minutes for city council december 12, 1989...

COUNCIL MEETING NO. 4 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1989. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1989. PRESENT: Mayor Jan Reimer. Aldermen J. Bethel, M. Binder, B. Campbell, C. Chichak, R. Hayter, K.B. Kozak, P. Mackenzie, B. Mason, S. McKay, H. Paull, L. Staroszik, L. White. ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: A.Maurer, Acting City Manager. J. Basey, City Solicitor. T.J. Lost, Acting General Manager, Planning and Development. U.S. Watkiss, City Clerk. Mayor Reimer called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. Marilyn McClung, Layminister, St. John's Anglican Church, 11111 57 Avenue, Edmonton T6H OZ6, opened the meeting with prayers. A.I. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL SESSION(S). RECOMMENDATION: That the Minutes of Meeting No. 3, dated November 28, 1989 be adopted as circulated. MOVED Alderman Kozak - White That Council concur with the recommendation. FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, CARRIED Campbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Staroszik, White. ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Chichak, Paull. MOVED Alderman White - Kozak That the following items be added to the agenda.

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PRESENT: Mayor Jan Reimer.Aldermen J. Bethel, M. Binder,B. Campbell, C. Chichak, R. Hayter,K.B. Kozak, P. Mackenzie, B. Mason,S. McKay, H. Paull, L. Staroszik, L. White.


A.Maurer, Acting City Manager.J. Basey, City Solicitor. T.J. Lost, Acting General Manager, Planning and Development. U.S. Watkiss, City Clerk.

Mayor Reimer called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

Marilyn McClung, Layminister, St. John's Anglican Church, 11111 57Avenue, Edmonton T6H OZ6, opened the meeting with prayers.


RECOMMENDATION: That the Minutes of Meeting No. 3, dated November28, 1989 be adopted as circulated.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - White

That Council concur with the recommendation.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Chichak, Paull.

MOVED Alderman White - KozakThat the following items be added to the agenda.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Chichak, Paull.

Aldermen Bethel, Chichak and Paull entered Council Chambers.



C.3. Alderman Bethel re: Construction of Grant MacEwan Campus and Excavation to Provide LRT.


C.4. Alderman Campbell re: Report on the Actual Versus Budget Expenditures re 142nd Street Bridge Project.



E.1.c. Parking Problems on Saskatchewan Drive.


E.1.d. Landfill Approval.


E.1.e. Appointments to Civic Agencies.


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G.1.r. Bylaw 9305, Being a Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 5894, The Waterworks Bylaw.


G.I.cc. Bylaw 9254, Being a Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 7212, as amended, Being The Telecommunications Bylaw.



Alderman Kozak requested the permission of Council to introduce a motion without the customary notice.

MOVED Alderman Campbell - White

That Alderman Kozak be permitted to introduce a motion without the customary notice.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Campbell, Chichak, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Binder.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - McKay

That Council by Resolution authorize the tax notice to be divided into two notices; one for the municipal levy and one for the school levy.

Mr. R. Ardiel, General Manager, Finance Department answered Council's questions.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Chichak, Kozak, Staroszik, LOSTWhite.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,Campbell, Hayter, Mackenzie, Mason,McKay, Paull.

Alderman Kozak requested the permission of Council to introduce a motion without the customary notice.

MOVED Alderman White - Staroszik

That Alderman Kozak be permitted to introduce a motion without the customary notice.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason,McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Bethel.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - White

That the present tax bill be redesigned to more clearly display to the taxpayers how their money is distributed, but that the remittances and accounting processes be retained.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak, CARRIEDKozak, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Hayter,Mason, Staroszik.


B.1. Aldermanic Inquiries

Alderman Binder requested an updated report on the replacement of the 102 Avenue Bridge.

Alderman Binder suggested that specific items (such as the 102 Avenue Bridge) in the Budget be highlighted for the Ward Aldermen.

Alderman Hayter referred to an article in the Winnipeg Free Press regarding the Provincial Government's decision not to add to its tax-exemption list and requested a report be prepared on the Manitoba situation for consideration by the Utilities and Finance Committee.

Alderman McKay addressed her inquiry to the Fire Department and requested a report on the clean-up procedures for the Toxic Squad.

Alderman McKay referred to the increasing problem of crack cocaine and ice trafficking and use in Edmonton and inquired whether there was a critical need to add more detectives to the Drug Squad.

Alderman Binder responded to Alderman McKay's inquiry.

Alderman Chichak requested a report on the custodial services staffing policy with regard to permanent and temporary positions and contracting-out services.

Alderman Kozak requested the Business Tax Bylaw be revised to delete obsolete categories and add contemporary categories.

Alderman Kozak requested a report, for the January 16, 1990 Council meeting, on the 1989 surplus for the Snow Removal and Snow Reserve Accounts.

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Alderman Mason requested a report from Environmental Services on the Lago Lindo lakes with regard to the depth, sediment build-up and chemical analysis of the sediment.

Alderman Binder requested permission of Council to add an item to the agenda.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Alderman Binder be permitted to add the following report to the agenda.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

Qualification of Alderman Chichak.

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Solicitor be instructed to retain external legal counsel to apply to the Courts for an order determining whether or not Alderman Chichak is qualified to remain a member of Council.

Alderman Chichak stated that due to a possible conflict of interest in this matter, she would not take part in the deliberations and would, therefore, abstain from voting.

Alderman Chichak left Council Chambers.

Alderman Chichak was absent and did not take part in the debate.

Members of Council considered a report prepared by the Office of the City Solicitor, dated December 11, 1989.

MOVED Alderman Binder - White

That Council concur with the recommendation.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

ABSENT: Alderman Chichak.

B.2. Aldermanic Suggestions.


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RECOMMENDATION: That the following reports be received as information.

MOVED Alderman Bethel - White

That Council concur with the recommendations for all items.

Members of Council requested that exemption of items 1 and 3.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION (including the exemptions) put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

ABSENT. Alderman Chichak.

Alderman Chichak re-entered the meeting.

C.1. Inquiry of Alderman White re: Special Restricted Bus Pass for Almost Seniors and Unemployed Seeking Employment


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, Paull, Staroszik,White.

OPPOSED: Alderman McKay.

C.3. Alderman Bethel re: Construction of Grant MacEwan Campus and Excavation to Provide LRT,

Mr. J. Schnablegger, General Manager, Transportation Department answered members of Council's questions.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

C.2. Inquiry of Alderman Mason re: Impact on Revenue Resulting from Reverting to 1986 Business Tax Rates

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(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

C.4. Alderman Campbell re: Report on the Actual Versus Budget Expenditures re 142nd Street Bridge Project.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Campbell

That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to consider Executive Committee Reports 5, 6 and 6A.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

Council resolved into Committee of the Whole to consider Executive Committee Reports 5 and 6 with the Chairman, Mayor Reimer, in the Chair and Report 6A with the 1990 Budget Committee Chairman, Alderman Bethel, in the Chair.


MOVED Alderman Kozak

That Council concur with the recommendations for all items.

Members of Council requested exemption of items 3 and 5.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATIONS (including the exemptions) put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

3. Inquiry of Alderman Paull re: Request for Meeting Betweenthe Names Advisory Committee and the Aldergrove CommunityLeague


At the regular meeting of City Council held on Tuesday, November 14, 1989, the above-referenced item was considered and Council concurred with the following motion:

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That the above-noted item be referred to the Executive Committee and that a representative from the Names Advisory Committee be in attendance to answer the Committee's question.


That it considered the above noted item and heard from Mr. Howard Holfeld representing the Names Advisory Committee.


That the park in question be named PRIMROSE PARK.

MOVED Alderman Kozak

That this item be referred to the next Executive Committee to review the information from the Names Advisory Committee's December 6th meeting.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Hayter, LOSTKozak, Mason, McKay.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak,Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik, White.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

5. Utilities and Finance Committee Report No. 1

(a) 1989 Capital Budget Adjustment - Parks and RecreationDepartment


That it has considered the above-referenced item.


1. That the capital budget for Project Number 88210034, Coronation Pool Structural Repairs be decreased by $500,000 from $2,192,000 to $1,692,000.

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2. That the capital budget for Project Number89210098, Jasper Place Bowl Upgrade be decreased by$40,000 from $390,000 to $350,000.

3. That the capital budget for Project Number89210097, Commonwealth Stadium: Skylight Repairs beincreased by $92,000 from $80,000 to $172,000.

4. That the capital budget for Project Number88210032, Jasper Place Arena: mechanical/StructuralRepairs be increased by $25,000 from $853,000 to$878,000.

5. That the capital budget for Project NumberXX210100, Facility Conservation Programme beincreased by $98,000 from $2,840,000 to $2,938,000.

6. That the capital budget for Project Number88210006, Mill Woods Golf Course: Construction beincreased by $121,000 from $725,000 to $846,000.

7. That the capital budget for Project Number88210013, Castle Downs Arena: Development beincreased by $107,000 from $5,095,000 to$5,202,000.

8. That the capital budget for Project NumberXX210106, CCRP Trail Extension: 105 St. to 149 St.be increased by $77,000 from $995,000 to$1,072,000.

9. That the capital budget for Project Number88210042, Oliver Area Ornamental Access andViewpoint Parks be increased by $20,000 from$247,000 to $267,000.

(b) Planning and Development Department - River ValleyDevelopment Group Acquisitions for Cloverdale AreaRedevelopment Plan


That it has considered the above-referenced item.


1. That project approval for Project No. 88170301,Cloverdale Redevelopment Plan, be increased by$150,000 from $1,121,000 to $1,271,000.

2. That the estimated 1989 capital expenditures inProject No. 88170301, be revised as follows:

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This Year (1989) $1,126,000Future Years (1990-93) 145,000TOTAL $1,271,000

3. That project approval for Project No. 88170302,Rossdale Redevelopment Plan, be decreased by$150,000 from $1,001,000 to $851,000.

4. That the estimated 1989 capital expenditures in Project No. 88170302, be revised as follows:

This Year (1989) $ 706,000Future Years (1990-93) 145,000TOTAL $ 851,000

Mr. D. Ausman, General Manager, Parks and Recreation Department answered members of Council's questions.

Alderman Mackenzie requested a report (to be provided directly to her) on the cost and distance of the Heritage Trail from 116 Street westward.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

1. Third Quarterly Report of 1989 - Landlord and TenantAdvisory Board


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Community & Family Services Department dated November 10, 1989.


That this report be received as information.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

2. ‘edmonton telephones’, Response to the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in the matter of AGT vs. CNCP, et al.


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That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by 'edmonton telephones’, dated October 31, 1989.


1. That 'edmonton telephones' and City Council continue to proceed as if the provisions of the Telecommunications Act, which governs 'edmonton telephones' operating powers and authorities are still applicable.

2. That City Council continue to exercise regulatory responsibility over 'edmonton telephones', recognizing that a possible challenge to Council's authority may require the City to defend its position in the Courts.

3. That 'edmonton telephones’, bring forward a strategy representing the City of Edmonton's position with the Federal Government.

4. That the Office of the City Solicitor report back on the recommended regulatory process.

(Council concurred with the recommendations.)

4. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board (1989) Report #23 - Grants-In-Aid: Travel and Hosting Applications


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Advisory Board dated November 29, 1989.


1. That $4,789 be transferred from Account #403-61(Arts/Cultural) to Account #405-61(Recreation/Leisure) in order to satisfy theeligible requests from Recreation organizations forTravel and Hosting Grants-In-Aid.

2. That the recommended amounts from the following groups for Travel and Hosting assistance be approved.

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EnclosureOrganization Travel(T) Recommended Source

Number Hosting(H) Amount

I Edmonton Volleyball Club T $ 967 405-61II Anavet (Girls) Softball

Association T $ 664 405-61III Edmonton Aquadette Masters

Swim Club T $2,500 405-61IV Edmonton Rugby Union H $ 658 405-61

---------------------------------------------------------------------Recreation/Leisure Sub-Total $4,789

V Alberta Chinese CulturalSociety T $1,378 403-61

----------------------------------------------------------------------Arts/Culture Sub-Total $1,378

1989 Report #23 Total $6,167

(Council concurred with the recommendations.)

6. Alderman Paull re: Executive Committee Meetings During the Holiday Season


That it considered the above noted item.


That the Executive Committee meetings scheduled for December 27, 1989 and January 3, 1990 be cancelled.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)


MOVED Alderman White

That Council concur with the recommendations for all items.

Members of Council requested the exemption of items 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATIONS (including the exemptions) put and declared.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

3. Operating Statement of Edmonton Economic Development Authority


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the office of the City Solicitor dated November 14, 1989.


1. That this report be received as information.

2. That the Operating Statement of the Edmonton Economic Development Authority be approved.

MOVED Alderman Paull

That this item be struck from Council's agenda.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

4. Setting Civic Grants-In-Aid Lease Subsidies


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Finance Department dated November 2, 1989.


That this report be received as information.

Alderman Paull requested this item be included with the other issues presently before the utilities and Finance Committee.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, white.

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5. Executive Committee Report No. 20, Part 1A, 1989 Budget Committee Report No. 3 - Capital Priorities Plan and 1989 Capital Budget Other: Downtown Development Corporation


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Parks & Recreation Department dated November 6, 1989.


That the redevelopment levy funds not committed to other projects as of March 31, 1989 for the areas in which Edmonton Downtown Development Corporation (EDDC) projects are situated be released if it can be exhibited that they can be used for parks or school purposes within RDDC projects in accordance with the Alberta Planning Act and the Municipal Government Act. The EDDC is to review their projects with Parks and Recreation and the office of the City Solicitor to determine which projects qualify.

Mr. B. Card, Parks and Recreation Department, answered Council's questions.


That the Redevelopment Levy Funds, as identified in Enclosure I of the report in the amount of $259,249.70 plus accrued interest, be not committed to other projects.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED put and declared.FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

6. Sale of Land to 359500 British Columbia Ltd. for the Sum of$2,700,000 - Located South of Whitemud Drive, West Side of CalgaryTrail South


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated November 27, 1989.

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1. That the sale of Lot 2, Block 36, Plan 852-2249; Portionsof Blocks 4, 5 & 6, Plan 209 H.W.; Areas 'A' & IBI, Plan862 2398, and Areas IF' & IGI, Plan 872-0992, containing2.78 hectares (6.78 acres), more or less, more specificallyas shown on Enclosure III, to 359500 British Columbia Ltd.(or its "Assignee") for $2,700,000 be approved subject tothe terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I.

2. That the City pay a commission of $64,000 to Dynafour RealEstate Limited upon completion of the sale.

3. That the sale be conditional upon the Purchaser executingthe Agreement for Sale and Release documents, providingevidence of discontinuance of Action #890320906 anddelivering same together with the required $100,000payment, unconditionally, to the Office of the CitySolicitor no later than 3:30 P.M. MST on December 22, 1989.

Mr. V. Pirzek, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Alderman White left the meeting.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.


FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

8. Residential Parking Program Near Harry Ainley School


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Transportation Department dated November 28, 1989.


1. That a resident only parking program be established in the Royal Gardens Community for a one year trial period,

2. That the parking program hours be as follows:

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No Parking Except Residents With Valid Permit 08:00 - 20:00, Monday -Friday Except July and August.

3. That the Transportation Department review the feasibilityof providing visitor and guest permits following the oneyear review of the Royal Gardens Parking Program.

Mr. J. Schnablegger, General Manager, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.


That the words "one year trial period" in Recommendation 1 be substituted by the words "May 31, 1990".

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Kozak, McKay. LOSTOPPOSED: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,

Campbell, Chichak, Hay-ter, Mackenzie,Mason, Paull, Staroszik, White.


FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREED Campbell, Chichak, Mackenzie, Mason,McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Hayter, Kozak.

1. Bylaw #9332 - Telecommunications System Extensions

Bylaw #9350 - Being a Bylaw to Provide for Discounts and Penalties with respect to Payment, Overpayment, Prepayment or Non-Payment of Taxes

Bylaw #9351 - A Bylaw to Authorize the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton to incur a Temporary indebtedness on behalf of The City of Edmonton until 1990 Tax Levies and Utility Revenues can be collected

Bylaw #9353 - A Bylaw to Approve the Execution of an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Alberta and Edmonton Downtown Development Corporation regarding the Decade of Development Initiative


That it considered the above noted bylaws, together with respective reports from the Administration.


That these items be received as information (i.e. that Bylaws 9332, 9350, 9351 and 9353 be given the appropriate readings).

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(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

2. Amendment of Points of Agreement with Canadian National Railway Company


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Office of the City Solicitor dated November 27, 1989.


That Council approve an amendment to paragraph 5 of the Points of Agreement between the City and Canadian National Railway Company (CN) such that the phrase "March 15th, 1990" be substituted for the date "December 31st, 1989".

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

7. Boyle Street East Traffic Control Plan


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Transportation Department dated November 22, 1989.


That the Boyle Street East Traffic Control Plan, implemented in January, 1989, become permanent.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

8. Residential Parking Program Near Harry Ainley School


9. Utilities & Finance Committee Report #02Proposed Amendment to the Public Works Department (RoadwaysEngineering Branch) Capital Budget

YOUR COMMITTEE REPORTS:That it considered this item.

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That the Public works Department 1989 Capital Budget be increased by $516,000 and that the 1990 Capital Budget be decreased by $516,000 as shown in Enclosure I.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)


MOVED Alderman Paull

That Council concur with the recommendations for all items.

Members of Council requested the exemption of items D, K, N, X and c. 1990 Taxes,

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATIONS (excluding the exemptions) put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

1. Budget Committee Report #02


That it considered the above noted item and heard from the Chairman of the 1990 Budget Committee.


That the recommendations of the 1990 Budget Committee be approved as follows:



1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton AmbulanceAuthority be approved at $3,131,000 (expenditures$8,695,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 733, Management andAdministration, at $745,000 (expenditures $745,000)includes one-time expenditures of $15,000, for labourrelations expenses and $10,000 for the Payroll System,and $4,000 for computer terminals not to be added tothe 1991 Budget base;

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The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 734, Communications, at $896,000 (expenditures $896,000);

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 735, Vehicle Services, at $418,000 (expenditures $418,000);

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 736, Life Support, at $236,000 (expenditures $5,800,000), includes one additional temporary Office Services Clerk to be funded through reallocation of resources in 1990 and future years and one-time expenditures of $15,000 for oxygen kits; not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 737, Facilities and Plant, at $383,000 (expenditures $383,000) includes one-time expenditures of $20,000, for replacement of microfilm reader/printer, set-up costs for new substation and equipment for the new position, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 738, Staff Development, at $139,000 (expenditures $139,000) includes a one-time expenditure of $4,200, for a Defensive Driving Course not to be added to the 1991 Budget base; and

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 739, Debt Charges, at $314,000 (expenditures $314,000).

2. That the Edmonton Ambulance rates be increased by 5.0%effective July lst, 1990.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Office of the Auditor General be approved at $1,104,000 (expenditures $1,104,000).


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the City Manager Officesbe approved at $3,297,000 (expenditures at $3,304,000),allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 358, Citizen ActionCentre, at $370,000 (expenditures $377,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 359, Office of the CityManager, at $935,000 (expenditures $935,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 364, Corporate StudiesOffice, at $413,000 (expenditures $413,000), includinga one-time expenditure of $13,000 for the purchase of

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computer hardware/software not be added to the 1991 Budget base; and

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 366, Corporate Communications, at $1,619,000 (expenditures $1,619,000).

The City Manager Offices be required to assume in 1990, a general reduction in the total Tax Levy and Expenditures of $40,000 and provide program/activity allocations and implications to the Budget Committee by mid January 1990.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Office of the CitySolicitor be approved at $2,648,000 (expenditures$2,648,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 372, Law Services, at$1,212,000 (expenditures $1,212,000) including aone-time expenditure of $9,000 for computeracquisition, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 373, GeneralAdministration, at $1,243,000 (expenditures$1,243,000), including a one-time expenditure of$12,000 for furniture replacement, not to be added tothe 1991 Budget base; and

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 374, External LegalCounsel, at $193,000 (expenditures $193,000).

2. That the letter dated November 30, 1989 from the Office ofthe City Solicitor re: 1990 Budget Presentation, bereceived as information.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Community & FamilyServices Department be approved at $10,876,000(expenditures at $24,962,000), allocated on the followingbasis:

- The Tax Levy of Program 455, Management & Administration, at $1,221,000 (expenditures $1,221,000);

- The Tax Levy of Program 456, Children Services, at $7,388,000 (expenditures $7,388,000);

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The Tax Levy of Program 458, Community Based Social Services, at $5,205,000 (expenditures $5,220,000); includes one-time expenditures of $81,000, for maintenance/repair of the Jasper Place and Glengarry centres, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The Tax Levy of Program 459, Housing & Social Planning, at $7,216,000 (expenditures $7,216,000); includes one-time expenditures of $730,000, for maintenance/repair subsidized of housing projects, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The Tax Levy of Program 460, Family & Community Based Support Services, at $3,897,000 (expenditures $3,897,000);

The Tax Levy of Program 461, Advisory Committee for Services for Disabled Persons, at $70,000 (expenditures $70,000);

Program 942, Revenues at $14,071,000.

The Community & Family Services Department be required to assume in 1990, a general reduction in the total Tax Levy and Expenditures of $50,000 and provide program/activity allocations and implications to the Budget Committee through the City Manager by mid January 1990.

2. That the Public Works Department, in consultation with theCommunity & Family Services Department, review the existingprogramming, funding arrangements and subsidized housingrenovation and maintenance requirements (Non-Profit Housingand Subsidized Housing included under the Greater EdmontonFoundation (E.C.H.O., A.H.C., Federal/Provincial) anddevelop a strategy for review and consideration by theUtilities and Finance Committee. (The report to include -a) program issues, b) agreements - cost sharing, c)facility requirements, and d) financial implications).


1. That the total 1990 Operating Expenditures for theComputing Resources Department be approved at $20,923,000,allocated on the following basis:

- The operating expenditures for Program 301,Administration, at $1,761,000;

- The operating expenditures for Program 302,Applications Support, at $6,528,000; includes one-timeexpenditures of $80,000 to perform front-endevaluation of productivity tools and $85,000 to

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rewrite the Traffic Tags System in the Finance Department, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The operating expenditures for Program 303, ClientServices, at $2,398,000; and

The operating expenditures for Program 304, Computer Operations, at $10,236,000.

2. That City Council reconfirm that all computer acquisitionorder requests for departments, utilities and servicecentres be reviewed and approved by the Computing ResourcesDepartment prior to issuing purchase orders.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton ConventionCentre Authority be approved at $1,292,000 (expenditures at$7,068,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The Tax Levy for Program 600, Administration &Management, at $2,029,000 (expenditures $2,029,000);

- The Tax Levy for Program 601, Maintenance & Utilities,at $1,073,000 (expenditures $1,073,000);

- The contribution to the Tax Levy of Program 602, Food,Beverage & Space Rent, at $2,020,000 (expenditures$3,756,000); and

- The Tax Levy for Program 603, Furniture & EquipmentReserve, at $210,000 (expenditures $210,000).


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for Edmonton Convention &Tourism Authority be approved at $1,920,000 (expenditures$3,441,000) including a one-time expenditure of $52,000,for the second of a three year computerization program notto be added to the 1991 Budget base of which $19,351 isfunded from the 1988 surplus.

2. That the $55,000 identified for rent/lease of the GatewayPark facility be used specifically for that purpose.

H.1. Letter dated September 21, 1989 from Rick Antonson, GeneralManager, Edmonton Convention & Tourism Authority, 103, 9797 JasperAvenue, T5J 1N9 re: Use of 1988 Uncommitted Surplus on operations- Edmonton Convention & Tourism Authority

That this be received as information.

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1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for Corporate Services - CityClerk be approved as $3,347,000 (expenditures $3,469,000)including one-time expenditures of $300,000 for thepurchase of computer hardware and software, not to be addedto the 1991 Budget base.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for Corporate Services - CityCouncil be approved at $2,539,000 (expenditures$2,539,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 356, City Council, at $1,756,000 (expenditures $1,756,000); and

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 357, office of the Mayor, at $783,000 (expenditures $783,000).


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton EconomicDevelopment Authority be approved at $1,879,000(expenditures at $1,879,000), allocated on the followingbasis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 613, EconomicDevelopment Authority, at $1,744,000 (expenditures$1,744,000); and

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 614, Advanced TechnologyProject, at $135,000 (expenditures $135,000); includedas a one-time item not to be added to the 1991 Budgetbase.

2. That in future budgets the Economic Development Authorityclearly show the total expenditures, revenues, grants andtax levies required for the Advanced Technology Project.

3. That the Edmonton Economic Development Authority provide areport on the Advanced Technology Project by July 31, 1990,showing the number of jobs created in Edmonton due to theAdvanced Technology initiative and a statement as to theadditional outside funding that they have received to thatdate for the project.


1. That the total 1990 expenditures for the Environmental Services Department -Drainage Branch be approved at $41,284,000 with revenues of $37,864,000, Tax Levy funding

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of $6,429,000, net income of $3,009,000, allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 510, DrainageTreatment Plants at $7,066,000;

- The 1990 expenditures of Program 511, Drainage NetworkSystem at $10,069,000; Tax Levy at $4,229,000;

- The 1990 expenditures of Program 512, DrainageFinancial at $17,536,000; Tax Levy at $296,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 513, DrainageEngineering at $3,035,000; Tax Levi at $1,518,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 514, DrainageCustomer Billing at $1,802,000; Tax Levy at $30,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 515, DrainageGeneral Administration at $1,776,000; Tax Levy at$356,000.

2. That Addback #9, development and implementation of stormand sanitary servicing plans in the amount of $245,000 beapproved in Program 513, Drainage Engineering subject to areview of the Enviromental Services Department organizationby the Utilities and Finance Committee and the Acting CityManager.

3. That Addback #10, development of a operator trainingprogram be carried out where possible through thereallocation of resources within the Department.

4. That the 1990 rate increase for the Sanitary Utility beapproved at 8.1% effective January 1, 1990.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for Environmental ServicesWaste Management Branch be approved at $13,427,000(expenditures $17,442,000), allocated on the followingbasis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 530, Collection, at$11,481,000 (expenditures ($11,803,000); includesone-time expenditure of $144,000 for a pilot recyclingprogram to service multi-residential complexes, not tobe added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 531, Disposal, at$516,000 (expenditures $2,375,000);

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The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 532, Financial, at $738,000 (expenditures $2,362,000);

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 533, Engineering, at $305,000 (expenditures $380,000);

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 534, Customer Billing, at $22,000 (expenditures $62,000);

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 535, General Administration, at $365,000 (expenditures $460,000).

2. That Addback #9 Implementation and delivery of an educationand awareness program in Program 533, Engineering becarried out where possible through the reallocation ofresources in the Department.

3. That the 1990 landfill disposal fee be increased by anaverage of 12.0% and the trade waste collection fee beincreased by 4.5% effective January 1, 1990,


1. That the total 1990 operating expenses for EnvironmentalServices - Water Branch be approved at $76,182,000 with anet income of $7,996,000 allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 operating expenses for Program 500, WaterTreatment Plants, at $15,437,000;

- The 1990 operating expenses for Program 501, WaterNetwork Systems, at $11,693,000;

- The 1990 operating expenses for Program 502, WaterFinancial, at $39,855,000;

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 503, WaterEngineering, at $3,365,000;

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 504, WaterCustomer Billing, at $3,249,000;

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 855, WaterGeneral Administration, at $2,583,00014 and

- The 1990 gross expenses for Program 856, Water StoresOperations, at $761,000 with costs to be recoveredthrough Inter-program billing.

2. That the 1990 rate increase for the Environmental ServicesDepartment - Water Branch be approved at 4.0% effectiveJanuary 1, 1990.

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K.4. Bylaw No. 9305 - To Amend Bylaw No. 5894, being the WaterworksBylaw.

K.5. Bylaw No. 9306 - To Amend Bylaw No. 7118, being the Sewers Bylaw.K.6. Bylaw No. 9307 - To Amend Bylaw No. 6903, being the Solid Waste


That this be received as information (ie: the Bylaws be forwarded to City Council for the appropriate readings).

BYLAWS 9305, 9306 and 9307 WERE DEALT WITH ON PAGES 217/8.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Finance Department beapproved at $22,025,000 (total 1990 expenditures at$26,682,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy forprogram 330, CorporatePurchasing, at $2,256,000 (expenditures $2,421,000);including a one-time expenditure of $25,000 for thepurchase of computer equipment to be funded from theCoins Systems Sales Revenue and not to be added to the1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 331, Corporate Mail, at$344,000 (expenditures $344,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program,384, Assessment, at$8,415,000 (expenditures $8,415,000) including aone-time expenditure of $131,000 for the restructuringof 4 neighbourhood assessment offices (includingcomputer hardware/software) not to be added to the1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 394, Management &Support Services, at $1,333,000 (expenditures$1,567,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 397, Treasury, at$3,376,000 (expenditures $3,603,000) including aone-time expenditure of $9,000 for the purchase ofcomputer hardware/software, not to be added to the1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 398, Risk Management &Security, at $1,613,000 (expenditures $2,409,000);

- The net contribution to the 1990 Tax Levy for Program399, Enforcement, at $225,000 (expenditures$2,985,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 415, Financial Planning,Budget & Control, at $4,988,000 (expenditures$4,988,000); including a one-time expenditure of

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$25,000 to host the 1990 U.R.I.S.A. conference, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base.

- The Finance Department be required to assume in 1990, a general reduction in the total Tax Levy and Expenditures of $50,000 and provide program/activity allocations and implications to the Budget Committee through the City Manager by mid January 1990.

2. That Addbacks #8 and #13, Regional Assessment Offices beapproved subject to no funds being expended until theAuditor General follow up audit is submitted to theUtilities and Finance Committee.


1. That the total 1990 operating expenditures for the FinanceDepartment - Service Centres be approved at $4,689,000;allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 332, Corporate Support Services, at $1,066,000; and

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 333, Corporate Inventory Management at $3,623,000.


1. That the total 1990 operating expenditures for the FinanceDepartment - Utilities Services be approved at $12,196,000allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 312,Computing & Management Support, be approved at$3,647,000, including one-time expenditures of$550,000 for billing/service order systemsredevelopment needs analysis and $10,000 to updatetraining and procedure manuals, not to be added to the1991 Budget base.

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 313,Collections, be approved at $1,993,000;

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 314,Billing Control & Delivery, be approved at $1,413,000;

- The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 315, MeterReading, be approved at $3,082,000, including one-timeexpenditures of $124,000 for the completion of themeter reading/bill delivery route restructuring,$17,000 for meter reader hall renovations and $8,000for the purchase of computer hardware/softwarerequired to implement the energy diversion detection

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program, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

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The 1990 operating expenditures for Program 316, Revenue Control & Deposit, be approved at $2,061,000;

2. That the Power and Water Utilities 1990 Budget be adjustedto reflect the appropriate portion of additional costs,resulting from the approval of $550,000 for thebilling/service order redevelopment needs analysis,$204,000 for additional collection agency contract costs,$41,000 for the energy diversion program and $31,000 forthe financial accountant position.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Fire Department beapproved at $61,662,000 (expenditures at $62,477,000),allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 700, Fire Supression, at$47,322,000 (expenditures $47,322,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 701, Fire Training, at$692,000 (expenditures $692,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 702, FireCommunications, at $2,009,000 (expenditures$2,009,000); including one-time expenditures of$62,000 for communications equipment and a consultantnot to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 703, Fire Prevention, at$2,941,000 (expenditures ($2,941,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 704, Engineering &Mapping, at $311,000 (expenditures $311,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 705, Equipment andBuildings, at $2,272,000 (expenditures $2,272,000);including a one-time expenditure of $5,000 forcomputer software, not to be added to the 1991 Budgetbase;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 706, Administration, at$1,546,000 (expenditures $1,581,000); including oneadditional permanent Word/Data Processing Clerkposition within existing funding resources and aone-time expenditure of $4,500 for a postscript laserprinter, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 707, Fire Hydrants, at$3,535,000 (expenditures $3,535,000);

- The 1990 expenditure for Program 708, Airport FireSupression, at $780,000; and

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The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 709, Fire Equipment Replacement Reserve, at $1,034,000 (expenditures $1,034,000).

N. GENERAL (Volume II)

1. That the expenditures of Program No. 345, GeneralExpenditures, be approved at $4,450,000;

That the expenditures of Program No. 346, Small Boards & Authorities, be approved at $801,000;

That the expenditures of Program No. 400, Municipal Debt Charges, be approved at $79,694,000;

That the expenditures of Program No. 401, Tax Expense, be approved at $12,300,000;

That Program No. 402, Local Improvements (net), be approved at ($3,686,000);

That Program No. 403, Tax Concessions, be approved at $3,339,000;

That Program No. 928, Tax Revenues, be approved at ($90,061,000);

That Program 929, Short-Term Earnings, be approved at ($4,200,000);

That Program 930, Utilities Tax Revenue, be approved at ($117,835,000);

That Program 931, Other General Revenues, be approved at ($20,465,000).

2. That Program 404, Grants-In-Aid be approved at $2,569,000,allocated on the following basis:


Art Gallery 366Arts Cultural Cash 533Arts Cultural Subsidy 98Multi Culture Cash 36Multi Culture Subsidy 36Recreation/Leisure Cash 69Recreation/Leisure Subsidy 36Social Service Cash 340Social Service Subsidy 208Multi Purpose/Promotion 43Festival Cash 795Festival Subsidy 21Council Grant-In-Aid Contingecy 188

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Less: Interest on General Government Surplus (200)

Total: $2.569

0. LIBRARY (Volume II)

1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton PublicLibrary be approved at $12,444,000 (expenditures$16,282,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 408, Administration, at$989,000 (expenditures $1,174,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 409, Technical Services,at $1,980,000 (expenditures $2,618,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 410, Main LibraryServices, at $2,666,00.0 (expenditures $3,800,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 411, Branch Services, at$4,774,000 (expenditures $6,354,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 412, Debt Charges, at$577,000 (expenditures $577,000); and

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 413, Services & CentralOperations, at $1,533,000 (expenditures $1,834,000).

- That the Library be required to assume in 1990, ageneral reduction in the total Tax Levy andExpenditures of $75,000 and provide program/activityallocations and implications to the Budget Committeethrough the City Manager by mid January 1990.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Parks & RecreationDepartment be approved at $42,168,000 (expenditures at$64,900,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 417, Financial Costs, at$280,000 (expenditures $280,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 418, Administration, at$3,157,000 (expenditures $3,250,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 420, Marketing & MajorFacilities, at $8,166,000 (expenditures $19,714,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 430, Recreation &Culture, at $4,887,000 (expenditures $7,400,000);The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 441, Development, at$4,011,000 (expenditures $5,710,000) including

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one-time expenditures of $180,000 for the purchase of computer hardware/software not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 448, Parks Maintenance, at $21,482,000 (expenditures $25,098,000); including a one-time expenditure $40,000 for renovations to the Northern Lights Cemetary Building not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 451, Conceptual Studies, at $277,000 (expenditures $277,000); and

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 452, Capital City Recreation Park, at $308,000 (expenditures $3,271,000); including utilization of $250,000 from the Capital City Park Reserve.

That the Parks & Recreation Department be required to assume in 1990, a general reduction in the total Tax Levy of $400,000 and provide program/activity allocations and implications to the Budget Committee through the City Manager by mid January 1990.

2. That the Parks & Recreation Department 1990 PricingSchedule be approved for implementation January 1, 1990with implementation of the proposed Arenas Ice Rental Feeincrease for minor groups being subject to further reviewby the Utilities and Finance Committee.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Personnel Departmentbe approved at $4,689,000 (expenditures at $4,864,000),allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 491, Employee andOrganization Development, at $618,000 (expenditures$743,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 492, Occupational Health& Safety, at $915,000 (expenditures $965,000);including a one-time expenditure of $5,000 forcomputer equipment, not to be added to the 1991 Budgetbase;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 493, Employment &Compensation, at $1,392,000 (expenditures $1,392,000);including a one-time expenditure of $5,000 forcomputer equipment, not to be added to the 1991 Budgetbase;

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The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 496, Industrial Relations, at $957,000 (expenditures $957,000); including a one-time expenditure of $11,000 for computer equipment, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 497, Prsonnel Information & Administration, at $807,000 (expenditures $807,000).


1. That the total 1990 expenditures and recoveries for the Personnel Department, Program 498, Staff Support Services be approved at $2,377,000.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Planning & DevelopmentDepartment be approved at $14,166,000 (expenditures at$21,091,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 323, Land management, at$3,277,000 (expenditures $4,496,000); including aone-time expenditure of $47,000 for computer hardwareand systems development, not to be added to the 1991Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 387, Strategic Planning,at $1,938,000 (expenditures $1,946,000); including aone-time expenditure of $101,000 for computer hardwareand systems development, not to be added to the 1991Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 388, Area Planning, at$2,981,000 (expenditures $2,981,000); including aone-time expenditure of $27,000 for computer hardwareand systems development, not to be added to the 1991Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 389, Land Development,at $1,245,000 (expenditures $2,370,000); including aone-time expenditure of $27,000 for computer hardwareand systems development, not to be added to the 1991Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 390, BuildingInspection, at $902,000 (expenditures $5,310,000);including a one-time expenditure of $42,000 forcomputer hardware and systems development, not to beadded to the 1991 Budget base;

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The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 391, Administration, at $1,492,000 (expenditures $1,614,000); including a one-time expenditure of $44,000 for computer hardware and systems development, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 392, Support Services, at $1,931,000 (expenditures $1,974,000); including a one-time expenditure of $132,000 for computer hardware and systems development, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 393, Heritage Designation & Rehabilitation, at $600,000 (expenditures $600,000).

The Planning & Development Department be required to assume in 1990, a general reduction in the total Tax Levy and Expenditures of $200,000 and provide program/activity allocations and implications to the Budget Committee through the City Manager by mid January 1990.

2. That environmental audits be carried out on a need basiswith costs being charged to the land revolving fund.

3. That the proposed 6.0% increase for building inspectionpermits and 5.0% for all other fees and permits in 1990 beapproved.

R.1. Bylaw No. 9241 - To Amend Bylaw No. 5023, as amended, the EdmontonBuilding Permit Bylaw, 1979; Bylaw No. 5594, as amended, TheEdmonton Plumbing Permit Bylaw, 1980; Bylaw No. 8098, as amended,The Gas Permit Bylaw; and Bylaw No. 4257, as amended, The City ofEdmonton Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Permit Bylaw,1974.

R.2. Bylaw No. 9273 - To Amend Bylaw No. 6247 - The Development AppealBoard Bylaw be amending "Schedule A" - Development Appeal BoardFee Schedule.

R.3. Bylaw No. 9274 - To Amend Schedule "21A" - Development ApplicationFees, Schedule "21B" - Development Agreement Fees and Schedule"26A" - Redistricting Fees of Bylaw No. 5996, as amended, The Cityof Edmonton Land Use Bylaw.

R.4. Bylaw No. 9275 - To Amend Bylaw No. 5372, as amended, TheMunicipal Planning Commission Bylaw, by amending the SubdivisionFees, Condominium Fees and the Area and Neighbourbood StructurePlan Fees in Appendix "A".

That this be received as information (ie: The Bylaws be forwarded to City Council for the appropriate readings).

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R.5. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT - MILL WOODS ENTERPRISE (Volume III)1. That the operating expenditures for the Planning &

Development Department - Mill Woods Enterprise be approved at $1,875,000.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton PoliceService be approved at $68,559,000 and the OperatingExpenditures at $89,127,000 to be allocated on thefollowing basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 778, AdministrativeServices at $11,393,000 (expenditures $11,393,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 782, Technical Serviceat $19,351,000 (expenditures $19,351,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 785, Operations at$58,483,000 (expenditures $58,483,000); and

- The Edmonton Police Service be required to assume in 1990, a general reduction in the total Tax Levy and Expenditures of $100,000 and provide program/activity allocations and implications to the Budget Committee through the City Manager by mid January 1990.

- That Program 975, Revenue be approved at $20,204,000for Revenues and Grants and $364,000 forInter-departmental Billings.


1. That the total 1990 Expenditures for Edmonton Power beapproved at $308,527,000 with a net income of $66,277,000,allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Expenditures for Program 713; Common Costs &Technical, at $64,850,000;

- The 1990 Expenditures for Program 716, FinancialServices, at $113,415,000;

- The 1990 Expenditures for Program 717, Generation &Distribution, at $130,262,000;

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The 1990 Expenditures for Program 868, Management & Support, at $23,972,000 with costs to be recovered through overhead allocation.

2. That a 3.0% rate increase effective April lst, 1990 beapproved.

T.l. Bylaw No. 9213 - A Bylaw to Impose a Maintenance Tax for Lane Lighting for the Year 1990.

T.2. Bylaw No. 9214 - A Bylaw to Amend Edmonton Power Bylaw No. 4056,As Amended.

T.3. Bylaw No. 9215 - A Bylaw to Amend Edmonton Power Bylaw 4056, AsAmended.

That this be received as information (ie: The Bylaws be forwarded to City Council for the appropriate readings).

BYLAWS 9213, 9214 and 9215 WERE DEALT WITH ON PAGE


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Public WorksDepartment - Tax Supported be approved at $10,719,000(expenditures at $42,782,000), allocated on the followingbasis:

- The net contribution to the 1990 Tax Levy for Program 318, Revenue Property Operations, at $927,000 (expenditures $2,654,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 319, Parking Operations,at $2,566,000 (expenditures $5,954,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 320, Corporate SpaceManagement, at $1,686,000 (expenditures $20,746,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 342, Administration, at$2,373,000 (expenditures $2,453,000) including aone-time expenditure of $79,000 for replacements ofcomputer equipment, not to be added to the 1991 Budgetbase; and

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 350, RoadwaysEngineering, at $5,121,000 (expenditures $11,075,000)including a one-time expenditure of $75,000 forreplacement of or additions to computer equipment, notto be added to the 1991 Budget base.

- The Public works Department be required to assume in 1990, a general reduction in the total Tax Levy and Expenditures of $100,000 and provide program/activity

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allocations and implications to the Budget Committee through the City Manager by mid January 1990.

U.I. Parking Rate Adjustment - City Market and Astoria/Musial SurfaceParking Lots

Billings for Program 360, Construction, at$21,374,000; including a one-time expenditure of$67,000 for replacement of obsolete computerequipment, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base.

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1. That the current monthly parking rate for the City Marketsurface parking lot be increased from $35.00 to $50.00 permonth for stalls without plug-ins.

2. That the current monthly parking rate for the City Marketsurface parking lot be increased from $45.00 to $60.00 permonth for stalls with plug-ins.

3. That the current monthly parking rate for theAstoria/Musial surface parking lot be increased from $50.00to $60.00 per month for stalls with plug-ins.


1. That the total 1990 Operating Expenditures for the PublicWorks Department - Service Centres be approved at$74,809,000; allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 operating expenditures and Inter-departmentalBillings for Program 326, Building Maintenance, at$8,386,000; including a one-time expenditure of $9,000for replacement of existing computer equipment, not tobe added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 operating expenditures and Inter-departmentalBillings for Program 327, Custodial Services, at$6,348,000;

- The 1990 operating expenditures and Inter-departmentalBillings for Program 335, Buildings Engineering, at$1,992,000; including a one-time expenditure of$16,000 for additions to existing computer equipment,not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 operating expenditures and Inter-departmentalBillings for Program 338, Mobile Equipment Services,at $36,709,000 including a one-time expenditure of$135,000 for computer equipment, not to be added tothe 1991 Budget base; and

- The 1990 operating expenditures and Inter-departmental

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1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton Research ParkAuthority be approved at $1,139,000, with expenditures of$1,611,000 including a one-time expenditure of $100,000 fortenant/park improvements, not to be added to the 1991Budget base and $15,000 for the Advanced Technology Centreproperty taxes.

2. The tenant/park improvements addback is eligible forreinstatement in the 1991 and future year's budgets subjectto proper justification.

3. That the $15,000 for the Advanced Technology Centre taxesbe held by the Finance Department pending resolution of theappeal.

4. That as part of the 1991 and future year budgets, theEdmonton Research & Development Park Authority provide areport detailing & justifying expenditures for tenant/parkimprovements in the previous two (2) years.



1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton Air ServicesAuthority be approved at $151,000.

2. That a report be brought back to the Utilities and FinanceCommittee, in August of 1990, to review the future role andresponsibility of the Edmonton Air Services Authority giventhat the Airport Authority concept is imminent.


1. That subsequent to the notification required by theMunicipal Government Act, delegations which have submittedwritten requests to appear before Council with respect tothe Downtown Business Association budget be heard duringthe Public Hearing portion ot the City Council meeting.

2. That the total 1990 Special Business Tax Levy for theDowntown Business Association be approved at $450,000, withexpenditures of $1,042,000.

w.3. EDMONTON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (Volume IV)1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton Downtown

Development Corporation be approved at $100,000, with expenditures of $450,000.

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W.4. KINGSWAY BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (Volume IV)i. That subsequent to the notification required by the

Municipal Government Act, delegations which have submittedwritten requests to appear before Council with respect tothe Kingsway Business Association budget be heard duringthe Public Hearing portion of the City Council meeting.

2. That the total 1990 Special Business Tax Levy for theKingsway Business Association be approved at $150,000, withexpenditures of $155,000.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Landlord & Tenant Advisory Board be approved at $359,000 (expenditures of $371,000).


1. That subsequent to the notification required by theMunicipal Government Act, delegations which have submittedwritten requests to appear before Council with respect tothe 124 Street Business Association budget be heard duringthe Public Hearing portion of the City Council meeting.

2. That the total 1990 Special Business Tax Levy for the 124Street Business Association be approved at $87,000, withexpenditures of $97,000.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Advisory Board be approved at $77,000 (expenditures at $79,000).


1. That all costs associated with the management of theProject Ninety-One (New City Hall) be funded from thePublic Works Department 1990 Budget.

2. That all expenditures be vented through the City HallSteering Committee.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Edmonton SpaceSciences Centre be approved at $899,OOO (expenditures at$2,356,000).

2. That the Edmonton Space Sciences Centre provide along withthe 1991 Operating Budget a plan to maintain or reduce

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future Tax Levy requirements, through an increase in revenues.


1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the Taxi Cab Commission be approved at $33,000.

X. ‘edmonton telelphones' (Volume IV)

1. That the total 1990 expenditures for ‘edmonton telephones’,be approved at $232,371,000 with a net income of$18,546,000 allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 555, CompetitiveOperations Terminal Equipment, at $34,264,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 556, Non-CompetitiveOperations Network, at $115,936,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 557, Non-CompetitiveOperations Toll, at $11,987,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 558, Non-CompetitiveOperations Support Finance, at $18,598,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 559, Non-CompetitiveOperations Coin, at $2,888,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 560, Non-CompetitiveOperations Support Corporate, at $18,937,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 561, CompetitiveOperations Directory, Mobile, External, at$29,761,000.

2. That a 4.0% rate increase effective January lst, 1990 beapproved.

3. That for the 1991 and future Budgets, ‘edmonton telephones'review forecasted revenue and expenditure projections toensure that basic service rate increases are realistic andconsistent with forecasted inflation rates and therequirements of the Telecommunications Fiscal Policy aremet.

X.l. Bylaw No. 9254 - To Amend Bylaw No. 7212, As Amended, Being the Telecommunications Bylaw.

That this be received as information. Ue: That the Bylaw be forwarded to City Council for appropriate

Bylaw 9254 WAS DEALT WITH ON PAGES 220/2.

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1. That the total 1990 Tax Levy for the TransportationDepartment be approved at $91,600,000 (expenditures at$146,024,000), allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 580, Roadway Maintenance, at $7,397,000 (expenditures $7,534,000; including a one-time expenditure of $89,000 for reconstruction of wooden steps and guardrail replacement, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 581, Roadway Rehabilitation, at $7,179,000 (expenditures $9,345,000); including a one-time expenditure of $45,000 for rebuilding of barricades and concrete forms, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 582, Snow and Ice Control, at $11,182,000 (expenditures $11,282,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 583, Traffic Operations, at $5,464,000 (expenditures $6,564,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 584, Roadway Operations, at $2,037,000 (expenditures $6,485,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 585, Transit Operations, at $29,152,000 (expenditures $70,472,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 586, Transit Support, at $7,911,000 (expenditures $8,451,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 587, Disabled Adult Transportation, at $3,126,000 (expenditures $5,670,000);

- The net contribution to the Tax Levy for Program 588, Parking Meter Operations, at $1,428,000 (expenditures $426,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 589, Transportation Support, at $9,611,000 (expenditures $9,644,000); including a one-time expenditure of $134,000 for computer hardware/software, not to be added to the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 590, Transportation Planning at $3,292,000 (expenditures $3,474,000);

- The 1990 Tax Levy for Program 591, Street Lighting at $7,077,000 (expenditures $7,077,000);

- The Transportation Department be required to assume in 1990, a general reduction in the total Tax Levy and

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Expenditures of $400,000 and provide program/activity allocations and implications to the Budget Committee through the City Manager by mid January 1990.

2. That the High Level Streetcar Demonstration Project beapproved for the period May to October 1990 subject to:

- That the infrastructure be treated as a capitalproject to be funded as a short term financialarrangement to be paid out of the revenues;

- That the impact on the 1990 Operating Budget be nogreater than $13,300; and

- That if any additional funds are required because ofnegotiations with CP, that this item be returned tothe Budget Committee.

3. That City Policy C-409, Roadways Snow Plowing and SnowRemoval be approved as amended.

4. That the proposed 1990 fares and rates and D.A.T.S. beapproved as follows:

a) 1990 Edmonton Transit Fare Structure

That the existing Edmonton Transit fare structure be retained in 1990.

b) 1990 D.A.T.S. Fare Structure

1. That the cash fare for DATS remain at $1.25 and thattickets remain at the value of 10 for $11.00effective January 1, 1990.

2. That Edmonton Transit regular adult tickets beapproved for use by eligible passengers on DATSeffective January 1, 1990.

c) 1990 Charter Bus Rates

1. That the 1990 Charter Raters be set at the following:

a) First Hour (minimum) $72.00b) Each additional hour (at quarter

hour increments) $60.00

2. That in-town charters be charged from pick up todrop off and out-of-town charters be charged fromgarage departure to garage return.

3. That a minimum charge of one hour be applied to allin-town charters, and out-of-town charters be

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charged from the second hour rate from garage departure to garage return.

4. That contract charters be charged the second hourrate for garage departure to garage return.

d) 1990 D.A.T.S. Charter Rate

That the existing DATS charter rate be retained in 1990 at $37.35 per hour.

e) 1990 Special Subsidized Charter Rate

That Council approve a rate of $39.50 per hour for bus charter for special situation during 1990.

f) 1989/90 School Service Rate Nagotiatio


That it has considered a report prepared by the Transportation Department dated September 5, 1989 (p.103-Volume IV).

Y.2. Snow and Ice Control Policy C-409

That City Policy C-409, Roadways Snow Plowing and Snow Removal be approved as amended.


1. That the total 1990 Operating Expenditures for the EdmontonMunicipal Airport be approved at $8,106,000, with a Net incomeof $4,201,000 allocated on the following basis:

- The 1990 Expenditures for Program 308, operations, at$5,013,000; including one-time expenditures of $51,000for asbestos fibre removal and $14,000 for the CanadianBusiness Aircraft Association Convention, not to be addedto the 1991 Budget base;

- The 1990 Expenditures for Program 309, FinancialAdministration, at $2,162,000;

- The 1990 Expenditures for Program 310, Administration, at$617,000; and

- The 1990 Expenditure for Program 311, DevelopmentIncentive, at $314,000.

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A.A. 1. Letters from R. Antonson, Edmonton Convention and Tourism Authority re: 1990 Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Travel Mart


That it has considered the above item.


1. That $100,000 be provided for the 1990 PacificAsia Travel Association (PATA) Travel Mart fromthe funding reserved for the Winter Festivalproject.


That the following have been referred to the Utilities and Finance Committee for further review:







1. That the 1990 Operating Budget for Tax-SupportedOperations and Service Centre as shown inEnclosure I, be approved as follows:

a. The Tax Levy in the amount of $238,323,000.

b. Operating expenditures of Service Centres in the amount of $114,994,000.

2. That the 1990 Operating Budget for the Utilitiesas shown in Enclosure 1, be approved as follows:

a. Total Utility operating revenues in the amount of $760,070,000.

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b. Total Utility operating expenditures in theamount of $660,041,000.

3. That the 1990 Mill Rate Bylaw be prepared by theFinance Department and be submitted to CityCouncil in April, 1990.


a. Item A.A.1 - Letters from Rick Antonson, EdmontonConvention & Tourism Authority re: 1990 PacificAsia Travel Association (PATA) Travel Mart

That this item be referred to the Budget Committee for review in conjunction with the allocation for the 1990 Winter Festival and recommendations on accommodating PATA together with clarification of Council's direction of September 12, 1989:

That this item be referred back to the Parks & Recreation Department to review the Program and costs of the proposed Winter Festival in conjunction with concerns expressed and that the money allocated in the 1989 budget be held in reserve pending further Council direction.

b. Greater Edmonton Foundation

That the additional funds for the Greater Edmonton Foundation not be released until the review by the Utilities & Finance Committee is completed.

C. 1990 Taxes

That the following motion be referred to the Budget Committee for a report back to Executive Committee in conjunction with the Business Tax Bylaw:

That the Adminstration bring forward a report on the following issues together with the options for consideration at that time:.

1. That the property tax increase be heldto 4.5%.

2. That the business tax rates to reflectthe balance between 4.5 and 5.5%, andthe report include consideration of theelimination of the rebate program forCategory 1 of the Business tax.

3. That Category 1 taxes be set at 8%.

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4. That the rates for Categories 4 and 5 be increased and the rates f or Category 5 be double that of Category 4.



That the 1990 Tax Levy for the Office of the City Solicitor be increased in the amount of $38,000 for the hiring of a junior solicitor.

Mr. J. Basey, City Solicitor, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mason left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, AGREED Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason, McKay,

Paull, White.OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Mackenzie, Staroszik.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, AGREED Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason, McKay,

Paull, White.OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Mackenzie, Staroszik.


Members of Council considered the 1990 Budget for the Environmental Services Department.

Messrs. E. Podivinsky, General Manager, Environmental Services, P. Fernandes, Manager, Financial Planning, Budget and Control and Ms. J. Bars, Acting Manager, Corporate Budget Office, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Kozak left Council Chambers.

Alderman Kozak re-entered the meeting.

MOVED Mayor Reimer

That the 1990 Operating Budget for Environmental Services, Waste Management Branch, be increased by $150,000 and that this amount be referred to the Budget Committee as part of their review in January to look at various financing measures to implement an Environmental Research Centre.

Mayor Reimer left Council Chambers and returned a few minutes later.December 12, 1989

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREED Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,

Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.


Mr. C. Dechene, Finance Department answered Council's questions.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

A.A.1. Letters from R. Antonson, Edmonton Convention andTourism Authority re: 1990 Pacific Asia TravelAssociation (PATA) Travel Mart

Mr. R. Antonson, General Manager, Edmonton Convention and Tourism Authority answered Council's questions.

Alderman Staroszik left Council Chambers.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Mackenzie

That the words "1989" be inserted after the word the.

The recommendation reads as follows:

That $100,000 be provided for the 1990 Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Travel Mart from the 1989 funding reserved for the winter Festival Project.

Alderman White left Council Chambers.

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Alderman Staroszik re-entered Council Chambers.


FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Chichak, AGREEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,Paull, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Mason.ABSENT: Alderman White.

a. Item A.A. 1 Letters from Rick Antonson, Edmonton Convention Tourism Authority re: 1990 Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Travel Mart

That this item be referred to the Budget Committeefor review in conjunction with the allocation forthe 1990 Winter Festival and recommendations onaccommodating PATA together with clarification ofCouncil's direction of September 12, 1989:

That this item be referred back to the Parks& Recreation Department to review the Programand costs of the proposed Winter Festival inconjunction with concerns expressed and thatthe money allocated in the 1989 budget beheld in reserve pending furtherCouncil direction.

MOVED Mayor Reimer

That the foregoing recommendation be struck from Council's agenda.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Bethel, AGREED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Alderman White.

X. ‘edmonton telephones'.

Mr. B. Baptie, ledmonton telephones', answered Council's questions.

Council requested the recommendations be split for voting purposes.Alderman White re-entered the meeting.

1. That the total 1990 expenditures for ‘edmontontelephones, be approved at $232,371,000 with a netincome of $18,546,000 allocated on the followingbasis:

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- The 1990 expenditures for Program 555, Competitive Operations Terminal Equipment, at $34,264,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 556, Non-Competitive operations Network, at $115,936,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 557,Non-Competitive Operations Toll, at$11,987,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 558,Non-Competitive Operations Support Finance,at $18,598,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 559,Non-Competitive Operations Coin, at$2,888,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 560,Non-Competitive operations Support Corporate,at $18,937,000;

- The 1990 expenditures for Program 561, Competitive Operations Directory, Mobile, External, at $29,761,000.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 1 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Bethel, AGREED Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,

Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

2. That a 4.0% rate increase effective January lst, 1990 be approved.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 2 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Bethel,AGREED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mason,McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Kozak, Mackenzie.

3. That for the 1991 and future Budgets, 'edmonton telephones' review forecasted revenue and expenditure projections to ensure that basic service rate increases are realistic and consistent with forecasted inflation rates and the requirements of the Telecommunications Fiscal Policy are met.

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MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 3 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Bethel, AGREED Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

C. 1990 Taxes

That the following motion be referred to the Budget Committee for a report back to Executive Committee in conjunction with the Business Tax Bylaw:

That the Administration bring forward a report on the following issues together with the options for consideration at that time:

1. That the property tax increase be held to 4.5%.

2. That the business tax rates to reflect the balance between 4.5 and 5.5%, and the report include consideration of the elimination of the rebate program for Category 1 of the Business tax.

3. That Category 1 taxes be set at 8%.

4. That the rates for Categories 4 and 5 be increased and the rates for Category 5be double that of Category 4.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - White

That Orders of the Day be extended to complete this item.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.


FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Kozak, McKay, Mason. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie, Paull,Staroszik, White.

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AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Mason - No Seconder

That consideration be given to raise the business tax in line with the other increases.


On a Point of Order, Alderman Binder asked whether the amendment was acceptable.

The amendment was ruled out of order.

MOVED Alderman White

That the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik, White.

The Committee of the Whole rose and Mayor Reimer, as Chairman, reported consideration of Executive Committee Reports 5, 6 and 6A recommending adoption as dealt with.

MOVED Alderman Bethel - Campbell

That Reports 5, 6 and 6A of the Committee of the Whole be adopted as dealt with.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,Paull, Staroszik, White.

Mayor Reimer, on behalf of all members of Council, expressed appreciation to the 1990 Budget Committee and the Administration.



MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to consider Utilities and Finance Committee Report 1.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,Paull, Staroszik, White.

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Council resolved into Committee of the whole to consider Utilities and Finance Committee Report I with the Chairman, Alderman Bethel, in the Chair.


MOVED Alderman Campbell

That Council concur with the recommendations for the following item.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREED Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik, White.

1. "Sunset" Clauses for Civic Agencies


That it considered a report prepared by the Corporate Studies Office dated November 21, 1989 and heard from the Administration.


1. That "sunset clauses" not be introduced at this time.

2. That in accordance with City Policy C449, each agency be directed to submit an annual year-end report to the standing committee of Council to which they are assigned and that these reports contain "Agency Evaluation" information as described in Enclosure II.

3. That the City Clerk schedule reviews of the City agencies outlined in Enclosure I in accordance with City Policy C449.

(Council concurred with the recommendations.)

MOVED Alderman Hayter

That the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREED Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik, White.

The Committee of the Whole rose and Alderman Bethel, as Chairman, reported consideration of the Utilities and Finance Committee Report I recommending adoption as dealt with.

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MOVED Alderman Bethel - Campbell

That Utilities and Finance Committee Report 1 be adopted as dealt with.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,Paull, Staroszik, White.

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Bethel

That item E.1.c. be dealt with at 7:00 p.m.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That item E.1.c. be dealt with at 8:00 p.m.


That item E.1.c. be dealt with after the Public Hearings.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Campbell, Chichak, Kozak, CARRIEDMackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, Hayter.

MOTION AS AMENDED put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Mackenzie, Paull,Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Hayter.


Orders of the Day were called.

Council recessed at 12:15 p.m.

Council reconvened at 1:35 p.m.


Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259 were read together.

F.1.a. Bylaw No. 9257 - To amend the Stadium Station Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw No. 6931.

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HISTORYThe Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

On November 26, 1985, City Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Northlands Area Redevlopment [ redevelopment ] Plan (ARP) and defined an area of study which included portions of the Stadium Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw area.

On September 12, 1989, City Council directed the Planning and Development Department to conduct, before the November 14, 1989 Council meeting, a public meeting on the draft bylaws related to Northlands.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Stadium Station Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw and thereby preserve the viability and quality of life of the Cromdale and Virginia Park Neighbourhoods while facilitating the continued operations of Northlands as a major exhibition and recreation facility serving Edmonton and Northern Alberta.

F.1.b. Bylaw No. 9255 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from DC2(Comprehensively Planned Development) District to RA8*(Medium Rise Apartment) District, Block 1, Plan 8120151;from RA9 (High Rise Apartment) District, RA8 (MediumRise Apartment) District and RA7 (Low Rise Apartment)District to RF6* (Medium Density Multiple Family)District, Lots 1 and 8 to 20 inclusive and portionclosed lane, Block 2, Plan 5850R, Lots 1 to 30inclusive, Block 11, Plan 5850R, Lots 1 to 30 inclusive,Block 15, Plan 585OR; from RA7 (Low Rise Apartment)District to AP (Public Parks) District, Lots 1 to 5inclusive, Block 25, Plan 6806 AJ; from RF1 (SingleDetached Residential) District to AP (Public Parks)District, Lots 5 to 14 inclusive, Block 25, Plan 5850R;from CSC (Shopping Centre) District to CB1 (LOWIntensity Business) District, Lots 1 to 4 inclusive,Block 9, Plan 5733 HW; generally located between 78Street and the CN/LRT line south of 114 Avenue and northof 112 Avenue; Cromdale, Borden Park and Riverview.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

On June 18, 1985, Council approved the following motion as amended:

That Council direct the Administration to prepare an ARP for the Northlands Area in consultation with Northlands and the Borden Park Residents Association.

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On November 26, 1985, City Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Northlands Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) and defined an area of study which included portions of the Stadium Station Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw area.

On September 12, 1985, City Council directed the Planning and Development Department to conduct a public meeting on the draft bylaws related to Northlands, before the November 14, 1989 Council meeting.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land'Use Bylaw from DC2, RA9, RAS, RA7, RF1 and CSC to RA8*, RF6*, AP and CB1 and add Schedule 820M, Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Stadium Station Area Redevelopment Plan as it relates to the Northlands Area Redevelopment Plan to reduce residential densities, allow for expansion to Borden Park and reduce- commercial intensity in the North Cromdale Area and to implement recommended amendments to the Stadium Station Area Redevelopment Plan.

F.1.c. Bylaw No. 9258 - To amend the Montrose Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw No. 6767.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

On November 26, 1985, City Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Northlands Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) and defined an area of study which included portions of the Montrose Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw area.

On September 12, 1989, City Council directed the Planning and Development Department to conduct, before the November 14, 1989 Council meeting, a public meeting on the draft bylaws related to Northlands.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Montrose Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw in order to preserve the viability and quality of life in the Montrose neighbhourhood while facilitating the continued operations of Northlands as a major exhibition and recreation facility serving Edmonton and Northern Alberta.

F.1.d. Bylaw No. 9256 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw andAppendix I to Schedule 820H, Statutory Plan Overlay forthe Montose Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan from IM(Medium Industrial) District to CO (Commercial Office)District, Lots 16 to 30 inclusive, Block 2, Plan XCVIII,Block 7, Plan XCVIII; from IM (medium Industrial)

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District and IH (Heavy Industrial) District to RF6*, Lots 1 to 15 inclusive, Block 9, Plan 1307 P, the southeast corner of S.E. 1/4 Sec. 15-53-24-4 (Burns Site) containing 1.1. hectares; from 114 (Heavy Industrial) District to IB (Industrial Business)District, Parcel A, Plan 6512 ET, S.E. 1/4 Sec. 15-53-24-4 (Burns Site) except that portion in southeast corner containing 1.1 hectares; generally located north of 118 Avenue between 69 Street and the CN/LRT line; Mount Lawn.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

On June 18, 1985, Council approved the following motion as amended:

That Council direct the Administration to prepare an ARP for the Northlands Area in consultation with Northlands and the Borden Park Residents Association.

On November 26, 1985, City Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Northlands Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) and defined an area of study which included portions of the Montrose Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw area.

On September 12, 1989, City Council directed the Planning and Development Department to conduct a public meeting on the draft bylaws related to Northlands, before the November 14, 1989 Council meeting.


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I to Schedule 820H, Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Montrose Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan from IM to CO, IM and IH to RF6 and IH to IS in order to allow the following: commercial uses which complement adjacent Northlands uses; the development of multi-family orientated residential uses which are compatible with adjacent residential development in Montrose; the development of industrial business uses which are compatible with the adjacent multi-family residential District in Montrose; and to implement recommended amendments to the Montrose Santa Rosa Redevelopment Plan.

F.I.e. Bylaw No. 9259 - To Adopt the Northlands Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

On June 18, 1985, Council approved the following motion as amended:

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That Council direct the Administration to prepare an ARP for the Northlands Area in consultation with Northlands and the Borden Park Residents Association.

On November 26, 1985, City Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Northlands Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) and defined an area of study which included portions of the Montrose Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw area.

On September 12, 1989, City Council directed the Planning and Development Department to conduct, before the November 14, 1989 meeting of council, a public meeting on the draft bylaws related to Northlands.


The purpose of this bylaw is to create the Northlands Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw in order -to facilitate the continued operations of Northlands as a major exhibition and recreation facility serving Edmonton and Northern Alberta while preserving the viability and quality of life in the surrounding neighbourhoods.

The City Clerk stated of there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259, they would now be heard.

Messrs. K. Mackenzie and G. Hughes, representing Northlands, were in attendance to speak in support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Mr. Steve Young, Vice-President Parkdale/Cromdale Community League was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Ms. P. Malinowski, Bellevue Community League was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Mr. Metro Chrapko, 11138 - 62 Street, T5W 4C1 was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Gordon Viske, President, Bellevue Community League was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Frank Belden, representative, Concordia College, was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Bev McCullagh (no address) was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

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December 12, 1989

Klaus Rodenberger, Borden Park Residents' Association was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Marcelle Lutz (no address) was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Elizabeth White, President, Parkdale & Cromdale Community Leagues, 7824 Jasper Avenue, TSH 3R9 was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Dorothy Sorensen, 11306 - 79 Street was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 925S, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Iain Taylor, past President, Cromdale Community League was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Linda Rasmussen, 11032 - 76 Street, T5B 2C6, was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Donald R. Bailey, Milner & Steer, 2900 Manulife Place, 10180 -101 Street T5J 3V5, was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Mark McCullagh representing the Ironworkers Union was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Dorothy Barnhouse, Highlands Civic Affairs Committee, was in attendance to speak in partial support to the passing of Bylaws 9257, 9255, 9258, 9256 and 9259.

Alderman Mackenzie entered Council Chambers.

A visual presentation was made by the Planning and Development Department. Mr. R. Caldwell and Ms. B. Denboer answered Council's questions.

Alderman Binder left the meeting.

Alderman Hayter entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Binder re-entered Council Chambers.

Mr. Mackenzie made his presentation. Copies of the presentation entitled "Outline of Position of Edmonton Northlands" were distributed to members of Council.

Alderman Hayter left the meeting.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

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Messrs. Mackenzie and Hughes answered Council's questions.

Alderman Hayter re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Hayter left the meeting.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Staroszik left the meeting.

MOVED Alderman Binder - Kozak

That Orders of the Day be extended.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Kozak, Mackenzie,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, Mason, Staroszik.

Alderman Mason re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

Mr. Young made his presentation.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting.

Ms. P. Malinowski was unable to wait to be heard and filed her presentation with the City Clerk.

Mr. Chrapko made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting.

Alderman Kozak re-entered Council Chambers.

Mr. Viske made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Hayter re-entered Council Chambers.

Mr. Belden made his presentation.

Alderman Mackenzie re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Mr. Rodenberger made his presentation, a copy of which was filed with the City Clerk.

Alderman white left the meeting.

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Marcelle Lutz made her presentation and answered Council'squestions.

Alderman Staroszik re-entered Council Chambers.

Elizabeth White submitted a petition containing 36 signatures on behalf of the Borden Park Residents' Association.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Chichak left the meeting.

Dorothy Sorenson made her presentation and answered Council's questions.

Mr. Taylor made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Linda Rasmussen made her presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Chichak re-entered Council Chambers.

Mr. Bailey made his presentation and answered Council's questions. Copies of his letter, dated December 12, 1989, were distributed to members of Council.

Alderman Staroszik left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Mr. McCullagh made his presentation and answered Council'squestions.

Alderman McKay left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Ms. Barnhouse made her presentation.

Mr. Schnablegger, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.

MOVED Alderman White - Bethel

That Bylaws 9255, 9256, 9257, 9258 and 9259 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, white.

Bylaws 9255, 9256, 9257, 9258 and 9259 were read a first time.

MOVED Alderman Mason - White

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Council reconvened at 7:15 p.m.

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That Orders of the Day be extended.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Binder, Mason. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell,

Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

MOVED Alderman Mason - Bethel

That Bylaws 9255, 9256, 9257, 9258 and 9259 be referred to the Administration to be amended, as follows:

1. a. the retention of the area between 79 Street and 78 Street for housing;

b. the closing of 79 Street south of 114 Avenue;

C. the construction of an entrance road connecting 112 Avenue and Borden Park Road at 78 Street;

d. re-configure the present parking lot in two sections, one in the north intended for Northlands patrons, and one in the south intended for Borden Park patrons;

2. a. The use of the areas between 72 and 73 Street south of 114 Avenue be retained as parking and its use determined in consultation with Northlands, the surrounding community and Concordia College; and

b. that Northlands in consultation with the City and surrounding communities, be permitted to develop a signed and landscaped entrance along 73 Street at 112 Avenue.

3. That a clear direction, including time lines to ensure maximum use of public transportation for Northlands events, be included.

4. That a clear commitment for the construction of 121 Avenue, including berming for the protection of the Santa Rosa neighbourhood be included.

5. That land northeast of Capilano Drive be retained for light industrial uses.

Orders of the Day were called.

Council recessed at 5:30 p.m.

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Alderman Mason entered Council Chambers.

Council considered the following motion:That Bylaws 9255, 9256, 9257, 9258 and 9259 be referred to the Administration to be amended, as follows:

1. a.


2. a.


the retention of the area between 79 Street and 78 Street for housing;

b. the closing of 79 Street south of 114 Avenue;

C. the construction of an entrance road connecting 112 Avenue and Borden Park Road at 78 Street; and

re-configure the present parking lot in two sections, one in the north intended for Northlands patrons, and one in the south intended for Borden Park patrons;

the use of the areas between 72 and 73 Street south of 114 Avenue be retained as parking and its use determined in consultation with Northlands, the surrounding community and Concordia College; and

that Northlands in consultation with the City and surrounding communities, be permitted to develop a signed and landscaped entrance along 73 Street at112 Avenue.

That a clear direction, including time lines to ensure maximum use of public transportation for Northlands events, be included.

4. That a clear commitment for the construction of 121 Avenue, including berming for the protection of the Santa Rosa neighbourhood be included.

5. That land northeast of Capilano Drive be retained for light industrial uses.

Members of Council requested the motion be split for voting purposes.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 1 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak,Mason, McKay.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik, White.

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AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Binder - Hayter

That Recommendation 2a. be amended, as follows:

the use of the areas between 72 and 73 Streets south of 114 Avenue be districted to a DC5 designation with the permitted use being restricted to parking to be controlled by Northlands.


Alderman Binder withdrew his amendment.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Kozak

That Recommendation 2a. be amended by deleting the words "and its use determined in consultation with Northlands, the surrounding community and Concordia College".

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Bethel, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, Paull, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Mackenzie, McKay, White.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 2 as amended put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Kozak, LOSTMason, McKay, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Chichak, Hayter,Mackenzie, Paull, White.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 3 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak, LOSTMason, McKay.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik, White.

Alderman Bethel requested the format for Bylaw 9258 be prepared in the same format as the other two Area Redevelopment Plans (to include timelines and budget).

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 4 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Bethel, Mason. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell,

Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 5 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Bethel, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell,

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Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Paull, Staroszik, White.

MOVED Alderman White - StaroszikThat Bylaw 9257 be referred to the Planning and Development Department to identify those lands in the North Cromdale area between 113 and 114 Avenues as future expansion area for Edmonton Northlands.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting and ret urn ed a few minutes later.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Chichak, CARRIEDHayter, Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik,White.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Mason,McKay.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Hayter - Binder

That the Northlands Bylaws exclude those lands indicated on the land ownership map as the-Rollerdrome (Royal Bank of Canada) and the land identified as the Edmonton Ironworkers Union.


Alderman Hayter withdrew his amendment.

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Campbell

That Orders of the Day be extended to complete the statutory hearings and item E.1.c.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIED Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Mason, McKay,

MOVED Alderman White - Binder

That Bylaw 9255 be referred to the Planning and Development Department to be modified by deleting the proposed amendments for all properties located between 113 and 114 Avenues and that the districting for these properties remain unchanged.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Staroszik.

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MOVED Alderman Binder - Bethel

That the Administration, as part of the applicable Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaws, negotiate with Northlands to pay all expenditures relating to the improvements identified in the Area Redevelopment Plans.


MOVED Alderman Binder - White

That the Administration prepare a report as to how the Area Redevelopment Plan improvements are to be funded and that the Administration negotiate with Northlands on the proposed improvements.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Chichak, CARRIEDHayter, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Mason.

MOVED Alderman White - Binder

That Bylaws 9256 and 9258 be now read a second time.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Chichak,, CARRIEDHayter, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Mason.

Bylaws 9256 and 9258 were read a second time.

MOVED Alderman white - Campbell

That Bylaws 9256 and 9258 be referred to the Planning and Development Department to address the concerns expressed by the neighbourhoood as well as the source of funds.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIED Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Mason.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Bylaw 9259 be now read a second time.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Hayter - White

That Bylaw 9259 be amended, as follows:

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Edmonton Northlands Site Policies

11 . .....Furthermore, the Civic Administration willconsult with CN, Northlands and affectedcommunities to determine the following:

the nature of improvements that can/should be implemented

Edmonton Northlands site Policies will now read, as follows:

11. The City will conduct a detailed urban design review of the CN/LRT corridor along the western edge of Northlands site including the Coliseum Station and abutting lands as part of a corporate approach to improve the appearance of the entire CN/LRT corridor. - Furthermore, the Civic Administration will consult with CH, Northlands and affected communities to determine the following:

the nature of improvements that can/should be implemented, including the construction of an LRT stop to the south of the Coliseum Station; and

the method of cost sharing improvements identified under this review.

MOTION ON AMENDMENT put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED Campbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

MOVED Alderman White -Campbell

That Bylaw 9259 be now read a second time as amended.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Mason.

Bylaw 9259 was read a second time as amended.

MOVED Alderman White - Hayter

That Bylaw 9259, as amended, be referred to the Administration to respond to the questions and concerns of the neighbourhood and to specifically consult with CN, Northlands and affected communities on the amendment to Site Policy 11.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Mason.

Alderman Binder stated that due to a possible conflict of interest with regard to Bylaw 9328, he would be unable to take part in the debate and would, therefore, abstain from voting.

Alderman Hayter left Council Chambers.

Alderman Binder left Council Chambers and did not participate in the deliberations on Bylaw 9328.

Alderman White left Council Chambers.

F.I.f. Bylaw No. 9328 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AGU(Urban Reserve) District and AG (Agricultural) Districtto RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District and DC5(Site Specific Development Control) District; portion ofLot A, Plan 892 1436 and Lot B, Plan 892 1438; locatedsouth of Rabbit Hill Road and west of Terwillegar Drive,Falconer Heights.


The Planning and Development Department does not support this amendment for the following reasons:

1. the provisions of the proposed DC5 District regarding such matters as building heights, finishing materials, development setbacks, landscaping adjacent to residential lands, and free-standing signage will not ensure that development is compatible with adjacent land use nor ensure that development achieves a high standard of appearance appropriate to the entrance location of this prominent site; and

2. the Use Classes "Auctioneering Establishments, Automotive and Minor Recreaional vehicle Sales/Rentals, convenience Vehicle Rentals and Equipment Rentals" proposed in the DC5 District are not compatible with the function and appearance of a community shopping centre as intended by the Falconer Heights Neighbourhood Structure Plan".


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AGU and AG to RF1 and DC5 in order to allow the development of

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single-detached residential dwellings and a commercial site, with site specific controls.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9328, they would now be heard.

Mr. P. Levine, IBI Group, Suite 600, 10310 Jasper Avenue, T5J 2W4 was in attendance to speak in support to the passing of Bylaw 9328.

Mr. T. J. Lost, Planning and Development Department made the presentation.

Mr. Levine made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Hayter re-entered the meeting.

Alderman white re-entered the meeting.

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Paull

That Bylaw 9328 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor'Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason,McKai, Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman Binder.

Bylaw 9328 was read a first time.

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Paull

That Bylaw 9328 be now read a second time.

NOT PUTMOVED Alderman Staroszik - Mackenzie

That Bylaw 9328 be referred back to the Administration to meet with the applicant to address and resolve the DC5 regulations to include the following items:

1. That the Permitted Uses be as per the Planning Department position in the Planning report.

2. That the building height regulations be amended to reflect the "actual" heights which the applicant has requested in its site cross-section plan.

3. That the development setbacks and building separation adjacent to Rabbit Hill Road be reviewed by the applicant and the Planning and Development Department.

4. That paragraph 5(a) on the Signage Guidelines be reviewed by the Applicant and the Planning and

Development Department in the context of more detailed signs plans.

5. That the use of stucco as a finishing material be permitted.

6. That the landscape screening related to the south boundary be reviewed by the applicant and the Planning and Development Department in the context of a more detailed landscape plan.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, white.

ABSENT: Alderman Binder, Mason.

F.I.g. Bylaw No. 9346 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG(Agricultural) District to PU (Public Utility) District;a portion of NE 33-53-24-W4M, located south of 167Avenue and east of 91 Street; Belle Rive, Lake District.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AG to PU in order to accommodate an underground sanitary storage tank.

No persons present.


Bylaws 9347 and 9348 were read together.

F.I.h. Bylaw No. 9347 - To amend Bylaw No. 5710 (as amended)being the Riverbend Area Structure Plan to add theCarter Crest Neighbourhood Structure Plan; a portion ofSection 2-52-25-W4M; located south of Rabbit Hill Road.and east of Terwillegar Drive, Carter Crest.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

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The purpose of this bylaw is to amend Bylaw 5710 (as amended) being the Riverbend Area Structure Plan by adopting the Carter Crest Neighbourhood Structure Plan.

F.1.i. Bylaw No. 9348 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG(Agricultural) District to RF1 (Single DetachedResidential) District, AP (Public Parks) District andAGU (Urban Reserve) District; portions of Section2-52-25-W4M, located south of Rabbit Hill Road and eastof Terwillegar Drive, Carter Crest.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AG to RFI, AP and AGU in order to allow the development of single-detached residential dwellings, public parks and to create urban reserve parcels intended for future multiple-family development under site specific districting.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons to speak to the passage of Bylaws 9347 and 9348, they would now be heard.

Mr. D. Morris, 10160 - 112 Street, was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaws 9347 and 9348.Mr. Loat made the presentation.

MOVED Alderman White - Hayter

That Bylaws 9347 and 9348 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIED Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull,

Staroszik, White.ABSENT: Aldermen Binder, Mason.Bylaws 9347 and 9348 were read a first time.

MOVED Alderman Hayter - Kozak

That Bylaws 9347 and 9348 be now read a second time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Binder, Mason.

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Alderman Paull left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Mackenzie requested a report with regard to the playgrounds being incorporated as part of the servicing agreement.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Campbell

That Bylaws 9347 and 9348 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman Binder, Mason.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Mackenzie

That Bylaws 9347 and 9348. be now read a third time and finally passed.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman Binder, Mason.

Bylaws 9347 and 9348 were read a third time and finally passed.

Bylaws 9313 and 9314 were read together.

F.1.j. Bylaw No. 9313 - To close portions of roadrights-of-way, for 103 Avenue (between Glenora Crescentand Churchill Crescent) and Glenora Crescent (between102 and 103 Avenues), Glenora.


The Planning and Development Department supports this closure.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted road rights-of-way. Once closed, the area will be consolidated with the adjacent parkland.

F.1.k. Bylaw No. 9314 - To close portions of road rights-of-way, for "25 Street" (Groat Creek) and 127 Street both located east of Groat Road, Groat Estate.


The Planning and Development Department supports this closure.

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The purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted road rights-of-way. Once closed, the area will be consolidated with other City-owned ravine and parkland parcels which abut the area to be closed.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaws 9313 and 9314, they would now be heard.

No persons present.


Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

F.1.1. Bylaw No. 9315 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from RF1(Single Detached Residential) District and RF3 (LowDensity Redevelopment) District to A (MetropolitanRecreation) District and AP (Public Parks) District,Blocks C, 87 and 117 all in Plan 2803 AF; Lot 3, Block88, Plan 2803 AF; Lot 1, Block 88, Plan 1280 ED; Lot 1,Block A, Plan XXIIB; Lot 3, Block 107, Plan 2803 AF;Lots 1 and 2, Block 82, Lot 3, Block 83, Lot 1, Block85, all in Plan 2803 AF; Lots 1 and 2, Block 52, Plan2872 AH; portion of closed portion of 104 Avenue in Plan4457 AC; portions of 25 Street, 103 Avenue, 127 Streetand Glenora Crescent to be closed, Groat Estate andGlenora.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use Bylaw from Rfl and RF3 to A and AP to recognize the existing ravine and park uses.

No persons present.


F.I.M. Bylaw No. 9349 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from CB1(Low Intensity Business) District to RF3 (Low DensityRedevelopment) District; a portion of Lot 20, Block 31,Plan 2650 KS, located east of 105 Street and south of 67Avenue, Allendale.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

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The purpose of this bylaw is to amend the Land Use District map from CB1 to RF3 in order to allow a low density residential development.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9349, they would now be heard.

No persons present.


F.1.n. Bylaw No. 9311 - To Close the north/south lane, Block 77A, Plan 5740 Al, located between 62 and 63 Avenues and east of 104 Street, Allendale.


The Planning and Development supports this closure.

The Executive Committee at its meeting of August 9, 1989 approved the sale of a portion of the north/south lane adjacent to Lots I and 2, Block 77A, Plan 5740 Al to Third Number investments Ltd. and the sale of a portion of the north/south lane adjacent to Lots 3 to 8, Block 77A, Plan 5740 AI to Derrick Dodge 1980 Ltd.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted lane, as it is not required for circulation purposes. Once closed, the area will be consolidated with the abutting lots to the west.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9311, they would now be heard.

No persons present.


F.1.O. Bylaw No. 9302 - To close a portion of 62 Avenue (Road Plan 3688), located north of Wanyandi Road and east of Walker Road, Oleskiw, Jasper Place.


The Planning and Development Department supports this closure.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted road right-of-way. This portion of 62 Avenue is no longer required for transportation purposes and once closed the applicant intends to consolidate the closed road with a concurrent application for subdivision.

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The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9302, they would now be heard.

No persons present.


F.1.p. Bylaw No. 9338 - To close Areas D, E and F, in theGovernment Road Allowance, as shown on Descriptive Plan872 0672, located south of Whitemud Drive and adjacentto the west side of Calgary Trail Northbound,Shaughnessy, Duggan.


The Planning and Department supports this closure.

City Council approved the proposed sale of the portion of Area E to be closed on March 14, 1989. The Office of the City Solicitor is currently preparing a land sales agreement which will address the sale and transfer of this closed portion of road. AreaS D and F will be the subject of negotiation and future sale with the adjacent owners.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted Goverment Road Allowance. Once closed, the Areas will be consolidated with three adjoining parcels to the west.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9338, they would now be heard.

Mr. D. Morris, IMC Consulting Group Inc., 10160 - 112 Street, T5K 2L6, was in attendance to speak in support of the passing of Bylaw 9338.

Alderman Binder re-entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Staroszik

That Bylaw 9338 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Mason.

Bylaw 9338 was read a first time.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Staroszik

That Bylaw 9338 be now read a second time.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Mason.

Bylaw 9338 was read a second time.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Paull

That Bylaw 9338 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Mason.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Kozak

That Bylaw 9338 be now read a third time and finally passed.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Mason.

Bylaw 9338 was read a third time and finally passed.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That item E.1.c. be brought forward to be dealt with at this time.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell,CARRIED

Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Mason.

(Continued from page 159.)

E.1.c. Parking Problems on Saskatchewan Drive.

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the following motions of City Council, approved on May 23, 1989, be rescinded:

a. That the roadway components of the 114Street "Modified" Plan be approved fordesign and construction.

b. That following completion andconstruction of all parts of the Modification PIclosure of Keillor Road be considered.

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C. That Keillor Road closure be considered upon construction of the LRT to the Southgate Shopping Centre.

2. That the construction of a six-lane roadway on 114 Street (Belgravia Road to University Avenue), and widening of Belgravia Road to five lanes from 113 Street to Fox Drive be approved at an estimated cost of $10 million, with construction to be completed by the end of 1992.

3. That, following the completion of reconstruction and widening on 114 Street and Belgravia Road in 1992, Keillor Road be closed permanently, and the road xight-of-way be converted to parkland.

4. That approval in principle be given to the construction of an at-grade LRT extension on the west side of 114 Street and 113 Street, from Health Sciences Station to 61 Avenue, and continuing on the east side of 111 Street to Southgate as the next priority of LRT extension.

5. That the Transportation Department bring forward a Facility Plan of the LRT extension, from University Avenue to Southgate, to the Public Affairs Committee for a Public Hearing.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That the recommendations be concurred with.

Alderman White read the recommendations into the record.

Alderman Mason re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Bethel re-entered Council Chambers.

Members of Council requested Recommendation 1 be split for voting purposes.

Mr. Schnablegger answered Council's questions.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 1 put and declared.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Chichak, Mason, Mackenzie,McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

Members of Council requested Recommendations 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 be split for voting purposes.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Staroszik - PaullThat the words "following the completion and construction of 114 Street" be added at the end of Recommendation 4.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Campbell, Paull, Staroszik. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,

Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason,McKay, White.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 2 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, LOSTCampbell, Hayter, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Chichak, Kozak, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 3 put and declared.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Staroszik

That Option "A" of the modified Plan be considered.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Chichak, Kozak, Mackenzie, Paull, LOSTStaroszik.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,Campbell, Hayter, Mason, McKay, White.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Bethel - McKay

That 114 Street be constructed to four lanes and that Keillor Road be closed upon completion of the improvements to 114 Street.

AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Mason - McKay1. That Keillor Road be closed upon construction of

the LRT to Southgate.

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2. That the partial closure of Keillor Road from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday to Friday and all day Saturday, Sundays and holidays be implemented.

Members of Council requested Alderman Mason's motion be split forvoting purposes.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Bethel, Hayter, LOSTMason, McKay.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Chichak, Kozak,Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik, White.


FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Bethel, Chichak, Mason, McKay, LOSTStaroszik.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell,Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Paull, White.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Hayter, LOSTMcKay.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Chichak, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, Paull, Staroszik, White.

MOVED Alderman Mason - McKay

That Council reconvene at 1:00 p.m. on December 13, 1989 to complete the agenda.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason,McKay, Paull.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Campbell, Staroszik, White.

Council recessed at 11:48 p.m.

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The recessed meeting of City Council convened at 1:07 p.m.

E.l.c. Parking Problems on Saskatchewan Drive.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - White1. That approval in principle be given to the

construction of an at-grade LRT extension on the west side of 114 Street and 113 Street, from Health Sciences Station to 61 Avenue, and continuing on the east side of Ill Street to Southgate as the next priority of LRT extension.

2. That the construction of the first 4 lanes of a 6-lane roadway on 114 Street (Belgravia Road to University Avenue) be approved at an estimated cost of $8.5 million, with construction to be completed by the end of 1992.

3. That, following the completion of reconstruction of 114 Street in 1992, Keillor Road be closed permanently, and the road right-of-way be converted to parkland.

4. That the Transportation Department bring forward a Facility Plan of the LRT extension, from University Avenue to Southgate, to the Public Affairs Committee for a Public Hearing.

Members of Council requested the recommendations be split for voting purposes.

Mr. J. Schnablegger, General manager, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Hayter entered Council Chambers.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 1 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 2 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Staroszik

That following the construction of the LRT to the Southgate Shopping Centre, Keillor Road be closed.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Chichak, Mackenzie, Paull, LOSTStaroszik.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,Campbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 3 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Chichak, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 4 put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Chichak.


1. Aldermanic Research Fund.


That it has considered the remuneration paid to Executive Assistants to Aldermen.


That the Aldermanic Research Fund be increased by three percent to accommodate a cost-of-living increase for Executive Assistants to Aldermen, effective January 1, 1990.

MOVED Alderman Hayter - white

That Council concur with the recommendation.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

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E. OTHER REPORTS.E.1.a. City Council meetings for the Year 1990.

RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Council Meetings for 1990 be held in Council Chambers at the Edmonton Art Gallery and scheduled, as follows:

- January 16 and 30, 1990.- February 13 and 27, 1990.- March and 13, 1990.- April 10 and 24, 1990.- may 8 and 29, 1990.- June 12 and 26, 1990.- July io, 1990.- August 14, 1990.- September 11 and 25, 1990.- October 16 and 30, 1990.- November 13 and 27, 1990.- December 11, 1990.

MOVED Alderman Hayter - White

That Council concur with the recommendation.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Kozak - No Seconder

That the morning portion of the July Council meeting be held at Fort Edmonton Park.



FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

E.1.b. Alderman Staroszik - Hrudey Report "A Critical Assessmentof Drinking Water in Edmonton".

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RECOMMENDATION: That the report be received as information.

Members of Council considered a report prepared by the Parks and Recreation Department, dated November 17, 1989 and heard from the Administration.

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - white

That Council concur with the recommendation.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

E.1.c. Parking Problems on Saskatchewan Drive.


Alderman Binder stated that due to a possible conflict on interest with regard to item E.1.d., Recommendation 1, he would be unable to participate in the deliberations and would, therefore, abstain from voting.

Alderman Binder left Council Chambers and did not participate in the deliberations on item E.1.d., Recommendation 1.

E.1.d. Landfill Approval.

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the Administration be authorized to proceed with the immediately with the necessary testing and engineering work to address the nine concerns of the Edmonton Board of Health and six concerns of Alberta Environment relating to the City's landfill application at an estimated cost of up to $500,000 which can be funded from the Capital Budget Program No. 130.

2. That the Administration be directed to developand implement waste reduction strategies toachieve at least a 25 percent reduction intotal waste generated in the City in 1990 andthat the Administration report back on thestrategies developed.

3. That the Administration be directed to bringforward a contingency plan to the January 30,1990 Council meeting for the disposal of theCity's wastes in the event that the proposedlandfill is further delayed or rejected.

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Members of Council requested the recommendations be split.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Council concur with Recommendation 1.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, Chichak, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer.ABSENT: Alderman Binder.

Alderman Binder re-entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Staroszik

That Council concur with Recommendation 2.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman White - Mackenzie

That the words "and implement" be deleted fromRecommendation 2.

Mr. F. Hugo, Environmental Services, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

Alderman Hayter left the meeting.

Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Hayter re-entered Council Chambers.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman McKay - No Seconder

To achieve the waste reduction, that a public relations program and team be established to market the program.


Alderman McKay requested a report (to be provided directly to her) on the Department's Public Awarness Program to market environmental issues to the public.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman McKay.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman McKay.

Alderman Binder left the meeting.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting.

Alderman Staroszik left the meeting.

Alderman McKay reentered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Council concur with Recommendation 3.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Mason - Bethel

That a contingency plan for a regulatory solution be prepared to include the Provincial Government.

Alderman Staroszik reentered the meeting.

Alderman Mackenzie reentered the meeting.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Kozak, Mason, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Hayter.ABSENT: Alderman Binder.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIED Chichak, Kozak, Mason, Mackenzie, McKay,

Paull, Staroszik, White.OPPOSED: Alderman Hayter.ABSENT: Alderman Binder.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman White - Hayter

That a Recommendation 4 be added, as follows:

4. That either plan recommend an alternate site;and, that Environmental Services prepare abrief report on the alternate technologiesthat have been proposed to the Department.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Campbell, Hayter, CARRIED

Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Bethel.ABSENT: Aldermen Binder, Mason.

Alderman McKay thanked Mr. Hugo and Environmental Services for their work on the landfill issue.

Alderman White left the meeting.

Alderman Binder re-entered Council Chambers.


FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell,CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Chichak, Staroszik.ABSENT: Aldermen Mason, White.

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the persons listed on Enclosure I be appointed to the Civic Agencies under which their names appear.

2. Edmonton Air Services Authority:

That the Airport Association submit names of representatives who have not served six years.

3. Edmonton Economic Development Authority:

a) That the Executive Committee review appointments by outside groups to the Authority by March 31, 1990.

b) That the Auditor-General review Edmonton Economic Development Authority as his first priority in 1990.

4. Names Advisory Committee:

That the Administration review the Names Advisory Committee and report to Executive Committee.

5. Court of Revision:

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That the Court of Revision report to Utilities and Finance Committee on the merits ofimplementing appeal application fees, to address the problem of the high rate ofapplicants failing to appear.


City Council at its meeting held on October 25, 1988, adopted Policy C449 to make appointments to Civic Agencies. The three Standing Committees of City Council: Executive Committee, Public Affairs Committee and Utilities and Finance Committee have reviewed the Boards and Committees under their respective areas of responsibility for 1990 and have conducted interviews to fill the vacancies.


A consolidation of the three Standing Committees recommendations are submitted to City Council for approval.

* Denotes Reappointment.


City Council Appointees Term First AppointedRobert Day* 90-12-31 86-01-28Ann Dea* 90-12-31 86-01-28Allison Faid* 90-12-31 88-12-14Laura Ferguson* 90-12-31 86-01-28Dulari Prithipaul 90-12-31 89-12-12Elizabeth Seymour* 90-12-31 89-08-08William Shim 90-12-31 89-12-12

Edmonton Social Planning Council Representative

Martin Garber-Conrad* 90-12-31 88-01-26

United Way of Edmonton Representative

(Appointment to be made by January 1990).

Local Board of Health Representative

Dr. Gerald M. Predy* 90-12-31 85-02-12

Council Member

Alderman P. Mackenzie* 90-12-31 87-12-31

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City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Jonathan Murphy* 90-12-31 88-01-12Joseph Shoctor* 90-12-31 86-05-11

Council Members

Alderman P. Mackenzie* 90-12-31 88-12-14Alderman L. Staroszik* 90-12-31 86-12-09Alderman L. White* 90-12-31 88-12-09


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed.

Jeanine Compri* 90-12-31 87-02-24Donald R. Henry 90-12-31 90-01-01Mark T. Johnson 90-12-31 90-01-01Lynn M. Manly 90-12-31 90-01-01A. Neville Persaud 90-12-31 90-01-01

Edmonton Chamber of commerce Representative

Roman Wozniak* 90-12-31 85-06-18

Building Owners & Management Association Representative

Guy Priddle* 90-12-31 85-05-18

Parking Facility Operators Representative

Sonar Bain* 90-12-31 85-06-18

Housing and Urban Development Institute Representative

Gordon Parker* 90-12-31 88-01-12

Downtown Business Association Representative

Randall Way* 90-12-31 88-01-12

City Council Member

Alderman M. Binder* 90-12-31 88-01-12

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City Council Appointees Term First AppointedBarbara Ashton 90-12-31 89-12-12Daniel Collins* 90-12-31 89-04-11Diane Earl 90-12-31 89-12-12Darrell Elkow* 90-12-31 89-04-11Mark Kolke* 90-12-31 89-04-11Shelly Lane* 90-12-31 89-04-11George Majeed* 90-12-31 89-04-11Bill Miller* 90-12-31 89-04-11Louise Miller* 90-12-31 89-04-11Duncan McColl* 90-12-31 89-04-11Sampson Milner* 90-12-31 89-04-11Wayne Panasiuk 90-12-31 89-12-12Doug Romaniuk* 90-12-31 89-04-11Barbara Stewart* 90-12-31 89-04-11Henry Stuive 90-12-31 89-12-12

Custom Transportation Services Advisory Board Representative

(meeting to be held to name representative on December 12).

ACT Recreation Centre Advisory Board Representative

(Appointment to be made January 1990).

Message Relay Centre Advisory Committee Representative

Lynette Burnett 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed,Ninele Jackson* 90-12-31 86-01-28R. W. McCulloch* 90-12-31 88-01-12G. R. Raaf* 90-12-31 88-12-12Ursula Tauscher* 90-12-31 88-12-12Ted Boldt 90-12-31 89-12-12

Medical Officer of Health

Dr. J. M. Howell* 90-12-31 81-09-08

Academy of medicine RepresentativeDr. J. Borkent 90-12-31 89-12-12

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Joint Hospital Representative

Margaret Johnson 90-12-31 88-04-12

City Manager or Designate

T. Edwards* 90-12-31 87-01-13

Council Member

Mayor J. Reimer 90-12-31 89-12-12Alderman K. Kozak* 90-12-31 86-12-09


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alice Hanson* 90-12-31 87-01-13Nancy Semple Hauls 90-12-31 87-01-27Leon Lubin 90-12-31 89-01-31

Alberta Association of Registered Nurses Representative

Caron Lang 90-12-31 89-12-12

University of Alberta - Faculty Of Medicine Representative

Dr. Neil Bell* 90-12-31 89-05-09

Edmonton & District Dental Society Representative

Dr. Charles Yu 90-12-31 89-03-15

Academy of Medicine Representative

Dr. I. Bailes 90-12-31 89-12-12

Edmonton Public School Board Representative

Esther Starkman 90-12-31 89-12-12

Edmonton Catholic School District Representative

Krystyna Kunicki-Tadman 90-12-31 89-12-12

Council Member

Alderman R. Hayter* 90-12-31 88-17-08

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Council member Term First Appointed

Alderman R. Hayter* 90-12-31 83-12-13


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Richard A. Gil 90-12-31 89-12-12Robert Michael Reynolds 90-12-31 89-12-12Campbell J. Miller 90-12-31 89-12-12

Council Members

Alderman H. Paull* 90-12-31 89-10-19Alderman L. White* 90-12-31 88-11-08

Representative from the County of Strathcona

Linda Hanson 90-12-31

Representative from the County of Parkland

Ingrid Schultz 90-12-31

Representative from the City of St. Albert

Margaret Plain 90-12-31

Representative from the municipal District of Sturgeon

Frank Schoenberger* 90-12-31


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

John Gullion* 90-12-31 87-01-13Lois Porter* 90-12-31 87-01-13

Council Members

Alderman C. Chichak* 90-12-31 89-10-19Alderman R. Hayter* 90-12-31 86-04-25Alderman S. McKay 90-12-31 89-12-12

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City Council Members Term First Appointed

Alderman Brian Mason* 90-12-31 89-10-19

Kinsmen Club Appointees

Bruce Copeland* 90-12-31 88-01-01Gary Harwardt 90-12-31 89-12-12Carmela Carson 90-12-31 89-12-12(Three names to be submitted after the December 13th, 1989 meeting of the Club).

Parks & Recreation Dept. Representatives Wanda Wetterberg* 90-12-31 87-01-13

Linda Cochrane* (Ex-Officio) 90-12-3188-01-01

Outdoor Representative

Bill Bullis 90-12-31 90-01-01

Indoor Representative

Dennis Freeman* 90-12-31 87-01-13

Aquatic Representative

(To be appointed January 1990).


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alwyn J. Brightley* 90-12-31 89-01-17Peter Duckett* 90-12-31 88-12-14Rene F. Jones* 90-12-31 89-04-11Dr. David L. Kassian* 90-12-31 88-06-14C. Randall McCreary* 90-12-31 88-01-12Marjorie Middagh* 90-12-31 88-01-12Michael Pankiw* 90-12-31 88-09-14James Moffat* 90-12-31 87-01-13P. J. (Wally) Rocchio* 90-12-31 86-03-11

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City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Tom Eger* 90-12-31 89-06-06F. Richard Haldane 90-12-31 89-12-12Maya Veljkovic 90-12-31 89-12-12

Edmonton Professional Arts Council Representatives

Meg Clarke* 90-12-31 88-12-14Michael Oberty 90-12-31 89-12-12Judy Peacock 90-12-31 89-12-12

Edmonton Multicultural Society Representatives:

Richard Awid 90-12-31 89-12-12Gurcharan Bhatia* 90-12-31 88-12-14Richard Sherbaniuk 90-12-31 89-12-12

Edmonton Federation of Community League Representatives:

Donald L. Grimble* 90-12-31 88-12-14Joan D. Kirrilo* 90-12-31 88-12-14Fredda Lieman* 90-12-31 88-12-14

Edmonton Public School Board Representative

Girmaya Gabre* 90-12-31 89-04-25

Edmonton Catholic School District Representative

Tony Catena 90-12-31 89-12-12

Council Member

Alderman S. McKay 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman Ken B. Kozak* 90-12-31 86-06-25Ken Blackett* 90-12-31 87-01-13Murray H. Dale* 90-12-31 87-01-13Thomas Foran* 90-12-31 85-12-10Brian Sussman* 90-12-31 89-01-01Rudy Wakaruk* 90-12-31 89-01-01Usman Ali 90-12-31 89-12-12

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City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Mary Ann Debrinski* 90-12-31 89-01-01

Better Business Bureau Representative

Ross Bradford* 90-12-31 88-06-14

Labour Council Representative

Lyle Connors* 90-12-31 88-06-29

Edmonton Social Planning Council Representative

Pat Ryan* 90-12-31 87-01-13

Designate of the Chief Constable

Inspector Noel Day* 90-12-31 89-01-01

Chamber of Commerce Representative

Lloyd C. Wright* 90-12-31 88-01-12

Bylaw Enforcement Representative

T. Holloway* 90-12-31


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Sharon E. Quickfall* 90-12-31 88-12-31** 90-12-31

* Brian Elliott has been transferred to Calgary, a vacancy now exists for 1990 and a recommendation will come from the Board after their January 9, 1990 meeting.

Service Users

Diane Butcher* 90-12-31 89-01-31Aurla Stevenson* 90-12-31 89-01-31Paddy Emmons 90-12-31 89-12-12Corinne Kushneryk 90-12-31 89-12-12Gretel Ploc 90-12-31 89-12-12Terry Gilbert-Standon 90-12-31 89-12-12

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Consumer Groups

Society Retired & Semiretired

Helena Reeves* 90-12-31 1986

Good Samaritan Society

Brian Judd 90-12-31 89-01-31

Canadian Paraplegic AssocDorothy Kish 90-12-31 89-12-12

ACT Recreation Centre

Peter Thornton 90-12-31 1988

CNIB Alberta/NWT Division

Bob Griesbrecht 90-12-31 89-01-31

Hospital District No. 24

Helen Rust 90-12-31 89-12-12

Gateway Association for mentally Handicapped

Vicki Stanley 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman Bruce Campbell* 90-12-31 85-12-16Alderman Brian Mason 90-12-31 89-12-12Wayne Romank* 90-12-31 85-02-12Douglass M. Tadman* 90-12-31 88-02-09Klaus Zerulla 90-12-31 89-12-12Jack Peat 90-12-31 89-12-12

Chamber of Commerce Representatives

J. MacDougall* 90-12-31 88-12-14James Bateman 90-12-31 89-12-12

Edmonton Convention & Tourism Association Representative

Leo LeClerc 90-12-31 89-12-12

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Edmonton Economic Development Association Representative

Appointment to be made Jan 19, 1990.

Area 1 Council Representative

Bob Ambrose* 90-12-31 89-01-31

EDMONTON CONVENTION CENTRE AUTHORITYCity Council Appointees Term First AppointedMayor Jan Reimer 90-12-31Alderman Pat Mackenzie 90-12-31 89-12-12Alderman Brian Mason 90-12-31 89-12-12James R.W. Nesbitt* 90-12-31 88-01-12Norman Forbes* 90-12-31 86-12-09Raymond G. Marusyk* 90-12-31 88-01-12Kenneth F. Bailey* 90-12-31 88-01-12Gordon Bremner (Finance Dept)* 90-12-31 86-12-09Guy R. Kerr* 90-12-31 88-12-14Ed Lam* 90-12-31 88-12-14Terry Wallace 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First AppointedAlderman Helen Paull* 90-12-31 88-01-12Liz Clarke* 90-12-31 86-03-11Mayor Jan Reimer 90-12-31

Edmonton Convention & Tourism Association Representatives**

Alberta Restaurant & Food Services Association Representative**

Alberta Hotel Association Representative**

Chamber of Commerce Representatives**

Special Events Representative**

Convention Centre Authority **

Edmonton Northlands Representative**


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

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Alderman Judy Bethel* 90-12-31 88-01-12Alderman Bruce Campbell* 90-12-31 88-01-12Susan Bradley* 90-12-31 88-12-14Robert Rosen* 90-12-31 88-12-14Audra L. Hollingshead 90-12-31 89-12-12Jose Lourenco 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Mayor Jan Reimer 90-12-31 89-12-12Alderman Judy Bethel* 90-12-31 87-05-12Alderman Bruce Campbell* 90-12-31 87-05-12Alderman Helen Paull* 90-12-31 87-05-12Alderman Lance White* 90-12-31 87-05-12

Citizens - at - Large

John Patrick 90-12-31 87-05-12Ivan Ivankovich 90-12-31 87-05-12Linda Davidson 90-12-31 87-05-12Kim Wakefield 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman Mel Binder 90-12-31 89-12-12Neil B. Ramsay* 90-12-31 86-07-08Nicholas Spillios* 90-12-31 87-01-13John Kurian* 90-12-31 89-05-23Kathy Curran 90-12-31 89-12-12Duncan Campbell* 90-12-31 87-09Neil Findlay* 90-12-31 88-01-12Elsa G. Rice* 91-12-31 88-12-14Allan R. Skelley* 91-12-31 88-12-14Doug Ross* 90-12-31 85-02-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman S. McKay 90-12-31 89-12-12Joseph Fras* 90-12-31 87-01-13Alison Russell 90-12-31 89-12-12W. Mills Parker 90-12-31 89-12-12

Historical Board Representatives

Lowell Olsen* 90-12-31 87-01-13Kenneth Tingley* 90-12-31 87-01-13

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Board Members Elected by Foundation

Judy Berghofer* 90-12-31Violet Bretin 90-12-31Wes Candler 90-12-31Lois Campbell 90-12-31Janice Chapman 90-12-31Keith Duggan* 90-12-31Martin Jackson* 90-12-31Audrey Martyn* 90-12-31Donna Morrison* 90-12-31Ted North 90-12-31Patrick Ward 90-12-31Don Wetherell* 90-12-31


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman J. Bethel 90-12-31 89-10-19Donald E. Johnson* 90-12-31 85-02-12Douglas E. Bate* 90-12-31 86-01-28John 0. Reid* 90-12-31 88-12-14Gary D. Scuir* 90-12-31 88-12-14Hope M. Hunter 90-12-31 89-12-12Don Storch 90-12-31 89-12-12 **** Awaiting input from Hon. N. Betkowski before vacancy filled.

University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine Representative

Dr. D.R. Wilson 90-12-31 86-02-10


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Dorothy Havrelock 90-12-31 88-01-12(General Manager's Designate)

David Hopkyns 90-12-31 89-12-12Wes Robson 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman Catherine Chichak* 90-12-31 89-10-19Alderman R. Hayter* 90-12-31 86-12-09Cary M. Smialek 90-12-31 89-12-12

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Appointment to be made January 1990 90-12-31 89-12-12

Space Sciences Foundation Representatives

Les Young Spring 1990 89-06-27Ed Monsma Spring 1990 89-06-27Don Potter Spring 1990 89-06-27David Nevett Spring 1990 89-06-27Doug Hube Spring 1990 1979

One Vacancy to be filled in the Spring of 1990 by the Foundation.


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

C. Scot Caithness* 90-12-31 85-02-12Ed Dauphinais* 90-12-31 85-02-12Jack Belkin* 90-12-31 85-12-10Frank Perry* 90-12-31 85-12-10John R. Beatty* 90-12-31 87-09-08John T. Molan* 90-12-31 87-09-08William V. Rackel* 90-12-31 87-09-08Richard Rajotte* 90-12-31 87-09-08Wallace K. Broen* (Alternate) 90-12-31 87-09-08J. Pitts* (Alternate) 90-12-31 87-09-08


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman Ken B. Kozak* 90-12-31 86-12-09Alderman Lillian Staroszik* 90-12-31 88-12-14Brian L. Barge* 90-12-31 88-10-25Dr. C.R. James* 90-12-31 85-12-10Roger D. Ball* 90-12-31 88-10-25E. John Cuyler* 90-12-31 87-01-13Dr. Gerard Tertzakian* 90-12-31 87-01-13Ray Fortune* 90-12-31 88-01-12Gordon Bremner-City manager Designate* 90-12-31 89-04-11Mayor Jan Reimer* 90-12-31 89-10-19

Provincial Representatives

George Gerenscer* 90-12-31 85-12-10Robert A. Wilkes* 90-12-31 88-01-12

University of Alberta Representative

Dr. Thomas G. Wegman* 90-12-31 88-12-14

Chamber of Commerce Representative

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City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman M. Binder* 90-12-31 86-12-09Alderman B. Mason* 90-12-31 89-10-19Linda Gunn* 90-12-31 89-02-15George Mah* 90-12-31 86-03-25Edward Trott* 90-12-31 89-02-15

Departmental Members

Bruce Duncan, General manager, Planning and Development Department*John Lackey, General manager, Community & Family Services Department*Dave McCullagh, Managing Director*Pat Moric, Corporate Controller, Finance Department*


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman Lance White* 90-12-31 87-03-10Alderman Mel Binder* 90-12-31 86-12-09Dr. Zaheer Lakhani* 90-12-31 86-09-01L. Wayne Drewry* 90-12-31 88-12-14Rose Rosenberger* 90-12-31 88-12-14


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman H. Paull* 90-12-31 88-12-14Alderman P. Mackenzie* 90-12-31 86-12-09Sharon Budnarchuk* 90-12-31 89-03-15W. James Charuk* 90-12-31 88-06-14Gregory Gardner* (Graeme, Young & Assoc.) 90-12-31 86-04-22Robert R. Jones* 90-12-31 89-03-15Ian MacLeod* (Melcor Development) 90-12-31 88-12-14Robert B. Nimmon* (Mayfair Shoes) 90-12-31 88-12-14Howard Pechet* (Mayfield Investments) 90-12-31 88-12-14Alan Schapiro* (Witten Binder) 90-12-31 88-12-14Jose Campo* (Hilton International) 90-12-31 88-12-14James M. Gillespie* (Kingston Ross) 90-12-31 89-01-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman Ron Hayter* 92-12-31 83-01-25Alderman Bruce Campbell* 90-12-31 89-10-19

Province of Alberta Representative

1 Trustee to be appointed by Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council

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Canadian Legion Representative

J. Buffam 90-12-31 90-12-31B. Ritchie 90-12-31 90-12-31NAMES ADVISORY COMMITTEE

City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Marilynne J. Luck* 90-12-31 85-12-10Carol Kennedy* 90-12-31 88-02-09

Public School Board Representative

R.J.W. Mather 90-12-31 89-12-12

Separate School Board Representative

John Patrick Day 90-12-31 89-12-12

Edmonton Historical Board Representative

Keith Wakefield* 90-12-31 88-01-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman R. Hayter* 90-12-31 85-12-10Alderman K. Kozak* 90-12-31 89-10-19Allan H. Lefever* 90-12-31 86-07-08D. Stewart McIntosh* 90-12-31 85-12-10Tim Brockelsby* 90-12-31 87-01-13Harold L. Morrison* 90-12-31 87-01-13Elexis Schloss* 90-12-31 88-01-12T. Patrick Griffen* 90-12-31 89-01-01James Murphy 90-12-31 89-12-12Barbara Shipman 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First AppointeD

Georgia Baird* 90-12-31 85-02-12Philip Cox* 90-12-31 8741-13Keith F. Wakefield* 90-12-31 88-01-12George F. Ferrand* 90-12-31 88-01-12James Neilson 90-12-31 89-12-12Patrick Phelan 90-12-31 89-12-12

Historical Society Representative

Kenneth W. Tingley 90-12-31 85-12-10

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Northern Alberta Pioneers and Old Timers Association

Mabel Geary 90-12-31 85-12-10Joyce Nicholls 90-12-31 85-12-10


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman R. Hayter* 90-12-31 85-02-12Len Sapieha* 90-12-31 85-02-12Frank Johnsrude* 90-12-31 87-01-13George D. Butler* 90-12-31 87-01-13Bill Williams* (Bylaw Enforcement) 90-12-31 85-02-12Insp. Jules Rawlyk* (Police) 90-12-31 88-12-14Bryce Stephenson* (Transportation) 90-12-31 88-12-14Baltar Brar* 90-12-31 88-12-14Hatem Naboulsi 90-12-31 89-12-12


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Tony Bishop* 90-12-31 88-01-12Suzanne Davis* 90-12-31 88-01-12Klaus D.F. Weiher* 90-12-31 88-01-12J.M. Tweddle* 90-12-31 88-12-14George C. Marrinier* 90-12-31 88-12-14Barbara Neve 90-12-31 89-12-12

Foundation Representatives

Sheila Carter* 90-12-31 87-09-16Charles T. Cripps* 90-12-31 82-04-13Jack D. Edworthy* 90-12-31 82-04-13Mary Lobay* 90-12-31 82-04-13Joan Tyler* 90-12-31 82-04-13Frans Slatter 90-12-31


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed.

Alderman L. White* 90-12-31 89-mlO-17Catherine Roy* 90-12-31 87-01-13Calvin Maxfield 90-12-31 89-12-12Carol Dekkers 90-12-31 89-12-12

Provincial Government Representative

David Hudson* 90-12-31 88-01-12

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Cloverdale Community Leacrue Representative

Roy Leadbeater 90-12-31 88-12-14Bill Taylor (Alternate) 90-12-31 88-12-14


City Council Appointees Term First Appointed

Alderman Ron Hayter* 90-12-31 87-11-10Aaron Shtabsky, Q.C.* 90-12-31 87-10-13Jess Morrill* 90-12-31 87-10-13Jim Murray* 90-12-31 87-10-13Dr. James Carson* 90-12-31 87-10-13Gail Spurgeon* 90-12-31 87-10-13Ken McDonald* 90-12-31 87-10-13Gordon Gifford* 90-12-31 88-12-14Robert Chapman* 90-12-31 88-12-14Julian Koziak* 90-12-31 89-08-25

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Mackenzie

That Council concur with the recommendations for all items.

Members of Council requested the exemption of the Air Services Authority, Boxing and Wrestling Commission and Edmonton Library Board.

MOTION ON THE RECOMMENDATION (excluding the exemptions) put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Binder, Mason, White.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Kozak - Hayter

That the first appointed be changed from December 12, 1989 to January 21, 1990.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Binder, Mason, White.


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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Binder, Mason, White.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Staroszik

That the Edmonton Air Services Authority and Edmonton Public Library appointments be referred to the Executive Committee.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, McKay,Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Binder, Mason, White.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

Alderman Mason re-entered the meeting.


BYLAWS 9255, 9256, 9257, 9258, 9259, 9328, 9347, 9348 and 9338 WERE DEALT WITH ON PAGES 159-179.

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - CampbellThat Bylaw 9233 be brought forward at this time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason,McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Binder, White.


G.2.a. Bylaw 9233 (as amended) - To Amend the L.U.B. from AG(Agricultural) District to RF5 (Row Housing) District andOct (Site Specific Development Contro.) District; portionof SW 35-53-24-W4M; located n. of 153 Avenue and e. of59A Street, Matt Berry, Pilot Sound.


At the regular meeting of City Council held August 8, 1989, the above-noted Bylaw was tabled to the September 26, 1989 Council meeting.At the regular meeting of City Council held September 26, 1989, Bylaw9233 received first reading, as amended, and was referred back to the

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Administration to change the CNC designation to DC5 and to develop the terms of reference for the DC5 District.


The purpose of the proposed bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AG (Agricultural) District to RFS (Row Housing) District and DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District, in order to allow a rowhousing and a neighbourbood convenience commercial development, with site specific development controls.

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Campbell

That Bylaw 9233 (as amended) be tabled to the meeting tobe held on January 16, 1990.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason,McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Binder, White.


Members of Council were requested to consider the following bylaws for first reading in the order, as listed:

G.1.i. Bylaw 9346G.1.j. Bylaw 9313G.1.k. Bylaw 9314G.1.1. Bylaw 9315G.1.m. Bylaw 9349G.1.n. Bylaw 9311G.1.o. Bylaw 9302G.1.q. Bylaw 9269G.1.r. Bylaw 9305G.1.s. Bylaw 9306G.1.t. Bylaw 9307G.1.u. Bylaw 9241G.1.v. Bylaw 9273G.1.w. Bylaw 9274G.1.x. Bylaw 9275G.1.y. Bylaw 9214G.1.z. Bylaw 9215G.1.aa. Bylaw 9216G.1.bb. Bylaw 9213G.1.cc. Bylaw 9254G.1.dd. Bylaw 9353

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G.1.ee. Bylaw 9332 G.1.ff. Bylaw 9350 G.1.gg. Bylaw 9351

Members of Council requested the exemption of Bylaws 9254, 9269 and 9350.

G.1.9. Bylaw No. 9346 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG(Agricultural) District to PU (Public Utility) District;a portion of NE 33-53-24-W4m, located south of 167 Avenueand east of 91 Street; Belle Rive, Lake District.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AG to PU in order to accommodate an underground sanitary storage tank.

G.1.j. Bylaw No. 9313 - To close portions of road rights-of-way,for 103 Avenue (between Glenora Crescent and ChurchillCrescent) and Glenora Crescent (between 102 and 103Avenues), Glenora.


The Planning and Development Department supports this closure.

PURPOSEThe purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted road rights-of-way. Once closed, the area will be consolidated with the adjacent parkland.

G.1.k. Bylaw No. 9314 - To close portions of road rights-of-way, for "25 Street" (Groat Creek) and 127 Street both located east of Groat Road, Groat Estate.


The Planning and Development Department supports this closure.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted road rights-of-way. Once closed, the area will be consolidated with other City-owned ravine and parkland parcels which abut the area to be closed.

G.1.1. Bylaw No. 315 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from RFI (Single Detached Residential) District and RF3 (Low

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Density Redevelopment) District to A (Metropolitan Recreation) District and AP (Public Parks) District, Blocks C, 87 and 117 all in Plan 2803 AF; Lot 3, Block 88, Plan 2803 AF; Lot 1, Block 88, Plan 1280 EO; Lot 1, Block A, Plan XXIIB; Lot 3, Block 107, Plan 2803 AF; Lots 1 and 2, Block 82, Lot 3, Block 83, Lot 1, Block 85, all in Plan 2803 AF; Lots 1 and 2, Block 52, Plan 2872 AH; portion of closed portion of 104 Avenue in Plan 4457 AC; portions of 25 Street, 103 Avenue, 127 Street and Glenora Crescent to be closed, Groat Estate and Glenora.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use Bylaw from RF1 and RF3 to A and AP to recognize the existing ravine and park uses.

G.1.m. Bylaw No. 9349 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw from CB1(Low Intensity Business) District to RF3 (Low DensityRedevelopment) District; a portion of Lot 20, Block 31,Plan 2650 KS, located east of 105 Street and south of 67Avenue, Allendale.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend the Land Use District map from CB1 to RF3 in order to allow a low density residential development.

G.1.n. Bylaw No. 9311 - To close the north/south lane, Block 77A, Plan 5740 Al, located between 62 and 63 Avenues and east of 104 Street, Allendale.


The Planning and Development supports this closure.

The Executive Committee at its meeting of August 9, 1989 approved the sale of a portion of the north/south lane adjacent to Lots 1 and 2, Block 77A, Plan 5740 Al to Third Number Investments Ltd. and the sale of a portion of the north/south lane adjacent to Lots 3 to 8, Block 77A, Plan 5740 AI to Derrick Dodge 1980 Ltd.

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The purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted lane, as it is not required for circulation purposes. Once closed, the area will be consolidated with the abutting lots to the west.

G.1.o. Bylaw No. 9302 - To close a portion of 62 Avenue (Road Plan 3688), located north of Wanyandi Road and east of Walker Road, Oleskiw, Jasper Place.


The Planning and Development Department supports this closure.

PURPOSEThe purpose of this Bylaw is to close the above-noted road right-of-way. This portion of 62 Avenue is no longer required for transportation purposes and once closed the applicant intends to consolidate the closed road with a concurrent application for subdivision.

G.1.r. Bylaw 9305 - To Amend Bylaw 5894, being The Waterworks Bylaw.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure III) be received as information.


At the recessed meeting of City Council held December 14, 1988, Bylaw 9016 was given three readings and was duly passed. The bylaw authorized the existing tariff.

At the regular meeting of the Executive Committee held April 19, 1989, the letter to Alderman Kinisky re: Ron Cousineau, Pyro - Tech Fire Sprinkler systems Ltd. was considered and the following recommendation concurred with:

That Environment Services prepare amendments to Bylaw 9016 for fire protection charges.


The purpose of this bylaw is to set rates sufficient to permit the efficient operation of the water system as a utility, including the recovery of financial costs related to capital expenditures and the provision of a return to the City in accordance with its Fiscal Policy.

G.1.s. Bylaw 9306 - To Amend Bylaw 7118, being The Sewers Bylaw.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure III) be received as information.

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At the recessed meeting of City Council held on December 14, 1988, Bylaw 9017 was given three readings and was duly passed. The bylaw authorized the rates which became effective January 1, 1989.


The purpose of this bylaw is to set rates sufficient to permit the efficient operation of the Sanitary Sewer system as a utility and provide a return to the City in accordance with its Fiscal Policy.

G.1.t. Bylaw 9307 - To Amend Bylaw 6903, being The Solid Wate Bylaw.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure III) be received as information.


At the recessed meeting of City Council held December 14, 1988, Bylaw 9018 to amend Bylaw 6903, was given three readings and was duly passed. The bylaw authorized the rates which became effective January 1, 1989.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to (i) set rates sufficient to recover landfill operating costs related to disposal of all material except residential waste, including financial costs relating to capital expenditures and (ii) revise the existing Trade Refuse Fee Schedule to recover cost increases in providing this service.

G.1.u. Bylaw 9241 - To Amend B.L. 5023, as amended, The EdmontonBuilding Permit Bylaw, 1979; Bylaw No. 5994, as amended,The Edmonton Plumbing Permit Bylaw, 1980; Bylaw No. 8098,as amended, The Gas Permit Bylaw; and Bylaw No. 4257, asamended, The City of Edmonton Heating, Ventilation andAir Conditioning Permit Bylaw, 1974.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure II) be received as information.


In accordance with the Budget Guidelines, a fee increase to produce a 6.0 percent revenue increase has been included in the 1990 Budget documents for approval through the budget process.


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend the Fee Schedules for Bylaw 5023, as amended, The Edmonton Permit Bylaw, 1979; Bylaw 5994, as amended, The Edmonton Plumbing Permit Bylaw, 1980; Bylaw 8098, as

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amended, The Gas Permit Bylaw; and Bylaw 4257, as amended, The City of Edmonton Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Permit Bylaw, 1974.

G.I.v. Bylaw 9273 - To Amend B.L. 6147, The Development AppealBoard Bylaw, by amending "Schedule "A" - DevelopmentAppeal Board Fee Schedule.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

In accordance with the Budget Guidelines, a fee increase of five percent has been included in the 1990 Budget documents and approved through the budget process.


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend Bylaw 6247, The Development Appeal Board Bylaw in order to increase the Development Appeal Board Fees. The fee increase of five percent is consistent with the Budget Guidelines for 1990.

G.1.w. Bylaw 9274 - To Amend Schedule "21A" - DevelopmentApplication Fees, Schedule "21B" - Development AgereementFees and Schedule "26A" - Redistricting Fees of B.L.5996, as amended.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

In accordance with the Budget Guidelines, a fee increase of five percent has been included in the 1990 Budget documents and approved through the budget process.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend Schedule "21A" Development Application Fees, Schedule "21B" - Development Agreement Fees and Schedule "26A" - Redistricting Fees of Bylaw 5996, as amended, The City of Edmonton Land Use Bylaw. The proposed bylaw to increase the existing fees by approximately five percent in in keeping with the proposed revenues indicated in the 1990 Planning and Development Department's Budget.

G.1.x. Bylaw 9275 - To Amend B.L. 5372, as amended, The Municipal Planning Commission Bylaw, by amending the Subdivision Fees, Condominium Fees and the Area and Neighbourhood Structure Plan Fees in Appendix "A".

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The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

In accordance with the Budget Guidelines, a fee increase of five percent has been included in the 1990 Budget documents and approved through the budget process.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend Bylaw 5372, as amended, The Municipal Planning Commission Bylaw in order to increase the Subdivision Fees, Condominium Fees and the Area and Neighbourhood Structure Plan Fees. The proposed Bylaw to increase the existing fees by approximately five percent in in keeping the proposed revenues indicated in the 1990 Planning and Development Department's Budget.

G.1.y. Bylaw 9214 - To Amend Edmonton Power B.L. 4056, as amended.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure II) be received as information.


The purpose of this bylaw is to provide authorization for an increase in Edmonton Power's Service Charges effective upon its enactment.

G.1.z. Bylaw 9215 - To Provide for Local Improve. Unit Rates for Underground Power Distribution and Street Lighting for 1990.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure II) be received as information.


The purpose of this bylaw is to establish the Local Improvement Charges for servicing provided by Edmonton Power in the year 1990.

G.1.aa. Bylaw 9216 - To Amend Edmonton Power B.L. 4056, as amended.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure II) be received as information.


The purpose of this bylaw is to provide authorization for an increase in Edmonton Power's Permit Fees and to increase the charge for cancellation of permit. This Bylaw becomes effective upon its enactment.

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G.1.bb. Bylaw 9213 - To Impose a Maintenance Tax for Lane Lighting for the Year 1990.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure 11) be received as information.


The purpose of this bylaw is to authorize the levy of a maintenance tax to recover the costs relating to the operation and maintenance of serial line lane lighting for the year 1990.

G.1.cc. Bylaw 9254.


G.1.dd. Bylaw 9353 - To Approve the Execution of an Agree. with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Alberta and Edmonton Downtown Development Corporation regarding the Decade of Development Initiative.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure II) be received as information.


The purpose of this bylaw is to provide the required authorization to enter into an agreement with the Province of Alberta to cooperate in a well-coordinated and focussed approach to funding and implementation of key projects resulting in the physical, social and economic revitalization of downtown Edmonton.

G.1.ee. Bylaw 9332 - Telecommunications System Extension.


The purpose of this bylaw in the amount of $52,596,000.00 is to provide debenture borrowing authority for the Telecommunications System Extensions as per the 1990 Capital Priorities Plan approved by City Council at the recessed meeting hold July 19, 1989.

G.1.gg. Bylaw 9351 - To Authorize the Municipal Council of TheCity of Edmonton to incur a temporary indebtedness onbehalf of The City of Edmonton until 1990 tax levies andutility revenues can be collected.


The purpose of this bylaw is to allow for temporary borrowing to a maximum of $71,000,000 and not to exceed the anticipated expenditures for the year 1990.

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The 1989 Bylaw 9033 allowed for temporary borrowing not exceeding $68,000,000 against 1989 tax levies and utility revenues.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Bylaws 9346, 9313, 9314, 9315, 9349, 9311, 9302, 9305, as amended, 9306, 9341, 9273, 9274, 9275, 9214, 9215, 9216, 9213, 9353, 9332 and 9351 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman Bethel.

Bylaws 9346, 9313, 9314, 9315, 9349, 9311, 9302, 9305, as amended, 9306, 9341f 9273, 9274, 9275, 9214, 9215, 9216, 9213, 9353, 9332 and 9351 were read a first time.

MOVED Alderman white - Campbell

That Council concur with the recommendations for Bylaws 9305 as amended, 9306, 9307, 9241, 9214, 9215, 9216, 9213 and 9353.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIED

Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman Bethel.

MOVED Alderman White - Binder

That Bylaws 9346, 9313, 9314, 9315, 9349, 9311, 9302, 9305, as amended, 9306, 9341, 9214, 9215, 9216, 9213, 9353, 9332 and 9351 be now read a second time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDHayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman Bethel.

Bylaws 9346, 9313, 9314, 9315, 9349, 9311, 9302, 9305, as amended, 9306, 9341, 9214, 9215, 9216, 9213, 9353, 9332 and 9351 were read a second time.

MOVED Alderman White - Staroszik

That Bylaws 9346, 9313, 9314, 9315, 9349, 9311, 9302, 9305, as amended, 9306, 9341, 9214, 9215, 9216, 9213, 9353, 9332 and 9351 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIED Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,

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Paull, Staroszik, White.ABSENT: Alderman Bethel.

MOVED Alderman white - Kozak

That Bylaws 9346, 9313, 9314, 9315, 9349, 9311, 9302, 9305, as amended, 9306, 9341, 9214, 9215, 9216, 9213, 9353, 9332 and 9351 be now read a third time and duly passed.

Bylaws 9346, 9313, 9314, 9315, 9349, 9311, 9302, 9305, as amended, 9306, 9341, 9214, 9215, 9216, 9213, 9353, 9332 and 9351 were read a third time and were duly passed.

Alderman Bethel re-entered the meeting.

G.1.q. Bylaw 9269 - To Amend the Text of B.L. 5996, The Edmonton Land Use Bylaw, as amended, to revise the provisions regarding Balloon Signs.

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the report (Enclosure II) be received as information.

2. That City Council consider the amendments to Bylaw 9269 presented in Enclosure III.

3. That Council give Three Readings to Bylaw 9269, as amended, after consideration of Enclosure III.


At the regular meeting of City Council held November 28, 1989, Bylaw 9269 was considered and referred back (without any reading) to the Planning and Development Department. Council passed the following motion:

That the Department examine the following areas:

i. in terms of the routes that have currently been banned, such as the Yellowhead Trail and the Sherwood Park Freeway; find out if there are portions of those routes where there is not the conflict with the local community.

ii. Look at the distance from surrounding neighbourhoods.

iii. Look at hours of illumination to see if it is coming closer to the community that after a certain time of night, they are given some protection from the additional light; and

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iv. if they move closer to the community or if the sizeof the site is small, that there be a relationshipbetween the size of the site and the size of theballoon.


The purpose of proposed Bylaw 9269 is to amend the Text of Bylaw 5996, The Edmonton Land Use Bylaw, as amended, to establish revised provisions governing balloon signs. The intent of these changes is generally to protect the amenity of residential areas; to ensure that balloon signs are regulated in a manner consistent with Council's objectives to achieve a more compatible relationship between commercial and residential development and to improve the visual appearance of commercial areas; and to ensure that balloon signs are displayed on a temporary basis.

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Campbell

That Council concur with the recommendations.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman white - Binder

That the new section 1.s) be deleted in its entirety.

Mr. Loat, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Bethel, Binder, Campbell, LOSTChichak, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Staroszik.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Campbell, White.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Mackenzie

That Bylaw 9269 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason,McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, White.

Bylaw 9269 was read a first time.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Staroszik

That Bylaw 9269 be now read a second time.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Chichak, Hayter, CARRIEDMackenzie, Mason, McKay, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Binder, Campbell,Kozak, Paull, White.

Bylaw 9269 was read a second time.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Hayter

That Bylaw 9269 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Hayter, Mackenzie. LOSTOPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Binder, Campbell, Chichak,

Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

G.1.cc. Bylaw 9254 - To Amend B.L. 7212, as amended, being TheTelecommunications Bylaw. .

RECOMMENDATION: That the report, Enclosure IV, be received as information.


Bylaw 7212 was passed on July 14, 1983 and was amended by Bylaws 7376, 7505, 7676, 7769, 7919, 8488 and 8967.


The purpose of this bylaw is to increase ‘edmonton telephones' rates by approximately four percent effective January 1, 1990 in order to allow ‘edmonton telephones, to maintain financial viability.

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Binder

That council concur with the recommendations.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

MOVED Alderman Binder - KozakThat Bylaw 9254 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

Bylaw 9254 was read a first time.

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AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Binder - White

That where reference in made in the Telecommunications Bylaw to ‘edmonton telephones’, and General Manager, that Edmonton Telephones Corporation be substituted for ‘edmonton telephones’, and President be substituted for General Manager.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

MOVED Alderman Hayter - White

That Bylaw 9254 be now read a second time as amended.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

Bylaw 9254 was read a second time as amended.

Council considered a letter from Barry K. Singer, Rogers Cantel Inc., 10 York Mills Road, North York, Ontario, M2P 2C9, dated December 6, 1989.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Campbell

That the letter from Barry K. Singer be referred to the Utilities and Finance Committee to schedule a hearing early in 1990.

Mr. Baptie, Edmonton Telephones Corporation, answered Council's questions.

Alderman White left the meeting.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Alderman MackenzieABSENT: Alderman White.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Binder

That Bylaw 9254, as amended, be considered for third reading.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull,Staroszik.

ABSENT: Alderman white.

MOVED Alderman Binder - Kozak

That Bylaw 9254, as amended, be now read a third time and duly passed.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Alderman MackenzieABSENT: Alderman White.

Bylaw 9254, as amended, was read a third time and was duly passed as amended.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Kozak requested permission of Council to bring forward two Notices of Motion at this time.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Alderman Kozak be permitted to bring forward his notices of motion.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Staroszik.


Alderman Kozak stated that at the next meeting of City Council, he will move:

That 50 percent of the 1989 surplus be allocated to,1990 General Revenue so that our 1990 tax increase can be mitigated.

Alderman Kozak stated that at the next meeting of City Council, he will move:

WHEREAS, business run out of residential dwellings are being charged business power rates, and

WHEREAS, under Bylaw 8764, Schedule A, Domestic Rate (B)states: The Domestic Rate shall not apply where a

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portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of a business or where a portion of electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, and

WHEREAS, some businesses being run out of a home would not necessarily use more power than premises exclusively being used for domestic purposes.

THEREFORE, I will move that Bylaw 8764, Schedule A, Domestic Rate 8, be amended so that a person with a business phone at their domestic dwelling not necessarily or automatically be charged the commercial power rates if there non-residential endeavours do not result in commercial use for power.


G.1.ff. Bylaw 9350 - To Provide for discounts and Penalties with Respect to Payment, Overpayment, Prepayment or Non-Payment of Taxes.


The purpose of this bylaw is to provide incentives for the prepayment of 1990 Taxes, deterrent for the non-payment of 1990 and prior years Taxes and provision for the monthly payment of Taxes.

The changes from the 1989 Tax Bylaw are identified on Enclosure II>

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Bylaw 9350 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

Bylaw 9350 was read a first time.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - White

That Bylaw 9350 be now read a second time.

Alderman Chichak left the meeting.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Mr. R. Ardiel, Finance Department, answered Council's questions.

December 13, 1989

MOVED Alderman Staroszik - Binder

That Bylaw 9350 be referred for further review with respect to the financial or non-financial advantages for business who delay paying their taxes through a tax payment plan.


Alderman Staroszik withdrew her motion.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED Campbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,

Paull, Staroszik, White.ABSENT: Alderman Chichak.

Bylaw 9350 was read a second time.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Campbell

That Bylaw 9350 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,White.

ABSENT: Alderman Chichak.MOVED Alderman Hayter - Kozak

That Bylaw 9350 be now read a third time and finally passed.

FOR THE MOTION: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED Campbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,

Paull, Staroszik, white.ABSENT: Alderman Chichak.

Bylaw 9350 was read a third time and was duly passed.

Alderman Chichak re-entered Council Chambers.


G.2.b. Bylaw 9276 (as amended) - To Amend L.U.B. from RF1(Single Detached Residential) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District for Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 29, 5092 HW; located on the southwest corner of 95 Avenue and 156 Street, Meadowlark Park.

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The Planning and Development Department's report for this Bylaw, considered at the September 12, 1989 City Council meeting recommended that this amendment be not supported for the following reasons:

1. The proposed redistricting is not compatible with the adjacent single-detached residences with respect to the traffic and noise that would be generated on the site;

2. The approval of this application would set an undesirable precedent for the extension of a commercial development on 156 Street south of 95 Avenue in a predominantly single-detached residential area; and

3. The proposed redistricting does not comply with the Jasper Place - 156 Street Land Use Study.

At the regular meeting of City Council held September 12, 1989, Bylaw 9276 was tabled for Public Hearing. The applicant's solicitor advised Council that due to resident concerns, consideration was being given to amending the application to redistrict the site to a DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District.

The applicant amended the application to a DC5 District and accordingly, Bylaw 9276, as amended, was re-advertised for the November 28th meeting of City Council and public notices were sent to surrounding property owners.

The Planning and Development Department does not support the amended application for the following reasons:

1. The proposed redistricting does not comply with Policy 6.B.2 of the General Municipal Plan in that there is no policy basis for the proposedchange nor is the proposed development intended to solely serve the needs of the neighbourhood residents;

2. The approval of this application would set an undesirable precedent for the extension of commercial development on 156 Street south of.95 Avenue into a predominantly single-detached residential area; and

3. The proposed redistricting does not comply with the Jasper Place - 156 Street Land Use Study.

At the regular meeting of City Council held on November 28, 1989, this bylaw received first reading and was lost on second reading. Council passed the following motion:

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That Bylaw 9276, as amended, be referred back to the Planning and Development Department to clarify the application to redistrict designation and that all the pertinent motions and recommendations from the September 12, 1989 Council meeting be included in the report and that this bylaw be brought back to the December 12th meeting.


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from Rfl (Single Detached Residential) District to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District in order to accommodate a neighbourhood convenience commercial development, with site specific development controls.

MOVED Alderman White - Staroszik

That Bylaw 9276, as amended, be now read a second time.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Bethel - McKay

That under Section 3, Uses, Subsection (b) Gas Bars be deleted.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Bethel, Mason, McKay. LOSTOPPOSED: mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell,

Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Paull,Staroszik, White.

MOTION OF ALDERMAN WHITE put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Paull,Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Mason, McKay.

Bylaw 9276, as amended, was read a second time.

MOVED Alderman White - Kozak

That Bylaw 9276, as amended, be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mackenzie, mason, McKay, Paull,Staroszik, White.

MOVED Alderman White - Kozak

That Bylaw 9276, as amended, be now read a third time and finally passed.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell,CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Paull,Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Mason, McKay.

Bylaw 9276, as amended, was read a third time and was finally passed as amended.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting.


Members of Council were requested to consider the following bylaws in the order, as listed:

G.3.a. Bylaw 8919G.3.b. Bylaw 9232, as amended

G.3.a. Bylaw 8919 - To Close Portions of 45 Avenue, e. of 33Street to the intersection of the s. boundary of theWhitemud Drive right-of-way and 45 Avenue, all as shownon Road Closure Plan 892 ; Larkspur, TheMeadows.

HISTORYThe Planning and Development Department supports this closure.

This bylaw received first and second readings at the August 16, 1988 Council meeting.

The Executive Committee at its meeting of October 4, 1989 approved a sales agreement for the land.


The purpose of this bylaw is to close the road allowance. once closed, the road will be consolidated with the abutting land to the north, which is owned by Lehndorff General Partner Corporation.

G.3.b. Bylaw 9232 (as amended) - To Amend B.L. 6288, as amended,being the Pilot sound Area Structure Plan through anamendment to the Matt Berry Neighbourhood Structure Plan,Bylaw 8936; SW 35-53-24-W4M; located north of 153 Avenueand east of 59A Street, Matt Berry, Pilot Sound.

RECOMMENDATION: That City Council amend Schedule "C" of Bylaw 9232 by deleting the Planning and Development Department's report dated July 17, 1989 and substituting therefore the Planning and Development Department's report dated December 5, 1989.

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At the regular meeting of City Council held August 8, 1989, Bylaw 9232 was tabled to the September 26, 1989 Council meeting.

At the regular meeting of City Council held September 26, 1989, Bylaw 9232 received first and second readings. Schedule "C" of the bylaw was a report from the Planning and Development Department, which recommended non-support of the bylaw. In view of City Council's support for the Bylaw, the Planning and Development Department has prepared a revised report, which is annexed to Bylaw 9323, as amended, as Schedule "C".


The purpose of this bylaw is to amend Bylaw 6288, as amended, being The Pilot Sound Area Structure Plan through an amendment to the Matt Berry Neighbourbood Structure Plan, Bylaw 8936. The proposed amendment will extend the boundary of the Matt Berry Neighbourhood and it will establish a multiple-family site, a site to be developed for single-detached residential use and a neighbourhood convenience commercial site in the extension area.

MOVED Alderman white - Campbell

That Council concur with the recommendation for Bylaw 9232, as amended.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Campbell, Hayter, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman Kozak.

OVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Bylaws 8919 and 9232, as amended, be now read a third time and finally passed.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Campbell, Hayter, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT. Alderman Kozak.

Bylaws 8919 and 9232, as amended, were read a third time and finally passed.


Alderman Campbell stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, he will move:

That Council consider calling special Council meetings to deal with Public Hearing issues, such as Area Structure

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Plans and the recent issue of 114 Street and Keillor Road.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

Alderman McKay stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, she will move:

WHEREAS it is fundamentally wrong that politicians set their own salaries behind closed doors;

AND WHEREAS it is necessary for Council to demonstrate fiscal responsibility by example;


1. That the following motions passed at the Councilmeeting held September 12, 1989 be rescinded:

i. That the recommendation on Aldermanic Salaries,adopted by Council on March 14, 1989, be rescinded.

ii. (a) That Aldermanic remuneration be set at$44,322.00.

(b) That the increase be paid in equal installments on May 1, 1989, May 1, 1990 and May 1, 1991.

(c) That the remuneration of the Mayor be twice that of an Alderman.

2. That the Aldermanic and Mayoral salaries be rolledback to the 1988 levels, being $28,124.89 and$62,000 respectively.

3. That an independent three-member citizens,committee, composed of:

(a) a former mayor or aldermen of the City of Edmonton, to be appointed by Council from applicants who responded to newspaper advertisements to be placed by the office of the City Clerk.

(b) one labour representative, to be appointed by the Edmonton and District Labour Council; and

(c) one business respresentative, to be appointed by the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce.

4. That the Committee conduct a review within sixmonths to establish a fair wage and benefits

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package for Council members, and a formula for establishing future increases and reviews.

Alderman Paull left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.


H.2.a. Alderman Hayter re Additional Members for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board.

MOVED Alderman Hayter - White

That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board be expanded by an addition of three persons representing amateur sporting groups in the City and that Bylaw 8316, The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board Bylaw, be amended accordingly.

Alderman Campbell left the meeting.

Alderman Staroszik left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - White

That this be referred to the Public Affairs Committee to report back to the January 30, 1990 meeting of Council.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, Kozak.

MOTION AS AMENDED put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, Kozak.

The meeting concluded at 4:15 p.m.

“J. Reimer” “U.S. Watkiss” MAYOR City Clerk

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