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MIPP Official Handbook


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“ The furtherance and improvement of photography and photography practitioners in

all aspects”

02 About MIPP05 Benefi ts of Joining MIPP & How to Join MIPP06 Qualifi cations07 Mentoring Services For Qualifi cations08 Photography Courses09 Seminars & Conventions10 MIPP Awards11 Events’ Photos12 Events’ Photos cont/....

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The Malta Institute of Professional Photography (or M.I.P.P.) has been set up to improve the technical knowledge and professional status as well as the image of persons involved in the Photographic Industry. It is also dedicated to achieve and maintain standards in professional practice and conduct for the benefi t of photography and buyers of photography as well as to safeguard, monitor and deal with matters which aff ect professional photography.

It is also the purpose of the MIPP to be an authoritative voice for professional photographers and the trade in order to be able to lobby on issues concerning the working photographer.

The MIPP has three categories of Membership,namely Qualifi ed Member , Member and Junior Member:

A “QUALIFIED MEMBER” must possess a valid MIPP recognized Qualifi cation.A “MEMBER” is any person whose objective is to attain a professional level in his photography.A JUNIOR MEMBER is any person who is aged between 12 and 17 and still attending school or college.

Beginners and hobbyists are also important to the MIPP and a continuous eff ort is maintained in order to properly groom these photographers. All categories of Membership denote full acceptance and abidance of the MIPP Code of Conduct.

A great deal has been achieved since the Institute has been in operation, (the fi rst offi cial meeting was held on the 30th of July, 1996). The Institute’s aim is to run in a professional as well as commercial basis and this has been fully achieved.

In these few years, the MIPP has become the professional photographer’s voice with the Government, it has regularly held international Seminars aimed at improving the skills of its members, it has organized photographic exhibitions as well as striven to make the public more aware of the local photographer and his professional services.

The MIPP has also been the fi rst Institute to establish Malta’s own Photographic Distinctions and Qualifi cations, running these on the same lines as those of other European Countries. It also holds the “MIPP Malta Photographer of the Year Award” as well as the “MIPP Awards of Achievement” with the aim of further strengthening the esteem as well as the status and quality of the Maltese photographer.

The MIPP’s Photographic Qualifi cations are offi cially recognized through a reciprocal agreement by the largest UK photographic Association, the Societies. This is a great achievement as it demonstrates the high esteem the MIPP has in European circles and further enhances the standard of local photographic qualifi cations.

Keeping abreast of the changing needs of the profession, the MIPP is a member of the Federation of European Photographers.

The purpose of the MIPP is to continue to improve, teach and collaborate in all spheres of the Photographic circuit, both locally as well as internationally.

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• National and International recognition• Licenciate, Associate and Fellow MIPP Qualifi cations• Mentoring Programme• The best photographic events on the island• An annual 3 day international photographic seminar• Photographic competitions & exhibitions• Benefi t from continuous education through regular meetings, workshops & lectures• Regular Image Assessments• Yearly courses on all aspects of photography• Price reductions on MIPP Events and activities• Free Web page on the MIPP Website• Free Monthly international online image competition

MIPP Qualifi ed Members: €40 annuallyMIPP Members €40 annuallyMIPP Overseas Members: €40 annuallyJoint Membership*: €60 annuallyJunior Member (12 to 17 years)       €15 annuallyQualifi ed Members who have been members for at least fi ve consecutive years or over: €30 annually*(Married or cohabiting couples with ID card proof bearing same residence)

Here is how you can join us:Simply go on our website, www.mipp-malta.com and click on the “Join Us” section.

Download and fi ll in the application form, make a cheque payable to ‘The Treasurer, MIPP’ with your appropriate membership fee and post it to MIPP, P.O.Box 8, Birkirkara BKR 1000, Malta

Alternatively, you can pay through the Bank of Valletta website: www.bov.com and log in to BOV internet banking with your Securekey. Payment will be processed once the membership application will be received.Also feel free to join our MIPP Page and Groups on Facebook to keep more up to date about current events.

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QUALIFICATIONSMIPP Qualifi cation Regulations & Info

The MIPP has established a photographic Qualifi cation system on the same standards as international distinctions namely ‘The Societies’, (www.thesocieties.net) which are a group of organisations incorporating the interest of all aspects of photography. This is a three-tier system, namely the MIPP Licentiate (LMIPP), the MIPP Associate (AMIPP) and the MIPP Fellowship (FMIPP).

Only MIPP members can qualify for these Distinctions. Student members of the Institute cannot apply for the FMIPP qualifi cation but can apply for LMIPP and AMIPP.

Applicants are requested to submit a photographic print panel of 20 works under specifi c criteria. These are assessed by a qualifi ed independent panel of experts who decide whether the candidate has reached the required level.

A certifi cate, given under the common seal of the MIPP, is issued to each successful candidate.

When necessary, the selection panel meets annually, usually during the month of November, in order to assess submissions. Candidates should check in the MIPP newsletter/website for the date of the next assessment meeting as well as the date by which submissions must reach the MIPP designated offi ces.

Licentiateship (L.M.I.P.P) is the fi rst level of qualifi ed membership. It is a recognition for a general basic level of skill and competence in professional practice within photography and allied technologies

Associateship (A.M.I.P.P.) is considered as a middle level group. Associates carry the responsibility for the development of the profession and the MIPP.

Fellowship (F.M.I.P.P.) denotes a high level of technical and creative ability, cohesion and style.

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MENTORING SERVICE The MIPP has established a photographic Qualifi cation system on the same standards as international Distinctions.

This is a three-tier system, namely the MIPP Licentiate (LMIPP), the MIPP Associate (AMIPP) and the MIPP Fellowship (FMIPP).

Only MIPP fully paid up members can qualify for these Distinctions. Applicants are requested to submit a photographic print panel of 20 works under specifi c criteria. These are assessed by a qualifi ed independent panel of experts who decide whether the candidate has reached the required level.

A certifi cate, given under the common seal of the MIPP, is issued to each successful candidate.

When necessary, the selection panel meets annually, usually during the month of November, in order to assess submissions. Candidates should check in the MIPP newsletter/website for the date of the next assessment meeting as well as the date by which submissions must reach the MIPP designated offi ces. Prior to preparing their submissions, candidates must check in detail all current rules and regulations pertaining to the MIPP Qualifi cations.

Licentiateship (L.M.I.P.P) is the fi rst level of qualifi ed membership. It is a recognition for a general basic level of skill and competence in professional practice within photography and allied technologies

Associateship (A.M.I.P.P.) is considered as a middle level group. Associates carry the responsibility for the development of the profession and the MIPP.

Fellowship (F.M.I.P.P.) denotes a high level of technical and creative ability, cohesion and style.


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The MIPP off ers various interesting and informative courses throughout the year. These include workshops, photowalks, foundation and advanced structured courses as well as foundation and advanced digital post processing and editing courses. The courses are aimed at not only teaching the techniques of photography but also enabling invaluable hands-on practice as well as nurturing networking and co-operation between the students. Furthermore, all courses are also thought out in order to enable the participant to improve and strengthen his skills in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

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SEMINARS & CONVENTIONSIn order to make our yearly calendar more interesting the MIPP, apart from other workshops, yearly organises three main international events.

The fi rst one takes place in March and is usually a two day seminar in collaboration with ‘The Societies’ (www.swpp.co.uk) where a foreign speaker gives lectures and also a workshop about his photographic work.

The latest addition to the MIPP seminar “family” is the August “Free” seminar. This is totally free for our members and is always enhanced by an international guest photographer/s. All expenses for this event are borne by the MIPP and the idea is that this seminar also serves as our offi cial event to mark “World Photography Day” on the 19th of August. It’s also a perfect way of saying “thank you” to our members!

A more extensive convention is organised in October, again in collaboration with ‘The Societies’, which normally runs over three days. Not only do we have high calibre international speakers but also the cream of the local ones, with one of the days usually dedicated solely for hands-on workshops.

Another short seminar is the yearly weekend trip to our sister island of Gozo, where ‘photohunts’, workshops and mini lectures are organised for all attendees. Naturally, this is also an excellent opportunity to socialize with our Gozitan members as well as get a short instructive holiday.

To keep up with the demand from our members we also organise regular informal monthly photowalks, which are usually held on Sundays. These are open to all members and their families. At other times, a local village is visited or we obtain some special passes for interesting events happening around the regularly happening around the island.

Natasha Polidano showing make up retouching prior a workshop shoot with Bernard Polidano - October Convention 2010

Model Workshop with Kevin CashaOctober Convention 2010

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Awards of Recognition/Honorary Awards

The Executive Committee and Members may recommend the Honorary Life Membership of the Institute to those persons, who, in their opinion deserve recognition for their special services to the M.I.P.P. An Honorary Award can be awarded in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of Photography. Honorary Life Awards can only be given to Members of the MIPP and are restricted to not more than one Award per year. Since personal achievement alone does not necessarily contribute to the advancement of photography, it does not qualify the candidate unless combined with outstanding elements of service. The Executive Committee and Members may also recommend persons (not necessarily MIPP members) for the “MIPP Photography Award of Recognition” for their outstanding service and support to local Photography.

Photographer of The Year Award

Since 2003, the Malta Institute of Professional Photography has established its own “Photographer of the Year” competition aimed mainly at local professional photographers. Rather than a one-time contest with just a single eff ort from participants, this yearly Award consists of fi ve bi-monthly competitions during which participating photographers accumulate points. Two contests have thematic subjects, while the other three are “Free” subjects. The winner, namely the photographer who has accumulated the best points aggregate over the whole event, will be declared “MIPP Photographer of the Year” for that current year.Apart from the main award, there are various awards given to individual images.

MIPP International Online Image Competition

This yearly online internet based competition pits the best that local and international photographers produce. Again, it is an ongoing competition with the eventual winner being awarded the MIPP IMAGE AWARD. Subject matter is free.


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writeups courtesy of Kevin Cashainside photos courtesy of Martin Agiusbooklet design by Therese Debono

Printed at Xerox Printshopwebsite: www.imagesystems.com

tel no: 25578000email: [email protected]