missing ingredient

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873


The Missing Ingredient


By Njugi John © Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved

[The Real Nut and Bolt for Successful Weight Loss from the Comfort of Your


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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

Dear friend,

If you have been struggling to lose weight and still aren't getting the results

you desire then something is seriously wrong with the 'how', the method,

the tools you've been using. Stop focusing on "dieting" and exercising‗

alone. Start focusing on making LIFESTYLE CHANGES. When you

start thinking of losing stored fat and becoming lean as a lifestyle, then you

will start using different methods to lose weight. And when you change

your methods you'll change your results — BIG TIME!

My friends keep asking me what I did to cut down my weight and even

how I maintain it. Of course I have been showing them and here is what

some of them have to say:

‖this program is really excellent because it is able to bring about changes in me that make me feel healthier and cleaner inside and I was able to lose 7 kilos. Now I feel very happy and know that I can lose more weight. Thanks John, I know that everyone can reach their weight loss goals if they listen to your great advice‖ Vivian Nyambura, Embakasi Nairobi

“In my family, we have a long history of being overweight and my wife and I were dissatisfied with our appearances, we have tried various methods unsuccessfully to lose weight and improve ourselves over the years. When a friend introduced us to John, neither of us was interested in trying another weight loss program. However, our reluctance finally gave in and we started the detox program. We found a program that is easy to use and that helps us to continue to lose weight without having to starve ourselves or give up our favorite foods‖ Peter & Mariam Okoth.

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

“I just have to say I don‗t know why anybody struggling with their

weight won‗t give this a try. I lost 5 kilos in 10 days and I‗m not done yet. The first few days I was unsure how things would turn out, and now I couldn‗t be happier. John, you have helped me start a new life and it only took days. The products have also helped me sort out my indigestion problems that have disturbed me for years. I can‗t thank you enough.‖ Noah, Karen Nairobi


If you feel like you have been struggling way too hard to lose weight and

nothing is happening, I wrote this report specifically for you. Have you

ever thought to yourself: There‘s got to be a better way to losing weight?

Something‘s missing – losing weight can‘t be this hard and frustrating?

I sure once did.

After almost 3 years of religiously adhering to my exercise program, trying

all manner of diet programs that have come to this market, I came to a

point in my life where I hit a massive brick wall. For all my hard work, I

had nothing to show for it but frustrations and huge disappointments.

Maybe you can relate.

The worst part about it was, I could not – for the life of me – figure out

why these programs weren‘t working for me! I was doing everything I had

been told to do. In fact, I did way more than I was told. I was the kind of

a person who was so self motivated and psyched when it came to the

desire and commitment to really get the results I desired.

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

But I wasn‘t getting any closer to the dream of success in weight loss than I

was when I started.

So I began looking for real answers to why I was spinning my wheels. To

make a long story short and get right to the point, I finally did figure out

what was wrong and why these programs weren‘t working for me. And

when I did my attitude towards weight loss and weight management

changed forever. I began to win big time. I‘d like to share with you what I


Almost everything you‘ve ever been taught about losing weight is pure non sense!

That‘s why it was so common for me to feel like I was working myself into

the ground and not getting anything out of it. Well, I had put up with this

for far too long. I started doing the opposite of what many people

including my friends told me to do and guess what? I didn‘t just start to

experience success – I was actually flooded with it. For once I started to

feel good about myself. I went from desperately struggling to lose one

kilo through hard exercising to shedding off ten kilos in just a matter of

weeks in a natural, healthy and nutritious way.

By ignoring conventional ‗wisdom‘ I learned how to take charge of my

weight, general health and well being. I started to really feel great with lots

of energy and if you‘re willing to be open-minded and set aside any

predisposed beliefs you currently have…for just a moment…you‘ll

discover how you too can easily lose weight from the comfort of your


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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

Losing weight doesn‘t have to be so hard. Using the wrong techniques –

like trying to force a square peg into a round hole – makes it hard. Losing

weight can be fun and simple if you know how.

So my purpose in writing this report is to help you ‗deprogram‘ some of

the nonsense and misconceptions that are sabotaging your weight loss

success. This is the crucial first step towards becoming successful in

cutting down weight. Then, once you have a clean slate to start with, you

can begin to learn how to really make it work for you. I will introduce you

to what I believe is the missing ingredient in losing weight but before I do

that lets go through some of the 3 great widespread misconceptions of

weight loss that you may be a victim of just like I was.

Misconception #1 – Food is the Enemy to Losing Weight!

As I was compiling my list, I was trying to think of which misconception

was the worst. Which one was the absolute most detrimental to me?

Which one topped them all as the ―whopper of all whoppers?‖

I tried to narrow it down, but I just couldn‘t bring myself to select a

definite winner. They‘re all so bad. I‘ll tell you though; this one was a

serious contender for the title:

―Food is the enemy to losing weight!‖

One of the most important lessons I‘ve learned over time is this:

People who try to avoid some certain foods or skip meals altogether in the name of losing weight, wind up frustrated with nothing to show for all

their fasting.

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

It is important to note that losing fat is different than just losing

weight. Sure anyone can lose weight by skipping meals and be on water or

juice alone for a few days, but losing weight is NOT the purpose of

skipping meals. A side effect of skipping meals can be some weight loss,

but don‘t count on it; it won‘t last. What most people don‘t realize is that

when you skip meals to lose weight you also lose a great amount of lean

muscle tissue along with the fat reserves. You see, most people love to

tote the fact that these methods (strict diet programs) are the way to force

your body to burn the stored fat cells but this is not true. Here‘s what they

fail to tell you: Once you return to a normal diet again, you will again

regain the weight double if not triple. People think they can fast for a few

days, lose weight, return to their normal diet, and they would magically

have permanent weight loss. It does not work out like that.

Each and every day I come across people who are on one diet program or

another and even after one diet program fails, what do most of them do?

They try yet another one and the results: nothing to show for it but

frustrations. How comes so many people can be wrong? Yes they are and

always have been. It‘s sad but true that many people do not even bother

ask questions but buy into any form of quick fix gimmick that comes their


I know that its human nature to want some quick results, short term

solutions and that's why they go for those diet programs, slimming teas

and slimming pills. It is a pity but I am going to ask you to stop and think

about it for a minute, really just think about it; is that how it works? Are

fanatical gimmicks and fad diets really the missing ingredient to losing

weight? I myself had tried all of these before so I am very conversant with


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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

Could that be you too? Or do you know someone like that?

The use of these 'quick fix' gimmicks in losing weight has got to be one of

the greatest shams in the war on weight today. So, to many people weight

loss has become a mirage and many have unfortunately given up.

Would it not be nice for you to learn that contrary to what you have been

told food is no enemy when it comes to losing weight; that food is actually

a friend that it can help you cut down weight. If that idea sounds

appealing to you, keep reading. A little later I‘ll talk about how to eat all

manner of foods without worrying what class they are from and be able to

lose weight. Isn‘t that interesting?

What if instead of having to do a protein only diet, you actually ate all foods; carbohydrates, proteins, fats etc and still cut weight? Sound

impossible? Not when you understand the simple methods behind calorie shifting and moderation.

Food is a friend not an enemy when it comes to weight loss; no need to let

go of some food by skipping meals so as to lose weight. A lifetime of

denial or abstinence from any food groups does not play a role in healthy

and permanent weight loss. The truth is that food you eat is more

powerful than any weight loss pill, gimmick, fad diet or workout routine,

because the food that you eat can either make you thin or obese. You

become overweight because you are eating the right foods at the wrong

daily combinations. Yes and I believe this is where many people need


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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

The best way to lose weight is to lose fat while maintaining or losing as

little muscle tissue as possible. This is a healthier and permanent

approach to weight loss and you cannot do that through strict dieting.

The need of Proper Nutrition cannot be over emphasized in weight

issues. They say, ‗you are what you eat‘. You eat junk guess what you

become, junk! You eat healthy, you become healthy! But what really is

healthy eating? Is there anything like healthy eating anymore with our

modern poor eating habits? Yes I bet there is.

The most fundamental teaching about sensible eating is that you can

control your weight simply by cutting back and understanding the

principles behind calorie shifting and moderation. This principle should

in real sense teach you new attitudes towards food that you can develop

into a lifestyle.

Please make sure that the proper eating program is designed around the

reality that eating will be part and parcel of your daily routine for the rest

of your life, so get help to make friends with food instead of treating food

as an enemy and dieting. I believe this is where that many people need


Misconception #2 – Hard exercises is all you need to lose weight!

Contrary to popular belief, Exercise alone is not sufficient either for

effective weight loss. It is high time you dispel the myth that you can lose

weight through exercise alone. Yes I agree, exercise is a vital aspect of

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

weight loss but it needs other aspects for a well rounded weight loss

program that works and gives you guaranteed results now and in the long


The truth is that you can do your workouts at home or in the gym until

you are blue but it is very possible that at the end you have no significant

results to show for it. Why? Because of something we call metabolism.

Metabolic rate is the rate at which your body utilizes and burns calories.

Why is this figure so important? Because the only way to lose weight is to

burn more calories than the amount of calories you consume. Normally,

men are said to have a higher metabolic rate than women meaning that

men tend to burn more calories than women do. There is truth in this but

this is not generally the case.

People with a low metabolic rate need special help to enable them

improve it so as to burn more calories when they do their exercise.

When you understand your body's metabolic rate, you will be one step

closer to achieving your weight goal - be it loss, maintenance or gain.

Majority of people who have come to me for consultation have low

metabolic rates and this is why no matter how much they exercise they do

not seem to get anywhere close to losing any significant weight. So actually

what they need even as they exercise is help with improving their

metabolism first and foremost. With an improved metabolic rate they will

benefit a lot from their exercising and the good news is that there is help

available in this regard.

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

To calculate your basal metabolic rate; use the formulae below:


66+(13.7x your weight in kgs) + (5x your height in cm) – (6.8x your age in yrs) Example; you are 220 lbs (100kg), 6‘0 tall(72 inches) and 25 yrs old. Your BMR is 66+(13.7x100)+(5x183)-(6.8x25) OR

66+(1370) + (915) – (170) = 2181 calories


655+(9.6x your weight in kg)+ (1.8x height in cm)- (4.7x your age in yrs) Example: you are 165 lbs (75kgs). 5‘4 tall (64inches) and 32 yrs old. Your BMR is 655+(9.6x75)+(1.8x163)-(4.7x32 OR 655+(720)+(293)-(150)=1518 calories

Also let‘s dispel the myth that the only way to exercise is to sign up in a

gym. I have met countless number of people who tell me that they want

to lose weight but do not have the money to pay up in a gym. Why?

Because they have been made to believe that exercise is equal to a

gym. Nothing could be far from the truth!

Gym is only one way of exercising; there are numerous other inexpensive

ways that I do recommend to my clients. Variety is the spice of life. I

suggest that if you easily get bored with an exercise routine, or hate the

confinement of the gym, there are other ways that equally meet your

exercise needs.

Take advantage of the outdoors-jog or do brisk walking around the tracks

on your local school; swim; skip the rope at home; dance; run or climb

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

the stairs; go for a hike or bike ride around your neighborhood. Whatever

you choose to do, do NOT let your surroundings limit you!

Misconception #3: You do not have enough motivation to succeed!

I think I have made it clear that diet and exercise do indeed have a vital

role to play in the war against weight but there is a missing ingredient that

many people are not even aware of. Think of it this way: If you are using

a shovel to dig the foundation for a house - when you could be using a

bulldozer - then, yes you are going to need a lot of motivation and hard

work to get the job done, right? Make sense? My point; the more

inefficient and mediocre your weight loss method is and the more

ineffective your weight loss tools are, the harder you are going to have to

work to get the results. And because of that, you have to make up for it

big time with BIG MOTIVATION. How many times have you heard

people tell you that you are not successful in cutting down because you do

not have motivation; that you are lazy and need lots of self motivation to

see results. I can tell you this is not uncommon.

The truth is that when you‘re using the right tools for the job…you should

see steady, consistent progress and motivation becomes almost an

afterthought. Let me ask you: If you had a real nuts and bolts program

that does not sugarcoat the truth to you and that gives you guaranteed

results, do you think that motivation would be a problem for you? I bet


But motivation becomes a major issue when you have to force yourself to

do a program but no tangible results are forthcoming! That‘s when you

need to whip out your handy-dandy written weight goal and remind

yourself exactly why it is you‘re forcing yourself to do it. That's what I was

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

doing. I willed myself to work so hard in a gym and get into every weight

loss diet that promised heaven to me but all these with no results to show

and eventually I almost gave up on the prospect of ever being successful

in cutting down my weight.

So there you have it; the 3 great misconceptions of losing weight. I was a

victim of each of these for quite a long time. Just like you I never knew

any better because that‘s all I had ever been taught and believed. If I

hadn‘t been willing to look around and keep an open mind, who knows

how long I would have continued beating my head against a solid wall.

But you know what though?

I finally did reach that ‗magical‘ turning point and all of a sudden

everything started working for me. I discovered the MISSING

INGREDIENT; a weight loss lifestyle plan that did not sugarcoat the truth

to me; a program that gave me the REAL NUT

AND BOLT (the common denominator for weight loss) of how to lose

weight in a healthy and natural way from the comfort of your home.

And now the missing ingredient is ‗Nutritional Detox‘

What is a Nutritional Detox?

Detox simply means doing a nutritional cleanse or internal shower. We

are all very good at taking a shower every morning and practicing good

hygienic practices but not many people remember to do the same

showering or practice proper hygiene when it comes to the inside i.e.

from the mouth all the way through the gullet, stomach, colon etc. Did

you know that it is more important to cleanse the inside than the outside?

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

Did you know your internal hygiene counts for 97% of your health

including weight gain?

Why detox?

Did you know that studies show that we ingest hundreds of kilos of foods

annually that are contaminated by synthetic chemicals? In our lifetime,

through food we ingest, water we drink and bathe in, and air we breathe,

each of us will consume 100 times the amount of pesticides, chemicals,

livestock hormones, and preservatives than our grandparents did.

These will inevitably disrupt the natural harmony and balance of our

bodies because of the cancer causing properties and hormone disrupting

properties of some of these synthetic emulsifiers and food preservative

chemicals that are used in food processing today. Believe it or not!

Ingesting these chemical foods presents a constant and unknown hazard

to the very essence of our well being and healthy living and in modern

times some of these are responsible for what seems to many to be

uncontrollable weight gain. Do you then wonder why obesity is on the

increase today? Did you know that 1 out of every 5 Kenyans is


Your Detoxification System:

A toxin is defined as any compound that has a detrimental effect on cell

function or structure; some toxins cause minimal negative effects while

others can be fatal. Toxins damage the body in an insidious and

cumulative manner. The body naturally processes toxins through the liver,

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

kidneys, and lower intestines. These organs must function optimally for

toxins to be adequately removed from the body before they damage

tissue. If your detoxification system becomes overtaxed, toxic metabolites

(by-products of metabolism) gradually accumulate and wreak havoc on

normal body processes. Since all of your organs and functions are

intimately connected, when basic body processes breakdown, your entire

body deteriorates.

As colon walls cake up and passages of the colon get narrower and

narrower, the digestive process of toxin extraction from food and

elimination from the body becomes ineffective leading to a toxic colon

condition. Undigested fecal matter in the body is one of the leading

causes of diseases including accelerated weight gain. What is even more

shocking is the fact that the average adult aged 50 has between 3 and 5

kilos of compacted fecal matter stuck in his/her digestive system.

This toxin buildup initially expresses itself through minor symptoms like

sluggishness, headaches, and acne, but later leads to life-threatening

ailments like cancer, organ failure, and hormonal imbalances which cause

obesity and diabetes. A recent study by the Columbia University School

of Public Health estimates that 95 percent of weight gain and cancer is

caused by dietary and environmental toxicity. Most people have between

400 and 800 harmful chemicals stored in their bodies; typically in fat cells.

Some of the resulting Health Problems as a result of toxicity:

Digestive clogging

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

Liver overload,

Failing kidneys



Altered Metabolism

Bad Breath


Body Odor

Colon Cancer





Dry skin

Ear Aches

Endocrine Disorders

Enzyme Dysfunction



Frequent Colds



Hormonal Imbalances


Kidney Failure

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

Loss of Appetite

Migraines & Headaches

Mood Swings

Muscle Cramps

Nausea & Vomiting

Neurological Disorders

Nutritional Deficiencies


Poor Appetite

Poor Memory and Concentration

Pre-mature Aging

Reproductive Disorders

Sinus Problems

Skin Blemishes

Skin Rashes

Stiff Joints

Weakened Immune System

Slow bowel movement

And last but not least; WEIGHT GAIN; yes WEIGHT GAIN.

So what‘s the first step weight loss?

Get into the habit of doing a nutritional detox every 6 months!

Nutritional Detox/cleansing is indeed vital because a cleansed digestive

track is key to helping your body absorb the nutrients that you get from

the food that you eat. Due to modern unhealthy eating habits that have

seen us ingest a lot of toxins, preservatives and food artificial food colors

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

from the chemically processed foods that we consume daily, there is no

better reason to detox/cleanse and remove all the toxins from the body.

Toxins are one of the major contributing factors to abnormal and

uncontrollable weight gain in our today‘s society. As such, a cleansed

digestive track is the starting point for a healthy long term weight loss plan.

Indeed, I do recommend that even if someone does not have weight

issues, they should make it a point to detox every 6 months for improved

health and well being.

What Can The Nutritional Detox Program Remove?

Radiation: Uranium, Thallium and Thorium

Heavy Metals: Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, and Copper

Toxic Food Chemicals: aspartame, sucralose, MSG, food colorings

Pesticides: non-biodegradable chemicals

Yeast: Candida


Microorganisms: Parasites

Toxic by-products from drugs and pharmaceuticals

Alcohol toxicity

Muscle pain

And more!

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

What Can The Nutritional Detox Program Restore?

A balanced body PH

Essential nutrients: Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium

Trace Minerals: Germanium, Lithium, and Rubidium

Energy: Stamina

Healthy sleep patterns

A healthy immune system

Normal libido

Relaxation and stress relief

Healthy hair, skin, and nails

Healthy Vision

And more!

Features of a Healthy Weight Loss Detox

A healthy weight loss detox should comprise four key areas. These four

lifestyle areas may look just like common sense at first sight but my

experience helping people lose weight and feel better has shown me that it

is these five key areas that most people need help in. The truth is that

there is no such thing as a 'quick fix' or short cut when it comes to losing


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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

Unless these fundamental areas are addressed through a detox, you will

always struggle to lose weight and fall victim to those quick fix schemes

every now and then. There is no other way to a healthy and long term

solution to weight loss; let no one cheat you please!

The four areas to look out for when doing a detox are;

1. Exercise. At least 20 minutes exercise. A detox plan with exercise

built on it ensures that you burn those extra calories that have been

converted into fat. When it comes to exercising as incorporated into a

detox program, variety is the spice of life. I suggest that if you easily get

bored with any exercise routine, or hate the confinement of the gym, take

advantage of the outdoors-jog or do brisk walking around the tracks on

your local school; swim; skip the rope at home; dance; run or climb the

stairs; go for a hike or bike ride around your neighborhood. Whatever

you choose to do, do NOT let your surroundings limit you!

2. Metabolic Rate is the rate at which your body utilizes and burns calories

that you consume daily. A great detox should be able to boost up your

metabolism. Why is metabolism important? Because the only way to lose

weight is to burn more calories than the amount you consume.

In general, men are said to have a higher metabolic rate than women

meaning that men tend to burn more calories than women do. There is

truth in this but this is not normally the case. People with a low metabolic

rate need special help to enable them improve it so as to burn more

calories than they ordinarily do.

A good detox should go a long way in helping you understand your body's

metabolic rate and when this happens you will be one step closer to

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

achieving your weight goal - be it loss, maintenance or gain. If your

metabolism is low, no matter how much you exercise you cannot get

anywhere close to losing weight. So actually what you need even as you

exercise is a detox program that takes this into consideration.

3. The need of Proper Nutrition cannot be over emphasized in weight

issues. They say, ‗you are what you eat‘. You eat junk guess what you

become, junk! If you eat healthy, it follows that you become healthy!

'I've tried everything to lose weight but nothing works!' This is a common

statement made by people who have tried losing weight without success.

They may lose weight initially but inevitably put the weight back a short

time later and usually with re-enforcements! This scenario is also known

as 'yo-yo dieting', which relates to the up-and-down fluctuations of the

dieter's body weight. The experience of the yo-yo dieter is one in which

they follow the latest 'fad diet' that promises to be the 'holy grail' of weight

loss; the diet that will get the excess kilos off their body once and for all!

Soon after commencing the diet though, they start feeling hungry, tired

and lethargic.

Then the cravings begin and images of food dominate their thoughts. Not

long after that their will power breaks and they binge out on all the great-

tasting food they've been craving. Immediately after satisfying their hunger,

guilt sets in because they broke the diet and they feel like they've 'blown it'.

Then they return to their previous eating habits and shortly thereafter the

'lost' weight manages to 'find' them! If you can relate to this scenario even

partially, then it is time to break the cycle and get off the dieting merry-go-

round. It is time to face some facts and make some life-changing decisions

because it simply doesn't make sense to continue on this path! Here are a

few points to keep in mind:

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

- Diets don‘t work so do not follow one ever again!

- Losing weight and keeping it off requires permanent lifestyle changes; so

make a decision to permanently change or at least modify some of your

lifestyle habits.

- Use a 'multi-directional approach' to lose weight rather than simply

dieting. This means you will need to consider other 'lifestyle factors' like

exercise and healthier nutritional choices in order to achieve your weight-

loss goal and then maintain the results.

People who make the statement that they've tried everything to lose weight

but nothing has worked have inevitably been doing the wrong things! If

you want to lose weight and keep it off you must learn the correct

principles, make some permanent lifestyle changes, stop dieting and

consider other lifestyle factors. By doing so you will finally lose weight,

get in shape, feel great and achieve the results you have always wanted!

Best of all, by following the correct principles, achieving your goal will not

be difficult either.

The most fundamental teaching about sensible eating is that you can

control your weight simply by cutting back and understanding the

principles behind calorie shifting and moderation. A great detox program

should in real sense teach you new attitudes towards food that you can

develop into the future.

The eating program incorporated with the detox should be designed

around the reality that eating will be part and parcel of your daily routine

for the rest of your life.

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

In other words it should help you to make friends with food instead of

treating food as an enemy.

Food is a friend when it comes to weight loss unlike the popular belief

that teaches people to let go of some categories of food so as to lose

weight. A lifetime of denial or abstinence from any food groups does not

play a role in healthy weight loss let alone a detox. Just know that the food

you eat is more powerful than any weight loss pill, fad diet, or workout

routine, because the food that you eat can either make you thin or obese.

4. Proper Hydration. Water is the fountain of youth. Believe it or not but

lack of enough water (dehydration) is at the heart of weight gain and other

health problems.

Did you know that your body is made up of 70% water? Water plays a big

function in your body and you cannot afford to starve yourself of it. So

again a great detox should allow you to get into the discipline of drinking

between 3-4 litres of water a day. This is important because your body is

constantly eliminating waste materials from your system.

Tap into the beautifying power of proper hydration always. My clients

often ask me if I can recommend changes they can make to their lifestyles

to promote and maintain youthfulness. Here's what I tell them. If you

make just one change in 2010, let it be to achieve proper hydration on a

daily basis. There are several reasons why I feel so strongly that clients

need to drink enough water. For one, our bodies require water to keep

things functioning smoothly; things like getting waste products out of our

cells and vitamins and nutrients into them. Over time, this extends our

cells' working lives and fights aging.

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

For my clients who are looking for weight loss, the news is even better.

Water is a great metabolism booster, which means it allows the body to

easily clear toxins associated with fat breakdown. And there's another,

more immediate reason to make sure you drink enough water. Hydrated

cells are plump cells, so the more water we have in our cells, the more

youthful our skin looks. In fact, one of the basic tests for dehydration is to

check for "skin tenting" by pinching and releasing some skin on the back

of your hand. If it instantly pulls back into place, chances are you have a

water bottle or a cup of tea within arm's reach. If you don't, however, keep

reading for four tips to help you stay hydrated: Make it easy to hydrate.

Use common sense. The best rule of thumb is to be aware of the quality

of the water you're consuming, and to make sure that awareness isn't

keeping you away from the tap. Consider buying a pitcher filter or using a

water delivery service if that will help you feel good about drinking plenty

of water. Create hydration habits. Establish habits with regard to drinking,

such as drinking a tall glass of water when you first wake. Buy a sturdy

water bottle to carry with you. If you tend to eat due to boredom or

nerves, try drinking water instead. And of course, remember to drink

plenty of fluids whenever you're exercising.

So there you have it friends; not one, but 4 key areas that should be

strictly addressed by a weight loss detox plan if at all you want to take

charge of your weight now and into the future; there are no short cut to

weight loss, let no one cheat you please.

And now, here is the menu that I followed that incorporates all the four

areas mentioned above.

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

My Recommended Eating & Lifestyle Plan:

Day Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9 Day 10

Morning At least 20 minutes

exercise. Your choice o fruit (banana,

orange, pineapple, pawpaw)

At least 20 minutes

exercise. Your choice

o fruit (banana, orange,

pineapple, pawpaw)

At least 20 minutes

exercise. Your choice

o fruit (banana, orange,

pineapple, pawpaw)

At least 20 minutes exercise.

Your choice o

fruit (banana, orange,

pineapple, pawpaw)

At least 20 minutes

exercise. Your choice o fruit (banana,

orange, pineapple, pawpaw)

At least 20 minutes exercise.

Your choice o

fruit (banana, orange,

pineapple, pawpaw))

At least 20 minutes exercise.

Your choice o

fruit (banana, orange,

pineapple, pawpaw)

At least 20 minutes exercise.

Your choice o

fruit (banana, orange,

pineapple, pawpaw)

Snack Slice of bread and tea/ cereals

Slice of bread and

tea/ cereals

Slice of bread and

tea/ cereals

Slice of bread and

tea/ cereals

Slice of bread and tea/ cereals

Slice of bread and

tea/ cereals

Slice of bread and

tea/ cereals

Slice of bread and

tea/ cereals

lunch Fruit salad Fruit salad

Fruit salad Fruit salad Fruit salad Fruit salad Fruit salad Fruit salad

Dinner 600


Fried chicken potatoes


Cucumber, grated carrots & Zucchini

1 small apple

Beef stew

Arrow roots

I cup Steamed vegetable

A small fruit

Fish Potatoes Raw salad mix with cucumber and tomatoes fruit

Fish Chapati Sukuma or cabbage

and a small fruit of your choice

Fried chicken potatoes


Cucumber, grated carrots & Zucchini

1 small apple

Beef stew

Arrow roots

I cup Steamed vegetable

A small fruit

Fish Potatoes Raw salad mix with cucumber and tomatoes


Fish Chapati Sukuma or cabbage and a small fruit of your choice

Evening Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack

NB: Please note that all foods (600 calorie dinner) are to be measured by the size of the palm of

your hand which makes one portion i.e. 600 calories. That also means that you are free to vary

the above meals so long you adhere to portion controls.

Also remember to keep well hydrated i.e. take at least 3-4 litres of water a day. I suggest you

take a glass of water per hour whether you are thirsty or not.

For morning exercise; choose any exercise that you like e.g. brisk walking, running, skipping the

rope, swimming, dancing, aerobics in gym etc.

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

I followed this menu and alongside this eating plan I followed the detox

plan below. A combination of these two plans got me to lose over 20

kilos in a span of 2 months.

Lifestyle Detox Plan (Please note that this is available as a package for purchase

separately and can be ordered any time)

Morning - tamarind soft gels 20 minutes before cleansing

A quarter glass of cleansing drink

Snack: pollen for energy booster

Lunch: Tamarind tablets 20 minutes before cleansing

A quarter glass of cleansing drink

A balanced meal replacement

Pollen for energy (pollen is also highly nutritional)

Dinner: tamarind soft gels 20 minutes before cleansing

600 calorie meal

A quarter glass of cleansing drink

Pollen for energy booster

Late night snack: cleansing drink

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

(Tips: As mentioned above be sure to drink plenty of water throughout

the day. Stay motivated by taking a 20 minutes brisk walk. Also practice

relaxation to recharge both your body and mind.

If you prefer to use the 600 calorie meal at lunch, you can easily

interchange it with the meal replacement instead)

So there you have it friends; my simple detox formulae to help you cut

lots of weight without starving myself. Don‘t let its simplicity deceive you

though. I can tell you from personal experience; the best strategies in life

are the simplest; believe me! This simple detox plan is just as true as it

sounds and it is just as simple as it seems. You can hold it up to the light,

you can put it to the acid test, and you can kick it around until it is worn

out, but when you are all through with it, it will still be the common

denominator of a successful detox and eventual weight loss, whether you

believe it or not.

If you would like to try this detox alongside the menu given above please

contact me at [email protected] and I will be glad to help you

purchase the detox package so that I guide you through how it works.

Two years ago, I discovered this detox/lifestyle program. When I did this

detox, my whole attitude towards food changed for the better and this

marked a new beginning in my war against the bulge.

Two year down the road and I still enjoy my ideal weight of 75kgs and I

can tell you I am not choosy on what I eat. I still enjoy my favorite

chocolate ice cream regularly. I love eating out at restaurants. I still love

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Njugi John, Lifestyle Consultant, P.O Box 26707 – 00504

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa,

Tel: (+254)738 420 317--(+254)723 838 873

my nyama choma and a few beers too with friends at weekends. But in

spite of these I do not put on weight. How comes I don't bulge? Because I

have MASTERED THE TOOLS; the concept of lifestyle change;

making friends with food - CALORIE SHIFTING coupled with


To get started on the nutritional detox please contact me at

[email protected] and I will be glad to help you start on it.

Dedicated to your losing weight and feeling great,


Njugi John

I hope you‘ve enjoyed this report but even more so, I hope it‘s given you

some food for thought and made you realize that there should be a better

way to losing weight.

Did you benefit from this report?

P.S. – Any thoughts or feedback about the report? I‘d love to hear them!

Just email me to [email protected] and you can submit your

comments. This will help me with future editions/updates that I am

working on and to come out soon.