modulejpn chapter10

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  • 8/7/2019 MODULEJPN CHAPTER10



    SECTION A: Common Mistake Made By The Candidates

    1. Many students have difficulty explaining

    (i) What is meant by rate of reaction. Remember two points: it is the changein volume or mass etc over a period of time. Time and change are often

    omitted .

    (ii) The affect of the factor on the rate of reaction. Frequency, name of ions

    involve in collision are always omitted.

    2. Remember that the total volume of gas released by the same amountof metal isalways the same when reacted with acid,. A common error is to think that

    powdered metal, gives off more gas than larger metal of the same amount of


    3. The total volume of gas released by a catalysed reaction is exactly the same as for

    an uncatalysed reaction.

    4. In rate questions, a common error is to state the volume is increasing and not

    mention the rate. Remember that the rate is getting less and less with time because

    rate is the difference in volume divided by time

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    a) Objective question

    1. Which of the following equations gives the meaning of rate of reaction?Antara berikut yang manakah memberi makna kadar tindakbalas?

    A Volume of gas liberatedtime taken

    B Increase in mass of reactant

    Time taken

    C Increase in mass of reactant

    Time taken

    D Volume of gas liberated

    Changes in mass of reactant

    2. Which will react the fastest with hydrochloric acid?Manakah akan bertindak paling cepat dengan asid hidroklorik?

    A. powdered marble at 25oCSerbuk marmar pada 25oC

    B. marblechips at 400CKetulan marmar pada 40oC

    C. powdered marble at 400C

    Serbuk marmar pada 40o

    CD. marblechips at 250CKetulan marmar pada 25 oC

    3. Which decreases the frequency of collision between reactant particles?Manakah akan mengurangkan frekuensi perlanggaran antara zarah-zarah

    bahan tindakbalas

    A. Raise the temperature of the reaction mixtureManaikkan suhu campuran tindakbalas

    B. Break the solid into smaller pieces

    Pecahkan pepejal kepada saiz lebih kecilC. Decrease the concentration of the solutionMengurangkan kepekatan larutan

    D. Increase the pressure of the gasesMenambahkan tekanan gas

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    4. Potatoes cook more quickly in boiling vegetable oil than in boiling water.This isbecause oil

    Ubi kentang masak lebih cepat dalam minyak sayuran yang mendidih berbanding

    dalam air yang mendidih. Ini disebabkan minyak

    A. contains watermengandungi air

    B. replaces the water in the potatoesMengantikan air dalam ubi kentang

    C. catalyses the cooking process

    Memangkin proses memasak

    D. boils at a higher temperature than watermendidih pada suhu yang lebih tinggi daripada air

    5. Which of the following is correct about catalyse?Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang mangkin?

    A. The mass of catalyse will stay the same during the reactionJisim mangking kekal sama sepanjang tindakbalas

    B. The catalysed reaction will produce more product than the uncatalysed

    reactionTindakbalas bermangkin menghasilkan lebih banyak hasil tindakbalas

    berbanding dengan yang tidak bermangkin.

    C The particles in the catalysed reaction will have more energy than in the

    uncatalysed reaction.

    D Zarah dalam tindakbalas bermangkin lebih bertenagaberbanding dengan

    yang tidak bermangkin.

    6. The graph shows how the total volume of a gas given off changes with time.Inwhich time interval is smallest rate gas given off?

    Graf menunjukkan bagaimana jumlah isipadu gas yang terhasil berubah denganmasa. Dalam sela masa manakah kadar penghasilan gas paling rendah?

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    Time/sA B C D

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    7. Three different metals, Cu, Fe and Mg, are each added to an excess of dilute

    hydrochloric acid.The graph shows how hydrogen is given off.Setiap tiga logam yang berlainan, Cu, Fe, Mg ditindakbalas dengan asid

    hidroklorik yang berlebihan. Graf menunjukkan bagaimana gas dibebaskan

    Which metal gives which curve?

    Lengkungan yang manakah mewakili logam.

    1 2 3

    A. Fe Ag Mg

    B. Mg Ag Fe

    C. Cu Fe Mg

    D. Mg Fe Ag

    8. In the graph, curve (X) was obtained when 1 g of granulated zinc reacted withan excess of hydrochloric acid at 30oC.Dalam graf berikut lengkung (x) diperolehi apabila 1 g ketulan zink

    bertindakbalas dengan asid hidroklorik berlebihan pada 30oC.

    Which of the following changes would give the curve (Y)?

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    Total volume CO2




    Volume ofhydrogen


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    Antara perubahan berikut yang manakah akan menghasilkan lengkung ((Y)?

    A. 1.0 g of powdered zinc at 20oC1.0 g serbuk zink pada 20oC

    B. 1.0 g of granulated zinc at 20o

    C.1.0 g ketulan zink pada 20oC

    C. 0.5 g of granulated zinc at 40oC.0.5 g ketulan zink pada 40oC

    D .0.5 g of granulated zinc at 20oC0.5 g serbuk zink pada 20oC

    9. In the graph, curve (P) was obtained when 1 g of granulated zinc reacted with an

    excess of hydrochloric acid at 30oC.

    Dalam graf berikut lengkung (P) diperolehi apabila 1 g ketulan zinkbertindakbalas dengan asid hidroklorik berlebihan pada 30oC.

    Which of the following changes would give the curve (Q)?Antara perubahan berikut yang manakah akan menghasilkan lengkung ((Q)?

    A. 1.0 g of powdered zinc at 40oC

    1.0 g serbuk zink pada 40oC

    B. 1.0 g of granulated zinc at 20oC.

    1.0 g ketulan zink pada 20oC

    C. 0.5 g of granulated zinc at 40oC.0.5 g ketulan zink pada 40oC

    D. 0.5 g of granulated zinc at 20oC

    0.5 g ketulan zink pada 20oC

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    Total volume CO2




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    10. Which set of changes is most likely to make the reaction between a solid

    metal and an acid safe for the students to use?Antara set perubahan berikut yang manakah menjadikan tindak balas antara

    satu pepejal logam dengan asid paling selamat untuk pelajar lakukan


    Pieces of solidKepingan pepejal AcidAsid TemperatureSuhu

    A. Larger

    Lebih besar

    Less concentration

    Kepekatan lebih kecil


    Lebih rendah

    B. Larger Lebih besar

    More concentrationKepekatan lebih tinggi

    HigherLebih tinggi

    C. Smaller Lebih kecil

    Less concentrationKepekatan lebih kecil

    LowerLebih rendah

    D. Smaller Lebih kecil

    More concentrationKepekatan lebih tinggi

    HigherLebih tinggi

    b)Structure Questions

    State three ways in which the rate of reaction between zinc and dilute sulphuric acid can be

    increased.Nyatakan tiga cara di mana kadar tindak balas antara zink dan asid sulfurik cair dapat





    Equal lengths of excess of magnesium ribbon were added to 3.0 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acidand to 3.0 mol/dm3 sulphuric acid.

    Tiga pita magnesium yang berlebihan yang sama panjang ditambahkan kepada asidhidroklorik 3.0 mol/dm3 dan asid sulfurik 3.0 mol/dm3.

    Write the equation for the reactions.Tuliskan persamaan tindak balas.


    In which acid would the rate of reaction is higher at the start? Explain your answer.Dalam asid yang manakah kadar awal tindak balas adalah lebih tinggi?Terangkan

    jawapan anda.


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    What would be the effect on the rate of reaction if the magnesium ribbon were replacedby powdered magnesium? Explain your answer?

    Apakah kesan kepada kadar tindak balas jika pita magnesium diganti dengan serbuk

    magnesium. Terangkan jawapan anda



    How would the rate of reaction change if the concentration of the acid were changed to 6

    mol/dm3.Bagaimanakah kadar tindak balas berubah jika kepakatan asid diubah kepada 6.0



    A solution of hydrogen peroxide was allowed to decompose and the oxygen given off wascollected. A black solid was added to the solution at 5 minutes.The graph shows the change in

    the total volume of oxygen evolved with time.Satu larutan hidrogen peroksida dibiarkan mengurai dan gas oksigen yang terbebas

    dikumpulkan. Satu pepejal hitam telah ditambah kepada larutan itu pada masa lima

    minit.Graf menunjukkan perubahan isipadu oksigen yang dibebas dengan masa.

    What is the effect of black solid on the rate of the reaction?Apakah kesan pepejal hitam ke atas kadar tindak balas?



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    Time in minute

    5 10 15 20

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    What is the general name given to compounds causing this effect?Apakah nama umum diberikan kepada sebatian yang memberikan kesan itu?


    Write the equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

    Tuliskan persamaa bagi pemguraian hidrogen peroksida.


    Sulphur was formed when hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate are mixedSurfur terhasil apabila asid hidroklorik dan natrium tiosulfat dicampurkan.

    2HCl + Na2S2O3 2NaCl + SO2 + S

    What would you see during the reaction?

    Apakah yang akan diperhatikan semasa tindakbalas.



    State two ways to make the rate of reaction increase.Nyatakan dua cara untuk meningkatkan kadar tindak balas



    Why is sulphur dioxide gas cannot be use to calculate the rate of reaction?

    Mengapakah gas sulfur dioksida tidak boleh diguna untuk mengukur kadar tindakbalas?



    In this experiment, 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid is added to 50 cm3 of 1.0

    mol/dm3 Sodium tiosulphate.What causes the reaction to stop.

    Dalam tindak balas ini, 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol/dm3 telah ditambah kepada 50cm3 natrium tiosulfat 1.0 mol/dm3

    Aapakah yang menyebabkan tindakbalas berhenti.


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    An experiment was carried out using excess small zinc granules and hydrochloric acid.Hydrogen gas is formed and was recorded.

    The initial experiment are marked as the 'P. The experiment was repeated after varying the

    reaction conditions.Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan menggunakan ketulan zink kecil berlebihan dan asid

    hidroklorik. Gas hidrogen dibebaskan dan direkodkan.Eksprimen awal di tanda sebagai P.Eksperimen diulang setelah diubah keadaan tindak balas

    Which experiment is going by double concentration of hydrochloric acid?Eksperimen yang manakah dilakukan dengan menggandakan kepekatan asid hidroklorik?


    Which experiment is going by half concentration of hydrochloric acid?

    Eksperimen yang manakah dilakukan dengan mengurangkan separuh kepekatan asidhidroklorik.

    Which experiment is going by adding the cooper(II)sulphate?

    Eksperimen yang manakah dilakukan dengan menambahkan kuprum(II)sulfat.


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    X P Y







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    Which experiment is going by using larger zinc granules?Eksperimen yang manakah dilakukan dengan menggunakan ketulan zink yang lebih


    ................................................................................................................................................The reaction of calcium carbonate with excess dilute nitric acid produces carbon dioxide. The

    volume of carbon dioxide given off at 20 second intervals was recorded and plotted.Tindak balas kalsium karbonat dengan asid nitrik berlebihan menghasilkan karbon dioksida.

    Isipadu gas karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan direkodkan pada sela 20 saat kemudian


    Draw a graph on the grid.Lukiskan satu graf pada grid.

    Calculate the rate of reaction at 30 and 60 seconds.Hitungkan kadar tindak balas pada 30 dan 60 saat .

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    of carbondioxide /



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    Why does the reaction slow down?Mengapa kadar tindak balas berkurang?


    SECTION C: PAPER 2a)Structure Question

    1. An experiment is conducted to determine the rate of reaction between 25 cm3 of

    hydrochloric acid 0.1 mol dm-3 and 10.0 g of marble chips. The gas given off is

    collected.. The table shows the result of the experiment.Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk menentukan kadar tindak balas antara 25 cm 3

    asid hidroklorik 0.1 mol dm-3 dan 10.0 g ketulankalsium karbonat. Jadual menunjukkan

    keputusan eksperimen itu.

    Time /sMasa/s

    0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175

    Volume of gas/cm3

    Isipadu gas/cm30 16 32 48 58 60 60 60

    [Relative atomic mass: Ca=40; C=12; O=16. Molar volume of gas = 24 dm 3 mol-1 at

    room condition]

    (a) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and

    calcium carbonate.

    Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik dengankalsium karbonat.


    [2 mark]

    (b) Calculate the average rate of reaction in the first 50 seconds.Hitungkan kadar tindak balas purata dalam 50 saat yang pertama.

    [1 mark]

    (c) (i) Plot a graph of volume of gas against time on the graph paper provided.Lukiskan graf isipadu gasmelawan masa menggunakan kertas graf yang


    [4 marks]

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    (ii) Calculate the rate of reaction at 100 seconds.Hitungkan kadar tindak balas pada 100 saat .

    [3 marks]

    SECTION D: PAPER 3Structure Questions

    Diagram shows burette reading from two set of experiments.Rajah menunjukkan bacaan buret dari dua set eksperimen

    Experiment 1 Initial reading

    0.00 cm3

    Experiment 2 Initial reading Fin

    Write the initial and the final reading of the burette in the space provided.

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    Tuliskan bacaan awal dan akhir buret di ruang yang disediakan bagi eksperimen I dan II.

    Construct the table to record the initial and the final reading and volume of solution useBina jadual untuk merekodkan bacaan awal,bacaan akhir dan isipadu larutan yang


    Diagram shows the reading of the stop watch from two set of experiments.

    Rajah menunjukkan bacaan jam randik buret dari dua set eksperimen.

    clock diagram time/s

    Experiment 1

    Experiment 2

    Experiment 3

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    Record the reading of the stop watch of each experiment.Rekodkan bacaan jam randik setiap eksperimen.

    A student carried out an experiment to investigate the rate of the reaction between sodium

    thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.50 cm3 of sodium thiosulphate solution was poured into a 100 cm3 beaker. The beaker was

    placed on a cross drawn on a piece of paper. 10 cm3 of hydrochloric acid was added to the

    beaker and the timer started.The time was taken until the cross could not be seen. The time was recorded in the table.

    Four experiment was repeated using different volumes of sodium thiosulphatethe but total

    volume of solution kept constant. All experiments were carried out at 25 C.

    Seorang pelajar menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas antara

    natrium tiosulfat dan asid hidroklorik.50 cm3 larutan natrium tiosulfat dituang ke dalam satu bikar 100 cm3. Bikar itu diletakkan ata

    tanda pangkah sekeping kertas. 10 cm3 asid hidroklorik kemudian ditambah kepada bikar itu

    dan masa dimulakan.Empat eksperimen telah diulang menggunakan isipadu natrium tiosulfat yang berbeza tetapi

    jumlah isipadu adalah tetap. Semua eksperimen dilakukan pada suhu 25oC

    State all the variables for these experiment.

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    10 cm3 of hydrochloric acid

    Paper with crossmarked on it

    Sodium thiosulphate



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    Berikan semua pembolehubah bagi eksperimen ini

    Manipulated variables.

    Pembolehubah dimanipulasi


    Responding variables:Pembolehubah bergerak balas.


    Constant variables:

    Pembolehubah dimalarkan:

    .......................................................................................................................................[ 3 marks

    Based on the experiment complete the table with correct observation ant related inference

    [ 3 marks

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