mobile monday on #mobilesem

Relevantie van de mobile evolution van de eindgebruiker @patrickbosteels

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Relevantie van de mobile evolution van de eindgebruiker @patrickbosteels
  • 2.
    • Drunk?
  • 3.
    • Relevance of the evolution
    • of the mobile end user ?
  • 4.
    • Mobile Monday Brussels
    • #momobxl
    • [email_address]
  • 5. Mobile Monday international Finland
    • On a certain Monday in September 2000, a couple of professionals from the mobile telephone world met and Mobile Monday was born. The format has widely outgrown Helsinki,and today worldwide city chapters have sprung up in a loose grassroots way around the globe.
    • This network has been recognized as a catalyst for mobile innovation and Mobile Monday defines itself as the community of professionals of mobility.
    • Link:
  • 6. Mission Mobile Monday Brussels
    • We bring together mobile enthusiasts, to work on the new mobile value chain that has emerged since two years.
    • By doing so has attracted a number of linchpins in the business development and marketing world. We increasingly focus on professionalising the way mobile apps developers can get their products to the market.
    • Our goal is to match the existing mobile developers with the emerging mobile demand, so that a real local sustainable mobile ecosystem can flourish
  • 7. Audience
    • Our present community of influencers consists of:
    • 40% established business developers from media/communication companies
    • 20% mobile developers
    • 20% topical participants
    • 20% mobile operator and other enthusiasts/early adopters in the mobile value chain
  • 8. Next events
    • 26/9 at Claridge
    • 17/10 Mobile User interface and Design
    • 07/11 Mobile B2B / inhouse apps/development
    • 24/-25/11 Mobile Hackaton/ Kikkfestival- Mobilemonday Partner
    • 12/12 Mobile NFC Mobile-Social-Local
    • And 2012 (WIP)
    • JAN Mobile advertising/localisation
    • FEB Mobile World Congress Barcelona
    • MARCH M2M road charging/transport
    • MAY Legal workshop /mobile marketplaces
  • 9.
    • Is mobile that important ?
  • 10.
    • No,
    • if you consider that the water for a full year for a child in Africa costs 8 euro
  • 11. Africa is projected to add an additional 224 million mobile users over the next 5 years, bringing mobile phones to 68 percent of the continents population. Mobile phones in Africa are increasingly being used as a media to get information and use value added services. Whether its checking market prices, transferring money or simply checking the latest news, Facebook or Wikipedia, mobile phones are transforming life in Africa.
  • 12.
    • phone - feature phone - smart phone
  • 13.
    • numbers
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
    • App versus browser
  • 17.
    • open data
  • 18.
    • mobility
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Dynamic Composition and Sharing of Context-aware Mobile Services DYNAMOS - 2006 This is a TEKES project in collaboration with VTT. Our project partners are ICT-Turku, Suunto and TeliaSonera.
  • 22.
    • advertising
    • Anand Rajaraman, Kosmix co-founder and and senior-VP e-commerce at Walmart, said on the @WalmartLabs blog in a post late yesterday that "OneRiot has developed some pretty nifty technology that analyzes social-media signals from popular networks like Twitter and Facebook to deliver ads that are relevant to consumers' interests."
    • It's an idea not unlike the Shopycat gift-recommendation engine @WalmartLabs has been testing, only for serving up ads on mobile devices, not gift ideas.
    • AdAge Digital
    So why does Earth's largest retailer, with some pretty big existing relationships with digital (see: R/GA) and media agencies (see: Starcom MediaVest Group) need an ad targeter?
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
    • Relevance of the
    • Evolution of the
    • Mobile
    • End user ?
  • 26.
    • Thank you and hope to see you at a next #momobxl