misi bantuan amal ke somalia-kenyakegiatan lanun di teluk aden ? yayasan amal malaysia mempunyai...

Misi Bantuan Amal ke Somalia-Kenya Gotong Royong Laksana Ibadah Qurban di Kampus Taiping Raptor Festival Lecturers and Students win International Award Editorial Message: The spirit of sacrifice also spilled outside of UniKL RCMP campus, as denoted by the humanitarian mission of our CEO, Professor Dr Haji Hashami Bin Haji Bohari to Somalia-Kenya during the Aiduladha. Surviving the workplace

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Page 1: Misi Bantuan Amal ke Somalia-Kenyakegiatan lanun di Teluk Aden ? Yayasan Amal Malaysia mempunyai banyak pilihan. Sebelum ini kami pernah ke Kassala, Kemboja dan Indonesia. Di Kemboja

Misi Bantuan Amal ke Somalia-Kenya

Gotong Royong Laksana Ibadah Qurban

di Kampus

Taiping Raptor Festival

Lecturers and Students win International Award

Editorial Message: The spirit of sacrifice also spilled outside of UniKL RCMP

campus, as denoted by the humanitarian mission of our CEO, Professor Dr Haji

Hashami Bin Haji Bohari to Somalia-Kenya during the Aiduladha.

Surviving the workplace

Page 2: Misi Bantuan Amal ke Somalia-Kenyakegiatan lanun di Teluk Aden ? Yayasan Amal Malaysia mempunyai banyak pilihan. Sebelum ini kami pernah ke Kassala, Kemboja dan Indonesia. Di Kemboja

9 Gotong Royong Laksana Ibadah Qurban di


4 Misi Bantuan Amal ke Somalia-Kenya

14 UNIKL RCMP Lecturers and Students Win

International Award

15 Surviving the Workplace

21 Short Film Competition

23 Educational Seminar 2011

27 New Staff

3 Editorial message - Profesor Dr Awang

Iskanderdzulkarnein Bin Pengiran Rayari

18 Taiping Raptor Festival 2011

28 Birthday Wishes

24 Mega Berkhatan URMC Pusat Perubatan UniKL-RCMP

26 „Myths and Facts about Anger‟

Page 3: Misi Bantuan Amal ke Somalia-Kenyakegiatan lanun di Teluk Aden ? Yayasan Amal Malaysia mempunyai banyak pilihan. Sebelum ini kami pernah ke Kassala, Kemboja dan Indonesia. Di Kemboja

Editorial Message


THE SPIRIT OF SACRIFICE This year, Aiduladha was celebrated on 27 December 2011, highlighted with the sacrificing of many lawful animals. Historically, the act of slaughtering lawful animals as a means for achieving nearness to Allah Almighty dates back to the time when Prophet Adam came to the world. The Holy Quran has made mention of the first sacrifice offered in the way of Allah by his sons, Habeel and Qabeel. Although these sons of Adam started the tradition of slaughter but it gained eternal popularity through the incident that involved Prophet Ibrahim and his son, Ismail. This slaughter is the reflection of the greatest slaughter offered on the face of earth. Thus in order to commemorate the sacrifice offered by Prophet Ibrahim and his son till the Day of Judgement, the Muslims were enjoined to perform the act of slaughter on 10th of Zul-Hijjah during every Islamic year. The word qurban (sacrifice) embraces vast scope of meaning. This is derived from word qurb (nearness). Therefore, the act of qurban denotes the nearness to Allah Almighty. Technically, the word qurban refers to the sacrificing of animals on the occasion of Aiduladha with a view to achieving the nearness to Him. In the wider context, it means sacrificing everything one possesses in the way of Allah, like life, wealth, honour, comfort and so forth. The 162nd verse of Surah al-Anam of the Quran states: "My prayers, my hajj (pilgrimage) and sacrifice (with all my acts of worship) and my life and my death are for Allah alone Who is the Lord of all the worlds." At UniKL RCMP, this year‟s Aidil adha saw the sacrifices of several heads of cattle that had been sponsored by the staff. The meat was distributed among the staff and the bones were souped for mega-lunch that was enjoyed by everybody present, including the Chairman of the PCM Board of Directors, Y. Bhg Datuk (Dr) Zamani Bin Mohd Noor The spirit of sacrifice also spilled outside of UniKL RCMP campus, as denoted by the humanitarian mission of our CEO, Professor Dr Haji Hashami Bin Haji Bohari to Somalia-Kenya during the Aiduladha. Let‟s live with the spirit of sacrifice in our endeavours so that the life of tomorrow will always be better than today. Profesor Dr Awang Iskanderdzulkarnein Bin Pengiran Rayari

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MISI BANTUAN AMAL KE SOMALIA-KENYA Oleh: Zahaimi bte Abdullah Sani Bukan mudah untuk memasuki sempadan Somalia-Kenya ketika ini apa tah lagi untuk melakukan misi bantuan amal. Nyawa boleh melayang dalam sekelip mata dan tiada jaminan keselamatan menyebabkan ramai sukarelawan Malaysia tidak mahu mengambil risiko mati katak di bumi Afrika ini. Namun cabaran ini disambut oleh Prof Dr Hj Hashami Bohari berserta 6 orang ahli sukarelawan Yayasan Amal Malaysia demi melaksanakan ibadah qurban sempena Sambutan Hari Raya Aidiladha selain meninjau keadaan sebenar di kem pelarian Dadaad dan Mogadishu Somalia-Kenya. Ikutilah temubual penulis bersama Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif & Ketua Kampus UniKL RCMP Prof Dr Hashami Bohari berhubung misi amal beliau di sana. Temuraman bersama Prof Dr Hashami Bohari berhubung misi amal qurban di Somalia 1. Bila dan berapa lama Prof berada di Somalia?

Saya bersama Yayasan Amal Malaysia berada di sempadan Somalia- Kenya selama 7 hari. Kami bertolak pada 3 November 2011 dan Alhamdullilah selamat kembali ke Malaysia pada 8.30 pagi 10 November 2011.

2. Berapa ramai sukarelawan yang menyertai misi kali ini dan siapa di antara mereka?

Misi Yayasan Amal Malaysia kali ini membawa tujuh orang sukarelawan iaitu 2 doktor perubatan, 2 orang bekas guru, 1 bekas jurutera, 1 akauntan dan 1 wartawan tempatan.

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3. Siapa yang menyambut kedatangan Yayasan Amal Malaysia di Somalia? Apakah bentuk bantuan yang diberi semasa Prof berada di sana bagi tujuan melancarkan misi bantuan amal yang dirancang?

Yayasan Amal Malaysia telah berjaya menjalinkan kerjasama dengan NGO tempatan, Development Initiative Access Link (DIAL) yang berpengkalan di Nairobi. Ketibaan kami di sambut oleh Mr Ali dari (DIAL) dan beliau telah memberi bantuan sepanjang kami berada di sana.

4. Mengapa memilih Somalia padahal semua sedia maklum bahawa negara tersebut mengalami kebuluran maha dahsyat, kewujudan kumpulan-kumpulan bersenjata yang mengawal sebahagian besar selatan Somalia serta menyekat kemasukan bantuan makanan oleh agensi kemanusiaan dan keadaan bertambah teruk dengan kewujudan

kegiatan lanun di Teluk Aden ?

Yayasan Amal Malaysia mempunyai banyak pilihan. Sebelum ini kami pernah ke Kassala, Kemboja dan Indonesia. Di Kemboja sudah terlalu ramai sukarelawan Malaysia dan boleh kelihatan seperti pesta apabila tiba hari raya. Kita kena fikirkan tempat yang mendesak dan terpinggir, justeru pada tahun 2011, Yayasan Amal Malaysia memilih untuk ke sempadan Somalia-Kenya. Rasionalnya tempat tersebut belum popular di kalangan sukarelawan Malaysia selain pelarian Islam di sana amat memerlukan bantuan kemanusiaan terutamanya dari negara-negara Islam sendiri. Keadaan mereka sangat daif dengan kem-kem yang penuh sesak dengan pelarian serta kurang kemudahan infrastuktur. Walaupun diuruskan oleh badan-badan antarabangsa seperti UNESCO dan WHO namun bantuan yang diterima masih jauh daripada mencukupi kerana kem Dadaab menempatkan jumlah pelarian yang terbesar di dunia dengan jumlah sejuta orang.

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Di samping itu, Yayasan Amal Malaysia berhasrat menjalin hubungan silaturrahim dan meluaskan jaringan persahabatan dengan NGO Somalia agar bantuan kemanusiaan mudah disalurkan pada masa yang akan datang.

5. Bagaimana pula dengan bantuan kemanusiaan di Kassala, Sudan? Adakah misi bantuan kemanusian ke Kassala berhenti setakat itu sahaja?

Bantuan kemanusian di Kassala masih diteruskan seperti yang telah dirancang. Bahkan Yayasan Amal Malaysia telah menyediakan peluang latihan di USM kepada dua orang warga Sudan. Mereka diberi latihan intensif menyedut air di padang pasir dan seterusnya dengan ilmu yang ada membolehkan mereka membina telaga di kediaman masing-masing. Segala kos latihan, pembinaan telaga, pembinaan masjid dan membekalkan al-quran diperoleh hasil sumbangan dermawan Malaysia. Sumbangan ini turut digunakan untuk membekalkan kaki palsu kepada penduduk Palestin.

6. Adakah pemergian kali ini dapat memenuhi objektif yang dirancang? Apa yang dapat disempurnakan dan apa yang tidak sempat dilakukan semasa berada di Somalia?

Sepanjang berada di Somalia kami berjaya menyempurnakan amanah rakyat Malaysia berbentuk qurban sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidiladha dengan menyembelih 1020 ekor kambing kemudiannya diagih-agihkan di beberapa tempat seperti di Dagahaley, IFO (Somalian Refugees Dadaab Camp) Junction serta Sabuli. Bekalan ternakan korban diperoleh daripada penduduk setempat dengan harga RM 300.00 seekor. Peliknya pelarian Islam di Somalia tidak makan daging lembu. Ini terbukti apabila daging lembu yang disembelih langsung tidak disentuh malahan menjadi makanan binatang buas.

Selain itu, saya berkesempatan mengadakan pemeriksaan kesihatan kepada hampir 2000 orang pelarian dengan dibantu oleh Dr Syed Ahmad Syed Mohammad Ali.

Pada hari raya Aidiladha saya berkesempatan menunaikan solat hari raya bersama mereka di atas padang terbuka berhampiran dengan kem tahanan.

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7. Apa kekangan yang dihadapi semasa berada di Somalia? Bagaimana pula dengan kawalan keselamatan di sana?

Pemeriksaan kesihatan hanya dapat dilakukan selama 2 hari sahaja kerana kekurangan bekalan

ubat. Kami dibekalkan dengan ubat-ubatan yang tidak diperlukan seperti ubat darah tinggi dan kencing manis. Sepanjang pemeriksaan kesihatan terdapat hanya 2 kes penyakit darah tinggi selebihnya pelarian ini mengalami penyakit tropika seperti malaria, penyakit kulit, cacing serta kekurangan zat makanan akibat bencana kemarau, krisis pemakanan serta kemarau yang tidak berkesudahan.

Pada awalnya Kedutaan Malaysia sendiri tidak mengalakkan kedatangan kami ke Somalia.

Keadaan di sini amat berbahaya sekiranya tidak berhati-hati boleh tersasar peluru sesat. Selain mengupah dua orang pengawal keselamatan dengan upah RM240.00 sehari tentera kerajaan turut mengiringi rombongan kami sepanjang melaksanakan ibadah korban di Garissa.

Bagaiamanapun aktiviti bantuan kemanusiaan kami terhad selepas jam 6 petang kerana kumpulan

kami tidak lagi dibenarkan keluar dari kediaman masing-masing atas faktor keselamatan. 8. Di mana destinasi misi kemanusiaan yang akan tuju pada tahun depan? Insyaalah jika diizinkan kami bercadang untuk ke Palestin secara fizikal tetapi semua sedia

maklum akan cabaran yang perlu ditempuhi.

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9. Pada pendapat Prof, apakah sumbangan yang disalurkan oleh sukarelawan-sukarelawan Malaysia dapat membantu meringankan penderitaan mereka? Sejauh mana bantuan tersebut dapat menampung kehidupan mereka seterusnya?

Dalam jangkamasa pendek Ya tetapi bukan untuk jangkamasa panjang. Setidak-tidaknya

kebuluran pada hari dan minggu tersebut dapat ditampung dan diatasi dengan adanya pemberian daging korban.

10. Apakah kegiatan ekonomi yang dijalankan di Somalia untuk kelangsungan hidup

mereka? Tidak ada pekerjaan malah mereka tidak dibenarkan bekerja atas faktor keselamatan 11. Tidakkah Prof berhajat membawa pelajar MBBS atau kakitangan UniKL RCMP menyertai

misi bantuan kemanusiaan pada masa yang akan datang? Pelajar MBBS atau kakitangan yang ingin turut serta perlu mempunyai kemampuan kewangan.

Mereka perlu menyediakan sekurang-kuranganya RM 5.000 bagi perbelanjaan pengangkutan, tempat tinggal dan makanan. Sekiranya bernasib baik kita boleh pergi secara percuma dengan cara mendapatkan sumbangan derma daripada badan korporat atau orang ramai.

Pada pendapat saya, pelajar MBBS perlu keluar untuk mendapatkan pengalaman. Buat masa

ini terdapat beberapa orang pelajar MBBS yang telah ke luar negara seperti ke New Zealand, Australia, Kemboja dan India untuk menjalani latihan posting. Ini satu permulaan yang baik.

Untuk tahun 2012, kita boleh merancang daripada sekarang untuk melakukan misi kemanu-

siaan tetapi di atas platform Universiti Kuala Lumpur. 12. Apa saranan Prof terhadap negara-negara serta orang-orang Islam demi membantu

masyarakat Islam yang memerlukan bantuan kemanusiaan? Badan bukan kerajaan Turki antara negara Islam yang kerap menghantar bantuan secara

berterusan ke Somalia. Mereka menyediakan pendidikan kepada kanak-kanak Somalia selain bantuan makanan. Pada hari saya berada di Somalia terdapat kira-kira 20-30 orang Turki berada di kem pelarian tersebut mengedar makanan. Aktiviti pendidikan yang dilakukan oleh NGO dari negara Turki mendapat sambutan baik daripada masyarakat Somalia.

Hari ini apa yang saya lihat, misi bantuan kemanusiaan banyak tertumpu ke Kemboja, Indonesia dan Thailand namun kurang ke benua Afrika. Pelarian di Somalia amat memerlukan bantuan ubat-ubatan, pakaian, serta kemudahan infrastruktur yang lain seperti masjid, hospital dan bekalan air bersih. Mungkin kita tidak dapat menghantar bantuan secara berterusan dan besar-besaran namun sumbangan kita amat besar maknanya kepada mereka yang memerlukan. UniKL RCMP Rural Medical Mobile Mission Team (RM3) boleh memainkan peranan mengerakkan misi bantuan kemanusiaan ke luar negara

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Gotong Royong Laksana Ibadah Qurban di Kampus Oleh: Zahaimi bte Abdullah Sani Bagi mengimarahkan sambutan Aidiladha, UniKL Royal College of Medicine Perak melalui Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi telah menjayakan ibadah qurban secara bergotong-royong bertempat di kawasan lapang di perkarangan Bangunan Anatomi pada hari Selasa 8 November 2011 bersamaan 12 Zulhijjah 1432 H. Tahun ini merupakan tahun ketiga Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi melaksanakan majlis ibadah qurban. Kira-kira 33 orang Ahli Jawatankuasa Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi telah siap sedia berkumpul di perkarangan Bangunan Anatomi seawal jam 8.00 pagi untuk menunggu kedatangan lori yang membawa binatang qurban dan sebaik sahaja tiba tanpa membuang masa binatang kurban tersebut terus ditarik ke tempat penyembelihan.

Acara penyembelihan diketuai oleh Ustaz Muhamad Iqbal dibantu oleh Ustaz Ahmad Zulaili Zamri masing-masing daripada Jabatan Pengajian Am serta beberapa orang AJK KSR yang lain. Selesai acara penyembelihan yang mengambil hampir sejam, binatang qurban tersebut terus dilapah.

Ketibaan lori yang membawa binatang qurban serta AJK sedang membuat persediaan untuk menyembelih

AJK wanita bergotong-royong menyediakan sarapan

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Kerja-kerja menyembelih dan melapah di kawasan lapang Bangunan Anatomi

Daging qurban kemudiannya dipotong kecil, ditimbang mengikut sukatan dan diagih-agihkan sama rata kepada hampir 100 orang staf yang beragama Islam dan selebihnya dibuat sup sebagai juadah makan tengahari. En Lokman Fikry Hj Zawawi daripada Jabatan Hal Ehwal Mahasiswa bertindak selaku ketua tukang masak dibantu oleh isteri beliau Puan Salwa Tajuddin serta beberapa orang Ahli Jawatankuasa Kelab Sukan & Rekreasi yang lain. Pada sebelah petangnya semua staf UniKL RCMP tidak mengira bangsa dan agama dijemput untuk menikmati bihun sup dan sup tulang. Kemeriah menikmati sup tulang langsung tidak terjejas walaupun hujan turun dengan lebatnya.

AJK memotong dan menimbang daging untuk diagih-agihkan kepada staf yang beragama Islam

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Menurut Pengerusi Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi UniKL RCMP Encik Hasni bin Hassan, beliau bersyukur ke hadrat Illahi, kerana dengan izin-Nya warga UniKL RCMP sekali lagi dapat menyempurnakan ibadah Qurban. Program ibadah korban ini menurut beliau dapat memupuk semangat kerjasama dan gotong-royong di antara staf-staf selain menjalin hubungan yang lebih akrab sesama Muslim dan Muslimah di UniKL RCMP tidak kira usia, jawatan dan status. Beliau berharap program ini dapat diteruskan setiap tahun. Tidak ketinggalan beliau mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua AJK KSR dan kakitangan yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam menjayakan ibadah qurban ini, semoga segala tenaga atau harta benda yang telah disumbangkan mendapat keredhaan dan kemuliaan disisi Allah S.W.T Lebih istimewa buat julung kalinya majlis qurban ini turut dihadiri oleh Pengerusi PCM Sdn Bhd Datuk (Dr) Zamani Md Noor berserta isteri serta beberap staf bukan beragama Islam.

Hasni Hassan selaku Pengerusi KSR turun padang untuk memastikan majlis berjalan dengan lancar

Pengerusi PCM Sdn Bhd Datuk Zamani

Md Noor turut memeriahkan majlis


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Berikut adalah senarai kakitangan yang menunaikan ibadah korban pada tahun 2011

1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Hashami bin Bohari – 5 Bahagian (2 bahagian di sumbangkan ke Majlis Qurban di Somalia) 1. Prof. Awang Iskanderdzulkernain- 1 bahagian 2. Pof. Dr. Mohd Syafiq bin Abdullah – 1 bahagian 3. Prof. Madya Hj Nordin bin Abd Rasid – 1 bahagian 4. Prof. Madya Dr Karim Russ bin Hassan – 1 bahagian 5. Dr. Syed Rahim bin Syed Hamid- 1 bahagian 6. En. Mohd Arif bin Mastol – 1 Bahagian 7. Kapten (B) Zabani bin Haji Abdul – 1 Bahagian 8. En. Zulkifley bin Hamzah – 1 bahagian 9. Cik Rasidah bt Sahruddin – 1 bahagian

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Pengarah Program : En. Hasni Bin Hassan

Penolong Pengarah : En. Zulhilmi Bin Yahya Arif

Setiausaha : Cik Siti Nursyazmimi Bt Mohd Shafiaie

JK Sembelihan : En. Ahmad Zullaili Bin Zamri

: En. Muhammad Iqbal Bin Samadi

: En. Hisyam Bin Radzi

JK Melapah dan memotong : En. Fahmi Bin Abu Bakar Sidek

: En. Suriadi Bin Muhammad Sujari

: En. Rasli Bin Jantan

: En. Safian Bin Masri

: En. Khairil Anuar Bin Somri

: Cik Mahfuzah Binti Mohamed

JK Potong Tulang : En. Faizol Zaid Bin Shaharuddin

: En. Azlan Bin Abdul Hamid

: En. Mohd. Zachary Ali Bin Othman

JK Pengagihan : Pn. Suhailie Binti Yaacob

: Cik Asnida Binti Saidi

: Cik Nor Azrin Binti Abd Samad

: Pn. Wan Noor Hidayah Bt Idris

: Pn. Nadzrotannaim Binti Mohammad Razi

JK Memasak : En. Lokman Fikri Bin Zawawi

: Kapt. (B) Zabani Bin Hj. Abdul

: En. Faiz Bin Mohd. Tajuddin

: Cik Rosshasni Binti Yasim

Pn. Nur Iman Binti Abdul Wahab

JK Peralatan : En. Abdul Hadi Bin Faruq Bin Abd Wahab

JK Hidangan : Cik Noor Hasni Binti Emjah

: Cik Nadiah Diana Binti Ahmad Nazari

: Cik Zahariah Binti Mohd Khalil

JK Kebersihan : En. Mohammad Redzuan Bin Rusdi

: En. Borhanuddin Bin Abu Bakar

: En. Mohd. Nizam Bin Mohd. Amin

JK Publisiti : En. Azrul Nazir Bin Zahir

Nama Ahli Jawatankuasa Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi yang bertugas pada majlis Qurban 2011 JAWATANKUASA MAJLIS IBADAH QURBAN UniKL RCMP 2011/1432 H

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10 11 14

UNIKL RCMP Lecturers and Students Win International Award Assoc Prof Dr V. Gopalakrishnan UNIKL RCMP lecturers and students won the 2

nd prize for their Poster Presentation at the 3

rd Inter-

national Conference on Rural Medicine 2011 (3rd

ICORM) held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah from 22nd


th Nov, 2011

Assoc. Prof Dr Abdul Karim Russ Hassan and Assoc. Prof Dr Myint Myint Soe supervised three Phase 1B UNIKL MBBS students (Imtinaam, Hazirah and Nailul) during their Special Study Module on the project entitled „The Prevalence Of Selected Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Orang Asli Community In Northern Peninsular Malaysia‟. The research project was conducted during the Rural Medical Mobile Mission [RM3] outreach programme in the Orang Asli villages of Perak and Kelantan in 2011. Two other research papers were presented by Assoc Prof Dr Abdul Karim Russ Hassan entitled „Rural

Medical Mobile Mission: The UNIKL RCMP Experience‟ as an oral presentation and Dr Sabarindah

presented a poster presentation on „Intestinal Parasites in Four Orang Asli Communities in Perak,

Malaysia‟. Prof .Sinniah, Dr.Sabitha, Assoc. Prof.Dr.Minn Soe , Prof. Awang and RM3 members were

involved in conducting this study in Perak. Congratulations!

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“Surviving the Workplace – Protecting your Mental Health and Wellbeing” Presented by Professor Trevor Waring AM Chancellor and Conjoint Professor, School of Psychology, University of Newcastle Prepared by: Siti Noraihan Binti Sheikh Ahmad


Professor Waring is a clinical psychologist with almost 40 years experience working in mental health, with both adults and young people. He is a Conjoint Professor of Psychology at the University of Newcastle where he is also the Chancellor. He is also a Director of the Australian Psychological Society and Chair of the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council. Professor Waring held the position as President of the New South Wales Psychologists Registration Board and Chair of the National Council of Psychologists Registration Boards for 14 years, retiring in November of 2006. Professor Waring‟s clinical experience includes 17 years as a clinical psychologist in a major outpatient psychiatric service and 12 years as Director of the Hunter Institute of Mental Health and Deputy Director of the Hunter Centre for Mental Health Studies. He has also been in private practice for more than 25 years and was made a member of the Order of Australia in 2004 for his work in mental health and psychology.

Chancellor's contribution to Australian psychology celebrated Published: Monday, 24 October 2011 University of Newcastle Chancellor, Professor Trevor Waring, has received a national accolade for his contribution to the field of psychology. The President's Award for Distinguished Contribution to Psychology is awarded by the Australian Psychological Society. The award recognises distinguished contributions to psychology by a psychologist in later career stage. The contribution must have made a difference to psychology and the Australian community as a whole. The award paid tribute to Professor Waring‟s long term role in the process of regulating the practice of psychology and suicide prevention policy. His leadership in streamlining accreditation of university programs that teach and train psychologists was also acknowledged. Professor Waring will be a keynote speaker at the society‟s national conference in Perth next year.

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Seminar A professional development seminar on “Surviving the Workplace – Protecting your Mental Health and Wellbeing” was held at the Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 20 November 2011. The seminar was organized by the University of Newcastle, Australia in conjunction with the 2011 Malaysia Alumni Reception. The objective of the seminar was to educate working adults on how to survive stress at the workplace and to increase awareness on how to protect your mental health and maintain your well being. The UoN, Australia alumni members from all over Malaysia attended the seminar and many agreed that mental health has been taken lightly and sometimes taken for granted although it has become an increasingly hot topic over the past few years in Malaysia. In all, those who attended the seminar learnt a lot on how to manage stress and stay sane for most of the time thanks to Professor Trevor. Professor Trevor Waring talked about depression, overcoming depression and defining problems faced at the workplace. How to know whether you are depressed?

1. Early waking 2. Weight loss of 10% 3. Diurnal mood: Prolonged/ Severe depression 4. Anhedonia: Loss of the capacity to experience pleasure 5. Loss of appetite 6. Decreased libido

How to overcome stress and avoid depression? These were tips from successful people who are bogged down with work 24/7, 365 days a year and NOT from patients who struggled through depression.

1. Time for Yourself Immediate Intermediate Long Term

2. Time for a Mate 3. Time for a Group 4. Time for Service 5. Time for Life Review

Professor Trevor Waring also provided good advice on how to overcome problems faced at the workplace.

1. Define your Problem 2. Is it for Sure? 3. How serious is it “REALLY”? 4. What to Do?

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The Question and Answer session went really well and I remember the final question asked by an Alumni member, “Why has the element of religion not been explored and included as one of the approaches to overcome stress?”. Professor Waring answered by stating that he is a religious person himself and has also been involved with social activities. Being engaged to a certain community is related to his third point which was Time for a Group. The audience were really satisfied with his final answer and clapped. Professor Waring conveyed his appreciation to the attendees and invited all to enjoy the pre-dinner drinks provided. Recommended book for easy and light reading: The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living by Dr Russ Harris http://www.thehappinesstrap.com/ B o o k D e s c r i p t i o n ( P u b l i c a t i o n D a t e : J u n e 3 , 2 0 0 8 ) Are you, like millions of Americans, caught in the happiness trap? Russ Harris explains that the way most of us go about trying to find happiness ends up making us miserable, driving the epidemics of stress, anxiety, and depression. This empowering book presents the insights and techniques of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) a revolutionary new psychotherapy based on cutting-edge research in behavioural psychology. By clarifying your values and developing mindfulness (a technique for living fully in the present moment), ACT helps you escape the happiness trap and find true satisfaction in life. The techniques presented in The Happiness Trap will help readers to:

Reduce stress and worry Handle painful feelings and thoughts more effectively Break self-defeating habits Overcome insecurity and self-doubt Create a rich, full, and meaningful life

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Taiping Raptor Festival 2011 Date: 29 Oktober 2011 Venue : Scott‟s Hill, Taiping By: Ms Monarusnita Binti Abu Bakar It has been two years since some of our MBBS students joined a bird watching activity at Scott‟s Hill, Taiping. This time around, the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) members organized the inaugural Taiping Raptor Festival 2011. All activities were free of charge. We departed from Ipoh after gathering at RCMP, UniKl car park at 8.00 am. This group had a total of 12 students from MBBS and Diploma programmes. as well as Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Russ, Mr. Noorul Hilal, Mr. Lokman Fikry, Miss Mahfuzah and Miss Monarusnita. We arrived at the Taiping Sentral Mall at 9.00 am and joined an exhibition by MNS members. We were briefed by MNS members about raptors and why they migrate to our country. There was a chil-dren‟s activity booth at the exhibition and we could take home the handicrafts for free if we wanted. Some of us went shopping for souvenirs at the MNS booths. Later, we were given the entry tickets to climb Scott hill to watch the birds at 11.00 pm. During the Autumn months beginning from late September, thousands of raptors including hawks, buzzards and bazas could be seen passing over Scott‟s Hill,Taiping. They are actually migrating to Indonesia where they spend the winter months. There were a few groups of raptors passing over the hills. We could only see them like specs of dust in the sky because they were very far up in the sky from us. At 2.00 pm we went for lunch. Some of us bought food and went for a picnic near the Lake Garden. We gathered again at 3.00 pm at the campsite near the Lake Garden and started to set up camp and started the fire for the barbeque. At 8.00 pm, we attended a talk on Raptors of Malaysia at the Taiping Zoo seminar room delivered by Mr. Lee Kim Chye, the chairman of MNS. We enjoyed watching a video on how they protect raptors in Taiwan and the audience raised many questions about wild life in Malaysia. We came back to the campsite for dinner after the talk. It was a great din-ner with delicious nasi beriani prepared by chef Lokman. At 11.00 pm, we went to the Taping Zoo for the Night Safari. The bird watching activity gave us a clearer view of MNS role in the conservation of wild life in Malaysia. Over the years MNS has done several recordings, surveys of wild life and carried out many activities to preserve our natural habitat and wildlife.

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Students at MNS booth at Taiping Sentral.

Mr. Lokman and his children climbing Scott‟s Hill for bird watching

Associate Prof Dr. Karim and students doing bird-watching at Scott‟s Hill, Taiping.

Students at the camp site near the Lake Garden.

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Mr. Lee Kim Chye giving the talk

Dinner with MNS members

At the Night Safari, Taiping Zoo.

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Short Film Competition Prepared By: Syahidatul Akmar bt. Safian (GSU) Semester 2 students of the Physiotherapy programme of RCMP UNIKL organized a Short Film Competition which was held at the Maybank Trust Building, Ipoh on 18

th October 2011. The objective of

this competition was to provide an opportunity and exposure for talented and creative students to produce short films. Through this competition, they could unleash their creativity and artistic talents and at the same time, share it with the rest of the college. The judges and VIPs had arrived at the venue by 2 p.m and signed the special guest book before they took their seats. Judges for this competition were Mdm. Helvinder Kaur, Mdm. Rose Suzila and Mr. Ganesh while the VIPs were Mdm Siti Noraihan, the coordinator of the General Studies Unit, and lecturers from GSU. The show started at 2.15 pm with 5 short movies on show. A short briefing had already been given to the judges 10 minutes prior to the competition. All the movies which were entered for this competition were produced by physiotherapy students of semester 1 and 2. The first movie shown on the day was entitled “No Sex before Marriage“ directed by physiotherapy students of semester 1. The second movie was also from semester 1 students and the title given was “The Thumb”. The audiences were in stitches when the third movie of a horror-comedy genre was played. It was submitted by semester 3 students and the title given was “The Ghost of Nang Nak Street”. The show continued with another movie by semester 1 students entitled “Child Abuse” while the last film was a horror movie submitted by semester 3 students entitled “No. 29”. Everyone enjoyed the film presentations which were quite creative and explored a variety of themes. Some were really funny and had the audience roaring with laughter. Before the results were announced, the audience was entertained to a few songs by a music band from semester 3. Prizes for the Chinese Character Writing Competition were given out immediately after the show. This was followed by the prize-giving event for the Short-Film Competition. The results were as follows:












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Hampers were presented to all the winners while certificates were given to all participants. The event ended at 5 pm with all the judges and VIPs being treated to a hi-tea at the venue. The organizers would like to thank all semester two Physiotherapy students of RCMP for their enthusiasm and commitment in organizing this competition. We also would like to express our gratitude to all the judges and the VIPs who very graciously attended and supported the event. The organizing Committee Short Film Competition


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EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR 2011 By: Helvinder Kaur d/o Balbir Singh 16 NOVEMBER 2011 – A career guidance seminar for Year 1 Medical students was held at the Blue Lecture hall. A total of 200 students took part in this seminar and it was very encouraging to see the enthusiasm of the participants. The seminar was organized by the General Studies Unit for the subject of Career Guidance. The objective of this pro-gram was to help medical students get a clear understanding of the career they will be pursuing so that they are aware of the challenges and adversities they might face in the future.

The event took off with the welcoming speech from Anwar Asyraff Abd Aziz as the chairman of the organizing Committee. This was followed by the opening address from Associate Prof Dr Emdad Al-Haque. He emphasized on the significance of this Career Guidance seminar and the necessity for the medical students to have some guidelines to deal with life as medical personnel. Dr Emdad with his own charismatic style and per-sonality gave an exciting opening to the seminar. After the speech from Dr Emdad, the main topic of the seminar began, which was a talk from Associate Prof Dr Tin Win about career guidance. There were a lot of issues that were clarified by Dr Tin Win including “How to Study Medicine”, “Healthy Lifestyle Practices”, “Medical Ethics”, “Behaviour and Attitude”, “Work Ethics”, “Communication Skills”, and “Interpersonal Skills”. Dr Tin Win also highlighted on something very interesting, which was the OCEAN Personality that signifies Openness, Conscientious, Extrovert, Independent and Stability. Several video clips which contained motivational messages also accompanied his presentation. The way he delivered his talk was very convincing and inspired the audience to make some transformation to their lives.

The ceremony came to a successful completion at 6.00 pm with the presentation of souvenirs to the special guests. From the alluring speeches of the invited speakers, we attained precise directions which is demanded in this noble profession and we think that the speakers definitely helped in achieving the main goals of this seminar. Throughout the program, the participants gave their full cooperation and were actively involved in the proceedings of the seminar. We hope that this kind of program will be organized as an annual activity so that future batches of medical students will benefit as well. Last but not least, we appreciate very much the full commitment and hard work from the lecturers and all the committee members in making this seminar a success.

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Mega Berkhatan URMC Pusat Perubatan UniKL-RCMP By: Azrul Nazir zahir

Ketibaan cuti sekolah memberi kegembiraan kepada kanak-kanak tetapi tidak kurang juga yang gementar kerana pada kesempatan inilah ibu bapa memilih untuk mengkhatankan anak-anak mereka. Pada hari Isnin, 5 Disember 2011 Pusat Perubatan URMC UniKL-RCMP yang terletak di Jalan Maxwell tidak ketinggalan mengambil peluang menganjurkan majlis „Mega Berkhatan‟ secara promosi kepada kanak-kanak di sekitar Ipoh, Perak sempena cuti sekolah.

Majlis tersebut berlangsung seawal 7.30 pagi dan dirasmikan oleh Pengurus Besar Pusat Perubatan

UniKL-RCMP En. Megat Sharifuddin b. Megat Idris dengan kehadiran tetamu jemputan Y.B. Kapt. (B)

Dato‟ Haji Mohd Najimuddin b. Elias, Penasihat Hal Ehwal Islam, Exco Menteri Besar Negeri Perak.

Seramai 35 orang kanak-kanak menyertai program berkhatan tersebut dengan bayaran sebanyak

RM150.00 seorang.

Pada jam 10.00 pagi para tetamu diraikan dengan jamuan pagi.

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Bagi memeriahkan suasana beberapa buah booth turut dibuka antaranya Pediasure dan Nestle yang mengedar produk minuman mereka secara percuma pada tetamu yang hadir. Selain itu MAA Assurance turut mengambil bahagian mempromosikan produk mereka.

Bagi menghilangkan rasa gemuruh kanak-kanak tersebut diuji dengan soalan teka-teki. Hadiah menarik

turut disediakan kepada kanak-kanak yang dapat menjawab soalan. Majlis Mega Berkhatan tamat pada

jam 12.00 tengahari.

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„Myths and Facts about Anger‟ Associate professor Dr.Minn Soe Myth: I shouldn‟t “hold in” my anger. It‟s healthy to vent and let it out. Fact: While it‟s true that suppressing and ignoring anger is unhealthy, venting is no better. Anger is not something you have to “let out” in an aggressive way in order to avoid blowing up. In fact, outbursts and tirades only fuel the fire and reinforce your anger problem. Myth: Anger, aggression, and intimidation help me earn respect and get what I want. Fact: True power doesn‟t come from bullying others. People may be afraid of you, but they won‟t respect you if you can‟t control yourself or handle opposing viewpoints. Others will be more willing to listen to you and accommodate your needs if you communicate in a respectful way. Myth: I can‟t help myself. Anger isn‟t something you can control. Fact: You can‟t always control the situation you‟re in or how it makes you feel, but you can control how you express your anger. And you can express your anger without being verbally or physically abusive. Even if someone is pushing your buttons, you always have a choice about how to respond. Myth: Anger management is about learning to suppress your anger. Fact: Never getting angry is not a good goal. Anger is normal, and it will come out regardless of how hard you try to suppress it. Anger management is all about becoming aware of your underlying feelings and needs and developing healthier ways to manage upset. Rather than trying to suppress your anger, the goal is to express it in constructive ways. Anger management: 10 tips to tame your temper No. 1: Take a timeout No. 2: Once you're calm, express your anger No. 3: Get some exercise No. 4: Think before you speak No. 5: Identify possible solutions No. 6: Stick with 'I' statements No. 7: Don't hold a grudge No. 8: Use humor to release tension No. 9: Practice relaxation skills No. 10: Know when to seek help With professional help, you can:

Learn what anger is

Identify what triggers your anger

Recognize signs that you're becoming angry

Learn to respond to frustration and anger in a controlled, healthy way

Explore underlying feelings, such as sadness or depression

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Human Capital Announcement

Welcome to all our New Staff

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Human Capital Announcement

We wish You a Happy Birthday