mojo4 music mediapack


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W E L C O M E t o t h e

N E W H O M E o f G R E A T M U S I C

O N - L I N E !( T h E A l l - n E w )

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At MOJO we Only cOver the gOOd stuff. . .When, in late 1993, we launched MOJO magazine the ethos was simple: MOJO would only cover the good stuff. Music that was built to last, if you will. This modus operandi has stood us in good stead and helped MOJO become a trusted musical filter – it’s helped us rise to become the biggest-selling monthly music magazine in the world.

From legendary acts such as The BeaTles, The Who, led Zeppelin, The smiThs and BoB dylan through to modern day kindred spirits such as Jack WhiTe, Frank ocean, The Black keys, arcade Fire, laura marling and arcTic monkeys, every month MOJO is proud to create an immersive music experience. Consequently MOJO has become the ‘go-to’ magazine for ardent music fans and musicians alike.

As we prepare to celebrate 20 years of publishing excellence, we have decided to expand what we do further, both in terms of broadcast (notably via our weekly show on multiple award-winning station Planet Rock), and also with our further development into the digital realm. In terms of the latter we have rebuilt our website from the ground up, asking our users and some of our key clients what they want from

The results of these conversations have informed our web offering which is built around quality, not quantity. It has also confirmed that the values that define the magazine should also define what we do on-line. As a result, our website is run entirely by our editorial team, its content commissioned and edited with the same fierce passion and meticulous attention to detail as the magazine has.

Inside this pack you will find out exactly what this means. As I said earlier, we are unlikely to chase ‘hits’ or follow trends. Instead we promise to deliver intelligent content for intelligent music fans, because on MOJO, after 20 years, we’re still covering the good stuff…

PHIL ALExANdEr, Editor-in-ChiEf & AssoCiAtE PublishEr, MoJo

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THE MOJO4MUSIC.COM VISITORwe see four distinct categories of users of the site:BABy BOOMErs» Older, affluent readers with disposable income.» Music zealots, hardcore MOJO readers.» Also known as the “£50 man”, likely to spend money in record shops as well as adopters of streaming services.

CurIOus GENErALIsts» 25-40, settling down.» Have a broader selection of tastes but are still engaged & passionate about music.» this year they have bought albums by david Bowie, Laura Mvula and Arctic Monkeys, and went to Latitude.

NEW CL AssICIsts» younger readers passionate about classic music.» students, late 20s listeners, likely to be in first job.» Active gigs goers, bloggers, influencers.

tHE 2001 WEEkLy rEAdErs» the last generation of ‘pure’ magazine readers from NME and kerrang!» Came into music via the White stripes, the strokes, Queens Of the stone Age and Foo Fighters but who have a view of rock’s heritage and see themselves within that.

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Emp lo y ed

Average Age

y E A r s O L d

HOusEHOLd INCOME (3rd highest in Bauer)

THE MOJO audiEncE OnlinE...(Website Profiling survey, 2013, Bauer Media Insight)


£41 , 0 0 0fORTy





ranked 4th out of top 50 consumer magazines in terms of influence in Bauer’s aOi

research (2012)

married or living with partner

of magazine readers have visited the website in the past 12 months»

%ou t o f

31%ta b l e t ow n e r s


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SO WHy CHANGE?we extensively interviewed our audience of readers, advertisers and agencies to ask what they were looking for from a MOJO website. The main requests from our audience included:» Exclusive content involving legendary acts.» the best new music.» A filter for the best ‘musical fun’ on the web.» recommendations and views on new releases.» Long-form content they could actually read on tablet.» snacky content that they could share via social media.

» Above all, they wanted the ethos of the magazine reflected throughout the site – the same quality writing, the same artists, the same iconic photography, the same depth.

these results informed the site itself.

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Responsively built to be as readable on desktop as it is on tablet & smartphone. new block style designed for ease of access via both the web & mobile.

ToTally redesigned siTe in HTMl5 THe neW MoJo4MUsiC.CoMNEW MusIC & NEW ArtIstsFrom MOJO’s track Of the day to Album Of the Week and on to our new band feature, MOJO rising, the site will deliver new music to an audience that buys more music than anyone else.

ArtIst GuIdEs the definitive guide to the world’s greatest artists, expertly written and including audio and video content. this section will grow to become the most comprehensive ‘how to buy’ section on the web.

tHE BIG rEAdAn exclusive 3500-word interview with a genuine icon. Bespoke design will make this something for the audience to luxuriate in, and will include video as well as audio to enhance the immersive experience.

VEVOMOJO has partnered with VEVO to be one of the first media brands to offer VEVO content on the new site. this allows music partners to launch exclusives with us whilst VEVO continue to monetise for artists and labels.

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SO WHAT’S NEW?HOMEPAGE» Cleaner design.» designed in HtML5 for platform portability – restacks for all different tablet and phone sizes.» Easily navigable.» Block format.» swappable categories to alternate between stories, promotions and ad-led initiatives.

ArtICLE PAGE» utilising the latest in block quotes and other formatting advances, creating an easily readable but in depth body of text.

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tHE BIG rEAd» An article to luxuriate in – this is the ethos of MOJO.» A long-form, in-depth article covering an artist or topic in the classic MOJO style.» set aside from the rest of the site format to give the user a real reading experience.» No standard display ads to run on these pages – sponsorship packages available.


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ArtIst GuIdEs» MOJO doing what it does best – curating how to buy guides and providing info on some of the best artists in its world.» Growing organically over the lifetime of the site, artist guides will accompany our coverage on key MOJO icons.» Great source of quality, independent info on classic artists.

OtHEr FEAturEs» Facebook & twitter integration at the heart of site» tickets & store direct from the site

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MOJO4MUSIC.COM AdVERTISINGThe existing MOJO4MUSIC site currently has some of the highest response for campaigns in Bauer – nearing 1-2% CTRs on some campaigns. To help further enhance these we have introduced some brand new advertising opportunities across the site.

NEW L ArGE FOrMAt AdVErts» Including Billboards, Portrait and Half Page sizes

HOMEPAGE tAkE OVEr OPtIONs We now offer two options; standard and advanced for even more stand-out. skins can now be ad-served to region.

tArGEtINGWe are able to offer several layers of targeting, including contextual, audience and geographical.

PrOMO BOxA new ad slot, a fixed position appearing run of site on the right hand column on every page. A perfect opportunity for co-branded or competition-driven campaigns.

CrEAtIVE OPtIONsINCLudING: site takeovers, channel skinning and targeting and more.

BIllBOARd 970 x 250

£30 CPM

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PUSH dOWN970 x 90

PUSHES dOWN TO970 x 415

£25 CPM

HAlf PAGE 300 x 600

£35 CPM

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lEAdERBOARd 728 x 90

£10 CPM

PORTRAIT 300 x 1050£50 CPM

MPU 300 x 250

£15 CPM

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» lEAdERBOARd « » MPU «



» BIllBOARd «» HAlf PAGE «


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CREATIVE OPTIONSAvailable options include:

sItE-WIdE sINGLE Ad tAkEOVErBlock out of all impressions on a single ad position

sItE-WIdE FuLL tAkEOVErIncludes background skin and all ad positions for maximum impact

skIN INdIVIduAL CHANNELs » Features» Music» Interviews» track of the day & more

Prices available on request



PriCE on rEquEst (dEPENdENt ON Ad FOrMAt) –

stArting froM £1,000

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T h e M O J O 4 M U S I C . c o m

L A u N C H m a r k e t i n g P L A N

» Full pages in both Q & MOJO Magazines.» digital house ads on key Bauer sites including Planet rock.» Facebook advertising around content to drive targeted traffic.

» Bauer-wide digital promotion for the relaunch via directional ads & solus emails.» data swaps with key partners, reaching an additional 200,000 non-Bauer readers.

A £100k marketing plan has been put together to promote the new Mojo4Music site, including:

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Endeavour House, 189 shaftesbury Avenue

London WC2H [email protected]

MArtIN BOJtOsMusic Commercial director

[email protected] 208 3443

LIz HArrIOttFilm Manager

[email protected] 208 3443

ArIANA duNNE Creative solutions Manager

[email protected] 295 8589

JOEL HOPkINsLive Music & Media Planner

[email protected] 0207 295 5474

for MorE inforMAtion PlEAsE ContACt