minutes of rag meeting - bay of plenty rugby union minutes of rag meeting a… · • interchange...

MINUTES OF RAG MEETING HELD AT: BOPRU Offices, 52 Miro Street, Mount Maunganui ON: Thursday, 7 th July 2016 AT: 6.30pm Present: David Hodgson (DH) Geoff Kaye (GK) Ollie Arnold (OA) via video conference Pat Rae (PR) 1. Apologies: John Dowling (JD) 2. Approval of Minutes: Circulated Minutes of last meeting be accepted Moved PR seconded GK carried 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes: DH has provided June report to the BOPRU Board. PR is continuing to working with the BOPRU CEO Mike Rogers on the ‘Green Card’ initiative. DH has been endeavouring to contact John McKay to organise a review with the Judiciary panel PR has sent out an initial flyer re the Awards night DH has organised for Phil Barnett and 2 BOPRU staff to attend this meeting re organising the Awards night Sam Fellows has completed a review of Risks and Risk Management as it pertains to refereeing 4. Correspondence PR sent email to Sam Fellows re Health & Safety – Risk Assessment. Email thread re PR short term / part time secondment to the commercial team PR sent email out to all BOP referees re the Awards Night

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HELD AT: BOPRU Offices, 52 Miro Street, Mount Maunganui ON: Thursday, 7th July 2016

AT: 6.30pm Present:

David Hodgson (DH) Geoff Kaye (GK) Ollie Arnold (OA) via video conference Pat Rae (PR)

1. Apologies:

John Dowling (JD)

2. Approval of Minutes: Circulated

Minutes of last meeting be accepted Moved PR seconded GK carried

3. Matters Arising from the Minutes:

• DH has provided June report to the BOPRU Board.

• PR is continuing to working with the BOPRU CEO Mike Rogers on the ‘Green Card’ initiative.

• DH has been endeavouring to contact John McKay to organise a review with the Judiciary panel

• PR has sent out an initial flyer re the Awards night

• DH has organised for Phil Barnett and 2 BOPRU staff to attend this meeting re

organising the Awards night

• Sam Fellows has completed a review of Risks and Risk Management as it pertains to refereeing

4. Correspondence

• PR sent email to Sam Fellows re Health & Safety – Risk Assessment.

• Email thread re PR short term / part time secondment to the commercial team

• PR sent email out to all BOP referees re the Awards Night


• Interchange report received from Sam Fellows

• PR sent email out re Sideline Management for round 2 Premier 1 games

• Email thread between DH and Mike Rogers re the BOP Referees Awards night

• Email thread between DH and Mike Rogers re the 2017 Bayley’s National 7’s

• PR sent email to those going to the Gold Coast confirming Air tickets and arrangements

• Email received from Sam Fellows re Health & Safety – Risk Assessment

• Email thread between DH and Rod Hill re completing a Strategic Plan

• Email sent to all BOP Referees re the sad passing of Bill Sparks

5. Agenda:

� Portfolio reports

� General Business

6. Agenda Items:

� Portfolio Reports

� Appointments – Ian Crowe 328 games appointed in June 37games unappointed.

� Education & Training – David Hodgson

Attendance for the Baywide and Area meetings tabled. The July Baywide Meeting will be the quiz night on the 19th July. PR to organise a flyer to out to all referees to promote

� Fitness & Conditioning – Cameron Hodgson

Reports tabled.

� Finance – Shane McDermott Report received from Neil Alton – actuals to budget YTD RAG members to advise referees that travel claims must be completed monthly.


� Gear – Grant Wilson

Report tabled.

� Governance – Sam Fellows

Report tabled re Health & Safety – Risk Assessment

� Historian & Statistician - Malcolm Langdon

No report from Malcolm due to his ill health.

� Interchange – Dave Edwards

� Judiciary – Geoff Kaye

GK raised the issue where reports are transmitted to the Union office and the 3 area judiciary review people do not see the report Decision made that all reports in 2017 will be electronic Website will be amended that all reports will sit under each of the 3 area’s these will then be firstly transmitted to each of the 3 area judiciary review people who will then check the report for correctness and adequate information before transmitting to the BOPRU Club Administrator. PR to attend to overseeing the required changes

� Recruitment & Retention – Pat Rae

Report tabled

� Referee Coaching – Pat Rae 143 RRIMS reports to date

� Social – Phil Barnett

See Annual Awards Night below

� General Business

• Report to BOPRU Board DH provided a copy of our June Monthly Report to the BOPRU Board


DH to prepare and table report for July. • ‘Blue Cards’

Blue Card concussion initiative booklet received from NZRU setting out protocols and implementation procedures for Provincial Unions and was tabled in the April Minutes.

1. BOPRU Board approve implementation – DONE!

2. BOPRU consult with referees – DONE!

3. BOPRU consult with clubs and schools TO DO!

4. BOPRU to consult with district health authorities TO DO!

5. BOPRU in consultation to what level the Blue Card will apply TO DO!

6. Formal advice to all stakeholders TO DO!

DH has emailed BOPRU CEO for update

• Referee Awards Night The following were present at start of meeting to assist with the planning: - Phil Barnett (PB) – Social Portfolio Marie Paterson (MP) - BOPRU apology another engagement Shannon Gray (SG) - BOPRU via video conference Susan Carl (SC) - BOPRU via video conference Amanda Thompson (AT) - BOPRU apology netball umpiring The following has been confirmed: - Venue: Club Mount Maunganui Date: Saturday, 13th August Time: 6.30 drinks and 7.00pm start Cost: $20.00 for the referee Music: Kyle McLean and brother $800.00 Invited: Keith Lawrence Referee Sponsors: JMC Contractors and Legacy Funerals to receive a framed BOP

Referee jersey To be organised: - What By Who By When

� Invitees - Referee Sponsors - Legacy Funerals PR/SG 22/7/16 - JMC Contractors PR/SG 22/7/16 - Samurai PR/SG 22/7/16


- BOPRU Board – general invitation DH 20/7/16

- BOPRU Staff - Mike Rogers DH 22/7/16

- Neil Alton DH 22/7/16 - Amanda Thompson DH 22/7/16 - Marie Paterson DH 22/7/16

- Event Sponsors - NZ Windows DH 15/7/16 - Looking for 1 further sponsor

- Photographers - Rick Moran PR 20/7/16

- Miki Nakagwa PR 20/7/16

� Sponsors Framed Jerseys – pick up and available PR 5/8/16

� Gifts for Wives / Partners DH/SK 15/7/16

� MC / Programme PR 11/8/16

� PowerPoint presentation PR/SG 11/8/16

� Flyer PR/AT 15/7/16

� RSVP’s – Referees and Guests PR/SG 5/8/16

� Collect $20.00 from referees Area RAG 5/8/16

� Collect trophies etc. PR 22/7/16

� Engraving – medals, trophy’s and whistles PR 10/8/16

� Award winners RAG 4/8/16

� Place names / seating plan DH/PR/SG 12/8/16

� Menu / wine/ costings PB 22/7/16

� Set up and pack down All 13/8/16

• ‘Green Card’

PR to continue to follow up.

• Gold Coast Referee Interchange

Interchange to take place Sunday 10th to Sunday 18th July 2016 Appointments Board has nominated Mark Hollinshead, Phil Chandler and Ifi Seumanutafa for the Gold Coast interchange who have been approached – all 3 have accepted


Funding approved and airline tickets purchased and all arrangements communicated

• 2016 Law Exam:

To date: - 9 people have had 1 attempt, with 4 passing. 4 people have had 2 attempts, with 2 more passing. 2 people have had 3 attempts, with 1 more passing. In total 5 people have passed

• Fitness Testing:

A 2nd yoyo test was completed on Wednesday, 6th July 11 Referees completed the Yoyo test

George Haswell 18.1 Grant Moore 14.4 Sam Fellows 15.4 17.1 Mate Samuels 18.7 Nick Burton 16.2 Jamie Bell 19.1 17.1 Glen Moore 14.1 Jayden Moore 16.4 Neco Blank 17.2 16.8 Brett Johnson 18.8 19.1 Ryan Waite 18.3 Alex Blakeway 17.1 Adam Wilkinson 14.1 Taneika Uerata 14.2 Jax Rueben 14.6 Shane McDermott 18.1

• Strategic Planning:

DH has emailed Rod Hill who has accepted to facilitate Rod will advise possible dates once Mitre 10 Cup appointments made

• Health & Safety – Risk Assessment:

Sam Fellows has completed the review and report tabled Area RAG Reps to discuss content at next area T&D evenings


Document to be prepared for all referees to sign off at the start of each season along with registration documents. PR to prepare With regard referee abuse it was decided that the 3 area judiciary officers from the reports should gauge the impact on the individual referee, in need making contact with them to see just where they were at emotionally and mentally as a first screening. Then in need to pass on to OA (a professional in mental health) who has offered to follow up with the referee. GK to facilitate the implementation of this process

• Season Review: DH proposes that as at our August meeting we complete a full review of the season going through each of the portfolio area’s to identify what we did well, what we can improve on, and any possible changes we need to make. This will then assist firstly with our planning for 2017 which ideally we will commence in September and secondly with our ‘Strategic Planning’ session

DH to organise for all portfolio people to attend the next RAG meeting – we will complete all general business 6.30pm to 7.00pm. Review to commence from 7.00pm DH & PR to prepare questionnaire to be sent out to all referees

• Referee Game Plans / Game Reviews / Coach Reports: PR has been working with Roy McCombe in developing these reports within ‘Whos the Ref’. These have now been tested and is due to go live PR to develop some online training for this new reporting

Meeting closed at 7.50pm 7. Next Meeting

Date : Thursday, 4th August 2016 Time : 6.30pm Venue : Tauranga


ACTIONS: - Action required Who Timing

♦ Portfolio holders to update job descriptions All Sept 2016 ♦ Portfolio holders to report to DH by end of each month Ongoing

♦ Complete report to BOPRU Board DH 20/7/16

♦ Continue with organising the Referee Awards Night PB/DH/PR 31/7/16 ♦ Set date and commence organising of 2017 Referee Golf Day PB 30/9/16

♦ Follow up on the Green Card’ initiative PR 31/7/16

♦ Budget for a supply of casual shorts, ties and dress shirts in 2017 PR/GW 31//10/16

♦ Organise a review meeting with the Judiciary DH/PR 31/7/16

♦ Send out minutes of Coaches meeting PR 11/7/16

♦ Send out a finalised flyer re the Awards night – calling for RSVP’s PR 13/7/16

♦ Send out a flyer re the Quiz night PR 11/7/16

♦ Continue to follow up with BOPRU CEO re the Blue card DH 20/6/16

♦ All referees to be encouraged to promote recruitment All Ongoing

♦ Referees to be advised that travel claims must be made monthly DH/OA/GK Ongoing

♦ Oversee changes to referee reporting on website PR 31/10/16

♦ Facilitate the implementation of Referee Abuse process GK 30/09/16

♦ Organise for Portfolio Holders to attend next RAG Meeting DH 15/7/16

♦ Prepare season review questionnaire to be sent out to all referees DH/PR 15/7/16

♦ Develop online training for the new reporting within ‘Whos the Ref’ PR 30/9/16

♦ For all actions and timings re Awards Night please refer above

Date Competition/Event Time home team Away team Score / App reqAppointments

1/06/2016 Pre Season 18:30 BOP Under 19(Venue: Te Puke Sports

RC / 1)

Tauranga Boys College 1st XV Ref: Samuels, Mate. AR1: Blank,

Neco. AR2: Crowe, Ian.

1/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under

15APitch 1

Nations Ref: Moore, Jaydon.

1/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Tauranga Girls College 1st XV Trident High School Girls 1st XV Ref: Rae, Pat.

1/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Te Puke High School Girls 1st XV Taupo Nui A Tia College Girls 1st


Ref: Dwan, Andrew.

2/06/2016 BOP U14


16:00 Tauranga Boys College Under 14

BluePitch 1

Trident High School Under 14 Ref: Blakeway, Alex.

3/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 19:30 Te Puke Sports Premiers Arataki Premiers Ref: Referee, Interchange. AR1:

Crowe, Ian. AR2: Hollinshead,

Mark. Coach: Rae, Pat.

3/06/2016 Baywide Development


18:00 Te Puke Sports Development Arataki Development Ref: Crowe, Ian.

3/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 16:00 Tauranga West Tai Mitchell Te Puke Tai Mitchell Ref: Moore, Glenn.

3/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 17:00 Whakatane Tai Mitchell Opotiki Tai Mitchell Ref: Butler, Flynn.

3/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


18:30 Tauranga Sports Senior

Reserves(Venue: Mount Maunganui


Judea Senior Reserves Ref: Waru, Joseph.

3/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


18:30 Te Puna Senior Reserves Greerton Marist Senior Reserves Ref: Hislop, Craig.

4/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:00 Marist St Michaels Seniors Kahukura Seniors Ref: Greer, Kelly.

4/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Ngongotaha Seniors Judea Seniors Ref: Referee, Interchange.

Coach: Lawrence, Mark.

4/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Rangiuru Seniors Poroporo Seniors Ref: Referee, Interchange.

Coach: Rae, Pat.

Referee Appointments June 2016

4/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Te Teko Seniors Waikite Seniors Ref: Johnston, Dayle.

4/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Rotoiti Premiers Greerton Marist Premiers Ref: Referee, Interchange. AR1:

Fellows, Sam. AR2: Clarke,

Robert. Coach: Steele, Greg.

4/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Whakarewarewa Premiers Paroa Premiers Ref: Referee, Interchange. AR1:

Reuben, Jackson. AR2:

Seumanutafa, Ifi. Coach: Crowe,


4/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Mount Maunganui Development Opotiki Development CANCELLED Ref: Moore, Grant.

4/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Rotoiti Development Greerton Marist Development Ref: Fellows, Sam.

4/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Tauranga Sports Development Whakatane Marist Development Ref: Referee, Interchange.

Coach: Bell, Jamie.

4/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Te Puna Development Rangataua Development Ref: Referee, Interchange.

Coach: Booker, Evan.

4/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Whakarewarewa Development Paroa Development Ref: Reuben, Jackson.

4/06/2016 CBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Murupara Seniors Eastern Pirates Seniors

4/06/2016 CBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Ngongotaha Senior Reserve Waikite Senior Reserve CANCELLED Ref: Maki, Anaru.

4/06/2016 EBOP Senior Reserve


14:30 Edgecumbe Seniors Taneatua Seniors

4/06/2016 EBOP Senior Reserve


14:30 Galatea Seniors Te Teko Senior Reserves

4/06/2016 EBOP Senior Reserve


14:30 Matata Seniors Waimana Seniors Ref: Uerata, Taneika.

4/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


10:10 Galatea Under 13(Venue: Central Bay

of Plenty Junior Sub Union)

Waikite Under 13 Ref: Coutts, James.

4/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


11:20 Rotoiti Under 13(Venue: Central Bay

of Plenty Junior Sub Union)

Marist St Michaels Under 13 Ref: Uerata, Reece.

4/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


9:00 Whakarewarewa Under 13(Venue:

Central Bay of Plenty Junior Sub


Kahukura Under 13 CANCELLED Ref: Clarke, Robert.

4/06/2016 EBOP Under 13


10:30 Opotiki Under 13 Te Teko Under 13

4/06/2016 EBOP Under 13


10:30 Paroa Under 13 Ruatoki Under 13

4/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 13:30 Mount Maunganui Premiers Opotiki Premiers Ref: Referee, Interchange. AR1:

Moore, Glenn. AR2: Van Kol,

Thorne. Coach: Dunlop, Tony.

4/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Tauranga Sports Premiers Whakatane Marist Premiers Ref: Harris, Dean. AR1: Referee,

Interchange. AR2: Wilson,

William. Coach: Bell, Jamie.

4/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Te Puna Premiers Rangataua Premiers Ref: Referee, Interchange. AR1:

Referee, Interchange. AR2:

Wilkinson, Adam. Coach:

Booker, Evan.

4/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Papamoa Seniors Katikati Seniors Ref: Referee, Interchange.

Coach: Barber, Jim.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 11:00 Aquinas College 1st XV Otumoetai College 1st XV Ref: Hodgson, David.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Opotiki College 1st XV Whakatane High School 1st XV Ref: Edwards, Mike.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 11:00 Rotorua Boys High School 2nd

XV(Venue: Western Heights High


Bethlehem College 1st XV Ref: Moore, Jaydon. Coach:

Reilly, Craig.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:30 Western Heights High School 1st XV Te Wharekura O Mauao 1st XV Ref: Haswell, George. Coach:

Reilly, Craig.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 11:00 John Paul College 1st XV(Venue:

Western Heights High School)

Mt Maunganui College 1st XV Ref: Fluker, Malcolm.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 11:00 Rotorua Boys High School 3rd

XV(Venue: Western Heights High


Te Puke High School 1st XV Ref: Blank, Neco. Coach:

Donnelly, JD.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Rotorua Lakes High School 1st XV Katikati College 1st XV CANCELLED Ref: Crowe, Ian.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:30 Trident High School 1st XV(Venue:

Western Heights High School)

Tauranga Boys College 2nd XV Ref: Kora, Tait. Ref: Kora, Tait.

Ref: Seumanutafa, Ifi. Coach:

Donnelly, JD.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 9:30 Edgecumbe College 1st XV(Venue:

Western Heights High School)

Tauhara College 1st XV Ref: Timoti, Andrew.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 9:30 Papamoa College 1st XV(Venue:

Western Heights High School)

Rotorua Boys High School Under

15 Elite

CANCELLED Ref: Uerata, Taneika. Coach:

Rae, Pat.

4/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 9:30 Tauranga Boys College 3rd

XV(Venue: Western Heights High


Tarawera High School 1st XV Ref: Maki, Anaru.

4/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Otumoetai College 2nd XV Tauranga Boys College 5th XV Ref: Wilson, William.

4/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Te Puke High School 2nd XV Bethlehem College 2nd XV Ref: Bolton, Roland.

4/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Trident High School 2nd XV Tauranga Boys College Under 16 CANCELLED Ref: Te Pou, Thomas.

4/06/2016 CBOP Senior Reserve


12:30 Marist St Michaels Senior Reserve Ngongotaha Senior Reserve Ref: Porter, Simon.

4/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Matakana Island Seniors Greerton Marist Colts/U85

4/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Mount Maunganui Colts/U85 Eastern Districts Seniors Ref: Hollinshead, Mark.

4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Mt Maunganui College Under 15 Rotorua Boys High School Under


Ref: Van Kol, Thorne. Coach:

Edwards, Dave.

4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Opotiki College Under 15 Tauranga Boys College Under 15B CANCELLED Ref: Edwards, Mike.

4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Otumoetai College Under 15 Te Puke High School Under 15 CANCELLED Ref: Wilson, Grant.

4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Tarawera High School Under 15 Te Wharekura O Mauao Under 15 Ref: Davis, Finney.

4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Tauhara College Under 15 Papamoa College Under 15 Ref: Country, King Country


4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under 15C John Paul College Under 15 Ref: Moore, Glenn.

4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Te Whare Kura o Ruatoki Under 15 Taupo Nui A Tia College Under 15 Ref: Johnston, Dayle.

4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Trident High School Under 15 Tauranga Boys College Under 15A CANCELLED

4/06/2016 BOP U15 Grading 10:30 Whakatane High School Under 15 Western Heights High School

Under 15

CANCELLED Ref: Johnston, Dayle.

4/06/2016 BOP U 14 Grading 10:30 Bethlehem College Under 14 Western Heights High School

Under 14

Ref: Bosselmann, Ryan. Coach:

Wheeler, Stephen.

4/06/2016 BOP U 14 Grading 10:30 John Paul College Under 14 Whakatane High School Under 14 Ref: Parata, Georgia-Lee.

4/06/2016 BOP U 14 Grading 10:30 Katikati College Under 14 Te Puke High School Under 14 Ref: Wilkinson, Adam.

4/06/2016 BOP U 14 Grading 9:15 Mt Maunganui College Under 14 Rotorua Boys High School White Ref: Van Kol, Thorne. Coach:

Edwards, Dave.

4/06/2016 BOP U 14 Grading 10:30 Reporoa College/Murupara Under 14 Rotorua Boys High School Navy CANCELLED

4/06/2016 BOP U 14 Grading 10:30 Rotorua Boys High School Scarlet Otumoetai College Under 14 CANCELLED Ref: Uerata, Reece.

4/06/2016 BOP U 14 Grading 10:30 Taupo Nui A Tia College Under 14 Tauranga Boys College Under 14


Ref: Country, King Country


5/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 11:00 Rotorua Gold Tai Mitchell Rangitaiki Tai Mitchell Ref: Montenegro, Julian.

5/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Tauranga Sports Women Rangiuru Women CANCELLED

5/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Apanui Women Waimana Women CANCELLED

5/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Arataki Women Tokoroa Women CANCELLED Ref: Festeryga, James.

5/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Waikite Women Ngongotaha Women CANCELLED

6/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:30 Kahukura Seniors Te Teko Seniors Ref: Taikato, Kevin.

8/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Rotorua Girls High School 1st XV Te Puke High School Girls 1st XV Ref: Montenegro, Julian.

8/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Taupo Nui A Tia College Girls 1st XV Tauranga Girls College 1st XV Ref: Country, King Country


9/06/2016 New Zealand Super 8 11:30 Tauranga Boys College 1st XVPitch 1 Rotorua Boys High School 1st XV Ref: Briant, Nicholas. AR1:

Moore, Jaydon. AR2: Blakeway,

Alex. Coach: Rae, Pat.

9/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 10:00 Tauranga Boys College 2nd XVPitch 1 Rotorua Boys High School 2nd XV Ref: Forward, Shane.

9/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:00 Tauranga Boys College Under

15APitch 2

Rotorua Boys High School Under

15 Elite

Ref: Moore, Jaydon. Coach: Rae,


9/06/2016 BOP U14


10:00 Tauranga Boys College Under 14

BluePitch 3

Rotorua Boys High School Scarlet Ref: Blakeway, Alex. Coach:

Booker, Evan.

10/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 15:45 Tauranga Boys College Under 16Pitch


Tauranga Boys College 5th XV Ref: Haswell, George.

10/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 16:00 Tauranga West Tai Mitchell Tauranga East Tai Mitchell Ref: Bosselmann, Ryan.

11/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Opotiki College Under 15 Western Heights High School

Under 15

Ref: Edwards, Mike.

11/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Rotorua Boys 15B Tauranga Boys College Under 15B Ref: Hollinshead, Mark.

11/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Taupo Nui A Tia College Under 15 Tauranga Boys College Under 15A Ref: Country, King Country


11/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Trident High School Under 15 Te Wharekura O Mauao Under 15 Ref: Te Pou, Thomas.

11/06/2016 BOP U15


10:30 Otumoetai College Under 15 Mt Maunganui College Under 15 Ref: Bowater, Thomas. Coach:

Moore, Glenn.

11/06/2016 BOP U15


10:30 Te Puke High School Under 15 Whakatane High School Under 15 Ref: Dwan, Andrew.

11/06/2016 BOP U15


10:30 Te Whare Kura o Ruatoki Under 15 Tarawera High School Under 15 Ref: R, Associate Referee.

11/06/2016 BOP U15 Development 10:30 Papamoa College Under 15 John Paul College Under 15 Ref: Dender, Gary.

11/06/2016 BOP U15 Development 10:30 Tauhara College Under 15 Tauranga Boys College Under 15C CANCELLED Ref: Country, King Country


11/06/2016 BOP U14


10:30 Katikati College Under 14 Mt Maunganui College Under 14 Ref: Van Kol, Thorne.

11/06/2016 BOP U14


10:30 Reporoa College/Murupara Under 14 Western Heights High School

Under 14

11/06/2016 BOP U14 Development 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under 14C Bethlehem College Under 14 Ref: Festeryga, James.

11/06/2016 BOP U14 Development 10:30 Whakatane High School Under 14 John Paul College Under 14

11/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 10:30 Rotorua Boys High School Navy Otumoetai College Under 14

11/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 9:15 Rotorua Boys High School Scarlet Taupo Nui A Tia College Under 14 Ref: Seumanutafa, Ifi.

11/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under 14 Blue Rotorua Boys High School White Ref: Crombie, Dominic.

11/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under 14


Trident High School Under 14 Ref: Allen-gordon, Daniel.

11/06/2016 EBOP Under 13


10:30 Opotiki Under 13 Paroa Under 13

11/06/2016 EBOP Under 13


10:30 Te Teko Under 13 Ruatoki Under 13

11/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Papamoa U13 Welcome Bay U13 Ref: Monk, Tamielle. Coach:

Crowe, Ian.

11/06/2016 Assru 1s Xv 1A 14:30 Mt Albert Grammar 1st 15Pitch 1 Dilworth 1st 15 Ref: Briant, Nicholas.

11/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Kahukura Seniors Katikati Seniors Ref: Johnston, Dayle.

11/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Papamoa Seniors Judea Seniors Ref: Crowe, Ian.

11/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Rangiuru Seniors Edgecumbe Seniors Ref: Reuben, Jackson.

11/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Ruatoki Seniors Te Teko Seniors Ref: Waru, Joseph.

11/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Rangataua Premiers Mount Maunganui Premiers Ref: Johnson, Brett. AR1:

Moore, Grant. AR2: Van Kol,

Thorne. SubMn: Hodgson, David.

11/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Te Puke Sports Premiers Tauranga Sports Premiers Ref: McDermott, Shane. AR1:

Hastings, Peter. AR2: Dwan,

Andrew. SubMn: Hislop, Craig.

11/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Te Puna Premiers Greerton Marist Premiers Ref: Samuels, Mate. AR1:

Burton, Nicholas. AR2: Moore,

Jaydon. Coach: Donnelly, JD.

SubMn: Moore, Glenn.

11/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Whakatane Marist Premiers Rotoiti Premiers Ref: Rae, Pat. AR1: Taikato,

Kevin. AR2: Butler, Flynn. Coach:

Reilly, Craig.

11/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Arataki Premiers Ngongotaha Premiers Ref: Referee, Interchange. AR1:

Wilson, William. AR2: Longley,

Sidney. Coach: Meyrick, Graeme.

11/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Marist St Michaels Premiers Poroporo Premiers Ref: Referee, Interchange. AR1:

Taui, David. AR2: Seumanutafa,

Ifi. Coach: Reilly, Craig.

11/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Opotiki Premiers Paroa Premiers Ref: Van Den Anker, George.

AR1: Howe, Tony. AR2: Elmiger,

Noi. Coach: Dunlop, Tony.

11/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Waikite Premiers Whakarewarewa Premiers Ref: Hollinshead, Mark. AR1:

Porter, Simon. AR2: Paku,

Charles. Coach: Lawrence, Mark.

11/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Rangataua Development Mount Maunganui Development Ref: Moore, Grant.

11/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Te Puke Sports Development Tauranga Sports Development Ref: Hastings, Peter.

11/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Te Puna Development Greerton Marist Development Ref: Burton, Nicholas.

11/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Whakatane Marist Development Rotoiti Development Ref: Taikato, Kevin.

11/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Arataki Development Ngongotaha Development Ref: Wilson, William.

11/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Marist St Michaels Development Poroporo Development Ref: Taui, David.

11/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Opotiki Development Paroa Development Ref: Edwards, Mike.

11/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Waikite Development Whakarewarewa Development Ref: Porter, Simon.

11/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Eastern Pirates Seniors Waimana Seniors Ref: Uerata, Reece.

11/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Matata Seniors Eastern Districts Seniors

11/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Murupara Seniors Te Teko Senior Reserves

11/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Reporoa Seniors Taneatua Seniors

11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Opotiki College 1st XV Aquinas College 1st XV Ref: Elmiger, Noi.

11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Otumoetai College 1st XV Whakatane High School 1st XV Ref: Forward, Shane.

11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Trident High School 1st XV Te Wharekura O Mauao 1st XV Ref: Kora, Tait.

11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Western Heights High School 1st XV Bethlehem College 1st XV Ref: Timoti, Andrew.

11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 John Paul College 1st XV Rotorua Boys High School Under

15 Elite

Ref: Seumanutafa, Ifi.

11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Mt Maunganui College 1st XV Rotorua Lakes High School 1st XV Ref: Davis, Finney.

11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Papamoa College 1st XV Te Puke High School 1st XV Ref: Crowe, Ian.

11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Taupo Nui A Tia College 1st XV Rotorua Boys High School 3rd XV Ref: Country, King Country


11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 12:00 Tauhara College 1st XV Tauranga Boys College 3rd XV Ref: Country, King Country


11/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 12:00 Western Heights High School 2nd XV Tarawera High School 1st XV Ref: Uerata, Reece.

11/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Bethlehem College 2nd XV Rotorua Boys High School 4th XV Ref: Hodgson, David.

11/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Tauranga Boys College Under 16 Otumoetai College 2nd XV Ref: Moore, Jaydon.

11/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Te Puke High School 2nd XV Trident High School 2nd XV Ref: Hislop, Craig. Coach:

Barber, Jim.

11/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


10:10 Galatea Under 13(Venue: Central Bay

of Plenty Junior Sub Union)

Rotoiti Under 13 Ref: R, Associate Referee.

11/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


11:20 Kahukura Under 13(Venue: Central

Bay of Plenty Junior Sub Union)

Marist St Michaels Under 13 Ref: R, Associate Referee.

11/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


9:00 Whakarewarewa Under 13(Venue:

Central Bay of Plenty Junior Sub


Waikite Under 13 Ref: Timoti, Andrew.

11/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Arataki U 13 Judea U13 Ref: Longley, Sidney.

11/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Greerton Marist U 13 Eastern Districts U13 Ref: Smith, Tim.

11/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Te Puna U13 Rangiuru U13 Ref: Furey, Michael.

11/06/2016 Baywide Womens 18:00 Tauranga Sports Women(Venue:

Mount Maunganui RC)

Rotoiti Women Ref: Festeryga, James.

12/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Rangiuru Women Waikite Women Ref: Reuben, Jackson.

12/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 11:00 Rangitaiki Tai Mitchell Whakatane Tai Mitchell Ref: Taipeti, Karaitiana.

12/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 12:00 Rotorua Maroon Tai Mitchell Galatea Tai Mitchell Ref: Montenegro, Julian.

12/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 11:00 Te Puke Tai Mitchell Rotorua Gold Tai Mitchell Ref: Moore, Jaydon.

12/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Apanui Women Waimana Women Ref: Maki, Anaru.

12/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Arataki Women Tokoroa Women Ref: Uerata, Taneika.

15/06/2016 Pre Season 18:30 BOP Under 19(Venue: Te Puke Sports

RC / 2)

NZ Institute of Sport Rugby

Academy Mens

Ref: Haswell, George. AR1:

Blank, Neco. AR2: Moore,


15/06/2016 Pre Season 18:30 BOP Volcanix(Venue: Te Puke Sports

RC / 1)

NZ Institute of Sport Rugby

Academy Womens

Ref: Seumanutafa, Ifi. AR1:

Uerata, Taneika. AR2: Uerata,


15/06/2016 Pre Season 11:30 New Zealand 7's(Venue: Mount

Maunganui RC)

New Zealand 7's Ref: NZRU Appointment, NZRU

Appointment. AR1: Bolton,

Roland. AR2: Longley, Sidney.

15/06/2016 Pre Season 16:30 New Zealand 7's(Venue: Mount

Maunganui RC)

New Zealand 7's Ref: NZRU Appointment, NZRU

Appointment. AR1: Samuels,

Mate. AR2: Waite, Ryan.

15/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 3:00 Tauranga Boys College Under 15A Te Wharekura O Mauao Under 15 Ref: Blakeway, Alex.

15/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 15:30 Otumoetai College Under 14 Tauranga Boys College Under 14


Ref: Moore, Grant.

15/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 15:30 Rotorua Boys High School Scarlet Rotorua Boys High School White Ref: MacDonald, Kevin.

15/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Rotorua Lakes High School 1st XV Rotorua Boys High School Under

15 Elite

Ref: Porter, Simon.

15/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Tauranga Girls College 1st XV Rotorua Girls High School 1st XV Ref: Dwan, Andrew.

15/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Trident High School Girls 1st XV Taupo Nui A Tia College Girls 1st


CANCELLED Ref: Taipeti, Karaitiana.

16/06/2016 Pre Season 11:30 New Zealand 7's(Venue: Mount

Maunganui RC)

New Zealand 7's Ref: NZRU Appointment, NZRU

Appointment. AR1: Bolton,

Roland. AR2: Longley, Sidney.

16/06/2016 Pre Season 16:00 New Zealand 7's(Venue: Mount

Maunganui RC)

New Zealand 7's Ref: NZRU Appointment, NZRU

Appointment. AR1: Samuels,

Mate. AR2: Waite, Ryan.

16/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 16:00 Tauranga Boys College 4th XVPitch 1 Tauranga Boys College Under 16 Ref: Blakeway, Alex.

17/06/2016 Pre Season 11:30 New Zealand 7's(Venue: Mount

Maunganui RC)

New Zealand 7's Ref: NZRU Appointment, NZRU

Appointment. AR1: Forward,

Shane. AR2: Monk, Tamielle.

17/06/2016 Pre Season 15:30 New Zealand 7's(Venue: Mount

Maunganui RC)

New Zealand 7's Ref: NZRU Appointment, NZRU

Appointment. AR1: Forward,

Shane. AR2: Monk, Tamielle.

18/06/2016 One off


10:30 Rotorua Boys High School 2nd

XVPitch F2

Gisborne BHS 2nd XV Ref: Seumanutafa, Ifi.

18/06/2016 One off


9:15 Rotorua Boys High School Under

14Pitch F3

Gisborne BHS U14 Ref: Ngatai, Shane.

18/06/2016 One off


10:30 Rotorua Boys High School Under

15Pitch F3

Gisborne Boys Under 15 Ref: Uerata, Reece.

18/06/2016 New Zealand Super 8 12:00 Rotorua Boys High School 1st XV Gisborne BHS 1st XV Ref: Samuels, Mate. AR1:

Haswell, George. AR2:

Seumanutafa, Ifi. Coach:

Donnelly, JD.

18/06/2016 New Zealand Super 8 12:00 Tauranga Boys College 1st XV New Plymouth BHS 1st XV Ref: Johnson, Brett. AR1: Blank,

Neco. AR2: Forward, Shane.

18/06/2016 New Zealand Super 8 10:30 Tauranga Boys College 2nd XV 2nd Ref: Blank, Neco.

18/06/2016 New Zealand Super 8 9:15 Tauranga Boys College Under 14 Blue North Harbour Cardinal U14 Ref: Moore, Jaydon.

18/06/2016 New Zealand Super 8 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under 15A New Plymouth Boys High School


Ref: Hodgson, David.

18/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Opotiki College Under 15 Tauranga Boys College Under 15B

18/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Rotorua Boys 15B Trident High School Under 15 Ref: Parata, Georgia-Lee.

18/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Western Heights High School Under


Taupo Nui A Tia College Under 15 Ref: Fluker, Malcolm. Ref:

Porter, Simon.

18/06/2016 BOP U15


10:30 Mt Maunganui College Under 15 Te Whare Kura o Ruatoki Under


Ref: Gilbert, Michael.

18/06/2016 BOP U15


10:30 Tarawera High School Under 15 Te Puke High School Under 15 Ref: Hollinshead, Mark.

18/06/2016 BOP U15


10:30 Whakatane High School Under 15 Otumoetai College Under 15

18/06/2016 BOP U15 Development 10:30 John Paul College Under 15 Tauranga Boys College Under 15C Ref: Dender, Gary.

18/06/2016 BOP U15 Development 10:30 Papamoa College Under 15 Tauhara College Under 15 Ref: Rae, Pat.

18/06/2016 BOP U14


12:00 Mt Maunganui College Under 14 Reporoa College/Murupara

Under 14

Ref: Crombie, Dominic.

18/06/2016 BOP U14


10:30 Te Puke High School Under 14 Katikati College Under 14 Ref: Longley, Sidney.

18/06/2016 BOP U14 Development 10:30 Bethlehem College Under 14 Whakatane High School Under 14 Ref: Van Kol, Thorne.

18/06/2016 BOP U14 Development 9:15 John Paul College Under 14 Tauranga Boys College Under 14C

18/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under 14


Rotorua Boys High School Navy Ref: Forward, Shane.

18/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 10:30 Trident High School Under 14 Taupo Nui A Tia College Under 14 Ref: Parata, Ian.

18/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Eastern Districts U13 Arataki U 13 Ref: Ward, Barry.

18/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Judea Seniors Rangiuru Seniors Ref: Johnston, Dayle.

18/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Kahukura Seniors Ruatoki Seniors Ref: Haswell, George. Coach:

Donnelly, JD.

18/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Katikati Seniors Edgecumbe Seniors Ref: Waru, Joseph.

18/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Te Teko Seniors Papamoa Seniors Ref: Moore, Glenn.

18/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Greerton Marist Premiers Te Puke Sports Premiers Ref: Rae, Pat. AR1: Moore,

Grant. AR2: Moore, Jaydon.

SubMn: Meyrick, Graeme.

18/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Rotoiti Premiers Rangataua Premiers Ref: Fellows, Sam. AR1: Taikato,

Kevin. AR2: Wilson, William.

Coach: Dunlop, Tony. SubMn:

Paku, Charles.

18/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Tauranga Sports Premiers Mount Maunganui Premiers Ref: McDermott, Shane. AR1:

Crowe, Ian. AR2: Blakeway, Alex.

SubMn: Hodgson, David.

18/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Te Puna Premiers Whakatane Marist Premiers Ref: Bell, Jamie. AR1: Wilkinson,

Adam. AR2: Blank, Neco. Coach:

Reilly, Craig.

18/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Marist St Michaels Premiers Whakarewarewa Premiers Ref: Reuben, Jackson. AR1:

Lawrence, Mark. AR2:

Seumanutafa, Ifi.

18/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Ngongotaha Premiers Opotiki Premiers Ref: Hollinshead, Mark. AR1:

Uerata, Reece. AR2: Dender,


18/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Paroa Premiers Arataki Premiers Ref: Hastings, Peter. AR1:

Whitecliffe-Davies, Brian.

18/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Waikite Premiers Poroporo Premiers Ref: Waite, Ryan. AR1: Porter,


18/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Greerton Marist Development Te Puke Sports Development Ref: Moore, Grant.

18/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Rotoiti Development Rangataua Development Ref: Wilson, William.

18/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Tauranga Sports Development Mount Maunganui Development Ref: Crowe, Ian.

18/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Te Puna Development Whakatane Marist Development Ref: Greer, Kelly.

18/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Marist St Michaels Development Whakarewarewa Development Ref: Lawrence, Mark.

18/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Ngongotaha Development Opotiki Development Ref: Uerata, Reece.

18/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Paroa Development Arataki Development Ref: Whitecliffe-Davies, Brian.

18/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Waikite Development Poroporo Development Ref: Porter, Simon.

18/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Eastern Districts Seniors Reporoa Seniors Ref: Uerata, Taneika.

18/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Taneatua Seniors Murupara Seniors

18/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 13:00 Te Teko Senior Reserves Eastern Pirates Seniors

18/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Waimana Seniors Matata Seniors Ref: Timoti, Andrew.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Aquinas College 1st XV Trident High School 1st XV Ref: Wilson, Grant.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Opotiki College 1st XV Otumoetai College 1st XV Ref: Howe, Tony.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Western Heights High School 1st XV Te Wharekura O Mauao 1st XV Ref: Donnelly, JD.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Whakatane High School 1st XV Bethlehem College 1st XV Ref: Timoti, Andrew.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 John Paul College 1st XV Te Puke High School 1st XV Ref: Chandler, Phil.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Rotorua Boys High School 3rd XV Papamoa College 1st XV Ref: Bolton, Roland.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Taupo Nui A Tia College 1st XV Mt Maunganui College 1st XV Ref: Country, King Country


18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 12:00 Tarawera High School 1st XV Tauhara College 1st XV Ref: Moore, Glenn.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 12:00 Tauranga Boys College 3rd XV Edgecumbe College 1st XV Ref: Moore, Jaydon. Coach:

Meyrick, Graeme.

18/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 12:00 Western Heights High School 2nd XV Katikati College 1st XV

18/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Bethlehem College 2nd XV Tauranga Boys College 5th XV Ref: Uerata, Taneika.

18/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Rotorua Boys High School 4th XV Te Puke High School 2nd XV Ref: Maki, Anaru. Coach:

Lawrence, Mark.

18/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Tauranga Boys College 4th XV Tauranga Boys College Under 16 Ref: Bowater, Thomas.

18/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Trident High School 2nd XV Otumoetai College 2nd XV Ref: Kora, Tait.

18/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Greerton Marist Senior Reserves Matakana Island Seniors

18/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Tauranga Sports Senior Reserves Mount Maunganui Colts/U85 Ref: Rangi, Roi.

18/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Te Puna Senior Reserves Judea Senior Reserves

18/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


9:00 Galatea Under 13(Venue: Central Bay

of Plenty Junior Sub Union / 1)

Whakarewarewa Under 13 Ref: Chandler, Phil.

18/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


9:00 Kahukura Under 13(Venue: Central

Bay of Plenty Junior Sub Union / 2)

Rotoiti Under 13

18/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


11:20 Kahukura Under 13(Venue: Central

Bay of Plenty Junior Sub Union / 3)

Marist St Michaels Under 13 Ref: R, Associate Referee.

18/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


9:00 Marist St Michaels Under 13(Venue:

Central Bay of Plenty Junior Sub

Union / 3)

Waikite Under 13

18/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


11:20 Rotoiti Under 13(Venue: Central Bay

of Plenty Junior Sub Union / 2)

Galatea Under 13

18/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


11:20 Waikite Under 13(Venue: Central Bay

of Plenty Junior Sub Union / 1)

Whakarewarewa Under 13

18/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Judea U13 Te Puna U13

18/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Te Puke Sports U13 Papamoa U13 Ref: Wilkinson, Adam.

18/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Welcome Bay U13 Greerton Marist U 13 Ref: Allen-gordon, Daniel.

19/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 11:00 Rangitaiki Tai Mitchell Opotiki Tai Mitchell Ref: Taipeti, Karaitiana.

19/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 11:00 Rotorua Gold Tai Mitchell Whakatane Tai Mitchell Ref: MacDonald, Kevin.

19/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 11:00 Tauranga East Tai Mitchell Tauranga North Tai Mitchell Ref: Wilkinson, Adam.

19/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 12:00 Tauranga West Tai Mitchell Rotorua Maroon Tai Mitchell Ref: Bosselmann, Ryan.

19/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Arataki Women Rotoiti Women Ref: Longley, Sidney.

19/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Rangiuru Women Waimana Women Ref: Reuben, Jackson.

19/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Apanui Women Tauranga Sports Women Ref: Elmiger, Noi.

19/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Tokoroa Women Waikite Women Ref: Uerata, Taneika.

21/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 10:45 Tauranga Boys College 2nd XVPitch 1 St Paul's College 2C Ref: Hollinshead, Mark. AR1:

Seumanutafa, Ifi.

22/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Taupo Nui A Tia College Girls 1st XV Te Puke High School Girls 1st XV Ref: Country, King Country


22/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Trident High School Girls 1st XV Tauranga Girls College 1st XV Ref: Butler, Flynn.

24/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 17:30 Te Wharekura O Mauao 1st

XV(Venue: Te Puna RFC / 1)

Otumoetai College 1st XV Ref: Seumanutafa, Ifi.

25/06/2016 New Zealand Super 8 12:00 Rotorua Boys High School 1st XV Hamilton BHS 1st XV Ref: Bell, Jamie. AR1: Timoti,

Andrew. AR2: Blakeway, Alex.

25/06/2016 New Zealand Super 8 10:30 Rotorua Boys High School 2nd XV Hamilton BHS 2nd XV Ref: Timoti, Andrew.

25/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Opotiki College Under 15 Taupo Nui A Tia College Under 15

25/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Te Wharekura O Mauao Under 15 Tauranga Boys College Under 15B Ref: Wilson, William.

25/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:30 Trident High School Under 15 Tauranga Boys College Under 15A Ref: Uerata, Taneika.

25/06/2016 BOP U15


10:30 Otumoetai College Under 15 Tarawera High School Under 15 Ref: Hislop, Craig.

25/06/2016 BOP U15


10:30 Te Whare Kura o Ruatoki Under 15 Te Puke High School Under 15

25/06/2016 BOP U15 Development 10:30 Tauhara College Under 15 John Paul College Under 15 Ref: Country, King Country


25/06/2016 BOP U15 Development 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under 15C Papamoa College Under 15 Ref: Allen-gordon, Daniel.

25/06/2016 BOP U14


9:15 Te Puke High School Under 14 Mt Maunganui College Under 14 Ref: Longley, Sidney.

25/06/2016 BOP U14


10:30 Western Heights High School Under


Katikati College Under 14 Ref: Paku, Charles.

25/06/2016 BOP U14 Development 10:30 John Paul College Under 14 Bethlehem College Under 14 Ref: Hollinshead, Mark.

25/06/2016 BOP U14 Development 10:30 Tauranga Boys College Under 14C Whakatane High School Under 14 Ref: Van Kol, Thorne. Coach:

Edwards, Dave.

25/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 9:15 Rotorua Boys High School

ScarletPitch 2

Tauranga Boys College Under 14


Ref: Porter, Simon.

25/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 10:30 Rotorua Boys High School White Otumoetai College Under 14 Ref: Blakeway, Alex.

25/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 10:30 Taupo Nui A Tia College Under 14 Rotorua Boys High School Navy Ref: Country, King Country


25/06/2016 BOP U14 Premier 9:15 Trident High School Under 14 Tauranga Boys College Under 14


Ref: Parata, Ian.

25/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Eastern Districts U13 Te Puna U13

25/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Edgecumbe Seniors Papamoa Seniors Ref: Moore, Grant. Coach: Kaye,


25/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Judea Seniors Katikati Seniors Ref: Haswell, George.

25/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Rangiuru Seniors Ruatoki Seniors Ref: Moore, Glenn.

25/06/2016 Baywide Division 1 14:45 Te Teko Seniors Kahukura Seniors Ref: Clarke, Robert.

25/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Mount Maunganui Premiers Te Puke Sports Premiers Ref: Johnson, Brett. AR1:

Hastings, Peter. AR2:

Seumanutafa, Ifi. SubMn:

Wilson, Grant.

25/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Rangataua Premiers Te Puna Premiers Ref: McDermott, Shane. AR1:

Whitecliffe-Davies, Brian. AR2:

Wilkinson, Adam. SubMn:

Hodgson, David.

25/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Tauranga Sports Premiers Rotoiti Premiers Ref: Samuels, Mate. AR1: Blank,

Neco. AR2: Hislop, Craig. Coach:

Donnelly, JD. SubMn: Wheeler,


25/06/2016 Baywide Premier 1 14:45 Whakatane Marist Premiers Greerton Marist Premiers Ref: Rae, Pat. AR1: Crowe, Ian.

AR2: Te Pou, Thomas. Coach:

Meyrick, Graeme. SubMn:

Arnold, Ollie.

25/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Opotiki Premiers Marist St Michaels Premiers Ref: Johnston, Dayle. AR1:

Howe, Tony. AR2: Edwards,


25/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Poroporo Premiers Ngongotaha Premiers Ref: Chandler, Phil. AR1: Uerata,


25/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Waikite Premiers Paroa Premiers Ref: Hollinshead, Mark. AR1:

Maki, Anaru. Coach: Steele,


25/06/2016 Baywide Premier 2 14:45 Whakarewarewa Premiers Arataki Premiers Ref: Fellows, Sam. AR1: Taikato,

Kevin. Coach: Dunlop, Tony.

25/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Mount Maunganui Development Te Puke Sports Development Ref: Hastings, Peter. Coach:

Brady, Phil.

25/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Rangataua Development Te Puna Development Ref: Whitecliffe-Davies, Brian.

25/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Tauranga Sports Development Rotoiti Development Ref: Blank, Neco. Coach:

Wheeler, Stephen.

25/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Whakatane Marist Development Greerton Marist Development Ref: Crowe, Ian.

25/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Opotiki Development Marist St Michaels Development Ref: Howe, Tony.

25/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Poroporo Development Ngongotaha Development Ref: Uerata, Taneika.

25/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Waikite Development Paroa Development Ref: Maki, Anaru.

25/06/2016 Baywide Development


13:00 Whakarewarewa Development Arataki Development Ref: Taikato, Kevin.

25/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Matata Seniors Eastern Pirates Seniors

25/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Murupara Seniors Eastern Districts Seniors Ref: Ngatai, Shane.

25/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Reporoa Seniors Waimana Seniors Ref: Dender, Gary.

25/06/2016 Baywide Division 2 14:45 Te Teko Senior Reserves Taneatua Seniors

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Aquinas College 1st XV Western Heights High School 1st


Ref: Donnelly, JD.

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Bethlehem College 1st XV Trident High School 1st XV Ref: Hodgson, David.

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 1 12:00 Whakatane High School 1st XV Opotiki College 1st XV Ref: Arnold, Ollie.

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 10:30 Rotorua Boys High School Under 15


Mt Maunganui College 1st XV Ref: Fluker, Malcolm.

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Rotorua Lakes High School 1st XV Papamoa College 1st XV Ref: Kora, Tait.

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Taupo Nui A Tia College 1st XV John Paul College 1st XV Ref: Country, King Country


25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 2 12:00 Te Puke High School 1st XV Rotorua Boys High School 3rd XV Ref: Wilson, Grant.

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 12:00 Edgecumbe College 1st XV Rotorua Boys High School 5th XV Ref: Davis, Finney.

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 12:00 Katikati College 1st XV Tauranga Boys College 3rd XV Ref: Bolton, Roland.

25/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Div 3 12:00 Western Heights High School 2nd XV Tauhara College 1st XV Ref: Uerata, Reece.

25/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 10:30 Bethlehem College 2nd XV Tauranga Boys College Under 16 Ref: Cowan, Hunter.

25/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Tauranga Boys College 4th XV Otumoetai College 2nd XV Ref: Brown, Richard.

25/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 10:30 Te Puke High School 2nd XV Tauranga Boys College 5th XV Ref: Moore, Jaydon. Coach:

Booker, Evan.

25/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 12:00 Trident High School 2nd XV Rotorua Boys High School 4th XV Ref: Davis, Finney.

25/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


12:00 Greerton Marist Colts/U85 Matakana Island Seniors

25/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Greerton Marist Senior Reserves Tauranga Sports Senior Reserves

25/06/2016 WBOP Senior Reserve


13:00 Mount Maunganui Colts/U85 Te Puna Senior Reserves

25/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


11:20 Rotoiti Under 13(Venue: Central Bay

of Plenty Junior Sub Union)

Kahukura Under 13

25/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


10:10 Waikite Under 13(Venue: Reporoa

RC / 1)

Galatea Under 13

25/06/2016 CBOP Under 13


9:00 Whakarewarewa Under 13(Venue:

Central Bay of Plenty Junior Sub


Marist St Michaels Under 13 Ref: Uerata, Reece.

25/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Arataki U 13 Welcome Bay U13 Ref: Monk, Tamielle.

25/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Rangiuru U13 Judea U13

25/06/2016 WBOP Under 13


11:00 Te Puke Sports U13 Greerton Marist U 13 Ref: Crombie, Dominic.

25/06/2016 Baywide Womens 14:45 Tauranga Sports Women Waikite Women Ref: Rangi, Roi.

26/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 11:30 Tauranga East Tai Mitchell Galatea Tai Mitchell Ref: Bosselmann, Ryan.

26/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 12:00 Te Puke Tai Mitchell Rangitaiki Tai Mitchell Ref: Dwan, Andrew.

26/06/2016 Tai Mitchell 11:00 Whakatane Tai Mitchell Tauranga West Tai Mitchell Ref: Te Pou, Thomas.

26/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Rangiuru Women Arataki Women Ref: Uerata, Taneika.

26/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:00 Rotoiti Women Apanui Women Ref: Clarke, Robert.

26/06/2016 Baywide Womens 13:30 Tokoroa Women Waimana Women Ref: Karauria, Atene.

29/06/2016 One off


15:30 Te Puke High School Girls 1st XV WBOP Development Ref: Dwan, Andrew.

29/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 10:50 Tauranga Boys College 3rd XVPitch 1 Hamilton BHS 2nd XV Ref: Hollinshead, Mark.

29/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:50 Tauranga Boys College Under

15APitch 2

Hawkes Bay U16 Ref: Moore, Grant.

29/06/2016 BOP U14


10:50 Tauranga Boys College Under 14

BluePitch 3

Abbotsford Old Boys Referee

29/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Rotorua Girls High School 1st XV Tauranga Girls College 1st XV Ref: Montenegro, Julian.

29/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Taupo Nui A Tia College Girls 1st XV Trident High School Girls 1st XV CANCELLED Ref: Country, King Country

Appointment? E.

29/06/2016 One off


15:30 Te Puke High School Girls 1st XV WBOP Development Ref: Dwan, Andrew.

29/06/2016 BOP 2nd XV 10:50 Tauranga Boys College 3rd XVPitch 1 Hamilton BHS 2nd XV Ref: Hollinshead, Mark.

29/06/2016 BOP U15 Premier 10:50 Tauranga Boys College Under

15APitch 2

Hawkes Bay U16 Ref: Moore, Grant.

29/06/2016 BOP U14


10:50 Tauranga Boys College Under 14

BluePitch 3

Abbotsford Old Boys Referee

29/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Rotorua Girls High School 1st XV Tauranga Girls College 1st XV Ref: Montenegro, Julian.

29/06/2016 BOP 1st XV Girls 15:30 Taupo Nui A Tia College Girls 1st XV Trident High School Girls 1st XV CANCELLED Ref: Country, King Country

Appointment? E.

Full Year

Actual Budget Variance Actual Budget Variance Budget

$ $ $ $ $ $ $


854246 Referee-Subs 104 850 (746) 2,457 3,400 (943) 3,400

104 850 (746) 2,457 3,400 (943) 3,400


856110 Referee-Accommodation - - - 165 - (165) -

85617052 Referee-Clothing - - - 17,838 13,000 (4,838) 13,000

85621052 Referee-Function - - - - - - 2,500

85621652 Referee-Equipment Purch. - - - 3,534 5,000 1,466 20,000

85623052 Referee-Fuel Contribution 1,417 1,500 83 6,776 5,500 (1,276) 13,000

85623552 Referee-General Exps 851 100 (751) 2,237 300 (1,937) 500

85623553 Referee-Gnl Exps-Ref Exchange 4,592 2,500 (2,092) 4,765 5,000 235 10,000

856330 Referee-Recruitment Exps - - - - 500 500 500

85633052 Referee-RAG Meeting - 25 25 33 125 92 250

85633152 Referee-Baywide Meeting - - - 278 - (278) -

85633252 Referee-Honours Board - - - - - - 750

85633352 Referee-Life Members - - - - - - 300

85633452 Referee-Improvement Team - - - - 500 500 500

85633652 Referee-Mount 7's - - - - 750 750 750

85637552 Referee-Workbooks - - - - 500 500 500

85639552 Referee-Training/Fitness Exp - - - 2,654 2,000 (654) 2,000

85641052 Referee-Venue/Room Hire - - - 100 - (100) -

85641252 Referee-Volunteer Recognition - - - - - - 2,000

85660052 Referee-Education/Upskilling - 500 500 1,941 1,000 (941) 1,000

6,860 4,625 (2,235) 40,322 34,175 (6,147) 67,550

NET DEFICIT (6,755) (3,775) (2,980) (37,865) (30,775) (7,090) (64,150)

Bay Of Plenty Rugby Union Inc.

Statement of Financial Performance


For The Year Ending 30 June 2016

This Month Year to Date


Referee Jersey 0 3 9 9 4 4 1 0 0 30 60.00$ 1,800.00$

Referee Shorts 5 10 4 0 0 0 0 2 2 23 25.00$ 575.00$

BOP Polo: "Referee" 1 1 3 0 2 5 0 0 0 12 25.00$ 300.00$

BOP Trackjacket 0 4 4 3 2 5 1 0 0 19 45.00$ 855.00$

BOP Trackpants 0 6 4 6 0 8 1 1 0 26 35.00$ 910.00$

Coaches Jacket 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 4 85.00$ 340.00$

Tee (Assoc Refs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.00$ -$

Tee (YMTC Refs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.00$ -$

Tee (7's Tops) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.00$ -$

Bags 0 30.00$ -$

BOP Playing Socks 50 1 51 11.00$ 561.00$

Bucket Hats


Whistles 0 $14.50 -$



Referee Jersey 0 2 6 6 11 0 0 0 0 25 60.00$ 1,500.00$

Referee Shorts 0 35 35 20 5 5 0 0 0 100 25.00$ 2,500.00$

BOP Polo: "Referee" 4 7 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 31 25.00$ 775.00$

BOP Trackjacket 0 1 12 15 5 0 0 0 0 33 45.00$ 1,485.00$

BOP Trackpants 0 4 13 11 10 0 0 0 0 38 35.00$ 1,330.00$

Coaches Jacket 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 7 85.00$ 595.00$

Tee (Assoc Refs) 3 11 30 30 2 6 3 0 0 85 23.00$ 1,955.00$

Tee (YMTC Refs) 0 2 5 5 3 0 0 0 0 15 23.00$ 345.00$

Tee (7's Refs) 0 23.00$ -$

Bags 100 30.00$ 3,000.00$

BOP Playing Socks 50 11.00$ 550.00$

Bucket Hats 0 25.00$ -$

Caps 0 25.00$ -$

Whistles 100 $14.50 1,450.00$







Referee Jersey 0 4 8 14 4 1 0 0 0 31 60.00$ 1,860.00$

Referee Shorts 2 6 15 18 5 3 0 0 0 49 25.00$ 1,225.00$

BOP Polo: "Referee" 2 7 5 9 1 4 0 0 0 28 25.00$ 700.00$

BOP Trackjacket 0 1 4 8 7 1 0 0 0 21 45.00$ 945.00$

BOP Trackpants 0 1 5 7 7 0 0 0 0 20 35.00$ 700.00$

Coaches Jacket 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 7 85.00$ 595.00$

Tee (Assoc Refs) 0 0 8 10 10 5 0 0 0 33 23.00$ 759.00$

Tee (YMTC Refs) 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 5 23.00$ 115.00$

Tee (7's Tops) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.00$ -$

Bags 48 30.00$ 1,440.00$

BOP Playing Socks 14 20 34 11.00$ 374.00$

Bucket Hats 0 25.00$ -$

Caps 0 25.00$ -$

Whistles 44 $14.50 638.00$



Referee Jersey 0 60.00$ -$

Referee Shorts 0 25.00$ -$

BOP Polo: "Referee" 0 25.00$ -$

BOP Trackjacket 0 45.00$ -$

BOP Trackpants 0 35.00$ -$

Coaches Jacket 0 85.00$ -$

Tee (Assoc Refs) 0 23.00$ -$

Tee (YMTC Refs) 0 23.00$ -$

Tee (7's Tops) 0 23.00$ -$

Bags 0 30.00$ -$

BOP Playing Socks 0 11.00$ -$

Bucket Hats 0 25.00$ -$

Caps 0 25.00$ -$

Whistles 0 $14.50 -$


Jersey Shorts Polo T/Top T/Pants Coach Jacket AR Tee YMTC Tee 7's Tee Bag Socks Bucket Hats Caps Whistles TOTALS

Opening Balance 1,800.00$ 575.00$ 300.00$ 855.00$ 910.00$ 340.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 561.00$ -$ 5,341.00$

Plus Purchases 1,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 775.00$ 1,485.00$ 1,330.00$ 595.00$ 1,955.00$ 345.00$ -$ 3,000.00$ 550.00$ 1,450.00$ 15,485.00$

Total: 3,300.00$ 3,075.00$ 1,075.00$ 2,340.00$ 2,240.00$ 935.00$ 1,955.00$ 345.00$ -$ 3,000.00$ 1,111.00$ 1,450.00$ 20,826.00$

Less Issued 1,860.00$ 1,225.00$ 700.00$ 945.00$ 700.00$ 595.00$ 759.00$ 115.00$ -$ 1,440.00$ 374.00$ -$ -$ 638.00$ 9,351.00$

Total: 1,440.00$ 1,850.00$ 375.00$ 1,395.00$ 1,540.00$ 340.00$ 1,196.00$ 230.00$ -$ 1,560.00$ 737.00$ -$ -$ 812.00$ 11,475.00$

Less Stock On Hand -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Stock Loss 1,440.00$ 1,850.00$ 375.00$ 1,395.00$ 1,540.00$ 340.00$ 1,196.00$ 230.00$ -$ 1,560.00$ 737.00$ -$ -$ 812.00$ 11,475.00$





2016 GEAR ISSUE (Jan-June)



June 2016


This Period Total This Year:

Assistant Refs Attendees: 0 6 Associate Refs Attendees: 0 134 YMTC Attendees 0 17 NZ Rugby Social Media Promotion: 0 6 Web Site Free Gift Download: 0 14 Referrals from other Sources: 0 5




This Period Total This Year:

Assistant Refs Attendees: 0 0 Associate Refs Attendees: 0 6 YMTC Attendees 0 1 NZ Rugby Social Media Promotion: 0 1 Web Site Free Gift Download: 0 9 Referrals from other Sources: 0 16

Totals: 1 32


This Period Total This Year

21 & under 0 9 22-34 0 11 35-44 0 6 45+ 1 8 Totals: 1 32

Referee Advisory Group Monthly Report to the BOPRU


June 2016

In summary our key achievements, activities etc since our last report to the BOPRU


1. Baywide Referee Meeting held on 30th May at the High Performance Centre Mt

Maunganui with 35 attendees

Meeting took the following format:-

� Rod Hill NZRU High Performance Referee Manager gave a

presentation on ‘Communication, Management & Escalation’

� Meal

2. RAG Meeting held on 2nd June at the Rotorua Police Station, Rotorua – minutes

available on the BOPRU website under ‘Community Rugby’

3. 2016 - 34 new referees, 32 are ‘Active’ and 2 are new Referee Coaches

4. 129 referees have registered, 114 are ‘Active Referees’ 15 are ‘Inactive or

Social’, 117 are financial and 108 have completed ‘Rugby Smart’

5. Central Bay Referees have held ‘Training & Development’ meetings

7/3/16 12 14/3/16 10 21/3/16 6 28/3/16 Easter

4/4/16 Baywide 11/4/16 10 18/4/16 8 25/4/16 Baywide 2/5/16 6 9/5/16 11 16/5/16 9

23/5/16 12 30/5/16 Baywide 6/6/16 Queen’s Birth 13/6/16 tba 20/6/16 tba

6. Eastern Bay Referees have held ‘Training & Development’ meeting

25/2/16 9 8/3/16 7 22/3/16 8 12/4/16 6 10/5/2016 3 24/5/16 tba 7/6/16 tba

21/6/16 tba

7. Western Bay Referees have held ‘Training & Development’ meetings

8/3/16 25 15/3/16 26 22/3/16 27 29/3/16 29

12/4/16 28 19/4/16 30 3/5/16 25 10/5/16 30 17/5/16 26 24/5/16 28

7/6/16 28 14/6/16 Chiefs vs Wales 21/6/16 29

8. Assistant Referee Courses are continuing and we intend holding refresher

courses prior to Semi Finals and Finals.

9. WBOP Fitness and Conditioning continues on a Wednesday evening

20/1/16 16

27/1/16 15 3/2/16 11 10/2/16 12 17/2/16 4 24/2/16 11 2/3/16 5

9/3/16 7 16/3/16 7 23/3/16 0 30/3/16 3 6/4/16 3 13/4/16 8 20/4/16 6

27/4/16 6 4/5/16 0* 11/5/16 0* 18/5/16 10 25/5/16 1 1/6/16 tba

8/6/16 tba 15/6/16 6 22/6/16 6

Since the ending of daylight saving these sessions have now been moved

indoors to the FitCo Gym.

EBOP Fitness

5/1/16 3 8/1/16 3 12/1/16 2

19/1/16 3 26/1/16 3 2/2/16 4 9/2/16 4 16/2/16 4 23/2/16 4

1/3/16 4 8/3/16 4 15/3/16 3 22/3/16 4 29/3/16 4 5/4/16 3

12/4/16 4 19/4/16 3 26/4/16 3 3/5/16 4 10/5/16 2 17/5/16 2 24/5/16 tba

31/5/16 tba 7/6/16 tba 14/6/16 tba 21/6/16 tba

We are working to set up similar indoor sessions in CBOP in 2017

Fitness and conditioning has been set up for Premier Referees in the High

Performance Centre Tuesday 5.30pm

22/3/16 6 29/3/16 5 5/4/16 1 12/4/16 4 19/4/16 1

26/4/16 5 3/5/16 4 10/5/16 4 17/5/16 4 24/5/16 4 31/5/16 tba

7/6/16 tba 14/6/16 tba 21/6/16 tba

10. Games / Tournaments where Referees provided

Games Referees Appointed Provincial Union 7’s 45 35 Bayley’s National 7’s 77 59

Te Puna 10’s 36 12

Arataki 10’s 17 7 Pre-Season Games 153 152 March Season 19 19 Secondary School 7’s 111 111 April Season 187 182 May Season 324 302

June Season – to date tba tba

11. We have implement ‘Side-line Managers’ for all Premier 1 games

12. Reports / Cards Issued

Yellow Cards Red Cards Referee Abuse February 0 4 4 March 14 5 2 April 61 8 2

May 88 26 6 June – to date 34 10 3

13. Continued organising of the 2016 Referee Awards Night – venue now confirmed

14. Commencing work on implementing ‘Blue Cards’ from 2016/17 Sevens and post-


In referring to the NZRU protocol booklet – the steps to be followed are: -

1. BOPRU Board approve implementation 2. BOPRU consults with clubs and schools 3. BOPRU consults with referees 4. BOPRU consults with district health authorities 5. BOPRU in consultation to decide what level the Blue Card will apply 6. Formal advice to all stakeholders

Based on the above (1) and (3) completed.

BOPRU CEO to consult with clubs and schools and the BOP District Health

Authority – (2) and (4) above

BOPRU need to decide as to what levels it will apply – (5) above

15. Suggestion put to the BOPRU CEO about initiating a ‘Green Card’ to recognise

and acknowledge exceptional acts of a ‘Positive Rugby Environment’ – this

remains a work in progress

16. Interchanges BOP Referees hosted other Associations from


provinces on Queens Birthday Weekend – 4th and 5th June with ____ visiting


17. We have completed interchanges to the following provincial unions during May

and June. Poverty Bay, Manawatu, North Harbour


18. New Referee Award being established for our Premier Panel – this will be in the

form of a medal and has been named the Lawrence Premier Referee Medal and

will be done on a points basis with points awarded each week by the Premier

Team Coaches. Keith Lawrence has been invited to make the inaugural

presentation at our wards night.

19. Looking forward to the 2017 Bayley’s National 7’s we respectfully request that

accommodation for all match officials (national & local) be provided at one source

Our goal is to see our Referee numbers grow and improve Referee retention. With

this very much in mind, we are strongly committed toward seeing Referees valued

and appreciated as a key stakeholder in the health and wellbeing of BOP Rugby.



















































































































Jamie Bell 1 1 2

Alex Blakeway 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11

Neco Blank 1 1 1 1 4

Roland Bolton 1 1 1 1 1 5

Hayley Bolton 1 1

Thomas Bowater 1 1

Nick Burton 1 1

Ian Crowe 1 1 1 3

John Donnelly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11

Denise Donnelly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7

Mike Donnelly 1 1

Sam Fellows 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12

Ben Fester 1 1

Shane Forward 1 1 2

Peter Hastings 1 1

George Haswell 1 1 2

David Hodgson 1 1 1 1 4

Kristie Hodgson 1 1

Craig Hislop 1 1 1 1 4

Brett Johnson 1 1 1 1 4

Scott Jones 1 1

Steve McCarthy 1 1

Shane McDermott 1 1

Grant Moore 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9

Glenn Moore 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8

Jaydon Moore 1 1 1 1 1 5

George Parata 1 1

Bevan Parish 1 1

Eddy Pye 1 1

Pat Rae 1 1 1 1 4

Jax Reuban 1 1

Mate Samuels 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8

Tumanako Swinton 1 1

Gaylene Uerata 1 1 1 1 1 5

Taneika Uerata 1 1 1 1 1 5

Thorn Van Kol 1 1 2

Ryan Waite 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9

Grant Wilson 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15


Western Bay of Plenty

Bay of Plenty Rugby Referees Fitness Training Attendance

16 15 11 12 4 11 5 7 7 0 3 3 8 6 6 3 1 10 1 4 0 8 6 9 0 0 0 0









































































































































George vd Anker 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Dayle Johnson 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ollie Arnold 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Daimen Jones 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2



















































































































Jamie Bell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11

Sam Fellows 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

Mark Hollinshead 1 1 2

Jax Reuban 1 1 1 1 1 3

Mate Samuels 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

Ryan Waite 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

6 5 1 4 1 5 5 4 1 4 3 2 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Eastern Bay of Plenty


Premier Squad








HEALTH & SAFETY – BAY OF PLENTY RUGBY REFEREES A group of referees, led by Sam Fellows (RAG governance portfolio) recently met to discuss health and safety issues pertinent to referees in light of recent health and safety law changes and to ensure compliance with the Bay of Plenty Rugby Union's Health & Safety Policies. The issues identified by this working group are as follows: Driving Tired Referees are often required to travel distances that required an hour or more of driving time. This driving is often required after referees have refereed one or more games and, being in winter, it is often dark, wet and potentially icy. It is the working group's recommendation that: 1. referees are reminded to pull over and take a rest at any point when they begin to feel

tired while driving;

2. to drive to the conditions; and

3. to obey speed limits and all other traffic rules. Drink Driving It is commonplace and expected that referees attend speeches in rugby clubrooms following the games. In the clubrooms it is usual practice for referees to consume alcohol. This raises issues around drink driving, especially given the combination of lower drink driving limits and referees having completed one or more games before drinking. The working group recommends referees are: 1. reminded to hydrate after their games and before drinking any alcohol;

2. to consume no more than would impair their ability to drive;

as even a small amount when tired and dehydrated can greatly affect reactions, alertness and general driving ability, even if they are still under the legal limit. Referee Abuse – Physical Abuse A further area the working group identified as a potential health and safety issue, is around referee abuse, namely physical abuse. Although very uncommon, it is a risk that referees face when dealing with emotional individuals. The working group recommends referees are: 1. only appointed to games that are within their abilities to control; 2. reminded to act courteously at all times and not inflame situations; 3. to take consideration of where they park when attending grounds; and

Page 2


4. to be careful to remove themselves from any risky situations. Referee Abuse – Verbal/Emotional Yet another risk the working group identified is verbal and emotional abuse of referees. While this often happens at games and is often a part of being a referee, the working group indicated that there may be some instances which lead to depression, anxiety and other forms of mental illness that relate to this issue. The working group recommends: 1. measures are put in place to ensure there is a point of contact for any referee who is

feeling that they have difficulties sustained as a result of referee abuse or a combination of other factors in their lives;

2. referees are encouraged to look out for the fellow referees and ensure their fellow

referees get help if they need it. Injuries The main health and safety concern the working group identified was referee injuries. These can be minor injuries (as we have seen lately, such as achilles injuries) or serious injuries, such as broken bones. Many of these injuries cannot be fully prevented and often freak incidents. The working group recommends that referees are reminded about: 1. the importance of warming up;

2. maintaining fitness (specifically fitness related to refereeing); 3. using good nutrition; and 4. warming down. The working group also recommends referees continue to be provided opportunities for physical training to ensure they have the opportunity to ask a trainer what exercises they should be doing and to train with other referees to try and prevent the risk associated with this.