 1000 people own a cell phone). So, why not make some contacts and see where it leads to? Another important reason is to see how Santa Clauses of all parts of the world perform in the Winter Games in Gällivare in Northern Sweden.

But, What to Do?Also in this respect Stockholm is at the forefront. "ere is no way that boringness might occur during the stay. Wednesdays Café Opera attracts students before midnight with the free entry and "ursdays Sturekompaniet is the place to be. "e weekends are usually planned by the Exchange Committee, be it the Welcome Dinner with a delicious three course menu or the Hollywood party with the funny and weird costumes. "e yearly Nobel Prize Party marks a highlight in every exchange student’s calendar and promises a long night of fun and exchange with the winners.

For those who prefer exploring the nature a bit more the visit of more than 24,000 islands and islets provides the perfect opportunity to get a better picture of what Archipelago really means. Even better is that every trip by metro is something special since one can claim to be in the longest art gallery of the world with 109km length and app. 100 stations of paintings, sculptures and mosaics.

Still, sometimes you miss your home country but again Sweden has come up with a solu-tion for this problem. For all who will miss out the “Oktoberfest” in Bavaria there will a beer and Whisk(e)y festival in Stockholm. "e large diversity of restaurants from Chinese over Italian to French will compensate for the long distance and rare sunlight as well. On top of that, there is a magni#cent event not only for the female part of the exchange students: the chocolate festival.

So?Having demonstrated the beauty and diversity of this country, I would not imagine en-countering any doubts about the attractiveness of Sweden for an exchange. And anyhow, how many people can say that they took a number when buying alcohol in a special loca-tion with even more special opening hours? "us, I would like to conclude by pointing out that this term so far has been legen….wait for it….dary!

David Weinberg

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"e Far EastWhen one decade of the 21st century has passed Chi-na is the world’s third largest economy and the fast-est growing one. It is the home to the world’s largest population and the development in China is incred-ible. You can literally see the buildings growing taller towards the sky. But with it comes the growing pains – the environment and the rural areas are two sore spots on China’s growing body.

Each year Project China embarks on a research trip to the coun-try in the Far East. One of the purposes of this China trip is to research and collect material for the report book that is written each year. In this year’s book “Going EXPOnential” you can read about China from the perspective of sustainable innovation and communication.

"e #eld trip took the project team from the optimistic and fu-turistic market of clean technology in Shanghai and a new era of green energy to the rebuilding of the areas in Sichuan that were a$ected by the earthquake in 2008.

"e big cities in China, like B nope something goes starts to load it but then it doesnt workeijing and Shanghai, are like any modern big cities around the world, but the gaps be-tween the urban society and the rural one are wide. "e latter areas are poor and illiteracy is high. One of China’s future chal-lenges is to cope with this social economic gap and to prevent it from growing bigger. In this case China could look at Sweden and at our social security system in order to better the life of the rural population.

During our visit in Shanghai we were invited to the World Expo and the Swedish Pavilion. It was a true experience to visit some of the 140 countries that were represented and see their take on the theme and their visions for the future. "e fact that China chose this theme for their expo says a lot about the country’s modernization process.

Looking ahead I feel certain that China will play a big part in all of our lives, if we want it or not. In Sweden the growth of China is evident if we look at examples such as Geelys purchase of Volvo Cars and the explosion of Swedish secondary schools and uni-versities o$ering Chinese as a second language. "e growth is EXPOnential and the opportunities are plenty for all of us.

"e other main purpose of the China trip is to promote Sweden and Swedish culture to Chinese students. At universities in Bei-jing and Shanghai we organized two very successful Sweden Day fairs with over 2000 visitors combined. Together with Swedish companies we met students and showed them what opportuni-ties Sweden can provide. My personal highlight was the dancing around the Midsummer pole that we had cra&ed and erected. "ere is just something about seeing all these enthusiastic Chi-nese students and teachers gather around and dancing to the tunes of “Små Grodorna” that makes me smile. I think they en-joyed this Swedish tradition even more than we did.

Even though it might sound like it our trip to China was not all work and no fun. We did our share of night club visits, tourist attractions and shopping as well. We danced on roo&ops and we photographed pandas, but most importantly we made memories and friends for life.

If you want to know more about China and the life over there I suggest you pick up a copy of “Going EXPOnential” or better yet, you join Project China in order to add great value to your macroeconomic knowledge and development and simply have the best summer of your life.

Emma Forsman

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It is the kind of place archaeologists would get very ex-cited about. Bare stone walls, columns, narrow passag-es and wide spaces. If Bangalore should ever happen to get deserted, the Indian Institute of Management would remain as a monstrous palace of cement and stone, a place for future tourists to walk through and wonder how past generations used to live and work.

But today the campus is very much alive. Within the stone walls some of the most renowned professors of India give lectures to 725 students. For everyone aspiring a career in business getting into this school is both the ultimate goal and a nearly impossible undertaking. Each year the school receives up to 280.000 appli-cations and consequently 760 students compete for one seat. So what am I doing here? Sitting on a plane, leaving Europe in a di-rection I had never taken before, I was wondering about the why and what. I was skeptical, anxious, excited.

India! "e country of a billion people, a subcontinent for itself, home to Hindus and Muslims and probably one of the most colorful and diverse regions of the world. What had taken the great explorers like Vasco da Gama months and many failed at-tempts is now a question of few hours.

And then came the #rst days on campus. Day by day more ex-change students arrived. Seventy-#ve in total, mostly French or German, but also Belgian, Italian and American. Even the Scan-dinavian states had sent some lost delegates to my support. We all live on campus among the local students in small stone rooms arranged in accommodation blocks. Living here means forget-ting about sleeping habits. Group meetings take place whenever there is time, preferably at night. Food is served around the clock, though you might need to wake up the sta$ when you feel like a cheese sandwich or a cone of ice cream at 3am. “Co$ee, Sir?” “No thanks, it´s 3am in the morning.” “Yes sir, I can also deliver to your room. Any time. Co$ee Americano or Latte, Sir?”

To completely neglect studying during this semester seemed like a tempting option, given that none of the courses here will count for my #nal grade. And yet, the lectures took me by surprise. Sit-ting there, highly concentrated in order to make sense of the pro-fessor who seemingly talked half English half Hindu, I realized it would be a pity to not take the courses seriously. It is about more than grades. Studying in India implies taking a completely new perspective. A new perspective on business, economics and not least on life. "ere is a di$erence between studying the theory of micro#nance and actually going out to visit the respective institu-tions. Also performing Yoga exercises in class is unlike anything I have done before. “Please turn o$ the lights…and now close your eyes. Concentrate on your breath, scan your body from toe to top; stop thinking.” Twenty minutes into this exercise I have reached a state in which I have completely blacked out the sev-enty students around me and also no longer bother about the else so annoying air conditioning in the room. Am I dreaming?

Yes, sir

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A valid question that I not only ask myself during the transcendental moments of meditation. Also the outside world, beyond the walls of our campus, o&en seems incredible. So have I only just begun to understand the many aspects of Hinduism. We are told to take o$ our shoes to be admitted inside the Hindu temple. Hundreds of visitors at a time push through the small and dark rooms in order to catch blessings from one of the many priests standing in shady corners. "ey bring %owers for the Gods or pay coins. But are they able to even tell the Gods apart? Hinduism knows more than 300 million of them, a superlative that seems as incredible to me as many other things here in India.

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Four months are short, probably too short to understand it all. But while I sometimes miss the calm atmosphere of Stockholm, the co$ee breaks at Studentpalatset or the group meet-ings at Wayne´s, I know exactly what I am here for. Just yesterday we went to visit UNNATI, a local NGO providing basic education to underprivileged youth. On the way back I talked to my fellow student Umang. “You know, all these new social business concepts are great. Micro#nance and all. It all looks great from the outside. But living here you realize things do not work like they are supposed to. Every good idea also needs the right context and that is what we are struggling with here in India. "ose things you do not see sitting in a classroom drawing neat models on the board.” By that time we were stuck in the dense city tra(c. Seeing Rikschas going crisscross and cows in the middle of the road it was easy to forget about asking the why question. “You must accept the here and now and then see where you can go next”, says Umang´s ambiguously. And so I will during one semester in India, one semester in the otherness that will certainly challenge my perception of reality.

Text & Photo: Johannes Laufs

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I have been to four editions of Nobel NightCap! "is is quite a feat that most SSE-students wouldn’t dream of achieving. "e experience of attending a Nobel NightCap (NNC) is very tough to imagine but I will try to explain.

"ere are usually around 1000 guests at the NightCap and the standard of service and products served are beyond belief. "is will also be a fact this year when NNC is arranged at SSE. We will transform the as a rule mundane premises at Sveavägen 65 to a wonderland of amusement and delight!

One late night in November I got a call from 08-506 929 00 and answered with great suspense. "is turned out to be the call I had been waiting for quite some time. About a month earlier I had applied to the position as President of NNC 2010 and consequently been to a series of gruelling inter-views. A&er these I felt quite secure and when the call #nally came I could start working for real, I was now o(cially President of NNC 2010. I im-mediately set about #nding a vice President for this awe-inspiring project and fortunately for me my absolute favorite candidate was up for the chal-lenge. On the 9th of December 2009 I informed Eke Brandt Forsius that I had appointed her Vice President of NNC 2010. She immediately accepted the position and although her current location was in Frankfurt she and I attended Nobel NightCap 2010 the very next day!

Fi&h time’s the charm?

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Fi&h time’s the charm?

Soon enough our #rst Project Plan and Budget was approved in the Stu-dent Council and we could start working for real. In a matter of months we had recruited a highly competent committee of eleven that never ceases to amaze us. "e Committee has from the exact moment it was formed been the centerpiece and most important part of NNC 2010. All major issues are decided upon here and the party itself is formed through discussions at this level.

In April 2010 we held our next round of recruitments. "is resulted in a project group with more speci#ed areas of responsibility. "e Project Group is a crucial part of NNC 2010 and has already contributed invalu-ably to the Project.

NNC 2010 presides in the Nobel Room next to the Media Committee. We have just completed yet another round of recruitments and you can see by the pictures in this article that we work harder than ever! And we still haven’t recruited the functionaries so keep your eyes open!

Kristian Kull

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Bronze medalSSE tennis players Bobo Delemark and Christian Jo-hansson took an impressive third place for Sweden and the School at the European Universities Cham-pionship in Coimbra, Portugal.

“We were representing Sweden and Stockholm School of Eco-nomics at the same time,” Bobo said. “Both of us have been playing in the Swedish junior national team and have been ranked among the top players in Europe so we knew we had a good chance.”

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"e top tennis universities in Europe competed at the event, many of them dedicated sports colleges with the resources to match. Some paid their players to compete and many teams also attended with coaches and reserve players. Bobo and Christian were the only players in the top ten who traveled independently to the tournament.

“We started the tournament by defeating Portugal and then Spain so we won our group,” said Bobo. “Against Spain we both played long matches in extreme heat. We also had to face crazy Spanish fans screaming and shouting at us.”

Bobo and Christian defeated Russia in the last 16, overcame Po-land in the quarter-#nal and then lost the semi-#nal to Croatia in a tough match. But they #nished the tournament on a high, defeating France to bring home a bronze medal for Sweden and SSE.

Christian said: “We’re very happy with the result and also with the tournament. TV and newspapers were there and there was a large crowd. Some of the players we beat were full time pro-fessionals with high world rankings so we’re very happy with what we achieved.”

"is result quali#es Bobo and Christian to the Olympic Games in Beijing next summer!

Kajsa ErikssonPhoto: ETC Coimbra

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Re%ections on the Yale Syndrome and the Pursuit of Happiness

My Chinese roommate at Educational Program for Gi&ed Youth, a summer program at Stanford University in 2006, explained to me, in all seriousness, that her mother once burnt up her math book when she did not receive an A on the exam. “You don’t need this any-more”, her mother had exclaimed. Coming from Sweden, a country in which one sometimes feels like one is de#ned by the word “lagom”, this was a bit of a cultural shock. My roommate looked bewildered when I explained to her that it was for my own intellectual stimulation that I had chosen to attend the program, not for my parents’ sake. At Stanford, I failed miser-ably in Rubik’s cube competitions and could not analyze the Declaration of Independence as eloquently as the others. I was fascinated by this highly competitive system though. From that summer on, I knew that I wanted to get into one of the top universities in America.

"e college admissions process was without doubt the most time consuming and stressful tasks I have ever undertaken. "ose countless months of studying for the SATs, preparing for interviews, extra curricular involvement, spending my summers at di$erent universities taking classes ranging from Financial Markets to Expository Writing, and composing col-lege application essays eventually paid o$; I was accepted to Brown University. Attending Brown was one of the most incredible and inspiring experiences. Yet frustrating.

I su$ered a bit from inferiority complex, or at SSE perhaps more famously known as the Yale Syndrome. “Am I really good enough?” that self-critical voice that compares oneself to oth-ers, kept asking. My roommate turned out to be Swiss champion in Karate. I was in the same Art History class as Emma Watson. My neighbor down the hall had starred in a Broadway show. My friend was a speechwriter for a senator. People were gi&ed and cultivated, and they were brilliant at expressing themselves in both oral and written form. Needless to say, I did have the time of my life at Brown, and it has been a remarkable year. I have however, for reasons that do not relate to the story, chosen to take a leave from the school, to start my studies at SSE. Maybe I will return a&er some time at home in Stockholm, maybe I will remain here permanently. Perhaps I will apply to American graduate school, such as business or law, at some point in the future. None of that matters right now though. Today all what is important is living in the present, and feeling satis#ed about oneself.

On my way back from the States at the airport in Boston I picked up a copy of a book a fel-low Brunonian had recommended in Personality Psychology class – "e Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle – a novel in which the author discusses the Ego, the deeper Presence, and “the Now”. Living in the present allows one to experience complete serenity and direct all focus towards what is happening in the moment. Re%ecting too much over the past makes depression likely; worrying about the future o&en results in anxiety. "e concept sounds so simple and self-explanatory, yet incredibly hard to apply to real-life. Mindfulness, a term relating to the topic, also demands acceptance of events and situations, and, not to forget, acceptance of oneself.

De#ning the individual solely in terms of external accomplishments can be dangerous. Self worth comes from within and is related to acceptance; it has nothing to do with what other people regards you as. Other people’s appraisals do not de#ne the individual; one will always be the same person regardless of what decisions one makes or what road one chooses to walk. And there are, indeed, an endless amount of di$erent roads out there to choose from.

"e other day I watched an interview with SSE alumni Björn Lindeblad, who had given up a promising career at Aga to live as a Buddhist monk in "ailand instead. Just recently, 17 years later, he returned to Sweden and Western civilization. With risk of sounding cliché, all that seems to matter at this point, at least to me, is the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps your dream is not to break into IB on Wall Street. (Or perhaps it is, who am I to tell?) Maybe your dream is to sail around the world or study climate change in Antarctica for a few years, something at least I am considering at some point in life. "ere is not one way to heaven.

Alice Nyman

"e Power of Now

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"is years Women’s Banking Day saw many large Swedish and international banks coming to SSE to market themselves among the school’s students. De-spite the name, the fair is open for female and male students alike, although the seminars and exhibitions are especially aimed to increase interest for banking among SSE’s female students. Some of the partici-pating banks were Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, SEB and Carnegie.

Before the fair opened, the organization Ruter Dam held a break-fast seminar with successful business women, who expressed their views on work, career and being a woman in sectors traditionally dominated by men. "e participants were Viveca Bergstedt-Sten, Chief Legal Counsel at Posten Norden as well as author, Annika Bresky, Production Manager at Stora Enso, and Cecilia Skingsley. Head of Analysis at Swedbank Markets.

Ruter Dam was founded 23 years ago by Gunilla Arhén and since then 900 female executives have gone through the one-year men-torship and education program. "is includes external and inter-nal mentorships, seminars and company visits.

All three agreed that coincidence plays a large role for the career paths one takes. None of them had followed a certain plan to get where they are today, but rather took the opportunities when they arose. "e attitude towards women varied, and still varies, in industry and business. Viveca elaborated on this:

' I remember when I visited a labor market fair and said to a company representative that I wanted to become a business legal counsel. His answer was: “Dear, that’s no job for cute girls like you”. But I was lucky and got a summer internship at SAS, which at that time was one of the most revered companies to work for. "is later turned into a part-time job and then eventually full-time employment.

Cecilia Skingsley has a rather odd CV, all according to herself. Before being employed at Swedbank, she was active in the Mod-erate Party and their youth organization. She worked at the #-nancial ministry under tax minister Bo Lundgren during the big crisis in the beginning of the 90’s. "is was a time of constant risk management, which she learned a lot from.

' I appreciate that Bo displayed so much con#dence in my capa-bilities, despite the fact that I was so young and inexperienced. I worked as press secretary and had to talk to all the large newspa-pers about why the government was doing this and that, as well as arranging large press conferences. It was not easy, but it gave a lot.

Viveca and Annika share the same view: it is very important to have a person that believes in you and gives you support. It makes you grow, both as a person and in your professional role. "e opposite can ruin your self con#dence in a very short period of time.

"e panel also discussed the importance of having a network. Annika talked about a large reorganization at Stora Enso, where her network was crucial to her ability to maintain a strong po-sition within the company when a lot of changes in personnel where taking place. Viveca again:

' I thought that this whole networking thing felt very unnatural. But a&erwards I’ve realized that all the relations and contacts that I have constitutes my network. And be sure to take advantage of your time as a student. You can develop many important rela-tionships during that time.

"e panel also gave some good career advice to the audience. Cecilia Skingsley stressed the importance of receiving more di-versi#ed experiences. You should change between jobs, titles and positions o&en, which men does to a higher extent than women. "is gives you a more complete CV. Women more o&en do things “by the book”, which may act as a restraint. Men are traditionally more willing to take risks. Annika Bresky also mentioned the im-portance of having several mentors with di$erent perspectives.

"e Royal Bank of Scotland held a seminar under the title “Bank-ing Basics”, where Cathrine Sandgren gave an introduction to the world of banking, which she calls “the world of three-letter abbrevations”. She has previously worked for Citigroup, but in 2004 she was hired by RBS as Relationship Manager. Today she is Head of Global Transaction Services.

"e relationship manager acts as a gateway #gure into the bank for clients, keeping contact with the di$erent departments of the organization. Cathrine gave an example of a live customer case, explaining the process from start to #nish. She stressed all the opportunities you have when working at a bank, both when it comes to di$erent positions and working in di$erent geographic regions.

Damn it feels good to be a banker

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Two of the many students that visited the fair and the di$erent seminars were Sihan Wang and Katarina Sandberg, both in their #rst year at bachelor level. Sihan had at-tended the Ruter Dam breakfast seminar and the Carnegie CV workshop. She thought the breakfast seminar was both fascinating and interesting, getting the opportunity to hear about these three successful women, their lives and their careers. It was nice to listen to their opinions and views on di$erent topics.

Anything in particular that you took to heart?

' "at you should do what you enjoy - what is fun - and the importance of choosing the proper environment for you.

"e Carnegie seminar gave a decent introduction to the di$erent areas of banking, and contained some good information regarding the application process and how to write a proper English CV.

What do you think about the initiative of arranging Women’s Banking Day?

' I think it’s a fantastic idea, and a forum like this is probably much needed. It’s also good to see which companies put a little extra e$ort in attending a fair such as WBD.

Katarina had just arrived at school, but was eager to visit the fair during the a&ernoon. She said that the event was a good opportunity to #nd out about di$erent careers in banking. She thought WBD was a great idea, and that the information leading up to the fair has been excellent.

Deutsche Bank is one of Europe’s largest banks and is also growing in North America, Asia and several emerging markets. But what does the way from studies at SSE to em-ployment at Deutsche Bank look like? Two former SSE students, Keira and Lisa, who work with investment banking and markets, respectively, held a panel discussion on this topic. "ey both went through the graduation program a&er earning degrees from SSE.

Keira and Lisa gave the attending students some very good advice when it comes to the application process. "e earlier you send in your application, the better, since most banks do not wait until end of application time before evaluating candidates. During interviews, it is common to have di$erent sessions with di$erent interlocutors, to test varying qualities of the applicants. Usually, there is one session testing your technical skills, o&en related to what it says in your CV, one session where they test your ability to handle stress (for example asking, in an aggressive manner, why you did not receive better grades) and one session where your social skills are evaluated. Keira and Lisa also described a typical day of work at Deutsche. In short, the invest-ment side works more long-term and in-depth with projects. "e average working week is around 75 to 80 hours the #rst year. You have to love your job, in other words. Markets is more short-term, even though there are longer projects now and then. "e working week is considerably shorter as well.

"ere is a under-representation of women in banking, especially at more senior posi-tions, but the trend is pointing in the right direction. On the graduation program on the banking side there was an equal share of men and women last year. "ere are also special networks for women. Neither Keira nor Lisa have experienced any downsides of being a woman within banking, rather the opposite.

Women’s Banking Day has become a highly appreciated and #rmly rooted annual event at SSE. It is not just another fair among many others, but with a special and important focus: women in banking. Even though there is a positive trend, banks still have problems recruiting female business students. Hopefully, events like WBD can increase interest for banking among female students, as well showing the banks that they may be missing out on a lot of potential and competence, when these students do not #nd them attractive enough as employers.

Jabob NyströmPhoto: Monika Ocieczek

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It can sound like a pretty crazy idea; a summer-month in New York, researching through interviews how to replace bottled water with an environmentally sustainable alternative. But SSE President Lars Bergman had o$ered me the GELS-scholarship; he believed in me. It turned out to be one of the most exciting and developing experiences in my life so far. Carrying out my project, I have come to fully realize how people are the key; their ideas, drive and interactions determine development. Meeting and connecting was what bene#ted me the most; engaged environmentalists, brave entrepreneurs, clever experts, experienced business leaders – in short, very inspiring people!Strong from the support, knowledge, con#dence and experience gained, I have pursued my idea. In mid-November my organization Re-Fill-It! will launch with #nancial backing from Svenskt Vatten. Cafés with Re-Fill-It stickers on their doors will allow people to come in to #ll their own bottles with tap water. "ey can be found on a map on Re-Fill-It’s web site and Iphone application. Applying theoretical knowledge gained at SSE to the real business world makes you value your education more. "e GELS scholar-ship gives you such an opportunity, with the uniqueness of focusing on your personal development. It can #nance a project where you explore your own idea. Meanwhile you get support from, and become part of, the strong GELS alumni-network.

A piece of advise for your GELS-application:

Visit and join “GELS-2011“ at Face-Book

Karin BergströmPhoto: Claes Dahlén

Out of the classroom – you too!

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Writing a report on a board trip is an exceedingly troublesome thing to do. Especially so bearing in mind that the trip in question was undertaken not short of four months ago and that the memory of a gi&ed gold#sh e$ort-lessly surpasses the memory of yours truly. But not least because in the end, who actually bothers to read it?

Notwithstanding the fact that you may well decide not to read any of this (in fact, I’d say odds are no one will), I have racked my brain and written down a couple of words. In turn, I strongly suggest you take your time to read it. Turning to actually writing the report, I quickly realize that I’m not following the protocol of the Student Association:

”Det åligger projektet att e&er hemkomst:[...]- Inom en månad presentera en 5 000 tecken lång reseberättelse återknytande till projektresans sy&e [...]”- Projekt och resereglemente 2008, s. 5

"e deadline has obviously been kicking daisies for quite some time. Undaunted, I’ll make it a matter of course to present to you 5 000 characters of worthwhile reading.

"e 10th of June, the board of the Social Committee caught the 6 am %ight with the ever-cheap, ever-money-grubbing Ryanair. 890 miles later (and a&er an additional 980 SEK paid for a provisional passport), they arrived in London.

From the outset, everybody suspected that the trip was an ill-conceived plot devised to extract money from the Student Association and squander it on drinking. And to some extent, so did we. As it turns out, we did not succeed. Instead, we represented the SASSE with %ying colours at a few select universities across the city centre; learning about di$er-ent ways of thinking about and tackling student welfare issues, delving deeper into topics such as stress management and helping students with accommodation. We also opted for discussing methods by which the promotion of good health can be achieved, i.e. through activities held in the introduction week and events arranged throughout term.

During our time in London, we met up with representatives of the student associations at Metropolitan University of London, London School of Economics and King’s College London. We also did our fair share of bar hopping and shopping.

“Bad health arises from lack of sleep”

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Bad health arises from lack of sleep, lack of exercise, bad eating habits and a general stressful envi-ronment. "is belief, held by the welfare o(cer at LSE, indicates in what ways student health can be improved. All the schools we visited had events that highlighted these issues. "e student union of LSE, arranged a mind & body week, wherein charity workers and student mentors were invited to lecture on topics, such as exercising and eating habits. For the exam period, the union at King’s College presents the students with free fruit and gym trials. At Metropolitan, students have access to a chill-out room with free co$ee and tea and when the student bar is not in use, it is promptly refurbished into a gym.

Stress, for lack of a better word, is good. But managing that stress properly is vital to remaining healthy. "e full score of the schools we visited o$ers counseling services (one of the schools had as many as 19 full-time employed counselors). To put things in perspective, the schools in London house between 9000 and 30000 students. "is is obviously a fair deal more than the number of stu-dents enrolled at the SSE, but does it really explain why we there isn’t at least one full-time counselor at school? "e issue is one of balancing sta$ support and higher costs. One way of resolving the problem of money constraint is to share the costs with other universities. "us granting students increased access to counselors, and specialist services that would otherwise not have been economi-cally viable.

Finding accommodation in Stockholm can be di(cult. "is may be one of largest understatements I have ever come across. But unless you plan on spending all your night time hours in the PC lab and seeing to your hygienic needs in the MBA toilet (it has a shower!), you’re hard put to #nd some. Some schools may be able to guarantee students a place on campus or otherwise set students up with lodg-ing houses, but this isn’t an alternative at SSE. When we visited King’s College, we were appealed by the idea of arranging speed-dating sessions in order to secure a %atmate. "e student union also ar-ranged a housing fair, in which students and real estate agents were able to meet each other. In addi-tion, the union was keen to o$er advice on reasonable %at rates and on acceptable living conditions.

"is short report is more than anything else intended to capture glimpses of what insights the trip amounted to. To boot, we did not fail to use our leisure time to the fullest. In all senses, it was a fruit-ful venture and we hope to put into practice what we have learned.We direct our warmest thanks to Yeashir Achmed, Emmanuel Akpan-Inwang and Annushka Amar for having us.("anks for the beer as well!) Jesper Bernhardsson

Photo: Cecilia Lönnström

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The Committees

"e Social Committee "e Social Committee has had a fantastic start of the semester. "e culture week was truly a success – thank you all for participating! Now it is time for shorter days and darker nights so be sure to visit the Halloween pub. It will certainly give a boost to your autumn. We also hope to see you guys at our fantastic happenings and the Martin the Goose dinner party. "e #ght about Skåne is soon to be here!

Lots of love from the SU-board!

Tobias Andersson President of the Social Committee

"e International Committee

To maintain a global perspective at SASSE and stimulate the interna-tional interests of the students. "ere it is. "e purpose of the Interna-tional Committee.

It is surprisingly easy to work towards as the vision is carried by the motivation and energy of so many Intuits, all hungry for the apple that is our world. A hunger based on curiosity and pursuit of that which is di$erent. I thought diversity was a good thing, and I thought everyone agreed. But sometimes I am surprised by this country we live in. Well, at least by 5,7% of it.

"e Debate Society, one out of many awesome IntU associations, ar-ranged a “valvaka” earlier this fall, where students could follow the re-sults of the general elections. "e evening ended with a nationalistic party for the #rst time ever becoming part of the Swedish parliament.

In a time when movements like that have taken place in the decision-making organs of Sweden, it is more important than ever to celebrate our di$erent backgrounds and cultures. I am proud of being part of a committee powered by the ambition to explore the world instead of being afraid of it. "e celebration of diversity that goes on in our projects and associations every week and the positive feedback from both companies and embassies li&s me up, making me forget all about Swedish politics.

If you - like me and many others - feel an urge to eat the whole apple, and won’t be satis#ed by just taking an oblong and very cold bite from it, come down to IntU and get involved! Bring a banana.

Kaj Ossman President of the International Committee

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"e Sports Committee "e rain was pouring down, the grass was wet and every-one still hungover from the introduction pubs. But noth-ing could stop us from throwing the yearly “småttingbrän-nboll”. "e “småttingar” and “småttingföräldrar” showed true team spirit during the whole tournament, and best of all were the winners of the “Småttingbrännboll” 2010: group “Sweet 16”! "ank you “småttingkommittén” for being fair and fun referees and for helping out! Also thank you Deloitte, our fantastic sponsor that supported us with a fabulous meal and with music that helped us to keep go-ing strong in the wet weather.

Other things taking place is an initiative to start up the golf association again, and a new association with focus on extreme sports is also on its way! All weekly sports and teams are now represented on the new web portal and you are more than welcome to join. Also, look out for the “try-out week” coming up in November where everyone can try extraordinary sports with excellent instructors. Fi-nally, our main focus is now to prepare for this fall’s tour-nament EuroMilano where we will defend our Swedish SASSE honor against other business schools in Europe. E ‘divertente vincere e tutti vogliono un vincitore!

Lotta HöjvallPresident of the Sports Committee

"e Education Committee"is semester started o$ with the fabulous “Bokbytardagen” which proved a great success. So successful in fact, that the Education Committee will arrange it again in January!

More news this year is that the Education Committee togeth-er with the school will arrange Focus Groups for the Bachelor and the Master Programs. "e Focus Groups will consist of the heads of the two programs and student representatives from each grade and specialization. "is will be a great way for us students to in%uence and improve our education.

Moreover, the Education Committee is now looking for a project leader to start up a Mentorship Program that will con-nect SSE students and SSE alumni. Are you interested in tak-ing on the project leader role? E-mail [email protected]!

Remember that you are always welcome to the Eduacation Committee with your feedback on the education/questions about the education/lunch boxes to be microwaved/or if you just want to hang out!

Always yours,Kajsa HedbrantPresident of the Education Committee

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"e IT Committee "e summer has come and gone, the big #nale was for many the Introduction weeks. A perfect way to end the summer and begin a new term giving us all lots of energy! Now it has all begun, SASSE is full of activity and so is the IT Committee.

It is wonderful to have the committee rooms #lled with en-thusiastic people. Unlike many of the other committees, some of us have been here for most part of the summer working on, among other things, the new Web portal which is now up and running. We want to continue to develop it and if you are interested just send me an e-mail or use the forum to give us suggestions of improvements! ([email protected])

It is going to be an exciting autumn and the beginning has been fantastic. It will be awesome to see what new and amaz-ing things we will all create and the fun we are going to have! Just remember, every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

Cecilia Tollin, President of the IT Committee

"e Media Committe 1 What does the second m of M2 stand for?2 You can play it in the committee-room together with our favorite plumber. 3 Great computer program when doing layouts4 Started sending radio at SASSE, now a famous co-median.5 Has spent the highest number of nights in the MedU-sofa6 "e number of Minimax issues per year. 7 The ugliest font - not fun at all. 8 Sang the theme of “gasque#lmen 2009”. Hint: check out 9 Where you #nd all the mingle photographies.

Send your answer to So#a, [email protected], no later than the 1st of November and you can win:

1. Your very own Yearbook, signed by famous people2. A date with So#a (you buy the drinks).3. A two-year subscription of Minimax.

Page 45: Minimax 2010 nr2


"e Entertainment Committee When this issue has reached your hands you are probably forc-ing your way through Berk, Pindyck, Jobber or any other equally enchanting creation. But fear thou not, salvation shall cometh! A&er the October Exam Period we promise you a weekend to re-member (although vague the day a&er). Why not join us for the IFS a.k.a the Not Before the Last Exam Party or if you are a new BSc, earn the titles of Enok and Eunucka at the Gasque! Survive this and maybe fortune will favour the bold in a game of caps come Sunday a&ernoon. We are ready, are you?

Red or DeadAlexander Holm RannaleetPresident of the Entertainment Commitee

"e Business CommitteeSmåtting, master student, Enok and Eunucka, I hope the start of this semester has been great! A lot of things have happened at the Business Committee (NU) and we have had a great time! We have already arranged more than 30 company presentations, one career fair, published the TIPC & Full-time catalogues…

One thing is for sure, the crisis is over and the companies come to SSE to hire you. No school in northern Europe arranges as many company events as SASSE. I urge you to visit as many events as possible, because it will de#-nitely pay o$ later when you are applying for internships and full-time jobs.

If you want to join the Business Committee there will be several projects you can join during the fall semester – even as a new Småtting. If you are not sure if you want to join a BC-project yet, you are welcome to just hang out at the Business Committee. You #nd us on Saltmätarga-tan on the same %oor as the computer labs.

Mattias AnderssonPresident of the SASSE Business Committee

Page 46: Minimax 2010 nr2


FOODTranan, Karlbergsvägen 14,T: Odenplan. Go here to enjoy Swedish homely cooking. "eir meet balls are excellent!

Ki-mama, Observatoriegatan 13, close to Handels. One of the best sushi places in town. Try their ”lax kimchi” or in english ”salmon kimchi”.

Vurma, Polhemsgatan 15, T: Fridhemsplan or Rådmansgatan.My favourite café which you can #nd at four di$erent locations in town. I truly recommend their café at Kungsholmen, which is the original one where they still bake all their bread by them-selves.

Råkultur, Kungstensgatan 2, close to Handels.Another wonderful sushi spot.

Sibiriens Soppkök, Roslagsgatan 25, close to Handels. Enjoy their di$erent kinds of soup for lunch or dinner.

Copacanbana, Hornstull Strand 3, T: Hornstull.A cute café. You can bring whatever you buy into the cinema, Bio Rio, which is located door to door.

BARSIndigo, Götgatan 19. T:Slussen. A small friendly colourful bar.

Strand, Hornstulls Strand 4. T:HornstullI think this place is one of the best places to go to for enter-tainment in Stockholm. "ey have a great variety of clubs, concerts, vintage and Christmas fairs etc. Have a look at www. You won’t be disappointed!

Le rouge, Österlånggatan 17. A bar and restaurant with a French touch.

Allmänna Galleriet, Kronobergsgatan 37. A bar which is hidden from the outside. Go to %oor 1 and you’ll #nd it!

"e Entertainment Editor Hey folks!I hope you have all had a great summer! As you probably have noticed it is getting darker and darker - and although your sofa may feel comfy, there is still a lot of stu$ out there to experience. Weather you prefer meatballs or sushi, movies or fashion fairs, dining or drinking, or just enjoying a good show – the choice is yours, and the di$erent happenings are waiting. Here follows a few recommendations of things to do in the fall. Hugs to you all,

Ellen Kvarby

ENTERTAINMENTFärgfabriken might host the party of the year! I got the opportunity to interview the organiser Love Lager-berg.

Q: What is your greatest event this fall?A: 9th of October we’ll host a fashion fair during the day, and in the evening we’ll host an a&er party between 9 pm until 3 am.

Q: Why should you come?A: Well, 1500 dancing people, celebrated DJ:s such as Natten, Chapel Hill Crew, Festa med Killar, Russian Spring Break, Pom Pom, Leo and William etc.

Entrance fee: 150 SEK! Lövholmsbrinken 1, closest subway sta-tion: Liljeholmen.

Cinemateket, Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1. Gives you access to the whole history of #lms. Before every show you’ll get a programme lea%et containing extensive infor-mation about the production, the actors, and related articles. Buy a members card and watch as many #lms you’d like!

Stockholm Film Festival. Will take place 17-28 of November. Get more information at

Konstfack’s Christmas Fair, T:Telefonplan. Get your Christmas presents at the Christmas fair at the art school Konstfack! 27-28 November, at 10 am until 5 pm.

Fotogra#ska, Stadsgårdshamnen 22, T: Slussen. I hope you’ve all heard about this amazing museum for con-temporary photography. During the fall they will have a fashion photography exhibition!

Page 47: Minimax 2010 nr2


Din utvecklingär vår framtidKanske är det du som kommer att vara med och forma framtidens SEB. Vi hjälper individer och företag att utvecklas framgångsrikt genom att erbjuda god rådgivning och finansiella medel. Och det är här du kommer in i bilden. Är du redo att utvecklas tillsammans med oss?

Kontinuerlig utveckling Genom att arbeta i en modern finanskoncern har du möjlighet att utvecklas och uppleva möjligheterna som detta ger. Vi finns både i Sverige och utom- lands. Tillsammans med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor har du stora möjligheter att påverka både din och vår framtid.

Nya kunskaper ger nya vägval Under resans gång växer dina kunskaper. Vi ser till att du får en stadig grund som gör dig redo för spännande utmaningar. Förutom ett stimulerande arbete erbjuder vi även en rad förmåner för att underlätta förutsättningarna för att skapa en bra balans i livet. Satsa på oss, vi satsar på dig Börja med att lägga in ditt CV på Under året kommer vi att vara ute på karriärmässor och arbetsmarknadsdagar runt om i landet. Håll dig uppdaterad på när och var. Kom till vår monter så kan vi prata om hur vi kan skapa en spännande framtid tillsammans. Vi finns även på facebook i gruppen ”Jobba på SEB” samt på

Läs mer på

Page 48: Minimax 2010 nr2


Assuming that coming from Skåne and starting my school year by telling people what to wear and what not to wear would be the fastest way to have murder-ing glances thrown my way in the hallways, I decid-ed to start out with something a bit easier to handle. Inspiration. Before moving here I had, as everyone else, deeply rooted prejudices about the capital but also about Stockholm School of Economics. Some have been discovered true (the overall ambition, the extreme handsomeness of the students), some have been discovered false (the presumed vainglory, every-one being Scrooge McDuck-rich), and though people do not actually wear suits to school on a regular ba-sis, there are de#nitely situations where a proper at-tire is to recommend. Here you have the theme of this chronicle: "e decrease in out#t-speci#c creativity at SSE and the proper way to handle this possible prob-lem. If you are perfectly comfortable with this narrow dresscode, with no intention or interest to change or consider modifying this, ever, then you might as well stop reading right now. My goal is to try to enlighten you about your possibilities, to make you realize that there are a million tiny paths parallell to the highway in the world of proper clothing

As just mentioned, it is to most people obvious that during busi-ness meetings, job interviews and social events with company representatives the acceptance box for attire is a bit smaller than in more informal situations, this not implying that there is only one answer. For #rst year students it might be out of fear, for older students out of pure habit, but it seems like an invasion of identical twins when the school #lls up with anxious students dressed in white shirts and black suits. It’s like watching a movie before the colour TV was invented. Personally, I don’t mind the black and white, but I can imagine that it is easy to adopt it as a rule rather than seeing it as one among many options.

Is it not funny how people spend years to spice up their CV and desperately try to come up with new ways to make it stand out among everyone else’s, while in real life, making a #rst impres-sion in person is what matters most to many employers. Make them notice you! Spice yourself up, just like you spice up your CV.

And now, how about some concrete tips? I can not just high-light a problem and then ignore the solutions, can I? How about something simple like playing it up with a new shade of lipstick? Exchanging your plain stockings for some patterned ones? Tie a bowtie around your neck? Mixing and matching pieces from two di$erent suits (eg. A black skirt and a dark grey jacket), mixing materials such as leather, tweed, silk and chi$on. Wear anything sequin. Skip the white shirt and choose a detailed blouse. Add a belt or a scarf or have some ru)ed socks in your high heels. And while we are talking about high heels – skip those 3 cm ones and go for the 14 cm in an eye-catching colour (yes, it will probably hurt 15 times more, but it will look 45 times better and thereby balance out by simple math). You will be taller, and with the as-sumption that you have some kind of previous experience with high heels, stride more elegantly from point A to point B.

My message to you all is not to change who you are, but to dare show who you are. If that means black, white and not-so-high heels – so be it. If is not – why do you act like it is? If you do not look like the other students who wants to be investment bankers – who cares? It is your dreams, your ambitions, and your ability to be true to yourself that de#ne where you will end up in life. Work hard, play hard, dream big and dress so that you will meet your re%ection with a smile, every day.

Antonia AnsgariussonVice President of the Fashion Society

Illustration: Monika Ocieczek

Fashion suicide

Page 49: Minimax 2010 nr2


Last night the music Summer may make you think of challenging in-ternships, late night barbeques with friends, the Swedish Archipelago and never-ending nights. But for me summer means music festivals in di$erent shapes and sizes – my own diversi#ed summer portfolio.

It is when the plastic cup in my hand is empty, my sneak-ers are anything but white and my bottle of dry shampoo is empty that I realize that the last festival of the summer has come to its end. At the same time I realize that Hot Chip won’t re-enter the stage for a last song and that the tinnitus in my ears will stay for at least one week more. And that is when I also realize that the autumn has ar-rived. And that it’s here to stay.

I understand that we are all di$erent. (And I like it, in contrary to Sverigedemokraterna.) I get that some people enjoy putting on their heavy coats, step into their leather boots and put on a beret, or just be indoors with a cup of tea while the rain is pouring down outside. I have heard of people looking forward to when the colorful leaves fall to the ground. I have even heard of people liking the idea of rain just because they can use their beautiful, vintage umbrellas.

Well, I am simply not one of those. For me, autumn is just those few months in between my personal favorites Sum-mer and Christmas. (Note to self: Potential names for fu-ture kids.) Autumn is the time of the year when my %ow-ers get depressed because of the lack of sunshine; when I no longer can survive without wearing pantyhose; when my violin is always untuned and foremost - when it’s no longer accepted to eat ice cream in public. But autumn also means looking up every trip at before walking out the door to avoid the crowd of people standing un-der the bus shed, trying to escape the rain while waiting for the bus. And not to forget about the %ight companies setting ridiculous prices because they’re very well aware of our desperate need to escape this abnormal amount of rain and therefore book that overpriced all-inclusive trip to "ailand.

I listen to music all the time. P3 and “Morgonpasset” in the morning, my iPod on my way to Sveavägen, and the last thing I hear before falling asleep is something with Beach House. I am not one of those lucky ones who can study while listening to music, or else I would do that in-stead of drinking Vitamin Well Focus. But do you know when I appreciate music the most? It’s whenever I feel stressed out. And I think you all know what it feels like when being under stress, because a&er all - you are SSE students.

My criteria for feeling stressed out is when all I do is think about all the things I have to do instead of actually doing it. (Don’t try it at home, it’s useless) But when I started at SSE and learned the true meaning of being stressed out, I also found my prefect cure for getting out of that trance-like stage of mind. I simply put on my favorite song. And believe it or not, that saves my friends several hours of listening to me whining and at least 1/10 of a tree because I don’t have to write down my otherwise maniac over-the-top to-do-lists, with things on it like … number 26: sort my nail polishes a&er color.

Your cure for surviving stressful rainy September days may not be listening to your favorite song. But the im-portant lesson is to remember turning to whatever you appreciate the most whenever you are feeling low. And if you haven’t found your savior yet - maybe I can help you? Check out the playlist here below – these are the favorite tunes of me and my dear Guru colleague Fredric Dahlb-lom that can save any rainy September day!

Jenny Zhao, Guru of Music

Fredric’s September Tunes

Diana Ross and the Supremes – My World is Empty without you (Drop Out Orchestra Remix)Estelle – Fall in LoveRebecca and Fiona - Luminary Ones (Nause Remix)Mike Posner - Cooler than Me (Single Mix)Mike Posner - Evil womanU(e - ADD SUV (Armand Van Helden Club Remix) Carte Blanche - Gare Du NordDuck Sauce - Barbara StreisandAeroplane vs. Friendly Fires vs. Flight Facilities - I Crave ParisVintergatan - Ny världRockets - Club MonsieurBlaze - Lovelee DaeLovebirds - Out into the nightMarvin Gaye – Sexual Healing (12 Inch Version)Cypress Hill - Boom Biddy Bye Bye

Jenny’s September Albums

Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever AgoBelle & Sebastian – Dear Catastrophe WaitressNoah & the Whale – First Day of SpringMumford & Sons – Sigh No MoreJohnny Flynn – A Larum"e National – High VioletLocal Natives – Gorilla ManorCharlotte Gainsbourg – IRMBeach House – Teen DreamCaribou – SwimMagnetic Fields - Realism

saved my life

Page 50: Minimax 2010 nr2


"ese are the best friends of a warm soup and a cold Novem-ber a&ernoon. "ey are a combination of scones and mu(ns, made of spelt %our and without sugar. Healthy, tasty and easy to make, this is one of my favourite recipes!

Cooking with Caroline

Scu(ns "e world’s greatest bean salad with citrus"is bean salad is beyond words. If you manage to save some, it will last at least a couple of days in the fridge. If I’m in the mood I sometimes add artichoke hearts.

6 lovely scu(ns

1 dl si&ed spelt %our

0.75 dl graham %our

1 tbs wheat bran

0.5 dl sun%ower seed

1 tsp baking powder

0.5 tsp salt

0.5 dl greek yoghurt

0.75 dl milk

1 tbs melted butter

1 egg

Heat the oven to 225° C and prepare 6 mu(n baking tins on a baking plate.

Mix all of the dry ingredients in one bowl, and add yoghurt, milk, butter and the egg in another bowl. Stir the wet ingre-dients into the #rst bowl and pour the batter into the tins. Bake in the oven for about 10-20 minutes, or until you think they look nice.

1 can of beans

2 chopped shallot onions

1 dl of chopped parsley

zest and juice from 1 lemon

juice from 1 orange

3 tbs olive oil

1 tsp honey

salt & pepper

Mix lemon and orange juice with zest, olive oil, honey and some salt. Rinse the beans with water and put them in a bowl. Add the chopped onion and parsley and pour the other ingredients over it. Let it rest for a while before you serve it.

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Creamy corn soup

Stew with chicken

I love soup. Tomato, sea food, cauli%ower and chanterelle are some of my favourites, but none of them still surprise me in the way that this corn soup does. Every single time I make it, I get amazed by how nice it actually is, and if I make a double serving to save some for lunch the next day, I always end up eating it all because it’s so wonderful.

"is recipe provides good return on the e$ort you invest in it. It is a safe card that guarantees lots of delighted guests if you serve it at a dinner party. You can eat it with pasta, rice, couscous or simply with a great bread and some cheese. Try it!

For four happy people

1 kg of chicken legs

2 medium sized sliced fennels

2 sliced yellow onions

2 tbs olive oil

2 tbs butter

1 can of tomatoes

1 tbs of white balsamico vinegar or 1 dl white wine

0.5 tsp sugar

1 dice of chicken broth

1 dl chopped parsley

zest from one lemon

2 #nely-chopped garlic cloves

Heat 1 tbs of butter and 1 tbs of olive oil in a kettle, put the chicken legs in it and fry it until it has a nice surface. Take the chicken out of the kettle and warm the rest of the oil and butter in it. Add the yellow onion slices and sugar. Fry it slowly at a low temperature until the onion is kind of transparent, then add the tomato can, the vinegar/wine and the chicken broth dice. You might need to add a glass of water too, if the stew seems too thick. Increase the temperature until it starts boiling, then lower it and let the stew simmer under a lid for about 10 minutes. Add the chicken and the fennel and simmer for another 5 + 5 minutes, the last #ve without the lid. Make sure the chicken is completely well done. "en do the #nal touch by mixing parsley, zest of lemon and garlic and stir it into the stew. Tada!

For two people

3 dl frozen grains of corn

1 tbs butter

1 small chopped yellow on-ion

5 dl water

1 dice of chicken broth

half a red chili#nely-chopped

1 dl créme fraiche

1 dl grated cheese

Fry onion, chili and corn in butter at a low temperature for about #ve minutes. Add water and the dice of broth. In-crease the temperature until it boils, then lower it and let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Take out some of the grains of corn, and mix the rest and the créme fraiche with a hand blender. Put the grains back and add salt and pepper. Add the grated cheese right before serving.

Recept och text: Caroline ErikssonPhoto: Agneta Berge

Page 52: Minimax 2010 nr2


From Brussels with bribesWhat does the societal food cycle look like? "e doctor would probably be on top it, if one polled a random population of a somewhat civilised soci-ety, potentially followed by the police o(cer or the #re #ghter. Further down we would #nd the pilot and below him perhaps the baker and the gardener. Coming to the end, one would probably not bounce into Brutus or Judas, as in Dante’s Inferno, but rather the wreck less investment banker – remember this is written post Anno Lehmani – who played around with our dearly held pension capital and the school children’s travel funds in his repellently wicked bonus chase. But would he be the last? I doubt it. Having spent some four weeks in the capital of Europe, yours truly would dare say that he knows which the world’s most detested profession is: the cruel lobbyist.

I take it that most of the highly educated and cultivated readers of this exquisite publication have seen the immensely amusing #lm production "ank you for Smoking. It depicts the cynic and conscious less life of the DC star lobbyist Nick Naylor, who uses all of his God-given verbal and charismatic talent to keep smokers addicted to tobacco. He lies, he bribes and he falsi#es evidence – no means are too sinister or brutal to be le& unex-ploited. "e scene where he bribes the original “Marlboro man” in order to silence him about his cancer de#nes the entire spirit of the #lm.

"is is probably, with some exaggeration of course, the com-monly held picture of what a lobbyist does. At least that is my experience, having spent the past half a year telling people in my proximity that I was bound to become a Brussels lobby-ist this autumn. Slight suspicion and reluctance have been the most frequent reactions – if not complete want of judgement in terms of what I would be doing.

A lobbyist is perhaps not as detested at the Stronghold of Mer-cury on Sveavägen no 65, but I imagine he would neither oc-cupy a prime position on the Handels food cycle. At the top we would locate the management consultant, #ercely pursued by the banker who has lost some of his prestige these days. "e hip marketing dude would probably come next and, perhaps, some steps behind one could come across a lonely public af-fairs consultant – a popular euphemism for the lobbyist. As-suming this is the case, it would not be entirely inconceivable that one or two of you actually consider pursuing a career in the lobbies of parliaments and government o(ces? JKL was founded by Handels alumni a&er all.

So what is it really that one does, being this horrendous, atroc-ity committing child eater? Not such bad things a&er all, I can reveal. A Brussels lobbyist acts as a middle man between busi-nesses and politicians: he explains, forecasts and advices on the legislative process to the political laymen that o&en occupy senior management positions in our major corporations. You see the democratic procedures in Brussels, Stockholm or DC di$er quite substantially from the economically rational world of the business leader. "e lobbyist brings politicians and en-terprises together and helps explain how various law proposals would impact jobs, growth and the functioning of the industry at hand. He helps businesses communicate with the media and how to get along with journalists. "e lobbyist tells whom to see in the myriad of hierarchies and proposes strategies for how to present an industry viewpoint in order to achieve maximum political understanding and adaption – let there be no mistake about it: the lobbyist’s ultimate goal is to convince politicians to consider and pursue his client’s objectives. A scornful oc-cupation? Not at all. As the Swedish parliamentarian Gunnar Hökmark once said: “No matter where I get my information, it is always me and myself only that is responsible for the propos-als I put forward. If you do not like what I do, then I will kindly ask you to elect somebody else”.

"ere you go. No fancy TV performances as in Mr Naylor’s case. But, on the other hand, one gets to pay interesting visits to the European Parliament committee sessions and yesterday my employer organised a meeting between Herman van Rumpoy, the President of the European Council, and the executive chairman of one of the world’s largest banks. Not that I met any of them, but still quite an interesting thing to be part of. Moreover, we currently work on the EU proposals for manda-tory clearing of OTC derivatives – a regulation that would have a substantial impact on the daily work of all City and Canary Wharf derivatives traders. My industry colleagues therefore have quite some in%uence over some of you who read this.

So, not that much of tobacco or illegal missile trades (to some-one’s disappointment perhaps). But if your outmost goal in life is to achieve highest possible karma and be reborn as a cow, then the lobby business is probably a less advisable choice of career path. "at said, you will neither have to share sad the destiny of Judas, Brutus and Cassius: having Satan eating you alive in the midst of Cocytos’s lake of ice.

"inking of it, I wonder whether #nding what one needs in a Brussels grocery store is not as bad a punishment a&er all. Tomorrow I will have to go food shopping. Oh dear…

Pär Holmbäck

Page 53: Minimax 2010 nr2


"omas thinksI used to reject some of the nations of morality. Used to being the key point here. Intellectually I found moral relativism to be a sensible notion, it assumed nothing and allowed each person to shape themselves. "e re-jection of any absolute sense of morality was the easiest way of clearing the way to true personal freedom. "e position was within me never stable, the conviction that there were no absolute values didn’t free me from having those of my own, from valuing respect, from valuing the well being of my fellow man.

But one day I woke. I accepted, with conviction, that there were certain principles that are absolute, and that denying those same principles was to lie to yourself. "e core of these values must be responsibility, the acceptance of responsibility for all actions taken. "is extends to all, to every individual and to all gatherings of indi-viduals. "e debates concerning CSR tend to get back to this, they tend to point out, rather uncritically, that a company’s only respon-sibility is towards their stake holders. "at their only purpose is the creation of value. "is is an attractive idea, because it is so simple, yet it is wrong. "e initial purpose of a company is creation of value, but the second a company acts it also extends its purpose to taking responsibility for that action. "at follows for every action a com-pany takes. "e idea that such responsibility does not exist is an intellectual construction which serves to ease the conscience of the people who espouse it.

"e principle applies to us, each and all. You are responsible for everything you do, shirking the consequence of your own actions is inherently immoral. I would even go so far as to claim that the rejection of that principle is in itself immoral.

"ese are not new ideas, they are rooted in the #rm belief in causal-ity, in the idea that rejecting the consequences of actions is in fact rejecting the reality of those same actions. "is type of moral rela-tivism, the rejection of the principle that entities must take the full consequences of their actions, is in fact a rejection of reality.

It is o&en pointed out that the categorical imperative and the golden rule are not the same, but when I look at them I view the principle of responsibility as a large part of their common ground.

I’m also guessing that this will reach you “småttingar” before the “Gasque” so I would like to encourage you all to act responsibly.

But perhaps not too responsibly.

TTA out.

"omas Taylor Armstrong

Page 54: Minimax 2010 nr2


"e autumn has arrived and all the summer %ings are past memories. We all need someone who will make the dark and dusky nights feel warm again. A new semester has begun, with new students and new love in the air. Finally it is time for a new blind date!

Hopefully you read my last article about my mission to spread love at the Stockholm School of Economics Student Association. Would I ever be able to top the match of Caroline Lundström and Max Sihvonen? I never thought so, but a&er the date with couple number two, my heart was melting.

"e victims for this year’s second date were Anna Widmark and Rasmus Westholm. Anna is one of the most dedicated members of the student association at the moment. She is involved in the Entertainment Committee, Handelsdagarna, the Cultureweek, Friedmans Apostlar, the Farce and most important of all, she was named “Småtta of the year” of 2010. Rasmus is the vice president of the Business Committee, former president of Enterprise Day and a member of El Club. Most importantly, he is the the Love guru of the Social Committee. Is it even pos-sible to have a bad date with a Loveguru? In this case, I don’t think so.

Anna and Rasmus met on a cloudy day outside the SSE. "ey were not unfamiliar to each other but their relation needed a push in the right direction. Anna and Rasmus started walking and talked about essential qualities of a suitable partner. Emphatic, humoristic and kind were some of the common criterions but the most essential one for both of them were the ability to calm the other person down. Both Anna and Rasmus seek for a person who would make them wind down a&er hectic periods at the Student Association. Rasmus also underlined the importance of not having stockings in bed, something Anna laughed and agreed on. While Anna and Rasmus were walking, it struck me, I had never in my professional dating life ex-perienced such easygoingness! It felt like Anna and Rasmus already were a cuple. "eir hands were connecting and Anna tried to explain to Rasmus how she had dreamt about experience a love-at- #rst-sight-moment. "ough this was not their #rst meting, they both described it as one, none of them had ever felt so emotionally vulnerable.

Rasmus sat down on a bench with Anna on his knees, he pulled out some candy from his pocket. As Lady and the Tramp ate spaghetti, Anna and Rasmus shared the most romantic candy meal in history. "is was love. How will their relationship a$ect their projects in the Student Association? Both agreed on that there would be some dilemmas. Mixing projects and love are not an easy job even though Rasmus is a Loveguru. Most of all they assume their projects will be more loving.

In the end of the date I asked if they were able to describe their partner as an animal? Rasmus expresses Anna as “Bambi on ice”, something associated with Anna having problems with stockings (the history remain secret). Anna on the other hand described Rasmus as; “"e typi-cal, classic animal – dolphin-dog”. Smart and hopefully loyal.

Even the best occasions have to end and so did the date between Anna and Rasmus. I did not even have to ask if they were considering a second date – of course they were. "e bottom line is; “Love li& us up where we belong. Far from the world we know. Up where the clear winds blow.”.

Mission complete.Johan “Date-master” Collin

Photos: Edward Flyborg

Blind dating

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Name: Caroline LundströmStar sign: GeminiKnown as: President of Handelsdagarna 2011

Name: Max SihvonenStar sign: VirgoKnown as: President of the German association, Head of Festivities at the Social Committee.

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Dr. Kull’s Horoscope

Alfred Nobel month 1 DEC 22 - JAN 20"e 10th of December is approaching with the speed of light. As you know the utmost supreme party ever will be arranged at the SSE-premises. "e stars are telling you to get involved in this endeavor and give it all of your attention.

If you do not put an inhumanly big e$ort into helping the Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Alfred Nobel month 2 JAN 21 - FEB 18You will require a substantial amount of alcohol to be able to put in all the work you are going to do in conjunction with Nobel NightCap. "e ghost of Alfred Nobel is looking down on you and will make sure that you ful#ll your duties.

If you do not do everything humanly possible to help the Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Alfred Nobel month 3 FEB 19 - MAR 20Deep, rich feelings toward the President of Nobel NightCap is a normal phenomenon for you during this period. Don´t be afraid to let loose and express these feeling, preferably in a physical way. "is would in fact be highly appreciated and would help to make the 10th of December a great success.

If you do not exert yourself to the brink of starvation to be able to help the Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Alfred Nobel month 4 MARCH 21 – APRIL 20Remember what Margaret "atcher claimed: “A man in his thir-ties still using public transportation should consider himself a failure”. "at said you really should focus on making the 10th of December a night that no one will be able to forget. "e Nobel Foundation will not survive the next fortnight if you do not in-volve yourself with NNC.

If you do not make a literally sick e$ort to help the Nobel Night-Cap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Alfred Nobel month 5 APRIL 21 - MAY 21You are an active member of SASSE and therefore a superior be-ing. "erefore I do not have to tell you that it is absolutely essen-tial for you to pour yourself into NNC. You will also undoubtedly be asked to follow one of the Nobel laureates home to Grand Ho-tel. And don´t forget: Chemical happiness is the best happiness!

If you do not protrude your soul in an e$ort to help the Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Alfred Nobel month 6 MAY 22 - JUNE 21I condone all behavior as long as it makes you feel good and makes me feel like a God.

If you do not always do everything in your power to help the No-bel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Econom-ics you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Since Dr. Kull now has realized that he really isn´t a semi god this horoscope will take on a slightly di$erent form. "e fact is that Odin last month descended from Valhalla and beyond this time to de-clare his prophecies and bestow his powers upon Dr. Kull. Since then the good doctor has altered the Space-Time Continuum and changed the very fabric of our universe. In the horoscope below these changes manifest themselves with a clarity that is rarely seen on this insigni#cant planet of ours. Do not forget that you can still send questions about anything to [email protected].

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Alfred Nobel month 7 JUNE 22 - JULY 22You might “explode” like a stick of dynamite if you don’t follow Alfred’s wishes. You should set sail in the sea of Nobel and follow the gale winds. "ey will take you in to the welcoming bosoms of the Vice President of Nobel NightCap.

If you do not export all of your belongings to Transnistria and donate all proceeds to the Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics you will soon meet with an un-timely and extremely painful demise. Fair winds and following seas!

Alfred Nobel month 8 JULY 23 - AUG 23"ere are three scenarios in store for you this period:1. Nobel NightCap will become the single most important part of your life.2. "e President and Vice President of Nobel NightCap will charm the pants o$ of you.3. Please kneel for the great noble Nobel family.Time will tell which of these alternatives will make you most happy.

If you are unable to do your absolute best to help the Nobel Night-Cap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Alfred Nobel month 9 AUG 24 - SEPT 22You should be a member of a conservative party and show this by throwing yourself in to the Nobel sphere. Alfred will show you respect if you work your but o$ for him. He would of course never put it as coarse as that but he would approve of the mes-sage. Nobel! Nobel! Nobel!

For your one sake you should work the before mentioned butt o$ in order to help the Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stock-holm School of Economics or else you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Alfred Nobel month 10 SEPT 23 - OCT 23Alfred had a brother that went to Azerbaijan to #nd the right raw materials to make gun butts. He did succeed in this quest and so should you. Please go to Turkmenistan and bring back bountiful loot. "ese spoils of war must be used to #nance Nobel NightCap 2010. If you do not raid Tashkent immediately and hand over all cash to the Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics you will soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise.

Alfred Nobel month 11 OCT 24 - NOV 22Please be aware that you are going to have a great time this au-tumn. "e general elections have passed and you should con-centrate on other matters such as the creation of a Utopia on the night of December 10th. "is is not a suggestion but an order.

Everything in the world will be alright if you do everything you can might in an e$ort to help the Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Economics.

Alfred Nobel month 12 NOV 23 - DEC 211 million SEK may seem like a lot at the moment. However you will soon be made painfully aware that this is nothing in the world of Nobel. Just keep in mind that it is nothing more than pocket change. NNC will need you personally to rake in a lot more spare change than that. Viva Alfred! Viva Nobel!

"e Nobel NightCap Committee at the Stockholm School of Eco-nomics will demand of you to soon meet with an untimely and extremely painful demise if you do not follow the above stated demands.

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Monika Ocieczek (Layout) Mathilda Eriksson [email protected] (Content)


Monika Ocieczek

PROOF READINGMathilda Eriksson

Jesper Bernhardsson

TREASURER Tina Eriksson

VISITING ADDRESS Saltmätargatan 13-17


08-506 929 24

E-MAIL [email protected]




ON THE COVER Lisa Galaiba

Photo: Yi Zhang

PRINTING HOUSE Trydells Tryckeri AB


CONTRIBUTORS Max Friberg [email protected] Kvarby [email protected]

Caroline Eriksson [email protected] Bergman [email protected]

Hannes Palm [email protected] Collin [email protected]

Edward Flyborg [email protected] Laufs [email protected]

Emma Forsman [email protected]"omas Taylor Armstrong [email protected]

Pär Holmbäck [email protected] Bergström [email protected]

Kristian Kull [email protected]#a Helgesson [email protected]

Cecilia Tollin [email protected] Ossman [email protected]

Kajsa Hedbrant [email protected] Höjvall [email protected]

Alexander Holm Rannaleet [email protected] Andersson [email protected]

Tobias Andersson [email protected] Eriksson [email protected] Ocieczek [email protected]

Yi Zhang [email protected] Nordebrand [email protected]

Jakob Nyström [email protected] Zhao [email protected]

Antonia Ansgariusson [email protected] Nyman [email protected]

Jesper Bernhardsson [email protected] Berge [email protected]

Cecilia Lönnström [email protected] Weinberg [email protected]

Claes DahlénKajsa Eriksson

Tim Meier

MINIMAX is the o(cial SASSE magazine. MINIMAX is religiously and politically independent. Opinions uttered in MINIMAX do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial sta$ or the student association. "e magazine is published four times a year in approximately 2000 copies. MINIMAX is liberated from VAT and sorts under the Media Committee in SASSE. "e editorial sta$ may edit and reject sent in material. MINIMAX is not responsible for sent in material.

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