mining ruby gem vulnerabilities for fun and no profit

Mining Ruby Gem Vulnerabilities for Fun and No Profit Larry W. Cashdollar v0.6

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Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Mining Ruby Gem vulnerabilities for Fun and No Profit

Mining Ruby Gem Vulnerabilities for Fun and No Profit

Larry W. Cashdollar


Page 2: Mining Ruby Gem vulnerabilities for Fun and No Profit

Who Am I• Employed at Akamai Technologies• Hobbyist Vulnerability Researcher• 75+ CVEs• Unix Administrator • Penetration Tester Back in Late 90s• Twitter @_larry0• Enjoy Writing and Breaking Code

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Agenda• Why Ruby Gems• Gem Pros/Cons• What Vulnerabilities Did I Mine• How Did I Look for Them• Automation• Crowd Sourcing• Other Areas to Mine• Improvements

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The Story• Vulnerability Research Like Wading Through

Molasses*• Discover a Vulnerability Once Every Two Months?• I Wanted MOAR FASTER!• I Don’t Write Ruby

* at least for me

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Why Gems

• Large Code Base• Lots of New Developers• No One Else Was Really Looking• Popularity

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• Con– I don’t write Ruby… yet– True PoC Requires a Full Project

• Pro – Lots of Ruby Gem Code to Look At!– Developers New to Secure Coding Practices– Easily Download Gem Code

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Ruby Gem Stats

• 3,812,982,562 Downloads• 90,120 Gems Cut Since July 2009

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Simple Vulnerabilities and Easy to Find

• Insecure use of /tmp or /var/tmp• Command Injection• Clear Text User/Password Credentials• API Keys• Credentials Exposed to Process Table

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The Process

10. Download A Gem20. Unpackage30. Examine40. Log50. GOTO 10

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How to Look?

• Lots of Code to Dig Through• Use Tools Readily Available

– find– grep– awk– sed

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Searching via Command Line

$ wget$ mv ftpd-1.0.1.gem ftpd-1.0.1.tgz$ tar -zxvf ftpd-1.0.1.tgz$ cd ftpd-1.0.1$ find . -name “*.rb” –exec grep –l system {} \; > list$ for x in `cat list`; do echo “#######[$x]######”; egrep –nC3 system {} \; done > ~/results/cmd.log

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• Download All the Gems!• Search Code for Possible Vulns• Sort and Categorize For Later

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The Script

• Shell Script On github• Scrapes• Uses curl/grep/find/awk/sed • It’s an Abomination

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#!/bin/sh#ruby gem scraper, grab all the gems to hAck#Larry Cashdollar, @_larry0 2/17/2015

echo "[+] Scraping for all $1 Gems";echo "[+] Cleaning up files";


rm -rf working.$1echo "[+] Getting number of pages for letter $1";

wget$1 -O $1.max

NUM=`cat $1.max | grep Next | awk -F\= '{print $36}' | awk -F\" '{print $1}'`

#will give us number of pages in Cxecho "[+] Number of pages :"$NUM

echo "[+] Downloading all $1 gems"

for x in `seq 1 $NUM`; do wget -nv$1\&page=$x -O $1.$x.list ; done

echo "[+] Creating package list"

cat $1.*.list |grep "href=\"/gems/" | awk -F= '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/\/gems\///g' | sed -e 's/\"//g' | sed -e 's/>//' > main_pkg_list.$1echo "[+] Downloading all packages pages for parsing"

mkdir working.$1

for x in `cat main_pkg_list.$1`; do wget -nv$x -O working.$1/$x ; done

cd working.$1

LIST=`ls|wc -l`

echo "[+] Creating download script for $LIST gems."echo "#!/bin/sh" > x in `ls`; do cat $x |grep Download | awk -F\" '{print "wget -nv"$4}'; done >> | sort -u > download.shmkdir data.$1mv data.$1cd data.$1chmod 755 download.shecho "[+] Downloading gems.."./download.shecho "[+] Renaming files from .gem to .tar"

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for x in `ls|grep gem`; do echo -n "mv $x "; echo "$x" | sed -e 's/.gem/.tar/'; done > rename

sh renamerm renameecho "[+] Unpacking"for x in `ls *.tar`; do echo $x | sed -e 's/.tar//'| xargs mkdir ; done

for x in `ls |grep -v .tar` ; do echo "- Working on $x";tar -xmf $x.tar -C $x ; done

for x in `ls|grep -v .tar`; do echo "- Unpacking $x"; tar -zxmf $x/data.tar.gz -C $x; done

echo "[+] Generating file lists of potential targets"

cd $WPATH/working.$1/data.$1echo "************************************************************"pwdecho "************************************************************"

find . -name *.rb -exec grep -l "\`#{command}\`" {} \; > cmdfile.$1.log find . -name *.rb -exec egrep -l "api_key|apikey" {} \; > api_key.$1.log find . -name *.rb -exec egrep -l "\`*\`" {} \; > backtick.$1.logfind . -name *.rb -exec egrep -l "system\(|system\s\(" {} \; > system.$1.logfind . -name *.rb -exec egrep -l '%x[\{\(\[]' {} \; > x_percent.$1.log find . -name *.rb -exec grep -l "/tmp" {} \; > tmpfile.$1.log

echo "[+] Looking for (basic) command exec vulnerabilities."#we are only finding a few of them, see x in `cat cmdfile.$1.log`; do echo "+--------------------[$x]-------------------+"; grep -nC3 "\`#{command}\`" $x; echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+"; done > command.$1.log.txt

for x in `cat x_percent.$1.log`; do echo "+--------------------[$x]-------------------+"; egrep -nC3 '%x[\{\(\[]' $x; echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+"; done > x_percent.$1.log.txt

for x in `cat backtick.$1.log`; do echo "+--------------------[$x]-------------------+"; egrep -nC3 "\`*\`" $x; echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+"; done > backtick.$1.log.txt

for x in `cat system.$1.log`; do echo "+--------------------[$x]-------------------+"; egrep -nC3 "system\(|system\s\(" $x; echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+"; done > system.$1.log.txt

echo "[+] Looking for /tmp file vulnerabilities."

for x in `cat tmpfile.$1.log`; do echo "+--------------------[$x]-------------------+"; grep -nC3 "/tmp" $x; echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+"; done > tmpfile.$1.log.txt

echo "[+] Looking for API key exposure vulnerabilities."

for x in `cat api_key.$1.log`; do echo "+--------------------[$x]-------------------+"; egrep -nC3 "api_key|apikey" $x; echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+"; done > api_key.$1.log.txt

cp command.$1.log.txt $OUTPATH/$1-command.txtcp tmpfile.$1.log.txt $OUTPATH/$1-tmpfile.txtcp x_percent.$1.log.txt $OUTPATH/$1-xexec.txtcp api_key.$1.log.txt $OUTPATH/$1-apikey.txtcp backtick.$1.log.txt $OUTPATH/$1-backtick.txtcp system.$1.log.txt $OUTPATH/$1-system.txt


echo "[+] Done"

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• Pump Everything into MySQL Database• 6000 Entries• At Least 5000 obvious False Positives• FAIL

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Crowd Source

• Created User Web Interface • Flag Finds as FP, Confirmed, Needs

Attention, Unknown• Invited a Few Friends

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Going Sour

• Grave Yard of Code• < 1000 downloads• No Response from Gem Author• Pull Requests go un-Pulled• Dreaming about Ruby Code

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Other Programming Languages?

• Perl Modules?• PHP Pear Packages?• Joomla! and WordPress

– Themes– Plugins

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• RFI,LFI,SQLi,XSS,CSRF?• Gem Auditing Project? • Use API?• Reduce FPs

– Better Regular Expressions– Parse .rb scripts, create lookup tables/symbol

tables for variables and code flow

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My Github Junk••••