mitch ks 2015 portfolio


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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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A brief demonstration of my work. This creative portfolio will allow you to grasp more of an insight on what I do, and what I'm about.Please Enjoy!Mitch Kendall Smith, aged 16, 2015 portfolio.



    MaY 2015

    Address:cLaY MeadOW

    cIRenceSTeR RdSOUTh ceRneY

    GL7 6hU


    Filmmaking & Graphic design

    Contact:07812 [email protected]

  • 2aBOUT MeI am a young film maker living in the UK. I grew up in The Cotswolds and have been interested and intrigued by the fascinating world of film since 2009.From the age of 11 Ive been creating films in a small group of friends and one of these films has won an award.

    I am a very self-motivated person and extremely creatively driven. I am fully aware of the technicalities of the industry but prefer to strike a more creative flare whilst forever maintaining essential technical skills. I am always open to new and better ways of doing things and I never let not knowing about something stop me - I just teach myself. During the last few years, I have been doing everything I can to learn as much as possible about film-making off my own back and collaborating with friends and clients to further my talents. At home I am always very busy making films, both for clients and my own films which I produce in my spare time. I like all the practicalities of production, because its hands on. I am also fascinated by the process and techniques involved in creating visual effects. I have a good range of camera equipment and professional editing software, so that I can be more versatile and increase my creative abilities. Im well qualified in both editing and VFX. I work at a relentless pace and do not allow myself to stop until I have perfected the product to the very best of my abilities. Im always entreated to collaborate and learn more in addition to my ambition to direct a feature film.

    mitch kendall smith

  • 3cOnTenTS PaGe

    This portfolio is a brief illustration of my work. The doccument does not include my entire body of work, but rather some of the better content.

    Please Enjoy.

    Short Films

    Promotional Materials

    Motion Graphics

    visual effects



    Photo Manipulation

    Sound design

    4 - 7

    8 - 12

    13 - 18

    19 - 24

    25 - 35

    36 - 42

    43 - 45

    46 - 47

  • 4Short FilmsI have made a whole range of short films, of which: the majority can be found at The following are what I concider to be the more successful editions.

    SHORT ANIMATION SUBMISSIONThe full short film, including two featurettes can be found here...

    please visiT: For a brieF show reel.


  • 5THE RUNNING GAME OPENINGa opening scene to an unmade feature, full video can be found at:

    Short FilmsI have made a whole range of short films, of which: the majority can be found at The following are what I concider to be the more successful editions.


  • 6CAMERA WARFARE 2014The short, one minute film can be found at the following link...

    Short FilmsI have made a whole range of short films, of which: the majority can be found at The following are what I concider to be the more successful editions.


  • 7WITNESScurrently in post-production

    Short FilmsI have made a whole range of short films, of which: the majority can be found at The following are what I concider to be the more successful editions.


  • 8Promotional Materials

    I have produced a vast body of work for Kensmyth Stud. Each of the films and booklets I created, were promotional assets to their buisness.

    The following is just a brief snippit of the clients materials...

    A quick product update for their website.

    Just a few pages from the offical Kensmyth Corporate Event & Team

    Building brochure...

    Official Kensmyth Field to Farm Short Film

    An Introduction to Suri Alpaca Short Film

    Official Kensmyth 2014 Easter Card

    Official Product Photography 2012 - 15

    Promo Vids ca

    n all be

    found at:



  • 9Promotional Materials

    Below is a logo design: I composited using Photoshop for a magazine brand logo. The task was assigned by the exam board as one of the specification critera. To the left is a logo which I designed under a client brief for a local DJ.


  • 10

    Promotional Materials

    While at Rendcomb; I became familiar with NM Generation. From initially collaborating: we soon formed a creative relationship and have collaborated ever since.

    My work for them was almost exclusivly video based.

    Feel Free To TaKe a looK aT my worK wiTh GeNeraTioN aT:

    Luke and James (the owners of NM Generation), were in the heat of rehearsals for their highly rated play: FAITH, when they commissioned me to create trailers and behind the scenes videos in order to promote their play before release.


  • 11

    Promotional Materials

    I created these promotional assets for a college campaign. The poster was made using Photoshop, combining layers and textures.

    The video was made using After Effects and Element 3D. The video is full CG.

    why NoT TaKe a looK aT The Full promo viDeo:


  • 12

    Motion Graphics

    While at Dream Team Television, I produced the programme graphics for sports shows such as: Outlaw Triathlon, Ironman, River Rat Race, and many more. My work was seen across national prime-time television, on stations such as Channel 4.

    River Rat Race - Stockton on Trees 2014

    I have produced offical motion graphics for programs covering the following events...

    Id work from a given brief and design the graphics with character and motion.

    Ironman UK Bolton 2014


  • 13

    Motion Graphics

    While at Dream Team Television, I produced the programme graphics for sports shows such as: Outlaw Triathlon, Ironman, River Rat Race, and many more. My work was seen across national prime-time television, on stations such as Channel 4.

    heaver castle Triathlon 2014

    I have produced offical motion graphics for programs covering the following events...

    Id work from a given brief and design the graphics with character and motion.

    Id produce L

    ower Thirds

    as the bluk of m

    y work.

    Ironman Wales 2014


  • 14

    Motion Graphics

    While at Dream Team Television, I produced the programme graphics for sports shows such as: Outlaw Triathlon, Ironman, River Rat Race, and many more. My work was seen across national prime-time television, on stations such as Channel 4.

    Sport Pursuit Street velodrome Series 2014

    I have produced offical motion graphics for programs covering the following events...

    Id work from a given brief and design the graphics with character and motion.


  • 15

    Motion Graphics

    While at Dream Team Television, I produced the programme graphics for sports shows such as: Outlaw Triathlon, Ironman, River Rat Race, and many more. My work was seen across national prime-time television, on stations such as Channel 4.

    castle howard Triathlon 2014

    I have produced offical motion graphics for programs covering the following events...

    Id work from a given brief and design the graphics with character and motion.

    Here Im listed in the official credits

    I created full 3D graphics with DOF and 3D

    gemomitory in addition to basic 2D designs.


  • 16

    Motion Graphics

    While at Dream Team Television, I produced the programme graphics for sports shows such as: Outlaw Triathlon, Ironman, River Rat Race, and many more. My work was seen across national prime-time television, on stations such as Channel 4.

    Tri Liverpool 2014

    I have produced offical motion graphics for programs covering the following events...

    Id work from a given brief and design the graphics with character and motion.


  • 17

    Motion Graphics

    While at Dream Team Television, I produced the programme graphics for sports shows such as: Outlaw Triathlon, Ironman, River Rat Race, and many more. My work was seen across national prime-time television, on stations such as Channel 4.

    Outlaw Triathlon 2014

    I have produced offical motion graphics for programs covering the following events...

    Id work from a given brief and design the graphics with character and motion.


  • 18

    Motion GraphicsThe following stills are taken from commescial projects Ive worked on. They are all inclusive of motion graphics commisioned by clients.


  • 19

    visual effectsThe following images: are visual effects shots Ive created during post-production of my Rode Reel 2015 competition entry. I used Photoshop, After Effects and Element 3D alone.


  • 20

    visual effectsBelow are a series of shots from a 4K Earth Render. I made completed this project a few years ago. I used just After Effects alone and some stock Earth maps.


  • 21

    visual effectsThe following are a series of various visual effects shots Ive made over the years. I consider these to be the more successful composites.

    Promotional Trailer for Live night

    Teaser for Wizards with Guns Requium

    Superman Fan Film Split Screen


  • 22

    visual effectsThe following are a series of various visual effects shots Ive made over the years. I consider these to be the more successful composites.

    Superman Fan Film Laser vision

    cirencester college arts Faculty Stinger: volumetric light

    animated Opening Title Sequence for The Running Game


  • 23

    visual effectsThe following are a series of various visual effects shots Ive made over the years. I consider these to be the more successful composites.

    2014 Full cG 3d Logo Render


  • 24

    visual effectsThe following are a series of various visual effects shots Ive made over the years. I consider these to be the more successful composites.

    Time Freeze vFX Test

    Full cG custom Iron Man

    Full cG nissan vehicle Render


  • 25

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 26

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 27

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 28

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 29

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 30

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 31

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 32

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 33

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 34

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 35

    cinematographyI consider the following to be my best cinematography to date. Each of these shots were captured using my DSLR, although I am eager to get my hand on the cinecameras such as the URSA and RED series.


  • 36

    PhotographyThe following selection examples my photographic work of a computers internal system.


  • 37

    PhotographyThe following selection examples my photographic work taken at a professional fashion shoot.


  • 38

    PhotographyThe following selection examples my photographic work taken at a professional fashion shoot.


  • 39

    PhotographyThe following selection examples my photographic work from my personal collection.


  • 40

    PhotographyThe following selection examples my photographic work from my personal collection.


  • 41

    PhotographyThe following selection examples my photographic work from my personal collection.


  • 42

    PhotographyThe following selection examples my photographic work from my personal collection.


  • 43

    Photo MinipulationIve been using Photoshop for a number of years: of which my work has been commissioned. Ive used the program: as my main design tool for clients, in addition to promotional materials for my personal short films and posters

    A portion of my work has been seen through my portfolio, however I have included some aditional material below.

    At a model shoot: the client requested that I

    remove the talents spots.

    An official logo for a local music production company.


  • 44

    Photo Minipulation


    Pencil drawings with superimposed photographic images

  • 45

    Photo Minipulation

    As a graded assignment: I produced a magazine cover and spread from pre - post production. I used literacy, photography and design skills in order to finish the task to the best ogf my abilities.


  • 46

    Sound design

    My experience with sound design, could be concidered limited, however: as a solo filmmaker: Ive had to complete every job role by myslef: including sound design.

    For each and every one of my flims (seen on, Ive mixed and prodced the sound design.

    I often edit my work in Premiere and dynamic link it into Audition, where the bulk of the sound work is done.

    I have included there links below, which take you to extracts of a Radio show I produced as a graded module. They each demonstrate my abilities as a sound designer.


  • 47


    MaY 2015

    Contact:07812 [email protected]

    Address:cLaY MeadOW

    cIRenceSTeR RdSOUTh ceRneY

    GL7 6hU


    Filmmaking & Graphic design