misconceptions who am i? studying human nature contributions to modern psychology miscellaneous...


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Page 1: Misconceptions Who am I? Studying Human Nature Contributions to Modern Psychology Miscellaneous Mixture
Page 2: Misconceptions Who am I? Studying Human Nature Contributions to Modern Psychology Miscellaneous Mixture

Misconceptions Who am I?

Studying HumanNature

Contributions to Modern


Miscellaneous Mixture

Page 3: Misconceptions Who am I? Studying Human Nature Contributions to Modern Psychology Miscellaneous Mixture

The suggestion that to fix something you just need to follow these steps, like baking a cake, is known as what?


Recipe Knowledge

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The idea that people want psychology to answer “big” questions but fear what the answers may reveal is known as



Public Paradox

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83% of people felt that day to day life experiences provided adequate training in psychology (Wood et al., 1986). Researchers found that vocational descriptions of

psychologists do not correlate well with those of scientists. These are both examples of the misunderstanding of what?


Educational Requirements in Psychology

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Media promotes misconceptions by portraying psychologists in misleading ways on screen. Name and describe the 5 stereotypes typically promoted through media that we

discussed in class.


• Dr. Dippy- is actually crazier than his patients• Dr. Evil- corrupt, into mind control, maniac• Dr. Wonderful- plenty of time for everyone, fixes everything

by finding one painful event• Dr. Rigid- blunt, wet blanket, puts down patient• Dr. Line-Crosser- forms inappropriate/sexual relationships

with vulnerable patients

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What are the 3 things that media promoted misconceptions suggest about psychology?


• Suggest that psychology is self-help/recipe knowledge• Suggests that psychology/psychiatry is for weak minded

people• Suggests that evangelist pyschologists and non

scientific pop books/articles offer expert advice

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I ran hospitals that provided better care for mental patients by emphasizing more humane treatment.

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Dr. Phillipe Pinel

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I believed in naturalistic medicine and tried to rid medicine of magical and superstitious thinking. Who am I?

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Alcmaeon of Crotonor


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I came up with a form of pseudoscience that identified people’s characteristics and personalities based on the

bumps on individual’s heads. Who am I, and what was this practice?

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• Joseph Gall• Phrenology

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I believed that consciousness is a function of the mind. I also said that the mind and the brain are separate, but they

influence each other. Who am I, and what was my way of thinking known as?


DescartesInteractive Dualism/Cartesian Dualism

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I am the father of medicine and I believed in the Theory of Humors. Who am I, and what was my explanation for mental


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• Hippocrates• Mental illness resulted when humors were not


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The separation of mental illness and identity from religion and superstitious thinking was a contribution to modern

psychology that came from what field?



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Biological contributions brought about the focus of studying personalities of normal people. With this in mind, Hippocrates’

Theory of Humors and Joseph Gall’s phrenology were precursors for what?


Trait-based theories of personality

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Philosophy made many important contributions to modern psychology. What two things did philosophy begin to ask

questions about regarding the mind?


Contents of the mind

Functions of the mind

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In what ways did Plato’s view on madness (body/desires vs. soul) contribute to modern

misunderstandings of psychology?


• It suggested that mental illness comes from being weak minded.

• It supported a stigma about the mentally ill—not strong critical thinkers, give into drives

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Name three of religion’s contributions to understanding modern psychology.


• Mentally ill people need help and care• There is more than one type of thought• The mind is different from the body• The mind contains the identity/personality• Thought can come from the body and affect the behavior

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What debate is central to the development of Psychology?


Mind-Body Debate

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What are the two important questions addressed by the mind-body debate?


• What is the mind?• How does the mind interact with the brain?

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Aristotle is considered the father of modern science because he set the stage for the first steps of the scientific method.

What are these steps, and why are they important?


• 1. Ask “what is the question”• 2. Define terms• 3. Review what other experts think• 4. Explain what you think Importance: they organized nature in reasoned ways

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The idea that you can argue and debate about natural phenomena and religion

without losing your faith is called what?


The Doctrine of Double Truths

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According the religious mind, the mind is what? The body is what?

MISC 500

The mind is the soul/your identity

The body is the vessel that houses the soul

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Who had the “ghost-in-the-machine” perspective on studying human nature?



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Who are the two contenders for the title of “Father of Modern Psychology?”


Wilhelm WundtGustav Fechner

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Who is associated with the Biological Instinct model of human nature? What are some characteristics of this model?


• Hobbes• Our biological drives lead to selfishness, but we

must yield to society’s rules and norms

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Name all the models of human nature, and the person associated with each one. (After naming them, see if you can

list the characteristics of each model!)


Ghost in the Machine: DescartesLocke: Blank SlateRousseau: Noble SavageHobbes: Biological Instinct

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Who founded Structuralism, and what are some of its characteristics?


• Edward Titchener• Goal: identifying composition of the mind/conciousness• Relied solely on introspection• Problems: ignores individual differences, animals,

children, applied problems and higher mental processes

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Remember, this is just a fun review of some of the topics. Be sure to study everything on the review sheet and know how to

explain things in detail!