
MODUL RECOUNT, NARRATIVE, AND PROCEDURE Standar Kompetensi : 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative, dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-sehari . Kompetensi Dasar : 5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima kasih dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks: recount, narrative, dan procedure. Alokasi Waktu : 14 x 45 menit. Materi Pembelajaran: - Text tulis berbentuk Recount - Text tulis berbentuk Narrative - Text tulis berbentuk Procedure 1. RECOUNT

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Standar Kompetensi : 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative, dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-sehari . Kompetensi Dasar : 5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima kasih dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks: recount, narrative, dan procedure. Alokasi Waktu : 14 x 45 menit. Materi Pembelajaran: - Text tulis berbentuk Recount- Text tulis berbentuk Narrative- Text tulis berbentuk Procedure1. RECOUNT Social function: to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertainingGeneric structure Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants (when, and where) Events : tell what happened in a chronological order Re-orientation : optional-closure of eventsRecount texts tell a series of events and evaluate their significance in some way.Language Features : - The use simple past tenses S + V2 ( we went for a trip to the zoo )

Activity 1. Answer these following questions. 1. Do you have any interesting experience to tell? 2. Can you recall it? 3. Will you tell your experience to your friend? Activity 2.Read and study the text structure of the recount text. My Day I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks. Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money.Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday. Taken from Ready to Write, 2003 Activity 3. Answer the following questions based on the text activity 2.1. What happened to the writer yesterday?2. Why did he wake up an hour late?3. What did he do after having breakfast?4. How far did the writer walk? 5. What does the writer hope?Activity 4. Say it Right and find their synonym.1. wanted /wntd/2. ran out /rn at/3. walked /w:kd/4. forgot /f'gt/5. missed /msd/ 6. burned /b:nd/ 7. woke up /wk p/ 8. hurry /hr/ 9. terrible /'terbl/ 10. quickly /kwikl/

Grammar Spot Simple Past Tense(+) S + V2(-) S + did not + V1(?) Did + S + V1To talk about past events and conditions, you use VERB-2 forms. Here are some examples taken from the text.(+) I joined the Traditional Dance Competition in Jakarta last year.(-) I did not feel nervous anymore.The adverbs that are usually used in the simple past tense sentences are:Yesterday, last week, a week ago, ago, last,etc

Activity 5. Fill in the blanks with correct verb forms. Look at the example. am win take have join are

The Football CompetitionWhen I 1) was in the Junior High School, I joined two clubs. They 2) ________ the Football Club and the Karate Club. I 3) _______ those clubs because I love sports, especially football and karate. I 4) ________ football on Sunday mornings and karate on Mondays at 4 p.m.One day my football club joined a football competition. There were eight clubs joining the competition. At first, our club 5) __________ the match. Then, we had to defeat one club to get to the final. Remarkably, we won again. After those two matches, we 6) _________ lunch in the cafeteria nearby. We were so impatient to play in the last game. It was the hard one because our opponent was very tough. Finally, we won the game with a nice score of 3 2. We were very happy and proud.

Activity 6. Ask your classmate is sitting next to you and say what you did last weekend. Look at the following example. For example:1. You : What did you do on your last weekend?Your friend : It was alright. I didn't do anything special.2. You : Did you have a good weekend? Your friend : Yes. It was great. I had a lovely time. I went to theatre and I watched a great movie.

Activity 7. Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text on Torajan funeral and answer the questions.balcony (kb) : balkoncoffin (kb) : peti maticorpse (kb) : jenazahelaborate (ks) : rumitkin (kb) : sanak; familislaughter (kkt) : menyembelih

My Grandpas Funeral in Toraja Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpas funeral. It was my first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our kind in the ceremony. Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was done, grandpas body was kept in a series of houses arranged in circular row around an open field called tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a fine wearing.The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and placed in the lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing. On the last day, the grandpas coffin were lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountainside family graveyard. Great shouting and excitement followed it from the relatives and the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and me tired. However, we were grateful because it ran smoothly. Adapted from: http://www.worldisround.comQuestions:1. When did the writer attend the funeral?2. How long did the writer and his family hold the ceremony?3. What did they do to the corpse before the funeral was done?4. What did they do after the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin?5. What did they do on the last day of the ceremony?

Notes:In a recount text, you find words and phrases used to start, connect a sentence with the next one, andend your composition. Those words and phrases are: First, Then, After that, Final.

Lets Make a SummaryA recount text is a text that tells about a part of experience. A recount text has an orientation, a series of events in chronological order, personal remarks on the events, and a re-orientation that rounds off the sequence of events. In the text, you will find words and phrases used to start, connect a sentence with the next one, and end your composition.2. NARRATIVESocial function : to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.Generic Structure : Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants (intro- duces the main characters in a setting of time and place). Complication: a crisis/ problems arises. Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.Language Features : - use of noun phrases ( a beautiful princess, huge temple) use of Simple Past Tenses ( He walked away from the village) - use of nouns and pronouns to identify people or things involved; - use of conjunction and time connectives to sequence the events; - use of adverbs and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time; - use of adjectives to describe nouns.

Activity 1. Answer these following questions. 1. Have you ever written a story? 2. What do you do first when you write a story? 3. Have you ever written a fairy tale? 4. Are there any differences between writing fairy tales and ordinary short stories?

Activity 2.Read and study the text structure of the narrative text.The Fortune TellerIn the great city of Taipei, there lived a man called Lin and his wife. They had no children. Because of this, they were very unhappy. One day, they found a baby boy outside their door. He was wrapped in a blanket and crying. They took the baby into their house and called him Sau Ling. They loved him very much.When Sau Ling was a young man, a fortune-teller came to the house. "You must send your son away," he said. "One day he will become a thief and cause you a lot of trouble."Mr and Mrs Lin were very sad to hear this. They believed what the fortune-teller said. They gave Sau Ling some clothes and money and sent him away.Several years later, Sau Ling was having a meal in an inn several miles from Taipei. He put his bag on the floor near his table. After finishing his meal, he picked up his bag. "That's strange!" he thought, "It feels so heavy."He looked inside. It was full of small gold bars. Then he realized that someone had taken his bag by mistake and left another bag, in its place.That evening, a young man came to the inn, "Has anyone seen my bag?" he asked. Sau Ling was very honest. He returned the bag to him. The young man thanked him. "You are really very honest," he said, "I shall ask may to say. He left the house without saying a word. Mr and Mrs Lin never believed in fortune-teller after that. Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were very happy and contented until the end of their lives. Taken from Favorite Stories from Taiwan, 2000Activity 3. Punctuate and capitalize the following story.

one day a monkey wanted to cross a river he saw a crocodile in the river so he asked the crocodile told the monkey to jump onto its back then the crocodile swam down the rivernow the crocodile was very hungry so when it was in the middle of the river it stopped and said to the monkey monkey my father is very sick he must eat the heart of a monkey the he will be strong again the monkey thought for a while then he told the crocodile to swim back to the river bankwhat for asked the crocodile because i didn't bring my heart with me said the monkey I left it under the tree near some coconuts so the crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of the river as soon as they reached the river bank the monkey jumped off the crocodiles back and climbed up to the top of a treewhere is your heart asked the crocodileyou are foolish the monkey said to the crocodile now i am free and you have nothingthe monkey told the crocodile not to try to trick him again the crocodile swam away hungry Taken from

Activity 4.Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity3Setting nts Outcome 1. How many characters are there in the story? Mention them.2. Where did the story probably take place?3. What the monkey wanted in the river?4. What the crocodile said when it was in the middle of the river?5. Did the crocodile succeed in getting heart of a monkey?6. What do you call a story that talks about animals which can speak?7. What is the message of the story?

Activity 5. Read another narrative story .The Fox and the Crow

A crow, perched in a tree with a piece of cheese in his beak, attracted the eye and nose of a fox. "If you can sing as prettily as you sit," said the fox, "then you are the prettiest singer within my scent and sight." The fox had read somewhere, and somewhere, and somewhere else, that praising the voice of a crow with a cheese in his beak would make him drop the cheese and sing. But this is not what happened to this particular crow in this particular case."They say you are sly and they say you are crazy," said the crow, havingcarefully removed the cheese from his beak with the claws of one foot, "but you must be nearsighted as well. Warblers wear gay hats and colored jackets and bright vest, and they are a dollar a hundred. I wear black and I am unique."I am sure you are," said the fox, who was neither crazy nor nearsighted, but sly. "I recognize you, now that I look more closely, as the most famed and talented of all birds, and I fain would hear you tell about yourself, but I am hungry and must go." "Tarry awhile," said the crow quickly, "and share my lunch with me." Whereupon he tossed the cunning fox the lion's share of the cheese, and began to tell about himself. "A ship that sails without a crow's nest sails to doom," he said. "Bars may come and bars may go, but crow bars last forever. I am the pioneer of flight, I am the map maker. Last, but never least, my flight is known to scientists and engineers, geometricians, and scholar, as the shortest distance between two points. Any two points," he concluded arrogantly. "Oh, every two points, I am sure," said the fox. "And thank you for the lion's share of what I know you could not spare." And with this he trotted away into the woods, his appetite appeased, leaving the hungry crow perched forlornly in the tree. Taken from

Activity 6.Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity5 1. How many characters are there in the story? 2. Where did the story probably take place? 3. Why did the fox praise the voice of the crow? 4. Had the crow known the fox's plan of praising him? 5. Did the fox give up trying to persuade the crow to share his lunch? 6. What did the fox do in order that the crow shared his lunch? 7. Did the fox succeed in getting what he wanted? 8. What is the moral of the story? Lets Make a SummaryEvery text has its own structure. The structure of narrative text consists of three parts: complication, and resolution. Orientation describes scene and introduces the participants of the story. Complication begins when there is a problem in resolution. The structure of narrative text occurs in the text variously. A text may have only one complication and resolution but another text may have more than complication and resolution.3. PROCEDURESocial function: to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.Generic Structure : Goal ( the final purpose of doing the instruction) Materials (not required for all procedural texts) Steps (a series of steps oriented to achieving the goal)Language Features : - the use of commands ( cut, add, pour, dont mix ) the use of action verbs ( wash, boil, turn, put ) the use of connectives ( first, then, finally,. ) the use of adverbials phrases ( for five minutes, two centimeters from the top ).

Activity 1.Read and study the text structure of the procedure text.

The Hole GameTwo player, one marble per person, a hole in ground, and a line (distance) to start from. First you must dub (click marble together). Then you must check that the marble are in good condition and are nearly worth the same value.Next you must dig a hole in the ground and draw a line a fair distance away from the hole. first player carefully throws his or her marble towards the hole.Then the second player tries to throw his or her marble closer to the hole than his or her opponent.The player whose marble is closest to the hole tries to flick his or her marble into the hole. If necessary this player to flick his or her opponents marble into the hole. The person flicking the last marble into the hole wins and gets to keep both marble.Activity 2.Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 11.What does the text tell us about ?2.How many players are involved in the game?3.What important thing is used in the game? many steps are there in the instruction?5.How can a player win the game?

Activity 3. Now read another text and identify the structure of the text. Bregedel Tempe (Tempe Fritters)

150 g tempe 2 tablespoons fried shallots 3 kaffir lime leaves 1 tablespoon flour 1 egg 1 cup vegetable oil for frying Spice paste: 3 large chilies, seeds removed 3 small chilies 2 red shallots 2 cloves garlic 1/2 teaspoon chopped galangal 1 candle nut 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste

1. Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until it resembles coarse bread crumbs.2. Grind the spices in a mortar and pestle or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend to a smooth paste.3. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice paste, fried shallots and lime leaves. Stir in the flour, followed by the egg.4. Shape the tempe into fritters the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.5. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium flame.When the oil is hot, drop the fritters into the oil, five or six at a time.6. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with rice.

Taken from The Jakarta Post, May 2, 2004Activity 4. Pronounce the following words and find their meaning. Pay attention to your pronunciation.

1. instruction2. procedure3. recipe4. ingredients5. knead6. roll out7. sprinkle8. press 9. grease 10. knuckle 11. mix 12. blend 13. oven 14. fold 15. margarine Activity 5.Say it Right absorbent /bz:bnt/ (ks) : menyerap cheese /ti:z/ (kb) : keju drain /dren/ (kkt) : meniriskan flour /fla/ (kb) : tepung fry /fra/ (kkt) : menggoreng mash /ma/ (kkt) : melenyehkan mix /mks/ (kkt) : mencampur recipe /resp/ (kb) : resep Lets Make a Summary The structure of procedure texts generally consists of three parts, namely goal, materials needed and methods or steps. This structure is appropriately applied in a recipe. In a howtotext, the materials needed part sometimes is not applicable. GuruKul This Blog is Proudly Presented to All English TeachersWelcome to GuruKul (Guru at School) I Putu Wirya SutaKamis, 01 Desember 2011MODUL BHS INGGRIS SMA KELAS XI SEMESTER 1

Bahan Ajar Bahasa InggrisSMA Kelas XI Semester 1




K.D. 1.2 & K.D. 3.2LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening and Speaking

Topic: Asking and Giving Permission

Study the following expressions. Read them aloud.

Asking permission:- Can I open the window, please?- Please let me have the car tonight.- May I close the door, please?- Do you mind if I smoke?- May I go out with her tonight?

Giving permission:- Sure, go ahead.- Its okay with me.- No, I dont mind.- Certainly.

Denying permission:- No, you may not.- You cant.- Yes, I do mind.- I dont think so.- I absolutely forbid you.

TASK 1Listen to the conversation read by your teacher or played on the tape recorder. Then, answer the questions bellow! (Book 2 unit 21}

1. Where does Ani want to go? ___________________________________________________________________2. Who else will go there? ___________________________________________________________________3. Does her mother let her go? Why? ___________________________________________________________________4. What did Ani say to ask permission? ___________________________________________________________________5. What did her mother say to respond her? ___________________________________________________________________

TASK 2Complete the following dialogue using the expressions of asking and giving permission! Then, practice it in front of the class.

John : Its hot in this room, huh?Ethan : Yeah. Unfortunately the AC is not working. ____________________________ the window?John : Sure, its a good idea. By the way, ________________________ smoke here?Ethan : Of course I mind. Its not smoking area, dude.John : Alright. Ill smoke out side then. Anyway, I didnt see your sister. Where is she?Ethan : Shes at the store helping my mom there. Why?John : Nothing. I just want to have your permission to take her to the cinema tonight.Ethan : ____________________. She has to be at home tonight.John : Pleas, man. Tomorrow is weekend. Its time for hanging out.Ethan : No way. Shes still underage.John : Okay. It doesnt matter. Ill take my sister then. But, please let me have your motorbike.Ethan : ____________________________.John : Thanks dude. Youre a very kind friend of mine.

TASK 3Work in pairs. Make dialogues using expressions of asking/ giving/ denying permission according to the situations given. Then, practice it in front of the class!

1. Jannissa wants to go to the market to buy some books. But her car is not working. Then, she decides to borrow her fathers car and her father allows her to use it.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Devina has an English assignment from her teacher. But she doesnt have a dictionary, so she goes to Indiras house to borrow a dictionary, but Indira doesnt give her the dictionary since she needs the dictionary at that time to complete her translation assignment.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Homework: Practice the dialogue you have made to be performed on the next meeting!PERTEMUAN 2

K.D 1.2K.D 3.2Language Skills: Listening and SpeakingTopic: Relief, Pain, Pleasure

Study the following expressions. Read them aloud!

Expressing Relief:- Oh, thats a relief.- Thank goodness for that.- Thank heaven!- Oh, marvelous!- Phew!- Thank God for that.- I am very relieved to hear that.- Its very relaxing.- Good for you.- What a relief!- I am extremely glad to hear that.

Interjection (Sound to express pain):- Ouch! It hurts me so much.- Ouch! Stop pinching me.- Aw! The pain hurts me very much.- Its very painful. I cant stand on it.- Ooh! My head aches. Expressing pleasure/pleased:- I am very pleased with this room.- Oh, its wonderful.- It gives me great pleasure.- Great!- Smashing!- Fantastic.- I am glad you like it.

TASK 1Listen to the conversation read by your teacher or played on the tape recorder. Then, answer the questions bellow!

1. What made Juliet painful?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What made her nurse sad?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What made Juliet feel relieved?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TASK 2Match the situations in column A with the suitable expressions in column B!


1. An ant bites your foot.2. You heard that your friend was saved from the flight accident.3. Your father buys you a new car as a gift of your birthday party.4. Your younger brother hit a ball onto your forehead.5. You have a new teacher. He is very kind and friendly to all students.6. You have been trying to solve a Math problem and now youve done it.a. It gives me a great pleasure.b. We are very delighted to have him.c. Thank God. She was saved.d. What a relief! Its finally done.e. Ouch! It hurts me so much.f. Aw! What is it? Its very painful.

TASK 3Work in pairs! Make dialogues using the expressions of relief, pain and pleasure according to the situations given. Then, practice it with your partners.

1. You are arriving at home and about to open the door of your room. But you cannot find the key. After about five minutes searching, its finally found in your bag among the books.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. You see your Mom cleaning the kitchen. Suddenly a pan falls down and hits her knee.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Your brother is just coming from Australia and he brings you a kangaroo doll.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TASK 4Perform the dialogue in front of the class!

TASK 5Fill in the blank with the expressions of pain, relief, or pleasure!

1. A : ___________________________B : Whats going on, dude?A : A millipede bites my finger.B : Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.

2. A : Hey, how do you feel about Kuta beach?B : _______________________. The sands are white and beautiful. And, I like the waves very much and also the sun set.

3. A : Riz, you got mark A for your Math exam.B : Really? ________________________________A : Yeah. Congratulation, Riz!B : Thanks.


K.D 2.2K.D 4.2Language Skills: Listening and Speaking

Topic: Narrative Text

TASK 1Listen to the story read by your teacher or played on the tape recorder. Then, answer the questions bellow.

1. When and where did the story take place?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Who were involved in the story?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Who is the main character of the story?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. How did the story begin?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What happened to the main character?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. How did the main character manage to solve the problem?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. How did the story end?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TASK 2Please retell the story using your own words in front of the class!


K.D 5.2Language Skill: Reading Comprehension

Topic: Narrative Text

TASK 1Read the story bellow and learn its generic structures!

GENERIC STRUCTUREJack and the Beanstalk






The story tells of a boy named Jack who was sent to the market one day by his mother to sell their last possession, the cow. As Jack proceeded to the market, he met a stranger who offered to trade five "magic beans" for the cow. Jack accepted the trade and returned back home with the beans in his pocket. Jack's mother was angered that he had not obeyed her instructions to sell the cow and threw the beans out of the window. As Jack slept, the beans germinated in the soil, and a gigantic beanstalk grew in their place by morning. When Jack saw the huge beanstalk, he immediately decided to climb it. He arrived in a land high up in the clouds that happened to be the home of a giant. When he broke into the giant's castle, the giant quickly sensed a human was near:Fee-fi-fo-fum!I smell the blood of an Englishman.Be he 'live, or be he dead,I'll grind his bones to make my bread. However, Jack was saved by the giant's wife and as he escaped from the palace, he took a bag of gold coins with him. Jack desired to seek out more treasures from the castle in the clouds and climbed once more up the beanstalk. This time he stole a hen which laid golden eggs. Again he was saved from harm by the giant's wife. Jack disregarded being nearly discovered by the giant twice and decided to go up the beanstalk a third time. This time, he stole a magical harp that played by itself. The instrument did not appreciate being stolen and called out to the giant for help. The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk, but Jack managed to get to the ground before the giant did. Jack, seeing an axe on the ground beside him, immediately chopped the beanstalk down. The giant fell to earth, hitting the ground so hard that it split, pulling the beanstalk down with him. That was the end of the giant and the beanstalk.

TASK 2Answer the following questions based on the story above!

1. What is the story about?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Where did Jack sell his cow?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How was Jacks mother when Jack said that he traded his cow for the beans?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What did Jack steal from the giants castle?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What do we learn from the story?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TASK 3Re-arrange the following paragraph into a good order story!

Why do the Sun and the Moon live in the sky?(A Nigerian Folktale)

Oh my.. ! The water rose higher and higher in the cottage. Soon, there was no more room for the Sun and the Moon. Oh, how poor they were. They rose up into the sky where they have lived ever since. Well, thats the story. A long time ago, when the world was new, the Sun married the Moon and they lived as happily as can be. They lived in a little cottage near the Ocean.

So, the Sun and the Moon invited the Ocean to stay with them. What happened then? Then came the Ocean with all his friends; the whales, the fish, the porpoises, the crabs and all the creatures that live in the sea.

You know what? One day, the Sun and the Moon invited the Ocean to their house for a visit. The Ocean liked it so much. He wanted to stay in a little cottage. The sun and the Moon liked the Ocean and hoped the cottage would be big enough for all three of them.

TASK 4Work in groups! Make five questions about the story above then ask those questions to other group!


K.D 6.2Language Component: Grammar

Topic: Reported Speech(Teaching Approach: EEE = Exploration, Explanation, Expression)Study the following examples!

StatementD.S. : Rama said, My parents will go to Australia next month.I.S. : Rama said that his parents would go to Australia the month after.

Yes/No-QuestionsD.S. : The students asked, Did you tell us to do the task, Sir?I.S. : The students asked if/whether he had told them to do the task.Or, : The students asked if/whether he told them to do the task.

WH-QuestionsD.S. : Riri asked, Where are you going, Decky?I.S. : Riri asked Decky where he was going.

ImperativeD.S. : Mother told me, Turn down the radio, please!I.S. : Mother told me to turn down the radio.

D.S. : Teacher said, Dont come late again!I.S. : Teacher said not to come late again.


Present Tense

Past TensePast Tense

Past Tense, Past Perfect Tense

TASK 1Write the following sentences into Indirect Speech!

1. Your Mom said, The dog has been killed since two weeks.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Eddy told his girlfriend, Dont buy the expired drink!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Desy asked Mr. Wirya, What can I find there, Sir?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Alit asked Nanda, Can you lend me your dictionary, please?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. The girls said, We did not see anybody at school this morning.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Write the following sentences into Direct Speech!1. Laaba asked Alit whether Mr. Basuki would invite them.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Mr. Leo told Putu to clean the kitchen.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Madeline said that Stephanie was having lunch at that moment.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Mr. Wilson asked Ayu why she was crying.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Mrs. Priya told her children not to be naughty at school.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Fill in the blank to complete the conversations bellow!

1. Mother : Brush your teeth, Cindy!Cindy : Yes, Mom.Amadea : What did your Mom tell you, Cindy?Cindy : She told me _________________________________________________

2. Anderson : Were you sleeping when I called you last night?Yosua : No. I went to the stall at that time.Josefine : What did Anderson want to know about Yosua?Dian : He wanted to know ___________________________________________

3. Edit : Where are you staying?Ethan : At Jimbaran.Edit asked Ethan _______________________________________________________

4. Naomi : Hey, guys. Mr. Sukartha is not coming today.Jeferson : What did Naomi say, Keyla?Keyla : She said ____________________________________________________


K.D. 6.2Language Component: Grammar(Teaching Approach: EEE = Exploration, Explanation, Expression)

Topic: Simple Past Tense

Study the following Example:1. Dita and Dian visited their grandparents two weeks ago.2. Piero did not play football yesterday afternoon.3. Did she watch the movie last night?4. The students were at the park this morning.5. John was not present last Monday.6. Were you the captain of that volley ball club?

From the sentences above try to find the pattern of Simple Past Tense in form of Positive, Negative and Interrogative!

Positive : .Negative : .Interrogative : .

TASK 1Find the Past Form of the following Verbs!REGULAR VERBSIRREGULAR VERBS



WriteEatReadMeetHitDriveSpeakSitStandSleepComeTakeDoMakeHearSeeFlyGiveSendIs Are

TASK 2Choose 5 words in the table above to make sentences of Simple Past Tense.1. (+)_______________________________________________________________(-) _______________________________________________________________(?) _______________________________________________________________

2. (+)_______________________________________________________________(-) _______________________________________________________________(?) _______________________________________________________________

3. (+)_______________________________________________________________(-) _______________________________________________________________(?) _______________________________________________________________

4. (+)_______________________________________________________________(-) _______________________________________________________________(?) _______________________________________________________________

5. (+)_______________________________________________________________(-) _______________________________________________________________(?) _______________________________________________________________


Write the following sentences into positive, negative and interrogative!1. Andre slept late last night.(-) _______________________________________________________________(?) _______________________________________________________________2. Did he listen to me?(-) _______________________________________________________________(+) _______________________________________________________________3. Mr. Joko did not permit her to smoke in the room.(+) _______________________________________________________________(?) _______________________________________________________________4. Were you at home when your Mom cooked meat ball?(-) _______________________________________________________________(+) _______________________________________________________________5. Her brother was not the victim of the gangster.(+) _______________________________________________________________(?) _______________________________________________________________

TASK 4Write sentences of Simple Past Tense using these words!

1. We not fight yesterday.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. My cat catch a mouse under table this morning.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Tika sing a song the party last night?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Someone steal Prabas car last week.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Who you meet in the caf two days ago?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TASK 5Give the correct form of the past tense for the words in the brackets!

Example:She (study) hard last night for her Math exam. She studied hard last night for her Math exam.W e (swim) in Air Sanih swimming pool two days ago. We swam in Air Sanih swimming pool two days ago.

1. After I (find) the wallet full of money, I immediately (go) to the police and (turn) it in.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. The doctor (say) that Tom was too sick to go to work and that he (need) to stay at home fo a couple of days.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Pirlo (arrive) at Devinas house a little before 9.00 p.m., but she (is) not there.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. A : I (call) you last night for dinner, but you (are) not there. Where were you? B : I (work) out at Matrix Fitness Center.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Sandy is in the living room watching TV. At this time yesterday, she also (watch) TV.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


K.D 6.2Language Skill: Writing

Topic: Narrative Text

TASK 1Read the following Comics carefully and then answer the questions!

Clint had just returned to his parked car..

Questions:1. Who were the characters of the story?_______________________________________________________________2. Where did the story take place?_______________________________________________________________3. What was the problem faced by the main character?_______________________________________________________________4. How did he solve the problem?_______________________________________________________________5. How did the story end?_______________________________________________________________TASK 2Rewrite the story in the comics above into monolog text!



I. Cross one of the options bellow which you consider the most appropriate answer!1. Debora : May I use your dictionary, Candra?Candra : _____________________. I am using it right now.a. Sure, go ahead. d. I am afraid not.b. Why not. e. No. I dont mind.c. Thank you.2. Maya : Do you mind if I turn on the fan?Ratna : __________________________. Its hot here.a. Of course not d. Here you areb. Yes, I do e. Certainlyc. You may not3. Renita : Hey, your brother got the first prize.Andre : __________________________ Which one is not appropriate to response Renitas statement?a. Really? What a clever boy! d. What a relief!b. Oh, marvelous! e. Thank goodness for that.c. I am glad you like it.4. John : You look so awful. Whats wrong with you?Jerry : ___________________________________John : Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.a. Ive got headache. d. My father bought a new car.b. My cat laid a kitten. e. My car needs to be repaired.c. My girlfriend will come tonight.5. Ariel : When will you go back to Bali, dear?Luna : Not sure yet. Maybe next month.Ariel asked Luna ____________________________a. Whether she would go back to Bali. d. that she would go back to Bali.b. When she would go back to Bali. e. if he would go back to Bali.c. To go back to Bali.6. Grandma : Chelsea, Please turn down the radio. I cant hear anything.Geary : What did your grandma say, Chel?Chelsea : She told me ____________________________________a. Please turn down the radio. d. why I turn down the radio.b. If I turn down the radio. e. to turn down the radio.c. That she will turn down the radio.7. Gerrad : I practiced alone yesterday afternoon.Lampard : Why didnt you call me to come?Gerrad said _________________________________________________a. That I practiced alone yesterday afternoon.b. If he practiced alone yesterday afternoon.c. That he practiced alone yesterday afternoon.d. If he called Lampard to practice.e. To practice alone yesterday afternoon.8. Nadine : I came to your flat last night, but no one I found there. __________________________________________? Aulia : I was at Jassicas house. I spent a night with her.a. What did you do d. What were you doingb. Where were you e. What are you doingc. Where are you9. Marvel : When did you get the comic?Jasmine : Yesterday. When I was walking home, a boy ______________ me to give it to you.a. Asks d. has been askingb. Asking e. is askingc. Asked 10. Mitha : My I go to Lovina beach, Dad?Father : Yes, but dont forget to take care of yourself.Mitha : Thanks, Dad.From the dialogue above, we know that father ______________ Mitha to go to Lovina beach.a. Allows c. forbids e. stopsb. Orders d. avoids

II. Read the following story carefully. Then, answer the questions!

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, was known throughout the ancient world for her beauty and intelligence. Every man would fall in love with her. Antony, who with two others ruled Rome after the death of Julius Caesar, went to the East to meet Cleopatra and discover she was plotting against Rome. When Antony reached Egypt and saw Cleopatra for the first time, he was fascinated with her beauty and fell in love with her; he completely forgot his purpose there. Antony stayed in Egypt enjoying the lazy and luxurious life with Cleopatra. Moreover, she wanted him to live in Egypt forever. Meanwhile, Anthonys fellow ruler in Rome, Octavius was angry to hear that Antony spent his time in merry-making in Egypt while Rome was threatened by its enemy, Pompey. So, he arranged a marriage between her sister, Octavia and Anthony for political reasons and restored the friendship. Although Antony treated his wife with great kindness and respect, he longed for Cleopatra in Egypt. In fact, he knew that Octavius was ambitious and wanted to be a single ruler in Rome. At last Antony went back to Egypt and joined with Cleopatra against Rome. This time Octavius could not tolerate with Antony so he sent his army to actium to fight Antonys and Cleopatra army. The battle was so fierce that Antony and Cleopatra lost their armies. Feeling ashamed of being dishonored, Antony took his own life using his own sword. Cleopatra was speechless with grief. She couldnt go on living without Antony. She told her servants to bring her two poisonous snakes. And so, dressed in a queen, she prepared for death. On her throat and her arm she placed two snakes which bite her killed her instantly.

Questions:1. Who was Antony? _________________________________________________________2. Why did Antony go to Egypt? ________________________________________________3. Why did Antony marry Octavia? ______________________________________________4. How did Antony die? _______________________________________________________5. How did Cleopatra die? _____________________________________________________6. Does the story have a happy or sad ending? _____________________________________


K.D 1.2 (Listening) & 3.2 (Speaking)Topic: Asking and Giving Advice

Study the following expressions. Read them aloud!

TASK 1Please do the following task!1. Write down a problem you have in a piece of paper.2. Exchange you paper with your partner next to you.3. Then, read your partners problem and give your advice or suggestion for the problem. Use the expressions of offering advice.4. Now, return the paper to your partner.5. In pairs, make a short dialogue based on the problem and advice you have written. Perform it in front of the classroom.TASK 2Fill in the blank bellow with the suitable expressions of asking and offering advice!

Mr. Surip : Hey, dude. Ive got a headache. _______________________________?Choky : _____________________________ drink coffee.Mr. Surip : No, Ive just drunk a glass of coffee.Choky : Why ___________________ an aspirin?Mr. Surip : Hmmm. Its a good idea. But anyway, can you buy one at the drug store, please? I cannot drive a car.Choky : All right. I think you ___________________________________.Mr. Surip : Okay, Ill practice to drive later. This time I do need your help, man.Choky : It doesnt matter. Ill buy it for you alligator.Mr. Surip : Thanks a lot, crocodile.

TASK 3Practice the dialogue above in front of the class!

TASK 4Listen to the dialogue read by your teacher/ played on the tape recorder and then answer the questions given! (Book 3, Lesson 40)

1. What is the womans problem?___________________________2. What does her friend advise her?___________________________3. Who is John?___________________________

TASK 5Write a dialogue using the expressions of asking and giving advice according to the following illustration!

1. Your friends car is not working. She asks for your suggestion about her problem.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Your brothers relationship with his girlfriend broke down. He asks for your advice.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PERTEMUAN 9

K.D 1.2 (Listening) & 3.2 (Speaking)Topic: Warning===> Matching Game : Match the cards of Warning to the place where it is found.Study the following expressions!

TASK 1Write and say the warning for the following situations!Example:The Taxi driver is driving in a high speed. You are frightened. Please be careful. The road is slippery. You are endangering my life.

1. Your father is climbing a coconut tree to get some old coconut fruits. You see your younger brother is standing near the tree.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Your maid is ironing an expensive silk blouse that youve just bought in Italy.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. You see an old man crossing the road.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Your uncle is cutting grass for his cows. There is a bees nest on the grass.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Some young kids are playing sands on the beach near seashore. The waves are getting bigger.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Your little sister is holding a knife in his hand.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Your father is parking the car at the parking area. You see a little boy walking across behind the car.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Go to any public places to find written warning/notice. Then, write them down on the following table!


Out of Order


ATM Machine


Telling that the ATM machine is not working any more.


K.D 2.2 (Listening) & 5.2 (Reading)Topic: Report

TASK 1Listen carefully the text read by your teacher / played on the tape. Then, answer the following questions! (Look Ahead 2 pg 27; Tornados)

1. What is the text about?__________________________________________________________2. What is the other name of tornados?__________________________________________________________3. What is a tornados shaped like?__________________________________________________________4. How fast do tornados move?__________________________________________________________5. Are weather scientists able to know exactly when tornados will occur?__________________________________________________________

TASK 2Read and understand the following text!Generic StructureReport

General Classification

Description- Qualities: physical appearance.- Parts of body (if animals)- Behaviors

Closing (Optional) Do you know Arachnids? I mean, it is a spider. Spiders are not insects. I mean spiders are Arachnids. Arachnids have four bite pairs of legs but they only have two body parts but insects have three pairs of legs and three body parts. The most surprising thing is that spiders have two to four pair of eyes. They can see extremely well. Spiders eat small insects such as flies and mosquitoes and you know what? They sometimes bite people. When a spider bites an insect, it doesnt kill the insect immediately but a special poison passes through its fangs, and this poison paralyzes the body of the unlucky insect. Most spiders make their own homes. They do this with a special substance produced by their bodies. In the corner of some rooms it is possible to find a spiders web where the spider is waiting for its next dinner guest.

TASK 3Answer the following questions according to the text above!1. Please identify Arachnids :a. Physical appearance____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________b. Behavior ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What is surprising about spiders?________________________________________________________________________3. What is the third paragraph mainly about?________________________________________________________________________4. What is the communicative purpose of the text?________________________________________________________________________

TASK 4Rearrange the following sentences into a correct order paragraph!

a. It can be up to 30 meters in thickness and serves heat and body fluids. b. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure; its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. c. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meters in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. d. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. e. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). f. Whales are sea-livings mammals.


K.D 6.2 (Writing) & 4.2 (Speaking)

Topic: Report

TASK 1Make a report about an animal based on the guidelines bellow!1. What kind of animal does it belong? (Carnivores, Herbivores, wild, cattle, pet, etc.)2. Where can you find it?3. How does it move/ live/ survive?4. What does it look like?5. What does it feed on?6. How does it reproduce their young?

TASK 2Have your friend check your writing! Afterwards, rewrite your report.

TASK 3Read/ tell your report in front of the class. Use the following guidelines to give your report.Opening:- Great the listeners- Motivate the listeners to the topic- Explain why you chose the topic

Telling a report:- Tell them the general classification- Tell them the parts, behaviors, and characteristics- Dont forget to use the gambit: A surprising fact Making generalization- Ask them if they have any questions

Closing:- Say thanks

TASK 4Write another report at home!


K.D 6.2 (Writing/Grammar)

Topic: Degree of Comparison(EEE METHOD)Study the following sentences!

TASK 1Fill in the blank with the correct comparative and superlative forms!1. Tall taller tallest2. Careful . .3. Fat . .4. Clever . .5. Interesting . .6. Stupid . .7. Modern . .8. Fast . .9. Narrow . .10. Popular . .11. Expensive . .12. Thin . .13. Gentle . .14. Slowly . .15. Early . .

TASK 2Write comparison based on the illustration given!1. Andres bag is $ 60.Johns bag is $ 70.Jerrys bag is 60.Toms bag is 55.

a. Andres bag is ________________________________ Johns bag.b. Jerrys bag is _____________________________ Toms bag.c. Andres bag is _____________________________Jerrys bag.d. Johns bag is _____________________________ among them.e. Toms bag is _____________________________ among them.

2. Christine is 72 years old. Helen is 74 years old.______________________________________________________________3. Peter is 180 cm tall. Ben is 180 cm tall.______________________________________________________________4. Jeferson runs 80 km an hour. Sinyo runs 85 km an hours.______________________________________________________________

TASK 3Use the adjectives: young, heavy, tall, a lot of, expensive, to write sentences comparing the boys according to the information bellow!

Teachers Name =>SuleAndreNunung


271.7070$ 1,000.$ 13,000.261.7572$ 800.$ 9,000.251.7673$ 950$ 12,000.

Sule, Andre and Nunung are teachers. Sule is young. Andre is younger than Sule. He is not as young as Nunung,though. Nunung is the youngest of them all. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TASK 4Now compare yourself with Nunung.

I am younger than Nunung. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LATIHAN SOAL

Cross one of the options which you consider as the most correct answer!

1. Buffon : Why are you sleepy in class?Kaka : Do I look sleepy? I am not sleepy, but I have a painful stomachache.Buffon : You should go to the doctor. Come on, Ill accompany you.The underlined words express a. Disagreement d. Offeringb. Satisfaction e. Advicec. Obligation 2. Anie : This telegram is for my husband. Hes out on duty. What do you recommend me to do?Rina : Why dont you ring him and tell him that a telegrams arrived.In the dialogue above, Anie is asking for Rinas ..a. Advice d. Permissionb. Curiosity e. Informationc. Agreement 3. Janisa and Rama speak English, but Janisas English is ________________ than Ramas.a. the better d. more betterb. more good e. the bestc. better4. X : Is Ade as tall as you?Y : Yes, he is the same ____________ as I am.a. age b. height c. size d. weight e. lengthDiposkan oleh GuruKul di 17.58 Kirimkan Ini lewat EmailBlogThis!Berbagi ke TwitterBerbagi ke FacebookTidak ada komentar:Poskan KomentarPosting Lebih Baru Posting Lama Beranda Langganan: Poskan Komentar (Atom) LanggananPos Komentar Total Klickers14016 GuruKullersMy Files 2012 (5) 2011 (19) Desember (16) KALIMAT PAST TENSE UTK GAME KARTU REMI download bahan ajar procedure text klik link ini: Mengajar Grammar (Simple Past) melalui permainan K... Teaching Tenses Through Miming (e.g.: present cont... Teaching Grammar Through Game (e.g.: Indirect spee... Teaching Speaking (telling story through drama) Game for Teaching Reading Comprehension Brahman-Atman-Karma-Punarbhawa-Moksa The Benefits of Using Drama in the ESL/EFL Classro... Teaching Reported Speech for Writing: A Game Appro... Teaching Conversation Strategies Through Pair-Tapi... JOKE IN ENGLISH GAMES IN ENGLISH CLASS DRAMA TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH MODUL BHS INGGRIS SMA KELAS XI SEMESTER 1 Gayatri Mantra: Dialog Antara AS Kobalen dan Tri U... November (3) Mengenai Saya

GuruKul Seputih Banyak, Lampung, IndonesiaSeorang jiwa yg berkelana dari Pulau Bali ke Pulau Sumatera (Lampung) untuk mencari jati diri...hahahaLihat profil lengkapku BerandaEntri Populer MODUL BHS INGGRIS SMA KELAS XI SEMESTER 1Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI Semester 1 PENYUSUN... Mengajar Grammar (Simple Past) melalui permainan Kartu RemiProsedur: - Guru menyiapkan 180 kartu yang masing-masing kartu terdapat sebuah kata yang akan disusun menjadi kalimat. Masing-masing kalima... download bahan ajar procedure text klik link ini: GAMES IN ENGLISH CLASSGAMES IN ENGLISH CLASS Act Out an Activity Level: Easy to Medium This is a game-like activity to teach continous tense. One student simpl... Game for Teaching Reading Comprehension* Teacher provides a monolog text (e.g. a story) which has been cut per paragraph. The 'paragraph-papers' should be as many as the s... Gayatri Mantra: Dialog Antara AS Kobalen dan Tri UtamiSuatu hal yang sangat sulit diprediksi, seorang artis sekelas Tri Utami mengungkapkan dengan terbuka... Teaching Grammar Through Game (e.g.: Indirect speech)* Teacher provides cards with two faces; one face for question, the other is for the answer. ex.: Face 1: Andre said, "Nia is having l... Teaching Tenses Through Miming (e.g.: present continuous tense)* Teacher provides sentences of tenses (e.g. present continuous tense) on pieces of papers. * Students are divided into groups. * Each... Teaching Speaking (telling story through drama)* Teacher provides some stories (narrative text) which have been cut into paragraph. * The paragraphs are delivered to students randomly. ... DRAMA TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHING ENGLISHDrama Techniques for Teaching English Vani Chauhan vani_chauhan [at] Using drama to teach English results in real communication ...

I Putu Wirya Suta. Template Picture Window. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger. Mengajar Grammar (Simple Past) melalui permainan Kartu Remi Prosedur:- Guru menyiapkan 180 kartu yang masing-masing kartu terdapat sebuah kata yang akan disusun menjadi kalimat. Masing-masing kalimat terdiri dari empat kartu.- Kalimat-kalimat yang tersusun dari kartu-kartu tersebut bisa kalimat positif (warna merah), negatif (warna biru)dan tanya (hitam).- Siswa dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok (tergantung jumlah siswa).- Guru membagikan 13 kartu ke masing-masing kelompok.- Tugas masing-masing kelompok menyusun kartu-kartu itu menjadi 3 kalimat simple past baik kalimat positif, negatif maupun kalimat tanya.- Seperti halnya bermain remi, tiap kelompok mempunyai kesempatan mengambil satu per satu kartu yang tersisa secara bergilir agar mereka mendapatkan pasangan kartu yang dimiliki untuk menyusun kalimat. Tiap pengambilan 1 kartu, kelompok bersangkutan harus membuang 1 kartu yang dianggap tidak penting.- Kelompok berikutnya berhak mengambil kartu yang dibuang oleh kelompok sebelumnya apabila kartu tersebut dianggap bisa dipasangkan dengan kartu yag dimiliki.- Apabila ada salah satu kelompok yang bisa menyusun 3 kalimat simple past dengan 12 kartu yang dimilikinya dan sisa 1 kartu, maka kelompok tersebut yang memenangkan game dengan rincian nilai: > Kartu yang tersisa sebagai kartu penutup dengan poin 50. > Kartu-kartu yang tersusun menjadi kalimat diberikan poin 10 tiap kartu (jadi poinnya 10 x 12 = 120) > Sehingga total nilai yang diperoleh oleh kelompok yang memenangkan babak tersebut adalah: 50 + 120 = 170.- Apabila tidak ada kelompok yang memenangka game sampai kartu sisa habis, maka nilai dihitung berdasarkan kartu yang dipegang oleh masng-masing kelompok dengan rincian sbb: > 1 kartu yang tersusun benar menjadi kalimat nilainya 10. > 1 kartu yang tersusun salah nilainya -10. > Jadi, jika dari 13 kartu yang dipegang terdapat 8 kartu tersusun benar dan 5 kartu tersusun salah, maka nilainya: (8 x 10) - (5 x 10) = 30.- Game dimainkan dalam beberapa babak. Kelompok dengan nilai akhir tertinggi adalah pemenangnya.

Contoh kata-kata dalam kartu:/They/ /visted/ /John/ /yesterday/

/Andre and Sule/ /did not/ /eat/ /this morning/

/Did/ /we/ /come/ /to his house/



READINGA DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN AIR HOSTESSMy name is Mariana and I was born in Jakarta in 1993. I applied for a job as an air hostess with Garuda Indonesia and was successful.When I am on flying duty, my day usually starts very early. I have to be up at 4 am to get ready to travel to the airport. I have to make sure that my uniform is neatly ironed. I also carry a spare uniform in case of accidents, and so of course, that has to be ironed and packed. A minibus from Garuda picks me up at 5 am. We also correct other air hostess and stewards on the way to the Jakarta Soekarno Hatta International Airport. I usually work on the Jakarta to London flights, with stopover at Singapore. Occasionally, I do flights to BangkokOn the flights I attend to the needs of the passengers. I make sure that they are comfortable, that their seats belts are fastened when necessary, and that they get enough food and drink. I try to be particularly helpful to people traveling with young children. Sum run around the plane. I distribute some books, comics, and games to help keep them amused. Older children love to see the cockpit and watch the pilot and co-pilot at work.Most passengers are very easy to please. But occasionally a passenger can be a bit awkward, and some be very demanding. It can be difficult to deal with them, but being patient and very polite to them usually work. I love my job and love visiting London, though sometimes the weather is bit too cold and windy. Because of the long flights, we always stay overnight at a hotel in London. I a usually so tired that I go to bed early.

Answer these questions.1. What does Mariana work for?2. When does she usually get up?3. How does she get to the airport?4. Which international route does she work on?5. What happens to some children to long flight?6. How does Mariana deal with bored children?7. Who gets to visit the cockpit?8. Are all passengers easy to pleased?9. How does Mariana deal with difficult passengers?10. What does Mariana not like about London

VOCABULARYAkhiran :-er,-or,-ist,-an,-cian dapat ditambahkan pada verb atau noun. Kata bentukan baru itu mempunyai arti seseorang yang mempunyai keahlian atau seperti disebut kata asalnya.Contoh : Dance : dancerAct : actorArt : artistAssist : assistantTechnic : technichianBeauty : beauticianLibrary : Librarian

FOCUS ON GRAMMARA. Present continues tenseIt states something is happening nowSentence pattern: S + TOBE + V-ING + I am working -I am not working ? Am I working?B. Future continues tenseUntuk menyatakan perbuatan yang akan sedang dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang.Contoh:Dont come at 8 am tomorrow I will be washing.They will be having a rest in the hotel tomorrow evening.C. Review on there is & there areThere is means ada for singularThere are means ada for plural

OCCUPATIONS Generally occupations are grouped under seven categories. They are professional, semi professional, skilled, sales, clerical, service, and protective service occupations.Professional occupations include accountants, actors, pilots, archeologist, architects, astronomers, biologist, botanist, administrators, chemist, commercials, programmers, dentist, economist, editors, engineers, managers, foresters, geographers, geologist, nurses, sanitarians, social workers, sociologist, statisticians, surveyors, teachers, writers, planners, zoologists.Semi professional and technical jobs cover technicians, dispatchers, hygienist, draftsmen, instrument makers, technologist, and designers.Skilled jobs comprise mechanics, bricklayers, carpenters, electricians, machinist, painters, plumbers, pressmen, workers, technicians, toolmakers, and welders.Sales jobs involve salesmen, clerks, and agentsClerical jobs contain bookkeepers, cashiers, operators, secretaries, stenographers, and typist.Protective service occupations cover agents, firefighters, and police officers.Service occupations include flight attendants, beauticians, and chefs

EKSPRESSING FEELING READINGLOVE AND WAR Bosko was a Serb, Admira was a Bosnian. They have been sweethearts since high school, both were 25 years old, and both died through the same mindless hatred that has doomed 138.000 Bosnian in the last years. But their final embrace goes further than perhaps any other image in capturing the intimate, unutterable sadness of this war.When Boskos family fled Sarajevo, he chose to remain in the besieged city rather than abandon his lover. he had no one here, just admira, explained admiras mother. He stayed in Sarajevo because of her. And admira wanted to repay him by traveling with him to Serbia. After striking a deal with local commanders for safe passage across the battle line, the couple set out on foot. They carried only two bags and their hope of living together in peace. Exposed to snipers from both sides, they passed into no-mans near vrbana bridge. And then, somebody mowed them down with a machine gun.When they were hit, bosko dead instantly. Mortally wounded, admira crawled over and during his final second, succeeded in tenderly wrapping her arms around his body. Then she too passed away.

Answer these questions.1. How do you feel when reading the text?2. Do you know any others story like the one above?3. Read the text again, and retell it in your own language.

FOCUS ON GRAMMAR A. Adjective ending ing and ed ingmeaning ed meaning

AmazingFascinatingAstonishingExcitingInterestingTiringExhaustingAmusingEmbarrassingSurprisingShockingHorrifyingTerrifyingFrighteningWorryingAnnoyingDisgustingDepressingSatisfyingconfusingMengagumkanMengagumkanMengherankanMenarikMenarik MelelahkanMelelahkanMenggelikanMemalukanMengejutkanMengejutkanMenakutkanmenakutkanmenakutkanmengkhawatirkanmenyakitkanmenjijikanmenyedihkanmemuaskanmembingungkanAmazedFascinatedAstonishedExcitedInterestedTiredExhaustedAmusedEmbarrassedSurprisedShockedHorrifiedTerrifiedFrightenedWorriedAnnoyedDisgustedDepressedSatisfiedconfusedkagumkagumherantertariktertariklelahlelahgelimalu terkejutterkejuttakuttakuttakutkhawatirsakitjijiksedihpuasbingung

1. The trip is really (tiring/tired). I am very (tiring/tired)2. Are you (interesting /interested) in art?3. Are you (frightening /frightened) of ghost?

B. Linking VerbsLinking Verbs adalah kata yang menghubungkan subject dengen complementnya (sama dengan to be).Complement bias berupa: noun, adjective, adverbLinking verbs diantaranya adalah : remain, become, seem, prove, grow, sound, taste, turn, look, smell, appear.Contoh :You look so beautiful tonightMy brother become a policemenThis food doesnt taste goodDoes typing remain important in secretarial positionIt doesnt look cloudy today

Exercises1. Mariah was pale after the examination. She didnt seem (health/healthy)2. Hi, hows the picture? Does it (feel-look-taste) fine?3. The radio (isnt sound-doesnt sound) good anymore4. (Is the river look-does the river look) wider than it was years ago?5. The last time I saw him, he (felt-sounded-became) an officer in the navy

Funny Story A man went to doctor and was told he has a serious illness and would need an operation. Is it dangerous? asked the manYes it is. Four out of five people who have this operation die, said the doctor. But you will have nothing to worry aboutWhy not ? I have already operated on four people and they have all died.

Read the text December 26, 2004, the most horrible disaster in the century occurred in Aceh. Earthquake followed by gigantic waves, called tsunami. The tsunami, 10 m high and 700 km per hour in speed, swept out everything in the northwest of Sumatra, More than 200,000 people died and more than 500,000 people lost their possessions, houses, farms, animals, and everything they have. So they had to live in refugee camp. It was really a monster that people only have in their mind. It spread out and swallowed victims in ten other countries in Asia. Ceylon, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Maladewa, and some other countries in Africa. Ceylon lost more than its 30,000 population, India lost more than 20,000 population, Thailand lost more than 5,000 population. So it was really a nightmare for the people living in the world.

Questions1. When were the tsunami happened?2. How many people died in Indonesia?3. How many people become refugees?4. How many people died in Ceylon?5. What is tsunami?


MEMO MEMOTo : Mr. Zainul AbidinFrom : DirectorSubject : MeetingDate : February 5th,2007Please attend the meeting at hotel Sri Wijaya on Tuesday, 7 February 2007, At 9 am on behalf of the director. looking forward to your report upon the completion of the meeting

MENU BREAKFAST MENUCONTINENTAL AMERICANFruit juice Fruit juice or Cereal Rolls, butter Eggs, Hash, BrownsTea or Coffee Toast, Butter, Jelly, Tea or CoffeeUS 5.00 US 8.00

TRAVEL SCHEDULE NUSA DUA HOTEL TOUR09.30 : Go to the art center in Celuk11.00 : Visit Besakih temple12.30 : Lunch in Kintamani02.00 : Visit Tampaksiring04.30 : Return to the hotel

Bahan ajar

English Lesson For Intermediate Level (tingkat XII SMK)Kompetensi Dasar : Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu.Indikator : 1. General Information 2. Detailed Information 3. Taking Notes

GENERAL AND DETAILED INFORMATION'We can find or get general information in advertisements, announcements, reports, bulletin, notices, letters, faxes, etc. Other wise, detailed information can be found by taking the interview, short dialogues or short talks.

I. ADVERTISEMENT. Advertisement is a public promotion of some products or services. It functions to promote products, services, and others to public.


The City Convention Center is looking for an assistant convention coordinator. Duties include organizing exhibit and meeting space for upcoming conventions, overseeing exhibit set-up, and coordinating audio-visual requests of participants. If you are good with details, enjoy people, and don't want to sit behind a desk, this job is for you. Come by City Hall, Room 203 for an application.

Questions :1. What are mentioned as the duties of the assistant ?2. What kind of person would like this job ?3. How would you apply for this job ? ADVERTISEMENT 2


Formal GreetingResponses

- Good morning- Good afternoon- Good evening- Good night- Hello, how are you ?

- Hello- Hello, good afternoon- Good evening- Good night- Im fine thank you.- I am very well thank you.- Not too bad- Im unwell- Not very well.

Informal GreetingResponses

- Hi, hows life ?- Whats news ?- Hows everything ?- Hows business ?- Good to see you.- How are things with you ?- How are you going on ?

- Terrific / Greet and you ?- Just fine thank you- All right thanks- Pretty well. What about you ?- All right, thanks. What about you ?

Saying good byeResponses

- Bye- See you- Good bye- See you soon- See you again- Till we meet again- See you later- See you tomorrow- See you tonight- See you next time- Etc.

- So long- Good bye- Keep in touch- See you

1. INTRODUCING / BEING INTRODUCED (perkenalan/diperkenalkan):

Here are some phrases and the responses for formal introduction.Formal IntroductionResponses

- Good morning. My name is..- Please allow me to introduce myself ? I am........ - May I introduce myself ? I am .- How do you do ? My name is..- Let me introduce myself. My name is.- Good morning, may I introduce our guest here. His name is- Mrthis friend in this office. Etc.

- Good morning, how do you do ?- How do you do. Nice to meet you- Oh, Hello, nice to meet you.- I am pleased to see you.- I am glad to know you.- Nice meeting you too.- How do you do Mr / Mrs.Nice to meet you. My name is.- My name is..- Etc.

Here are some phrases and the responses for informal introductionInformal IntroductionResponses

- Hello, I am - Hi, I am.- Let me introduce my friend, her name is Ana Ana this is Chris my friend here- Have you met my friend , Oky.- Hi, I am.- Hello, I am- Hello Ana, glad to meet you

- Hello Oky. I am Ana.

2. THANKING (terima kasih)


- Thank you- Thanks a lot- Many thanks- Thank you very much - Thank you for your kindness- Thank you very much for.- Id like to express my gratitude to you.- I appreciate your kindness. - I am the most grateful to you for- Thats very kind of you.

- You are welcome- Not at all- Its my pleasure- Dont mention it- I am glad you like it- Thats all right.

3. CONGRATULATING AND THE RESPONSES (ucapan selamat dan jawabannya):


- Congratulation- Id like to be the first to congratulate you on.......- Fantastic / Terrific!- Well done / nice one- Congratulation on your success- Congratulation on your promotion- Congratulation on the birth of your son- Congratulation on your 18th birthday.- Etc.- Thank you- Its nice of you to say so- Thank you very much for saying so

5. EXPRESSING COMMAND, PROHIBITION AND REQUEST (mengungkapkan perintah, larangan & permohonan):

Here are examples of expressing commands, prohibitions and requests:- Will you open it please ?- Could you help me please ?- Would you hold on a moment please ?- Please sit down!- Sit down please !- Keep quite would you please !- Would you be quite please ?- Would you please come on time ?- Would you mind opening the door please ?- Dont disturb me please !- Dont go home please !- Please dont smoke here !- Dont ever cheat!- Dont be naughty!- Dont be careless ! Responses for command. Prohibition and request :A. Possitive response :- Yes of course- Certainly- Sure- All right- All right, I wont- Trust me - Thats OKEY- No, thats all right (khusus jawaban would you mind)

B. Negative response :- Im sorry I cant- Sorry I cant- I am sorry but I have to .- I am afraid I cant

6.EXPRESSING FEELING (mengungkapkan perasaan):

Here are some adjectives to express the feeling :- hopeless = putus harapan - crazy = gila- sad = sedih - frustrated = frustasi- happy = bahagia - confused = bingung- glad = senang - excited = senang/gembira- anxious = cemas - nervous = gugup - high spirited = semangat tinggi - low spirit = lemah semangat- angry = marah - terrific = hebat- excellent = bagus sekali - wonderful = heran- terrible = buruk, menyiksa - thankfull = berterimakasih

Adjectives ending in -ING (active): Adjective ending in ED (passive): - Boring = membosankan -Bored = bosan- Confusing = membingungkan -Confused = bingung- Exciting = menggembirakan -Excited = gembira- Worrying = mengkhawatirkan -Worried = khawatir- Embarrassing = memalukan -Embarrassed = malu- Tiring = melelahkan -Tired = lelah- Fascinating = menarik -Fascinated = tertarik- Amusing = menggelikan -Amused = geli/lucu- Astonishing = mengagumkan -Astonished = kagum- Shocking = men. rasa takut/prihatin -Shocked = takut/prihatin- Disgusting = menjijikan -Disgusted = jijik- Horrifying = mengerikan -Horrified = ngeri- Terrifying = menakutkan -Terrified = takut- Frightening = menakutkan -Frightened = takut- Depressing = menyedihkan -Depressed = sedih- Annoying = mengesalkn -Annoyed = terganggu/kesal- Satisfying = memuaskan -Satisfied = puas- Disappointing = mengecewakan -Disappointed = kecewa- Impressing = mengesankan -Impressed = terkesan- Frustrating = puas(kesal) -Frustrated = tidak puas/frusasi - Amazing = menakjubkan -Amazed = takjub- Exhausting = sangat melelahkan -Exhausted = sangat lelah- Interesting = menarik -Interested = tertarik

7. OFFERING, ACCEPTING, AND REFUSING (penawaran, menerima dan menolak) :

Offering :-Would you like to go out for dinner ?-Would you care to dance Mrs Brent ?-Would you like desert ?-What about dance Denise ?-Do you want me to clean the machine ?-Should I get food for the picnic ?

Accepting an offer :-Id love to-That would be nice-OK, sound great-Yes, please-Just what I need

Refusing an offer :-Sorry I cant-Sorry, I cant. Thanks anyway.-No, I cant-Thanks but I.-No, its Ok. Thanks-No, its all right really

8. ASKING FOR AND GIVING PERMISSION (minta dan memberi ijin) :

Asking for permission :

-Do you mind if I leave now-May I come in ?-Could I , please ?-Excuse me, could I try to turn on the computer ?-I wonder if I could borrow your camera?-Etc.

Giving permission (positive response):

-By all means -Yes, of course Not at all-Go ahead -Yes thats fine -Yes, why not -Yes certainly-All right please do - Etc.

Refusing permission (negative response):

-Im afraid you cant do that -Youre not allowed to..-You should not-No, I am sorry you cant

9. EXPRESSING POSSIBILITY (mengungkapkan kemungkinan) :

(+) Positive :(-) Negative :

-Its possible-Its likely-There s a good chance-It looks like-Ill probably-Its impossible-Its not likely/unlikely-Im sorry but I dont think its possible-It doesnt look as though

10. EXPRESSING WANTS AND NEEDS (mengungkapkan keinginan dan keperluan)

Some expressions used for telling wants and needs are :

-Id like to have some rest-I need some money-May I have a cup of coffee-What I need is-May I have a needle and thread -I want some paper to write a letter.-Id like some music-I wish I could have a new car-To make a cup of coffee, I need a cup, a saucer, sugar, coffee, spoon, creamer, and hot water.

The responses to someones wants / needs are :

-Of course here it is-Lets do it-Lets get it-Sorry, I cant provide it for you-Etc.

11. EXPRESSING REGRETS AND APOLOGIES (mengungkapkan penyesalan dan minta maaf ):

Asking for forgiveness :Responses :

-I am sorry-Please forgive me-Im really sorry-Please accept my apologies-I really must apologize for ..-Im extremely sorry for -Etc.

-Thats OK-Its all right-Dont worry . Its ok-It doesnt matter to you-Its never mind

12. EXPRESSING / SHOWING SYMPHATY (mengungkapkan / menunjukan simpati ) :

Expressions to show symphaty :The responses :

-Are you sure, youre OK ?-Is anything the matter ?-Please dont worry about it -Everything will be fine-Can I do something for you ?-Theres nothing to worry about-Im sorry to hear that-Im deeply sorry to hear about-What a pity-Oh dear. Im so sorry to hear that-Please accept my condolences / symphaty-Im all right , thank you-Im OK, thanks-Wish me luck-Please pray for me-I hope so thanks-Etc.

13. EXPRESSING CAPABILITIES (mengungkapkan kemampuan) :

Expressions used in talking about capabilities :

-Can you swim to cross this river ?-When I was a small boy I could jump over theat big stone-I can speak French quite well-How well can you speak foreign language ?-Are you able to finish the job ?-How good are you at repairing machine ?-Are you capable of taking care of this baby ?

The responses :

-Yes, I can swim quite well-No, I cant-No, I am not able to.-No, I am not capable of-Yes, I am able to..-Etc.

14. EXPRESSING / ASKING PREFERENCES (mengungkapkan / menanyakan pilihan ) :

Would ratherthan

-I would rather play badminton than tennis-I would rather stay at home than go to the movies

-She prefers apples to grapes-They prefer playing volleyball to basketball-We prefer singing to dancing-Which would you prefer.or?-Would you preferor..?-Would you prefer ..?

Likebetter than

-My father likes tea better tha