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Modelele prezentate sunt cu titlu informativ i sunt subiecte de examen pentru testul de competen lingvistic din perioada 2006 2011. Subiectele sunt formulate de colectivele de specialitate din cadrul catedrelor de comunicare de afaceri i limbi strine. Biroul pentru Programe Comunitare nu i asum responsabilitate n cazul n care apar modificri n tipologia subiectelor de la un an la altul.

LIMBA ENGLEZ Selecia 2006/2007 Selecia 2007/2008 Selecia 2008/2009 Selecia 2009/2010 Selecia 2010/2011 Selecia 2011/2012

Pag 3 3 9 14 20 27 35

LIMBA FRANCEZ Selecia 2006/2007 Selecia 2007/2008 Selecia 2008/2009 Selecia 2009/2010 Selecia 2010/2011 Selecia 2011/2012

Pag 42 42 46 51 55 60 67

LIMBA GERMAN Selecia 2006/2007 Selecia 2007/2008 Selecia 2008/2009 Selecia 2009/2010 Selecia 2010/2011 Selecia 2011/2012 LIMBA ITALIAN Selecia 2006/2007

Pag 77 77 83 87 92 97 101 Pag 105 105 1

Selecia 2007/2008 Selecia 2008/2009 Selecia 2009/2010 Selecia 2010/2011 Selecia 2011/2012

108 111 114 117 121

LIMBA SPANIOL Selecia 2006/2007 Selecia 2007/2008 Selecia 2008/2009 Selecia 2009/2010 Selecia 2010/2011 Selecia 2011/2012

Pag 125 125 129 134 138 142 145








Task 1 1. apart 2. in 3. and 4. there 5. Getting 6. with 7. off 8. if / whether 9. provided 10. comes 11. takes 12. the 13. up / on 14. brings 15. taken 15 x 2 p. = 30 p.

Task 2 1. There has been a significant fall in the price of cell phones in the past three years 2. I find it puzzling that the resolution hardly affected the dollar/euro exchange rate. 3. Stodgy old national-income accounts are set to do a poor job of measuring the modern knowledge economy. 4. As a journalist of Business Week put it recently, the unmasked American economy is a lot stronger than you think. 5. Few economists doubt that boosting a brand can be an investment, just as building a factory is.

5 x 2 p = 10 p

Task 3 6. payments 7. organizational 8. precisely 9. steadily 10. assumptions

Task 4 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. B 10 x 1 p = 10 p

5 x 2 p = 10 p.

Task 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. d a e c b

Task 6 Report Writing 30 p

5 x 2 p = 10 p TOTAL : 100 p



3 aprilie 2007

Reading comprehension (42 points) PART A Questions 1 6 Read the following extract from share subscription regulations. Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D below. For each question 1 6, write one letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet. (3 points per item 6x3=18 points)

Insider Regulations for Primary Insiders Opera Software ASAAs Opera Software ASA (the "Company") is (1) on the Oslo Stock Exchange, the (2) of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act relating to insider (3) apply to trading in the company's shares etc. In addition to the general prohibition .(4) insider trading - which .(5) to everybody - the act lays down certain other rules which apply specifically to primary insiders. These insider regulations have been prepared to ensure that the Company's primary insiders.(6) with the statutory regulations.Gap no.





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

provided given listings trading from works comply marks

listed provisions

exposed tables

shopping negotiating discussion onto applies obey out of comes stay of objects rest

PART B Questions 7 14 Read the questions below and the extract on the next page from an article about a supervisory board. Which section (A, B, C or D) does each question 7 14 refer to? For each question 7 14, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. (3 points per item 8x3=24 points)


Supervisory board has failed ABN Amro shareholdersBy Onesimo Alvarez-Moro A. The management of this bank is hiring four investment banks to advise it on how to manage dealings with some of its shareholders who have complained about the performance of management. Management is looking at strategic options as it builds up defences against those shareholders who have expressed dissatisfaction. B. The supervisory board of this bank, which in theory is there to represent shareholder interests, has apparently accepted these actions (I have not heard anyone speak out against what is going on). Perhaps it is the case that these supervisory board members do not have enough time to do their jobs, as all of them have too many other commitments (a couple have as many as 17 and 18 board representations). It is impossible to provide adequate oversight with so many roles, and clearly this results in absurd governance! C. How can it be justifiable that management should spend its time devising ways to defend itself against its shareholders? Managers are spending shareholders' money to help them come up with ways of neutralising potential troublemakers, in the shape of some of their shareholders. D. I am not taking a view of whether or not the vocal shareholders are right. But they have the right to make their views known, and all shareholders have the right to a free and open debate. It is clear that the supervisory board members have failed in their responsibilities by allowing this absurd state of affairs. There should be wholesale changes of the supervisory board of ABN Amro. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007

7. The supervisory board members should be replaced. 8. The governance of the bank is affected by the superficial activity of the supervisory board. 9. Some shareholders have expressed dissatisfaction at the way the bank is run. 10. It is unacceptable for the management to be acting to defend themselves instead of managing the bank. 11. It is not relevant at this point that the complaints are justified or not. 12. The bank directors have commissioned a number of investment banks to help them deal with protesting shareholders. 13. It is the supervisory boards fault that it all came to a conflicting situation. 14. Efforts should be made to make sure the shareholders rights are respected.


Language in use (28 points)PART 1 Look at each line of the following news report. Some lines are correct, but some have a word which should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space. (1 point per item 15x1=15 points) 0 00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Residents in the Blackwood area complained last night that they should have had been warned about the escape of a dangerous snake. The snake, a python, is three meters long, and can to kill pets. I heard about it on the radio, said Mrs. Agnes Bird. I had gone to lock my dog in the kitchen this morning, because I thought the snake could easily have attack it. Now I am not sure what I ought to be do. The snake, called Lulu, disappeared from Blackwood Zoo. It must be have found a hole in the wall, or it might have been slipped out while the door was open, said zoo director Basil Hart. Mr. Hart said that people didnt neednt have been alarmed. A local radio station must have had mixed up its reports, he went on. We found Lulu a few minutes after we missed her. We have had to climb a tree and bring her down. So you see, you should have never believe silly stories you hear on the radio!

PART 2 This is a detectives preliminary report concerning a robbery at the museum. Read it and complete the following press-release using no more than two words for each blank. The words you need do not occur in the detectives report. The first one has been done for you. (1 point per item 13x1=13 points) Police report I arrived at the museum at 10 p.m. Im sure the robbery had happened twenty minutes earlier. There were no fingerprints or anything, but I found some evidence: two bullets on the floor. Two of the most valuable paintings were missing whoever took them knew something before the time of the robbery. At first I suspected James Smith, but hes in jail. It is important that any witnesses come forward, the sooner the better. Callers identities will be kept confidential.


Press release The museum robbery (0) must have taken place at 9.40 p.m. The robbers wore gloves as no fingerprints (1) . on anything left at the (2) .of the crime. Evidence (3) that the robbers (4) .. a gun. The robbers (5) . knowledgeable about art, because the paintings which (6) .taken are of very high (7) .. James Smith, who was an immediate (8) ., (9) been involved as he was in police (10).at the time of the robbery. One of the customers from a nearby pub (11).. witnessed the crime. Any witnesses (12).in touch with Westford Police station as soon as possible. All calls will be treated in the strictest (13)..

Writing assignmentScore: 20 points Describe on one page in what way the stage you are competing for relates to your Romanian identity. What is it that you hope to obtain? How will your stay abroad change you? What mark will you leave behind? How will you be repaying for the grant you hope to receive?



10 puncte din oficiu Reading (42 p)Part 1

As Opera Software ASA (the "Company") is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, the provisions of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act relating to insider trading apply to trading in the company's shares etc. In addition to the general prohibition against insider trading - which applies to everybody - the act lays down certain other rules which apply specifically to primary insiders. These insider regulations have been prepared to ensure that the Company's primary insiders comply with the statutory regulations. 1. C Part 2 7. D C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6.

8. B A

9. C

10. D

11. A

12. B

13. D


Language in use (28 p) Part 1 0 00 had 1. 10. didnt 2. to 11. had 3. gone 12. 4. 13. have 5. have 14. have 6. be 15. 7. be 8. been 9. Part 2 1. were found 2. scene/ place 3. indicates/proves/ shows

4. 5. 6. 7.

had/ used must be/ were/are were/ have been value

8. suspect 9. cannot have/ couldnt have 10. custody 11. may have/ might have

12. should get 13. confidence

Writing (20 p) The essays will be assessed according to the following criteria, each of them carrying up to 4 points. - completion of task - appropriacy - range of vocabulary and structures - organization, cohesion and coherence - accuracy (spelling, punctuation, grammar and words)



A. Complete the text with a-e below: (10 marks)Energys future is trapped in the fossil fuel past In his State of the Union address, President George W. Bush proposed a $1.5bn (900m) government research and development programme to replace the internal combustion engine with hydrogen-powered fuel cell cars. (1)................................ To be sure, the shift to fuel cells and a hydrogen economy will be as significant and farreaching in its impact on the global economy and society as the steam engine and coal in the 19th century and the switch to the internal combustion engine and oil in the 20th century. (2)................................ Most commercial hydrogen today is extracted from natural gas but it can also be extracted from coal and oil. Even the nuclear industry has weighed in, arguing that nuclear power can be used to extract hydrogen. The White House's enthusiasm for hydrogen suddenly becomes understandable. (3)................................ There is, however, another way to get hydrogen. Renewable sources of energy - wind, photovoltaic, hydrogen, geothermal and biomass - can be harnessed to produce electricity and that electricity, in turn, can be used to electrolyse water, separating the hydrogen from the oxygen for storage and later use in a fuel cell. (4) ................................ Why twice? Because electricity generated from renewable sources of energy cannot be effectively stored. If the sun is not shining, the wind stops blowing, or water stops flowing because of drought, electricity stops being produced and the economy stops. (5)................................ (Financial Times) a. By using some of the electricity generated by renewables to electrolyse water and extract hydrogen, society obtains stored energy to use at a future date. b. Hydrogen is the lightest, most plentiful element in the universe. When it is used to generate power, heat and light, the only by-products are water and heat. But what Mr Bush did not mention was that hydrogen has to be extracted from either fossil fuels or water. c. If fossil fuels and even nuclear power can be harnessed to produce hydrogen, the Bush administration can have its cake and eat it too. d. While some applauded his call to create a clean, non-polluting energy source for the 21st century, many environmentalists were less enthusiastic. That is because there is both more and less to his announcement than meets the eye. e. While this second approach frees us from fossil fuel dependency and is the solution environmentalists have dreamt of for years, it currently costs more to extract hydrogen with renewable energy. That is because electricity has to be generated twice, first to create the electricity to electrolyse the water and grab and store the hydrogen and then to use the hydrogen to power the fuel cell


B. Fill the gap in each sentence with an appropriate form of the word in brackets. (20marks) 1. .............................................................................................. When I lost my job last year, 1 was given three months' salary as payment. (redundant) 2. ....... of the workforce is one of our aims and one of the reasons why we take staff feedback very seriously. (power) 3. ....... managers are often accused of being too 'soft' on employees - but I prefer that to having the boss tell me what to do. (human) 4. ...............................................................................................In order to ensure the highest level of safety, we have to follow the requirements. (regulate) 5. We will only achieve ISOif we implement all their guidelines. (certify) 6. ........................... The level of job is quite high working as a freelancer - I never have a guarantee of work - but I like being able to choose the jobs I accept. (secure) 7. ......................................................................................................I decided to get an extra qualification in order to make myself more (employ) 8. ............................................We're expected to use our a lot in this job and I enjoy the challenge of making more decisions myself. (initiate) 9. .............................. .My boss is a real: he works 12-14 hour days and is often in at the weekends, but he seems to enjoy it! (work) 10.............................. in the workplace is often caused by rigid job descriptions which can discourage teamwork and creativity. (flexible)

C. Replace the underlined words or phrases in the letter with the most appropriate alternative below. (5 marks) 1 In With A ad refer 1 re apro s ga pos 1 se ackn d ttl owle 1 ap forgi r ol ve 1 wi need li sh Dear Mr Cheng a Further to our telephone conversation on Friday 4 October, b I am writing concerning the recent problem that you experienced when trying to reserve tickets on our automated booking service. c As agreed on the telephone, I have now arranged for the tickets to be sent to you by special delivery. d We are sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused. e If you require any further help, please let me know.


Yours sincerely Victoria Saunders Victoria Saunders Customer Services Manager D. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1-14, write the unnecessary word in the space shown. Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick ( ). (14 marks) The exercise begins with two examples. Beliefs which go back deep into the time lie behind many of our present-day attitudes to birds. People have often regarded birds as having close affinities with mankind because, like the humans, birds go on two legs, sing, show off and construct homes. Dances from many different cultures are copied from the courting displays of birds. Some birds were thought to warn of disaster or foretell a good fortune, according to the circumstances in which they were sighted. In the parts of Scotland, it is still lucky to hear the cuckoo while you are out of walking, but not before you have eaten a breakfast. The Welsh used to believe that you would flourish if you were standing on a grass or green leaves when the bird sang, but if you were on to barren ground you would not live to hear its call another year. Children in many parts of Britain still believe that it is unlucky to see a single crow or magpie, but lucky to see two. The birds were also involved in medicine: the ancient Greeks and Romans for example believed in that the way to cure blindness was to eat the heart of a raven or owl or eagle - all the birds well known for their keen eyesight. t h e

E. Questions 12-23 are based on the following passage. Read the text and, for each question, choose the appropriate answer from A, B, C, D. (24 marks) Another large group of Canada's indigenous population, the Coast Salish, was located on the West Coast in what is now Vancouver, British Columbia. The Coast Salish people thrived in this area because of its abundant natural resources; rich variety of sea life, such as beluga whales, salmon and seals; (5) and its remarkably mild climate. A sedentary people, the Coast Salish lived in villages made up of red cedar longhouses, but they often camped on nearby island beaches or paddled their seagoing canoes across the straits of the Puget Sound in pursuit of food. Because of the abundance of natural resources in this area, there was


(10) time for leisure activities that led to the development of a dynamic culture. The Coast Salish had an artistic heritage rich in ceremonial traditions that were inspired by nature and strongly related to myth and spirituality. They were best known for their woodworking of carved animal figures and their yam making for blankets. The canoes of the Coast Salish were also of (15) exceptional craftsmanship. Made from a single log, the canoes were used for daily activities as well as intertribal racing, so speed was factored into the design. At the time of European contact in the early 1800s, the Coast Salish population was quite large and much denser than other Native American (20) tribes in central and eastern Canada, where groups were more spread out. In 1820, there were approximately 25,000 Coast Salish. But by 1915, the plagues and epidemics brought about by contact with Europeans had reduced the population to only 4,120. Today, the Coast Salish continue to thrive with a steadily increasing population and a renewed interest in (25) preserving their culture and traditions. 12. What is the main topic of the passage? (A) The indigenous groups of Canada (B) The decimation of the Coast Salish (C) The migration of indigenous populations (D) One indigenous group of the Vancouver area 13. The paragraph preceding this passage most likely discusses (A) a tribe from another part of Canada. (B) the European migration to Canada. (C) the ceremonies of the Coast Salish, (D) the history of Vancouver. 14. According to the passage, how was the population of the Salish different from central and eastern Canadian tribes? (A) The Salish lived farther away from one another, (B) The Salish population was smaller. (C) The Salish lived in close proximity to each other. (D) The Salish didn't live in villages. 15. In line 5, what does "its" refer to? (A) The Coast Salish tribe (B) The abundant sea life (C) The Vancouver area (D) Canada 16. Why did the population of the Coast Salish decrease in the early 1900s? (A) The Europeans sent them to Eastern and Central Canada. (B) The Europeans carried unusual diseases. (C) The Europeans depleted their food supply. (D) The Europeans brought unhealthy food. 17. The word "sedentary" in line 6 is closest in meaning to which of the following? (A) Remaining in one area (B) Living close to one another (C) Enjoying the outdoors (D) Living near the sea 18. According to the passage, why were the Salish able to develop a dynamic culture? (A) Because they lived in villages, they had a permanent place to create things. (B) Because their population was large, they had people with many different skills. (C) Because they adopted many aspects of European culture.



Because food and resources were abundant, they had spare time for other activities.

19. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "abundance" in line 9? (A) Large amount (B) Limited supply (C) Deficiency (D) Variety 20. According to the passage, what is NOT true about the Coast Salish? (A) The sea provided much of their food. (B) They enjoyed a cold climate. (C) They lived in the region now called Vancouver. (D) They built homes made of wood. 21. Where in the passage would be the best place to add the following sentence? "Despite this near decimation, the Coast Salish people managed to survive." (A) In line 9 after the word "food" (B) In line 17 after the word "design" (C) In line 20 after the words "spread out" (D) In line 23 after the words "only 4,120" 22. The information in the passage implies which of the following? (A) Indigenous people began living in Canada around 1800. (B) Europeans contacted the Coast Salish for trade and cultural exchange. (C) Some indigenous groups still live in Canada. (D) The coastal tribes of Canada were wiped out as a result of European contact. 23. This passage would most probably be assigned reading in which course? (A) European History (B) U.S. History (C) Geography (D) Canadian History F. Writing [17 marks, distributed as follows: accuracy (4), text structure (4), relevance of arguments/examples (4), approach (3), vocabulary (2)] Organizations should be structured in a clear hierarchy in which the people at each level, from top to bottom, are held accountable for completing a particular component of the work. Any other organizational structure goes against human nature and will ultimately prove fruitless. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and /or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. (1 page)



A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. redundancy Empowerment Humanitarian regulatory certification insecurity employable initiative workaholic Inflexibility In addition regarding settled apologise need the d b c e a

a. b. c. d. e.D.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.E.

a the of a a to The in the 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. D A C C B A D A B D C D


Test Paper in English 2009 Erasmus Scholarships Contest

A1 . Read the articles A and B and decide if the following statements about both articles are true or false. Give your answer in the table below the statements . (10 marks) B. In both countries entrepreneurship has always been an important part of the culture. C. In both countries businesses usually start with finance from banks. D. Risk money is available in Japan, but not in Italy. E. Families often provide finance for star-up companies in Italy and Japan. F. Both governments want to promote schemes to encourage new businesses. Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Article A True/False

Venturers who hope to be the businessBy Michiyo Nakamoto and Naoko Nakamae

In the past few years, a new-generation of Japanese entrepreneurs has emerged, boosting hopes that venture businesses are poised to become a new catalyst for the enfeebled Japanese economy. Japan's small business sector already accounts for more jobs than the big corporations, such as Sony and Toyota, but a large proportion of smaller companies are subcontractors whose fortunes are totally dependent on big companies. Only now is Japan starting to develop a business environment conducive to entrepreneurial growth. Of the three main ingredients needed to foster venture businesses - risk money, a structural framework and an entrepreneur-friendly culture - the country has attracted the first, is improving the second, but needs to move forward on the third. 'The reason why there is a business chance for us is because the social structure is changing as a result of the Internet,' says Hiroshi Mikitani, 34-year-old founder of Rakuten Ichiba, Japan's most popular Internet shopping mall. Old skills are becoming less important than Internet expertise and money is flowing to new businesses rather than mature industries, he says. Internet entrepreneurs are also leaving the relative sanctuary of larger companies to set up on their own, something which is still rare in Japan. Meanwhile the Japanese authorities have been scrambling to make the country's legal and structural framework more venture business-friendly. In the past, Japan's reliance on indirect financing through banks also discouraged the development of risk capital. 'The head of a big bank may know what it's like to have difficulties in raising 100 bn but he doesn't know what it's like to try to raise 500,000,' points out Masao Horiba, founder and chairman of Horiba, a leading manufacturer of measuring instruments. But while the money flows in and structural change increases, the critical question is whether Japanese culture can change sufficiently to support more entrepreneurs. 'Japan's venture capital sector is like a brand new race track. The track and stands have been built, the gamblers have arrived -but there aren't any horses,' says Mr Horiba.


Article B

Businesses learn from past mistakesBy Ian Hamilton Fazey

As the UK looks for new ways to encourage entrepreneurship, Italy might be thought a good place to look for lessons. It has a highly successful scheme to help young people start businesses; entrepreneur-ship seems part of the culture; working for yourself commonplace. There is an assumption that if people fail - and 46 per cent do so within five years - they will learn from their mistakes and start again. Few Italians start a business with bank support. They save their start-up capital, sometimes for years, and borrow from parents, other family members and friends. Italy has almost no merchant banks and the fragmented banking sector is tightly regulated because of past banking failures. Banks have therefore become risk-averse and reluctant to lend. Of scores of entrepreneurs interviewed for the OECD evaluation, only two had successfully borrowed money from the bank under the government loan guarantee scheme, thus avoiding up to three years of saving to accumulate capital. The rest had started from their own or privatelyborrowed resources and then used growing turnover to expand. This was found to aid survival, nurturing financially conservative entrepreneurs, who did not over-extend and calculated risks carefully. Parallel to this is an outstandingly successful government-funded scheme to encourage young entrepreneurs under 24. Highly selective, the Youth Entrepreneurship Agency approved only 1,056 projects out of 4,603 applications in the first 10 years. Successful applicants are tutored and advised, and the survival rate is running at 82 per cent. The agency is now allowed to take equity stakes in the most promising ventures. In addition, an unsecured 'loan of honour' - voluntarily repayable from future profits - has been introduced in southern Italy to help get over the problems of financing businesses in poorer areas where the banks really could not care less. A2. Match the definitions below to words in the articles A and B and fill in the given table. (10 marks) Article A 1. something that causes an important change or event to happen (para 1) 2. to encourage something to happen over a period of time (para 3) 3. favouring people who want to star up new businesses (para 3) 4. a company paid to do part of the work of another company (para 2) Article B 5. a companys business expressed as sales of goods and services over a period of time (para3) Definition 1 2 3 4 5 Selected word

B. Read the following passage about headhunting and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Give your answer in the table below the passage. (12 marks) 21

Once a list of suitable candidates 1.....................................(draw up), the lead consultant 2 ..................................... (set up) appointments to meet them all. At these preliminary meetings, the consultant usually 3..................................... (start) by presenting the job on offer in some detail, and then 4..........................(ask) about the candidate's background so he can assess how far it 5 ............................... (match) the needs of the client and, also, how interested the candidate is. At this stage, no commitment 6.....................................(seek) by the headhunter - he 7 ..................................... (simply try) to size the candidate up, just as the candidate 8 .....................................(seek) to learn more about what 9..................................... (offer) by the company. After these initial discussions, the headhunter 10....................(report back) to his client and the relative merits of different candidates 11................... (discuss) in depth. At this point, a short-list 12.....................................(draw up) and the real negotiating begins! Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Verbal form

C. Read this text about advertising. Fill each of the numbered gaps with one suitable word given below. The first one has been done for you as an example. Give your answer in the table below the text. (18 marks) artwork brands campaigns catalogue circulation consumers leaflets mailing media medium place output rates research revolution samples space traders up-market

AdvertisingThe modern market (0) place contains a bewildering choice of goods, all competing for our attention. Manufacturers are advertising to inform us about their products and persuade us to buy them. Throughout history, each new development in communications has led to a new type of advertising. Street (1)________ have always had special cries to alert people to their presence, and the development of printing made newspaper advertisements possible. The industrial (2)________of the 19"1 century led to mass {3)________of goods, and the 20th century provided radio and television to sell them. Now that multinational companies do business across the globe, their products are referred to as world (4)________. Advertising them is a costly affair and has effects on the lives of people in many countries. Each different means of advertising is called a (5)________- a way of getting information across. By choosing the right ones, a business can reach the (6)________most likely to want or be able to afford its product. Market (7)________companies help a business to decide if these people read a publication or watch a television programme which might carry its advertisements. A small business might wish to send (8)________to people in their homes, letting locals know where to find it. Those dealing with expensive, (9)________items can buy a (10)________list of 22

prosperous homes from a list broker and post direct mail material to particular addresses. Some companies advertise their goods in a mail-order (11)_________a booklet showing products available by post. Advertising (12)________can be bought in local newspapers and radio channels. Larger organizations opt for national or international advertising. National newspapers have a very wide (13)________and charge high (14)________for advertising. Glossy magazines print elegant colour (15)________to show off goods and sometimes give away small packets of products as (16)________. The most widely recognized advertisements appear on television. They reach a large audience in a very receptive situation. Big manufacturers use various (17)________in an organized series of advertisements called (18)________which are worked out by advertising agencies. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Selected word

D. Consider the following set phrases which include determiners. Work out where each phrase can be used in the conversations and the extract from a book review below. Use each phrase only once. Give your answer in the table below the text. (24 marks) a b c d e f all the more all the same all too often at any rate by all means by any chance g every bit as h every once in a while i in any case j much as k on the whole I second to none

A: Aren't you enjoying the play? B: Well, (1) ..................I think it's pretty disappointing. The plot's weak and a lot of the dialogue is wooden. The writer should have stuck to what, he's good at and not tried experimenting with a futuristic theme. A: Yes, I see what you mean. (2) ...................I admire him for trying something different. 23

It's easy to keep on producing the same sort of light comedy that goes down well with the public. B: That's true I suppose. Well, the male lead's very good, (3) .................., so that makes up a bit for the rest of it. C: Are you going into town this evening (4) ..................? D: Yes, why? C: Well, I'm going to a recital at the Guildhall, but my car's broken down, and I wondered if you could give me a lift. D: (5) .................., I'd be happy to. Tin going to visit my mother at the hospital and I go past the door of the Guildhall (6)...................Who's giving the recital? C: A young opera singer called Maria Romanescu - she's not very well-known yet but I think she's (7) ..................when it comes to singing Verdi. D: Oh, that sounds wonderful. I adore Verdi's music. C: Well, why don't you join me? I'd enjoy your company. D: Thanks, but (8) ..................I'd love to, I don't want to disappoint my mother. (9) ...................the authors of successful first novels find it difficult to live up to the precedent they have set. Some fail to get a second book published at all; others find their second work goes largely unnoticed by the critics and the buying public. (10) ................... however, an author manages to produce a second novel which is (11)..................refreshing and enjoyable as her first. This is the case with Beryl Samson, winner of the 2001 Goldberg Prize for Literature, whose second novel Twilight Tonality has just been published to great critical acclaim. Ms Samson's achievement is (12) ..................impressive when you consider that she is now in her late sixties and did not start writing until after she had retired. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Selected phrase

E. Writing [16 marks, distributed as follows: accuracy (4), text structure (4), relevance of arguments/examples (4), approach and vocabulary (4)] The well-being of a society depends more on the success of small businesses than on the success of a few, large, high-profile corporations. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and /or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. (maximum1 page)


Test Paper in English 2009 Erasmus Scholarships Contest Answer Key A1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F F T F T

A2 Article A 1. catalyst 2. to foster 3. entrepreneur-friendly 4. subcontractor Article B 5. turnover

B. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Verbal form has been drawn up sets up starts asks matches is being sought is trying is seeking is being offered reports back are discussed is drawn up

C. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Selected word traders revolution output brands medium consumers research leaflets up-market 25

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

mailing catalogue space circulation rates artwork samples media campaigns

D. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Selected phrase k on the whole b all the same d at any rate f by any chance e by all means i in any case l second to none j much as c all too often h every once in a while g every bit as a all the more


TEST DE COMPETEN LINGVISTIC LIMBA ENGLEZ 10 Martie 2010 I. Complete the conversation extracts from a dinner party using the pairs of verbs in the boxes below: (10 marks)knew + coming might + known hear + going stop + get 's + help shouldn't + saying can't + say suppose + heard had + would is + getting


I(1)_________ you've_________the news about Alex?

B About her leaving to join HP? Well, we (2) _____ that was_________, didn't we? A I suppose so. The word (3)_________that Eduardo's__________her job now. You know, I (4)_________a feeling he_________. B Mm. I (5)_________really_________Im surprised. He's had his eye on it for a while. And, anyway, if you get engaged to the executive vice-president's daughter, it (6)_________bound to_________your career prospects, isn't it? A He's what? I (7)_________have_________! He'll (8)_________at nothing to ____ a promotion. B Well, you didn't (9)________ this from me, right, but there's a rumour_________around that ... well maybe I (10)_________be _________this, but ... A No, no, go on! I'll go and open another bottle of wine ... Answer: Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pair of verbs

II. Make a word pair (AB) using words from the two columns. (There is one extra word that you don't need to use.) Then use the word pairs to complete the sentences below. (10 marks) B client workloads stress contact unemployment toll industrial participation heavy benefits employee 27 A

1 Research in the service industry indicates that he.........................................on employees, particularly in call centers, has risen rapidly in the last few years. 2 The increasing level of.............................................has led the government to rethink the assessment criteria on which claims are based. 3 Those employees who have a high level of... ............................................are required to wear business suits at all times. 4 The company all levels: for example, by offering bonuses to staff who make suggestions for improvement. 5 The recent practice of downsizing has left many companies short-staffed and has resulted in ...............................for the remaining employees. Answer: Sentence number 1 2 3 4 5 Word pair

III. Complete the article by inserting the segments a-e given below the text. (10 marks) Analysts look at new factors COMPANIES that follow better social and environmental policies are simply better run, according to Matthew Kiernan. This is a controversial view. Socially responsible investment has come a long way and gained (1 )............................... The research process which Mr. Kiernan and his colleagues have developed at Innovest is aimed at identifying what he describes as the 'intangible value' of a company, the factors that are not captured in a traditional balance sheet and which explain the difference between a company's market value and its asset value. While the concept of intangible value is not an original one. Mr Kiernan believes Innovest's research process brings a new (2)................................ The conventional wisdom still in many quarters is that social and environmental issues are either irrelevant or even harmful to the financial performance of companies, Mr Kiernan says. Our argument is that financial reporting in fact shows (3)................................ Hence his conclusion that companies following better social and (4)................................ As further evidence of the link between socially responsible behaviour and enhanced profitability. Mr Kiernan cites South African mining companies, some of which have recently announced their decision to provide retroviral drugs to workers suffering from Aids. The cost of Aids is estimated to add $4 to $6 an ounce to the price of producing gold, he says. Giving drugs to your workforce may be a good PR gesture, but it will also reduce your production costs and (5)................................ Mr Kiernan, however, is certainly prepared to promote his own values. We are trying to put sustainability issues in the mainstream, he says, I will die a happy man when the Innovest sustainability rating is turned to as quickly as a price/earnings multiple.a.

environmental policies are better run. In defence of this argument, Mr Kiernan refers to independent analysis by QED International demonstrating that a portfolio of shares tilted towards Innovest's preferred stocks would have outperformed the S&P 500 by nearly 29 per cent between December 1996 and December 2001.



rigour and depth to its analysis. The material is aimed more at analysts and company boards than at shareholders with a conscience, the traditional audience for companies carrying out a social audit. c. only the tip of the iceberg. Mainstream financial analysis captures only a very small part of the competitive dynamic of a company, and it's what's going on below the surface that accounts for success or failure. d. contribute to the bottom line. He goes on to cite 3M which, he says, has saved more than $900m (600m) over the last decade from pollution prevention programmes. e. visibility through the FTSE Good Index launched last year. But many investment managers remain unconvinced that green credentials show up positively in a balance sheet. Answer: Gap number 1 2 3 4 5


IV. Match the sentence halves in the following extracts from a meeting about a product that is still in development.(24 marks for Extract 1 + Extract 2) Extract 1 A1 Look, Jean, the product is still in development. If we rush the launch through, B1 I realise that. But if I gave you another six weeks, A2 Well, we might be able to B2 Ian, you know if I give you more people, A3 Well, if you can't give me any more staff, B3 You realise we may lose our technological lead A4 Yes, but I'd prefer to be second or third onto the market B4 Hm. You wouldn't say that a. could we have it ready for the Seoul Trade Fair? b. if it means we make a superior product. c. if we don't get this product out before our competitors? d. we won't have time to run the final tests. e. if we had more people working on the project. f. there's no way we're going to be ready, Jean. I'm sorry. g. if you had to deal with the marketing department! h. I'll have to take them off other projects. And I can't do that. Answer (Extract 1): Half 1 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4

Half 2 (a-h)


Extract 2 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4 i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. Well, if we're going to meet our deadline without extra staff, OK, fair enough. And if I get you that bigger budget, I promise. But if we spent more, We'll let Finance worry about that. If we can solve this problem with a bit of overtime, Excellent. Because we're missing the publicity event of the year You're telling me! If we didn't have a stand at the Fair, OK. That's decided then. I'll get us to the launch stage on time Great. Now, if you're not rushing off home, it would be a disaster. if we're not at Seoul. can you promise me we'll be ready on schedule? I'll buy you that drink I owe you! I'll do what I can to get you the budget for that. wouldn't that affect our profit margins? I'm going to need a bigger budget, Jean so I can pay my people overtime. if you get head office to OK a budget increase.

Answer (Extract 2): Half 1 Half 2 (i-p) A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4 V. Complete the following passage from an oral presentation by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form. (12 marks) Over the years, the volume of Japanese overseas investment 1..............................(increase) steadily to the point where Japanese manufacturers 2................................... (represent) a significant slice of the European economy. In 1983, 157 Japanese companies 3..................................... (operate) in Europe. By 1991, the number 4............................. (grow) to 676. So far, the greatest activity 5.....................................(be) in the electronics and electrical appliances sector. In 1990, there 6.....................................(be) 178 manufacturers in that category. Other sectors which 7..................................... (attract) Japanese manufacturing investment 8 .....................................(include) chemicals and general machinery. As far as choice of location is concerned, trends may 9..................................... (change) if Sanyo is anything to go by: the company recently 10.....................................(announce) it 11 ...............................(drop) plans to build a factory in Barcelona and 12..................................... (investigate) eastern Germany and Poland instead.


Answer: Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Verb form

VI. Choose the best options (A-C) to complete the text. (10 marks) Europe's bridge projects In Greece, the Rion-Antirion bridge opened four months ahead of 1_______and, even more surprisingly, within its $930m 2_______. Vinci, a leading French 3_______ company, formed a strategic 4_______with a local 5_______to build the bridge. This successful 6_______managed to meet the strict 7_______and be on time at every 8_______ of the project. Bridges are often designed by engineers, but the Millau Viaduct project in France was designed by the British architect Norman Foster, who worked in collaboration with a team of engineers to 9 _______ the team's common 10_______of building the world's highest bridge.

A 1 timetable 2 budget 3 creation 4 alliance 5 contractor 6 integration 7 delays 8 aspect 9 accomplish 10 idea

B schedule figure structure grouping licensee conglomerate rules phase succeed goal

C agenda expenses construction commitment manufacturer partnership deadlines factor make proposal

Answer Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 A/B/C


7 8 9 10

VII. The words in the following sentences are in the wrong order. Put them in the required order so that to make each sentence emphatic in tone. Write the new sentences in the space provided (4 marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. on-we-commercials-the-no-television-can-account-moment-afford-at costs-we-only-profit-our-can-by-a-reducing-make the-supermarkets-under-no-put-products-their-circumstances-will-our-on-shelves we-product-not-August-new-our-on-until-can-market-put-the

Answer New sentences:

VIII. Writing [10 marks, distributed as follows: accuracy (3), text structure (2), relevance of arguments/examples (3), approach and vocabulary (2)] Companies should not allow the trend toward informality in dress and conduct at the workplace to continue; formality in dress and behaviour create a more disciplined and productive work environment. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and /or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. (maximum 1 page)



1 punct oficiu ANSWER KEY I. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pair of verbs suppose + heard knew + coming is + getting had + would cant + say s + help might + known stop + get hear + going shouldnt + saying

II. Sentence number 1 2 3 4 5 Word pair stress toll unemployment benefits client contact employee participation heavy workloads

III. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 Segment e b c a d

IV. (Extract 1): Half 1 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4

Half 2 (a-h) d a e h f c b g


(Extract 2): Half 1 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4

Half 2 (i-p) o k n m j i p l

V. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VI. Gap number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VII. 1. 2. 3. 4. On no account can we afford television commercials at the moment. Only by reducing our costs can we make a profit. Under no circumstances will the supermarkets put our products on their shelves. Not until August can we put our new product on the market. A/B/C B A C A A C C B A B Verb form has increased represent were operating had grown has been were have attracted include be changing announced was dropping/ had dropped (was) investigating



Task 1: The following sentences are all about free movement of people within the European Union. Fill in the blanks with one of the verbs below in the correct tense. One verb is used twice. to be to be acknowledged to put to hold to prove to enshrine to adopt to show to agree

1. The European Union .. in place the major ingredients of a shared area of prosperity and peace. 2. Common values such as human rights, democratic institutions and the rule of law .. necessary for securing peace and developing prosperity in the European Union. 3. Any person who .. the nationality of an EU Member State is automatically a citizen of the EU. 4. Free movement of persons between the Member States of the EU is one of the basic aims of the Union and . as a fundamental right for EU citizens. 5. The European Commission .. in July 2001 a White Paper on European Governance setting out a vision of a Union made more relevant to its citizens. 6. Although free movement .. in the EEC Treaty, not all the Member states went as far as abolishing internal border checks. 7. The Schengen signatories .. that each country could only reintroduce controls on their mutual borders in certain well-specified circumstances. 8. All Member States . to develop a common immigration policy at EU level. 9. In spite of the restrictive immigration policies that . in place since the 1970s, large numbers of migrants have continued to come to the EU. 10. The evidence has . that there is no direct link between the magnitude of mobility flows from EU10 Member States and the transitional arrangements in place. (1 point/sentence = Total 10 points) Answer (Task 1): Sentence Verb form 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Task 2: Find suitable continuations, from those given in Box 1, for the following sentences: 1. While structural change is beneficial to growth and employment, 2. To remain competitive, 3. Companies also need to be able to meet growing demands for better quality jobs 35

4. To create more jobs, ensure social cohesion and maintain the EUs competitiveness, 5. Ensuring employment security is no longer about finding a job for life, 6. The German car manufacturer Volkswagen embarked on a health policy for employees 7. An average of 10% of companies disappear each year 8. The EU Structural Funds help people and regions 9. One example when the EU responded quickly to a crisis situation 10. The work to help redundant people started immediately Box 1 a. it is about people remaining and progressing in the labour market. b. companies must be flexible enough to adapt to a sudden change in demand for goods and services. c. through the introduction of an emergency job-matching scheme supported by the European Social Fund. d. which relates in particular to workers preference for flexible working hours and the need to reconcile work and family life. e. it also brings about changes that affect workers and companies. f. which has reduced absenteeism and cut the cost of medical examinations by Euro 120.000 a year. g. Member States will have to further improve quality in work and productivity. h. is the case of the UK company Rover which suffered 6250 redundancies in April 2005. i. through the restructuring process. j. while just as many new ones are created. (2 points/sentence Total 20 points) Answer (Task 2): Sentence number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Letter/ Sentence fragment from Box 1

Task 3: For each sentence below, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use the word given in brackets without changing it. 1. The staff bitterly resent the remarks he made recently. (rise) His recent remarks among the staff. 2. I know you can produce good work when you put your mind to it. (capable) You .. . 3. The chances of finding someone to replace Mr Jones are incredibly slight. (virtually) There are . 4. No matter what happens, you must not try to contact me. (circumstances) Under .. to contact me. 36

5. One of the reasons the enterprise failed was that the manager was so inefficient. (contributed) The managers of the enterprise. 6. These two brands of cereals are almost the same. (hardly) There these two brands of cereals. 7. You need to make a final decision now about whether to support the proposal. (commit) You . the proposal now. 8. Pensions have not increased at the same rate as inflation. (pace) Pensions have failedinflation. 9. At first we were not too sure whether to employ Alan or not. (doubtful) At first we Alan. 10. The result of the elections is not easy to predict. (means) It is the result of the elections. (2 points/sentence Total 20 points) Answer (Task 3): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Task 4. Complete this text by writing the best word or phrase from those given in the box. cheap labour more effective to ensure

the shareholders come into play a set of

financial reporting

personal responsibility corporations major

Never before has business ethics been such a hot topic. A succession of scandals at major (1) like Enron, WorldCom and Tyco caused the US Congress to pass a (2) piece of anti-fraud legislation. Some people argue that a combination of antifraud and equal opportunities laws is enough (3).. ethical practices and, up to a point, they may be right. International business does seem cleaner, fairer and more concerned about its social role. But on the other hand, these laws only (4). after a crisis has occurred and are predominantly concerned with areas like (5)., contracts and discrimination. What companies really need is (6).standards and codes that describe what is ethical and unethical in the wider sense of society and the environment, and that prevent problems from happening. These standards and codes need to be considerably (7).than in the past. For example, high-level managers need to take (8). for detecting and preventing misconduct. From a financial point of view, having a good ethical policy can be good for business. Consumers dislike companies that exploit (9). in poor countries or harm the environment and corporate social responsibility has become a key part of brand image. In terms of ethics, it does matter when the annual report of a company needs to list its contributions to society in order to keep (10) happy. (1 point/blank Total 10) 37

Answer (Task 4): Blank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Task 5. Read the following article about a successful British businessman and the questions below it. For each question (1 5), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose. Every year British universities turn out 15,000 graduates in business studies. Many dream that they will one day be running a major business, wielding power and influencing markets. But only a very few will climb to the top and realise their fantasies. For the rest, compromise, disappointment, mediocrity and an alternative career away from the mainstream action will be their lot. Peter Blackburn is chairman and chief executive of Nestle UK, which employs more than 12,000 people and has a turnover of 1.8 billion. His advice to those who wish to move ahead of the pack is as straightforward as the man. "Take all your qualifications seriously. Although many top executives do not have first-class honours and it is often a disadvantage to be an intellectual, qualifications are increasingly important, as is the quest for improvement." "I do feel that an international dimension helps every career. It says something about the person and if they have worked in another language, it gives a manager the important dimension of realising that each market is part of something bigger. Also it is always important in any career to keep your options open as events can take an unexpected turn. When they did for me, I acted accordingly. I still have to pinch myself to remind myself what I am doing. Even 10 years ago I didn't think this is what I would end up having achieved." "In the end, those that get right to the top retain their 'people touch', which can be very difficult as one gets swept up on the fast track of corporate life. But those who never forget where they have come from and keep their feet on the ground have a real advantage. The important thing is that you should never ask someone else to do something you couldn't do yourself. I am always looking for those who have the determination, the steel to see through our corporate objectives. I also want managers who can be role models for the next generation, people who will be an inspiration." Blackburn started out working for a small confectionery company and was responsible for clearing up a major financial scandal when it was taken over by a larger company, Rowntrees. This was a project which marked him out and gave him visibility in Rowntrees. While many successful careers can easily be seen as an almost predictable procession, there are always one or two moments when success in a project promotes the executive, bringing star quality and something of an aura. However, if at the decisive moment a mistake is made, then the executive, instead of moving sharply forward, disappears into the pack and others are given their chance. When Rowntrees was later taken over by Nestle, Peter Blackburn went on television and argued against the takeover. When the dust settled, the winners rewarded their spirited adversary. "I have 38

always believed in doing the best that I can in any situation. Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions and then it's important to meet them square on. I have been fortunate in that the evolving company that I am now involved with has always believed in strong social values and has behaved as humanely as possible when it has been forced to close or to sell one of its businesses." 1. Peter Blackburn says that to compete successfully in the job market, people should A be realistic about their abilities. B make sure they choose the right post. C improve their relations with other executives. D have a good educational background. 2. A B C D 3. A B C D 4. A B C D 5. A B C D In the second paragraph, Blackburn says his present day achievements are due to being able to adapt to changing circumstances. deciding to learn other languages. having worked for an international company. staying in the same job for several years. Blackburn says that it's important for a manager to lead their staff by example. put ambition above everything else. demand high standards from their workforce. move as quickly as possible up the corporate ladder. The writer uses the example of Blackburn's involvement in the Rowntrees Project to show how problems within a company can be highlighted. how competitive executives are within a company. how easily mistakes can be made by executives. how the management's attention can be drawn to someone.

What is Blackburn's attitude towards the company he now works for? He has some regrets about its public image. He approves of the way it treats its employees. He dislikes the demands it makes on him. He admires the way it explains its decisions. (2 points/question Answer (Task 5): Sentence 1 2 3 4 number Letter

Total 10 points) 5

Task 6. Writing [20 points, distributed as follows: accuracy (4), text structure (4), relevance of arguments/examples (5), approach and vocabulary (5), style (2)] Some people believe that the best approach to effective time management is to make detailed daily and long-term plans and then to adhere to them. However, this highly structured approach to work is counterproductive. Time management needs to be flexible so that employees can respond to unexpected problems as they arise. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and /or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. (maximum 1 page) 39

ANSWER KEY10/100 puncte din oficiu Task 1 (1 point/sentence = Total 10 points) 1. The European Union has put in place the major ingredients of a shared area of prosperity and peace. 2. Common values such as human rights, democratic institutions and the rule of law have proved necessary for securing peace and developing prosperity in the European Union. 3. Any person who holds the nationality of an EU Member State is automatically a citizen of the EU. 4. Free movement of persons between the Member States of the EU is one of the basic aims of the Union and is acknowledged as a fundamental right for EU citizens. 5. The European Commission adopted in July 2001 a White Paper on European Governance setting out a vision of a Union made more relevant to its citizens. 6. Although free movement was enshrined in the EEC Treaty, not all the Member states went as far as abolishing internal border checks. 7. The Schengen signatories agreed that each country could only reintroduce controls on their mutual borders in certain well-specified circumstances. 8. All Member States have agreed to develop a common immigration policy at EU level. 9. In spite of the restrictive immigration policies that have been in place since the 1970s, large number of migrants have continued to come to the EU. 10. The evidence has shown that there is no direct link between the magnitude of mobility flows from EU10 Member States and the transitional arrangements in place.

Task 2 (2 points/sentence Total 20 points) 1. While structural change is beneficial to growth and employment, it also brings about changes that affect workers and companies. 2. To remain competitive, companies must be flexible enough to adapt to a sudden change in demand for goods and services. 3. Companies also need to be able to meet growing demands for better quality jobs which relates in particular to workers preference for flexible working hours and the need to reconcile work and family life. 4. To create more jobs, ensure social cohesion and maintain the EUs competitiveness, Member States will have to further improve quality in work and productivity. 5. Ensuring employment security is no longer about finding a job for life, it is about people remaining and progressing in the labour market. 6. The German car manufacturer Volkswagen embarked on a health policy for employees which has reduced absenteeism and cut the cost of medical examinations by Euro 120.000 a year. 7. An average of 10% of companies disappear each year while just as many new ones are created. 8. The EU Structural Funds help people and regions through the restructuring process. 9. One example when the EU responded quickly to a crisis situation is the case of the UK company Rover which suffered 6250 redundancies in April 2005. 10. The work to help redundant people started immediately through the introduction of an emergency job-matching scheme supported by the European Social Fund. Task 3 (2 points/sentence Total 20 points) 1 His recent remarks have given rise to bitter resentment among the staff. 2 You are capable of producing good work when you put your mind to it. 3 There are virtually no chances of finding someone to replace Mr Jones. 40

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Under no circumstances must you try to contact me. The managers inefficiency contributed to the failure of the enterprise. There is hardly any difference between these two brands of cereals. You need to commit yourself to supporting the proposal now. Pensions have failed to rise at the same pace as inflation. At first we were doubtful whether to employ Alan. It is by no means easy to predict the result of the elections. Total 10 points)

Task 4 (1 point/blank 1. corporations 2. major 3. to ensure 4. come into play 5. financial reporting 6. a set of 7. more effective 8. personal responsibility 9. cheap labour 10. the shareholders

Task 5 (2 points/question Sentence number Letter 1 D

Total 10 points) 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 B

Task 6 Writing [20 points, distributed as follows: accuracy (4), text structure (4), relevance of arguments/examples (5), approach and vocabulary (5), style (2)]



A. Cochez la bonne rponse 1. Elle parlait ..pour que tout le monde lentende. Son niveau a t ..apprci par les professeurs qui ont cri. : Bravo!! Elle en a t . mue. a. haut, fort, fortement, toute b. fort, fortement, hautement, toute c. fort, fortement, haut, tout d. fortement, fort, hautement, trs 2. Il ma demand de ne plus parler de cette histoire Jeanne. a. De cette histoire, ne lui en parle plus ! b. De cette histoire, ny en parle plus ! c. Ny lui parle plus, de cette histoire ! d. De cette histoire, nen lui parle plus ! 3. A force de travailler, elle ntait plus la merci de ses tuteurs. a. Travaillant beaucoup elle ne remerciait plus ses tuteurs. b. Travaillant beaucoup, elle ne dpendait plus de ses tuteurs. c. Aprs avoir beaucoup travaill, elle ne remerciait plus ses tuteurs. d. Tout en travaillant, elle ne dpendait plus de ses tuteurs. 4. Il a failli perdre son poste ses fautes. Aussi dcid de changer compltement. a. cause de, a-t-il b. pour cause de, il en a c. non sans cause de, en a-t-il d. en cause du, a-t-il 5. ne sont pas mes premiers souvenirs que je prtends crire ici, mais seuls qui se rapportent histoire. a. ce, ceux-l, cette b. ils, cela, cette c. ceux, ceux, cet d. ceux-ci, ceux-l, cet 6. A. B. C. D. E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. c. Cest aprs - demain que tu pars ? Quest-ce que tu vas faire cet hiver ? Quand penses-tu pouser Alissa ? Tu ne le sais donc pas encore ? Alors quest-ce que vous attendez pour vous fiancer? Ma premire anne dEcole Normale. Je ne veux pas encore le savoir. Pas avant mon service militaire. Il le faut bien. Mais pourquoi le ferions-nous ? C3, D2, E5, B1, A4 B2, A4, C5, D3, E1 B1, A2, C3, D4, E5 42

d. A4, B1, C3, D2, E5 7. Qu si vous invits chez les Vincent, demanda Michel, lorsquil la lettre. a. avez-vous fait, seriez, verra b. aurez-vous fait, aurez t, voit c. auriez-vous fait, aviez t, vit d. auriez-vous fait, serez, voyait 8. A. - Alissa ta parl ? B.- Mais cest de la folie ! C. - Nest-ce pas ? D. Deux mots peine, je suis rentr trs tard. E.-Michel! F.- Tu sais quelle veut que je me marie avant elle ? G. - Oui. H. - Et tu sais qui elle veut que jpouse ? a. A, G, F, B, H, D, E, C b. E, G, A, D, F, B, C, H c. A, D, F, E, G, H, B, C d. A, D, F, G, H, E, B, C

9. Jules a rencontr Anne au jardin du Luxembourg. Jules a parl Anne. Jules a invit Anne prendre un caf. Le lendemain Anne a appel Jules et tout commenc. Anne a prsent ses parents Jules. Jules a apprci les parents dAnne et a parl aux parents dAnne de ses projets. a. Jules la rencontr au jardin du Luxembourg et lui a parl. Il la invit prendre un caf. Le lendemain Anne lui a appel et tout commenc. Anne le leur a prsent lequel il a apprcis et dont il a parl de ses projets. b. Ils se sont rencontrs au jardin du Luxembourg et ils se sont parls. Elle la invit prendre un caf. Le lendemain elle a t appele et tout commenc. Ses parents lui ont t prsents et il les a apprcis pour les projets dont elle a parl. c. Jules la rencontre au jardin du Luxembourg et lui a parl. Il la invite prendre un caf. Le lendemain Anne la appel et tout commenc. Elle lui a prsent ses parents quil a apprcis et qui il a parl de ses projets. d. Les deux se sont rencontrs au jardin du Luxembourg o ils se sont parls. Il la invit en prendre un. Le lendemain Anne la appele et tout commenc. Ses parents se sont prsents eux. Ils les ont apprcis et y parls des projets. 10. 1. Lautre jour je tai donn la recette de petits fours. 2. Peut-tre, je ne lai pas retenu. 3. Tu sais que Julien a pous Chantal ? 4. Oui, mais je ne lai pas retenue. 5. Tu as vu ? Il y avait Maurice la fte hier soir. 6. Non, je ne suis pas au courant. 7. Pardon Monsieur, vous pouvez mindiquer la rue des Ecoles ? 8. Je ne men souviens plus. 9. Tu te rappelles la date de son voyage au Cambodge ? 10. Dsol. Je ne suis pas du quartier. a. b. c. d. 1,8 ; 3,2 ; 5,10 ; 7,4 ; 9,6 ; 1,4 ; 3,6 ; 5,2 ; 7,10 ; 9,8 1,2 ; 3,8 ; 5,4 ; 7,6 ; 9,10 1,8 ; 3,4 ; 5,6 ; 7,10 ; 9,2 43

11. _________ de temps que Jean est en Grce ? ____________de temps quil est Athnes ? Quand il est parti Paris, ________ de temps quil y tait ? Quand il trouvera le tlgramme_________ de temps que ce tlgramme sera arriv ? ________ de temps il reviendra ? a. b. c. d. combien il y a combien ; a fait combien ; a faisait combien; a fera combien ; dans combien a fait combien ; a fera combien; dans combien ; il y a combien ; a faisait combien a fera combien; il y a combien ; dans combien ; a faisait combien ; a fait combien a faisait combien ; a faisait combien ; dans combien ; a fait combien ; a fera

12. Ma chre Magali, Jai beaucoup de choses te raconter ! Figure-toi que jai enfin pris une grande dcision :je ne veux plus rester seule, je me jette leau et je minscris un club de rencontres- tu comprends, cest la rentre, cest le temps des bonnes solutions. Et puis, tu connais ma timidit, je nose pas parler aux hommes, cest vraiment difficile de faire des rencontres. Quen dis-tu ? a. b. c. d. Cest dcid, partir de lundi je vais la piscine tous les jours. Moi, qui esprais passer lt avec Solange, je suis outre. Je ne sais vraiment pas quoi penser de cette dcision. Tu as pris une bonne dcision : laisser tes pauvres parents seuls !

13. entreprendre russir russite chouer chec aller bout entreprise renoncer a. Ce pauvre Marc entreprend de bien faire, il va jusquau bout, mais son entreprise est catastrophique, il choue toujours. Il narrive pas russir, mais il ne renoncera jamais son rve car son chec a t imminent. b. Sylvain a entrepris de traverser lAtlantique en bateau. Sil russit, je serai fier de sa russite. Sil choue au contraire, je serai trs du, son chec sera une dception. De toute faon, Sylvain ira jusquau bout de cette entreprise, il ne renoncera jamais ce voyage, malgr les dangers. c. Sylvain veut russir son rve. Pour lui, ce sera une russite daller jusquau bout, il va enfin entreprendre son projet. On lui a demand dy chouer mais il ne peut pas renoncer son entreprise d. Frdric est toujours en train de sactiver : il ne peut pas rester sans aller jusquau bout. Quand il a une ide, il est capable dentreprendre pour russir son entreprise. Blaise, au contraire, renonce toute la journe. Il choue faire le minimum. 14. Les touristes aiment flner sur les ___________ du canal St Martin. A Tours, les ______ de la Loire sont amnages. On dit que les petits ruisseaux font les grands ______ . Il surgit souvent des disputes entre les ________ . La tempte avait dracin les arbres au _______ de la route. a. rivages ; rivires ; fleuves ; rives ; borde b. bords ; riverains ; berges ; rivires ; coin c. coins ; flaux ; lacs ; bras ; carrefour d. berges ; rives ; rivires ; riverains ; bord 15. Le jour sans que je la rencontrer seule; la crainte de devoir avant de lui me jusque dans sa chambre. a. passait; puisse; partir; avoir parl; poussa b. passa ; pus ; partir ; parler ; poussa c. passai; puisse; partir; parl; poussera d. passait; puise; partir; avoir parl; poussais 44

B. Traduisez en roumain : La Banque cooprative des femmes, qui prte aux cratrices dentreprise, a modifi le paysage conomique de lle. Aujourdhui, une socit sur cinq appartient une femme. La Cyprus Womens Coop Bank pourrait bien faire cole dans toute lEurope. Pourtant, les dirigeants dentreprise chypriotes qui sadressent lunique banque de femmes du pays ne ressemblent pas vraiment au client idal : en gnral, elles empruntent des sommes modestes et ne prsentent pas la moindre garantie.La Cyprus Womens Coop Bank sen moque. Pour elle, deux choses compte avant tout. Lintresse doit avoir lesprit dentreprise et une vision. , explique la prsidente, Artemis Toumazi, une quinquagnaire qui a elle-mme dirig une entreprise pendant des annes. Si son projet tient la route, la cliente obtient son prt. Ltablissement affiche le taux demprunts non rembourss le plus faible des banques coopratives de Chypre. Artemis Toumazi en est fire. Nous tudions exactement ce que la candidate peut rembourser et lui proposons ensuite un crdit sur mesure , explique-t-elle. La banque offre des conditions imbattables : un taux dintrt de 0,5 1% infrieur celui de la concurrence, une dure trs longue ( jusqu' vingt-cinq ans), un suivi intensif et gratuit. Notre conseil dadministration, entirement fminin, comprend des professeurs dconomie, des chefs dentreprise et une comptable disponibles tout moment aux clientes ayant un problme. La banque des femmes na pourtant rien dune institution caritative subventionne. Lide, linitiative et le capital viennent du secteur priv. En 2000, 350 femmes, en majorit membres de la Fdration des femmes daffaires chypriotes, ont dcid de ne plus accepter que leurs consoeurs aient un mal fou obtenir des prts. Elles ont alors runi un capital de 240 000 euros. Cinq ans plus tard, la banque a accord 7 millions deuros de prts. En 2004, son bnfice a atteint 100.000 euros, grce une bonne gestion et ce quil faut didalisme.

BAREM :Grila = 6 puncte 1-c =0,40 2- a = 0,40, 3 - b = 0,40 , 4 - a =0,10, 5 - a = 0,10 , 6 - d = 0, 80 , 7 - c = 0,40 , 8 - d =0,40 9 - c = 0,40 , 10 - b = 0,80, 11 - a =0,40, 12 - c = 0,40, 13 - b = 0,80, 14 - d =0,10 15- a = 0,10 Traducere = 4 puncte 1. Nici o distorsiune de sens : morfo-sintaxa si vocabular corecte = 2puncte Ptr. una greseala se scad 0,25p. 2. Proprietatea termenilor = 1 punct. Ptr. una greseala, se scad 0,15 puncte 3. stilistica: topica, coerenta, coeziune = 1 punct Ptr. una greseala, se scad 0,10 puncte NB. Mai multe variante de traducere: se ia in considerare numai prima varianta

Termeni sau fragmente lipsa intra la punctul 1



3 aprilie 2007

A . Cochez la bonne rponse : 1. 1. Marie risque de sgarer. 2. Elle demande un passant quelle est la bonne route. 3. Mais elle a gar la carte. 4. Finalement elle trouve ladresse. 5. Celui-ci lui donne des indications tranges. 6. Elle cherche ladresse de Sylvie. 7. Par exemple que la route est plus facilement trouvable la nuit. 8. Alors elle cherche encore dans son sac. d. 1, 6, 3, 2, 5, 7, 8, 4 b. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 3, 4, 6 c. 1, 6, 2, 5, 7, 3, 4 , 8 0,60p d. 1, 8, 3, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6 2. Je ne sais pas sil viendra ou non. Yves a assez de problmes, car jai appris quil sera lu chef du dpartement o on est en train de tout rorganiser. Ce nest pas facile, mais cest intressant a.Yves a assez de problmes. Je ne sais pas sil viendra ou non, mais jai appris quil sera lu chef du dpartement. Cest intressant car ce nest pas facile ou quon est en train de tout rorganiser b. Yves sera lu chef dun dpartement qui est en pleine rorganisation, ce qui sera assez difficile pour lui. Cest pourquoi je ne pourrais pas vous dire sil viendra ou non. c. Jai appris quil sera lu chef du dpartement. Ce nest pas facile, mais cest intressant car il est en train de tout rorganiser. Je ne sais sil viendra ou non. Et Yves a assez de problmes. d.Yves sera lu chef du dpartement et il a assez de problmes car cest intressant. Jai appris quil est en train de tout rorganiser mais il nest pas facile. Je ne sais pas sil viendra ou non. 0,60p. 3 - Je voudrais parler Michel, sil vous plat. - Il nest pas l pour le moment. Cest de la part de qui? - Martin, son ami. Je dois absolument lui parler. - Il sera de retour demain. Il est Madrid. - Alors je vais lui tlphoner l-bas. Je connais son numro de tlphone portable a. Martin a voulu parler Michel qui tait Madrid. Comme il devait absolument lui parler, Martin sest dcid de lui tlphoner demain quand il sera de retour. b. Martin ma dit quil devait absolument parler son ami Michel. Il est Madrid, mais il sera de retour demain et alors il vas lui tlphoner car il connat son numro. c. Hier, Martin ma dit quil a voulu parler Michel. Il la cherch mais, comme il tait Madrid, il sest dcid de lui tlphoner de son retour car il connaissait son numro de tlphone. d. Martin ma dit quhier il avait voulu parler Michel. Malheureusement celui-ci ntait pas Paris ce moment-l, mais Madrid. Comme il connaissait son numro, il avait 0,60p dcid de lui tlphoner l-bas.


4.. Je lui avais dit: Je viens dapprendre que Vincent va renoncer son examen a.Je lui avais dit que je venais dapprendre que Vincent allait renoncer son examen. b.Je lui avais dit que je suis venue dapprendre que Vincent allait renoncer son examen. c.Je lui avais dit que Vincent est all renoncer son examen. d.Je lui avais dit que je viens dapprendre que Vincent ira renoncer son examen. 0,60p 5.. Elle ma pri de lui dire qui tait le criminel. a. Je te dfends de me dire qui est le criminel ! b.Qui est le criminel ? Je ten prie, dis-le-moi ! c. Je ten prie de me le dire qui est le criminel ! d.Je ten prie de men dire quel est le criminel ! 6. 1.Nous leur avons bien des fois demand de revenir. 2.Vous sentez-vous bien ce matin ? 3. Ce livre est bien plus intressant que lautre. 4.Je savais bien que javais raison. a. nombre des, sain , bien, sr b. quantit des, sain et sauf, mieux, certainement c. beaucoup de, en bonne sant, beaucoup, avec certitude d. beaucoup des, guri, beaucoup, srement



7. Des peintures naves dcoreraient la faade de limmeuble si on suivait les projets de notre architecte a. Les projets de peintures naves dcoreraient la faade de limmeuble, en suivant notre architecte. b. Si on suivait les projets de notre architecte, la faade de limmeuble serait dcore avec des peintures naves. c. Les peintures naves des projets de notre architecte dcoraient la faade de limmeuble. d. Si on suivrait les projets de notre architecte, la faade de limmeuble aurait t dcore de peintures naves . 0,30p 8. Mon mari ma demand ce que je faisais, o je courais et si javais pens son inquitude. Il ma supplie de reprendre mes esprits et je lavais rassur que javais dj song au fait que le lendemain jaurais besoin de toutes mes forces et de tout mon calme. a. Comment vas-tu ? O est- ce que tu cours si tu as pens mon inquitude ? Reprends tes esprits, je ten supplie. - Je te rassure que javais dj song que le lendemain j aurais besoin de toutes mes forces b. Quest ce que tu fais ? As- tu pens o tu cours mon inquitude ? Reprends les esprits, je te le supplie. - Ne ten fais pas ! Le lendemain je sais que jaurai besoin de toutes mes forces et que je serai en pleine forme , lui rpliquai-je. c.- Comment vas-tu et o cours-tu ? Tu nas pas pens mon inquitude et que je te supplie de reprendre les esprits. - Sois rassur que je songe mes forces et mon calme pour la pleine forme de demain. d. Quest-ce que tu fais ? O cours-tu ? As-tu pens mon inquitude ? Je te supplie de reprendre tes esprits, me disait mon mari. - Oh ! Sois tranquille ! Je sais bien que demain il faudra que je sois en pleine forme et trs calme, lui rpondis-je. 0,60p


9. 1. Bonjour, jai laiss un film dvelopper la semaine dernire. Je crois que a doit tre prt. 2. Mais celles-ci sont compltement rates. 3. Lambert, Barbara. Ctait des diapos. 4. Mais non, cest pas possible. 5. Euh, normalement oui Cest quel nom ? 6. Ah ! Voil ! Cest mon petit frre, sans doute. 7. Vous avez d ouvrir par hasard votre appareil. 8. Vous savez, a peut arriver. Et peut-tre quelquun la ouvert en votre absence. 9. Voyons. Mm Elles sont l. a. 3;9;1;6;2;4;8;5;7 b. 1 ; 9 ; 5 ; 3 ; 7 ; 4 ; 2 ; 6 ; 8 c. 6;5;3;2;8;1;7;4;9 d. 1 ; 5 ; 3 ; 9 ; 2 ; 7 ; 4 ; 8 ; 6 0,60p 10. Monsieur le Professeur, Je fais actuellement une thse sur luvre de Julien Gracq. _______ par cet auteur, jai _________ avec intrt les articles que vous avez ________ sur lui. Ils mont beaucoup __________ dans mes analyses. a. Passionn ; lu ; publis ; aid b. Convaincu ; cherch ; lancs ; inspir c. Ravi ; analys ; choisis ; prpar d.Amoureux ; fini ; cris ; pens

0,30p11. Comment veux-tu que je _______ des vacances? Ce patron veut que nous_______ des runions sans fin. Il exige que nous ______ faire des week-ends de travail la campagne. Pour que je ____ mon travail il faut que je ______ au bureau 8 h du matin. Et voil, nous sommes vendredi aprs-midi et le patron veut que j_______ ce dossier avant lundi. Que je le _____ ou non, il faudra que jy ______ mon samedi. a. prends ; participons ; allons ; finis, suis ; tudierai ; veux, passerai b. finisse ; soyions ; voulions ; passe, reste ; examine ; sois, aille c. prenne ; participions ; allions ; finisse, sois ; tudie ; veuille, passe 0,30p d. reoive ; allions ; acceptions ; choisisse, parte ; examine ; fasse, renonce 12. Je il y a 20 ans quil en arriver l: je le , mais je ne le pas. Maintenant que je un certain ge, je que la vie trop vite. a.savais; faudra; savait; sentai; suis arriv; pensai; passe b. savais; faudrait; savais; sentais; suis arriv; pense; passe c. savait; faudra; saurais; sentai; suis arrive; pensai; passe d.savai;faudrait;saurais;sentais;suis arriv ; pensasse ;passe ; 0,30p


13. 1) Jespre que vous ne vous garerez pas. 2) Non, merci, on se dbrouille tout seuls. 3) Vous ne connaissez pas la ville. 4) Laissez-nous vous aider. 5) Elle a beaucoup chang depuis, vous savez? 6) Victor vient avec nous. Vous pouvez tre tranquille. 7) Nous lavons visite dj il y a quelques annes. a. 4; 2; 3; 7; 5;6; 1 b. 1;3;2;4;6;5;7 c. 7;5;4;6;3;2;1 d. 2,4,6,7,5,3,1


14. Si on lavait mieux guid, cet enfant aurait pu devenir un grand artiste. a. Ayant mieux guid, cet enfant aurait pu devenir un grand artiste. b. Mieux guid, cet enfant aurait pu devenir un grand artiste. c. Cet enfant aurait pu devenir un grand artiste malgr un guidage meilleur. d. Cet enfant aura pu devenir un grand artiste tant meilleur guid. 0,30p 15. Napoleon, cet aventurier , cet empereur au masque, ce grand ouvrier et militaire, cet dAlexandre le Grand, reste un symbole de la France. a. fabuleux ; romain ; politique ; hritier ; vritable b. politique ; fabuleux ; romain ; hritier ; vritable c. vritable ; politique ; romain ; hritier ; fabuleux 0,15p d. romain ; vritable ; politique ; hritier ; fabuleux

B. Traduisez en roumain : Dsormais, Arthur Martin prfre quon lappelle Electrolux. La signature de la nouvelle campagne publicitaire que lance en mars le numro 1 de llectromnager imprime un nouveau tournant dans lhistoire de la marque franaise, rachete par le groupe sudois en 1976. Dans les rayons, Arthur Martin va cder la vedette son propritaire , dont le nom apparatra dornavant en premier et en plus gros. Daprs les tudes marketing, la marque Arthur Martin est perue comme sympathique, fiable et proche des consommateurs, tandis quElectrolux voque le design et linnovation. Petit petit, le consommateur associe les qualits respectives des deux marques sur les appareils arborant la double signature. Chez Electrolux, la disparition progressive des appellations nationales sinscrit dans une stratgie plus globale. Le groupe sest hiss au premier rang mondial du gros lectromnager devant Whirpool en rachetant prs dune vingtaine de marques locales dans les pays o il sest implant. En capitalisant lchelle internationale sur son seul label, le sudois accrot lefficacit de sa communication et suit le mouvement de globalisation de lconomie : la distribution se concentre ; la concurrence avec les marques asiatiques sintensifie ; les consommateurs, qui voyagent davantage, simprgnent partout des mmes rfrences. Le made in Sweden bnficie dune image positive alliant qualit, simplicit et design grce au succs dIkea ou de H&M .Cette rationalisation du portefeuille npargne que les marques premier prix , maintenues pour faire barrage des acteurs comme le chinois Haier. De cette faon, Electrolux peut occuper le bas du march sans nuire sa rputation. Pour rester comptitif sur cette gamme premier prix, il a dlocalis lessentiel de sa production dans les pays dEurope de lEst.



1 punct din oficiu

Traducere = 3 puncte 1. Nicio distorsiune de sens: morfo-sintaxa i vocabular corecte= 1 punct Pentru 1 greeal se scad 0,25 puncte 2. Proprietatea termenilor = 1 punct 3. Stilistic : topic, coeren, coeziune = 1 punct Pentru 1 greeal, se scad 0,10 puncte NB. Mai multe variante de traducere, se ia n considerare numai prima variant. Termenii sau fragmentele lips intr la punctul 1

Grila : 6 puncte1 a=0,60 2 b=0,60 3 d=0,60 4 a=0,60 5 b=0,30 6 c=0,15 7 b=0,30 8 d=0,60 9 d=0,60 10 a=0,30 11 c=0,30 12 b=0,30 13 a=0,30 14 b=0,30 15 a=0,15



A. Cochez la bonne rponse : 1. (0,60 p) entreprendre russir russite chouer chec aller bout entreprise renoncer c. Ce pauvre Marc entreprend de bien faire, il va jusquau bout, mais son entreprise est catastrophique, il choue toujours. Il narrive pas russir, mais il ne renoncera jamais son rve car son chec a t imminent. d. Sylvain a entrepris de traverser lAtlantique en bateau. Sil russit, je serai fier de sa russite. Sil choue au contraire, je serai trs du, son chec sera une dception. De toute faon, Sylvain ira jusquau bout de cette entreprise, il ne renoncera jamais ce voyage, malgr les dangers. e. Sylvain veut russir son rve. Pour lui, ce sera une russite daller jusquau bout, il va enfin entreprendre son projet. On lui a demand dy chouer mais il ne peut pas renoncer son entreprise. f. Frdric est toujours en train de sactiver : il ne peut pas rester sans aller jusquau bout. Quand il a une ide, il est capable dentreprendre pour russir son entreprise. Blaise, au contraire, renonce toute la journe. Il choue faire le minimum. 2. (0,30 p) Il ny a plus de doute que vous si vous de la chance. e. russissiez, auriez f. russiriez, aviez g. russissez, aurez h. avez russi, avez eu 3. (0,60 p) Vara mergeam cu cumnatele la pdure unde era rcoare i puteam s ne aezm in cerc i s vorbim de ale noastre. a. En t nous allions avec les belles-soeurs au bois o il faisait frais et nous pouvions nous asseoir en cercle et parler des ntres. b. Lt nous allions avec les belle-soeurs au bois ou il faisait frais et nous pouvions nous asseoir en cercle et parler des notres. c. En t nous allons avec les belles-soeurs au bois o il faisait frais et nous pourrons nous asseoir en cercle et parlons des notres. d. Dans lt nous allons avec les belles-soeurs au bois o il faissait frais et nous pouvions nous asseoir en cercle et parler des ntres. 4. (0,30 p) A force de travailler, elle ntait plus la merci de ses tuteurs. a. Travaillant beaucoup elle ne remerciait plus ses tuteurs. b. Travaillant beaucoup, elle ne dpendait plus de ses tuteurs. c. Aprs avoir beaucoup travaill, elle ne remerciait plus ses tuteurs. d. Tout en travaillant, elle ne dpendait plus de ses tuteurs. 5. (0,15 p) Est-ce toi qui interdite? a. le lui as b. la lui ait c. la lui as d. le lui aie


6. (0,60 p) Joublie sous quel prtexte, me trouvant au Havre, je rue Voltaire. Je y trouver Alissa, mais quelle ny point seule. On ma visite, mais j incertain : entrerais-je ou repartirais-je sans l? a. gagnai, craignais, avait annonc, ft, savais, avanais, avoir vue b. gagne, savais, craignais, ft, annonai, avanais, avoir vu c. gagnais, craignais, savais, ft, annona, avait avanc, avoir vu d. gagnai, savais, craignais, ft, avait annonc, avanais, avoir vue 7. (0,15 p) Cette loi de vives ractions. Ce mariage un scandale immense. Lencouragement dhabitude la poursuite des recherches. Son comportement la curiosit de ses proches. Lexcution de lautoroute beaucoup de signes dinterrogation. a. soulve, veille, dclenche, incite, provoque b. incite, soulve, veille, dclenche, provoque c. dclenche, provoque, incite, veille, soulve d. provoque, incite, soulve, dclenche, veille 8. (0,60 p) a. Il y a des copies qui vous intresseront certainement b. Ils nous ont lu les lettres de Marie . c. Ils ont tout ce qui leur faut, les rfrences . d. On est libre jusqu la fin de mai, 30 avril . e. les lundis, les muses sont ouverts tout le temps. f. Je renonce les circonstances. 1. tant donn 2. chemin faisant 3. y comprises, 4. except 5. inclus 6. ci-joint a. a5, b3, c6, d4, e1, f2 b. a3, b6, c4, d5, e2, f1 c. a6, b2, c3, d5, e4, f1 d. a5, b2, c3, d6, e1, f4 9. (0,30 p) La police a bris le et est entre la maison staient les malfaiteurs cherchait un mois. a. seuil, , dans laquelle, cachs, quil, depuis b. sceau, dans, o, cach, quon, pendant c. seau, dans, o, cachs, quon, ds d. sceau, dans, o, cachs, quon, depuis 10. (0,60 p) Michel ma dit quil vous ds quil se , mais avant que ce officiel. i. ii. iii. iv. rappelle, serait renseign, fut rappellerait, serait renseign, soit rappellera, tait renseign, soit rappellerait, est renseign, soit

