mold: an invisible and silent killer

Mold : An Invisible and Silent Poison

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Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Mold: An Invisible and Silent Poison

Mold Spores Leave No Trace

Mold in itself does not cause you any problems…

What does cause problems are mold spores

As these get on your skin or into your lungs

What’s worse is, these mold spores spread out further than the immediate area of the mold.

Mold spores are airborne and can easily carry across a room, throughout a house or even get into other areas that come in contact with that.

Think about mold that picks up in your air ducts.

You can’t see inside the ducts and you may not even be able to see, smell or hear the mold spores as they

blow through your house affecting your family!

These molds will be in your living room, in your kid’s bedroom

and even in your kitchen (and that

means on your food).

Mold ranges in effects from mild cases to the more severe.

More severe cases include mycotoxin. Mycotoxin is a poison that contaminates your

environment and gets into your lungs.

The scary part is that Mycotoxin can actually lead to death.

Even mild cases of mold can still get serious though if untreated and can always come back even if the

symptoms are treated, but the mold is not.

The difficult things here are that the doctor can only identify the symptoms, but not

your household mold situation.

Like any allergy these problems left unchecked continue to grow and worsen.

Even if the mold isn’t getting worse, the constant exposure to it does. That allergy may start off as a mild

one, but can easily increase to the more severe.

If you can’t see mold spores, or smell them then how do you know they exist?

Luckily, there are some traces to mold spore existence.

These traces can be identified by using Home Mold Test Kits that pick up

on things our senses can’t!

Don't wait, test your home for mold today!

Protect Your Family From Toxic Mold!


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