modelling and analysis of reliability and costs for lifetime warranty...

1 Modelling and Analysis of Reliability and Costs for Lifetime Warranty and Service Contract Policies by Anisur Rahman Master of Engineering (Research and Thesis), M.Sc. Engineering (Eng. Management), PG Dip in Personnel Management, B.Sc Engineering (Mechanical) A Thesis Submitted to Queensland University of Technology for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY School of Engineering Systems Queensland University of Technology January, 2007

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Modelling and Analysis of Reliability and Costs

for Lifetime Warranty and Service Contract



Anisur Rahman

Master of Engineering (Research and Thesis), M.Sc. Engineering (Eng. Management), PG Dip in Personnel Management, B.Sc Engineering (Mechanical)

A Thesis Submitted to

Queensland University of Technology for the degree of


School of Engineering Systems Queensland University of Technology

January, 2007



Reliability of products is becoming increasingly important due to rapid technological

development and tough competition in the product market. One effective way to

ensure reliability of sold product/asset is to consider after sales services linked to

warranty and service contract. One of the major decision variables in designing a

warranty is the warranty period. A longer warranty term signals better reliability and

provides higher customer/user peace of mind. The warranty period offered by the

manufacturer/dealer has been progressively increasing since the beginning of the

20th Century. Currently, a large number of products are being sold with long term

warranties in the form of extended warranty, warranty for used product, long term

service contracts, and lifetime warranty. Lifetime warranties and service contracts

are becoming more and more popular as these types of warranties provide assurance

to consumer for a long reliable service and protecting consumers against poor quality

and the potential high cost of failure occurring during the long uncertain life of


The study of lifetime warranty and service contracts is important to both

manufacturers and the consumers. Offering a lifetime warranty and long term service

contracts incur costs to the manufacturers/service provider over the useful life of the

product/contract period. This cost needs to be factored into the price/premium.

Otherwise the manufacturer/ dealer will incur loss instead of profit. On the other

hand, buyer/user needs to model the cost of maintaining it over the useful life and

needs to decide whether these policies/service contracts are worth purchasing or not.

The analysis of warranty policies and costs models associated with short-term or

fixed term policies have received a lot of attention. A significant amount of

academic research has been conducted in modelling policies and costs for extended

warranties and warranty for used products. In contrast, lifetime warranty policies

and longer term service contracts have not been studied as extensively.

There are complexities in developing failure and cost models for these policies due to

the uncertainties of useful life, usage pattern, maintenance actions and cost of

rectifications over longer period.


This thesis defines product’s lifetime based on current practices. Since there is no

acceptable definition of lifetime or the useful life of product in existing academic

literatures, different manufacturer/dealers are using different conditions of life

measures of period of coverage and it is often difficult to tell whose life measures

are applicable to the period of coverage (The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 1975).

Lifetime or the useful life is defined in this thesis provides a transparency for the

useful life of products to both manufacturers/service provider and the customers.

Followed by the formulation of an acceptable definition of lifetime, a taxonomy of

lifetime warranty policies is developed which includes eight different one

dimensional and two dimensional lifetime warranty policies and are grouped into

three major categories,

A. Free rectification lifetime warranty policies (FRLTW),

B. Cost Sharing Lifetime Warranty policies (CSLTW), and

C. Trade in policies (TLTW).

Mathematical models for predicting failures and expected costs for different one

dimensional lifetime warranty policies are developed at system level and analysed by

capturing the uncertainties of lifetime coverage period and the uncertainties of

rectification costs over the lifetime. Failures and costs are modelled using stochastic

techniques. These are illustrated by numerical examples for estimating costs to

manufacturer and buyers. Various rectification policies were proposed and analysed

over the lifetime.

Manufacturer’s and buyer’s risk attitude towards a lifetime warranty price are

modelled based on the assumption of time dependent failure intensity, constant repair

costs and concave utility function through the use of the manufacturer’s utility

function for profit and the buyer’s utility function for cost. Sensitivity of the optimal

warranty prices are analysed with numerical examples with respect to the factors

such as the buyer’s and the manufacturer/dealer’s risk preferences, buyer’s

anticipated and manufacturer’s estimated product failure intensity, the buyer’s

loyalty to the original manufacturer/dealer in repairing failed product and the buyer’s

repair costs for unwarranted products.


Three new service contract policies and cost models for those policies are developed

considering both corrective maintenance and planned preventive maintenance as the

servicing strategies during the contract period.

Finally, a case study is presented for estimating the costs of outsourcing maintenance

of rails through service contracts. Rail failure/break data were collected from the

Swedish rail and analysed for predicting failures.

Models developed in this research can be used for managerial decisions in

purchasing life time warranty policies and long term service contracts or outsourcing


This thesis concludes with a brief summary of the contributions that it makes to this

field and suggestions and recommendations for future research for lifetime

warranties and service contracts.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The preparation of a substantial work such as this thesis is not possible without the

assistance and support from a large number of people. I would like to take this

opportunity to acknowledge all those people who have contributed to complete this


• My supervisor, Dr. Gopinath Chattopadhyay for his sincere and constant, tireless

support, encouragement, and guidance throughout this project. He spent his

valuable time in discussing various solutions related to problems during this

project. I am indebted to him for his patience during discussions, detailed

examination of this manuscript. His critical insight and valuable suggestions

have contributed to a great extent to the final form of this dissertation.

• My associate supervisor, Professor Erhan Kozan of School of Mathematical

Science for his assistance and direction in developing models and preparation of

refereed papers.

• I am very much grateful to Professor Doug Hargreaves, Head of School, School

of Engineering Systems, QUT for his support and financial assistance; without

which it would have been impossible for me to continue this research.

• Professor Joseph Mathew, Chief Executive Officer, CIEAM and Associate

Professor Lin Ma, faculty of BEE for providing financial support.

• Dr. Venkatarami Reddy, Mr. Ajay Desai and Dr. Nguen Than , for helping me

time to time in preparation of this thesis and developing models and

programming. My Brother in law Md. Keramatullah Furuki for his inspiration

and support which helped me to finish this research work on time.

• Peter Nelson, for his great help in English corrections and useful advice.

• Finally, I express my heart felt appreciation to my wife Roushan and my

daughter Afnaan and sun Rakin for their love, support and continuous sacrifice

and encouragement throughout this doctoral program.



I declare that to the best of my knowledge the work presented in this thesis is original

except as acknowledged in the text, and that the material has not been submitted,

either in whole or in part, for another degree at this or any other university.

Signed: ………………………….. Anisur Rahman




Referred International Journal papers (Published): 1. Chattopadhyay, G. and Rahman, (2007) A., “Development of Lifetime

Warranty Policies and Cost Model for Free Replacement Lifetime Warranty (FRLTW) Policy”, Reliability Engineers and System Safety, Published On-line March, 2007. (Based on the Chapter 3 and 4).

2. Rahman, A. and Chattopadhyay, G.N (2006), “Review of Long Term warranty policies”, Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research Vol 22(4), p 453-473. (Based on Chapter 2).

3. Chattopadhyay, G.N. and Rahman, A. 2004, “Optimal Maintenance Decisions for Power Supply Timber Poles”, Vol 5(4), p 115-128. ISSN -1598-0073. (Based on Chapter 6).

Referred International Journal papers (under review/in process):

4. Rahman, A. and Chattopadhyay, G., “Modelling Failures and Costs for Service Contracts”, submitted for publication in International Journal of Reliability and Application. (Based on Chapter 6 and 7).

5. Chattopadhyay, G. and Rahman, A., “Modelling risks to manufacturers and customers for lifetime warranty policies when failures follow Non-homogeneous Poisson Process, for IEEE Transactions on Reliability (submitted). (Based on Chapter 5)

6. Chattopadhyay, G., Murthy, D.N.P., and Rahman, A., “ Warranty cost models for second-hand products – A review”, prepared for submitting in the International Transactions on Operations Research (Based on Chapter 2)

Refereed International Conference Papers

1. Chattopadhyay, G., Rahman, A. (2007), “Modelling Total Cost Of Ownership Of Rail Infrastructure For Outsourcing Services”, The 2nd World Congress On Engineering Asset Management And 4th International Conference On Condition Monitoring, Harrogate, UK, pp 415-422. (Based on Chapter 6 and 7)

2. Rahman, A., Chattopadhyay, G. (2007), “Modelling Cost Sharing Policies For Lifetime Warranty ”, The 20th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, COMADEM 2007, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, Based on Chapter 3.

3. Rahman, A., Chattopadhyay, G. (2006), “Conceptual Model for Outsourcing Rail Network Asset Using Long-Term Service Contracts”, Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, COMADEM 2006, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden, pp 613-620. Based on Chapter 6 and 7


4. Chattopadhyay, G., Rahman, A. (2006), “Analysis of Rail Failure Data for Developing Predictive Models and Estimation of Model Parameters” First World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (1st WCEAM), Gold Coast, Australia, paper 57. (Based on Chapter 7)

5. Rahman, A., Chattopadhyay, G. (2005) “Modelling Failures of Repairable Systems and Costs of Service Contracts”, Smart Systems 2005- Postgraduate research conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Australia, December 2005. pp. 39-47. (Based on Chapter 6).

6. Chattopadhyay, G.N., Rahman, A. (2005) “Modelling Costs and Risks to Manufactures and Buyers for Lifetime Warranty Policies”, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, COMADEM 2004, Cranfield University, U.K. August – September, 2004. ISBN 1-871315-91-3. pp. 73-81.( Based on Chapter 5)

7. Rahman, A. and Chattopadhyay, G.N. (2004), “Lifetime Warranty Policies: Complexities in Modelling and Potential for Industry Application”, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and management Systems Conference (APIEMS ), Dec 2004, Gold coast, Australia. ISBN 0-9596291-7-3. (Based on Chapter 3 and 4)

8. Chattopadhyay, G.N., Rahman, A. (2004) “Modelling Costs for Lifetime Warranty Policies”, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, COMADEM 2004, Cambridge, U.K. August 2004. ISBN 0-9541307-1-5. pp 289-297. (Based on Chapter 3 and 4)

Non-refereed National Conference Papers

1. Rahman, A., Chattopadhyay, G. (2005) “Modelling Cost of Service Contracts”, Proceedings of the 6th Operations Research Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research Queensland Branch. Marriott Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, 12 August, 2005. pp 7-8. (Based on Chapter 6 )


1. Rahman, A. and Chattopadhyay, G.N., (2007) “Soil factors behind inground decay of Timber Poles: testing and interpretation of results, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 22(3), pp 1897-1903.

2. Rahman, A., Chattopadhyay, G., Wah, Simon (2006), “Application of Just In Time and Kanban Strategies for Component Stocks At Cox Industries”, Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, COMADEM 2006, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden, pp 171-180.

3. Rahman, A. and Chattopadhyay, G.N., (2003); “Identification and Analysis of Soil factors for Predicting Inground Decay of Timber Poles in Deciding Maintenance Policies”; Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management,


COMADEM 2003, Vaxjo, Sweden, 27-29 August 2003. ISBN 91 7636376-7. pp 71-78.

4. Rahman, A. and Chattopadhyay, G.N., (2003); “Estimation of Parameters for Distribution of Timber Pole Failure due to In-ground Decay”; Proceedings of the 5th Operations Research Conference on Operation Research in the 21st Century, the Australian Society of Operations Research, Sunshine coast, Australia, 9-10 May, 2003.

5. Chattopadhyay, G.N., Rahman, A. and Iyer, R.M (2002); “Modelling Environmental and Human Factors in Maintenance of High Volume Infrastructure Components”; 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on System Integration and Maintenance, Cairns, Sept 2002. ISBN 1 86435 589-1. pp 66-71.



Notations Used in Modelling Lifetime Warranties

α Increasing rate of cost due to inflation and other factors

β Shape parameter

δ Discount rate (annuity)

η Characteristic life parameter of the product

ρ Parameter for the truncated exponential distribution used in the life

distribution of products

μ Mean of the failure distribution

λ Failure intensity

λ(t) Intensity function for system failure

λI(t) Intensity function for system failure due to component/s ∈ Set I ( included in

the warranty)

λE(t) Intensity function for system failure due to component/s ∈ Set E ( excluded

in the warranty)

L Defined lifetime of the product.

H(a) Distribution function of the lifetime (useful life)

h(a) Density function associated with H(a)

l Lower limit of the defined lifetime

u Upper limit of the defined lifetime

F(.) Failure distribution of product

R(.) Product reliability distribution

f(.) Density function associated with F(.)

r(.) Hazard rate function associated wit F(.)

M(L) Number of renewal up to the lifetime L

X1 Age of the item at its firs failure

Mg(.) Renewal function associated with distribution function G(.)

Md(.) Renewal function associated with distribution function F(.)

Cx Total warranty cost over the lifetime associated with a ordinary renewal


cx Average cost of each failure replacement associated with an ordinary renewal



Cy Total warranty cost over the lifetime associated with a delayed renewal

process cy Av. cost of repair associated with an delayed renewal process

G(c) Cost distribution function

g(c) Density function associated with G(c)

c expected cost of each rectification over the lifetime (system level)

γ Parameter for cost distribution

E[N(L)] Expected number of failures over the lifetime.

E[C(L)] Total expected cost for model L1 over the lifetime.

E[NI(L)] Expected number of failures of the component/s ∈ Set I .

E[NE(L)] Expected number of failures over the lifetime: component/s ∈ Set E.

E[CI(L)] Total expected costs for model L2 over the lifetime: component/s ∈ Set


E[CI(L)] Total expected costs for model L2 over the lifetime: component/s ∈ Set


cI Individual failure(claim) cost limit(associated with Model L3 & L5)

Cj Total rectification costs for jth failure(claim) (associated with Model L3 &


Mj Manufacture/dealer’s cost for jth claim (associated with Model L3)

Bj Customer/ buyer’s cost for jth claim (associated with Model L3)

mc Expected cost for each rectification to the manufacturer

bc Expected cost for each rectification to the customer

cT Manufacturer’s cost limit for all failures over the lifetime for model L4 and


Ct Total cost to the manufacturer by time t (associated with models L3, L4 and


TCj Total cost of rectification of the first j failures subsequent to the sale

TMj Cost to the manufacturer associated with j number of failure

TBj Cost to the customer associated with j number of failure

E[Cm(L)] Expected cost to the manufacturer for models L4 and L5

E[Cb(L)] Expected cost to the buyer/customer for models L4 and L5

CL Cost of rectification of all failures over the lifetime for Model L4 and L5

V(c ) Distribution function for CL

v(c) density function associated with V(c)


G(r)(c) The r-fold convolution of G(c)

Tb Time at which warranty expires for model L5

Vm(c; t) Distribution function for the total costs to the manufacturer

vm(c; t) Density function associated with Vm(c; t)

Q(t; cT) Distribution function for Tb

q(t; cT) Density function associated with Q(t; cT)

Notations Used in Modelling Risk Preference

S Number of total product sold

p Proportion of buyers who accept the warranty offer

(1- p) Proportion of buyers who do not accept the warranty offer

L Products lifetime

k The proportion of buyers without warranty coming back to manufacturer for

repairing of the faults/defects.

Nb(L) Number of valid claims made by the buyer per item

N(L) The total number of possible claims for S items if sold for lifetime warranty .

E[Nb(L)] Expected number of failure per item experienced by the buyers over the


Um (Y) Manufacturers continuous utility functions for a monetary asset Y

Ub(X) Buyers continuous utility functions for a monetary asset X.

Um An individual manufacturer’s utility function

Ub The aggregate utility function representing the entire buyer’s risk preference

as a whole.

c Buyer’s risk parameter

a Manufacturer’s risk parameter

Notations Used in Modelling Service Contracts

Λm(t) The manufacturer’s failure intensity.


Λb(t) Per item failure intensity for an individual buyer during the lifetime

rb Cost of rectification (repair cost) for a buyer in each occasion of failure if the

item is not warranted. When all rectifications are carried by the

rm Manufacturer’s repair cost per occasion

d Difference between the buyer’s and manufacturer’s repair cost

Λpm(t): Failure intensity at time t, with maintenance.

Λ(t) Original failure intensity at t when no maintenance is performed.

N number of times the planned servicing is performed during the contract period

Ni number of times the planned servicing is performed during the ith replacement

i = 1, 2, 3,…….

M number of replacements corrective actions.

L Duration (length) of service contract

k number of times PM is carried up to t.

τ Age restoration after each PM. τ = αx,

α Quality or effectiveness of preventive maintenance action

Cre cost of replacement

Cmr cost for each minimal repair.

Cpm cost for each PM

Ccl expected cost for the last cycle.





Statement of Source

List of Publications

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................17 LIST OF FIGURE.........................................................................................................................18 CHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND OUTLINE OF THESIS.........................................................................................19

1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................19 1.2 LIFETIME WARRANTY AND SERVICE CONTRACTS .................................................21 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THIS RESEARCH..................................................................................23 1.4 THESIS OUTLINE...............................................................................................................24

CHAPTER 2 ..................................................................................................................................26 LONG TERM WARRANTIES – AN OVERVIEW ..................................................................26

2.1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................26 2.2. CONCEPT AND ROLE OF WARRANTY.........................................................................27 2.3 PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION ..........................................................................................29

2.3.1 Consumer durable products..........................................................................................29 2.3.2 Industrial or commercial products ...............................................................................29 2.3.3 Government or defence products ..................................................................................30

2.4 WARRANTY TAXONOMY (WARRANTY CLASSIFICATION)....................................30 2.5 WARRANTY STUDY .........................................................................................................41 2.6 WARRANTY COSTS..........................................................................................................48 2.7 REVIEW OF BASIC WARRANTY MODELS ...................................................................49

2.7.1 Modelling Warranty Cost .............................................................................................49 2.7.2 Warranty Engineering ..................................................................................................51

2.8 LONGTERM WARRANTY POLICIES AND COST MODELS – AN OVERVIEW .........53 2.8.1. Extended Warranty ......................................................................................................54 2.8.2. Warranty for used product...........................................................................................58 2.8.3. Service Contracts.........................................................................................................64 2.8.4. Lifetime Warranties .....................................................................................................65

2.9. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................65 CHAPTER 3 MODELLING POLICIES AND TAXONOMY FOR LIFETIME WARRANTY..................67

3.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................67 3.2 LIFETIME WARRANTY ....................................................................................................68 3.3 TAXONOMY OF LIFETIME WARRANTY POLICIES ....................................................71 3.4. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................75

CHAPTER 4 MODELLING COST FOR LIFETIME WARRANTY.............................................................77

4.1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................77 4.2 PRELIMINARIES: MODELLING PRODUCT FAILURES ...............................................78

4.2.1. Modelling at Component Level....................................................................................78 4.2.2. Modelling warranty at System Level: ..........................................................................82



4.3.1 Modelling Uncertainties of Lifetime .............................................................................87 4.3.2 Modelling Rectification Cost ........................................................................................88 4.3.3 Model L1: Free Rectification Lifetime Warranty (FRLTW) .........................................89 4.3.4 Model L2: Specified Parts Exclusive Lifetime Warranty ( Policy 3): ...........................91 4.3.5 Model L3: Limit on Individual Cost Lifetime Warranty (Policy 4)...............................93 4.3.6 Model L4: Limit on Total Cost Lifetime Warranty (Policy 5).......................................94 4.3.7 Model L5: Limit on Individual and Total Cost Lifetime Warranty (Policy 6) ..............97

4.4 ANALYSIS OF THE MODELS...........................................................................................99 4.4.1 Analysis of Model L1 [FRLTW]: ..................................................................................99 4.4.2 Analysis of Model L2 [SPELTW]: ..............................................................................102 4.4.3 Analysis of Limit on Individual Cost (LICLTW) Policy ..............................................108

4.5 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................111 CHAPTER 5 MODELLING RISKS TO MANUFACTURER AND BUYER FOR LIFETIME WARRANTY POLICIES....................................................................................................................................113

5.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................113 5.2 OVERVIEW – RISK ATTITUDE AND UTILITY FUNCTION .......................................115

5.2.1 Utility Theory, Utility function and Concept of certainty equivalent..........................116 5.3 MODEL FORMULATION ................................................................................................120

5.3.1 Notations: ...................................................................................................................120 5.3.2 Modelling Risks in Lifetime Warranty ........................................................................121

5.4 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE RISK MODELS......................................................127 5.4.1 Sensitivity Analysis of Buyer’s Willingness to Pay for Warranty Price......................128 5.4.2 Sensitivity Analysis of the Manufacture’s Warranty Price .........................................135

5.5. CONCLUSIONS ...............................................................................................................143 CHAPTER 6 MODELLING POLICIES AND COSTS FOR SERVICE CONTRACTS............................145

6.1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................145 6.2. SERVICE CONTRACT - BACKGROUND .....................................................................146 6.3. SERVICING STRATEGIES DURING THE CONTRACTS ............................................147 6.4. MODELLING POLICIES FOR SERVICE CONTRACT .................................................151 6.5. MODELLING COSTS OF SERVICE CONTRACT FOR DIFFERENT POLICIES........152

6.5.1. Assumptions ...............................................................................................................153 6.5.2. Notations and Reliability Preliminaries ....................................................................153 6.5.3. Modelling Cost for Service Contract Policy 1 ...........................................................155 6.5.4. Modelling Cost for Service Contract Policy 2 ...........................................................158 6.5.5. Modelling Cost for Service Contract Policy 3 ...........................................................159 6.5.6. Parameters Estimation ..............................................................................................161

6.0. CONCLUSIONS ...............................................................................................................163 CHAPTER 7 A CASE STUDY – OUTSOURCING RAIL MAINTENANCE THROUGH SERVICE CONTRACTS..............................................................................................................................166

7.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................166 7.2 DEGRADATION OR FAILURE OF RAIL TRACK .........................................................167 7.3 MODELLING RAIL BREAK/FAILURES ........................................................................170 7.4 ESTIMATING COSTS OF OUTSOURCING RAIL MAINTENANCE............................172 7.5 ANALYSIS OF THE MODELS FOR RAIL ......................................................................175

7.5.1 Estimation of rail failure parameters .........................................................................176 7.5.2 Estimating Costs of Different Service Contracts for Rail ...........................................177

7.6 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................180 CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH.................................182

8.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................182 8.2 CONTRIBUTION OF THIS THESIS.................................................................................182


8.3 SCOPE FOR FUTURE RESEARCH .................................................................................185 8.3.1 Lifetime warranty policies and cost models................................................................185 8.3.2 Risk Preference Models ..............................................................................................186 8.3.3 Service Contract Policies and Cost Models................................................................186 8.3.4 Other Scope ................................................................................................................187

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................188 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................194


List of Tables

Table 3.1: Lifetime warranty policies at a glance ........................................................76 Table 4.1: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer for FRLTW.....100 Table 4.2: Expected lifetime warranty cost as product failure intensity varying.......101 Table 4.3: Expected cost with the product lifetime parameter variation ..................101 Table 4.4: Warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer for lifetime SPELTW: App 1......104 Table 4.5: Warranty cost ($) to the Customer for lifetime SPELTW: App. 1 ...........104 Table 4.6: Manufacturer’s costs for Specified parts excluded policy Approach 2 ....107 Table 4.7: Customer’s cost for Specified parts excluded policy Approach 2...........107 Table 4.8: Manufacturer’s/dealers costs for policy LICLTW....................................110 Table 4.9: Customer’s costs for policy LICLTW ......................................................110 Table 5.1: Basic expressions (Product can be sold with or without warranty) ..........121 Table 5.2: Warranty price (W) in $ for different Buyer’s risk preferences (c ) .........129 Table 5.3: Warranty price (W) in $ for different Buyer’s repair cost (rb)..................132 Table 5.4: Effect of Buyer’s repair cost on the Warranty price .................................133 Table 5.5: Effect of buyer’s anticipated failure parameters on the warranty price....134 Table 5.6: Warranty price for different manufacturer’s risk preferences a and nm

* .136 Table 5.7: Warranty price (W) in $ for different manufacturer’s failure intensity ....138 Table 5.8: Warranty price for different failure intensity and Shape parameter .........140 Table 5.9: Buyer’s repair cost vs Warranty price (W) in $........................................141 Table 5.10: Buyer rate of return (k) vs Warranty price (W) .....................................142 Table 6.1: Service Contract Policies ..........................................................................164 Table 7.1 Rail breaks in Million gross tonnes (MGT) ...............................................175


List of Figure

Figure 2.1 :Stake Holders in Warranty policies ...........................................................28 Figure 2.2: Taxonomy for new products warranty policies .........................................31 Figure 2.3: A sample for warranty regions for 2-D policies ........................................34 Figure 2.4: Taxonomy for warranty policies for Second-hand products .....................38 Figure 2.5: System Approach to Problem Solution .....................................................42 Figure 2.6: Simplified system approach for warranty cost analysis ............................43 Figure 2.7: Frame work for warranty rectification......................................................45 Figure 2.8: A framework for long-term warranty ........................................................53

Figure 3.1: A sample of lifetime warranty offer ..........................................................69 Figure 3.2: Taxonomy for lifetime warranty policies ..................................................71 Figure 3.3 Combined Trade in with lifetime warranty [CTLTW] policy ....................74

Figure 4.1: Failure intensity over the basic and lifetime warranty coverage period....87 Figure 4.2: Effects of discounting for warranty costs under longer coverage. ............89 Figure 4.3: A Schematic diagram of Limit on Total Cost Lifetime Warranty.............96 Figure 4.4: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer FRLTW .........101 Figure 4.5: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) for SPELTW-Approach 1 ..............105 Figure 4.6: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) for SPELTW-Approach 2 ..............108 Figure 4.7: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) for LICLTW...................................111

Figure 5.1: Marginal utility curves ............................................................................117 Figure 5.2: Effect of buyer’s risk preference parameter on the Warranty price ........129 Figure 5.3: Effect of buyer’s anticipated product failure on the Warranty price.......130 Figure 5.4: Effect of buyer’s risk parameters and number of failures on Warranty .131 Figure 5.5: Effect of buyer’s repair cost on the Warranty price . .............................132 Figure 5.6: Effect of buyer’s anticipated failure intensity on the Warranty price .....134 Figure 5.7: Combined effect of failure parameters on the Warranty price ................135 Figure 5.8: Effect of manufacturer’s risk preference parameter on Warranty price. .137 Figure 5.9: Effect of manufacturer/dealer expected product failure on Warranty. ....137 Figure 5.10: Effect of failure intensity over warranty price.......................................139 Figure 5.11: Effect of failure parameters on the manufacturer’s Warranty price......140 Figure 5.12: Effect of buyer’s cost of repair over the manufacture Warranty price..141 Figure 5.13: Effect of buyer’s cost of repair on the manufacture’s Warranty price. .143

Figure 6.1: Failure rate with effect of various maintenance actions ..........................150 Figure 6.2: Graphical representation of the Service contract policy 1 .......................156 Figure 6.3: Failure intensity curve for Service contract policy 2...............................158 Figure 6.4: Failure intensity curve for for Service contract policy 3 .........................159

Figure 7.1: Rail Profile and wear area .......................................................................168 Figure 7.2: The wear rate (mg m-1) vs hardness (HV) of rail steel ...........................169 Figure 7.3: Cumulated Rail break vs. accumulated MGT. ........................................176 Figure 7.4: MATLAB generated Weibull graph for rail failure data.........................177 Figure 7.5: Framework for service contract cost model ............................................180





The reliability of products is becoming increasingly important because of the

increasing cost of downtime, competition, and public demand. The reliability of a

product/system is its characteristic expressed in terms of conditional probability that

it has not failed up to a certain point and it will perform its required function under

defined environmental and operational condition for a stated time of period. Blischke

and Murthy (2000) stated “reliability conveys the concepts of dependability,

successful operation or performance which means absence of failure”. A product or

system is designed to sustain certain nominal stresses due to surrounding

environmental and operating conditions. But failure or breakdown is evident over the

life of a system. Failures or breakdowns may occur due to faulty design, bad

workmanship, age, usage or the increase of operational and environmental stresses

above the designed level. It is impossible to totally avoid all failures. The

manufacturer/service provider can prevent or minimise the effects of such failure by

ensuring after sales service through warranty and service contract.

Warranty has been defined in different ways as illustrated by the following: Blischke

and Murthy (2000) defined “A warranty is a manufacturer’s assurance to a buyer

that a product or service is or shall be as represented. It may be a contractual

agreement between a buyer and manufacturer (or seller) that is entered into upon

sale of the product or service”.


Thrope and Middendorf (1979) expressed “A warranty is the representation of the

characteristics of quality of product”.

The National Association of Consumer Agency Administration, USA (1980)

advocates “A warranty is an expression of the willingness of business to stand

behind its products and services. As such it is a badge of business integrity”-

In today’s context, a warranty is a contractual obligation of a manufacturer/dealer

associated with the sale of a product which looks into the after sale service. Terms

and conditions for service contracts are similar to warranty contracts, but the scope

and coverage can vary and may be negotiated by the buyer and the service provider

(Blischke and Murthy, 2000).

Warranty limits the liabilities of both manufacturer and consumer in the event of

premature failure. It protects the manufacturer by limiting the manufacturer’s

liability for the product failure and at the same time it acts as a promotional banner

for product quality and reliability. To the consumer, it provides signals with

information on the reliability and quality of the product and acts as an insurance

against the early failure of the product.

By offering a warranty, the manufacturer or dealer gives a guarantee or assurance for

the satisfactory performance of the product for a certain period of time, called the

warranty period or the warranty coverage period. In the case of product failure, the

manufacturer/dealer repairs/replaces at no or a fraction of the rectification cost to

buyers or refunds full or part of the sale price to the buyer as per the warranty terms.

The legal obligation of the manufacturer/dealer to protect the buyers against the

unsatisfactory performance has become a major focus in recent years. McGuire

(1980) showed that servicing of warranty results in an additional cost to the

manufacturer which is about 1 to 15 percent of net sale. However, it has promotional

value for better terms or longer coverage period than the competitors, resulting in

competitive advantage. It acts as a marketing tool to boost sales. To the consumer,

longer terms of warranty mean peace of mind.

As a result, the warranty period offered by the manufactures or dealers, in recent

years has been progressively increasing with time (Murthy and Jack 2003). In early

days of the last Century, the warranty period of a new product was three/six months

which became two to three years at the end of the Century. Currently, Daewoo,


Hyundai ( introduced a five year

warranty for the whole car and six or more years warranty for selected parts such as

body frame. A large number of products are being sold with long-term warranty

policies in the form of lifetime warranty policies and service contracts.

Both lifetime warranty and service contracts protect the buyer/user through the

redressed actions which includes free or cost sharing repair/replacement of product,

or return of full or partial amount of money by the manufacturer in case of a future

failure of the sold product during the longer coverage period. The contract specifies

both the performance that is to be expected and the redress available to the

buyer/user if a failure occurs. On the other hand, it protects the manufacturer against

any misuse or intentional abuse of the product.

The study of warranty is important to both manufacturers and the consumers.

Analysis of warranty policies and costs models associated with short-term or fixed

term policies have received a lot of attention. In contrast, lifetime warranty policies

and longer term service contracts have not been studied well. There are complexities

in developing cost models for these policies due to the uncertainties of coverage

period, failures over longer terms, acquisition of quality data over longer term and

uncertainty of costs over that period. The motivation for the research reported in this

thesis is based on the need for the study of lifetime warranty policies and longer term

service contracts, the modelling and analysis of failures, expected servicing costs for

such policies, and the risks associated with such policies to the manufacturers and

the buyers.


Due to rapid technological advancement and customer demands,

industrial/commercial products and consumer durable goods are appearing on the

market at an ever increasing pace. In addition to technological advancement

continuous innovation and more complexities reduce the ability of the customer to

evaluate product performance due to lack of knowledge, expertise or experience. As

a result, the manufacturers are under pressure to extend the coverage period of their

after sale services. Therefore, a large number of products are now being sold with

long-term warranty policies in different formats known as extended warranties,

warranties for used products, long term service contracts or lifetime warranty


policies. Lifetime warranties and long term service contracts are becoming popular

as they provide an assurance to consumers for reliable service and greater customer

peace of mind for the whole life of the product/asset. Although the lifetime warranty

market has grown over the past five years, there is concern about the real value of

those warranties. An enquiry commission established by the UK government

reported that the lifetime warranty prices are usually much higher than the expected

costs (Kumar and Chattopadhyay, 2004).

As mentioned earlier, offering a lifetime warranty or a longer term service contract

incurs additional costs to the manufacturers for servicing of claims under coverage

period. These costs are then needed to be factored into the sales price of the product

or after sale service.

From the manufacturer or the service provider’s point of view, management of

lifetime warranty/longer term service contract is important, since it can drastically

affect the profitability. In offering such policies, the manufacturer or service provider

is faced with three major problems:

1) decisions on coverage period which depends on the type of product and the

purpose of warranty, whether it is for protectional or promotional purpose,

2) prediction and estimation of expenses due to warranty/service claims which

depend on the coverage period, product reliability and type of rectification actions

(such as replacement with new or used , overhauling, major repair or minimal repair)

or refund policies (full or part refund), and associated costs and

3) reduction of these costs by using better servicing strategies or by improving the

product reliability during the design, manufacturing, and operating stages.

Although the concepts of lifetime warranty and long term service contracts have

attracted significant attention among the practitioners, research works on modelling

policies, prediction of failures and estimation of expected costs for offering lifetime

warranty and long term service contracts are very limited. Literature studies show a

significant amount of research has so far been conducted on various issues relating to

product failures, warranty, and reliability. There is only limited literature currently

available on lifetime warranty policies and long term service contracts, the effect of

various servicing strategies such as overhauling or major repair on the warranty cost,

multi dimensional service contracts and manufacturer and buyer’s risk preferences.


There are complexities in developing lifetime warranty policies and long term

service contracts and cost models for these policies due to the uncertainties of

measuring the useful life of product (technical, technological and commercial life of

products). The complexity is further aggravated due to the uncertainties of usage and

maintenance decisions during longer periods of contract, prediction of costs in longer

terms, and availability of quality data for modelling and analysis.

Therefore, there is a need to define “lifetime”, formulate new policies for lifetime

warranty and long term service contracts and develop models for predicting failures

and expected costs associated with these policies. These models should take into

account the related issues such as uncertainty of lifetime, uncertainty of costs,

servicing strategies involving both corrective maintenance to rectify failures during

the lifetime or coverage period and planned or preventive maintenance particularly

for service contracts, and risks associated with such policies to both

manufacturer/service provider and buyers/user.


The objectives of this research are to:

• Define lifetime or useful life of product based on the current practices;

• Develop new lifetime warranty policies and develop taxonomy for lifetime

warranty policies

• Develop failure and cost models for different lifetime warranty policies by

capturing the uncertainties in decision making over the longer period;

Analyse failure data over the longer term to define failure mechanisms and

costs of product failure under various operating, maintenance and

environmental conditions;

• Formulate models for manufacturer and buyer’s risk preference for lifetime

warranty policies;

• Develop policies and cost models for service contracts considering both

corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance. And analyse effects of

various warranty servicing strategies and cost-benefit analysis of those

alternative strategies;


• Develop decision models for cost-benefit analysis of proposed policies for

industrial application such as outsourcing maintenance.


The outline of this thesis is as follows:

Chapter 1 defines the scope and outline of this research. It clearly defines the

complexities of the problem and the need for study and modelling new policies,

modelling for product failure, and estimation of expected costs of these lifetime

warranty policies and long term service contracts and modelling manufacturer and

buyer’s risks.

Chapter 2, provides an overview of warranties. It covers the role of warranty for

stakeholders, existing warranty policies and taxonomy for both new and used

products, and service contracts. System approach is used in subsequent chapters to

model failures and costs of lifetime warranty policies and long-term service contracts

as proposed in this research. Different issues involved in the study of long-term

warranties and service contracts are also discussed.

In Chapter 3, a definition of lifetime is developed based on the relevant literatures

and current practices. In this chapter, taxonomy for lifetime warranty policies is

formulated and a variety of one and two dimensional lifetime warranty policies are

developed and discussed.

In Chapter 4 mathematical models are developed for predicting failures and

estimation of costs associated with proposed policies. Since warranty claims occur

due to item failure, the starting point for such an analysis is the modelling of the

failures over the lifetime. The modelling of failures over the lifetime is complex due

to the uncertainties of the measures of lifetime of products/items and the

uncertainties of the maintenance decisions taken over the long coverage period. Cost

models for different lifetime warranty policies are developed at system level by

considering coverage period as the random variable.

In Chapter 5, manufacturer and buyer risk preference towards lifetime warranty

policies are modelled. These models incorporate risk preferences in finding the

optimal warranty price through the use of the manufacturer’s utility function for

manufacturer’s cost and the buyer’s utility function for repair cost. The sensitivity of


the models are also analysed in terms of manufacturer and buyer’s repair costs,

product failure intensity and buyer and manufacturer risk factors.

In Chapter 6, three new service contract policies are developed; models are

developed for expected costs for long term service contracts with various servicing

strategies. Both the corrective maintenance actions (rectification on failure) and the

planned preventive maintenance actions to prolong the reliability of the

asset/equipment are considered.

In Chapter 7, a case study is used for illustrating failures and estimation of costs for

outsourcing rail maintenance using service contracts. Short and long term service

contract policies are analysed and cost models are developed. The estimated costs

can be considered for managerial decisions for outsourcing the maintenance of major

infrastructures in asset intensive industries.

Finally, Chapter 8 provides a summary of this thesis, the contribution of the thesis to

this field of research, and a discussion of the potential extensions and future topics of






The role and concept of warranty, along with warranty related various issues, and a

brief overview of studies and research studies on long-term warranty are being

discussed in this chapter. The outline of this chapter is as follows: The concept of

warranty and its role for various stakeholders are briefly discussed in Section 2.2.

Product classification and the nature of warranty are defined in Section 2.3. Section

2.4 briefly describes the taxonomy of different warranty policies for new and used

second hand products. This section also discuses different warranty policies

available for both new and used products. In Section 2.5, studies on warranty and

service contracts involving many diverse concepts from different disciplines are

discussed. This section also discusses the system approach for the study of warranty.

Section 2.6 describes the two main types of warranty costs. Section 2.7 briefly

reviews the academic research-based literature on product warranty in general. A

review of long-term warranty policies and related cost models are presented in

Section 2.8. Section 2.9 summarises the chapter and it highlights the issues that will

be applied in the later chapters.



The concept of warranty is not new. The history of warranty can be traced back to

1800 B.C. when Hammurabi, the king of ancient Babylon, defined the penalties for

craftsmen found guilty of making faulty or defective products in one of his codes of

trade law. According to this law, the craftsmanship was warranted with the thumb of

the craftsman. Similarly, in the Egyptian civilisation, the builders were asked to

stand underneath the newly built roof, when all the supports were taken away. Up to

the middle of the nineteenth century “caveat emptor” (“let the buyer beware”) was

the accepted norm. This was acceptable as long as the products were simple and the

product mechanism and performance evaluation were easily understood by the users.

Today, the situation has changed. Due to the growth of rapidly changing

technologies, the global market, nearly identical products, and better educated and

more demanding customers, products have become more complex and sold to a

larger segment of the community. Products are now warranted in terms of age and

usage, implying the assurance of quality and reliability of the products over the

coverage period. At the end of the nineteenth century and at beginning of the

twentieth century, laws began to make exceptions to the above mentioned brutal

rules and refused to enforce unfair terms of any warranty. The United States

Uniform Commercial Code included express warranties (UCC, §2-313) and implied

warranties of merchantability (UCC, §2-315).

A warranty offer involves a number of parties or stakeholders. The manufacturer

produces a product and sells it to the customer either directly, or through a dealer

with a product warranty (if the product is warranted). The warranty claims are

handled either by the manufacturer/dealer himself or through a third party under-

writing insurance company. The public policy maker plays statutory role to enact

laws to see that the warranty terms are fair and effective to all parties involved.

Figure 2.1 describes the interactions between these parties associated with the

warranty offer


Figure 2.1 : Stake Holders in Warranty policies

Roles to Consumer/customer: When a consumer purchases a product the warranty

document acts as a source of information about product characteristics and it also

acts as an indicator of quality and reliability of the product in the context of complex

or innovative products where the customer is unable to evaluate product performance

due to lack of knowledge, expertise or experience (Akerlof, 1970) and Spence,

1977). It plays protective role to the customer by acting as an insurance against early

failures of an item due to design, manufacturing or quality assurance problem during

the warranty period. If the warranty is optional (such as an extended warranty), the

consumer has to decide whether the warranty is worth the additional cost. For

commercial products, the cost of repairs not covered by warranty can significantly

impact profits due to downtimes.

Roles to Manufacture/dealer: Warranties protect the manufacturer against any

damage/failure to the product due to misuse (beyond the limit specified in warranty

terms) or abuse by the user (mobile phone charging through a high voltage line,

drying of wet cat in microwave oven). It plays the promotional role to signal the

quality and standard of products to the potential customer. It also acts as a powerful

advertising tool for a manufacturer/dealer to compete effectively in the market. If

used properly as a marketing tool, warranties increase sales and generate extra


Roles to Public policy maker: Governments and regulatory bodies intervene in the

product market with the aim of making the market more competitive and fair to all

Public Policy Maker


Dealer Insurance Provider




parties through fair warranty terms. These interventions act as instruments to protect

consumers against defective items. Laws are enacted to see that warranty terms are

not favouring manufacturers at the cost of consumers. Administrative machinery set

up by statutory bodies takes appropriate measures to resolve conflicts and settle

disputes if any manufacturer/dealer refuses a valid warranty claim.

Third party under writing insurance company: Currently, most manufacturers or

dealers use insurance companies to underwrite the costs incurred due to warranty

service claims. Manufacturers/dealers pay preset premium to insurers. It is the

insurer’s responsibility to evaluate the validity of all claims and pay according to the

terms of the warranty policy.


The type of warranty policy depends on the type of products. Products can be either

new or used (second hand). The new products can be further divided into three major

groups. These are:

2.3.1 Consumer durable products

This type of products include a large number of items ranging from everyday

household goods such as TV sets, fridge, electronics appliances to car and building

materials and are purchased by a large number of buyers mostly for long-term use.

Criteria to judge the performance of these goods can be simple or complex.

Normally the warranty length and type is set by the manufacturer/dealers at the time

of sale but warranty terms and conditions for such products are regulated by federal

or state government bodies. Items of the same kind are sold with identical terms and

conditions but may have a different coverage period and type of policy for different


2.3.2 Industrial or commercial products

There are a comparatively small number of customers and manufacturers for this

type of products. Examples of these types of products include plants and machinery

used for industrial or commercial purposes. Warranty terms are more complex and

involve many performance measures such as reliability, maintainability, availability,


efficiency, etc. Usually the warranty terms are determined through negotiation

between the buyer and seller.

2.3.3 Government or defence products

Products such as war and defence goods including tanks, missiles, and ammunitions

are common examples of this category of products. Government or defence agencies

are normally the customers of these products and the customers have strong

bargaining power to dictate the warranty terms and conditions. The number of

manufacturers of such products is very small and these types of products often

involve new technologies and one custom built. Warranty terms are complex due to

multiple performance measures associated with these products.

Used products are, in general, sold individually and can be consumer durable,

industrial or commercial products.


Many different types of warranty policies for new and old (used) products have been

studied and proposed. Blischke and Murthy (1992) proposed taxonomy for the

warranty policies for the new products to integrate these policies (See Figure 2.2).

Similarly, Murthy and Chattopadhyay (1999) proposed policies and taxonomy for

used product warranty (See Figure 2.4). These warranty taxonomies are discussed as


2.4.1 Warranty taxonomy for new products

Warranty policies for new products are classified based on whether or not they

require development after sale of the product (Blischke and Murthy, 1992). Policies

which do not involve product development can be further divided into two groups -

Group A, consisting of policies for a single item, and Group B, policies for groups of

items (lot, fleet or batch sales). Policies in Group A can be subdivided into two sub-

groups, based on whether the policy is renewing or non-renewing. A further

classification may be "simple" or "combination" policies. The free replacement

(FRW) and pro-rata (PRW) policies are simple policies. A combination policy is a

simple policy combined with some additional features, or a policy which combines

the terms of two or more simple policies.


Figure 2.2: Taxonomy for new products warranty policies

Each of these four groupings A1 - A4 can be further subdivided into two sub-groups

based on whether the policy is one-dimensional or two- (or more) dimensional.

Policies in Group B can be subdivided into B1 and B2 categories based on whether

the policy is "simple" or "combination." B1 and B2 can be further subdivided based

on whether the policy is one-dimensional or two-dimensional.

Finally, policies involving product development are discussed in Group C.

Warranties of this type are typically part of a maintenance contract and are used

principally in commercial applications and government acquisition of large, complex

Warranty policies

Not involving product development

Involving product development

Single item Group of items

Simple Combination

Non Renewing Renewing

Simple Combination Simple Combination


B1 B1

A1 A2 A3 A4



items. A number of important characteristics in addition to failure coverage within

certain age and usage, for example, fuel efficiency are used in this category.

A complete list of these warranty policies can be found in Blischke and Murthy

(1992 and 1994). The following notation is used in defining some of these policies:

W = Length of warranty period

C = Sale price of the item (cost to buyer)

X = Time to failure (lifetime) of an item

Type A Policies:

These policies are applicable to single items only and these policies can be one or

two dimensional.

Type A1 warranty policies. The two most common Type A1 policies are the


Policy 1: Free Replacement Policy (FRW) The manufacturer agrees to repair or

provide replacements for failed items free of charge up to time W from the time of

the initial purchase. The warranty expires at time W after purchase.

Policy 2: FRW-Rebate under this policy, if an item fails during the warranty period,

W, a full refund of the original price is given to the customer.

Policy 3: Pro-Rata Rebate Policy (PRW) The manufacturer agrees to refund a

fraction of the purchase price should the item fail before time W from the time of the

initial purchase. The buyer is not constrained to buy a replacement item. The

function characterizing the fraction refunded can be either a linear or non-linear

function of the age of the item at failure.

Type A2 policies typically combine the features of two or more Type A1 policies as

illustrated by the following.

Policy 4: Combination FRW/PRW- The manufacturer agrees to provide a

replacement or repair free of charge up to time W1 from the initial purchase; any

failure in the interval W1 to W (where W1 < W) results in a pro-rated refund. The

warranty does not renew.


Type A3 policies are similar to Type A1 policies as illustrated by the following:

Policy 5: Renewing FRW -Under this policy the manufacturer agrees to either

repair or provide a replacement free of charge up to time W from the initial purchase.

Whenever there is a replacement, the failed item is replaced by a new one with a new

warranty whose terms are identical to those of the original warranty. [Note: Under

this policy, the buyer is assured of one item that operates for a period W without a


Policy 6: Pro-rated renewing- Under this policy, should a failure occur during the

warranty period, the customer is supplied with a replacement at a reduced price with

a new warranty identical to the original one. It is a conditional rebate warranty tied to

replacement purchase. This policy is offered for non-repairable items such as


Policy 7: Renewing combination policies (Combined FRW and PRW)- Under

this policy if an item fails in the period [0,W1), the manufacturer agrees to replace it

free of cost to the customer. If it fails in the period [W1, W), the item is replaced at a

pro-rated cost and the replacement comes with a new warranty identical to the

original one.

Simple Two Dimensional Policies

The two dimensional warranties policy involves two variables- time/age and usage,

and the warranty is described in terms of a region in the two dimensional plane,

either representing time or age and representing usage. Item failures are points on a

plane with the horizontal axis representing warranty age (W) and the vertical axis

representing warranty usage (U). Different shapes for the region characterise

different policies and many different shapes have been proposed (see Blischke and

Murthy 1994). Figure 2.3 shows the typical regions for different 2-D warranty



(a) (b)

( c) (d)


Figure 2.3: A sample for warranty regions for 2-D policies

Policy 8: Free non renewing: under this policy if an item fails within the region

shown in the Figure 2.3(a), the manufacturer rectifies the fault free of cost to the

customer. for example, all Daewoo cars are now selling with six years or 100,000 km

bumper to bumper warranty which comes first.




W2 0







Age W 0



AgeW 0


Age W 0



Age W2 0




Policy 9: under this policy the manufacturer agrees to repair or provide a

replacement for failed items free of charge up to minimum time W from the time of

initial purchase and up to a minimum total usage U. The warranty region is given by

two strips (please see Figure 2.3(b)).

Policy 10: under this policy the manufacturer agrees to rectify all defects free of

charge up to time W1 from the time of the initial purchase, provided the total usage at

failure is below U2 and up to a time W2 if the total usage does not exceed U1. The

warranty region is shown in the Figure 2.3(c). The low rate user is covered up to W2

or U1 depending on which occurs first and the high rate user is covered up to W1 or

U2 whichever occurs first.

Policy 11: under this policy the manufacturer agrees to rectify all defects free of

charge up to a maximum time W from the time of the initial purchase and for a

maximum usage U. The warranty region of this policy is characterised by a triangle

as shown in Figure 2.3(d). Any failure with the age and the usage outside the triangle

is not covered by warranty. If X is the time since purchase and Y is the total usage at

failure, the item is covered under this warranty if ( )[ ] UXWUY <+ .

Policy 12: Pro-rata replacement policy- under this policy the manufacturer agrees

to refund to the customer a fraction of the original purchase price should the item fail

before time W from the time of the initial purchase and total usage at failure is

bellow U. The warranty region of this policy is characterised by a rectangle [0,W] x

[[0,U] ( please see Figure 2.3(a)). The functions for the refunds are as follows:

i) ( ) ( ){ } sCWUtxxtR −= 1,0max, and

ii) ( ) ( ) ( ){ } sCUx

WtxtR −−= 1,1,0max, , where Cs is the sales price and t and x represent

the age and usage respectively since initial purchase.

Policy 13: Combined replacement policy- under this policy the manufacturer

agrees to provide replacements for failed items free of charge up to a time W1 from

the time of initial purchase provided the total usage at failure is bellow U1. Any

failure with time greater than W1 but less than W2 is replaced at a pro-rated cost. The

warranty region is shown in Figure 2.3(e)


Type B policies.

Type B policies are called cumulative warranties (or fleet warranties) and are

applicable only when items are sold as a single lot of n items and the warranty refers

to the lot as a whole. Under a cumulative warranty, the lot of n items is warranted for

a total time of nW, with no specific service time guarantee for any individual item.

Cumulative warranties would quite clearly be appropriate only for commercial and

governmental transactions since individual consumers rarely purchase items by lot.

In fact, warranties of this type have been proposed in the U.S. for use in acquisition

of military equipment.

The rationale for such a policy is as follows. The advantage to the buyer is that

multiple-item purchases can be dealt with as a unit rather than having to deal with

each item individually under a separate warranty contract. The advantage to the seller

is that fewer warranty claims may be expected because longer-lived items can offset

early failures.

Policy 14: Cumulative FRW A lot of n items is warranted for a total (aggregate)

period of nW. The n items in the lot are used one at a time. If Sn < nW, free

replacement items are supplied, also one at a time, until the first instant when the

total lifetimes of all failed items plus the service time of the item then in use is at

least nW.

Policy 15: Cumulative PRW: A lot of n items is purchased at cost nC and

warranted for a total period nW. The n items may be used either individually or in

batches. Sn, the total service time, is calculated after failure of the last item in the lot.

If Sn < nW, the buyer is given a refund in the amount of C(n - Sn/W), where C is the

unit purchase price of the item.

Policy 16: Cumulative combination policy- under this policy free replacements are

provided if Sn < nW1 (where, W1< W). if nW1 < Sn < nW, the customer is given a

rebate of (n-Sn) Cs.

Type C policies.

The basic idea of a Reliability Improvement Warranty (RIW) is to extend the notion

of a basic consumer warranty (usually the FRW) to include guarantees on the

reliability of the item and not just on its immediate or short-term performance. This

is particularly appropriate in the purchase of complex, repairable equipment that is

intended for relatively long use. The intention of reliability improvement warranties


is to negotiate warranty terms that will motivate a manufacturer to continue

improvements in reliability after a product is delivered.

Under RIW, the contractor's fee is based on his or her ability to meet the warranty

reliability requirements. These often include a guaranteed MTBF (mean time

between failures) as a part of the warranty contract. The following illustrates the


Policy 17: Reliability Improvement Warranty (RIW) Under this policy, the

manufacturer agrees to repair or provide replacements free of charge for any failed

parts or units until time W after purchase. In addition, the manufacturer guarantees

the MTBF of the purchased equipment to be at least M. If the computed MTBF is

less than M, the manufacturer will provide, at no cost to the buyer, (1) engineering

analysis to determine the cause of failure to meet the guaranteed MTBF requirement,

(2) Engineering Change Proposals, (3) modification of all existing units in

accordance with approved engineering changes, and (4) consignment spares for

buyer use until such time as it is shown that the MTBF is at least M.

2.4.2 Taxonomy for Second Hand Warranties

Policies and Taxonomy (Murthy and Chattopadhyay, 1999, Chattopadhyay, 1999),

for different types of one-dimensional warranty policies for second hand products are

shown in Figure 2.4. The policies can be divided into two groups based on whether

the policies offer a buy-back option or not. Policies without buy-back options imply

that the seller has no obligation to take back an item sold. As a result, the warranty

expires after the duration indicated in the warranty policy. Any failures within the

warranty period are rectified according to the terms of the warranty policy. These

policies can be further subdivided into two subgroups - Group A: Non-renewing

policies and Group B: Renewing policies.

Under a non-renewing warranty, the terms of the warranty do not change during the

warranty period. As a result, if an item fails during the warranty period, it is rectified

by the dealer and returned to the buyer without any changes to the original warranty

terms. Under a renewing warranty, the warranty terms can change, for example, after

failure, the item is returned with a new warranty either identical to, or different from,

the original warranty terms. Each of these can be further subdivided into two


subgroups - Group A1 (B1): Simple policies and Group A2 (B2): Combination










Non-buyback warranties



Buy-back warranties


Warranty policies forsecond-hand products

Figure 2.4: Taxonomy for warranty policies for Second-hand products

Under the buy-back option, the buyer can receive a monetary refund (either full or a

fraction of the sale price) by returning the purchased item any time within the

warranty period and the warranty terminates when this occurs. Such policies can be

categorised under Group C. All failures before the termination of the warranty are

rectified according to the terms of the warranty.

Type A [Non-renewing] Policies:

Free Repair/replacement Warranty [FRW] policies. These are as follows:

No Cost to Buyer: The policy is identical to Policy 1 for new products and the cost

of each rectification under warranty is borne by the dealer.

Cost Sharing Warranty [CSW] Policies: under the cost sharing warranty the buyer

and the dealer share the repair cost. The basis for the sharing can vary as indicated


Policy 9 - Specified Parts Excluded [SPE]: under this policy, the dealer rectifies

failures of components belonging to the Set I at no cost to the buyer over the

warranty period. The costs of rectifying failures of components belonging to the set


E are borne by the buyer. [Note: Rectification of failures belonging to the Set E can

be carried out either by the dealer or by a third party].

Cost Limit Warranty [CLW] Policies: under the cost limit warranty policy, the

dealer's obligations are determined by cost limits on either individual claims or total

claims over the warranty period.

Policy 10 - Limit on Individual Cost [LIC]: under this policy, all claims under

warranty are rectified by the dealer. If the cost of a rectification is below the limit cI,

then it is borne completely by the dealer and the buyer pays nothing. If the cost of a

rectification exceeds cI , then the buyer pays the excess (cost of rectification - cI).

Policy 11 - Limit on Total Cost [LTC]: under this policy the dealer's obligation

ceases when the total repair cost over the warranty period exceeds cT. As a result the

warranty ceases at W or earlier if the total repair cost, at any time during the warranty

period, exceeds cT.

Pro-rated Refund Warranty [PRW] policies. The policy is identical to Policy 2 for

new products.

FRW-PRW Combination Policies. These are as follows:

No Cost to Buyer: The policy is identical to Policy 3 for new products.

Combination Policies with Limits [CLW] Two policies in this group are as


Policy 12 - Limits on individual and total cost [LITC]: Under this policy, the cost

to the dealer has an upper limit (cI) for each rectification and the warranty ceases

when the total cost to the dealer exceeds cT or at time W, whichever occurs first. The

difference in the actual cost of rectification and the cost borne by the dealer is paid

by the buyer.

[This combines the features of Policies 9 and 10]

Policy 13 - [FRW-LIC]: Under this policy the dealer repairs all failures in the

interval [0, W1) at no cost to the buyer. The rectification of a failure in the interval

[W1, W) results in no cost to the buyer if it is below cI and an amount which is the

excess if it exceeds cI.

Type B [Renewing] Policies

Policy 14 - Partial renewing free replacement warranty [PR-FRW]: Under this

policy the dealer rectifies all failures in the interval [0, W1) at no cost to the buyer.

The warranty period after rectification is the remaining period of the original


warranty. If a failure occurs in the interval [W1, W) then the item is rectified by the

dealer at no cost to the buyer and returned with a new warranty of duration (W - W1).

[This implies that the warranty ceases only when there is no failure in the period

[W1, W) under the original warranty or there is no failure under the new warranty.]

Type C [Buy-Back] Policies

Simple Buy-Back Warranty [BBW] Policies. Under a buy-back warranty policy, the

buyer has the option of returning an item within the warranty period with the dealer

refunding either a fraction or the full sale price. The refund can also include payment

for associated costs incurred by the buyer. This option can be either unconditional

(money back guarantee) or conditional on certain events. For example, if the number

of failures over the warranty period exceed some specified limit.

Policy 15 - Money-back guarantee [MBG]: Under the money-back guarantee

policy all failures over the warranty period [0,W) are rectified at no cost to the buyer.

If the number of failures over [0,W) exceed a specified value k (k ≥1), then at the

(k+1) failure, the buyer has the option of returning the item for a 100% refund and

the warranty ceases when the buyer exercises this option. If the number of failures

over [0,W) is either ≤ k or the buyer does not exercise the buy-back option when the

(k+1) failure occurs, then the item is covered for all failures till W. [Note that this

policy does not include any associated cost.]

Combination Buy-Back Warranty [BBW] Policies. A combination buy-back policy

is one where the buy-back option is combined with one or more of the non-buyback

policies as indicated below:

Policy 16 – [MBG-FRW]: Under this policy all failures over warranty period [0,W)

are rectified at no cost to the buyer. If the number of failures over [0, W1), for

W1<W, exceeds a specified value k (k ≥1), then at the (k+1) failure the buyer has the

option of returning the item for a 100% refund and the warranty ceases when the

buyer exercises this option. If the number of failures over [0, W1) is either ≤ k or the

buyer does not exercise the buy-back option when the (k+1) failure occurs, the item

is covered for all failures until W. [Note: This policy can be viewed as a combination

policies. When W1= W, the policy reduces to Policy 15.]



The study of warranty and service contract involves many diverse concepts from

different disciplines (e.g. engineering, accounting, marketing, law etc). Because of

this diversity, product warranty has received the attention of the researchers from

many diverse disciplines. Warranties have been studied and analysed from many

different perspectives and they deal with different issues as illustrated by the

following list (Murthy and Djamaludin, 2002):

1. Historical: origin and use of the notion.

2. Legal: court action; dispute resolution, product liability.

3. Legislative: Magnusson-Moss act; federal trade commission, warranty

requirements in government acquisition (particularly military).

4. Economic: market equilibrium, social welfare

5. Behavioural: buyer reaction, influence on purchase decision, perceived role of

warranty, claims behaviour.

6. Consumerist: product information, consumer protection.

7. Engineering: design, manufacturing, quality control, testing.

8. Statistics: data acquisition and analysis, data-based reliability analysis.

9. Operations Research: cost modelling, optimization, scheduling.

10. Accounting: tracking of costs, time of accrual.

11. Marketing: assessment of consumer attitudes; assessment of the marketplace; use

of warranty as a marketing tool, warranty and sales

12. Management: integration of many of the previous items, determination of

warranty policy, warranty servicing decisions.

13. Society: public policy issues.

Djamaludin et al (1996) provide a list of over 1500 papers on warranties classified

into different categories. For detailed discussion of some of these issues, see

Blischke and Murthy (1996).

The study of warranty/service contract involves integrating these diverse concepts.

The system approach provides a framework to study warranty related problems in an

integrated and unified manner. Murthy et al (1990), Murthy and Blischke (1992a,

(1992b) use this approach to study a variety of warranty related problems.

The basic steps in the system approach are shown in Figure 2.5


Figure 2.5: System approach to problem solution

2.5.1 Problem Definition:

The problem definition is the statement which helps to understand the problem. It

defines the objective/s for solving the problems and serves as a starting point to

gather further information to understand the issues involved. In this research context,

the problem is to predict failures by developing multi dimensional models. It will

develop policies, estimate the expected cost for offering lifetime warranty by

integrating different warranty service strategies such as perfect repair or overhauling

in service contracts.

2.5.2 System Characterisation

System characterisation is the identification of the significant parameters and

variables, and their interrelationships. A system characterisation for warranty is

Real world problem: Long-term warranty policies

Problem definition (Step 1): warranty policies and cost model

System characterisation (Step 2)

Model formulation (Step 3) Make change

Validation (Step 6)

Analysis (Step 5)

Parameter estimation (Step 4)

Adequate model

Solution to problem

Not adequate


needed to be developed to enable to build models for carrying out a cost analysis

from the perspectives of both manufacturer and consumer. This can be extended to

the deregulated environments of service providers of complex infrastructure and

users of those services.

Figure 2.6: Simplified system approach for warranty cost analysis

A simplified system characterisation for warranty cost analysis is presented in Figure

2.6. Characterisation of each of the elements depends on a number of variables.

Manufacturer produces product/good with specified product characteristics

determined by design and manufacturing decisions during the manufacturing process.

The product is then sold to the customer with warranty and the warranty terms

depend on the product characteristics and marketing factors such as competition.

Customers/buyers purchase the product and the decision to purchase is influenced by

several factors such as quality brands and provisions for after sales service such as

warranty. Product performance is determined by the interaction between product

characteristics and the usage of product (determined by the consumer). If the

customer is not satisfied with the product performance during the coverage period a

claim under warranty results and the magnitude of the warranty cost to the

manufacturer for servicing the claim depends on the warranty terms and condition.

Manufacturer Consumer

Product Characteristics

Warranty Product




Warranty costs

No Warranty Costs


2.5.3 Model Formulation:

Model formulation is the linking of a system characterisation to an appropriate

mathematical formula. Modelling of product failure is the first step to model the

warranty costs since the warranty cost of a product is dependent on failure

distribution of that product. These costs, over the warranty period are then needed to

be modelled.

Modelling Product Failure and Warranty Costs

The warranty costs are different for buyer and manufacturer. These costs are random

variables, since claims under warranty and the cost to rectify each claim are

uncertain. Warranty claims occur due to item failures (real or perceived). An item is

said to have failed when it is unable to perform its function in a satisfactory manner.

In modelling failure, two approaches can be used. These are: Black box (empirical)

and White box (physically based). In the Black box approach, an item is

characterised in states of ‘working’ or ‘failed’ and it models time to failure directly

as a random variable with a distribution function based on the modeller’s intuitive

judgement or on historical data. In the White box approach, one can model the

number of failures over time by a suitable counting process and this physically based

model involves a more detailed system characterisation of the physics of the failure

(Blischke and Murthy (1994)). In this project, we confine our attention to the Black

box modelling.

Modelling rectification action

The evaluation of the warranty cost or any other parameter of interest in modelling

warranties depends on the failure mode, rectification strategies, and the assigned

preventative warranty maintenance actions for the items. The rectification can be

classified according to the depth of restoration that is the degree to which they

restore the ability of the item to function.

The post-failure rectification affects products in one of the following ways

(Chattopadhyay, 2002):

(i) Replacement: this type of action is taken either in the case of complete

failure of an item/system or in the case of a non-repairable item.


(ii) Overhauling or perfect repair is a restorative maintenance action that is

taken before an item has reached to a defined failed state that enables the

system to be “as good as new” condition (Jardine 1973). This means the

failure rate of the system is restored to zero.

(iii) Imperfect repair restores a substantial portion and the hazard rate falls in

between “as good as new” and “as bad as old” (Coetzee 1997).

(iv) A minimal repair makes insignificant improvements and the condition

after maintenance is “as bad as old”.

Most real life systems/items are complex in the sense that these items are viewed as

systems comprising of several components and failure of one or more components

may result in the complete failure of a system. Therefore rectification actions over

the warranty period can be modelled either at the system (item) level considering

failure of all the components or at the component level considering failure

distribution of only one component at one time (see Figure 2.7).

Figure 2.7: Framework for warranty rectification

At system level, the rectifications can be viewed as minimal repairs because repair or

replacement of one or more components do not change the failure rate of the system

if the other parts of the system remains unchanged (Barlow, 1960). Components can

be repairable and non-repairable. In case of component level rectification, the

Rectification Action

Component level System level

Minimal repair


Major repair

Non-repairable Repairable

Replacement with New one

Imperfect repair

Perfect repair /Major repair


Replacement with used second

hand one


manufacturer has the option of replacing the failed component with a new or used

one or repairing the components by means of overhauling, imperfect or minimal

repair. While for non-repairable component, the only option for the manufacturer is

to replace the failed component with a new or used one component.

2.5.4 Parameter Estimation

Some of the methods of parameter estimation are: method of Least square, method of

Moments, and method of Maximum likelihood. However, non-parametric analysis

may needed to be applied if the data requires such an approach based on the

validation using industry data. Suzuki (1985) proposed parametric and non

parametric methods of estimating lifetime distribution from field failure data with

supplementary information about censoring times obtained from following up a

portion of the products that survived warranty time.

The method of Maximum Likelihood (MLE) is one of the most popular methods of

parameter estimation. The MLE are the values, which maximise the log likelihood

function. These are given by the solution to the equations obtained from the first

order necessary condition. The non-linear equations need to be solved using

numerical method or using some mathematical software.

2.5.5 Mathematical Analysis and Optimisation

The next step after the development of a mathematical model is to obtain the

behaviour of the model with the exposure of the real life situation. This can be

carried out by the analysis of the formulated model using appropriate mathematical

techniques. The analysis of mathematical formulation can either be qualitative or

quantitative. The qualitative approach deals with the study of qualitative aspects of

the models without solving it. On the other hand, quantitative analysis is concerned

with finding the explicit solution which satisfies the given mathematical solution.

This approach can be divided into two methods: Both analytical and computational

method can be used to analyse developed models.

a) Analytical method: - Here, the solution of a mathematical model is obtained in

terms of an analytical expression involving the parameters and the variables related

to this model. These methods of analysis yield the parameterised solutions which are


the analytical expressions of parameters. These types of closed form solution are

possible only for simple models.

b) Computational method: - For complex models, computational techniques

(numerical method or simulation) are needed. Murthy et al (1990) discussed the

modelling and analysis of new products. In this method the model solutions are

obtained by the application of computer software such as MATLAB, FOTRAN and

the solutions are approximate and depend on the type of software used. These

methods yield solutions for specific numerical values of the parameters. The

solutions can be recomputed every time the parameter values are altered.

2.5.6 Model Validation

Model validation is used to establish whether or not the model is a good

representation of the real world and can give adequate and meaningful solution to the

problem under consideration. It involves hypothesis testing. If the model is not

adequate, changes must be made to the system characterisation or mathematical

formulation. In carrying out a model validation, it is essential to assign specific

values to model parameters. If the models are not adequate, changes will be made in

the model based on the correlation with industry data. The process continues until an

adequate model is found.

Assessment of predictive power of a model is basically a statistical problem. The

idea is to use an estimated model to predict outcomes of other observations and to

evaluate the closeness of the prediction to observed value. A key requirement for

credibility is that the data used for validation not be part of the data base used in

parameter estimation. There are many approaches to solve this problem such as

Coefficient of determination R-square, Goodness of fit approach, Mean square error

(MSE), Chi-Square test of various form and many more. The Coefficient of

determination R-square: the correlation coefficient r is a measure of strength of the

relationship between two variables; its square is the measure of the reduction in

variation in a regression relationship. With more than two variables, usually a set of

predictors and a response, R2 measures the strength of the relationship between the

response and group of predictors. Two advantages of the correlation coefficient are

(1) it is an index number and (2) there are some relatively easy tests for these

interference problems. To validate a model we will look for evidence of a strong


relationship. A more appropriate test is one of the null hypotheses H0: ρ ≤ ρ0, where

ρ0 is some minimal value that will be accepted as evidence of model validation.


Offering a warranty incurs additional costs to the manufacturer or dealer for

servicing the warranty claims, even if, any claim is found to be invalid. Warranty

costs are made up of one or more of the elements such as administration and

handling costs, the cost of replacement of an item, the cost of repair, labour and parts,

compensatory costs (for example, a replacement for the duration of the repair). The

additional cost due to warranty servicing is important to the manufacturer as it

directly influences the selling price and profit. From the manufacturer’s point of view,

a warranty offer will be worthwhile if the profit considering the total cost, including

the additional cost due to warranty is improved through an increase in sales and

reduction in warranty servicing costs. The following costs are important for the

context of warranty:

The following costs are generally modelled and analysed for warranty policy


• Warranty costs per unit sale: whenever a warranty claim occurs, it incurs

additional costs to the manufacturer/dealer. Warranty servicing cost is a random

variable since claims under warranty and rectification of each claim are

uncertain. Warranty cost per unit sale can be estimated from the total cost of

warranty and the number of units sold. The total cost includes repair or

replacement costs, and/ or downtime cost, and/or the product improvement cost

along with administrative costs.

• Life cycle costs (LCC): this cost is important to both buyer and manufacturer

for complex and expensive products and is dependent on the life cycle of the

product. Life cycle starts with the launch of a product onto the market and ends

when the manufacturer stops producing the product or when it is withdrawn

from the market due to the launch of a new product. This cost over the product

life cycle is a random variable. (For details see Blischke and Murthy, 1994)



2.7.1 Modelling Warranty Cost

Warranty cost modelling and analysis has received significant attention in the

literature. Early models dealt with the problem of estimating the expected warranty

costs for products sold under different policies. Other than modelling costs, many

different aspects of warranties have been studied by researchers from diverse

disciplines such as Marketing, Operation research, Law, Economics, accounting and

others. A literature review on the warranties for new products follows:

Warranty costs per unit sale:

Whenever a valid warranty claim is made, the manufacturer/dealer incurs additional

costs that are randomly variable since claims under warranty and to rectify each

claim incur uncertain costs. Per unit warranty cost may be calculated as the total cost

of warranty divided by the number of units sold. The total cost includes repair or

replacement costs, and/or downtime cost, and the product improvement cost. This

per unit sale warranty cost is important in the context of pricing the product.

Predicting failure, warranty cost modelling and reliability analysis for one

dimensional (considering only age or usage) warranty has received a lot of attention

in the literature. The modelling for warranty cost analysis from an engineering point

of view has been extensively covered in Blischke and Murthy (2000). Lowerre (1968)

and Menke (1962) developed the earliest probabilistic warranty cost models for

rebate policy. They considered free replacement policy and an exponential failure

distribution. Amato and Anderson (1976) extend Menke’s model to allow for

discounting and price adjustment. They extended Menke’s model to estimate the

warranty cost for products with general failure time distribution. Karmarkar (1978)

and Balachandran et al (1981) proposed models for warranty cost of a failure free

warranty within a fixed period. Warranty cost models for some other policies had

been developed by Heschel (1971) and Thomas (1981). They studied the expected

costs and profit per unit time for an infinite life cycle for various warranty policies.

The weakness of these models is that they ignored the effect of replacement over the

product life cycle. To overcome this problem, Blischke and Scheuer (1975) had

approached the problem of calculating the costs over the product life cycle. They

estimated the failure distribution function from incomplete data using Kaplan and

Meier’s (1958) technique to analyse FRW and PRW policies. They looked into the


problem both from the manufacturer and consumers’ perspective by comparing the

product life cycle costs and the profits when items are sold with or without warranty.

Blischke and Murthy (1992) analysed warranty costs from both manufacturer and

consumer’s point of view for Exponential, Weibull, gamma, lognormal and mixed

exponential distribution function. Wu et al (2006a) proposed a cost model to

determine the optimal burn-in time and warranty length for non-repairable products

under the fully renewing combination free replacement and pro-rata warranty

(FRW/PRW) policy. They provided numerical examples considering failure time of

the product follows either the mixed exponential distribution or the mixed Weibull

distribution. They concluded with the comment that the fully renewing combination

FRW/PRW is always better than the fully renewing policy in terms of cost. For

products sold with the free renewal warranty policy, Wu et al (2006b) proposed a

decision model for manufacturers to determine the optimal price, warranty length

and production rate to maximise profit based on the pre-determined life cycle.

A number of researchers paid attention to two dimensional (considering both age and

usage of the product) models for predicting failures and estimating warranty cost.

Moskowitz et al (1988) analysed the models for two dimensional warranty cost by

using a Baysean technique for non-renewing 2D FRW policy. Wilson and Murthy

(1991) discussed the concept of two-dimensional warranties involving age and usage

of the product. In a two dimensional warranty, failures are described in terms of a

region in the two dimensional points on a plane with horizontal axis representing

time and vertical axis representing usage. Manna et al (2006) proposed a

methodology to determine the optimal 2D warranty region where customers’ utility

is measured by the length of warranty coverage time. Singpurwalla and Wilson (1993)

proposed models for two dimensional failures. They modelled the time to failure by

univariate distribution while total usage was kept on condition. The total usage as a

function of age was modelled by another univariate distribution. Iskander (1993)

used Moskovitz and Chun’s two-dimensional approach to analyse warranty costs for

two dimensional policies. Murthy et al (1995) modelled failure as a two dimensional

point process.


2.7.2 Warranty Engineering

The additional cost due to warranty is important to the manufacturer as it directly

affects the selling price. The expected number of failures and warranty cost can be

reduced by improving the product reliability through decisions made in the design

and development stage and also through improved quality control during the

manufacturing stage. The warranty servicing cost can also be minimised by taking

cost effective maintenance strategies for the claims during the warranty periods.

Murthy and Nguyen (1985a) modelled a case of two component products with failure

interaction whereby a component induces the failure of the other component. Murthy

and Nguyen (1985b) extended this model to n-components. Reliability improvement

through overhaul or imperfect maintenance has received some attention in the

reliability literature. Jack and Dagpunar (1994) studied the optimal imperfect

maintenance over the warranty period. Dagpunar and Jack (1994) also developed a

preventive maintenance strategy over the warranty period. Murthy and Jack (2003)

studied and analysed the warranty servicing cost. They showed that this can be

minimised through optimal corrective maintenance decisions. Perfect or imperfect

preventive maintenance can be useful to reduce the likelihood of a failure or to

prolong the life of the item. This type of maintenance action is worthwhile for the

manufacturer if the warranty costs exceed the additional cost of PM. Chukova et al

(2004) presented an approach to analyse warranty cost when imperfect repair was

taken as warranty servicing for post failure claim. They showed that the evaluation

of warranty cost depends on the failure distribution of the item, type of repair process

in servicing warranty claims. However, they could not model the effect of imperfect

repair on the warranty cost. Iskander et al (2005) proposed a new repair replacement

strategy for product sold with two dimensional warranties where they suggested the

replacement of product when it fails for the first time in a specified region of the

warranty or otherwise a minimal repair policy to minimise the total expected

warranty servicing cost. Chukova and Johnstone (2006) proposed a warranty repair

strategy, related to the degree of the warranty repair, for non-renewing, two-

dimensional, free of charge to the consumer warranty policy. They subdivided a

rectangular 2-D warranty region into three disjoint subregions, so that each of these

subregions has a pre-assigned degree of repair for a faulty item. They also provided a

comparison between their work and the other researcher’s strategies.


Adopting appropriate warranty servicing strategies during the warranty period

For non repairable items/components replacements can either be new, cloned or used.

For repairable items/components warranty servicing can be by replacement or repair.

In the case where corrective maintenance actions are used, two possible strategies are:

a. Repair versus replacement:

In case of a claim, the manufacturer has the option of either replacing the failed item

with a new or used one or repairing the item by means of perfect (overhauling),

imperfect or minimal repair. A detailed discussion of this strategy is made in section

b. Repair cost limit strategy:

Here, the decision on repair or replacement strategy is based on the limit of the claim.

Most of the researchers while modelling optimal servicing strategies, divide warranty

period into two intervals (Murthy and Jack,.2003). A failed item is always replaced

by a new item that occurs any time within the first interval while the item is repaired

during the next interval of the warranty period. Nguyen and Murthy (1989) extended

this by adding a third interval where a new warranty is given to a repaired or

replaced item in case of a failure. Murthy and Nguyen (1988) proposed that the failed

item is first inspected and assessed for rectification cost. If this cost exceeds a certain

limit it is replaced, otherwise repair is carried out at no cost to the buyer.

Preventive Maintenance (PM) action throughout the warranty period is another

strategy used by the manufacturer to reduce the probability of failure. But the

application of PM strategy during the warranty period is worthwhile only if the

reduction in the warranty cost exceeds the additional cost of PM. Pascuala and

Ortegab (2006) proposed a cost optimization model for a product sold with warranty

to determine the optimal levels of preventive maintenance which takes into account

the overhauling, repairs and replacement.

The above studies related to warranty and service contract, and an extensive

literature review shows that huge numbers of research have so far been conducted on

various issues related to product failures, reliability, warranty policies and warranty

cost analysis for both new and used products. Although the coverage period and after

sale service contract offered by the manufacturer/dealer has been progressively

increasing with time, there is limited literature so far available on long-term warranty

policies and service contracts, complexities in modelling cost and decision on service

strategies for such policies and the effect of various servicing strategies such as


overhauling or major repair on the cost of one and multi dimensional policies and

decisions linked to manufacturer and consumer risk preferences. The following

section reviews the available literature on the long-term warranty policies and the

cost models associated with those policies.


In the previous sections of this Chapter, we discussed various warranty aspects in

general and some of the important generic warranty cost models. This section

reviews different long-term warranty policies and mathematical models for

estimation of warranty servicing costs.

Due to the fierce competition in the market and customer demands, manufacturers in

recent years have started to extend the coverage period of warranty policies. As a

result, the manufacturers have started offering long-term warranty policies for their

products in the form of extended warranty, warranty for used products, lifetime

warranties and service contracts. Rahman and Chattopadhyay (2004) developed a

framework for long-term warranty policies (Figure 2.8). All these policies and the

associated cost models are overviewed and discussed in the following section.

Figure 2.8: A framework for long-term warranty


2.8.1. Extended Warranty

An extended warranty is the extension of the base warranty which is an obligation or

responsibility assumed by the manufacturer or dealer for further service to buyers

beyond the base warranty period for a certain premium. The base warranty is an

integral part of a product sale and its cost is factored into the sales price (Murthy and

Jack 2003). Consumers who prefer extra protection purchase additional coverage in

the form of extended warranty or the extended service contract. It has been observed

that on average 27% of new car buyers purchase extended warranty (Kumar and

Chattopdhyay, 2004). Extended warranty generates a significant amount of revenue

for manufacturers. Sears Roebuck reported a revenue generation of nearly US$ 1

billion from the sale of extended warranties. The annual sale of extended warranties

in the UK alone is more than US$1 billion. These are sold by the manufacturer,

dealers or by third parties. An independent insurer/ under-writer can change the

manufacturer’s warranty and pricing policies which can have an impact on

manufacturers’ profit and consumer’s purchasing intention (Padmanabhan and Rao,


Extended warranty has attracted significant attention among practitioners. However,

the academic research on extended warranty is limited. Padmanabhan (1995)

analysed the impact of usage heterogeneity and extended service contracts. He

modelled the buyers and manufacturers preference attitudes to risk using utility

function. He argues that variations in consumer demands depend on their usage habit.

The heavy users of the product prefer extended warranty more than the light users.

So it would be less risky for the service providers to exclude the heavy users if the

number of heavy users was small compared to the number of light users. Lutz and

Padmanabhan (1998) analysed the effect of extended warranties on a manufacturer’s

warranty policy under conditions of manufacturer’s moral hazard. They proposed

that the consumer’s income influences the demand for the extended warranty. The

high income earners prefer to buy this type of warranty as they have lower marginal

utility for wealth. They stated the effect of competition from extended warranties in a

market made up of consumers who differed in the value they receive from a working

unit. They advocated that, because of two types of consumers (such as low and high

valuation in the market), the manufacturer can attempt to sell a different version of

the products. It results in offering a product at price pL with warranty wL, and quality


qL to low valuation consumers, and price pH, with warranty wH and quality qH to high

valuation consumers. Since the manufacturer cannot identify any individual

consumer’s type, he will have to choose a menu of contracts ( pL , wL ) and ( pH , wH )

to satisfy constraints imposed by the consumers’ behaviour that maximizes utility.

The manufacturer’s maximised profit can then be given by

( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )HHHHLLLL qcwqpqcwqpP −−−−+−−−= 111max λλ (2.1)

Subject to the constraints

( ) ( ){ }HHHLLL wqpLEwpqLE ,,,,0max,,, ≥


( ) ( ){ }LLLHHH wqpHEwpqHE ,,,,0max,,, ≥

Hollis (1999) carried out an economic study of the extended warranty market with a

focus on duration of extended warranty. Mitra and Patanakar (1997) proposed a cost

model where the product is sold with a rebate policy and the buyer has the option to

extend the warranty till the product failure has not occurred during the initial

warranty period.

They proposed following two warranty policies:

1) An initial warranty period is w1, and an additional warranty is offered up to

time w (from the date of sale) on items that did not fail during the initial

warranty period. The rebate function is given by:

( )⎩⎨⎧


= ∗ wtwcwtc


10 (2.2)

Where, c and c* are the price of the product and amount of lump-sum rebate offered

during the second period. and

2) Lump-sum rebate for the initial warranty is c, the price of the product and for the

renewable part, the rebate is pro-rated starting from a value c*, which is less than c

and reduces to zero at time w. The rebate function is given by

( )⎪⎩





≤≤= ∗ wtw






2 ,1

0, (2.3)

Rinsaka and Sandoh (2001) studied the extension of the contract period. Yeh and

Peggo (2001) developed extended warranty policies and analysed from consumers

and manufacturers perspective. They proposed optimal cost models for extended


warranty by considering two cost criteria namely; total expected discounted cost and

long-run average cost per unit time.

These costs are given respectively by

Total expected discounted cost to a consumer

( )( ) ( )( )

( ) ( )( )kLWL


Rcn eeeec

ckT +−−





+= δδ





And total expected discounted manufacturer’s cost

( ) ( )( )

( )( ) ( )( )( )( )( ) ( )( )kLWL




Npmn eeeecec


kccT +−−


+− −−−+−


++= δδ


δ 1111

1 ( (2.5)

Where, cR , cN , cp cm, and cr are the cost of initial purchase price, renewal cost to the

consumer, repair cost, manufacturing cost and manufacturer’s repair cost of each

rectification respectively. W and L are the normal and extended warranty period,

k( =1, 2,.. ) is the number of renewal or repair up to L. δ represents the discount rate

over time.

Average long run cost for consumer Acn(k), and manufacturer Amn(cp,cN,k), for k

renewals are given by

( )kLWkcc

kA NRcn +

+= (2.6)


( ) ( )( ) ( )kLW

kccckLWMckccA NrRp

Npmn +

−−−+=,, (2.7)

Where, M(W+kL) is the renewal function over the period W+kL and cp is the repair

cost when warranty is not renewed. Yeh and Peggo (2001) found a critical point at

which consumer is indifferent to the policies and derived optimal extended warranty

policy for the manufacturer around that point. Kumar and Chattopadhyay (2004)

developed mathematical models to estimate the minimum duration of extended

warranty that would benefit the customers opting for extended warranty. They

modelled the associated costs for manufacturer for providing extended warranty.

Under minimal repair strategy, the cumulative hazard function, H (t), is given by.


( ) ( )dxxhtHt


For Weibull distribution, it is given by ( )β

η ⎟⎟⎠




Minimum duration of extended warranty, tew, a customer should purchase under the

minimal repair policy was given by

( ) TTtew −+=βββ η

1 (2.8)

where η is the scale parameter and β is the shape parameter of the Weibull


A customer needs to make a decision whether to buy an extended warranty and a

manufacturer needs to decide the price of offering it to their customer. The expected

total cost to manufacturer for extended warranty is given by:

)](1[)( ewsewFRW tTMCtTC ++=+ (2.9)

Where Cs is the cost of the product and M(t) is the renewal function for the expected

number of failures and is given by:

∫ −+++=++ ewtT

ewewew xdFxtTMtTFtTM0

)()()()( (2.10)

F(t) is the cumulative failure distribution function. The cost of providing extended

warranty, Cew(tew), for tew is given by:

)]()([)( TMtTMCtC ewsewew −+= (2.11)

For third party (underwriting insurer) under minimal repair, the cost of providing

extended warranty for tew is given by:

)]()([)( THtTHCtC ewrewew −+= (2.12)

where Cr is the mean repair cost. For Weibull distribution the cost can be given by:


( )βββη


tC ewr

ewew −+= )()( (2.13)

2.8.2. Warranty for used product

Warranty for used product is offered with the sale of second hand products when

sold by the dealer (for details see Chattopadhyay and Murthy (2000, 2001, 2004).

The market for second hand products as a fraction of the total market (new + second-

hand) has been continuously increasing as new products are appearing at a faster rate

in the market and the expected life of products is increasing due to rapid advances in

technology. In the US car market, the trade for second hand cars was 40% of that for

new cars in numbers and 22% in terms of dollar sales (Genesove( 1993)). Buyers are

demanding warranties for items purchased from the dealers of second-hand or used

products. In response to consumer demand, public policy makers have begun

enacting laws requiring dealers to offer warranties for second-hand products and

service warranty claims. Dealers of used products have now started using warranties

to promote sales.

Decisions related to second-hand products are more complex compared to new

products due to the fact that each second-hand product is statistically different from

other similar products due to variation of age, usage and previous maintenance

history. Therefore, dealers of second-hand products need to formulate policies and

conduct a proper cost analysis of warranty policies applicable to second-hand

products. This is necessary to avoid making a loss instead of profit. Chattopadhyay

and Murthy (1996) is the earliest paper to develop a cost model of a warranty policy

for second-hand products.

Davis (1952) provides an opportunity to improve the reliability of used items through

reconditioning/ overhaul. He modelled reliability of reconditioned bus engines

actions to analyse the effect on failure rate. Reconditioning/ overhaul allows dealers

to offer better warranty terms and sell an item at a higher price. However,

reconditioning/ overhaul is worthwhile if the expected saving in the warranty

servicing cost or the increased profit due to increased sale price exceeds the costs

associated with the improvement. Bhat (1969) introduced the application of used-

item in rectification. Nakagawa (1979) developed optimum replacement policies for

used units. Malik (1979) introduced a "degree of improvement" in the failure rate and

called it the "improvement factor”. Kijima et al (1988) and Kijima et al (1989)


modelled virtual age where the improvement results in a reduction in the age of the

system from.

Wogalter et al. (1998) studied the availability of operator manuals for used (second-

hand or resold) consumer products (e.g. car, computer, lawnmower, bicycle, etc.).

Chattopadhyay and Murthy (2000) proposed stochastic models to estimate the

expected warranty cost for second-hand products. They discussed two approaches:

Approach l: the system is viewed as a black-box and the claims are modelled as point

process with an intensity function Λ(t) where t represents the age of the system. The

function Λ(t) is an in-creasing function of t indicating that the number of claims (in a

statistical sense) increases with age. This type of characterisation is appropriate when

system failures occur due to a component failures and the system can be made

operational through repair or replacement of the failed component using minimal

repair strategy.

For this approach the expected warranty cost (with free replacement warranty) is

given by C(W; A) when the item is of age, A, at sale. A is a random variable

assuming values in the range of age [L, U] and characterised by a distribution

function H(a), with H(L) = 0 and H(U) = 1. h(a) denotes the density function

associated with H(a).

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )daahdttCAwCEwCU



Ar ∫ ∫




];[ . (2.14)

Cr denotes the expected cost of each rectification action. Using C(w) instead of C(w;

A) in the pricing decision implies that the dealer is charging the same amount for

warranty for items within defined age range. They provided a linear refund function

for the pro-rata warranty (PRW) policy. The item fails after a period x subsequent to

the sale. Then, the refund function, R(x), is given by

( )⎪⎭






⎢⎣⎡ −=


wxforwxCxR s


01 (2.15)

And the expected warranty cost for PRW policy is given by


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )⎟⎟⎠


⎛−== ∫∫






1 (2.16)

where, Cs denotes the sale price.

Approach 2: the claims were characterised through failures at component level. The

total expected warranty cost for the system is given by the sum of the costs for the

different components where the component failures are independent.

First failure: If the age Ai of the component is known and is given by Ai = ai, then

the time to first failure, Xi1, is given by the distribution function Fi1(x). It is given by

( ) ( ) ( )( )ii

iiii aF



=11 (2.17)

The expected number of failures over the warranty period is modelled as a modified

renewal process with first failure given by Fi1(x) and subsequent failures by Fi(x).

Then the expected warranty cost, Ci(w; ai), is given by:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )⎥⎦


⎡−+= ∫ xdFxwMwFcawC i


iiiiii 10

1; (2.18)

where Mi (.) is the renewal function associated with Fi(.) , ci is the cost of each

failure rectification. Chattopadhyay and Murthy (2001) developed and analysed

stochastic models for three new cost sharing warranty policies for second-hand


Specific parts exclusion [SPE]:- The components of the product are grouped into

two disjoint sets, Set I (for inclusion) and Set E (for exclusion). Under this policy,

the dealer rectifies failed components belonging to set I at no cost to the buyer over

the warranty period. The costs of rectifying failed components belonging to Set E are

borne by the buyer. They modelled the failures during warranty using two different


Approach 1: Here the failures were modelled by a point process with common

intensity function Λ(t). Here, percentage of warranty included parts and excluded

parts are given by p and q =1-p respectively

The expected number of failures for an item of age A at sale covered under warranty

for a period W was given by


∫ Λ−=+wA

AI dttpAwNE )()1()];([ (2.19)

Similarly, the expected number of failures not covered under warranty was given by

∫ Λ=+wA

AE dttpAwNE )()];([ (2.20)

Approach 2:

Here component failures belonging to set I were modelled by an intensity function

ΛI(t) and for those belonging to set E were modelled by another intensity function

ΛE(t). Both of these were increasing functions of time t. Then the expected number of

failures NI(W;A) for the included parts and NE(W;A) for the excluded parts over the

warranty period were distributed according to non-stationary Poisson process with

intensity functions ΛI(t) and ΛE(t) respectively and therefore, the expected costs of

warranty are given by the Equations (2.21) and (2.22) respectively.

∫ Λ=+wA

AII dttcAwCE )()];([ (2.21)


∫ Λ=+wA

AEE dttcAwCE )()];([ (2.22)

The cost of each rectification resulting from failures due to components belonging to

set E and set I were modelled by distribution functions GE(c) and GI(c) with mean

Ec and Ic respectively. Expressions for the mean values are given by


0)( dcccgc using the appropriate distribution function. g(c), the density function

derived from distribution function G(c).

Limit on individual cost [LIC]:- if the cost of a rectification is below a limit ci, it is

borne completely by the dealer whereas if the cost of a rectification exceeds ci, then

the buyer pays the rest.

Here, the total expected warranty cost to the dealer, E[Cd(w;A)], is given by


∫ Λ=+wA

Add dttcAwCE )()];([ (2.23)

and the total expected cost to the buyer, E[Cb(w;A)], is given by

∫ Λ=+wA

Abb dttcAwCE )()];([ (2.24)

Limit on individual and total cost [LITC]:- the total cost to the dealer over the

lifetime has an upper limit (cT) for each rectification and the warranty ceases when

the total cost to the dealer (subsequent to the sale) exceeds cT or at time W,

whichever occurs first. The buyer pays the difference between rectification cost and

the dealer’s cost.

Then expected total cost to the dealer is given by



dTdd cc

VcdzzzvAwCE ∫ += (2.25)

where, vd(z; t) is the density function associated with Vd(z; t) (the distribution

function for the total cost to the dealer by time t and is given by



rdd =∑=

= (2.26)

where, Grd(z) is the r fold convolution of distribution function of dealers cost of

rectifications using Gd(z).

The expected cost to the buyer until warranty expires when Zt(total cost to the dealer

by time t) first time crosses cT and is given by

∫ −=∞

IIbb c

dccgcctNEAwCE )()()]([)];([ (2.27)

and expected number of failures over [0,Tb) is given by

∫ ∫ Λ=+w tA

ATb dtctqdxxtNE

0);(])([)]([ (2.28)

where q(t; cT) is the density function of Tb


The authors suggested simulation approach for solution because the model is

analytically complex.

Chattopadhyay and Murthy (2004) proposed optimal decision models on reliability

improvement through upgrading actions by dealers before sale of second-hand

products sold with warranty.

Two problems are studied:

Problem 1: The sale price and warranty terms are specified and do not depend on the

reliability improvement. The upgrade (improvement) is used to reduce the expected

warranty servicing cost.

For this instance, the expected profit is given by

)(})(){();();,( APAwAcAcAwSAwJ −−−−+−−= βββξψ ττλττ (2.29)

Where, S(w; A) and P(A) are the sales price and the dealer’s purchase price

repetitively. Where, τ is the age restoration, c and c are the cost of improvement and

expected cost of repair respectively and ψ, ξ are the parameters of cost functions for

upgrade action. λ and β are the Weibull parameters.

The optimal *τ )*0( ττ << can be obtained by the usual first order condition (if it

is an interior point of the admissible region) and if not, *τ is either zero (implying no

reliability improvement) or = τ (implying maximum reliability improvement).

Problem 2: The sale price depends on the warranty terms. Upgrade (improvement)

provides an opportunity to offer better warranty terms and this impacts on the profit.

As a result, both upgrade (improvement) and warranty period are decision variables

to be selected optimally to maximise the expected profit.

Here, the expected profit is given by

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ){ }[ ] ( )APwAwAcAcAwSAwJ −+−+−−−= ββββξψ θθλθθ 1;;; (2.30)

Where, θ is degree or level of improvement with θ = 0 means no upgrade and θ = 1

means repair quality as good as new and c is the expected cost of repair.

Chattopadhyay (2002) discussed parameter estimation for warranty cost associated

with the sale of second-hand products. The claims (at the system level) for 1335

second-hand cars were obtained from an Australian insurance company, which acts

as an underwriter for second hand car dealers. 558 warranty claim data were used for


the analysis of expected warranty costs. The maximum likelihood estimates (for

more details see Crowder et al (1991) were used for parameter estimation.

2.8.3. Service Contracts

For expensive and complex equipment (e.g., a power generation turbine), the

maintenance service provider of the equipment needs to have expertise and

specialised maintenance facilities to carry out appropriate maintenance. In many

cases, owners find it economical to contract out the maintenance to an external agent

(Ashgarizadeh and Murthy 2000). The external agent could be the manufacturer or

an independent third party. Karmarkar (1978) proposed a future cost models for a

service contract for consumer durable goods. Blischke and Murthy (2000) proposed a

service contract with a scope for negotiation on coverage. In recent years the concept

of the service contract has received significant attention. Murthy and Yeung (1995)

proposed two models for a service contract. They considered it in a demand-supply

framework, where the user generates demand for maintenance service and the service

provider acts as the supplier of the service. In Model one, the service provider

provides an immediate replacement on demand if the system fails before it reaches

an age Ti. This could result in high inventory holding as the agent needs to hold

spares as inventory. One way of reducing this cost is to order a spare at time T0 (0 <

T0 < Ti) after a maintenance action is executed. The inventory cost decreases as T0


In Model two, the service provider is not in a position to provide an immediate

replacement on demand. The provider compensates the user for the loss of revenue

till the failed system is replaced.

Murthy and Ashgarizadeh (1995) developed a game theoretic model for a service

contract to characterise the optimal strategies for a single customer and a single agent.

They considered exponential distribution for failure and repair times. Here, the

service agent has two options: (i) to rectify all failures over the life of the equipment

for a fixed price (P) along with a penalty if the repair is not completed within the

specified time, and (ii) to rectify each failure at a fixed price (Cs) without penalty.

The customer chooses the optimal decision to maximise its utility.

Ashgarizadeh and Murthy (2000) extended this to develop a stochastic model for the

service contract to examine the optimal strategies for customers as well as the agent

in a game theoretic setting. Many of the models discussed in this section considered a


number of assumptions such as constant failure rate, replacement only with new

items (if replacement is the only option), a constant repair cost and identical

customers with risk neutral attitude. Therefore, these conditions could be relaxed to

develop strategies for situations close to real life.

2.8.4. Lifetime Warranties

Lifetime warranty is important due to its application to longer life assets and

enhanced customer’s demand for service for a product instead of procurement of

products. As a result, in recent times, manufacturers of a large number of consumer

durable products have started offering lifetime warranties. By a lifetime warranty we

mean that the manufacturer/dealer has committed to repair or replace the sold failed

item during the time that the customer owns the item. It will be assumed that the

useful life of the item will terminate in some finite but random amount of time. For

example, some manufacturers/dealers of automobile mufflers are offering non-

transferable lifetime warranty upon installation of a muffler. This warranty may

terminate due to the change of ownership of the car, the buyer’s failure to enforce the

warranty, or the scraping of the car after a major accident that seriously damaged one

or more critical sub-systems such as the chassis or engine or it could be due to the

obsolescence of the exhaust system technology as a result of new technology


Although the concept of lifetime warranty has attracted significant attention among

practitioners, especially in recent years, the academic research on lifetime warranty is

very limited. A literature survey shows that only a few research studies have so far

been conducted in modelling policies and costs for lifetime warranties.


A literature review of product warranty, warranty policies, service contracts and

generic cost models for various warranty policies was conducted and presented in

this chapter. This chapter also studied and analysed the currently available literatures

on policies and cost models for various long-term warranties. The literatures review

shows that although a huge amount of research work has been conducted on some

types of long-term warranty policies such as extended warranty, warranty for used or

second hand product, only a limited number of academic research has so far been


carried out on formulation of new policies and modelling costs for lifetime warranty

policies and service contracts. It also shows that little or no research has been carried

out on developing models that consider buyer’s and manufacturer’s risk preferences,

the effect of various servicing strategies on the lifetime warranty and service

contracts. Therefore, this research aims to study, analyse and develop various

policies, servicing strategies and cost models for lifetime warranty and service

contracts that cover the burning issues such as the effect of various servicing

strategies, and to analyse the risks to manufacturers and customers. These are

discussed in the subsequent chapters of this thesis. Lifetime warranty policies and

models for estimating costs for these policies are developed and discussed in Chapter

3 and Chapter 4 respectively.





Market survey shows that a large number of products are now being sold with

lifetime warranties which indicate the high popularity of lifetime warranty among

customers. This is because it signals higher product reliability and greater customer

peace of mind. Lifetime warranties are a relatively new concept. Modelling of

failures during the warranty period and the costs for such policies is complex since

the lifespan in these policies is not well defined and it is often difficult to tell about

life measures for the longer period of coverage due to usage pattern/maintenance

activities undertaken and uncertainties of costs over the period.

In Chapter 2, an overview of warranties in general and a literature review of long-

term warranty were carried out which revealed the need for research study on

lifetime warranties and service contracts. In this Chapter, lifetime warranty is defined

based on the lifetime warranty offer literatures provided by the manufacturers or

dealers. Based on this, eight new one dimensional lifetime warranty policies are

developed based on the current practice. Taxonomy for those policies is also

proposed in this Chapter.


Definition of lifetime warranty and complexities in defining the useful lifespan of a

product under lifetime warranty policy are discussed in the Section 3.2. Taxonomy of

lifetime warranty policies is proposed in the Section 3.3. In this section, potential

one-dimensional lifetime policies are discussed briefly. Finally, a summary of this

chapter is made.


Lifetime warranties are covered for the life defined in the warranty policy and in

general it can be defined as the manufacturer/dealer’s commitment to provide free or

cost sharing repair or replacement of the sold product in case of failure due to design,

manufacturing defects or quality problems throughout the useful life of the product

or the buyer’s ownership period.

The concept of lifetime/useful life is not clear in the warranty literatures and can be a

source of confusion to the customers. Because it is often difficult to tell just whose

life measures the period of coverage and this makes difficulty to tell about measures

of the period of coverage (Magnuson-Moss warranty Act, 1975).

For example:

‘Sealevel Systems Inc. (’ warrants

their I/O products to conform and perform in accordance with published

technical specifications to be free from defects due to materials and

workmanship for the lifetime. "Lifetime" is defined as seven years after

Sealevel discontinues manufacturing the product. The warranty period

would, therefore, be technically around ten years from the date of


Celestron warrants their binoculars to be free from defects of materials

and workmanship for its usable lifetime (

SOG Corporation Limited (please see Figure 3.1), a manufacturer of

tools and blades provides warranty for their product as long as the

customer uses the products for his/her own purpose and the coverage


terminate with resell or transfer of the product


These examples show that the measurement of a product’s useful life (lifetime)

varies from product to product and depends on the manufacturer’s intention.

Figure 3.1: A sample of lifetime warranty offer

"Lifetime" is defined in different ways by different providers of lifetime warranty. A

manufacturer of an automuffler may intend "lifetime" to be for the life of the car. In

this case, the muffler warranty would be transferable to subsequent owners of the car

and would remain in effect throughout the car's useful life. However, a "lifetime"

warranty can cover as long as the original purchaser of the muffler owns the car. Or,

"lifetime" can be as long as the original product survives. This is probably the least

common usage of the term.

Termination of such warranty may also arise due to technological obsolescence,

design modifications, or change of component. For example the lifetime warranty of

a picture tube will cease if the television unit is out of service due to the failure of

other critical components because of wear out or accident (Wells (1985) or the whole

system is declared obsolete due to technological transformation. This was the case


when black and white televisions replaced by the colour televisions in 1980s or by

the LCD and plasma televisions in 2000s.

Therefore, it is essential to develop a reasonable definition for lifetime warranty to

resolve the confusion about the lifetime /useful life among the stakeholders. This

motivates us to develop a definition for lifetime warranty in which useful lifetime is

defined as the lifetime of the product in the market and assumed to be terminated in

some finite, random time horizon. Outdated technology should not be covered by

lifetime warranty. Termination of this type of warranty can also results from the

ownership change, technical or commercial reasons. The estimated life of an asset

can therefore be defined as:

• Technical life/ Physical life – the period over which the product might be

expected to last physically (up to the period when replacement or major

rehabilitation is physically required).

• Technological life – the period until technological obsolescence dictating

replacement due to the development of technologically superior alternatives.

• Commercial life/ Economic life – the period, over which the need for the

product exists, the period until economic obsolescence dictates replacement

with an economic alternative.

• Ownership life/ Social and legal life – the period until customer desire or

legal ownership is retained or replacement change of ownership occurs.

The terms and conditions of lifetime warranty policies are almost similar to those of

basic warranty. The difference between a lifetime warranty policy and a basic

warranty policy is that the warranty coverage period of normal warranty is fixed for a

particular product whereas the coverage period of a lifetime policy is uncertain and

randomly variable depending on the useful life of the product.

Lifetime warranty policies can involve features such free rectification to customer

due to defined failures or faults, sharing rectification costs between the

manufacturer/dealer and the customer/owner, cost limits, exclusion, trade-in and so

on. It depends on the product and manufacturer/dealer’s offer. The terms (eg,

coverage) can vary from product to product and can depend on the customer’s and


manufacturer’s risk preferences. Taxonomy of lifetime warranty policies is

developed and presented in the following section.


Taxonomy for the different types of lifetime warranty policies is shown in Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2: Taxonomy for lifetime warranty policies

Lifetime warranty policies can be divided into three main groups. These are:

A. Free rectification lifetime warranty policies which are again classified into

two sub groups based on the dimensions of the coverage such as age and

usage - i) One-Dimensional lifetime warranty policies (FRLTW) when it

covers either life decided on age (most common case) or life decided on

usage (rare case), and ii) Two-Dimensional lifetime warranty policies

(FRLTW-2D) where lifetime is decided on both age and usage.

B. Cost sharing lifetime warranty policies. These policies are sub grouped into

One dimensional (CSLTW) and Two dimensional policies. In line with

Chattopadhyay and Murthy (2001) each of these sub groups are again

Life time Warranty Policies

A. Free Rectification

Lifetime Warranty

B. Cost Sharing Lifetime Warranty


Dimensional FRLTW


Dimensional FRLTW-2D


Dimensional CSLTW


Dimensional CSLTW-2D

Specified Parts

Excluded SPELTW

Limit on

Individual costLICLTW

Limit on

Total Cost LTCLTW

Limit on Total Cost and Individual cost


C. Trade In Lifetime Warranty (TLTW)


Trade in STLTW

Combined Trade in CTLTW


classified into four types of policies: i) Specified parts excluded policies

(SPELTW), ii) Limit on individual cost policies(LICLTW), iii) Limit on total

cost policies (LTCLTW), and iv) Limit on total and individual cost policies


C. Lifetime warranty with Trade-in policies (TLTW)- these policies are again

sub-grouped into two major classes, such as i) Simple trade-in within the

lifetime (STLTW) and Combined trade-in within lifetime (CTLTW) policies.

Different Lifetime Warranty Policies:

The main complexity in this area is the uncertainty with useful life (lifetime) and

subsequently the coverage periods. Another complexity is the uncertainty of

servicing costs over longer uncertain periods of time. A brief description of all these

policies is as follows:

A. Free Rectification Lifetime Warranty [FRLTW] Policies.

Under the free rectification policy the manufacturer or dealer is obligated to rectify

(repair or replace) all faults or failures of the sold product free of cost to the customer

(buyer) over the defined lifetime of the product. This category of policies can be

divided into two major policies based on their dimensional attributes. These are:

Policy 1: Lifetime Warranty on age (One-dimensional case) with no cost to

Buyer/Customer [FRLTW]: Under this policy, the manufacturer/dealer is

responsible for rectifying all defects and failures of the sold product due to design or

manufacturing problems over the useful life or the defined lifetime of the product.

Rectification can be a replacement, repair or in some cases refund. Unlike normal

warranty, the coverage period for lifetime warranty is uncertain and randomly


Policy 2: Lifetime warranty on both age and usage (Two-Dimensional case) with

no cost to Buyer/Customer [FRLTW-2D]: Under this policy the

manufacturer/dealer rectifies all defects and failures of the sold product due to design

or manufacturing problems over the lifelong age and lifelong usage of the product,

whichever comes first. Rectification can be a replacement or repair or in some cases


a refund can be made. Here the coverage terminates at any age or usage due to the

ownership change, technological obsolescence, technical or commercial reason.

B. Cost Sharing Lifetime Warranty [CSLTW] Policies:

Under this category of policies, the customer and the manufacturer/dealer share the

repair cost over the uncertain coverage period. The basis for cost sharing can vary

from product to product depending on the manufacturer’s sharing policies. In line

with Chattopadhyay and Murthy (2001), we propose four One-dimensional Cost

Sharing Lifetime Warranty (CSLTW) policies. These are: Specific Parts Exclusion

(SPELTW), Limit on Individual Cost (LICLTW), Limits on Total Cost (LTCLTW),

and Limit on Individual and Total Cost Lifetime Warranty [LITLTW]. These

policies are described briefly as follows:

Policy 3 - Specified Parts Excluded Lifetime Warranty [SPELTW]: Under this

policy, the components of the product are grouped into two disjoint sets, Set-I (for

inclusion) and Set-E (for exclusion). Here, the manufacturer/dealer rectifies failed

components belonging to Set-I at no cost to the buyer over the defined lifetime of the

product. The costs of rectifying the failed components belonging to Set-E are borne

by the customer. (Note: The rectification of failed components belonging to set E can

be carried out either by the dealer or a third party).

Policy 4 - Limit on Individual Cost Lifetime Warranty [LICLTW]: Under this

policy, if the cost of a rectification on each occasion is below the limit cI, then it is

borne completely by the manufacturer/dealer and the customer pays nothing. If the

cost of a rectification exceeds cI, the buyer pays all the costs in excess of cI (i.e cost

of rectification - cI). This continues until the termination of lifetime.

Policy 5 - Limit on Total Cost Lifetime Warranty [LTCLTW]: Under this policy

the manufacturer/dealer's obligation ceases when the total repair cost over the

lifetime exceeds cT. As a result the warranty ceases at an uncertain lifetime L or

earlier if the total repair cost, at any time during the lifetime, exceeds a prefixed cut

off cost cT. Here, the warranty coverage is uncertain not only for uncertainty in

exceeding the total cost limit, but also for the uncertainty of lifetime.

Policy 6 - Limit on Individual and Total Cost Lifetime Warranty [LITLTW]:

Under this policy, the cost to the manufacturer/dealer has an upper limit (cI) for each


rectification and the warranty ceases when the total cost to the dealer (subsequent to

the sale) exceeds a cut off cost cT or the termination of the product life due to the

defined reasons, whichever occurs first. The customer pays the difference between

rectification cost and the dealer’s cost if the individual rectification cost exceeds cost

limit cI.

C. Trade-in with Lifetime [TILTW] Policies:

The two main types of trade in with lifetime warranty policies are as follows

Policy 7 – Simple Trade-in [STLTW]: Under this policy, customer has the option

to to have the product replaced at reduced cost of trade-in for the used one. In this

type of warranty the old used product is repurchased by the manufacturer/dealers.

The repurchased price would be a proportion of the original purchased price

depending on the age of the old/ used product i.e the repurchased price (trade in

price) )(LE

aPP ot = , where Po and a are the original purchased price and age and

condition of the product at the time of trade in. E(L) is the expected lifetime of the

product. In real life this can be negotiable.

Policy 8 – Combined Trade in with warranty [CTLTW] policy: Under this policy

the failed or defective product is rectified free of cost to the customer/buyer up to a

certain time w and if the product is failed any time beyond w over the rest of the

lifetime (L), the failed product is repurchased by the manufacturer/dealer at a reduced

price (see Figure 4.3).

Figure 3.3 Combined Trade in with lifetime warranty [CTLTW] policy

w L

Free rectification Trade in




In Figure 3.3, w represents the normal free rectification warranty period and L

represents the lifetime of the product. If the product failed within period w it is

rectified free of cost by the manufacturer or dealer and if the product failed after w

but before the defined lifetime L, manufacturer or dealer will purchase the failed

product from the buyer at a discount value (Trade-in). The coverage period of this

type of policy is clearly divided into two parts. The first part follows the normal free

rectification warranty (from 0 to w) and the second part (from w to L) follows an

uncertain coverage with one failure.


Life measures applicable to lifetime warranty policies have defined in this chapter,

and a framework for long term warranty policies have developed. Taxonomy for

lifetime warranty policies have also developed. The taxonomy dealt with eight

potential new lifetime warranty policies and the proposed policies were then

discussed briefly. Most of these policies are currently offered by the

manufacturers/dealers of products and the others would be of potential interest to the

manufacturers/dealers. A summary of these policies is presented in the Table 3.1.

In order to judge the cost effectiveness of these policies to both the manufacturer and

the customer, it is necessary to develop mathematical models in estimating the cost

of offering these types of policies. Mathematical models for estimating costs for

different lifetime warranty policies from both the manufacturer and the customer

perspectives and analysis of these proposed cost models are aimed to carry out in the

next chapter (Chapter 4).


Table 3.1: Lifetime warranty policies at a glance

Group Policy Policy name Abbreviation

Policy 1 One-dimensional Free rectification

lifetime warranty policies





Policy 2 Two-dimensional Free rectification

lifetime warranty policies


Policy 3 Specific parts excluded lifetime

warranty policies


Policy 4 Limit on individual cost lifetime

warranty policies


Policy 5 Limit on total cost lifetime warranty







Policy 6 Limit on individual and total cost

lifetime warranty policies


Policy 7 Simple Trade-in within lifetime policies



policies Policy 8 Combined Trade-in with lifetime

warranty policy






Complexities with lifetime warranty, various lifetime warranty policies and

taxonomy for these policies were developed and discussed in Chapter 3. The

importance of and need to study, develop and analyse the cost models of the

proposed lifetime warranty policies were determined. In this chapter, mathematical

models for estimating costs of different lifetime warranty policies are developed

from the manufacturer and customer’s point of view. Analysis of the developed

lifetime warranty cost models are carried out for one dimensional policies.

Since warranty claims occur due to failures of product, the starting point for such an

analysis is the modelling of the failures over the lifetime (useful life) of the sold

product. The next step is the modelling the estimation of rectification costs over the

lifetime. Modelling of failures during warranty period and estimation of costs for

such policies are complex. The reasons are: 1) the lifetime or the useful life of

products are uncertain, randomly variable and assumed to be terminated in some

finite time horizon, 2) failures over this uncertain coverage period are also randomly

variable, and 3) the uncertainties of costs due to uncertainties of the maintenance

decisions taken over the coverage period and the changes of cost parameters due to

the inflation, devaluation or discounting of money over such a long period of



The outline of this chapter is as follows: Section 4.1 briefly introduces this chapter.

Section 4.2 deals with the preliminaries of product failures at component and system

level. In Section 4.3, the modelling of item failures during the lifetime of the product

and the modelling of costs of rectification are discussed. Based on these, cost models

for different types of lifetime warranty policies as described in the Chapter 3 are

developed. Section 4.4 analyses and discusses the sensitivities of the developed

models with numerical illustrations. In the final Section, the whole chapter is

summarised with concluding remarks.


Modelling failures

Most products are complex, made up of a number of components (sometimes, more

than hundreds). Therefore, a product can be viewed as a system comprising of

multiple components. The failure of such product occurs due the failure of one or

more component/s. Failures over the lifetime can be modelled either at the

component level or at the system level. The component level models are sometime

appropriate for certain types of policies but the difficulty with the component level

models is that they require data at component level. Often, the manufacturers/dealers

do not keep records of those data. In contrast, system level models require

aggregated data which are usually available from the manufacture’s /dealer’s data


4.2.1. Modelling at Component Level

Failure of each component can be modelled separately. The modelling of the first

failure needs to be treated differently from that of subsequent failures. It depends on

(i) whether the component is repairable or not, (ii) the type of rectification and (iii)

the type of component (new or used) used as replacement. MTTF of the first failure

can be modelled by a probability distribution function. Subsequent failure can be

modelled either by ordinary renewal process, when every failure results in a

replacement by a new product and the replacement times are negligible or a delayed

renewal process or point process when all failures are repaired with negligible

repair time and with a specified intensity function (Blischke and Murthy (1994)).

When the rectification involves either repair or replacement by a used or cloned part,


then the modelling is more complex and can be formulated by the modified renewal

process (Kijima 1989).

Modelling first failure for one dimensional formulation – Black box approach

Let X1 denotes the age of an item at its first failure. This is also called time to first

failure. Let F(x) and R(x) denote the cumulative distribution function and reliability

function (the probability that the first failure does not occur prior to x) for the first

time to failure respectively and f(t) is the density function for this case and is given


f(x) = dF(x)/dx. (4.1)

Here we have,

( ) { }xXPxF ≤= 1 and

( ) ( ) { }xXPxFxR >=−= 11 (4.2)

The conditional probability of item failure in the interval [x, x + t], given that it has

not failed before x is given by

( ) ( ) ( )[ ] ( )xRxFxtFxtF −+= (4.3)

The failure rate associated with a distribution function F(t) is defined as

( ) ( ) ( )( )xRxf




lim (4.4)

For Exponential distribution, the density function, f(x) and failure rate, r(x) are given by

( ) ( )xexf λλ −= , for 0 ≤ x < ∝, and λ > 0 (4.5)

( ) λ=xr (4.6)

where, λ is the failure intensity.

For Gamma distribution, the density function and failure rate are given by

( ) ( )βλ λββ


−− xexxf1

, for 0 ≤ x < ∝, λ > 0 and β > 0 (4.7)

( ) ( )11 −







⎜⎝⎛= ∫


xt dtextxr λ




For Weibull distribution the distribution function and failure rate are given by

( ) ( )[ ]βλxexF −−= 1 , for 0 ≤ x < ∝, λ > 0, and β > 0 (4.9)

( ) ( ) 111

1 −−−

− =×

== ββ




ηηβλβλ xxxxr (4.10)

Modelling subsequent failures for non-repairable component and replacement by

new one:

Let us consider the case where non-repairable items are sold with a free replacement

lifetime warranty with useful life (lifetime) L. All failed items will be replaced

(renewed) by the manufacturer/dealer at no cost to the buyers. If we assume the time

required for replacement is negligible compared to warranty time and is zero, in line

with Ross (1970), we can apply an ordinary renewal process (Cox, 1962) as follows.

Let the number of renewals over the lifetime [0, L), be M(L), and this is given by

( ) ( )[ ] ( ){ }∑∞



LNnPLNELM (4.11)

where E[N(L)] is the expected number of renewals during the lifetime L of the

product/item, and n is the number of failures, and n =0, 1, 2, …….

Conditioned on X1(the time to first failure), M(L) can be expressed by

( ) ( )[ ] ( )xdFxXLNELM ∫∞

==0 1 (4.12)

According to the renewal property the following expression is valid

( )[ ] ( ) ⎭⎬⎫





,01 (4.13)

If the first failure occurs at x ≤ L, then the number of renewals over L – x occur

according to an identical renewal process, and hence the expected number of

renewals over the period is M(L - x). Therefore we have

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )dxxfxLMLFLML

∫ −+=0



where, F(L) and f(x) represent Cumulative distribution function during warranty

period and probability density function respectively. Therefore, the total warranty

cost over the lifetime of the product/item is given by

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ⎥⎦⎤

⎢⎣⎡ −+= ∫


ii dxxfxLMLFcLC0


where, ci is the cost of each failure replacement

Modelling costs for repairable component sold with non-renewing FRW

In this case, all failed components are repaired and the failure distribution of the

repaired component will not be the same as the new product/item. Let the new failure

distribution be given by G(x), which is different from the failure distribution of the

new item F(x). This situation represents the delayed Renewal process (Cox, 1962).

A counting process {N(t), t ≥ 0} is a delayed renewal process if

1. N(0) = 0

2. X1, the time to first renewal is a non negative random variable with

distribution function F(x).

3. Xj, j ≥ 2, the time interval between jth and (j-1)th repair are independent and

identically distributed random variables with distribution function G(x),

which is different from F(x).

4. N(t) = sup{n; Sn ≤ t}, where S0 = 0 and, for n ≥ 1.



jjn XS


Let Md(L) denote the expected number of renewals over the lifetime [0, L) for the

delayed renewal process. Then in line with Ross (1970), we can rewrite the following

expressions for products sold with lifetime warranties.

( ) ( )[ ] ( )[ ] ( )xdFxXLNELNELML

d ∫ ===0 1 (4.16)


An expression for this can easily be obtained using the conditional expectation

approach used for obtaining M(L) for the ordinary renewal process. Conditioning on

T1, the time to first renewal, we have

( )[ ] ( ) ⎭⎬⎫





,01 (4.17)

Where, Mg(L) is the renewal function associated with the distribution function G(L).

This follows from the fact that if the first repair occurs at x ≤ L, then over the interval

(x, L), the repairs occur according to a renewal process with distribution G(.). Hence

Md(L) is given by

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )dxxfxLMLFLML

gd −+= ∫0 (4.18)


The warranty cost is given by

( ) ( ) ( ) ⎥⎦⎤

⎢⎣⎡ −+= ∫ dxxfxLMLFcC


gjj 0 (4.19)

where cj is the average cost of all repairs.

4.2.2. Modelling warranty at System Level:

Failures of a system (the product itself is a system and comprised of multiple

components) can be viewed as a point process and the failures can be modelled either

by stationary or homogeneous Poisson process with failure rate λ when failures are

independent of time (constant failure rate) or by non-stationary Poisson process (also

called Non-homogeneous Poisson process) with an intensity function Λ(t) which is

an increasing/decreasing function of time t.

Modelling failures with independent increments - Homogeneous Poisson Process


In this case, the number of product failures during the warranty period is distributed

as Poisson with intensity λ. This also implicitly implies that the duration of time

needed to repair or replace a failed component is negligible when compared to the

whole warranty period, so that the failure process is not interrupted during the


warranty period (Balachandran et al., 1981). The constant failure rate is reasonable

particularly for sophisticated products that are composed of a large number of

components; a repair or replacement of a component has little effect on the overall

failure rate of the whole product. This is also validated when the early failure period

in the well-known bath-tub failure patterns is effectively eliminated by a refund

policy and only the constant failure period is associated with the warranty period.

Here, the number of failures in any interval t is given by

( ) ( ){ } ( )!


tenxNtxNPnt λλ−

==−+ (4.20)

For n= 1, 2, 3,……., and all x ≥ 0 and t ≥ 0

And the expected number of failures over the lifetime, L can be given by

( )[ ] LLNE λ= (4.21)

Modelling time dependent failures - Non-homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP)

F(t) denotes the cumulative failure distribution and if modelled as non homogeneous

Poisson process is given by:

))(exp(1)( βλttF −−= (4.22)

In this case the failure intensity Λ(t) is a function of time and is given by

Λ(t) is given by: 11



)()( −−



−= β




λλλβλ tt


tft (4.23)

with β > 1 and λ > 0. where β and λ are Weibull parameters. The expected number

of failures E[N(w)] over the warranty period w, is given by

∫ Λ=w


)()]([ (4.24)

The expected warranty cost to the manufacturer for unit sale, E[Cm(.)], as modelled

by Blischke and Murthy (2000), is given by


( )[ ] ( )[ ][ ]wNECwCE sm += 1 (4.25)

where, Cs is the total manufacturing cost per unit.


In this section, modelling of product failures during the lifetime of the product and

the cost of rectification are developed and analysed. A product is treated as a system

comprising of several components and failures are modelled at the system or sub-

system level.

We assume product cumulative failure distribution F(t) with density function f(t) =

dF(t)/dt and the failure intensity function can be estimated from the Equation

( ) ( )( )( )tF





For the purpose of model simplification, the following assumptions are made. One

can relax one or more assumptions, but this results in complexity in analysis. The

analysis of such models may in some instances be analytically intractable. The

assumptions are:

• Item failures are statistically independent;

• Item failure, in a probabilistic sense, is only a function of its age;

• The time to carry out a rectification action by repair or replacement is negligible

compared to the mean time between failures and this time can be ignored;

• An item failure results in an immediate claim and all claims are valid;

• All replacement is made with new and identical one; and

• Failures over the warranty period are modelled at the system (or item) level.


We use the following notations for the purpose of this section

α Increasing rate of cost due to inflation and other factors

β Shape parameter

δ Discount rate (annuity)

η Characteristic life parameter of the product


ρ Parameter for the truncated exponential distribution used in the life

distribution of products

μ Mean of the failure distribution

λ Failure intensity

Λ(t) Intensity function for system failure

ΛI(t) Intensity function for system failure due to component/s ∈ Set I ( included in

the warranty)

ΛE(t) Intensity function for system failure due to component/s ∈ Set E ( excluded

in the warranty)

L Defined lifetime of the product.

a Useful life of product conditioned on L = a

H(a) Distribution function of the lifetime (useful life)

h(a) Density function associated with H(a)

l Lower limit of the defined a

u Upper limit of the defined a

F(.) Failure distribution of product

R(.) Product reliability distribution

f(.) Density function associated with F(.)

r(.) Hazard rate function associated wit F(.)

M(L) Number of renewals during the lifetime L

X1 Age of the item at its firs failure

Mg(.) Renewal function associated with distribution function G(.)

Md(.) Renewal function associated with distribution function F(.)

Cx Total warranty cost over the lifetime associated with an ordinary renewal


cx Average cost of each failure replacement associated with an ordinary renewal


Cy Total warranty cost over the lifetime associated with a delayed renewal

process cy Av. cost of repair associated with a delayed renewal process

G(c) Cost distribution function

g(c) Density function associated with G(c)

c Expected cost of each rectification over the lifetime (system level)

γ Parameter for cost distribution


E[N(l,u)] Expected number of failures over the lifetime.

E[C(l,u)] Total expected cost for Model L1 over the lifetime

E[NI(l,u)] Expected number of failures of the component/s ∈ Set I

E[NE(l,u)] Expected number of failures over the lifetime: component/s ∈ Set E

E[CI(l,u)] Total expected costs for Model L2 over the lifetime: component/s ∈


E[CI(l,u)] Total expected costs for Model L2 over the lifetime: component/s ∈


cI Individual failure (claim) cost limit(associated with Model CSLTW)

Cj Total rectification costs for jth failure (claim) (associated with Model L3 &


Mj Manufacturer/dealer’s cost for jth claim (associated with Model L3)

Bj Customer/ buyer’s cost for jth claim (associated with Model L3)

mc Expected cost for each rectification to the manufacturer

bc Expected cost for each rectification to the customer

cT Manufacturer’s cost limit for all failures over the lifetime for model L4 and


Ct Total cost to the manufacturer by time t (associated with models L3, L4 and


TCj Total cost of rectification of the first j failures subsequent to the sale

TMj Cost to the manufacturer associated with j number of failure

TBj Cost to the customer associated with j number of failure

E[Cm(l,u)] Expected cost to the manufacturer for Models L4 and L5

E[Cb(l,u)] Expected cost to the buyer/customer for Models L4 and L5

CL Cost of rectification of all failures over the lifetime for Model L4 and L5

V(c ) Distribution function for CL

v(c) Density function associated with V(c)

G(r)(c) The r-fold convolution of G(c)

Tb Time at which warranty expires for Model L5

Vm(c; t) Distribution function for the total costs to the manufacturer

vm(c; t) Density function associated with Vm(c; t)

Q(t; cT) Distribution function for Tb

q(t; cT) Density function associated with Q(t; cT)


4.3.1 Modelling Uncertainties of Lifetime

In any basic warranty case, the warranty coverage period is certain and fixed (see

Figure 4.1a) and the failures occur randomly over this constant period of coverage.

But in case of lifetime warranty, the upper limit of the coverage is uncertain since the

termination of life is uncertain and randomly variable. Product failure also occurs

randomly over this uncertain coverage period (see Figure 4.1b). Conditioned on the

upper limit of coverage L = a, one can capture this uncertain coverage period by

binding a with a lower limit l and upper limit u at statutory base since the termination

of lifetime is assumed to be terminated in some finite, random time horizon. One can

model this as a random variable with a distribution function H(a) with H(l) = P(a ≤ l)

= 0 and H(u) = P(a ≤ u) = 1

a) Basic warranty case b) Lifetime warranty case

Figure 4.1: Failure intensity over the non lifetime and lifetime warranty

coverage period

h(a) is the probability density function of coverage period a associated with H(a) and

( ) ( )da

adHah = (4.26)

One form of H(a), which is analytically tractable, is the following truncated

exponential distribution ( see Chattopadhyay and Murthy, 2000):

u l

0 L= a 0 w






Coverag Coverag


H(a) is ul







−− which gives a ( ) ul


eeeah ρρ


−= (4.27)

The mean value of useful life of the sold product can be expressed by

( ) ( ) ( )ul


L eeeeueleaE ρρ

ρρρρ ρμ −−



==/ (4.28)

In real life distribution of lifetime coverage might not be possible to model using a

particular distribution and can be modelled using a probability mass function.

4.3.2 Modelling Rectification Cost

The cost of each rectification C is, in general, a random variable because an item

failure is due to the failure of one or more of its components and cost of repair or

replacement varies with components. We assume G(c) and g(c) as the cumulative

distribution function and the probability density function of rectification costs of the

product over the lifetime i.e.

}{)( cCPcG ≤= (4.29)

Then the expected cost of each rectification action, ( ) cCE = , is given by

( ) ∫==∞

0)( dcccgcCE (4.30)

For the purpose of simplification of the model analysis, we consider a case where the

cost of rectification is distributed exponentially with exponential parameter γ. This

consideration is true for most of the simple products. For exponential distribution

case with cost parameter γ, G(c) can be expressed by

cecG γ−−= 1)( (4.31)

Then the expected cost of each rectification with cost parameter γ is given by

]/1[ γ=c (4.32)


Moreover the cost can vary subsequently in the longer uncertain period of a contract

and a negotiation clause can possibly be included. For a very long product life, a cost

trend and discounting factor can be included in the cost model.

4.3.3 Model L1: Free Rectification Lifetime Warranty (FRLTW)

Under this policy, the manufacturer/dealer is obliged to rectify all defects and

failures of the sold product due to design or manufacturing problems over the defined


For products with longer lifetimes such as cars, the total warranty cost is uncertain

over a longer period of time due to the uncertainties of lifetime and costs of servicing

claims. If the lifetime is very long (more than one year), the future cost will be

affected by increased labour cost, inflation and devaluation of money over time. This

can be captured by following way (see Figure 4.2):

Figure 4.2: Effects of discounting for warranty costs under longer coverage period.

Let the life of the product be L years. This L is itself uncertain due to ownership

change, technological obsolescence, technical and commercial reasons.


Discounted Discounted

Lifetime in years

0 L

N1 =



N1 =



N1 =





y co



Let the expected number of failures in year i and the expected cost of rectification for

each occasion within the year i be E(Ni) and E(Ci) respectively. Costs of premiums

are assumed to occur at the beginning of every year.

Then the present value of the total expected cost for lifetime warranty can be

modelled as

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1

1 11 −




×= ∑i




δα (4.33)

where, P(Ni) = Probability that lifetime terminates at year i. P(Ni) is a function of

ownership change, technological, obsolescence, technical and commercial life of


α denotes increasing rate of cost due to inflation and other factors and δ represents

the discount rate of money since the expected cost of warranty would be affected by

the discounting of money for a product with a long lifetime.

This model is a complex one. Easier ways to calculate the discount are the use of

‘real discount rate’ or use of ‘Fisher’s formula’. A simulation approach can also be

used to solve this model.

For the purpose of model simplification, we assume values of both α and δ equal to 1.

This assumption is realistic for products with shorter lifetimes i.e. product with

lifetimes close to one year.

The total cost of warranty during the lifetime can therefore be expressed as

( ) ( ) ( )[ ]LNECECE t = (4.34)

where E(C) is the expected cost of warranty for each occasion of failure and E[N(L)]

is the expected number of failures over the lifetime coverage period a.

Here, we consider the product as a system composed of a number of components.

Rectification can be a repair or replacement of one or more components. Product

failures are modelled as occurring according to a point process with an intensity

function Λ(t) where t represents the age of the product. Λ(t) is an increasing function

of t indicating that the number of failures, in a statistical sense, increases with age.

As a result, N(t), the number of failures over the warranty period is a random variable











∫ Λ−



⎡∫ Λ

== (4.35)

Since, the useful life of the product can be terminated at any time due to ownership

change, technological obsolescence, technical or commercial reasons, the

termination point of lifetime coverage can be bounded by a lower limit (l) and upper

limit (u) at a statutory base. The expected number of failures during the lifetime can

be modelled using conditional probability of the upper limit of coverage = a and then

lifting the condition by integrating the probability density function and limiting it

between l and u as in the Equation (4.36)

∫ ∫ Λ=u



0)(})({)],([ (4.36)

Therefore, the total cost for FRLTW due to warranty claims over the lifetime of the

product can be given by

( )[ ] ( ) ( )[ ] ⎥⎦⎤

⎢⎣⎡∫ ∫ Λ==u




This can be expressed as Equation (4.38) by substituting value of expected per

occasion rectification cost from Equation (4.32)

( )( ) ⎥⎦


⎡∫ ∫ Λ=u




γ (4.38)

4.3.4 Model L2: Specified Parts Exclusive Lifetime Warranty ( Policy 3):

Here the components of the item are grouped into two disjointed sets; I and E.

Failures of components belonging to set I are covered by lifetime free replacement

warranty and those belonging to set E are not covered under warranty. Let NI(l, u)

and NE(l, u) denote the number of failures over the lifetime warranty period. One can

model the failures during warranty using two different approaches. We assume that

the total costs are not affected by the inflation or the discounting of money.

Approach 1


Here the failures are modelled as in Model L1( for FRLTW) by a point process with

intensity function λ(t). However, with each point (corresponding to a failure) there is

a mark which indicates whether the item failure is covered under warranty or not.

This mark is modelled as a binary random variable Y with Y = 1 indicating that the

failure is covered and Y = 0 indicating that the failure is not covered under warranty.

Let P{Y = 0} = p and P{Y = 1} = 1 – p = q

In this case, the expected number of failures of the components of the sold product

that are covered with free replacement warranty over the lifetime is given by

( )∫⎪⎭




∫ Λ=u


adttqulNE I )(

0)],([ (4.39)

where, l and u are the lower and upper limits of the useful life distribution and a is

the lifetime coverage of the product.

Similarly, the expected number of failures of components that are not covered with

free replacement under this warranty policy is given by

( )∫⎪⎭




∫ Λ=u


adttpulNE E )(

0)],([ (4.40)

Approach 2

Here, the component failures belonging to Set I are modelled by an intensity function

ΛI(t) and those belonging to Set E are modelled by another intensity function ΛE(t).

Both of these are increasing functions of time t. Then NI(L) and NE(L) are distributed

according to non-stationary Poisson processes with intensity functions ΛI(t) and

ΛE(t) respectively. In this case, the expected number of failures over the useful life of

the products can be expressed as

( )∫⎪⎭




∫ Λ=u


adttIulNE I )(

0)],([ (4.41)



( )∫⎪⎭




∫ Λ=u


adttEulNE E )(

0)],([ (4.42)

Note: If )()( tptE Λ=Λ and )()( tqtI Λ=Λ , then both approaches yield the same

expected values.

4.3.5 Model L3: Limit on Individual Cost Lifetime Warranty (Policy 4)

Here the cost of individual claims to the dealer is limited to fixed cost cI whereby the

manufacturer/dealer carries out all rectification action free of cost to the customer if

the cost of rectification is below a limit cI. If the cost of rectification exceeds cI, then

the customer pays the difference between the cost of rectification and cI. That is the

manufacturer/dealer pays all costs up to cI and the customer pays an amount (C-cI),

where C is the total rectification costs of an individual claim. We assume that the

total costs are not affected by inflation or the discounting of money.

Then for the jth failure,

}min{ , Ijj cCM = (4.43)

)}(,0min{ Ijj cCB −= (4.44)

Where Mj and Bj represent the manufacturer’s cost and customer’s costs for jth

failure respectively.

Let the individual cost of rectification, Cj be given by a distribution function G(c )

with density function g(c ).

Therefore, the expected cost of each rectification to the manufacturer/dealer is given


∫ +=I



0)()( (4.45)

where, ( ) ( )∫∞


I dccgcG

and that to the buyer is given by


∫ −=∞

IIb c

dccgcCc )()( (4.46)

The expected number of failures is given by

∫ ∫ Λ=u



0)(})({)],([ (4.47)

The total expected warranty cost to the manufacturer/dealer, E[Cm(l,u)], is given by


∫ ∫ Λ=u


adaahdttmculmCE (4.48)

and the total expected cost to the customer over the lifetime, E[Cb(L)], is given by


∫ ∫ Λ=u


adaahdttbculbCE (4.49)

4.3.6 Model L4: Limit on Total Cost Lifetime Warranty (Policy 5)

Under the conditions of this policy, the warranty ceases either at the point of

termination of the useful life or the total warranty cost reached at a prefixed cost

limit cT, whichever occurs first.

Let TCj denote the cost of rectifying the first j failures subsequent to the sale. It is

given by



iij CTC


( j =1,2,…) (4.50)

where Ci is the cost of rectification of the ith failure.

Since the total cost (of claims) to the manufacturer/dealer over the life period is

limited to cT, we have for the ith failure, the cost to the manufacturer/dealer is

)}(,min{ )1( −−= iTii TCcCM (4.51)

and the cost to the customer is

)}(,0max{ Tii cTCB −= (4.52)


TMj denote the cost to manufacturer/dealer associated with the first j numbers of

failures and this can be expressed by



iij MTM


(j=1,2…..) (4.53)

TBj denote the cost to buyer associated with the first j failures. It is given by



iij BTB


(j=1,2…..) (4.54)

with Mi and Bi given by (4.51) and (4.52) respectively. TM0 = TB0 = 0.

The warranty can cease either at lifetime a with number of failures N(t) or earlier at

the jth failure if TM(j-1) < cT ≤ TMj and j < N(t). Figure 4.3 shows this in a

diagrammatic manner. The total cost to the manufacturer/dealer is a random variable

as follows:

Let CL be the cost of rectifications of all the failures over the period [0, a) and V(c)

be the distribution function for CL. Then using conditional argument





L rtNobrtNcCobcV (4.55)

Note that CL, conditional on N(t) = r, is the sum of r independent and identically

distributed random variables with distribution G(c). Since N(t) is time dependent

Poisson distributed (Non-homogeneous Poison process)

( )( )

∑∫ ∫∫∫∞










0 0)(




a au





daahdttdaahdttcGcV (4.56)

where, G(r)(c) is the r-fold convolution of G(c) with itself .

The cost to the manufacturer/dealer equals CL if CL ≤ cT, and equals cT if CL > cT. In

the former case, the warranty ceases at a which is a random variable and in the later

case it ceases before a. E[Cm(l,u)] denote this expected cost to the manufacturer and

it is given by


∫ +=Tc

TTm cVcdcccvulCE0

)()()],([ (4.57)

where v(c) is the density function (= dV(c)/dc) associated with the distribution

function V(c).

Figure 4.3: A Schematic diagram of Limit on Total Cost Lifetime Warranty

The cost to the buyer over the period [0, a) is max {0, CL – cT}. Therefore the

expected cost to the buyer can be expressed by



Tb dccvcculCE )()()],([ (4.58)

When G(c) is exponentially distributed and Λ(t) = λ (ie, occurring according to

stationary Poisson process) then v(c) can be obtained analytically (Cox, 1962). For a

general Λ(t), it is not possible to obtain v(c) analytically and simulation approach can

be used.

Time in warranty period


l war


y co


Level crossing ZL Cumulative cost for item1



ZL for item2

ZL for item3 C12










4.3.7 Model L5: Limit on Individual and Total Cost Lifetime Warranty (Policy 6)

Under this policy, the cost to the manufacturer/dealer has an upper limit (cI) for each

rectification and the warranty ceases when the total cost to the manufacturer/dealer

(subsequent to the sale) exceeds cT or at the termination of useful life a, whichever

occurs first. The customer pays the difference between rectification cost and the

manufacturer/dealer’s limit cost. That is the total cost of claims to the

manufacturer/dealer is limited to cT and the cost of an individual claim is limited by

cI, then for the jth failure


TjjIjj cTMfor



⎩⎨⎧ −





)}(,,min{ (4.59)





TjIjj cTMfor




⎩⎨⎧ −−



)1()}(),(,0max{ (4.60)

where TMj denotes the sum of the costs incurred by the manufacturer/dealer with the

servicing of the first j failures under warranty.

Note that the warranty can expire before a if the total cost to the manufacturer/dealer

exceeds cT. Let Tb denote the time at which the warranty expires. It is given by the

first passage of a process Ct which represents the total cost to the

manufacturer/dealer by time t. It is seen that

tTb > if Tt cC < (4.61)

Let Vm(c; t) denote the distribution function for the total cost to the

manufacturer/dealer by time t. Then Vm(c; t) is given by



rmm =∑=

= (4.62)

where Gm(c) is given by




Im ccfor



)( (4.63)


Since, the cost of each single rectification action to the manufacture/dealer is

constrained to be less than cI.

Note that



0 rdaadtht








Λ∫== (4.64)

Let Q(t; cT) denotes the distribution and q(t; cT) is the density function for Tb. Then,

we have

∫=∫∞ T



0);();( (4.65)

The expected warranty cost to the manufacture/dealer can be obtained by using a

level crossing of the above cumulative process. Let vm(c) be the density function

associated with distribution function Vm(c). Then the expected total cost to the

manufacturer/dealer is given by



mTmm cc

VcdcccvulCE ∫ += (4.66)

The expected cost to the customer/buyer until warranty expires, when Ct first time

crosses cT at Tb, is given by

∫ −=∞

IIbb c

dccgccTNEulCE )()()]([)],([ (4.67)

where expected number of failures over [0,Tb) is given by

∫ ∫ Λ=a t

dtctqdxxtNE Tb0 0

);(])([)]([ (4.68)

It is not possible to evaluate the costs analytically and one needs to use a simulation

approach to obtain these costs.



4.4.1 Analysis of Model L1 [FRLTW]:

Here the rate of product failure is a function of age (as assumed). Since the number

of failed components at each failure is very small relative to the number of

components in the item, the rectification action can be viewed as having a negligible

impact on the failure rate of the product as a whole. In other words, the failure rate

after a repair is nearly the same as that just before the failure. Such a repair action is

called minimal repair (Barlow and Hunter, 1960). This type of failure can be

modelled as the Non-Homogeneous Poisson’s Process (NHPP). In this case, Λ(t) is

the failure rate associated with the failure distribution for the product. A simple form

for Λ(t) is as follows:

)1()()( −=Λ βλλβ tt (4.69)

with the parameters β > 1 and λ > 0. Λ(t) is an increasing function of t. Note that this

corresponds to the failure rate of a two-parameter Weibull distribution.

By substituting Equation 4.69 in Equation 4.38, the total expected cost can be given


( ) ])(}1{[1)],([0

∫ ∫ −⎟⎟⎠





adaahdttulCE βλλβ


which can be expressed as Equation (4.70)

( ) ( ) ][1)],([ daahaulCEu



⎛= βλ

γ (4.70)

Now substituting Equation 4.28 in Equation 4.70, it can be expressed as Equation


( ) ][1)],([ daee


l ul




⎛= −−




Now the Equation (4.71) can be solved by using mathematical software such as

MATLAB, MAPLE etc. For model analysis purposes, car failure data for 1335


second hand cars sold in Perth, Australia were collected from an Australian insurance

company (identified by the code WNS) which acts as an underwriter for car dealers.

This data was obtained from the source under a strict confidential agreement. A

preliminary evaluation indicated several shortcomings such as the data indicating a

claim but not indicating which component part failed and the exact cost of

rectification; the population of cars involved is comprised of various makes and

many different models. However, we used these data for modelling failure

distribution of cars by making some assumptions and one of the assumptions is that

the claims occur according to a non-homogeneous Poisson process.

The estimated failure parameters are, the shape parameter β = 2 and inverse

characteristic life λ = 0.443 per year. This implies that the mean time to first failure,

μ = 2 years. Let the expected cost of each repair be $100 and let the lifetime

coverage distribution parameter ρ = 0.4. The expected lifetime warranty costs,

E[C(L) for different combinations of l and u are shown in Tables 4.1. From the Table

4.1 we can generate the Figure 4.4.

Table 4.1: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer for FRLTW


u 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

2 30.72 43.93 59.93 - - - - -

4 85.70 109.30 136.85 167.77 201.50 237.48 275.15 -

4.5 100.68 127.00 157.52 191.70 229.00 268.72 310.43 353.40

5 115.63 144.62 178.02 215.55 256.33 299.97 345.75 393.17

5.5 130.33 161.93 198.35 239.03 284.50 330.83 380.77 432.62

6 144.63 178.72 218.05 261.90 309.77 361.03 415.12 471.42

6.5 158.30 195.08 237.00 284.00 335.27 390.33 448.52 509.23

7 171.33 210.33 255.83 305.03 359.68 418.43 480.07 545.80

The Figure 4.4 shows that with the given failure distribution the warranty cost

increases as the range of useful life increases this implies the longer the span of

useful life the more the number of failures and higher the cost to the


manufacturer/dealer. Therefore the model is sensitive to the distribution of the span

of lifetime. Warranty costs are also sensitive to the failure distribution and the

lifetime parameter ρ. The higher the failure rate the higher the warranty costs.

Figure 4.4: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer FRLTW

This can be verified with the Table 4.2 where we use different failure parameter for a

fixed life span. Assuming lower and upper limit of lifetime as 0.5 years and 3 years

respectively and keeping all the variables same, the Table 4.2 shows that the

expected lifetime warranty cost increases as the product failure intensity increases.

Similarly, as seen in the Table 4.3, the expected warranty cost decreases as the

lifetime parameter ρ increases. Increase of ρ implies a shorter lifetime or useful life.

Table 4.2: Expected lifetime warranty cost as product failure intensity varying

λ 0.322 0.385 0.425 0.443 0.465 0.485

E[C(l,u)] 34.06 47.8 58.24 63.28 67.72 75.85 Table 4.3: Expected cost with the product lifetime parameter variation

ρ 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.35 0.45

E[C(l,u)] 66.7 65.01 63.28 61.56 58.24 54.97


4.4.2 Analysis of Model L2 [SPELTW]:

Model L2 (SPELTW) is used to estimate the expected warranty cost to the

manufacturer/dealer and the customer/buyer based on both approaches.

Approach 1:

For the jth failure of ith component of an item/product, we can define Yji as follows:







Let Mj and Bj denote the cost to the manufacturer/dealer and the customer associated

with the jth failure under warranty. Since the costs are shared, we have for the jth


jjij CYM = (4.73)

jjij CYB )1( −= (4.74)

As a result, the total cost to the manufacturer/dealer over the warranty period, CM(a),

is given by





jjm MaC (4.75)

where Mj is given by (4.73). Similarly, the total cost to the customer over the

warranty period (because of non covered components), Cb(a), is given by





jjb BaC (4.76)

where Bj is given by (4.74)

Let p denote the probability that a product failure is due to the failure of components

from set E. Then E[Yji] = q. The expected number of failures covered under warranty

is given by (4.39) and not covered under warranty is given by (4.40). Then, the

expected warranty cost to the manufacturer/dealer, E[Cm(l,u)] associated with the

covered components, is given by


( )∫⎪⎭




∫ Λ==u


adttqcLNECYEulCE jjim )(

0)]([][)],([ (4.77)

When it follows the Weibull distribution, the expected cost can be expressed as

)]([][)],([ LNECYEulCE jjim =

( )∫ −−−




aeaqIc ρρ

ρρβλ and finally,

( )∫⎪⎭




∫ −=u


adttqIculCE m )(


1)],([ βλλβ (4.78)

And the expected cost to the customer over the warranty period, E[Cb(L)], is given


( )∫ −−−





aeapEculCE b ρρ

ρρβλ)],([ (4.79)

Where, the cost of each rectification resulting from failures due to components

belonging to set E and set I are CE and CI respectively. This is modelled by

distribution functions GE(c) and GI(c) with mean Ec and Ic respectively.

Expressions for the mean values can be followed by the Equation (4.32) using the

appropriate distribution function.

For both the equations (4.78) and (4.79) the value of h(a) is substituted from

Equation (4.27).

Using the same car failure data, the failure parameters values are, β = 2 and λ =

0.443 per year. Let the lifetime distribution parameter ρ = 0.4. This implies that the

mean time to first failure, μ = 2 years. Let expected cost of rectifications for

warranty included and warranty excluded components be Ic = $100 and Ec = $70

respectively and let the probability of warranted excluded component p = 0.4 (40%),

and probability of warranty covered component q =1- p = 0.6.


Table 4.4: Warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer for lifetime SPELTW: Approach 1


u 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

2 18.43 26.36 35.96 - - - - -

4 51.42 65.58 82.11 100.66 120.9 142.49 165.09 -

4.5 60.41 76.2 94.51 115.02 137.4 161.23 186.26 212.04

5 69.38 86.77 106.81 129.33 153.8 179.98 207.45 235.9

5.5 78.2 97.16 119.01 143.42 170.7 198.5 228.46 259.57

6 86.78 107.23 130.83 157.14 185.86 216.62 249.07 282.85

6.5 94.98 117.05 142.2 170.4 201.16 234.2 269.11 305.54

7 102.8 126.2 153.5 183.02 215.81 251.06 288.04 327.48

Table 4.5: Warranty cost ($) to the Customer for lifetime SPELTW: App. 1


u 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

2 8.6 12.3 16.78 - - - - -

4 24 30.6 38.32 46.97 56.42 66.5 77.04 -

4.5 28.19 35.56 44.1 53.68 64.12 75.24 86.92 98.95

5 32.38 40.49 49.84 60.35 71.77 83.99 96.81 110.09

5.5 36.49 45.34 55.54 66.93 79.66 92.63 106.61 121.13

6 40.5 50.04 61.05 73.33 86.73 101.09 116.23 132

6.5 44.32 54.62 66.36 79.52 93.87 109.29 125.58 142.59

7 47.97 58.89 71.63 85.41 100.71 117.16 134.42 152.82


The expected warranty costs to the manufacturer/dealer and the customer are shown

in Table 4.4 and Table 4.5 respectively. From Tables 4.4 and 4.5 we can develop the

Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer and the Buyer for SPELTW-Approach 1

This Figure 4.5 shows that both the manufacturer’s and buyer’s cost increase with

the increase of lifetime. In this example, with the same failure intensity, the buyer’s

cost curve (Blue) is flatter than that of the manufacturer (Pink) cost curve. This is

dependent on the proportion of warranty covered components and the expected cost

of rectification of the warranty covered components. The higher the proportion of

warranty covered components and the expected rectification cost, the higher will be

the manufacturer’s expected warranty cost and the more steep will be the

manufacturer’s cost curve and vice versa. Note that under this policy, the

manufacturer has to bear the costs of failures of all warranted components whereas

the buyer has to bear the rectification costs of all non-warranted components.

Approach 2:


Let the mean costs of rectification of each part belonging to the set E and set I be Ec

and Ic respectively. Expressions for the mean values are given by the Equation 4.32

using the appropriate distribution function.

Here, intensity functions of Set E component and Set I components are different. The

expected number of failures covered under warranty is given by the Equation (4.41)

and that of not covered components is given by the Equation (4.42). As a result, the

expected warranty cost to manufacturer/dealer, E[Cm(l, u)], is given by

( )∫⎪⎭






adttIculCE Im )(

0)],([ λ (4.80)

If the failure of components belonged to Set I follow the non-homogeneous Poisson

process with failure parameters λI and βI, then the Equation (4.41) can expressed as

( )∫ −−−





aeIaIculCE Im ρρ

ρρβλ)],([ (4.81)

Similarly, the expected cost to the customer/buyer over the warranty period,

E[Cb(L)] for Set E, can be given by

( )∫⎥⎥⎦







aeEaEculCE Eb ρρ

ρρβλ)],([ (4.82)

Where, the failure of components follows the Weibull distribution with Weibull

parameters λE and βE,

Let the parameter values for failures of components belonging to Set E be λE = 0.241

per year and βE = 2.31 and let the expected cost of each rectification Ec = $70. The

corresponding values for Set I are λI =0.443 per year, βI = 2 and Ic = $100. The

expected warranty cost to the manufacturer/dealer E[CM(l,u)] and to the buyer

E[Cb(l,u)] are shown in Tables 4.6 and Table 4.7 respectively.


Table 4.6: Manufacturer’s costs for Specified parts excluded policy Approach 2


u 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

2 28.41 29.44 52.43

4 78.85 92.12 138.89 137.64 162.9 189.24 216.27

4.5 83.94 105.07 128.88 154.82 182.42 211.25 240.89 270.98

5 94.78 117.38 143.55 171.65 201.59 232.9 265.19 298.05

5.5 105.24 129.96 157.71 187.94 220.19 253.99 288.92 324.57

6 115.28 141.65 171.25 203.58 238.09 274.34 311.89 350.34

6.5 124.68 152.72 184.15 218.46 255.16 293.8 333.94 375.98

7 133.54 163.12 196.27 232.5 271.31 312.27 354.93 398.86 Table 4.7: Customer’s cost for Specified parts excluded policy Approach 2


u 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

2 4.564 6.706 9.52

4 10.7849 19.859 25.27 31.605 38.78 46.697 55.251 0

4.5 18.683 23.765 29.904 37.037 45.101 53.984 63.588 73.64

5 22.043 27.776 34.65 42.609 51.373 61.467 72.156 83.51

5.5 25.445 31.829 39.438 48.237 58.135 69.041 80.843 93.401

6 28.84 35.868 44.219 53.844 64.673 76.615 89.537 103.327

6.5 32.179 39.893 48.916 59.367 71.12 84.098 98.224 111.027

7 35.42 43.708 53.494 64.764 77.441 91.042 106.561 122.906

Figures 4.6 can be developed from the Tables 4.6 and 4.7 which shows that the total

expected warranty costs for both the manufacturer and the buyers increase with the

increase of the statutory base of the warranty and also with the increase of the useful

life of the product.


Figure 4.6: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer and buyer for SPELTW-Approach 2

The Figure 4.6 also shows that under the assumed failure rates and proportion of

warranted component the buyer’s cost curve is flatter than the manufacturer’s cost.

This is because here the failure intensity of warranted components is assumed to be

higher than that of the unwarranted components. This is also affected by the

proportion of warranted and unwarranted components. The higher the proportion of

the warranty covered components, the steeper will be the warranty manufacturer cost

curve and lower will be the customer cost curve. This implies that both the

manufacturer’s and buyer’s costs are influenced by the proportion warranted

components and the failure intensities of the warranted and unwarranted components

if the cost of rectification is same for both the manufacturer and the customer.

4.4.3 Analysis of Limit on Individual Cost (LICLTW) Policy

Under this policy the total expected warranty cost to the manufacturer/dealer,

E[Cm(l,u)] over the lifetime, is given by the Equation (4.48). We assume failure of


the product follow the non-homogeneous Poisson process with inverse characteristic

life parameters λ and shape parameter β. Therefore, the total expected warranty cost

over the lifetime is given by


)1(∫ ∫= −u


adaahdttmculmCE βλλβ which is,

( )[ ] ( )∫ −−−





∫ +=u



IcGIcdcccgulmCE ρρ


)()(), (4.83)

and the total expected cost to the customer over the lifetime, E[Cb(l,u)], can be

expressed by


)1(∫ ∫= −u


adaahdttbcLbCE βλλβ

which can be expressed as

( )[ ] ( )⎪⎭




∫ −−−









IcdccgIcCulbCE ρρ

ρρβλ)()(, (4.84)

In solving equation (4.83) and (4.84) numerically, we assume the rectification costs

for the product is exponentially distributed over the lifetime with parameter γ. And γ

= 0.01.

Using the car failure data with shape parameter β = 2 and inverse characteric life

parameter λ = 0.443 per year. Let the manufacturer set individual limit cost cI =

$125 and we assume the cost of each rectification is not more than $200 which

implies that the customer has to pay all the costs rectification from 125 to $200. The

expected warranty costs, E[Cm(l,u) E[Cb(l,u) for different combinations of l and u

are shown in Tables 4.8 and Table 4.9.


Table 4.8: Manufacturer’s/dealers costs for policy LICLTW

l (lower limit of useful life in years) u (upper limit) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

4 45.97 58.64 73.41 90.01 108.11 127.41 147.62

4.5 54.02 68.14 84.5 102.84 122.84 144.17 166.54 189.65

5 62.05 77.59 95.96 115.64 137.54 160.93 185.5 210.94

5.5 69.92 86.88 106.42 128.24 152.04 177.49 204.29 232.1

6 77.58 95.9 116.98 140.51 166.19 193.7 222.78 252.91

6.5 84.93 104.4 127.15 152.34 179.87 209.41 240.63 273.2

7 91.92 112.58 136.85 163.66 192.97 224.49 257.89 292.92

Table 4.9: Customer’s costs for policy LICLTW


u 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

4 9.71 12.39 15.51 19.02 22.85 26.93 31.20

4.5 11.41 14.4 17.86 21.73 25.96 30.47 35.20 40.09

5 13.11 16.4 20.2 24.44 29.07 34.16 39.21 44.59

5.5 14.78 18.36 22.49 27.11 32.14 37.52 43.18 49.06

6 16.39 20.27 24.72 29.7 35.13 40.94 47.09 53.46

6.5 17.94 22.11 26.87 32.2 38.19 44.26 50.86 57.75

7 19.43 23.85 28.92 34.59 40.79 47.45 54.51 61.91

The Figure 4.7 can be generated from the Table 4.8 and Table 4.9. The plots in the

Figure 4.7 show that both the manufacturer’s and buyer’s/customer’s expected

warranty cost are increasing function of useful life of the products and the cost also

increases with the increase of span limits.


Figure 4.7: Expected lifetime warranty cost ($) to the Manufacturer and Buyer for LICLTW

These plots shows that under the conditions and assumptions of this example the

manufacturer’s expected warranty costs are higher than that of the buyer’s. This is

because the mean cost of rectification of this particular product is considered $100

(as expected cost is estimated, γ1

=c ) while manufacturer’s cost limit was set

$125. Most of the costs are less than the manufacturer’s limit cost ($125). This

implies that the both the manufacturer’s and the customer’s costs are sensitive to

mean cost of rectification and the manufacturer’s limit on cost per rectification.

Therefore the manufacturer should fix the limit on each cost by carefully estimating

the expected cost of rectification.


Since warranty claims occur due to failures of the sold item/product, this chapter first

studied and discussed the mathematical modelling of failures of products, both at the

component level and at the system level. These failure models are then used to

estimate and analyse the expected lifetime warranty costs to the manufacturer and


customers/buyers at system level. The reason for considering modelling at system

level is that most real life products are complex systems, comprised of a number of

components and system level models require aggregated data which are usually

available from the manufacture’s /dealer’s data base. The sensitivity of the developed

models were then analysed and illustrated using numerical examples. Comparison of

costs to the manufacturer and customers/buyer were made for most of the cases.

The application of the developed models in industry requires building and validating

models based on real life industry data. For the purpose of validating the lifetime

warranty models, this study needed to collect and use data relating to product

failures/warranty claims, costs of rectifications over the lifetime coverage and the

lifetime termination (product useful life data).

The original plan of this research was to validate the models by collecting data from

one or more manufacturing firms within Australia. This plan had to be adjusted due

to the difficulties in collecting real lifetime warranty related data from the

manufacturers/dealers who were offering lifetime warranty policies for their products.

It was not possible since

1. the practice of lifetime warranty is very new and the quality lifetime

termination data and the costs of rectification data over the coverage period

are rare;

2. most of the manufacturers/dealers do not have organised quality data and

most importantly

This could be a scope for future study.

While offering a lifetime warranty for a product/item, both the manufacturer/dealer

and the customer/buyer are exposed to uncertainties and risks of warranty pricing

and product performance during the life of the product. How much a

manufacturer/dealer should charge and how much a buyer is willing to pay for this

service depends naturally on the attitudes of the stakeholders (Manufacturer and/or

buyers) towards risks. The next chapter is focussed on these two perspectives to

develop models for warranty price and risks to manufacturers and buyers for lifetime

warranty policies.





In the Chapters 3, and 4, different policies and cost models for lifetime warranty

were proposed. In this chapter, the risks and uncertainties associated with lifetime

warranty policies will be examined. Under the typical situation of a lifetime warranty

transaction, a buyer of a product pays for the warranty at the time of product

purchase which on some occasions is factored into the product price. The

manufacturer/dealer provides rectification service in case of product failures due to

design, manufacturing and quality assurance problems during the defined life of the

product. Under such situations, both the manufacturer and the buyer are exposed to

the uncertainties and risks of warranty pricing and product performance during the

lifetime of the product.

By offering a lifetime warranty for a product, the manufacturer is risking in warranty

pricing whether its offer for such a warranty will be accepted by the buyers. At the

same time, customers/buyers are unsure about the benefits of buying products sold

with lifetime warranty policies. Anticipation of higher product failure encourages a

buyer to pay for the higher warranty price which in turn encourages the manufacturer

to charge a higher warranty price. In the case of product covered with warranty, the

buyer returns to the original manufacturer for rectification of product failures. But

when the product is not covered by warranty, the buyer may take it to other service

providers for rectifications. If the original manufacturer is the only one that can


repair the product because of some technological monopoly, the manufacturer could

charge a higher price for services and more buyers would be interested to have

warranty cover. If buyers pay a higher repair price for any product failures, they

might be interested in warranty cover and even paying a higher warranty price for

free repair or replacement policies. There is a need to model costs to buyers and

manufacturers which includes their risk preferences.

Although there is a long and rich history of research efforts devoted to determining

the optimal warranty price, only a few of them consider producer's and customers'

risk preferences. Limited work takes into account the manufacturer’s and buyer’s

risk preferences toward how much a manufacturer should charge and how much a

buyer is willing to pay for this service. Ritchken and Tapiero (1986) proposed a

framework in which warranty policies for non-repairable items can be evaluated

according to risk preferences of both the manufacturer/dealer and the buyers where

they emphasised the design and pricing of warranties to which the manufacturers are

indifferent in an expected utility sense. Given the price warranty schedule, a buyer’s

response is expressed by selecting the price-warranty which minimises disutility. As

a result, a manufacturer can increase profit by tailoring price-warranty schedules to

specify buyer’s need. Menezes (1989) developed a conceptual framework to examine

the impact of warranties on buyers’ preferences. Based on the framework,

predictions of consumer preferences between product with and without a warranty

were derived for various consumer segments.

Chun and Tang (1995) proposed a warranty model for the free-replacement, fixed-

period warranty policy that determines the optimal warranty price for a given

warranty period. They assumed a constant failure rate for the product, constant repair

costs throughout the warranty period, and a producer's and customers' risk aversion

for future repair costs. Using the exponential utility function and the gamma failure

rate distribution, they derived the decision model that maximizes the producer's

certainty profit equivalent.

The outline of the Chapter is as follows. Section 5.1 briefly introduces

manufacturers’ and buyers’ risk preferences towards a lifetime warranty policy.

Section 5.2 provides a brief overview of risk attitudes and utility function. In section

5.3, risk preference models for both the manufacturer and buyer towards a lifetime

warranty policy are developed using the exponential utility function. Sensitivity


analyses of these models are carried out in section 5.4 to see the effect of various

factors on the warranty price from both the buyer’s and manufacturer’s point of

view. Finally, the summary of this Chapter is drawn in Section 5.5.


A warranty reduces the risk associated with product failure and thus could affect the

buyer’s preferences. The buyer’s preference for a product with warranty depends on

several factors such as the individual buyer’s attitude towards risk, the perceived

relationship between warranty and product reliability, the anticipated likelihood of

product failure, cost of rectification if not warranted for all failures, the price

differential between the product and the perceived inconvenience.

There are three attitudes toward risk. A manufacturer or buyer may fall into any of

these three risk attitude categories:

a) Risk averter – person with an aversion to risk: A person is risk averter if he or she

prefers the expected consequence of any non-degenerate lottery to that lottery

(Keeney and Raiffa (1976)). A non-degenerate lottery is one in which no single

consequence has a probability of one of occurring. Given a choice between more or

less risky investments with identical expected monetary returns, the risk averter

would select the less risky investment.

b) Risk prone or risk seeker – a person is risk seeker or risk prone if he or she

prefers any non-degenerate lottery to the expected consequence of that lottery

( Keeney and Raiffa (1976)) i.e. a risk seeker prefers risk. Faced with the same

choice as in ‘a’, the person would prefer the riskier investment.

c) Risk neutral or an indifference to risk- if he or she is indifferent to between the

expected consequence of any non-degenerate lottery and that lottery (Keeney and

Raiffa (1976)). Simply, a person who is indifferent of risk would not care which

investment he or she received.

There is considerable debate about the nature of a person’s risk attitude in different

domains of outcomes. In the domain of gains, there is reasonable agreement that

people are risk averter. However, in the domain of losses, there is much less

agreement. Both logic and observation suggests that most manufacturers and buyers


are predominantly risk averter. Because product failure will, in general, be viewed as

a loss, it is concerned here about an individual’s risk attitude in the loss domain.

The most logically satisfying theories in answering the question why most investors

would prefer the less risky one amongst two different risky investments involve

utility theory.

5.2.1 Utility Theory, Utility function and Concept of certainty equivalent

A utility is a numerical rating assigned to every possible outcome a decision maker

may be faced with. (In a choice between several alternative prospects, the one with

the highest utility is always preferred.). In economics, utility is a measure of the

happiness or satisfaction gained consuming good and services. Given this measure,

one may speak meaningfully of increasing or decreasing utility, and thereby explain

economic behavior in terms of rational attempts to increase one's utility. To qualify

as a true utility scale however, the rating must be such that the utility of any

uncertain prospect is equal to the expected value (the mathematical expectation) of

the utilities of all its possible outcomes (which could be either "final" outcomes or

uncertain prospects themselves).

Utility theory

The decision maker (DM) chooses between risky or uncertain prospects by

comparing their expected utility values, i.e., the weighted sums obtained by adding

the utility values of outcomes multiplied by their respective probabilities.

At the heart of the utility theory is the notion of diminishing marginal utility for

wealth. For example, if $ 2,500 is given to a wealthless person, he could satisfy his

most immediate needs with this. If he is given another $2,500, he could utilise it, but

the second $2500 would not be quite as necessary to him as the first $2,500. Thus the

‘utility’ of the second $2,500 is less than that of the first one and so on additional

increments of wealth. Therefore it can be observed that the marginal utility of wealth

is decreasing or diminishing. On the other hand, if the money receiver is a

professional gambler, the second $ 2,500 can increase his thrust for money so that he

can involve himself in more gambling and then third and so on will increase his

thrust more and more. Therefore the marginal utility of the gambler for wealth is said

to be increasing.


The Figure 5.1 graphs the relationship between wealth and its utility, where, utility is

measured in arbitrary units called ‘utils’. Curve A, the one of primary interest, is for

someone with positive marginal utility for wealth, but this individual also has

marginal utility which increases at a decreasing rate. The individual with $5,000

would have ten utils of ‘happiness’ or satisfaction. With an additional $ 2,500, the

individual’s satisfaction would rise to twelve utils, an increase of two utils. But with

a loss of $2,500, the individual’s satisfaction would fall to six utils, a loss of four

utils. Nature of the utility function curve becomes concave. In other wards, a

decision maker is risk averter if and only if his/her utility function is concave.

Figure 5.1: Marginal utility curves

This individual with diminishing marginal utility will get more pain from a Dollar

lost than pleasure from a Dollar gained. Some one who has a constant marginal

utility will get same pleasure or pain for each Dollar gain or loss (Curve ‘B’, Figure

5.1). However, the risk lover would be eager to continue to earn more utils by risking

his wealth and for him/her the utility function curve is convex ( see curve ‘C’, Figure


$2,500 $5,000 $7,500





(A) Diminishing marginal utility: Risk averter (Concave)

(B) Constant marginal utility: indifferent to Risk


(C) Increasing marginal utility: Risk seeker (Concave)

Total utility (utils)


The certainty equivalent

The concept of certainty equivalent is basic to utility theory and this concept is used

frequently in the presentation of various risk characteristics of utility function. In the

next subsection the concept of certainty equivalent will be discussed and using this

concept, different attitudes towards risk taking will be specified.

The certainty equivalent for an alternative is the certain amount that is equally

preferred to the alternative i.e. an amount that would be accepted in lieu of a chance

at a possible higher, but uncertain amount. The concept of certainty equivalent is

useful in the situation where the value of a risky alternative to the decision maker is

different than the expected value of the alternative due to the risk that the alternative

poses of loses. Let ξ be the event yielding monitory consequences x1, x2, ...... xn with

probabilities p1, p2, ....... pn respectively. Let x be the uncertain consequence (a

random variable) of the event and x be the expected consequences.

Therefore, the expected consequence:

( ) i


ii xpxEx ∑




The expected utility of this event is:

( )[ ] ( )i


ii xupxuE ∑




But the certainty equivalent of that event is an amount x̂ such that the decision

maker is indifferent between ξ and the amount x̂ for certain. This gives the

following equation

( ) ( )[ ]xuExu ~ˆ =

Suppose a buyer is optioned to purchase a product with or without warranty. The

product price is $10. For purchasing warranty he has to pay an additional warranty

price w. Let the buyer’s utility function for warranty be u(w) = w1/2. There is a 60%

probability that the product will fail within the warranted period and the buyer’s

repair cost (if not warranted) be $6. The buyer must choose between the following


O1: Buy warranty

1 w


O2: Don’t buy warranty

( ) ( ) ( ) 2/12/12/1 0*4.06*6.0 +=w

Or, w = 3.6

Then the buyer’s certainty equivalent for these alternatives is $3.6. That means under

such circumstances the buyer would not mind to pay $3.6 for warranty.

By using this concept of the certainty equivalent, it is possible to specify different

attitude toward risk taking. Such as:

When a person’s certainty equivalent for alternative specified in terms of profit is

less than the expected profit, the person is said to be risk averse. Similarly, when the

certainty equivalent for alternative is greater than expected profit the person is said to

be risk seeker and the person is said to be risk neutral if the Certainty equivalent for

alternative is equal to the expected profit the person is said to be risk neutral. These

definitions are reversed for an uncertain alternative specified in terms of losses.

Utility function

If certainty equivalents are determined for the alternatives in a decision problem,

then it is straightforward to determine the preferred alternative by selecting the

alternative with the best certainty equivalent. This can be determined by introducing

some functions, called the utility functions. Economists discuss goal-seeking (people

have goals and try to obtain those goals) in a mathematical terminology. When they

talk about maximising utility functions, they use an abstract, numerical way of

saying that people are trying to attain goals. A utility function translates outcomes

into numerical ratings such that the expected value of the utility numbers can be used

to calculate certainty equivalents for alternatives in a manner that is consistent with

decision maker’s attitude towards risk taking. The utility function expresses utility as

a function of consumption of real goods (pounds, gallons, kilograms, litters) as

opposed to nominal goods (dollars, euros). A utility function can be written as

( )nwwwfU ,........, 21=






means that items w1, w2, etc. to some nth w all contribute to a person's utility. Utility,

as the word is used here, is an abstract variable, indicating goal-attainment or want-

satisfaction. If a person has simple goals or objectives, such as accumulating wealth

possessions, then w1 may represent land and house, w2 cars, w3 furniture, w4 antique,

and so on.

To implement the expected utility approach, it is necessary to first determine the type

of utility function. Both theory and practical experience have shown that Exponential

utility functions are the most widely used risk-sensitive utility functions because they

can model a spectrum of risk attitudes.

The Exponential Utility Function is a particular functional form for the utility

function. One simplest and commonly used version of exponential utility function

can be expressed as

( ) awewU −−=

Where, U( ) as the utility function and w as wealth. a is a positive scalar parameter.


5.3.1 Notations:

Let the number of items sold by the manufacturer, be S and p be proportion of items

sold with warranty and (1- p) portion of S items were sold without warranty. Here,

we consider two conditions: items are sold with warranty or without warranty.

Subscripts m and b stands for manufacturer and buyer respectively.

Let, k be the proportion of buyers without warranty coming back to manufacturer for

repairing of the faults/defects.

Nb(L) represents the number of valid claims made by the buyer per item and N(L) is

the total number of failures for S items if sold with lifetime warranty over the

lifetime L.

E[Nb(L)] is the expected number of failure per item experienced by the buyers over

the lifetime.

Um (Y) and Ub(X) denote the manufacturers and buyers continuous utility functions

for profit Y and repair cost X respectively.


Um is an individual manufacturer’s utility function

Ub is the aggregate utility function representing the entire buyer’s risk preference as a


Λm(t) is the manufacturer estimated failure intensity.

Λb(t) is the per item failure intensity for an individual buyer during the lifetime

Let rb represents the cost of rectification (repair cost) for a buyer in each occasion of

failure if the item is not warranted. When all rectifications are carried by the

manufacturer for some technical reasons, the policy is called manufacturer’s

technical monopoly. It is assumed that there is no manufacturer’s technical

monopoly in our case. rm represents the manufacture’s per occasion cost of

rectification (repair cost) which is the actual rectification cost when the item is

covered under warranty.

W is the warranty price offered by the manufacturer during the time of purchase.

Let the product cumulative failure distribution be F(t) with density function

f(t) = dF(t)/dt and

The failure intensity function can be expressed by ( ) ( )( )( )tF




Therefore the Table 5.1 represents the basic expressions for manufacturer or buyers

when the product is sold with or without warranty

Table 5.1: Basic expressions (Product can be sold with or without warranty)

Manufacturer Buyer Product Total Number of Items Sold

Revenue Cost Cost/Item

Warranted pS

pSW pN (L)rm W

Not warranted (1-p)S (1-p)kN(L)rb (1-p)kN(L)rm Nb(L)rb

5.3.2 Modelling Risks in Lifetime Warranty Assumptions

• Item failures are statistically independent.


• Item failure, in a probabilistic sense, is only a function of its age.

• The time to carry out a rectification action by repair or replacement is negligible

compared to the mean time between failures and this time can be ignored.

• An item failure results in an immediate claim and all claims are valid.

• Failures over the warranty period modelled at the system (or item) level.

• Manufacturer’s cost of rectification rm and the buyer’s cost of each rectification

rb are constant over the warranty period.

• Risk averse manufacturer: The Manufacturer’s utility function Um(Y) for profit Y

is concave (risk averse) and strictly increasing as most manufacturers prefer a

higher profit to a lower profit. Thus, it follows from Jensen' s inequality (Zlobec

(2004); Li )2000)), that if Y has finite mean then, E[Um(Y)] < Um[ E(Y)] and [y1

<y2] ↔ [Um(Y1) < Um(Y2)]

• Risk averse buyers: The buyer’s utility function Ub(X) for repair cost X is

concave (also risk averse) and strictly decreasing as buyer prefer a lower cost to a

higher cost. Thus, it follows from Jensen’s inequality that if Y has finite mean

then, E[Ub(X)] < Ub[ E(X)] and [x1 < x2] ↔ [Ub(X1) > Ub(X2)]. Buyer’s Acceptances of Warranty

In determining the worthy of buying a warranty, a buyer may first estimate the total

repair cost rbNb(L) of his or her product during the defined lifetime and then compare

it with the given warranty price W in terms of the expected utility. Since rb is

constant, a buyer’s total repair cost is given by rbNb(L) which is estimated by his or

her perceived product failure intensity Λb(t). The higher the buyer estimate of the

product failure rate, the more likely he or she would be willing to buy the warranty.

Let nb* be the number of product failure when buyers are indifferent between the

warranty price W and the total repair cost rbNb(L) in terms of the expected utility.

Certainty equivalent of similar concept can be found in Keeney and Raiffa (1976).

By definition, a certainty equivalent of W is an amount of rbNb(L) such that the

decision maker is indifferent between W and rbNb(L), therefore, it is given by

( ) ( )[ ])(LNrUEWU bbbb = (5.1)


( )[ ] ( ) ( )( )∗∞


∗ == ∑∗


bbbbbb nLNPnrULNrUEb 0

)( (5.2)

Therefore, it can be expressed as

( ) ( )[ ] ( ) ( )∗∞


∗ === ∑∗


bbbbbbb nLNPnrULNrUEWUb



But when failures of product follows non-homogeneous Poisson process that is

failures are time dependent then the one has the following equation



))({Pr 0







L dttn








Λb(t) is the buyer estimated failure intensity function. Failures are modelled as non-

homogeneous Poisson process since failure occurrences of most products are time or

age dependent. This means more failures as the product ages. However, there are

also some other products which observe constant or bathtub type failure mode. These

models can be extended by considering the general failure rate function.

One form for Λb(t) using non-homogeneous Poisson process with

))(exp(1)( bttF bβλ−−= ] can be expressed by:


−=Λ btbbtb

ββλ (5.5)

with the shape parameters βb > 1 and inverse characteristic life λb > 0. This is an

increasing function of time or age t. Note that this corresponds to the failure rate of a

two-parameter Weibull distribution.

Let the buyers’ risk aversions be represented by exponential utility functions, which


Ub(Y)= ecY , c>0, (5.6)


Where c is the risk parameters representing the buyers’ risk preferences. A buyer

attitude toward risk can be determined by the nature of c. A buyer is more risk-averse

if the risk parameter increases. A risk parameter c = 0, indicates a risk neutral buyer.

In this study, the buyer’s risk parameter c represents a wide spectrum of buyers' risk


In the exponential utility functions, the absolute risk aversion measure is constant for

all X, implying that the exponential function represents only the constant risk-averse

case. The reasons for considering the constant risk-averse is the use of functions

characterising the behaviour of the increasingly risk-averse manufacturer or

decreasingly risk-averse buyer or conversely, the decreasingly risk-averse

manufacturer or increasingly risk-averse buyer is more computationally complex, but

the response surface has been shown to be quite similar to that obtained using

constant risk aversion (Moskowitz and Plante (1984) ).

Therefore, from Equations (5.3) and (5.6), it can be expressed as the Equation 5.7

( )∑∞







ncrcW nLNPee (5.7)

By combining Equations (5.4), (5.5) and (5.7), a new can be expressed as








* b

L dttn


















Which can be written as Equation (5.9)

( ) ( ) ( )[ ] ( )[ ]!




∗ −×= ∑






ncrcWββ λλ


By taking logarithm on both sides of the Equation (5.9) the buyer’s expected

warranty price can be expressed as in the Equation (5.10)

( ) ( )[ ] ( )[ ]!





∗ −×= ∑







ββ λλ (5.10)


From the above equation it will be worthy for the buyer to accept the warranty offer

if the buyer’s estimated number of failure is more than and equal to indifferent

failure nb*

Accordingly, a buyer whose expected failure is higher than nb* would buy the

warranty if the total estimated repair cost is higher than the warranty price W. Notice

that probability to buy this warranty is determined by nb*, which, in turn, is

determined by W.

Based on the information about the buyer’s willingness to pay for the warranty price

W, a manufacturer may determine the warranty price such that the expected total

profits during the warranty period is maximised. Manufacturer’s profit

The manufacturer’s expected total profit E[π(L)] for warranty and rectification

related services during the lifetime under warranty policy can be expressed as

))]([()]([ mrLNESWpLE −=π + (1-p) k[E[N(L)]rb – E[N(L)]rm]

= ))]([( mrLNESWp − + (1-p)kE[N(L)]( rb -rm) (5.11)

The manufacturer estimates expected number of failures N(L) over the lifetime from

S number of products based on the failure intensity mΛ (t). The number of failures

over the warranty period, is a function of L, and is a random variable. Let nm* be the

expected number of failure of a product when manufacturer is indifferent between

the profit from offering warranty product and profit from the non warranted product

in terms of the expected utility. Manufacturer’s total expected profit when it is

selling with such warranty offer is ))]([( mrLNESWp − + (1-p)kE[N(L)](rb -rm) from

S items and the manufacturer’s profit when it is not warranted comes from the

rectification charges of the defective and failed product (only from those buyer’s

returning to the manufacturer for rectification) is given by ( ) ∗− mmb nrrk . For a risk-

averse manufacturer with an increasing utility function Um(Y), the certainty

equivalent for profit can be expressed from the following relationship.

( ) ( )( )[ ] ( )[ ] ( )[ ]∗∗ =−=−−−− mmmmbmmbmm nLNPSnrrkUErrLkNprLpkNpWSU ()1( (5.12)


As the manufacturer estimated failure intensity is time dependent, it follows the Non-

homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP) and here intensity function can be expressed



−=Λ mtmmtm

ββλ (5.13)

with the parameters βm > 1 and λm > 0. This is an increasing function of t. Note that

this corresponds to the failure rate of a two-parameter Weibull distribution.

Since the items are statistically similar then with more information on product failure

manufacture can have probability of nm failures over life L for any product as given



})({))({Pr 0






mm n





== (5.14)

)()]([ mm LLNE mmββλ= (5.15)

)()]([ mm LSLNE mββλ= (5.16)

Similar to the buyers’ risk aversions, the manufacturer’s risk aversions is assumed to

be exponential utility functions, which is given by

( ) aYm eYU −= , a> 0, (5.17)

where a is the risk parameters representing to the manufacturer’s risk preferences.

a > 0 indicates risk averse manufacturer, whereas a < 0 indicates risk seeker and a =

0 means a risk neutral manufacturer.

Manufacturers profits for non warranted product, is given by ( )LNrrk mb )( −

Utility of expected profit for warranty and no-warranty strategy for indifferent

manufacturer’s decision point is as following Equation (5.18):

( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )[ ] =−−+−− mbmmmmm rrLSkprLWpSaeββ λλ 1


( )!






0 m







e ∗









Let the difference between the buyer’s repair cost at each occasion of failure and the

manufacturer’s actual cost of repair or rectification (rb-rm) be d and the proportion of

non-warranted buyers (1- p) by q.

The Equation (5.17) can be rewritten as Equation (5.18) when failures follow the

Non-homogeneous Poisson process and by taking inverse logarithm on both the sides

of the Equation (5.17), the new Equation (5.18) can be obtained

( )( ) ( )[ ] ( )[ ] ( )


0 m




mm n






ββ λλλ


From which the Equation (5.19) can be developed

( )[ ] ( )( ) ( ) ( ) m






madSkn rLrrLkpq











−∑ !.ln1




Models developed in this chapter appear analytically intractable. Search algorithm

and simulation can be used to explore the various parameters and warranty price

combinations attractive to buyer and the manufacture’s point of view. This is

influenced by the perception of the buyers on failure intensity during warranty period,

buyers and manufacturer’s risk preference and costs associated with


In this section, a sensitivity analysis of the buyer’s intension to pay for warranty

price with respect to the following factors is presented: (1) buyer’s risk preference, (2)

buyer’s anticipated product failure intensity, and (3) buyer’s repair costs, if not


warranted. Secondly, analysis of the effect of manufacturer offered warranty price on

(1) manufacturer’s risk preference, (2) manufacturer anticipated product failure

intensity, and (3) buyer’s repair costs in each occasion if not warranted, and 4)

buyers return rate to the original manufacturer for repair if not warranted is presented.

5.4.1 Sensitivity Analysis of Buyer’s Willingness to Pay for Warranty Price

For all cases it is assumed that 60% of the sold products are sold with warranty and

40% products are sold without this type of warranty, which implies that p = 0 .6 and

q = 0.4 for all occasions of our analysis.

(1) Effect of buyer’s risk preferences on the warranty price

In this numerical analysis part, the buyer’s risk parameters ‘c’ is varied

systematically from 0.1 to 1.0 representing a wide spectrum of buyer’s risk

preferences. A buyer become more risk averse as the risk parameter ‘c’ increases and

he/she becomes risk neutral if the parameter is zero.

For the purpose of simplicity, in this sensitivity analysis it is assumed that the

buyer’s anticipated lifetime of the product L = 3 years, the buyer’s anticipated non-

homogeneous Poisson process parameters: inverse characteristic life λ = 0.325/year,

and shape parameter β = 2, buyer’s repair cost of each failure rb = $30, if not

warranted and the buyer’s repair cost is same for all occasions whether it is repaired

by the manufacturer/dealer or by an outside repairer. A computer simulation program

generates the Table 5.2 for the buyer’s acceptance of warranty price with variation of

the buyer’s risk preference parameter and the buyer’s number of failure over the


From the Table 5.2, Figure 5.2 can be developed which represents the effect of

buyer’s risk parameter on the warranty price (the buyer is willingness to pay)


Table 5.2: Warranty price (W) in $ for different Buyer’s risk preferences (c )


Buyer’s risk parameter c 1 2 3 4 5

0.1 20.5 43.6 62.67 78.88 92.9

0.3 26.66 54.18 80.35 105.56 130.03

0.5 27.99 56.51 84.21 111.34 138.01741

0.7 28.56 57.51 85.87 113.81 141.44

1 28.99 58.25 87.1 115.67 144.01

The Figure 5.2 clearly states that the warranty price increases with the increase of the

of the buyer’s risk preference which indicates that , the warranty price increases as

the buyer becomes more risk averse and the warranty price decreases as the buyer

becomes less averse. This means that the buyer with higher risk averseness is willing

to pay higher warranty price to avoid any risk. Manufacturer or dealers can use this

buyer’s psychology while being pricing the warranty.

Figure 5.2: Effect of buyer’s risk preference parameter on the warranty price


From the Table 5.2 Figure 5.3 can developed which represents the effect of buyer’s

anticipated number of product failure on the warranty price (the buyer is willing to

pay) for buyer’s with particular risk parameter.

The Figure 5.3 shows that the buyer’s willingness to pay warranty price increases as

the number of failure increases and it is straight forward.

Figure 5.3: Effect of buyer’s anticipated product failure over the lifetime on the warranty price.

This Figure 5.3 shows that the buyers are ready to pay higher warranty price as the

anticipated number of product failure increase. The buyer’s such intension increases

almost linearly with the anticipated number of failures.

The Figure 5.4 shows the combined effect of risk parameters and number of failures

on the warranty price


Figure 5.4: Combined Effect of buyer’s risk parameters and number of failures

on the warranty price

(3) Effect of buyer’s repair cost on the warranty price

Although the buyer’s repair cost is applicable only for the buyers with non-warranted

item, it has a significant effect on the warranty price. In this analysis, the buyer’s

rectification or repair cost for each failure is varied systematically from $30 to $70

representing a wide range of buyer’s repair cost. It is noted that it is assumed that this

repair costs are constant for a particular product all along its lifetime and the

variation is made for policy purpose.

Let the lifetime of the product be L = 3 years, the buyer’s anticipated non-

homogeneous Poisson process parameters be: inverse characteristic life λ =

0.325/year, and shape parameter β = 2, buyer’s risk parameter c = 0.5. The computer

program generates the Table 5.3 for the buyer’s acceptance of warranty price with

variation of the buyer’s risk preference parameter and the buyer’s anticipated number

of failure over the lifetime of 3 years.

Figure 5.5 can be developed from Table 5.3 which shows the effect of buyer’s repair

cost on the warranty price (the price the buyer is willing to pay).


Table 5.3: Warranty price (W) in $ for different Buyer’s repair cost (rb)


rb 1 2 3 4 5

30 27.99 56.51 84.21 111.34 138.0174

40 37.99 76.5 114.21 151.33 188.02

50 47.99 96.6 144.23 191.34 238

60 58.01 116.51 174.22 231.33 288.02

70 67 136.51 204 271.3 338

Figure 5.5: Effect of buyer’s repair cost on the warranty price when buyer anticipated product failure is n = 3.

Figure 5.4 shows that the buyer’s willingness for warranty price increases linearly as

the buyer’s repair cost increases which imply that the buyers are ready to pay higher

warranty price if repair cost is higher. That is a greater proportion of buyers will be


interested in buying a warranty as the repair price goes up. In contrast, the buyer’s

intent is to pay less for the warranty if the repair costs are less.

(2) Effect of buyer’s anticipated product failure intensity on the warranty price

An analysis of the sensitivity of buyer’s anticipated product failure rate or intensity

of failure on the buyer’s acceptance of warranty price is made here. To see the

influence of product failure rate on the warranty price the λb is varied from 0.125

to .525 per year as in the Table 5.4.

It is assumed that the lifetime of the product be L = 3 years, the buyer’s anticipated

non-homogeneous Poisson process parameters shape parameter be βb = 2, buyer’s

risk parameter c = 0.5. The computer simulation program generates the Table 5.4 for

the buyer’s accepted warranty prices with variation of the failure intensity parameter


Table 5.4: Effect of Buyer’s repair cost on the Warranty price


λ 1 2 3 4 5

0.125 25.80 50.49 74.37 97.67 120.53

0.225 27.52 54.18 80.35 106.44 131.65

0.325 28.00 56.51 80.79 111.34 138.02

0.425 28.56 57.81 86.08 114.28 142.03

0.525 28.99 58.63 86.91 115.95 144.55

The Figure 5.5 can be developed from the Table 5.4 which represents the effect of

buyer’s anticipated product failure intensity on the warranty price (the buyer is

willing to pay).

The Figure 5.6 shows that the buyer’s willingness for warranty price increases as the

buyer’s anticipated failure intensity increases. This implies that the buyers are ready

to pay higher warranty price for higher product intensity of failure.


Figure 5.6: Effect of buyer’s anticipated failure intensity (λb) on the warranty price

Conversely, when the buyers anticipate lower product failure intensity, they will be

willing to pay less warranty price.

(3) Effect of failure parameters on the warranty price

The combined effects on warranty price (Figure 5.7) can be developed from the data

shown in the table 5.5.

Table 5.5: Effect of buyer’s anticipated failure parameters on the warranty price


λ 1 2 2.5 3 3.5

0.125 53.94 50.48583 48.6332 46.73831 44.81755

0.225 55.691537 54.55812 53.93461 53.2821 52.60576

0.325 56.562436 56.50991 56.48319 56.45617 56.42886

0.425 57.093414 57.35664 57.38565 57.33216 57.18356

0.525 57.280728 57.2865 56.92994 56.2508 55.16683


Figure 5.7: Combined effects of failure parameters on the warranty price

The Figure 5.7 shows an increment of warranty price with the increment of both the

failure parameters λ and β. This implies that buyers are willing to pay more warranty

price when the occurrence of product failure is higher.

5.4.2 Sensitivity Analysis of the Manufacture’s Warranty Price

In this subsection, the sensitivity of manufacturer’s optimal warranty pricing with the

variation of manufacturer’s risk preference, manufacturer estimated product failure

intensity, buyer’s repair cost and buyer return rate to the manufacturer/dealer for

repair of the failed product will be analysed respectively.

(1) Effect of manufacturer/dealer’s risk preference on the warranty price

Similar to the Sub-section 5.4.1, claws (1), the manufacturer/dealer risk parameters

‘a’ is varied systematically from 0.05 to 1.0 representing a wide spectrum of

manufacturer/dealer risk preferences. A manufacturer/dealer become more risk

averse as the risk parameter ‘a’ increases and the manufacturer/dealer is said to be

risk neutral if its risk parameter ‘a’ is zero.


Table 5.6: Warranty price (W) in $ for different manufacturer’s risk preferences (a ) and nm



a 1 2 3 4 5

0.05 25.426 30.224 32 32.8 33.07

0.1 29.93 32.08 32.9 33.14 33.22

0.4 33.3 33.6 33.7 33.71 33.75

0.8 34 34.1024 34.106 34.12 34.15

1 34.23 34.25 34.257 34.26 34.33

Let the expected lifetime of the product L be 3 years, the manufacturer/dealer’s

estimated non-homogeneous Poisson process parameters be: inverse characteristic

life λm = 0.325/year, and shape parameter βm = 2 (this indicates an increasing rate of

failure over time), buyer’s repair cost for each failure rb = $30 and manufacturer’s

actual cost of each repair rm = $10, so that the difference between these two repair

costs d is $20. It is assumed that the rate of returning of buyers to the

manufacturer/dealer for repair of failed product is 20% that is k = 0.2.

A computer program generates the Table 5.6 for the manufacturer/dealer’s optimal

warranty price with variation of the buyer’s risk preference parameter and the

buyer’s number of failure over the expected lifetime of the product.

The Figure 5.8 can be drawn from the Table 5.6 which shows the effect of

manufacturer/dealer’s risk parameter on the warranty price.

The Figure 5.8 clearly shows that the warranty price increases with the increase of

the of the manufacture/dealers risk preference parameter a. The warranty price

increases as the manufacturer/dealer becomes more risk averse and the warranty

price decreases as the manufacturer/dealer becomes less averse. This implies that, as

the manufacturer/dealer becomes more risk-averse, manufacturer/dealer would

charge a higher warranty price to the buyer to avoid risking loss.


Figure 5.8: Effect of manufacturer’s risk preference parameter on the warranty price when buyer anticipated product failure is nm = 3.

The Figure 5.9 can also be developed from the Table 5.6 to visualise the effect of the

number of failures over the lifetime on the manufacturer’s charge for warranty price

for a particular risk parameter.

Figure 5.9: Effect of manufacturer/dealer expected product failure over the

lifetime on the warranty price.

The Figure 5.9 interprets that the manufacturer’s charge for warranty price increases

as the number of failure increases. This means that the manufacturer/dealer must

charge higher warranty price for higher number of expected product failures.


(2) Effect of manufacturer/dealer’s estimated product failure intensity on the

warranty price

In this analysis, it is assumed a range of manufacturer/dealer’s estimated product

failure intensity (rate) to observe the effect on the manufacturer’s optimal charge for

warranty. To do so, λm is varied from a range of 0.125/year to 0.443. Here, the

manufacturer/dealer risk parameters ‘a’ is kept constant as 0.4.

Let the expected lifetime of the product L be 3 years, the manufacturer/dealer’s

anticipated non-homogeneous Poisson process shape parameter be βm = 2 (this

indicates an increasing rate of failure over time), buyer’s repair cost for each failure

be rb = $30 and manufacturer’s actual cost of repair be rm = $10, so that the

difference between these two repair costs d is $20. Let k =0.2 (this means that 20%

of the non-warranted buyers will be return to the manufacturer/dealer for repair of

their failed item. Let n*m =3. The computer program generates the Table 5.7 for the

manufacturer/dealer’s optimal warranty price with variation of the buyer’s risk

preference parameter and the buyer’s number of failure over the expected lifetime of

the product.

Table 5.7: Warranty price (W) in $ for different manufacturer’s failure intensity

λm 0.125 0.225 0.325 0.443

W 2.65 8.53 17.68 32.17

The Figure 5.10 can be generated from the Table 5.7 which exhibits the effect of

failure intensity over the manufacture/dealer’s charge for warranty price.


Figure 5.10: Effect of failure intensity over the manufacture/dealer’s charge for warranty price.

Analysis of Figure 5.10 shows that the manufacturer’s charge for warranty price

increases with the increase of the of the failure intensity λm. This implies that, the

higher manufacturer estimated failure intensity results in higher cost of servicing of

warranty claims and this leads the manufacturer to charge higher warranty price and

vice versa.

(3) Effect of failure parameters on the warranty price

Here, it is assumed that a range of manufacturer’s estimated product failure intensity

(rate) and different shape parameters to observe the effect on the manufacturer’s

optimal charge for warranty. To do so, λm is varied from a range of 0.350/year to

0.65 and shape parameter is also varied from a range of 1 to 3.5. Here, the

manufacturer/dealer risk parameters ‘a’ is kept constant as 0.4. By keeping all other

parameters and variable as before Table 5.8 can be generated.

Now Figure 5.11 can be developed from Table 5.8. This Figure shows that

manufacturer’s charge for warranty price increases with the increase of both the

failure intensity and the failure shape parameters. At β =1 which is a constant failure

distribution, the warranty charge increases very slowly with the increase of failure

intensity whereas at β = 3.5, the charge for warranty increases sharply.


Table 5.8: Warranty price for different failure intensity and Shape parameter

βm λm 1 2 2.5 3 3.5

0.35 18.9703 20.33662 20.82668 21.33451 34.64

0.443 24.41126 32.16509 36.68431 41.84639 47.63416

0.5 27.44776 45.25259 48.30763 65.46352 69.08019

0.525 28.76613 44.03017 53.98424 65.82243 79.83263

0.625 32.71563 60.97327 78.50423 101.0378 130.6823

Figure 5.11: Effect of failure parameters on the manufacturer’s charge for Warranty price

This is because at constant failure rate situation, aging is not in effect but for higher β

aging is also affecting the charge for warranty from the manufacturer’s point of view.

(4) Effect buyer’s repair costs on warranty price

Now, it is time to look into the effect of buyer’s repair costs on the

manufacturer/dealer’s charge for warranty price. Let the buyers’ repair cost rb be

varied from a range of $ 40 to $80 per occasion. It is assumed that buyer’s repair


cost remain constant over for each case. Let the manufacturer/dealer risk parameters

‘a’ is kept constant as 0.4. And the expected lifetime of the product L be 3 years.

Manufacturer/dealer’s anticipated non-homogeneous Poisson process parameters are:

inverse characteristic life parameter λm = .443 and shape parameter βm = 2 (this

indicates an increasing rate of failure over time). Let it also be assumed that the

manufacturer’s actual cost of repair rm = $10 for each occasion and constant over the

warranty period. Let buyer’s return rate to the original manufacturer for repair k

=0.2 (this means that 20% of the non-warranted buyers will be return to the

manufacturer/dealer for repair of their failed item). Let n*m=3. The computer

program generates the Table 5.9 for the manufacturer/dealer’s optimal warranty price

with variation of the buyer’s risk preference parameter and the buyer’s number of

failure over the expected lifetime of the product.

Table 5.9: Buyer’s repair cost vs manufacturer set Warranty price (W) in $

rb 40 45 50 55 60 70 80

W 32.165 31.364 30.591 29.847 29.1314 27.78132 26.53696

Figure 5.12 generates from Table 5.9 which shows the effect of buyer’s cost of repair

over the manufacture/dealer’s charge for warranty price.

Figure 5.12: Effect of buyer’s cost of repair over the manufacture/dealer’s charge for warranty price.


Analysis of Figure 5.12 shows that the manufacturer’s charge for warranty price

decreases with the increase of the of the buyer’s cost of repair. This occurs because

when the buyer’s repair cost is higher, the more buyers will prefer warranty rather

than repairing the failures or defects and this in turns provides an opportunity for the

manufacturer to lower the warranty price to compete effectively in the market. As a

result the manufacturer/dealer can make more money through the warranty sale since

in the repair market manufacturer/dealer is not the only competitor in most of the


(5) Effect of buyer rate of return (k) to the manufacture/dealer for repair on

warranty price

A portion of non-warranted buyer may come back to the original manufacturer/dealer

for repair of their failed products. Here, the effect of buyer rate of return (k) to the

manufacture/dealer for repair on the warranty price will be analysed. For this purpose

proportion of returning buyers be varied from 0% to 100%. This implies different

values of k ranging from 0 to 1. Where, k = 0 means buyers are not coming back to

the original manufacture/dealer for rectification of their failed product and k = 1

means 100% of the buyers are coming back to the original manufacturer or/dealers

for repairing the failed product. This is possible if the manufacturer holds the

technical monopoly.

Let the expected lifetime of the product L be 3 years, the manufacturer/dealer’s

anticipated non-homogeneous Poisson process parameters are inverse characteristic

life parameters are λm = .443 and βm = 2. Let buyer’s repair cost of each failure rb =

$30 and manufacturer’s actual cost of repair rm = $10, so that the difference between

these two repair costs d is $20. Let nm =3. The computer program generates the Table

5.9 for the manufacturer/dealer’s optimal warranty price with variation of the buyer’s

risk preference parameter and the buyer’s number of failure over the expected

lifetime of the product.

Table 5.10: Buyer rate of return (k) vs Warranty price (W)

k 0.01 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

W 34 32.165 30.36 28.659 27 25


The Figure 5.13 can be generated from the Table 5.10 which shows the effect of

buyer’s rate of return to the original manufacturer for rectification on the

manufacture’s charge for warranty price.

Figure 5.13: Effect of buyer’s cost of repair over the manufacture/dealer’s charge for warranty price.

Analysis of Figure 5.13 shows that the manufacturer’s charge for warranty price

decreases with the increase of the rate of buyer’s return to the original

manufacturer/dealer for rectification. For some technical reasons such as supply

logistics, it is economical for the manufacturer to keep more buyers within warranty

(Murthy et al (2004)). Therefore, when the rate of return of buyers is higher it is an

opportunity for the manufacturer to keep the buyers in warranty by lowering the

warranty price.


In this chapter, a study and analysis of both buyers and manufacturer/dealers risk

attitudes towards lifetime warranty policies using utility functions, and certainty

equivalent are carried out. Applying the exponential utility function, the decision

models that maximise the manufacturer/dealer’s certainty profit equivalent are

derived. Risk models are developed for products with time dependent failure

intensity (rate). These models have been proposed with Non homogeneous Poisson’s


process for failure intensity function, constant repair costs, and concave utility

function. These warranty models incorporate risk preferences in finding the optimal

warranty price through the use of the manufacturer’s utility function for

manufacturer’s cost and the buyer’s utility function for repair cost. Furthermore, the

sensitivity of the optimal warranty price is analysed with a numerical example with

respect to the factors such as the buyer’s and the manufacturer/dealer’s risk

preferences, buyer’s anticipated and manufacturer’s estimated product failure

intensity, the buyer’s loyalty to the original manufacturer/dealer in repairing the

failed product and the buyer’s repair costs for unwarranted products.

Here, it is ignored the discounting of the repair costs for present value and

corrections for inflation in modelling warranty cost which is important for products

with a long service life. There is scope for future research with other forms of failure

distributions, impact of preventive maintenance and scope for replacements during

lifetime with possible trade-ins. These models can be extended for products with

constant failure rate or bath tub type failure intensity.

In application, the specific forms of the prior distribution of the product failure and

the utility functions should be supplied, and their parameter should be estimated for

particular products and monitory asset. These issues remain subjects for future


Lifetime warranty is one of the important types of Long-term warranty policies. In

this chapter and in the previous chapters, different lifetime warranty policies, cost

models, and buyer’s and manufacturer’s risk attitudes towards lifetime warranties

were developed and discussed. Another important type of Long-term policy is

service contract which has not yet been properly worked on. The next chapter

(Chapter 6) focuses on developing policies and conceptual cost models for various

service contracts policies considering both corrective and preventive maintenance as

servicing strategies over the contract period.





Complex and expensive equipment/assets require special tools and personnel to carry

out rectifications (repairs and replacements) when they fail. Often it is uneconomical

for the owner/user of the equipment/asset to have such specialist tools and personnel

in house. In such situations, it is more economical to contract out (to outsource) the

maintenance management (preventive and corrective) of such equipment/asset to

external agents. The external agent could be the manufacturer of the asset or an

independent third party interested in investing in that asset (Murthy and

Ashgarizadeh, 1995).

Estimation of costs for these type of contracts is complex and it is important for both

the users/owners and the service provider. There is a growing demand to develop

mathematical models for understanding future costs to build it into the contract price.

Failure to do so may result in loss to the service provider or the user/owner because of

uncertainties associated with failures and their implication on business. These costs

depend on failure mode and distribution of the equipment/asset failure and the

servicing strategies (e.g. corrective maintenance, planned preventive maintenance,

and/or inspection procedures and reliability) to be carried out during the contract


Long-term warranties linked to after sales service were discussed in Chapter 2 which

included extended warranty, warranty for used products, lifetime warranties and


service contracts. A reasonable academic research work has conducted on the extended

warranty and warranty for used products. In the previous chapters, lifetime warranty

policies were discussed together with the development and analysis of taxonomy and

cost models for those policies. In this chapter, policies and conceptual cost models of

another important type of long-term warranty, called service contract are developed.

Since, the demand for servicing occurs due to product (preferably complex

asset/equipment) failure, the starting point for such an analysis is the modelling of the

failures over the contract period.

A brief background of service contracts is presented in Section 6.2. Section 6.3

discusses different servicing strategies that involve corrective maintenance and planned

preventive actions. Service contracts together with various servicing policies are

developed and discussed in Section 6.4. In section 6.5, conceptual cost models for

service contracts are proposed. Finally, a conclusion is drawn to see the contributions

and future scope of this chapter.


A service contract is the outsourcing of maintenance actions where equipment/asset

failures are rectified by an external agent for an agreed period of time. The service

provider’s profit is influenced by many factors such as the terms of the contract,

reliability of the asset, servicing strategies, costs of resources needed to carry out

maintenance and to provide such services. Blischke and Murthy (2000) proposed a

policy for service contract with the scope for negotiation. In recent years service

contract has received significant attention from the practitioners due to increased profit

through selling those services and reduction of risk from owners due to better

maintainability provided by the experts in the trade. Murthy and Yeung (1995)

proposed stochastic models for expected profit. Murthy and Ashgarizadeh (1995)

developed a model to characterise the optimal strategies for a single customer and

service provider. Ashgarizadeh and Murthy (2000) extended this to multiple customers.

Rinsaka and Sandoh (2006) proposed mathematical models for setting suitable charge

of service contracts in the case where a manufacturer offers an additional warranty

service under which the failed system is replaced by a new one for its first failure, but

minimal repairs are carried out to the system for its succeeding failures before the

contract expires. Detailed literature reviews can be seen in Chapter 2. All the above


models only considered corrective maintenance (CM) as the servicing strategy during

the contract period. These models considered rectification (repair and/or replacement)

actions only on failure of the item. They ignored or failed to include planned

preventive maintenance (PM) actions during the contract period. But in a real life

situation, a cost effective servicing policy for a repairable system should take into

account corrective maintenance actions (repair/replacements) in case of failure or fault,

as well as a well planned preventive maintenance actions to prolong the service life by

retaining the reliability, and/or to reduce the risks of failures.


Servicing strategies during the contract period can be developed by understanding the

reliability and its analysis. Failure data are in many cases time or usage dependent for

certain conditions. In a probabilistic sense, asset/system failures are functions of usage

and/or age.

In real life situations, servicing strategies involve both corrective maintenance (CM)

and planned preventive maintenance (PM) actions.

Corrective maintenances are unscheduled actions intended to restore the system/asset

to its operational state through corrective actions after the occurrence of failures or

detection of fault in the system. This usually involves replacement or repairing the

component that is responsible for the failure of the overall system. Corrective

maintenance is performed at unpredictable intervals because a component's failure

time is not known a priori. The objective of corrective maintenance is to restore the

system to satisfactory operation within the shortest possible time. Corrective

maintenance is typically carried out in three steps:

• Diagnosis of the problem: The maintenance technician must take time to locate

the failed parts or otherwise satisfactorily assess the cause of the system


• Repair and/or replacement of faulty component(s): Once the cause of system

failure has been determined, action must be taken to address the cause, usually

by replacing or repairing the components that caused the system to fail.


• Verification of the repair action: Once the components in question have been

repaired or replaced, the maintenance technician must verify that the system is

again successfully operating.

In contrast, planned preventive maintenance actions are carried out to reduce the

likelihood of failures or prolong the life of the asset/system (Murthy and Jack, 2003).

This type of maintenance is the schedule of planned maintenance actions aimed at the

prevention of breakdowns and failures of an item before it actually occurs. It is

designed to preserve and enhance equipment reliability by replacing worn components

before they actually fail. Preventive maintenance activities include equipment checks,

partial or complete overhauls at specified periods, oil changes, lubrication and so on.

Long-term effects and cost comparisons usually favour preventive maintenance over

performing maintenance actions only when the system fails. Long-term benefits of

preventive maintenance include:

• Improved system reliability.

• Decreased cost of replacement.

• Decreased system downtime.

• Better spares inventory management.

Normally, preventive maintenance actions are carried out at discrete time instances.

But when PM actions are carried out fairly frequently, it can be treated as occurring

continuously over time.

Preventive maintenance actions can be classified into different categories such as:

• Time based maintenance: Here the preventive maintenance actions are carried out

at fixed interval of time. ‘Block replacement’ policy is one example of this type of


• Age based maintenance: ‘Age replacement’ is an example of PM whereby

replacement is made on the basis of the age of the item.

• Usage based maintenance: Similar to the ‘Age based’ policy, PM actions are taken

based on the usage of the item. Example: rail grinding based on the Million Gross

Tonnes of usage.


• Condition based maintenance: Iin this type of PM, actions are based on the

condition of the item being maintained which involves inspection and monitoring

of the wear or deterioration process of the components of the item such as crack

growth in a mechanical component. In some cases, it is difficult to detect the

variable of interest directly, and in such cases some other variables may be used to

obtain estimates of the variable of interest. For example, the wear of journal

bearing can be traced by measuring the vibration, noise, or the temperature of the

bearing case, since there is a strong correlation these variables and the bearing wear.

• Opportunity based maintenance: This is applicable for multi-component items,

where PM or CM actions for one component create an opportunity to carry out PM

actions on some other or remaining components of the item.

• Design–out maintenance: this involves performing modifications through

redesigning the component. As a result, the new component has better reliability


Many different types of model formulations have been proposed to study the effect of

preventive maintenance on process deteriorations and occurrence of item failures and

to derive optimal preventive maintenance strategies.

In the case of a repairable system, both corrective maintenance and planned preventive

maintenance take into account different types of servicing actions depending on the

failure modes and types. These actions are classified as per degree of restorability as

shown in Figure 6.1. The item/system fails at point t due to the malfunctioning of one

or more components. Various servicing actions can be adopted at this point to restore

the functionality of the item/system.


Figure 6.1: Failure rate with effect of various maintenance actions

The probable servicing strategies applicable for service contracts are:

(i) Replacement: the failed system can be replaced with a new identical system or

with a used but good item/system. This turns failure rate of the item to its

original state if replaced with a new one (see curve ‘a’ in Figure 6.1). This

implies that a replacement with new restores the full reliability and turns the

hazard rate to zero. If replaced with a used, good one, it restores a part reliability

and the hazard rate falls any point between ‘as good as new’ and ‘as bad as old’

depending on the age and condition of the replaced item/system.

(ii) Overhauling or perfect repair is a restorative maintenance action that enables the

system to be in a “as good as new” condition as it turns the hazard rate almost to

zero (See curve ‘a’ or close to curve ‘a’). Here the failure time distribution of the

repaired item is almost identical to that of a new one and one can model

successive failures using an ordinary renewal process. This type of maintenance

action is normally taken before an item/asset has reached a defined failed state

(Jardine, 1973).

(iii) Imperfect repair restores a substantial portion of wear/damage and like

replacement with a used, good item, it improves reliability of the failed

item/asset to a certain level whereby the hazard/failure rate falls in between “as

good as new” and “as bad as old (see curve ‘b’) depending on the type and

quality of the repair works.











(iv) A minimal repair is the repair/replacement only of the failed component/s of a

complex item/system and other components of that item/system remain

untouched. This makes insignificant improvement of reliability and the condition

after maintenance is called “as bad as old” (curve ‘c’ in), since the hazard rate of

other components remain unchanged. Here the failed item is returned to

operation with the same effectiveness as it possessed immediately prior to failure.

Failures then occur according to a non-homogeneous Poisson process with the

intensity function having the same form as the hazard rate of the time to first

failure distribution.


In modelling cost of service contracts, three different policies are proposed where the

rectification of an item takes into account both corrective maintenance and planned

preventive maintenances. The corrective maintenance could be replacement of the

whole item in case of complete failure or minimal repairs (repair replacement of a

part/components/s). Preventive maintenance actions are done at constant intervals

which retain the item/asset reliability to some extent. Three service contract policies


Service contract policy 1:

Under this policy, the contract terminates when contract period reaches to a time/ usage

level L or a renewal of the system is essential due to the complete failure of the system

whichever comes first. Under this policy renewal of the system is not included. Here,

the system life is normally considered longer than the contract period. Planned

preventive maintenance actions at constant intervals and corrective maintenances in the

form of minimal or major repairs must be provided by the service provider.

According to this policy replacement is not included during the contract period which

implies that R ≥ L. where L and R are the contract period and the first replacement

(renewal) time respectively (Figure 2 represents this policy graphically). Preventive

maintenance (PM) is planned at constant intervals. Between two successive preventive

maintenances there could be one or more minimal corrective actions. This type of

service contract is mostly suitable for complex repairable systems with a longer life.

Service contract policy 2:


Under this policy, the contract period is up to the first replacement (renewal) of the

system due to complete failure of System or economically beyond any service.

Like policy 1, replacement (renewal) of the system is excluded and constant interval

preventive maintenances and corrective maintenances in the form of minimal repairs are

included over the contract period.

This implies that it has not any trade off or salvage value at the end of the contract

period. In this case, L = R, (Figure 3 represents this policy graphically). Note that here,

the contract period is a random variable and ceases when the item is economically

beyond any service. This policy is suitable for a system or items with a shorter life such

as mobile phones.

Service contract policy 3:

Under this policy, the servicing strategy covers any rectification action including

replacement (renewals)/s of the System due to complete failure during the contract

period (Figure 4 represents this policy graphically).

In bet,en two consecutive replacements, there may be one or more constant interval PM

actions and there may also be a number of minimal repairs in between two successive

PMs. Replacement or renewal time R is a random variable This policy is applicable for

long-term service contracts.


Total costs of service contract depends on the type of policies defined in the previous

section and may include the cost of planned preventive maintenance and corrective

maintenance in the form of minimal repairs and failure replacement, cost of

inspections and condition monitoring, cost of risks, and penalties for failure to meet

agreed safety, reliability and availability of requirements.


The total expected costs of service contract

CT = Cs+ Ci+ Cd+ Cr+ Cp


Cs= total expected costs of maintenance services


Ci = expected costs of inspection

Cd = costs of downtime

Cr = cost of risks associated

Cp = penalties for failure to meet contract agreements.

Here, it is aimed to develop conceptual cost models for service contracts that focus

only on the maintenance services during the contract period. These models can be

further extended by adding inspection, downtime, risks associated with such contracts

and incurred penalties due to failure to meet contract agreement.

Formulation of Models:

In modelling service contracts, a number of assumptions are considered.

6.5.1. Assumptions

The following assumptions are made for all the cases.

• Failure rate increases with accumulated MGT.

• Servicing actions restore life to some extent.

• The level of restoration depends on the type and quality of the maintenance


• Age restoration, after each preventive maintenance (PM) is constant.

• Preventive maintenance actions are taken at constant interval (x) before a

replacement is made throughout the contract period.

• An item is replaced only when it fails completely otherwise minimal repairs are


• All replacement is made with new and identical items.

• All cost factors are constant over the contract period.

• Money discount is 1 throughout the contract period (this assumption is true

when contract period is short).

6.5.2. Notations and Reliability Preliminaries

Failure intensity ( ) ( )τkttpm −Λ=Λ (6.1)



Λpm(t): Failure intensity at time t, with maintenance.

Λ(t): original failure intensity at t when no maintenance is performed.

N: Number of times the planned servicing is performed during the contract period

Ni: Number of times the planned servicing is performed during the ith replacement

i = 1, 2, 3,…….

M: Number of replacements corrective actions.

L: Duration (length) of service contract

k: Number of times PM is carried up to t.

τ Age restoration after each PM. τ = αx,

α Quality or effectiveness of preventive maintenance action

Cre Cost of replacement

Cmr Cost for each minimal repair.

Cpm Cost for each PM

Ccl Expected cost for the last cycle.

Let the failure intensity function of the item/asset of life distribution F(t) having

density function ( ) ( )[ ]dt

tFdtf = be defined by ( ) ( )( )tF



When it follows Weibull distribution this can be modelled as:

))(exp(1)( βλttF −−= (6.2)


( ) ))(exp()( 1 ββ λλλβ tttf −= − (6.3)

with the parameters β (Known as shape parameter of the distribution) > 0 and λ

(Known as inverse of characteristic function for the distribution) > 0

β greater than 1 indicates an increasing failure rate of the item under study and ageing

is predominant in failure mechanism.

Then the failure intensity function Λ(m) derived from (1) and 2 can be given by





)()( −−



−=Λ β




λλλβ tt


tft (6.4)

Policy wise cost models for service contracts are proposed here.

6.5.3. Modelling Cost for Service Contract Policy 1

Under this policy, the contract terminates at a predetermined time L or at a time when

renewal is essential due to the complete failure of the item/asset, whichever comes first.

This implies that replacement is not covered in this policy. That is M = 0. The Figure

6.2 is the graphical representation of the model for the policy 1.

Here, the expected cost of service contract per unit time for repairable item/asset with

servicing and preventive maintenance plan is given by the total sum of expected costs

of all minimal repairs and the expected costs of all the planned preventive maintenance

over the contract period divided by the length of service contract (length of L or R

which comes first).

That is

Expected cost of service contract per unit time

= ((Expected costs of all minimal repairs

+ Expected cost of all planned preventive maintenances) during the contract period) /

Length of contract duration.



τ time of restoration

Λ1(t) failure rate distribution after 1st PM

Λ2(t) failure rate distribution after 2nd PM

Λ3(t) failure rate distribution after 3rd PM

Figure 6.2: Graphical representation of the Service contract policy 1

Expected cost of all minimal repairs over the contract period can be given by

= ( )( )∑∫





kx pmmr dttC0

1 (6.5)

Now substituting Equation (6.1) in Equation (6.5), the expected cost of minimal repair

is given by

Expected cost of minimal repair

=( )






kxmr dtktC0

1)( τ (6.6)


re in


ity Λ

(t) t

x x xContract duration L


Replacement due R





When failures are modelled as per Weibull distribution from the Equation (6.4) the

failure rate is given by:

( ) 1−=Λ ββ βλ tt

Therefore, from Equation (6.4) and Equation (6.4), expected cost of minimal repair

strategy can be expressed as

= ( )⎭⎬⎫


−∑ ∫=




kxmr dtktC0

1)1( ββ τβλ

= ( ) ( )[ ]⎭⎬⎫




kmr kkkkxC


1 ββββ ααλ (6.7)

where, τ = α x, and α is the quality of the maintenance or effectiveness of preventive

maintenance, α ranges from 0 to 1. α = 1 signifies– “as good as new” and in case of

minimal repair α = 0, here the condition after maintenance is called “as bad as old’

since the failure intensity of the whole system remains unchanged. Effectiveness of

maintenance on the reliability for other actions such as a major repair or replacement

with a used one can fall any point between 0 and 1 depending on the quality of repair

action or age of the used system.

Expected cost of preventive maintenance during the contract

= pmNC (6.8)

The total expected cost per unit time C(L,x, N,) can therefore be expressed as


For policy 1, L= x×(N+1).

Now an optimal preventive maintenance interval x*, optimal number of PM (N*) and

minimal total expected cost per unit time can be obtained by differentiating equation

6.9 with respect to x and equating it to zero. These optimal values can easily be

obtained by programming in any mathematical software such as MATLAB, MAPLE.

( ) ( ) ( )[ ] ⎥⎦





−−+−= ∑=



kmr CNkkkkxC



11,, ββββ ααλ


There could be excess age for the item with some trade off or salvage value shown in

Figure 6.2. This could be a subject of interest in future studies.

6.5.4. Modelling Cost for Service Contract Policy 2

Under the conditions of this policy, duration of contract is randomly variable and the

contract is terminated any time at which a renewal is mandatory due the complete

failure of the item/asset. This implies L = R. Figure 6.3 is the graphical representation

of the model for policy 2.

Figure 6.3: Failure intensity for various servicing strategies for Service contract

policy 2.

Here, expected total cost per unit time of service contract can be estimated as follows

Expected total cost per unit time

= (expected total cost of all the minimal repairs

+ expected total cost of all planned preventive maintenance)/Contract duration

Which is given by Equation (6.9) with randomly variable L and an optimal contract

period L* is the product of optimal number of preventive maintenance (N*+1) and

optimal interval of PM (x*). That is


re in


ity Λ



x x x

Contract duration, L





A replacement is essential at this point due to complete failure

Replacement due, R

( ) ∗∗∗ ×+= xNL 1


6.5.5. Modelling Cost for Service Contract Policy 3

This policy is appropriate for long-term service contract. Under the conditions of this

policy, one or more replacements or renewals due to complete failure of the item/asset

are covered over the prefixed contract period. Let the total number of replacements be

M. In between two successive renewals there could be number constant interval

preventive maintenances and there could also be some minimal repairs as corrective

actions in between two successive PMs because of the failure of components. In

between the last replacement (renewal) and the end of contract duration there may be

one or more preventive maintenances as well as some minimal repairs. This excess

period is named as the last cycle. It is assumed that the nature and characteristics of the

last cycle is similar to those of policy 1. Figure 6.4 is the graphical representation of

the model for policy 3.

Let R1, R2, … represent the renewal times respectively.

Figure 6.4: Failure intensity for various servicing strategies for Service contract

policy 3

The total expected cost per unit time

= (expected total costs of all minimal repairs up to the last cycle

+ expected total cost of all preventive maintenances up the last cycle + expected total

cost of replacements + expected cost of last cycle) / Length of service contract.


A replacement due here

N20 x x x x

N1 Ni

Contract duration (L)

Last Cycle

R1 R2


Expected total cost of minimal repairs up to the last cycle

= ( ) ( )[ ]⎭⎬⎫









imr kkkkxC ββββ ααλ (6.10)

Expected total cost of PM up to the last cycle

= pm



=0 (6.11)

where i = 1,2,3,…..

Total cost of replacement = MCre (6.12)

Therefore, the total cost of service contract up to the last cycle can be given by adding



( ) ( )[ ]⎥⎥⎦







−−+− ∑∑ ∑== =







kmr MCCNkkkkxC


00 01 ββββ ααλ (6.13)

After the last replacement there may be still some period to complete the contract

period. Expected total cost of last cycle (Ccl) can be expressed as

( ) ( ) pmcl




xkmrcl CNdtktCCcl cl






−= ∑ ∫=



1)1( ββ τβλ (6.14)

or, ( ) ( )[ ] pmcl


kclclclclmrcl CNkkkkxCC







−−+−= ∑=0

1 ββββ ααλ (6.16)

Ncl is the number of PMs in the last cycle

Therefore, the total expected cost per unit time C(L, x, Ni, M) can be expressed by

adding equations 6.13 and 6.16 and is given by equation 6.17


( )

( ) ( )[ ]⎥⎥⎦





−−+−= ∑∑∑== =











00 011

,,,ββββ ααλ


6.5.6. Parameters Estimation

Different methods such as method of Least square, method of Moments, and method

of Maximum likelihood can be used to estimate the failure parameters. If the data

requires, non-parametric analysis can also be applied.

An example for estimating parameters by using Maximum likelihood method is

presented here in line with Chattopadhyay (1999), where it is considered a time

dependent failure distribution which implies that failure rate increases with time.

The following section demonstrates the estimation of item/asset failure parameters

when failure follows Weibull distribution and the parameters are given by Weibull

inverse characteristic life parameter λ and Weibull shape parameter β.


ti time to its ith failure

where, i =1, 2, 3, ……

n number of failures over contract period

T is the observation period


0< t1 < t2…….< T

This implies that there is no failure in (0, t1] , one failure in (t1, t1 + δt1], one failure

in (t2, t2 + δt2] for small time intervals of δt1, δt2. Suppose failures occur

independently and according to a non-homogeneous Poisson process with intensity

function Λ(t).

Prob.{no failures in (0, t1]} = ( )⎪⎭




Λ− ∫1





Prob.{one of failures in (t1, t1 + δt1]} = ( ) tt δ1Λ

Prob.{no failures in (t1 + δt1, t2,,] } = ( )⎪⎭




Λ− ∫+






Prob.{one of failures in (t2, t2 + δt2]} = ( ) tt δ2Λ


The probabilities for other failures can be derived similarly. As a result, the

likelihood function for failures the product to occur is (Crowder et al 1991)

( ) ( ) ( ){ }∏ ∫=−






dtttL1 1


= ( ) ( ){ }∫∏+





i i dttt 0



( ){ } ( ){ }∫∏ Λ−Λ==


i i dttt01

exp (6.18)

Let l(θ) be the log transformation of the likelihood function

( ) ( ){ } ( ) ( )∫∑ Λ−Λ===


ii dtttLl

01loglog θθ (6.19)

Where θ is the model parameter for set (λ, β).

For Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process Λ(t) is given by 1)( −βλλβ t


( ) ( )( ){ } ( )∑=

− −=n

ii Ttl


1log ββββ λβλθ (6.20)

The maximum likelihood estimates are the values of the parameters that maximise

the log likelihood function. These are given by the solution to the following

equations (obtained from the first order necessary condition for maximisation):

( ) 0=δλ

θδl (6.21)


( ) 0=δβ

θδl (6.22)


By taking the first derivative of the Equation (6.19) and Equation (6.20) with respect

to λ and β respectively and equating these to zero, and by solving the new equations

the estimators λ̂ and β̂ can be obtained as follows.




⎢⎣⎡=Tn (6.23)


( )∑=

−= n




β̂ (6.24)

Now by applying the equations (6.23) and (6.24), inverse characteristic parameter λ

and shape parameter β of a distribution set can be estimated when the failures of the

item increase or decrease with time (i.e. failures follow non-homogeneous Poisson



There is a growing trend for asset intensive industries to outsource maintenance

services of their supporting systems/assets using service contracts since outsourcing

reduces upfront investments in infrastructure, expertise and specialised maintenance


Three policies for service contracts (short-term and long-term) are proposed in this

chapter considering the concepts of outsourcing assets (or complex products such as

heavy equipment) to the service providers. The proposed policies for service contracts

are summarised in Table 6.1. The service contract policies developed here are

currently offered and used by some of the service providers and these policies would

be of potential interest to both the service provider and the user/owner of the asset.


Table 6.1: Service Contract Policies

Policy Features

Service contract 1 • Fixed term contract. The contract terminates when the

item/asset reaches the end of the prefixed contract duration or

complete failure (first renewal) of the item/asset, whichever

comes first.

• The item/asset life is considered longer than the contracted

period. This can have some salvage value or trade off at the

end of contract period

• No replacement actions are applicable. Constant interval

preventive maintenance and minimal repair in between two

successive PMs in case of fault or defects

• Can be applicable for short-term contract

Service contract 2 • Contract terminates at first replacement (renewal) of

item/asset due to complete failure of the item/asset.

• Contract period is randomly variable. No trade off or salvage

value at the end of the contract period

• No replacement actions are applicable. Constant interval

preventive maintenance and minimal repair in between two

successive PMs in case of fault or defects

• Can be applicable for short term contract

Service contract 3 • Fixed time contract

• Replacement in case of complete failure

• Constant interval preventive maintenance and minimal repair

in between two successive PMs in case of fault or defects.

• Long-term contract

Conceptual models are developed in estimating costs of various service contracts

based on the policies. These models can be applicable in estimating the cost of

outsourcing maintenance services through service contracts for any complex and

expensive repairable assets/equipment used in different asset intensive industries.

Total costs of alternative strategies and cost per unit of service provided is

considered for managerial decisions. Analytical solutions for service contract


policies 1 and 2 can be carried out easily by using modern mathematical software

such as MAPLE and MATLAB. The model developed for service contract policy 3

is complex and appears analytically intractable. Search algorithms and simulation

can be used to explore the various preventive maintenance and corrective

maintenance combinations for a particular contract period, attractive to the service

provider and the user/owner. This is influenced by the perception of the service

provider and the user/owner towards failure intensity during the contract period and

costs associated with rectifications.

However, the cost models developed in this chapter consider a number of assumptions.

These models can be made more realistic by removing some of the assumptions. These

models can be further extended by including a discount rate, provisions for used items,

and utility functions for linking customer/manufacturers risk preferences. More

complex models could be developed linking risks, downtime and penalties for failure

to meet agreed safety, reliability and availability standards.

A case study and analysis of outsourcing rail maintenance actions through service

contract are aimed to carry out in Chapter 7. Real life rail maintenance data are used to

estimate the cost of outsourcing rail maintenance.





Rail networks are generally spread over wide geographically distant areas. It is

expensive and complex for non-railway industries such as mining and other heavy

industries to install and manage the maintenance of such huge networks. It needs

investment in infrastructure, experts and specialised facilities to provide the services

and carry out maintenance works. Outsourcing the maintenance through service

contracts reduces upfront investments in infrastructure, expertise and specialised

maintenance facilities (Murthy and Ashgarizadeh, 1995). This results in a growing

trend for the owners of these asset intensive industries to outsource the management of

maintenance activities of these huge network services to external agencies (service

providers). The service providers for such services can be one of the rail operators or

manufacturers of the rails or independent third parties, interested in investment for rail

infrastructure. The service provider in turn charges a price or premium for such


The estimation of the cost for these contracts is complex and it is important to the user

and the service providers for economic variability. The service provider’s profit is

influenced by factors such as the terms of the contract, reliability of rails, the servicing


strategies, costs of resources needed to carry out maintenance and to provide such


Servicing strategy for a rail network can be developed by understanding the reliability

of rails used in the rail track system. Reliability analysis of rails can be carried out by

understanding the failure mechanism of rail through modelling and analysis of failure

data. These failure data are, in most cases, usage dependent. In a probabilistic sense,

rail failure is a function of its usage in terms of Million Gross Tones (MGT) for certain

conditions. This chapter will analyse real life rail industry data, deal with the

limitations of available data and use these data in the predictive models for

maintenance and replacement decisions. Parameters of the models are estimated using

real world data with an application of non-homogeneous Poisson process.

In Chapter 6, three policies for long-term service contracts were proposed and cost

models for different policies were also developed. In this chapter, these conceptual

models were applied to predict failure /break of rail and to estimate costs of

outsourcing rail maintenance through service contract by using real life rail

failure/break data obtained from Swedish Rail as a case study for this research.

The outline of Chapter 7 is: in Section 7.1, the importance and complexities in

modelling costs of outsourcing of rail maintenance is discussed. Section 7.2 deals

with rail degradations and resulting rail failure/breaks. Probabilistic rail break/failure

models are developed in Section 7.3. In Section 7.4, costs of outsourcing rail

maintenance are estimated by applying the cost models developed in Chapter 6 for

different service contract policies. Section 7.5 analyses the proposed cost models

with numerical examples by using real world rail failure data for different service

contract policies. In the final section, the summaries and scope for future work are



Degradation or failure of rail track is a complex process and it depends on the rail

materials, traffic density, speed, curve radius, axle loads, Million Gross Tonnes

(MGT), wheel rail contact, rail track geometries and importantly, the servicing

strategies. The rail profile and curves make large contributions to rail degradation.


Rail tracks are designed to reduce the contact stresses and the twisting effect of the

wheel load.

Wheel loads produce bending moment and shear forces in the rail causing

longitudinal compressive and tensile stresses concentrated mainly in the head and

foot of the rail and shear stresses in the web.

Figure 7.1: Rail Profile and wear area

It is important to provide adequate resistance against the bending moment which

determines the area of the head and foot of the rail. Furthermore, corrosion and

surface cracks have significant effects on the rail breaks. Traffic wear, rolling contact

and plastic deformation are the growing problems for modern railways (for details

see Chattopadhyay et. al., 2003 and Larsson et al., 2003).

Factors influencing rail degradation are:

• Traffic wear, which is caused due to the wheel-rail contact, primarily in

curves. Wear generally occurs at the gauge face in curves. Vertical head wear

is caused by wheel contact and rail grinding. Wear of wheels and rails can be

directly measured by the use of profilometers. Wear is influenced by material

response to combined tangential and normal stresses and slippage.

• Rolling contact fatigue, which results in various defect types such as

transverse defects and shells. When the rail reaches its fatigue limit, these

defects occur more frequently.

Rail Head

Rail Web

Rail Foot

Gauge Rail and Wheel contact area


• Plastic deformation, which is often found in the form of corrugations in rails,

together with mushrooming of the railhead and wheel burns. Plastic

deformation of material causes damage of the surface layer, and eventually

can cause the formation of cracks. A crack grows under the influence of

mechanical loading and trapped fluid and results in a break if not maintained


• Rail and wheel material, wheel flange welding and wheel profile. High

strengths rail steels are achieved by making the spacing between the pearlite

lamellae finer by controlling the growth of pearlite. Alloying elements such

as chromium and nickel are added to improve material properties.

Hardness and composition of rail steel plays an important role in reducing

wear rate. Figure 7.2 shows hardness of rail steel and its resistance to wear

curve (Yates, 1996).

Figure 7.2: The wear rate (mg m-1) vs hardness (HV) of rail steel

• Train speed, traffic loads in MGT;

This figure is not available online. Please consult the hardcopy thesis available from the QUT Library


• Environmental and weather conditions: temperature and humidity, cyclic

drying and wetting, snowfall, oxidation etc have some effect on accelerating

the rail degradation process.

• Servicing strategies: Servicing strategies for rail during the contract period

can be a combination of both corrective action (involves replacement or

repair of rail in case of break/failure) and planned preventive maintenance

actions (to prolong the rail life through inspection or monitoring condition of

track, rail grinding, lubrication etc). Grinding is used to remove corrugation

and surface crack and to reduce internal defects and improve the rail profile

to give better vehicle steering control (Sawley and Reiff, 1999). Rail grinding

has been demonstrated to have improved rail life in rail curves compared to

other strategies (Judge, 2000). It is important to remove just enough metal to

prevent the initiation of rolling contact fatigue defects.

Rail wear caused by friction at the interface can be reduced by lubrication of

the side of rail or the gauge face primarily on curves (Sawley and Reiff,

1999). However, large lateral forces still occur as the train goes around the

curve causing degradation in the track structure (DeGaspari, 2001). Larsson

(2000) found in field measurements that rail head wear on the main line in the

north of Sweden indicate that wear rates on the flange can have an average

0.82 mm/month during the winter when no lubrication was used.

To predict the rail failures and to decide on maintenance strategies for the rail track it

is necessary to model the rail break/failures and associated costs related to

maintenance actions of rail.


Ageing takes place in the line due to tonnage accumulation on the track resulting

from traffic movement leading to defect. It is realistic to assume that initiated defects

left in the system will continue to grow with increases in cumulative passes in

Million Gross Tonnes (Chattopadhyay et al (2005). Rail failures/breaks can be

modelled as a point process with an intensity function Λ(m) where m represents

Millions of Gross Tonnes (MGT) and Λ(m) is an increasing function of m indicating

that the number of breaks/failures in a statistical sense increases with MGT. This


implies that older rails with higher cumulative MGT passing through the section are

expected to have more probability of initiating defects and if undetected then

through further passing of traffic can lead to rail failures. As a result, the number of

failures till an accumulated MGT is a function of usage MGT, m, and is a random

variable and can be modelled using Weibull distribution. Let cumulative MGT of rail,

m, be known. F(m) and f(m) denote the cumulative rail failure function and density

function respectively,

( ) ( )dm

mdFmf = (7.1)


( ) { }mmPmF ≤= 1 where m1 is the MGT to rail failure

This can be modelled as Non-homogeneous Poisson process with shape parameters β

and inverse of characteristic life λ and can be given by:

))(exp(1)( βλmmF −−= (7.2)

The density function can be obtained by differentiating equation (7.2) with respect to

m as in equation (7.3)

( ) ))(exp()( 1 ββ λλλβ mmmf −= − (7.3)

β Greater than 1 indicates an increasing failure rate of the item under study and

ageing is predominant in failure mechanism.

Then failure intensity function Λ(m) is derived from (7.2) and (7.3) and is given by

the equation (7.4)

1)()( −=Λ βλλβ mt (7.4)

Rail track is normally made operational through repair or rectification of the failed

segment and no action is taken with regards to the remaining length of the rail in

case of detected defects and rail breaks. Since the length of failed segment replaced

at each failure is very small relative to the whole track, the rectification action have

negligible impact on the failure rate of the track as a whole (Chattopadhyay, et al,

2003). Based on these rail failure/break models, in the following sections we discuss


the potential servicing strategies of outsourcing rail network and it is also proposed

servicing strategies and cost models for those service contracts.


The three service contract policies and cost models developed in Chapter 6 now can

be applied in estimating costs of outsourching rail maintenance through service

contracts. In doing so the policies and the cost models need a little modification

since rail failure/breaks are usage dependent in terms of Million gross tonnes of

passing. This modification is made by capturing usage (MGT) instead of time. For

this purpose we are using real life rail failure data obtained from the Swedish rail as

a case study.

For model simplification purposes, we consider one segment of rail of 110 meters

long. Rail maintenance can be outsourced in section wise where each rail section

consists of several kilometres of rail lines. Here, planned grinding and lubrication

activities are viewed as preventive maintenance for rail and unplanned repair and

replacement of the cracked or broken portion/s of rail segment considered as

minimal repair action since the repair replacement of such small portion can not

improve the overall reliability of the whole rail segment (Barlow and Hunter, 1960).

Examples of minimal repair action are replacing a small damaged portion of rail

segment or welding the cracks etc. It is assumed that a replacement or renewal of the

whole segment is essential only when the segment is out of order (unusable) due to

complete break or failure of the segment. Replacements are made only with a new

and identical rail (same material and geometry).

The three policies of service contracts defined in the Chapter 6 can now be modified

here for the purpose of application for outsourcing rail maintenance.

Rail Service Contract Policy1: Under this policy the contract terminates when the

total usage reaches a pre-agreed Million Gross Tonnes of usage (L) or the state at

which renewal of the rail segment is essential due to the complete failure of the

segment (when it is beyond economic repair) whichever comes first. According to

the conditions of this policy, renewal or replacement of the whole segment is



Under this policy, preventive maintenance actions are considered at constant

intervals. This policy is represented graphically in Figure 6.2. Here the time

dimension can be replaced by the usage in MGT and the failure intensity can be seen

as λ(m), where m is any accumulated MGT.

It is assumed that the preventive maintenance actions are taken at constant intervals

of MGT passing and each PM restores the reliability of rail to some extent

depending on the quality of maintenance action.

Let L and R be the contract period and the first replacement (renewal) of rail due to

complete failure respectively in terms of MGT of usage.

Rail failures are usage dependent and can be considered to follow non-homogeneous

Poisson process (NHPP). Let λ and β be the inverse characteristic life parameter and

shape parameter for rail failure.

Then from Figure 6.2, the total expected cost per unit MGT, C(L,x, Ni,) can be

obtained by modifying the Equation (6.9) as:

( ) ( ) ( )[ ]⎥⎥⎦







−−+−= ∑=


NxLC pm



011,, ββββ ααλ


k is the number of PM is carried up to an MGT, m and τ is the MGT restoration

after each PM. τ = αx, where, α is the quality of the maintenance, that ranges from 0

to 1.

N Nnumber of times the planned PMs are performed during the contract period.

Cmr Cost for each minimal repairs

Cpm Cost for each PM

Rail Service Contract Policy2: Under this Policy, the contract terminates when a

renewal of whole segment is essential due to the complete failure of the segment.

Notice that the contract period L is not fixed, rather it is a random variable .

This can be represented graphically by modifying the Figure 6.3 where time axis can

be replaced by the usage in terms of MGT. Since rail failure is MGT dependent, the


failure intensity can be expressed as Λ(m) and the failure or break can be modelled a

non-homogeneous Poisson’s process (NHPP).

The total expected cost for this policy is similar to that of Policy 1. In this case,

however, the contract period is considered uncertain and is with randomly variable

and an optimal contract period L* is the product of optimal number of preventive

maintenance (N*) and optimal interval of PM (x*). That is ( ) ** 1 xNL ×+= ∗

Rail Service Contract Policy 3: Under this policy, replacement/s of the rail segment

due to complete failure of the segment (renewals) is covered during the contract


This can be represented by Figure 6.4 by replacing the time axis with usage in

million gross tonnes. Under the condition of policy 3, there may be one or more PM

actions before finally a replacement is made and there may also be a number of

minimal repairs in between two successive PM. Let R be the usage level between

two renewals and R is random variable and R ≤ R* , where R* is the optimal

replacement interval and if it fails completely before R* it is replaced. This policy is

applicable for long-term service contract.

In this case there may be one or more replacements (due to complete failure) needed

during the contract period

Here, the expected total cost per unit time

= (expected cost of minimal repairs

+ expected cost of preventive maintenance + cost of replacement + expected cost of

last cycle up to the end of contract) / Length of service contract.

This can be expressed by modifying the service contract policy 3 model as shown in

Equation (6.7) in Chapter 6 as

( )

( ) ( )[ ]⎥⎥⎦





−−+−= ∑∑∑== =











00 011


ββββ ααλ

The conceptual models developed here for complex long-term service contracts

applicable to outsourcing rail maintenance are now analysed with numerical

examples. Real life rail industry data are used to analyse the models with a view to


estimate the cost of service contracts. Total costs of servicing, cost per MGT of

service provided, optimal interval between PMs, and optimal number of PMs can be

considered for managerial decisions.


For the purpose of estimating and analysing the models it used a set of real life rail

failure data collected from Swedish Rail. A total of 208 rail break/failure data are

used here. Table 7.1 represents 208 rail break data in Million gross tonnes (MGT)

obtained from Swedish Rail.

Table 7.1 Rail breaks in Million gross tonnes (MGT)

46 92 115 115 161 161 161 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 207 207 207 207 207 207 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 391 437 460 460 483 483 483 506 506 506 506 506 506 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 552 552 552 552 575 575 575 575 575 575 575 575 575 575 575 575 598 667 667 667 667 667 690 690 713

A preliminary evaluation indicated several shortcomings in accuracy of these data

such as the data indicates a rail break but does not indicate what type and how severe

the break is, the type and accuracy of the inspection procedures, whether preventive

maintenance actions are in use, what are the effectiveness of preventive maintenance

actions, what minimal repair measures were applied, and the exact cost of

rectification. These data also do not provide adequate information on the rail

population. The population of rails involved is comprised of various makes (brands)

and are made up of many different materials. However, these data are used for


modelling failure distribution of rails by making some assumptions and one of the

assumptions is that the breaks occur according to a non-homogeneous Poisson


Raw data were first censored and rectified to make it useable. It is obvious by

inspecting Table 7.1 that there is marked ‘sad trend’ present which can seen clearly

in the Figure 7.5.







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Operating MGT


l Bre

ak N



Figure 7.3: Cumulated Rail break vs. accumulated MGT.

The failure or breakage MGT in the analysis is generated as follows: Usage span is

considered as 720 MGT. A plot of the accumulated number of rail break versus the

accumulated breakage MGT is displayed in the Figure 7.5. The lack of linearity of

the plotted data is an indication that the rate of rail break is not constant. Rather it is

usage dependent. Increase of rail breaks with the increase of usage in terms of MGT

implies the rail break or failure follows a First Weibull distribution or Non

homogeneous Poisson process since

7.5.1 Estimation of rail failure parameters

In estimating the rail failure parameters, one can use different methods such as the

method of Least square, method of Moments, regression analysis, and method of

Maximum likelihood. The method of Maximum Likelihood (MLE) is applied here to


estimate the parameters λ and β. In this case, estimation of the parameters

considering a Weibull distribution (two parameters) is carried out by using a

MATLAB program (see Appendix D). The MATLAB expression provides Figure

7.6 with the Weibull graph for the rail failure/break data presented in Table 7.1.

From Figure 7.6, it can be estimated the inverse characteristic life parameter λ =

0.00259 per MGT and the shape parameter β = 2.789 at 95% confidence interval.









0.75 0.90 0.96 0.99

Operational MGT



e ra

il br





Figure 7.4: MATLAB generated Weibull graph for rail failure data

7.5.2 Estimating Costs of Different Service Contracts for Rail

In this section estimated parameters are used in determining the cost of service

contracts for three different policies.


ß = 2.789 and λ = .00259 per MGT.

It is assumed that each Preventive maintenance action involves only one pass of

grinding and lubrication.

β = 2.789 λ= .00259 η = 389 95% CI


Policy 1:


Cost of minimal repair, cost of replacement/repair of one rail for any Segment due to

worn out regulation Cmr = $150 (Approximately)

Cost of each preventive maintenance (rail grinding and Lubrication), Cpm = ($4.00

per meter (approximately) × 110m = $440

Cost of replacement, Cre = $1700

Quality of each PM, α = 0.16, which implies that each PM restores only 16% of total

reliability (we assume it is constant for each PM)

Let the contracted usage in MGT , L = 300 MGT.

Here, a MAPLE program has been used to determine the optimal interval and

number of PMs. This gives us the following results

Optimal interval between preventive maintenance x* = 52.65 MGT

Optimal number of PMs N* = 5

Expected total cost of Service Contract C*(L,x,N)= AUD 5.98 per MGT

This implies that for a short-term contract with the presented rail failure distribution,

each segment needs at least 5 preventive grinding and lubrication at maximum

interval of 52.65 MGT. However, the actual total costs can be varied based on the

grinding process and lubricants to be used during the contract period.

Policy 2:

Cost of minimal repair, cost of replacement/repair of one rail for any Segment due to

worn out regulation Cmr = $150 (Approx)

Cost of each preventive maintenance (rail grinding and Lubrication), Cpm = ($4.00

per meter (approximately) × 110m = $440

Cost of replacement, Cre = $1700

Quality of each PM, α = 0.16, which implies that each PM restores only 16% of total

reliability (we assume it is constant for each PM)

Here, a MAPLE program has been used to determine the optimal interval and

number of PMs. The result is:

Optimal interval between preventive maintenance x* = 65.82 MGT


Optimal number of PMs N* = 5

L* = 329.1 MGT

Servicing cost per MGT C*(L,x,N)=AUD 5.49.

This means that under policy 2, with this failure distribution of rail, the maximum

life of a rail segment is 329.1 MGT which needs at least five PM actions in the form

of rail grinding and lubrication at a constant interval of 65.82 MGT of usage. Note

that, here we assumed single pass grinding and lubrication for each PM action. In

real life, however, multiple grinding and lubrication may be required depending on

the rail condition and the decision maker’s perception on rail failure. This might

result in higher cost per MGT. The actual cost per MGT can also be varied based on

the grinding process and lubricants and lubricators to be used during the contract


Policy 3:

The model developed for this policy is very complex and is difficult to solve

analytically. Therefore a simulation approach is needed to solve this. A flow diagram

of the proposed model is presented in Figure 7.5.


Figure 7.5: Framework for service contract cost model

Solution of this model applying simulation approach can be scope for future work


In this chapter, the service contract policies and cost models developed in the

Chapter 6 were applied for estimating the cost of outsourcing rail maintenance. Real

life rail failure/break data were collected and analysed. Models developed for the

first two service contract policies were validated successfully. Parameters were

estimated and applied to analyse the costs. Total costs of servicing and cost per unit

of service provided can be considered for managerial decisions. Validation of the

model for policy 3 is mathematically intractable and a simulation approach was


suggested in this chapter which can be a scope for future research. These models can

also be applicable to outsource the maintenance of major infrastructures belonging to

asset intensive industries.

For simplification purposes, a number of assumptions were made. Some of these

assumptions can be minimised to obtain more realistic decision models. This creates

a further research opportunity in extending the developed models and their

application. There is huge scope for

I) Developing integrated decision models for long-term service contracts

applicable to rail and other asset intensive industries.

II) Development of penalty rates for train operators and infrastructure

providers not complying with maintenance standards.

III) Inclusion of other maintenance actions such as Reliability centred

maintenance, Condition based maintenance, Optimal inspection policies as servicing

strategies during the contract period.





The scope of this research was to define useful life, develop new policies for lifetime

warranties and long-term service contracts, develop reliability and cost models for

those policies, develop models for manufacturer’s and buyer’s risks associated with

offering and buying those policies. This Chapter summarises the contributions of this

thesis and discusses some scope for future research. The main contributions of this

thesis are (i) definition for lifetime and formulation of taxonomy for new lifetime

warranty policies (ii) mathematical models for product failures, expected costs for

those policies, (iii) models for pricing decisions based on the manufacturer’s and

buyer’s risk preferences (iv) formulation of new long-term service contract policies,

and (v) mathematical modelling and analysis for the expected costs of those service

contracts. vi) analysis of rail sector data for possible application to outsourcing

maintenance. A summary of the contributions are provided in Section 8.2. Scope for

future research is discussed in Section 8.3.


Chapter 1 of this thesis provides the scope of this research and modelling reliability

and costs of lifetime warranties and service contracts. It discusses the problems

associated with studying and modelling lifetime warranties and service contracts, and

the need for the development of new policies, modelling product failures, and


expected costs for offering those policies and analysing risks to manufacturer and


In Chapter 2, a brief review of the literature on product warranties and long-term

warranty policies and failure cost models was carried out to provide a background for

this research.

The main contributions of this research are:

• Development of new policies and taxonomy for lifetime warranties:

Even though a large number of products are currently being sold with lifetime

warranties, there was no acceptable definition of lifetime or the useful life of product

in the literature. Different manufacturers/dealers are using different conditions of life

measures of period of coverage. It is often difficult to tell whose life measures are

applicable to the period of coverage (The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 1975).

In Chapter 3, lifetime or the useful life is defined. This definition provides a

transparency for the useful life of products to both manufacturers and the customers.

This is also helpful to the public policy makers in developing mechanisms for

handling the lifetime warranty related claims and settling disputes between the

manufacturer and the consumer.

In Chapter 3, taxonomy is developed for lifetime warranty policies. Eight lifetime

warranty policies are developed and are grouped into three major categories:

A. Free rectification lifetime warranty policies (FRLTW),

B. Cost Sharing Lifetime Warranty policies (CSLTW), and

C. Trade in policies (TLTW).

Most of these policies are currently being considered by the manufacturers/dealers

and the others would be of potential interest to industries.

• Development of failure and cost model capturing the uncertainties in decision making over the longer period:

In Chapter 4, the mathematical models for predicting failures and expected costs for

lifetime warranty policies were developed and analysed. Claims over the uncertain

lifetime coverage period are used for modelling failures of products at system level.

These failure and cost models were used to analyse the expected warranty costs to


the manufacturer and the buyers. Various rectification policies were proposed and

analysed over the lifetime. In this thesis one dimensional policy were analysed and

illustrated by numerical examples for estimating costs to manufacturer and buyers.

These are important for the manufacturer or dealer when making decisions about

warranty pricing and buyers for understanding whether these policies are worth

buying or not.

• Modelling manufacturer and buyer’s risk preference for lifetime warranty policies:

In Chapter 5, decision models are developed to maximise the manufacturer/dealer’s

certainty profit equivalent. Manufacturer and buyer risk models have been developed

for optimal warranty price using manufacturer’s utility function for manufacturer’s

profit and the buyer’s utility function for repair cost. These models considered:

1) the manufacturer’s and buyer’s risk attitude towards lifetime warranties;

2) their perceptions about the product failure intensity;

3) the manufacturer’s technical monopoly in repairing failed products;

4) the buyer’s repair costs; and

5) buyers rate of return to the original manufacturer for repairing failed


• Developing policies and cost models for service contracts considering both corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance:

In Chapter 6, three policies for short-term and long-term service contracts were

developed for outsourcing maintenance. In modelling product failures and costs of

service contracts, corrective maintenance (rectification on failure) and preventive

maintenance actions (to prolong the reliability of the asset/equipment) were considered.

The service contract policies developed can be offered by the manufacturer or dealer

and/or used by service providers.

• Application of service contracts policies and cost models in estimating the cost of outsourcing rail maintenance:

In Chapter 7, a case study was presented for estimating the costs of outsourcing

maintenance of rails through service contracts. Rail failure/break data were collected


from Swedish Rail and analysed for predicting failures. Total costs of different

service contracts per Millions Gross Tonnes (MGT) were estimated.


There is a huge scope for future research in this and related areas. Some of these are.

8.3.1 Lifetime warranty policies and cost models

[A] New lifetime warranty policies can be developed by combining two or more

policies defined in Chapter 3. For example, new policies can be developed by

combining cost limit and trade in policies.

[B] This thesis developed one dimensional trade in policies. One can develop

trade in lifetime policies for two dimensional cases which consider both the

age and usage.

[C] In Chapter 4 lifetime warranty cost models were developed at a system level.

One can also developed cost models at a component level by applying

renewal, modified renewal or other related processes and aggregating to the

system level.

[D] For model simplification purposes a number of assumptions were made. To

make the model more realistic some of these assumptions can be relaxed in

future research. These are

• Discount factor is considered as 1 throughout the lifetime which

implies that the future cost is not influenced by inflation. This

assumption can be relaxed by including the discounting of the repair

cost for present value and corrections for inflation.

• In modelling costs products were assumed to have a time dependent

failure rate. The time dependent failure rate assumption made in this

thesis can be left open and a general failure rate function could be

considered in future research.

• In estimating warranty cost, it was assumed that an item failure results

in an immediate claim and all claims are valid (that is the buyer

always exercises his/her warranty). In practice, there are a number of

instances when a warranty is not exercised, even though it is possible


to do so. The percentage of buyers who actually use their warranties is

uncertain. Several factors are responsible for this uncertainty such as

the point of time in the warranty when the failure occurs, buyer’s

ignorance about his or her rights and negligence on claims.

[E] In this thesis, rectification cost per warranty claim was assumed to be

uncertain and these rectification costs were modelled as random variables

characterised by a distribution function. In real life, parameters could be

functions of type of defects and corresponding rectification action.

8.3.2 Risk Preference Models

I) The risk preference models developed in Chapter 5 can be further extended

by relaxing some of the assumptions such as possible trade-ins. Use of

second hand or used parts in rectifications is another possibility.

II) In this thesis the developed risk models considered risk averse manufacturers

and buyers. In practice, there may be risk seeker/risk neutral manufacturers

or buyers. Inclusion of different risk attitude manufacturer or buyer could be

an area for future research on risk analysis

8.3.3 Service Contract Policies and Cost Models

There is huge scope for

I. Developing integrated decision models for long-term service contracts

applicable to asset intensive industries.

II. Development of penalty rates for service provider not complying with

maintenance standards and penalty provisions for delaying the service action

for infrastructures.

III. Inclusion of other maintenance actions such as Reliability centred

maintenance; Condition based maintenance, optimal inspection policies as

servicing strategies during the contract period.

IV. These models can be further extended by including discount rate, provisions

for used items as replacement, and application of utility functions for linking

service provider’s and service receiver’s risk preferences.


8.3.4 Other Scope

Scope for future work in other related areas include decision models in logistics

associated with warranty and service contracts e.g. availability of rectification

facilities and spare parts.



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Magnuson-Moss Federal Warranty Act 1975

A Businessperson's Guide to Federal Warranty Law

State law (the Uniform Commercial Code). Sections 2-314 & 2-315. Section 2-313.

For the full legal texts listed below, consult the supplement to this manual.

The FTC's Dispute Resolution Rule, 16 C.F.R. Part 703.

REQUIREMENT I: The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, Section 102.

REQUIREMENT II: The FTC's Disclosure Rule, 16 C.F.R. Part 701.

REQUIREMENT III: The FTC's Pre-Sale Availability Rule, 16 C.F.R. Part 702.

Table of Contents


Understanding Warranties

Implied Warranties Express Warranties

Understanding the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

What the Magnuson-Moss Act Does Not Require What the Magnuson-Moss Act Requires What the Magnuson-Moss Act Does Not Allow Disclaimer or Modification of Implied Warranties "Tie-in-Sales" Provisions Deceptive Warranty Terms How the Magnuson-Moss Act May Affect Warranty Disputes Consumer Lawsuits Alternatives to Consumer Lawsuits

Titling Written Warranties as "Full" or "Limited"

What the Terms "Full" and "Limited" Mean Examples of Full Warranties, Limited Warranties, and Multiple Warranties

Stating Terms and Conditions of Your Written Warranty

Basic Information Required for All Warranties Specific Information Required When Your Warranty Contains Certain Optional Terms and Conditions

Making Warranties Available Prior to Sale

What Retailers Must Do What Mail Order Companies Must Do What Door-to-Door Sales Companies Must Do What Manufacturers Must Do

Advertising Warranties

How to Advertise Warranties Covered by the Pre-Sale Availability Rule


The FTC's Warranty Advertising Guides.

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, Section 106.

How to Advertise a Satisfaction Guarantee How to Advertise a Lifetime Warranty or Guarantee

Offering Service Contracts

Statement of Terms and Conditions Disclaimer or Limitation of Implied Warranties

Additional Sources of Information

The Act improves consumers' access to warranty information.

The Act enables consumers to comparison shop for warranties.

The Act encourages warranty competition.

The Act promotes timely and complete performance of warranty obligations.

Understanding the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act is the federal law that governs consumer product warranties. Passed by Congress in 1975, the Act requires manufacturers and sellers of consumer products to provide consumers with detailed information about warranty coverage. In addition, it affects both the rights of consumers and the obligations of warrantors under written warranties.

To understand the Act, it is useful to be aware of Congress' intentions in passing it. First, Congress wanted to ensure that consumers could get complete information about warranty terms and conditions. By providing consumers with a way of learning what warranty coverage is offered on a product before they buy, the Act gives consumers a way to know what to expect if something goes wrong, and thus helps to increase customer satisfaction.

Second, Congress wanted to ensure that consumers could compare warranty coverage before buying. By comparing, consumers can choose a product with the best combination of price, features, and warranty coverage to meet their individual needs.

Third, Congress intended to promote competition on the basis of warranty coverage. By assuring that consumers can get warranty information, the Act encourages sales promotion on the basis of warranty coverage and competition among companies to meet consumer preferences through various levels of warranty coverage.

Finally, Congress wanted to strengthen existing incentives for companies to perform their warranty obligations in a timely and thorough manner and to resolve any disputes with a minimum of delay and expense to consumers. Thus, the Act makes it easier for consumers to pursue a remedy for breach of warranty in the courts, but it also creates a framework for companies to set up procedures for resolving disputes inexpensively and informally, without litigation.

What the Magnuson-Moss Act Does Not Require In order to understand how the Act affects you as a businessperson, it


The Act does not compel you to give a written warranty.

There are three FTC Rules under the Act.

is important first to understand what the Act does not require.

First, the Act does not require any business to provide a written warranty. The Act allows businesses to determine whether to warrant their products in writing. However, once a business decides to offer a written warranty on a consumer product, it must comply with the Act.

Second, the Act does not apply to oral warranties. Only written warranties are covered.

Third, the Act does not apply to warranties on services. Only warranties on goods are covered. However, if your warranty covers both the parts provided for a repair and the workmanship in making that repair, the Act does apply to you.

Finally, the Act does not apply to warranties on products sold for resale or for commercial purposes. The Act covers only warranties on consumer products. This means that only warranties on tangible property normally used for personal, family, or household purposes are covered. (This includes property attached to or installed on real property.) Note that applicability of the Act to a particular product does not, however, depend upon how an individual buyer will use it.

The following section of this manual summarizes what the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act requires warrantors to do, what it prohibits them from doing, and how it affects warranty disputes.

What the Magnuson-Moss Act Requires In passing the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, Congress specified a number of requirements that warrantors must meet. Congress also directed the FTC to adopt rules to cover other requirements. The FTC adopted three Rules under the Act, the Rule on Disclosure of Written Consumer Product Warranty Terms and Conditions (the Disclosure Rule), the Rule on Pre-Sale Availability of Written Warranty Terms (the Pre-Sale Availability Rule), and the Rule on Informal Dispute Settlement Procedures (the Dispute Resolution Rule). In addition, the FTC has issued an interpretive rule that clarifies certain terms and explains some of the provisions of the Act. This section summarizes all the requirements under the Act and the Rules.

The Act and the Rules establish three basic requirements that may apply to you, either as a warrantor or a seller.

1. As a warrantor, you must designate, or title, your written warranty as either "full" or "limited."

2. As a warrantor, you must state certain specified information about the coverage of your warranty in a single, clear, and easy-to-read document.

3. As a warrantor or a seller, you must ensure that warranties are available where your warranted consumer products are sold so that consumers can read them before buying.

The titling requirement, established by the Act, applies to all written warranties on consumer products costing more than $10. However, the disclosure and pre-sale availability requirements, established by FTC Rules, apply to all written warranties on consumer products costing


Section 102 of the Act directs how to title your warranty.

The Disclosure Rule {16 C.F.R. Part 701} directs what you must include in your warranty.

The Pre-Sale Availability Rule {16 C.F. R. Part 702} directs how to make your warranty available before sale.

If you give a written warranty on a consumer product, Section 108 of the Act prevents you from eliminating or restricting implied warranties.

more than $15. Each of these three general requirements is explained in greater detail in the following chapters.

What the Magnuson-Moss Act Does Not Allow There are three prohibitions under the Magnuson-Moss Act. They involve implied warranties, so-called "tie-in sales" provisions, and deceptive or misleading warranty terms.

Disclaimer or Modification of Implied Warranties The Act prohibits anyone who offers a written warranty from disclaiming or modifying implied warranties. This means that no matter how broad or narrow your written warranty is, your customers always will receive the basic protection of the implied warranty of merchantability. This is explained in Understanding Warranties.

There is one permissible modification of implied warranties, however. If you offer a "limited" written warranty, the law allows you to include a provision that restricts the duration of implied warranties to the duration of your limited warranty. For example, if you offer a two-year limited warranty, you can limit implied warranties to two years. However, if you offer a "full" written warranty, you cannot limit the duration of implied warranties. This matter is explained in Titling Written Warranties as "Full" or "Limited".

If you sell a consumer product with a written warranty from the product manufacturer, but you do not warrant the product in writing, you can disclaim your implied warranties. (These are the implied warranties under which the seller, not the manufacturer, would otherwise be responsible.) But, regardless of whether you warrant the products you sell, as a seller, you must give your customers copies of any written warranties from product manufacturers.

"Tie-In Sales" Provisions Generally, tie-in sales provisions are not allowed. Such a provision would require a purchaser of the warranted product to buy an item or service from a particular company to use with the warranted product in order to be eligible to receive a remedy under the warranty. The following are examples of prohibited tie-in sales provisions.

In order to keep your new Plenum Brand Vacuum Cleaner warranty in effect, you must use genuine Plenum Brand Filter Bags. Failure to have scheduled maintenance performed, at your expense, by the Great American Maintenance Company, Inc., voids this warranty.

While you cannot use a tie-in sales provision, your warranty need not cover use of replacement parts, repairs, or maintenance that is inappropriate for your product. The following is an example of a permissible provision that excludes coverage of such things.

While necessary maintenance or repairs on your AudioMundo Stereo System can be performed by any company, we recommend that you use only authorized AudioMundo dealers. Improper or incorrectly performed maintenance or repair voids this warranty.

Although tie-in sales provisions generally are not allowed, you can include such a provision in your warranty if you can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FTC that your product will not work properly


With some exceptions, Section 102 (c) of the Act prohibits you from including a tie-in sales provision in your warranty.

These are examples of prohibited tie-in sales provisions.

This is an example of a permissible warranty provision to use instead of a tie-in.

without a specified item or service. If you believe that this is the case, you should contact the warranty staff of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection for information on how to apply for a waiver of the tie-in sales prohibition.

Deceptive Warranty Terms Obviously, warranties must not contain deceptive or misleading terms. You cannot offer a warranty that appears to provide coverage but, in fact, provides none. For example, a warranty covering only "moving parts" on an electronic product that has no moving parts would be deceptive and unlawful. Similarly, a warranty that promised service that the warrantor had no intention of providing or could not provide would be deceptive and unlawful.

How the Magnuson Moss Act May Affect Warranty Disputes Two other features of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act are also important to warrantors. First, the Act makes it easier for consumers to take an unresolved warranty problem to court. Second, it encourages companies to use a less formal, and therefore less costly, alternative to legal proceedings. Such alternatives, known as dispute resolution mechanisms, often can be used to settle warranty complaints before they reach litigation.

Consumer Lawsuits The Act makes it easier for purchasers to sue for breach of warranty by making breach of warranty a violation of federal law, and by allowing consumers to recover court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. This means that if you lose a lawsuit for breach of either a written or an implied warranty, you may have to pay the customer's costs for bringing the suit, including lawyer's fees.

Because of the stringent federal jurisdictional requirements under the Act, most Magnuson-Moss lawsuits are brought in state court. However, major cases involving many consumers can be brought in federal court as class action suits under the Act.

Although the consumer lawsuit provisions may have little effect on your warranty or your business, they are important to remember if you are involved in warranty disputes.

Alternatives to Consumer Lawsuits Although the Act makes consumer lawsuits for breach of warranty easier to bring, its goal is not to promote more warranty litigation. On the contrary, the Act encourages companies to use informal dispute resolution mechanisms to settle warranty disputes with their customers. Basically, an informal dispute resolution mechanism is a system that works to resolve warranty problems that are at a stalemate. Such a mechanism may be run by an impartial third party, such as the Better Business Bureau, or by company employees whose only job is to administer the informal dispute resolution system. The impartial third party uses conciliation, mediation, or arbitration to settle warranty disputes.

The Act allows warranties to include a provision that requires customers to try to resolve warranty disputes by means of the informal dispute resolution mechanism before going to court. (This provision applies only to cases based upon the Magnuson-Moss Act.) If you


Section 110(c) (2) of the Act prohibits deceptive warranties.

Section 110(d) of the Act makes breach of warranty a violation of federal law, and enables consumers to recover attorneys' fees.


include such a requirement in your warranty, your dispute resolution mechanism must meet the requirements stated in the FTC's Rule on Informal Dispute Settlement Procedures (the Dispute Resolution Rule). Briefly, the Rule requires that a mechanism must:

• Be adequately funded and staffed to resolve all disputes quickly;

• Be available free of charge to consumers; • Be able to settle disputes independently, without influence

from the parties involved; • Follow written procedures; • Inform both parties when it receives notice of a dispute; • Gather, investigate, and organize all information necessary to

decide each dispute fairly and quickly; • Provide each party an opportunity to present its side, to

submit supporting materials, and to rebut points made by the other party; (the mechanism may allow oral presentations, but only if both parties agree);

• Inform both parties of the decision and the reasons supporting it within 40 days of receiving notice of a dispute;

• Issue decisions that are not binding; either party must be free to take the dispute to court if dissatisfied with the decision (however, companies may, and often do, agree to be bound by the decision);

• Keep complete records on all disputes; and • Be audited annually for compliance with the Rule.

It is clear from these standards that informal dispute resolution mechanisms under the Dispute Resolution Rule are not "informal" in the sense of being unstructured. Rather, they are informal because they do not involve the technical rules of evidence, procedure, and precedents that a court of law must use.

Currently, the FTC's staff is evaluating the Dispute Resolution Rule to determine if informal dispute resolution mechanisms can be made simpler and easier to use. To obtain more information about this review, contact the FTC's warranty staff.

As stated previously, you do not have to comply with the Dispute Resolution Rule if you do not require consumers to use a mechanism before bringing suit under the Magnuson-Moss Act. You may want to consider establishing a mechanism that will make settling warranty disputes easier, even though it may not meet the standards of the Dispute Resolution Rule.


Deceptive warranty advertising is unlawful.

The FTC's Guides for the Advertising of Warranties and Guarantees {16 C.FR. Part 239} can advise you on how to advertise your warranty.

Advertisements for products covered by the Pre-Sale Availability Rule need only state that the warranty can be seen where the product is sold. {16 C.F.R. 239.2}.

Advertising Warranties

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act does not cover the advertising of warranties. However, warranty advertising falls within the scope of the FTC Act, which generally prohibits "unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce." Therefore, it is a violation of the FTC Act to advertise a warranty deceptively.

To help companies understand what the law requires, the FTC has issued guidelines called the Guides for Advertising Warranties and Guarantees. To obtain a copy, see Additional Sources of Information. However, the Guides do not cover every aspect of warranty advertising, and cannot substitute for consultation with your lawyer on warranty advertising matters.

The Guides cover three principal topics: how to advertise a warranty that is covered by the Pre-Sale Availability Rule; how to advertise a satisfaction guarantee; and how to advertise a lifetime guarantee or warranty.

How to Advertise Warranties Covered by the Pre-Sale Availability Rule In general, the Guides advise that if a print or broadcast ad for a consumer product mentions a warranty, and the advertised product is covered by the Pre Sale Availability Rule (that is, the product is sold in stores for more than $15) the ad should inform consumers that a copy of the warranty is available to read prior to sale at the place where the product is sold. Print or broadcast advertisements that mention a warranty on any consumer product that can be purchased through the mail or by telephone should inform consumers how to get a copy of the warranty.

For advertisements of consumer products costing $15 or less, the Guides do not call for the pre-sale availability disclosure. Instead, the Guides advise that the FTC's legal decisions and policy statements are the sole sources of guidance on how to avoid unfairness or deception in advertising warranties. Consult your attorney for assistance in researching and applying the FTC's case decisions and policy statements.

How to Advertise a Satisfaction Guarantee The Guides advise that, regardless of the price of the product, advertising terms such as "satisfaction guaranteed" or "money back guarantee" should be used only if the advertiser is willing to provide full refunds to customers when, for any reason, they return the merchandise.

The Guides further advise that an ad mentioning a satisfaction guarantee or similar offer should inform consumers of any material conditions or limitations on the offer. For example, a restriction on the offer to a specific time period, such as 30 days, is a material condition that should be disclosed.

How to Advertise a Lifetime Warranty or Guarantee


"Satisfaction" and "Money back" guarantees constitute an offer of a full refund for any reason.{16 C.F.R. §239.3}.

Clarify what you are talking about when you advertise a "lifetime" warranty. {16 C.F.R. §239.4}.

"Lifetime" warranties or guarantees can be a source of confusion for consumers. This is because it is often difficult to tell just whose life measures the period of coverage. "Lifetime" can be used in at least three ways. For example, a warrantor of an auto muffler may intend his "lifetime" warranty's duration to be for the life of the car on which the muffler is installed. In this case, the muffler warranty would be transferable to subsequent owners of the car and would remain in effect throughout the car's useful life.

Or the warrantor of the muffler might intend a "lifetime" warranty to last as long as the original purchaser of the muffler owns the car on which the muffler is installed. Although commonly used, this is an inaccurate application of the term "lifetime."

Finally, "lifetime" can be used to describe a warranty that lasts as long as the original purchaser of the product lives. This is probably the least common usage of the term.

The Guides advise that to avoid confusing consumers about the duration of a "lifetime" warranty or guarantee, ads should tell consumers which "life" measures the warranty's duration In that way, consumers will know which meaning of the term "lifetime" you intend.

Section 106 of the Act deals with service contracts.

Service contracts, unlike warranties, are purchased separately from a product.

Offering Service Contracts

A service contract is an optional agreement for product service that customers sometimes buy. It provides additional protection beyond what the warranty offers on the product. Service contracts are similar to warranties in that both concern service for a product. However, there are differences between warranties and service contracts.

Warranties come with a product and are included in the purchase price. In the language of the Act, warranties are "part of the basis of the bargain" Service contracts, on the other hand, are agreements that are separate from the contract or sale of the product. They are separate either because they are made some time after the sale of the product, or because they cost the customer a fee beyond the purchase price of the product.

The Act includes very broad provisions governing service contracts that are explained in the following sections.

Statement of Terms and Conditions If you offer a service contract, the Act requires you to list


Section 108 (a) of the Act prohibits you from disclaiming. warranties on a product if you sell a service contract on it.

conspicuously all terms and conditions in simple and readily understood language. However, unlike warranties, service contracts are not required to be titled "full" or "limited,' or to contain the special standard disclosures. In fact, using warranty disclosures in service contracts could confuse customers about whether the agreement is a warranty or a service contract.

The company that makes the service contract is responsible for ensuring that the terms and conditions are disclosed as required by law. This is not the responsibility of the seller of the service contract, unless the seller and the maker are the same company.

Disclaimer or Limitation of Implied Warranties Sellers of consumer products who make service contracts on their products are prohibited under the Act from disclaiming or limiting implied warranties. (Remember also that sellers who extend written warranties on consumer products cannot disclaim implied warranties, regardless of whether they make service contracts on their products.) However, sellers of consumer products that merely sell service contracts as agents of service contract companies and do not themselves extend written warranties can disclaim implied warranties on the products they sell.

Additional Sources of Information

For a supplement to this booklet containing texts of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, the related FTC Rules, and the FTC Warranty Advertising Guides, write:

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Response Center

Washington, D.C. 20580

For additional copies of this publication or for other FTC warranty related business manuals, contact the U.S. Government Printing Sales Office at (202) 783-3238.

Your Opportunity to Comment The Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman and 10 Regional Fairness Boards collect comments from small business about federal enforcement actions. Each year, the Ombudsman evaluates enforcement activities and rates each agency’s responsiveness to small business. To comment on FTC actions, call 1-888-734-3247.

[back to top]







MAPLE PROGRAM FOR MANUFACTURER’S COST FOR FRLTW > with(linalg): Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected > with(DEtools);

DEnormal DEplot DEplot3d DEplot_polygon DFactor DFactorLCLM DFactorsols, , , , , , ,[Dchangevar GCRD LCLM MeijerGsols PDEchangecoords RiemannPsols, , , , , ,Xchange Xcommutator Xgauge abelsol adjoint autonomous bernoullisol, , , , , , ,buildsol buildsym canoni caseplot casesplit checkrank chinisol clairautsol, , , , , , , ,constcoeffsols convertAlg convertsys dalembertsol dcoeffs de2diffop dfieldplot, , , , , , ,diffop2de dpolyform dsubs eigenring endomorphism_charpoly equinv eta_k, , , , , , ,eulersols exactsol expsols exterior_power firint firtest formal_sol gen_exp, , , , , , , ,generate_ic genhomosol gensys hamilton_eqs hypergeomsols hyperode, , , , , ,indicialeq infgen initialdata integrate_sols intfactor invariants kovacicsols, , , , , , ,leftdivision liesol line_int linearsol matrixDE matrix_riccati maxdimsystems, , , , , , ,moser_reduce muchange mult mutest newton_polygon normalG2 odeadvisor, , , , , , ,odepde parametricsol phaseportrait poincare polysols ratsols redode, , , , , , ,reduceOrder reduce_order regular_parts regularsp remove_RootOf, , , , ,riccati_system riccatisol rifread rifsimp rightdivision rtaylor separablesol, , , , , , ,solve_group super_reduce symgen symmetric_power symmetric_product symtest, , , , , ,transinv translate untranslate varparam zoom, , , , ]

> y:=(lambda^beta*x^beta)*(rho*exp(-rho*x))/(exp(-rho*l)-exp(-rho*u));

:= y λβ xβ ρ e( )−ρ x

− e( )−ρ l

e( )−ρ u

> z:=int(y,x=l..u); := z 2.34815265

> eval(z); 2.34815265

> eval(z); 2.34815265

> lambda:=.443; := λ .443

> beta:=2; := β 2


> rho:=.2; := ρ .2

> l:=4; := l 4

> u:=6; > cr:=100;

:= u 6 := cr 100

> z:=int(y,x=2..5); := z 4.79412626

> s:=z*cr; := s 479.4126260



MAPLE PROGRAM FOR CUSTOMER’S COST FOR SPELTW-APP1 > with(linalg): Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected > with(DEtools); Warning, the name adjoint has been redefined

transinv translate untranslate varparam zoom, , , , ]

> y:=((lambda*L)^beta)*(rho*exp(-rho*L))/(exp(-rho*l)-exp(-rho*u));

:= y ( )λ L β ρ e( )−ρ L

− e( )−ρ l

e( )−ρ u

> z:=int(y,L=l..u);

:= z d⌠



( )λ L β ρ e( )−ρ L

− e( )−ρ l

e( )−ρ u L

> lambda:=.443;beta:=2;rho:=.4;p:=.4;l:=1.5;u:=2;c:=100; := λ .443

:= β 2 := ρ .4 := p .4

:= l 1.5 := u 2

:= c 100

> s:=c*p*z; := s 23.97545650




> with(linalg): Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected > with(DEtools); Warning, the name adjoint has been redefined

transinv translate untranslate varparam zoom, , , , ]

> y:=((lambda*L)^beta)*(rho*exp(-rho*L))/(exp(-rho*l)-exp(-rho*u));

:= y ( )λ L β ρ e( )−ρ L

− e( )−ρ l

e( )−ρ u

> z:=int(y,L=l..u);

:= z d⌠



( )λ L β ρ e( )−ρ L

− e( )−ρ l

e( )−ρ u L

> lambda:=.443;beta:=2;rho:=.4;q:=.6;l:=4;u:=5;c:=100; := λ .443

:= β 2 := ρ .4 := q .6 := l 4 := u 5

:= c 100

> s:=c*q*z; := s 235.9058958



MAPLE PROGRAM FOR CUSTOMER’S COST FOR SPELTW-APP 2 > with(linalg): Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected > with(DEtools): Warning, the name adjoint has been redefined > y:=(lambda*L)^beta*rho*exp(-rho*L)/(exp(-rho*l)-exp(-rho*u));

:= y( )λ L β ρ e

( )−ρ L

− e( )−ρ l

e( )−ρ u

> z:=int(y,L=l..u); := z 1.617143894

> lambda:=.241;beta:=2.31;rho:=.4;c:=70;l:=4;u:=6.5; := λ .241 := β 2.31 := ρ .4 := c 70 := l 4

:= u 6.5

> k:=evalf(z); := k 1.193047157

> k := 1.193047157161.71; > s:=k*c;

:= s 105.0782292




> with(linalg): Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected > with(DEtools); > y:=((lambda*L)^beta)*(rho*exp(-rho*L))/(exp(-rho*l)-exp(-rho*u));

:= y ( )λ L β ρ e( )−ρ L

− e( )−ρ l

e( )−ρ u

> z:=int(y,L=l..u);

:= z d⌠



( )λ L β ρ e( )−ρ L

− e( )−ρ l

e( )−ρ u L

> lambda:=.443;beta:=2;rho:=.4;q:=.6;l:=4;u:=5;c:=100; := λ .443

:= β 2 := ρ .4 := q .6 := l 4 := u 5

:= c 100

> s:=c*q*z; := s 235.9058958




















MATLAB PROGRAM FOR ESTIMATING RAIL FAILURE PARAMETERS function weibull_rail(d) %WEIBULL_RAIL Create plot of datasets and fits %WEIBULL_RAIL(D) %Created by Anisur Rahmana %Creates a plot, similar to the plot in the main distribution fitting window, using the data %that you provide as input. % This function was generated on 05-Sep-2006 18:20:56 % Data from dataset "d data": % Y = d d = d(:); % Set up figure to receive datasets and fits f_ = clf; figure(f_); set(f_,'Units','Pixels','Position',[427 306 680 475.45]); legh_ = []; legt_ = {}; % handles and text for legend probplot('weibull'); ax_ = gca; title(ax_,''); set(ax_,'Box','on'); grid(ax_,'on'); hold on; % --- Plot data originally in dataset "d data" t_ = ~isnan(d); Data_ = d(t_); h_ = probplot(ax_,Data_,[],[],'noref'); % add to probability plot set(h_,'Color',[0.333333 0 0.666667],'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',6); xlabel('Data'); ylabel('Probability') legh_(end+1) = h_; legt_{end+1} = 'd data'; % Nudge axis limits beyond data limits xlim_ = get(ax_,'XLim'); if all(isfinite(xlim_)) xlim_ = exp(log(xlim_) + [-1 1] * 0.01 * diff(log(xlim_))); set(ax_,'XLim',xlim_) end x_ = linspace(xlim_(1),xlim_(2),100); % --- Create fit "fit 2" % Fit this distribution to get parameter values


t_ = ~isnan(d); Data_ = d(t_); % To use parameter estimates from the original fit: p_ = [386.8401716648, 2.789396489728]; p_ = wblfit(Data_, 0.05); h_ = probplot(ax_,@wblcdf,p_); set(h_,'Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-', 'LineWidth',2); legh_(end+1) = h_; legt_{end+1} = 'fit 2'; hold off; h_ = legend(ax_,legh_,legt_,'Location','NorthWest'); set(h_,'Interpreter','none');



Quality of maintenance can be measured by its effectiveness on the reliability or serviceability of the component that simply means how a maintenance action can extend the service life. If a maintenance action has a capability to extend the service life of a component with an expected service life of 30 years to 35 years, then the quality of maintenance can be determined as follows: Quality of maintenance



LLL 0−

=α = 35

3035 − = 0.16.

Where, Le = Extended service life L0 = Expected service life without this type of maintenance Quality of maintenance ranges from 0 to 1. The quality of minimal repair action can be considered as almost ‘0’, as this type of maintenance action cannot make a significant improvement of reliability of the component. As for example, a simple painting of a Power Supply wooden pole can extend the service life of the pole in an average 1-3 years which gives a value of α that falls in the range 0.02 to 0.08, if we consider the normal service life wooden pole to be between 35 – 40 years. This range provides an almost zero restoration of reliability. On the other hand, a mechanical reinstatement action has an ability to extend the service life of wood pole ten to fifteen years that gives a value of α approximately equal to 0.3 or more. Once again the quality of maintenance is very much related to the cost of maintenance. The greater is the quality of maintenance, the higher is the cost of maintenance. This will be considered and included in deciding servicing strategies.



MAPLE Program for the Model With Maintenance Quality alpha = 0.16, Beta = 2.78, λ = .00259 with(linalg): > x:='x':RealN:='RealN':RealXmin:='RealXmin':m:='m': > RealCmin:='RealCmin':a:='a':C:='C':N:='N': > cmr:=150.0: al:=0.16:cpm:=400:be:=2.78: lambda:=.189: ep:=0.1: > a:=(sum((k-k*al+1)^be-(k-k*al)^be,k=0..N));

a := Sk = 0

N0.8400000000 k + 1.( ) /6 5( ) - 0.8112134511 k /6 5( )( )

> m:=400:xmin:=array(1..m):Cmin=array(1..m): > for N from 1 to m do > C:=(1/N/x)*(cmr*(x^be*lambda^be)*a+(N)*cpm); > y1:=diff(C,x);xmin[N]:=fsolve(y1=0,x,0.1..m); > Cmin[N]:=subs( x=xmin[N], C ); > if xmin[N]<m/N then > Cmin[N]:=subs( x=xmin[N], C ); > else > xmin[N]:=m/N;Cmin[N]:=subs( x=xmin[N], C );fi: > od: > > RealCmin:=Cmin[1]:RealXmin:=xmin[1]: > for N from 1 to m do > if Cmin[N]<RealCmin then > RealCmin:=Cmin[N]: > RealXmin:=xmin[N]: > RealN:=N: > fi: > od: > [RealN,RealXmin,RealCmin];

[5, 52.6526589, 5.98001]



MAPLE Program for the Model With Maintenance Quality alpha = 0.16, Beta = 2.789, and Nu = 407 > with(linalg): Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected > x:='x':RealN:='RealN':RealXmin:='RealXmin':m:='m': > RealCmin:='RealCmin':a:='a':C:='C':N:='N': > cmr:=150.0: al:=0.16:cpm:=440:cre:=1700:be:=2.78: nu:=400: > a:=(sum((k-k*al+1)^be-(k-k*al)^be,k=0..N));

a := Sk = 0


0.8400000000 k + 1.( )




- 0.6158804455 k






> m:=300:xmin:=array(1..m):Cmin=array(1..m): > for N from 1 to m do > C:=(1/N/x)*(cmr*(x^be/nu^be)*a+(N-1)*cpm+cre); > y1:=diff(C,x);xmin[N]:=fsolve(y1=0,x,0.1..m); > Cmin[N]:=subs( x=xmin[N], C ); > if xmin[N]<m/N then > Cmin[N]:=subs( x=xmin[N], C ); > else > xmin[N]:=m/N;Cmin[N]:=subs( x=xmin[N], C );fi: > od: > > RealCmin:=Cmin[1]:RealXmin:=xmin[1]: > for N from 1 to m do > if Cmin[N]<RealCmin then > RealCmin:=Cmin[N]: > RealXmin:=xmin[N]: > RealN:=N: > fi: > od: > [RealN,RealXmin,RealCmin];

5, 65.8214796, 5.48770[ ]