modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of...

Modeling the mammalian circadian clock –intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology Humboldt University Berlin together with Sabine Becker-Weimann, Samuel Bernard, Pal Westermark (ITB), Florian Geier (Freiburg), Didier Gonze (Brussels), Achim Kramer (Exp. Chronobiology, Charite), Hitoshi Okamura (Kobe)

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Page 1: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Modeling the mammalian circadian clock –intracellular feedback loops and

synchronization of neurons

Hanspeter HerzelInstitute for Theoretical BiologyHumboldt University Berlin

together with

Sabine Becker-Weimann, Samuel Bernard, Pal Westermark (ITB), Florian Geier (Freiburg), Didier Gonze (Brussels), Achim Kramer (Exp. Chronobiology, Charite), Hitoshi Okamura (Kobe)

Page 2: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Outlook of the talk

1. The system, experimental data

2. Modeling intracellular feedbacks, bifurcation diagram and double mutant

3. Entrainment by light for varying photoperiod

4. Synchronization of 10000 cells in silico – an ensemble of driven damped oscillators

5. Single cell data – periods, phases, gradients, noise

Page 3: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Light synchronizesthe clock

Regulation ofphysiology and behavior

Clock genes(e.g. Period2)







Synchronization ofperipheral clocks

The system

Page 4: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

The circadian oscillator

Circadian rhythm

Oster et al., 2002

Feedback loopsOscillations

Reppert and Weaver, 2001

Page 5: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

9624 48

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0 72


genetic perturbations:RNA interference


pharmakological perturbations:Inhibitores

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solventCKI inhibitor

Fibroblasts as experimental modelof the circadianen oscillator

Page 6: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Simplified model of thecircadian core oscillator

S. Becker-Weimann, J. Wolf, H. Herzel,

A. Kramer: Biophys. J. 87, 3023-34 (2004)

Page 7: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Wildtype: simulations reproduce period, amplitudes, phase relationsPer2 mutant (less positive feedback): arythmicPer2/Cry2 double knock-out: rescue of oscillations

Comparison with experimental observations

Page 8: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Synchronization of circadian clocks to light input

Entrainment zone for different periods and coupling

Phase-locking of internal variables (mRNA peak) to sunset for

night-active animals

F. Geier, S. Becker-Weimann, A. Kramer, H.Herzel: J. Biol. Rhythms, 20, 83-93 (2005)

Problem: How can the internal clock follow changes of the photoperiod?

Simulation & PRC: Small free running period & gating allows to track light offset

Page 9: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology


Optisches Chiasma


3. Ventrikel


optical chiasm

clock-genes(e.g.. Period2)







Oscillation Synchronisation

the system

Page 10: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

Located in the hypothalamus

Contains about 10000 neurons

Circadian pacemaker

Two regions:

- Ventro-lateral (VL): VIP, light-sensitive

- Dorso-medial (DM): AVP

The real challenge: How to synchronize a network of 20000 heterogeneous limit cycle oscillators within a few cycles?

Page 11: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Organotypic SCN slices: periods of synchronized and desynchronized cells

unpublished data from Hitoshi Okamura (Kobe) analyzed by Pal Westermark

Page 12: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology
Page 13: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

mPer1-luc bioluminescence in single SCN cells

Experimental findings:

- Synchronization is achieved within a few cycles- Phase relations are re-established after transient desynchronization- Driven DM region is phase leading

Page 14: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology



Model for the coupling in the SCN

Ventro-lateral part(core)


(synchronized oscillations)

Coupling conveyed by VIP, GABA

Receives light input from the retina

Dorso-medial part(shell)

Damped oscillations (unsynchronized


No/weak coupling

Phase leading (4h)

Receives signal from the VL part

Page 15: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Single cell model

Page 16: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Coupling through the mean field

Mean field


Page 17: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Order parameter

Coupling through the mean field

Light+ L(t)

L=0 in dark phase; L>0 in light phase

Page 18: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Coupling two cells through the mean field

Page 19: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Coupling two cells through the mean field

Page 20: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Coupling two cells through the mean field

Synchronization requires delicate balance of coupling and period ratio

Page 21: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Coupling through the mean field

D. Gonze, S. Bernard, C. Waltermann, A. Kramer, H. Herzel: Biophys. J., 89, 120-129 (2005)

Page 22: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Transient uncoupling

Note: Neurotransmitter level F has positive mean & oscillatory component

Page 23: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

single cell + constant mean field

Page 24: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Coupling through the mean field

The phases of the oscillators in the coupled state are uniquely determined by their autonomous periods

slow oscillators are delayed

fast oscillatorsare advanced

Page 25: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

How circadian oscillators can be synchronized quickly:

● The average value of the coupling agent dampens the individual oscillators

● The oscillating part of the mean field drives the „damped oscillators“

● Predictions: Internal periods determine the phase relations and damping ratio is related to fast synchronizability

Page 26: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Interaction between two populations

VL regionDM region

Prediction from our model:

DM region can be phase leadingif its period is shorter

Page 27: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology
Page 28: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Experimental single cell data from Hitoshi Okamura (Kobe)

Page 29: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Gradients of phases and periods within the SCN

data from Hitoshi Okamura, analyses by Pal Westermark

Page 30: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Comparison of synchronized and desynchronized cells

Desynchronized cells exhibit: -variable amplitudes and phases

-higher noise level

-ultradian periodicities



red: desynchronized cells

Page 31: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Summary and discussion● mathematical models can describe intracellular clock

based on transcriptional/translational feedback loops

open problems: parameter estimations, origin of 6 h delay, which nonlinearities essential?

● possible synchronization mechanism: dampening of self-sustained single cell oscillations & forcing by periodic mean field

open problems: alternative scenarios (specific PRCs allowing quick and robust synchronization), coupling mechanisms (neurotransmitters versus synapses versus gap junctions)

● single cell data provide informations about gradients of phases and periods, noise, and ultradian rhythms

Page 32: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

Modeling Signaling Cascades and Gene Regulation

Nils Blüthgen, Szymon Kielbasa, Branka Cajavec, Maciej Swat, Sabine Becker-Weimann, Christian Waltermann, Didier Gonze, Samuel Bernard, Hanspeter HerzelInstitute for Theoretical Biology, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Major collaborators:Christine Sers, Reinhold Schäfer, Achim Kramer,Erich Wanker Charite Berlin, MDC

Support: BMBF Networks: Proteomics & Systems Biology, SFB Theoretical Biology

(A3, A4, A5), Stifterverband, GK Dynamics and Evolution, EU Biosimulation

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n = 1

Transfect NIH3T3 fibroblastswith reporter construct

Synchronize cells by inducinggrowth arrest

Induce circadian oscillation byserum shock or forskolin

Culture cells with luciferase substrate

Continuously measure luminescence

Per1 E-box_lucBmal1_luc

Circadian oscillation of fibroblasts

can be monitored in living cells

Experiments in Kramer Lab (Charite)

Page 34: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

correlation coefficients: 0.95

significantly different periodsdespite synchronization

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Page 36: Modeling the mammalian circadian clock – intracellular feedback loops and synchronization of neurons Hanspeter Herzel Institute for Theoretical Biology

fast andadvanced cells

slow and delayed cells