modularizing crosscutting concerns in software

Modularizing Modularizing Crosscutting Crosscutting Concerns in Concerns in Software Software Nalin Saigal

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Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software. Nalin Saigal. Joint work with. Publications. Jay Ligatti Adriana Iamnitchi Joshua Finnis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Modularizing Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns Crosscutting Concerns

in Softwarein Software

Nalin Saigal

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PublicationsPublications[1] Nalin Saigal and Jay Ligatti. Modularizing crosscutting, overlapping

concerns with IVCon. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. In submission.

[2] Joshua Finnis, Nalin Saigal, Adriana Iamnitchi, and Jay Ligatti. A location-based policy-specification language for mobile devices. Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal. In press.

[3] Nalin Saigal and Jay Ligatti. Inline visualization of concerns. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management, and Applications, 2009.

[4] Jay Ligatti, Billy Rickey, and Nalin Saigal. LoPSiL: A location-based policy-specification language. In International ICST Conference on Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems (MobiSec), June 2009.


• Jay Ligatti• Adriana Iamnitchi• Joshua Finnis

Joint work withJoint work with

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Software Development Software Development LifecycleLifecycleDesign

◦Create a structure for the softwareImplement

◦Write code for the softwareTest

◦Ensure it works correctly


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Software Development Software Development LifecycleLifecycleDesign

◦Create a structure for the software◦Organize software’s functionality into

various modules◦Final software is modularized.


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Code ModularizationCode ModularizationThe practice of organizing code

into modules Helps separate different

functionalities of software from one another


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More Specifically…More Specifically…

All the code implementing one functionality, which otherwise might be scattered, gets organized into the same module, e.g., function, class, package, or aspect

The programmer can deal with all invariants of one functionality in one place

This makes code easier to write, locate, understand, and maintain







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Stack ExampleStack Exampleint stack[MAX_SIZE];

int size = 0;


//Pushing a onto stack

stack[size] = a;


//Pushing b onto stack

stack[size] = b;


//Popping b


int a1 = stack[size];

//Popping a


int a2 = stack[size];


We can modularize the operations being performed here by defining a class called stack.


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Stack ExampleStack Exampleclass stack {

int a[MAX_SIZE];

int size = 0;

void push(int data) {

stack[size] = data;



int pop() {


return stack[size];






int a1 = my_stack.pop();

int a2 = my_stack.pop();


An application developer does not need to know how the stack is implemented

We can make changes to the stack implementation without even letting the application developer know

Modularized stack implementation

Application developer’s code


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Stack ExampleStack Exampleclass stack {

int a[MAX_SIZE];

int size = 0;

void push(int data) {

if (size == MAX_SIZE–1)


stack[size] = data;



int pop() {

if (size == 0)



return stack[size];






int a1 = my_stack.pop();

int a2 = my_stack.pop();


Observe that code written by the application developer doesn’t change


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ProblemProblemConventionally, software engineers try to

separate code segments that are orthogonal in their functionality into distinct modules

In practice, this doesn’t happenExample

◦ This code implements login, security, GUI, and authentication concerns:

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,“Login Attempt Failed.”,“Error”,JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

Which module out of login, security, GUI, and authentication should this code be present in?

Peri Tarr et al. call this problem the “tyranny of dominant decomposition”


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Crosscutting ConcernsCrosscutting ConcernsPrevious problem: one code segment

may implement many concernsConverse problem: one concern may

be implemented by many code segments(i.e., the concern is scattered)

If the code implementing C is scattered throughout code implementing other concerns, we say that C crosscuts through other functional concerns


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ExampleExampleString passWord


boolean allow = this.authenticate(passWord);

File file = new File(“output.log”);

if (allow) {

file.write(“Access granted.”);

file.close(); }

else {

file.write(“Access Denied”);


return; }

The security concern crosscuts the rest of the code

Therefore, the security concern is called a CrossCutting Concern (CCC).


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ExampleExampleA security

engineer would have to go through the whole program to locate code that implements security

However, if code is isolated, the security engineer only needs to locate the security module



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RefactoringRefactoringRestructuring code to improve

readability, without changing its functionality◦An iterative process

Martin Fowler mentions 72 refactoring techniques in his book*

For example:◦Extract into Method ◦Extract into Class

14 *Martin Fowler. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Addison-Wesley, 1999

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Extract into Extract into Method(Example)Method(Example)void withdrawAndDisplay(float amt) {

this.balance = this.balance - amt;

System.out.println("Name: " +;

System.out.println("Balance: " + this.balance);


void withdrawAndDisplay(float amt) {

this.balance = this.balance - amt;



void printDetails() {

System.out.println("Name: " +;

System.out.println("Balance: " + this.balance);




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Extract into Extract into Method(Example)Method(Example)

void withdrawAndDisplay(float amt) {

this.balance = this.balance - amt;



void printDetails() {

System.out.println("Name: " +;

System.out.println("Balance: " + this.balance);




void withdrawAndDisplay(float amt) {

this.balance = this.balance - amt;

System.out.println("Name: " +;

System.out.println("Balance: " + this.balance);


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Extract into Extract into Method(Example)Method(Example)

void withdrawAndDisplay(float amt) {

this.balance = this.balance - amt;



void printDetails() {

System.out.println("Name: " +;

System.out.println("Balance: " + this.balance);




void withdrawAndDisplay(float amt) {

this.balance = this.balance - amt;

System.out.println("Name: " +;

System.out.println("Balance: " + this.balance);


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However…However…Ultimately leads to relocation of codeSo, if changes need to be made to withdrawAndDisplay’s functionality, we would have to locate printDetails also and then edit it◦Unless withdrawAndDisplay’s

functionality was completely unrelated to that of printDetails i.e., they were functionally orthogonal

◦But it’s notUltimately adds to the code-

scattering problem discussed earlier


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Affects Code MaintenanceAffects Code MaintenanceTraditional modularization

constructs and code refactoring hinder code maintenance

We observed this while working on a case study with JHotDraw (framework for developing graphical editors)

◦ Recursively refactored/modularized code◦ Implemented in ~ 33,000 LoC◦ To add one feature to JHotDraw, we had

to make changes in 5 files19

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ReasonReasonThe problem stems from these two

properties of code:1. A particular functionality is implemented

by multiple code segments2. A particular code segment implements

multiple functionalitiesThus, there exist many-to-many

relationships between code and concerns

Traditional modularization constructs and refactoring techniques only allow users to encapsulate the 1st property


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◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 21

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IVCon (IVCon (IInline nline VVisualization of isualization of ConConcerns)cerns)GUI-based tool to modularize CCCs

in the presence of multi-concern code

Users can switch back and forth between two equivalent views of their code:◦Woven view◦Unwoven view

Users can also edit code in both these views


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1. Woven view: Displays program code in colors that indicate which concerns various code segments implement


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2. Unwoven view: Displays code in two panels, one showing the core of the program, and the other showing all the modularized concerns (each displayed in isolation)


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IVCon Feature: Relationships IVCon Feature: Relationships between Concerns and Codebetween Concerns and CodeUsers can assign scattered code to the same


The same code can be assigned to multiple concerns

IVCon allows users to define many-to-many relationships between concerns and code


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Another IVCon Feature: Another IVCon Feature: Concern-assignment Concern-assignment GranularityGranularityIVCon enforces token-level

granularity in concern assignmentsCode assigned to a concern must begin and end at the beginning and ending of language-level tokens

accessLog.append("About to read from file “ + this.toString());

accessLog.append("About to read from file “ + this.toString());

accessLog.append("About to read from file “ + this.toString());

accessLog.append("About to read from file “ + this.toString());

accessLog.append("About to read from file “ + this.toString());


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Motivation for Token-level Motivation for Token-level GranularityGranularityFiner granularity levels are

inappropriate because tokens are the core semantic units of programming languages◦It won’t make sense to start

concerns from the middle of a tokenCoarser granularity in concern

assignment would reduce precision in concern assignments


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Related WorkRelated WorkIVCon relates most closely to

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and aspect-visualization tools

AOP strives to ease the specification and manipulation of CCCs in software

AOPLs use aspects to do soAspect Advice

Code that implements CCCs


Locations in programwhere the advice

should be executed28

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Related Work: AOPLsRelated Work: AOPLsTypical Aspect-oriented program:


Core progra


Programmer’s view View during execution


IVCon’s unwoven view corresponds to a programmer’s view of an aspect-oriented program

IVCon’s woven view corresponds to the runtime view of the aspect-oriented program 29

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Related Work: Concern Related Work: Concern Visualization ToolsVisualization Tools

Unlike existing tools, IVCon does all of the following:◦Provides dual views (woven and

unwoven) of user code◦Enforces token-level granularity in

concern assignments◦Enables users to modify identical

concern-code in one place◦Isolates concerns into modules◦Enables users to define many-to-many

relationships between concerns and code

◦Provides a GUI30

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Comparison of IVCon with Related Comparison of IVCon with Related WorkWork


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◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 32

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Policy-specification Policy-specification LanguagesLanguages

Policy-specification languages are domain-specific programming languages designed to make it easier to specify and enforce sound security policiespolicy allowOnlyHTTP(Socket s) {if (s.getPort() == 80 ||

s.getPort() == 443) then ALLOW else DISALLOW


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Policy-specification Policy-specification LanguagesLanguages

Useful for modularizing security implementations

Security is a functionally orthogonal concern◦Thus, security implementations could be

effectively modularized using traditional modularization techniques

To examine this claim further, we have designed and implemented a policy-specification language for mobile devices◦Based off traditional modularization

constructs (aspects) 34

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MotivationMotivationIncreased computation power of

phones◦Users need to treat and secure their

phones like computers◦However, this doesn’t happen

Makes it easier for a motivated malicious user to gain access to a phone and private information on that phone


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Motivation (contd…)Motivation (contd…)Open mobile platforms (iPhone,

Android, etc.) allow any programmer to write software for phones

Most programmers might not test their software to ensure minimal security holes

Thus, even when a software developer’s intent may be good, it does not necessarily translate into secure software.


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LoPSiL: A Location-based Policy-LoPSiL: A Location-based Policy-specification Languagespecification LanguageLoPSiL is a location-based policy-

specification language As far as we are aware, LoPSiL is the

first expressive (Turing-complete) policy-specification language that targets location-based policies◦LoPSiL’s novelty is that it provides

abstractions for conveniently accessing and manipulating location information in policies

Location constructs make LoPSiL ideal for mobile devices


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Related WorkRelated WorkMany expressive policy-specification languages

and systems have been implemented Implemented as compilers that convert

untrusted into trusted applications


UntrustedApplication Program


Application Program

The trusted application program is equivalent to the untrusted program except that it contains inlined code that enforces the policy at runtime


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Several languages and systems employ this architecture◦E.g., Naccio, PoET/PSLang, Polymer◦But it can be inconvenient to specify mobile-

device policies in these languages because they lack primitives for managing location information

On the other hand, some policy-specification languages do provide primitives for managing location information◦E.g., OpenAmbient, Geo-RBAC◦But these languages are Turing-incomplete

and limited to access-control policies

Related WorkRelated Work


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Comparison of LoPSiL with Comparison of LoPSiL with Related WorkRelated WorkLanguage

Provides LocationConstruct




Allows flexiblemanipulation of

location information



Ponder No Yes No No



No Yes No No

Naccio No Yes No No

Polymer No Yes No Yes

Deeds No Yes No No

SpatialP Yes Yes No No


Yes No Yes No

Geo-RBAC Yes No Yes No

Android Yes No Yes No

LoPSiL Yes Yes Yes No40

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◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 41

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Woven ViewWoven View

Woven-body panel is where users

write and view their complete code.


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Woven ViewWoven View

Concern-legend panel lists all the

concerns defined by the user


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Woven ViewWoven View

Concerns-at-current-position panel displays the concerns implemented by the code at the current cursor position.


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Woven ViewWoven ViewUsers explicitly assign code to

concernsEach time users assigns code to a

concern, they define a regionCode gets displayed in color of the

concern it implementsIf code implements multiple

concerns, it’s displayed in white text over a multi-concern background

Users can edit code, including concern code, without restrictions


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Other Operations in IVCon’s Other Operations in IVCon’s Woven ViewWoven ViewEdit concerns (name and/or

color)De-assign concerns from code.Remove concernsRename code regionsChange multi-concern



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Unwoven ViewUnwoven View

The concern-legend panel and the concerns-at-current-position panel remain the same as in the woven view

The woven-body panel gets divides into two panels: the unwoven-body panel, and the unwoven-concerns panel


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Unwoven-body panel displays the core of the

user’s program i.e., code that has not been assigned to any


Unwoven ViewUnwoven View


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Replaces code assigned to concerns with holes (□) of the appropriate


Unwoven ViewUnwoven View


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Unwoven-concerns panel shows

each concern in an isolated module

Unwoven ViewUnwoven View


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Concern ModulesConcern ModulesConcern modules display various code segments that implement a concern along with the names of the regions where they appear


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Concern ModulesConcern ModulesConcern modules can also contain constructs called Flags, which are used to indicate overlap between concerns


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Centralized Code UpdatesCentralized Code UpdatesSyntactically equal code assigned

to the same concern gets displayed only once in the unwoven-concerns panel

Enables users to modify syntactically equal code segments centrally


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Centralized Code Updates - Centralized Code Updates - ExampleExample

if (buffer.getSize() > 512) buffer.truncate(512);if (getTimeElapsed() > 2000) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Request timed out","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

if (buffer.getSize() > □)buffer.truncate(□);if (getTimeElapsed() > □)JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Request timed out","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

concern constant{ subconcern @ max_buffer_size_0 @ max_buffer_size_1 § 512 § subconcern @ timeout_ms_0 § 2000 §}



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if (buffer.getSize() > 1024) buffer.truncate(1024);if (getTimeElapsed() > 2000) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Request timed out","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

if (buffer.getSize() > □)buffer.truncate(□);if (getTimeElapsed() > □)JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Request timed out","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

concern constant{ subconcern @ max_buffer_size_0 @ max_buffer_size_1 § 1024 § subconcern @ timeout_ms_0 § 2000 §}


Centralized Code Updates - Centralized Code Updates - ExampleExample


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Display of Multi-concern Code: Woven Display of Multi-concern Code: Woven viewview

Displayed in white text over multi-concern background

Concern information is present in concerns-at-current-position panel

Users can move mouse pointer over the code to see those concerns in a tool-tip


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Display of Multi-concern Code: Display of Multi-concern Code: Unwoven viewUnwoven viewUnwoven-body panel uses white

holes(□) over the multi-concern background

Unwoven-concerns panel uses Flags◦Appear when there is overlap between

two concerns◦Two types of flags: Green Flags and Red

Flags◦Green flags indicate the beginning of

nested concerns◦Red flags indicate the end of nested

concerns 57

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Flags – An ExampleFlags – An Example

We assign all this code to the security concern


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Flags – An ExampleFlags – An Example

We assign the two accessLog.append(..) statements to the audit concern


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Flags – An ExampleFlags – An Example


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◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 61

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Data StructuresData StructuresIVCon stores information about

concern assignments in three key data structures:◦regionMap◦concernMap◦regionTree


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regionMapregionMap (HashTable) (HashTable)


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concernMapconcernMap (HashTable) (HashTable)


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regionTreeregionTree (R-tree) (R-tree)R-trees dynamically store data about

potentially overlapping regions in space.

Upon querying about a region r, an R-tree can efficiently return the set of stored regions that overlap r.

We use R-trees to determine the regions that overlap the current cursor position.

From those regions, regionMap tells us the concerns assigned to the current cursor position.


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◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 66

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Language OverviewLanguage OverviewDue to the popularity of Java

(particularly Java ME) as an application programming language for mobile devices, we’ll talk about (and we’ve implemented) LoPSiL in the context of Java

However, LoPSiL is based on six core abstractions (each implemented as a Java class) that we expect to be portable to other languages and platforms


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Core Linguistic Construct Core Linguistic Construct 11Location

◦May refer to a room, chair, floor, building, campus, GPS coordinates, region of a network topology, etc. Definition of locations is not “baked in” Users can define their own (possibly abstract)

locations by extending the Location classLocations have an identity (e.g.,

name or GPS coordinates)LoPSiL provides many built-in utility

methods for manipulating GPS locations (e.g., calculate distance between two locations)◦Users are free to define others


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Core Linguistic Construct Core Linguistic Construct 22LocationDevice

Is LoPSiL’s interface to real-time location information

LocationDevices must implement two methods:1.To return the device’s current location2.To return the device’s location

granularity: with what precision/accuracy the current location is known (e.g., within 0.5m, 2km, 1 room etc.)

Policies can require devices to provide location information with particular granularity thresholds


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Core Linguistic Construct Core Linguistic Construct 33PolicyAssumptions

◦Encapsulates two assumptions made by policies about a LocationDevice: LocationGranularityAssumption: Policy may

require location information with a particular accuracy

FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption: Policy may require that location updates arrive with a particular frequency

A LoPSiL policy gets notified automatically whenever a LocationDevice violates that policy’s granularity or frequency-of-updates assumptions


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Core Linguistic Construct Core Linguistic Construct 44Action

◦ Encapsulates information (method signature, run-time arguments, calling object, return value, etc.) about a security-relevant method

An Action object gets passed to a policy before and after every security-relevant method executes

The policy can analyze an Action object passed to it to determine which security-relevant method is being invoked or has just been invoked

Policies get to decide whether and how the Actions passed to it will execute


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Core Linguistic Construct Core Linguistic Construct 55Reaction

◦Conveys a policy’s decision about whether and how an action is allowed to execute

Policies can react to a given Action a by returning one of four Reactions1.OK: a is safe to execute2.Exception: a is unsafe; exception should

be raised3.Replace: a is unsafe; a precomputed

return value should be returned instead of executing a

4.Halt: a is unsafe; program should be halted


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Core Linguistic Construct Core Linguistic Construct 66Policy

◦Specifies constraints on untrusted software

Five parts to a LoPSiL Policy1.PolicyAssumptions2.void handleGranularityViolation()3.void handleFrequencyViolation()4.void onLocationUpdate()

Invoked when any LocationDevice associated with the policy updates its Location information

5.Reaction react(Action a) Return a reaction to any security-relevant action


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Example Policy: Example Policy: AllowAllAllowAllpublic class AllowAll extends Policy {

public LocationDevice[] devices = {new


public LocationGranularityAssumption lga =

new LocationGranularityAssumption(15, Units.METERS);

public FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption foua =

new FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption(10, Units.SECONDS);

public PolicyAssumptions pa =

new PolicyAssumptions(this, devices, lga, foua);

public void handleGranularityViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public void handleFrequencyViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() {

System.out.println("new location = " +

devices[0].getLocation()); }

public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) {

return new Reaction("ok"); }


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Example Policy: Example Policy: AllowAllAllowAllpublic class AllowAll extends Policy {

public LocationDevice[] devices = {new


public LocationGranularityAssumption lga =

new LocationGranularityAssumption(15, Units.METERS);

public FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption foua =

new FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption(10, Units.SECONDS);

public PolicyAssumptions pa =

new PolicyAssumptions(this, devices, lga, foua);

public void handleGranularityViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public void handleFrequencyViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() {

System.out.println("new location = " +

devices[0].getLocation()); }

public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) {

return new Reaction("ok"); }


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Example Policy: Example Policy: AllowAllAllowAllpublic class AllowAll extends Policy {

public LocationDevice[] devices = {new


public LocationGranularityAssumption lga =

new LocationGranularityAssumption(15, Units.METERS);

public FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption foua =

new FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption(10, Units.SECONDS);

public PolicyAssumptions pa =

new PolicyAssumptions(this, devices, lga, foua);

public void handleGranularityViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public void handleFrequencyViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() {

System.out.println("new location = " +

devices[0].getLocation()); }

public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) {

return new Reaction("ok"); }


Page 77: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Example Policy: Example Policy: AllowAllAllowAllpublic class AllowAll extends Policy {

public LocationDevice[] devices = {new


public LocationGranularityAssumption lga =

new LocationGranularityAssumption(15, Units.METERS);

public FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption foua =

new FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption(10, Units.SECONDS);

public PolicyAssumptions pa =

new PolicyAssumptions(this, devices, lga, foua);

public void handleGranularityViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public void handleFrequencyViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() {

System.out.println("new location = " +

devices[0].getLocation()); }

public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) {

return new Reaction("ok"); }


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Example Policy: Example Policy: AllowAllAllowAllpublic class AllowAll extends Policy {

public LocationDevice[] devices = {new


public LocationGranularityAssumption lga =

new LocationGranularityAssumption(15, Units.METERS);

public FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption foua =

new FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption(10, Units.SECONDS);

public PolicyAssumptions pa =

new PolicyAssumptions(this, devices, lga, foua);

public void handleGranularityViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public void handleFrequencyViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() {

System.out.println("new location = " +

devices[0].getLocation()); }

public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) {

return new Reaction("ok"); }


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Example Policy: Example Policy: AllowAllAllowAllpublic class AllowAll extends Policy {

public LocationDevice[] devices = {new


public LocationGranularityAssumption lga =

new LocationGranularityAssumption(15, Units.METERS);

public FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption foua =

new FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption(10, Units.SECONDS);

public PolicyAssumptions pa =

new PolicyAssumptions(this, devices, lga, foua);

public void handleGranularityViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public void handleFrequencyViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() {

System.out.println("new location = " +

devices[0].getLocation()); }

public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) {

return new Reaction("ok"); }


Page 80: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Example Policy: Example Policy: AllowAllAllowAllpublic class AllowAll extends Policy {

public LocationDevice[] devices = {new


public LocationGranularityAssumption lga =

new LocationGranularityAssumption(15, Units.METERS);

public FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption foua =

new FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption(10, Units.SECONDS);

public PolicyAssumptions pa =

new PolicyAssumptions(this, devices, lga, foua);

public void handleGranularityViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public void handleFrequencyViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() {

System.out.println("new location = " +

devices[0].getLocation()); }

public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) {

return new Reaction("ok"); }


Page 81: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Example Policy: Example Policy: AllowAllAllowAllpublic class AllowAll extends Policy {

public LocationDevice[] devices = {new


public LocationGranularityAssumption lga =

new LocationGranularityAssumption(15, Units.METERS);

public FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption foua =

new FrequencyOfUpdatesAssumption(10, Units.SECONDS);

public PolicyAssumptions pa =

new PolicyAssumptions(this, devices, lga, foua);

public void handleGranularityViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public void handleFrequencyViolation(){System.exit(1);}

public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() {

System.out.println("new location = " +

devices[0].getLocation()); }

public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) {

return new Reaction("ok"); }


Page 82: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software



◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 82

Page 83: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Compiler ArchitectureCompiler ArchitectureA LoPSiL compiler needs to input a policy, a list

of security-relevant methods, and an untrusted application

A LoPSiL compiler needs to output a trusted application formed by inserting (inlining) policy code before and after every security-relevant method in the untrusted application

List ofsecurity-relevant


LoPSiL Policy

LoPSiL Compiler




Page 84: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


We use AspectJ as a convenient tool for inlining policy code into the untrusted application

LoPSiL inherits AspectJ’s limitation that it can only inline code into application files (and not standard Java libraries)◦ So, LoPSiL monitors can’t make

decisions about the execution of security-relevant methods invoked by (non-application) library classes

Compiler ArchitectureCompiler Architecture


Page 85: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


User specifies desired policy in a .lopsil file User creates a listing of security-relevant methods in .srm file

LoPSiL policy(.lopsil)

Security-relevantmethods (.srm)

Compiler ArchitectureCompiler Architecture


Page 86: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


LoPSiL Compiler

LoPSiL policy(.lopsil)

Security-relevantmethods (.srm)



User inputs the .lopsil and the .srm file into a lopsil2aj converter, because it converts LoPSiL files into files that can be input into an AspectJ compiler

Compiler ArchitectureCompiler Architecture


Page 87: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


LoPSiL Compiler

AspectJ pointcut definition for

security-relevant methods (.aj)

Policy-enforcementcode (.java)

The compiler converts the .lopsil file to Java version (.java) of the policy by inserting three lines of code to import LoPSiL-library classes

The compiler converts the .srm file to an AspectJ-code file (.aj) that has definitions indicating

1. which policy code is to be executed and

2. when should that policy code be executed

LoPSiL policy(.lopsil)

Security-relevantmethods (.srm)



Compiler ArchitectureCompiler Architecture


Page 88: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


LoPSiL Compiler

AspectJ pointcut definition for

security-relevant methods (.aj)

Policy-enforcementcode (.java)

Untrusted application(.class)



The compiler inputs the .java file, the .aj file, and the untrusted application (.class) into a standard AspectJ compiler

LoPSiL policy(.lopsil)

Security-relevantmethods (.srm)



Compiler ArchitectureCompiler Architecture


Page 89: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


LoPSiL Compiler

AspectJ pointcut definition for

security-relevant methods (.aj)

Policy-enforcementcode (.java)



Untrusted application(.class)



AspectJ compiler inlines policy code before and after all security-relevant methods and produces an application that is secure w.r.t. the original LoPSiL policy

LoPSiL policy(.lopsil)

Security-relevantmethods (.srm)



Compiler ArchitectureCompiler Architecture


Page 90: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software



◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 90

Page 91: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Case StudiesCase StudiesAdded features to several

applications:◦IVCon, JHotDraw, Java Scientific

CalculatorPurpose: To improve our

understanding of IVCon’s software engineering advantages


Page 92: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Extending IVConExtending IVConAdded the following features to IVCon:

◦Search for text in code◦Jump to a line number◦Open multiple files simultaneously◦Show in a tool-tip, concerns implemented at

the current mouse cursor position◦Linked editing in the unwoven-concerns panel◦View flags in the woven view◦Jump to a specified concern module in

unwoven-concerns panel◦Compile and execute code directly from IVCon


Page 93: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Implementation EffortImplementation EffortAdded 1591 lines of code to our

existing implementationTotal time spent implementing:

45 hours, 13 minutesTime spent defining and

assigning code to concerns: 28 minutes

Defined 43 concerns across 125 regions in 7 files


(1.03% overhead)

Page 94: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Extending JHotDraw and Java Extending JHotDraw and Java Scientific CalculatorScientific CalculatorTo JHotDraw (a framework for

developing graphics editors) we added:◦A feature for asking users, before exiting

the program without saving changes to open files, whether they wish to save those changes

To Java Scientific Calculator we added:◦Three extra memory slots◦Grades as a unit for measuring angles◦A button that displays the modulus of a

complex number94

Page 95: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Implementation EffortImplementation EffortAdded a total of 851 lines of codeTotal time spent implementing: 14

hours, 42 minutesTime spent defining and assigning

code to concerns: 14 minutesFor JHotDraw, defined 8 concerns in

18 regions across 5 filesFor Java Scientific Calculator, defined

10 concerns in 27 regions across 19 files


(1.59% overhead)

Page 96: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Feature-specific concerns◦e.g., FindText, MultiFiles (in

IVCon); AskUsersForSave (in JHotDraw); GradeAngle (in Java Scientific Calculator)

◦Helped readily locate code segments we were working on

◦Particularly helpful because of code-scattering, e.g., MultiFile crosscut several classes and methods Allowed us to view all code implementing

Multiple-file feature in one place.

Experiential ObservationsExperiential Observations


Page 97: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Experiential Observations Experiential Observations (contd…)(contd…)Other concerns defined were for

implementations that we were referring to regularly◦e.g., RTreeFunctions, LexerFunctions

Overlapping concerns: e.g., MultiFile overlapped with OpenFile and SaveFile◦Flags helped identify where to make

changes in unwoven-concerns.97

Page 98: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Experiential Observations Experiential Observations (contd…)(contd…)To implement the Multiple-file

feature, IVCon maintains state information for each open file◦Code that saves/updates this

information is present in three different places.

◦Each instance is partially similar to the other

◦Assigning each one of those instances to a concern helped because we could centrally update it in the unwoven view 98

Page 99: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Performance EvaluationPerformance EvaluationTested IVCon by assigning code to

concerns in two of IVCon’s source-code files: ◦◦

Also, created an impractically large file ( of 100,000 lines, each containing 20 randomly generated single-character tokens


Page 100: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Test-file CharacteristicsTest-file Characteristics

Measured time taken for the following operations: assign code to a concern, edit a concern, remove a concern, weaving, and unweaving


Page 101: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software



File Name

AssignCodeto a



Edit aConcer


Remove a





(ms) 23.78 7.34 9.41 7.03 18.76 295.51 30.15 98.40 943.22 625.45


6810 1,050



IVCon performed all operations tolerably quickly on reasonably-sized files.


Page 102: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software



◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 102

Page 103: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Case StudyCase StudyImplemented and tested several

interesting location-based policies

Purpose: To test the usefulness of LoPSiL’s location constructs


Page 104: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Access-control PolicyAccess-control Policy•Prevents an application from reading GPS data outside of work hourspublic class NoGpsOutsideWorkTime extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) { if(ActionPatterns.matchesLocationRead(a) && !TimeUtils.isWorkTime()) //return a null location to the application return new Reaction("replace", null); else return new Reaction("ok"); } }


Page 105: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Access-control PolicyAccess-control Policy•Prevents an application from reading GPS data outside of work hourspublic class NoGpsOutsideWorkTime extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) { if(ActionPatterns.matchesLocationRead(a) && !TimeUtils.isWorkTime()) //return a null location to the application return new Reaction("replace", null); else return new Reaction("ok"); } }


Page 106: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Access-control PolicyAccess-control Policy•Prevents an application from reading GPS data outside of work hourspublic class NoGpsOutsideWorkTime extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) { if(ActionPatterns.matchesLocationRead(a) && !TimeUtils.isWorkTime()) //return a null location to the application return new Reaction("replace", null); else return new Reaction("ok"); } }


Page 107: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Access-control PolicyAccess-control Policy•Prevents an application from reading GPS data outside of work hourspublic class NoGpsOutsideWorkTime extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) { if(ActionPatterns.matchesLocationRead(a) && !TimeUtils.isWorkTime()) //return a null location to the application return new Reaction("replace", null); else return new Reaction("ok"); } }


Page 108: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Access-control PolicyAccess-control Policy•Prevents an application from reading GPS data outside of work hourspublic class NoGpsOutsideWorkTime extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) { if(ActionPatterns.matchesLocationRead(a) && !TimeUtils.isWorkTime()) //return a null location to the application return new Reaction("replace", null); else return new Reaction("ok"); } }


Page 109: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Access-control PolicyAccess-control Policy•Prevents an application from reading GPS data outside of work hourspublic class NoGpsOutsideWorkTime extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized Reaction react(Action a) { if(ActionPatterns.matchesLocationRead(a) && !TimeUtils.isWorkTime()) //return a null location to the application return new Reaction("replace", null); else return new Reaction("ok"); } }


Page 110: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Deviation-from-path PolicyDeviation-from-path Policy

public class ShowNavigation extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() { if(devices[0].getLocation(). distance(getExpectedCurrentLocation(), Units.METERS)>10) AppGUI.displayNavigationalAid(); }}

•Requires that navigational aid appear when thedevice’s current location deviates from its expected path


Page 111: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Deviation-from-path PolicyDeviation-from-path Policy

public class ShowNavigation extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() { if(devices[0].getLocation(). distance(getExpectedCurrentLocation(), Units.METERS)>10) AppGUI.displayNavigationalAid(); }}

•Requires that navigational aid appear when thedevice’s current location deviates from its expected path


Page 112: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Deviation-from-path PolicyDeviation-from-path Policy

public class ShowNavigation extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() { if(devices[0].getLocation(). distance(getExpectedCurrentLocation(), Units.METERS)>10) AppGUI.displayNavigationalAid(); }}

•Requires that navigational aid appear when thedevice’s current location deviates from its expected path


Page 113: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Deviation-from-path PolicyDeviation-from-path Policy

public class ShowNavigation extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() { if(devices[0].getLocation(). distance(getExpectedCurrentLocation(), Units.METERS)>10) AppGUI.displayNavigationalAid(); }}

•Requires that navigational aid appear when thedevice’s current location deviates from its expected path


Page 114: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Deviation-from-path PolicyDeviation-from-path Policy

public class ShowNavigation extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() { if(devices[0].getLocation(). distance(getExpectedCurrentLocation(), Units.METERS)>10) AppGUI.displayNavigationalAid(); }}

•Requires that navigational aid appear when thedevice’s current location deviates from its expected path


Page 115: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Deviation-from-path PolicyDeviation-from-path Policy

public class ShowNavigation extends Policy { public LocationDevice[] devices = {new LopsilGPS(LopsilGPS.GARMIN)}; public PolicyAssumptions pa = ... public synchronized void onLocationUpdate() { if(devices[0].getLocation(). distance(getExpectedCurrentLocation(), Units.METERS)>10) AppGUI.displayNavigationalAid(); }}

•Requires that navigational aid appear when thedevice’s current location deviates from its expected path


Page 116: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Other PoliciesOther Policies

Safe-region Policy:◦Requires a robot to encrypt all outgoing

communications when the robot’s location is outside a secure-region perimeter

Social-networking Policy: ◦If the policy infers that the device has

completed a journey of at least 100km over the past 2 hours, then all friends in the user’s address book who are located within 20km of the new location get invited to rendezvous


Page 117: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Experiential ObservationsExperiential ObservationsOur location-dependent policies

consistently based policy decisions on:◦Absolute location of the device◦Geographic relationship of device’s location

with another location, or with a region of locations

◦Velocity or acceleration of the deviceTherefore, LoPSiL provides several utility

methods for calculating distances, boundaries, velocities, and acceleration

Users can access all these methods and can implement other custom operators when built-in methods are insufficient


Page 118: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Experiential ObservationsExperiential ObservationsWe found that LoPSiL was sufficiently

expressive to specify all the location-dependent policies we considered enforcing

None of the example policies mentioned earlier took much time (more than a few hours) to design, specify, and test

Therefore, we believe that the six core constructs underlying LoPSiL serve as good abstractions for specifying location-dependent policies


Page 119: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Performance EvaluationPerformance EvaluationTested overhead (on an Android

Phone) from four LoPSiL policies:◦AllowAll◦AccessControl◦ShowNavigation◦SocialNetworking

Recorded the following metrics for the base application vs. the policy-enforced application:◦Time taken to execute◦Memory usage◦Battery usage◦Code size


Page 120: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


ResultsResultsPolicy Time









AllowAll Base 36.981 2,967 16.25 13,379w/

Policy37.725 3,211

16.88 68,939Overhea

d0.744 244

0.63 55,560AccessControl Base 86.203 3,976 27 14,386

w/ Policy

102.458 4,168 26.88 70,394


16.255192 -0.12 56,008

ShowNavigation Base 3.258 4,821 6.38 15,419w/


5,196 10.5 71,602Overhea


375 4.12 56,183SocialNetworking Base 2.450 4,679 5.38 14,142

w/ Policy

82.8605,035 9.88 71,357


80.410356 4.5 57,215


Page 121: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software



◦Motivation◦Inline Visualization of Concerns◦A Location-based Policy-specification

LanguageAn Implementation of IVCon

◦User Interface◦Implementation Details

Modularizing Runtime Security Policies◦LoPSiL◦An Implementation of LoPSiL

Validation of Approach◦IVCon◦LoPSiL

Conclusions and Future Work 121

Page 122: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


ConclusionsConclusionsModularizing CCCs in the presence of

multi-concern code involves augmenting traditional modularization constructs with extra information about the multi-concern code:◦ IVCon utilizes a GUI to encapsulate that

informationTraditional modularization constructs

are appropriate for modularizing funtionally orthogonal CCCs◦LoPSiL uses aspects to modularize

security implementations.


Page 123: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


IVCon SummaryIVCon SummaryIVCon attempts to help users conveniently

create, examine, and modify code in the presence of crosscutting concerns

IVCon differs from existing aspect-visualization tools by providing a combination of:◦ Translations between woven and unwoven

views◦ Token-level granularity in concern assignment◦ Central code-updates for syntactically equal

code segments◦ Isolation of concerns into distinct modules◦ Many-to-many relationships between concerns

and code◦ GUI designed to make all of the above


Page 124: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


LoPSiL SummaryLoPSiL SummaryLoPSiL is a language for specifying

location-dependent runtime security policies

LoPSiL is Turing-completeIts novelty lies in its expressive

abstractions for accessing and manipulating location information in policies


Page 125: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Future Work: IVConFuture Work: IVConGet usage data and feedback from

more usersProvide support for multiple

languagesUse concern information in files to see

relations between different concerns◦Could possibly help improve suggestions

for Eclipse’s Extract into Method/Class refactorings

IVCon programming language◦Annotations to indicate concern-

assignments 125

Page 126: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Future Work: LoPSiLFuture Work: LoPSiLProvide support for composeable

policies◦Users would have to write effectless

policies◦We would have to define combinators

Write our own code-inliner◦Enforce complete mediation of security-

relevant methodsModel LoPSiL into a formal calculus


Page 127: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


Page 128: Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software


ContributionsContributionsWhat benefits does a dual view of software

and the ability for programmers to define multi-concern code provide?

In terms of user effort, can these benefits be achieved with reasonable overheads?

What kind of language constructs are useful for policies that reason about a program's execution based on a system's location?◦ Does LoPSiL provide useful constructs for specifying such


What kind of policies would be useful to specify and implement in a language that enables users to specify location-based policies?◦ How convenient is it to specify those policies in LoPSiL?