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Fr. Kuriakose Nadooparambil, MF - Pastor


Sr. Roviesa Orias Jadlocon, SMF

Sr. Ja Len (Sr. Monica), SMF

Sr. Dan Hoang Trang Nguyen (Sr. Mary), SMF



Parish Secretary - Mary Rosenthal

Building & Maintenance Director – Howard Lolesio

Wedding Facilitator – Helen Nelson

Outreach Coordinator - Michele Rosenthal Leon

Director of Liturgy – Filomena Binanua

Religious Education Coordinator – Tonata Lolesio

Youth Ministry/Young Adult Coordinator – Maka Secretario

Pastoral Council President – Ronald Baybado Stewardship Coordinator - Marynor Pacleb Parish Finance Committee – Shelley Hee

Building & Maintenance Director – Howard Lolesio RCIA – Sherlyn Dagdagan

Religious Education Coordinator – Tonata Lolesio Youth Ministry/Young Adult Coordinator – Maka Secretario

Director of Liturgy – Filomena Binanua Altar Servers/EM Coordinator/Sacristan (MLC) – Patricia Garcia

Sacristans (SHMC) – Ben & Marieta del Castillo Outreach Coordinator - Michele Rosenthal Leon Cancer Ministry/Usher Director – Carmen Garcia

Sacred Hearts Society – Ana Faiva Bereavement – Afrodesia Omlan

Hospital Ministry – Antonina Rarogal Knights of Columbus – Lorenzo Magana

Latin Community – Charon Pamat/ Mary Mishima Filipino Catholic Club – Lorenzo Magana

Tongan Community – Kalolo Faiva Vietnamese Community – Vuong Bui

Spanish Community – Fr. Ornoldo Cherrez Family Apostolate Coordinator -

Divine Mercy Coordinator – Emily Sana Pro – Life Ministry – Angela Fisher School Principal – Tonata Lolesio

School Board Chairman – Amy Sharp

Fr. Robert Ni Ni, MF - Associate Pastor

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Monday, February 8

READINGS: Gn 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 6:30am Rosary (MLC) 7:00am Mass (MLC) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Cion Sablay, +Dolores Larita,

+Louie & Hetty, +Carlito Ranjo, Sr., +Simon Andres & Simplicia Carnate Andres,

+Winona Kahahane, +Melchor Pascual, +Consita Bucaneg, +Edwin Andres, Sr.,

+Juanito Delos Reyes, +Jun & Lydia Espiritu, +Elena Gazmen Sana, +Lolita Carnate Nava

Special Intention: Donna Noce and family, Tish Perri, Kimi & Frank Viet Withaln,

Lovella Del Castillo

Tuesday, February 9

READINGS: Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Mk 7:1-13

6:30am Rosary (MLC)

7:00am Mass (MLC) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Paulino & Potenciana Carnate

Andres, +Winona Kahahane, +Melchor Pascual, +Consita Bucaneg, +Edwin Andres, Sr.,

+Francisco & Claudia Gazmen, +Juanito Delos Reyes, +Joey Lum, +Jun & Lydia Espiritu,

+Elena Gazmen Sana, +Lolita Carnate Nava Special Intention: Justin & Alexis, Scott Noce, Tish Perri, Kimi & Frank Viet Withaln

Lovella Del Castillo,

Wednesday, February 10

READINGS: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 6:30am Rosary (MLC)

7:00am Mass (MLC) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Carlito Ranjo, Sr., +Winona

Kahahane,+Simon Andres & Simplicia Carnate Andres, +Melchor Pascual, +Consita

Bucaneg, +Marilyn Hare, +Juanito Delos Reyes, +Jun & Lydia Espiritu, +Edwin Andres,Sr.,

+Elena Gazmen Sana, +Lolita Carnate Nava Special Intention: Jonathan & Dania, Tish Perri, Olga Hernandez, Scott Noce, Kimi &

Frank Viet Withaln, Andres Macadangdang, Lovella Del Castillo,

Thursday, February 11

READINGS: Gn 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 6:30am Rosary (MLC) 7:00am, Mass (MLC) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Paulino & Potenciana Carnate Andres,

+Winona Kahahane, +Melchor Pascual, +Consita Bucaneg, +Juanito Delos Reyes, +Jun & Lydia

Espiritu, +Edwin Andres, Sr., +Elena Gazmen Sana, +Lolita Carnate Nava Special Intention: Jacqueline & Josh, Tish Perri, Kimi & Frank Viet Withaln, Scott Noce,

Lovella Del Castillo

Friday, February 11 READINGS: Gn 3:1-8; Mk 7:31-37

6:30am Rosary (MLC) 7:00am, Mass (MLC) +Mary Ann Baybado, , +Carlito Ranjo, Sr., +Simon Andres &

Simplicia Carnate Andres, +Lawrence & Richard, +Melchor Pascual, +Cion Sablay,+Dolores

Larita, +Consita Bucaneg, +Juanito Delos Reyes, +Jun & Lydia Espiritu, +Edwin Andres, Sr.,

+Elena Gazmen Sana Special Intention: Tish Perri, Kimi & Frank Viet Withaln, Scott Noce, Cathy, Robert &

Lori Apo, Lovella Del Castillo

Saturday, February 12

READINGS: Gn 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10

6:30am Rosary (MLC) 7:00am Mass (MLC) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Paulino & Potenciana Carnate

Andres, +Winona Kahahane, +Cion Sablay, +Dolores Larita, +Melchor Pascual,

+Consita Bucaneg, +Jun & Lydia Espiritu, +Winona Kahahane, +Edwin Andres, Sr.,

+Elena Gazmen Sana

Special Intention: Tish Perri, Kimi & Frank Viet Withaln, Scott Noce,

Lovella Del Castillo,




A central part of Jesus’ ministry is healing those who

are sick or possessed by demons. Jesus brings

physical and spiritual healing to the people of his

time, restoring them to health of mind and body.

People followed Jesus wherever he went, and not

surprisingly, he

became very popular. Popularity and power aren’t

the only elements important to Jesus’ healing – faith

and service are also.

Miracles demonstrated Jesus’ divine power but also

had a less grandiose purpose. Miracles are the

moments when people see the needs of others and

use their gifts to respond.

In today’s gospel, Jesus sees a need

and responds to it at Peter’s home. Once Jesus

touches Peter’s mother-in-law, the fever leaves her,

and she starts to serve them. She responds with the

gifts she has and serves food to the guests. In doing

so, she is a model of servant ministry.

We, too, receive Jesus’ healing presence in our lives.

He lifts us from low places and presses us into

service. Jesus does not call us to stand still. He calls

us to serve others. The purpose of Jesus’ healing is

to help us focus on a world larger than ourselves.

Jesus makes us whole so we can find ways to serve

others freely, with gratitude and love. How will you

serve others this week?

Fr. Robert Ni Ni, MF

First Reading — Job finds life on earth to be drudgery; he

is filled with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).

Psalm — Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted

(Psalm 147).

Second Reading — Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.

I have become all things to all, to save at least some

(1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23).

Gospel Reading - — Jesus cured many who were sick with

various diseases (Mark 1:29-39).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission

on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved


Associate Pastor

The Gospel of Mark, unlike those of Matthew and Luke,

has no infancy narrative, nor does it have a lengthy prologue to

introduce it, as John’s Gospel does. In Mark’s account, one

could say, Jesus hits the ground running. The stories we’ve

been hearing these weeks come from the very first chapter of

Mark, and they show us the public ministry of Jesus in its

infancy. Today’s account shows some of the strain or

adjustment of his new life of preaching the reign of God, healing

the sick, and casting out demons. Notice that after sunset,

when darkness ended the workday, people brought the sick

and possessed to Jesus. The following day he rose before

dawn to get away by himself to pray, but to no avail. Simon

Peter and the others don’t just look for him, they pursue him,

filled with the fervor that his ministry has incited. With the self-

sacrificing example he gave until the end of his earthly life, he

tells his followers that this is his whole purpose. Through Mark,

he is also telling the early church, and he is telling us, that this

is our purpose, our vocation: to be tireless in our pursuit of

proclaiming the Good News, and in bringing the healing,

reconciling touch of Christ to the world.

© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.




Prima Lectura — Job declara que la vida en la tierra es

monótona, miserable y triste (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).

Salmo — Alaben al Señor, que sana los corazones

quebrantados (Salmo 147 [146]).

Segunda Lectura — Pablo dice que no tienen otra

alternativa sino la de predicar el Evangelio

(1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23).

Evangelio — Después de sanar a muchos enfermos y

de expulsar a los demonios, Jesús predica la

Buena Nueva (Marcos 1:29-39).

LECTURAS DE HOY Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Hermanasy hermanos: Es interesante el origen de la palabra

"enfermedad". El que está "in-firmus" es el que "no está firme".

Esta etimología corresponde con sensaciones que

probablemente todos asociamos con la enfermedad: debilidad,

indefensión, sufrimiento, angustia, tristeza. El libro de Job

expresa este sentir con imágenes muy vivas: desengaño,

noches de dolor y pesadillas, impotencia ante el tiempo que se

precipita en una vorágine sin sentido, depresión intensa. Jesús

aparece como el gran médico en el evangelio de hoy. Si la

enfermedad nos lleva a tocar el fondo de nuestra debilidad, la

sanación de Cristo nos lleva a experimentar la "debilidad" de

Dios por los débiles. De este modo, allí donde el ser humano

encuentra la verdad de su contingencia y de su fragilidad allí

también encuentra la verdad del amor inconmensurable de

Dios, pues la debilidad de Dios son los débiles.

La dedicación de Cristo a los enfermos se ha extendido en la

historia de diversas maneras, y entre ellas hemos de recordar

con gratitud a tantas obras de misericordia que alivian de

muchos modos los dolores del mundo. Hospitales, orfanatos,

ancianatos, hogares de paso, atención a refugiados o

desplazados... en todos ellos se puede sentir la caricia del Hijo

de Dios, y la eficacia de su amor que marca una diferencia en

la vida de millones de personas.

Y cabe aquí una relación con la segunda lectura. Pablo, con

ardor ejemplar se entrega a evangelizar. Lo siente como un

deber vinculante, intransferible, inaplazable. Y dice: "me he

hecho débil con los débiles, para ganar a los débiles" (1 Cor

9,22). De aquí aprendemos dos cosas: primera, que pertenece

a la misión del evangelizador una participación en los dolores

de los evangelizados. Ejemplo supremo de ello nuestro Señor

Jesucristo en su Cruz de dolores.Segunda enseñanza: el amor

se muestra en la capacidad de adaptación. El amor no

desfallece ante un "no"; no se detiene por una derrota; siempre

está ideando formas nuevas, caminos nuevos, sendas no

exploradas, posibilidades inéditas. Es... creativo, esencialmente

optimista, incapaz de rendirse.

Les deseo de todo Corazon una excelente semana.

El Evangelio según san Marcos, a diferencia del de

Mateo y Lucas, no tiene un relato sobre el nacimiento de

Jesús, ni tiene un extenso prólogo a modo de introducción,

a diferencia del Evangelio según san Juan. En el relato

según san Marcos, se podría decir que Jesús nace adulto.

Los relatos que hemos oído estas semanas provienen del

primer capítulo de san Marcos y nos muestran el ministerio

público de Jesús en sus comienzos. El relato de hoy

muestra parte de la tensión y los cambios de su nueva vida

que consistía en predicar el Reino de Dios, curar a los

enfermos y expulsar a los demonios. Observa que después

del atardecer, cuando caía el sol y terminaba la jornada

laboral, las personas llevaban a los enfermos y poseídos a

Jesús. Al día siguiente se levantó antes del amanecer para

retirarse sólo a rezar, pero no tuvo suerte. Simón Pedro y

los demás no solo lo buscan sino que lo persiguen con el

fervor que su ministerio ha incitado. Con la misma entrega

ejemplar que demostró hasta el final de su vida en la tierra,

les dice a sus seguidores que éste es su propósito. Por

medio de Marcos, también le dice a la nueva iglesia y nos

dice a nosotros que éste es nuestro propósito, nuestra

vocación: ser incansables en nuestra lucha por proclamar

la Buena Nueva y llevar el toque curador y reconciliador

de Cristo al mundo.

© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.


Hispanic Chaplain Fr. Ornoldo Cherrez




Our Sacred Hearts School Ohana happily celebrated the Catholic School Week with lots of fun and meaningful activities.


Online donations may be made at any time from the comfort

of your own home or any place with internet access. Online

donations are credited to your tax statement for the end of the

year (except when made anonymously), and you can change

your account preferences and donation amounts at any time.

If you would like to donate to our church. Please click this link:




“Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed…He told them,

‘Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.’”

- Mark 1:35, 38

In today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example of stewardship. Jesus gives His time to do all that God wishes - healing the sick and preaching. But

before He begins, Jesus makes time to be alone with God in prayer. It is through prayer, spending time with God, that we find the strength to do what He

wishes us to do. Be sure to find time every day to be with God.



The Religious Education Program continues every day

from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.

Monday - Kindergarten & 1st Grade

Tuesday – 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade

Wednesday – 4th & 5th Grade

Thursday – Middle School

Friday – Preparation for Sacraments of

Confirmation and First Holy Communion

Please bring your children to learn more about our faith.

COLLECTIONS OF January 30/31, 2021

MLC & SHM: - $ 6,412.00

Candles - $ 237.00

Hispanic Mass - $ 233.00

Donations/Gift: - $ 21,350.00

Online Donation: - $ 1,150.00

Gift Shop: - $ 52.00

This Week’s 2nd Collection: Building and Maintenance

Next Week’s 2nd Collection: Augustine Education Fund


Sunday, February 7, 2021, 10:00am – 12:00 noon;

Art Room “Catholic Morality – Sin”

If you have any questions, or are interested in

participating, please contact coordinator Sherlyn

Dagdagan at (808) 870 – 6526, or the Rectory Office at

(808) 661 – 0552, or e-mail to [email protected].




February 8, 2021

at Art Room, 6:00pm.


Republic Parking Lot Across the Catholic

Church in Lahaina, is free during Mass


Outside of the United States, Catholics sprinkle ashes on

the heads of the faithful rather than marking a cross on

foreheads. Since current COVID restrictions do not allow

skin contact, we will follow the practice of sprinkling ashes

this year. Ash Wednesday is February 17.

ASH WEDNESDAY, February 17, 2021



7:00a.m., 12:00p.m. & 6:30p.m.


12:00p.m. & 6:00pm Spanish







Monday through Fridays: 12:00pm at Maria

Lanakila Church

February 18 – March 31, 2021


Fridays: beginning February 19 until March

26, 2021.

Sacred Hearts Mission, Kapalua: 12:00pm

Maria Lanakila Church, Lahaina: 6:30pm

After the Stations of the Cross at BOTH

locations, there will be an opportunity for

personal Sacrament of Reconciliation with

the Priest.


March 17, 2021 at 6:30pm, Maria Lanakila

Church, Lahaina.





Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP Hawaii Catholic Herald

It is the love I have for Jesus Christ that is the reason why I am here. This love begins in the family. From the moment I was born until I was all grown up, I really experienced the love and care of my parents. They raised my siblings and me to be prayerful, going to Mass at least every Sunday. Seeing the witness of my parents, grandparents and relatives in their love for God, probably started my vocation. I desire to share this love with the community and others.

One of the things I have learned in coming to Hawaii is how to be independent. In the Philippines, priests are spoiled. We have

workers on our left and right to do things for us. When I first arrived at Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish in Kula, Maui, I was a bit scared.

It was hard at the beginning staying alone in the rectory and doing all the chores like cooking, washing and cleaning by myself. “Oh! My

goodness!” I exclaimed. This was part of the life of being a missionary priest that I needed to accept. In accepting assignments with

generosity in one’s heart, adjustments come easier. Over time, I became more independent with myself and this I wish to carry with me

when I return to the Philippines.

I enjoyed my three months in Kula with its missions. Bishop Larry had assigned me there until the administrator who was going to

take over the place, La Salette Father Adondee Arellano, arrived after his vacation. After that, I moved to St. Joseph Parish in Makawao

where I was the parochial vicar for two years. St. Joseph’s Feast ran for three days, one day longer than that of the Feast of the Holy Ghost.

Then, Bishop Larry asked me if I could go to St. Mary Parish in Hana with its missions where I spent another two years. I have good

memories of ministering on Maui.

The missionary spirit was instilled in me by the SVD (Divine Word Missionaries). In my younger years, I saw their sacrifice and

how they offered themselves to the community they were serving. Being foreigners, they adjusted themselves immersing themselves into

the life of our place. The spirit of mission is that when you go to another place, you need to live as others live to be an effective pastor.

When I was in Hana, I hiked, played tennis on my day off, and there were times the community even invited me for fishing. So I joined them

in their way of life.

I would like to thank Bishop Larry for giving me this opportunity to serve, for his confidence and support. I would also like to thank

my brother priests for their support. I felt the brotherhood with the clergy here, especially during our retreat and convocation. There was a

feeling of unity and joy when we gathered together to share our experiences. Last, I would like to thank the people of Hawaii, especially

those I had the opportunity to serve. Thank you for your love, support and generosity. I was prayerful before, but with your support and

joining in of the many spiritual activities held, I feel my prayer life has increased. Hopefully, I can come and visit again, this beautiful place

with beautiful people.

Father Drexel Ramos is a diocesan priest from the Diocese of Bangued, Philippines. He is 16 years ordained. He is the eldest of

two brothers and a sister. He will return to his home diocese in January.



Your contribution envelopes for 2021 are now available

for pick up at the entrance of the Church. If you would like

contribution envelopes, please call or come to the Rectory

Office during office hours. And, if you would like your 2020

Tax Statement, be sure to have your envelope number

available when calling the church.



There are many benefits to using your envelopes once

registered with the parish. Using your envelopes makes it

easier for us to keep track of your donations so we can give

you a statement at the end of each year. We unfortunately

cannot track donations of loose checks or cash, so any

donations made this way will not count towards a yearend

Tax Statement. If you would like to receive envelopes and

you aren’t currently receiving them, please contact the

parish office at 808–661-0552.

And, if you have not received your yearend Tax

Statement, please call the office with your name and

envelope number. Mahalo.




Grounded in A Theology of the Body,

St. John Paul II’s integrated vision of the human

person, Discover the Dignity will equip parents to have

honest and loving conversations with their teens to

enVISION a purpose in life, discover how dignity leads to

true happiness, and discover ways in which their teen’s

developing body and desires can be viewed as a powerful

reflection of God’s creation and how we are to love

ourselves and others.

Zoom sessions held on Thursdays: February 18, 25 and

March 4, 11, 18 from 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Register by February 18, 2021

at www.hamauiloko.org Contact Maile Domingo

at [email protected] for more information.