mock up article - wayne peachey

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Page 1: Mock Up Article - Wayne Peachey

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Page 2: Mock Up Article - Wayne Peachey

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Wirming in the 'new normal' So another year draws to a close having failed to deliver much of what we might have hoped

for ... Yet amid the many negatives - most notably, of course, geopolitical ones - 2015

has witnessed much that gives grounds for optimism, at least for our sector, in the unsettled state of affairs pundits have dubbed the 'new normal'.

As the head of Kodak's print services division explains in this issue, packaging is the

one industry bound to grow almost regardless

of how technology and the world changes. Brad Krutchen has also demonstrated his faith in that by helping his eldest son pick the field at university.

In the shorter term, growth in large economies such as India and the United

States spells good news for many markets. Sarni Al Qamzi, director general of Dubai's

Department of Economic Development (DED), for example, forecasts "an increase in tourism activities and retail", which are two of the emirate's main sectors.

But making the most of whatever economic opportunities will come our way in 2016 also means paying close attention to the

technological changes. In this issue, we have plenty of news on the flexo and digital space,

especially in labels and flexible packaging.

As we report, Labelexpo Europe marked a significant shift from standalone flexo

narrow-web presses towards hybrid solutions,


featuring flexo, gravure, screen, digital and

inline finishing and converting applications (see p24-32).

In the ongoing contest between cartons and flexible substrates, this edition of the magazine gives space to both sides. In

particular, the Paperboard Packaging Council has shared with us a feature vigorously putting its side of the case (pages 20-21).

For once, though, I am prepared to admit

that not all the answers on such topics are contained within these pages. Which is because there will also be plenty to discover

at the upcoming Packaging MEA forum in Dubai on 7-8 March ...

The two-day event (see page 2) will cover

the specific challenges for the industry in the MEA with insights from global as well as

regional figures. I'm very excited about the event but I'm also convinced the speakers we

have lined up will provide the pointers the sector needs for successfully navigating the uncharted territory of the 'new normal.

All my colleagues here at Packaging MEA join me in wishing you a very happy and prosperous 2016.

h~ Benjamin Daniel

Chief Editor

My oldest son. when he went to college I was thinking 'What do you want to ,, do?' We worked throuah and he's a packaging major Brad Kruchten p_

COMMENT Editorial

k t'i middle east & africa pac aging•~•*•

Published by JJ Media Fz LLC

BIZ. Fuj Creative City, PO Box 391186 The Iridium. Al Barsha. Dubai,

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Conbibuting F.ditors Dr George Simonian. Nick Coombes

Wayne Peachey, Debabrata Deb

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printed by

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©copyright 2014 PMEA All rights reserved. Wh[le the publishers have

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November-December 2015 • packagingml f

Page 3: Mock Up Article - Wayne Peachey


Creating mockups and packshots will become an increasingly important and specialised task as products evolve faster to keep pace with fickle consumer tastes, writes Wayne Peachey

Improving products and inventing new ones is what all consumer products companies do. Pick up any object that can be bought and think about when it

was last changed - it was probably within the last 12 months, possibly the last one.

The processes for managing these activities are often formalised into an agreed chain of events, known as new product development (NPD) and life cycle management (LCM).

If a manufacturer creates or changes a product, how do they know it will appeal to the market? The area we, the graphics and printing industry, are involved in is in the product's appearance. Will it appeal to shoppers? Will the best shape/size/colour/form be used?

During the NPD and LCM processes a marketing team will create new ideas and then decide on the best few to move forwards with. Then the best way to test these ideas is to create 'focus groups' of people, typical shoppers who may potentially buy the products.

The focus groups need to look at something. Therefore they will be shown pictures and physical samples of existing and potential new products. This is where 'packshots' and 'mockups' (otherwise

known as 'comps') come in, as printing and photographing a new product in the

traditional printed way would involve lots of time and huge costs.

A packshot is a graphic image that looks like a photograph of an actual product. It is, in fact, a computer simulation that

uses graphics that only exist in 'design' form. Packshots are

very important, and not only for market research, as often the products

need to be advertised before they are manufactured.

Creating a mockup is not an easy process as the normal high-speed manufacturing processes need to be replicated using very flexible equipment and very manual techniques. One company that provides this service, Litmus (, started as a branch of a printing company. "We have always had the ability to create


$packagingrn ii November-December 2015

short print runs, although these came at quite a high minimum cost," said Gareth Hartley, operations director.

"Our customers then wanted us to become more involved in the design processes. They would say 'What would the package look like if it had a gloss finish, or a matt finish, or holographies, or raised type, or if we made it a different shape? What would a gloss finish look like on a matt board?'

"We soon realised once we started talking to designers that they have so many ideas and are frustrated by not knowing how a design will turn out, and are often disappointed. That is where our experience comes in. We won't create a mockup that can't be printed in the real world".

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Page 4: Mock Up Article - Wayne Peachey

The company's equipment is now quite

extensive. "As designers moved to digital

proofs using inkjet printers, so they realised

iliey could print out a design and stick it to a

package;' said Hartley. "Lots of people still do

:hat. However, these are poor representations

~f the final results. We have many forms of

printers, with automatic die cutting. We can

create foil blocks and apply foiling, create

raised type and braille, and print onto nearly

every substrate available and so the customer

can see their design, on their substrate, so

die look and feel will be accurate. We can

even create vacuum-formed shapes for plastic

inserts of blister packs. We can create one

mockup or many, and although some can be

time-consuming to create, compared with a

customer's production facility trying to create

them, the costs are tiny."

SGS has facilities around the world

providing a mockup service. Shaun Whiteley

works as a packaging manager for SGS

onsite at a large UK-based bakery, processing

hundreds of new designs every year.

"Our customers rely on SGS to provide

strong creative and technical direction to

enable them to achieve brand aspirations;'

he said. "We work on many different designs

during the creative process. When an

established design changes, new customers

are brought to the product. We try in these

instances to maintain existing customers and

so try to make the design look similar but

different. .. 'refreshed' . Achieving this fine

balance is not easy and you can't always tell

on a computer what something will look like

in your hand, and so our mockups provide a

valuable tool. For new designs the process is

quite a bit longer as there is lots of 'back and

forth' with consumer groups."

For all designs with a degree of 'change' or

innovation, mockups are passed around the

office and shown to market research groups

and the board so everyone is comfortable

with moving forwards, he said.

"Often we have just a week to create

the mockup. Sometimes less! It would be

impossible to create plates and for a printer

to print and make up packages in that time,

and the costs would be through the roof!"


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SGS also creates packshots, vvith a time

to market from initiation to completion

sometimes of only eight weeks. "Packshots

are often needed a week before printing,

and so photography would be impossible,"

said Whitely. "Packshots allow the customer

to create marketing materials, and for

supermarkets to show the product on

their website. Packshots also look perfect

and consistent, something that cannot be

guaranteed with photography without lots of

colour retouching. The packshot process is

much simpler."

The creation of mockups has always

existed in one form or another, but recently

it has grown to become a separate segment

of the industry. Equipment for the creation

of mockups is more accessible and flexible,

and so increased capabilities have become

available with reduced costs.

But what is really driving the market is

the pace of change. Clients realise that if

you change a design, sales go up. If your

competitors change their designs, your

sales often go down! This is probably due

to the fact that technology (smartphones,

Twitter, online television etc) means that

a customer's attention span is short, and

to constantly keep customers interested

designs must change and be kept 'fresh'.

Mockups are an important tool in the

planning of execution of packaging projects

and key to keeping up the pace of change

while reducing the risk of making a mistake in

the marketplace. I haven't even mentioned

3D printing and in a few years time we could

see the mockup industry providing even

better and quicker methods for creating

design concepts. What will the future hold? More innovation as mockups are used as a

design tool, and more challenging of printer

capabilities as designs are conceptualised

and explored. Ii


November-December 2015 • packagingci::s' :=