mmshmooaw mtsskfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad...

'jfHaf^mitm •:?•' >£«2«i«y«0 •*sr* - ' ' < * MMSHMooaw • -,?lpl.fff'" mtssKfi J0 tOJL XXVOI prifpOrAl. BAZAAR MANASSAS, VIRGINIA. FRIDAY, NOVBBtBER 24, 1922 11^ A YEAR IN ADVAMCH /r AJUr an^fcMM of CMK fonr 7««>«W^ Mn, & L. Bi^uit pas«|«f||Wtt7 s«af «fk her h(M^ (» Ce«|N atrMt 4m ^ y n d a y aMriKKHi. M9VM»ber 2S. In the d«n%pf Mrm. Irrmt U»rm •M l«esM M i h ^ of iMraUMt nM> of Triaitr Choicfjiifi Md tiMir o« MiUJfcg, DaeembT 4, the Mir fkriah h«U chardfa. $ the aaWNBcy of the wml» wertmi on lik««Ma«M»* c^ be gttMfeldte)>7 thoM fcoBi different i>art« " t J ^ , ^ ^ ty wh^; while atteadii^ M^^'lill^- oMh y«iur at the buaai!?^|it»eU aa tboee iV'tVwn. .f^A't key, ^vgetaUea. picklM. jdly, hot bMad, coffee, ete^ thwc will be on aala fancy artieiea, ham^-mtAr eandiea, cakes and pies. Doat forget the time, Monday, De- eeoi^r 4; Wvtb^ vi»mt oo dinrch M^Mt, one S^IM* PeoiiM N ^ n i d Bank. ' KntHENCOmEST DRAWS TO CLOSE PfauM M Poet far Cirtwrt—1« U^ MBfatPkak •• FfMajr, DaoMBbcr U. t who WM Miss LOUaa bor« i* ntnqaisr 1879. ffltr aurrbwe to Mr. B. L. Bryant, M ijft-ff'-. took place in Washin«r- Wv)ast thir^-oae yean Ago this '•^iKmKk. To this imiati were bom Igor 4ttl^ai, Mrs. N. H. CMe aw]^. ftr^-" Bzyant, of Washingt^ an4 ih^j^ and lilUan Bryant ^'4Mi^ 1^^ who snrTiv4 h^ flh» also fcaijLU one sister and fonr brothers, HVia M. C. WUte, Messrs. Siehard. 4 t l d e k and John Wfllingham, of Fan- a. danshter on Monday flfiief county uOCVx. IXsOm-VBaU^ yimth^SL^ I^U^of Washington, D. C. I t woold b«t>^«perflaou t«u 1^ jaaerits DT on« .whfl^^ras t»u»u and who tttf a# 4 tt« eonalHButy as % ^ Mzm. iirt»iriiUe tt* deTotwiii«f her 4^e(i«ai the'itoder lovetfpd tashaad dOiSnc her HHK (Miss LiUiaa V. GUbert, Coan^ DsBMiastratioa Afent) As the days co by tha tune of the closing (rf the contest draws neanr . It ii beat net to pot off ipythinc «rffi the laat nioment. Utkmg 4a0y for svircstions and that ^aaa may be printed in the connty papan •• thnt all a get b^efits tnm same. Iliose y»h» take the PregMHiw Farmar or gnad House Keeping will find splsadM suggestions. In fact, nearly pobUsbed g i n s along this line at th» present tiaa. . If nothing h^peas to prevent. Mm. Davis wiQ retom to the county in time to st«ct her second visit'Mon4ny, JQecemMiF the IL Plans are on foot ftPT A K«t-to-gether of all the women —Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Irria F)K|vf]^tte contest, for a little picnic, etc, Friday, December 16. W6men aaa expect iMiag tliur hasbaads to this meeting, h, is urged that CODIfrYFARH BOREAUIffiglS OSewa Ebrtei, GMMiyttMs A»- iNi OUMT Spadid WABUNTOirS MXW UKRAMl Fayaa, «i Osaatai by iekn D. C i*-^.*«fice<"»-*»«»' y»>>!P»T' —^The town coocQ wU apMrnlar |)ll|goa on Monday |^enibfe27, at the town pmtaat meeting Coonty Cow wfU be hM OB i|iiij^|i ml 11- [i f6|1h« plaec/VMi ii' lia hiazfa «f httJmfta^.-^ <ilaii1ij afternoon at the i t K. <^4«-b, Sonth. at gdO p. au, MlawMl Btiathe ^f^msBsi INYITHP TO recent o y ^ ^ f x ^ j i _.. _ bytheLaifrAM CUfton Bagrtist Camrch^aoie tl Clifton Baptiat Cterehl|6«.M waa cleared, r- » ^ ^.< '•^. ,^' . a dance in Conna^ hall, on Friday fai A^ kalian Acivs #i •T^M^P^j CUta every woman i^aa her work so she and her hnsband can attenA thk •MetiBg. - It is also orgad that no one get discouraged and giva ^ the work; if yoa caaaot get «I1 done tiiat is plamed. be snaa and do the beat yoa caa. We want Piteee William to be the 100% eeonty in the state; Lefs aB try to riinwiTiW that avary housekeeper has her trooblas aad Uttla wacrica, aad tiiat SMiebody may, eaan have Inst a few more little tnMta theln- ies of good fvmiag in Prince Catbarpin, h<r|p ren[(ied.n>9B|B at the ^ farmera ar^ in^ oirefnlly selected -dttted aeed bed ttiat 'is jmog -*•?•* ^ '«> Piactiee tfcoM^tK litli«K'«ar »tf ffpwitig cntps. rd. Use a syatwrtatir tfeladia^* winter eover crop. "^-ib. iUMalcaM. MMr «f the »oU by tha=«e «*>i|^ «|MB» maaow ^fSd fiiiW^iWy «j4»-Apply linie in ^"^ 4ia aatda of tiiB soil. .7. <avc paq#ar,apnas>to eattl«««e« ka4-inB B^iva to —^There is a^dBoveoyBt on foot to t;: c the latter and properiy stored-, ^ff^*"^ «>' ^Ivin ^^^^p^^^^^^TT^ Mej^dJtti, 4ron^^ Wi^kprisoamcBt^fe* life. Soaday School tliers will bra^Tlwaka- la. m.Klfte Dat'aAlk* •"V s e e 4 | | M ^ the proper ^ M . fifa ;•. Uae crops *hd five oiritat to local conditiMa. :^0w Aa tmt- M^ i | i i ^ ^ feed *mm ^'the farm,' •U. Practaa ^tt;' A«eo««llSa4 Mia ««lfc'4/tf lay hy asmg m«a hmapawar and ipjijiimrl im^emeata. ^ndact ia order to knaw from iMch UM atia or leas ariaaa. > ^14. Organise far ee opataUfByg i-Ur. aad M n . Thomas^l^ U9I.' wlw haje besti oee^yiag the jtivar- i^Tof link iMfetd axaM,^B SaiD' vicwvavcBo^ win move to aa s^art- ^4^ ^IfSf ^9enri|» tafldhlg^ C«H ' -A BKAL BPiaOOPAU«^ ,. ^ Tlmt aniasals of tha lower Ipag- 4«ii'may h«i« lifciedaaiy cottriefiaaa has been paovad in the ease o< "Sam" an -Kagiish* • m »r hwlyigiic to Xr- B. S. Hyaaon, ttaa towa, who declares that "Sam" is a real Bpiseopajiao. Aacoading to lus master^ this inteOf- (Mit eaaine oa Saaday atomings h«Bia» to hoiri sMat pitaansiy when «ahaD o<tha CatheUc. Fiaahftwiaa isatsr>lnly ->3 i«, hat at the irst ddme o« the haBo< Trinity at —While 'kanhall, N.<X, Wst^TMh. Mr. H S . Wallii, brother of Mr. John W. Wal Ma oC this town, was aceidently shot the !ef and very seriously Mr. WaSin haa Imtt ratanad hia haother'a t i ^ i a . v h K * ha called imaecAataiy after the la iah. The eooaty be «r t»daera with aannal shorts, bat if yasaaadhv die wiU try hard to te9*a, er wOl ha g^adte t«lk 'ovw the pheae or writa^ Some time aga it waa pnaniaed tlait Ihft- of pnaea waald he (By H. W. Sanders) At the meeting of the Prince Wil- Jam'Couaty Farm BwMW, whUih waa held in the eanrthuHse last Friday, the following oflkers wwe elected for the ir: W. F. Lloyd, Nokee. preaklBiA; Bailey T>lsr, Hay- market, viea-presidwt; J. C. Parrish, Manassas, toeasarer. The beard at dixactMS. whapoasd *€ the Aainaan ttt the comfiaitity farm bareaoa, M. Saeae, Bolfk Bobertson, W. M. John- am aad K. A. Hast The presideat, ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasorer tif alaa mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting aC the board of diMctofa waa held ta formulate plans* ihr the epaiatiea «f the atgairisstiea. The MIowiag committees ware appointed to make a snrvey of the eoaditioni ex- isting in the conat7 aritfa r e j e c t to varioaa phaan of agrfenltare aad sng- geat a plan arhoahr the Farm Bareaa may davdep these importaat fiel^^ Beef cattla^R. A. Boat and BeUm Baheitaaa; dairy cattle, M. Saese aad W. M. Jbfaaaen; paolt^, W. T. Uoyd; graaa aad grain, BUa Brathen and Otis Latham; sheep; A. W.'AmpUrt^ horses, C C WiBwirsen; hoga, Chas. aad Hataaea Bobartsen; C K. Hadlonald aad L. L^ I^na; timber, J. W. Leedy; fndt, J. H. Dodge aad C. ft. C. Jofaaaon; ada- eation. Miaa L. T. GO^rt, W. h. Bronnnng aaa K.^a* Saadon* The Beat Airthn of the board of wa ha hold at tta aaaitr whkh tiaw a dsCrfto pcagram oC wiB ha adiq*Bd aad a iha poaitioa; af manager We anderstand that Warrsnton is ihortiy to have a handsoB»e new library, money for the erectton of wtiich has been donated by Mr. John Barton Fayae. of Washington, D. C. Mr. Pajna, who waa Secretary of the latarior ia President WUsoa's Cabiaet aad is at frmeat the pteai- dant of tiie Sad Qroea, has spent a great part of his life in Warrenton, and feeling a deep iateiaet ia the town of his adoption haa daCMad that be prefers to see this baOdiBg araetad tering his life, rather tima te leava the auMiey to be need far this par- poae after his death. Mr. H. A. Hairia, of WarraatoB. has been givaa the ceotraet for the baildiaf, which win be a madam dlenial firajweef aUwetma eoatiag ahaot $2g,000. the site dmaaa haiag on 4* town sqnara. DISASntOUS FIRE AT FROWBOYAL DyMUBlte Used kgr F i n a c a As X^ast Bcaort to Check the Spreai 9I ls|£. Tluati buiim ail range with ' Sad. Sevontedi-qnart a 1 a m i a a m ateam pieasma eookar aad ranmr- 3id. Number M kitcbaa canac 4tlL Foldiiig stop ladder. ^(h. J«AIMOB'S' iloor fclmkmi*Kmik aad cut poliahiag wax. , 0th. Ahnaiwn^ eaka sridde. "TthBox aC « U ^ i^aaa \i^aa K^Z ^eal qaart jaxar ^^41|xt^9#iat Jt.ttf; PceshyinN: ^ Mk Baa irf a « t e ^ a s s AMaa S-Z —Adfpcc win be ghwa in lijjfalmrg aB;Vfaesd9 fdr'^ hendn "^^J&'SSiS: by wlu4i tlm eeatB will be asked. w M be fip^iMM^ fi^ Am. ~'~'"*^' i-M'^Mi Seal piat jaia. : 9th. Batty Bfaw ^ v n aad «a9b also paiat brash aad can of paiBL lOth. Bet^ Blae apron «ad e«^ alai paiat^bnish aad caa af p^k. ThMe priaea win ha awaadad to the ^riaaeis by Mrs. Maay Meara Davis, aar state agoat. on the day afthaast- PKBACanNG AT U B T O W Special Made Arraagei far givbig Day. —Mr. 1L N. Mexchant. focaMriy of Manaasas, who is now livmg in Batti- more, safjared painfhi bat not sari Ma ridiw ia a}, at Piadiee track, BaM- Mr. Metdmat^-awoBt * i a n e i tmtle" oarer oaa of A s joava. Ia Ua Jiang carver as a harMWiaw Mr. Mot^aat haa aufffcad soaw asriena spills, hot he does not let sneh flavor-. ieaeea keep him from the tarl DIXIE TBEAIliE at l:aO a ' d o ^ Oyrtsra iriB AB araaanhaSy laritai. —Mrs. F. E. Saff^ aad dan^itar. Miss Nmnne, were e^Ilsd to ^ashlaa- tan aa Satarday.ioa aeaooM of thaf ObeastffWK W. W. ChOte, a dan^i- ter of Mrs. Saffer, who was op«ated oai, fisr spp^ndidti* «t SSitay boapataL —*nere wOl be a c»Oed e< the gaaiantorp of tha Ghaftaaqaa at tta oOea ef Mr. C ^. Meetse, oa Moaday evoi^a^ Novem- ber £9; at 7 o^dHk. Atttt" tab —Friday night being the birthday anniversary of Mra. Maiviu Bimpaoa, a namber of her fHsads Wft at h « home ia honor of th gave har a snpriS party. A falavcBiag waa spaat at tha c«Ma of vriueh refresluaeata, eaaaiatiag af ice j ^ cake, were aervad. ~£Mzf. Deufr^'M Jann^, tf Ooao- qaaa, mOertaioed at a he^Btifal nncheoB Wedneaday of Uiis week. 'Jer fourteer ruest* were from Wash- ngtoa. Manassas, Woodbrid^ sn(' leyl llM afteraeoa waa apeat ir jndcCe ^MmSSTDTG msnWKIAL PACT A historical diaeavacy haa reeentiy bean lavaaled, wUdiJa yat aaathar proof of the carefnlneM aad thoroagh- af Coaeral WaahiBgtna ia aB ha Bii^liiiilr R ia a fMt oa raaarvayof iTi—iPtr af lead lathe Worthaia WeA. <he arty of Load I h k f l o , eavvrad timt he had of aeveral faafe vayad the ayaar of are iacreaaiagly pooler tha Wartara Btatoa, aad are heiag aeed ia large naaatillw. partiealarty ia BMde yaaterday by K. A. Wal- OH, general acoat af the Wahaab Railway systeaa, wWh a Philadelphia, wiia, ia ritt Gaerga W. Toaac. raight npiaaontatloa of ^•oaont iadieataens pointed to a eon laed developoieDt in their faosi ss with RiehBMod awBafoclurerr Freight eongeetion in the Middle eat ia retardmg the movca»ent c tfftc ta Boaw ezteal. Mr. Wslto «laired, hot, generally ipeakiBg afAe conditions are im proving. SATUBDAT. NOVBOBl H JAMB NATAK ..Di.. •HxiLLBaBM arras raoor A atory of the giaat aarOai v^orts say ne* CMi.' Om'* it. Matiaae, Se-t«e; a t a K Uc ne. Aka Fktta N< (Contributed) Snaday, bting tiM fourth ftmday In the moB^ is the regular prerariiing day at Brtotow. Some special waafc for Thaakagiving ia boiaff arraagad, and H ia hoped that thm wiU be a gead sorviea. A a r a was a gaod tarn oat for Sunday Sdmol bat Saaday, yat a anmber warn ahaoat Thoae wha present iriaaad the abeiul onoa, aa be sura to he piiasat Soaiay, Novr amber 2C Th4 little fdlowa are now caioyiag the Uttie dwira that wa have bean taBdng ahoot for Maayaf AaHtttairiha Wa'hMra^ A fire which threatened to destrt^r the Mitire eastern section of F^oat Boyal, broke oat ia timt town aa Tnasday morning aad ragad ftuloadlr BBtil lata in the aftiemaoa. In erdw to control the BaaHa aai prevent further destmetkm the B>a- msn found it neeessaiy as a laat aa- 8«t to dynamite the baiMiag oe(»- pied by the Coco CMa Goa^aay ea Mate street, the loss of aHkieh waa estimated at fttS/MO. Fire was Urst diaeovsrad aboat M a. m. in a flowteg mUl on Main street. It si^ead so rapi^ ttat auay an- ployeee narrowly escaped being Ump- ped on the upper floors. Owing to the limited supply of water aad the hi«^ winda, the fira- aMU of tlie town foaad themselves an> sble to subdoe the flames withoat assistanee. ' Fire companies froM Wfaieheatar, Strasbiug and other «ir- roandiag towns, lasrniag of the sit- aatien. haateaed reader aid. which proved BMwt vahwUe. aa did the sto- deats of Baadtdpli-Maeen Acadeaty, who ittgeaiodtiy daanned vp Ba^ff Creek, a atream aboot a aula the town, frma whit^ an sup^ of water waa ahtainad hf means of hoae linoa. Thoee anfforing tha grsatcat loan fkam tha llaaMa .are: Tha MBla. a IBL Up«ka, Gaea Gala hefldiag, G. BL g—W The daaa wants to wia tha hatkagaia. MottMB aad l a t e i a y«« caa h e ^ thooL Sdmaa^bor, Schod at 2 ^ p. m. to evorybody is iavifeed, paaeehiag viee win fUlaw. cmavAMf ^WWDAT. NOVHMm 9 BBT LTTBU. ..IS.. •THB MAN wmar Oaa of L»taBlB boat statt ta TOMDAT. ..m.. FoujuiMMTH Lovar* aa M a actaaa; doat ad^a it. tpUBBDAT, wa OWBf MOO^ ..w.. - B l P O « B > MISSING" The high Uchta of the pietare aia a raea butauoa a hydropUae aad a hidisaoreplaaw, a shjpwiaA. a aad tamUa AgM ia the vOfaa's a series af coeiedy scenes made 0^ as Howy Idiiman. maiTir nf iaaiti ,ar, kaowa haw ta make thca^ aad the jawas wara hy te stataaa«ae IQta S»m aad tha JKiii Uhe Tha 'SaiadlBiH Auiea'* la the lataat th&g to t ^ Paria by* storm. The aew m a Hon is daarod ta my tiam. Partasia datch advaaee witii a variatioB of the fox trot step, at the the aiBM ftewaid aad hade aatdy so as to giva a cfaeaiar aw- tian to tits shealdeia. The 4aaea ia vary graiafhl aad tlw oxperts «^ have seoa it daiia that it is the flrat raaBy aew tUag m daadag siaea tha iavoatiaa of tl» oBortop. Dr. Leaaid, a PhiJa phy- m half hoar twiee daOy ^ taaaarathor Waa: Aceordiag ta xoporta a Uadc bear was seoa oa dm read hotwaea Cea- tonrfllaaad Stoaa Hooaa tha flrat of tha weak. A ta tha read iafNataf hit ttat ha waa aUe ta laeacaiaa at I ^ t ^ LMa rSIDAT, PAUUHM TWO KINDS OF WCNfBT Qaeaa of the cattle taaga aad Bm >reas of the baUreom—Paaliae Fred «ick ia n<wa Kiads af WooMa." i jai-wastara; doat mias it; oaa yo ta enjoy. Admissiaa, Me-£: 8ATUBDAT. DI TOM MIX .IS.. TOK UG 8TAKBB* The Bfe atory of Haary Ford, repatad ta be the richeat maa in the wwld, wzittaa hy tis paater, Dr. S. S. Mamoia, hogias hi the Maga- siaa of The Waahiagtoa Star, 8a day. NMesAar SO. TUa ia oaa of tha big aiiii|it»>t foataroa of tta year, win appear awJualvaly m Tha Ordv year eepy fNas aOTa- from tUa lite of : • a d a ik^ Hawa, the mother of DL Bawa. pahx^al of dm b t e a t r i ^ SehadI, OB famt Friday ava- BiBC, iiaiiirnn from us saothrr of dwsa woBMB wlmae life waa a aslila eaamideof ^ristiaa chazaetor aaaoag greater part of her Hfe in Faaqoiar aooaty, altteogh vAca a littla sid<sha was foe aeveral years a hired aervaat in tha fsady of a Kc WaadaacA «< ttuatoam. She was horn ia the year 18S7 aa a alave. aad of alave pareataga. aad ra- a bead aervaat aatO lOMaated with the etiwr ttoosaada of har zaea at the daaa of d>e CMl War. waa twiee aianiad. aad bom I to each hashaad. ne sldoat soa. Georga L. Tayier. aad tim yeaaa- Edward D. Howe. She Bved a pleia, siaiple Ufe, the mother and m»- txoa of her hoaie; faithfal aad trae ta every traat eenildad to her kaopuw aa mather' aad wife. She became a widow ^ o e dm d a i ^ of the lata Baa. Joaea D. Howe, Jidy 17. 1*11. aa< oiace then haa lived wMi har aoa Bd- She was CUB vet ted aad joiaad dm "Hearts DeligU Baptist Oraieh,'* near her home, Sowago, Vfargiaia, hk the year 1871. aad for the xeaMining fifty-oae yaara of her life, held eoa- aioinlmohip in the charek a advaaee oC age, tha loaa yaara of haids^ aad aeivitade, a health enae npae hat, aad shel a hoiploaa iavalid yeaca of her iifa. hat ah« faidtaor hope ia God, ia sha had eoauaitted her heiag years ago. Ia departing thia life l a ^ Friday av«aii«, Novondior 17, ISB, ia the eight^-llfth year of her agow she leavoa to mooon their loas, oae sister, twa sens. < aad devea BMay frieadi to revere har 1 9M waa hsoiiad Moaday. No 20, U B , ia the famSy timiOny at Va., foDawtac a baaalifal IN MMMOBIAM Taihana Priaua. area at Greeawidi. Va.^ hi 1860. hahig alavaa; she wa aad sf rayaJ hiood. Tied in Shiloh Chaiili C, Jaae «, 1877. A lavi^. twe soaa aad three laaghteta: warthram ftiaua, of Philadelphia; Mza. Mary B. Seipio, Nmaarty vt New Toric; Mrs. Boheit iTheeior Stephen, of Brooklyn; Mr laorge A. Primal of the Navy aad Mrs! Bobert Gordaa, of Washington ~). C. She is also sarvived by aim rrandehildron. three brothers, oar ister and a boat of relativaa aad riedda. * Ltfa'b hter done, aa aiaks ths day. L & t fraai ila lead dm apirit ftiaa. While say, —Rev. Weetwood Hatdiisoa retoraed from Newport News, he attended a meetm? of the Bapdst General Assembly, which that dty November 14—17. Asaaciatioa piS meat la aaxt year.. ^ri'^j^ii^

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Page 1: MMSHMooaw mtssKfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasore tif alar a mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting


•:?•' > £ « 2 « i « y « 0 •*sr* - ' ' < * •


• -,?lpl.fff'"

mtssKfi J0 tOJL XXVOI

prifpOrAl. BAZAAR



AJUr an^fcMM of CMK fonr 7««>«W Mn, & L. Bi^uit pas«|«f||Wtt7 s « a f «fk her h(M^ (» Ce«|N atrMt 4m ^ y n d a y aMriKKHi. M9VM»ber 2S.

In the d«n%pf Mrm. Irrmt U»rm •M l«esM Mih^ of iMraUMt nM>

of Triaitr Choicfjiifi M d tiMir o« MiUJfcg, DaeembT 4, the Mir fkriah h«U chardfa. $

the aaWNBcy of the wml» wertmi on lik««Ma«M»* c ^ be gttMfeld te )>7 thoM fcoBi different i>art« " t J ^ , ^ ^ ty wh^; while atteadii^ M^^'lill^-

oMh y«iur at the buaai!?^|it»eU aa tboee iV'tVwn. .f^A't

key, ^vgetaUea. picklM. jdly, hot bMad, coffee, ete^ thwc will be on aala fancy artieiea, ham^-mtAr eandiea, cakes and pies.

Doat forget the time, Monday, De-eeoi^r 4; Wvtb^ vi»mt oo dinrch M^Mt, one S^IM* PeoiiM N ^ n i d Bank. '


PfauM M Poet far Cirtwrt—1« U MB fat Pkak • • FfMajr,

DaoMBbcr U.

t who WM Miss LOUaa bor« i* ntnqaisr 1879.

ffltr aurrbwe to Mr. B. L. Bryant, M ijft-ff'-. took place in Washin«r-W v ) a s t thir^-oae yean Ago this

'•^iKmKk. To this imiati were bom Igor 4tt l^ai , Mrs. N. H. CMe a w ] ^ . ftr^-" Bzyant, of Washingt^ an4 i h ^ j ^ and lilUan Bryant ^'4Mi^ 1^^ who snrTiv4 h ^ flh» also fcaijLU one sister and fonr brothers, HVia M. C. WUte, Messrs. Siehard. 4t ldek and John Wfllingham, of Fan- a. danshter on Monday flfiief county uOCVx. IXsOm-VBaU^ yimth^SL^ I^U^of Washington, D. C.

I t woold b«t>^«perflaou t«u 1 ^ jaaerits DT on« .whfl ^ras t»u»u and who tttf a# 4 tt« eonalHButy as %^ Mzm. iirt»iriiUe tt* deTotwiii«f her 4^e(i«ai the'itoder lovetfpd

tashaad dOiSnc her HHK (£

(Miss LiUiaa V. GUbert, Coan^ DsBMiastratioa Afent)

As the days co by tha tune of the closing (rf the contest draws neanr

. It ii beat net to pot off ipythinc «rffi the laat nioment. W«

Utkmg 4a0y for svircstions and that ^aaa may be printed in

the connty papan • • thnt all a get b^efits tnm same. Iliose y»h» take the PregMHiw Farmar or gnad House Keeping will find splsadM suggestions. In fact, nearly

pobUsbed g i n s along this line at th» present tiaa. .

If nothing h^peas to prevent. Mm. Davis wiQ retom to the county in time to st«ct her second visit'Mon4ny, JQecemMiF the IL Plans are on foot ftPT A K«t-to-gether of all the women

—Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Irria F)K|vf]^tte contest, for a little picnic, etc, Friday, December 16. W6men

aaa e x p e c t t« iMiag tliur hasbaads to this meeting, h, is urged that


OSewa Ebrtei, GMMiyttMs A»-iNi OUMT Spadid


Fayaa, «i Osaatai by iekn

D. C

i * - ^ . *« f i ce<"»-*»«» ' y»>>!P»T'

— The town coocQ wU apMrnlar |)ll|goa on Monday |^en ib fe27 , at the town

pmtaat meeting Coonty Cow

wfU be hM OB

i|iiij^|i ml 11- [i f6|1h« plaec/VMi i i ' l i a hiazfa «f httJmfta^.-^

<ilaii1ij afternoon at the i t K. <^4«-b, Sonth. at gdO p. au, MlawMl



recent o y ^ ^ f x ^ j i _ . . _ b y t h e L a i f r A M CUfton Bagrtist Camrch^aoie tl Clifton Baptiat Cterehl|6«.M waa cleared, r- » ^ ^.< '• . , ' .

a dance in Conna^ hall, on Friday

fai A^ kalian Acivs # i

•T^M^P^j CUta

every woman i^aa her work so she and her hnsband can attenA thk •MetiBg. - It is also orgad that no one get discouraged and giva ^ the work; if yoa caaaot get «I1 done tiiat is plamed. be snaa and do the beat yoa caa. We want Piteee William to be the 100% eeonty in the state; Lef s aB try to riinwiTiW that avary housekeeper has her trooblas aad Uttla wacrica, aad tiiat SMiebody may, eaan have Inst a few more little

tnMta the ln -

ies of good fvmiag in Prince Catbarpin, h<r|p ren[(ied.n>9B|B at the ^

farmera ar^ in^

oirefnlly selected

-dttted aeed bed ttiat 'is jmog • • - * • ? • * ^

'«> Piactiee tfcoM^tK litli«K'«ar »tf ffpwitig cntps.

rd. Use a syatwrtatir tfeladia^* winter eover crop. " -ib. iUMalcaM. M M r «f the »oU by tha=«e «*>i|^ «|MB» maaow fSd fiiiW^iWy «j4»-Apply linie in " 4ia aatda of tiiB soil.

.7. <avc paq#ar,apnas>to eattl«««e«

ka4-inB B iva to

— There is a^dBoveoyBt on foot to

t;: c the latter

and properiy stored-, ^ff^*"^ «>' ^Ivin ^^^^p^^^^^^TT^ Mej^dJtti, 4ron^^

Wi^kprisoamcBt^fe* life.

Soaday School tliers will bra^Tlwaka-

l a . m.Klfte Dat'aAlk*

•"V s e e 4 | | M ^ the proper ^ M .


;•. Uae crops *hd five oiritat to local conditiMa.

: 0w Aa tmt- M^ i | i i ^ ^ feed *mm ^' the farm,'

•U. Practaa

^tt;' A«eo««llSa4 M i a ««lfc'4/tf lay hy asmg m«a hmapawar and ipjijiimrl im^emeata.

^ndact ia order to knaw from iMch UM atia or leas ariaaa. >

^14. Organise far ee o p a t a U f B y g

i-Ur. aad Mn. Thomas^l^ U9I.' wlw haje besti oee^yiag the j t ivar-i Tof link iMfetd axaM,^B SaiD' vicwvavcBo^ win move to aa s^art-

^ 4 ^ ^IfSf ^9enri|» tafldhlg^ C«H

' -A BKAL BPiaOOPAU«^ ,. ^

Tlmt aniasals of tha lower Ipag-4«ii'may h«i« lifciedaaiy cottriefiaaa has been paovad in the ease o< "Sam" an -Kagiish* • m »r hwlyigiic to Xr-B. S. Hyaaon, ttaa towa, who declares that "Sam" is a real Bpiseopajiao. Aacoading to lus master^ this inteOf-(Mit eaaine oa Saaday atomings h«Bia» to hoiri sMat pitaansiy when «ahaD o<tha CatheUc. Fiaahftwiaa



i« , hat at the irst ddme o« the haBo< Trinity


—While 'kanhall, N.<X, Wst^TMh. Mr. H S . Wallii, brother of Mr. John W. Wal Ma oC this town, was aceidently shot

the !ef and very seriously Mr. WaSin haa Imtt ratanad

hia haother'a t i ^ i a . vhK* ha called imaecAataiy after the

la iah.

The eooaty be

«r t»daera with aannal shorts, bat if y a s a a a d h v die wiU try hard to

te9*a, er wOl ha g^adte t«lk 'ovw the pheae or writa^

Some time aga it waa pnaniaed tlait Ihft- of pnaea waald he

(By H. W. Sanders) At the meeting of the Prince Wil-

Jam'Couaty Farm BwMW, whUih waa held in the eanrthuHse last Friday, the following oflkers wwe elected for the

ir: W. F. Lloyd, Nokee. preaklBiA; Bailey T>lsr, Hay-

market, viea-presidwt; J. C. Parrish, Manassas, toeasarer. The beard at dixactMS. whapoasd *€ the Aainaan ttt the comfiaitity farm bareaoa, M. Saeae, Bolfk Bobertson, W. M. John-am aad K. A. Hast The presideat, ahm-pcaaida^ ' aad treasorer tif alaa mambers of 4Ms beard.

Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting aC the board of diMctofa waa held ta formulate plans* ihr the epaiatiea «f the atgairisstiea. The MIowiag committees ware appointed to make a snrvey of the eoaditioni ex­isting in the conat7 aritfa reject to varioaa phaan of agrfenltare aad sng-geat a plan arhoahr the Farm Bareaa may davdep these importaat fiel^^ Beef cattla^R. A. Boat and BeUm Baheitaaa; dairy cattle, M. Saese aad W. M. Jbfaaaen; paolt^, W. T. Uoyd; graaa aad grain, BUa Brathen and Otis Latham; sheep; A. W.'AmpUrt^ horses, C C WiBwirsen; hoga, Chas.

aad Hataaea Bobartsen; C K. Hadlonald aad L. L

I^na; timber, J. W. Leedy; fndt, J. H. Dodge aad C. ft. C. Jofaaaon; ada-eation. Miaa L. T. GO^rt, W. h. Bronnnng aaa K.^a* Saadon*

The Beat Airthn of the board of w a ha hold at tta aaaitr

whkh tiaw a dsCrfto pcagram oC wiB ha adiq*Bd aad a iha poaitioa; af manager

We anderstand that Warrsnton is ihortiy to have a handsoB»e new library, money for the erectton of wtiich has been donated by Mr. John Barton Fayae. of Washington, D. C.

Mr. Pajna, who waa Secretary of the latarior ia President WUsoa's Cabiaet aad is at frmeat the pteai-dant of tiie Sad Qroea, has spent a great part of his life in Warrenton, and feeling a deep iateiaet ia the town of his adoption haa daCMad that be prefers to see this baOdiBg araetad tering his life, rather tima te leava the auMiey to be need far this par-poae after his death.

Mr. H. A. Hairia, of WarraatoB. has been givaa the ceotraet for the baildiaf, which win be a madam dlenial firajweef aUwetma eoatiag ahaot $2g,000. the site dmaaa haiag on 4 * town sqnara.


DyMUBlte Used kgr Finaca As X ast Bcaort to Check the

Spreai 9I

ls|£. Tluati buiim ail range with

' Sad. Sevontedi-qnart a 1 a m i a a m ateam pieasma eookar aad ranmr-

3id. Number M kitcbaa c a n a c 4tlL Foldiiig stop ladder. ^(h. J«AIMOB'S' iloor fclmkmi*Kmik

aad cut poliahiag wax. , 0th. Ahnaiwn^ eaka sridde. "TthBox aC « U ^ i^aaa \ i^aa K Z

^eal qaart jaxar ^^41|xt^9#iat Jt.ttf; PceshyinN: ^ Mk Baa irf a « t e ^ass AMaa S-Z

—Adfpcc win be ghwa in lijjfalmrg a B ; V f a e s d 9 f d r ' ^ hendn "^^J&'SSiS: by wlu4i tlm eeatB will be asked.

wM be fip iMM^ fi^ Am. ~ ' ~ ' " * ^ ' i-M'^Mi

Seal piat jaia. : 9th. Batty Bfaw ^ v n aad «a9b also paiat brash aad can of paiBL

lOth. Bet^ Blae apron «ad e«^ alai paiat^bnish aad caa af p^k.

ThMe priaea win ha awaadad to the ^riaaeis by Mrs. Maay Meara Davis, aar state agoat. on the day afthaast-


Special Made Arraagei far givbig Day.

—Mr. 1L N. Mexchant. focaMriy of Manaasas, who is now livmg in Batti-more, safjared painfhi bat not sari

Ma ridiw i a a } , at Piadiee track, BaM-

Mr. Metdmat^-awoBt * iane i tmtle" oarer oaa of A s joava. Ia Ua Jiang carver as a harMWiaw Mr. Mot^aat haa aufffcad soaw asriena spills, hot he does not let sneh flavor-. ieaeea keep him from the tarl


at l:aO a ' d o ^ Oyrtsra iriB AB araaanhaSy laritai.

—Mrs. F. E. Saff^ aad dan^itar. Miss Nmnne, were e^Ilsd to ^ashlaa-tan aa Satarday.ioa aeaooM of thaf Obeas tff WK W. W. ChOte, a dan^i-ter of Mrs. Saffer, who was op«ated oai, fisr spp^ndidti* «t SSitay boapataL

—*nere wOl be a c»Oed e< the gaaiantorp of tha Ghaftaaqaa at tta oOea ef Mr. C ^. Meetse, oa Moaday evoi^a^ Novem­ber £9; at 7 o^dHk. A t t t t "

t a b

—Friday night being the birthday anniversary of Mra. Maiviu Bimpaoa, a namber of her fHsads Wft at h « home ia honor of th gave har a snpriS party. A falavcBiag waa spaat at tha c«Ma of vriueh refresluaeata, eaaaiatiag af ice

j ^ cake, were aervad.

~£Mzf. Deufr 'M Jann^, tf Ooao-qaaa, mOertaioed at a he^Btifal nncheoB Wedneaday of Uiis week. 'Jer fourteer ruest* were from Wash-ngtoa. Manassas, Woodbrid^ sn('

leyl llM afteraeoa waa apeat ir jndcCe


A historical diaeavacy haa reeentiy bean lavaaled, wUdiJa yat aaathar proof of the carefnlneM aad thoroagh-

af Coaeral WaahiBgtna ia aB ha Bii^liiiilr R ia a fMt oa

raaarvayof iTi—iPtr af lead lathe Worthaia WeA. <he

arty of Load Ihkflo , eavvrad timt he had of aeveral faafe vayad the

ayaar of

are iacreaaiagly pooler

tha Wartara Btatoa, aad are heiag aeed ia large naaatillw. partiealarty ia

BMde yaaterday by K. A. Wal-OH, general acoat af the Wahaab Railway systeaa, wWh a Philadelphia, wiia, ia ritt Gaerga W. Toaac. raight npiaaontatloa of

•oaont iadieataens pointed to a eon laed developoieDt in their faosi ss with RiehBMod awBafoclurerr Freight eongeetion in the Middle eat ia retardmg the movca»ent c tfftc ta Boaw ezteal. Mr. Wslto «laired, hot, generally ipeakiBg afAe conditions are im proving.


..Di.. •HxiLLBaBM arras raoor

A atory of the giaat aarOai v^orts say ne* CMi.' Om'*

it. Matiaae, Se-t«e; a t a K U c ne. Aka Fktta N<

(Contributed) Snaday, bting tiM fourth ftmday In

the moB^ is the regular prerariiing day at Brtotow. Some special waafc for Thaakagiving ia boiaff arraagad, and H ia hoped that t h m wiU be a gead sorviea. A a r a was a gaod tarn oat for Sunday Sdmol bat Saaday, yat a anmber warn ahaoat Thoae wha

present iriaaad the abeiul onoa, aa be sura to he piiasat Soaiay, Novr amber 2C

Th4 little fdlowa are now caioyiag the Uttie dwira that wa have bean taBdng ahoot for Maayaf AaHtttairiha


A fire which threatened to destrt^r the Mitire eastern section of F^oat Boyal, broke oat ia timt town aa Tnasday morning aad ragad ftuloadlr BBtil lata in the aftiemaoa.

In erdw to control the BaaHa a a i prevent further destmetkm the B>a-msn found it neeessaiy as a laat aa-8 « t to dynamite the baiMiag oe(»-pied by the Coco CMa Goa^aay ea Mate street, the loss of aHkieh waa estimated at fttS/MO.

Fire was Urst diaeovsrad aboat M a. m. in a flowteg mUl on Main street. It si^ead so r a p i ^ ttat auay an-ployeee narrowly escaped being Ump-ped on the upper floors.

Owing to the limited supply of water aad the hi«^ winda, the fira-aMU of tlie town foaad themselves an> sble to subdoe the flames withoat assistanee. ' Fire companies froM Wfaieheatar, Strasbiug and other «ir-roandiag towns, lasrniag of the sit-aatien. haateaed t» reader aid. which proved BMwt vahwUe. aa did the sto-deats of Baadtdpli-Maeen Acadeaty, who ittgeaiodtiy daanned vp Ba^ff Creek, a atream aboot a aula the town, frma whit^ an s u p ^ of water waa ahtainad hf means of hoae linoa.

Thoee anfforing tha grsatcat loan fkam tha llaaMa .are: Tha MBla. a IBL Up«ka, Gaea Gala

hefldiag, G. BL g — W

The daaa wants to wia tha hatkagaia. MottMB aad l a t e i a y«« caa h e ^ thooL Sdmaa^bor, Schod at 2 ^ p. m. to evorybody is iavifeed, paaeehiag viee win fUlaw.



..IS.. •THB MAN wmar

Oaa of L»taBlB boat statt ta

TOMDAT. ..m..

FoujuiMMTH Lovar* aa M a actaaa; doat ad^a it.


..w.. - B l P O « B > MISSING"

The high Uchta of the pietare aia a raea butauoa a hydropUae aad a hidisaoreplaaw, a shjpwiaA. a aad tamUa AgM ia the vOfaa's a series af coeiedy scenes made 0 ^ as Howy Idiiman. maiTir nf iaaiti ,ar, kaowa haw ta make thca^ aad the jawas wara hy te stataaa«ae IQta S»m aad tha J K i i i Uhe

Tha 'SaiadlBiH Auiea'* la the lataat th&g to t ^ Paria by* storm. The aew m a Hon is daarod ta my tiam. Partasia datch advaaee witii a variatioB of the fox trot step, at the the aiBM ftewaid aad hade aatdy so as to giva a cfaeaiar aw-tian to tits shealdeia.

The 4aaea ia vary graiafhl aad tlw oxperts « ^ have seoa it daiia that it is the flrat raaBy aew tUag m daadag siaea tha iavoatiaa of t l» oBortop. Dr. Leaaid, a PhiJa phy-

m half hoar twiee daOy ^ taaaarathor


Aceordiag ta xoporta a Uadc bear was seoa oa dm read hotwaea Cea-tonrfllaaad Stoaa Hooaa tha flrat of tha weak. A

ta tha read

i a f N a t a f hit ttat ha waa aUe ta laeacaiaa at

I ^ t ^ LMa


TWO KINDS OF WCNfBT Qaeaa of the cattle taaga aad Bm

>reas of the baUreom—Paaliae Fred «ick ia n<wa Kiads af WooMa." i

jai-wastara; doat mias it; oaa yo ta enjoy. Admissiaa, Me-£:



The Bfe atory of Haary Ford, repatad ta be the richeat maa in the wwld, wzittaa hy tis paater, Dr. S. S. Mamoia, hogias hi the Maga-siaa of The Waahiagtoa Star, 8a day. NMesAar SO. TUa ia oaa of tha big aiiii|it»>t foataroa of tta year,

win appear awJualvaly m Tha Ordv year eepy fNas aOTa-

from tUa lite of : • a d a ik^ Hawa, the mother of DL Bawa. pahx^al of dm bteatr i^ SehadI, OB famt Friday ava-BiBC, iiaiiirnn from us saothrr of dwsa woBMB wlmae life waa a aslila eaamideof ^ristiaa chazaetor aaaoag

greater part of her Hfe in Faaqoiar aooaty, altteogh vAca a littla sid<sha was foe aeveral years a hired aervaat in tha f sady of a K c WaadaacA «< ttuatoam.

She was horn ia the year 18S7 aa a alave. aad of alave pareataga. aad ra-

a bead aervaat aatO lOMaated with the etiwr ttoosaada of har zaea at the daaa of d>e CMl War.

waa twiee aianiad. aad bom I to each hashaad. n e sldoat

soa. Georga L. Tayier. aad tim yeaaa-Edward D. Howe. She Bved a

pleia, siaiple Ufe, the mother and m»-txoa of her hoaie; faithfal aad trae ta every traat eenildad to her kaopuw aa mather' aad wife. She became a widow ^ o e dm d a i ^ of the lata Baa. Joaea D. Howe, Jidy 17. 1*11. aa< oiace then haa lived wMi har aoa Bd-

She was CUB vet ted aad joiaad dm "Hearts DeligU Baptist Oraieh,'* near her home, Sowago, Vfargiaia, hk the year 1871. aad for the xeaMining fifty-oae yaara of her life, held eoa-

aioinlmohip in the charek a advaaee oC age, tha loaa

yaara of h a i d s ^ aad aeivitade, a health enae npae hat, aad shel a hoiploaa iavalid yeaca of her iifa. hat ah« faidtaor hope ia God, ia sha had eoauaitted her heiag years ago. Ia departing thia life l a^ Friday av«aii«, Novondior 17, ISB, ia the eight^-llfth year of her agow she leavoa to mooon their loas, oae sister, twa sens. < aad devea BMay frieadi to revere har 1

9 M waa hsoiiad Moaday. No 20, U B , ia the famSy timiOny at

Va., foDawtac a baaalifal

IN MMMOBIAM Taihana Priaua. area

at Greeawidi. Va. hi 1860. hahig alavaa; she wa aad sf rayaJ hiood. Tied in Shiloh Chaiili C, Jaae «, 1877. A lavi^.

twe soaa aad three laaghteta: warthram ftiaua, of Philadelphia; Mza. Mary B. Seipio, Nmaarty vt New Toric; Mrs. Boheit iTheeior Stephen, of Brooklyn; Mr laorge A. Primal of the Navy aad Mrs! Bobert Gordaa, of Washington ~). C. She is also sarvived by aim rrandehildron. three brothers, oar ister and a boat of relativaa aad riedda. *

Ltfa'b hter done, aa aiaks ths day. L & t fraai ila lead dm apirit ftiaa.

While say,

—Rev. Weetwood Hatdiisoa retoraed from Newport News, he attended a meetm? of the Bapdst General Assembly, which that dty November 14—17. Asaaciatioa piS meat la aaxt year..


Page 2: MMSHMooaw mtssKfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasore tif alar a mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting

II ,i.l.Jfl llllllpi TWO


^J j l . - «^ ' -»?7 !


.S># • • • • • • • ^ ^ M O ^ " * * * * * " * ^ * * * * ! — ' " I — W I X * ' * * ' ! ' * ' * !

tOix SoAty VMM ActtM. With the •yiritaal twvinl foUowtat

til* Billy Smiaj eunpuKii K»tlicr-ingtmomentoai ia tb« city <rf Lyncli-bniv M v U •» in oatlying territory &r a n d i w of onny mil**, the com­ing week pnuti— to be the busieet one tlM BUiy Sandajr Club t«MM h«ve bad sinee Uicy took up the work left for them at the CIOM of ^ he major campaign. In additioo to conducting nnmeroua shop and fac­tory meetings during tiie coming WMIC, these being held during the lunch hour of factory workera, the teams from the club will conduct one evangelistic campaign eacfal night during the week and'assist in an­other strai^t through the week.

Fool Play Feared. Relatives of J. T. Robinson, 24,

farmer residing near Beach, Cheater-field County, ar« appealing to po­lice and newspapers to find the yoong man who disappeared October 16. following his visit to a local ware­house, where he •ecnred $160 for a load oi tobacco. His whereabouts is a mystery, and relativea fear foul play. He has m wife and two small children. As far •» coald be learned he has not experienced troobla of any kind. It is said he h u ratsfives in North Carolina and Maako.

Patridi taswff GrandM* Diaa. J. Ifettaiw CmxHaffon, 74, of

Soath BoatoB, died in Grace Hospital, Slehnond, on Satarday, November U. He was tiie son of Dr. CaM} Car. riagton, of Halifax Courthoute, and a grandson «f Pktrick Henry.

Mr. Gaitington leaves a widow, <m» daas^ter, MM. Minnie Waddell, of' Clevw; two grandsjpns, and one gtaadaugfater, Mrs. Bjrd Hart, of i^rnehbnrg. He was a brother of ftiehard Bruce Carrington, of For­est Hill; Walter Carrmgton, of Sputansbnrg, S. C, and C. C. Car­rington, of Hali&x, and one sister, Mrs. J. W. Beale, of Maryland. The ftnteral was btld Sonday, aftehwom at Soirth BoetoiL

May UmMtr Skrictmi By TMOL All hope of identifying the skeleton

of tiM man fomtd itt the woods near Statlodc last Ssnday nata with 1M«1 4antista aeeovdiBg to ptiice. K i» b^ied tt«t tome dentist, iriKn faonished a ch«Tt of the wwlc done en the teeth of the unidentified ma% wiU be aide to reeognise Us work and the charaffteriatte ivgnauttiioa of the tset^.. :• ^

Brtraerdiaary Beeerd of Service. Hdlip L LeCompte, assistant oi-

glneer oil the steamer Potomac, ot the Maryland, Delaware and Virginia Railway Co.; that plies on the Oiesa-peafce Bay between Norfolk and Bal­timore, and up. the Rappahannock Siver, holds what is believed to be one of the most extraordinary rec­ords of service of any marine engi­neer on the Chesapeake Bay. He has covered the equivalent of forty-setven times arounl the globe on thePo^ tomac, makfag an average at 1,100' miles per w « ^ and has gone a & -tanee of nearly 1,600,060 miJes.

Niaety-Tear-OU Veteran Dead. Fatlter of twenty chiMrea^ thirty-

great-grandchildren, William Henry HaU, 90-year-oU Confederate v«t-eran> died in Sicfamond November

Seven of the children were by his first marriage and the.other thirte«> by tha seeood. - -Fifta^ are liviag, the oMest, «L The baby is S years oM.

Ifc. Hail was bom in Botetourt eooaty, bat spent meet of Us lifie in Goochlaad «oanty as a farmer. Three years ago he moved to Ridi-mond, where practically all of his ciiildren sad graadduktreB live.

He servsd ia tbe Confederate army, ia the Forty-fenrth Regineat, Company D. Virginia bifantiy, for four years, and waa shot twice. He was captared in, the battla of Ckaa-eelkraville and waa takes ta the pcisen at Elmira, N. Y. Rjs eem-maad was andar SteuawaU Jadaen.

Fannd b Attic George Bofsrd, proprietM' of a

taxi service in Lyndtburg, who re­cently pvefaasod a (10,000 residence in Graec streat, was arrsateid Satar-<iay foDowtng a raid oa-bia bMae by local potic*, when tbay fovad forty-six gaikM of liqnsr la the aCtte af Uw reaidenca. Tbe poUee also report iiadiag aaaieTCns iiHtslasti, wliUi had apparently been naad in baw­ling lienor previaoaly.

In ttte bonse Utt police fomll a riiU and Caifuid waa alsa charged with haviag ftrsnrms nanr tlm hU-4len liquor.

Shortly aft«r being taken to police lieadqaarters Burford secured bail in penalty of (lO.OOO for appearanee in the Police Coort for prvMminaiy.triri nadar the two dtargea.


»•« i 11 jCa/\IV**e



Having rented our fum, we will pffer for «ale at pu|>lic auctjion pq the above-ns^ed date at our farm two miles southeast of (><^nwich and dii-ee miles noVthi est of Nokesville, the following {H-ope^:

Five good Work horses^ heavy draft cplt coming three years old in spring, haJfhred colt (by Perkio) coming two yeaurs old in the spring, 7 cows, 10 hogs, will weigh about 200 lbs; sow, to farrow about time of sale; Beatrice cream separator, between 900 and 1,000 capacity, with engine attachments; John Deere binder, good as new; En>erson mower, six-foot cut; hay rake, Superior double-row complanter with all attachments; Superior grain drill, run very little; two riding culti­vators (Krause and Oliver), two double-shovel plpws,~No. 40 and No. 20 Oliver plows, boidi ri ht hand; double-disc harrow, springtooth hari'ow, good as new; 52-tooth smoothing harrow, sJl-purpose harrow, AA harrow, com shdler, grinding stone, 3^ Studebaker wagon, truck wagon, five-barrel wagon bed, hay frame, top buggy, double set wag<m harness, plow harness, collars, and bridles, dodble aind singletrees, forks, shpvels and many other useful articles, abpiit IQ^ bsurrels corn, ^l^ut 1,CKM) bundles fodder, 4 tons go<^ )

Ford Touring Car-1920-With Starter Household and kitchen furniture, consisting of the following: Par«

lor suit, 3 beds, 4 bureaus, washstands, couch, hall rack, rocking chairs, chairs, rugs, carpets, sewing machine, 3 heating stoves, codk stove, three-burner o3 stove, 2 safes and many other useful articles* ^ p n i k i l Q ^ Sums of $10.00 and under,cash; over that amount a credit of twelve 11-«IvlV10*"""iiionthft will be given, purchaser executing interest-bearing, negotiable

note with approved teeurity, payable at The Peoples National Bank of Mani^ssas.

J. p. KERUN, Auc'r E W. REID ANDH^TER ^^^••^••*«^M(M{M$H$M$HgM$»^MQ»

Page 3: MMSHMooaw mtssKfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasore tif alar a mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting

nmiAt. mrnsBBR u, iisi imE MAMAfiSAS JOUKNAL.

EstebliBhad 18W

The Manassas Journal PnblialMd Every Fziday by



rt th« port o««a» at MiiMiwt. f>»n — m«aM»tt«

Subscription—4i.W * year in Advanee


A QREAT MIND IN RELAXATION The worid is gratefully aware of the niarveloufl

uses which Thomas A. Edison haa made of his working hours 1; the entire civilized section of the race looks to him of its greatest benefac-tOTs. ' But, unhappily, it may not he said that the revered wizard always contributes so solidly out of his leisurp. Perhaps he has takes so few spare moments in the course of a long career that their use has never impressed him as particularly worthy of concern. In any case, the fruits of hi* idle-hour reflections oecaaioptDy eompare very poorly indeed with the rich gifts of his application to laboratory pursuits. And not the least perti­nent side of the matter Is that his achievements h^ve so elevated him in the public mind as to give ington Pest, an authoritative flourish to his utterances m al­most any subject under the sun.

Mr. ETdison's recent remarks on the attitude of cohere men toward work, hard work, doubtless have some foundation in fact and in his own ^ -perience; and yet they may not be said to repre-atot the whole truth or half the truth. It mii^t reasonably be inferred firom the interview that Mr. Edison is altogether without respect for col­lege education. His observatitMi had been? it ap­peared, that coUege men felt themselves to be above hard, manual lAbof; were averse to getting their hands <Mr eIoth«8 soiled! expected promotion Co an executive or managoia lPMitkML almost im­mediately. For M . Ediacm's porpoees, readers tnust have gathered. coUege mem are relatively v^ueless. ^

In this there is a most unfortunate an^ unfair impUcation. The reply of Presidrait Gray, of Bates CoUei«,J< KXBtsined by the experience of thousands whose contact with e^ege-trained men has been iaOS equal to that of Mr. E d ^ n : . ' ^ e majority of college students are not afraid to look dirt in the face." And President Gray cqhtinnes with this signific^t rei^ark^ts wundness must be known to every one ifho has had tl»e slightest

L/;t with American coUeges-.^'Tfcre than \of the boys here are eamlns* a part oridl of

titer way tiirougfa college, and Bates is no excepr tion- . . -There are-thoufands of young men now ,in coUege who 4tftt practicing the gospel of hard 'work," •

There are maxly collegians, undoubtedly, who have no taste for hard work; there are vastly more out of coUege—^who have never spent one day in cc ege—^who f e^ preieisety the saoae way about labor. There are wasters and Inainless no-ac­counts everywhere. But they are not predomi-oant among the young Aea and waaiea who are crowding the college halls of the country in the Search for an education.—Richmond 'nmes-Dis-patclu

^ DklPEACHBffiNT PROCEEDINGS History records few instances of impeachment

proceedings in Congress against officials of the United Stetes. Since 1797 but nine impeachment'. trials have engaged the attrition of Congress, and of these six resulted in acquittals. The Conatito-tion, wiule providixig this means for the removal from ofRce of even the hifl iest amonf the nation's servants when tiiey huve been found isea|dble of a IHtiper performance of their dutiea mr have per-vwted the powers of office, does not in letter <»' in « I^ t countcname imi>eachment iwoceedings by the Congress except as a last rewurt to relieve a situatim tiiat has become int(d«ralAe or is a (fis-tinct iwna^ to the natiiHial saftty. Hiiiduaard or snpeficial allegations against ah official have never been considered to justify even the Kigges-tion of impeaeiunent. Yet such proceedings have from time to time been k>08ely talked about in Congress and txcaaionally evm threatened with­out the shadow of reason against men occupying high positions of honor and trust in the public service.

For a member of Congress to rise in his place and ask the impeachment of an officer of fhe gov­ernment is a serious matter, and that member is

'- assuming a grave resptmsibility. No member, it has. been assumed, who is mindful at his oath would exercise this privilege to gain personal or partisan advantage. None, it is bebeved, waoM ever receive the soppwt of his ooQeagnes in mak­ing sndi an attempt A deiMod for impearh-

><<itoi, tlierefMe, is a tattbatvifitbit graveat ecn-'lidnation. It can not be tr«(ptad fig^tiy, n(R> can

it command serious respect uwlsaa aoeoanpanied by basically sound evidence.

Every consideration of fairness wiU snniort At­torney General Daugherty in his demand that the charges made against him in a pending House res­olution be immediately investigated by the com­mittee on the judiciary. The Attorney General has the right to know the exact nature of the diarges, and has written a letter to Chairman Vol­

stead indicating his readiness to go before tke committee at any oKHnestt and face his accusers. If his oMxments can show a reasoiuble probi^ulity that he has bem. guilty of animpeachabla offwae, the House may be rdied upon to take the action necessary to faring him to trial before the Seiuite; sitting as a Ugh court of impeachment If they can not make such a showing, the nation will have the riglft to know that the duurges are lacking in substantisl basis and that a very serious mistake has been made- And, under such drcumstancas, Mr. Daugherty has the sacred right to a puhUe vindication, and one that should stand as a warn­ing against Aose in the future who would go to extremes in harassing government officials in the discharge of their duty to the pecq[>Ie, Moreover, the eountry also has the right to know whethor charges of this grave character mi y be made indi*-criminately against an officer of the govemmoit and, if so, what recourse the official has, if any, against those who might attempt to besmirch hi* character because of pewonal enmity or for parti­san gain.

Until it has beeax proved by e<mstituti(mal meth­ods that the Attonxey General is not deserving of the lull oonfidoice ^ the Anuriean people, Mr. Daugherty will eiMituiue to enjoy tbe respect and moral aapport of all fair-mdiuied eitiaens—^Waid^


Life erwiasUnc—ab, what wonU it b« o Ware nat 1OT» evcriastinf a part of the acheme T How little we'd know and how little we'd aee Were it not fiw the tight of love'i beautifal dreaal How doU we woald crow and how weary of all Except for the reaes love's flncers let falll

We must work, we muat wait, we muat soffer and baar. We most faea avery sorrow aad meet every can — Bat we smila thraocb the straggle bacanse of tbaUfbt Of love eveilastiiis tiiat gleaina mid HM taaxa. A n y tha^diall gnideiis thzoos^ dancer aad a ^ ^ T»tba nat and thamna ol the beautiful yearn!

Love eveilntiiic—ao aon that goea down 2n.a shadow of dnsk, but a beauty tha't glawt Whwtlte tides «< the hattlaera^ on wilb tli«r firowa, AndHre t a n ftym tbe bramble to find iifi a teae! T« tnd it made awwA by tbalove that abaU last Whan tiM toil and tbe taa» and tba danJsar have paiiti


Wa most sing, we knnat sob, we moat kae,. we moat •, -g^n.

We must smile like a snnuoer throagb sorrow and

Bat the more that we weep, that we suffer, «nd knew, The m«ve wifi love's beauty be,horiie to us sw«9t-. ^nih ita Ugbt andtta iM^ter.iQi lat and ita^tfv. And eadi day lOca a zose life haa cast at oar faiM

.^-Tha Benstawn Bud.

L A U G H A N D L I V E '

Two fathers of growing fiaaiiliaa we^e diaeoaafaig tbe rearing and iqtbilnging. of ehfidna. .

'nresa," said one,'^ graat deal d^cnda om the f<»Biatioa of early haWts.**

'Ot doas," said the other, vniling. "Xy motho- employ­ed a woasn to wbed ma abmit aAen I waa ababy, apA I have -been poahed flor mooay avfr raoe."—B^worth HenU.

• • • •

Booth Tarkiagton tells of an old cdiani man vriw ap-p»ar«i-as a witness before one vt oar oommittees. In.the course of hk examination tbeae itaeationa w e n pot to tiia man: "What is your name?" "Calbo^ Clay, s i ^ * "Can yoo sign yoor nameT" ^Sah?" "I ask tfyaa can write yoor name." "^eOi t» sah.. Ab nsbber writea ma aaaiSb Ah dietotoa it, sah."—Atlanta Oironiela.

• • ' • • •

First Lady -(in vi l la^ shop, speaking to anothar pi^nai) —^"WOBM yon mind if I made my small par^aae first? We have a hone oatstda and b« wtwt, keep qaiat!*

Lady—"Certainly; bat yea wont b« very HuK wBl ya«t I have a faiMand ootnda, mui ba% nther nstiva, too." — Ponelt.

• • • Mother—"Smsetimea then a n rode boys in Saaday

School who g i g i ^ aad amlle at U ^ girls, aad aosaatiaaa Uttle girls, srnOe baA at ttam, \Mt I Jwpe a v KM* t^ daea not bd ia^ Ifta that.'*

fhnall Dragbtoi^- '^ ndaed. BMna; I ahraya pat tmt a< 'en

StodaBt—"Haa net fbrtsDe.enr knoekad at Beggar—"Ha did onea; bat I waa oi

haa aent hia daogirtar.'' Stadso* "Hia dMwktar, :»bo te BIMT


"And what did the poor Httla dog do whan yen bratal boys tied the can to hia taQ?" I

"Ok, he Jost west brsadiniHn' dswa the nad."—IVIa-1 de^Ua KetaO Ladgar.

• • • . "Would yoo eaO Mra. (Gowitt a good

"Tea aad no. She msbiiis y«« think tilings to say, bat




He bad been gotag wttk the girl for tbaogb be had faecd the tarron of the tiw borron of the Hon. yat be atill

"Daaraat- aaid the giri ftaally. ^ ya« waold do aoytWiv for ma? INtet y«a aa •M ta pot yoar davotien to the teat?"

"Indeed I did." he ra^ondad warmly. •Than la tag m tlie woi^ I waold not do, no sauiflns I owka to prova ta yaa how nmcb I Otek tt y

"WeU then." aaid dm maid, "adt We've foala*

NOT WALKING Conductor—"Here, you must not soMka in this aa." Iri«hmai»—"I'm not smoking." Condoctor—"Wall, yoa have yoor pipe in your mouth." Irishman—"Yea, Pve got me feet in me shoes, bat I'm

not waUdn'."

Will toon be here; see us about your Oysters, Fowls, Roasts, Hams, Celery, Lettuce, Cranberries, etc., to make your Tbanksgiving Table Complete. We Have Everyi^g for Your Fnut Cake* 1 Pound Box Sunmaid Rainns . . . . 18c Box Currants . . . • • • • • • > 15c Alwjayaa Cboice^Line of Fresh and Sa|t Meats.

Our Prices Reasonable. Good Steak . . 2 5 c Cured Hams . . 2 ^ Fte^ Sausage . ^ 25c Fresh Haitis . . 25c

Good RoasU . . . 18c to 20c H^best Prices Paid im TURKEYS, Chix, Calves,

Hogs, Hkles, etc

E. R. Conner & Cbe Our Motto; Sanitation, Quality, Price

Risser & Rabinowitz * SUCCBSWHtt TO B i S S m BB08. OO.

V Wa beg to S T < ~ - ~ - to oar sUppera, fritads and pair ana wha b a n w gnanaaly favarad tlw Irm af RISSKS BBOS. CO, l t 4 - m Cat-WWto g t , Pbnailalpfcia. with their

yean that the boaiacas in foton w g be M e cf EISSBK AND RABtNOWITZ.

I Mr. C N. Bisaer, wha haa paraanaBy hnAed yaor torhay rtip; nM^aiapaatyaare, wiB cantinae to f sniasWy aoperyisa tMa end ef Ibi bnilarn. aad ahiapen can matlsai to expect and ba aasarsd af thaaame sgaan dtsliaga that ha«a ahnya charactcfteed tils fina af RISSKR B80S. CO. ^ .... „_

LWc tnnt yea wffl cantinae to favar the new firm aa liberally as yea ve the eid, aad we on ear part wiU goanatae aO aUpmeata the same

individaal attention, the moat e«eient aerviee and the highest vataas asMlatcnt with taaUty aad market ceadMsns piaslbiy sttaiariita. If yea have net a aappty of BIS8BR AND BAWCOWTR tags, aae BI8SBR BKOS. CO. ycUaw taga aa hstatofsri. They wiB carry yam shipmsills tost as qaickly aad aafdy aa if mdag the new togs sc RI8SBK AND RABINOWITZ. . _^^ ,. , 1 If yaa coatemplato haadfag or shippiag wmt torhaya, either dreesad i Mve, far the early TkaakagiVtag haMays. we strengljrojye ^ t yea gat faTtaach with as immsdialsiy. Let aa famish jm irtU fall, .sen-n t o tafenaatiea regarding praapactiva pcicea anT a»rk« M^Utiana that WiB aadoabiedly be af vahM to yen aad aM ia abtaiateg toy vahMB far year siUpmeaM.

LOor new laeatian and facflities a n greatly larger and raperlsr to » eM. We ban enlargad ear aatlst eaoaidenbiy. aad feel beyond a

Ue aad oempetsnt to handle dreeaed and Hve tartays to mnch advantage than any iseeivsr apoa thia marfeat. U

. oa in the pnat. wa feel that we can rely npan ye Irib year. If yon never b a n cisrigasd aa anythiof. ^ «

we win


iassER & RABiNOwrrz DK88SKD TUBKXT8 POULTRT SPBClALBSm U T B TUBKETS """"^ PHILADBLPHLA. PA Selsaraoms. S4S-Mt-4SI-tM S. Prant St. OAca, Ml-IM Pins 8L BBFKKBNCES: Uaian Natiaaal Bank. Pbiladslpbla. Pa, State Bank

ef PhiUdelphia, Phiiadeipbis, Pa.; AH Harcaatils Agandsa; Tear CNm Banker. • . . . _ .

ADVANTAGES: PinaneimUT Stronf; Beat Lecatlan; Largaat and Beat OotlK; Mast EScifat Sales Scrrtee.

Member National Poultry, Batter sad Bgc Aasisiatiia We SaiicH Tear Torfcey Shipmenta. Write Taday far Market

QnoUtiaaa and Pricee

Flae A«riei««nd Ismk •ilsa east e( Calkftt en Ce4v Kaa; 290 acrea, wcfl watcrei






OAoa—Hibbs A fiitWih^ BuUdiag

MATf Aftfl^ff

M^ *

Page 4: MMSHMooaw mtssKfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasore tif alar a mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting

mmm wpmpipp|pi|iiiM|ipni


•ss^ssassfss^r™ | | ^ ^ ^ P | P P P 4 L 4 i i , u . ,^ww-



—Mn. May her koaw o « u tevai.

—Coantj daric 0«<HT* C- Trhr !• uad«r tr«atBMBt «t Takom* Park Sanatorium, D. (X

—Mr. H. 8. Hraasii b attandias a aaeetiac, «< tka Mairland-VvKUtia Dairy AaW)ri»Ht in Waahiactaa t»-itmf. ,.- •

—4|r. Had Mra. Melvin Loti, who tanpiflr oeeapiad tfaa property of Mr*.' B. C. Buck, hava moved to Mary-Uad.

—Tbmn will be a ipecijJ Thanka-giriflc itfvice at « ^ K. E. Charch, Sott&, on Thorwlay, Novembar 30, at It o'clock.

—Byrd and Company hara made noted improvementa in t h ^ atora room which has assored them mora room as well as better lii^t.

—Mr. R. B. Waconar will aeom-papy Rev. A. B. Jamison to Mionia-ville on Sunday afternoon, whara be will ains at the afteraooa aarvica.

—Cannon Branch ad>ool hoose, on th« Manaaaas-Bristow road, has been recently paiirted, which adds sraatly to tha appaaranea of the boding.

—Mr. Darl Gray, of the Byrd Ooth-inc Gompany, who has batiB f»»Bflm>d to tha hosse for the past weak on ae-coont of aidoMaa, is> abla to be ostt acain.

—AppAudmataly fifty dollars was «laar«d by the ladies of the M E. 6lMin(h, Sooth, at their rommaKe aala M d on Friday aad Saturday of laat week.

—An oyatar and chlckea s^per will ba h4(ia at tiM inaior haU at Dumfriea, 9m milvday, Daeemtar 1, for tiw banaiot of the parsonafa fond. Bvwy vm is cordially invitad to attrad agid help a worthy eaoae. orotSoaotk -r41aahda(Buauidllad]iidl«

—The Ladies' Aid Saciety, of Bethel Lutheran Church entertained the young people of the eonsMsation on Wednesday eveninc, the oeeasion ba-ing in haaor of those of the stodaats of EaatwB CoUefa-CMiaerTatary w ^ are members of tha sanMi deaoalnfe- > tion. I

—Nick Aitroek, known to every' baseball fan in the United States, and having many admiian among tha lovers of that sport hara, was one af



Maa. R. E. Whw, of NokaaviBai waa a Manaasaa vbiter yeitarday.


e ret ?t tha invitation extended^ • 1 & .' your frianda to attend tha

vices of Hedicatum on Thankagiv- ! ' day >:30 p. m. in Northwest nsssrs On that day and at tha^ ^ thp t. Tv^entiy secured.fbr tha

Mr. JohnH. Kflson, of WashiBfto^ ' - '•'^•*- ' "»P*t»l wfll be s*t apart viaitwl relaUves here thia week. * '"'' ''""' ' ''^' "

Mrs. Paul Cooksey, of BrairtsWle, waa a town aboppar on Monday.

Mr..Jamaa Conner was a W»shfi^ toir viaitor the first of the wctk.

ilfi liil tilTsilait I'll .i_.iLiiij.iii *.'4*e*riM«Mcw«MCZr«!v^' x.•9^m^

! - > • : :

. , . . V -

R U S T ^ i*'. V* n

REAL ESTATE AND MSUPNCE i Mr. J. W. Leedy left yeatorday «a a

boaineas trip to Chariottesvflk.

Mr. E. B. Giddings was a Washl^. ton visitor the fi^ of the week.

Mr. W. W. Sisson, of Dumfries, was

ith brief but appropriate obaaivaB-We HFC expecting you: coma.


Mrs. C. A. Sinclair waa a Waahing-•en visitor on Tuesday.

fiCrs. A. M. Hart, of Warreotoo, has the one hundred and twenty-nine can- *»*» <"» businaaa one day receatly. returned to h?r heme after a visit < •

—Mr^and Mrs. Winston Carter, of Roma, Wew Tofk, hare ranted the property of Mrs.« R.' C. Buck en Sud-ley Road, and will move to tiie aame about Daeember 1.

—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Catleti, of Haddonfield, N. J., and Mr. E. N. Marsteller, ^ WashingtMt, aqjoyed a hniiting trv ia Prfaice Wiffiam and Fasqoier cHanties last w e ^

'— A dramatic and musical estec-tainment will be' presanted by tiia atadenta <a Eaatem CoQega-CoBaaET. atccy OB Ta«aday «v«Biac HovWmbar 2t, bagimiing at 8 v'dodc

. -:-A onion Thankagiving aerviea wJD be heU at the Presbyterian Charch next Timsday at VM p. m. Bar. VHBui f^tavena, pastar «r tiU Mc«faodiat G l n a ^ will ^«a«^

'—^Dont forget the c<«eait tMigfat to ba given by tile stodfBts of Easteta CaQeg»-Conservator:f, in aid of Om TJ. D C;, beginmng promptly at 8 o U o ^ AdmissioB Z5 cents.

—Mr. W. N. Merchant haa traded hia heme, comer Main and Cfaorch streeta, for the iahn Nels<m proper^ oa Stonewall Road. The family ez-piMta to move m the near fntore. ,

—^Master Ralph Wood, of RichsKiind, wlie ia spending ttie winter with his oade and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. W. Fewidl Merdmnt, haa been confined to tlia boose-the j^st week on aceoant of

didatas receiving tha titl»T-Nohle of the Mystic Shrine, ai the Almas Tem­ple Caramonial hdd ia Washington oa Monday night

—Mr. Herbert Moore, of The Plains, iriio is attending Columbia Universi­ty, New York, stopped vvar in Manas­sas for a few hours for a visit with his many friends. Mr. Moore, wlto is quite gifted as a writer, has had aev-erai poems aeeeptad aad pobliahad in the calleca nkagasiBa. Among his othar stodiaa ha is takbig a eooraa ia i ^ r t atoy writing.

—Btdl Bon Council, No. IS, O. F. A., will observe their annual Thanka-giviag memorial service oa Soaday, November 26. Members are raqneat-ad to meet at the Maamiic hall at 2 p. m. and go ia a body from there to Asbury, U. B. Church, wliera a ser­mon will be preached by the pastor,^ Rev. S. p. Skeltoa. Ail members are ozged to attend Utis aarviee.—D. P. Bell, Secretary. :

Mrs. Edith Davis spent Sunday with har son, Billy, at Falls Chotch.

Sapt and Mra. a R. McDonald, of Cathaxpin, spent Monday in Maaas-

sveral dan at the lk>ma Of her in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mn. v . G. Co'. inwtcn.

• • • • • • 1 I^HMBI mSSBBBtmm


Mrs. W. Parka WUsoa, of Hiehpry. Grow, visited raiativaa hara on Satar-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Norvell Wheeler, af U'el'infTtoii, '.sere among tiiose fropi

* out of town who witnessed "The Fo«r Horsemen" ai the Dixia Theatra im Monday aftWTtooa.

— 31ie Maaaaaaa h i ^ school pa-troBs' leagoe wiQ hold ita December meettag next Thorsday afternoon. Aa siertioB of officers and oOmt hnaiiwai of importaaea ia to COOM up

an ntembata aai firieada axa a^ad ta attead.

Mr. F. Kibler, of Bristow, has in hia posaesiiwt a tM ring which ha chuma waa fooad near Bwatavflie, aad wUdi was aopvoaad to have beaa loat by Gaaanl CMaart wtas SlMit' daa was aa iwtaaat fIraaL Oeeaqjaaa to Briatow,

-Bethel Lathem Chnrd^ Edgar Z. Peace, ilaatar—SoadsySehooi at 10 a. m.; praachiag at 11 a. m. Nokea-ville Lotheraa Chordi—riaaihhin FHday at 7:90 p. ak Soaday Sdioal at 1:90 p. m.; Holy Cammwaiait at 2:M p. m. .

« —Itiaaokagarneeaaaary to4etaor

paaaengar aad freigitt trafOe ovar tha Soothara Raflway betweaa KA-maad aad Waakiagtoa aa rcpaiA bare been aboot eoaaj^atad oa tha Neahaoo Bridge whidt waa daatrayad by fire last nanaday.

—"Iha Uaitad Stataa OvQ Sarrica Coauaisaion haa aaaoioacad aa nraw inatioa to be held at Haaassas aa Jaa-oaiy IS, IMS, to fiO the peatttea a< raral earriar at

that may Jatar ' fraas that peat

—Tha first in a series of meetings to be baU at tha Manassas Baptist Chorch began oa Sunday. Two sarvicaa ware held on that day by Rev. W. H. Lawson, of tha State Miasioa Board, of Richmond, who will have charge of' theae servieaa. A special meeting was held oa Toeaday «t interest to the ladies of tha Charch.

—C. R. Thnrman and R. O. Pugh, bridge caipaaters on tb», Soattkam Railroad, narrowly escaped being se­riously injored, on November 21, when a motor ear on which th«y were rid­ing, ran tlvwigh an open switch ia tha yards bare. Tharman sugared the fracture of two of hia rifaa aaweO aa a sprained aakla. while' his eompoa-ian was fiaitanata anmi^ ta gat oiff with only a slight laceratioa oa the r^ht shinn aad a eontosioa of the ria^t kaaa.

. 1—Billy, aeven-year-otd son of Mr. and Mra. J. J. Foriar, of Richmond, is confined ta° S t Lake's Hospital, in ^ t city, sofferiag witli a ftacbuad Icnea. The aocident oecnrr«d on Fri­day when the child togatiKr witlktwo eampaaions, in troasfaig a stteet on hia way irom scix^l^ was strock bx a passing automobile. Fortnnately^e other U>o eliildren eaeaped with slw*^ injuries. Mr. Forrer was fonnoly empl^red in tiie State Highway office hara. " '

— The patroBs' league of Bomett school held an mportant meeting last Friday afternoon at which^time the following officer) were elected for the ensuing year: I^«sideBt, Mrs. R. S. Hyiison; vice-president, Vf%i 3. X. B o s h o ^ ^seeietaiy, Mrs. R. G. Craver, and - treasurer, Mrs. E. R. Cona^. Bosiness of importance waa taken op, including the propoaed san­itary improvements to be nuuie ia tiiie building. A new -vietrota haa re-eaatiy been pardiaaed for the baaafit of the aebo^ Aftar a program nt raadings and masie, rafraahaiaata

—Mr. aBd„Mra. M,,M. Waahington eatertainad ,^t dfasaer MI Saturday at The Gnpvar tbsir hoaM naar Grerawidk. ,7hoae iriio were invited to partake of tlie hiiapitaUty of tiiia moat popular host and hoetea, .were: Mr. aad Mrs. Bruce Atkinaoa, Mr. aad Mra. Fre&iek Marray aad Miaa Rosa Dowiing, M ct Waahtagfam; Hoa. Thea. R. Lioa, HOB. C 3. Maetxe, Mr. Qaranee Noarsa, Mr. aad Mrs. Brace WUtBMra, Mrs. Ptmacea McNeil, and Mr. aad Mit. R. M. Weir, of Maaaaaaa; aad (kayaaa IVIer, ei Bodtlaai, Fraak CeekeriBe, «f GresBWieh.


Herman Bradford, tea years of age, BOB of Mr. aad Mis. Ernest ftfadfte<d, af Bradley, died «n Wedneaday aight at tha Children's Hoa^tal,' tan, after aa iltasai of three

Faaeral aarvieea wiB be hdd at tfaa Metfaadist Cfaareb at Bradley aa Sat-a<day afteraooB at two o'dack. fM-lowed by intanaaat ia tfaa easaetaiy at that plaea.

Tlw deceased is survived by hia par-aats, two slaters aad tfare* teatliara.

Miss Nell Hyde, «f Bristow, q^aat Sunday .witii raia4iTaa at Bevariy's Mills.

, Mra. M. M. WuUagtoa is spaoding several days witfa frimda at Rrsat RayaL

Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. W. Uoa and ehihira>'il«c« WasUngtm viaitms oa Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marshall, of The Flaaa, wwa Manassas visitors oa Tuesday.

Itias Mary Bocknar, of Gahawville, was ia iowB «a basiaaB tfaa fifft td the week.

Mrs. H. H. Hnlfish, of The Plains, visited her friaad. ICss KstSs Atitey, this week. •

Mrs. R. J. Adams<m visited her sis­ter, Mrs. Lanra Free, at NokesvQla, yesterday.

^Mr. TboB. L^neH, of Gnlpeper,' vis­ited his motitikr, Mn, Patrick larneh, Mt Soaday.

Mrs. C. F. Browar, ef Catharpia, att^ided matiwaa at the Iftaa Aaatn on Monday., . ' - - ' ;

Mr. E. H. Naah enjoya^ a hmting trip of several days m Col MpcT eooaty raeeatly. > "*

> Mrs. Walter <3aat, ^ |feas«Mmt, a former rendcnt 6t' ManMsas, whs a town Tisitar raeeatly.'- --r'

Mrs. C J. TInunoBs is spandirig tiw waA with ber sister, Mrs. W.- -Wri^it, at Dd Ray.

Mrs. Peter Polen and daughter, IGas Bettie, of' Haymaikat, Manas^s sfaoppiag yeaterday,

Mrs. Roth Tatea, of Hagerstown, ia ^sitiag at the Iwme of Mr. Askby Tates ia West MansssaS,

Mra. J. M.~Kincheloe, of Uf^erville, is the guest of h»f sistnr, Mrs. Rich­ard Hynson, on Eaat street-

ME. and Mrs. L E. Canmn, pxA daughter, Misa Helen, of Boaoaont^ viaited frieads here Soaiiay.

Mr; CffibCTt S^es, <^ Waahiagtoa, Tinted at the hoBM of Ida aMtfaeC, MIS. A E. ^ ia s , en Smday.

C^>tain Efexetl Rice, wiio is statioBed at Caaip Alfred, V d , N. J., viaitad at HB haaw here oa Buailay.

Mr. and Mis. B. Lyaa Robertsoa aad Miss Amelia Browa wwe Warrea-toa vfiUBws an Ihorsday afteraooa.

Mrs. Mary Moiaa wftt bar daagh-tara, tfae Miasas Giaee aad Laaan, w v e WaAiagtoa v is i tm aa Satar-

Mr. aad Mrs. L. A. Baaafat of Natebaa. Miaa.,4na goesta af Dr. aa^ Mra. & F. Uia , at Tndar B»B, tfaia

Maaara. Bailey T:^er. Jaa. Gaaiga, Robert Gearga aad WUbar Biaaaai, of Hickory Giava, tao(

Mwars. Jamaa ^Haaler aad Idwia Beaehley viailad Oa family of MK. <>eorga Buaaabtiasf f* Satarday.

SALB AND BAZAAR The LaAsa* AM af tfae CBftaa Bap>

tiat Charch wil give a aale aal ba­tter ia the Maaeai* HaD af CllWsa aB 4ter Satatday, Dceanbcr X.

There wiO be auay baalfaa aad tfaiaas aa aala. Baaac a( MM

have eame aa far aa New Md CaBf arala aad

Mrs. J^m Seymuai, Mrs. ioha Miss Aadrey,

Mr. aad Mra. WlHam Gibbesa, of riaitad Mis. OafaaaB*

Mr. aad Mza. O. & n^aa.

Mr. aad Mrs. Frederick Whetsel. of Nokesville, vlsitBd tfaa lattsr's Mr. aad MiB. OBa CaMas. at

Came aad bay yaar Ckriatmaa gifta. baaarsad. S

Mra. R. 3. Adamaoa waa a gaest of her friend, Mrs. Amoa Payne, mt War-reatoo the first of tiie wedc Mrs. Payae was ftasaaily Mra. BUr Mm-

Mts, J. H. Peters, of Fairview, [ Loudoun County, was in town «in busi­ness the first of the w a ^ Mrc Peters ezpecta to move to Maaaaaai fot the winter months. . .

Mrs. Frances Millar, of Roanoke, and Mrs. Annie Borice, of BedfoE^^ City, mother and sister of Mrs. Irving Parr; are visiting the latter at har home on Gr^rt avenue.

Miss Elisabeth Covington, of Wash-^ ington, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. France, also of that city, visited at the home of, her parents, Mr. ai^, Mrs. W. G. Covington, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Boatwright, with their children, Sinclair uid Garland, visited at the home of Mrs. Boat^ wrighf s brother, Mr. 3. A. Alnxpdw; near Marshall on Satoiday aad &u£ day. ' '

l%ursd[ay) November 3 0 OFFERS ANOTHER BIG SPECUL


Mrs. Emma French and child^vn |.ri and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Newtjugj and son, aQ t>f Washingttm, wor^, week-end goasts at Feradale, Om, home of Mr. Howaxd P. Toongt aeitr^ ,h^., town.,

Mr. and Mrs. FVank Hall and Miss Nanaie Sne Cole were weA-ead guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I . U Harrdl cm Weat stzeat lbs. ' Hall abd Misa Cole are aieoea of Mr. Barren. .

BUSINESS LOCAl Oaa Ceat a Ward. Miaimaaa. 25e

For Exchange—9$ acrea, 9 nttm dwelling, onfenildingt. On macadam road, 7 miles from Charlotteaville, % mile fircMB staa<m. Wonld' eonsides'' reaideaee, amall f i a ^ pr bosinass. > "Owac^, Boac 3M Chariottesville, Va.

, 28-4*

Lostr-^ovemb^ 23, a small bunch of keys, between Comwell Supply Co., aad Stem's store. Reward if return­ed Mrs. Peter Polen, Haymaitet, Va., R. F. D. 28-lf

I wiQ oflTer for sale to the highest l^der (right reserved to reject any bid), at the New Prince William Gar­age, comer of Qnarry wad Mapla streeta, town of Manaaaas, Satardajr, i.nS'^^BOR I F Nov. 25th, 1922, at 10 o'clock, ^ r * ^ ' * * " " ' Lewis Ronabout, 2S H. P. motors Heaaaed by the State of Virgiaia na>-dcr No. 102109.

a A. SINCLAIR, Agant 27-2

After Dec 15, I wiB have aeveral thooaand didlan to lend aa good real estate, ihst deed of trast.

C. A. SINCLAIR, Atty. 27-8

Loat—A light tweed coat between aad Hayauiflcet Soadayl'i Retara to Jaanal Oflfea.

NOnCB The Federal Laad Baak have aUMa

a roliag that they wiO net make »p-praiaala after the groond freezes or if,the groaad is covered with siww, aa titom wba expect to aced leans ba-tweea aaar end Matdi the 1st are le-^oaatad ta plaea tfaair appUeattoa at

C R. C. JOHNSON, Secretary-Treasurer.

miss it A sensation! Loads of l au^^ A world of tbi^s! € ^ ' Sdzmck^News.'-'.;

matinee, 3 p. m, Adndssion^ lOc-tSc^ night, I0cr25c^ :

* f ,<lB?«n =^TP5 0 ^ ^

m^m ^f^omSTK? .^jt'St'^"!:;

4 ^ Seems

Cotn» to \iS fim the • i i "

WlMayoa fed baAjr the Ivliote world lo^s -wioxkg. By tekji^ on^' »«dliMM»?«V>Wtffitaye m^itnd Vigor. Ymx -will be m ttiAi£\ flie entf pi a da^s worfi as ai Hie iMgEfadalitff Hba^ dn« roafseV'' mamiiiws loiiga- irat eome in today and get the tonk yon •egA: ' WiM«.Jpa t j ^ of drug stme things, thuK <3 da and COMB IjO

•%kX n MITEL FLOWERS." Agtt^r fW Gl«a %an. Cm.


•_i"j-^i ^rd.'*.' CJ.&r>.

^ 'EORGE V COCKB,>rofvtetor 'nVa Flir PreMriptiana.' Vtrgtete


Tor Sale or Rent—Farm of 42 acrea two mBaa frtmi Manaasaa. New Stieff ptaao aad oHnr artidaa for sale im-•wdia t^ . Mrs. B d a Beaver, Cea-traviBe road. 27-1*

For Sale—limited number Barred Rodt cedMreia, prise wiiiaais. Thom­son strafar; iar«a, atroag, well-devel­oped Mrda. Mrs. & L RiiAar, Ma-

Va. 2«-S*

Far Beat—Five^eeai boaae near siiaasaa. Apply to C. F. WUtmer.

26-2« Waatad — Hoasekeeper for siaaV

family; goad wagaa. Settled lady W. C AYIJOB.

Briatow, Va.

Wanted—To hire small farm, net tea far from Maaaaaaa, with privilege «f boyiag latv on. n- R. B. WAGONER.


Steam, Hot Water and Vapor Heating Plants

Da yea kaew tfaa* NOW ia tfae tima to iastatt that HBATINfi . PLANT? it may be yea have ao erilar. Let aa give yea aa rtif—sH aa tfaa AROOLA HOT WATBR HEATING PLANT. Tea caa pM It ia aay Mesa yea tte. Sef aa at eae^ aad gat oar prieaa.

W r i t e Of Si'o." C. H. W I N E " ' i S ^ ^

Risser A Rabinowits, of PVilsHel-Tihia. sow-eagors to the well-known fi»-ni of Ris.«er Bros. Co.. wart yonr shipmftits of tnrVeys. STKI can handle them either dressed or Irve to better advantage and ret yon better resnhs tiiaa any reretveT upon tha awtfcat.

The Journal $1.50aYear


Page 5: MMSHMooaw mtssKfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasore tif alar a mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting

na^^it^t^mbm W"!f' ^W

• ^

n o t MANASSAS JOl^AL, MANASSAS, Y96INU uia.ilw.fiii.-JlilMUVLpiwi .

/HPT UTTTI n o » " """ »* tar tw-^tflr«^ «««w«^^

IF.iwiliaYi bwdiJlt M ^ It aa if you neva- woidd Kd sUeusui back, yoa MBf tin

" ri


,Bct your „

/ k J i It has hdped ttoosand. ttftonffllS ' MewhMt w^Mtoaed B * * « l . 0 1 « ^ •mf land coovj eac xtta to .get tanck.Mwir' ^^'> spent the th* h<HU«

.^F- 4 u , . ^ ^ jijj^ J, j ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^

lir. « ^ Uim. GeoTge MowUikt, Mr, «i|d itm mia. M.rVt,Qitif^ vf/i Mru iPiMbetli F««t«iB Alwcandria MI Sua-t <&iy. They were aecompaineil heme bTUmtmia. JUgMtld. irii» JMs b««i

l^uadiac •<>•«; tima jn HmrnrYtA


Pepto- lem aii i TaidtandBlopdEntiehgr {mmmmmmmiimmmmmmmm^timm


Mrs. Mason PenoUt tmi

^enoisfs sister, Mn. S, I. BaUard. of washingtoB.

Mrs. Chadwell, of The Plains, was n MiMt s< hss lalatsai Mail rilHs

• . iAM.iwv i ; . a : ; A / . 4 J wwjk m-r^sngaaissgmM* jm. ^ :fi7¥?«p s:n*«ar •^i—I—ifcwijM VI mak" --^fw»Tw-•*»

anksgivu^ Sugsestions Meat,

SBB Maid Raisios, ^edbiE.IStt:fdt:' 15c * 1... »• • . • , •'' • • l * r U

Mr. and Mn. W. S. Atbsr had o^ their guests the past waak ^md tkafoh lowing! E14er and Ifrs, ^, 8. Dalton^ their_daugliter Mias L«|a SNItlton andl

Mr. and l lrs . ^(ilsonWcl^Bt we» *^Wt. TtsKf DaJton, MB& #*» grand' itesU of Mr. Merchant's plu^nii, |ii?fi%tMrfll^ sU ««id«Mter<%^

trand-t PrvtJ



Mrs. J. W. Merchant, at DunMea msf^J^ Ifim^SSm^^Jf*^ Sunday. . -|p>t*l- I

K Mr.; t^S?**"- - C ^ H « ^ HM^ a^J||»by daughter, Margueriie, ofl

Baltimore, and Miss Martha C^ Russell, of Marshall, riaited Mr.< Wtteteer^ paintif Mr. and Mn. W.' C Wagenw, the first of the week.'


pajBeOy'Stttiasiit et fh» Btfranwe ijik-i SJ i3« !«»?«: W.'- "'t'

^^. and Mn. A. B. Jamiaon spent tUplatter- part of last mek at t^e

S'of lb. and mm^ <mM •fMinn^viBe. —X--^- - - T;. ..- -

Alice HotohiBon and son, Mr. ell "^tu^S^ii,^ of' Xlile, "apeit ay mNHa xHBW dP'MT. awI'lRa.'

SineUr. "" ,.*- i,;*

Bazz-Saw« JSammjer and Cj^wb^

A'bDZZ48W, Iwu axes; S" bar and numerous and s' ^ naflis'lulriiamznen'were held ǣ rȣdfilllsS iimigfat fbi- one of t l ^

•tao "''Utta8TOiI BUl^cal opert^ tions m elephant hiatory, says '

faneral of Mt. GeorSfe^SMSBljj^BeBMiftPftCJjkf^ « of Mn. SiiBpson. ai AMO- * ft will not be a gland operatiM| ^an»d«.. . 0. ... ^_.-*.- ft,gg(,gg^ '«attS«&l»^>lily 36 yeaij

and Mrs. S. E. Simpson attend-

""i 8g^*ifi I * '>5 :.-i::*S£S -Jetan T. Uym^^^'/MB^Stbk^ dt -iK'Ifttife' yMtfH,-^hydermg

em^t<yf of«jlifi • Ceo^at^a" ZocUw^b^ar«iix«nonMjyre tw| gave the giant elephant's Hfe.

.pained by her daughter Boxelle, l^%«»,-|:^'Byae,2«'l*A-

0*1 Sunday?"" *- ' • • ' ' ' * ••;'

Thelma 3i9mi^'ilWK:l9t<med W—htigtwfc ,irlwiW 8WU«B9 the


J<CT....Hflwirri>it?niiinn w4 -JMw* ggae Aorotthy Jobison apent ti»e week-en^ 4t th<| home of <pMb. HanH Xipacomb

>-Mr. tutd Vn. Bamiaond Dyer, of-

^-^tlBimter, "Va,,'spent ~Ouuuay (T^ome of Mr. «fd Mn. Marvin Sin^aaft

^ Dr. John Hoo« U a i and Mr. Sc L

tf the former's parwtts, D« and Mn. B. FTUen, on Snnaay. "

has returned to her home after a •>&• j^ of sey«fsl weeioTwiOt "her ffieee, Urs. A. H, Harrep^^ , j ;

^ Mr. B. C. Taylor, of Oiaitotto, JJ, C, ^as a guest of his motfaferl l^nL %". O. |aylor, and sister, M*k E. cMi lHaj*, to. JBatnrday jiiw* -^BB^K^*

"MrTand Mn. l inis JonMrSf ^Wiah

Mrs. Jmies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welfley, for the week-^nd. _,.^

Mr. E. N. Marstell*. of Washinf-

Mn. Luther WaKer, of Ougago. IlL, spent Tuesday witli h ^ b 1 ( t d ^ ^ 3 | ^ g ; § A- Stuart Gibson, e« route to viart friends at CaiaTloU«a:villeL ^.^ ...

Mrs- Ada Holt, of Wariungtoo, is

FeweU Mwchaa^ this weak.

Messrs. Hrfmes JBAt0t<mt 'A ^i ^ 4 ^ Latham, Marian Hutchison and Kotfe Bob»tson, of Haymarket, were M

Tidton OB WedhMdl^/ ZlJ

a Miss Lillian H«tehi80Q,.of the t$c-uUy of Baiwf^ «h«oVf«»*«f4'>«rM friend, Misa ABee Hairiste, «• 19kC-orday and Soaday at fkoot BopaL

Dr. W. F. Menhaat apwi^Mvanl days last wedc at White So^ttar Springs, W. ¥ k , a t « mm»^ " ^ - S ^ I | surgeooa «f * e C. * O. IfcOwayi '"• 4 - t—i

Misa Pauline Beachley, of Waah iagtoa. apiMt Ae past wcA-end at thaboBM of kav paseMta, Mc and Mn. L^ E. Beachley, on Pealx^ street.

Misses Eloise and Mary Giddinga wen guests of thelr ' friend, ^ y f Fannie Ikte^t^ «« ( e ^ O M k ^ WasUBgtftn; o^ aWufa* iritr^ttd^^

declared necessary to s a ^ h e r

^«Udi^ffi»nn^ will be necessary tbliiiaesthetize 'mtitifr'

Other Seasomibltp Suggestions Gold Medal Pkmr, 12-lb b a f . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 55e-Gold Medal Flour. 24-lb bag . . . : . . . . |1.19 PiUsbury Flour, \l-% bag. 55e PiUsbury Ftour, 24-1b hag. . . . Jl.lO Green Gun PowdCT Tea, lb. . . . . •••••• Stc Campbell Beans, lb .! .,; ,^ 9c Carnation Evi^wrated Milk, c u r . . . . . . Borden's Braporated Milk, eait.. .^.... IM Bcand Bvaperat«lMttk; caa.. . f.. A. A P. ErapenMcd Milk. caa. •>.. .T., Kagle Bnwd .Evaporated Milk. 9 0 . : . • Oranges, \txz^^i9»K3 Q^^foin^ 4 ^ . Onions, lb . . . ; . . . . . . . . I . . . Kdk>^8 Com Flakes, package.. . . . . Post "mf tici^ imckage A. & P. Com FbtC*. padage.".. r r s O' WWlfc NaffUMi Soap. dBBB..«. Star Sftaq kii|« eak». . . . . . /js ; . . . . Pare lard. J^ t,^.,.. ........... Ski«ddMi Wbfat, package . . PiiBkilliierairalkted^tBgai', l b . . . . . : .

. 12c

. 12c

. I2c

. IW


: Ifc . 7c . 5e . 5e . \U , ii« 7Hi

Great Mastic & Pacific Tea Go. ^ w€^Mrv70ett.&ti>res i n t h e U . S^


In the Cfe ln (Mifee 'o^the Circuit i^aai^ii ^ e County of PHne^l^JSPT «n the 22nd day of November, 1922.

MASOABBTiB. S O M i « r A l » f # A »

. The ol»JSct o f tSia "auit ft to* obtain fof m^ «fi}nalaii>|pt ».lp lld-4My9t6i| fMih 1 niefenitUBit'<itf H^ grotadl'or deaertion, to b^iAiilfSlilMKe proper ttte .inaataii' ah—ati dSWft* and tML gaisral^xe(i«f:v ; y , V M Ml #«Bdavi« having bisen ^ M ^ .

•Hdjanj^^t tbe d«««»dan!kJlf^«BWi^ H..jeng|^tary. ia ot Jit^«tidwt.«aiUbe 8»«ila^.yii»W)W itia.jWJ<|aa4 tbefe ahe do aM>eafaiwtth»Oij>ati<iw%;«ftW

due piMieation iiareaf, «n4 do wiiat may b^ineeessaiy to pMbteet-har is^ tereat iB:!tiiis<anit AaA ifc ia forttev OEdcred tiwt a copy UiTeof- ba pob' Uafaad oaap a weelcloft JBur.«aeeittsif« wed(s i^'the. Manasaaa Jttomalf a neirapapw pwWishsd ia the eoanty e< PrinM IViUiaM and ikat « v^vr b« peatail at tke freni doM-«f tlia eeoxtk honstt «£ ihis AOfuntreK or<tafon the 2«th day of November, 1M% ttptt^a. inc tbe «NCt stirrsaiHiHt 8 i d » - W «'f-tac.^U* ardes waa -.A-«wy-=-Tes»e: • ^

, • (aSO. C TXiBB, Cleifc. . . . . ^ Ua iV^nty,LtUPiiAM.

•MfflXk G.^aAB.^<3ailu By Us d^wty, I.. TMHJAM.

Bichard B. Washington, p. ^ 88^4

1 i. ;


A Concrete Storage WiUSmYow Crop

for KM* la baais eafliue nijrea «a oatM4* eaflar

v f t A U t , ixwt*. pi—»rr«i» that w31 ••*• crap* tliat zn^*. be deaign ia al^wa ^awa and

caa bnUl.a Coocre^ bl be •poilad wtlbiBiit, we wiU fnnaaai fuB

wllb wMk ye"''** ^<nU it yMnelL Or «» wiQ pat

-A1±S datati plaaa

tMKk with wbo <i» it qni«k& • •wi.

Tbia ia yoa can put your work

eaa af aaany paadical Concreta Improvementa laapiQivaaiaiHa dtat will aave yonr tiiae, mak*

Xm mmA M U a raal doUara asA cenu value to . m a r place. Caaanta b tba Fai war's beat boiUbrig material bscaaaa tba tlu«wi tbat aaaka C«Karsta are the apeiMt laateriaU for yon le work witk And wbaajro«M( dona. y « w work wiB bo %rartb SMSiy tiaaaa tba eaaaQ coet tor maMnda aad labor. Yoa caa atves we<A • • CoBcrata famiinaiaama tUa wiatic V fDUnriag a few aaay raka lor awkiaa and p b i a s Ceacnte ira

_ ^ _ eoU weatbwr. Spend aaaa t&na tfti* wiatar •akiBg \SSCi jrearpiaoa aaoraprofitably. --- ' &--J

M V ^ Saaailty Ctmmtl faiaarftS/><H

Yoa caa gat aay quantity t o f M r wJBi' job. -Yoa OBi^ ta beva a few baga i s tba bam all tba tiata for add |Mka'«roi«kd^^ platia^ "&^

rf carity Ceaaaat ia atanrbird; gaafaa«aad,«V aaeat ~ Cevainaaant iparifiration, aad apariaHy adapted

ta Aa aaadi ol ibsJfjdiBir) ' ' ii la IIi| lima «a iMnSfiit

We « e at tmn aaiijaa wHb jpi iiH il,>«^,jWf


^ noK)daa». lcisasodalaiK]i|x>ftcat(tfldSrMcn>e« - _ _ i n ^ kw pric^ of »a50^ It caqks «n *i» o^ diaiiiicabfi^ e4>«ctillr i M l d ^ d a t e d by women. The bc>wrif»aT dajgaed BAct Ifiody wcm ^B^^

, in conuorti Trunk at xeaf is RgtiiBr equipoHBC n O i n li>UALrrY has been «t01 &nlMr iavoMiedii! aore sitMc dn^n ai4

•> ' j « * . • «

equipment )ttY has been sdll &itfaer tnrrojicdfefcc^peeriag

jtnd gready increased farilirifi^ ^.

"tlERNaCE U now offered flb i te rate baiiybr 10jQO| service stations. ^^

BRlC^Jia^tBe new line remain the s«me in tfiHat of siliMlmiilfHvifnr and rore easpenstvc oonsouctioo, wfaidi have gtcatly ~

Sdlne Disdncdve Features PSrIcet L o.

^ Kr. a x S ^ - ^ I J ^ r ^ i K ^ ^ Tak«»a Fkrk. I». C- w«ae «aal

gBoatS*t4 «f< ^«r. aad Mn. ft. I^

Byrd. • - - '

Mn F. R. Colea aad Hisa MoUia Bi^y have retomed to their home oa, Lee avenae after a visit of two weeks with r^ative* at P i 4 m , a » d Wil- ..

W. Va. • "

Streamline body design aridi high S- i: t kobdt «a<iaam fted *»d rear gasoline

tank on all modeis; dnm type iwaa

*• -ftk»(J6b%J^ plate gUsaTemstedt.; ia*7wa, strai^ sidd eo«« » ' -^

tires, sun viaoi. windshidd wiper and diwh i ^ ' T h c Sedbncae is «PWy*i «Ai) «at» txuBk on

. W , > r. "• -1 * I, • ifc • ! \t

Two Rvc PiMa«er Tduiifit -fw^Pas^en^UtiiiCTCoi^ 680 Ixxff PMMnffer SedsMta^ tSO Five IWs)«er Sedan • - MO I4gbt pafhrctT Tnidc • • ^ 0

I ffflHif flieS|>wwi> aiioas

DPi D. C CUNE, Dealer, Dumfries, Va. *^i-c<-

Page 6: MMSHMooaw mtssKfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasore tif alar a mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting


Mono aeveUnd. OUt. Oct IT, IKS.

To Whom It Vmr Gaae«ni: Tbia U to eMttfr ^Mt I kav* this

17th day of Oetob«r. 1922, •ppointwt -C. J. Me«txe, ti ManmMM, V«^ my •gent, with/fuQ powar and •nthori^ to take chaiM cad oparate far me mr Carm, eoBtaCaiat 1,912 aerea, loeatai in PriiK* WtUiiia and Fairfax cooo-tiae, known H "Ben Lomond;" alao to aae a^ar • • y bnsinaaa which baa arjaan & « • tfaa eparation of tba farm in tba yaat aad to act in afl mattan for m^ and ia my ataad, eoaearainff tlMoplmttea of tb« taid f^rm.

WllMia a » hand and laal tbia tba tm 4mm oTOetober. 1922.

•^ F. W. RKUCH.


Tba Public Take Notice: Ban Lomond Firm has recently

bean aaaigned by iti owner, Mr. F. W. Broch, to the state of Virginia, as a bird and game sanctuary. This means that no fa anting or trapping will ba allowed npon tbu farm by any penoB, white or Uack, nndar the ^MAlty of the law, aad tba law will aaiaty ba enforced.

Thia notica in ragard to tba aiata af Virginia having taken orar this farm for this pnrpoaa was pnUidiad laat waak, awi parsons have i^aorad It, b«t the gaaic warden ia going to be on tba Jc*. «M1 If people will insist •poa eomuig npon property witboot parmlMion, tliay wiB do so at <^air awn east. This notioe means all.

G. J. MEXTZaH, Ugr. Baa Lonoad Pana.


HaUnodd Standaid C H. ADAMS


Witches, dtcb ui Jewelri Watali



8lk aid k Streets. N. W WASHINGTON, D. C,


The Bar-.T. H. MacLeod.praaehad Sunday morning at naoal hour ia the Ptasbytarian Cbarch on tba snhiaet of "Patting oa tba Ltml Jesas.*

Bar. C. H. Fry gave an accaaat of hia visit to tha CeavaatiMi reesntly held in N(»folk, to bis eongragatiaa in tiia Baptist Chareb at n i ^ t

Mias Haiding had b«- fHand Miss Blaakaabakar, of WasUngtMi, to spend tha weak-end witii htft. Miss Harding entertained a anmbar of tha yoang people Sataiday night ia bar hoaor..

A young soa of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Beach, is eritksQy iU lit their boma bare.

Mr. Chartas Cnttat, who'has Biaa quite ill, is slowi^ improving.

Mrs. Yoong sad bar small daugh­ter are aiveeted back to Mr, Lather Burke's this weak.

Mr. Sam Hamsbergar aad three sons, of Midland, were viaitmns in tbs neighborhood Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Landes Datwilar hava moved from near Midlaad to the old Comptm place recaatly bought by Mr. William K. DatsrUar, of PUladalpUa.

Ut. i. E. Bvsiwn ia home sick. Mr. Willard W ^ , who has retdrn-

ad from a sorveyiag trip to Aiisooa f«r tbs fovenuaeat, was a raeant viai-tor at tha bema of Mrs. Margaret Detwilar.

Dr. 3. H. Fergas<m's cook, Laado-nia Johnson, became the .bride td James Bofainson in Washington last wedcv Who will be tba nextt

Mrs. A. D. Banserman has retamed from Pittsbar^ where she sttendad the funeral of her brother-in-law, who in the streeteS itmeaorfaatdrbatoataH waa kfUed bgr being struck by a truck.

Many will remembar tha soa, Balph Walls, who vistts Mr. and Mrs. & w -anium every summer. Ha is sonA^ •d. by tsro idder sons and hia "tMa, u t e is Mrs. BaosanaaB'!* strtsr.



Scaator aad InsanuM* Magnate^ Kxpiro.

Pteaebing sarvicao we(« held at Paredl School Soaday, emidaetsd l>g Bar. Mr. Lamtm.

Miss Lola Cornwall of Baltimore, is visiting her parents here.

A league meeting was held at Pur-eeUJSchool Satordaynlgfat. Mr. C. J. Maatie, aeeoaqtaiiiad by foor tslented young ladies frmn Kaatera Coil^cs-Conaervatory, added a moat intcresfc-iag feature to the meeting. The la--eitala of these yovig ladies werscar-taiidy fine and well worth atnaing oat to bear, aJthoug^ tiie weatbo'.was ua-favorable. We were warrr to note tha abseace of Mrs. Chandler, byt ths sehod children spoke their ilSeees weQ, the program being called off^by thair old friotd, Mrs. Dell OnrawdL

The meeting waa adjourned by Mr. Hensiey, to meet again December, 14.

Dont think we have ever known the farmers to be so weD 19 with their work this early ia the faO.

BIr. Ridiard ComweQ^ of Baltimore, is visiting relativea hem. Ha aad hte l»ather, Harry, have recantiy: pur­chased an automobile.

Mr. Berkley Fair, who baa been mat-pl<9ed near Alexairfria for aoaM time, ia,borne at tjBs writiag.

Mr. Joita Fair is indispased vith lamhago.

ths eomptroUar, a democrat, who had a dear majority. Uadar tiuiae cir' eamstaaees Governor Bulkeley hsid over through failure to dioooa a' sae-cassor. l%a caanplmner refosed to admit him to-tits state house, aad dMo fWIowed the laddoit with the erow^ bar at the atate house door. The su­preme court decided that he was de £aeto govwaor.

Governor Bulkeley "Iwld the fort" for two yeara after his own term bad •ecpireid, bat the' demoerate senate refused 'to recognise his lauthority.. The desfilork ^isods led to « oonati-tati<»al am^idment fbat' pMcrides for i^eetioa of state oOkers by a ptuz^ty of the votea.

Yoong Bulkeley left school at an early age and became an errand boy in foooUyn, N. Y., U^er 'M»»~-faTg a meaibM' of the fiim by wldefa he einployed.





Sft€id\tf bt dinmk iB$ta$es. I make atndy and treatment

of any kind of disease the fam­ily Doetor is not caring. Tell me yomr troable and 111 teD 70a vhat is yonr diseaae aad what can be done for it. HBk send blank and tjmrtmm emm. Oive me yoor naa»e.

DB. L. P. mouGa


Manassas Tranfa b a W. 8. ATHKT.

Mrs. W. E.Tyter, of Aldie, Loadoaa couaty, waa badly buraed.aboot tha bead and face reoNrtly whaa ^m steam Mew the tap fiwB a ean of water wUefa was boiltac oa the atove.

Tha Aldie Boating > C3ii& I a record catch of ^eocas aad this fsll. haviiv eaptared sight aad twaaty-aae 'piissBWs ia lasi two waaks.

Mr. Jamaa Furgersa»^ls quite sicfc at his hoBM near AUie.

Mrs. L. A. Tomaris viaitiag st Uw haws af hsr so^ia-lav aad Mr. aad Mrs. Frits Baatas. iaftoa, this week.

Mrs. T. Galea Hotdtisaa w u bos-taaa at a meeting of tha Hiefcacj Grave Good Hooselceepers' Ctah an Satar-day, November 12.

Aa oyster sapper and hasaar for the benefit of the Epiaeapal Chorch wia be hdd at Aldie High School aa Ptiday ni^it. Deeambar I.

Mrs. Roy Rbodaa, ot Washiagtan, hi spaadteg sane tiaw with her SMther, Mrs. C E. Uttia River Cbareii.

Aldis Ugh sehotd wOI slartric lights, arraagaoM haaa m^ wiA Mr. Caanal Tylar to

hsBi at

Morgan Gardner Bulkeley, president of the Aetna Life Insurance Company since UTS; mayor of Hartford, Conn., from 18W to 1888; governor of Con-necticst from 1888 to 1898, and United Stotaa saoator from 1906 to 1911, died at his Hartford home recently, after an llhwas of three weeks. Ha was bora st^feast Haddam, December 26, 1887.

The death of Mr. Bulkeley recalls the famous legislative deadlodi of 1891, whan be forced his way into the exaentive chamber at Hartford with a crowbar.

Tte term of oOca to wlileh Mr. Bnlkctey had bean elaeted aa gover­nor azpirad in January, 1891. Undn the steto eoBsUtutloB. ss tt stood at that time, a majority of all the votes east was aeeesssry to elect a gover­nor and, where there was no such ma­jority, the clectiMi fell to the graeral assembly. There was a dispute ss to ths Ugality of rejectinr shoot 1,800 so.«alled "specked" ballote, cast in 1890, which had been thrown out by tiw counters at the polls. Luzon B. Morris, the democratic candidate for governor, had a plorality of about 4,-000 over Samuel K. Mervin. republi­can, but, if these rejected votes were included in the totol, he still would lack a majority. The republicaa hooae insisted on canvassing the votes and the democratieaanate rafnaad, so that it was impossibte to dedara anyone governor.

Tha iMily state oOeor dactad


and profitable depends on tbe In­surance you carry.

-^ Sound indenonity can be pro­vided by insurance in l i e H^ut-ford Fire Insurance Company.

Buildings can be insured against loss by lire, Ughtninig and windstorm; crops against hail damage; live stock against deatii from accident and disaase; and shipments to market agviast the perOs of transportation.

For every chance yoo take there is a Hartford Policy to foot ymir bUIs in tkne of mis­fortune. Only sound i»oteetkm is sold 9t this agency.

Write,- call ot tdejihoxm for insoraace service.


Mr. EdiiWBd Eaihkrt spent sevoal days hi tiia monatahis hnnting,. re­cently.

Miss Looise Suthard has gone to Washington, wliera.dw will make, her

Mrs. Whetzel, oi N(AesviUe, vktted MISS Dora Lam kiSt week.

Mr. H. S. Lam .is speadiag some tinae ia Ws^mgtan. '

Mrs.'S. H. Keys bss been quite sich. Miss Olive Hals&iger. tf Washina-

too, spcat tte w s * ead at her hoase here.

Mrs. Ehaar Lamias aad children, of Waahiagtoa, have haaa visaing her fatiter, Mr. R. R. Keys.

Mr. John Donovaa has aeeeptad a rnsiHim fa Wsiliii^laa

l e s s Myrtle Mar «as a recant Waahtaglaa visiter.

af Prfaaary Gtadss sf

Ansa JaariaoB..109; Fkwanea Nieh. 9C16; Maurice Kays,' W^;

Dahty Shoeawker, 96 Z-T; FcaakUa Kgaa, 96; Ralph NiehalBsa, 94 1-7; Wyaaatt Wolfe, 95; Herbert Chian, 98; Kate May, 9t fi-T; Cadi NidMlsoB, 92 2-T; Alfred Chhia. • • »-7; Haary Kaiser. 90 2-&

General Insurance Agency




First National Bank AtBKAMDKIA. TA.


Capital . . . . .


Baggage Furniture aad all If other

transfarrad or daUverad.



Tha civic aad acheol laagoe wiB hold tta December 1st at 7:90 p. m. Program of trngt aad redtatiaaa. Mr. G. W. Heshfw will give us a talk aa haw maeh work it will take to get aa eda-tioa. We will also hava a box party ty and pie social.

The pnUie is e(»tlially invited. Don't forget th« date—December 1st (Friday), at 7:.'J0 p. m.


Bigianhig^. K. Seathera Railway traia No. 8S wD leave Warii-ingtoa 11 a. m., Miaassss U:M p. ss.; arrive Atlanta 6 : ^ a. SL 1 hoar 46 mbrataa qaiehei tima.

Train No. 186 win leave Waahiag­toa 1:68 a. a^ Manstsaa 10:05 a. as.; arrive Atlaate S-.26 a. m.

S. B. BURGBSS. DiT. Pass. Agt, Southern Railway

System, 1426 F Straet, NW., Wash-intrton, D. C.

Ja the d e ^ a oiBee' of the GIrenit Coqrt of the County of Prince IHlBam on the 2$d day of October, 1922.

ANDY ONDASH. Haii^iir, Against


styled suit is to have cuiifiiiiiatien of a sale of fifty aerea, more or less* of land situate in Coles District, Prince WHIiam sounty, of twhich L^sie On-daah died, seised and peas eased of aa uadividad imeJialf interest, or, in the

it shoa& be aaosrtahisd that thh price effersd f^ tlm said land is iaadaquate, that the same ssay sold, and, in either event, the af sals dhridsd aawivst these a^iOad ftareto, aad for geaeral relief.

And an afidavit having bean made aad^isd tha* Oie defendsa«a, Aiam Oadash. Msiy Ondsah, Uasie Ondssh,

Pastirik, Maty Oaoi aad Mike m aet rasidaate of tha

of T i r ^ i a , tt is ovdersd that thiV do appiaar within tea days aftar daa psMiratJoB hMeot and do vAat

ha asesssaiy to pnteeT Ornir hi-hi^riss idt AadHikforaar

timt a eopy horaaf ba piih-weak sar fic^K eoaaeea-

tive waaks ia The Msiisasss JoaiuaC a M « 9 M « imMidwi hi ttw cawty af Prteea WfiUam, aad tiiat a copy ba posted at the fteat door of tbe eoort-boasa of ttls couaty oa or before ths «tt day of November, 1922; tiiat ba-« g the aext snrewHnt rale day affasr' tUsavdar was entered.

GSO. G. TTUER. Osffc. By bis depaty, L.LSDMAN.

TTLBR, dar t .

Fagqacr Mofaial Ftt hafraace Coa This is 01^ of the oldest Mutual Fire Insurance Conqianiea

in Virginia., It has beoa in <4>eration for 87 years. On account of a recent revision of its Constitution and By-

Laws and Caassified Bates, which are so low, enabivi us to qoote you such ratea that are sure to interest you.

you can't afford to carry tbe risk. We will carry it for you. We are ready to serve you.


We pay three-fourths appraised value. Come to see us or have us c(m» to see you and we w ^ tell y o u ^ aboat i t

Call on or write to any one of the following directors near­est to you:

JNO. M. KLINE, Mawuwas, Va. W. E. VABNER (BrentaviUe) P. 0., Briatow, Va. A. 8. BOBBiriBON. WeHiagto^ Va. 6. W. BEAHM. Nokenrflla, Va.

PrMldsBl, J. S. GOSRELL. Secretary'





Tlwf Art KscriiBiBafii Peaplc In every oMnainnity who want to fvrehaae UM

ara ear friaaia. iilwy have lapatatiaa.

ir Good Jndgmcfnt -ff

the aapf «r "VDMONDB wiMil tkHf l iMaiaf



Sugaivany qoant^ Tic lb Fruit Jars, Tin Cans, Jar Tops Jar Rubbers, Jelly Glasses — — — • — ^ — / ' .' — ' / • ' , ' ' ' . '

Timothy Seed, FertUizen of all Kindt


*'EveiytUi« Ml Earth to Bat*



ffiadair, p. q.





s Manassas, Va.

For General Merchandise Farm Machinery

Union Grains The Best Dairy Ration

Poultry Feed Fertilizer, Lime, Hay, &Ce


Clsiss A Medium

THE JOURNAI^-«1.60 tbe year—aad vorth tbe difference—compare!

THB MANASSAS JOURNAL gaca into praetkaly every hoi in Priaea T^maB Coonty aad is read each week by i^iaxiBataty 7,SM people of the cooaty. THE JCHJRNAL'S wide cii«alatioa •MkcB it a CLASS A advertising mediae, aad that ita cala apprredated and sooght by adrertiaerB is tcstiicd to by the •f colminH of advertising attttcr eentatoed In tkk isMe.

If yoa advertise, place yow advcrtiaeaMat with the eatafalMMd aewspaper of the cooaty.

Advertishig ratea gtvaa aa reifMnL Ctacalatioa books apca to an interested.



Page 7: MMSHMooaw mtssKfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasore tif alar a mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting

•^ X " ' >"••••¥" • • ) ' .r



'T '" ii'in'W'r*'V s«l

Lalidn - Poirdl !&»ipaiqr /

Dislribalon •(

Larro Dairy Feci Imte Feeds, Bni, i i t iBip HMMJ Feed leal Bi&kGlitei Feed

Cottoi Seed Meal


Horse Feed»^ Oats, backed Con, Shelled Corn, Feed Meal Melas-

ses Feed, Rolled Oits and Cora

P O U L T R Y FEEDS Little Cliick Scratch Feed, Pofihry Cracked Cora

Bahy Chick Starter, Growiig Mash, Layiig Mash Ofster SheUs Beef Scraps, Grit

ThoniUI Fam WagOBs» Enersoi B n o ^

Manassas, Virghiia



^ W« haw j v t TMciTed acHne of iUie VICTOR HEALTH EXERCISS RECORDS. Come in and hcax them. A act for $S.M. We gei NEW RECORDS THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH.


Sfip IT^ WE C^Ifi^P|L$.T IT, J X » | ; J i M ^ CIALTT. G r ^ U S A C A L L .

H. D« Wenrich C^ Ineorponted''








SWEET MILK AND PURE CREAM EVERY DAY ^ Oar prices are aglow «i#aa^N» for GOOD GOODS. We apfrceiato yon-.patnnace aad aoUcK a COMUOMUMC of i


Th« S«r. and Mn.- ThoBuw ito«r| BtoviM, «feo l«ft on S«tnd»]r forj ih^ MW hMM ki 8fc Joha'a PwUi. I^rnehbois, wen (ivon « (u«wcU f- \ Mptioa Mt tha pariah hall oa Friday aftamoon by tha Woman'* GuiM of St. j Panl'a Chareh, ol wfaieh Ui*. Browne waa president. The hall was beauti- | folly decorated and arranged fdr the ' occasion, the decorations eonsiating of small pine trees, with which the win­dows were darkened, potted feroa, a»-tomn leaves and chrysanthemoiBa. The table derations were rhrysaa. themoms and lighted candles. leaa, confections, cakes and coffee wen served by memben of the guild. A la Fg number of gnesta was present, and Included about fifty of the Sunday School ebildnn. Mr*. Browne waa presented with a bunch of pink roaea by the guild.

Mr. James Hulfish, of Alexandria, was a HaTnarket visitor on Sunday.

Mr. 0. B. Barksdale has recent^ been appointed station agent for Hay-market and haa taken charge of tha work. He will be Joined by Mn. Barksdale aitd their two children on the first of Dacwabar.

The moving pietans at the Parish Hall will be doaed fw the seas<m o* Saturday evening, when William 9-Hart, in 'The Taating Block." wUl b*. ahown.

A community league was organised on Wadneaday evening by Mr. C. J.' Meetse, with the following oflVcan elected: President, R. A. Rust; viea-prarident, Mrs. M. F. Lightner; secre­tary, JL B . Rust; treasurer, T. O. La­tham. Twenty-five members were en­rolled. The first meetiag is scheduled for December 16, when it is expeeted that an. interestng program wDl ba presented.

The residence being built by Mr. W. M. Jordan, MI Carolina Road, is almoat 0(»npleted and will be oeenped by Mr. Smedley and his family. ' Miss Mary Anne Tylw, of Wash­ington. U at her home hpn for a v i ^




will ne^ar come if you try our oysters. If there is any one thing that will chase away the blue boys this time < year, it is aa oyBt& served right. We believe tiiat we know how to serve oysteis in any aad evecy s^le. TeS us the way you like them and we'B do the rest.* If yon had rath«r take than home, we sell ^ « B by the pint, quart ot gaDen.

Wo apcelsfiae fai serving aftor-tfco lovte partka.


Opposite Dep(rt ManasBas. Va.

The Journal $1.50aYear

Pursuant to a deed of trust from G&rlie S. Rosson and Willie B. Rosson, her husband, of date of April 29, 1916, and recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court of Prince William county, Vs., on May 8,1916, default hav­ing been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, the un­dersigned trustee will, from the station platform at Cherry Hill, Vs., at 12 o'clock noon, on j

Thursday, November 30,1922, | offer fOT sale at public aucti(m to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land known as the old Williams Tract, on Powell's Creek, Prince William county, Vs., adjoining the lands of Kinchlow, Carroll and others, | containing 110 aeres and situ­ated about one and one-half miles north of Cherry Hill Sta­tion, and is the same pn^wrty cinveyed unto Willie B. Rosson and wife by deed dated Novem­ber 22, 1915, recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court of Prince William county, Va., hi deed book 67, page 211.

Also a certahi lot with house thereon, at Cherrv Hill, Prince William county, Va., containing thirty-nine (39) square poles, being the same conveyed unto the said Willie B. Rosson, Jr.. by Ahck Stone and wife, by deed recorded in the cleiic's office af<»«said, iii deed book 60, page 18.

Terms ot sale:—Cash, bat a loan can be arranged with the trustee at the time of sale.

ALVIN T. EMBREY, 25-4 Trustee.




Mr. Grafton McGiQ. U Wwdiiiwtaa, spent Sunday with his atrtwa, Mfiiina Inno and Loretto McGiO.

Mr. aad ifrs. Fraderi^ Giahsa, of Waahington, speat' 1ii« wa^-and at the home of Mia. Graham's idst«. Miss Louisa Cave.

Mr. Homer Heflin haa goee on a bosineas trip to BidtimM*.

Mrs. Bergfaakler CUuk ia vialifaic friends in Waahingtan mad later ^rill go to.New Jezaey oaajrisi^^ i.

Mr. Wtawton Carter, a fomer Prince William comity bey, vriw ior a number of years has been engaged in business in New York state, haa been visiting relatives here and looking af­ter "^indald" faipi, near Hidpiy Grove, enee the home of the Caster femily. where Mr. Carter is plawiing to build ani move his family; in tiw meantime they will oeenpy » bom* in Maaassks.

Misses LoretU and Inno McGiQ and Miss Lucy Bnclper motored to Well­ington on Wedneaday.

Recent viaitors' to Gunesville weM Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Hooe, of New Bal-timoxe; Mr. H. H. JohnaiHi, ot Waah­ington, and Mr. M- M- Washtngtaii. of Greenwich.

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Strother attend­ed the Waahingtan Poultry Shaw.

Mr: Boyd Beadi ia a deilc in the store of Mr. Heflin, succeeding Mr. John Sweeney, jr, who haa been suf­fering from an infected eye.

Dr. W. J. Wittig, federal dairy aad farm inspector, was in Gaiiiea«IUe on Monday, inapectiag the modera aad medd dairy equipment at Dr. £ . H. MarstClW at "MeOoanie Fana," near GaineaviBe.

Owing to the enterpriae ^f Mr. Bo-laadk of HayasariDst, tiie dafaryiiWB of the aeigiUiMiMad are now able to mar­ket their nriDc on Sunday. Mr. Ro­land either saads the miOc ta Warren-tan by troefc. where It ia s M w i te WaalHi rtHi, ar aends H diraet ta Oat «lty. • ,

m^m*f Neartag

Prop« paUidty for tha Lea Jark-soa Memorial highway, sataDding fram Washii«t<» tisaiigh Faitfio. AMie a«i Aahby'a Gap to WhadMater, who* it eoiBieets with the Shenan­doah Valley Pike aad half a daacn otiwr tnmk liaaa, ia to ba tl»aa by tiie AnMrican Aatoaiobila Aaaeda-tioa, according to an kgiaament

with the Chamber of CsTBtrca

drew Bell, aeeretary af tha latasr sr-ganixation. . A. G. Seller, geaecal •sHsgsr «i the astoasobile aoeiety, ia to aute a trip by automobile ever tha road No-veaher 24 for the pnrpoae of log­ging it aad making strtp mapa for ikt aasnriatiew's nad beahs. Coaspla^ tion of the Lee^afksoa road, aaw aadar uiasUaUieit, wiD ahortaa «iM distance between Wa^ringtaa aad Winchester about thirty milea.

Under and by virtue of a deed of tras<, dacted August 26.1921^ executed by A. U. C. A C. W. Eringsberg, the undersigned trustee therefai named, havii^ been so requested by the benefi­ciary therdn secured, and de­fault, having been made in fte payment of the amount thertin, win offer for sale at public anor lion, t» the hifl wst bidder, on

Heod^jf, N H I — i i r 27« 1922, at tea o'clock A. M., in front of the courthouse in Ihe Town of Manassas, Prince William coun­ty, Va., an that certain tract of land situate (« Quantico Run, in Cotes District, aforesaid county and State, whidi was allotted to Eliza E. Carter in the division of the Philip Carter real estate and was conveyed to said A. U. C. Kringsberg by Norman Ginn et ux by deed of August ^ 1 9 2 1 , of record in deed bode 77, page 2f7S (where it is desbribed fay metes and bounds) in the cleric's office of aforesaid eoonty, tainhig, more or ~

Fifty-Five Aerea ~ Terms:—Cash suffideiit to pay the matured notes due un­der said trust (about |200) and aU expoises of sale, and the resi­due payaUe at such time and secured in such manner as said granteni ahaSi prescribe and di­rect, or, if they fail to give such directioais, thai said reddue shaH be payable one year from sale and seeared by deed of trmrt.

a THORNTON DAVIES. 24.5 Trustee.

FURINTURE Tea wffl fad at 8. T. HALL'S

FUnnrURB CTORB everytUag ttmm a TMavaaa ta hapartrf Cfelaa far the taUe airf aB Umtt af Utehaa


lyrs FmitaR Siire MAlf A88A8, TA.



AMD L K B I U D ae Ave, Near C • . . MJ




for the Bride —a gift of lasting ehana and. praetiad' too—one she wBI be prood to we is hm | own heme. The nasM behiad a gift fi«B this establishneBt heraMa tta beaaty ami Insures ita quality.



AQ Mail Orders or Inquiries win receive * prompt and carefnl attentimi.



To Maintain a Standard-is not always an easy task. In these times when the public is clamoring for something cheaper, it's a great temi^ation for mer­chants to cheapen their products. We have always refused to do tiiis for the quality here must be keep up. We buy only the best a,nd sell only the best—and at prices that are consistent with astandaird quality. 3 ^ -ing only meats we haveno "baits" to tiirow out Our only inducement for you to buy is: Quality plus Service and Sanitation. Our steadily inofeasing patrrjiage wiurrants us in our belief to f i^t along'this Une and not be tempted to resort to the line of the least resistance. Your children will reedv« ev^y kii^ attootion here. Ifay we serve foaT •- .

SauiKlers^ Meat Market

TheBuick They Judge By Tha modal today, aa ia aiiliMiioMIe

It k tiba moaor car by which othera are jodBid it rsprwaeats the bast of aadi year's

TiM Boidt Model "45-Boick qaaUdas of timtiwa beauty an ncA toba WWII id

Wam ba ptaaaed to flea yon a 4

nmBiack Urn* for 1923 t

gi»» 2 ^^^ »iiii ' i. taes; i KM. Tavtac Mas-1 f^ S". ^J^^ * "J.* " ^ i « '?»;> Ptai. T *« i«^ aU9S; S i>M>.



Page 8: MMSHMooaw mtssKfi · ahm-pcaaida^^' aad treasore tif alar a mambers of 4Ms beard. Following tka wgaaixatioo meatiagi a meeting

If you fatatye any i^ich idea^iii your head^ why we have jiisl i^fp^^i a k < ^ l i d g i ^ notmif have tibu; largert Ime oi np-^i^M^c^^ISm^ that we have 4^ar had the pleasiore to^shopi^Qii, Iml can sav^ you frcmi ^ t b $10 im each

Wonted Siali.$17.S«. forWfiwii i i irt^.

•"*" *^ " ^ J - $ 1 3 ^ Tr!^ $19.75

$19.75 $ia75




* i "*' V ^ i / i ^'

GMnplete Line of Hart, Schaffiftei- <& liuxlSaitft and Oveicoats-tlif Best l i n e of M^'s ClotUog mi^e CouBty--$35.00, $37.50,440^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^r--


iabic bte

iMtf f fk«. FlMco4 C Q ^

S6.4& I f-*'^«*^«;-*«»^'


$138 CqF

Hynson's Department Stores T H E QUALITY SHOP" MANASSAS, VKGINIA