mm - nys historic; a little over...

1 L f & V: \ ,c *■ ; ' i, * •J4 k- : *' U ! , - '?/• ft \ r •! 1- ! 1 f * ' . , J- 1 ! i 1 i* ‘ij is\ 'I d~L 4 - I At ' 1 I 11 ' » , ■ !* ' 5 •f ! t \ . .... 'ib'' -- .T- 11 um ucur ►* '1C " 0jjp':'^iE^as^xa.' E E H R fW IL S ftf Mtht~h&tr has feqn, beaten and « r t f e 1W -mwwmay Republican to his untrammeled enotm of for next'Ptes&tM/A unlfl'a, ULlIfaii— M H Jgl ., *-wir -j ,**■ .-i ,"wm / _ vtMtnmacu w? e** get %m m it *11 awTing in »p|4**ie order! ^ ] ; --'g;/ j-TfaeBfan^ say»— ".^company impiete'TS^doS to wkkh -=*T1M M I PM M iw l U wm by the ime b, lBTfi, mmken farther tm|r brave eoldiere wr efl ill the la ^ e -im tajt 4tarfeit Be it eioetea ofRepceeen pfdbnericsiit C-o: , That the ;hct ciitiu,..,. _ 1mjentary tp the tffverid * c ti yelati "*...... w©d=r#BP|enjf t hwfiFe w is. noiuM tkhcton ' dtercr ionxi M " 1 *e l» m the >ma U id pa the ^mepondence was of the resignation =igsgwi£^^ f ^ B r y d m . —'Thk electors of den,, Vfhpjpe ja latot of the electi Grant & Wilson,; are requested to at Dryden village, oa Saturday evening JTuly % tplorm aiSipat &yVji$on Of BUStfttnlWgt vnvn app , the character of an e»- ^cjanMmitj ■ ia.flUmrTivniB ^=aai 1 ^ShwunSaonWd# tjpS'testimPny elicit ed ;on the Stdkek t&al yesterday, it wo^ld seemt&dFKo defence will elatuf that Fisk’&Nv0tmd& Were uotneccssari- .ljMatah ' . -" . • . ,J . -L^he Pos|; thinks the Orangemen should .he,, aUowed to parade this year aiil defended if a^ssAry, JhfiMy to. show the (Jatjiolics thfit theyfcari’t die- ,~t or ittah not he done in: t»fee,eaBctat>itlie shall , , ._ _ ___ . , ( . othei wise so' pfonanljflv *aftQ 1 <-ti*4lW the meeting. July 2/1872. ■> I <•» 5 til* we received a latjije nmpunt of telegraph dispatches, some of twaddle. Some of opr reader^ ‘aip doii^tle^ interv ested* dn r?vhat |h^K och- «J U dJhion ^thinks abduf Greeley’s we confess we are not, apd tatp wlmt w York; /after ithis year the Post tfij Uks these parades should t&aSG. —Chief' Engineer Roehling, esti- hn tea the entire cost of the ®ast River B l idge at $5i7t»00,000. This is . some #3,5<»,:0d(|;i4etfii thftn the itfmt estunate. —The . tiejw Saratoga 'hotel—the GJ and Cetttr^I^will he ppen^ed on the 10 thinstant.' _J : ' —The Cheyennes and Eliowas,1 ,■ are m macing the Korthern Paei^C raihfoad. rions trpufe^ is apprehend,. , •The inteh^le heat hi KeW-^orl^ and Brooklyn has sent the • price of ice up considerably. - M uch Ert-owling is growling !e consequence. Light weight is also charged as one of the besetting sins of the ice dealers. We ,know that isn’t tune of trar ipe dealers. —Prostration by sun-strofco is afcoooa- on occurrence all over the eoUntry medium.’ Our business how- ^ f® W print these ^^patclfes are sent us, | without, alteration |su|yifssig», *us ;d» tim c^i‘the public read what jcobies over tlm wires. This page, our Ieditorial imon c :ole, we propose to conduct So that it < ‘heated term” is of wider extent sm ll express our own SenfimeMs. We an<i moj^e excessively “heatedn thfn for ‘■ S 'lh r ^ h ^ l p»ge%o- # % a p # ^our | several, years past. .People cannht be fMirffr'to local matters and in these, wo ^ p careful fhpse days as-itoiheii-hahlte. * •» ahn t\_ b e severely impartialj Keep- glass of icie-water impnidfflitly ta W$PV*F!f t^ r‘? mes| I f e*T°.st''4 7 ■—“— L*: ------------ Ial^.ent Greeley man in the eoo$itry will not be stai*tled, at the outside pages 1 of’ till &ii}®anl Say W Im^lpot, as I lie chooses, encounter opposition by^jid; b%^ie.l3la4c|eAfClh^ l^ h sf 0 , ! Strikes. ar between XSEtt Seeretarjf} ~ mar th ® ,^ tmh «^a meeting Oflthfi Ic^f bofii Teet. or^been nermanent-* $9n* rceignhtllw rie JMilmyCo^ m»r . « W l S l a itofs of this com* M fcl sioh )f thirty-ohe dollars and twenty^hve CQiitirper month vnnd all persona, who: mid< x like circumstances have ioet o®e hsh( ota d one foot, dr bavh been to t*)ly and permanently disabled in tbe isapi^j or otherwise sp pisabled as to be* inca- paeiftated for p^djrjning any manual labor, but not sp much as 4o require igmition :WlgffcOrat pas nwjow^any, tl rsssx constant pereonal aid and attendance, aha] L be. entitled. _^±o &pension of, jtwen- ty-fi)ur dollars per- month r and nil per- soni who under like circumstances snnll 1 ijfl'i seam this ]KM^;de#i^to>|^^hek regret at tim tpr^dnjMion pfi vO%*af . relations .which bfkvu^sos long' and satisfactorily eiistedj and to tender to Mr. Mian: thefr thanke fpr the able: admixdstra ib n of thp mmnger buaiim ^ ^ nowpany w*^l© under^Ms cbs which under his management creased ta an extent almost unparallel ed in the history of railway service in the United jSflteSr Hespectfully yours, 1 i 'IF. IL Otis , Secretory. have lost one hand or one foot, orbeeii totally and permanently disabled in the sainje, or otherwise so disabled as to render theirl&t&pacity to perform man ual) labor, equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, shall be entitled to a penjBion of eighteen dollars per hrtbnth on and after the 4th day of Jnne, 1873. JiL mm -w- •City of New York, lias assumed" pro portions which dwarf all5 previous i^''SChist^£o|^oprr-counii,y ,, there is something in these iinnn|ise sM a^ donvilsiohs do .ia^h«)Wic judi- eious men ponder. An "organized dis- t' affection tjrnt can, in the space of a jfew ' ^|^S 3 ?s-,! mitffbler lixijy IhPulknlt lU'ehiin its uot ar|pce|acl| to, chee^thu ieace and gooll ’M d#.iThiac, between , Lajhof ,and Capital is'one of the crying oyils qr M .peace constant antagonism ken; a little over exertion; .careless ex posure for a lpng time to* the burning s t t u a n d th^n yoftr M / , “dead for a clucat!” 7 thousand persons. wftness- the r^ees at Ldjb^;-. Branch, .j^sfcqr-’ daV- ' • .• .... v ; -—An inceij.di.ary tire ’has eohsiilned a donsiderdble portdcm ol^ Wellsviiile, N. Y. That town seemslo Tie -pfuflcuhwr ly unfortunate- Beechef of the .'“ Free Press,” lost barq. . fig{it,t idis an etlitov to jluiYf1 a . * :\djutarJt General TownseHa- ’tcle- fo Gen. Augur in reference to the truth of the report from GaLyc^ston, ^une lDth, to the eftect that Gfchi Sl<?~ Keiizie,\Lieut. and e\gh$ men had heen^surprised and killed by tl|c l|td ia m |n(V,-vno^yc<l-£ |im- following . pentaonncjf the-peoplev- It is compara- jtire^dC feh®t-orig|iy in this country,, but W r ^ 1 ,H reply : J . s '1 , ih-i i! J i dwealth and rapidly multipljjing iuhi feasible mode oi adjustment S W R C i that both parties may speedily be |je w * fW r S W le d lr tie LnJtlie * Erection of concord and h^rmdi i wbpuf that li^ ^ eeb ly breaks in u mm v- - ■h i permanent .oa it abtdl. be. benefie|inl I in summer time?.are m What do Wisconsin Indians knoW of, endurinee compared witii our It it only musi ^ 0 9 0 of a rawMdOr^^-AxidU to think, of ihevo hboiigfnes being * even mearajj|bl J troubled- by skn^v about trouble, trial and im aosx- dear rdler, our dywn street editor has- ex^sap ified his jrays and vegetation lfiu^is iilJ Cflnsn it Ignot BesemSerTwSmilli&i«r 11 s.\» A^tosio; duly) 1. Ginerhl'Tmrnsend: Not ohe Word1 bt] truth in it. Ytq^enzie was at Fort‘Griffin and well .£> el the 2Qth of June, and wM ^ start bn the &2d. . ' |Uf, Gek. A uofe . , He monihly public debt state- efit, July 1st, shows a reelue* tlOn fVT$& flPPh,^vOf|#Une of ^3,03^' r086»!^AryVtty.Igq9d;v»§hofW|«g1 i and one which * with men of sense) W8h ^itgi^ii^pots, who are- .Tpts 0 CrM :?** j*.. IjXTBBSAii S)TAMI* T aXBS REMOVED. On, and after tjie first of October next, the) internal rejvenue stamp tax, impos ed by existing) laws upon the following instruments, abolished by the ayt which passed Congress at the tote sea* slo(n: Affidavit 8. All agreements or con tracts, or rene wals of the same. Ap- praisements o:: value ox damage, or for any other pur )ose. Assignments, o]Ta lease, morfga< ;e, policy ■ of insurance, ort anything e m BiUe of exchange, foreign, inland, letters of credit, or anything of that kind now taxed by/: stamps. Bills of lading,, and receipts in the United) States or anywhere else. Bill’s of sale, of any kind. Bonds of idbmnificatioi t, of any kiud. Bond ad- mfinistrator o- guardian, or anything that hi|S the ianje of bond in jt, .and now taXgcl b y 'stamp, Broker’s notes. Cei|ti|iCate'S of measurement of anything. Ceitificates'p1’stock, profits,, d^piiage,, dqjo^it, or aiy otlujr kmd of certificate nbw faxed )>j sf!pT)|)... Charter, or its renewal or a chnrt<p'-paify '$f any}‘k im l. Conveyance, any part of the work of conveying. Inaorsetri&i|rt Y>f any' ne-j\7l f ’ dtiableW rion-negotiat>le ’ ifistrnineut, [,A^ n fiy for consumption^ warehousing, j . - a ^ Rm ) $ p uj£tA jyr^. ur withdmw^b—Gaugnr s rctums.. LUt ' , , ... sflinmcAp^di€8 *!ti 9 »trfqts, tickets, re-1 •newalrfT etL, (life, marine islah-d and fireh, Len|e j-Alf pirougli tlie lea SO fist ip aboiislied.: Legal docu.mOftt^rrvWHt' , C fc. other processes, confession of. judg-' jpnut,-cognovit, .appeals,swarrants, let- -J .L— . ... ^ i. moqre. 4«.y kind. Poysagfi ticfcei, to any p a r t ! a /-< a* a Aqiiruvc n ,vti Of the world. B o n e r s checks. Bow-1 JTHACA &- ATHkNfe lit H. e r ° f ^ttorndy for irnj. nurposo. _ Pro- I TickitsWyyps Road.for the bate -^f will pi a% Promissory' mii«lS aA ui niTiEiAti note/for Protest of *<> kind. Quitfclaim deed. Receipt; now I win be Ihr fl2,50 the roahd trip—good for Jaly generally exempt, and if included m »4#iaottfe»»^gj|fUlte^ftPWSto-J^4Stu re-1 B#e&»t Ito, srill^ oxjmpt t”^ -T lc S t# S 'tg :i,«W(Hit tbc De 1 * 0 . EtEATH—In Brooklyn, Ju*« s». Franci* Arthar, only child of WUbat F. and XnuooT. Heath, COBPIHOTGIG-Ia Coddlngtoa Mttiement, o f TTHACA '/k ATHENS B. R. 4ih d r JULY. Regular tor toe j to fOWXIDX AMDEITCIM , ?A1B. ............... |l,g and HBnmilr, xak*.............. $1,70 TKTKAT 8GOODFOB THEDAT, Twdn leave I t h ic a it ...... tv -15, »■a*. Returning—beftVe* Athens *t .............. 5:40, p. m. *• i n h * (L.V. Train)2:45 « « TottofifiA ....... 4/..4.-W, “ dlolySto * TAENTISTRY! DR. F. H O W E u u sr o fisT , Mo. 41 East State Street, .1 >* - Is up with the times in ALL the improvements either in mechanical or operative dentistry. I Pure Nitrous’ Q^ide Gas Constantly oA haM for aUfestlietiC purposes. , f Ithaca. N. Y.; July lei iSf* ' ' -ditvtfiljul/ it » 1 . • "* (lOjOD tmn+m mmm *)m «# i m * I :!-:-'I m ^ i Y I^ T O E IA & B IS H O P of inj’ wins * '^Sb * Less thaifPSputar Prices, M a t- o. No. 53 EAST SnflEET U iy e w ta b r l. newr es. snccesi Is oil ‘Family’ ivant .tort i^astroxis 5 aol rsM of to6 “Singei im ermscbuiei m ind rof their an to all features |emas8- chance raws ie chine ous Sevr- liavii WenwMddttftartto r6«bM «o#thiFaIM . s...c so.sss . •• FAVORITE CIGAR, IruSitig «|M; ^ e t o t e e ,! <mc «ie &anOy. Tl*ey »re<m ip^?'*t tho Ie«il.K HonMs W ildg|Te Univeif*! Oatisfsct rAcumw andaw m iv to fill silor4«rs. .ol any ttnd, of quAlltylof t * o x a 4 * n i* / Our place of hnstnesj No. ? Vpu# St^Street, .Hhstea, N. Y, ioei yewr ih»v -j . Jtti THE sing: Wheeler A Qjxfret ^Sttotr. W68tlB; |f. C q .m ...;i s ‘S^o**V“ ’■ w M '* ’” ' . B . H . & O . » .* . Co .. . . /*pM v*— ;*J UfcES | t ft 1 * -e*;i \f^n t-» N i . .TW fw I f BBGIO • t- . •> I V . ; At pA »R tfotty, Voratei, Gl*sl,&0.,it ' M O ft R IS O M ' S Mf tNrtoiT , MAisri>svipLB’s. 1 - v * ..... ;■ G O TO :u- ' '29 EAST STATE STREET; J .:lt 'f ) *> I '1 ;/ !r - * t - - 4. , d ; t l / r ■t .:i T0 g-o-y i...I .ae.r-'f.;: < X nqt i, . , , 97£a rii.j o ■• .. ui>nzc?.:t> a:?fit . >■> . 'rth\ A *1 . i. -1 »*! BU G Gr AT id iH k 'A p ForBflleVERY CflBAP'. N duge^Tedeijlt. ;Wd¥rti rlPunT,' «M^ry Chab#«feMey, dattglMfer of Jate Jadge+S^muel Chase, ot Mkry- nde, hex mm died im lYgfhinbton yesterday Di her eighty-eighth y#K Ifijrs. Barney jwkfi . - " ! ’ - -- JSg@L M fpntobram ivhojs not onlym ust niter itltoffney . eiffifier’s rltVirU1 . ‘ 'of nUk ehKi’r^cfeh.: " ' ~ * * ^ i& g d lT h e tftV 1 6f ofi e r i^ 'xefSrii'; ‘• Trusf de^d. .^Tare- . P^Tllip?, ^ .T |0ast^S|e tf».i t.j: Ibi- Is nr »'*.». hdjcitft: 1 j»eaGe wiiL lhe wovld and ill© one the s&gn-v Ipendence. gton, ropre- thq JjJf. t wfrf sBxientosdpf wtkiiimvitetkf!* ®r wfL mum --. . , —Serious political sy$n|t.c»pj3 indi- ■cate- to. thfi-knoking o.uea tkatj a fialib net •lift V»»°f T®artiri.-SRfi!hM SJ: ^ , ;ted *qu^||ji4pward ‘^phew of his uncle.” .; if*—- «• «■— ; f 4h^ Mitt Grade Greenwood Tseadfi the fob, qWxng graj^oiul £ai* 0 \vell to tllO Alfif,) « ti b a l i i bright [San. Francisco— !Ht be forever,” ' t\ like to think so—-I ,bgg| tp{to,mj: Ihfouglr? yonru^dttpms afey ^ordxuo^ tiffeutjon.ik|p.1(hirewf^l fa ^ many friends whese^n^-of# kit^ihess has made;bay prolonged stay ott this d60ftj allhoSt a continual delight, * My depamfhe^ fhongti ' d e lh y e d ’beyq^M. igy ^t^Gon, is fiUallv so mir- mw Day* Adic^pvmj h 9 Cson. j ,1 hs,yq received ^ refniS^ftlcW m edlthat ^ :SL q '.-it tlsi'ty lJu-a I” ' .ow l l>u*>/ij ulj uotr .h«w?G ; -is « tj sl m.H j k * ^ -d -% - tt « jf j'u b 3ula£ai.t. , T.i.i '1 i^uuiie/uj _ *” 3 leirfdptp f iOTUfdiAfiltd 'tsfat&tHi&J -I 7«lr5*>?♦ .*• r n-aU A; 7 -J - j ai yit >. city, much occupation, apd some severe illness, are flle only ekedses I can. ofiEfer." Jm^ve.<!p 4 l^NiHy revived all such so- ’Att^hff■oUs|,su 7 OhJPlmstiku4ourfesie9,, d6 ,fewpressaldy nbtnfoiting to* *s Stranger 'H s'fVAT»£ffi l a u d »t AT,rt* 'flppmlv 'r p f fr rf ,kahe b q lj ^ lf of my heart away frdm iwqndi^is,,,yquu^.from this U ior vi} isdkfl&j ** noiiatwodG uto M . a iccojXed<tscni}inod- ifito'h' ^ W ttO A I i t /<\ b ty u fo 9'fuit ihinj stall .! * m |«»j ^ 1 aV» k fStmarrmrft n v. <n ; " f ... ,i ■ rr . 5f. ’ '■ ; ' >!».! A,i s'.* » . i f titil !. •l‘- L A D /fiS'* oo •? f.»: i ’J" - . » 7 r»b|faj| Sh& W W , iv\ * * i fd ff :ufv j . V ‘>0 •••KL-t i i|< b. G w trlS .• n ** _■ •ijiiiHii ' ■/■ ! ••- 'ftrr> '' u'” J .1 , •' *i''i ■* •*!’ a»iv*d V Tii !••>.- Jgl" ---- Jn *,' ; t- tPaney Ci-oofs, &ev&c: to FOR THKY I1AVJ3 1 - •:! M frri«r.R P#M A .:< a -v il A J eL U G fN fS, r«*rsW 0 i . i aP ,EAT REDUCTIONS IN ; # : Si PRICES OF :• <p Ira-j■■ ' ri • 'i f ~8T. B.--Gr*eB*ittod M d8 $1 ri.|- ’ Every Pair VYaiTant^d. _ I . ii*.-*-| n>j. . . i r , , bij_i. , * j 'itin'xt- .AM*504t& jtityJ ■ >! uort «ciJ stirn*** o] ssoi. - 'U ^ ’) i •«, 1aSs ' ^ ’MUM ' h |r»i f$. gat r< * , ji *•J - sa.Jax.lff h s«*i5g4 :f a« -/q..* '%a<A p.- v.'W, *»*t p .ia id u-.i i‘Mi (knot •‘^ a i i a i u u . r k u r ; i.n Ui ■**! t t n>! irf\« hsua ,-43 jatt; •»: »i alsiiia i ■< ' ars£ f> (ti 1 ; jn.dTfv? } r- jrtn) phsl Pism) vieniismin T »tJl .1 ri'rj fi fSft-ifA. ' ^VOTUStl IJ'S i V1‘I - ' c | - •: Y ’• ‘ ' ^.v- v>. riUd. *'d«L- ■■■ ] !>• 1 r<> ' '>•% fc w ^Jbtuill 6.:sij t ■y'akiti 1 J i u~t ' . ’■' WJ^< 4 eiiSttUe X > © a le r s ^ TgtwcwtSrnm i . j __ ^ffp tyd

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u m u c u r



" 0jjp':' iE as xa.'

E E H R f W I L S f t f

Mtht~h&tr has feqn, beaten and

« r t f e 1W - m w w m a yRepublican to his untrammeled enotm o f

for next'Ptes&tM/A unlfl'a,

U L l I f a i i — M H J g l., *-wir -j ,**■ . -i ,"wm / _vtM tnm acu w? e** get %m m

it *11 awTing in »p|4**ie order!

^ ] ; --'g;/j-TfaeBfan^ say»—

".^ com p an y im p ie te 'T S ^ d o S t o

w k k h-=*T1M M I P M M i w l


w m by theim e b, lBTfi, mmken fa rth e r

tm|r brave eoldiere wr efl ill the la

^ e -im tajt 4tarfeitBe it eioetea

ofRepceeen pfdbnericsiit C-o:

, That the ;hct ciitiu,..,. _1 mjentary tp the tffverid*cti yelati

"*...... w©d=r#BP|enjf

t hwfiFe w

is.n o iu M tk h c to n

' dtercr ionxiM " 1 * e l »

m th e>ma U

id pa the^ m epondence wasof the resignation


f ^ B r y d m .—'Thk electors ofden,, Vfhpjpe ja la to t of the electi Grant & Wilson,; are requested to at Dryden village, oa Saturday eveningJTuly % tplorm aiSipat & yVji$on

Of BUStfttnlWgt vnvn app , the character of an e»-

^cjanMmitj ■ ia.flUmrTivniB ^=aai1 ^ShwunSaonWd# tjpS'testimPny elicit­

ed ;on the Stdkek t&al yesterday, it wo^ld seemt&dFKo defence will elatuf that Fisk’&Nv0tmd& Were uotneccssari- .ljM atah ' . -" . • . ■ • ■ ,J

. -L^he Pos|; thinks the Orangemen should .he,, aUowed to parade this year a iil defended if a^ssA ry, JhfiMy to. show the (Jatjiolics thfit theyfcari’t die-

,~t or ittah not he done in:

t»fee,eaBctat>itlieshall , , ._ _ ___ . , ( .

othei wise so' p fo n a n l j f lv *aftQ 1 <-ti*4lW

the meeting. Ju ly 2/1872.■> I <•»


we received a latjije nmpunt of telegraph dispatches, some of

twaddle. Some of opr reader ‘aip doii^tle^ intervested* dn r?vhat |h^Koch- «J U dJhion ^thinks abduf Greeley’s

we confess we are not, apd

tatp wlmtw York; /after ithis year the Post

tfij Uks these parades should t&aSG.—Chief' Engineer Roehling, esti-

hn tea the entire cost of the ®ast River Bl idge at $5i7t»00,000. This is . som e#3,5<»,:0d(|;i4etfii thftn the itfmt estunate.

—The . tiejw Saratoga 'hotel—the GJ and Cetttr^I^will he ppen ed on the 10 thinstant. ' _J :' —The Cheyennes and Elio was,1, ■ are m macing the Korthern Paei^C raihfoad.

rions trpufe^ is apprehend,. ,•The inteh le heat hi KeW-^orl and

Brooklyn has sent the • price of ice up considerably. - M uch Ert-owling isgrow ling

!e consequence. Light weight is also charged as one of the besetting sins ofthe ice dealers. We ,know that isn’ttune of trar ipe dealers.

—Prostration by sun-strofco is af coooa- on occurrence all over the eoUntry

medium.’ Our business how- ^ f® W print these ^^patclfes

are sent us, | without, alteration |su |y ifssig», *us ;d» tim

c^i‘the public read what jcobies over tlm wires. This page, our I editorial imon c

:o le , we propose to conduct So that it < ‘heated term” is of wider extent sm ll express our own SenfimeMs. We an<i moj e excessively “heatedn th fn for ‘■ S ' lh r ^ h ^ l p»ge%o- # % a p # our | several, years past. .People cannht be fMirffr'to local matters and in these, wo ^ p careful fhpse days as-itoiheii-hahlte.

* •» ahn t\_be severely impartialj Keep- glass of icie-water impnidfflitly taW $ P V * F !f t^ r‘? mes| I f e*T°.s t''4 7 ■— “— L*:------------—

I al .ent Greeley man in the eoo$itry will not be stai*tled, at the outside pages1 of’ till & ii}®anl Say W Im^lpot, as I lie chooses, encounter opposition by^jid;b% ^ie.l3la4c|eAfCl h^ l^ h s f 0 , ! between

XSEtt Seeretarjf} ~

mar t h ® , ^ tmh «^ a meeting Oflthfi

Ic^f bofii Teet. or^been nermanent-* $9n * rceignhtllw

rie J M ilm y C o ^m » r .

« W l S l aitofs o f th is com*

M f c l

sioh )f thirty-ohe dollars and twenty^hve CQiitirper month vnnd all persona, who:mid< x lik e circum stances have ioet o®ehsh( o ta d one foot, d r bavh been to t*)lyand perm anently d isab led in tb e isapi^jor otherwise sp pisabled as to be* inca- paeiftated for p^djrjning any manuallabor, b u t n o t sp m u ch as 4o require

igmition : WlgffcOrat pasnwjow^any, tl

r s s s x

constant pereonal aid and attendance,aha] L be. entitled. _ ±o & pension o f , jtwen-ty-fi)ur dollars per- month r and nil per- soni who under like circumstances snnll

1 ijfl'is e a m this]K M ^ ;d e# i^ to> |^ ^ h ek regret attim tpr dnjMion pfi vO%*af . relations .which bfkvu sos long' and satisfactorily eiistedj and to tender to Mr. Mian:thefr thanke fpr the able: admixdstraib n of thp mmnger buaiim ^ ^ nowpany w* l© under^Ms cbs which under his management creased ta an extent almost unparallel­ed in the history of railway service inthe United jSflteSr Hespectfully yours,

1 i 'IF. IL Otis , Secretory.

have lost one hand or one foot, orbeeii totally and permanently disabled in the sainje, or otherwise so disabled as to render theirl&t&pacity to perform man­ual) labor, equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, shall be entitled to a penjBion of eighteen dollars per hrtbnth on and after the 4th day of Jnne, 1873.

JiL mm

-w -

•City of New York, lias assumed" pro­portions which dw arf all5 previous‘ i^ ''S C h is t^ £ o |^ o p rr-counii,y ,,there is som ething in these iinnn|ise sM a ^ donvilsiohs d o .ia^h«)Wic judi-

■ eious men ponder. An "organized dis- t' affection tjrnt can, in the space of a jfew

' ^ |^S3?s-,! mitffbler lixijy IhPulknlt lU'ehiin itsu o t a r |p c e |a c l | to, c h ee^ th uieace and gooll ’M d #.iT h iac,

betw een , Lajhof ,and Capital is'one of the crying oyils

qr M .peaceconstant antagonism

k en ; a little over exertion; .careless ex­posure for a lpng time to* the burnings t t u a n d th^n yoftr M / , “dead for aclucat!” 7

thousand persons. wftness-the r^ees at Ldjb ;-. Branch, .j^sfcqr-’

daV- ' • .• ....v; -—An inceij.di.ary tire ’has eohsiilned adonsiderdble portdcm ol^ Wellsviiile, N. Y. That town seem slo Tie -pfuflcuhwr ly unfortunate- Beechef of the .'“ Free P ress,” lost barq. . fig{it,t idisan etlitov to jluiYf1 a ‘ . *

:\djutarJt General TownseHa- ’tcle- fo Gen. Augur in reference to

the tru th of the report from GaLyc^ston, ^une lDth, to the eftect that Gfchi Sl<?~ Keiizie,\Lieut. and e\gh$ menhad heen^surprised and killed by tl|c l |td ia m |n(V,-vno^yc<l-£ |im- following .

pentaonncjf the-peoplev- I t is compara- jtire^ dC feh® t-orig |iy in th is country,,

bu t W r ’ 1


reply : J . s'1, ih-i i! J i

dwealth and rapidly multipljjingiuhi

feasible m ode o i ad ju stm en t

S W R Ci th a t b o th parties m ay speedily be

| j e w * f W r S W l e d l r t i e LnJtlie* E rection of concord and h^rmdi i wbpuf that l i^ ^ e e b ly breaks in u

m mv- - ■h i

perm anen t .oa it abtdl. be. benefie|inl

I in summer time? .are m

What do Wisconsin Indians knoW of, endurinee compared witii our It

it only musi^ 0 9 0

of a rawMdOr^ -AxidU to think, of ihevo hboiigfnes being * even mearajj|bl

J troubled- byskn ^ v about trouble, trial and im aosx-

dear r d le r ,our dywn street editor has- ex^sap ified

his jrays and vegetation lfiu^is iilJ

Cflnsn it Ignot BesemSerTwSmilli&i«r

11 s .\» A^tosio; duly) 1.Ginerhl'Tmrnsend: Not

ohe Word1 bt] truth in it . Ytq^enziewas at F ort‘Griffin and well .£>el the 2Qth of June, and wM start bn the &2d. . ' | U f , Gek. Auofe. ,

He monihly public debt state-efit, July 1st, shows a reelue*

tlOn fVT$& flPPh,^vOf|#Une of ^3,03^' r086»!^AryVtty.Igq9d;v»§hofW|«g1 iand one which * with men of sense)

W 8 h^ i t g i ^ i i ^ p o t s , who

are-.Tpts 0 CrM:?** j*..

IjXTBBSAii S)TAMI* T aXBS REMOVED.On, and after tjie first of October next, the) internal rejvenue stamp tax, impos­ed b y existing) law s upon th e fo llow inginstruments, abolished by the ayt which passed Congress at the tote sea*slo(n:

Affidavit 8. All agreements or con­tracts, or rene wals of the same. Ap- praisements o:: value ox damage, or for any other pur )ose. Assignments, o]Ta lease, morfga< ;e, policy ■ of insurance,ort anything e m BiUe of exchange, foreign, inland, letters of credit, or anything of that kind now taxed by/:stamps. Bills of lading,, and receiptsin the United) States or anywhere else.Bill’s of sale, of any kind. Bonds of idbmnificatioi t, of any k iud . Bond ad- mfinistrator o- guardian, or anything that hi|S the ianje of bond in jt, .andnow taXgcl b y ' stamp, Broker’s notes.Cei|ti|iCate'S of measurement o f anything.Ceitificates'p1’stock, profits,, d^piiage,,dqjo^it, or a iy otlujr km d of certificate nbw faxed )>j sf!pT)|)... Charter, or its renewal or a chnrt<p'-paify'$f any}‘kim l.Conveyance, any part of the work ofconveying. Inaorsetri&i|rt Y>f any' n e -j\7 lf’ dtiableW rion-negotiat>le ’ ifistrnineut, [,A

n fiy for consumption^ warehousing, j . - a ^ R m ) $ p uj£tA jy r^ . ur withdmw^b—Gaugnr s rctums.. LUt ' , , . . .sflinmcAp^di€8*!ti9»trfqts, tickets, re-1

• newalrfT etL, (life, marine islah-d and fireh, Len|e j-A lf pirougli tlie lea SO fist ip aboiislied.: Legal docu.mOftt rrvWHt'

,Cfc. other processes, confession of. judg-' jpnut,-cognovit, .appeals,s warrants, let-

-J .L—. ... ^ i. moqre.

4«.y k in d . Poysagfi ticfcei, to any p a r t ! a /-< a* a A q i i r u v c n ,vt i Of the world. B o n e r s checks. Bow-1 JT H A C A &- ATHkNfe lit°f ^ttorndy for irnj. nurposo. _ Pro- I TickitsWyyps Road.for thebate -^f w ill p i a% Prom issory ' m i i « l S a A u i n iT iE iA tinote/for Protest of *<>k ind . Quitfclaim deed. Receipt; now I win be Ihr fl2,50 the roahd trip—good for Jaly generally exempt, and if included m »4#iaottfe»»^gj|fUlte^ftPWSto-J^4Stu re-1 B#e&»t I t o jrsn y .c a se , s r i l l ^ oxjmpt t”^-T lcSt#S'tg:i,«W(Hit tbc De

• 1 * 0 .EtEATH—In Brooklyn, Ju*« s». Franci* Arthar,

only child of WUbat F. and XnuooT. Heath,

COBPIHOTGIG-Ia Coddlngtoa Mttiement, of


4 i h d r J U L Y .Regular tor toe j to

fOWXIDX AMDEITCIM, ?A1B................ |l,gand HBnmilr, xak*.............. $1,70

TKTKAT8 GOOD FOB THE DAT,Twdn leave Ith ica it ...... tv-15, »■ a*.Returning—beftVe* Athens *t..............5:40, p. m.

*• i n h * (L.V. Train)2:45 «« TottofifiA....... 4/..4.-W, “

dlolySto ■ *


D R . F . H O W E u u s r o f i s T ,

Mo. 4 1 E a s t S ta te S treet,• .1 >* -

Is up with the times in ALL the improvementseither in mechanical or operative dentistry.

IP u r e N it r o u s ’ Q ^ id e G a s

Constantly oA haM for aUfestlietiC purposes. , f Ithaca. N. Y.; July le i iSf* ' ■ ' -ditvtfiljul/

it ■ » 1 . • • "*


tm n + m m m m *)m « # i‘ m * I :!-:-'I



Y I^ T O E IA & B IS H O P

of in j’

w in s * '^Sb

*Less thaifPSputar Prices,

M a t - o .

No. 53 EAST SnflEETU iy e w ta b rl.



snccesi Is oil ‘Family’ ivant

.torti astroxis 5


r sMof to6 “Singei im




r of their an to allfeatu res|emas8-chance


chineous Sevr-

liavii WenwMddttftartto

r 6 « b M « o # th iF a I M .

s...c so.sss . ••

FAVORITE CIGAR,IruSitig «|M; ^ e t o t e e , ! <mc «ie &anOy. Tl*ey »re<m ip ?' *t tho Ie«il.K HonMs Wild g|Te

U n i v e i f * ! O a t i s f s c t

rA c u m wandaw m iv to fill silor4«rs. .ol any ttnd, of

quAlltylof t *

o x a 4 * n i * /Our place of hnstnesj

N o. ? Vpu# S t ^ S t r e e t , . Hhstea, N. Y,

ioeiyewr ih»v -j.J t t i

THE sing:Wheeler A Qjxfret ^Sttotr.W68tlB; |f. Cq.m ...;i

s ‘S^o**V“ ’■ w M '* ’” '. B . H . & O . » . * . C o .. . . / * p M “

v*— ; *JU fc E S | t

ft 1 * -e*;i \f n t-» N i . .TWfw

I f B B G I O• t -

. •>IV

. ;A t

p A » R tfotty, Voratei, Gl*sl,&0.,it ' M O f t R I S O M ' S M f tN r to iT , MAisri>svipLB’s . • 1- v * ..... ;■ •



.:lt'f )

*>I '1

;/ ! r - *t - - 4. , d ■ ; t l / r ■ t

.:i • T0 g-o-yi...I .ae.r-'f.;: •

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ui>nzc?.:t> a:?fit .>■>. 'rth\ A *1 . i.


»*!B U G Gr AT

id iH k 'A p

ForBflleVERY CflBAP'.N

duge^Tedeijlt. ;Wd¥rti rlPunT,'

«M^ry Chab#«feMey, dattglMfer of Jate Jadge+S^muel Chase, ot Mkry-

nde, hex

mmdied im lYgfhinbton yesterday Di her eighty-eighth y#K Ifijrs. Barney jwkfi

. - " ! ’ - -- JSg@L

M fp n to b ram ivh o js not on lym ust niter

itltoffney .eiffifier’s rltVirU1. ‘ 'o f nUk ehKi’r^cfeh.: " ' ~ *

* ^ i& g d lT h e tftV1 ’6f ofi

e r i^ 'xefSrii'; ‘• Trusf de^d. . Tare- . P^Tllip?, ^ . T | 0ast^S|e

tf».i t . j : Ibi- Is nr » '*.».


1 j»eaGe w iiL lh e wovld and ill©

onethe s&gn-v

Ipendence.gton, ropre-

thq JjJf .t wfrf

sBxientosdpf wtkiiimvitetkf!* ■ ®r

w” fL mum--. ., —Serious political sy$n|t.c»pj3 indi-■cate- to. thfi-knoking o.uea tkatj a fialibnet • l i f t

V »»°fT®artiri.-SRfi!hM

SJ: , ;ted *qu^||ji4pward‘^ phew of his uncle.” .;

if* —- «• «■ — ;f 4h^


Grade Greenwood Tseadfi the fob, qWxng graj^oiul £ai*0\vell to tllO Alfif,)

« t i b a l i i bright[San. Francisco—

!Ht be forever,” ' t\like to think so—-I ,bgg|

tp{to,mj: Ihfouglr? yonru^dttpms a fe y ^ordxuo^ tiffeutjon.ik|p.1(hirewf^l f a ^ many friends w h ese^ n ^ -o f# kit^ihess has made; bay prolonged stay ott thisd60ftj allhoSt a continual delight, * Mydepamfhe^ fhongti' d e l h y e d ’beyq^M. igy t^Gon, is fiUallv so mir-

m wDay* Adic^pvmj h9Cson. j ,1 hs,yq received

^ r e fn iS ^ ftlc W m e d lth a t ^ :SL

q '.-it tlsi'ty lJu-a I” ■ '

.owl l>u*>/ij ulj uotr .h«w?G ; -is« tj sl m.H j

k * ^ -d - %-tt« j f j ' u b3ula£ai.t. , T.i.i'1 i^ u u iie /u j _ *” 3

leirfdptp f iOTUfdiAfiltd 'tsfat&tHi&J -I 7«lr5*>?♦.*• r n-aU A;7 - J - j ai y i t >.

c ity , m uch occupatio n , apd some severe illness, are flle only ekedses I can. ofiEfer." Jm^ve.<!p 4l^NiHy re v iv e d all such so- ’Att^hff■oUs|,su7OhJPlm stiku4ourfesie9,, d6 ,few pressaldy n b tn fo itin g to* *s S tranger

'H s'fVAT»£ffi la u d »t AT,rt* 'flppmlv 'rpffrrf

,kahe b q lj^ lf of my heart away frdm iw q n d i^ is ,,,y q u u ^ .fr o m this

Uior vi} isdkfl&j ** noiiatw odG uto‘M. a iccojXed<tscni}inod- ifito'h'

^ W t t O A I it /<\ b tyu fo 9'fuit ihinj s t a l l.! * m|«»j 1 aV» k fStmarrmrft n v. <n ; " f ’

. . . ,i ■ rr . 5f.’ '■ ; ' >!».! A,i s'.* ». i f titil !. • l‘-

L A D / f iS '* o o•? f.»: i ’J" - . »7 r»b|faj| ■

S h & W W , iv\ * * i fd ff :ufv j.V ‘>0 •••KL-t i i|<

• b. G w t r l S .• n• ** _■ •ijiiiHii ' ■ /■

! ••- 'ftrr> '' u'”J.1 ■ , •' *i''i

■* •*!’ a»iv*d

VTii !••>.-J g l " ----Jn *,'

; t-

t P a n e y C i - o o f s , & e v & c :to


1 -

•:! M f r r i« r .R P #M A.:< a -v il A JeL

U G f N f S ,r«*rsW 0

i . i • ■

aP ,E A T R ED U C TIO N S IN; # :



I ra-j■■' r i • ' i f

~8T. B .- - G r * e B * i t to d M d 8 $ 1ri.|- ’

Every Pair VYaiTant d. _

• I . ii*.-*-| n>j. . . i r , ■, b i j_ i . , * j ' i t i n ' x t -

.AM*504t&■ jtityJ ■ >!uort

«ciJ stirn*** o] ssoi. - 'U^’) i •«,

1 aSs' • ’MUM '

h |r»if$.gat r< * , ji *•J - sa. Jax.lffh s«*i5g4 :f

a« -/q..* '%a<A p.- v.'W, *»* t p.iaid u-.ii ‘Mi (knot •‘ a i ia iu u .rk u r ; i.n Ui ■**! tt n>! irf\« hsua ,-43

jatt; •»: »i alsiiia i ■<' ars£f>( ti 1 ; j n .d T f v ? } r-jrtn) phsl Pism) vieniismin

T » tJ l .1 r i ' r j f i f S f t - i f A . ' ^ V O T U S tl IJ'S i

V1‘I -' c | - •: Y ’• ‘ ' .v- v>.riUd. *'d«L- ■■■]

!>• 1 r<> ' '>•% fc w

Jbtu ill 6.:sij t■y'akiti 1 J i u~ t

' . ’■'

W J^<4 eiiSttUe X > © a le r s ^

T g tw c w tS r n mi . j

__ ffp tyd