monarch danaus plexippus

Monarch Danaus plexippus Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Papilio canadensis Cabbage White Pieris rapae European Skipper Thymelicus lineola Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice Eyed Brown Lethe eurydice Macoun Club 2012 Macoun Club 2012 Macoun Club 2012 Macoun Club 2012 Macoun Club 2012 Macoun Club 2012

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Monarch Danaus plexippus. Cabbage White Pieris rapae. Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice. Macoun Club 2012. Macoun Club 2012. Macoun Club 2012. Macoun Club 2012. Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Papilio canadensis. European Skipper Thymelicus lineola. Eyed Brown Lethe eurydice. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Monarch Danaus plexippus

MonarchDanaus plexippus

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Papilio canadensis

Cabbage WhitePieris rapae

European SkipperThymelicus lineola

Clouded SulphurColias philodice

Eyed BrownLethe eurydice

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

Page 2: Monarch Danaus plexippus

MonarchDanaus plexippus

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Papilio canadensis

Cabbage WhitePieris rapae

European SkipperThymelicus lineola

Clouded SulphurColias philodice

Eyed BrownLethe eurydice

Wingspan: 32-54 mmMobility: 7Flight period: May to late OctGenerations per year: 2Overwinter stage: caterpillar / cocoonCaterpillar host plants: Variety of legumes including clovers and alfalfaHabitat: fields, roadsides, agricultural areasNotes: sometimes adults gather at mud puddles to drink nutrients from mud

Wingspan: 32-47 mmMobility: 8Flight period: mid April to mid OctGenerations per year: at least twoOverwinter stage: pupa (cocoon)Caterpillar host plants: many crops in the mustard family including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, capers, and mustardHabitat: open sunny areas including fields, farmland, and gardensNotes: introduced from Europe >100 years ago

Wingspan: 93-105 mmMobility: 10Flight period: June to SeptGenerations per year: 2-4Overwinter stage: adult (in Mexico)Caterpillar host plants: milkweedsHabitat: almost any open habitatNotes: migrate south to Mexico where they overwinter in groups on fir trees in mountain forests; these forests are being chopped down for lumber by locals and lumber poachers

Wingspan: 38-48 mmMobility: 4Flight period: mid June to early SeptGenerations per year: 1Overwinter stage: caterpillarCaterpillar host plants: sedgesHabitat: wet sedge meadows

Wingspan: 19-26 mmMobility: 5.5Flight period: early June to mid JulyGenerations per year: 1Overwinter stage: eggCaterpillar host plants: grassesHabitat: any grassy areaNotes: native to Europe, it was introduced to North America about 100 years ago and is now one of our most common butterflies

Wingspan: 53-90 mmMobility: 8Flight period: mid May to late JulyGenerations per year: 1Overwinter stage: pupa (cocoon)Caterpillar host plants: various trees including birch, aspen, and ashHabitat: woodland edgesNotes: males may gather on hill tops to attract females for mating

Page 3: Monarch Danaus plexippus

Dun SkipperEuphyes vestris

Mourning CloakNymphalis antiopa

HarvesterFeniseca tarquinius

European Common Blue

Polyommatus icarus

Bog CopperLycaena epixanthe

ViceroyLimenitis archippus

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

Macoun Club2012

I Macoun Club

Page 4: Monarch Danaus plexippus

Wingspan: 17-22 mmMobility: 2Flight period: mid June to mid JulyGenerations per year: 1Overwinter stage: eggCaterpillar host plants: cranberryHabitat: acidic bogs

Dun SkipperEuphyes vestris

Mourning CloakNymphalis antiopa

HarvesterFeniseca tarquinius

European Common Blue

Polyommatus icarus

Bog CopperLycaena epixanthe

ViceroyLimenitis archippus

Wingspan: 23-32 mmMobility: 3Flight period: late May to AugGenerations per year: 1-2Overwinter stage: ?Caterpillar host plants: Carnivorous! Eats woolly aphids, especially on alder treesHabitat: deciduous or mixed woodlands along streamsNotes: the only carnivorous butterfly in North America

Wingspan: 23-27 mmMobility: 5Flight period: late June to mid AugGenerations per year: 1-3Overwinter stage: caterpillarCaterpillar host plants: various sedgesHabitat: wet areas near deciduous woods such as meadows, seeps, swamp edges, and streamsNotes: caterpillars sometimes weave a shelter of leaves in which they rest and eat

Wingspan: 53-81 mmMobility: 7Flight period: late May to early SeptGenerations per year: 2Overwinter stage: caterpillarCaterpillar host plants: willows, sometimes poplars and aspensHabitat: open wet areas such as wet meadowsNotes: often mistaken for the Monarch (can you see how they differ?)

Wingspan: 28-36 mmMobility: 4Flight period: ?Generations per year: ?Overwinter stage: ?Caterpillar host plants: bird’s foot trefoilHabitat: grasslands, meadows, marshes, sand dunes, riverbanksNotes: native to Europe, it was recently (2005) found near Mirabel airport in Montreal

Wingspan: 45-79 mmMobility: 7Flight period: April to late OctGenerations per year: 2Overwinter stage: adultCaterpillar host plants: willows, cottonwoods, elms, birches, hackberriesHabitat: forests, wetlands, woodland edges, fields, yards, city parksNotes: one of the first butterfly species to fly in the Spring