
De licenciatura ESD.00 Introducción a la Ingeniería de Sistemas ( ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 2-3-4 Asunto Cancelado Los estudiantes trabajan en proyectos para hacer frente a grandes, complejas y aparentemente insolubles problemas del mundo real, tales como el suministro de energía, el medio ambiente, la prestación de atención de salud y las infraestructuras básicas (por ejemplo, telecomunicaciones, suministro de agua y transporte). Presenta enfoques interdisciplinarios - arraigadas en la ingeniería, la gestión y las ciencias sociales - a considerar estas cuestiones contemporáneas fundamentales. Pequeñas, dirigidas por profesores equipos de seleccionar un proyecto de ingeniería de sistemas término para ilustrar uno o más de estos enfoques. J. Sussman, A. Siddiqi ESD.01J Transportation Systems Modeling ( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.041J ) Requisito: 1,00 , 1,010 Unidades: 3-1-8 Conferencia: M11-1, W11 ( 1-134 ) Clase de repaso: F11 ( 1-134 ) Introduce los conceptos básicos de los sistemas de transporte de recogida de datos, el modelado, análisis y técnicas de visualización. Cubre fundamentales metodologías analíticas y basadas en la simulación. Los temas incluyen diagramas espacio- temporales, diagramas acumulativos, teoría de colas, asignación de tráfico, paradojas de transporte y control del tráfico urbano. Proporciona a los estudiantes una comprensión de los desafíos y oportunidades actuales en las diferentes áreas de transporte. C. Osorio, M. González No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendados ESD.018J Gestión de Proyectos ( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.401J ) (Nos reservamos cumple con 1.040 ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6

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De licenciaturaESD.00 Introducción a la Ingeniería de Sistemas

( ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 2-3-4 Asunto Cancelado

Los estudiantes trabajan en proyectos para hacer frente a grandes, complejas y aparentemente insolubles problemas del mundo real, tales como el suministro de energía, el medio ambiente, la prestación de atención de salud y las infraestructuras básicas (por ejemplo, telecomunicaciones, suministro de agua y transporte). Presenta enfoques interdisciplinarios - arraigadas en la ingeniería, la gestión y las ciencias sociales - a considerar estas cuestiones contemporáneas fundamentales. Pequeñas, dirigidas por profesores equipos de seleccionar un proyecto de ingeniería de sistemas término para ilustrar uno o más de estos enfoques. J. Sussman, A. Siddiqi ESD.01J Transportation Systems Modeling

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.041J ) Requisito: 1,00 , 1,010 Unidades: 3-1-8 Conferencia: M11-1, W11 ( 1-134 ) Clase de repaso: F11 ( 1-134 )

Introduce los conceptos básicos de los sistemas de transporte de recogida de datos, el modelado, análisis y técnicas de visualización. Cubre fundamentales metodologías analíticas y basadas en la simulación. Los temas incluyen diagramas espacio-temporales, diagramas acumulativos, teoría de colas, asignación de tráfico, paradojas de transporte y control del tráfico urbano. Proporciona a los estudiantes una comprensión de los desafíos y oportunidades actuales en las diferentes áreas de transporte. C. Osorio, M. González No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.018J Gestión de Proyectos

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.401J ) (Nos reservamos cumple con 1.040 ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6 El crédito no puede ser recibido por ESD.052

Introducción a la gestión de proyectos con énfasis en finanzas, evaluación y organización. Los temas incluyen el financiamiento del proyecto, la asociación público-privada, el análisis costo-beneficio, los recursos y la estimación de costos, la organización del proyecto, y el control del proyecto y la entrega. Los estudios de casos para demostrar las cuestiones pertinentes. Los estudiantes que toman versión graduado completar tareas adicionales. R. Schuhmann No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.03J Sistema de Seguridad (Nuevo)

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(Igual que el sujeto 16.63J ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 3-0-9

Introduce los conceptos de la seguridad del sistema y la manera de analizar y diseñar sistemas más seguros. Los temas incluyen las causas de los accidentes en general, y los recientes accidentes graves, en particular, el análisis de riesgo, que se rija la seguridad de las técnicas de diseño, diseño de la interacción humana con la automatización, la integración de la seguridad en el proceso de ingeniería de sistemas, y la gestión y operación de sistemas de seguridad críticos. N. Leveson ESD.035J Ingeniería de Diseño y Prototipado Rápido

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 16.810J ) Requisito: 16,01 , 16,02 o 2,001 , 2,002 o permiso del instructor Unidades: 2-4-0

Desarrolla la competencia inicial en el diseño de ingeniería mediante la adopción de una visión holística. Concebir, diseñar, fabricar y probar un componente del sistema, como una parte estructural compleja. Las actividades incluyen la mano dibujando, CAD de modelado, análisis CAE, CAM programación y operación de los equipos de mecanizado CNC. Se centra en las funciones complementarias de la creatividad humana, así como el propio proceso de diseño. Los diseños son ejecutados por parejas de alumnos que ingresan a sus productos en un concurso de diseño. La inscripción puede ser limitada. O. de Weck No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.05 Ingeniería Liderazgo Lab

( , ) (Nos reservamos reúne con ESD.050 ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 0-2-1 URL: Laboratorio: F9-11 ( 32-144 ) o F1 3-( 32-144 ) o F3 5-( 32-144 )

Expone a los estudiantes de ingeniería a los marcos, modelos y casos de una forma interactiva, basada en la experiencia y las habilidades ambiente afila liderazgo. Los estudiantes participan en la reflexión guiada sobre los éxitos y descubrir oportunidades de mejora en un entorno controlado. Las actividades incluyen juegos de rol, simulación, actividades implementos de diseño, análisis de estudios de caso, y la evaluación del desempeño de otros estudiantes. El contenido en todo el término es frecuentemente estudiante de motor. Estudiantes de segundo año de programa GEL deben registrarse para la versión de 6 unidades, ESD.050. Preferencia a los estudiantes de primer año en el Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Programa de Liderazgo Ingeniería. L. McGonagle, K. Karwowski No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.050 Ingeniería Liderazgo Lab

( , ) (Nos reservamos reúne con ESD.05 ) Requisito: ESD.05 Unidades: 0-2-4

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Laboratorio: F9-11 ( 32-144 ) o F1 3-( 32-144 ) o F3 5-( 32-144 )

Expone a los estudiantes de ingeniería a los marcos, modelos y casos de una forma interactiva, basada en la experiencia y las habilidades ambiente afila liderazgo. Los estudiantes participan en la reflexión guiada sobre los éxitos y descubrir oportunidades de mejora en un entorno controlado. Las actividades incluyen juegos de rol, simulación, actividades implementos de diseño, análisis de estudios de caso, y la evaluación del desempeño de otros estudiantes. El contenido en todo el término es frecuentemente estudiante de motor. Estudiantes de primer año del Programa GEL deben registrarse para la versión 3-unidad, ESD.05. Preferencia a los estudiantes de segundo año en la Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Programa de Liderazgo Ingeniería. L. McGonagle, K. Karwowski No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.051J Ingeniería Innovación y Diseño

( , ) (Igual que el sujeto 6.902J ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 4-0-5 Conferencia: MW3-5 ( 32-141 )

Basado en proyectos seminario en el pensamiento innovador diseño desarrolla la capacidad de los estudiantes para concebir, implementar y evaluar proyectos de éxito en cualquier disciplina de ingeniería. Las conferencias se centran en el proceso iterativo de diseño y técnicas para mejorar el análisis creativo. Los estudiantes utilizan este proceso para diseñar e implementar aplicaciones robustas de reconocimiento de voz utilizando un sencillo sistema basado en Internet. También se realizan presentaciones y recibir retroalimentación para mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación de alto impacto emocional e intelectual. Profesores invitados ilustrar enfoques multidisciplinarios para diseñar pensamiento. Limitado a 60. B. Kotelly, J. Schindall Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.052 Ingeniería de Proyectos

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-2-1 El crédito no puede ser recibido por 1,040 , 1,401 , ESD.018 . TBA Conferencia: 18.03 6-8 04.23 6-8 ( 33-116 )

Los estudiantes asisten a cuatro días fuera de las instalaciones durante IAP taller donde se cubren una introducción a los principios básicos, métodos y herramientas para la gestión de proyectos en un contexto realista. Durante el resto del mandato, progresa a una introducción a la gestión de proyectos, con énfasis en finanzas, evaluación y organización. En equipos, los estudiantes crean un plan para un proyecto de su elección; proyectos anteriores incluyen remoción de escombros en Haití y Robot Preparación de Alimentos para Restaurantes. Desarrolla habilidades aplicables a la gestión de proyectos de desarrollo complejos. Los temas incluyen el análisis costo-beneficio, los recursos y la estimación de costos, y el control del proyecto y la entrega. Los estudios de caso destacan los proyectos, tanto en hardware / software y construcción. Preferencia a los alumnos de la Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Programa de Liderazgo en Ingeniería. O. de Weck No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.053J Riesgos Ambientales cáncer, la prevención y la terapia

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( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.081J , 20.104J ) Requisito: Biología (GIR) , Química (GIR) Unidades: 3-0-9 Conferencia: TR1-2,30 ( 16-220 )

Considera los factores de riesgo potencialmente importantes para los cánceres comunes en el medio ambiente general y laboral: el aire, los alimentos y el agua transmitidas por sustancias químicas, infecciones subclínicas, y la dieta y estilo de vida. Incluye un análisis de la historia de las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer en cohortes predominantemente europeos y afroamericanos. Examina metakaryotic células madre de cáncer como dianas para ambos factores de riesgo patógenos ambientales y fármacos que impiden el crecimiento de o matar las células madre preneoplásicas y / o neoplásicas. Thilly W., R. McCunney No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.054 Ingeniería Liderazgo

( , ); Plazo parcial Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 2-2-2 Conferencia: TBA

Expone a los estudiantes a los modelos y métodos de ingeniería de liderazgo dentro de los contextos de concebir, diseñar, implementar y operar productos, procesos y sistemas. Presenta modelos y teorías, tales como el Marco de Capacidades 4 y las capacidades de los líderes de Ingeniería Efectivos. Describe los momentos adecuados y las razones para utilizar modelos particulares para lograr el éxito de la ingeniería. Incluye oradores invitados, proyectos de equipo, y el análisis del rendimiento del equipo de vídeo. Preferencia a los alumnos de la Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Programa de Liderazgo en Ingeniería. M. Davies, J. Schindall No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.07J Pensamiento Estadístico y Análisis de Datos

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 15.075J ) Requisito: 6,041 Unidades: 4-0-8 Conferencia: MW10-11.30 ( E62-250 )

Presenta el análisis de datos estadísticos. Los temas escogidos de probabilidad aplicada, muestreo, estimación, pruebas de hipótesis, regresión lineal, análisis de varianza, análisis de datos categóricos, y las estadísticas no paramétricas. C. Rudin Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.082J Ciencia, Tecnología y Política Pública

( ) ( ) (Igual que el sujeto 17.309J , STS.082J ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 4-0-8

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Análisis de las cuestiones en la intersección de la ciencia, la tecnología, la política pública y los negocios. Los casos proceden de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y defensa de la competencia, la política de salud y del medio ambiente; contratos públicos de defensa y estrategia comercial estratégica y de política industrial y de I + D de financiación. Estructurado en torno a las teorías de la economía política, modificada para tener en cuenta la integración de la información técnica incierto en públicas y privadas la toma de decisiones. Limitado a 18. Oye K. LicenciadoESD.101 Conceptos e Investigación en Tecnología y Política (Nuevo)

( ) Requisito: ESD.103 , el permiso de instructor Unidades: 2-0-4 Conferencia: W1-3 ( 56-114 )

Centrándose en la tecnología y la política, explora la naturaleza de la ingeniería del conocimiento (a diferencia del conocimiento científico), así como el papel de los sistemas de ingeniería en la formulación de problemas. Considera las implicaciones de estos conceptos en la formulación de las preguntas de investigación. Los ejercicios tienen por objeto preparar a los estudiantes para aplicar estos conceptos en la elaboración de su tesis de investigación. Preferencia a los estudiantes de primer año en el Programa de Tecnología y Política. F. Campo Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.103J Ciencia, Tecnología y Política Pública

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 17.310J , STS.482J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 4-0-8

Análisis de las cuestiones en la intersección de la ciencia, la tecnología, la política pública y los negocios. Los casos proceden de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y defensa de la competencia, la política de salud y del medio ambiente; contratos públicos de defensa y estrategia comercial estratégica y de política industrial y de I + D de financiación. Estructurado en torno a las teorías de la economía política, modificada para tener en cuenta la integración de la información técnica incierto en públicas y privadas la toma de decisiones. Oye K. ESD.110J Global Environmental Science and Politics

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 12.846J ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 3-0-6

Introducción práctica a la arena internacional del medio ambiente político, especialmente diseñado para los estudiantes de ciencias e ingeniería, cuyo trabajo es potencialmente relevante para las cuestiones ambientales mundiales. Cubre aspectos básicos de la política internacional, como las negociaciones Norte-Sur, los conflictos, la implementación y el cumplimiento y el comercio. Hace hincapié en el papel y las responsabilidades de los expertos que proporcionan informes de evaluación científica y técnica de los órganos consultivos.

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Proyectos a largo plazo se centran en la organización y presentación de información científica de manera relevante para la formulación de políticas globales en curso. N. Selin ESD.120J Sostenibilidad Ciencia e Ingeniería

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 12.845J ) Requisito: Ninguno. Coreq: ESD.83 o permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6

Presenta y desarrolla ideas y conceptos básicos en el campo de la ciencia de la sostenibilidad y la ingeniería desde una perspectiva de la ingeniería de sistemas. Toma un enfoque interdisciplinario para discutir casos de estudio de la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de investigación. Expone a los estudiantes a las técnicas de investigación de la sostenibilidad a través de la ingeniería, física y otras disciplinas de las ciencias sociales. Proyectos a largo plazo se centran en la aplicación de las técnicas.

N. Selin ESD.123J Ecología Industrial

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.814J , 3.560J ) Requisito: ESD.10 o 3,56 Unidades: 3-0-6 Asunto Cancelado

Las técnicas cuantitativas para el análisis del ciclo de vida de los impactos de la extracción de materiales, el uso de procesamiento y reciclaje, y el análisis económico del tratamiento de materiales, productos y mercados. Los equipos de estudiantes realizarán un supuesto importante de la fabricación de automóviles utilizando los últimos métodos de análisis y modelos computarizados de procesos materiales. R. Kirchain, J. Clark, F. Campo ESD.124 Sistemas de Energía y Mitigación del Cambio Climático

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Explora las contribuciones de los sistemas de energía a las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero y las palancas posibles para reducir las emisiones. Las conferencias y los proyectos se centran en descomposición contribuciones a las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, con énfasis en las variables relacionadas con la tecnología, como el costo por unidad y la intensidad de carbono de la energía. Críticas otros atributos de desempeño de las tecnologías energéticas. Los proyectos de estudiantes explorar las vías para la realización de escenarios de reducción de emisiones. J. Trancik ESD.125 Cartografía y Evaluación de Nuevas Tecnologías de Energía

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Conferencia: T2.30-5,30 ( 56-114 )

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Basado en proyectos seminario abarca los acontecimientos recientes en la conversión de energía y tecnologías de almacenamiento. Méritos de tecnologías alternativas se discuten en base a su desempeño ambiental y económico, y su potencial de mejora y escalabilidad. Los equipos de proyecto el desarrollo de modelos cuantitativos y herramientas interactivas de visualización para informar sobre el desarrollo futuro de estas tecnologías. Los modelos pueden sondear cómo el impacto de una tecnología depende de suposiciones acerca de futuros avances en los materiales o el diseño del dispositivo. Otros proyectos pueden desarrollar modelos para opciones de diseño racionales (la selección de una determinada técnica o material de procesamiento) basado en los resultados económicos y ambientales y las limitaciones físicas. J. Trancik No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.128J Cambio Climático Global: Economía, Ciencia y Política

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 12.848J , 15.023J ) (Nos reservamos reúne con 12.348J , 15.026J ) Requisito: Cálculo II (GIR) ; 5,60 ; 14,01 o 15,010 , o permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6

Presenta temas científicos, económicos y ecológicos que subyacen a la amenaza del cambio climático global y las instituciones dedicadas a la negociación de una respuesta internacional. Desarrolla un enfoque integrado para el análisis de los procesos de cambio climático, y la evaluación de las medidas de política propuestas, basándose en la investigación y el desarrollo de modelos dentro del Programa MIT conjunta sobre la Ciencia y Política del Cambio Global. Los estudiantes de posgrado que se espera para explorar el tema con mayor profundidad a través de la lectura y la investigación individual. RG Prinn ESD.129J Space Seminario de Políticas

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 16.891J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Conferencia: M1-4 ( 33-422 )

Explora los temas de actualidad en la política espacial, así como las raíces históricas de los problemas. Énfasis en la discusión política fundamental se combina con el análisis técnico serio. Cubre la política nacional del espacio de la seguridad, la política espacial civil, así como la política espacial comercial. Temas explorados incluyen el dilema GPS, las opciones Estación Espacial Internacional, el lanzamiento comercial de los países extranjeros, y el destino de sistemas basados en satélites celulares. AL Weigel No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.132J Derecho, Tecnología y Política Pública

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 15.655J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Conferencia: TR EVE (4-6 PM) ( E51-145 )

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El examen de la relación entre el derecho y el cambio tecnológico y las formas en que el derecho, la economía y la política tecnológica cambian de forma pública. Áreas tratados incluyen cómo la ley puede utilizarse para influir y orientar el cambio tecnológico, las respuestas del sistema legal para el medio ambiente, la seguridad, los problemas sociales y éticos creados por la tecnología nueva o existente; cómo la ley y los mercados interactúan para limitar o fomentar el desarrollo tecnológico, y cómo la ley puede afectar a la distribución de la riqueza y la justicia social. Los temas cubiertos incluyen la ingeniería genética, telecomunicaciones, automatización industrial, el efecto de la salud, la seguridad y la regulación ambiental en la innovación tecnológica, el impacto de la ley de propiedad intelectual en la innovación y la equidad; productos farmacéuticos; nanotecnología; análisis coste / beneficio como una herramienta de decisión; público participación en las decisiones gubernamentales que afectan la ciencia y la tecnología, y la ley y la economía como paradigmas compiten para fomentar la sostenibilidad. Abierto a estudiantes de primer año y segundo año con el permiso del instructor. NA Ashford, CC Caldart No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.133J de Derecho Ambiental, Política y Economía: Prevención y Control

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.811J , 11.630J ) (Nos reservamos reúne con 1.801J , 11.021J , 17.393J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor para estudiantes universitarios Unidades: 3-0-9

Revisa y analiza la regulación federal y el estado de la contaminación del aire y del agua y los desechos peligrosos. Analiza la contaminación como un problema económico y el fracaso de los mercados. Hace hincapié en el uso de los mecanismos legales y enfoques alternativos (como los incentivos económicos y enfoques voluntarios) para controlar la contaminación y fomentar accidente químico y la prevención de la contaminación. Se centra en la importante legislación federal, el sistema administrativo de base, y la ley común en el análisis de la política ambiental, las consecuencias económicas y el papel de los tribunales. Trata sobre contaminantes clásicos y químicos tóxicos industriales, derecho de la comunidad a la información y la justicia ambiental. También se ofrece una introducción a los servicios básicos skills.Students jurídicas que toman la versión postgrado se espera que explorar el tema en mayor profundidad. N. Ashford, C. Caldart ESD.134J Reglamento de sustancias químicas, la radiación y Biotecnología

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.812J , 11.631J ) (Nos reservamos reúne con 1.802J , 10.805J , 11.022J , ESD.136J ) Requisito: 1,811 o permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Se centra en el diseño y evaluación de políticas en la regulación de las sustancias y procesos peligrosos. Incluye la evaluación de riesgos, productos químicos industriales, pesticidas, contaminantes de los alimentos, los productos farmacéuticos, la radiación y los desechos radiactivos, la seguridad del producto, riesgos del trabajo, la contaminación del aire en locales cerrados, la biotecnología, la indemnización de las víctimas y el derecho administrativo. Consecuencias sanitarias y económicas de regulación, así como su potencial para impulsar el

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cambio tecnológico, se discuten para cada régimen regulador. Los estudiantes que toman la versión postgrado se espera que explorar el tema en mayor profundidad. NA Ashford, CC Caldart ESD.136J Tecnología, Derecho y Medio Ambiente de Trabajo

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 10.805J ) (Nos reservamos reúne con 1.802J , 1.812J , 11.022J , 11.631J , ESD.134J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6

Aborda la relación entre los problemas relacionados con la tecnología y la ley aplicable al ambiente de trabajo. National Labor Relations Act, Ley de Seguridad y Salud. Ley de Control de Sustancias Tóxicas, compensación laboral del estado, y los trajes de los trabajadores en los tribunales discutido. Los problemas relacionados con la salud y seguridad laboral, la negociación colectiva como mecanismo para alterar la tecnología en el lugar de trabajo, la alienación laboral, la productividad y la organización del trabajo requerido. Cursos o experiencia previa en la salud ambiental, pública o áreas relacionadas con la ley. NA Ashford, CC Caldart Sostenibilidad ESD.137J, Comercio y Medio Ambiente

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.813J , 11.466J , 15.657J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Asunto Cancelado

La noción schumpeteriana de la innovación tecnológica como "motor del crecimiento" está siendo cuestionada como la globalización del comercio es cada vez más visto como la fuerza motriz de las economías industriales. Con el establecimiento de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, la aplicación del GATT, el TLCAN y otros regímenes de comercio, las preguntas se han planteado serias sobre los efectos del comercio global en la sostenibilidad, que debe ser considerado globalmente para incluir no sólo una base económica sana, sino también una medio ambiente sano, el empleo estable, el poder adquisitivo adecuado, la equidad distributiva, la autosuficiencia nacional y el mantenimiento de la integridad cultural. Asunto explora las múltiples dimensiones de la sostenibilidad y el uso de nacionales, multinacionales e internacionales mecanismos políticos y jurídicos para promover el desarrollo sostenible. Abierto a estudiantes de primer año y segundo año con el permiso del instructor. NA Ashford ESD.151J productos químicos en el medio ambiente: Destino y transporte

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.725J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Para los estudiantes del Instituto en todos los departamentos interesados en el comportamiento de las sustancias químicas en el medio ambiente. Asunto aplica a la circulación de los productos químicos en el agua, el aire y el suelo, y también se ocupa de su destino final. Transporte físico, así como las fuentes químicas y biológicas y los sumideros, se discuten. El énfasis sobre los productos químicos antropogénicos, aunque en el contexto de pre-existentes ciclos químicos naturales. Vínculos con efectos sobre la salud, las fuentes y de

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control, y los aspectos de política. Core requisito para la Cooperación Ambiental MEng programa. H. Hemond ESD.162J Ingeniería, Economía y Regulación del Sector Eléctrico

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 6.695J , 15.032J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-2-7 Conferencia: MW10.30-12 ( E52-175 ) Clase de repaso: F10.30-12 ( E52-175 )

Proporciona un análisis en profundidad e interdisciplinaria en sistemas de energía eléctrica, centrándose en la regulación como el vínculo entre la ingeniería, económicos, legales y puntos de vista del medio ambiente. Explora una variedad de temas, tales como la combinación de generación y envío, respuesta a la demanda, los flujos óptima de la red, el suministro de electricidad al por mayor y al por menor, la generación renovable, la asignación de riesgos, la fiabilidad del servicio, diseño de tarifas, la política de transmisión, generación distribuida, electrificación rural y medio ambiente cuestiones de sostenibilidad, todo bajo ambos marcos normativos tradicionales y competitivos. Antecedentes en la política, la microeconomía, o la ingeniería requerida.

I. Pérez-Arriaga, R. Schmalensee No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.163J Administración de la tecnología nuclear

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 22.812J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Conferencia: TR2.30-4 ( 24-115 )

Examina económica actual, la gestión, y las cuestiones de política relacionadas con la energía nuclear y su ciclo de combustible. Presenta los métodos para el análisis de alternativas de políticas públicas y privadas, incluidas las técnicas de análisis económico y financiero. Aplicación a problemas específicos, como la gestión de los residuos nucleares, la proliferación de armas y la competitividad económica de la energía nuclear. Otros temas incluyen la desregulación y la reestructuración de la industria de la energía eléctrica. RK Lester No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.166J Energía Sostenible

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.818J , 2.65J , 10.391J , 11.371J , 22.811J ) (Nos reservamos reúne con 2.650J , 10.291J , 22.081J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-1-8 URL:

Evaluación de los sistemas energéticos actuales y potenciales futuros. Cubre los recursos, la extracción, conversión y tecnologías de uso final, con énfasis en la satisfacción del siglo 21 las necesidades energéticas regionales y globales de una manera sostenible. Examina las diferentes tecnologías de energía en cada etapa del ciclo de combustible para fósiles (petróleo,

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gas, sintético), nuclear (fisión y fusión) y renovables (solar, biomasa, eólica, hidráulica y geotérmica) los tipos de energía, junto con el almacenamiento, transmisión y conservación cuestiones. Hace hincapié en el análisis de las proposiciones de energía dentro de un contexto de la ingeniería, económico y social. Los estudiantes que toman versión graduado completar tareas adicionales. MW Golay ESD.172J X PRIZE Taller: Grandes Desafíos de la Energía

( ) (Igual que el sujeto EC.421J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6

Utiliza un enfoque basado en proyectos para examinar la intersección de los incentivos y la innovación, a partir de los modelos económicos, los ejemplos históricos y herramientas analíticas para ayudar a desarrollar nuevos conceptos de premios que pueden generar progreso revolucionario en el campo de la energía. Limitado a 30 estudiantes de posgrado, mediante la aplicación, seleccionar upperclassmen con permiso del instructor. E. Wagner, Newman D., F. Murray, Zolot K., J. Shames, Cooney C. ESD.191J Urbana y Economía Regional

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.283J , 11.410J , 14.573J ) (Nos reservamos reúne con 14.51 ) Requisito: 14,04 , 14,32 Unidades: 3-0-9 Conferencia: TR2.30-4 ( E51-376 ) Clase de repaso: F2 ( E51-063 ) + final

Se centra en la teoría de los mercados de suelo urbano y la vivienda, y el desarrollo espacial de las ciudades. Examina las funciones desempeñadas por los sistemas de transporte y de los gobiernos locales en la conformación de los patrones urbanos de ubicación. Trata sobre la competencia interregional, desarrollo económico, y la migración de mano de obra y el capital. Los estudiantes que toman la versión graduado completar tareas adicionales. W. Wheaton No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.192J Análisis y Contabilidad para el Cambio Económico Regional

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.284J , 11.481J ) Requisito: 14,03 , 14,04 Unidades: 3-0-9 Conferencia: TR9.30-11 ( 1-246 )

Encuestas teorías de crecimiento regional, la movilidad de factores, clustering, reestructuración industrial, regiones de aprendizaje, y las cadenas de suministro globales desde una perspectiva de economía política. Examina las críticas / multiplicadores, los vínculos y las cadenas de suministro utilizadas para evaluar el empleo y el medio ambiente, las inversiones energéticas y de infraestructura, y las cuestiones contables relacionadas con la economía sumergida, el trabajo en el hogar, y la degradación del medio ambiente. Evalúa los índices de precios, localización industrial y de empleo, y los análisis shift-share. Las discusiones sobre las solicitudes estadounidenses y extranjeros. KR Polenske

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Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.193J regionales Los análisis del impacto socioeconómico y Modelado

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.285J , 11.482J ) Requisito: 11.481J o permiso del instructor Unidades: 2-1-9

Estudios regionales teorías y modelos económicos y provee a los estudiantes con experiencia en el uso de modelos económicos alternativos de evaluación del impacto sobre microordenadores. Los conjuntos de problemas giran en torno a la infraestructura, la vivienda, la energía y las cuestiones ambientales. Los estudiantes trabajan con un cliente en general en Boston y hacer una presentación al cliente. El énfasis en las habilidades de presentación escrita y oral. KR Polenske ESD.21J Transportation Systems Análisis: Rendimiento y Optimización

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.200J , 11.544J ) Requisito: 1,010 , el permiso de instructor Unidades: 3-1-8

Problema motivado introducción a los métodos, modelos y herramientas para el análisis y diseño de redes de transporte, incluyendo su planificación, operación y control. Capacidad de los elementos críticos de las redes de transporte. Los flujos de tráfico y modelos de retardo determinísticos y probabilísticos. La formulación de modelos de optimización para la planificación y la programación de los sistemas de transporte, de tránsito y de las aerolíneas, y su solución usando paquetes de software. El usuario y el sistema óptimo de asignación de tráfico. El control de los flujos de tráfico en las carreteras, las redes urbanas y el espacio aéreo. C. Barnhart, AR Odoni, C. Osorio ESD.210J Transportation Systems Analysis: Demanda y Economía

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.201J , 11.545J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-1-8

Cubre los principios fundamentales que rigen la planificación de sistemas de transporte y de gestión. Introduce los conceptos microeconómicos fundamentales para los sistemas de transporte. Los temas incluyen las teorías económicas de la empresa, de consumo y de mercado, modelos de demanda, análisis de elección discreta, modelos de costos y las funciones de producción, y la teoría de los precios. Aplicaciones a sistemas de transporte - incluyendo la tarifa de congestión, el cambio tecnológico, la asignación de recursos, la estructura del mercado y la regulación, la previsión de los ingresos, las finanzas del transporte público y privado, y la evaluación de proyectos - transporte tapa urbano de pasajeros, de carga, marítimo, de aviación y sistemas inteligentes de transporte. M. Ben-Akiva, L. Neumann ESD.212J modelización de la demanda

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.202J ) Requisito: 1,201 o permiso del instructor

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Unidades: 3-1-8 Conferencia: MW9-10.30 ( 1-390 ) Clase de repaso: F11 ( 1-390 ) + final

Teoría y aplicación de modelos y métodos estadísticos para el análisis y la previsión de la demanda de instalaciones, servicios y productos. Los temas incluyen: análisis de probabilidad y estadística, estimación y comprobación de modelos de regresión lineal, la teoría del comportamiento de elección individual, derivación, estimación y prueba de modelos de elección discreta (incluyendo logit, logit anidado, GEV, probit y modelos de mezcla), la estimación bajo diferentes diseños de muestra y métodos de recolección de datos (incluidas las preferencias reveladas y declarado), muestreo, métodos globales de predicción y métodos de ajuste proporcional iterativo y afines. Conferencias reforzada con estudios de casos, que requieren especificación, estimación, pruebas y análisis de los modelos que utilizan conjuntos de datos de las aplicaciones reales. M. Ben-Akiva Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.213J Advanced Demand Modeling

( ) (Same subject as 1.205J ) Prereq: 1.202 or permission of instructor Units: 3-0-9

Advanced theories and applications of models for analysis and forecasting of users' behavior and demand for facilities, services, and products. Topics vary each year and typically include linear and nonlinear latent variable models, including structural equations and latent class models; estimation techniques with multiple data sources; joint discrete and continuous choice models; dynamic models; analysis of panel data; analysis of complex choices; estimation and forecasting with large choice sets; multidimensional probabilistic choice models; advanced choice models, including probit, logit mixtures, treatment of endogeneity, hybrid choice models, hidden Markov models, Monte Carlo simulation, Bayesian methods, survey design, sampling, model transferability, and use of stated preferences data. Term paper required. ME Ben-Akiva ESD.216J logística y transporte Métodos de planificación

( ) (Same subject as 1.203J , 6.281J , 15.073J , 16.76J ) Prereq: 6.041 Units: 3-0-9

Quantitative techniques of operations research with emphasis on applications in transportation systems analysis (urban, air, ocean, highway, and pickup and delivery systems) and in the planning and design of logistically oriented urban service systems (eg, fire and police departments, emergency medical services, and emergency repair services). Unified study of functions of random variables, geometrical probability, multi-server queuing theory, spatial location theory, network analysis and graph theory, and relevant methods of simulation. Computer exercises and discussions of implementation difficulties. RC Larson, AR Odoni, AI Barnett ESD.217J la industria aérea

( ) (Same subject as 1.232J , 15.054J , 16.71J )

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Prereq: None Units: 3-0-9

Overview of the global airline industry, focusing on recent industry performance, current issues and challenges for the future. Fundamentals of airline industry structure, airline economics, operations planning, safety, labor relations, airports and air traffic control, marketing, and competitive strategies, with an emphasis on the interrelationships among major industry stakeholders. Recent research findings of the MIT Global Airline Industry Program are showcased, including the impacts of congestion and delays, evolution of information technologies, changing human resource management practices, and competitive effects of new entrant airlines. Taught by faculty participants of the Global Airline Industry Program. PP Belobaba, AI Barnett, C. Barnhart, RJ Hansman, TA Kochan, AR Odoni ESD.221J Introducción a Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte

( ) (Same subject as 1.212J ) Prereq: Permission of instructor Units: 3-0-6

Presents basic elements of intelligent transportation systems. Considers technological, systems and institutional aspects of ITS, including system architecture, congestion pricing, public/private partnerships, network models, freight, public transportation, ITS and regional transportation strategy, environmental and safety aspects of ITS, developing country applications, and implementation case studies. Term project required. J. Sussman ESD.222J Política en Transporte, Medio Ambiente y Comunidades Habitables

( ) (Same subject as 1.253J , 11.543J ) (Subject meets with 1.153 ) Prereq: Permission of instructor Units: 3-0-9 Lecture: F2-5 ( 5-134 )

Examines the economic and political conflict between transportation and the environment. Investigates the role of government regulation, green business and transportation policy as a facilitator of economic development and environmental sustainability. Analyzes a variety of international policy problems, including government-business relations, the role of interest groups, non-governmental organizations, and the public and media in the regulation of the automobile; sustainable development; global warming; politics of risk and siting of transport facilities; environmental justice; equity; as well as transportation and public health in the urban metropolis. Provides students with an opportunity to apply transportation and planning methods to develop policy alternatives in the context of environmental politics. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. J. Coughlin, F. Salvucci No required or recommended textbooksESD.224J Planificación y Diseño de Sistemas de aeropuerto

( ) (Same subject as 1.231J , 16.781J ) Prereq: Permission of instructor

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Units: 3-0-9 URL:

Focuses on current practice, developing trends, and advanced concepts in airport design and planning. Considers economic, environmental, and other trade-offs related to airport location, as well as the impacts of emphasizing ?green? medidas. Includes an analysis of the effect of airline operations on airports. Topics include demand prediction, determination of airfield capacity, and estimation of levels of congestion; terminal design; the role of airports in the aviation and transportation system; access problems; optimal configuration of air transport networks and implications for airport development; and economics, financing, and institutional aspects. Special attention to international practice and developments. R. de Neufville, AR Odoni ESD.225J Planificación del transporte urbano

( ) (Same subject as 1.252J , 11.540J ) Prereq: Permission of instructor Units: 3-0-9

Studies the history, policy, practice and politics of urban transportation. Covers the role of the federal, state, and local government and the MPO, public transit in the auto era, analysis of current trends and pattern breaks; analytical tools for transportation planning, traffic engineering and policy analysis; the contribution of transportation to air pollution, social costs and climate change; land use and transportation interactions; traffic and place making; bicycles, pedestrians, and traffic calming. Examples from the Boston area and from Bilbao. F. Salvucci, M. Murga ESD.226J Sistemas de transporte público

( ) (Same subject as 1.258J , 11.541J ) Prereq: 1.201 or permission of instructor Units: 3-0-9 Lecture: TR4-5.30 ( 1-150 ) +final

Discusses evolution and role of urban public transportation modes, systems and services, focusing on bus and rail. Describes technological characteristics and their impacts on capacity, service quality, and cost. Current practice and new methods for data collection and analysis, performance monitoring, route and network design, frequency determination, and vehicle and crew scheduling. Effect of pricing policy and service quality on ridership. Methods for estimating costs associated with proposed service changes. Organizational models for delivering public transportation service including finance and operations. NHM Wilson, J. Attanucci Textbooks (Spring 2013)ESD.250 Métodos Analíticos para la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro

( ) Prereq: None Units: 3-0-3

Covers the primary methods of analysis required for supply chain management planning. The class solves various practical problems using simulation, linear programming, integer

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programming, regression, and other techniques. The work is primarily team based with a final exam. Restricted to Master of Engineering in Logistics students B. Arntzen, J. Goentzel, C. Caplice, E. Blanco Supply Chain Finance ESD.251

( ) ; first half of term Prereq: None. Coreq: ESD.260 or permission of instructor Units: 2-0-4

Explores the linkages between supply chain management and corporate finance. Emphasizes how the supply chain creates value for both the shareholders of the company and for the stakeholders affected by the company's operations. Sessions combine lectures and data-rich cases from the manufacturer, distributor, and retailer perspective. Topics include accounting fundamentals, financial analysis, activity-based costing, working capital management, cash flow projections, capital budgeting, and sustainability. J. Goentzel, J. Rice ESD.260J Sistemas Logísticos

( ) (Same subject as 1.260J , 15.770J ) Prereq: Permission of instructor Units: 3-0-9

Provides an introduction to supply chain management from both analytical and practical perspectives. Taking a unified approach, students develop a framework for making intelligent decisions within the supply chain. Covers key logistics functions, such as demand planning, procurement, inventory theory and control, transportation planning and execution, reverse logistics, and flexible contracting. Explores concepts such as postponement, portfolio management, and dual sourcing. Emphasizes skills necessary to recognize and manage risk, analyze various tradeoffs, and model logistics systems. Y. Sheffi, C. Caplice ESD.261J Estudios de Caso en Logística y Supply Chain Management

( ) (Same subject as 1.261J , 15.771J ) Prereq: Permission of instructor Units: 3-0-6 Lecture: MW10-11.30 ( E51-315 )

A combination of lectures and cases covering the strategic, management, and operating issues in contemporary logistics and integrated supply chain management. Includes: logistics strategy; supply chain restructuring and change management; and distribution, customer service, and inventory policy. J. Byrnes Textbooks (Spring 2013)Supply Chain ESD.262J Liderazgo

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.262J ) Requisito: ESD.260 o permiso del instructor Unidades: 2-0-7 [P / D / F]

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Refuerza los conceptos de cadena de suministro cubiertos en cursos pre-requisito y desarrolla habilidades de gestión y trabajo en equipo. Se centra en las herramientas prácticas, más que teórica,, metodologías y enfoques que los estudiantes usarán a lo largo de su carrera cadena de suministro. Incluye conferencias para huéspedes y una gran escala, basado en el equipo de juego de simulación. J. Goentzel, C. Caplice No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.263 Logística Seminario de Tesis

( ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 2-0-1 [P / D / F] URL: Conferencia: M11.30-1 ( E51-361 ) o 2.30-T1 ( E51-057 )

La tesis proceso, escritura técnica, y habilidades de presentación. Seminario organiza a los estudiantes en grupos de trabajo sobre temas paralelos. Se reúne de forma intermitente durante todo el plazo. Limitado a los estudiantes MEng en Logística. T. Singer, C. Caplice No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.264J base de datos, Internet, Tecnologías y Sistemas de Integración

( ) (Same subject as 1.264J ) Prereq: Permission of instructor Units: 5-0-7

Addresses information technology fundamentals, including project management and software processes, data modeling, UML, relational databases and SQL. Covers internet technologies, such as XML, web services, and service-oriented architectures. Provides an introduction to security and presents the fundamentals of telecommunications. Includes a project that involves requirements/design, data model, database implementation, website, security and data network. No prior programming experience required. G. Kocur ESD.265J Global Supply Chain Management

( ) (Same subject as 1.265J , 2.965J , 15.765J ) Prereq: 1.260 , 1.261 , 1.262 , 15.760 , or permission of instructor Units: 2-0-4 Lecture: T10-12 ( E25-117 )

Focuses on the planning, processes, and activities of supply chain management for companies involved in international commerce. Students examine the end-to-end processes and operational challenges in managing global supply chains, such as the basics of global trade, international transportation, duty, taxes, trade finance and hedging, currency issues, outsourcing, cultural differences, risks and security, and green supply chains issues. Highly interactive format features student-led discussions, staged debates, and a mock trial. Includes assignments on case studies and sourcing analysis, as well as projects and a final exam. B. Arntzen No required or recommended textbooksSupply Chain Planning ESD.267J

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( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.273J , 15.762J ) Requisito: 1.260J , 15,760 o 15,761 Unidades: 2-0-4 Conferencia: MW8.30-10 (FIN 15 de marzo) ( E51-325 ) Clase de repaso: F8.30-10 ( E51-325 )

Se enfoca en estrategias efectivas de la cadena de suministro para las empresas que operan a escala mundial, con énfasis en la forma de planificar e integrar componentes de la cadena de suministro en un sistema coordinado. Los estudiantes son expuestos a conceptos y modelos importantes en la planificación de la cadena de suministro, con énfasis en las compensaciones importantes y fenómenos. Presenta y utiliza tácticas clave como la mancomunación de riesgos y la colocación de inventario, la planificación integrada y la colaboración y el intercambio de información. Las conferencias, ejercicios de computación y discusiones de casos introducir varios modelos y métodos para el análisis de la cadena de suministro y optimización. Recomendado para operaciones de gestión concentradores. En primer medio plazo respecto. SC Graves, D. Simchi-Levi Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.268J Sistema de Fabricación y Diseño de la Cadena de Suministro

( ) (Igual que el sujeto 1.274J , 15.763J ) Requisito: 1,260 , 15,760 o 15,761 Unidades: 2-0-4 Conferencia: MW8.30-10 (COMIENZA 01 de abril) ( E51-325 ) Clase de repaso: F8.30-10 ( E51-325 )

Focuses on decision making for system design, as it arises in manufacturing systems and supply chains. Students exposed to frameworks and models for structuring the key issues and trade-offs. Presents and discusses new opportunities, issues and concepts introduced by the internet and e-commerce. Introduces various models, methods and software tools for logistics network design, capacity planning and flexibility, make-buy, and integration with product development. Industry applications and cases illustrate concepts and challenges. Recommended for Operations Management concentrators. Second half-term subject. SC Graves, D. Simchi-Levi No required or recommended textbooksESD.270 Estudios en Transporte

( , , ) Prereq: Permission of instructor Units arranged TBA.

Individual advanced study of a topic in transportation systems, selected with the approval of the instructor. Personal No textbook information availableESD.271 Seminario de Investigación en Transporte

( , , , ) Prereq: Permission of instructor Units arranged [P/D/F]

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Discussion of current research at various stages of development, including problem definition, literature review, methodology, and evaluation of results. Intended for advanced doctoral students who have passed the general examination. Personal No textbook information availableESD.274J La Teoría de la Gestión de Operaciones

( ) (Same subject as 1.271J , 15.764J ) Prereq: 15.081J or 6.251J , 6.436J ; or permission of instructor Units: 3-0-9 Lecture: F9-12 ( E51-361 )

Focus on theoretical work for studying operations planning and control problems. Topics vary from year to year, and include supply chain design and coordination, logistic and distribution systems, make-to-order systems, call centers and service operations, procurement, pricing, revenue management, the sales/production interface, inventory theory, flexible manufacturing systems. Fall: V. Farias Spring: R. Levi, D. Simchi-Levi Textbooks (Spring 2013)ESD.278J Administración de sistemas sostenibles de Trabajo y las Organizaciones

( ) (Same subject as 15.343J ) Prereq: None Units: 3-0-6

Examines changing relations among work, organizations, and society and their implications for management and sustainability. Focuses on the skills managers need to build and lead sustainable organizations and to adapt to increasing workforce diversity; modular, dispersed and team-based work systems; and customer-employee interactions in a service-based economy. Discusses the role of the corporation in society, its responsibilities to multiple stakeholders, and interactions with community groups, labor market institutions, and national and global governmental bodies. Students conduct an action-based research project in an organization of their choice. T. Kochan ESD.283 Logística Humanitaria

( ) (Nos reservamos reúne con ESD.284 ) Prereq: None Units: 2-0-4 Lecture: R EVE (6-8 PM) ( E51-149 )

Explores how logistics management principles apply in dynamic, resource-constrained contexts, ranging from humanitarian crisis response to international development. Class sessions combine interactive presentations, practical exercises, case discussions, and guest speakers from humanitarian organizations. Provides an introduction to supply chain concepts and the humanitarian context to accommodate students from various backgrounds.

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J. Goentzel No required or recommended textbooksESD.284 Humanitarian Logistics Project (Nuevo)

( ) (Subject meets with ESD.283 ) Prereq: None Units: 2-0-7 Lecture: R EVE (6-8 PM) ( E51-149 )

Explores how logistics management principles apply in dynamic, resource-constrained contexts, ranging from humanitarian crisis response to international development. Class sessions combine interactive presentations, practical exercises, case discussions, and guest speakers from humanitarian organizations. Provides an introduction to supply chain concepts and the humanitarian context to accommodate students from various backgrounds. Team projects utilize data and information from the UN, NGOs, government agencies, and the private sector. J. Goentzel No required or recommended textbooksESD.30J Ingeniería Apollo: El Proyecto Luna como un sistema complejo

( ) (Same subject as 16.895J , STS.471J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 4-0-8 Lecture: TR1-3 ( 33-319 )

Detailed technical and historical exploration of the Apollo project to fly humans to the moon and return them safely to Earth as an example of a complex engineering system. Emphasizes how the systems worked, the technical and social processes that produced them, mission operations, and historical significance. Guest lectures by MIT-affiliated engineers who contributed to and participated in the Apollo missions. Students work in teams on a final project analyzing an aspect of the historical project to articulate and synthesize ideas in engineering systems. D. Mindell, LR Young Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.301 Probabilidad y Estadística

( ) Requisito: Ninguno Units: 1-0-3 [P/D/F]

A highly-condensed review of topics from basic probability through calculus-based statistical analysis. It assumes previous probability and statistics course work, and is designed to be an intensive review for incoming SDM students. Limited to SDM students except by permission of instructor. J. Orloff No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.31 SDM Liderazgo: El eslabón perdido

( ); Plazo parcial

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Prereq: ESD.34 , 15.905 / 15.965 , participation in SDM IAP session, as well as SDM Spring and Summer business trips Units: 3-0-3

Hands-on experience blends theory and practice. Curriculum is integrated into the first year of the SDM program. Students reflect on prior leadership experiences and then apply concepts presented during seminars to further develop their leadership capabilities. S. Saar ESD.32J Diseño y Desarrollo de Productos

( ) (Same subject as 2.739J , 15.783J ) Prereq: 2.009 , 15.760 , 15.761 , or permission of instructor Units: 3-3-6 Credit cannot also be received for 15.735 Lecture: TR1-2.30 ( E51-345 ) Lab: TR2.30-4 ( E51-345 )

Covers modern tools and methods for product design and development. The cornerstone is a project in which teams of management, engineering, and industrial design students conceive, design, and prototype a physical product. Class sessions employ cases and hands-on exercises to reinforce the key ideas. Topics include product planning, identifying customer needs, concept generation, product architecture, industrial design, concept design, robust design, and green design practice. S. Eppinger, WP Seering Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.33 Ingeniería de Sistemas

( ) Prereq: Limited to SDM students except by permission of instructor Unidades: 4-0-5

Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. It focuses on defining customer needs and required functionality early in the development cycle, documenting requirements, then proceeding with design synthesis and system validation while considering the complete problem including operations, performance, test, manufacturing, cost, and schedule. This subject emphasizes the links of systems engineering to fundamentals of decision theory, statistics, and optimization. Also introduces the most current, commercially successful techniques for systems engineering. Q. Hommes, P. Hale ESD.34 Arquitectura del Sistema

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Covers principles and methods for technical System Architecture. Presents a synthetic view including: the resolution of ambiguity to identify system goals and boundaries; the creative process of mapping form to function; and the analysis of complexity and methods of decomposition and re-integration. Industrial speakers and faculty present examples from various industries. Heuristic and formal methods are presented. Restricted to SDM students. EF Crawley, B. Cameron ESD.340J Teoría de la Arquitectura del Sistema

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( ) (Same subject as 16.882J ) Prereq: ESD.32J or permission of instructor Units: 4-2-6

Covers principles and methods for technical System Architecture. Presents a synthetic view including the resolution of ambiguity to identify system goals and boundaries; the creative process of mapping form to function; the analysis of complexity and methods of decomposition and re-integration. Industrial speakers and faculty present examples from various industries. Heuristic and formal methods are presented. AL Weigel ESD.341J Arquitectura de Sistemas y de Ingeniería de Software

( ) (Same subject as 1.125J ) Prereq: 1.00 , 1.124J , or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Software architecting and design of software-intensive systems. Targeted at future CTOs who must understand both the business and technical issues involved in architecting enterprise-scale systems. Student teams confront technically challenging problems. Lectures and readings cover core database, XML, web server components and browser issues in a distributed web service environment. Enrollment limited. J. Williams, D. Hartzband, A. Sanchez ESD.344 opciones reales de Producto y Diseño de Sistemas

( ); second half of term Requisito: Ninguno Units: 3-0-3 Lecture: TR9.30-11 (BEGINS APRIL 1) ( 1-390 )

Studies the theory and practice of implementing flexibility (real options) in the design of products and systems. Topics include recognition of uncertainty, identification of best opportunities for flexibility, and valuation of these options and their effective implementation. Enables effective and efficient adaptation to future changes. Students apply the concepts by working in teams on an ongoing product development project. Final product is an advanced, dynamic business plan for design and deployment of products. R. de Neufville Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.351J Arquitectura de Sistemas de Transporte Aéreo

( ) (Same subject as 16.886J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units: 3-2-7

Addresses the architecting of air transportation systems. Focuses on the conceptual phase of product definition including technical, economic, market, environmental, regulatory, legal, manufacturing, and societal factors. Centers on a realistic system case study and includes a number of lectures from industry and government. Past examples include the Very Large Transport Aircraft, a Supersonic Business Jet and a Next Generation Cargo System. Identifies

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the critical system level issues and analyzes them in depth via student team projects and individual assignments. Overall goal is to produce a business plan and a system specifications document that can be used to assess candidate systems. RJ Hansman ESD.352J Space Systems Engineering

( ) (Same subject as 16.89J) Prereq: 16.851 , 16.892 , or permission of instructor Units: 4-2-6 Lecture: M1-3,W3-5 ( 33-218 )

Focus on developing space system architectures. Applies subsystem knowledge gained in 16.851 to examine interactions between subsystems in the context of a space system design. Principles and processes of systems engineering including developing space architectures, developing and writing requirements, and concepts of risk are explored and applied to the project. Subject develops, documents, and presents a conceptual design of a space system including a preliminary spacecraft design. DW Miller, A. Aliakbargolkar No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.355J Conceptos en la Ingeniería de Software

( ) (Same subject as 16.355J ) Prereq: 16.35 , ESD.33 , or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Reading and discussion on issues in the engineering of software systems and software development project design. Includes the present state of software engineering, what has been tried in the past, what worked, what did not, and why. Topics may differ in each offering, but are chosen from the software process and life cycle; requirements and specifications; design principles; testing, formal analysis, and reviews; quality management and assessment; product and process metrics; COTS and reuse; evolution and maintenance; team organization and people management; and software engineering aspects of programming languages. NG Leveson ESD.36 Sistema de Gestión de Proyectos

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Subject focuses on management principles, methods, and tools to effectively plan and implement successful system and product development projects. Material is divided into four major sections: project preparation, planning, monitoring, and adaptation. Brief review of classical techniques such as CPM and PERT. Emphasis on new methodologies and tools such as Design Structure Matrix (DSM), probabilistic project simulation, as well as project system dynamics (SD). Topics are covered from strategic, tactical, and operational perspectives. Industrial case studies expose factors that are typical drivers of success and failure in complex projects with both hardware and software content. Term projects analyze and evaluate past and ongoing projects in student's area of interest. Projects used to apply concepts discussed in class. O. de Weck, J. Lyneis

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ESD.379 Systems Engineering Taxonomy and Semantics in Commercial Domains

( , ) Requisito: Ninguno Units: 1-0-3 [P/D/F] TBA. Lecture: TBA ( TBA )

The application of systems engineering practices is increasing in commercial enterprises, but the semantics and process frameworks for 'commercial systems engineering' often appear to be quite different from the process and taxonomy developed in defense and aerospace, arguably the birthplace of modern systems engineering. Examines how systems engineering practices are employed in commercial industries, including product and service development and delivery. Special project. Limited to 5. P. Hale No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.38J Enterprise Architecting

( ) (Same subject as 16.855J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Lecture: M9-12 ( E51-376 )

Examines the enterprise as a holistic and highly networked structure wherein strategic decisions must be made by applying system-level architecting principles and practices. Uses case-based exercises and examples. Team projects investigate a real-world enterprise from multiple perspectives and discuss the interrelationships of these views. Topics include theories, frameworks, and methods for generating and evaluating candidate architectures, selecting a preferred future state architecture, and developing transformation strategies. D. Nightingale, D. Rhodes No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.39 Systems, Leadership, and Management Lab (SLaM-Lab) (Nuevo)

( ) Prereq: ESD.34 , 15.905 ; or permission of instructor Units: 3-3-3 [P/D/F]

Focuses on the practical means for integrating leadership and systems and engineering approaches to solve real-world problems. In addition to classroom learning and exercises, students work one day a week with the top management of a high-tech business on a relevant systems and management challenge. The host company sets the project focus. Project teams of four to six students help to solve a problem that is of concern to the host company. Limited to SDM fellows. M. Davies ESD.40 Product Design and Development

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Lecture: MW2.30-4 ( 1-390 )

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Modern tools and methods for product design and development. Teams conceive, design, and prototype a physical product. Cases and exercises reinforce key ideas. Topics include product planning, identifying customer needs, concept generation/selection, product architecture, industrial design, concept design, and design-for-manufacturing. Preference to SDM students. M. Yang, P. Hale No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.51J Software and Computation for Simulation

( ) (Same subject as 1.124J , 2.091J ) Prereq: 1.00 or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Modern software development techniques and algorithms for engineering computation. Hands-on investigation of computational and software techniques for simulating engineering systems, such as sensor networks, traffic networks, and discrete simulation of materials using atomistic and particle methods. Covers data structures and algorithms for modeling, analysis, and visualization in the setting of multi-core and distributed computing. Treatment of basic topics, such as queuing, sorting and search algorithms, and more advanced numerical techniques based on state machines and distributed agents. Foundation for in-depth exploration of image processing, optimization, finite element and particle methods, computational materials, discrete element methods, and network methods. Knowledge of an object-oriented language required. JR Williams ESD.53J Globalization and the Built Environment

( ) (Same subject as 1.463J , 11.342J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 2-0-4

Addresses the importance and pervasiveness of globalization in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Companies (AEC Firms). Covers strategies for a presence in the global market and the importance of the global financial market in project financing, with a primary focus on infrastructure. Includes discussion of innovative approaches to marketing, partnering, risk management, finance, specialized delivery systems, and privatization. F. Moavenzadeh, D. Wolff ESD.565J Digital Evolution: Managing Web 3.0

( ) (Same subject as 15.565J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6 Lecture: TR1-2.30 ( E62-250 )

Examines the evolution from Web 2.0, with its emphasis on interactivity through online collaboration and sharing among users (primarily through social networking sites, wikis and communication tools), to Web 3.0, which focuses on high proactivity, transforming the Web into a database, and the leveraging of artificial intelligence technologies, such as the Semantic Web. Introduces Management 3.0 and the range of new Web technologies, applications, and business opportunities and challenges that it supports. Includes case studies, industry and academic speakers, discussion of basic principles, and a team project.

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S. Madnick No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.58J Disruptive Technologies: Predator or Prey?

( ) (Same subject as 15.365J ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 3-0-6

Focuses on the management of product and process innovation and on economic, management, and technological influences on innovation. Both sustaining and disruptive innovations in products and manufacturing processes covered in lectures and cases presented by the leaders of change in different industries. Emphasis on emerging and disruptive technologies as seen from the points of view of entering firms (predators) and incumbent firms (prey) are covered in a class exercise, and project (preferably done in small groups). JM Utterback No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.60 Creating High-Velocity Organizations

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units: 2-0-6

Examines methods standout organizations use to generate and sustain more value, with less effort and fewer resources, than their rivals. Methods illustrated with examples from heavy and high-tech manufacturing, new product development and manufacturing, health care and military. Addresses the role of lean, six sigma, and other quality programs. Preference to students in LGO, SDM, and 2N master's programs. S. Spear ESD.61J Integrating The Lean Enterprise

( ) (Same subject as 16.852J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Addresses some of the important issues involved with the planning, development, and implementation of lean enterprises. People, technology, process, and management dimensions of an effective lean manufacturing company are considered in a unified framework. Particular emphasis on the integration of these dimensions across the entire enterprise, including product development, production, and the extended supply chain. Analysis tools as well as future trends and directions are explored. A key component of this subject is a team project. D. Nightingale ESD.62J Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods

( ) (Same subject as 16.660J ) (Subject meets with 16.853 ) Requisito: Ninguno Units: 1-1-0 [P/D/F] URL:

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Covers the fundamental principles, practices and tools of lean six sigma methods that underlay modern organizational productivity approaches applied in aerospace, automotive, health care, and other sectors. Includes lectures, active learning exercises, a plant tour, talks by industry practitioners, and videos. One third of the course is devoted to a physical simulation of an aircraft manufacturing enterprise to illustrate the power of lean six sigma methods. Students taking the graduate version complete additional assignments. EM Murman No hay información disponible libro de textoESD.63J Control of Manufacturing Processes

( ) (Same subject as 2.830J , 6.780J ) Prereq: 2.008 , 6.041 , 6.152 , or 15.064 Unidades: 3-0-9 Lecture: TR11-12.30 ( 1-150 )

Statistical modeling and control in manufacturing processes. Use of experimental design and response surface modeling to understand manufacturing process physics. Defect and parametric yield modeling and optimization. Forms of process control, including statistical process control, run by run and adaptive control, and real-time feedback control. Application contexts include semiconductor manufacturing, conventional metal and polymer processing, and emerging micro-nano manufacturing processes. DE Hardt, DS Boning Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.64J Product Design

( ) (Same subject as 2.744J ) Prereq: 2.009 Unidades: 3-0-9

Project-centered subject addressing transformation of ideas into successful products which are properly matched to the user and the market. Students are asked to take a more complete view of a new product and to gain experience with designs judged on their aesthetics, ease of use, and sensitivities to the realities of the marketplace. Lectures on modern design process, industrial design, visual communication, form-giving, mass production, marketing, and environmentally conscious design. DR Wallace ESD.65J Aerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering

( ) (Same subject as 16.423J , HST.515J ) Prereq: 16.400 , 16.06 , 16.060 , or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-1-8 Lecture: TR9.30-11 ( 33-418 )

Fundamentals of human performance, physiology, and life support impacting engineering design and aerospace systems. Topics include effects of gravity on the muscle, skeletal, cardiovascular, and neurovestibular systems; human/pilot modeling and human/machine design; flight experiment design; and life support engineering for extravehicular activity (EVA).

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Case studies of current research are presented. Assignments include a design project, quantitative homework sets, and quizzes emphasizing engineering and systems aspects. DJ Newman Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.69J Seminar on Health Care Systems Innovation

( ) (Same subject as HST.926J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units: 2-0-7

Seminar examines how "systems" approaches can be used to address inefficiencies and introduction of innovation into the delivery of health care. Topics include identification of problems in delivery of chronic, acute, and emergency care and possible organizational and technological solutions. Cases, readings, and discussions draw upon experiences in the United States and globally. S. Finkelstein, J. Moses, J. Coughlin ESD.691J Principles and Practice of Drug Development

( ) (Same subject as 7.547J , 10.547J , 15.136J , HST.920J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6

Description and critical assessment of the major issues and stages of developing a pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical. Drug discovery, preclinical development, clinical investigation, manufacturing and regulatory issues considered for small and large molecules. Economic and financial considerations of the drug development process. Multidisciplinary perspective from faculty in clinical; life; and management sciences; as well as industry guests. TJ Allen, CL Cooney, SN Finkelstein, RH Rubin, AJ Sinskey, GK Raju ESD.70J Engineering Economy Module

( ); Plazo parcial (Same subject as 1.145J ) Requisito: Ninguno Units: 1-0-2 [P/D/F] URL:

Presentation of the spreadsheet mechanics for the efficient calculation of discounted cash flows and related metrics of project worth; the use of data tables as means of exploring sensitivity analysis; and of simulation to develop the value of options. Intensive module designed for students who are not familiar with the efficient use of Excel. Presented intensively over first week of term. R. de Neufville ESD.71 Engineering Systems Analysis for Design

( ) Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject. (Offered under: 1.146 , 16.861 ) (Subject meets with ESD.710 ) Prereq: 1.145 or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

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Covers theory and methods to identify, value, and implement flexibility in design, also known as ?real options?. Topics include definition of uncertainties, simulation of performance for scenarios, screening models to identify desirable flexibility, decision and lattice analysis, and multidimensional economic evaluation. Students demonstrate proficiency through an extended application to a systems design of their choice. Provides a complement to research or thesis projects. Meets with ESD.710 first half of term. R. de Neufville ESD.710 Risk and Decision Analysis

( ) ; first half of term (Subject meets with 1.146J , 16.861J , ESD.71J ) Prereq: 1.145 or permission of instructor Units: 3-0-3

Focuses on design choices and decisions under uncertainty. Topics include identification and description of uncertainties using probability distributions; the calculation of commensurate measures of value, such as expected net present values; Monte Carlo simulation and risk analysis; and the use of decision analysis to explore alternative strategies and identify optimal initial choices. Applied analysis of practical examples from a variety of engineering systems using spreadsheet and decision analysis software. R. de Neufville ESD.712J Tools for Analysis: Design for Real Estate and Infrastructure Development

( ); second half of term (Same subject as 11.434J , 15.428J ) Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 2-0-4 Lecture: TR2.30-4 (BEGINS APRIL 1) ( 9-354 ) Recitation: R4 ( 9-354 )

Introduction to analytical tools to support design and decision-making in real estate and infrastructure development. Particular focus on identifying and valuing sources of flexibility using ?real options?, Monte-Carlo simulation, and other techniques from the field of engineering systems. Integrates economic and engineering perspectives, and is suitable for students with various backgrounds. Provides useful preparation for thesis work in the area. D. Geltner, R. de Neufville Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.72 Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis

( ) Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject. (Offered under: 1.155 , 2.963 , 6.938 , 10.816 , 16.862 , 22.82 ) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) Unidades: 3-0-9

Emphasis on three methodologies pertaining to decision making in the presence of uncertainty: reliability and probabilistic risk assessment (RPRA), decision analysis (DA), and cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Risks of particular interest are those associated with large engineering projects such as the development of new products; the building, maintenance and operation of nuclear reactors and space systems. Presents and interprets some of the frameworks helpful for balancing risks and benefits in the situations that typically involve

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human safety, potential environmental effects, and large financial and technological uncertainties. Review of elementary probability theory and statistics included. G. Apostolakis ESD.721 Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis (Abridged)

( ) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) Unidades: 3-0-6

Abbreviated version of ESD.72 with which it shares the lectures on reliability and probabilistic risk assessment (RPRA) and decision analysis (DA). Cost-benefit analysis is omitted. G. Apostolakis ESD.73J Materials Selection, Design, and Economics

( ) (Same subject as 3.57J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-6

A survey of techniques for analyzing how the choice of materials, processes, and design determine properties, performance, and cost. Topics include production and cost functions, mathematical optimization, evaluation of single and multi-attribute utility, decision analysis, materials property charts, and performance indices. Students use analytical techniques to develop a plan for starting a new materials-related business. J. Clark ESD.74 System Dynamics for Engineers

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Introduces the methodology and then develops applications to large-scale engineering systems, such as the design and construction of mega projects; the impacts of organization on system performance; and the interrelationships between technical systems and the social/political context in which such systems operate. B. Morrison ESD.750J System Optimization and Analysis for Operations

( ) (Same subject as 2.851J , 15.066J ) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) Unidades: 4-0-8

Introduction to mathematical modeling, optimization, and simulation, as applied to manufacturing. Specific methods include linear programming, network flow problems, integer and nonlinear programming, discrete-event simulation, heuristics and computer applications for manufacturing processes and systems. Restricted to Leaders for Global Operations students. V. Farias ESD.751J Engineering Probability and Statistics

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(Same subject as 15.064J ) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) Unidades: 4-0-8

Modeling and analysis of uncertainty and variation. Covers probability models and distributions, regression, and basic statistical procedures pertinent to manufacturing and operations. Introduces experimental and robust design, statistical process control, forecasting, and data-mining. Students use a data analysis package, such as JMP, Minitab, or MATLAB. Primarily for Leaders for Global Operations students. AI Barnett, R. Welsch ESD.753J Statistical Learning and Data-Mining

( ) (Same subject as 15.077J ) Prereq: 6.431 , 15.085 , or 18.440 ; 18.06 or 18.700 Unidades: 4-0-8 Lecture: MW4-5.30 ( E52-175 ) Recitation: T4 ( E51-085 )

Advanced introduction to the theory and application of statistics and data-mining, concentrating on techniques used in management science, finance, consulting, engineering systems, and bioinformatics. First half builds the statistical foundation for the second half, with topics selected from sampling, including the bootstrap, theory of estimation, testing, nonparametric statistics, analysis of variance, categorical data analysis, regression analysis, MCMC, EM, Gibbs sampling, and Bayesian methods. Second half focuses on data-mining, supervised learning, and multivariate analysis. Topics selected from logistic regression; principal components and dimension reduction; discrimination and classification analysis, including trees (CART), partial least squares, nearest neighbor and regularized methods, support vector machines, boosting and bagging, clustering, independent component analysis, and nonparametric regression. Uses statistics software packages, such as R and MATLAB for data analysis and data-mining. Term project required. RE Welsch Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.754J Data Mining: Finding the Data and Models that Create Value

( ) ; second half of term (Same subject as 15.062J ) Prereq: 15.060 or 15.075 Unidades: 2-0-4

Provides an introduction to data mining and machine learning, a class of methods that assist in recognizing patterns and making intelligent use of massive amounts of data collected via the internet, e-commerce, electronic banking, point-of-sale devices, bar-code readers, medical databases, search engines, and social networks. Topics selected from logistic regression, association rules, tree-structured classification and regression, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, and neural network methods. Presents examples of successful applications in areas such as credit ratings, fraud detection, marketing, customer relationship management, and investments. Introduces data-mining software. Term project required. R. Welsch ESD.755J Predictive Data Analytics and Statistical Inference

( ) (Same subject as 15.074J )

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Prereq: 6.431 , 15.060 , or permission of instructor Unidades: 4-0-5 Lecture: MW1-2.30 ( E51-376 ) Recitation: R4 ( E51-325 )

Designed for students who have some acquaintance with probability and/or statistics and want exposure to a broader range of topics and examples. Begins with a brief review of statistics and regression by addressing advanced topics, such as bootstrap resampling, variable selection, data and regression diagnostics, visualization, and Bayesian and robust methods. Goes on to cover data-mining, including classification, logistic regression, and clustering. Culminates with time series analysis and forecasting, design of experiments, analysis of variance, and process control. Students use statistical computing systems based on Excel add-ins and stand-alone packages. Includes case studies involving finance, management science, consulting, risk management, and engineering systems. Term project required. RE Welsch Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.756J Statistical Methods in Experimental Design

( ) (Same subject as 16.470J ) Prereq: 6.041 , 16.09 , or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Lecture: TR11-12.30 ( 33-418 )

Statistically based experimental design inclusive of forming hypotheses, planning and conducting experiments, analyzing data, and interpreting and communicating results. Topics include descriptive statistics, statistical inference, hypothesis testing, parametric and nonparametric statistical analyses, factorial ANOVA, randomized block designs, MANOVA, linear regression, repeated measures models, and application of statistical software packages. ML Cummings ESD.762 Systems Optimization

( ) Prereq: 1.145 or permission of instructor Unidades: 2-0-4 Lecture: T9.30-12.30 (ENDS MARCH 12) ( 1-390 )

Application-oriented introduction to systems optimization focusing on understanding system tradeoffs. Introduces modeling methodology (linear, integer and nonlinear programming) and simulation methods, with applications in production planning and scheduling, inventory planning and supply contracts, logistics network design, facility sizing and capacity expansion, yield management, electronic trading and finance. D. Simchi-Levi No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.763 Operations and Supply Chain Management

( ) ; partial term Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units: 3-0-3

Objectives are to develop modeling skills and to provide new concepts and problem-solving tools, applicable to the design and planning of supply chains as well as manufacturing systems. Preference to SDM students.

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Personal ESD.77J Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization

( ) (Same subject as 16.888J ) Prereq: 18.085 or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-1-8

Engineering systems modeling for design and optimization. Selection of design variables, objective functions and constraints. Overview of principles, methods and tools in multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO). Subsystem identification, development and interface design. Review of linear and non-linear constrained optimization formulations. Scalar versus vector optimization problems from systems engineering and architecting of complex systems. Heuristic search methods: Tabu search, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms. Sensitivity, tradeoff analysis and isoperformance. Multiobjective optimization and pareto optimality. System design for value. Specific applications from aerospace, mechanical, civil engineering and system architecture. O. de Weck, KE Willcox ESD.773J Human Factors Engineering

( ) (Same subject as 16.453J ) (Subject meets with 16.400 ) Prereq: 6.041 or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-1-8

Provides a fundamental understanding of the human factors that must be considered in the design and engineering of complex aviation and space systems. Focuses on the derivation of human engineering design criteria from sensory, motor and cognitive sources. Students, individually and in teams, apply design principles from topic areas including displays, controls and ergonomics, manual control, the nature of human error, basic experimental design, and human-computer interaction. Includes aviation accident case presentations and interactive projects. Graduate students also complete an additional research-oriented project with a final written report and oral presentation. LR Young ESD.774J Human Supervisory Control of Automated Systems

( ) (Same subject as 16.422J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-1-8

Principles of supervisory control and telerobotics. Different levels of automation are discussed, as well as the allocation of roles and authority between humans and machines. Human-vehicle interface design in highly automated systems. Decision aiding. Trade-offs between human control and human monitoring. Automated alerting systems and human intervention in automatic operation. Enhanced human interface technologies such as virtual presence. Performance, optimization, and social implications of the human-automation system. Examples from aerospace, ground, and undersea vehicles, robotics, and industrial systems. JA Shah ESD.775J Human-Computer Interface Design Colloquium

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( ) (Same subject as 16.475J ) Requisito: Ninguno Units: 2-0-2

Provides guidance on design and evaluation of human-computer interfaces for students with active research projects. Roundtable discussion on developing user requirements, human-centered design principles, and testing and evaluating methodologies. Students present their work and evaluate each other's projects. Readings complement specific focus areas. Team participation encouraged. Open to advanced undergraduates. Personal ESD.78J Network Optimization

( ) (Same subject as 15.082J ) Prereq: 15.081 or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Covers network models and algorithms. Emphasizes a rigorous treatment of algorithms and their efficiency. Presents and analyzes algorithms for the shortest path problem, the maximum flow problem, and the minimum cost flow problem. Shows how simple data structures (and more advanced data structures) can substantively speed up the running times of many algorithms. Topics may vary year to year. J. Orlin ESD.80 Seminar in Technology Policy Research

( ) Prereq: ESD.10 Units: 2-0-1 Lecture: R12.30-2.30 ( E25-117 ) or T12.30-2.30 ( 4-149 )

Presentations by students, faculty and guest speakers of ongoing research related to current issues in technology and policy. Specific topics determined by research of participants and by new and important directions in technology and policy. R. Kirchain No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.801 Leadership Development

( ); Plazo parcial Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units: 1-1-1 [P/D/F]

Seminar environment created to develop leadership capabilities. An initial Outward Bound experience builds trust, teamwork and communications. Readings and assignments emphasize the characteristics of great leadership. Global leaders participate in the Leadership Lunch series to share their experiences and recommendations. Discussions explore leadership development. Culminates in a personal leadership plan. Restricted to entering students in the Technology and Policy program or instructor permission. D. Newman ESD.802 SDM Thesis Seminar

( )

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Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 2-0-1 [P / D / F] Lecture: T2.30-4 ( 1-390 )

Designed to assist SDM students in discovering research areas of interest and matching these interests with faculty and organization research projects. At the end of the seminar, the student has faculty advisor, research project, thesis proposal and plan. Restricted to SDM students. P. Hale No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.803 Know Thyself Leadership Workshop

( ); Plazo parcial Requisito: Ninguno Unidades: 2-0-4

Designed to enhance your ability to manage and lead in challenging times through a series of self assessment instruments, case studies, and workshops. The objectives are to increase awareness of your strengths and weaknesses as a leader, provide a battery of instruments and surveys to help one understand the way one operates in an organizational setting, and offer strategies and tips on how to leverage one's strengths and work on areas in need of development. Morning section restricted to students in the SCM program. S. Saar ESD.811 Technology Policy Internship Seminar

( ) Prereq: ESD.10 Units: 1-1-1 [P/D/F] URL:

Seminar examines what technology policy is in practice. Considers the question of "Who achieves what, when, how, and why?" regarding technology policy. Students who completed summer internships present and dissect their experiences with special reference to specific cases in which they participated. F. Campo ESD.83 Doctoral Seminar in Engineering Systems

( ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 4-0-8

Examines core theory and contextual applications of the emerging field of Engineering Systems. Focuses on analysis of scholarship on key concepts such as complexity, uncertainty, fragility, and robustness, as well as a critical look at the historical roots of the field and related areas such as systems engineering, systems dynamics, agent modeling, and systems simulations. Contextual applications range from aerospace to technology implementation to regulatory systems to large-scale systems change. Special attention to the interdependence of social and technical dimensions of engineering systems. Restricted to students enrolled in ESD doctoral program. C. Magee, J. Sussman ESD.86J Models, Data and Inference for Socio-Technical Systems

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( ) (Same subject as 15.078J ) Prereq: ESD.83 , 6.041 , or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Lecture: MW10.30-12 ( E51-372 ) Recitation: F10.30-12 ( E51-372 )

Use data and systems knowledge to build models of complex socio-technical systems for improved system design and decision-making. Enhance model-building skills, including: review and extension of functions of random variables, Poisson processes, and Markov processes. Move from applied probability to statistics via Chi-squared t and f tests, derived as functions of random variables. Review classical statistics, hypothesis tests, regression, correlation and causation, simple data mining techniques, and Bayesian vs. classical statistics. Class project. R. Larson, R. Welsch No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.862 Modeling Risk, Dynamics, and Decisions

( ) Prereq: ESD.86 or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9

Covers advanced methods for modeling risk and decision-making under uncertainty. Topics include Monte Carlo methods, Markov chain Monte Carlo, dynamic and stochastic optimization, and advanced topics in simulation. Applications drawn primarily from energy and environmental systems modeling. M. Webster ESD.863J System Safety Concepts

( ) (Same subject as 16.863J ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Lecture: F9-12 ( 33-419 )

Covers important concepts and techniques in designing and operating safety-critical systems. Topics include the nature of risk, formal accident and human error models, causes of accidents, fundamental concepts of system safety engineering, system and software hazard analysis, designing for safety, fault tolerance, safety issues in the design of human-machine interaction, verification of safety, creating a safety culture, and management of safety-critical projects. Includes a class project involving the high-level system design and analysis of a safety-critical system. NG Leveson Libros de texto (Primavera 2013)ESD.864J Modeling and Assessment for Policy

( ) (Same subject as 12.844J ) Prereq: ESD.10 or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-6 Lecture: TR10.30-12 ( E51-057 )

Explores how scientific information and quantitative models can be used to inform policy decision-making. Develops an understanding of quantitative modeling techniques and their

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role in the policy process through case studies and interactive activities. Addresses issues such as analysis of scientific assessment processes, uses of integrated assessment models, public perception of quantitative information, methods for dealing with uncertainties, and design choices in building policy-relevant models. Examples focus on models and information used in Earth system governance. N. Selin No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.865 Modeling Electric Power Systems

( ) Prereq: 15.011 , 14.003 , or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 Lecture: TR10.30-12 ( 1-375 )

Provides a foundation for modeling planning and operations problems within electric power systems, including economic dispatch, unit commitment, optimal power flow, generation capacity expansion, economic methods, and simulation methods. Covers necessary computational methods, such as linear programming, stochastic programming, and mixed complementarity problems. Students build their own models focusing on implementation of optimization problems in power systems. M. Webster No hay libros de texto requeridos o recomendadosESD.87 Social Science Concepts and Methods

( ) Prereq: ESD.83 , ESD.86 ; or permission of instructor Unidades: 3-0-9 URL:

Introduction to social science approaches to developing questions, designing research, and collecting data about complex systems. Overview of the different social science paradigms for developing research questions, as well as issues of measurement and research design. Covers various modes of data collection with emphasis on how the different elements of research design contribute to more powerful and persuasive results. Students develop skills in designing and completing social science-based research, as well as in critically assessing related work. Limited to 15. L. D'Ambrosio, O. de Weck ESD.875J Mechanical Assemblies: Their Design, Manufacture, and Role in Product Development

( ) (Same subject as 2.875J ) Prereq: 2.008 Unidades: 3-0-9

Introduces mechanical and economic models of assemblies and assembly automation on two levels. Assembly in the small comprises basic engineering models of rigid and compliant part mating and explains the operation of the Remote Center Compliance. Assembly in the large takes a system view of assembly, including the notion of product architecture, feature-based design and computer models of assemblies, analysis of mechanical constraint, assembly sequence analysis, tolerances, system-level design for assembly and JIT methods, and economics of assembly automation. Case studies and current research included. Class

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exercises and homework include analyses of real assemblies, the mechanics of part mating, and a semester long project. DE Whitney ESD.88 Engineering Systems Scholarship Seminar

( ) Requisito: Ninguno. Coreq: ESD.83 o permiso del instructor Units: 2-0-4 [P/D/F]

Develops skills and strategies for publishing in scholarly journals, writing grant proposals, applying for and succeeding in academic jobs, and shaping doctoral and postdoctoral research to further career goals. Includes panel discussions, presentations, workshops, and peer review. Special emphasis on the landscape of systems journals and the interdisciplinary acuity necessary for publishing in the broad range of journals that are of interest to engineering systems researchers. Students prepare a paper for submission to a journal. O. de Weck Special Subjects and ResearchESD.910, ESD.915 Research in Engineering Systems Division

( , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged [P/D/F] ESD.910: TBA. ESD.915: TBA.

For research assistants in the Engineering Systems Division when assigned research is not used for thesis, but is approved for academic credit. Credit for this subject may not be used for any degree granted by ESD. O. de Weck ESD.910: No textbook information available ESD.915: No textbook information availableESD.911-ESD.913 Independent Study in Engineering Systems

( , , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged [P/D/F] ESD.911: URL: ESD.912: URL: ESD.913: URL: ESD.911: TBA. ESD.912: TBA. ESD.913: TBA.

Individual research: generally either study, fieldwork, or practicum. Designed to expose student to expert-level material in his/her research domain or context. Supervised by a member of MIT's teaching staff. Preference to ESD doctoral students with permission of instructor, advisor, and ESD Academic Office. O. de Weck ESD.911: No textbook information available ESD.912: No textbook information available ESD.913: No textbook information availableESD.921 Teaching in Engineering Systems Division

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( , , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged [P/D/F] ESD.921: TBA.

For teaching assistants in Engineering Systems Division in recognition of educational value derived from satisfactory performance of assigned duties, and for other qualified students interested in teaching as a career. Laboratory, tutorial, or classroom teaching under supervision of a faculty member. Credit for this subject may not be used for any degree granted by ESD. Information: O. de Weck ESD.921: No textbook information availableESD.S01-ESD.S03 Special Undergraduate Subject in Engineering Systems Division

( , , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged

ESD.S10, ESD.S11 Special Undergraduate Subject in Engineering Systems Division

( , , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged [P/D/F]

Opportunity for group study of topics in Engineering Systems Division not otherwise included in the curriculum at MIT. Offerings are initiated by faculty on an ad-hoc basis subject to ESD approval. Information: O. de Weck ESD.S20-ESD.S23 Special Graduate Subject in Engineering Systems Division

( , , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged ESD.S20: URL: ESD.S20: TBA. Lecture: M 3.30-5 ( 4-149 ) ESD.S21: Lecture: TR8.30-10 (BEGINS APRIL 1) ( E51-057 )

ESD.S20: No textbook information available ESD.S21: No textbook information availableESD.S24 Special Graduate Subject in Engineering Systems Division

( , , , ) ; first half of term Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged

ESD.S30-ESD.S32 Special Graduate Studies in Engineering Systems Division

( , , , ) Requisito: Ninguno Units arranged [P/D/F]

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ESD.S31: Lecture: W12 ( E51-395 )

ESD.S30: No textbook information available ESD.S31: No textbook information availableESD.S40-ESD.S44 Special Graduate Studies in Engineering Systems Division

( , , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged ESD.S40: TBA. ESD.S41: Lecture: TR8.30-10 ( E51-372 )

ESD.S40: No textbook information available ESD.S41: No required or recommended textbooksESD.S50, ESD.S51 Special Graduate Studies in Engineering Systems Division

( , , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged [P/D/F]

Opportunity for individual or group study of advanced topics in ESD not otherwise included in the curriculum. Offerings are initiated by faculty on an ad-hoc basis subject to ESD approval. Information: O. de Weck ESD.S50: No textbook information availableESD.THG ESD Graduate Thesis

( , , ) Requisito: Permiso del instructor Units arranged TBA.

Program of research, leading to the writing of an SM or PhD thesis to be arranged by the student with a member of the ESD faculty. A minimum of 24 thesis units are required for the SM degree. O. de Weck Textbooks arranged individuallyESD.URG Undergraduate Research

( , , , ) Requisito: Ninguno Units arranged TBA.

Undergraduate research opportunities in Engineering Systems. Information: O. de Weck Textbooks arranged individually