mobile strategy


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Post on 12-May-2015




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The are mobile devices t



2. IN 1983 THE FIRSTCOMMERCIAL MOBILECALL WAS PLACEDPixel & Matter 3. THE PHONE COST$3,995 Pixel & Matter 4. IT WEIGHED OVER 2.5POUNDS AND WAS 10.5INCHES TALL Pixel & Matter 5. AND THAT DIDNTINCLUDE THE ANTENNA Pixel & Matter 6. TECHNOLOGYDRASTICALLYIMPROVES AT ANINCREDIBLE RATE 7. MEANWHILE, THEPRICE TAGDRASTICALLYDECREASES 8. THE FUTURE IS NOLONGER ABOUT ACONSUMER AT ACOMPUTER 9. THE FUTURE IS ABOUT ACONSUMER AT PERKINS ROWE ATON A FRIDAY NIGHT FILLING OUT APRESCRIPTION, LOOKING UP AMOVIE SHOWTIME, CHECKINGEMAIL, AND SETTING UP AMEETING 10. Mobile experiences need to focus on acore utility, and they need to be fast andreliable in order to be valuable in thoseenvironments.*Ion Weevers - Smashing Magazine 11. REMEMBER THENEW DEFINITION OFQUALITY 12. FEATURES BENEFITSJeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 13. FEATURESBENEFITSGPS TouchSensors (A/V)Contacts Portability Jeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 14. FEATURES BENEFITSGPS Location Aware TouchInteractiveSensors (A/V)IntelligentContactsPersonal / Social PortabilityRelevant at PointJeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 15. CONTENT ANDFUNCTIONALITYARE THE NEWCREATIVITYAndy Bateman 16. Ivo Weevers - Smashing Magazine 17. BY 2015 MORECONSUMERS WILL ACCESSTHE INTERNET THROUGHMOBILE DEVICES THANTHROUGH PCs Xbitlabs - Anton Shilov 18. MOBILE IS ANINDISPENSABLE PART OFOUR LIVES - IT FOLLOWSUS EVERYWHERE 19. Tech Crunch / Google 20. 52% use whilewatching TVTech Crunch / Google 21. 52% 79% use whileuse to help withwatching TVshopping Tech Crunch / Google 22. 52% 79%86% use whileuse to help with use while consumingwatching TVshoppingother mediaTech Crunch / Google 23. 52%79%86%use whileuse to help with use while consuming watching TVshoppingother media39%use while in thebathroom Tech Crunch / Google 24. 52% 79% 86%use while use to help withuse while consuming watching TV shopping other media39%13%use while in the use while having abathroom conversation Tech Crunch / Google 25. 52% 79%86%use while use to help withuse while consuming watching TV shopping other media39%13%13%use while in the use while having a use a result of seeing abathroom conversation traditional ad Tech Crunch / Google 26. MOBILE ACCESS TOINTERNET IS 60% OFALL INTERNETTRAFFICMary Meeker - Internet Trends Report 2012 27. BY THE END OF THE YEARTHERE WILL BE MOREMOBILE DEVICES ON THEPLANET THAN HUMANS Mashable 28. THE POINT - WEREUSING OUR MOBILEDEVICES FOREVERYTHING 29. We dont need an advertising-focusedagency anymore. We need a marketingagency that can think strategically andcreatively, and deliver ideas that workacross all channels. Thats a much biggerchallenge than making an ad campaign.*Chris Kyle - VP of Global Brand Communications at Adidas 30. PURCHASE EXPERIENCEJeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 31. PURCHASE EXPERIENCE AWARENESSCONSIDERATION INTENT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PurchaseSUPPORT LOYALTYADVOCACYJeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 32. AWARENESSJeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 33. CONSIDERATIONJeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 34. INTENT Jeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 35. PURCHASE Jeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 36. SUPPORTJeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 37. LOYALTYJeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 38. ADVOCACY Jeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 39. Always understand how your customeruses mobile as they go through theseexperiences*Jeremiah Owyang - Altimeter 40. ASKQUESTIONSEdward Boches 41. How and when will people search fromASK their devices?QUESTIONSEdward Boches 42. How and when will people search fromASK their devices? Will they access the site when looking forQUESTIONS directions or once inside the store?Edward Boches 43. How and when will people search fromASK their devices? Will they access the site when looking forQUESTIONS directions or once inside the store? Will they want the hours and dates beforevisiting a museum or would they want thebackstory of the painting they are in frontof at the museum? Edward Boches 44. With always on ideas like these, a brandcan earn a permanent place in a readersmobile device and stay present in theirlives during the entire purchase cycle andlife of a product.*Luke Sullivan 45. MOBILE USERS SPENDMORE TIME ON MOBILEAPPS THAN ON MOBILEWEBSITES, AND EVEN ONTHE INTERNETGoogle 46. NATIVE APP?MOBILE APP?HYBRID APP? 47. NATIVEAPP Econsultancy 48. NATIVE Native apps make use of all the phones features, such as the mobile phone camera, geolocation, and the users address book.APP Econsultancy 49. NATIVE Native apps make use of all the phones features, such as the mobile phone camera, geolocation, and the users address book.APP Native apps do not need to be connected to the internet to be used. Econsultancy 50. NATIVE Native apps make use of all the phones features, such as the mobile phone camera, geolocation, and the users address book.APP Native apps do not need to be connected to the internet to be used. A native app is specic to the mobile handset it is run on, since it uses the features of that specic handset.Econsultancy 51. NATIVE Native apps make use of all the phones features, such as the mobile phone camera, geolocation, and the users address book.APP Native apps do not need to be connected to the internet to be used. A native app is specic to the mobile handset it is run on, since it uses the features of that specic handset. Native apps can be distributed on the phones marketplace Econsultancy 52. MOBILEAPP Econsultancy 53. MOBILE This means the app works across all devices, and ensures cross-platform compatibility.APP Econsultancy 54. MOBILE This means the app works across all devices, and ensures cross-platform compatibility. The same base code can be used to support allAPPdevices, including iPhone and Android. Econsultancy 55. MOBILE This means the app works across all devices, and ensures cross-platform compatibility. The same base code can be used to support allAPPdevices, including iPhone and Android. However, web apps do not make use of the phones other features, such as the camera or geolocation. Econsultancy 56. MOBILE This means the app works across all devices, and ensures cross-platform compatibility. The same base code can be used to support allAPPdevices, including iPhone and Android. However, web apps do not make use of the phones other features, such as the camera or geolocation. Web apps cannot be deployed to the phones marketplace. Econsultancy 57. HYRBIDAPP Econsultancy 58. Companies can develop cross-platform applications that use web technologies (suchHYRBID as HTML, JavaScript and CSS), while still accessing the phones features.APP Econsultancy 59. Companies can develop cross-platform applications that use web technologies (suchHYRBID as HTML, JavaScript and CSS), while still accessing the phones features. The web portions can be downloaded from theAPPweb, or packaged within itEconsultancy 60. Companies can develop cross-platform applications that use web technologies (suchHYRBID as HTML, JavaScript and CSS), while still accessing the phones features. The web portions can be downloaded from theAPPweb, or packaged within it This option allows companies to reap all the benets of native apps while ensuring longevity associated with well-established web technologies.Econsultancy 61. Companies can develop cross-platform applications that use web technologies (suchHYRBID as HTML, JavaScript and CSS), while still accessing the phones features. The web portions can be downloaded from theAPPweb, or packaged within it This option allows companies to reap all the benets of native apps while ensuring longevity associated with well-established web technologies. The Facebook app is an example of a hybrid app; it is downloaded from the app store and has all the features of a native app, but requires updates from the web to function.Econsultancy 62. Google 63. LOCATION BASEDSERVICES (LBS) 64. Any service that uses the physical realworld location of your phone or any otherdevice. 65. We want thesharing of yourphysical locationto become asnatural andubiquitous as astatus update 66. 55% OF ALL TEXTMESSAGES: WHEREARE YOU SXSW 67. THE MOST USEDAPP IS MAPSSXSW 68. SEARCHING FORLOCAL INFO IS THEMOST COMMONMOBILE ACTIVITY Google 69. Google 70. 94%look for local information Google 71. 94% 66%look for localvisit the business, information either in store or online, aftera local searchGoogle 72. 94% 66%90%look for localvisit the business, of those people information either intake action as store or online, after a resulta local searchGoogle 73. 94% OF RETAILSALES STILL ATPHYSICAL STORE SXSW 74. NEAR FIELDCOMMUNICATIONS(NFC) 75. set of standards for mobile devices andsimilar devices to establish radiocommunication with each other bytouching them together or bringing theminto close proximity, usually no more thana few centimeters. Present and anticipatedapplications include contactlesstransactions, data exchange, andsimplied setup of more complex 76. GEOFENCING 77. Personalized marketing messages toshoppers based on locations orproximity to stores 78. THE BEST OFLOCATION BASEDSERVICES IS YET TOCOME 79. FOR MARKETERS - AMORE REFINEDMESSAGE INCONTEXT 80. FOR CONSUMERS -YOU DEFINE THERELATIONSHIP 81. MOBILE BESTPRACTICES: 82. KEEP IT QUICK 83. Google 84. Prioritize the content andfeatures that mobile usersneed most Google 85. Prioritize the content andfeatures that mobile usersneed most Use your desktop siteanalytics to what mobileusers are doing Google 86. Prioritize the content andfeatures that mobile usersneed most Use your desktop siteanalytics to what mobileusers are doing Reduce large blocks of textand use bullet points foreasy readingGoogle 87. Prioritize the content andfeatures that mobile usersneed most Use your desktop siteanalytics to what mobileusers are doing Reduce large blocks of textand use bullet points foreasy reading Compress images for fasterloading times Google 88. MAKE IT EASY TOCONVERT 89. Google 90. Use click to callfunctionalityGoogle 91. Use click to callfunctionality Reduce the number of stepsneeded to complete anaction Google 92. Use click to callfunctionality Reduce the number of stepsneeded to complete anaction Keep forms short and usethe fewest number of eldspossible Google 93. Use click to callfunctionality Reduce the number of stepsneeded to complete anaction Keep forms short and usethe fewest number of eldspossible Use check boxes, lists andscroll menus to make dataentry easier Google 94. SIMPLIFYNAVIGATION 95. Google 96. Minimize scrolling andkeep it vertically onlyGoogle 97. Minimize scrolling andkeep it vertically only Use a clear heirarchy inmenus and avoid rolloversGoogle 98. Minimize scrolling andkeep it vertically only Use a clear heirarchy inmenus and avoid rollovers Help users navigatebetween levels with clearback and home buttons.Google 99. Minimize scrolling andkeep it vertically only Use a clear heirarchy inmenus and avoid rollovers Help users navigatebetween levels with clearback and home buttons. Use seven links or fewer perpage of navigation Google 100. Minimize scrolling andkeep it vertically only Use a clear heirarchy inmenus and avoid rollovers Help users navigatebetween levels with clearback and home buttons. Use seven links or fewer perpage of navigation Have a search boxprominently available oncomplex sites Google 101. MAKE IT LOCAL 102. Google 103. Have your address or storelocator on the landing page Include maps anddirections Use GPS to personalizewhen possible Allow users to check stockat nearby storesGoogle 104. DESIGN FORVISIBILITY 105. Google 106. Create contrast betweenbackground and text Make sure content tsonscreen and can be readwithout pinching andzooming Use plenty of negativespace Use size and color toindicate priority Google 107. UNDERSTAND HOW ANDWHEN SOMEONE USESTHEIR MOBILE DEVICELEADS TO BETTER MOBILEFUNCTIONALITYEdward Boches 108. Edward Boches 109. DOES IT:ENTERTAIN?PROVIDE VALUE?PROVIDE CONTENT? Edward Boches 110. In most cases, people want to connect toother like-minded or trusted friends viamobile more than they want to connect toyour brand. So give them all theopportunity possible by creating a siteexperience and/or apps that not onlyallow but encourage people to connectwith one another.*Edward Boches 111. Have people experience your brand nomatter where they are.*Tara Scarlett - Coca Cola