mkt review2

Residential Marketing

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Residential Marketing

Focus on Residential

• Lead Monitoring, Routing

• Customer Svc Monitoring / Training

• Answering Svc Performance

• Seasonal Marketing Calendar

• Increase Customer Communications

• Focus on Service Plan Base

• Internal & Manufacturer’s Promotions

• Improve usage of Flat Rate pricing

• Review Tech incentive program

Lead Monitoring• Discovered we weren’t capitalizing on leads


• Tracked all leads coming in, how often they were converted to appointments

• Reduced # of Call Backs, increase # of Appts

• Insight into which marketing vehicles yielded best results

• Leads 2008 vs 2009 -19 % increase

Customer Service• Empowered CSRs to offer incentives (service)

• Educated CSRs to schedule appointment while customer is on phone instead of calling back

• On-going training sessions on telephone etiquette, phone skills

• Used call recording technology to monitor customer service performance, areas needed for improvement

Answering Service•Discovered answering service was

not providing customers with the TUDI Experience

•Changed answering service providers

•Phone calls after 5pm and on Weekends are now answered by a live person

Marketing Calendar

• Marketing efforts are turned ‘on and off’ based on marketing calendar

• Decreased ‘knee-jerk’ marketing

• Worked to minimize seasonality of business with grassroots efforts

Customer Communication

• Home Comfort Plan Collateral - Letters, Brochures

• Newsletter Program

• E-Blasts

• Equipment Recall, Referral Program, Keystone Help Communications

• Improved TUDI Website

Service Plan Base•Re-developed service plan value

proposition to better align with customers’ wants/needs

•Developed collateral to assist in communicating service plan benefits

•Developed strategic marketing plan to reach long term service plan goals

• Implemented programs to help reduce attrition

TUDI Newsletter

Home Comfort Plans


