mis en-scene

Mis – en - scene Costume Hair Make – Up Body Language Facial Expression Setting Props Lighting Colour Positioning of the artist

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Mis en-scene

Mis – en - scene

Costume Hair Make – Up Body Language Facial Expression Setting Props Lighting Colour Positioning of the


Page 2: Mis en-scene

In this image of Rihanna, the background suggests her status and shows that she has a quirky side towards her with the graffiti in her surroundings. Her jeans jacket creates an urban look especially with the red bandana amongst her hair. It gives us the feel that she dresses casually and like a ‘normal’ person. The curls in her hair make her look feminine and more sophisticated than usual. Her hair is dangling over her eyes creating her to squint and it draws attention towards her eyes. Rihanna is making direct eye contact with the audience so this suggests that she is confident regardless of how she looks. She way she is sitting on the dirty, graphitised stairs makes her seem as though she’s not bothered and don’t mind getting dirty for once.

Page 3: Mis en-scene

This image of Nicki Minaj captures her quirkiness and elegance. The outfit looks almost ‘over the top’ but however it is in style and she is seen as a trendsetter to her fans. The rainbow colour bra - let suggests that she is lively and playful. To add to this outfit she has a pink shiny sailors hat that matches her bright, vibrant colour blazer and lipstick. The hat adds to the sophisticated look that she achieves even when she doesn’t try.The blue and white leggings matches her vibrant blue wedges. All though it looks as though she is wearing lots of different colours, they all match together and make the famous, quirky, loved Nicki Minaj. Her long flowing blonde hair enhances her femininity while the pink background adds to this. The doll that is positioned to the left of her adds to the nostalgic look that has been achieved.

Page 4: Mis en-scene

In this image, Beyonce stares looking boldly at the camera, looking with a don’t care type of attitude. At the same time she appears to be vulnerable as her face looks childish and reminds you of a child looking at you boldly when they are attempting to seek attention. Her curly, brown hair adds to this as it looks wild, as if she don’t care what it looks like and what people say. Her face expression is sullen; it makes you think not to mess with her otherwise its not going to be fun. The large hooped earrings maintains the look of being an RnB artist, looking ghetto but at the same time come across as sophisticated. The background is plain, so therefore it makes you focus more on her face.