mobile web case study - residential real estate

Mobile Web Case Study: Residential Real Estate

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Mobile Web Case Study : Residential Real Estate


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Mobile Web Case Study: Residential Real Estate

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Marketing Goes Mobile How do you successfully market a house in 2011?

Anne Wilson knows.

A high-producing agent in the Oklahoma City market, Wilson says though the market is much better than it has been in years, it is still a buyer’s market.

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In order to sell a home today, Anne says that clients must both be more realistic about price, as well as adopt

themselves to cutting edge marketing practices.

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But competing on price alone is not the full story. To successfully market a home today, Anne says you must

go where buyers are looking.

• “People don’t shop for houses in the paper anymore. • They’re eyes are glued to their mobile phones. • Since it’s the first place they look, it’s the first place I want to be!”

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Digital Focus Shifts to Mobile

The residential real estate market has gone through a complete digitalization in the last decade.

Social media, Facebook and Twitter specifically, have likewise become integral tools that drive a successful digital strategy.

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Reaching Clients When and Where They Are Looking

In the past year, however, the rise of mobile has broken digital marketing out of the confines of the desktop or

laptop, and marketers are realizing a paradigm shift as profound as the Guttenburg printing press.

Where before digital marketers anticipated a static consumer, glued to a screen in a stationary place, now web content, social-media, and other digital communication can be delivered directly to consumers in every context of life.

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Whether at the supermarket, walking down the street, or while reading a magazine, marketers are leveraging the mobile phone to gain unprecedented, immediate, point-

of-inspiration contact with consumers in the precise moment that they are most likely to respond.

In fact, more and more consumers are accessing

web content only on mobile.

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Mobile Web Connects All Things Mobile Both text and Facebook, however, have limitations

when it comes to selling. • Texting is a great connection point, but it is most often a one-way communication platform.

• The limitations of Facebook prohibit more streamlined data collection or focused response tools.

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Anne agrees that the future of digital, strategy is mobile, and the central collection point is the mobile web.

Through the MobBuilder platform, she can design focused landing pages for each home listing, complete with

interactive options:

Through the MobBuilder platform, she can design focused landing pages for each home listing, complete with

interactive options:

• email/call/text Anne now • Sign up for a free newsletter • Friend Anne on Facebook or Follow on Twitter• Download the full listing package in a PDF • View Flickr Photo Stream• View Property Video

She can also generate a QR Code to be added to print media, property signs, traditional web pages, or even business cards.

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The future is here, for the residential real estate industry, and that future is mobile. “People are shopping for

houses again, and they are doing that shopping on their mobile phones,” says Anne.

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