minna no nihongo (1-25)

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I we you he, she, that person he, she, that person (polite) everyone teacher teacher, instructor (can use when referring to one's own job) student employee bank employee medical doctor researcher, scholar engineer university hospital electricity, light who who (polite) how old how old (polite) yes no Excuse me, but Mr., Ms. (title of respect added to a name) (suffix often added to a child's name instead of ~) (suffix often added to a boy's name) (suffix meaning "a national of"; e.g, , an American.) employee of ~ Company (used with a company's name; e.g., IMC ~ years old No, it isn't. You are wrong. I see./Is that so? this (thing here) that (thing over there) that (thing over there) this ~, this ~ here that ~, that ~ near you that ~, that ~ over there book dictionary magazine newspaper notebook pocket notebook business card card telephone card pencil ballpoint pen mechanical pencil key

watch, clock umbrella bag, briefcase casette tape tape recorder television radio camera computer automobile, car desk chair chocolate coffee the English language the Japanese language ~ language what so well...(used to show hesitation) It's nothing./It's a token of my gratitude. Please./Here you are. (used when offering someone something) Well, thanks. Thank you very much here, this place there, that place near you that place over there where, what place? this way, this place (polite ) that way, that place near you (polite ) that way, that place over there (polite ) which way, where (polite ) classroom dining hall, canteen office conference room, assembly rooms reception desk lobby room toilet staircase elevator, lift escalator country work house, home telephone, telephone call shoes necktie wine

tobacco, cigarette department, counter (in a department store) basement ~th floor what floor ~yen how much hundred thousand ten thousand well, then, in that case wake up, get up sleep, go to bed work take a rest, take a holiday study finish department store bank post office library art museum now ~o'clock ~minute half what time what minute a.m., morning p.m., afternoon morning daytime, noon night, evening the day before yesterday yesterday today tomorrow the day after tomorrow this morning this evening, tonight rest, holiday, day off lunchtime every morning every evening every day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday what day of the week number what number from ~ up to ~, until ~ and (used to connect nouns) your place well, let me see 104 information, directory assistance the number being inquired about very much. Thank you go come go home, return school supermarket station airplane ship electric train subway, underground bullet train bus taxi bicycle on foot person, people friend boyfriend girlfriend family alone, by oneself last week this week next week last month this month next month last year this year next year ~th month of the year what month first day of the month second, two days third, three days fourth, four days fifth, five days sixth, six days seventh, seven days

eigth, eight days ninth, nine days tenth, ten days fourteenth, fourteen days twentieth, twenty days twenty fourth, twenty four days ~th day of the month, ~days which day of the month, how many days when birthday local (train) rapid express next platform ~, ~th platform eat drink smoke [a cigarette] see, look at, watch hear, listen read write, draw, paint buy [a photograph] take do meet [a friend] a meal, cooked rice breakfast lunch supper bread egg meat fish vegetable fruit water tea, green tea black tea milk juice beer alcohol, Japanese rice wine video movie CD, compact disk letter report photograph store, shop restaurant

garden homework (: do homework) tennis soccer, football (: play soccer) cherry-blossom viewing (:go cherry-blossom viewing) what together a little while, a little bit always, usually sometimes after that, and then yes cut, slice send give receive lend borrow teach learn make [a telephone call] hand, arm chopsticks spoon knife fork scissors fax word procecessor personal computer punch stapler Scotch tape, clear adhesive tape eraser paper flower, blossom shirt present, gift baggage, parcel money ticket Christmas father (my) mother (my) father (someone else's) mother (someone else's) already not yet from now on, soon handsome beautiful, clean

quiet lively famous kind healthy, cheerful free (time) convenient nice, wonderful big, large small, little new old (not of age) good bad hot cold (referring to temperature) cold (referring to touch, as a drink) difficult easy expensive, tall, high inexpensive low interesting delicious, tasty busy enjoyable white black red blue cherry (blossom) mountain town, city food car, vehicle place dormitory study life work, business (:do one's job, work) how what kind of ~ which one (of three or more) very not so (used with negatives) and (used to connect sentences) but ~, ~ understand have like dislike

good at poor at dish (cooked food), cooking drinks sport (:play sports) baseball (:play baseball) dance (:dance) music song classical music jazz concert karaoke Kabuki (traditional Japanese musical drama) picture, drawing letter, character Chinese characters Hiragana script Katakana script Roman alphahabet small change ticket time errand, something to do appointment, promise husband (someone else's) husband (my) wife (someone else's) wife (my) child well, much mostly, roughly many, much a little, a few not at all (used with negatives) early, quickly, fast because ~ why I'm sorry (to hear that)./That's a pity. I am sorry. hello (used on phone) exist, be (referring to animate things) exist, be (referring to inanimate things) various man woman boy girl dog cat tree

thing film battery box switch refrigerator table bed shelf door window mailbox, postbox building park coffee shop bookstore ~ store a fixed place to catch taxis, trains, etc. prefecture on, above, over under, below, beneath front, before back, behind right [side] left [side] in, inside outside next, next door near, vicinity between, among and so on, ~, ~ the most ~ (: the top) the ~th shelf ( is the counter for shelves) chilli sauce the back spice corner have [a child] stay, be [in Japan] take (referring to time or money) a day off [work] take one (used when counting things) two (used when counting things) three (used when counting things) four (used when counting things) five (used when counting things) six (used when counting things) seven (used when counting things) eight (used when counting things) nine (used when counting things) ten (used when counting things) how many

one person two people ~ people counter for machines, cars, etc. counter for paper, stamps, etc. ~ times apple mandarin orange sandwich curry [and rice] ice cream postage stamp post card envelope special delivery registered mail airmail sea mail parents brothers and sisters elder brother (my) elder brother (someone else's) elder sister (my) elder sister (someone else's) younger brother (my) younger brother (someone else's) younger sister (my) younger sister (someone else's) foreign country ~hours ~weeks ~months ~years about ~ how long in total all, everything only ~ Go and come back.) So long. (lit. (lit. I'm going and coming back.) So long. and, furthermore easy, simple near far early fast, slow, late [people], much many few [people], a little warm cool sweet

hot (taste), spicy heavy light (of weight) prefer[coffee] season spring summer autumn, fall winter weather rain, rainy snow, snowy cloudy hotel airport sea, ocean world party festival examination sukiyaki (beef and vegetables hot pot) sashimi (sliced raw fish) sushi (vinagered rice topped with raw fish) tempura (seafood and vegetables deep fried in batter) flower arrangement (: practice flower arrangement) maple, red leaves of autumn which one (between two things) both by far for the first time but tired (I'm) play, enjoy oneself swim welcome, go to meet get tired send [a letter] coffee shop] enter [a out [of a coffee shop] go marry, get married shopping do have a meal, dine walk [in a park] take a hard, tough, severe, awful want (something) lonely wide, spacious narrow, small (room, etc.) municipal office, city hall swimming pool river

economy fine arts fishing (: fish, angle) skiing (: ski) meeting, conference (: hold a conference) registration (: register) weekend about (time) something somewhere, some place set meal bowl of rice topped with beef separately turn on (II) turn off (I) open (II) shut (II) close, hurry (I) (I) wait stop, park (II) turn [to the right] (I) hold (I) take, pass (I) help (with a task) (I) call (I) speak, talk (I) show (II) address] (II) tell [an start, begin (II) rain (I) copy (III) air conditioner passport name address map salt sugar how to read, way of reading how to ~, way of ~ing slowly, leisurely immediately again later a little more ~ more, another ~ right (used when encouraging some course of action) Oh!(in surprise or in wonder) straight change stand up (I)

sit down (I) use (I) put (I) make, produce (I) sell (I) get to know (I) be going to live (I) do research (III) know don't know Osaka] live [in materials, data catalog timetable clothes software speciality, field of study dentist, dentist's barber, barber's ticket agency (theatre) single, unmarried especially remember, recollect (I) family (your) be (honorific equivalent of (I) senior high school get on [a train] (I) ride, off [a train] (II) get change (trains, etc.) (II) [a shower] (II)* take put in, insert (II) take out, withdraw (I) [university] (I) enter graduate from [university] (II) or retire from [a company], stop, give up (II) quit press, push (I) young long short bright, light dark (depressed) tall (referring to person) clever, smart body head hair face eye ear mouth tooth

stomach leg, foot service jogging ( :jog) shower green, greenery Buddhist temple Shinto shrine foreign student number ~ in what way, how which ~ (used for three or more) first of all cash dispensing card personal identification number, PIN next, as a next step amount of money confirmation ( : confirm) button memorise (II) forget (II) lose (I) hand in [ a report] (I) pay (I) give back, return (I) go out (II) take off (clothes, shoes, etc.) (I) (something) (lit. grab and go) (I) take bring (something) (lit. grab and come) (III) worry (III) work overtime (III) go on a business trip (III) take [medicine] (I) [a bath] (I) take important, precious right all dangerous question, problem, trouble answer no smoking insurance card [health] cold fever illness, disease medicine bath jacket, outerwear underwear doctor (used when addressing a medical doctor) a few days a few ~ (~ is a counter suffix)

before ~, by ~ (indicating time limit) therefore, so throat can, be able to (II) wash (I) play (stringed instrument or piano, etc.) (I) sing (I) collect, gather (II) throw away (II) exchange, change (II) drive (III) reserve, book (III) visit some place for study (III) piano ~ meter international ~ cash hobby diary prayer ( : pray) section chief department chief president of a company animal horse Really! (used when expressing surprise) not easily (used with negatives) ranch, stock farm by all means climb [a mountain] (I) [at a hotel] (I) stay clean (a room) (III) wash (clothes) (III) practice (III) become (I) sleepy strong weak be in good condition be in bad condition condition golf sumo wrestling pinball game (: play pachinko) tea ceremony day, date once not once, never (used with negatives) gradually soon Thank you. (used when expressing gratitude for help received.)

Bottoms up./Cheers! actually, to tell the truth diet (: go on a diet) many times but, however excessive, impossible good for one's health cake need, require [a visa] (I) check, investigate (II) repair, correct repair to phone I (an infomal equivalent of used by men) you (an informal equivalent of used by men) Mr. (an informal equivalent of used by men) yes (an informal equivalent of ) no (an informal equivalent of ) salaried worker, office worker word, language commodity prices kimono (traditional Japanese attire) visa the beginning the end this way, this place (an informal equivalent of ) this way, that place (an informal equivalent of ) this way, that place over there (an informal equivalent of ) which one (between two things), which way, where (an informal equivalent of the other day all together ~, but (an infomal equivalent of ) if you like various think (I) say (I) be enough, be sufficient (II) win (I) lose, be beaten (II) held, take place [a festival] (I) be useful (I) be wasteful inconvenient the same awful, great (expresses astonishment or admiration) prime minister president politics news speech (:make a speech) game, match

side job (:work part time) opinion talk, speech, what one says, story (: talk, tell a story) humor waste design transportation, traffic rush hour recently, these days probably, perhaps, maybe surely really not so much (used with negatives) about ~, concerning ~ of course put on [a shirt, etc] (II) put on [shoes, trousers, etc] (I) on [a hat, etc] (I) put put on [glasses] (II) be born (II) coat suit sweater hat, cap glasses often Congratulations. (used on birthdays, at weddings, New Year's Day, etc.) this (polite equivalent of ) house rent Let me see. kitchen with a dining area Japanese-style room Japanese-style closet Japanese-style matress and quilt apartment [the teacher] (I) ask turn (I) pull (I) change (II) touch [a door] (I) come out [change] (II) move, work [a watch] (I) walk [along a road] (I) cross [a bridge] (I) attention [to cars], take care (II) pay (house) (III) move electrician person of ~ shop size sound machine

knob breakdown (: breakdown) road, way crossroad traffic light corner bridge parking lot, car park the -th (indicating order) New Year's Day building registration card alien give (me) (II) (someone) (I) take bring (someone) (III) escort [someone], go with (I) introduce (III) show around, show the way (III) explain (III) ake [coffee] (II) m grandfather, old man grandmother, old woman preparation (: prepare) meaning sweets, snacks all by oneself besides station wagon box lunch think, consider (II) arrive [at the station] (I) study abroad (III) grow old (I) countryside, hometown embassy group chance hundred million if ~ however ~, even if ~ transfer (: be transferred to another office) thing, matter (: thing about ~) do one's best luck. (said when expecting a long separation) Best of ckeck look for, search [for an appointment, etc] be late time [for an appointment, etc] be in do party attend a

apply for, enter for convenient (regarding time) inconvenient (regarding time) fell well feel ill newspaper publishing company, newspaper office judo athletic meeting place Volunteer dialect next time, another time pertty, very directly any time any place anybody anything ~ like this ~ like that (near the listener) ~ like that (far from both the speaker and the listener) NHK NHK NIPPON HOSO KYOKAI (Broadcasting Company) order [boxes] put in garbage, trash, dust put out [the trash] burns [trash] onday, Wednesday and Friday M place where something is put side bottle can hot water gas ~ company contact What shall I do? Reading material electronic mail space be afraid of spaceship another astronaut raise (an animal), keep (a pet) build run drive [along a road] take [a holiday] can be seen [a mountain] can be heard [a sound] can be made, be completed, come into existence [an airport] set up [a class], open, hold

pet bird voice wave fireworks scenery, view daytime old times, ancient times tool, instrument, equipment vending machine mail order, mail-order sales cleaning (dry), laundry condominium, apartment house kitchen ~class party room after ~ (duration of time) only ~ (used with negatives) other clearly allmost all (in positive sentences), hardly, scarcely (in negative sentences) Kansai Airport Name of a shopping district with many electrical and electronical stores penisula in Shizuoka Prefecture Sunday Carpenter, do it yourself Bookshelf dream (: have a dream) sometime, someday house, home marvelous, wonderfull children very much like Japanese comics hero, heroine shape Robot fantastic, mysterious pocket for example attach, put on freely sky fly oneself future name of a famous cartoon character sell, be sold dance chew, bite choose be different

commute, go to and from take a memo serious earnest gentle, kind great, admirable proper, just right custom experience power popularity shape color taste chewing gum goods price salary bonus programm drama novel novelist singer janitor son (my) son (someone else's) daughter (my) daughter (someone else's) oneself future a little while usually, mostly in addition and so I have a favor to ask homestay conversation chat notice date Saturday gymnasium free of charge open [a door] close, shut [a door] come on [a light] go off, disappear [a light] get crowded [a street] get empty [a street]

break [a chair] break, smash [a glass] break, snap [a tree] tear [the paper] get dirty [the clothes] attached [a pocket] be undone [a button] be elevator] stop [an make a mistake drop, loose be locked plate, dish bowl rice glass (vessel) glass (material) bag wallet, purse branch, twig station employee this neighborhood neighborhood about this size you / Go ahead After Thank goodness! (used to express a feeling of relief) the train which had just left things left behind, lost things side pocket remember I don't rack I suppose, if I am correct Earthquake wall hands (of a clock) point the area in front of the station west direction put up, poste, paste hang decorate, display arrange, line up plant return, punt ~ back Put ~ together, put ~ in shape, sum up put things in order, tidy up put things in the proper place decide to inform discuss, discult prepare one's lesson

review one's lesson thing as they are leave child (someone else's) class lecture eeting m a plan, a scheduled a notice guidebook calendar poster dustbin, trash can doll vase mirror drawer front door, porch, entrance hall corridor, hallway wall pond police box original place round, around center corner not yet about~ programm, schedule Thanks for your hard work hope, request any request? Do you have usical m round, round shape moon one ~, a certain ~ earth happy, glad hateful, disagreeable and then wake up begin, starts [a ceremony] continue find take [an examination] university] enter [an [from an university] graduate [a meeting] attend take a break, take a rest consecutive holidays essay, composition exihibition

wedding ceremony funeral ceremony head office branch office church graduate school zoo hot spring, spa visitor, guest, customer, client somebody place toward ~, direction of ~ all the time remain, be left per month ordinary, common, usual Internet village cinema disagreeable, hatefull sky close city children (many) all over the world freely gather beautiful nature godness, virtue notice, become aware of take exercise succeed examination] fail [an [an examination] pass return stop [raining] clear up get cloudy blow [wind] recover from [sickness], get well be fixed be repaired continue [high temperature] catch [a cold] cool worried, anxious enough, sufficient strange, funny noisy burning ~ o shimasuget burned injury~ o shimasuget injured

cough ~ o shimasuhave a cough influenza sky sun star moon wind north south west east faucet, tap, water supply engine team this evening late afternoon a time in the past, before late (time) like this like that (concerning a matter related to the listener) like that (concerning a matter related to the listener and the speaker), that much possibly, perhaps too bad That's Olympic Games run away make a noise give up throw keep, follow, obey raise, lift up lower, pull down convey (a message) carefull (of cars) be be away (from one's desk) bot good, not possible, not permitted seat fight mark ball washing mashine ~machine regulation. rule Do not use Keep Out entrance exit emergency exit free of charge close today open for business in use

~ing what kind of ~ (not) any longer (used with negatives) ~left parking violation well within ~ police station fine telegram people urgent business send (a telegram) telegram charge as much as possible shortly, briefly and for example in a critical condition serious illness tomorrow absence looking after the house during the owners absence celebration pass away, die sorrow, sadness use run away brush [one's teeth], polish assemble bend, fold, break, snap become aware of [things left behind] notice, in [soya sauce] put found [a key] be wear [a tie] ask a a question thin (of small diameter) thick (of large diameter) Bon Festival (in mid August) Club Sports furniture key belt seat explamatory pamphlet, instruction book figure, drawing line arrow (sign) black (noun) white (noun) red (noun) blue (noun)

navy blue, dark blue (noun) yellow (noun) marron (noun) soya sauce souce, Worcestershire sauced ~ or ~ last evenig a short while ago Tee Ceremony (The Way of Tee) ake green tea m first (when doing something before something else) place on, load on all right? Is that bitter bowl of cooked rice with chicken and egg a ingridients portion for ~ (used for indicating quantity) - gram (counter for small objects) onion one fourth seasoning , flouwering pan, pot fire put on the stove cook, boil be cooked, be boiled ceramic bowl run away [flowers] bloom change [the color] be in truble, have a problem circle], mark [with a circle] draw [a pick up get trough [on the telephone] comfortable, easy correct, right rare, uncommon person (respectfull of ) over there, the other side island village port, harbor neighborhood, vicinity rooftop overseas mountain climbing hiking chance, opportunity permission

circle operation method equipment, facilities curtain string lid, cover, cap leaf a piece of music pleasure, enjoyment, expectation more first in that case night bus travel agency detailed sky resort red keep company with proverb be on good terms with neccessary, essential run away be delivered [parcels] partecipate [in the game] [on a wordprocessor] type save money get fat get slim pass [7 o'clock] get accustomed to [the custom] hard, tough, solid soft, tender electronic portable factory health kendo (japanese sword fighting) every week every month every year finally fairly without fail, by all means absolutely (used with negatives) skillfull, good at as .... as possible these days ~(some amount) per (some days) is more~ That Chopin

praise scold invite, ask someone to join wake (someone) up invite (more formal) ask, request warn. advise steal, rob step on (someone's foot) break, destroy make ~ dirty hold, carry out, practice export import translate invent discover design. plan rice barley, wheat oil raw material date thief, robber policeman architect scientist japanese comic all over the world all over ~ by lucky, isn't it Thats Dominica Wright Brothers, pioneer in aviation The Tale of Genji Heian Period (9th Century) female novellist who wrote "The Tale of Genji" Alexander Graham Bell. Inventor Shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu in Nikko Edo Period Arabia Saudia reclaim technology land noise use access -th Century gorgeus engraving, carving, sculpture sleep engrave, carve

colleague, friend after that with all one's effort mouse is not a single (mouse) There The Sleeping Cat famous japanese sculptor of the Edo Period breed, bring up carry, transport pass away (euphemistic expression for enter hospital leave hospital turn on [the power switch] turn off [the power switch] lock pleasant, agreeable unpleasant, disgusting large ~ small ~ baby elementary school junior high scool in front of the station seaside, seashore lie documents, paper power switch made in ~ Oh, no! (used when one has made a mistake) Ooops! (for leaving before you) Excuse me Dome in Hiroshima circular, sending round study room, professor's, laboratory neatly, tidily put (things) in order, tidy up the book titled ~, the book named ~ (counter for books, etc.) seal stamp affix [a seal] twins sisters fifth grade, fifth year resemble, be like character quiet take care time pass by very much like -points class quarrel, fight

mysterious, strange question] answer [a fall down [a building] roasted, be grilled burn, be baked, be pass [along a street] die be surprised disappointed be be relieved be late, come late leave (work or school) earlier than usual quarrel fight divorce complicated, complex obstructive, in the way dirty happy sad embarrased, ashamed eartthquake typhoon fire accident interview with a view to marriage telephone bill charge, fare, fee front desk, reception desk romm number perspiration (: perspire) towel soap a great number of people you for your hard work Thank I'm coming on the way, in the midst of truck bump, collide stand in queue, line up adult western clothes be Westernized fit, suit now coming-of-age celebration count measure weight confirm, make shure fit [the size] depart arrive

get drunk dangerous neccesary space, universe earth Year End Party New Year Party second Party mass meeting, convention marathon contest face, front back (side) reply application truth, fact mistake defect, wound, scratch trusers lenght weight height size, scale flight, flight number train number, typhoon number (counter for small objects) (counter for long objects) -glass or cup (counter for full cups, glasses) -kilograms, kilometers -grams -centimeters -millimeters -not less than ~, over ~ not more than ~, under ~ well, let me see Vincent Van Gogh Snow Festival in Sapporo name of a shinkansen train is ~? How class test, examination performance, score, result by the way come (respectfull equivalent of ) situation, condition, appearance traffic accident motorcycle bomb load, pile up driver remote

but suddendly start, operate, move with all one's effort suspect, criminal obtain, get even now gossip receive (humble equivalent of ) give (respectful equivalent of ) give (to a younger person. animal, plant or subordinate) invite exchange be kind to lovely, cute celebration, gift (: celebrate) money given as New Year's gift expression of symphaty, consolatory gift to a sick person interest information grammar pronunciation ape, monkey feed, bait toy picture book picture postcard screwdriver handkerchief socks, stockings gloves ring bag grandfather (my) grandmother (my) grandchild uncle (my) uncle (someone else's) aunt (my) aunt (someone else's) the year before the last yes, I see I'm sorry / Excuse me keep, receive (a thing) in trust the other day be of help old tale, folklore a certain ~, one ~ man children bully, abuse, tease, torment, ill-treat

turtle save, help castle princess happily, merily live, lead a life land, shore and, then smoke white pure content wrap boil mix calculate thick thin lawyer musician children couple education history culture society law war peace purpose safety thesis, academic paper ralation, connection mixer kettle cap opener can opener wrapping cloth used to carry things canned food, tinned food abacus thermometer (clinical) material, ingredients stone pyramid data file a certain~, one~ with all one's effort why United Nations Fr Elize Ludwig van Beethoven

Poland loan set the amount left unused, the rest Chinese noodles sold in a ready to use disposable container Instant instant Chinese noodles pan, pot ceramic bowl food investigation, survey cup and place of~, instead of~ in in any place now, nowadays [exports] increase [exports] decrease price] raise [the [the price] fall break, snap [a string] came off [a button] fall down [baggage] be lost [petrol, gasoline] run out, strong, healty strange, peculiar happy tasty, good at not tasty boring, uninteresting gasoline, petrol fire heating air-conditioning taste, sense ([: have good taste [in clothing]) at any moment (used to describe a situation just before it changes) Oh, Wow member suitable, proper age income exactly, just right in addition to that, moreover (one's name) is ~ (less formal introductionm) rose driving cry laugh, smile dry get wet slip happen [an accident]

adjust safe polite, courteous, careful small fine strong (taste), dark (color) weak (taste), light (color) air tear Japanise dish Western dish side dish quantity -times half single room twin-bedded room chest of drawers washing laundry reason can I do fro you What haircut shampoo would you like it done How short Do it like ~ right? Would this be all you for beeing patient Thank dislike and order, sequence expression for example part, separate these things unlucky, ill-omened apologize encounter [an accident] believe, trust prepare cancel go well guarantee receipt gift, present (: give a present) wrong (telephone) number camp person in charge calling of, cancelling, suspension point, score lever note, bill [-yen]

regularly, properly suddenly be looking forward to, be expecting That's all person in charge, attendant course start -th ranking win the championship trouble, worry alarm clock sleep wake up university student answer, reply ring set nevertheless, for all that bake, grill, roast hand over come back depart [a bus] leave, absence delivery service cause injection appetite pamphlet stereo my plyce, my side the place around just, exactly just now (used with the past tense; indicates completition) May I bother you gas service center gas range, gas cooker condition please? Who is this, head for have kept you waiting Sorry to knowledge treasury come in, reach [information] system for example key word one part input second published [a book] [people] gather

part, separate [people] live long be heard, taste, smell [sound/voice] put up [an umbrella] terrible, severe frightening, horrible weather forecast announcement, presentation experiment population smell science medicine, medical science literature patrol car ambulance approval, agreement objection, opposition male. man female, woman it appears that (used when making a tentative judgement) according to ~ (indicates the source of information) (island) in Indonesia Bali Iran California Guam sweatheart, boyfriend, girlfriend get engaged the other person get acquainted average life span [with man] compare doctor brain hormone cosmetics survey, research makeup (put on makeup) lower put down deliver, report take care of ~ unwilling, reluctant strict, hard cram school schedule pupil person (referring to one's relatives or subordinates) Immigration Bureau (short form) reentry visa freely

for ~ (reffering to duration) That's good you busy? (used when talking to someone senior or older) Are after a long time busines sales by that time It's all right / It doesn't matter enjoy oneself originally -th century a substitute, be a replacement be speed race circus performance, trick beautiful figure, appearance heart, mind catch for ~ [for a company] work go to bed, sleep sit on nus stop[a chair] spend (time), pass (time) into [a bank] drop go, come (respectful equivalent of and ) be, eat, drink (respectful equivalent of and ) say (respectful equivalent of ) do (respectful equivalent of ) see, look at (respectful equivalent of ) know (respectful equivalent of ) greeting, adress (: greet, give an address) ashtray Japanese-style hotel or inn meeting place, hall bus stop trade (respectful equivalent of ) on the way back once in a while not at all (used with negatives) without reserve, without hesitation -th grade class - of well, then (polite equivalent of ) run [a fever] my best regards. Please say hello Give Good.bye (humble equivalent of ) lecturer many ~, much~ work (of art, etc.)

be awarded a prize world-wide novelist, writer be (respectful equivalent of ) one's eldest son handicap, defect have (respectdful way of saying ) composition (music) activity well, so (indicating an end or beginning) Japanese novelist (1935-) Tokyo University Prize for literature Nobel go, come (humble equivalent of and ) be (humble equivalent of ) eat, drink, receive (humble equivalent of , and ) say (humble equivalent of ) do (humble equivalent of ) see (humble equivalent of ) know (humble equivalent of ) ask, hear, visit (humble equivalent of and ) meet (humble equivalent of ) be (polite equivalent of ) be (polite equivalent of ) I (humble equivalent of ) guide (someone else's house) suburbs album the week after next the month after next the year after next half a year first of all lastly now Edo Tokyo museum become tense, be strained broadcast record [on video], video prize money nature giraffe elephant times, days be realized [dream] I say one word May cooperate from my heart be grateful, be thankful gratitude, thanks

Dear ~ beautiful you doing? (respectful equivalent of ) How are trouble, annoy, inconveniece make good use of castle Sincerely yours Munich (in Germany)

uivalent of )

er), that much

May I have your name? How do you do? (lit. I am meeting you for the first time.) Pleased to meet you. (lit. Please be nice to me.) This is Mr./Ms. ~. I came (come) from ~. I hope for your kind assistance hereafter. I am pleased to meet you. (response to Excuse me. (polite ) Please show me [~]. Give me [~], please. That's tough, isn't it? (used when expressing sympathy) Please. (lit. ask for a favor) Certainly (sir, madam). You're welcome./Don't mention it. That's good. See you [tomorrow]. I see. Yes? Thank you. Nice weather, isn't it? Are you going out? I'm just going to ~. Welcome./May I help you? (a greeting to a customer or a gue I'm home. Welcome home. That's amazing. hungry (I'm) full (I'm) thirsty (I'm) I agree with you. Let's do that. (used when agreeing to someone's suggestion) May I take your order? Please wait [a moment.] Sure. / Certainly Turn right at the signal. I'd like to pay with this. [No,] I still have a long way to go. Are you making a withdrawl? What's the matter? have a pain (I) [in my ~}. Take care of yourself. (said to people who are ill) That must be interesting. Really? Are you going back to your country? What will you do? What shall I do? There is no other choice. / It can't be helped. It's been a long time (since I last saw you). / Long time no se How about drinking ~ or something? I've got to watch it.

That was delicious. (Said after eating or drinking) Let's have a drink together. you for everything you have done for me. Thank We'll finish now.

g you for the first time.) be nice to me.)

onse to )

n expressing sympathy)

eeting to a customer or a guest entering a shop, etc.)

ng to someone's suggestion)

eople who are ill)

saw you). / Long time no see.

ating or drinking)

ve done for me.






information, directory assistance ~yen every evening flight, flight number note, bill [-yen] Ooops! Oh, no! (used when one has made a mistake) Thank goodness! (used to express a feeling of relief) prayer ( : pray) celebration sweets, snacks alcohol, Japanese rice wine plate, dish work, business (:do one's job, work) New Year's Day castle castle sushi (vinagered rice topped with raw fish) rice bowl Buddhist temple talk, speech, what one says, story ( : talk, tell a story) cherry-blossom viewing (:go cherry-blossom viewing) bath box lunch festival interview with a view to marriage expression of symphaty, consolatory gift to a sick person gratitude, thanks insurance card [health] I have a favor to ask Thank you very much. Thank you for beeing patient country funeral ~ or ~ not more than ~, under ~ -not less than ~, over ~ within ~ but ~, ~ ~ times ~th floor ~ company ~months how to ~, way of ~ing ~th month of the year from ~ because ~ side for ~ (reffering to duration) ~machine

~class about ~ (suffix often added to a boy's name) Mr. (an informal equivalent of used by men) ~, but (an infomal equivalent of ) ~ language after ~ (duration of time) about (time) ~ years old (respectful equivalent of ) Mr., Ms. (title of respect added to a name) ~o'clock only ~ (used with negatives) ~hours all over ~ ~weeks (suffix meaning "a national of"; e.g, , an American.) ~(some amount) per (some days) made in ~ counter for machines, cars, etc. charge, fare, fee only ~ the ~th shelf ( is the counter for shelves) (suffix often added to a child's name instead of ~) ~ing be (respectful equivalent of ) be (polite equivalent of ) and (used to connect nouns) (one's name) is ~ (less formal introductionm) ~, the book named ~ the book titled how long ~th day of the month, ~days about ~, concerning ~ by for ~ according to ~ (indicates the source of information) ~ people ~years in place of~, instead of~ the place around place toward ~, direction of ~ number ~ platform ~, ~th platform ~minute neighborhood dialect about~ counter for paper, stamps, etc. up to ~, until ~ before ~, by ~ (indicating time limit) Do it like ~ ~ meter

~ store person of ~ shop and so on, ~, ~ Iran Edo Period Edo Tokyo museum Fr Elize Japanese novelist (1935-) California Guam Alexander Graham Bell. Inventor The Tale of Genji Dome in Hiroshima United Nations Vincent Van Gogh Saudia Arabia Tokyo University Shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu in Nikko Dominica The Sleeping Cat Nobel Prize for literature name of a shinkansen train Bali (island) in Indonesia famous japanese sculptor of the Edo Period Ludwig van Beethoven Poland Munich (in Germany) Heian Period (9th Century) female novellist who wrote "The Tale of Genji" Snow Festival in Sapporo Wright Brothers, pioneer in aviation a few ~ (~ is a counter suffix) a few days one fourth fifth grade, fifth year CD, compact disk NIPPON HOSO KYOKAI (Broadcasting Company) greeting, adress (: greet, give an address) ice cream between, among the other person fit, suit fit [the size] encounter [an accident] meet [a friend] blue (noun) blue red (noun) red baby raise [the price] bright, light autumn, fall Name of a shopping district with many electrical and electronical stores

open [a door] give up access open (II) give raise, lift up morning breakfast the day after tomorrow leg, foot taste tomorrow tomorrow keep, receive (a thing) in trust perspiration (: perspire) that place over there play, enjoy oneself warm head clever, smart new that way, that place over there (polite ) thick hot this way, that place over there (an informal equivalent of ) gather gather [people] collect, gather (II) ~left the amount left unused, the rest later you elder brother (my) elder sister (my) that ~, that ~ over there the other day well...(used to show hesitation) he, she, that person (polite) he, she, that person apartment take [a shower] (II)* dangerous sweet not so (used with negatives) rack rain, rainy apologize wash (I) exist, be (referring to inanimate things) be held, take place [a festival] (I) have one ~, a certain ~ a certain ~, one ~ a certain~, one~

on foot walk [along a road] (I) side job (:work part time) album that (thing over there) Oh!(in surprise or in wonder) personal identification number, PIN be relieved safety safe ~ like that (far from both the speaker and the listener) show around, show the way (III) guidebook like that (concerning a matter related to the listener and the speaker), that much good prefer[coffee] no That's good say (I) house, home medicine, medical science make good use of go how many how much however ~, even if ~ pond flower arrangement (: practice flower arrangement) opinion stone bully, abuse, tease, torment, ill-treat medical doctor That's all chair penisula in Shizuoka Prefecture busy hurry (I) do (humble equivalent of ) receive (humble equivalent of ) eat, drink, receive (humble equivalent of , and ) once not once, never (used with negatives) the most ~ (: the top) one part when fifth, five days sometime, someday with all one's effort with all one's effort with all one's effort together five (used when counting things)

So long. (lit. Go and come back.) So long. (lit. I'm going and coming back.) any time There is not a single (mouse) always, usually countryside, hometown dog now May I bother you exist, be (referring to animate things) have [a child] stay, be [in Japan] now, nowadays even now now at any moment (used to describe a situation just before it changes) the train which had just left meaning younger sister (my) younger sister (someone else's) hateful, disagreeable disagreeable, hatefull unwilling, reluctant dislike be (honorific equivalent of (I) come (respectfull equivalent of ) be, go, come (respectful equivalent of and ) entrance need, require [a visa] (I) put in, insert (II) make [coffee] (II) turn on [the power switch] color various various instant Chinese noodles Internet influenza no (an informal equivalent of ) Let me see. on, above, over plant I'm coming ask, hear, visit (humble equivalent of and ) reception desk take [an examination] start, operate, move move, work [a watch] (I) back, behind thin weak (taste), light (color) lie song

sing (I) house, home type [on a wordprocessor] send (a telegram) space space, universe spaceship astronaut beautiful beautiful beautiful horse tasty, good at go well be born (II) sea, ocean reclaim back (side) department, counter (in a department store) sell (I) noisy happy, glad happy sell, be sold jacket, outerwear gossip yes (an informal equivalent of ) drive (III) driver athletic meeting take exercise picture, drawing air conditioner movie cinema busines sales open for business the English language yes well, let me see station station employee the area in front of the station in front of the station feed, bait escalator branch, twig picture postcard picture book airmail great, admirable choose elevator, lift unlucky, ill-omened engineer

engine pencil without reserve, without hesitation how old (polite) delicious, tasty Are you busy? (used when talking to someone senior or older) celebration, gift (: celebrate) many [people], much big, large size, scale large ~ many ~, much~ a great number of people motorcycle mother (someone else's) Thank you. (used when expressing gratitude for help received.) strange, funny side dish money place where something is put wake up, get up put (I) happen [an accident] visitor, guest, customer, client the back hundred million wife (someone else's) rooftop send escort [someone], go with (I) gift, present (: give a present) be late [for an appointment, etc] How are you doing? (respectful equivalent of ) child (someone else's) wake (someone) up hold, carry out, practice After you / Go ahead uncle (my) grandfather, old man Japanese-style closet teach tell [an address] (II) uncle (someone else's) press, push (I) affix [a seal] notice a notice slow, late late (time) (someone else's house) fall down [baggage] tea, green tea

tea ceremony make green tea Thank you for your hard work say (respectful equivalent of ) husband (my) change sound the number being inquired about father (someone else's) younger brother (my) younger brother (someone else's) man boy man money given as New Year's gift drop, loose the day before yesterday the year before the last adult quiet dance stomach the same elder brother (someone else's) elder sister (someone else's) aunt (my) grandmother, old woman aunt (someone else's) princess I don't remember memorise (II) Sorry to have kept you waiting Congratulations. (used on birthdays, at weddings, New Year's Day, etc.) meet (humble equivalent of ) heavy remember, recollect (I) serious illness think (I) weight interesting have (respectdful way of saying ) toy face, front a bowl of cooked rice with chicken and egg hot water swim bend, fold, break, snap be (humble equivalent of ) get off [a train] (II) Olympic Games break, snap [a tree] lower put down the end

finish music musician hot spring, spa girl woman Excuse me (for leaving before you) but curtain card member overseas seaside, seashore meeting, conference (: hold a conference) conference room, assembly rooms foreign country alien registration card work employee meeting place, hall staircase guide answer, reply buy raise (an animal), keep (a pet) do shopping circular, sending round conversation give back, return (I) come back exchange, change (II) change (II) on the way back go home, return face science scientist mirror person in charge person in charge, attendant take (referring to time or money) be locked get trough [on the telephone] key registered mail write, draw, paint furniture student confirmation ( : confirm) hang lock sit on nus stop[a chair] make [a telephone call] put on [glasses] (II)

umbrella decorate, display fire lend singer gas gas service center gas range, gas cooker cold wind casette tape count family gasoline, petrol person (respectfull of ) hard, tough, solid Katakana script shape shape put in order [boxes] put things in order, tidy up catalog win (I) section chief be disappointed school haircut activity cup Instant Chinese noodles sold in a ready to use disposable container corner be realized [dream] sad sorrow, sadness without fail, by all means fairly girlfriend bag, briefcase vase Kabuki (traditional Japanese musical drama) put on [a hat, etc] (I) wall wall It's all right / It doesn't matter paper hair chew, bite chewing gum turtle camera commute, go to and from Tuesday hot (taste), spicy karaoke

glass (material) body good for one's health borrow light (of weight) boyfriend curry [and rice] calendar river lovely, cute dry change [the color] be a substitute, be a replacement can think, consider (II) can opener Kansai Airport Chinese characters be grateful, be thankful easy, simple canned food, tinned food Bottoms up./Cheers! do one's best janitor tree key yellow (noun) key word go off, disappear [a light] machine chance, opportunity notice, become aware of notice, become aware of [things left behind] hear, listen ask [the teacher] (I) dangerous can be heard [a sound] technology defect, wound, scratch season regulation. rule north dirty neatly, tidily coffee shop postage stamp surely ticket in a critical condition yesterday strict, hard fell well feel ill hope, request come

put on [a shirt, etc] (II) you (an informal equivalent of used by men) decide pleasant, agreeable unpleasant, disgusting kimono (traditional Japanese attire) cash dispensing card cancel camp ambulance take a break, take a rest rapid bowl of rice topped with beef suddendly suddenly milk urgent business salary today education church teacher, instructor (can use when referring to one's own job) classroom race brothers and sisters interest permission a piece of music last year dislike cut, slice giraffe beautiful, clean turn off [the power switch] break, snap [a string] pay attention [to cars], take care (II) no smoking amount of money bank bank employee neighborhood, vicinity I'm sorry (to hear that)./That's a pity. Friday condition air airport medicine give (respectful equivalent of ) fruit mouth shoes socks, stockings assemble

cloudy get cloudy dark (depressed) classical music live, lead a life class class compare [with man] cleaning (dry), laundry Christmas group car, vehicle give (me) (II) black (noun) black detailed performance, trick policeman Sincerely yours experience economy police station calculate portable cake injury~ o shimasuget injured this morning scenery, view eraser turn off (I) makeup (put on makeup) cosmetics Monday, Wednesday and Friday wedding ceremony marry, get married Monday smoke prefecture cause visit some place for study (III) quarrel, fight quarrel fight front door, porch, entrance hall healthy, cheerful study room, professor's, laboratory do research (III) researcher, scholar cash health architect become tense, be strained kendo (japanese sword fighting) raw material navy blue, dark blue (noun) strong (taste), dark (color)

sweatheart, boyfriend, girlfriend park gorgeus suburbs pass [an examination] lecture senior high school crossroad lecturer factory black tea transportation, traffic police box voice course coat coffee family (your) international ~ Thanks for your hard work here, this place p.m., afternoon ninth, nine days nine (used when counting things) heart, mind from my heart very much be (polite equivalent of ) husband (someone else's) breakdown (: breakdown) a.m., morning know (respectful equivalent of ) answer answer [a question] this way, this place (polite ) this (polite equivalent of ) my plyce, my side this way, this place (an informal equivalent of ) glass (vessel) thing, matter (: thing about ~) this year word, language child children children (many) children children proverb this ~, this ~ here about this size these days this neighborhood a meal, cooked rice copy (III)

small fine small change What shall I do? be in truble, have a problem garbage, trash, dust dustbin, trash can get crowded [a street] rice see, look at (respectful equivalent of ) golf this (thing here) from now on, soon Is that all right? Would this be all right? these things times, days be afraid of frightening, horrible break, destroy break [a chair] this month concert this week contest next time, another time ~ like this like this this evening, tonight computer this evening get engaged right (used when encouraging some course of action) well, let me see circus service recently, these days lastly first of all size reentry visa wallet, purse ingridients material, ingredients look for, search fish fall [the price] first (when doing something before something else) bloom [flowers] work (of art, etc.) essay, composition cherry (blossom) lower, pull down point

put up [an umbrella] sashimi (sliced raw fish) invite, ask someone to join novelist, writer soccer, football (: play soccer) a short while ago composition (music) magazine sugar Tee Ceremony (The Way of Tee) lonely cold (referring to temperature) the month after next the week after next the year after next salaried worker, office worker ape, monkey make a noise touch [a door] (I) attend a party work overtime (III) approval, agreement sandwich take a walk [in a park] letter, character game, match seat belt salt but, however scold time time pass by ceremony examination traffic accident accident timetable dictionary Earthquake eartthquake quiet system nature nature under, below, beneath underwear experiment know actually, to tell the truth fail [an examination] Good.bye (humble equivalent of ) me, but Excuse branch office bicycle automobile, car

vending machine goods die a little while oneself oneself by oneself island sisters put things in the proper place do be heard, taste, smell [sound/voice] wear [a tie] close, shut [a door] office close, shut (II) well, then, in that case mechanical pencil employee of ~ Company (used with a company's name; e.g., IMC society municipal office, city hall photograph jazz president of a company shirt obstructive, in the way shower shampoo red custom address juice judo freely freely freely income enough, sufficient weekend fourteenth, fourteen days repair class cram school homework (: do homework) prime minister be awarded a prize hero, heroine attend [a meeting] go on a business trip (III) depart hobby order, sequence preparation (: prepare)

handicap, defect introduce (III) elementary school prize money Do not use good at skillfull, good at novel novelist invite (more formal) in use strong, healty information soya sauce future future short jogging ( :jog) have a meal, dine dining hall, canteen food appetite female, woman Chopin documents, paper to inform survey, research check, investigate (II) get acquainted get to know (I) don't know materials, data white (noun) white happy bullet train single room traffic light population believe, trust Shinto shrine kind be kind to New Year Party worried, anxious worry (III) newspaper newspaper publishing company, newspaper office drawing figure, switch faucet, tap, water supply pertty, very smoke [a cigarette] Wednesday suit

supermarket figure, appearance like skiing (: ski) sky resort pass [7 o'clock] get empty [a street] sukiyaki (beef and vegetables hot pot) immediately few [people], a little schedule awful, great (expresses astonishment or admiration) a little, a few spend (time), pass (time) cool start by far all the time nice, wonderful throw away (II) stereo spice corner marvelous, wonderfull godness, virtue speech (:make a speech) speed spoon slip sport (:play sports) Sports Club trusers corner be going to live (I) I am sorry. sumo wrestling and then and, then sit down (I) live [in Osaka] character life coming-of-age celebration succeed politics performance, score, result pupil be Westernized sweater world all over the world all over the world world-wide tall (referring to person) cough ~ o shimasuhave a cough

seat oil soap design. plan absolutely (used with negatives) set set equipment, facilities explain (III) explamatory pamphlet, instruction book by all means narrow, small (room, etc.) Scotch tape, clear adhesive tape take care take care of ~ thousand line last month the other day last week taste, sense ([: have good taste [in clothing]) teacher doctor (used when addressing a medical doctor) not at all (used with negatives) war washing mashine wash (clothes) (III) washing laundry cap opener all in total speciality, field of study so elephant noise operation clean (a room) (III) leave (work or school) earlier than usual discuss, discult I see./Is that so? souce, Worcestershire sauced special delivery there, that place near you and (used to connect sentences) breed, bring up that way, that place near you (polite ) your place graduate [from an university] this way, that place (an informal equivalent of ) outside that ~, that ~ near you after that in addition to that, moreover

That is more~ leave thing as they are grandfather (my) software grandmother (my) sky sky sky well that (thing over there) after that, and then and, furthermore and so nevertheless, for all that well, so (indicating an end or beginning) in that case in addition by that time That's too bad abacus know (humble equivalent of ) ~ like that (near the listener) not so much (used with negatives) like that (concerning a matter related to the listener) gymnasium leave hospital diet (: go on a diet) thermometer (clinical) mass meeting, convention university graduate school university student embassy all right like very much like very much important, precious mostly, roughly usually, mostly president kitchen kitchen with a dining area typhoon hard, tough, severe, awful sun towel fall down [a building] expensive, tall, high height many, much taxi delivery service I suppose, if I am correct confirm, make shure

take out, withdraw (I) put out [the trash] send [a letter] run [a fever] hand in [ a report] (I) be of help save, help now correct, right Keep Out stand up (I) just now (used with the past tense; indicates completition) build building for example for example for example for example shelf enjoyable happily, merily enjoy oneself pleasure, enjoyment, expectation be looking forward to, be expecting ask, request tobacco, cigarette probably, perhaps, maybe eat food egg once in a while onion bot good, not possible, not permitted be enough, be sufficient (II) who somebody anybody birthday chest of drawers dance (:dance) male. man gradually heating small, little small ~ team basement near No, it isn't. You are wrong. be different near, vicinity subway, underground power earth

earth ticket be late, come late knowledge map father (my) not at all (used with negatives) marron (noun) chance regularly, properly warn. advise be carefull (of cars) junior high scool calling of, cancelling, suspension injection parking violation parking lot, car park engraving, carving, sculpture investigation, survey condition be in good condition be in bad condition adjust just, exactly proper, just right one's eldest son seasoning , flouwering save money directly chocolate a little while, a little bit chilli sauce first day of the month twin-bedded room mail order, mail-order sales use (I) tired (I'm) get tired moon moon per month next, as a next step next arrive [at the station] (I) be attached [a pocket] come on [a light] desk make, produce (I) turn on (II) attach, put on put in [soya sauce] draw [a circle], mark [with a circle] convenient (regarding time) inconvenient (regarding time) convey (a message)

continue [high temperature] continue wrap work [for a company] wife (my) knob boring, uninteresting load, pile up cold (referring to touch, as a drink) strong fishing (: fish, angle) take (someone) (I) bring (someone) (III) hand, arm set meal polite, courteous, careful data date table tape recorder go out (II) letter suitable, proper can, be able to (II) can be made, be completed, come into existence [an airport] as much as possible as .... as possible exit design therefore, so test, examination pocket notebook help (with a task) (I) obtain, get tennis come in, reach [information] department store gloves come out [change] (II) go out [of a coffee shop] graduate from [university] (II) leave, depart [a bus] published [a book] partecipate [in the game] but television telephone card well, then (polite equivalent of ) point, score weather electricity, light electrician weather forecast

transfer (: be transferred to another office) power switch electronic electronic mail electric train battery tempura (seafood and vegetables deep fried in batter) telegram telegram charge exihibition telephone, telephone call to phone telephone bill Saturday door toilet how what kind of ~ How would you like it done tool, instrument, equipment why Please./Here you are. (used when offering someone something) Best of luck. (said when expecting a long separation) arrive How is ~? What can I do fro you animal zoo Well, thanks. it appears that (used when making a tentative judgement) Thank you in what way, how registration (: register) ten (used when counting things) far tenth, ten days pass [along a street] city sometimes single, unmarried especially watch, clock where, what place? somewhere, some place in any place any place barber, barber's place by the way close library

land on the way, in the midst of which way, where (polite ) which one (between two things) Who is this, please? both express which one (between two things), which way, where (an informal equivalent of ) very be delivered [parcels] deliver, report who (polite) next, next door which ~ (used for three or more) fly stop [an elevator] stay [at a hotel] (I) stop, park (II) friend Saturday screwdriver driving catch name of a famous cartoon character truck drama bird exchange take, pass (I) steal, rob take [a photograph] grow old (I) record [on video], video take [a holiday] which one (of three or more) came off [a button] thief, robber what kind of ~ ceramic bowl ceramic bowl knife repair, correct be fixed be repaired recover from [sickness], get well in, inside long live long lenght not easily (used with negatives) colleague, friend content be on good terms with cry

lose (I) pass away, die pass away (euphemistic expression for run out, be lost [petrol, gasoline] throw do (respectful equivalent of ) why summer seven (used when counting things) what something Do you have any request? seventh, seven days pan, pot pan, pot name wave tear trouble, worry learn stand in queue, line up arrange, line up become (I) ring get accustomed to [the custom] what what floor many times what month how old what time anything which day of the month, how many days what number what minute what day of the week be cooked, be boiled smell bitter lively meat run away run away run away run away west west second Party twenty fourth, twenty four days Sunday Carpenter, do it yourself Sunday diary resemble, be like the Japanese language

cook, boil baggage, parcel enter hospital enter [an university] Immigration Bureau (short form) news input garden popularity doll take off (clothes, shoes, etc.) (I) get wet necktie cat mouse price fever earnest sleep, go to bed sleepy sleep sleep age brain remain, be left place on, load on throat climb [a mountain] (I) drink take [medicine] (I) drinks change (trains, etc.) (II) a fixed place to catch taxis, trains, etc. ride, get on [a train] (I) tooth leaf yes, I see party party room yes hiking Dear ~ see (humble equivalent of ) ashtray dentist, dentist's take [a bath] (I) enter [a coffee shop] enter [university] (I) post card doctor measure weight put on [shoes, trousers, etc] (I) bomb

box carry, transport scissors chopsticks bridge begin, starts [a ceremony] the beginning for the first time first start, begin (II) place run drive [along a road] bus embarrased, ashamed be away (from one's desk) bus stop passport be undone [a button] personal computer work pinball game (: play pachinko) pronunciation twentieth, twenty days clearly fine bag discover announcement, presentation invent patrol car flower, blossom speak, talk (I) fireworks remote mother (my) fast, early early, quickly, fast rose pay (I) hands (of a clock) put up, poste, paste spring clear up half bread night, evening handkerchief programm seal stamp number supper handsome objection, opposition punch half a year

suspect, criminal pamphlet half day, date fire fire piano beer east drawer play (stringed instrument or piano, etc.) (I) pull (I) catch [a cold] low airplane visa after a long time fine arts art museum emergency exit left [side] be surprised move (house) (III) exactly, just right neccessary, essential neccesary video person, people terrible, severe May I say one word one (used when counting things) people one person alone, by oneself put on the stove date free (time) string hundred cool second hospital illness, disease expression Hiragana script set up [a class], open, hold pyramid daytime, noon building lunch daytime lunchtime wide, spacious pick up bottle

fight file fax film envelope swimming pool increase [exports] fork clothes blow [wind] complicated, complex review one's lesson bag fantastic, mysterious mysterious, strange lid, cover, cap twins two (used when counting things) two people couple department chief local (train) ordinary, common, usual second, two days commodity prices bump, collide thick (of large diameter) get fat Japanese-style matress and quilt sea mail ship inconvenient step on (someone's foot) winter rain (I) old (not of age) ticket agency (theatre) present, gift wrapping cloth used to carry things front desk, reception desk culture literature grammar average life span peace Really! (used when expressing surprise) poor at bed pet another separately room decrease [exports] strange, peculiar study

study lawyer reply convenient direction trade treasury hat, cap broadcast Year End Party method law bonus homestay ball ballpoint pen besides other I (an infomal equivalent of used by men) ranch, stock farm pocket pocket star want (something) guarantee poster mailbox, postbox thin (of small diameter) button stapler hotel allmost all (in positive sentences), hardly, scarcely (in negative sentences) praise Volunteer engrave, carve hormone book Bon Festival (in mid August) close today head office Bookshelf truth, fact really It's nothing./It's a token of my gratitude. bookstore translate mark every morning every week every month every year every day go, come (humble equivalent of and )

front, before a time in the past, before turn [to the right] (I) lose, be beaten (II) grandchild serious keep company with first of all not tasty mix again and and and not yet not yet town, city mistake wrong (telephone) number make a mistake wait (I) pure white straight window Put ~ together, put ~ in shape, sum up be in time [for an appointment, etc] keep, follow, obey marathon circle round, round shape turn (I) round, around ten thousand Japanese comics japanese comic condominium, apartment house center meeting can be seen [a mountain] brush [one's teeth], polish mandarin orange right [side] mixer short shortly, briefly water store, shop show (II) road, way third, three days be found [a key] find three (used when counting things) green, greenery everyone

port, harbor south see, look at, watch ckeck ear musical all, everything all together sixth, six days head for welcome, go to meet old times, ancient times old tale, folklore barley, wheat over there, the other side difficult son (my) son (someone else's) daughter (my) daughter (someone else's) waste wasteful six (used when counting things) village village excessive, impossible free of charge free of charge eye business card trouble, annoy, inconveniece wake up wake up glasses alarm clock eat, drink (respectful equivalent of and ) rare, uncommon take a memo already (not) any longer (used with negatives) ~ more, another ~ application apply for, enter for say (humble equivalent of ) I'm sorry / Excuse me soon a little more burns [trash] purpose Thursday if ~ possibly, perhaps hello (used on phone) hold (I)

of course take (something) (lit. grab and go) (I) bring (something) (lit. grab and come) (III) more return, punt ~ back original place originally return thing person (referring to one's relatives or subordinates) maple, red leaves of autumn receive question, problem, trouble kettle bake, grill, roast baseball (:play baseball) appointment, promise be useful (I) burning ~ o shimasuget burned burn, be baked, be roasted, be grilled night bus vegetable easy gentle, kind arrow (sign) inexpensive rest, holiday, day off take a rest, take a holiday go to bed, sleep take a day off [work] get slim house rent eight (used when counting things) finally tear [the paper] mountain mountain climbing stop [raining] quit or retire from [a company], stop, give up (II) do give (to a younger person. animal, plant or subordinate) soft, tender late afternoon win the championship post office last evenig famous humor snow, snowy export slowly, leisurely import

ring dream (: have a dream) get drunk prepare eigth, eight days errand, something to do Western dish situation, condition, appearance western clothes Thats lucky, isn't it if you like well, much often side make ~ dirty get dirty [the clothes] prepare one's lesson fourth, four days four (used when counting things) a plan, a scheduled programm, schedule call (I) invite how to read, way of reading read Reading material reserve, book (III) drop into [a bank] Give my best regards. Please say hello weak next month next week next year comfortable, easy radio rush hour ralation, connection land, shore divorce reason study abroad (III) foreign student dormitory quantity use use receipt parents dish (cooked food), cooking Japanese-style hotel or inn travel agency apple absence absence

looking after the house during the owners absence refrigerator air-conditioning history restaurant lever report consecutive holidays practice (III) contact corridor, hallway Roman alphahabet loan lobby Robot thesis, academic paper Oh, Wow word procecessor wine young boil understand part, separate part, separate [people] station wagon Japanese-style room Japanise dish forget (II) things left behind, lost things I (humble equivalent of ) I we hand over cross [a bridge] (I) laugh, smile bad break, smash [a glass] chat notebook cooperate put (things) in order, tidy up ask a a question -th ranking -kilograms, kilometers class - of - gram -grams (counter for small objects) (counter for small objects) train number, typhoon number romm number (counter for books, etc.) -th Century -th century

-centimeters -points -th grade -glass or cup (counter for full cups, glasses) -times portion for ~ (used for indicating quantity) (counter for long objects) -millimeters the -th (indicating order)






- gram -centimeters -glass or cup (counter for full cups, glasses) -grams -kilograms, kilometers -millimeters -points -th Century -th century -th grade -th ranking -times (counter for books, etc.) (counter for long objects) (counter for small objects) (counter for small objects) (not) any longer (used with negatives) (one's name) is ~ (less formal introductionm) (respectful equivalent of ) (someone else's house) (suffix meaning "a national of"; e.g, , an American.) (suffix often added to a boy's name) (suffix often added to a child's name instead of ~) ~ company ~ language ~ like that (far from both the speaker and the listener) ~ like that (near the listener) ~ like this ~ meter ~ more, another ~ ~ people ~ store ~ times ~ years old ~(some amount) per (some days) ~, but (an infomal equivalent of ) ~class ~hours ~ing ~left ~machine ~minute ~months ~o'clock ~th day of the month, ~days ~th floor ~th month of the year ~weeks ~years ~yen ~ or ~ a bowl of cooked rice with chicken and egg a certain ~, one ~

a certain~, one~ a few ~ (~ is a counter suffix) a few days a fixed place to catch taxis, trains, etc. a great number of people a little more a little while a little while, a little bit a little, a few a meal, cooked rice a notice a piece of music a plan, a scheduled a short while ago a time in the past, before a.m., morning abacus about (time) about ~ about ~, concerning ~ about this size about~ absence absence absolutely (used with negatives) access accident according to ~ (indicates the source of information) activity actually, to tell the truth address adjust adult affix [a seal] after ~ (duration of time) after a long time after that after that, and then After you / Go ahead again age air air conditioner air-conditioning airmail airplane airport alarm clock album alcohol, Japanese rice wine Alexander Graham Bell. Inventor alien registration card all all over ~

all over the world all over the world all right all the time all together all, everything allmost all (in positive sentences), hardly, scarcely (in negative sentences) alone, by oneself already always, usually ambulance amount of money and and and and (used to connect nouns) and (used to connect sentences) and so and so on, ~, ~ and then and, furthermore and, then animal announcement, presentation another answer answer [a question] answer, reply any place any time anybody anything apartment ape, monkey apologize appetite apple application apply for, enter for appointment, promise approval, agreement architect Are you busy? (used when talking to someone senior or older) arrange, line up arrive arrive [at the station] (I) arrow (sign) art museum as .... as possible as much as possible ashtray ask [the teacher] (I) ask a a question

ask, hear, visit (humble equivalent of and ) ask, request assemble astronaut at any moment (used to describe a situation just before it changes) athletic meeting attach, put on attend [a meeting] attend a party aunt (my) aunt (someone else's) automobile, car autumn, fall average life span awful, great (expresses astonishment or admiration) baby back (side) back, behind bad bag bag bag, briefcase baggage, parcel bake, grill, roast Bali (island) in Indonesia ball ballpoint pen bank bank employee barber, barber's barley, wheat baseball (:play baseball) basement bath battery be (honorific equivalent of (I) be (humble equivalent of ) be (polite equivalent of ) be (polite equivalent of ) be (respectful equivalent of ) be a substitute, be a replacement be afraid of be attached [a pocket] be awarded a prize be away (from one's desk) be born (II) be carefull (of cars) be cooked, be boiled be delivered [parcels] be different be disappointed be enough, be sufficient (II) be fixed be repaired

be be be be

found [a key] going to live (I) grateful, be thankful heard, taste, smell [sound/voice]

be held, take place [a festival] (I) be in bad condition be in good condition be in time [for an appointment, etc] be in truble, have a problem be kind to be late [for an appointment, etc] be late, come late be locked be looking forward to, be expecting be of help be on good terms with be realized [dream] be relieved be surprised be undone [a button] be useful (I) be Westernized be, go, come (respectful equivalent of and ) beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful, clean because ~ become (I) become tense, be strained bed beer before ~, by ~ (indicating time limit) begin, starts [a ceremony] believe, trust bend, fold, break, snap besides Best of luck. (said when expecting a long separation) between, among bicycle big, large bird birthday bitter black black (noun) black tea bloom [flowers] blow [wind] blue blue (noun) body

boil bomb Bon Festival (in mid August) bonus book Bookshelf bookstore boring, uninteresting borrow bot good, not possible, not permitted both bottle Bottoms up./Cheers! bowl of rice topped with beef box box lunch boy boyfriend brain branch office branch, twig bread break [a chair] break, destroy break, smash [a glass] break, snap [a string] break, snap [a tree] breakdown (: breakdown) breakfast breed, bring up bridge bright, light bring (someone) (III) bring (something) (lit. grab and come) (III) broadcast brothers and sisters brush [one's teeth], polish Buddhist temple build building building bullet train bully, abuse, tease, torment, ill-treat bump, collide burn, be baked, be roasted, be grilled burning ~ o shimasuget burned burns [trash] bus bus stop busines sales business card busy but but

but ~, ~ but, however button buy by by all means by far by oneself by that time by the way cake calculate calendar California call (I) calling of, cancelling, suspension came off [a button] camera camp can can be heard [a sound] can be made, be completed, come into existence [an airport] can be seen [a mountain] can opener can, be able to (II) cancel canned food, tinned food cap opener car, vehicle card carry, transport casette tape cash cash dispensing card castle castle cat catalog catch catch [a cold] cause CD, compact disk celebration celebration, gift (: celebrate) center ceramic bowl ceramic bowl ceremony chair chance chance, opportunity change change (II) change (trains, etc.) (II)

change [the color] character charge, fare, fee chat check, investigate (II) cherry (blossom) cherry-blossom viewing (:go cherry-blossom viewing) chest of drawers chew, bite chewing gum child child (someone else's) children children children children (many) chilli sauce Chinese characters chocolate choose Chopin chopsticks Christmas church cinema circle circular, sending round circus city ckeck class class class class - of classical music classroom clean (a room) (III) cleaning (dry), laundry clear up clearly clever, smart climb [a mountain] (I) close close today close, shut (II) close, shut [a door] clothes cloudy coat coffee coffee shop cold cold (referring to temperature) cold (referring to touch, as a drink)

colleague, friend collect, gather (II) color come come (respectfull equivalent of ) come back come in, reach [information] come on [a light] come out [change] (II) comfortable, easy coming-of-age celebration commodity prices commute, go to and from compare [with man] complicated, complex composition (music) computer concert condition condition condominium, apartment house conference room, assembly rooms confirm, make shure confirmation ( : confirm) Congratulations. (used on birthdays, at weddings, New Year's Day, etc.) consecutive holidays contact content contest continue continue [high temperature] convenient convenient (regarding time) conversation convey (a message) cook, boil cool cool cooperate copy (III) corner corner correct, right corridor, hallway cosmetics cough ~ o shimasuhave a cough count counter for machines, cars, etc. counter for paper, stamps, etc. country countryside, hometown couple course cram school

cross [a bridge] (I) crossroad cry culture cup curry [and rice] curtain custom cut, slice dance dance (:dance) dangerous dangerous dark (depressed) data date date daughter (my) daughter (someone else's) day, date daytime daytime, noon Dear ~ decide decorate, display decrease [exports] defect, wound, scratch delicious, tasty deliver, report delivery service dentist, dentist's depart department chief department store department, counter (in a department store) design design. plan desk detailed dialect diary dictionary die diet (: go on a diet) difficult dining hall, canteen direction directly dirty disagreeable, hatefull discover discuss, discult dish (cooked food), cooking dislike dislike

divorce do do do (humble equivalent of ) do (respectful equivalent of ) Do it like ~ Do not use do one's best do research (III) do shopping Do you have any request? doctor doctor (used when addressing a medical doctor) documents, paper dog doll Dome in Hiroshima Dominica don't know door dormitory drama draw [a circle], mark [with a circle] drawer dream (: have a dream) drink drinks drive (III) driver driving drop into [a bank] drop, loose dry dustbin, trash can ear early, quickly, fast earnest earth earth Earthquake eartthquake east easy easy, simple eat eat, drink (respectful equivalent of and ) eat, drink, receive (humble equivalent of , and ) economy Edo Period Edo Tokyo museum education egg eight (used when counting things)

eigth, eight days elder brother (my) elder brother (someone else's) elder sister (my) elder sister (someone else's) electric train electrician electricity, light electronic electronic mail elementary school elephant elevator, lift embarrased, ashamed embassy emergency exit employee employee of ~ Company (used with a company's name; e.g., IMC encounter [an accident] engine engineer engrave, carve engraving, carving, sculpture enjoy oneself enjoyable enough, sufficient enter [a coffee shop] enter [an university] enter [university] (I) enter hospital entrance envelope equipment, facilities eraser errand, something to do escalator escort [someone], go with (I) especially essay, composition even now every day every evening every month every morning every week every year everyone exactly, just right examination excessive, impossible exchange exchange, change (II) Excuse me (for leaving before you) Excuse me, but

exihibition exist, be (referring to animate things) exist, be (referring to inanimate things) exit expensive, tall, high experience experiment explain (III) explamatory pamphlet, instruction book export express expression expression of symphaty, consolatory gift to a sick person eye face face, front factory fail [an examination] fairly fall [the price] fall down [a building] fall down [baggage] family family (your) famous famous japanese sculptor of the Edo Period fantastic, mysterious far fast, early father (my) father (someone else's) faucet, tap, water supply fax feed, bait feel ill fell well female, woman festival fever few [people], a little fifth grade, fifth year fifth, five days fight figure, appearance figure, drawing file film finally find fine fine arts finish fire fire

fire fireworks first first (when doing something before something else) first day of the month first of all first of all fish fishing (: fish, angle) fit [the size] fit, suit five (used when counting things) flight, flight number flower arrangement (: practice flower arrangement) flower, blossom fly food food for ~ for ~ (reffering to duration) for example for example for example for example for the first time foreign country foreign student forget (II) fork four (used when counting things) fourteenth, fourteen days fourth, four days free (time) free of charge free of charge freely freely freely Friday friend frightening, horrible from ~ from my heart from now on, soon front desk, reception desk front door, porch, entrance hall front, before fruit funeral Fr Elize furniture future future

game, match garbage, trash, dust garden gas gas range, gas cooker gas service center gasoline, petrol gather gather [people] gentle, kind get accustomed to [the custom] get acquainted get cloudy get crowded [a street] get dirty [the clothes] get drunk get empty [a street] get engaged get fat get off [a train] (II) get slim get tired get to know (I) get trough [on the telephone] get wet gift, present (: give a present) giraffe girl girlfriend give give (me) (II) give (respectful equivalent of ) give (to a younger person. animal, plant or subordinate) give back, return (I) Give my best regards. Please say hello give up glass (material) glass (vessel) glasses gloves go go home, return go off, disappear [a light] go on a business trip (III) go out (II) go out [of a coffee shop] go to bed, sleep go well go, come (humble equivalent of and ) godness, virtue golf good good at

good for one's health Good.bye (humble equivalent of ) goods gorgeus gossip gradually graduate [from an university] graduate from [university] (II) graduate school grammar grandchild grandfather (my) grandfather, old man grandmother (my) grandmother, old woman gratitude, thanks great, admirable green, greenery greeting, adress (: greet, give an address) group grow old (I) Guam guarantee guide guidebook gymnasium hair haircut half half half a year hand in [ a report] (I) hand over hand, arm handicap, defect handkerchief hands (of a clock) handsome hang happen [an accident] happily, merily happy happy happy, glad hard, tough, severe, awful hard, tough, solid hat, cap hateful, disagreeable have have (respectdful way of saying ) have [a child] have a meal, dine he, she, that person he, she, that person (polite)

head head for head office health healthy, cheerful hear, listen heart, mind heating heavy Heian Period (9th Century) female novellist who wrote "The Tale of Genji" height hello (used on phone) help (with a task) (I) here, this place hero, heroine hiking Hiragana script history hobby hold (I) hold, carry out, practice homestay homework (: do homework) hope, request hormone horse hospital hot hot (taste), spicy hot spring, spa hot water hotel house rent house, home house, home how How are you doing? (respectful equivalent of ) How is ~? how long how many how much how old how old (polite) how to ~, way of ~ing how to read, way of reading How would you like it done however ~, even if ~ humor hundred hundred million hurry (I) husband (my) husband (someone else's)

I I (an infomal equivalent of used by men) I (humble equivalent of ) I am sorry. I don't remember I have a favor to ask I see./Is that so? I suppose, if I am correct ice cream if ~ if you like illness, disease I'm coming I'm sorry (to hear that)./That's a pity. I'm sorry / Excuse me immediately Immigration Bureau (short form) import important, precious in a critical condition in addition in addition to that, moreover in any place in front of the station in place of~, instead of~ in that case in total in use in what way, how in, inside income inconvenient inconvenient (regarding time) increase [exports] inexpensive influenza information information, directory assistance ingridients injection injury~ o shimasuget injured input instant Chinese noodles Instant Chinese noodles sold in a ready to use disposable container insurance card [health] interest interesting international ~ Internet interview with a view to marriage introduce (III) invent investigation, survey

invite invite (more formal) invite, ask someone to join Iran Is that all right? island it appears that (used when making a tentative judgement) It's all right / It doesn't matter It's nothing./It's a token of my gratitude. jacket, outerwear janitor japanese comic Japanese comics Japanese novelist (1935-) Japanese-style closet Japanese-style hotel or inn Japanese-style matress and quilt Japanese-style room Japanise dish jazz jogging ( :jog) judo juice junior high scool just now (used with the past tense; indicates completition) just, exactly Kabuki (traditional Japanese musical drama) Kansai Airport karaoke Katakana script keep company with Keep Out keep, follow, obey keep, receive (a thing) in trust kendo (japanese sword fighting) kettle key key key word kimono (traditional Japanese attire) kind kitchen kitchen with a dining area knife knob know know (humble equivalent of ) know (respectful equivalent of ) knowledge land land, shore large ~ last evenig

last month last week last year lastly late (time) late afternoon later laugh, smile law lawyer leaf learn leave (work or school) earlier than usual leave hospital leave thing as they are leave, depart [a bus] lecture lecturer left [side] leg, foot lend lenght Let me see. letter letter, character lever library lid, cover, cap lie life light (of weight) like like that (concerning a matter related to the listener and the speaker), that much like that (concerning a matter related to the listener) like this like very much like very much line literature live [in Osaka] live long live, lead a life lively load, pile up loan lobby local (train) lock lonely long look for, search looking after the house during the owners absence lose (I)

lose, be beaten (II) lovely, cute low lower lower, pull down Ludwig van Beethoven lunch lunchtime machine made in ~ magazine mail order, mail-order sales mailbox, postbox make [a telephone call] make [coffee] (II) make ~ dirty make a mistake make a noise make good use of make green tea make, produce (I) makeup (put on makeup) male. man man man mandarin orange many [people], much many ~, much~ many times many, much map maple, red leaves of autumn marathon mark marron (noun) marry, get married marvelous, wonderfull mass meeting, convention material, ingredients materials, data May I bother you May I say one word meaning measure meat mechanical pencil medical doctor medicine medicine, medical science meet (humble equivalent of ) meet [a friend] meeting meeting place, hall meeting, conference (: hold a conference)

member memorise (II) method milk mirror mi