moir - moira - planning · 2018. 12. 20. · moir - moira author: department of environment, land,...

21.07 14/12/2017 C77 LOCAL AREAS This Clause focuses on local area implementation of the objectives and strategies set out in Clauses 21.03-21.06 for the main 4 towns and a number of small towns and settlements. Each section relates to a particular town and should be read in conjunction with the rest of the Municipal Strategic Statement and not in isolation. Towns and settlements are addressed in the following Local Area order: 21.07-1 Cobram 21.07-2 Yarrawonga 21.07-3 Numurkah 21.07-4 Nathalia 21.07-5 Barmah 21.07-6 Bundalong 21.07-7 Katamatite 21.07-8 Katunga 21.07-09 Picola 21.07-10 Strathmerton 21.07-11 Tungamah 21.07-12 Wunghnu 21.07-1 14/12/2017 C77 Cobram Cobram is the birthplace of Murray-Goulburn Co-op – Australia’s largest dairy processing cooperative. Horticulture and dairy continue to drive the local economy with Cobram providing a wide range of farm, financial and professional advisory services to support agriculture, horticulture and food processing. With its strong base of technical and professional expertise and a strong retail sector, Cobram services communities into southern New South Wales and is the ideal location for the development of a regional agribusiness hub. Cobram also boasts a number of iconic inland beaches and its Murray River frontage is a popular holiday and fishing destination. In 2011 the population of Cobram was 6,018. The Cobram Strategy Plan 2007 provides guidance on future development and has informed the Cobram Framework Plan 2007. Local area implementation Ensure development is generally consistent with the Cobram Framework Plan 2007 and contained within the settlement boundary. The existing structure of Cobram, with its clear division between land use activities, should not be compromised. Medium density housing is encouraged around the commercial fringe of the town centre, near public open space and local neighbourhood centres and access that is within walkable distance of existing and potential public transport routes. Short term residential development will be directed to land already zoned. Medium and long term residential development should be directed to the south east and south once the existing land supply has reduced to around 10 years. Encourage new development and the redevelopment of land to consider the provision of affordable housing. MOIRA PLANNING SCHEME Page 1 of 20

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Page 1: moir - Moira - Planning · 2018. 12. 20. · moir - Moira Author: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Created Date: 12/10/2018 10:24:34 AM


LOCAL AREASThis Clause focuses on local area implementation of the objectives and strategies set out in Clauses21.03-21.06 for the main 4 towns and a number of small towns and settlements. Each sectionrelates to a particular town and should be read in conjunction with the rest of theMunicipal StrategicStatement and not in isolation.

Towns and settlements are addressed in the following Local Area order:

21.07-1 Cobram

21.07-2 Yarrawonga

21.07-3 Numurkah

21.07-4 Nathalia

21.07-5 Barmah

21.07-6 Bundalong

21.07-7 Katamatite

21.07-8 Katunga

21.07-09 Picola

21.07-10 Strathmerton

21.07-11 Tungamah

21.07-12 Wunghnu


CobramCobram is the birthplace of Murray-Goulburn Co-op – Australia’s largest dairy processingcooperative. Horticulture and dairy continue to drive the local economy with Cobram providinga wide range of farm, financial and professional advisory services to support agriculture, horticultureand food processing.With its strong base of technical and professional expertise and a strong retailsector, Cobram services communities into southern New South Wales and is the ideal location forthe development of a regional agribusiness hub.

Cobram also boasts a number of iconic inland beaches and its Murray River frontage is a popularholiday and fishing destination.

In 2011 the population of Cobram was 6,018. The Cobram Strategy Plan 2007 provides guidanceon future development and has informed the Cobram Framework Plan 2007.

Local area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with the Cobram Framework Plan 2007 andcontained within the settlement boundary.

The existing structure of Cobram, with its clear division between land use activities, shouldnot be compromised.

Medium density housing is encouraged around the commercial fringe of the town centre, nearpublic open space and local neighbourhood centres and access that is within walkable distanceof existing and potential public transport routes.

Short term residential development will be directed to land already zoned.

Medium and long term residential development should be directed to the south east and southonce the existing land supply has reduced to around 10 years.

Encourage new development and the redevelopment of land to consider the provision ofaffordable housing.


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Page 2: moir - Moira - Planning · 2018. 12. 20. · moir - Moira Author: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Created Date: 12/10/2018 10:24:34 AM

Require the orderly development and co-ordinated provision of roads and infrastructure,community services and facilities to all areas identified for short, medium and long termresidential (conventional and low density) consistent with a Development Plan.

The Low Density Residential Zone is at the interface of the river and public land protect theaesthetics and character of the river environs.

Low density residential land will be directed to the south west of the town. This area shouldbe serviced with reticulated infrastructure.

Pending the outcome of the Rural Living Review, the opportunity may exist for rural livingdevelopment between Irvin Road and Cobram South Road, located on the south side of theMurray Valley Highway.

Industrial development will be focused to the north west. A mix of large and small lots will beretained for long term manufacturing and service industrial expansion.

Encourage the establishment of a Cobram Business Park in the area defined by the MurrayValley Highway, Cobram-Koonoomoo Road and Ritchie Road.

Discourage the expansion of existing caravan park to the west of town.

Development of an integrated open space plan, inclusive of connections to the town centre,through the expanding residential neighbourhoods and access along the river frontage.

Ensure that open space is provided in strategic locations and avoid the provision of land for‘pocket parks’.

Facilitate the redevelopment of surplus railway land (if deemed surplus by VicTrack) for eitheropen space or commercial type uses, as appropriate.

Seek the relocation of inappropriate, non-core uses in the town centre to more suitable andappropriately zoned sites.

Encourage the redevelopment of vacant and underutilised sites in the commercial precincts,including the town centre.

Protect the town centre by supporting new retail developments that provide active frontageson the ground floor with offices above the ground floor in the streets surrounding the towncentre.

Facilitate the expansion of the private and public primary, secondary and tertiary educationalfacilities to provide a full range of education services in Cobram.

Facilitate the establishment of a medical precinct around the Cobram Hospital in BroadwayStreet.

Ensure that new and expanding residential communities are sensitive to the continued use ofadjoining land for agricultural purposes, and that appropriate buffers are included in plans forresidential development.


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Page 3: moir - Moira - Planning · 2018. 12. 20. · moir - Moira Author: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Created Date: 12/10/2018 10:24:34 AM


YarrawongaOn the banks of Lake Mulwala (Yarrawonga Weir), Yarrawonga has long been recognised as anattractive and exciting tourism destination. In combination with Mulwala, Yarrawonga residentsand visitors enjoy a wide range of land and on water recreation and entertainment options.Yarrawonga has the strongest growth rate of all Moira’s centres, with residential and retirementliving expanding rapidly on the eastern side of the town. Recent and future growth is shifting thetown’s focus along the banks of Lake Mulwala and the Murray Valley Highway.

An integrated golf and residential developmentmeets a range of residential, tourism and recreationalneeds. Development in the Yarrawonga to Bathumi corridor must be sensitive to the LakeMulwalaenvironment. Council is participating in the planning process for a new interstate crossing intoMulwala NSW.

In 2011 the population of Yarrawonga was 6,793. The Yarrawonga Strategy Plan 2004 providesguidance on future development and has informed the set of Yarrawonga Framework Plans.


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Page 4: moir - Moira - Planning · 2018. 12. 20. · moir - Moira Author: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Created Date: 12/10/2018 10:24:34 AM

Local area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with theYarrawonga Framework Plans and containedwithin the settlement boundary.

Encourage the more effective use of the rear of Belmore Street shops. Pedestrian access to therear of these sites will enable more opportunity for use of car parking at the rear of sites.

Promote an integration of tourism, retailing and residential uses at the interface of LakeMulwalaand the Town Centre through redevelopment of land adjacent to the northern end of BelmoreStreet.

Encourage the integration of Kennedy Park with the Lake Mulwala foreshore and the northernend of Belmore Street.

Accommodate complementary business uses at the southern end of Belmore Street.

Promote mixed use development within the area bounded by Hunt Street, Lynch Street, WittStreet and Hume Street.

Investigate urban renewal and redevelopment options for the land bounded by the rail line,Belmore Street and the Murray Valley Highway.

New residential development will be focused within existing zoned land, providing a mix ofhousing types. Smaller housing units will be particularly encouraged in areas with proximityto the town centre.

Short term low density residential development will be promoted in areas already zoned to thewest and south. Additional zoning of land will be based on demonstrated demand for additionaldevelopment. Long-term demand is directed to the south east.

Industrial development is focused to the south-west of the town on land currently zoned forthe purpose.

The existing use and future development of the Yarrawonga Aerodrome should be protectedfrom the urban encroachment of Yarrawonga.

Development of the Yarrawonga Aerodrome will promote the commercial sustainability of thefacility as a regionally significant transport link and leisure facility. Business and touristdevelopment that can link with the airport will be encouraged.

Seek the relocation of inappropriate or non-conforming uses in Belmore Street and Hunt Streetto more suitable and appropriately zoned sites.

Support the development of restricted retail uses to avoid the loss of local expenditure to otherregional centres.

Encourage and facilitate the development of five star accommodation in Yarrawonga.

Protect the Belmore Street retail activity centre by favouring new developments that provideretail space on the ground floor with offices above the ground floor or in the streets surroundingBelmore Street.

Protect the amenity of Belmore Street by retaining the centre of the road car parking.

Identify and develop off-street car parks to service the needs of traders, customers and visitorsof Belmore Street.

Facilitate development of the saleyards land at the eastern end of Melaleuca Street and landsurplus to railway requirements in the rail yards.

Facilitate the relocation of the grain bunkers west of Benalla Road.

Implement streetscape, road and drainage improvements to Melaleuca and Acacia Streets andBenalla Road.


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Encourage North East Water to develop the redundant sewerage treatment plant for generalindustry.

Facilitate a north-south bypass of Belmore Street in conjunction with the construction of asecond road crossing of Lake Mulwala within the next 5 years.

Facilitate the expansion of the private and public primary, secondary and tertiary educationalfacilities to provide a full range of education services in Yarrawonga.

Ensure that open space is provided in strategic locations in greenfield residential estates andavoid ‘pocket parks’.

Yarrawonga to Bathumi corridor

Ensure future development does not adversely impact Lake Mulwala.

Within Precinct B:

– Support residential development in planned neighbourhoods;

– Support the provision of community and recreation facilities;

– Discourage direct access to the highway;

– Upgrade highway intersection at Botts and Hogans Roads as traffic levels increase; and

– Treatment of Lake Mulwala foreshore and private land abutting the lake to be informed bythe Lake Mulwala Land and On-water Management Plan.

Within Precinct C:

– Promote infill residential development with a mixture of lot sizes; and

– Treatment of Lake Mulwala foreshore to be informed by the Lake Mulwala ManagementPlan.

Within Precinct D:

– Promote infill residential development at with a mixture of lot sizes due to the distance fromYarrawonga and lack of interface with Lake Mulwala.

Within Precinct E:

– Promote residential development with minimum lots sizes of 2,500 square metres.

Within Precinct F:

– Encourage complimentary tourism and residential uses in the Rural Activity Zone on titlesthat have been restructured in accordance with the Bathumi Restructure Plan.


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NumurkahNumurkah is an attractive residential lifestyle location thanks to its high quality health, educationand sporting services and facilities and its location – around 20 minutes by road from Shepparton,Cobram and Nathalia. Agriculture and processing industries drive local employment and thebroader economy with major oilseed processors and rail freight servicing the town. Numurkah isalso home to the Kinnaird’s Wetlands, a popular picnic and bird watching location.

In 2011 the population of Numurkah was 3,841 and is forecast to be 5,324 in 2026. The NumurkahStrategy Plan 2010 provides guidance on future development and has informed the NumurkahFramework Plan.


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Local area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with theNumurkah Framework Plan and containedwithin the settlement boundary.

Encouragemedium density housing around the commercial fringe of the town centre, particularlyin proximity to public open space.

Short term residential development will be provided on infill residential land.

Medium and long term residential growth is directed to the north east and north of the towncentre.

Encourage new development and the redevelopment of land to consider the provision ofaffordable housing.

Require the orderly development and co-ordinated provision of roads and infrastructure,community services and facilities to all areas identified for short, medium and long termresidential (conventional and low density) consistent with a Development Plan;

Direct low density residential development to the north east.

Direct rural living development to the north and south, adjacent to existing rural residentialdevelopments.

Direct industrial development to the north west, west of the Goulburn Valley Highway. A mixof large and small lots should be provided for long term manufacturing and service industrialexpansion.

Develop an integrated open space plan with connections to the town centre, through theexpanding residential neighbourhoods and access along the Broken Creek frontage linking withKinnairds Wetlands.

Create a network of wheelchair / mobility scooter friendly pathways linking residential areas,recreation areas and the Numurkah CBD.

Ensure open space is provided in strategic locations in new residential development and avoidthe provision of ‘pocket parks’.

Facilitate the redevelopment of surplus railway land (if deemed surplus by Vic Track) for eitheropen space or commercial uses, as appropriate.

Encourage the redevelopment of vacant and under-utilised sites in the commercial precincts,including the town centre.

Encourage new developments that provides active frontages on the ground floor with officeson the first floor.

Encourage office development in the commercially zoned land surrounding the town centre.

Encourage building design to be sympathetic to the character and scale of existing developmentin the Numurkah CBD.

Ensure new and expanding residential communities are planned to take into account thecontinued use of adjoining land for agricultural purposes by including appropriate buffers inplans for residential development as required.


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NathaliaLocated south of the Barmah National Park on the banks of the Broken Creek, Nathalia has strongconnection with local indigenous communities including at nearby Barmah. In recent years, thisindigenous cultural focus has expanded to include the arts making Nathalia a key centre for heritage,culture and arts. Agriculture drives the local economy and is supported by significant localprocessing, manufacturing and related agribusiness operations and service providers. Thedevelopment of the Barmah National Park’s tourism potential will further support the growth anddevelopment of the local area.

Nathalia is also a significant education hub attractingmore than 850 primary and secondary studentsfrom the wider catchment to its primary and secondary schools.

In 2011 the population of Nathalia was 1,902. TheNathalia Strategy Plan 2010 provides guidanceon future development and has informed the Nathalia Framework Plan 2010.


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Local area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with the Nathalia Framework Plan and containedwithin the settlement boundary.

Encourage mix of housing densities including medium density development around the towncentre, near public open space and in areas with access that is within walkable distance ofexisting and potential public transport routes.

Short term residential development will be provided on infill residential land.

Medium and long term residential is directed to the west and south-west.

Encourage new development and redevelopment to consider the provision of affordable housing.

Short-term industrial development is to be provided to the north on land zoned for that purpose.Accommodate additional long-term demand – and demand for larger industrial allotments –tothe south east of the Murray Valley Highway.

Facilitate the redevelopment of surplus railway land (if deemed surplus by Vic Track) forindustrial purposes as appropriate.

Enhance public open space facilities and improve accessibility – particularly along BrokenCreek.

Ensure that open space is provided in strategic locations in new residential development andavoid the provision of ‘pocket parks’.

Encourage the redevelopment of vacant and underutilised sites in the Nathalia CBD.

Facilitate the establishment of a medical precinct around the hospital in Phillip Street.

Ensure new and expanding residential communities are sensitive to the continued use of adjoiningland for agricultural purposes by including appropriate buffers in plans for residentialdevelopment as required.


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BarmahBarmah is located in the midst of the largest Red Gum forest in Australia – the Barmah NationalPark. It is located 28 kilometres north west of Nathalia and is highly flood prone. The home of theDharnya Cultural Centre, it is the centre for eco-tourism businesses and has a large number ofholiday homes.

In 2011 the population of Barmah was 181. There is no reticulated sewerage system and a limitedreticulated water supply.

TheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 identifies Barmah as a village withlow growth capacity due to flood constraints and has recommended a settlement boundary beapplied and consider whether there are any areas that could accommodate dwellings at higherdensities, subject to reticulated sewerage infrastructure.


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Local area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with the Barmah Framework Plan and containedwithin the settlement boundary.

Consider whether there is capacity to accommodate higher density housing.


BundalongBundalong is located 15kilometres east of Yarrawonga on the Ovens River. Its location is popularwith holiday makers with many houses used as holiday homes. It is the fastest growing small townin Moira.


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In 2011 the population was 336. There is a lagoon based reticulated sewerage system atMontrose’sRoad. Reticulated potable water is supplied from Yarrawonga, a second raw water system isavailable with sourced directly from Lake Mulwala.

TheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 identifies Bundalong as a villagewith moderate to high growth capacity and has recommended a settlement boundary be appliedand the tavern, caravan park and general store be rezoned to the Township Zone.

Local area implementation

Ensure future development is generally consistent with the Bundalong Framework Plan.

Investigate the environmental values of Horseshoe Lagoon to the south west to determine ifany additional planning overlays are required.

Encourage the consolidation of a number of lots generally to the south and west of the MurrayValley Highway.

Encourage low density residential development to the west.

Prepare and implement a comprehensive structure plan for Bundalong.


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KatamatiteKatamatite, 24kilometres east of Numurkah is located on the Boosey Creek. The Broken-BooseyState Park is located nearby. Katamatite contains a number of heritage buildings.

In 2011 the population was 232. There is a limited reticulated water supply and no reticulatedsewerage system.

TheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 identifies Katamatite as a small townwith moderate growth capacity and has recommended a settlement boundary be applied.

Local area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with the Katamatite Framework Plan.

Encourage infill residential development on vacant residential land.

Lot consolidation may provide further development opportunities.


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KatungaKatunga is located 10kilometres north of Numurkah and has stable groundwater supply via a deepbore.

There is a reticulated gas supply and no reticulated sewerage. There is approximately 15 hectareswithin the Township Zone that has residential development potential.

TheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 identifies Katunga as a village withmoderate growth capacity and has recommended a settlement boundary be applied.

Local Area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with the Katunga Framework Plan.

Ensure residential growth occurs within the settlement boundary.


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Provide for future residential growth to the north.


PicolaPicola is located 11kilometres north west of Nathalia and has a long history with the railway andtimber industry.

In 2011 the population was 110 and there is no reticulated gas or sewer. A reticulated was supplyis provided.

TheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 identifies Picola as a hamlet withlow growth capacity and has recommended a settlement boundary be applied.

Local area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with the Picola Framework Plan.


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Future residential development should occur on infill opportunities within the settlementboundary.


StrathmertonStrathmerton is located 13 kilometres west of Cobram, is located close to the Murray River andUlupna Island and home to the Bega cheese factory that supports local and regional employment.

In 2011 the population was 474. A reticulated water and sewerage service is provided.

TheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 identifies Strathmerton as a smalltown with moderate to high growth capacity. The strategy recommended a settlement boundarybe applied and the rezoning of land for urban development.

Local area implementation

Future residential development should occur on infill opportunities within the settlementboundary.

Ensure greenfield development is guided by a Development Plan.


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TungamahTungamah is located on the Boosey Creek 30 kilometres south west of Yarrawonga.

In 2011 the population was 287. A reticulated potable water supply is provided from Yarrawonga.There is a lagoon based reticulated sewerage system on Devenish Road. This will increasedevelopment opportunities.

TheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 identifies Tungamah as a small townwith moderate growth capacity.

Local area implementation

Ensure development is generally consistent with the Tungamah Framework Plan.

Future development is directed to infill opportunities within the settlement boundary.

Consider the effects of flooding in the south west of town.

Provide sufficient land for growth.

Encourage the consolidation of lots outside of the settlement boundary.


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WunghnuWunghnu is located on the Boosey Creek 7 kilometres south of Nathalia. The Goulburn ValleyHighway passes through town.

In 2011 the population was 535. There is a limited reticulated water supply and no reticulatedsewerage.

TheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 identifies Wunghnu as a small townwith moderate growth capacity.


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Local area implementation

Ensure development is consistent with the Wunghnu Framework Plan.

Future development is directed to infill opportunities within the settlement boundary.


Other small settlementsTheMoira Small Towns and Settlements Strategy Plan 2013 provides information on other smallsettlements where development is very limited by the lack of infrastructure or other environmentalissues. The extent of these settlements is defined by the zone that applies or the configuration oflots.


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