mining event - based commonsense knowledge from web using nlp techniques

Information and Knowledge Management ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-896X (Online) Vol.5, No.6, 2015 68 Mining Event - Based Commonsense Knowledge from Web using NLP Techniques M.Rajesh Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, KRS College Of Engineering, Vandavasi, India [email protected] K.Balasubramaniaswamy Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, KRS College Of Engineering, Vandavasi, India [email protected] S.Aravindh Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, KRS College Of Engineering, Vandavasi, India [email protected] Abstract The real life intelligent applications such as agents, expert systems, dialog understanding systems, weather forecasting systems, robotics etc. mainly focus on commonsense knowledge And basically these works on the knowledgebase which contains large amount of commonsense knowledge. The main intention of this work is to create a commonsense knowledge base by using an effective methodology to retrieve commonsense knowledge from large amount of web data. In order to achieve the best results, it makes use of different natural language processing techniques such as semantic role labeling, lexical and syntactic analysi. Keywords: Automatic statistical semantic role tagger (ASSERT), lexico - syntactic pattern matching, semantic role labeling (SRL) 1. Introduction Optimized Congestion Control and Error Management (OCMFES) is a transport protocol that has been proposed by the IETF Signalling Transport (SIGTRAN) working group [1]. OCMFES inherited much of its design from TCP but improves several features to make its signal transmission more efficient. For example, OCMFES is defined as an alternative transport protocol for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP is a internet telephony signalling protocol [2]. Although it was initially developed for telephone signalling, it is gradually expanded into a general-purpose transmission layer. Nowadays, OCMFES is a mature protocol standardized in RFC 4960 [3]. Multi-homing is one of the features that OCMFES natively supports. This feature makes it possible to obtain a high reliability and robustness against single interface and network failures. An OCMFES endpoint is considered multi-homed if there are more than one transport address that can be used as a destination address to reach that endpoint. OCMFES uses an end-to-end window based flow and congestion control mechanism similar to TCP [4]. OCMFES can support multi-homing and has respective congestion control for each multiple transport paths. Congestion occurs when the amount of data injected by sources in the network are larger than the amount of data delivered to destinations. Similar to TCP algorithms, OCMFES uses only implicit congestion information such delays or losses. Congestion control can be implemented as a distributed control strategy. Some mechanisms like Active Queue Management (AQM), executed by routers, detect congestion problems and inform sources (either implicitly or explicitly with the mechanism of Explicit Congestion Notification ECN [5]). These techniques are designed to reduce packet loss and the end-to-end delay as well as to improve network utility. An AQM algorithm regulates the queue length by drops/marks incoming packet with a given probability related to a congestion index (such as queue length or delay). In this paper, a novel rate adjustment method is proposed to improve OCMFES congestion control. Here, characteristic of OCMFES multi-homing is considered. In this case, two paths are chosen as primary path and secondary path between each source and each destination. In this algorithm, based on an Active Queue Management (AQM) method, congestion on each route can be avoided or can be controlled by probability of dropping. Also, routers compute probability of congestion, which is named congestion degree, for each source on each path and feedback to the sources. Then, the sources can adjust their sending rates effectively on each route by receiving the feedback from paths. After that, the senders consider condition of path switch to prevent congestion. The remainder of the letter is organized as follows: main features of OCMFES are briefly introduced in Section 2. The related works are discussed in Section 3. In section 4, the proposed algorithm is presented. Simulation results are brought in Section 5 and the paper is concluded in Section 6.

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The real life intelligent applications such as agents, expert systems, dialog understanding systems, weatherforecasting systems, robotics etc. mainly focus on commonsense knowledge And basically these works on theknowledgebase which contains large amount of commonsense knowledge. The main intention of this work is tocreate a commonsense knowledge base by using an effective methodology to retrieve commonsense knowledgefrom large amount of web data. In order to achieve the best results, it makes use of different natural languageprocessing techniques such as semantic role labeling, lexical and syntactic analysis


Information and Knowledge ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-8!" (#nline) $ol.5% No.!% 2&'5 !8 Mining Event - Based Commonsense Knowledge from Web using NLP Techniues M.(a)es* +ssistant Professor% ,epartment of -omp.ter S/ien/e 0 1ngineering% K(S -ollege #f 1ngineering% $anda2asi% India ra)esmano3gmail./om K.4alas.5ramaniaswam6 +ssistant Professor% ,epartment of -omp.ter S/ien/e 0 1ngineering% K(S -ollege #f 1ngineering% $anda2asi% India 5al.sam62&&!3gmail./om S.+ra2ind* +ssistant Professor% ,epartment of -omp.ter S/ien/e 0 1ngineering% K(S -ollege #f 1ngineering% $anda2asi% India ara2ind*so.nder3gmail./om !bstract 7*ereallifeintelligentappli/ationss./*asagents%e8perts6stems%dialog.nderstandings6stems%weat*er fore/astings6stems%ro5oti/set/.mainl6fo/.son/ommonsense9nowledge+nd5asi/all6t*esewor9sont*e 9nowledge5ase w*i/* /ontains large amo.nt of /ommonsense 9nowledge. 7*e main intention of t*is wor9 is to /reate a /ommonsense 9nowledge 5ase 56 .sing an effe/ti2e met*odolog6 to retrie2e /ommonsense 9nowledge fromlargeamo.ntofwe5data.Inordertoa/*ie2et*e5estres.lts%itma9es.seofdifferentnat.rallang.age pro/essing te/* s./* as semanti/ role la5eling% le8i/al and s6nta/ti/ anal6si. Ke"words;+.tomati/statisti/alsemanti/roletagger(+SS1(7)%le8i/o-s6nta/ti/patternmat/*ing%semanti/ role la5eling (S(1S) is a transport proto/ol t*at *as 5een proposed 56t*eI17>Signalling7ransport(SI?7(+N)wor9inggro.p@'A.#-M>1Sin*eritedm./*ofitsdesignfrom 7-P5.timpro2esse2eralfeat.restoma9eitssignaltransmissionmoreeffi/ient.>ore8ample%#-M>1Sis definedasanalternati2etransport proto/olfort*eSessionInitiationProto/ol (SIP).SIP isainternettelep*on6 signalling proto/ol @2A. +lt*o.g* it was initiall6 de2eloped for telep*one signalling% it is grad.all6 e8panded into a general-p.rpose transmission la6er. Nowada6s% #-M>1S is proto/ol standardi=ed in (>- 4!& @BA. M.lti-*omingisoneoft**at#-M>1Snati2el6s.pports. 7*isfeat.rema9esitpossi5letoo5taina *ig* relia5ilit6 and ro5.stness against single interfa/e and networ9 fail.res. +n #-M>1S endpoint is /onsidered m.lti-*omed if t*ere aremore t*an one transport address t*at /an 5e .sed as a destination address to rea/* t*at endpoint.#-M>1S.sesanend-to-endwindow5asedflowand/ongestion/ontrolme/*anismsimilarto7-P @4A. #-M>1S /an s.pport m.lti-*oming and *as respe/ti2e /ongestion /ontrol for ea/* m.ltiple transport pat*s.-ongestion o//.rs w*en t*e amo.nt of data in)e/ted 56 so.r/es in t*e networ9 are larger t*an t*e amo.nt of data deli2ered to destinations.Similar to 7-P algorit*ms% #-M>1S .ses onl6 impli/it /ongestion information s./* dela6s or losses. -ongestion /ontrol /an 5e implemented as a distri5.ted /ontrol strateg6. Some me/*anisms li9e +/ti2e C.e.e Management (+CM)% e8e/.ted 56 ro.ters% dete/t /ongestion pro5lems and inform so.r/es (eit*er impli/itl6 or e8pli/itl6wit* t*e me/*anism of 18pli/it -ongestion Notifi/ation 1-N @5A). 7*ese te/* are designedtored./epa/9etlossandt*eend-to-enddela6aswellastoimpro2enetwor9.tilit6.+n+CM algorit*mreg.latest*e:.e.elengt*56dropsDmar9sin/omingpa/9etwit*agi2enpro5a5ilit6relatedtoa /ongestion inde8 (s./* as :.e.e lengt* or dela6). Int*ispaper%ano2elratead).stmentmet*odisproposedtoimpro2e#-M>1S/ongestion/ontrol. Eere% /*ara/teristi/ of #-M>1S m.lti-*oming is /onsidered. In t*is /ase% two pat*s are /*osen as primar6 pat* andse/ondar6pat*5etweenea/*so.r/eandea/*destination.Int*isalgorit*m%5asedonan+/ti2eC.e.e Management(+CM)met*od%/ongestiononea/*ro.te/an5ea2oidedor/an5e/ontrolled56pro5a5ilit6of dropping.+lso%ro.ters/omp.tepro5a5ilit6of/ongestion%w*i/*isnamed/ongestiondegree%forea/*so.r/e onea/*pat*andfeed5a/9tot*eso.r/es.7*en%t*eso.r/es/anad).stt*eirsendingrateseffe/ti2el6onea/* ro.te 56 re/ei2ing t*e feed5a/9 from pat*s.+fter t*at% t*esenders /onsider /ondition ofpat* swit/* to pre2ent /ongestion. 7*e remainder of t*e letter is organi=ed as follows; main feat.res of #-M>1S are 5riefl6 introd./ed inSe/tion2.7*erelatedwor9saredis/.ssedinSe/tionB.Inse/tion4%t*eproposedalgorit*mispresented. Sim.lation res.lts are 5ro.g*t in Se/tion 5 and t*e paper is /on/l.ded in Se/tion !. Information and Knowledge ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-8!" (#nline) $ol.5% No.!% 2&'5 ! &$ 'verview of 'CM(E) -onne/tionin#-M>1S/alledanasso/iation.,ataaretransmittedin/*.n9sw*i/*area.nitof.serdataor /ontrolinformationwit*ina#-M>1Spa/9et/onsistingofaspe/ifi//*.n9*eaderandspe/ifi//ontents dependentofits.sage.M.lti-*omingisafeat.reof#-M>1S.4asedont* /omprisem.ltipleso.r/eanddestinationIPaddresses.,.ringasso/iationset.p%onepat*issele/tedast*e primar6 pat*% and pro2ided t*at t*is pat* is a2aila5le% all data are sent in t*is wa6. +n6 remaining pat*s ser2e as 5a/9.poralternatepat*s.#nt*esepat*s%onl6Eeart5eatpa/9etsaresentreg.larl6to/ontrolrea/*-a5ilit6. #ften%oneoft*ealternatepat*sisdefinedasase/ondar6pat*andretransmitteddataarepassedont*isro.te. 7*ese/ondar6pat*a2oidsadditionaland.nne/essar6/ongestionatt*eprimar6pat*.In#-M>1S%t*esender 9eeps an error /o.nter for t*e primar6 pat* w*i/* /o.nts t*e n.m5er of timeo.ts t*at o//.rs /onse/.ti2el6. If t*e error/o.nteroft*eprimar6pat*rea/*esasett*res*old%Pat*.Ma8.(etrans(PM()%t*eprimar6pat*is /onsidered .na2aila5le or .nrea/*a5le and a failo2er is performed.In /ase of a #-M>1S s*o.ld :.i/9l6 swit/* t*e transfer to an alternate pat*% 5.t in /ase of mild /ongestion%it/ontin.esto.set*esamepat*.Ift*ese/ondar6pat*is.sedw*ent*eprimar6pat*fail.reis dete/ted%t*eprimar6pat*is.n.sa5leandt*ese/ondar6pat*is.sedast*eprimar6pat*.+lso%t*ene8t se/ondar6pat*issele/tedfromt*ealternati2epat*s.>'s*owst*e#-M>1Sm.lti-*oming/on/ept. #-M>1S and 7-P s.pport t*e same set of /ongestion /ontrol algorit*ms. 7*e slow-start% /ongestion a2oidan/e% and t*e fast retransmit me/*anisms of #-M>1S *a2e 5een almost dire/tl6 in*erited from 7-P. +dditionall6% t*e .seofsele/ti2ea/9nowledgements(S+-K)%similarto7-PS+-K@!A%ismandator6in#-M>1S.Inm.lti-*oming mode% #-M>1S *as a separate set of /ongestion /ontrol parameters for ea/* of m.ltiple transport pat*s wit*in an asso/iation. *$ +elated Wor,s(es.lts of preliminar6 and in-dept* st.dies on 2ario.s feat.res of #-M>1S *a2e 5een reported in t*e 7*e most st.dies *a2e 5een fo/.sed on t*e performan/e of #-M>1S in different sit.ations @7-A. Some efforts in#-M>1S/ongestion/ontrolwit*m.lti-*omingfeat.resareasfollows.,a*alandSai9ia@'&A*a2e represented an adaptation of an (77 5ased -ongestion -ontrol s/*eme on #-M>1S. 7*is eliminates drops d.e to/ongestion%de/reasespa/9etlaten/6andne/essar6pa/9etretransmissions.Int*ismet*od%5asedon(77 meas.rements%le2eloftraffi/load*a2e5een/omp.tedtoa2oiddri2ingt*enetwor9into/ongestion.+lso%a s/*eme*as5een/onsideredt*at#-M>1S/answit/*tot*ealternatepat*topre2ent/ongestion.+proto/ol named FiS1 *as 5een proposed 56 >ra//*ia and -*iasserini @''A. 7*is is a sender-side transport-la6er proto/ol t*at modifies t*e standard #-M>1S proto/ol t*ro.g* t*e .se of 5andwidt* estimation te/* FiS1 tries to inferw*et*erlossesared.eto/ongestionorradio/*annelerrors.7*eproto/ol/omp.tesa2aila5le5andwidt* for/.rrentpat*andanalternatepat*.Ift*e/.rrentpat*isse2erel6/ongestedandt*ealternatepat*islig*tl6 loaded%FiS1swit/*est*etransmissionontot*ealternatepat*.sing#-M>1SGsfle8i5lepat*management /apa5ilities.Eoand-*eng@'2A*a2eproposedanewen*an/ement#-M>1S/alled(#-M>1S((e/ei2er 4andwidt*1stimation#-M>1S)5asedonre/ei2er-sidea2aila5le5andwidt*estimation.(#-M>1S dis/riminateswirelesslossfrom/ongestionlosso2ererrorpronewirelesslin9565andwidt*estimation.7*is /*anges t*e prin/iple of Eeart5eat-(e:.est of #-M>1S to send Eeart5eat-(e:.est on primar6 pat* periodi/all6. (e/ei2ert*en.tili=est*einter2alofEeart5eat-(e:.estto/al/.latea2aila5le5andwidt*.+lso%w*enlossrate e8/eeds t*e ma8im.m pat* loss rate% primar6 pat* swit/*es immediatel6 to 9eep data transmission.+newpat*management(:.alit6-aware#-M>1S)*as5eenrepresented56-*enetal.@'BAfor wireless networ9s. 7*is in/l.des a new pat* dete/tion met*od and I-1 (idle pat* /ongestion window si=e estimation)me/*anism.7*enewmet**ert*ansingle/o.ntingasinstandard #-M>1Stodete/tpat*fail.res.-6/le/o.ntingimpro2est*eoriginalpat*fail.redete/tionmet*odina wireless en2ironment. +lso% t*e I-1 me/*anism /an estimate t*e pat* :.alit6 and pro2ides information for pat* swit/*ing de/isions.-*en et al. @'4A *a2e 5een proposed a )itter-5ased /ongestion /ontrol s/*eme wit* end-to-end semanti/s o2er wired-wireless networ9s. 7*e new proto/ol% H#-M>1S adopts )itter ratio to differentiate wireless loss from /ongestionloss.4e/a.seofm.lti-*oming%differentpat*ss*o.ldmaintaint*eirparametersof)itterratiow*en transmittingt*ro.g*t*epat*.+2aila5le5andwidt*estimations/*emewill5eintegratedintot*eir/ongestion /ontrolme/*anismtoma9et*e5ottlene/9moresta5ili=ed.7*isst.d6isdifferentfromt*epre2io.sst.diesin /onsidering+CMmet*odfor#-M>1S.+lso%ro.tersinformt*esenderpro5a5ilit6of/ongestionforpat*sto ad).st itssending rates ont*e pat*s. Eere% t*e sending rateon ea/* pat* depends on its pa/9et loss rate and its pro5a5ilit6 of /ongestion. 4e/ t*ese /onditions affe/t t*e si=e of /ongestion window t*at s*ows t*e amo.nt of data /an 5e transmitted. So% 56 sele/ting appropriate load on ea/* of t*e pat*s% t*ro.g*p.t of t*e networ9 /an 5e in/reased and pro5a5ilit6 of pa/9et loss /an 5e de/reased. Information and Knowledge ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-8!" (#nline) $ol.5% No.!% 2&'5 7& -$ The Pro.osed !lgorithm7o.nderstandt*eproposedalgorit*m%t*enetwor9topolog6foronesenderiss*ownin>ig.re2.7*erearea sender (S)% a re/ei2er (() and se2eral pat*s 5etween t*e sender and t*e re/ei2er. 7*ree ro.ters are on ea/* ro.te. 7*efirstro.teist*eprimar6pat*%t*ese/ondist*ese/ondar6pat*%andt*eot*ersaret*e5a/,ataare transmitted5etweent*eprimar6andt*ese/ondar6pat*s.Int*ispaper%t*ealgorit*misimplementedint*e ro.tersandt*eso.r/eso2erwirednetwor9s.Inw*atfollows%t*eproposedalgorit*msfort*ero.tersandt*e senders will 5e des/ri5ed% respe/ti2el6. (igure #$ Networ, To.olog" (igure &$ Bloc, /iagram of the Pro.osed !lgorithm Information and Knowledge ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-8!" (#nline) $ol.5% No.!% 2&'5 7' 0$ )imulation +esults7o e2al.ate t*e performan/e of t*e proposed algorit*m% #pnet modeller is lin9ed wit* 2 for ea/* sender. 7*e endpoints are #-M>1S agents. 7*e/apa/it6oflin9sset5&M5psand2&M5psandt*elin9dela6isset'&ms.7*reero.tersare/on/ernedon ea/* ro.te. 7*e ma8im.m 5.ffer si=e of ea/* ro.ter is ta9en 5& pa/9ets. 7*e /.rrent sim.lation fo/.ses on t*ree performan/emetri/s;7*ro.g*p.t%-.m.lati2epa/9etlossandC.e.elengt*.4ot*7-Pand#-M>1S/ontrol /ongestion56/*angingt*e/ongestionwindowsi=eto/ontrolt*e:.antit6ofpa/9ets5eingtransmitted.In addition% t*e pa/9et transmission /ondition affe/ts t*e si=e of t*e /ongestion window. >or e8ample% 56 o//.rring /ongestionor56in/reasingpa/9etlossrate%t*esi=eoft*e/ongestionwindowisde/reased.So%sele/tingt*e appropriate load on ea/* of pat* in terms of pa/9et loss rate and /ongestion o//.rren/e%affe/ts amo.nt of data /an5etransmitted.7*e2ol.meofdatatransmittedtot*ere/ei2erper.nittimeisnamedt*ro.g*p.t.Een/e% wit**ig*ert*ro.g*p.t%moredata/an5etransmitted.>ig.reB/omparest*et*ro.g*p.toft*enew#-M>1S and t*e standard #-M>1S. +s s*own in > B% wit* in/reasing transmission rates% t*ro.g*p.t is in/reased in 5ot*proto/ols.+lso%int*esametransmissionrates%t*eproto/ols*a2ealmostt*esamet*ro.g* Eowe2er%itis/leart*att*ro.g*p.tdegradesast*etransmissionratee8/eeds4M5ps.7*iso//.rssin/e /ongestionordropo//.rsint*enetwor9*appened.Noti/et*att*enew#-M>1Ss/*emes*owsa*ig*er t*ro.g**anstandard#-M>1Saftert*enetwor95e/omes/ongested.4e/a.sewit*aproperloadont*e ro.tesafter/ongestion%t*enewproto/ol/anin/reaset*etransmissionrates.>ig.re4depi/tst*e/.m.lati2e pa/9et lossfor t*enew#-M>1S aswell as t*estandard#-M>1S. 7*e /.m.lati2e pa/9et loss at an6 time of t*e sim.lation is /on/erned as t*e s.m of t*e pa/9et loss sin/e t*e 5eginning of t*e sim.lation .ntil t*at time.Itise2identt*atatdifferenttimes%t*enew#-M>1S*asalower/.m.lati2epa/9etloss.7*iss*owst*att*e pro5a5ilit6 of t*e o//.rren/e of t*e pa/9et loss in t*e proposed algorit*m is less t*an t*e #-M>1S. 7*is o//.rs sin/et*eproposedalgorit*mimplementsproper+CMmet*odandappropriateratead).stmenttodegradet*e /ongestion as well as t*e pa/9et loss.In>ig.re4%t*ee8periments*owst*einstantaneo.s:.e.esi=efor5ot*oft*eproto/ols.7*e sim.lationisperformedfor2&&se/onds.7*eres.ltsdemonstratet*at#-M>1Sis.na5leto/ontrolt*e os/illationsint*einstantaneo.s:.e.e.Inspiteoft*atitis/leart*att*eproposed+CMpro2idesreasona5le sta5ilit6 to t*e instantaneo.s :.e.e. 7*e proposed algorit*m /an sta5ili=e t*e :.e.e lengt* aro.nd a desired le2el and a/*ie2es t*e lower standard de2iation and 5ased on > 4% t*e new s/*eme *as lower 2al.e of /.m.lati2e pa/9ets loss. (igure *$ Through.ut Com.arisons Information and Knowledge ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-8!" (#nline) $ol.5% No.!% 2&'5 72 (igure -$ Cumulative Pac,et Loss 1$ ConclusionIn t*is paper% a new rate ad).stment met*od for #-M>1S /ongestion /ontrol in m.lti-*oming mode is presented. 7*edataares*aring5etweentwopat*sast*eprimar6andt*ese/ondar6pat*%t*eot*ersarealternate.7*e algorit*misimplementedont*esenderandt*ero.ters.7*ero.ters/al/.latet*epro5a5ilit6of/ongestionfor ea/*senderandinformt*em.+lso%5asedonan+CMmet*od%in/omingpa/9etsaredroppedDmar9edwit*a gi2enpro5a5ilit6topre2ent/ongestion.7*esenderdefinest*eamo.ntofdatatransmittedonea/*pat* depending on its pa/9et loss rate and its pro5a5ilit6 of /ongestion on ea/* ro.tes. 7*e sim.lation is performed in #pnet modeller lin9ed wit* NS2. 7*e e8periments s*ow t*at t*e new algorit*m in/reases t*e amo.nt of data t*at /an5etransmittedso%t*isa/*ie2esa5ettert*ro.g*p.t.Inaddition%t*eproposedalgorit*m*asalower /.m.lati2epa/9etlosst*ant*estandard#-M>1S.7*enew#-M>1S/analsosta5ili=et*einstantaneo.s :.e.e aro.nd a desired 2al.e wit* red./ed :.e.e lengt* os/illation w*ile t*e standardIII #-M>1S is .na5le to /ontrol t*e os/illations in t*e instantaneo.s :.e.e. Fit* more a//.rate /al/.lation of t*e /ongestion pro5a5ilit6 andwit*moreeffe/ti2eoptimi=ationf.n/tion%t*enewmet*od/andemonstratee2en5etterperforman/eand t*is /an 5e an area of resear/*. +eferences@'A (. Stewart% C. "ie% et al.% JStream -ontrol 7ransmission Proto/ol%K (>- 2!&% #/to5er 2&&&.@2AH.(osen5erg%E.S/*.l=rinne%?.-amarillo%J7*eStream-ontrol7ransmissionProto/ol(#-M>1S)asa 7ransport for t*e Session Initiation Proto/ol (SIP)%K (>- 4'!8% #/to5er 2&&5.@BA (. Stewart% JStream -ontrol 7ransmission Proto/ol%K (>- 4!&% Septem5er 2&&7.@4A M. +llman% $. Pa8on% and F. Ste2ens% J7-P /ongestion /ontrol%K (>- 258'% +pril '.@5A K. (ama9ris*nan% S. >lo6d% ,. 4la/9% J7*e +ddition of 18pli/it -ongestion Notifi/ation (1-N) to IP%K (>- B'!8% Septem5er 2&&'.@!AM.Mat*is%H.Ma*da2i%S.>lo6d%+.(omano2%J7-PSele/ti2e+/9nowledgment#ptions%K(>-2&'8% #/to5er '[email protected]=lo2s=96%7.4er/eli%1Sand7-P5ased/*ig*-speed /l.sters%K+-+7 &5% $ol. 55% +pr. 2&&!% pp. 85-8% doi;'&.'&'!D).nima.2&&5.''.'&7 [email protected]/*arf%S.Kiesel%JEead-of-line4lo/9ingin7-Pand#-M>1S;+nal6sisandMeas.rements%KPro/. ?lo5al7ele/*ia%-.-*iasserini%JFiS1;4est-Pat*Sele/tioninFirelessM.lti*oming1n2ironments%KI111 7(+NS+-7I#NS#NM#4I1S-ongestion-ontrolS/*eme4asedon(e/ei2er+2aila5le 4andwidt** Information and Knowledge ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-8!" (#nline) $ol.5% No.!% 2&'5 7B Nni2ersit6% ,e/. 2&&7.@'BAH.-*en%-.-*.%1.F.%P.- 2B&% +pr. '8.@'!AS.>lo6d%$.Ha/o5son%J(andomearl6dete/tiongatewa6sfor/ongestiona2oidan/e%KI111D+-M 7ransa/tions on Networ9ing (7#N)% $ol. '% +.g 'B% doi;'&.''&D&.25'82. B%'2+!P34 #M$+a5esh6 re/ei2edt*e41degreein/omp.terS/ien/eandengineeringfrom9am5anengineering 7ir.2annamalai%7amilnad.in2&&!andt*eM1,egreein/omp.ters/ien/eandengineeringfrom+r.nai /ollegeofengineering7ir.2annamalai%7amilnad.%Indiain2&'*.,in/omp.terS/ien/eand engineeringfromSt.PeterGs.ni2ersit6%-*ennai%7amilnad.%India.Eeis/.rrentl6wor9ingasa+ssistant Professor in /omp.ter s/ien/e and engineering from K(S -ollege #f 1ngineering% $anda2asi% 7amilnad.%India. The IISTE is a pioneer in the Open-Access hosting service and academic event management.The aim of the firm is Accelerating Global Knowledge Sharing. More information about the firm can be found on the homepage: CALL FOR JOURNAL PAPERS There are more than 30 peer-reviewed academic journals hosted under the hosting platform. 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