mission jamaica 2012 training meeting 1

Mission Jamaica 2012 March 17-24, 2012 March 24-31, 2012 To change lives and deepen relationships in the name of Jesus Christ

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Mission Jamaica 2012March 17-24, 2012March 24-31, 2012

To change lives and deepen relationships in the name of Jesus Christ

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Until week 1 departure!


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Your NameYour WeekThe Question:

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The Basis…live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit – Just as you were called to one hope when you were called – one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Ephesians 4:1-6

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The Study“I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called.”

-Ephesians 4:1

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A Definitionvo·ca·tion   [voh-key-shuhn]Noun 1.a particular occupation, business, or profession; calling.2.a strong impulse or inclination to follow a particular activity or career.3.a divine call to God's service or to  the Christian life.

Source: Dictionary.com

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Some Info

Calling to a VocationFor Lutherans: Vocation means that all who are baptized have been called by God to serve our neighbor individually and as communities. God’s invitation to follow is given to everyone. Everyone has a ministry. God organized the world through in intricate network of roles.

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The Conversation

In Quads:1. Have you ever thought about being called?2. To what do you feel called?3. Do you feel like you live up to God’s call for

you?4. How might your experience in Jamaica be

a way of your living out your call?

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Our Training PlanNovember 6Community BuildingBible StudyJamaican CultureFundraising UpdateUpcoming EventsCollections for suitcasesDue DatesLogistics Cap vs. shirt Signatures Balances dueQ&A

December 4Community BuildingBible StudyOverview of worksites Clifton FMSC Medical Team WesthavenFundraising UpdateUpcoming EventsQ&A

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Our Training PlanJanuary 8Community BuildingBible StudyWorking with people with special needsExpectations of Missionaries Behavior DressSafetyThe Detailed ScheduleQ&A

February 19Community BuildingBible StudyLogistics/Travel/TSA/etcUpdate from Jamaica on current worksite projectsCommunications HomeQ&A

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Jamaican Culture

A nation of contradictions

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Historically part of British CommonwealthNot granted independence until 1962

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Not so Formal

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Jamaican culture is extreme

• The beauty• The roads• The driving• The formality• The informality• The poverty• The excess

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Definition Time:

Irie: (I-ree) adj., a: a Jamaican term meaning “everything is ok”, or “no problem.” b: Often used as a term of reassurance when things aren’t going like we thought.

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The Missionary

The task of the missionary is not to come in expecting to change a culture. We are guests in that culture. Our task is to accompany our hosts in their culture and to point to Jesus.

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Jamaican CultureConsumer Oriented:• We are the

consumers• Customer

service focused• Airport cabs…• Craft markets

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Jamaican Culture• The culture has taught them value is

found in selling.

• We will operate from premise that value is found in who we are as children of God

• We will build relationships and accompany our partners

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Jamaican LanguageEnglishPatois

Patois is a language/dialect that combines elements of English, Spanish, French, Creole. It is rapid.

It is often what is used when Jamaicans don’t want to be understood by visitors

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Butterbraids & theCraft and Bake Sale


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Parent’s Night Out

December 9, 2011Carly and Margaret

This, and other events like this help us to:• Tell the story of

what God is doing in Jamaica and around the world

• Raise funds for our mission partners

Details are on the calendar

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2nd Suitcases• Every missionary

will carry a 2nd suitcase of donations.

• Over 50 suitcases of material will go to our partners in Jamaica


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MentorsEvery first-timer will be given a mentor

Mentors will walk with the first time folks, answering questions, assisting and supporting• Pre-trip• Travel • Hotel• Site• Post-Trip


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Hats or ShirtsThis year: • A choice of a hat

or a t-shirt (in addition to our regular group t-shirt)

• Or pick one and buy the other for an extra $8


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Due DatesWhat Due When?

Choice of hat or shirt? Today

Signatures needed for registration forms Today

Medical credentials November 15

Financial Balance due

(final balances will be sent shortly after the bake/craft sale on Dec. 11th)

Dec 31, 2011 (if writing off in 2011)Jan 1, 2012 (if writing off in 2012)


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Closing Prayer


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