module 5 u2 revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3....

Module 5 U2 Revision

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Post on 01-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

Module 5 U2


Page 2: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

一、1.economy; economic2. environment; environmental; environmentally3. preservation; preserve4. industrial; industry5. poisonous; poison6. pollution; pollute7. addition; add



Page 3: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

8. lay; laid; laid9. production; produce; productive; product10. beneficial; benefit11. expand; expansion12. responsibility; responsible; irresponsible13. effective; effect14. destruction; destroy



Page 4: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

15. shock; shocked; shocking16. shame; ashamed; shameful; shameless17. illegally; illegal; legal18. arrival; arrive19. closely; close20. limited; limit; limitless21. technical; technique



Page 5: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

22. equipment; equip23. management; manage24. usage; use25. agricultural; agriculture26. growth; grow27. organization; organize28. assess; assessment29. diverse; diversity30. appreciate; appreciation


Page 6: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

1.environmental preservation/ protection2. open the floor for discussion3. poisonous chemical4. in addition5. wipe out6. lay eggs7. have a lasting effect on/ upon

Page 7: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

8. cut back on production9. be beneficial to 10. environmental ways of living11. be concerned about 12. be willing to do 13. run out of 14. in the form of 15. be stocked with modern technical equipment16. pick up

Page 8: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

17. raise concern both nationally and internationally18. rely/ depend on 19. lead to/ result in20. under way21. focus on22. problems concerning the Yangtze River 23. make all efforts to do/ make every effort to do

Page 9: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

1.lay vt. 产卵,下蛋;摆放,放置;设置;铺设;奠定基础 挑战自我 (1) 午饭好了,请摆设餐具。 Lunch is ready. Please . (2) 这种动物在水中产卵。 This kind of animal in water. (3) 他们正在客厅铺设新地毯。 They in the living room.

lay the table

lays its eggs

are laying a new carpet

Page 10: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

lay the table 摆放桌子 ( 准备吃饭 ) ,摆餐具lay eggs 产卵,下蛋lay aside 放在一边lay up 储蓄,储存lay down 放下,阐述,声明lay off 解雇lay foundations 打基础vi. 躺;卧;位于vt. 放置;产卵vi. 撒谎



Page 11: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

(1)There is a ladder against the wall.

(2)She often complains that her hens don’t well.

(3) the book where you took it.

(4)The boy often tells ,so hardly anyone believes him.





Page 12: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

2.under way 已经开始并在进行中 挑战自我 (1) 经济已经在恢复之中。 Economic recovery .

帮你归纳 under prep. 表示“在……中的、正被…… 中”,后加抽象名词,表示进行的状态。 under consideration 在考虑中 under construction 在建设中 under contact 在联系中

is already under way

Page 13: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

under discussion 在讨论中under examination 在审查中under investigation 在调查中under repair 在修理中under trial 在受审中即学活练(2) special government project is under

way to protect the river.

A. /; / B. The; a

C. A; / D. A; the


Page 14: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

3. appreciate vt. 赏识,欣赏;感激。 帮你归纳appreciate sth. 欣赏 / 赏识 / 感激某事物appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事appreciate one/one’s doing sth. 感激某人做某事I would appreciate it if... 如果……我将不胜感激

Page 15: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

练习 (1) 你能来参加这次聚会我太高兴啦。 I really the party. (2) 我们感谢你对公司的发展所做的努力。We for the development of the company.(3) 如承蒙您的帮助我将不胜感激。I would you could help me.

appreciate your coming to

appreciate your efforts

appreciate it if

Page 16: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous; the flooropen the floor 意为“自由发言”。如:The club members opened the floor for their discussion whether they should give up the plan or not.拓展 -a. 告知,表明 b. 开火 c. 展现d. 开张 e. 以…开始 f. 展开,打开。The lovely view opened out before our eyes.He opened his heart to the girl.My dream is to open a restaurant.The Red Army men opened fire at the enemy.He opened out a folding map for all of us and began his story.The story opened with a love story between a prince and a princess.

c a d b f e

Page 17: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

floor 发言权 n

have / get / obtain the floor 得到发言权

take the floor 发言

He didn’t get the floor. At last the chairman took the floor. ask for the floor 要求发言be on the floor 正在发言中give the floor to 给予发言权

Page 18: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

5.pick out 挑出 , 找出 , 了解、领会He is always quick in picking out the meaning of a passage.拓展 :a. 挑三拣四 b. 驾去接某人 c. 恢复健康d. 遭扒窃 e. 偶然获得 f. 采花Shall I pick you up at the station?I had my pocket picked yesterday.The boy was caught picking flowers in the garden.Don’t pick and choose. We are short of money these days.I think he’ll pick up soon.He picked up the information in a most unlikely place.

Keys: b d f a c e

Page 19: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

6.measure ⑴n. 措施,方法,程度 ⑵vt. 测量(长度,大小,重量等) The centimeter is a _________ of length. 厘米是长度

的单位。 The tailor ________ me for a suit. 裁缝量了我的尺寸

好做西装。拓展 :to one’s own measure. 按照某人的尺寸take measures to do sth. 采取措施做……beyond measure 非常地,过度地in large measure/ in some measure 在很大 / 某

种程度上 take one’s measure 量…的尺寸;判断…的性格



Page 20: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

• 【考点导练】• 一、• 1. established 2. expanding

• 3. assess 4. prohibited

• 5. debating 6. beneficial

• 7. decreased 8. lay

• 9. approaches 10. appreciate

Page 21: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

• 11. concerned 12. stock

• 13. equipment 14. situation

• 15. arrival 16. measure

• 17. rely 18. ashamed

• 19. endanger 20. closely

Page 22: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

• 四、• 1. environmentalist 2. economist

• 3. Poisonous 4. waste

• 5. Increasing 6. Production

• 7. amount 8. Recycling

• 9. laws 10. taxes

Page 23: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

• 二、• 1. It is reported that

• 2. People suggest

• 3. What if

• 4. three times what it was in 1949

• 5. It is obvious that

Page 24: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

学教案答案• 一、• 1. approached 2. established • 3. appreciate 4. environmental • 5. stable 6. situations • 7. poisonous 8. debate• 9. flowing 10. Fortunately • 11. voice 12. atmosphere • 13. obvious 14. concerning • 15. responsibilities

Page 25: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

• 二、• 1. large amounts of

• 2. flow into

• 3. hide from one’s responsibilities

• 4. draw a conclusion

• 5. pour…into

• 6. a stable economy

• 7. use sth in the best possible way

• 8. decide on sth

Page 26: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

• 三、• 1. has a great effect on • 2. grow to • 3. seen as • 4. ask around • 5. In addition to • 6. cut back/ down on • 7. is beneficial to • 8. wiped out • 9. under way • 10. focused on

Page 27: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;

• 四、• 1. You shouldn’t have wasted so much time p

laying computer games.• 2. Large numbers of measures have been tak

en, but the situation has not been improved.• 3. You have to make twice as many efforts as

your classmates do to catch up with them.• 4. We greatly appreciate your timely help,wit

hout which we would still be in trouble now.• 5. It was obvious that the person who approa

ched you didn’t mean to hurt you.• 6. We can’t rely entirely on our parents, and

we should learn to be independent.

Page 28: Module 5 U2 Revision. 一、 1.economy; economic 2. environment; environmental; environmentally 3. preservation; preserve 4. industrial; industry 5. poisonous;