monday, february 2, 2015

Vol. 5 N0. 1039 Monday, February 2, 2015 N 150 P.7 CONTINUED ON PAGE 6>> Alison-Madueke 'Don't disenfranchise the physically-challenged' ...FG says N125bn spent, 65,000 officers trained in 5 years P.51 Govt orders JVCs to slash 2015 budget by 40% Scene of a twin bomb-blast at Gombe old market, yesterday. OMEIZA AJAYI ABUJA A head of this month's general elections, the Federal Govern- ment has commissioned the first batch of 2, 554 patrol ve- hicles for the police. They include 300 op- erational vehicles, four Armoured Personnel Car- riers, APCs, double-cabin armoured patrol vans, and 129 Frontier vans. UDEME AKPAN F ollowing the dwin- dling oil prices in the global market, the Federal Government has directed Joint Venture Com- panies, JVCs, to cut their 2015 budgets by 40 per cent. The National Petroleum Investment Management Services, NAPIMS, which issued the directive on be- half of the government, re- minded them that the bud- gets were drawn early in 2014 when crude oil prices hovered at over $100 per bar- rel. Troops kill 80 insurgents in fresh attack on Maiduguri P.5 CONTINUED ON PAGE 5>> Polls: Police get 2,554 armoured vehicles, others INEC extends PVC collection deadline to Feb 8 Church clears air on Oyedepo's comment on Jonathan 22 ships laden with foods, petroleum products arrive Lagos BUSINESS THE SECTION P.A4 Free inside 12 DAYS TO GO P.8 Ondo PDP crisis deepens as gov shuns President's appeal

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*** Polls: Police get 2,554 armoured vehicles, others by OMEIZA AJAYI *** INEC extends PVC collection deadline by OMEIZA AJAYI *** Troops kill 80 insurgents in fresh attack on Maiduguri by INUSA NDAHI *** Govt orders JVCs to slash 2015 budget by 40% by UDEME AKPAN *** Church defends Oyedepo over comment on Jonathan by Leonard Okachie


Page 1: Monday, february 2, 2015

Vol. 5 N0. 1039 Monday, February 2, 2015 N150


CONTINUED ON PAGE 6>>Alison-Madueke

'Don't disenfranchise the physically-challenged'

...FG says N125bn spent, 65,000 officers trained in 5 years


Govt orders JVCs to slash 2015 budget by 40%

Scene of a twin bomb-blast at Gombe old market, yesterday.


Ahead of this month's general elections, the Federal Govern-

ment has commissioned the first batch of 2, 554 patrol ve-hicles for the police.

They include 300 op-erational vehicles, four Armoured Personnel Car-riers, APCs, double-cabin armoured patrol vans, and 129 Frontier vans.


Following the dwin-dling oil prices in the global market, the

Federal Government has

directed Joint Venture Com-panies, JVCs, to cut their 2015 budgets by 40 per cent.

The National Petroleum Investment Management Services, NAPIMS, which issued the directive on be-

half of the government, re-minded them that the bud-gets were drawn early in 2014 when crude oil prices hovered at over $100 per bar-rel.

Troops kill 80 insurgents in fresh attack on Maiduguri



Polls: Police get 2,554 armoured vehicles, others

INEC extends PVC collection deadline to Feb 8Church clears air on Oyedepo's comment on Jonathan

22 ships laden with foods, petroleum products arrive Lagos


P.A4Free inside


P.8Ondo PDP crisis deepens as gov shuns President's appeal

Page 2: Monday, february 2, 2015

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net2 Monday, February 2, 2015

Page 3: Monday, february 2, 2015

DID YOU KNOW?Strapping babies in car seats causes health problemsDaily beer drinking increases liver damage

Men beware! Sperm counts are falling –Experts


Globally, scientists and fertility doctors are reporting increasing reduction in sperm count and sperm motility

(sperm movement), which makes it harder for couples to have babies. But the experts say Nigerian men are worse hit! .

Sperm count is the amount of sperm that is produced in semen. When a man ejacu-lates, he comes up with a fluid, either grey or yellowish in colour. The semen contains very small cells known as spermatozoon (singular) or spermatozoa (plural). Normally, it should be 60 million in one ml and a man should be able to produce about 2-3mls per ejaculation. Thus a man will be expected to ejaculate about 120-200 million sperms in one single ejaculation.

But recent studies show that this is fast on the decline. According to a research study in France, sperm concentration in a 35-year-old man, for instance, has dropped from 73.6 mil-lion per milliliter in January 1989 to 49.9 mil-lion/ml in December 2005 and the decline has continued over the years.

In Nigeria, renowned professor of repro-ductive endocrinology and Medical Director of Medical Art Centre in Lagos, Professor Oladapo Ashiru, says The number of infer-tile couples is on the increase in the country and almost half of the causes are traceable to men, especially those with low sperm count.

According to the researchers, as many as one in five healthy young men between the ages of 18 and 25 produce abnormal sperm counts. Yet, the sperm they produce is often of poor quality. In fact only between 5 and 15 per cent of their sperm is, on average, good enough to be classed as “normal” under strict World Health Organisation rules – and these are young, healthy men.

Possible causes of low sperm have how-ever been traced to different factors ranging from infections to environmental causes. More causes are also being discovered in sev-eral new studies worldwide.

For instance, according to Prof. Ashiru, some men’s testes are just not functioning properly. Prof. Ashiru says the testes per-forms two main functions: they produce the male hormone called testosterone – the hor-mone that gives man the masculine features – and also produce sperm (spermatozoa)

“If anything goes wrong with the testes

Strapping babies into car seats and bug-gies for too long can damage their de-velopment, experts say. A study found

strapping toddlers in one position hampers the development of their core strength and balance, making everyday tasks a challenge. It makes them miss out on important things like tummy time and skin-to-skin contact and this can result in poor sensory and mo-tor skills.

The research was carried out at Glasgow University by the Institute of Education in London, which tracked 15,000 children up to the age of five. It found babies unable to crawl at nine months were more likely to fall behind in cognitive development, such as reasoning and language skills.

Researchers linked the risk to children’s buggies and car seats, which hold babies in

Drinking beer every day appears to add significantly to the dan-ger of developing alcoholic cir-

rhosis of the liver, researchers claim. Until now scientists had thought that

Monday, February 2, 2015 National Mirror

Good Health


pear-shaped padding so that the body is not required to take its own weight or move around.

Theresa Campbell, senior physical educa-tion lecturer at Glasgow, said: “We work with hundreds of teachers and they are reporting that children do not exhibit the same levels of physical competence as in the past, such as the ability to sit still without fidgeting, to sit upright at tables, tie their own shoelaces, button jackets and hold pencils.” Time spent in the seats means less time crawling on the floor, so-called “tummy time”, which is im-portant for developing shoulder, back, stom-ach and arm muscles.

Source: Science Daily

– either testosterone is not produced or the sperms are not produced then of course the semen will just be water rather than contain sperm that will fertilize the egg,” he says.

In some cases, the man may be producing sperm but these do not get to the woman’s eggs for fertilization to take place because the “vas difference” the tube through which the sperm passes to the woman’s womb has been blocked. The blockage, in most cases, is caused by infections, especially gonorrhoea. Gonococcal infection, when not properly treated on time, says Prof. Ashiru, can de-stroy the testes and cause infertility.

“It destroys the testes and the area where sperms are produced. If at the initial stage when the man has painful urination etc he’s given adequate antibiotics and the disease is cleared, it should not cause infertility.

“But if the disease is allowed to spread to af-fect the testes, even if you give antibiotics, you cannot be sure. Once it gets to that stage, it means

it is damaged and cannot be producing well. “The only way to avoid this problem of

course is to avoid contacting gonorrhoea by not indulging in indiscriminate sex. If how-ever, a man finds himself with the disease, he should ensure that he is properly treated – by a qualified doctor – and on time too!” Prof. Ashiru advised.

Another common infection which de-stroys the testes to cause infertility, accord-ing to the endocrinologist, is mumps. This vi-ral infection, which is more common among children, usually spread to other parts of the body, especially the testes, which soon become swollen. It may cause a severe dam-age and the child may never be able to father a child later in life if it is not properly treated.

Still on the testes, those who wear very tight or nylon pant may not be aware that they could be doing some damage to their testes. The testes, Prof. Ashiru says, cannot tolerate any heat above the body tempera-

ture, otherwise infertility may occur. Those who indulge in sauna bath or warm bath fre-quently could also be courting infertility.

In some cases, Prof. Ashiru further re-veals, the men don’t have sperm at all and thus cannot father children.

For some men, the cause of their low sperm count is traceable to stress, either from their daily activities or due to some peculiar traits. According to the experts, stress can de-crease sexual function and interfere with the hormones needed to produce sperm.

For instance, a research by the British Population Council in 1997 found that stress hormones overpower the enzymes respon-sible for ensuring that cells in the testes produce testosterone, which is necessary for sperm formation.

Some farmers have also been reported to have the problem of low sperm count. Ac-cording to the experts, this is due mainly to their exposure to pesticides. Indeed, scien-tists have noticed that men from rural areas where farming pesticides are common have lower sperm counts than men from urban areas.

So what is the way out for men? Here are some tips by the experts:

* Avoid exposure to heavy metals like cad-mium from the manufacture of heavy batter-ies, as they negatively affect the hormones.

* Minimise exposure to radiation, as the sperm germ cells are very easily damaged by radiation.

* Avoid fumes generated by welders and iron smelters, as their heat can affect sperm production and lead to low sperm count.

* Avoid wearing tight pants and trousers, as the heat generated can cause low sperm count.

* Minimise your consumption of alcohol as drinking to excess can cause low sperm count and also reduce libido, causing you to have a low sex drive.

* Do not smoke. Cigarette smoking can damage the testis and lower sperm count, lower the ability of sperm to move and lower the lifespan of the sperm.

* Do not eat food or supplements with soya beans, as soya beans convert to the female hormone oestrogen, which tends to neutral-ise the male hormone testosterone, which is needed for men to reproduce sperm.

* Avoid traumatic injury around the tes-tes, as this can damage the sperm-producing cells.

SPERM: Now a scarce commodity

the disease is mainly caused by the amount drunk. But the Danish study of 56,000 people, aged between 50 and 64, is the first to reveal the difference in risk between drinking daily and drinking on

five or six days a week. The results are published in the Journal of Hepatology.

However, lead investigator Dr Gro Askgaard, from Copenhagen Univer-sity Hospital in Denmark, said the de-tails of alcohol induced liver injury are unknown. “We can only speculate the reason may be that daily alcohol expo-sure worsens liver damage or inhibits regeneration of the liver.” he said.

Page 4: Monday, february 2, 2015

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net4 Monday, February 2, 2015Photo News


All Progressives Congress, APC, has slammed the Di-

rectorate of State Security, DSS, and the police for their silence on the threats of war by ex-militants if Pres-ident Goodluck Jonathan should lose this month’s elections.

The party described fail-ure of the security agencies to act as an indication of their double standard and lack of fairness.

In a statement issued in Lagos yesterday by its Na-tional Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, APC noted that the same se-curity agencies that reacted to the comments by Gover-nor Rotimi Amaechi have suddenly lost their voices when the ex-militants threatened to wage war on the nation.

“When Governor Amae-chi said soldiers had the right to protest if their wel-fare was not taken care of, the DSS was at its most effi-cient level, with its voluble spokesperson threatening fire and brimstone and only stopping short of arresting

dent Jonathan, there is no law, there is no police, there is no DSS. Their support for the President is a licence for lawlessness and irrespon-sibility, and if at all there is any law, they remain far above such law. “That is why they could dare the en-tire nation by issuing such treasonable comments and get away with their action,” the party said.

It called on Nigerians to take note of the glaring double standard of the se-curity agencies.

It also urged local and international observers to monitor their activities be-fore, during and after the polls.

Meanwhile, the party’s Presidential Campaign Or-ganisation, APCPCO, has accused the President Jona-than-led administration of massive corruption in the agricultural sector.

A statement by the cam-paign office spokesperson,

the governor, despite his immunity.

“When the same Gov-ernor Amaechi said the APC will form a parallel government if the Febru-ary 14 and 28 elections were rigged, the same DSS and the police sought to outdo one another with threats and condemnation of what they called ‘inciting com-ments’, even when Gover-nor Amaechi’s warning was conditional.

“Now, the ex-militants have said President Jona-than must be re-elected or they will unleash violence on the country. In other words, it is immaterial whether or not he loses in a free and fair election. There is no clearer indication of impunity than the action of the ex-militants, who issued their threats in the Bayelsa Government House, with the governor of the state in attendance.

“More than a week later,

Mallam Garba Shehu yes-terday said “President Jon-athan has failed woefully in the agricultural sector, and all the self-praise of the administration on agricul-ture is simply a ruse.”

He pointed out that whereas President Jona-than had promised in 2010 to make Nigeria self-suffi-cient in rice and wheat pro-duction by 2015, “the grim reality on the ground today is that Nigeria emerged as the world’s highest import-er of rice and a whopping $11bn is spent annually to import rice, wheat, sugar and fish.”

The statement, quoting former acting Governor of the Central Bank of Nige-ria, CBN, Dr. Sarah Alade, said Nigeria as at 2014 spent $4bn (N600bn) on rice im-portation.

“This is after the Fed-eral Government had ap-proached the China Exim Bank for a loan of $1.2bn for

the DSS has been missing in action, while the police, in what can pass as a most shocking reaction, said they are still studying the ex-militants’ comments.

“Even after former Defence Minister Gen. Theophilus Danjuma called for the arrest of the ex-mil-itants for their treasonable threats, and the ex-mili-tants had the audacity to re-peat the threats, the police still continued to ‘study’ the threats. This is simply un-believable,” APC said.

The party noted that the implication of the conspir-acy of inaction by the DSS and the police is that under the administration of Pres-ident Jonathan there are different rules for different Nigerians, wondering how the security agencies can be trusted to provide a level playing ground for all polit-ical parties before, during and after the elections.

“For supporters of Presi-

the financing of 100 large-scale rice processing plants with a total capacity of 2.1 million metric tonnes.

“The troubling truth to-day, is that Nigeria is noth-ing close to self-sufficiency in rice production and what we have at hand is a close web of corruption where government cronies stum-ble over each other to get import licenses for rice,” Shehu said.

The statement also noted that a similar unacceptable situation pertained to the importation of wheat.

It said: “According to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, Nige-ria’s wheat consumption as at year 2000 was about two million metric tonnes. But, by 2010, wheat importation to the country had risen to four million metric tonnes and Nigeria spends N635bn annually on wheat importa-tion.

Ex-militants’ threat: APC accuses DSS, police of double standard

L-R: Director-General, Nigeria Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), Mrs. Sally Mbanefo; Director-General, Voice of Nigeria, Malam Abubakar Jijiwa; founding chairman, Nigerian Electoral Debate Group (NEDG), Aremo Taiwo Allimi and vice presidential candidate of Hope Democratic Party, Haruna Shaba, after the 2015 Vice Presidential Debate in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

L-R: Co-Executive Director, Tolerance Project, Interfaith Mediation Centre, Pastor James Wuye; Zonal Manager, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Malam Ahmed Maharazu and Co-Executive Director of the centre, Imam Muhammad Ashafa, during a visit to NAN in Kaduna on Friday. PHOTO: NAN

L-R: Former Attorney-General of the Federation, Chief Bayo Ojo; former General Secretary, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Mr. Emeka Obikolu; former Chairman, Industrial Arbitration Panel, Chief Adesoji Adesugba and former Attorney-General of the Federation, Chief Adetokunbo Kayode, during the inauguration of new executive committee of NBA, Abuja branch, at the weekend. PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA

National News

L-R: Chief Marketing Officer, MTN, Mr Bayo Adekanmbi; member of Gumel Emirate Council, Jigawa State, Alhaji Ahmed Aminu and Emir of Gumel, HRH Dr. Ahmad Sani, during the 2nd Kannywood Awards in Abuja at the weekend. PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA

Page 5: Monday, february 2, 2015

National 5Monday, February 2, 2015 News

The development came even as the government said it had spent N125bn in the last five years to reform the force and boost its opera-tional capacity.

It said within the same period, it had trained about 65, 000 officers and men of the force in areas of opera-tions, administration, intel-ligence and others.

Speaking at the commis-sioning of the vehicles yes-terday at the Eagle Square, Abuja, President Goodluck Jonathan said the vehicles would boost the operational capacity of the police in its bid to ensure adequate secu-rity before, during and after the elections.

Represented by Vice-President Namadi Sambo, the President described the gesture as "the first largest, singular provision by any government."

He said the present ad-ministration, as part of its transformation agenda, was determined to "bequeath a well-equipped, people-ori-ented police force" to Nige-rians.

He recalled that a projec-tion of N1.5trn was made over a six-year period for a comprehensive reform of the police.

The President added that to realise this, counterpart funds were to come from the federal, state and local gov-ernments as well as donor agencies.

Jonathan, however, re-gretted that so far, only the Federal Government had been providing funds for the implementation of the reforms since 2010 when it began.

“The procurement (of the patrol vehicles) is aimed at boosting the capacity of the Nigeria Police Force to-wards providing fool-proof security for the forthcoming elections in particular and the general security of lives and property,” he said.

He hoped that the police would reciprocate the gov-ernment's gesture by apply-ing the vehicles to achieve intended results.

“The procurement of these vehicles is aimed at boosting the capacity of the Nigerian Police Force to de-liver effectively, efficiently and appreciably.

“A well-equipped and ad-equately motivated police will assist in no small mea-sure in ensuring the secu-rity needed in the drive to

economic growth and devel-opment of Nigeria.

“And in view of the strong commitment of gov-ernment to provide for the Nigeria Police Force within available resources, it is my hope that the gesture by government, will be re-ciprocated by assisting the Independent National Elec-toral Commission in ensur-ing the conduct of free elec-tions this month.

“It is also expected that the deployment of these operational vehicles will translate to enhanced sur-veillance of our commu-nities in order to improve security.

“I call on the politicians, the aspirants, their support-ers and their sympathisers to eschew all forms of vio-lence and unlawful prac-tices, both in words and conduct, before and after elections.

“Let us eschew any form of violence, we should con-demn any form of voilence before, during and after elec-tions, we should know that elections will come and go but Nigeria will remain as one nation and one people," Jonathan said.

The Inspector-General of Police, Suleiman Abba, said the commissioning of the new patrol vehicles, would strengthen the operational capacity of the force and boost its readiness for the elections.

He promised a compre-hensive implementation of strategic guidelines to en-sure that the 2015 elections were effectively secure and generally peaceful. The IGP added that "with these ve-hicles, the police are also better prepared to present a stronger challenge against all forms of crimes which have been threatening pub-lic security and safety in the country."

The Minister of Police Affairs, Alhaji Jelili Adesi-yan, said the current admin-istration's reforms in the police force had helped in the reduction of accidental discharges and training of more personnel.

A breakdown of the vehi-cles showed that there were 170 NP300 hard body patrol pick-up vans, 129 Frontier double-cabin patrol vehicles, 50 Patrol 4WD jeeps, 10 dou-ble- cabin armoured patrol vans and four Ford 550 mod-el 4X4 armoured personnel carriers.

Meanwhile, the Federal

Government will today meet with the commission-ers of education in the coun-try over the forthcoming elections.

National Mirror gathered this at the weekend during a meeting of ministers of education with journalists

in Abuja.It was not clear at the

time of filing this report whether schools would be asked to be shut before the elections, but National Mir-ror investigations showed such a decision might arise from the meeting.

National Mirror inves-tigation, however, revealed that some parents had last week withdrawn their wards from schools, espe-cially from states of the security-challenged North to take them back home.

Similarly, some ter-

tiary institutions have an-nounced date of closure till days after the elections.

However, the Federal Government has again assured the citizens and international community of violence-free, fair and credible polls.

Troops kill 80 insurgents in fresh attack on Maiduguri

Polls: Police get 2,554 armoured vehicles, others


L-R: Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Suleiman Abba; Vice-President Namadi Sambo; Minister of Police Affairs, Alhaji Abdul Jelili Adesiyan and former IGP/Chairman, Police Service Commission, Mike Okiro, during the commissioning of the new armoured vehicles for the police in Abuja, yesterday.



No fewer than 80 sus-pected members of the Boko Haram

sect who attempted to over-run Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, in different directions were feared dead yesterday.

Several other members of the sect escaped with gunshot wounds.

This is even as six people have been killed in a fresh suicide bomb attack in Po-tiskum, Yobe State.

Some soldiers, youth vig-ilance group, a.k.a Civilian JTF and civilians sustained injuries while repelling the dawn attacks in Maiduguri, the second within a week.

Our correspondent gath-ered that the assault on the city began at 3am with loud explosions and gunfire as the insurgents tried to in-vade the city from Molai vil-lage, south of the city.

It was gathered that the insurgents, armed with AK47 rifles, rocket propelled grenade launchers, RPG and anti-aircraft machine guns in a convoy of 15 vehi-cles and many motorcycles, attempted to enter the city from Dalwa-Molai axis.

But soldiers stationed on the Maiduguri-Damboa

road engaged them in heavy gun duel, and with the quick reinforcement of troops and Civilian JTF, about 60 of the terrorists were killed while others escaped with gun-shot wounds.

Our correspondent gath-ered, however, that the sect picked some of the dead members while troops re-covered 46 dead bodies.

Troops and thousands of Civilian JTF are trailing the fleeing and injured terror-ists, who ran back towards the Sambisa forest.

After the heavy fighting in the Molai, the militants then began a separate as-sault around Mafa-Ngom-Maiduguri road.

It was also learnt that this attempt was also foiled by troops and Civilian JTF members, which led to the killing of over 30 insur-gents.

The attack on Mafa-Ngom area started at about 11am and lasted for two hours before air force fight-er jets with assistance from ground troops repelled the insurgents.

Most residents of Mo-lai, NNPC depot and Cen-tral Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Quarters along the troubled Maiduguri-Damboa road had to flee into the city for safety.

The road has been closed since July last year.

Some members of the Civilian JTF also helped in rushing the wounded into the State Specialists Hospi-tal.

Most churches hurriedly closed morning service while others could not even open following the sounds of explosions and gunshots.

A female member of the Deeper Life Church in Mo-lai was hit by stray bullet while trying to escape from the scene of the attack.

Telta Memorial Board-ing School belonging to COCIN Church, Molai, has been closed down with stu-dents trekking into the city for safety.

Also, thousands of Molai residents have fled the area and now taking refuge in the city.

Governor Kashim Shet-tima commended the youth who volunteered and came out to defend Maiduguri from being invaded by the insurgents.

The governor, in a state-ment, confirmed that the terrorists laid siege to Dal-wa from Damboa axis and from the Mafa entry point with a murderous determi-nation of seizing Maiduguri and its massive population of residents and internally

displaced persons taking refuge in the state capital.

Shettima said: “I received with gratitude, information on how youths from differ-ent parts of Borno State, comprising those under the Borno Youths Empower-ment Scheme, otherwise called Civilian JTF, vigi-lantes and other residents of Maiduguri, came out of their homes, abandon their families and with very un-common courage, they sac-rificed their lives and moved to frontlines to support our gallant armed forces in a patriotic battle to defend the soul of Borno State.

“I have never been as proud of our youths in Bor-no State as much as I am to-day. The youths have since 2013 rose in firm defence of the good people of the state, and today, they have once again proved to all of us that they have by play-ing complementary roles, taken our collective destiny in their hands and we are full of gratitude to them for their sacrifices that cannot be sufficiently rewarded.

“We are indebted to them and we shall celebrate them in many ways. I urge citi-zens to be calm and go about their routines peacefully and in obedience to the laws

Page 6: Monday, february 2, 2015


Troops kill 80 insurgents in fresh attack on Maiduguri

Govt orders JVCs to slash 2015 budget by 40%

Nigerian refugees in Niger Republic during the presentation of relief materials in Diffa Region. PHOTO: NAN

NAPIMS manages gov-ernment’s investments in the JVCs, production shar-ing companies, PSCs, and services contract compa-nies, SCs,

It explained that the di-rective was based on the re-alisation that at the present over $40 per barrel price of crude oil in the global mar-ket, it would be impossible for the joint ventures to exe-cute all their projects earlier drawn up in 2014.

The agency, which also engages in frontier explo-ration services in basins where the multinationals hesitate to venture, includ-ing the Chad Basin, told the JVCs that the 2015 budgets had to be slashed in line with the present funding constraint.

Investigations by Nation-al Mirror at the weekend, however, showed that the various international oil companines, IOCs, includ-ing Shell Petroleum Devel-opment Company, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlim-ited, Total Exploration and Production Limited, Chev-ron Nigeria Limited, Nige-rian Agip Oil Company, that operate the joint ventures with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, had begun to cut their budgets.

Yesterday, some officials

of the JVCs, who declined to provide details of their budgets, said the cut would be concluded soon.

One of them, who did not want his name mentioned, told our correspondent that his company expected “to complete its review before another planned engage-ment with NAPIMS later this month.”

However, the spokesman of Shell Petroleum Develop-ment Company Limited, the largest producer, Mr. Precious Okolobo, said that the cut was a global issue.

He confirmed that the Royal Dutch Shell had al-ready concluded plans to cut global capital spending by $15bn from 2015 to 2017 because of falling crude oil prices.

A Port Harcourt based consultant, Mr. Bala Zaka, said the situation had great-ly been worsened because of Nigeria’s inability to pass the Petroleum Industry Bill, PIB, into law.

He said: “The PIB has been designed to attract more investments into the industry. But the expecta-tion would not be achieved because we have failed over the years to pass it into law.”

Zaka noted that the situa-tion would culminate in low investment, low exploration, low production of crude oil and natural gas as well as

low revenue to the govern-ment and other stakehold-ers.

There are strong indica-tions that Nigeria will fair lower than some nations in oil and gas exploration and production, given the fiscal and other policy regimes in the nation’s oil and gas sector.

For instance, Angola is set to beat Nigeria as a lead-ing oil producer in Africa from the 2020s because of the prevalence of regulato-ry irregularities, especially uncertainty and oil theft in the country.

The International Ener-gy Agency, IEA, in its latest report predicted that Nige-

ria stood the risk of losing its leadership position as a big producer because of the uncertainties.

“Nigeria is the richest resource centre of the oil sector, but regulatory uncer-tainty, militant activity and oil theft in the Niger Delta are deterring investment and production, so much so that Angola is set to over-take Nigeria as the region’s largest producer of crude oil at least until the early 2020s,” it stated

The agency noted that the value of the estimated 150,000 barrels lost to oil theft each day, amounting to more than $5bn per year,

would be sufficient to fund universal access to electric-ity for all Nigerians by 2030.

The agency disclosed that with regional produc-tion falling back from above six million barrels per day (mb/d) in 2020 to 5.3 mb/d in 2040, but demand for oil products doubling to four mb/d – an upward trend amplified in some countries by subsidised prices – the result would squeeze the region’s net contribution to the global oil balance.

It added that natural gas resource-holders could pow-er domestic economic de-velopment and boost export revenues, but only if the

right regulation, prices and infrastructure are in place.

“The incentives to use gas within sub-Saharan Af-rica are expected to grow as power sector reforms and gas infrastructure projects move ahead, but for the mo-ment, as much gas is flared as is consumed within the region.”

The agency stated that more than one trillion cu-bic metres of gas had been wasted through flaring over the years, a volume that – if used to provide power – would be enough to meet current sub-Saharan elec-tricity needs for more than a decade.


National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net6 Monday, February 2, 2015News

of the country and Borno State.

“Our armed forces and youth volunteers have proved their worthiness and selflessness. We will, as gov-ernment, continue to afford them all they need within the limits of resources at our disposal. Reclaiming captured territories and safeguarding others that are free as well as safeguarding lives and property consti-tute our fundamental priori-ties as government.

“We will continue not only to uphold these priori-ties but to work tirelessly to-wards achieving them. At the risk of sounding repeti-tive, I want to reassure the good people of Borno State that we will never abdicate from our responsibility as those they entrusted with leadership.”

Director, Defence Infor-mation, Maj.-Gen. Chris Olukolade, also confirmed

that the terrorists had been contained.

Olukolade, in a statement yesterday, said the terrorists incurred massive casualty.

“The situation is calm as mopping up operation in the affected area is ongoing.

“The ongoing operations are in coordination with ac-tivities in the Multinational Joint Task. The terrorists are meant to be engaged in all fronts, including their previous safe havens and hideouts in the region.

“It is in line with the ar-rangement for a compre-hensive and coordinated military operation with in-put by military forces in the Lake Chad Basin Commis-sion, namely Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroun,” he said.

The DDI also said that some terrorists, who strayed towards Bama, Ngom, Alou, Delwa and Mafa in the night had been effectively con-tained while mop up opera-

tion was ongoing.“Several weapons, arms

and ammunition, including two armoured vehicles and two artillery guns as well as 17 Hilux vehicles have been captured from them. Sever-al terrorists also died.

“The affected locations have been secured and sol-diers wounded are being treated. Patrols and pur-suit of fleeing terrorists is continuing in coordina-tion with allied forces,” he added.

Also yesterday, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, praised the gallantry of officers and men of the Nigerian Armed Forces for repelling the insurgents.

PDP National Publicity Secretary, Olisa Metuh, in a statement said the mem-bers of the armed forces had shown exceptional patriotism while risking their lives to protect those of other citizens and in-tensifying efforts to ensure

that the nation was rid of terrorist activities.

The party said it recog-nised the sacrifices being made by the military, add-ing that “what is needed at this point is for all Ni-gerians to close ranks and support them with words of encouragement, prayers and helpful information where necessary”.

“This is no longer the time to dwell on politics or engage in unnecessary blame-games. We cannot continue to seek political capital while terrorists slaughter and maim our people. To win this battle, therefore, all citizens must come together, stand with our government and the military and present a common front against ter-rorism irrespective of our religious, political and eth-nic differences,” the party said.

The PDP condoled with the families of the victims

of the attacks, comforted the displaced and the wounded and prayed God to restore enduring peace in the country.

The party also restated President Goodluck Jona-than’s commitment to se-curity and the unity of the nation.

It added that with the support of all citizens, “Nigeria will come out of all its challenges a stron-ger, more united and more prosperous nation where all will live in peace and harmony.”

In a related develop-ment, no fewer than six people have been killed in a fresh suicide bomb attack in Potiskum, Yobe State.

Potiskun of recent has been prone to suicide bomb attacks as several lives have been lost by bombers believed to be members of the radical sect, the Boko Haram.

Witnesses said the ex-

plosions occurred around 1:20am in front of the resi-dence of Sabo Garbu lo-cated opposite the Federal Government College, Po-tiskum.

Garbu is the PDP can-didate for the Potiskum/Nangere federal constitu-ency in Yobe State for the 2015 general elections.

Residents said the bomb-er came to the residence of the politician and detonate the explosives at the front-age which had many party supporters at the time the explosives went off, killing six on the spot with several others sustaining injuries.

Authorities are yet to confirm the incident but hospital authority said six corpses were brought to the hospital with several others injured.

The source, who did not want his name mentioned, said they were still receiv-ing victims from the scene of the blast.

Page 7: Monday, february 2, 2015

…Police ban motorcycles

National National News 7Monday, January 2, 2015

Leonard okachie

Living Faith Church World-Wide, aka Winners’ Chapel In-

ternational, has reacted to certain insinuation and misinformation in the news and social media credited to the presiding Bishop, David Oyedepo, over the recent visit to the church by President Good-luck Jonathan.

The church described the insinuations as the handiwork of those who had been seeking a veri-table point to strike at and injure the integrity of the church.

According to the church, the information is not only far from the truth, but also

danjuma WiLLiams GOMBE

Two bomb explo-sions were wit-nessed yesterday

afternoon in Gombe metropolis, killing five people, including per-petrators of the blasts barely 20 hours before President Goodluck Jonathan’s campaign train visited the state.

The blasts, which oc-curred within an inter-val of five minutes, was at the entrance gate of the old Gombe market in the heart of the town about 2:50pm, while the second occurred about five minutes later at the timber market, which is directly behind the 301 Artillery Regiment Quarter Guard of the

Church defends Oyedepo over comment on Jonathan

Twin explosions rock Gombe hours before Jonathan’s visit

intended to cause mis-representation, mischief, rancour and malice in the Body of Christ, with the view to denting the im-age of the highly respect-ed clergy, Bishop David Oyedepo; as well as to cre-ate confusion in the polity.

Oyedepo was quoted to have said during the president’s visit to the church headquarters in Canaanland, Ota, Ogun State, on January 25, 2015, that “I will open the gates of hell to anyone who op-poses you,” or “I will open the gates of hell to anyone who opposes the peace of this nation.”

Reacting to the insinu-ation yesterday in a press statement issued by its Resident Pastor, Ubong

Ntia, the church stated cat-egorically that there was nowhere, nor was there any time such prayer or words were uttered by the church or Oyedepo.

The statement noted that President Jonathan spent approximately six minutes in his address, clearly stating that he would be careful not to sound political so that his visit and intentions would not be construed as electioneering campaign, when he was invited to “bring a word of greeting”

to the congregation.It rather quoted the

Bishop as saying thus: “I only had an idea of the president’s visit just yes-terday morning. The infor-mation was not there last Friday when we had the One Night with the King. So, we are going to be pray-ing for our president. Let prayers and supplications and intercessions be made for all men; first of all, for kings, and for them that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peace-ful life in all godliness and

honesty.“I like us to be on our feet

and lift the president up to God. “Whatever you desire to see God bring about in his life, bring about in our nation, begin to pray that prayer right now. “Father, release your grace upon the president to match the demands of his office. Release unusual grace in increasing dimensions to match the demands of his office. Cause your face to shine upon him. “Lord, grant the desires of his heart. Grant Nigeria peace!

Under him, grant Nige-ria greater advancement. Thank you, Father; in Je-sus’ Name we pray!”

The church therefore, says it considered the mis-chievous imputation and its uncritical acceptance as the handiwork of those who had been seeking a veritable point to strike and injure the integrity of our church, and they found the president’s visit during this season of elections as the right point to make an attempt to drag its hard-earned image into the mud.

Nigerian Army.According to eye-wit-

ness, the blast at the old Gombe market killed a man and a woman on a motorcycle at the main road directly opposite one of the gates to the market.

It was, however, not clear at the time of fil-ing this report wheth-er the man riding the motorcycle was on the same mission with the woman, or if he was just a commercial mo-torcyclist, because it was learnt the explo-sives were hidden in-side a food flask the woman was carrying.

CHANGE OF NAMEJAMIU: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Mutiat M Jamiu, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Kazeem Mutiat Mojisola. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Onyedeke Gloria Kelechi, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Eluchukwu Gloria Kelechi. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and the general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEThis is to inform the general public that Bennard Stanley Ekene and Ukemezie Stanley Ekene refer as one person but now wish to be known as Bennard Stanley Ekene. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEAMOO: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Amoo Latifat Adebola, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Adeyemi Latifat Adebola. All former document remain valid. NYSC and general public should take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEOBINWA: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Obinwa Stella Chidimma, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Akpawusi Stella Chidimma. All former document remain valid. General public should take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEC H U K W U O B I : F o r m e r l y known and addressed as Miss Chukwuobi Ngozika Gloria, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ojinta Ngozika Gloria. All former document remain valid. General public should take note.

CHANGE OF NAMESULEIMAN: Formerly known and addressed as Muhammed Naja’atu Suleiman, ow known and addressed as Umar Mohammed Naja’atu. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

Page 8: Monday, february 2, 2015

National Mirror


Monday, January 2, 2015News8

OjO Oyewamide AKURE

Crisis rocking the Peoples Demo-cratic Party, PDP,

in Ondo State grew more intense at the weekend as Governor Olusegun Mimiko disregarded President Goodluck Jona-than’s order to reconcile with other prominent leaders of the party be-fore the February 14 gen-eral elections.

Jonathan had last week at his presidential cam-paign rally in Akure, the state capital, admonished Mimiko to reconcile with

business mogul, Dr. Ji-moh Ibrahim, and PDP gubernatorial candidate in the last governorship election, Chief Olusola Oke, in the interest of the party and the state.

But ignoring the presi-dent’s appeal, Mimiko on Saturday formally inau-gurated the state’s presi-dential campaign com-mittee without involving old PDP leaders in the state. The team is headed by Mr. Tokunbo Modupe as Director-General.

The governor said the inauguration, which took place at the controversial party’s Alagbaka quar-

ise-Oluwa ige ABUJA

An Abuja-based le-gal practitioner, Joni Icheka, has

taken President Good-luck Jonathan before an Abuja high court, demanding N70 million, being payment for le-gal services that led to the mass resignation of the immediate-past Na-tional Working Commit-tee, NWC, of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

The lawyer, in the suit marked CV/845/14, filed by Barr. Faustinus Andi at the High Court regis-try on December 4, 2014, claimed that Jonathan along with Aliyu Habu Fari, former Chief of Staff to Bamanga Tukur; Abba Kale, former chair-man of PDP in Wukari Local Government Area, Taraba State; Aruwa Sule, his counterpart in Maiduguri council area; Bashir Maidugu, listed as Fari’s Special Adviser and current deputy na-tional legal adviser of PDP and the party itself gave him the brief, which led to dissolution of the then PDP-NWC, but have since refused to pay his professional fees.

The lawyer has also filed a motion ex-parte seeking an order of sub-stituted service on the defendants.

In a 36-paragraph statement of claims to which was attached a 40-paragraph affidavit in support of the applica-

tion to be heard on the undefended list, Icheka alleged that Jonathan and other defendants had used and dumped him and his professional colleagues, in spite of re-minders of their indebt-edness.

According to him, sometime in 2013, Habu Fari invited him to his (Fari’s) office and in-formed him that he had Jonathan’s instruction to get 17 members of the PDP-NWC disbanded since they came on board without following laid down PDP constitution, to which he (Icheka) raised a legal team, for-mulated the legal pro-cesses and filed same, which processes eventu-ally led to the 17 losing their offices.

He further claimed that he had several meet-ings with Aondoakaa and other defendants where they agreed on both the locus standi and cause of action to challenge each member of the then PDP-NWC, he was given the legal brief, following which he (Icheka) raised a legal team that filed the processes FCT/HC/CV/24/8/13 that saw to the end of that NWC.

“However, on May 7, 2013, midway through proceedings, the defen-dants through the 5th defendant (Maidugu, the current deputy national legal adviser), wrote a letter to me purporting to debrief me in suit No FCT/HC/CV/24/8/13.

Ondo PDP crisis festers, as Mimiko shuns Jonathan’s appeal

Lawyer sues Jonathan, PDP over N70m legal fee

I won’t witch-hunt or rule with impunity –Buhari ObiOra ifOh and ezekiel TiTus

Presidential can-didate of the All Progressives Con-

gress, APC, Muhammadu Buhari, has assured that if elected president, he would neither witch-hunt the opposition or rule with impunity.

The former military leader also reiterated that he would not sub-ject the military or any other arm of government to probes as erroneously reported by a national newspaper.

He insisted that he was committed to bringing to book and punishing cor-ruption at all levels of government under his administration.

A national newspaper (not National Mirror) had quoted Buhari as vowing to probe the mili-

tary if elected into office, but the retired General maintained that while his government would not pursue a witch-hunt or anybody or institu-tions, he would decisive-ly deal with all cases of impunity and corruption under his administra-tion, no matter who is in-volved.

A statement from APC Presidential Campaign Organisation, APCPCO, restated Buhari’s posi-tion.

It said: “When elected into office in February, the era of impunity will be over for the rogues. But there is no time for engaging in probes or witch-hunts.”

The statement, signed by Mallam Garba Shehu, Director of Media and Publicity of the cam-paign, quoted Buhari as saying he is passionate-ly concerned about the

plight of our armed forc-es having failed to effec-tively deal with manifest security threats includ-ing Boko Haram terror-ism, despite huge budget-ary allocations.

“What he said at every given opportunity is that he is keenly interested in knowing what has gone wrong, if any, with the army he knew. When he has access to them as Commander-in-Chief, he will like to hear from his commanders what the problems are so they can be solved,” Shehu said.

“In a democracy such as ours, all institutions of government, includ-ing the armed forces, are accountable. No country can achieve results in its counter-terrorism efforts when there is no trans-parency in the manage-ment of huge resources for the purpose. He (Gen-eral Buhari) will reinvig-

orate the armed forces and restore their rapidly evaporating morale,” he said.

Meanwhile, Buhari at the weekend declared that it was disgraceful for Nigerian soldiers to run away from insurgents and abandon their weap-ons in the process.

This is even as he de-clared that if voted as Nigeria’s next president, his administration would tackle insurgency, cor-ruption and unemploy-ment headlong with a view to positioning the country on the path of greatness.

He spoke at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, IBB Square in Bauchi, where he addressed a mammoth crowd of sup-porters in continuation of his nationwide cam-paign tour ahead of the February 14 presidential election.

L-R: Rev. Biodun Okunnuga; Rev. Christopher Nosike; Ven. Michael Abraham-Odumuyiwa; Rev. Taiwo Adebayo; Lagos Bishop, Diocese of Lagos West, Rt. Rev. Dr. James Odedeji; Dean of Cathedral, Ven. Abel Ajibodu and Rev. Stephen Adesoye, during the New Year Day Service at Archbishop Vining Memorial Church Cathedral in Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO: SAMUEL ADETIMEHIN

ters, was done prepara-tory to commencement of state-wide campaigns for the presidential and other elections to sensitise the electorate to vote for PDP candidates.

It was learnt that mem-bers of the campaign team were selected by the Clement Faboyede-led Ex-ecutive Committee, which was sacked last year by an Abuja Federal High Court presided over by Justice Adeniyi Ademola.

The composition of the committee has, however,

been rejected by a section of the state leadership of the party.

Oke said he and other leaders of the party were completely sidelined in the process of selection and inauguration of the campaign committee, de-scribing the event as a one-man show that would not do the party any good in the coming elections.

The former governor-ship candidate, who ad-dressed reporters at his Ijapo quarters home dur-ing the inauguration,

accused Mimiko of be-having like a sole admin-istrator or emperor who saw other members of the party as conquered peo-ple despite all appeals and entreaties that he should do otherwise.

He said: “I have the mandate of a large sec-tion of our party and I speak on their behalf to reject the campaign council as inaugurated, especially the Director-General. He is unaccept-able and I am not speak-ing alone but on behalf of

the entire good members of our great party who are desirous to see us win the coming election overwhelmingly for Mr. President.

“The governor is de-liberately undermining the strength of our party and the chances of Mr. President to win the com-ing election in this state. I wonder why anybody that says he wants victory for the president would want to cause problems for a party that had been positioned for victory.”

Page 9: Monday, february 2, 2015


The 25-day industrial action embarked on by judiciary work-

ers in Lagos State has been suspended following a meeting with the state’s At-torney-General, Ade Ipaye.

The courtrooms in the four divisions of the state’s High Court, including the headquarters in Ikeja, La-gos, Badagry and Ikorodu division will today be opened for proceedings.

A source, who pleaded anonymity, disclosed that

union leaders under the umbrella of Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria, JUSUN, met to discuss the strike at the weekend, in-cluding the one held with officials of the government led by Mr. Ipaye.

At the end of the meet-ing on Saturday night, JUSUN’s chairman, Em-manuel Abioye, sent a text message to Ipaye, inform-ing him of their decision to suspend the strike.

The message reads, “This is to inform your honour that the strike has been suspended in the in-

terest of Lagos as Centre of Excellence. From Com-rade Abioye (JUSUN).”

Ipaye confirmed this in a press statement.

According to him, “At a meeting with JUSUN, we made it clear that Lagos State already had a Ju-diciary Self-Accounting Law since 1995, which is being implemented to date with the judiciary getting its recurrent vote as first line charge on the consolidated revenue fund once a month.

“We explained that cap-ital fund cannot, however,

be transferred monthly as it has to be accumu-lated and used for many projects programmed for simultaneous implemen-tation. Besides, projects are better managed by the Ministry of Works, which was set up to serve all arms of government.

“In the end, our posi-tion was that Lagos was already implementing the provisions on au-tonomy of the judiciary; JUSUN promised to look into these and now it has resolved to suspend the strike.”

L-R: Principal, Pacelli School for the Blind, Sis Jane Onyeneri; Executive Director, Sunflag Steel, Mr. M.S. Bakshi; Officiating Minister, Rev. Fr. Augustine Ikuomola; Director-General/Chief Executive, Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), Dr. Joseph Odumodu, and Mother, Pacelli School for the Blind, Mother Mary Langley-Ikem, during SON Director-General’s thanksgiving and supplication to God service at the Catholic Church, Ikeja, Lagos, yesterday.


A team of Nigerians in Diaspora led by Central Association

of Nigerians in the United Kingdom, CANUK chair-man, Chief Bimbo Roberts Folayan, at the weekend stormed Ibadan, Oyo State capital, to sensitise the elec-torate on the importance of the February 14 presiden-tial election.

Folayan told journalists that Nigerians overseas at-tached great importance to the success of the 2015 polls, saying: “It will be a grave mistake on the part of ordinary Nigerians if they refuse to come out and vote at the elections or allow anybody to intimidate them to either rig for politicians or carry out violence on be-

half of politicians.“We will have ourselves

to blame if we continue to do things the same way, expecting different results. My advice is that Nigerians must fully exercise their democratic rights and vote en masse for their preferred candidates at federal, state and local levels. Nigerians must never miss the oppor-tunity to vote and choose credible leaders.

“They must refuse to be intimated by those who threaten violence. Rather, they should exercise their rights freely. One of the major problems that un-dermine our democracy is voter apathy. Another is the use of violence. The elector-ate must remember that the political class comprises the elite and privileged class of Nigerians whose children

Diaspora team arrives, warns against voter apathy

Lagos judiciary workers suspend 25-day strike

usually school abroad. Ordi-nary Nigerians must refuse


A member of the last National Confer-ence, Dr. Kunle

Olajide, has warned that the 2015 general elections will bring nothing posi-tive to the country except the present structure, which is faulty, is correct-ed through the recommen-dations of the conference.

Olajide, who was sec-retary of Yoruba del-egates to the conference, gave the warning at the weekend in Ibadan, Oyo State capital.

He explained that the group threw its weight behind President Good-luck Jonathan in this month’s election because of his assurance to im-plement the recommen-dations of the national conference.

He told journalists that no matter the pedi-gree paraded by the presidential candidates, it will come to naught when confronted with the present structure, which allows too much power at the centre to the detriment of the federat-ing units.

According to him, the present structure rather than bring meaningful change to the lives of Nigerians, has enabled the political elite to suc-cessfully impoverish the masses across the coun-try in the last 16 years.

He said, “Though it is not an accident that we are having a general elec-tion this 2015, it is impor-tant that we ponder on

National confab recommendations vital to 2015 poll —Olajide

All Progressives Con-gress, APC, in Lagos State yesterday con-

demned an alleged attack on its Senatorial candidate for Lagos West District, Solo-mon Olamilekan.

Olamilekan, a House of Representatives member, was allegedly attacked by hoodlums believed to be sym-pathetic to the Peoples Demo-cratic Party, PDP.

According to the party, political thugs on Sunday invaded Olamilekan’s cam-paign office in Ikeja, shooting up the facility and shattering the rear windshield of his Toyota Land Cruiser jeep.

The party’s spokesman in the state, Joe Igbokwe, urged

security agencies to rise to their statutory role to stop the rampaging hoodlums and desperate politicians from throwing Lagos into crisis.

In a press statement, Ig-bokwe alleged that the at-tackers damaged other prop-erty within the complex.

The statement reads: “We have witnessed this awful display of impunity and lawlessness when PDP thugs and supporters attacked APC faithful in Agege and shot dead a member of our party.

“The other day at Mosan Okunola LCDA grassroots supporters of our governor-ship candidate, Akinwunmi

Ambode, who were on a door-to-door campaign were at-tacked, leaving more than 10 vehicles damaged and many wounded.

“The latest attack on our candidate, Yayi and his sup-porters in his office is yet another assault that needs to be investigated and culprits brought to justice.”

Igbokwe urged the police to investigate the role of Ol-amilekan’s challenger in the PDP, Segun Adewale, who he said had admitted visiting the APC campaign office to complain about the removal of his campaign materials.

He said: “The questions we are asking are: What on earth is driving this frighten-

ing impunity being exhibited by the PDP in Lagos? What on earth will make Segun Adewale muster the temer-ity and audacity to lead gun-men including the police to Yayi’s office without caring a hoot? Who is beating the drums for PDP in Lagos? What is the police doing? Is it only the PDP that has a mo-nopoly of violence here in Lagos? What does PDP want in Lagos?

“Our party may be com-pelled to find ways to defend and protect its teeming sup-porters if the police and oth-er security agencies cannot guarantee security of lives and property at a time like this.

Lagos APC fl ays attack on candidate

those factors that have not allowed the country to fully exhibit its en-dowed potentials.

“The country will only be chasing shadows in its drive for development if nothing is done about the present structure, which allows for the spending of 75 per cent of the na-tion’s budget on recur-rent expenditure. Indeed 25 Barack Obamas can-not change anything in this country.”

While insisting it is only true federalism that can take the country out of the woods, both eco-nomically and politically, Olajide maintained that the present structure mandates corruption at all levels and there is nothing a single person, no matter his good inten-tion, can do to change this.

He said the national conference made over 600 recommendations in its report, which if fully implemented, would help move the nation forward, and charged Nigerians to put pressure on the presidential candidates to make an issue of this.

“The drum beat of war being beaten by some people about the elec-tions is uncalled for, we should all bear it in mind that disintegration is not the solution to our problem. Rather the rec-ommendations of the na-tional conference should be the issue; Nigerians should support whoever is committed to its im-plementation during the elections,” he said.

to rig or carry out violence for these people,” he said.

National 9South WestMonday, February 2, 2015

Page 10: Monday, february 2, 2015

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net10 South West Monday, February 2, 2015

No room for PDP in Feb polls –Aregbesola

L-R: Oyo State All Progressives Congress (APC) gubernatorial candidate, Governor Abiola Ajimobi; Sen. Teslim Folarin of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP); Engineer Seyi Makinde of the Social Democratic Party (SDP); Pastor Taiwo Otegbeye of Action Al-liance (AA); Deacon Olalere Samson of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and Alhaji Olaide Olayiwola of KOWA Party, during the gubernatorial debate organised by the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Ibadan Network Centre, yesterday.

Pay pensioners’ gratuities, Ondo NLC tells Jonathan, Mimiko

Bamidele’s coalition begins campaign for Buhari


Ondo State and the Federal govern-ments have been

advised to pay up backlog of gratuities owed retir-ees in the state.

Chairman of Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Ondo State Council, Com-rade Bosede Daramola, gave the advice while speaking at the fund-rais-

ing of the state’s council of the Nigeria Union of Pensioners, NUP, to com-plete its secretariat in Akure.

Daramola pleaded with Governor Olusegun Mimiko to pay outstand-ing gratuities of the retir-ees running into billions of naira when they are still alive so they can reap the fruit of their labour.

She also asked the gov-ernor to intervene in the crisis over a piece of land

bought by the NUP, which the Ministry of Land and Housing reallocated to another person without apology or compensation.

The NLC chairman said: “The Ministry of Land and Housing has placed ‘stop work’ notice on another land bought by this aged men and women. We will mobilise all workers and the retir-ees to ensure the ministry does not pull down the building.”

The state’s NUP chair-man, Chief Raphael Ade-tuwo, said it had been the union’s concern under his leadership to break the jinx of not having a permanent secretariat by commencing the building of a befitting union house in Akure, Ondo State capi-tal.

He disclosed that the union had been on a rent-ed two-room apartment for about four decades due to lack of funds.


A professor of Politi-cal Science, Cov-enant University,

Ota, Ogun State, Professor Kunle Amuwo, has said it was too late to have a free and fair poll in the forth-coming general elections.

He said this while de-livering the institution’s 39th public lecture titled “Bullet versus Ballot, In-terrogating Nigeria’s 4th Republic’s Electoral Con-sultants” at the weekend.

According to him, fairly credible elections are a pos-sibility, but they have to be exacted at a cost, including through eternal vigilance, standing to be counted on the side of political and social justice and by ensur-ing all eligible voters voted at the elections.

He also said because of the incomplete nature

of the transition from military to civilian rule in May 1999, Nigeria’s elec-tions can hardly be free and fair.

“It will take a seri-ous Pan-Nigeria political struggle to achieve this important objective, the best Nigerians can hope for and work towards are fairly credible elections that majority of the elec-torate can adjudge as fair representation of their electoral will.

“Even the distribution of the Permanent Voter Cards, PVCs, by the Inde-pendent Electoral Com-mission, INEC, which has received negative com-ments, shows that free and fair election could be a mirage,” he said.

Amuwo therefore, said since the military and elite pact that birthed the Fourth Republic has not worked, there is need for


House of Represen-tatives member and Labour Party,

LP, chieftain, Opeyemi Bamidele, has expressed optimism that many Peo-ples Democratic Party, PDP, members will vote for the All Progressives Congress, APC, presidential candi-date, General Muhamma-du Buhari, on February 14.

As part of effort to in-crease support base for the APC presidential candi-date, the teeming support-ers of Bamidele’s political platform, Ekiti Bibiire Co-alition, have been ordered to embark on a house-to-house campaign in all the 132 towns in the state.

Bamidele, in a statement in Ado Ekiti yesterday, de-scribed Buhari’s victory as unstoppable, saying the Bibiire Coalition was pur-suing the agenda in collab-oration with like-minded politicians in all the ma-jor political parties in the state.

In the statement by Bamidele’s media aide, Ahmed Salami, the law-maker said the strategy was adopted “to carry the gospel of the wind of change that is blowing across the country to the grassroots due to his ar-

dent belief in the capacity of Buhari to deliver, if elect-ed on February 14.”

He appealed to Nigerians to rebuff those who were painting the former Head of State as a tyrant and reli-gious bigot, describing such frivolous allegations as mere campaign of calumny in-tended to tarnish the rising profile of the APC candidate.

Bamidele advised PDP strategists to delve into is-sues in the ongoing cam-paign across the country, rather than concentrating 80 per cent of their strategy on fault-finding and abuses.

According to him, Buhari has become a brand in the country’s political history, which all politicians across party lines are scrambling to associate with, due to his unblemished records in public service.

He said the former mili-tary ruler “is a sellable product, who needed little or no effort before being marketed to highly expect-ant Nigerians.

“It will sound unfathom-able that someone under a corrupt system like ours would still be as modest as General Buhari despite that he had at various times been a Minister of Petro-leum, Military Governor, Chairman of the money-spinning Petroleum Trust Fund and Head of State.

a new paradigm of state-society relations and a brand new social contract and governance paradigm that will launch Nigeria on the path of genuine de-mocratisation and popu-lar empowerment.

He also advised that irrespective of the party that wins at the centre and the presidency in the forthcoming polls, it should be centred on bringing the state back into the public sphere where it belongs.

“Why we are where we are today, it is because the Nigerian state ceased long ago, but once the state is brought back, this will ensure that corruption do not foster any longer.”

Amuwo also advised that for us to have a cred-ible elections, security operatives should disobey all unlawful orders, no matter their source in the course of their jobs.

Osun State Gov-ernor, Mr Rauf Aregbesola, has

said that just as his party dealt with the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in the 2011 state and Na-tional Assembly polls, no single seat would be left for PDP in the February elections in the state.

Aregbesola stated this at the Iwo Federal Constituency where the governor began his cam-paigns for all candidates standing for elections in the state at the weekend.

The campaign tour took Aregbesola to Iwo, Ola Oluwa and Ayedire local government areas, which form the federal constituency.

He told the huge crowd that came to Iwo Ogbag-ba, Telemu Ile Ogbo and Oluponna that the Yoru-ba people never had any-thing in common with anti-progressive political

It’s too late for free, fair polls –Donparties.

He stated that Yo-ruba people have always pitched their tents with the progressives since the First Republic.

The governor noted that for 16 odd years under the PDP Nigeria has not gained anything meaning-ful and enduring.

He enjoined voters in the local government ar-eas and the whole state to vote for all candidates of APC across board.

He urged the people of Osun West l Senatorial district to vote Senator Isiaka Adeleke for Sen-ate, Abdulgahafar Amere Federal House of Repre-sentatives and Hon Akin-loye Ajibola for Osun House of Assembly in Ola Oluwa; Leke Ogunshola for Aiyedire and Abdu-lahi Gbadebo for Iwo state constituencies, for quali-tative representation and good governance.

Aregbesola emphasised that the victory of August 9 governorship election in the state would be boosted with the party securing all seats available both in the upper and lower legis-lative chambers.

He urged the people to also vote massively for the presidential candidate of the APC, General Muham-madu Buhari, come the February 14 election.

Aregbesola held that the much needed change Nigerians are clamouring for can only be achieved when a progressive party like the APC is in power.

He said: “I want to use this opportunity to thank you for standing behind us during the last August 9 governorship election.

“We have again come back to solicit for your support in ensuring that we maintain a clean slate in the coming presidential and legislative elections.

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NewsNational 11Monday, Febuary 2, 2015

L-R: Wife of first civilian governor of Imo State, Lady Victoria Mbakwe; Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) gubernatorial candidate, Hon. Emeka Ihedioha and the first son of the late Mbakwe, Alex Mbakwe, during the party’s campaign rally at Umuriam Primary School, Obowo, Imo State, at the weekend.

Court halts N15bn bond to Ebonyi govt

Oyo State Governor, Abiola Ajimobi, has distributed

cheques to over 200 vic-tims of public disturbance that occurred weeks ago in Isale Osi and Apampa compound of Ibadan South West Local Govern-ment Area of the state.

Besides, a total of 99 victims of the inferno that occurred at Ogunpa Mar-ket late last year were also compensated by the gover-nor.

The governor distribut-ed the cheques at the week-end during his campaign tour of the local govern-ment area.

He said his administra-tion would continue to implement policies that would promote economic and social development with a view to taking the state to greater heights.

Ajimobi, while address-ing members of the Motor Dealers’ Association at Mo-lete, assured motor dealers of a peaceful atmosphere that would promote auto business.

He also promised the dealers interest-free loan


Former Senate Leader and Oyo State Peoples Democratic Party,

PDP, governorship candi-date in the coming general elections, Senator Teslim Folarin, has boasted of emerging victorious in the February 28 polls.

Speaking with journal-ists in Ibadan at the week-end shortly after addressing a mammoth crowd of party faithful at Moniya, Akinyele Local Government Area, he expressed delight at how the electorate have been em-bracing him at all his cam-

Ajimobi compensates 300 disaster victims in Ibadan

Folarin boasts of victory at polls

Electoral Commission, INEC, to ensure that all eli-gible voters in the state col-lect their Permanent Voter Cards, PVCs, ahead of the February 14 elections.

CDAC chairman, Taju-deen Quadri, made the ap-peal at the end of a special

to sustain their auto busi-ness.

Also, the governor, while addressing members of the Association of Traditional Herb Sellers of Nigeria at Bode Market, recounted being a beneficiary of herb sellers in the past, and ex-pressed willingness to con-tinue to give them neces-sary assistance.

He said his administra-tion never thought of relo-cating (herb) traders from Bode Market, adding that the interest-free loan given to traders would also be ex-tended to them to support their business.

The campaign train later proceeded to Ogunpa Market where Ajimobi re-ceived some defectors from Peoples Democratic Party, PDP to the ruling All Pro-gressives Congress, APC.

The governor also called on his supporters at the market not to engage in abusive words with his political opponents, but should engage them in con-structive and intellectual discourse on their contri-butions to the state and its people to warrant votes.

meeting of the council on the role of Community De-velopment Associations, CDAs, in ensuring hitch-free election in the commu-nities.

Quadri explained that his council members had been holding several meet-ings with CDAs on the need for members to obtain their PVCs in order not to be disenfranchised.

He noted that it was unfortunate that response from members in various CDAs have always been that most of them were finding it difficult to collect their cards.

While noting that the distribution centres were grossly inadequate to ca-ter for the state’s popula-tion, he added that INEC officials at the few centres were inadequate to meet the demand of the people.

He charged INEC to fur-ther decentralise the dis-tribution centres and place additional staff to make PVC collection easier for the people.

Quadri, however, im-plored INEC and the Fed-eral Government to ensure that no eligible voter is dis-franchised due to the shod-dy distribution of PVCs in the state.

He urged the people not to be discouraged by such challenges, counseling them to go out en masse to collect their PVC in order to be able to exercise their inalienable right of choos-ing a government of their choice.

He also enjoined the executive members of the Community Develop-ment Committees, CDCs in the 20 local govern-ment areas and 37 Local Council Development Ar-eas, LCDAs to continue to enlighten their CDAs in their respective areas on the importance of collect-ing the PVC which is their inalienable right.

He assured the state gov-ernment that they would ensure massive turnout of voters and violence-free election in the state.


A high court sitting in Lagos has re-strained the Secu-

rity and Exchange Com-mission, SEC, and the Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE, from releasing the N15 billion bond applied for by Ebonyi State Gover-

nor, Martin Elechi, pend-ing hearing of a motion on notice.

The presiding judge, I.N. Buba, disclosed this while ruling on the inter-im injunction brought be-fore the court by counsel to the plaintiff, Obasi Ode-fa, a member of the state’s House of Assembly, pray-ing the court to restrain

not later than today, while the enrolled order also be served on all the defen-dants in Ebonyi.

It reads in part: “That the 1st and 2nd defen-dants; the SEC and NSE shall maintain the sta-tus duo and shall not permit and or authorise the third - seventh defen-dants to raise and or pro-cure bonds or any other securities in the name of the 4th defendant with-

out prior approval of the 8th defendant pending hearing of the motion on notice at the Federal High Court, Abakaliki, to be fixed by that court in Abakaliki.”

The state government had last year applied for N15 billion bond from the capital market, which NSE approved over N9 billion, but is yet to re-lease to the administra-tion.


Community Devel-opment Advisory Council, CDAC, in

Lagos State has charged the Federal Government and Independent National

paign rallies to date.He specifically com-

mended the youths for their moral support for his candi-dature, saying his govern-ment will place top prior-ity on youth empowerment, education and healthcare delivery.

Folarin, however, urged those yet to collect their Permanent Voter Cards, PVCs, to take advantage of the one-week extension granted by the Independent National Electoral Commis-sion, INEC, stressing that the PVC is their power to exercise the franchise and elect good leadership.

The PDP governorship

candidate also sensitised the electorate on the desirabil-ity of what he tagged gener-ational change in Oyo State leadership, saying since 1999 the state had been ruled by people of age bracket of about 60 years.

“It is time for genera-tional change in the gover-nance of Oyo State. We can-not compare the agility of a youth of my calibre with those old men who are still clamouring to continue to lord it over us at this com-puter age. Things are chang-ing fast globally and we can-not be an exception here in Oyo,” he said, adding that if elected he would address

his people-oriented pro-grammes with human face, stressing that his adminis-tration will give emphasis to quality education for the youths.

On healthcare, he prom-ised to equip all the primary health centres and hospitals across the state with the necessary personnel and drugs to meet the yearnings of the people.

He also spoke on his determination to boost ag-riculture in the state by placing priority attention on rural development with a view to making farming more attractive to young graduates.

the Ebonyi governor and its agencies from acquir-ing a new bond without the House’s approval.

Justice Buba ordered that the 1st and 2nd defen-dants, SEC and NSE, re-spectively, shall maintain the status quo and shall not permit or authorise Elechi, the Ebonyi gov-ernment, its Attorney-General, commissioner of finance and ministry to raise or procure bonds

without prior approval of the state’s House of As-sembly pending hearing of the motion on notice at the Federal High Court, Abakaliki, to be fixed by that court in Abakaliki.

The court also ordered that the certified true copy of the enrolled order of the court be served on SEC and NSE in Lagos.

It, however, ordered that the case file be remit-ted to Abakaliki division

Page 12: Monday, february 2, 2015

National Mirror www.nationalmir-12 Monday, Febuary 2, 2015South South

L-R: Former Bayelsa State Governor, Chief Timpreye Sylva; Vice Chairman, South South, All Progressives Congress , Chief Hiiland Eta and former National Commissioner, Revenue Mobilisation and Fiscal Allocation, Chief Frank Akpoebi, during a Press Conference on decamped Bayelsa State PDP members to APC in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA

Don’t compromise electoral process, NBA warns

Edo State Gover-nor, Adams Osh-iomhole, says the

Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, will run the Nigerian economy aground if not voted out on February 14, saying already the party has killed the nation’s cur-rency, the naira.

Speaking at two sepa-rate rallies of the All Pro-gressives Congress, APC, in Agbede, Etsako West Local Government Area and at Udaba, Etsako Cen-tral Local Government Area of the state on Satur-day, Oshiomhole said the PDP was clueless on how to handle the economy and have left the economy worse than they met it in 1999.

He said: “When the PDP took over power in 1999, the naira was better than it is today. Now they have killed the naira. Today, a dollar is equivalent to N210, that means cost of products, especially im-ported products have all gone up and all the basic things needed by the poor have gone up as a result of devaluation of the naira.”

The governor said the PDP only makes empty promises to Nigerians of what they intend to do, adding “the PDP is full of promises. They keep tell-ing you we will do this, we will do that, whereas APC believes in eye-mark. We show you what we have done and what we intend to do more.”

He said: “We are vic-tims of 16 years of dark-ness imposed on our coun-try by a party that is led by rogues. According to their national chairman, theirs is a party that doesn’t have justice, that doesn’t have fairness even to its own members. Theirs is a party that is based on the principles of slaves work-ing for the benefit of a few privileged masters. That is what their chairman said.

“When their chairman said his party was based on these principles, who are the slaves working and who are the privileged masters? PDP leaders are the privileged masters benefitting from the sys-tem and the Nigerian peo-ple are the slaves working for them. That is the rea-son why you must kick out these masters,” he said.

Oshiomhole continued, “Why do we want to get

PDP’ll collapse Nigeria’s economy if…Oshiomhole

also vote for all PDP candi-dates in the February elec-tions.”

At Etinan Local Gov-ernment Area, Akpabio, who called on the people to support Udom, assured them that Udom would in-dustrialise Etinan, carry the people along during his administration and con-tinue with the uncommon transformation by bring-ing sustainable develop-ment to Etinan.

The governor also as-sured the people that the next governor would com-plete ongoing road projects in Etinan and other roads that link Etinan with other local government areas of the state, stressing that

rid of PDP leadership in Abuja? We have seen in Edo State a replica of the Nigerian story. The typical PDP legacy was to destroy our system. The changes we have brought to the state replacing PDP legacy of poverty, abandonment, degradation and rotten-ness is an emphatic state-ment about the infinite possibility that exist if we have a leader with the fear of God.

“For 16 years, they spent over $30 billion in the energy sector. The more dollars they spend, the more darkness they bring, yet they keep bring-ing exorbitant bills that even the average villagers can’t pay. This is how PDP extort money from even the poorest of the poor.”

Announcing plans by the state government to build a dam in the Agbede area, governor Oshiom-hole said: “We tried to dig boreholes here and discov-ered it doesn’t bring the kind of water we want. We have now decided to work on a dam. That is the best way to get water for Ag-bede area.

“We want to dam the Aviele River so that we can pipe the water to the city. We believe that dam will be the best answer. With that one, you will have water 24 hours of the day. Even during the dry season, the water gath-ered during the rainy sea-son will last up to the fol-lowing year because it is a river that it flows from. We will make sure that is done”, he assured.

Oshiomhole further said, “At the time I as-sumed office, there was not one road done in Af-emai land, but now, we have worked on many roads and we still have two years under my own tenure and we will do the remaining ones. Those we can’t finish, once we start it, the next person will be able to complete it. That is why we need a govern-ment that must continue.

Governor Oshiom-hole while presenting the party’s flag to APC candidates, he urged the people to vote wisely for all APC candidates in the forthcoming elections as PDP government at all level have shown gross in-competence in the last 16 years.

development would never stop in the state.

Akpabio, however, pledged to commence elec-trification project of Ikot Efo and Ikot Udobia villag-es and the construction of the Leprosy Hospital road, which he said, would be completed with a bridge in Etinan Local Government Area.

The PDP governor-ship candidate, Mr. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, said God has given the local government area a second chance for the continuity of uncommon transfor-mation, stressing that he would sustain the uncom-mon transformation of the state.

Udom assured them that they would be carried along in his administra-tion and noted that it is only PDP that will ensure the return glory of the di-lapidated Etinan Institute and promised to build a fly over at Ekom Iman to link other parts of the state.

At Etinan, the state PDP Chairman, Obong Paul Ekpo appreciated all party faithful for turning out in large number to show soli-darity and support to PDP.

Ekpo presented the PDP flags to candidates for the House of Assembly, House of Representatives and the Senate for Etinan and Nsit Ubiom Local Government Area.


Nigerian Bar As-sociation, NBA, has expressed op-

timism that this month’s general elections would be violence-free if the electoral process is not manipulated by stakeholders.

It explained that most previous elections in the country were marred by vi-olence because the electoral process had always been manipulated, hence result-ing into crisis once results are announced.

Warri branch of the NBA

chairman, Mr Martins Aik-pokpo, stated this yesterday during a road show to sensi-tise residents of the area on the need to get their Perma-nent Voter Cards, PVCs.

According to Aikpokpo, if elections were free and fair, the violence usually experienced after every poll would reduce as people would take the results in good faith.

The Warri NBA boss add-ed: “If the electoral process is free and fair, there will be no electoral violence. What usually causes violence is when the system is being manipulated by any of the parties, but when the pro-

cess is free and fair or seen to be free and fair, I bet you, there will be no violence.

“As far as we are con-cerned, the buck stops at INEC’s table. When it is free and fair, there would be no electoral violence and peo-ple will take the results in good faith.”

Speaking on calls from some certain quarters for the elections to be post-ponement, he said, “INEC should not postpone the election and INEC chair-man has said it is not even on their agenda.

“He has also said that INEC cannot force people to go and collect their

PVCs. The national NBA, in a press release said that INEC must not postpone the election and I stand with my president on this.

“Elections must hold on the 14th of February in accordance with the law. I will advise that politicians should maintain decorum in their language and not create unnecessary tension by using issues of religion and state of origin.”

Aikpokpo said no elec-toral system in the world is perfect, noting that there would naturally be pock-ets of violence. “But our prayer is that it should not spread.”

People of Etinan and Nsit Ubiom Local Government Areas

in Akwa Ibom State have been charged to obtain their Permanent Voter Cards and turn out en-mass to vote for the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, during the forthcoming general elections.

Governor Godswill Akpabio gave the charge on Saturday during PDP governorship campaign rally at Etinan and Nsit Ubiom. He said: “I call on the people to obtain their PVCs and turn out en-mass to support President Good-luck Jonathan for a second term, Mr. Udom Emman-uel, as next governor and

Page 13: Monday, february 2, 2015

Why Jonathan deserves a second term

As the general elections draw nearer by the day and the race for the Presidency gathers momentum, Ni-gerians from many walks of life has continued to

clamour for the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan for a second term in office.

Different groups across the country have been in the van-guard of the call for the re-election of the President for a second term.

However, as strident as the calls have been, the question on the lips of most Nigerians is: Has the President done enough to be rewarded with another term in office?

As usual, to different people, there would always be differ-ent answers to this all important question. To the Niger Del-ta Youth Observers, NDYO, the President deserves a second term in office because since President Jonathan assumed office five years ago Nigeria has witnessed tremendous growth and development in every sector of the economy.

NDYO, speaking through its National President, Mr. Ar-thur Warefa and Secretary, Ogie Samson, said: “President Jonathan’s transformation programme has impacted posi-tively on the lives of Nigerians through rapid development across the country.”

The Supervising Minister of Information, Dr. Nurudeen Muhammad, also said President Jonathan deserves another term in office to consolidate on the gains so far recorded through the implementation of the Transformation Agenda.

Muhammad said that through the creative management of the economy, Nigeria emerged as the fastest growing economy in Africa, with an inflation rate of eight percent, against 12 percent when the President came into power, adding that the micro and macro-economic framework introduced by the President and his consistency in policy implementation had boosted investors’ confidence in the economy, attracting over $65 billion dollars in Foreign Direct Investment, FDI.

Other sterling performance of the President, which the minister said should earn President Jonathan re-election include the provision of infrastructure across the country, which he described as unprecedented, the construction of 62 roads, covering 25,000 kilometres, revival of the railways, introduction of the standard gauge rail-line, construction of 10 power plants, establishment of 12 universities and over 125 Almajiri schools.

Dr Muhammad said through the purposeful leadership provided by the President, the nation was mobilised to de-feat the Ebola Virus Disease, EVD; contain the spread of polio from 300, when Jonathan came to power to just six re-ported cases last year.

To former captain of the national team, the Super Eagles, Joseph Yobo, Jonathan deserve re-election to continue “the good work he had started.”

Yobo said: “The president has done so well. The youth now have their own power, they have their own beliefs and they should understand that they have their rights in their own hands. They should follow what Mr President has started.”

Political observers have also adduced other reasons why President Jonathan deserves re-election in the February 14 presidential election.

They argued that since taking office as president, Jona-than has not acted overbearingly towards political lead-





In less than two weeks, the presidential elections will hold. The rcae is between the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and General Muhammadu Buhari of the opposition All Progressives Congress, APC. OLAJIDE OMOJOLOMOJU, in this report examines some of the reasons why President Jonathan should be re-elected by Nigerians.

ers, unlike some of his predecessors in office. Jonathan’s thoughtful approach in this regard has strengthened Nige-ria’s democracy.

Analysts also argued that Jonathan’s cerebral, thought-ful and deliberative approach to national issues during his presidency, has nurtured the country’s nascent democracy to establish strong roots that can withstand any attempt at truncating it by subversion.

Under the Jonathan Presidency, it has also been argued that distribution of federal resources, appointments and projects, has been even, with no geo-political zone alleging marginalisation. The South—East, which has been crying of marginalisation all the years since after the civil war, has enjoyed among others, the Enugu International Airport, the refurbished Owerri Airport, the Onitsha river port, The Oguta river port, the Second Niger Bridge, the new federal university in Ebonyi State, the 13th Brigade of the Nigerian Army in Ohafia, the courageous appointment of General Ihejirika as the first post Civil War Igbo-born Army Chief Staff, the free trade zone in Enugu to bring the South-East at par with sister geopolitical zones which were awarded free trade zones by previous administrations.

In the South-West, there are: the newly operational Lagos-Kano rail line, the new federal university in Oye Ekiti, the

remodelled Murtala Muhammed Airport, ongoing rehabili-tation of the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway and the Shagamu-Ore Expressway, the expansion of the ports in Lagos, among others.

The most significant federal presence in the South-South zone is the curbing of militant activism, which has increase crude oil production by about 50 per cent, new federal uni-versity in Bayelsa State, rehabilitation of the Asaba-Benin Expressway, remodelling of the Port Harcourt International Airport, the Benin Airport and the Margaret Ekpo Airport in Calabar.

The North is not also left behind as it benefits in the Po-lice University at Wudil, Kano State; remodelling of the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport, establishment of over 200 model schools for underprivileged Almajiri kids, rehabilitation of the Tiga Dam in Kano, and the Sabke Dam in Katsina to boost agricultural production in the North-West; ten new federal universities located at Lokoja, Lafia, Kashere, Wukari, Dutsin-Ma, Dutse, Gashua, Birnin Kebbi, Gusau; the Abuja to Kano modern standard gauge rail line, ongoing work on a gas power plant in Kaduna, current con-struction of the Zungeru Power Plant in Niger State; the Mambilla Hydro Electric Power project; and the dualization and rehabilitation of the Kano-Katsina Road, Kano-Maidu-guri Road, Kano-Zaria-Kaduna Abuja Road, and Abuja-Min-na Road, among many others.

Alhaji Gidado Ibrahim of the Northern Coalition of Civil Society Organizations, in a publication in the Nation news-paper of January 14, 2014 said: “In terms of development, no one can honestly dispute the fact that President Jonathan has done more for the North in four years than any govern-ment led by a Northerner since the end of General Yakubu Gowon’s administration.”

Others also believe that the success recorded by the Na-tional Conference organised by the Jonathan administra-tion, for the first time since independence is also another reason why president Jonathan should be given the oppor-tunity of a second term in office.

Also, Director-General of Grassroot Democratic Insti-tute, GDI, Prince Maxwell Phillips Igwe, while throwing his weight behind the Jonathan re-election syndrome said that what President Jonathan has put on ground to totally transform the country economically, politically and socially deserves him a re-election in the forthcoming presidential election.

PoliticsNational Mirror 13Monday, February 2, 2015


Page 14: Monday, february 2, 2015

Politics National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net14 Monday, February 2, 2015

L-R: Yoruba Nollywood artists, Mrs. Toyin Afolayan (Lola-Idije); Mrs. Lanre Hassan (Mama Awero); Lagos Central senatorial candidate, Senator Oluremi Tinubu and Dr. Mrs. Islamiyat Animashaun, during a walking campaign rally of All Progressives Congress, APC in Surulere, Lagos, yesterday.



As the 2015 general elections draw near and near fever-pitch

electioneering campaigns ongoing across the length and breadth of the country, the Southern Youths Devel-opment Forum, SDYF, has tasked Nigerians to move above ethnicity and sup-port the candidacy of Presi-dent Goodluck Jonathan.

Speaking with journal-ists during SYDF’s inau-gural conference in Lekki, Lagos, its President, Mr Bassey James, who is also a

member of President Jona-than’s campaign organ-isation, claimed that the president has recorded re-markable economic growth in the country.

He said: “Some time ago, Nigeria overtook South Africa as the continent’s largest economy after it overhauled its gross do-mestic product data for the first time in more than two decades. According to verifiable figures for 2013, released by Nigeria’s statis-tics bureau,

Nigeria’s GDP hit $503

billion (£307 billion) – near-ly doubling previous esti-mates and well ahead of South Africa at around $350 billion.”

He said this pushed Ni-geria up 12 places to be-come the 24th largest econ-omy in the world – at par with Poland and Belgium and ahead of Argentina, Austria and Iran.

James added: “This is a huge achievement. This development was not achieved overnight. It was a result of the di-rect dynamic approach of


Five campaign ve-hicles belonging to All progressives

Congress, APC, House of Representatives candidate, Hon. Herman Iorwase Hembe, were yesterday smashed and vandalised by suspected hoodlums, with several persons injured at Mbagur in Vandeikya Lo-cal Government Area of Benue State.

the President in terms of greater investment in en-trepreneurship and private sector participation.”

Another member of SDYF, Dr Andrew Wilson said the most difficult as-pect of the power sector problem has been satisfac-torily dealt with, with the transparent liberalisation of the sector, adding that what is now left is to avoid any rear-guard action or policy reversal that can only block the benefits of improved electricity sup-ply to our people.

This was just as 16 peo-ple have been killed and several others missing when men suspected to be Fulani herdsmen attacked at Logo Local Government Area of Benue state.

National Mirror gath-ered that the House of Rep-resentatives’ member seek-ing re-election was on a campaign rally at Mbangur when some faceless youths suddenly attacked and dis-rupted the campaign train

Support Jonathan, SYDF urges Nigerians

5 vehicles smashed, several persons wounded in fresh political clash


The rank of the All Progressives Con-gress, APC, in Ogun

State has swelled as an Egba chief and close asso-ciate of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Dr. Femi Majekodunmi, has defected from the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, to the party.

The Baagbile of Egbal-and, while speaking with

journalists in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, said he decided to move to the APC due to the pressure on him by his close associates and supporters across Ogun State and beyond with whom they are all moving to the party.

He said though he is a founding member of the PDP, his leaving the party at this time is primarily to serve the interest of the people better, stating that the APC has what it takes

to take the country to the next level.

The 2011 PDP gubernato-rial aspirant said APC lead-ership in Ogun State and at the national level are capa-ble of delivering dividends of democracy to the people; and as a politician whose focus is the welfare of the people, his joining the par-ty would further help in making this possible, most especially considering the clamour for change all over the country.

His words: “While I will not deny the fact that I am a founding member of the PDP and has contributed immensely to its develop-ment both at the state and national levels, it however comes to a time in the life of a politician to take a de-cision that will serve the interest of the people more.

“Given the fact that a politician does not exist on his own but because of his supporters and loyalists, I decided to join the APC

leading to a free for all.Two persons allegedly

sustained serious injuries while assorted items like speakers, stereo and other printed materials were said to have been missing after the attack.

When contacted, Hon. Hembe stated that five of his vehicles were badly damaged; adding that the attackers were allegedly sent by his opponents, say-ing that the attack has been

reported to the police.Efforts to get the reaction

of the state Police Public Re-lations Officer, PPRO, DSP John Bako, were futile as he could not be reached at the time of filing this story.

Meanwhile, Pastor D.D. Dagbera disclosed that vil-lages affected in the Fulani herdsmen attack include Chembe, Ifer, among oth-ers, adding that his father, Evangelist P.K. Dagbera was among those still missing.


to serve the interest of the generality of the people of our dear country. And with many of those we share the same thought already in the party, I know that to-gether we will all make the party one to be proud of.”

Majekodunmi then called on his supporters and loy-alists in Ogun State and all over the country to vote for APC candidates at all levels in the forthcoming elec-tions, assuring that they will not be disappointed.


A group, Jonathan Youth Vanguard, JYV, has alleged

that the All Progressives Congress, APC, presiden-tial candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari, is trying to boycott the presi-dential debate being or-ganised by the Nigerian Election Debate Group, NEDG, because of ques-tions from his evil past.

JYV, in a statement by its Director-General, Mr. Ebis Orubebe, challenged Buhari to use the presi-dential election debate to clear the air on his certifi-cate saga and his evil past.

Orubebe also argued that the reasons the APC campaign council gave for the boycott of the debates by Buhari, are not only childish but laughable.

He said: “We urge Bu-hari and APC to use this unique opportunity pro-vided by the NEDG, to tell Nigerian electorate, par-ticularly the youths who have become very curious with the kind of certifi-cate being circulated.

“Buhari’s sudden boy-cott of the scheduled presidential debate will be seen as a ploy to run away from the serious is-sues of perjury and forg-ery currently hanging on his neck, many evils of his past, both as Head of State and PTF chairman. We see somebody becoming jit-tery that questions relat-ing to evils of his past will be asked.

“We consider this boy-cott as not just media shy, but an act of arrogance and lack of respect for the Nigerian electorate.”


Lagos State Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, gubernatorial

candidate, Jimi Agbaje, has promised to create an ocean economy in Epe, which will be the stan-dard in Nigeria and the West African sub-region at large.

He said this at a rally in Epe Local Government Area, yesterday, adding that the best industry that can be created in the locality is an ocean economy, given the aqua nature of the place and the occupation of most indigenes.

He promised that there will be industry for fishing that will make Epe the first place of contact for fishing in Nigeria and the entire West Africa.

He further said that the uncompleted Lekki road would be completed by his government and that there would be no toll once he gets in.

As regards electricity, he said that he realised that the people have been without electricity for over five years and that his government would resolve that, even as he condemned the current administration for ignor-ing the plight of the Epes.

His words: “A govern-ment that thinks of the citizenry wouldn’t suffer the people for five years without electricity.”

He further promised to provide all the needed social amenities that the people had long craved for and haven’t received should he come to power.

Why Buhari is dodging debate –Group

I’ll create ocean economy in Epe –Agbaje

•As Fulani attack claims 16 lives in Logo

Page 15: Monday, february 2, 2015



‘Change’, the slogan of the op-position APC is an ambigu-ous word. It is a double edged

sword! As the opposition party in the nation, its clamour is for a change in the affairs of the nation. The question that comes to mind is that do the states under its control part of the space needing a change? Or is the change it calls for sectional? The answer is no. Therefore, if the change is to be mean-ingful and patriotic, it must be holis-tic.

Oyo State, more than any other state in the nation, is in need of change be-cause it appears the government has lost touch with the legitimate needs of the people, but keeps carrying on through deceit and propaganda. On the surface, urban renewal, road ex-pansion, security, beautification proj-ects flaunted by the present adminis-tration as its achievements pale into insignificance when one considers the impact of the above mentioned feats, save security on the ordinary citizens and rural folks in particular, which formed the bulk of the population of the state.

Never in the history of the state has ordinary people been relegated delib-

erately and not reckon with by their government. Instead of policies that can alleviate the hardship of the people what we have are obnoxious and anti people policies. The government can be described as the government of the elite by the elite and for the elite. If not so, everything being done by the gov-ernment would not be elitist. From the composition of the government, that is state executive, local government ex-ecutives, project executed, contractors executing the projects, and the towns where the projects are cited, all revolve around the above definition.

A cursory look at the composition of the state executive council reveals the coming together of the children of the elite in the state. The late Are Ariseko-la Alao, Alaafin Olayiwola Adeyemi III, Oba Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade III of Ogbomoso, the late Alhaji Lam Adesina, Alhaji Yekeen Adeojo, Ol-ubadan Odugade Odulana, among oth-ers, who have their children as special advisers and assistants to the governor. In Alaafin’s case, he has one of his sons as the chairman of a council, some are members of boards of parastatals and some are warming up for electoral con-text. Ditto for the Soun of Ogbomoso. At the local government level, many of the unelected local government chair-men are nominees of the elite.

Many of the policies of the current

administration are anti-masses. Urban renewal, cancellation of street trad-ing, road expansion, all had telling effects on the people. In case of road expansion, many old people in old fam-ily compounds were sent to their early graves having demolished their abode and source of revenue. Invariably, properties of the elite were spared, for example, the palace of a prominent monarch in Ogbomoso was spared and residence of a nonagenarian was de-molished, hasting the death of the old man. How many of the traders sent away from the streets benefited from the markets built by the administra-tion in Ibadan? Are the beneficiaries not the elite who are close to the cor-ridors of power?

In actual fact, only five cities enjoy elitist patronages and project of the present administration in urban re-newal, road expansion, building of markets, town hall, motor parks etc. These are Ibadan, Ogbomoso, Oyo, Iseyin and Saki. Other towns and vil-lages, majorly the rural population,

have no reckoning in the policies of the elitist government in Oyo State. If not, dualization of road and refurbish-ing of town hall would not be limited to just a council out of five in Ogbomoso zone. The question is what has other councils like Ogbomoso South, Oriire, Surulere and Ogo Oluwa local govern-ments benefitted from the present ad-ministration. What of the Ibadan less city, other eight councils in Oke-Ogun, Afijio and the whole Ibarapa?

As bad as the immediate past admin-istration was said to be, joy and happi-ness radiated the faces of the generality of OyoSstate indigenes, except the elite. This is because there was fairness in the distribution of projects and patronages. I guess it was in order to redistribute the commonwealth to satisfy the quest of the elite that Alao-Akala was denied the second term, and one of them installed to serve their interest as we have it today. Today, there is capital flight because for-eign contractors are the ones executing government projects to the detriment of the local contractors, who would have benefited the generality of the people of the state. The message from the forego-ing is that change is imperative in Oyo in order for the government to be returned to the people, in whom power resides in a democracy.

Ogunwale Joel wrote from Ikoyi-Ile, Oyo State.


Like many people, I am intrigued by this topic, which is all about kar-ma, the law of cause and effect.

Every action produces an equal and op-posite reaction. Every time we think or do something, we create a cause, which in time will bear its corresponding ef-fects. One synonym is retribution, which is you reaping what you sow.

Every person is responsible for his/her acts and thoughts; so each person’s karma is entirely his or hers. If someone acts positively, then positive energy will come back to the person and if negative, then negative energy will come back to the person.

In an expanded form, karma is the universal system of justice and it is conducted without emotion. Karma is different from justice because it is not really punishment; it is only an opportunity for future learning. There is actually no need for human interference with this system because it works flawlessly. It works just like a boomerang.

The practical effects of karma in our lives of today: Many people have the belief of reincarnation; heaven and hell. Some don not. In very simplified form, I will discuss the practicalities of how karma affects our lives.

Your world today is just a reflection of your past. What you do today will mirror your future. Your actions create

your future. What you are experiencing right now is what karma wants you to experience. Every feeling, every thought, has been prepared especially for you, so you can learn from your past. You can’t escape from your past, but you can learn from it.

Your act might look good, but the intentions behind the act might be for selfish reasons, or reasons to cause pain to someone; it also might look altruistic. Typical example is having an NGO with the intention to 419 people. By doing this you have just created “bad karma” for yourself, because you deliberately harmed and manipulated people. Your intentions were bad. It is intention that creates karma. Good intentions will always create “good karma”. You can hide your intentions from others but not from yourself.

You will never be happy at someone else’s expense. You came from the same source as everyone else. You will never be happy if you hurt those around you. When you think you are alone there are always observers; the most important being you. If you take away intention, then there is no karma. If you genuinely do not mean to hurt someone

then the law of karma is now absent. It is your intention that invokes karma, good or bad. No one can violate nature’s law of karma.

The universe wants you to understand the suffering of others. To do this you must experience life from many different perspectives. It is essential to understand why you did something and what the consequences were. A karmic experience allows you to reflect and correct your mistakes. It is only when you step into someone else’s shoes that you begin to really understand how they feel. You will continue to have the same experiences until you learn what others feel and experience

The law of karma transforms you into a better person: There are no “other people”. We are all one. When you kick a tramp on the street you are kicking yourself. When you harm another, you are harming yourself. The more you are aware of the meaning of life, the fewer lessons you will need.

Your bad karma is a blessing in disguise - guilt is a form of punishment. Painful results in your life come from actions you took that clashed with the goals of the universe. The pain drives home the lesson: Nothing ever goes away until it has taught you what you must know.

When someone does something horrible to you and you revenge, you inflict additional pain, you exacerbate the damage through a separate negative action. Always remember when

someone hurts others they are soon experiencing pain from an unrelated event. Karma is a universal law. Like the law of gravity, it is a fair law.

Karma means that people should be responsible for their actions; but it does not mean that more pain should be inflicted simply to “balance the score.” Ensuring that individuals are responsible for the pain they have caused is a form of justice.

Some of us think we can get away with some things, escape the law of the land or slip through the clutches of authority in some other way, when they are tempted. Sometimes, we hope people will forgive us, or be powerless to revenge our actions, or never be caught. It is not so with karma. It never sleeps; it is a cosmic law whether you believe it or not; it is never off duty or off its guard, it is never tired. Observe anything good or bad happening in your life. Have you treated people the same way?

Next week we shall look at how to benefit from karma.

Ms Akuoma wrote from Lagos via [email protected] and can be reached through 08165583876 (sms only)





February polls: Imperative of change in Oyo

What goes around comes around

15Monday, February 2, 2015 Views

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Page 16: Monday, february 2, 2015

National Mirror






16 Monday, February 2, 2015 EditorialEditorial

FG’s one million pre-paid metersThat Nigerians have been

turned to pawns in the chess game called electric-

ity provisioning is no longer in contention. The popular say-ing that the customer is always right or is king does not apply to consumers of electricity, no thanks to Federal Government’s implementation of its Multi-Year Tariff Order (MYTO) that promotes crushing hikes of electricity tariffs at the expense of regular and affordable elec-tricity services. We recall that the late Umaru Musa Yar’Adua government in April 2008 em-braced the MYTO, but with effect from July 1, 2008, purport-edly to attract investment for the rapid development of the country’s power sector.

The measure, Nigerians were told at the time, was to boost the confidence of lenders and inves-tors in the sector and provide for reasonable returns on in-vestment, as well as ensure the correct pricing of power. About N64.84 billion was approved to fully subsidize electricity con-sumption by Nigerians between 2008 and 2009. The FG provided additional N77.41 billion for 2009/2010; and N35.80 billion for 2010/2011, all totalling N177.95 billion in electricity subsidy over the three-year transition period. Following Ya’Adua’s death on May 5, 2010, President Goodluck Jonathan, who took over from him, has been imple-

menting a power sector reform roadmap that largely favours private sector-driven electricity distribution companies (DIS-COs) to the detriment of power consumers through the non-provision of prepaid metering to the majority of consumers; the N750 contentious fix charge imposed on any consumer sup-plied prepaid meter; and crazy or coded bills dished out to oth-ers not having pre-paid meters on monthly basis. As a result of outrageous and bloated electric-ity bills, countless consumers evade paying them, while mar-keters working for the DISCOS routinely risk confrontation by furious consumers, sometimes most violently.

Worse still, improvement in power supply has remained off the mark since 2010 FG’s power sector roadmap was launched; and not even the privatisation of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) completed in November 2013 has brought any significant reprieve to power consumers in the coun-try, though top government officials boldly argue otherwise. One report last year said the FG approved N213 billion for pri-vate sector investors to improve power supply this year. Another quoted President Jonathan as saying the FG had paid off the N25 billion debt power genera-tion companies (GENCOs) owed gas companies for gas supplies

in order to boost electricity generation and transmission nationwide.

But the Minister of Power, Professor Chinedu Nebo, said most recently that acts of sabo-tage had constrained gas supply plants and held electricity gen-eration at less than 4,500 mega watts. Sometimes, the wattage is much less. Indeed, the coun-try loses 4,700 mega watts daily to gas shortage, in a country which the minister said should be producing 60,000 mega watts of power for household con-sumption on daily basis. In all of this, the FG and DISCOs have hardly contemplated any mean-ingful form of compensation for the daylight rip-off most power consumers are suffering as a result of paying for electricity neither supplied nor consumed.

We asked for the umpteenth time, when will the fraud end? As we speak, a fresh tariff hike has been effected; and will most probably be foisted on consum-ers by June this year.

It is, consequently, a huge relief, the recent disclosure by the power minister that the FG had decided to provide one million pre-paid meters to improve power supply. Accord-ing to Professor Nebo, President Jonathan had approved fund-ing and implementation of the metering project. But consider-ing the level of corruption and funds mismanagement trailing power projects since 1999, the FG should closely monitor the application of funds set aside for the metering project. Re-ports suggest the meters would be distributed free to electricity consumers. How they will truly get to consumers at no cost in a country where most public of-ficials entrusted with the fate of citizens are so corrupt, morally depraved and trade with every available opportunity, is not clear as yet. But the setbacks do not diminish the fact that the FG meant well, provided Nige-rians see the one million meters to use. Nonetheless, the FG should ensure that bureaucratic bottlenecks that make corrup-tion fester are not allowed to endanger the distribution of the meters and mar the laud-able initiative.

Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorLetters to the Editor


Idi Amin replaced President Milton Obote as leader of Uganda. Amin’s rule was characterized by human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecu-tion, extrajudicial killings, nepotism, corruption, and gross economic mismanagement. The number of people killed as a result of his regime is estimated by international observers and human rights groups to range from 100,000 to 500,000.

February 2, 1971 February 2, 2007

Indonesia witnessed the worst flooding in 300 years. It was a major flood in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia af-fecting several other areas around the city, such as West Java and Banten. The flood, which began on February 2, 2007, was a result of heavy rain, deforestation in areas south of the city, and waterways clogged with debris. Considered the worst in the last three centuries, it killed 80 people and caused heavy damage to property.

February 2, 1990

Apartheid: F. W. de Klerk announced the unban-ning of the African National Congress (ANC) and promised to release Nelson Mandela. Apartheid was a system of racial segregation in South Af-rica enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments, the ruling party from 1948 to 1994, under which the rights, associations, and movements of the majority black inhabitants were curtailed.


All the Facts, All the SidesAll the Facts, All the SidesA PUBLICATION OF GLOBAL MEDIA MIRROR LTD












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National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netMonday, February 2, 2015A2 18 Business CourageCourage


Everything started with the fall in the price of oil in the international market. It was around

June 2014. Nobody expected it could ever happen. Even if it would happen, the price was never expected to slump as it has been doing consistently ever since. Today, the price of oil is now $45 per barrel from $98 per barrel in June. At a point before then, it was sold for $107 per barrel. The price has never been consistent; it has maintained its volatility. Domestically, oil is the fort for the naira. Naturally, when the strength is weakened, the naira will become weaker in its strength to stand against the dollar.

Every economy which has been relying on the oil as its major foreign exchange revenue earner has come to be faced with the problem of foreign inves-tors pulling out their resources because local currencies could not stand the pressure of the de-mand for the dollar. This is still a phenomenon in many econo-mies in the world today. This situation is not peculiar to the Nigerian economy alone. Rus-sia, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Ara-bia, and many other countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia are all nursing various economic injuries caused by the dwindling price of crude oil in the international market. But there seems to be light now at the end of the tunnel as the Iranian oil minister, Bijan Zanganeh ex-pressed hope the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, will eventually cut supply to shore up the prices of oil. Ac-cording to him, OPEC and non OPEC member countries would eventually “cooperate to restore balance to the oil market”. The world oil market has been glut-ted with over supply thereby crashing the price of oil. The US which used to be Nigeria’s major oil importer, has discovered the

Naira will rebound As Nigerians enter the much awaited election month, February, some stakeholders say the economy and in fact, the naira will reaffirm its position against the dollar after the election, stressing that there is no cause for alarm . But, will the naira rebound after the polls? Reports, Tayo Elebijo

Shale oil and has become a ma-jor player in the international oil market export chain. There are many other countries now that have discovered oil and are now producing and adding to the oil glut in the international market. Ghana is one of them. Oil theft in many of the oil producing countries could also be attribut-ed to the glut. Right now, there is quite a lot of oil now begging for buyers.

However, Phillips Oduoza, the Group Managing Director/CEO, United Bank for Africa, UBA, Plc has urged investors in Nigeria not to panic over the fall-ing crude oil prices and exchange rate volatility as the country has enough reserves to support the local currency.

Oduoza said this while speaking to CNBC Africa on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, WEF, last week in Da-vos, Switzerland.

According to him, “Investors do not have to panic. At $34bn, Nigeria has enough external re-serves to support the naira. I do not see any signifi cant devalua-tion of the currency happening” said Oduoza.

He also explained that Ni-geria faced similar challenges in 2008/2009 and the country learnt a lot from that experience, which will come in handy in managing the current currency challenges.

“In my opinion, the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, is han-dling the challenges very well be-cause they have come out with tools and instruments to stabi-lize the exchange rate and we are beginning to see some form of stability in the market”

Oduoza explained that the foreign investor community does not need to panic since the country has no form of currency or capital restriction.

He also dismissed any fears that there will be a rise in non-performing loans due to the ex-

posure of the banking industry to companies in the oil and gas sector.

“The international oil compa-nies are very versatile and have hedged their positions for a very long time. Most of them also have foreign currency receiv-ables. So, what you are likely to see is an elongation of the tenure or restructuring of these loans rather than defaults. So, you are unlikely to see any signifi cant in-crease in non-performing assets” explained Oduoza.

Also speaking on UBA’s ex-pansion plans across Africa as one of the measure the bank is taking to reposition itself and the country, Oduoza explained that Angola and South Africa are in the expansion plans of the bank in the near future as the two countries are the only two key strategic markets on the conti-nent yet to enjoy the UBA unique customer experience.

“Right now, we are involved in the consolidation of opera-tions in the 19 African countries where we have our footprints. Our expansion to South Africa and Angola, will come much lat-er.” Oduoza said.

He said that UBA will be ad-equately prepared to compete in the highly competitive South African banking industry by the time its ready to enter the mar-ket.

“There is a signifi cant level of trade fl ow between Nigeria and South Africa which has been on the increase. We are uniquely positioned to play in that seg-ment of the market” Oduoza said.

Oduoza is one of the global banking CEOs invited to be part of the WEF in Davos, Switzer-land to discuss issues affecting global economic development.

Moreover, the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Governor, God-win Emefi ele declared that the naira, which has crumpled to N192 to the dollar as a result of the drop in oil prices, was “ap-propriately priced”.

However, when currency dealers in Lagos and other fi nan-cial centres in Africa and Europe got to work the next morning and turned on their computers, many said they were surprised to fi nd the naira was not priced at all, let alone “appropriately”.

Instead, as they stared at their screens, for three hours traders were presented with blank spaces where normally they see the ‘bids’ and ‘offers’ that determine the market price of the currency of Africa’s biggest oil producer and largest econo-my.

Rather than a computer glitch or power outage, a common hic-cups in any frontier market, the lack of prices was deliberate: all Nigeria’s banks were refusing to trade while their top dealers met behind closed doors to chew over Emefi ele’s pronouncements, ac-cording to those involved.

Among the decisions reached by the Financial Markets Dealers Association,FMDA, as the club of 40 banks, discount houses and brokerages is known, was an unoffi cial ‘circuit-break’ agree-ment to halt trade if the naira fell more than 2 percent in a day.

FMDA chief executive Wale

Abe insisted no CBN offi cials at-tended the meeting which he said was a voluntary measure aimed at curbing the volatility, in line with the association’s sup-port for fi nancial market stabil-ity and maturity.

As the price of oil, the source of 95 percent of Nigeria’s foreign exchange now seemed to have collapsed in the last 8 months, the naira has tumbled more than 15 percent to a series of record lows, knee-capping the economy just 12 days to the national elec-tions on February 14, 2015.

Over the last year, the CBN has burned through 20 percent of its $28m reserves a day in defence of a currency that has remained under unrelenting pressure because of a basic lack of commensurate sales from oil which could have beef up its for-eign exchange revenue to with-stand the dollars.

In mid-January, reserves stood at $34.5bn.

Besides an offi cial 8 percent devaluation in November ac-companied by a 100 basis point interest rate hike to a record 13 percent, the dwindling reserves have forced the CBN into less or-thodox measures.

Prominent among these has been to declare war on currency “speculation” by making com-mercial banks close off their currency positions at the end of a trading day, rather than main-tain an overnight stance on ei-ther the naira or dollar.

It relaxed that ban an inch last week but the market re-mains very illiquid, to the con-cern of outside investors such as JP Morgan, which threatened this month to eject Nigeria from its infl uential Emerging Markets Bond Index as a result.

The FMDA’s new-found clout

Emefi ele


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National Mirror Monday, February 2, 2015 A3 19Business CourageCourage



is also unlikely to convince out-siders about the CBN’s control of the currency or the market, especially as last week was not the fi rst time its members have brought trading to a halt for an hour or more.

“It sends a strong signal to the CBN,” said Angus Downie, head of research at pan-African lender Ecobank. “It’s quiet a drastic step to take and it raises the debate on the value of the naira, with dealers stepping out to say ‘We won’t trade.’”

However, FMDA chief execu-tive Abe insisted there was no tension with the CBN, which enjoys ‘observer status’ at his or-ganisation.

“At the end of the day, what is important is the goals are the same: to have a market that is transparent, that is open and which can compare with de-veloped or mature markets, or emerging markets,” he told Re-uters.

Emefi ele said last week Tuesday that he would not allow the naira to fl oat freely because it would lead to “major” depre-ciation of the currency.

A weaker currency would af-fect the purchasing power and economy of Africa’s most popu-lous nation, he told a business conference in Lagos.

The naira has been under pressure from a fall in the price of oil, Nigeria’s main export. This forced the CBN to devalue the currency by 8 percent in Novem-ber to save its foreign reserves, after several months of defend-ing it.

The naira closed at 192.10, a new record low against the U.S. dollar on Tuesday, compared with Monday’s record low close of 191.10. The currency has been hitting new record lows

since this year.“We cannot allow price of the

dollar to just sky rocket simply in the name of demand and supply, that’s why what we do ... is run a managed fl oat where there’s a particular limit at which we in-tervene to keep price of foreign exchange within a moderated level,” Emefi ele said.

According to him, we will con-tinue to see how best to moder-ate naira pressures, noting that Nigeria imports almost every-thing it consumes, even “tooth-picks, fi sh and rice” ,which ruled out allowing the naira to fl oat.

“If we do, it will lead to major depreciation of the currency. It will lead to high prices, the pur-chasing power of our people will decline and it will begin to hurt the economy.”

The CBN governor said at a conference that the bank had in-tensifi ed its vigilance in the forex market in order to curb specula-tion and also to determine when to intervene.

Segun Tayo Kuti-George, chairman, Nigerian Association of Small Scale Industrialists, NASSI, Lagos State, told Busi-ness Courage in a telephone interview that the naira would fi rst go as low as possible; it will stabilize before rebounding. “But right now, there is no im-mediate sign that the naira will rebound . What will make the naira to rebound is the level of our export particularly in the real sector. It will take time un-less the government begins to promote locally manufactured goods and place very high tar-iffs on the imported goods par-ticularly luxury goods,” he said. According to Kuti-George, ‘the high demands for the dollar is because people are demanding for it to buy imported goods into the country, stressing that the

fl ights charges to Dubai have been doubled because many Nigerians are travelling there to buy goods they bring back home to sell”. The forth coming elec-tion, he added, has put intense pressure on the demand for the dollar because foreign investors and the local business people as well as the politicians who are planning to travel out of the country as a result of the unpre-dictable outcome of the national election, have all been buying up the available dollar put out for sale by the CBN. The naira, Kuti-George added is likely to rebound just after the poll even then, he said, it will not be up to $160.

Nigeria needs cash as its oil-dependent economy reels from the collapse in crude prices, threatening to leave the govern-ment short of funds to pay costs from police salaries to fuel sub-sidies.

These will probably spur the ruling party, which faces an elec-tion this month, to increase bond sales even as yields on naira and foreign-currency debt are on the increase, according to Eco-bank Transnational Inc. While Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has proposed cutting this year’s budget by 8 percent, the country is losing revenue with crude below its benchmark price of $65 a barrel.

“There’s too much of a gap to bridge just by cutting expen-diture, so it’s likely they’re going to have to issue more debt,” An-gus Downie, head of economic research at Ecobank Transna-tional, the continent’s most geo-graphically diverse lender, said . “The increased level of supply coming onto the market will lead to a change in what investors are willing to pay for it. It becomes a buyer’s market.”

Average yields of the naira-denominated bonds for Nigeria, which relies heavily on oil for 95 percent of government revenue, reached 15.4 percent on Jan. 16, the most since August 2012, ac-cording to the data compiled by Bloomberg. The nation’s dollar debt lost 3.4 percent this year, compared with an average gain of 1.7 percent for 16 African and Middle-Eastern nations tracked by Bloomberg indexes.

Nigeria, Africa’s biggest economy, with annual output of $520bn, has struggled to cope with oil prices pummeling by more than half since June. The insurgency by Islamist militant group Boko Haram, a slumping currency and the looming elec-tion is weighing on the nation’s debt, sending dollar yields high-er than those of lower-rated na-tions including Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia.

The International Monetary Fund reduced its 2015 growth forecast for Nigeria to 4.8 per-cent from 7.3 percent on Jan. 20, with government revenue set to drop 3.4 percent this year, ac-cording to Okonjo-Iweala. With oil production below the govern-ment’s goal of 2.3 million barrels a day, Okonjo-Iweala’s defi cit target of 0.8 percent of gross do-mestic product will be diffi cult to meet, according to Johannes-burg-based ETM Analytics.

Jemi Alade, the chair-man of Nigerian Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, NASME, told Business Cour-age that “if CBN does not have the reserve to continually defend the naira, it is likely naira will be devalued after election in Feb-ruary but if it has the reserve to continue to defend the naira, the naira may rebound slightly”.

“The fi scal consolidation ef-forts proposed in the latest it-

eration of the budget still lack credibility,” Gareth Brickman and Catherine Bennett, Johan-nesburg-based market analysts at ETM, said on Jan. 21. “We continue to see room for Nigeri-an local and foreign-denominat-ed bonds to correct lower in the light of these issues.”

Yields on the nation’s $500bn bonds due July 2023 climbed 15 basis points last week Mon-day in London to 7.58 percent, compared with 6.82 percent for similar-maturity dollar bonds of Ethiopia, rated two levels lower than Nigeria’s BB- by Standard & Poor’s.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. said this month it might cut Nige-ria’s debt from its local-curren-cy emerging-market indexes, tracked by more than $200bn of funds, after CBN measures to bolster the naira reduced for-eign exchange and bond trad-ing. While the CBN raised its key rate to a record 13 percent in November, the currency still dropped 14 percent over the past three months, falling to a record of 192.18 per dollar on Monday before paring losses to close 0.3 percent lower at 191.10.

JPMorgan’s review, due to be completed within fi ve months, is “a huge problem” for Nigeria, said Phillip Blackwood, manag-ing partner at EM Quest Capital LLP, which advises Denmark’s Sydbank A/S on $3.5bn of fi xed-income investments in develop-ing countries. “A lot of passive investors in the benchmark will be selling their bonds” if the country is excluded, Blackwood said from London.

Nigeria’s relatively low debt levels mean the nation has room for more domestic borrowing, with suffi cient appetite from lo-cal pension funds, said Razia Khan, head of African economic research at Standard Chartered Plc. The nation’s debt-to-GDP ratio of 15 percent compares with the sub-Saharan African average of 30 percent, according to JPMorgan. But, the reliance on crude oil exports could hinder Nigeria if it attempts to tap the Eurobond market this year for the fi rst time since July 2013.

“For an economy that is al-most entirely dependent on a single commodity for most of its export earnings, this was always going to be a risky proposition, we are seeing that more clearly now that oil prices are weak.” Khan told Bloomberg.

Speaking in Rwanda Tuesday last week, the president of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde warned that “African economies could be hurt by a slowdown in China’s economy and an imminent hike in United States interest rates”. According to her, some African oil exporters will struggle in case oil prices remain low and warned of instability once the United States starts imminent “mone-tary policy normalization” a step that will lead to the increase in interest rates.

Oduoza Kuti-George

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Association to facilitate sponsorship of girls interested in seafaring

The President of Women’s International Shipping

and Trading Association, WISTA, Nigeria, Jean Chi-azor-Anishere, last week in Lagos said the association would facilitate sponsorship of girls that showed interest in the seafaring profession.

She said that the associa-tion had issued scholarships to some female cadets of the Maritime Academy of Nige-ria, Oron, Akwa Ibom, who excelled in their disciplines.

``Apart from fi shing, we’ve keyed with what Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency,NIMASA, is do-ing in the seafaring aspect.

``We have mobilised some young girls actually, who are interested in the industry to come out and let us know who they are. Then we can speak to their governments to enlist them.

`` So that their names can be forwarded to NIMASA for that seafarers’ programme is ongoing.

``One of our `Diamonds’, Irene Macfoy is in charge of the seafarers’ programme in NIMASA. So that makes it easy for WISTA‘s identifi ed girls to get sponsored.

``Last year, we were able to continue with what we met set up by regime past. That means, issuing scholarships to Maritime Academy, Oron’s female cadet offi cers who have excelled in their various disciplines.

``We did for six female cadet offi cers. We gave them money to fi nish through. N100, 000 each because what they do spend is more than N100, 000, so we gave N100, 000 each.

``And then, we took their applications, so that we could get them jobs because the

big handicap is when they fi nish, they don’t have where to work.``

Chiazor-Anishere said the association had engaged the services of its past executive offi cers at WISTA Diamond Forum in order to be more active and support the asso-ciation to achieve its goals.

She said that most Ni-gerian cadets were having problem of lack of sea time experience

Chiazor-Anishere com-mended a maritime fi rm, Stars Consultant Ltd. which had continuously been engaging cadets from the Maritime Academy, Oron, on sea time experience.

She urged indigenous shipping companies to assist Nigerian cadets to grow by engaging them on sea time experience.

FIRS generates N4.69trn revenue in 2014

The Federal Inland Rev-enue Service, FIRS, said

on Thursday that it generated N4.69trn from taxes for the Federal Government in 2014.

FIRS said in its Quarterly Revenue Report issued in Abuja that the fi gure sur-passed its target for the year by about N400bn.

The report showed that the 2014 revenue was about N106bn less than that of 2013 which stood at N4.80trn.

According to the report, the revenue is derived from

petroleum profi t and non-oil taxes, including income tax, gas income, capital gain tax, stamp duty and Value Added Tax, VAT.

The report also indicated that N2.45trn, representing 52.96 per cent, was collected from petroleum profi t tax while N2.24trn, representing 47.04 per cent, was collected from non-oil taxes during the period.

A breakdown of the total collection showed that com-pany income tax contributed N1.18trn; N10.83bn from gas income; N2.59bn from capital gain tax and N10.94bn from stamp duty.

The VAT, comprising Nigeria Customs Service Import VAT and Non-Import VAT, according to the period, contributed N802.95bn of the total non-oil taxes collection during the period.

The report also said that other non-oil taxes col-lected were Education Tax, N189.61bn; N53.28bn from Consolidated Account and N9.91bn from National Infor-mation Technology Develop-ment Fund, NITDEF, levy.

The report further showed that N1.05trn was collected in the fi rst quarter while N1.45trn was collected in the second quarter.

It also indicated that N1.19trn was collected in the third quarter and N1trn was collected in the fourth quar-ter.

22 ships laden with foods, petroleum products arrive Lagos

Twenty two ships laden with foods, petroleum

products and other goods have arrived Lagos ports, waiting to berth.

The Nigerian Ports Author-ity, NPA, made the disclosure last week in its daily publi-cation, `Shipping Position’ made available to newsmen in Lagos.

The document showed that seven of the ships were waiting to berth with petrol; two with kerosene and two others would berth with die-sel and bulk gas.

It stated that the remain-ing 11 ships would sail in with bulk rice, bulk fertiliser, containers, gypsum and soya bean.

The publication noted that 33 other ships were expected to sail into the ports from Jan. 29 to Feb. 26, up from 36 ships expected on Wednesday.

The expected ships con-tain fresh fi sh, general cargo, containers, bulk rice, con-tainers, buckwheat, sugar, bulk rice, steel products,

crude palm oil, bulk salt and petroleum products.

The publication indicated that 17 ships were currently discharging buckwheat, bulk rice, containers, bulk char-coal, bulk gypsum, general cargo, bulk fertiliser, fresh fi sh and petroleum products.

Ecotourism conserves culture, traditions – Expert

Emeka Attamah, a tourism consultant, has said that

ecotourism is a critical me-dium in the drive to conserve cultural traditions.

Attamah made this known on Friday in Abuja.

He described ecotourism as ``a search for the authen-tic tourism medium peculiar to an environment’’.

The development of this tourism mode has become vital in areas at risk of losing their culture as a result of urbanisation.

This search, he said, ap-plied to the authenticity of the landscape and wildlife, and also to the culture and tradition native to an area.

He said ecotourism provided effective economic incentives for conserving and enhancing bio-cultural di-versity, and helps protect the natural and cultural heritage of our beautiful planet.

``We have to conserve our natural and cultural heritage for our children to see and not only read them in their history classes.

``In recent years, the im-age of the third world in west-ern minds has emerged in part from that of the effect of famine, starvation, depriva-tion and war to represent the opportunity for an exciting new style holiday.

``This is why we say that the attraction of Nigeria’s environmental beauty, eco-logical and cultural diversity must be promoted,’’ said the expert.

He said tourists want a change from their everyday existence and wished to acquire special experiences that are available in special places.

``Tourism’s interest in sustainable development is logical given that it is one industry that sells the envi-ronment, both physical and human as its product.

``What we need now is greater effort to link the aca-demic, private and govern-

L-R: Managing Director, AMCON, Mustafa Chike-obi; Deputy Governor, Economic Policy Directorate, Central Bank of Nigeria, Sarah Alade; Chairman, AMCON, Alhaji Aliyu Kola Belgore; and Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefi ele, during Agenda for the Board Divestment Closure Ceremony in Lagos

Chiazor-Anishere Kabir Mohammed Mashi, FIRS boss

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ment’s interest in pursuing more sustainable tourism development with those of the front-line practitioners in the industry and the all impor-tant clients or tourists,’’ he said.

Attamah said that these groups should be encouraged to modify their perspectives and operate as an epistemic community.

``Members of this commu-nity should share inter sub-jective understanding, pat-terns of reasoning, a policy project drawing from shared causal beliefs and the use of shared discursive practices.

``They should also have a shared commitment to the application and production of knowledge, and then we could anticipate more tangi-ble process regarding tourism and sustainable develop-ment,” he said.

Entrepreneur bemoans diffi culty in accessing loans from commercial banks

An entrepreneur, Valen-tine Olawani, says small

scale businesses’ increas-ing challenges in accessing loans from commercial banks had made it diffi cult for their impact to be felt in the economy.

Olawani, who is the Chief Executive Offi cer, Value Otentic Antenna, said on Friday in Lagos, that the problem of accessing fi nan-cial facilities over the years had made it diffi cult for the entrepreneurs to expand.

He said that young entre-preneurs could not develop or grow with the 25 per cent in-terest demanded by the new generation banks on loans and administrative fees.

``In spite of the high percentage, they go as far as demanding as much as certifi cate of occupancy and other conditions to be met before taking into account one’s application,” he said.

According to him, for most entrepreneurs to be able to recuperate their investment, government should give them some preference by using its fi scal laws to increase the tariffs on imported goods for them to monopolise the market.

``It’s only when indigenous entrepreneur get some prefer-ence through monopolising the market that it will be ben-

efi cial for them to take the risk and increase production.

``It is a form of protection-ism which had been done in other climes successfully and it enables the economy to grow within the domestic capacity,” he said.

Agric experts want FG to exploit direct labour, agriculture to tackle unemployment

Some agricultural industry stakeholders on Friday

urged the Federal Govern-ment to use sustainable incentives in attracting and encouraging Nigerian youths into agriculture.

They said that Federal Government’s efforts backed with land, fi nancial and tools support for the youths who are interested in agriculture would contribute to boosting the ongoing diversifi cation programme.

Nnamdi Ifenkwe, Project Manager, Nissi Agro-allied Services, said in Lagos that government should use pe-culiar incentives to support young school levers to em-brace agriculture and agro-allied businesses.

``Our young people who have just left high schools could learn poultry technolo-gy programmes in a matter of months to boost the produc-tion levels.

``In spite of the existing fi sh farming, a small number of Nigerians are still needed to enhance the business and the sector’s capacity for em-

ployment,” Ifenkwe.The Chief Executive Offi -

cer, Oze Ltd, Samson Igbafen, also urged the government to extend its assistance to other Nigerians interested in self-employment.

He also said the three tiers of government should use direct labours in executing it projects.

``Exploiting direct labour, especially in the construc-tion sector option could be the panacea in tackling the nation’s unemployment chal-lenges.

``If we can engage this pattern of tackling the em-ployment within a very short time, the challenges of unem-ployment will be reduced to what is unwieldy,” he said.

Also speaking, the Na-tional President, Small Holder Farmers and Youth Network of Nigeria, Bright Okwu, said that farming and livestock rearing remained one of the effective means of creating more job opportunities for the youths.

``In livestock production alone, there is dearth of the

manpower needed to trans-form the farm animals and its byproducts.

``Given the demand of meeting the agricultural needs of the country and it large market, the unemploy-ment situation will be tack-led,” he said.

NAN recalls that the Na-tional Bureau of Statistics, NBS, recently announced that 349,343 jobs were cre-ated across all sectors of the economy in third quarter of 2014.

The NBS also said that 5,735 or 1.64 per cent were recorded in the public sec-tor, 145,464 or 56.72 per cent were in the formal sec-tor, while 198,144 or 56.72 percent are in the informal sector.

FG pledges to develop fi sheries value chain

The Federal Department of Fisheries,FDF,on Friday

pledged to develop the aqua-culture value chain in order to boost the protein intake of Nigerians.

Aderemi Abioye, the Direc-tor of the department, said on the sideline of the Fisheries Stakeholders’ Forum organ-ised by the Fisheries Society of Nigeria, FISON, in Lagos.

He explained that the value chain programme was dear to the Federal Govern-ment and had given room to the development of the value chain.

He said that the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, FMARD,

was ready to support the value chain, especially now that the sub-sector was in the front burner of the minis-try’s activities.

‘’So far, the aquaculture value chain is running well because the Federal Govern-ment has shown the sub-sector a tangible amount of support.

Abioye explained that the forum was meant to propel the sector into substantial fi sheries production to meet the national fi sh demand.

‘’We are here to see how we can reduce fi sh importa-tion and develop Nigeria’s fi sheries and increase nation-al fi sh production

‘’Through aquaculture, fi sheries and marine op-erators from each of those sub-sectors can exploit our resources in a sustainable manner,’’ he said.

The director commended FISON for organising the forum, saying it will go a long way to identifying the gaps in the sub-sector and to fi ll them.

He said the forum would draw a road-map towards promoting fi sheries exporta-tion and exploit resources in a sustainable manner.

The forum was attended by women, men and youth in fi sheries, agriculture, pro-cessors, farmers and other stakeholders.

Gunners promo winners commend Sterling Bank’s initiative

The winners of the Sterling Bank Gunners promo,

Messrs Oseni Tajudeen Adekunle and Segun Oghe John who travelled to London last weekend to watch the match between Arsenal and Aston Villa at the Emirates Stadium, courtesy of Sterling Bank Plc have commended the Bank for its role in the development of sports in Nigeria. The two winners also described their experience in the UK as a unique experi-ence.

The two winners who spoke to our correspondents from the Emirates Stadium before the match on Sunday stated that this initiative from the Bank is capable of attracting foreign clubs and other sports related busi-nesses to take more interest in the development of sports

L-R: Executive Director, North and Corporate Banking, Sterling Bank Plc, Kayode Lawal; Winners, Sterling Bank Gunners Promo, Tajudeen Oseni and Segun Oghe John and Executive Director, Finance & Strategy, Sterling Bank Plc, Abubakar Suleiman, at the media presentation of winners of Sterling Bank Gunners Promo, at the bank’s head offi ce, Lagos

Akinwumi Adesina, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

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in Nigeria through strategic partnership with Sterling Bank.

The two lucky winners are among the fi ve winners picked at the promo draw held at the Sterling Towers, the Bank’s corporate head offi ce in Lagos to watch the Arsenal versus Aston Villa match. The three who could not make the trip due to per-sonal reasons are Oduntan Femi Abimbola, Tamunoku-bie Tamunobarao and Obi Blessing Uwachukwu. They will be compensated by the Bank in the like sum. In all, 30 winners will emerge from fi ve draws making it 6 win-ners per draw.

An excited Oseni, who spoke with journalists at the Emirates Stadium said: “The experience is wonderful. Set-ting my eyes on the players as they arrived the stadium and seeing the best manager in the world, Arsene Wenger is wonderful”.

Oseni who noted that he did not open the account just for the purpose of been selected for the draws also commended the bank for a fl awless arrangement of the trip. “The entire process was fl awless. Right from the head offi ce of the Bank from where we took off to the airport, the arrangement was superb. The bank had also put in place adequate arrangement for accommodation, feeding and transportation which made live very comfortable for us. When the players started coming out, l was so exited, it was a rich experience for me”.

Similarly, John who opened the Arsenal Account at the bank’s Minna advised other fi nancial institutions in the country to emulate what Sterling Bank was doing in the area of sports develop-ment.

His words: “Sterling Bank has laid a very good example on what the roles of institu-

tions should be in the area of sports. Besides, it has dem-onstrated that it is an institu-tion that can be trusted. My experience here so far in the UK has been wonderful. I am enjoying every bit of my stay and l will come back on my own since Sterling Bank has opened the way”. He added: “ I opened the account to iden-tify with a bank supporting the darling team of millions of Nigerians and this has made it possible for me to con-nect directly with the Arse-nal players by watching the match Live. It is the dream of all football lovers to have this great opportunity that Ster-ling Bank has provided”.

In a statement, the bank’s Group Head, Strategy & Communications, Shina Atilola stated that the bank initiated the promo to re-ward customers for their loyalty, and encourage other football lovers to share the one-customer experience. The winners, according to him will have the privilege of an all- expenses paid trip to watch home matches involv-ing Arsenal Football Club and other top clubs in the English Premier League at the Emir-ates.

He explained what it takes to be part of the experi-ence: “The Sterling Gunners” promo is open to new and existing customers. They can open any of the Bank’s Sterling-Arsenal products such as Arsenal Kick-Off, Arsenal Premium or the cur-rent account product – Arse-nal Platinum. To qualify for

the draw, a customer must maintain a minimum balance of N30,000 (Thirty Thousand Naira) for a period of three months. Lucky winners will enjoy a 3-day all-expense trip covering return fl ights, match tickets and accommodation.

Trans-shipment can create 60,000 maritime jobs in Nigeria, says expert

The Chairman, Ports Consultative Council,

PCC, Chief Kunle Folarin, on Friday said that 60,000 jobs could be created through trans-shipment in Nigerian ports.

Folarin said in Lagos that cargo coming to Nigeria might not necessarily be meant for the country but could be for other landlocked nations which decided to use Nigerian ports.

``We provide the corridors

to most of the landlocked countries and we provide the coastline.

We can easily provide the shipping, the storage, the transhipment, and Nigeria will gain

from the trans-shipment activity, we can provide em-ployment for 60,000 Nige-rians as truck drivers,’’ he said.

He added that Nigeria only needed to be sensitive in us-ing its natural opportunities profi tably to grow and sus-tain the economy.

Folarin disclosed that Philippines made the mari-time sector its huge revenue earner through provision of seafarers to the world.

``We can still be relevant within the maritime sector even if we do not own ships. Philippines give seafarers to the world.They don’t have oil and gas; they don’t have strong shipping compa-nies but they have over 400 maritime schools which train seafarers for the world.

2015 Nigeria Maritime Expo will focus on economic regeneration – Offi cial

The Planning Committee for the 2015 Nigeria Mari-

time Expo, NIMAREX, said on Wednesday the event would focus on issues that would help regenerate the country’s economy.

Dr Omogbai Omo-Eboh,

the Head of the Intellec-tual Group of the committee, made this known in Lagos.

Omo-Eboh said the Expo’s focus on regenerating Nige-ria’s economy was designed to enable stakeholders in the maritime sector to take advantage of the opportuni-ties in the industry to diver-sify the country’s source of income.

``The theme we have selected is `Regenerating Eco-nomic Growth through the Maritime Sector`.

``We believe that we need to realign the Nigerian econo-my. The economy has, for too long, dependent largely on our oil revenues.

``Now, the price of crude oil is taking a nose dive in the international market and that has the consequence of affecting the government’s income stream, its revenue profi le and its budget.

``Therefore, we are looking, and we believe the govern-ment is also looking at other sources of generating income and we think the maritime industry presents a very good opportunity for this.``

Omo-Eboh, who is also the President of the Maritime Arbitrators of Nigeria, said the papers that would be presented at the Expo would highlight the need to diversify the nation’s economy.

According to him, policy makers, key economic play-ers and maritime investors are expected to participate actively in discussions that will help strengthen the economy.

``We are looking at prin-cipal actors on the economic landscape of Nigeria - those that formulate economic policies for the country - the Minister of Finance, who is the Head of the Economic Team.

``We are expecting the Governor of the Central Bank or his representative.



L-R: Abubakar Suleiman, Executive Director, Finance & Strategy, Sterling Bank Plc; Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Kayode Aderainti and Chief Security Offi cer, Sterling Bank Plc, Igba Austin Iwar at the presentation of Police truck and other security equipment by Sterling the Bank to the Lagos State Police Command at the weekend


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Brand Watch


With the scourge of malaria resulting in the deaths of millions of people especially young children, BrandWatch takes a look at Mortein’s recent effort in tackling the pandemic

By Adejuwon Osunnuyi

Malaria is one of the leading causes of infant mortality and

maternal death in Africa. Available statistics from the World Health Organisation, WHO, indicate that there are estimated 300 million acute cases of malaria every year around the world, resulting in more than one million deaths while approximately 90 per cent of these deaths occur in Africa, mostly in young children.

Apparently, Nigeria is one of the African countries with the highest malaria preva-lence as malaria reportedly accounts for 60 per cent of out-patient visits to health facilities and 30 per cent of childhood deaths. In the same vein, it is said to be responsible for 25 per cent of deaths in children under one year and 11 per cent of maternal deaths.

While the malaria pan-demic in Africa has become a major public health challenge, it is not surprising that the various governments at all lev-els, international development agencies and lately, members of corporate Nigeria have initi-ated various collaborations and partnership strategies to collectively stem the alarming rate of malaria pandemic in sub Sahara Africa.

Notably, Reckitt Benckiser through its leading anti-ma-laria power brand, Mortein has been in the forefront in tackling the pandemic. Female anopheles mosquitoes are the carriers of malaria-causing parasite called plasmodium.

In one of the most recent initiatives, the leading anti-malaria power brand, Mortein, has again up-scaled efforts in fi nding lasting solution to the health challenge posed by malaria by formulating the revolutionary Mortein Auto-matic insect control system that can kill mosquitoes dead 100 per cent.

Basically, most of the consumers are noted to have

Mortein in fresh move to tackle Malaria pandemic

refrained from buying anti-malaria power brand, simply known as insecticide as they complained of their irritability and harshness. For instance, speaking in an interview, Bola Awotubo told BrandWatch that she had stopped buying insecticide in fi ghting against mosquitoes for a very long time because they are not safe to her family’s health. “As far as I am concerned, the use of insecticide is no longer on my purchase list as I have found out mostly that they are not user-friendly. If I use them then, I found out that they make my kids to start coughing.” She said.

To Ngozi Agbai, another re-spondent, she submitted that most of the time, the insec-ticides don’t really eliminate the mosquitoes in the room even after spraying them gen-erously.

However, speaking about the new Mortein variant, Reckitt Benckiser said it is safe to use when the room is properly ventilated.

Made from natural ex-tracts, the new Mortein vari-ant can last up to four weeks with more than 2,000 bursts of sprays that ooze out at regular intervals to provide continuous protection against crawling and fl ying insects.

The Mortein Automatic in-sect control system has been launched in key Nigerian cities namely Lagos, Abuja, Kano, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Enugu, Calabar and Warri with the underlining intent

being to raise fresh awareness about the need for renewed effort to bring malaria under control in the country. At the policy formulation level, the launch events were attended by key government offi cials from the National Malaria Elimination Programme, NMEP, Roll Back Malaria, RBM, and ministry of health.

In order to take the mes-sage down the entire value chain, trade teams, distribu-tors and sales agents also attended the product launch events during which the unique benefi ts of the new Mortein automatic insect con-trol system were espoused to

all present.The Marketing Director,

West Africa, Reckitt Benck-iser, Oguzhan Silivrili, rep-resented by the Brand Man-ager, Mortein, Iku Ejiro, said the development of the new product was informed by the need to stem the prevalence of malaria scourge in the country and Africa gener-ally. He added that it also demonstrated the company’s commitment to providing in-novative solutions that make life easier and healthier for Nigerians.

Silivrili affi rmed Reckitt Benckiser’s commitment to the elimination of malaria in the country even as he was optimistic that effective collaboration and implemen-tation of targeted initiatives could make this achievable.

‘‘Malaria can be eliminated in Nigeria and this is the rea-son Reckitt Benckiser is tak-ing the lead. We have initiated strategic partnership with the National Malaria Elimination Programme, NMEP, the lead agency of the Federal Minis-try of Health on the elimina-tion of malaria; also, we work closely with the National As-sociation of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives,NANNM, and other relevant government bodies,’’ Silivrili said.

According to him, Mortein has also initiated anti-malaria education programme which components include the New Mum Programme. He revealed that the new mum programme was targeted to

Silivrili presenting gifts to baby that was born on the World Malaria Day at a public hospitals in Lagos

reach over 500,000 mums this year alone just as the Primary Health Centre, PHC, activations would be reaching over 10,000 mums in addi-tion to the church/mosque activations in top fi ve Nige-rian cities.

“In the last few years, we have moved pan-Nigeria with our Anti-Malaria Campaign by equipping Nigerians with the right information on how they can protect themselves from mosquitoes and stay healthy. Our New Mum Pro-grammes, NMP, has reached approximately fi ve million new mums in the hospitals since inception. We also have the mobile clinic, Health On Wheels, HOW, going door-to-door across Nigeria and open market activations in top 15 states in Nigeria. We have also enjoyed massive exploit across digital platforms es-pecially through our youtube infomercial with the National Coordinator of National Ma-laria Elimination Programme, NMEP, Dr. Nnenna Ezeigwe engendering almost two mil-lion impressions in Nigeria.’’ Silivrili disclosed.

Marketing Director ex-plained further that despite the large number of people reached in Nigeria, Reckitt Benckiser was not relenting on the journey because there was a need to rescue many more Nigerians from malaria scourge.

“This is the philosophy behind the launch of the new Mortein automatic insect control system. It is the fi rst-of-kind in Nigeria, providing a convenient and preventive op-tion against malaria without electricity,’’ he added.

The National Coordinator, National Malaria Elimina-tion Programme, Dr. Nnenna Ezeigwe, commended Reckitt Benckiser for its unrelenting effort to eliminate Malaria in Nigeria.

According to Ezeigwe ‘‘I commend Reckitt Benckiser for collaborating effectively with the National Malaria Elimination Programme, NMEP, in the fi ght against malaria. This partnership spans from supporting the annual World Malaria Day commemorations to effective dissemination of behaviour change communication mes-sages, and ultimately increas-ing awareness on malaria prevention in Nigeria. NMEP is committed to working with Reckitt Benckiser and other stakeholders to facilitate increased support for malaria programme.”

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Brand Watch

Stories by Adejuwon Osunnuyi

The Nigeria Breweries has reiterated its commit-ment toward the eco-

nomic development of Nigeria and its people through direct investment.

The foremost brewer made this known at the commission-ing of its new ultra-modern Aba Brewery expansion in Aba, Abia State, which gulped about N18 billion.

Speaking at the event, the President, Dr. Goodluck Jona-than, who was represented by Minister of Trade and Invest-ment, Dr. Olusegun Aganga, disclosed that, Nigerian Brew-ery restated its unshakable re-solve to power and support the economic developmental goal of Nigeria with the investment of N18 billion through the ex-pansion of the Aba Brewery.

He stated that it is also a clear indication that Nigeria and Abia State is safe for busi-ness having created over 279, 000 direct and indirect em-ployment for Nigerians which include 250 farmers.

President Jonathan com-mended the management of the company for the laudable project, saying this cannot be taken away from what con-tributed to the listing of the company as one of the top one hundred companies in Nigeria in 2014.

“The project is also a refl ec-tion of our future as a Nation.” He added.

In his remarks, Abia State Governor, Theodore Orji, stated that the project shows a perfect partnership between the government and private investors owing to the tangible achievement of his administra-tion in fi ghting insecurity in the State.

He enjoined the people of the State to continue to support the company as this expansion of their investment in the state would enhance di-rect and indirect employment, increase revenue generation to local, state and federal govern-ments, while further assist-ing in the improvement of the standard of living of the people.

In his comments, Chair-man of the company, Chief Kola Jamodu, stated that the expansion project refl ects the company’s bold confi dence, not only in Abia State and the entire Eastern Nigeria but also in Nigeria as an investment destination.

“Our company started business in 1946 in Lagos as Nigeria’s fi rst brewing com-pany. In 1949, the fi rst bottle of Star beer was produced. Aba

Brewery was commissioned in 1957 and today starts another milestone in our company’s socio-economic developmental journey with Eastern Nigeria.”

He added that over the years the company has been very active in supporting Ni-geria’s national development aspirations.

This, he said, is exemplifi ed by its continuous identifi cation and response to major chal-lenges confronting the Nigerian nation through corporate social investments, especially in the areas of education, environ-ment, water, youth empower-ment, talent development and sports, amongst others.

“Our socio economic impact report shows that in 2013 alone, the value added by Nigerian Breweries to the Nigerian Economy stood at

Nigeria Breweries invests N18bn for expansion in Aba

L-R: Group Head, Corporate Banking, Sterling Bank Plc, Mojisola Bakare; Winner, Twitter Handle of the Year, Jimmy Tewe and Group Head, Legal, Sterling Bank Plc, Justina Lewa, during the presentation of the Social Media Award Africa sponsored by the Bank in Lagos recently

N292bn value added or 0.4 per cent of GDP. N98bn or 0.1per cent of GDP out of this stood as direct support. Our com-pany supported 279,000 jobs directly and indirectly. The above indicated value added and employment supported by Nigerian Breweries, more than 85 percent jobs can be directly attributed to our company’s production and local procure-ment activities.”

The Managing Director, Mr. NicolaasVervelde, pointed out that as Nigeria’s pioneer and leading brewing company, the commissioning is, in a sense, an opportunity to showcase another example of Nigerian Breweries Plc’s long-standing and continuing commitment to ‘Winning with Nigeria’ through “our investments, our footprint, our people and our socio-

economic impact. This journey which commenced with the registration of our company in 1946 continues today with a footprint of 11 Breweries and 2 malting plants strategically spread out cross Nigeria.”

He added,“Aba Brewery commenced operations in 1957 with an initial installed capac-ity of 500,000 hectoliters per annum which later increased to 1.2million hectoliters per annum. The Brewery recon-struction and expansion proj-ect which began in 2012 was completed in 2014 at a cost of N18bn. It makes Aba Brewery the most modern brewery in Nigeria and simultaneously doubles the technical capacity at the brewery to 2.4m hectoli-ters per annum.”

The 58-year brewery has now been transformed into a t modern highly effi cient brew-ery ranking among the best in the Heineken group world-wide. This ultra-modern facility comprises of a most modern brew house capable of making twelve brews of 500hl casting volume per hour. Its energy recovery system is capable of processing 230 cubic meters of water per hour. The new membrane beer fi lter installed is the latest technology in beer fi ltration.

Additionally, the new Aba Brewery has the most modern waste water treatment plant to treat effl uents from the brew-ery with a capacity to handle 3300 cubic meter effl uent per day, with new utility plants and a most modern canning line with a production capacity of 57,000 cans per hour.

The brewery is powered by an eight MVA internally gener-ated power station, which runs mainly on gas, cleaner and more environmental friendly, and diesel engines as a fall back. BC


In a rare show of apprecia-tion for exceptional talent, the three celebrity judges on

the Nigerian Idol season fi ve, Dare ‘Art’ Alade, Yinka Davies and Dede Mabiaku, demon-strated their commitment to helping budding music talents realise their dreams when they offered to pay for the fl ight ticket of a contestant at the Abuja Auditions held at the weekend.

24 years-old AmeIgiri had hoped for an opportunity to showcase her talent after fail-ing to scale the fi rst screening hurdle at the Port Harcourt auditions a week earlier.

Thankfully, a female friend saw her determination and undertook to sponsor her trip by road from Enugu where she has been residing since moving

from Calabar, Cross River four years ago.

“I was not expecting that,” began an elated Ame. “During my audition, I fl opped at some point, but I want to believe my fi nishing did the magic. I was highly favoured. God just did it for me because it came as a surprise.”

Ame was also the fi rst con-testant at the Abuja auditions to be awarded a ‘Golden Ticket’ by the judges, thus making her one of the top 100 contestants for the top 12 slots. The Golden Ticket is usually awarded to any exceptional talent identi-fi ed by the judges in a unani-mous decision.

Nigerian Idol is, in its fifth season after a success-ful debut in 2010, was won by Yeka Onka. In the fol-

lowing years, which saw the emergence of Mercy Chinwo, Moses Adigwe and Zebili Ev-elyn (Evelle), it has grown in popularity and followership on the basis of the unique platforms it offers to young Nigerians with exceptional music talent.

It is the only music TV reality show in Nigeria with a global appeal that currently cuts across 46 countries.

Nigerian Idol focuses on discovering Nigerian youths with talent in music and giving them a unique platform to take shots at stardom.

The eventual winner goes home with N7.5m cash reward, a brand new car, a recording deal worth N7.5m and some high-end devices. Auditions are expected to continue in Ibadan

at Kakanfo Inn, Ring Road in the weekend of January 31 and February 1.

Lagos will host the last leg a week after at the DreamStu-dios, Omole 1.

Nigerian Idol season fi ve is sponsored by leading telecom-munications operator, Etisalat,

Nigerian Idol judges reward contestant with fl ight ticket

Dabur toothpaste and E-Commerce platform, Payporte and will feature such enthrall-ing performances which were the hallmarks of past winners among whom are YekaOnka, Mercy Chinwo, Moses Adigwe and Evelle whose name is Zibili Evelyn.

Dare ‘Art’ Alade, Dede Mabiaku and Yinka Davies

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Global News


Mergers and acquisitions

The following bids, mergers, acquisitions and disposals

were reported by 2100 GMT on Friday:

** India has raised about $3.6bn by selling a 10 percent stake in state-run Coal India Ltd in the largest ever equity deal in the local market, giving a welcome boost to the govern-ment’s faltering divestment drive.

** Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd has won U.S. approval to buy Ranbaxy Labo-ratories Ltd on condition that it sells its interest in a generic anti-bacterial medicine, the Federal Trade Commission said on Friday.

** A consortium comprising private equity fi rms Bain Capi-tal and Advent International has entered the race to buy Italian bank services provider ICBPI, fi ling a bid just short of 2bn euros ($2.27bn), two sourc-es close to the matter said.

** Hedge fund mogul Bill Ackman is ready to make a new bet, not on a stock this time but a startup hedge fund, Clearfi eld Capital Management.

Ackman, who runs $18bn Pershing Square Capital Management, told investors on Thursday he planned to make his biggest ever commitment to an outside hedge fund.

** U.S. hedge fund Elliott has obtained the right to take a stake in German machine-tool maker DMG Mori Seiki AG, for which Japanese partner DMG Mori Seiki Co Ltd made a take-over offer last week, the Ger-man company said on Friday.

** Texas-based oil company Harvest Natural Resources Inc said on Thursday its affi liates have withdrawn a request for arbitration against Venezuela for blocking the sale of the com-pany’s stake in an oil project in the country.

** Greece’s new left-wing government will cancel plans to sell the state natural gas utility and is fi rmly opposed to a Ca-nadian gold mine that is among the biggest foreign investment projects in the country, the en-ergy minister told Reuters.

** British independent oil

fi rm Greenergy said on Friday it had acquired a biodiesel plant in northeast England from fuel supplier Harvest Energy. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

** AT&T Inc spent close to half the total in the record-setting U.S. sale of airwaves for mobile data, with Verizon Com-munications Inc and bidding partners of Dish Network Corp also spending heavily, results showed on Friday.

** Singapore Telecommu-nications Ltd, Sony Pictures Television and Warner Bros. Entertainment on Friday said they had established HOOQ, a joint venture start-up to offer a regional video service in Asia.

** Five companies have fi led preliminary, non-binding bids to build a 1,000 megawatt hydro power plant at Tarnita in Romania, the state-owned project company Hidro Tarnita said on Friday.

Hidro Tarnita did not name the bidders and said it would unveil the short-listed investors at a later date.

** Marquette Transportation Co LLC, a U.S. towboat op-erator, is exploring a sale that could value it at more than $1 billion and has attracted the interest of Dell Inc Chief Execu-tive Michael Dell, according to people familiar with the matter.

** German industrial group ThyssenKrupp is not in talks to sell its submarine unit nor is it in talks to sell its stainless steel unit VDM, its chief executive said on Friday.

** Bankrupt drugmaker Dendreon Corp has reached a stalking-horse deal with Canada’s Valeant Pharmaceuti-cals International Inc to sell the worldwide rights to its cancer vaccine, Provenge, and certain assets for $296 million.

** Sunac China Holdings, has agreed to buy a 49.3 per-cent stake in troubled Chinese property developer Kaisa Group , a report in the fi nancial news magazine Caixin said on Friday, citing an unidentifi ed senior company executive.

** Troubled Indian carrier SpiceJet Ltd said its board had approved selling shares worth up to 15 billion rupees ($242.6 million) in the company, follow-ing a deal between its current majority owner and a co-found-er leading a rescue plan.

** Turkish conglomerate Dogan Holding said on Friday its Dogan Enerji Yatirimlari unit had bought a 50 percent stake in fuel distributor Aytemiz Akaryakit Dagitim for 152 mil-lion lira ($63 million).

** Qatar Airways has bought a stake worth about 1.15 billion pounds ($1.73bn) in the owner of British Airways and Iberia, aiming to forge closer links to a group with two major European hubs and strong transatlantic networks.

** British oil producer Afren Plc said the UK Takeover Panel extended the deadline for Nige-

ria’s Seplat Petroleum Develop-ment Co to make a fi rm offer or walk away.

** Machine component man-ufacturer Suzo-Happ is raising 185 million euros ($208.92m) of leveraged loans to back its acquisition of Swedish peer Scan Coin and refi nance exist-ing debt, banking sources said on Friday.

** German automotive sup-plier Continental AG said it concluded the acquisition of U.S. rubber company Veyance Technologies on Friday after re-ceiving the conditional approval of Brazil’s anti-trust regulator.

** SHV Holdings again increased on Friday its offer for Dutch animal and fi sh feed maker Nutreco NV, and hold-out shareholders APG and NN Group agreed to tender their shares to the new offer.

SHV said it would offer 45.25 euros ($51) in cash for each outstanding share of Nu-treco, valuing the company at 3.18 billion euros ($3.60bn).

** Ivanhoe Cambridge, the real estate arm of Canada’s second-largest pension fund, said on Friday it had sold its 50 percent interest in two Ontario shopping centers to a rival pen-sion plan manager in Canada for C$240m ($190m) as part of a move to reposition its retail portfolio.

** French power company EDF is in a consortium led by Singapore sovereign fund GIC looking to buy a 40 percent stake in the Eurostar train ser-vice which the British govern-ment has put up for sale, the Les Echos newspaper reported.

** Italian Thai Development Pcl and Rojana Industrial Park will sign a $1.7 billion deal in March to develop the Dawei industrial zone in Myanmar, the Thai government said on Friday.

** The fi nance arm of Green-land Group, China’s largest property developer by sales, plans to buy an insurer or pri-vate bank in Europe in a push to diversify its fi nancial services portfolio, its chairman said.

** The private equity arm of Japan’s Orix Corp was chosen as preferred bidder for a con-trolling stake in South Korea’s Hyundai Securities Co Ltd, a bank representing the seller said.

** Hip-hop star Jay-Z is buying a Scandinavian music streaming company for $56m to add to a business empire that has spanned clothing and sports bars. Project Panther Bidco Ltd, a company controlled by the 45-year-old rapper, said on Friday it had agreed to buy Sweden-listed Aspiro for 464m Swedish crowns ($56m) in cash.

** Metro AG on Friday said it had concluded the sale of its MAKRO Cash & Carry business in Greece to Sklavenitis.

** Citic Securities Co Ltd, China’s largest brokerage, plans to buy 60 percent of the shares

in Hong Kong-listed fi nancial services fi rm KVB Kunlun Financial Group Ltd, it said on Friday, which a Reuters’ estimate values at around HK$323m ($41.7m).

US growth slows in fourth quarter

The world’s largest economy expanded less than expect-

ed in the fi nal three months of 2014 despite lower fuel prices boosting consumer confi dence.

The US posted annualised growth of 2.6 percent for the fourth quarter - lower than the 3 percent projected by econo-mists.

The fi gure was weaker than the 5 percent growth in the third quarter of 2014.

However, the dramatic slide in fuel prices in recent months has put more money in con-sumers’ pockets and allowed them to spend more.

Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of US economic activ-ity, rose by 4.3 percent in the fourth quarter - the fastest rise in nearly nine years - and higher than the 3.2 percent for the third quarter.

Fuel savingsMark Zandi, chief economist

at Moody’s Analytics, said: “It took us a while to get here, but I think the economy is fi nally off and running.

“We are seeing a number of positive developments. Busi-nesses are hiring aggressively and the big drop in gas prices means that people have more money to spend on other items.”

The near-60 percent slide in oil prices in the plast seven months has cut the price of petrol to about $2 per gallon, or the equivalent of £1.32 for 4.5 litres. That is little more than British drivers pay for just one litre of petrol.

US consumer spending rose 4.3 percent in the fi nal three months of 2014.

The fall has saved Ameri-cans about $175bn, Zandi said: “A big part of growth this year will be people spending their gas savings.”

For 2014 as a whole, the economy expanded by 2.4 per-cent - better than the 2.2% for the previous 12 months.

The report came two days after the Federal Reserve said the US economy was expand-ing at a “solid pace”, but said it will “remain patient” in deter-mining when to raise interest rates. The main rate has been held at close to zero since De-cember 2008.

Some economists believe an increase could come in middle of the year, but Chris William-son, chief economist at Markit, said Friday’s data could delay a rise until late this year or even

early 2016.He feared that the US

economy was too reliant on consumer spending given that business investment fell by an annualised rate of 1.9 percent- the biggest decline since the second quarter of 2009. “Ide-ally, a sustainable economic upturn requires business spending to be rising alongside consumer expenditure.”

“While Markit’s Flash PMI survey data signalled a further robust expansion of private sector business activity in January, the latest reading was the second weakest for 11 months and points to GDP growth sliding to 2 percent in the fi rst quarter,” Mr William-son added.

Russia cuts interest rates from 17 per cent to 15 per cent

Russia has cut its main in-terest rate from 17 percent

to 15 percent because infl ation “is stabilising”.

The rouble fell by more than 2 percent against the dollar following the central bank an-nouncement.

Russia’s economy has been suffering for a range of reasons, including economic sanctions by the West over its involvement in the crisis in Ukraine.

This week the government said it would put measures in place to try to stave off an economic crisis.

The measures included

investing at least 2.34 trillion roubles ($35bn, £23bn) in the economy, following a collapse in oil prices and the rouble.

The Bank of Russia said the interest rate could be cut “due to the shift in the balance of risks of accelerated con-sumer price growth and cooling economy.”

The rouble fell around 2.4 percent against the dollar on the news, leaving the dollar worth more than 70 roubles.

Against the pound, the rouble was trading around 3 percent lower.



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Tunde Folawiyo:

Businessman of the moment

Tunde Folawiyo has always wanted to be out of the public glare but his business and

wealth have always brought him to the fore. Yet, it ap-pears he does not really like it. Somehow, he has come to ac-cept his faith. Not that he has come to like publicity; his re-clusive stance seemed to have shielded his deft business moves. For a man who does not always want to do things by halves, it is not surprising that he has stepped up his wealth rating from number 50 in 2013 to number 39 in the Africa rich list according to the Forbes magazine. But looking at him closely, one may say the rating could be faulted. Born in April, 1960, Tunde Folawiyo is the fi rst son of the

Tunde Folawiyo is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Yinka Folawiyo Group, a Company which began business in 1956 at the Olowogbowo area of Lagos Island as a trading company. However, today after the demise of his father, Tunde Folawiyo has steered the business he took over, to a growing business empire with clearer mission and vision to succeed. Reports, Tayo Elebijo

late billionaire, business guru and philanthropist, Yinka Fo-lawiyo. A man who began his business life in Olowogbowo area of Lagos Island.

Tunde Folawiyo began his education at a grade school in Lagos. Encouraged by his fa-ther, he went on from there to obtain a Bachelor,’s of Science degree at the London School of Economics in 1980. His ap-petite for learning began to in-crease as a result. Thereafter, Tunde Folawiyo earned an LLB and Master’s in Law degree in 1984 and 1985 at the Univer-sity College London in June. At the time, it was imperative for every fi rst son of the fam-ily in the western part of the country to have a law degree.

He was called to the Bar of England and Wales, Honorable

‘Tunde Folawiyo has grown the conglomerate value to $650m net worth since he took over the leadership of the business


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Society of the Inner Temple, in 1985; he started his law Prac-tice in Nigeria with the fi rm of Ogunsanya and from where he resigned in 1989. He joined his father’s company for some years before venturing into the gloomy business terrain with its attendant high overhead cost. After some years in his own business, Tunde Folawiyo turned out to become a formi-dable business force to reckon with among his peers.

Few years later, having sensed that it was time for him, Yinka Folawiyo, to hand over the mantle of his busi-ness empire to his fi rst son, Tunde Folawiyo was saddled with responsibility of manag-ing the Yinka Folawiyo Group, a conglomerate consisting of large investments in virtually almost all the sectors of the economy. Tunde Folawiyo held fi rmly to the conglomerate, with interest in agriculture, energy, shipping, real estate, and engineering, positioning the Yinka Folawiyo Group un-til his father, a well known phi-lanthropist passed on in 2008.

Awarded an honourary doctorate degree in Business Administration by the Cres-cent University, an institution he is currently a member of its governing council, tapping into his wealth of experience in law and economics, Tunde Folawiyo has grown the con-glomerate value to $650m net worth since he took over the leadership of the business.

A fi rm character and highly resourceful with perfect knowl-edge of the core business areas of the group, Tunde Folawiyo is a director in the Nigeria’s most subscribed telecom com-pany, MTN Nigeria Commu-nications Limited. He is also a Non executive director of the Access Bank Plc formerly known as Access Bank Nige-ria. He is also an executive di-rector of Yinka Folawiyo Petro-leum Company Limited. He is the executive director of Yinka Folawiyo Group of Companies, the managing director Yinka Folawiyo Power and director of Abacan Resource Corp.

Tunde Folawiyo has re-mained the constant source of advocacy for the exploration of Nigeria’s lucrative crude oil. Consequently in 1989, in his effort to promote the expan-sion of the Yinka Folawiyo Group, he founded the Fo-lawiyo Energy Limited. This singular effort, led to the con-struction of a world class stor-age facility in 2004. A facility which has the capacity to con-tain approximately about 30 percent of the total premium motor spirit of the country. His contribution to the energy sec-tor of the economy earned him

the Vice President of the Nige-ria Association of Indigenous Petroleum Explorers and Pro-ductions, NAIPEC since 1996 to date.

The diversifi cation of in-vestments into several sec-tors of the economy by the Yinka Folawiyo Group, must be yielding quite a lot of divi-dend at this austere time when the energy sector has been slumping since June 2014. Tunde Folawiyo currently sits on the board of various educa-tional institutions, providing a unique perspective toward im-proving the conditions for stu-dents both in Africa and other parts of the world. With his membership of the esteemed Global Advisory Board of the African Leadership Academy, Tunde Folawiyo further dem-onstrates a passion for foster-ing the next generation of Afri-can leaders. He is also a fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh’s World Fellowship, a global network of philanthropists dedicated to inspiring youth development. As a graduate of the London School of Econom-ics and the 2010 recipient of the African Leadership Award, Tunde Folawiyo continues to

be impactful in various colle-giate institutions. In 2001, he was appointed a member of the Governing Council of the Lagos State University by the Lagos State Government, a role he still holds till date.

Tunde Folawiyo displays a motivation to further Africa’s ongoing relationship with oth-er countries by serving as a Goodwill Ambassador, Honou-rary Citizen of the city of Hous-ton and Honourary Consul of Barbados, these are testimo-nies to some of his achieve-

ments.Dedicated to the continued

prosperity of his native Ni-geria and the African region, Tunde Folawiyo has held vari-ous roles key to his mission of fostering education, eco-nomic growth and the spread of philanthropy. Through his work as a renowned business owner, board member and ac-complished scholar, Tunde Fo-lawiyo continually contributes a wholehearted support to his country’s success.

An entrepreneur and pro-

ponent in the improvement of Africa’s education system. He currently serves as a member of the Global Advisory Coun-cil of the African Leadership Academy, an institution dedi-cated to the economic growth, political stability, eradica-tion of poverty and diseases throughout Africa.

As an honoured recipient of the 2010 African Business Leadership Award, Tunde Fo-lawiyo continues to think re-ally big. And he is always on the move networking around the world in search of profi t-able investment opportunities to further grow the business empire.

Embodying an everlasting dedication to education, phi-lanthropy and the expansion of the energy sector across Af-rica, Tunde Folawiyo has long held a key role in the progres-sion of the Nigerian petroleum industry and made efforts to promote leadership and edu-cation among the youth who grow up to be tomorrow’s Afri-can leaders.

In addition to his contri-butions toward the growth of Africa’s economy, Tunde Folawiyo’s dedication to fur-thering education and lead-ership could be described as immeasurable. As a member of the elite African Leadership Network, a programme dedi-cated to the advancement of tomorrow’s leaders, Tunde Fo-lawiyo continues to be in the vanguard of the guidance of Africa’s youth. He is married with children.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Founda-tion works tirelessly in Africa to bring the award programme to young people across the continent. As a Nigerian phi-lanthropist and a Fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh’s World Fellowship, this is an humani-tarian service that very dear to the heart of business Mongol, Tunde Folawiyo.

The company’s oil explo-ration fi rm, Yinka Folawiyo Petroleum, owns a 60 percent interest in an oil block that contains the Aje offshore fi eld. Other assets include minor-ity stakes in Nigeria’s Access Bank and mobile phone car-rier MTN Nigeria.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme was founded in 1956, with the aim of helping young people, no matter what their background, to reach their full potential. The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme’s mission is to develop the mind, body and soul of young people, through teamwork and prac-tical activities. The scheme aims to build confi dence and self-esteem in youths all over the world.

Tunde Folawiyo displays a motivation to further Africa’s ongoing relationship with other countries of the world by serving as a Goodwill Ambassador, Honourary Citizen of the city of Houston and Honourary Consul of Barbados


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Management Principles

Competitive Analysis Tips

One of the fi rst tasks for anyone trying to grow a business is to map out the competitive landscape. With a good understanding of the competi-tion you face, you’ll be able to spot and exploit opportunities as they

develop.Discussed here under are useful tips that would help you draw and refi ne your map, beginning with

your earliest efforts to plan your new venture and continuing for as long as you stay in business. Become a customer: Visit competing establishments in the role of a customer. Ask lots of questions

and take notes. Get in touch with these companies via phone and the Internet. Checking out a fi rm’s abil-ity to serve you will reveal a good deal about your competition, good and bad and teach you a lot about your own business.

If possible, don’t just pretend to shop from competitors, buy something, or engage their services. It’s the only way to gain fi rsthand knowledge of what it’s like to do business with the company.

Investigate your competitors: One of the best ways to gauge your competition is by taking a little time to investigate the people who run the company. If there’s an appropriate setting in which to meet your competition face to face, do it. Find out which schools they attend, previous work experience and how long they’ve been in the business. You also need to know what their strengths and weaknesses are as well as their reputation.

These sets of information can help you anticipate your competition’s moves. Buy shares in your competitors: If you’re competing against a publicly traded fi rm, consider buying a

few shares of its stock. As a stockholder, you’ll receive regular updates on the fi rm’s fi nancial results and business strategies, as well as information about the future plans of the company.

There’s nothing unethical about learning about a company this way, and you may get invaluable infor-mation: where you’re most likely to face direct competition, differences between your fi rms, and new ideas and markets for growing your own business.

Talk to your competitors’ customers: Take an informal (or formal) poll of your competitors’ custom-ers or clients. How did they originally choose where to spend their money? Why do they buy from your competitors? Is it because of the quality of the product or service, the price, the location, the customer

When the storm rages, it is often advised that one do not give up be-

cause tough times do not last like tough people, especially as there could always be light at the end of the tunnel. Opportunities abound In the midst of diffi cul-ties and challenges but it will take a bold heart to take the bold step and dare the storm.

After almost a decade of serv-ing in four different banks, occu-pying various positions with the last being as a Business Process Analyst, Taofeek Raheem was sacked along with some staff in the bank in the wake of the 2009 reform in the banking sector.

It was a diffi cult moment for many as some contemplated suicide; others could not fathom where to start from. Their world seems shattered.

The banking job is like a princely job in the country. It is often a pride to have a job in the bank considering the level of unemployment in the coun-try. Family members are always more than willing to brag that a relative works in the bank. It is a job, not many will wish away.

The fear and pain of those af-fected by the said reform is un-derstandable. Their sack was fol-lowed by protest and allegation of victimisation with a call on the government to intervene; not many were willing to leave the banking walls and just a few saw life outside the banking walls.

Luckily, Raheem was one of the few who never gave up as he wasted no time to think of some-thing else to do and earn a liv-ing. Amazingly, he settled for the farm.

Initially, it sounds almost odd for a man to leave the serene

He was a victim of what has come to be known as the Sanusi Lamido-Tsunami in the banking industry between 2008 and 2009. But rather than getting soaked in the trauma and lamentations that came with it, Taofeek Akinwumi Raheem, a Business Process Analyst in one of the banks then, has turned the misfortune into a pool of wealth through his Starwumi International, an agro-business support initiative

By Biodun Alade ambience of the banking hall for the rocky-patches of the farm. But that was the path the former Business Process Analyst turned farm waste control expert has chosen.

Today, he markets and in-stalls German-Austria Bio Nano Technology (GABIN TECH) Sys-tem in farms. The Gabin Tech system is used mainly to en-hance friendly environment de-void of ammonia odour, fl ies and maggot for farmers, especially, those whose farms are in resi-dential areas.

Recalling his journey to pro-viding solution to farmers, Ra-heem said, “Two major events happened that made me chose this work. The fi rst was the need to make extra money and have an alternative mean of income while I was still in the bank. This was as a result of the accident I had in mid-2008 which opened my eyes to the need for alterna-tive mean of income. I thought of what to do but could not fi gure one out until a friend introduced me to the Gabin Tech system. So I picked it as my plan B on a part-time basis. Then the cri-sis in the banking sector came around 2009, which affected my employment and I decided to go into the business fully and see what I can make from it because challenges are opportunities coming in a different form.”

It was a diffi cult decision to make, one fi lled with fear and uncertainty but he chose to bid good bye to the bank and start life as an entrepreneur. “The fear was there on what will I make out of this because as a Busi-ness Process Analyst, job is al-ways there. We were asked to reapply in the bank which I did and I got two offers but I felt the need to move on and concentrate on what I was already doing on a

full-time basis. Deep inside me, I thought I should dedicate my time and expertise to the Gabin-Tech system because one day, either willingly or unwillingly, I will leave the banking job or any other job that I might be doing for someone else. So, I chose not to honour any of the two offers I had from the banks but pursue

Seeing throughthe storm

vigorously my own business,” he said.

Amazingly the choice seems to have paid off. He told Busi-ness Courage that in four months, his current job earns him what he “couldn’t earn in his banking job in eight months; in fact, it was almost equal my annual income.”

Besides, he said that he de-rives joy from the feedback of his business partners. “It is great when people call you and testi-fy of how you have been able to help and provide solution to their business challenges,” he said.

Since 2009 when he plunged into the business full time, there was no looking back for him even as he admitted that his satisfac-tion was not just because of the monetary gains, but his strong conviction that farming remains the bedrock of human survival. He believes that the world cannot survive without food, hence, the needs to seize the opportunities in the challenges faced by farm-ers in carrying out their daily ac-tivities of providing food for the world.

“It is the zeal I have for farm-ing and the global trend that agriculture is the future of the world. Without food, nobody can survive. The gap is still there for us to fi ll to make the farmer com-fortable in farming and support the farming business. So, the question is how can we solve the challenges in the farming busi-ness? For instance, in poultry business, the offensive ammonia odour is a big concern, which before now had no defi nite so-lution but we now, provide so-lution through the Gabin Tech system which helps eliminate the offensive odour and thus make the environment friendlier; reduce mortality in birds and fi shes thus leading to increase in production. Some people uses residential area for farming and neighbours will fi nd it diffi cult to live with the odour if not well control,” he said.


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ThebuddingEntrepreneursPersonal Finance

How to fund start-up businesses

No matter what the economic situation, someone somewhere, eyes bright with potential, is looking to start a new business. Funds are often the biggest

hurdle to what could otherwise be a lucrative opportunity. Here are some ways - traditional and/ or creative - to raise money for your start-up business.Personal savings: There’s nothing like having your own money saved, to put into your start-up. You have the satis-faction of having saved it on your own, and the knowledge that you don’t owe anyone.

Risk: It’s your money, and if you’re not successful, the money is gone, and with it the opportunity to do anything else with it later.Partner savings: Having a partner helps spread out not only the business management but the fi nancial burden. A good partnership is also synergetic, bringing more success than running a business alone.

Risk: A fed up partner who wants out; arguments; irre-sponsible partners who leave you with all the debt; broken friendships.Retirement savings plan: Dip into your retirement savings, especially if there’s a government incentive (i.e., qualifi ed tax break). Or take advantage of home ownership pro-grammes from retirement plan funds, and use your origi-nal rental funds towards your business.

Risk: If you can’t pay back your savings plan, there may be a penalty as well as having to declare the funds as earn-ings.Blood money: Borrow from family, friends, colleagues, or employees. An alternative to this is to have one of the afore-mentioned co-sign a bank loan for you.

Risk: Meddling lenders, constantly reminding you of what they gave you; ruined friendships.Bank loan: If you have a solid business plan and the lender agrees, this can often be the cheapest (interest rate-wise) loan sources available.

Risk: Besides the fact that it’s often hard for a start-up to qualify - since there’s little evidence you’ll be profi table - if you do get a loan, it can be like a ticking time bomb if your business isn’t doing well.Investor capital: Get angel investments or venture capi-tal. Convert blood money lenders into investors or silent partners. Or fi nd angel investors, who tend to give smaller loans than VCs (Venture Capitalists). Venture capital is less of an option for most start-ups, but might come at a later stage. Note that at a later stage, your customers and suppliers could very well be investors.

Risk: Not enough money, or diffi cult repayment terms. Many investors expect to sell the company at some point in the future and cash out. That means offering an IPO, which locks your payout thanks to SEC rules. You also have to be incredibly careful about not falling into insider trading issues.Private offering: Turn your blood money lenders into part owners, so that they have an emotionally vested stake in seeing your business succeed.

Risk: You might lose partial control of the business, and if you have to have meetings to make simple deci-sions, that could hinder your ability to work effectively.Public offering: A public offering widens your potential for selling shares and thus getting operating capital when you need it. Risk: Shareholders expect something in re-turn, whether it’s dividend payouts or increase in stock value. There’s also the issue of now being bound by all the Securities and Exchange Commission rules.Dividends: If you have mutual funds or stocks in your investment portfolio that pay out regular dividends, this could be a potential source of start-up funds. This way, you do not have to cash in your portfolio, and it can con-tinue to earn for you.

Risk: Depending on tax laws in your country, some types of dividends might be taxable at source, if you are not reinvesting them. So your actual “take,” minus any brokerage fees might leave you with very little. BC

support, or just habit? What do they dislike about a certain company? What do they wish that company would provide? Would they consider buying from you? If not, why not? If they would, what incentive might win them over?

Assess the competition’s goals: The tactics that your competitors employ can be a good sign of their goals. A competitor trying to in-crease its market share might lower prices; a fi rm attempting to in-crease profi ts may cut costs; and a business that wants to accelerate sales growth might kick off a major marketing campaign. If you know your competitors’ goals, you’ll be better able to anticipate and respond to their strategies.

Be aware of the potential for new competition: There’s a good chance that a lot of other people are trying to meet the need your business is trying to meet at the same time. This is especially true if you start a busi-ness in an emerging market.

A national chain may not have entered your region yet -- but what if it does? Likewise, companies that don’t currently compete with yours might shift their focus and pit themselves against your fi rm. You need to be ever vigilant and alert to other companies stealing your business and preventing your company from thriving

Don’t delegate job of keeping up with competitors: There are many jobs that it makes sense to delegate or hire out; keeping up with the competition is not one of them. This is too important.

You might appoint someone to work with you on the task, doing re-search, tracking information, even brainstorming. But as the entrepreneur, you’re the one with the motivation, the knowledge, and the ultimate respon-sibility for understanding and acting upon information about the competi-tion

Have a broad defi nition of competition: Your competition includes any-thing that could draw customers away from your business. For example, movie theatres compete not only with other cinemas, but also with restau-rants, live music venues, theatre, television, video rentals, and video games.

Try to see the choice from the perspective of your client or customer; how would you choose to spend your precious time and money? What moti-vates you to go in one direction or another? What impediments stand in the way of customers choosing your business? BC

Raheem, a certifi ed accountant stated that the research carried out on the Gabin Tech system by the University of Ilorin, revealed that birds on this system produce pro-biotic organisms from the guts of animal thus producing good bac-teria needed to overcome the bad bacteria by the principle of compet-itive law. It also helps the animals to retain more nutrients in the feed given to them unlike before where most nutrients in their feed are excreted. “We decided to put it to test at University of Ilorin because initially, most farmers argued that majority of the tests done on it were from abroad but we are happy that we now have a report from one of our institutions,” he submitted.

As to be expected, the idea was doubted at the initial stage by some farmers which posed a big chal-lenge to him on how to convince them to adopt it. “The fi rst chal-lenge was how to buy people into the business, when you tell them there is solutions to something they are not used to, they fi nd it diffi cult to buy into.

So, adaption was a bit diffi cult but what appeared most chal-lenging in the course of his en-trepreneurial endeavour was the assumption that if a product or service is not coming from the so called ‘big names’, people are un-willing to give it a trial. And when people fi nally adopt it, the next challenge, which is that of the abil-ity of farmers to keep to instruc-tions on how the system should be used and operated usually sets in.

However, Raheem’s Starwumi International appear to have out-lived those initial challenges as he admits that the company has been

able to make substantial inroads in the sales and installation of Gabin Tech system in farms across the country, especially in states in the South west and a handful of farms in Akwa Ibom, Enugu, Kwara, and Abuja among others.

Incidentally, at the point at which Raheem decided to give up paid employment and stick to his farming business, pressures, espe-cially from relatives and friends al-most got him distracted. But since he was determined, he remained resolute.”Pressure will always be there in whatever one chooses to do in life but the ability to see beyond the present will help to weather the storm and the pressure,” he said.

He said that it is very hard to see a salary earner become a billionaire except he stole or engage in one du-bious act but that with “a personal business, you can grow it and ex-pand it to the whatever level you so desires. Well, I am proud of what I am doing because the Yorubas will

say “Igbe lowo wa” (the money is in the bush or farm). This one is my business and I can see the future in it. I don’t see pressure now because I can do what I like to do, live the life I want to live, drive what I want to drive. There are stages in life and we all cannot be millionaire same day.” he said brimming with a smile.

The Starwumi International boss is already thinking of how to expand his business frontiers to cover the entire farms in the country with a model farm in all the thirty six states and possibly, extend it to other parts of Africa.

An accountant by training but a scientist by practice, Raheem said that the desire to meet the needs of his immediate and ex-tended family motivated him in the course of pushing his busi-ness idea. “Whenever I feel weak, I look at my wife, my kids and the extended family and I move on. If the energy in you is low, people that look up to you will be low as well,” he said.

He advised that institutions of learning must start training their students about entrepreneurship rather than for them to scouting for jobs after graduation even as he counseled people to plan ahead for their retirement or when their services will no longer be required by the organization they work for.

He stressed that putting God fi rst with passion, sincerity and follow-through of all clients the business will grow has been his major source of strength. “I will say the fi rst thing to do is to move closer to God, then identify your passion because it will keep you going when the cash is low. The need to cease the opportunity when it presents itself is impera-tive.

Then you must be sincere in whatever you do because your customers deserve it and they will appreciate it a great deal. And to grow your business effectively, you must follow-through all your clients, do not just follow up. You must follow-through all clients because one single client that fails to understand might hurt the business. So communication with the customer is important. You should also be up to date in your chosen fi eld, especially on the available new technologies,” he concluded.

At the farm

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Motivational Business Quotes



For all of its faults, it gives most hard-working people a chance to improve themselves economically, even as the

deck is stacked in favor of the privileged few. Here are the choices most of us face in such a system: Get bitter or get busy. – Bill O’ Reilly

A man should never neglect his family for business. – Walt Disney

The only limits are, as always, those of vi-sion. – James Broughton

To think is easy. To act is diffi cult. To act as one thinks is the most diffi cult. – Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth

I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think

big. – Donald Trump

Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that fi rst shop taught me business is not fi nancial science; it’s about trading: buying and selling. – Anita Roddick

To waken interest and kindle enthu-siasm is the sure way to teach easily and successfully. – Tryon Edwards

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. – Bill Gates

Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. – Coco Chanel

B U S I N E S SMamora is a system thinker and advisor whose belief and activator leadership strengths are directed towards improving workers perspective for city and enterprise development. e-mail: [email protected]

K L I N I CWith Mamora Victor

‘Improve, lead and grow

The summary of Ameri-can civil war was sim-ply a battle between

leadership of the Union and the Confederate. The leader-ship of Abraham Lincoln was an advantage for the Union in the North.

During the civil war, the four slave states-Delaware, Missouri, Maryland and Kentucky remained loyal to the Union under the lead-ership of Abraham Lincoln. Conversely, not all the peo-ple in the south within the 11 Confederate states were committed to the Confeder-ate leadership cause. There were pockets of Unionism that existed, especially in the Appalachian Mountain. Un-like in the North that slaves were committed to the cause of Abraham Lincoln leader-ship the slaves in the South Confederate were fl eeing to the Union in the North.

Eventually, the Southern Confederate lost to the North-ern Union. Abraham Lincoln leadership cause pulled Unit-ed States of America back and reconciled all to the path of United Americans.

As business leaders, the loyalty of your co-workers to the business corporate vision is a function of your leader-ship. Organisations that win in the market do so because of quality leadership.

Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organisation or the abil-ity to do so. Leadership is the ability to achieve goals through the corporation of other members of the organi-sation.

If leadership has to do with ability to move everybody along a business objective or function, then improving on that ability is a smart deci-sion. Ability is a derivative of power. Power is the ability to work.

The law of power states that when leaders with power speak, the people listen. Pow-er is the ability to infl uence the allocation of resources I.e. Human, materials, fi nan-cial. The person who holds the position does not neces-sarily have the power. An entrepreneur leadership rat-ing is either weak or strong depending on the workers or

teammates compliance, com-mitment, and consistent ef-fort to the business goal.

Whether your leader-ship ability rating is weak or strong you can improve and make a choice not to be com-placent. Here are fi ve compo-nents of business leadership ability that deserve improve-ment always.

First: improve your integ-rity rating

There is no perfect leader anywhere but there are a many leaders with perfect talents and gifts. All talented leaders without integrity fi nd it diffi cult to sustain busi-ness beyond their present generation. The good news is that, one can improve on his integrity level by being honest to himself.

The law of integrity says that true leaders are always very honest with themselves. A business leader can only get by for a while without honesty and integrity. Be open with your strength and weakness. Make apology ap-

propriately and take respon-sibility for errors rather than trying to cover up.

“Blessing accrue on a good and honest life, but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse”-King Solomon of Israel

“God hates cheating in the market place; he loves it when business is aboveboard...The integrity of the honest keeps them on track; the devious-ness of crooks bring them to ruin”-King Solomon of Israel

Second: improve your con-nection with team members

The law of connection states that, leaders are sensi-tive to the need, and feeling of their workers. Business leaders connect to workers and customers’ hearts before asking for their hands and money. One of the basics de-mands of workers in recent time is work life balance. When leader understand the impact of personal health and family on workers abil-ity to deliver, then his con-nection with the workers will

improve. Leadership is effec-tive where people are happy following and proud of their responsibilities.

Third: improve on group effectiveness

The quality of group or business team can never be better than that of the indi-vidual members. A business leader will be effective to the degree of team effectiveness. Leader should be committed to improving the team mem-bers to increase effective-ness of business by training them regularly. An intelligent worker is always eager to take in more truths.

“Ignorant zeal is worth-less... When good people run things, everyone is glad”-King Solomon of Israel

Four: personal Improve-

mentThe law of magnetism says

you attract who you are. You only attract people like you. A magnet does not attract object weightier than it. Ev-ery time you improve your leadership quality and rat-ing then you attract people who are at that level of your personal improvement. It is a wise decision for you to invest in personal improvement. If you are not impressed by the present performance of your workers then improve on your personal leadership and you will attract more qualita-tive team members to help in the business functions.

“If you love learning, you love the discipline that goes with it”- King Solomon of Is-rael

Five: make excellence your value

A leader must be commit-ted to continuous improve-ment. Excellent is not a des-tination, so innovation and improvement must be worked on consistently. Communi-cate excellence as corporate value with corresponding commitment from the busi-ness leadership in every as-pect of the business.

Good leader abhor wrong-doing of all kinds; sound leadership has a moral foun-dation. Good leadership cul-tivate honest speech; they love advisors who tells them the truth...Get wisdom-it’s worth more than money; chose insight over income ev-ery time.”- King Solomon of Israel

Dear entrepreneur, one of the characteristics of a liv-ing thing is growth. Growth will also mean increase, ex-pansion, development and improvement. As long as you desire business growth or expansion then you need to improve on your leader-ship ability and these com-ponents, which are integrity, connection with your team members, group effective-ness, personal development, and making excellence as value.

I see you improving and achieving a better business result than you achieved in the previous business year. Be courageous to improve.

A business leader will be effective to the degree of team effectiveness. Leader should be committed to improving the team members to increase effectiveness of business by training them regularly

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Continued on pg A16

Wielding the big axe against GSM fund-raising platform

By Adejuwon Osunnuyi

For the major part of last week, one of the major is-sues in the news had been

the alleged shutting down of an SMS-based platform for fund-raising belonging the All Pro-gressives’ Congress, APC, by the Nigerian Communications Com-mission, NCC.

The NCC had explained that it had to shut down the SMS-based platform for the fund-raising as the platform did not conform to lay down rules of the regulatory agency.

Speaking in an interview with journalists, Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Dr. Eugene Juwah had said, “We are NCC. We are a public service agency. We are not political. You are al-lowed to raise money but you must conform to the rules of NCC.

“We did not make these rules, looking at elections. We made the rules for the develop-ment of telecommunications in Nigeria and we must keep those rules, whether there is election or not.”

Pressed further for the spe-cifi c rule that was violated, the NCC boss declined any further comment on the controversial order that had stopped the op-position party from raising mon-ey using SMS platform provided by digital mobile operators.

But in what seemed to have been the climax of the almost a week-old battle between the Ni-gerian Communications Com-mission, NCC and APC, a Fed-eral High Court sitting in Lagos last week gave an order asking the fi ve telecoms fi rms to restore

The controversy brewing over the shutting down of SMS-based platform for the fundraising by the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC, has continued to raise more dust even as a Federal High Court has asked the telecos to continue rending the services

the services. The ex-parte order was made

by trial judge, Justice Ibrahim Buba, following an application by the party.

The telecoms fi rms effected by the order include MTN, Glo, Etisalat, Airtel and Visafone.

The companies were re-strained from giving effect to a directive by the Nigerian Com-munications Commission, NCC, which warned them against running political promotions that will portray them as being partisan.

Justice Buba ordered the telecoms fi rms “to continue to run, operate and/or restore to its full operative use of the SMS code platform, 35350 which was created for fund-raising for the applicant’s presidential campaign.”

The party was also granted leave by the court to serve the originating motion on notice and other processes on NCC outside the court’s jurisdiction.

APC had argued that the platform was to operate till Feb-ruary 12, when campaign activ-ities for the presidential election were to stop in line with Elec-toral Act and the election time-table.

In the originating motion, APC is demanding N25bn dam-

ages from the defendants for violating the fundamental rights of the party and its members.

It said since the platform was suspended, it had been un-able to disseminate or receive information from its supporters via the SMS code 35350.

The party said while the platform was suspended, NCC allowed that of President Good-luck Jonathan to run seam-lessly.

The party said it created a “premium SMS code 35350” through which willing donors could contribute to its presiden-tial campaign fund.

Within hours of its creation, APC said it was getting about fi ve messages of N100 each every minute. A total of 5,400 messages were received, it said.

However, NCC, in a letter is-sued on January 19, directed all telecoms service providers “to avoid running political adver-tisements that will portray them as being partisan.”

NCC said it would “not hesi-tate to sanction any service pro-vider that will fl out this direc-tive.” As a result, the telecoms fi rms suspended the platform.

However, APC said political parties had been using several media platforms to advertise, with none accused of being par-

tisan.Besides, the applicant said

NCC approved the short codes 6661, 662, 6663 and 6664 for the Goodluck-Sambo Presiden-tial Campaign fund-raising.

Prior to the court order, La-gos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, had raised the alarm that the commission had direct-ed the closure of a fund-raising platform set up to enable sup-porters contribute N100 to the presidential campaign of Gen-eral Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) and Prof. Yemi Osinbajo.

Fashola, who is also the Di-rector of Buhari/Osinbajo Cam-paign Fund, added that the de-cision of the federal government to shut the 35350 platform was nothing but repression of free-dom, which obviously violated section 39 of the 1999 Consti-tution.

He expressed profound dis-appointment at the decision of the federal government at a news conference which he ad-dressed at Lagos House, Ma-rina, alongside another member of the Fund, Ben Akabueze, and his Special Adviser on the Me-dia, Hakeem Bello.

Disturbed by the blockage, the governor showed an offi cial letter addressed to the GSM operators which the Buhari/

Osinbajo Campaign Fund part-nered with purely for commer-cial transactions, insisting that the operators were engaged in line with the services they con-tracted to render in the country.

Fashola said the directive to shut the platform was contained in a letter dated January 19 with reference No: NCC/CAB/GEN/2015/VOL.1/004 which was signed by the Director of Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Maryam Bayi, and the Head of Legal and Regulatory Services, Mrs. Yinka Akinloye, on behalf of the Exec-utive Vice-Chairman of Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC), Dr. Eugene Juwah.

He explained the role of the Minister of Communication and Technology, Mobolaji Johnson, who he said personally, called, and compelled the operators of ‘ten codes’ not “to carry our campaign message. I think this is very low.”

“Can a government that says it cares about young peo-ple and wants their votes be shutting down their generation platforms? This is what young people use for communication.

“ Indeed, all of you are aware that the presidential campaign also used this platform in 2010. President Goodluck Jonathan

Juwah Fashola

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with Esther Ozue

([email protected]) 08059234648 (sms only)



Tips to prevent cyber crimes

himself has a Facebook page.“If this is not media censor-

ship, I do not know what it is. So, by yesterday afternoon, apart from issuing letters that the telecoms operators should not carry our message, they have shut down the 35350 plat-form for sending message to contribute N100 to the Fund.

It happened around 2:30 p.m. on Thursday. Before that happened, after we left this place on Monday afternoon, we were getting four to fi ve messag-es per minute.”

The governor acknowledged the massive response from Nige-rians desirous of change to the platform, which the NCC shut down at about 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, noting that at the time it was shut down, over 5,400 people “have contributed to it.”

Fashola accused the NCC of double standards, saying the commission had in a letter dated October 21, 2010, with reference no: NCC/TSMI /short Code/ Vol.9/044/ 2010 grant-ed approval to the Goodluck/Sambo presidential campaign to use the same platform.

The letter was signed by the Director Technical Standards and Network Integrity, Dr. B.M Sani, having approved the ap-plication of Wagilri Communi-cation Limited for short codes to be used for fund raising for the Goodluck/Sambo Campaign then.

Aside the issue of fund rais-ing SMS platform, it would be recalled that the NCC had raised the alarm that it was re-ceiving barrage of complaints from subscribers alleging that they were getting unsolicited messages asking them to vote for a particular party especially when they check their balances or at the end of a call.

In this regard, addressing a press conference, NCC’s Direc-tor, Public Affairs, NCC, Tony Ojobo had warned that the commission had said it would not hesitate to penalise network providers that failed to keep its regulation on unsolicited mes-sages to subscribers.

He said the commission would not support network providers to send unsolicited messages to subscribers on the ground that it infringed on the privacy.

“We feel a need to clarify cer-tain issues circulating in the press especially in the light of inquiries we have been receiv-ing in the last few days. Prior to Monday 19th January, 2015, the Commission was inundated with complaints from several subscribers to the effect that they were receiving messages from Network Operators to vote for one political party or the other.”

“Our investigations revealed that subscribers in either check-ing their call balance or receiv-ing end of call notifi cation/alert got messages asking them to vote for one party or the other.

He said that the commission

was working tirelessly to ensure that such services are being curbed.

``The issue of unsolicited messages has posed a challenge which the commission has been contending with till today.

``An unsolicited text message gives a subscriber no choice to receive or not, so the commis-sion had to intervene within the limits of its enabling laws and regulation.

``We have had series of meet-ing with the stakeholders and telecom operators on this issue; we cannot deny the fact that we had received series of com-plaints from subscribers; we are quite aware of it.

``We are in the process of Vast Technical Frame Work to keep track of those sending this unsolicited messages and to see that they are properly sanc-tioned,’’ Ojobo said.

He said that the commission would sanction network pro-viders appropriately once they were able to identify the source of such unsolicited messages.

He added that some of the sources were untraceable for now because they were being sent through the internet.

``To protect the interest of the subscribers, the NCC in the past, has been able to protect and stop unsolicited messages whose sources we were able to identify.

``Those issues I believe will be resolved very soon with the series of meetings we are having with the telecom providers.

He said that the commission would not fail to also penilise any erring Value Added Ser-vice provider (VAS) that failed to comply with the commission’s guideline on unsolicited Short Messaging Services (SMS)to sub-scribers.

According to Ojobo, “There are currently 135million active subscribers as at December 31, 2014. Not all of them are inter-ested in political matters. The unsolicited messages violates their privacy. The networks are not like traditional media or mass media where listen-ers, readers and viewers have a choice. An unsolicited text message gives a subscriber no choice to receive or not. So the Commission had to intervene

within the limits of its enabling laws and regulations.”

He noted that Mobile net-work operators within the in-dustry in Nigeria have various forms of engagements with the subscribers and these include: Through balance enquiry and end of call notifi cations/alerts. For mobile network operators to use these platforms to place adverts to their teeming sub-scribers, the NCC Guidelines on Adverts and Promos require them to notify the Commission seven days prior to such adver-tisement.

The VAS providers in collab-oration with MNOs can through the use of Short Codes reach subscribers either to raise funds as the case may be.

However, once the Short codes have been formally allo-cated to a VAS Provider, such provider must use the short code solely for the purpose in-tended, and should ensure that its operations are in compliance with the provisions of the NCC Guidelines on the use of Short Codes in Nigeria.

According to him, “Sec-tion 3 of guidelines on adverts and promos provides as follows “The Commission shall receive written notifi cation from the li-censees for all advertisements for goods and services within a minimum of seven (7) days of the proposed or planned pub-lication of an advertisement, in order to ensure such advertise-ments meet the following mini-mum standards and require-ments”

“In effect the solicitation to the subscribers to vote one party or the other after end of call Notifi cation or Balance En-quiry amounts to an advert for which the Network Operators are obliged to notify the Com-mission based on the above provision, which they did not do and this is a breach of the Guidelines.”

However, reacting to the de-velopment, analysts believe with the brouhaha, the NCC may be playing with its acclaimed inde-pendence.

“Without a very clear expla-nation, the Commission may be toying with its own indepen-dence which as things stand is feeble and which recent history does not show that those who run the Commission cherish.

“What goes up comes down. When the dust settles and the chips are down, the only history the current powers that be in the Commission will leave be-hind is that they destroyed the freedom which the founding fa-thers of the Commission did so much to build.”

In a similar clime, it would be recalled that President Bar-rak Obama had raised about $250m using the mobile and web platform in raising fun for his political campaign. With about 4,276,463 donations, the mobile (including tablet) was said to have recorded about 23 per cent of traffi c.


Cyber crime refers to the illegal activities that take place online, including fraud, spam, identity theft, computer viruses and worms, cyber stalking, sexual

predators, and the like. The threat from cyber crime is multi-dimensional as it targets individuals, businesses, and governments at a rapidly growing rate. As we become more reliant on modern technology so also we become more vul-nerable to cyber attacks. Thus, here are tips to prevent cyber crimes:

Use strong passwords: Use different user ID / password combinations for differ-

ent accounts and avoid writing them down. Make the pass-words more complicated by combining letters, numbers, and special characters and change them on a regular basis.

Secure your computer:You can secure your computer by activating your fi rewalls

which is the fi rst line of cyber defense; then block connec-tions to unknown sites and keep out viruses and hackers.

Anti-virus/malware software can also be used to prevent viruses from infecting your computer by installing and regu-larly updating the software.

Encrypt important data you don’t want compromised. Uti-lize encryption software, which “garbles” your data to make it unintelligible to anyone who tries to hack into your computer system.

Be social-media savvy: Make sure your social networking profi les (e.g. Facebook,

Twitter, Youtube, Linked In, etc.) are set to private. Always check your security settings and be careful what information you post online.

Secure your mobile devices: Your mobile device is vulnerable to viruses and hack-

ers. Download applications from trusted sources. Recognise that your smartphone is really a pocket-size computer and is prone to the same types of attacks directed at your laptop and desktop. Take steps to protect it, such as keeping your operating system current and using a strong password

Secure your wireless network: Wi-Fi (wireless) networks are vulnerable to intrusion if

they are not properly secured. Review and modify default set-tings. Avoid conducting fi nancial or corporate transactions on public wireless internet connections unless you have beefed-up security protection.

Avoid being scammed: Always think before you click on a link or fi le of unknown

origin. Don’t feel pressured by any emails. Check the source of the message when in doubt; never reply to emails that ask you to verify your account information or confi rm your user ID or password. Just think of how many emails you have gotten in the last year that appeared to be from friends whose email accounts were hijacked.

Know how to recognize phishing:Your bank won’t send you an email telling you that your

account has been compromised and asking you to provide sensitive account and personal information it already has.

Protect your e-identity:Be cautious when giving out personal information such

as your name, address, phone number or fi nancial informa-tion on the internet. For instance, don’t put your entire birth date, including the year, on facebook. Think about the secu-rity questions normally posed by your bank and other secure locations: “fi rst school you attended,” “name of favorite pet” and the like. Are your answers on display online?

Purchase only from reputable websites:When making purchases online. It’s really easy to create

a fake online store or to create a store that sells stuff, but its real purpose is to collect credit card information. Make sure that you do online shopping on a secure website, like those with a url that starts with “https” or have a TRUSTe or Veri-Sign seal. If you don’t see these anywhere on the site, you run the risk of submitting credit card information and other personal information to a site that may be fraudulent.

Finally, Cyber security is a shared responsibility, and each of us has a role to play in making it safer, more secure and resilient. BC

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SecureID Commissions First Polycarbonate eID, EMV Certifi ed Plant in Africa

SecureID Limited, an industry leader in smart

card supply and person-alization business, has announced the launch of its new and fi rst polycarbonate plant in Africa called Secure-Card Manufacturing.

This ultra modern plant focuses on the polycarbon-ate card body production and high security designs which confi rms a success-ful fulfi llment of another milestone in the backward integration of smartcard manufacturing process.

SecureID built its fi rst personalisation plant in 2006 using advanced technology equipment to personalize imported smart-cards for various purposes across different sector of the economy. In 2008, SecureID took the lead to backward integrate into “Milling and embedding”; a core aspect of personalization.

Milling and embedding is the process of milling a cavity into a card body and embedding a chip module unto the plastic. We refer to this as “Sub-assembly”.

SecureCard Manufac-turing Plant is the fi rst polycarbonate smartcard manufacturing plant in Africa capable of producing large supplies of cards to the tone of 200 million cards per year in line with global standards.

This great achievement brings to birth another level of backward integration in card manufacturing process which distinguishes Secu-reCard Manufacturing from being a Perso bureau.

Perso bureaus create uniqueness by graphical and chip personalization while full end-to-end manufac-turers such as SecureCard actually manufacture the card.

It is important to note that Perso bureaus cannot manufacture smartcards rather they specialize in personalizing manufactured smartcards.

The completion of the new EMV certifi ed plant al-lows SecureID to signifi cant-ly manufacture polycarbon-ate ID cards (ranging from national IDs, payment cards, SIM cards) of any specifi ca-tions and standards from around the world, locally.

The plant has been tested by foreign test labs and certifi ed by MasterCard, Visa and Verve for all kinds of

smartcards production. It is equipped with ultra modern facilities and employs “ Spe-cial Security Design “ software to design unlimited security features that can be used for any ID documents including currency note.

“I really appreciate Secu-reID for the decision to work with us for the supply of world class manufacturing equip-ment and related services. This plant is equipped with the state of the art machines and ready to operate with most ad-vanced technology and manu-facturing processes capable of delivering high security level requirements. I can confi dent-ly say that this polycarbonate plant is a remarkable achieve-ment in Africa despite the complexity of setting up,” said Charles Mevaa, Vice President Government Program, Ge-malto.

This great effort in deliver-ing a world class plant will in no doubt contribute to the growth and development of the nation’s economy in various ways such as job creation, technology transfer as well as skilled manpower, capacity development and reduction in capital fl ight in line with the Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan (NIRP) launched by the President, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in 2012.

This further opens up op-portunities for entrepreneur-ship as approximately 75% of raw material used for the manufacturing of smartcards are made from petrochemical products that can be sourced locally in the next three to four years if supported by the Fed-eral Government.

It also reduces the strain on foreign exchange as clients will be more competitively po-sitioned because of the proxi-mate benefi ts.

One important benefi t of producing smartcards locally is the security of Nigeria’s citi-zens data and infrastructure, offering the benefi t to create and own all the technology on our smartcards without dependence on control from outside the country.

Other countries like India have already adopted the same and this was effective from October 2014 “all the applica-tions that reside on their chip modules must be loaded from inside the country”

WhatsApp offers free calls anywhere in the world with new WhatSim card

WhatsApp has introduced a new sim card, which

promises mobile phone users freedom from contracts - and

up to 85 per cent off calls texts and mobile internet.

The £7.50, a year WhatSim SIM card, is designed for mes-saging service WhatsApp - you pay no contract, and incoming calls are free

The WhatSim card is built entirely for hit messaging ser-vice WhatsApp - and instead of a contract with one mobile service provider, it works with whatever company offers the best service in that area, wherever you are in the world.

WhatSim already has deals with 400 mobile companies in 150 territories. The fl at fee of 10 Euros (£7.50) per year offers unlimited text messag-ing - picture messages, calls, video and voice messages are charged on top.

There are no contracts, and incoming calls are always free.

Crucially, there are no roaming charges whatsoever.

Travellers will be able to use the WhatSim card in 150 countries without any roaming fees - and without having to fi nd a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Calls are routed via What-sApp, the hit messaging service with 700 million users worldwide - which means that you can only communicate with others with Whatsapp.

The service is included as standard on new Samsung handsets, but users do have to enable it on their device, oth-erwise you can’t call them.

WhatSim CEO Manuel Zanella says that the new Sim card will appeal to travellers.

‘In a world where more and more people are traveling, the need to stay in touch with oth-ers in a simple and fast way has become essential. Once we would call, then we started sending text messages.

Twitter partners Bing on tweet translation

Twitter is set to partner with Bing Translator to pro-

vide machine translations of Tweets between more than 40 language pairs.

This partnership is to en-sure the introduction of Tweet translation package so that users won’t miss any of the actions on Twitter.

With this translation, users can choose when they want to see a translation for a Tweet, and they can also adjust their settings so the option to view Tweet translations is disabled.

Although Bing Translator relies on advanced transla-tion software to provide Tweet translations, the results still vary and often fall below the accuracy and fl uency of trans-lations provided by a profes-sional translator.

For this reason, the origi-nal text is always displayed above its translation. For more information on translation quality, see this Bing Transla-tor FAQ.

To adjust the Tweet Trans-lation, all a user needs to do is to Log in to his/her ac-count on a desktop or laptop computer, go to his or her Account settings and locate the Tweet translation sec-tion, then change his or her Tweet translation setting by checking the box next to Show Tweet translations.

In the same vein, to view a Tweet translation, the user needs to look for a globe icon located in the Tweet if he/she sees a Tweet in a different lan-guage, click or tap the Tweet to expand it, then a transla-tion of the text in the Tweet will appear below the original Tweet.


Twitter, the real time, con-versational and widely distrib-uted technology has launched a new package “while you are away” which summarizes important Tweets users may have missed while on the go.

With introduction of this new service on your home timeline: Twitter aid a recap of some of the top Tweets you might have missed from ac-counts you follow.

This was designed to help you catch up with Twitter community and the World at large, no matter how much time you spend on Twitter. Also to entice both casual and new users ex-plore straight into Tweets that Twitter believes will be of interest to you while you are away but if you spend a lot of time on Twitter already, you will see it less.

If you are a regular user of Twitter, who usually scroll through Twitter on iOS devic-es, you may have noticed the captions from the new service “While you are away” at the top of your homepage.

A lot can happen while you’re on the move. To fi ll in some of those gaps, Twitter have designed this amazing app that will help surface a few of the best Tweets you probably wouldn’t have seen, as a result of other engage-ment and other factors.

Microsoft launches Outlook for rival iOS, Android

Microsoft has launched an Outlook app for

rival handsets running on Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android, ramping up its software services efforts.

The move will allow us-ers of iPhones, iPads and Android-powered smart-phones and tablets to more easily access the email service popular with many businesses.

“The new Outlook app brings together the core tools you need to get things done -- your email, calendar, contacts and fi les -- helping you get more done even on the smallest screen,” Micro-soft said on its Outlook blog.

Microsoft under new chief executive Satya Nadella has been making moves to adapt to the new mobile land-scape, with fewer customers using traditional PCs.

But with the Windows platform lagging in mobile, Microsoft has begun offering its software for rival operat-ing systems. In November, it said it was making its Offi ce software suite available free for iOS and Android.

The new Outlook app of-fers new features for mobile users, including a way to sort and fi lter important emails.

It offers a “focused inbox” which learns “about you and gets even more tailored to your priorities,” the blog said.

The move comes a day after US online giant Ama-zon announced plans to of-fer a cloud-based email and calendar service to directly compete with Microsoft Out-look and others.

The service dubbed Amazon WorkMail “enables users to send and receive email, manage contacts, share calendars and book resources using the same email applications they use today” including Outlook and services like Google Apps.Evan Williams, Twitter co-ounders


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Behind d WheelsThis page is open to sponsorship

Over the past couple of years, Infi niti has set about re-establishing

itself as a maker of premium, performance cars. Major moves included moving its headquar-ters from Japan to Hong Kong and introducing a completely new design language and nam-ing strategy. Then came the fi rst of a new generation of Infi nitis, the Q50, and although the svelte sedan suffered from some teeth-ing problems, Infi niti’s sales have never been better, with the brand selling a record 186,200 cars in 2014.

That tally is almost certain to rise as a raft of new models are introduced over the coming years. We’ve already been given a pre-view of some of these in the form of the Q30 and Q80 Inspiration concepts; now, we’re being treat-ed with a preview of the next-gen-eration Q60 coupe in the form of a thinly-veiled concept at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show. The produc-tion version is due in showrooms this fall, as a 2016 model.

The Q60, for those still not up to date with Infi niti’s new nam-ing strategy, is essentially the G coupe, whose last complete rede-sign was back in 2008. The new de-

sign is much more impressive and fi nally provides the Q60 with a powerful presence to match the solid performance the car is re-nowned for.Responsible for the design is Infi niti creative director Alfonso Albaisa, who is particu-larly fond of the car’s muscular character line that runs from the grille all the way to the rear. The designers also emphasized the wheel arches to give the Q60 an athletic profi le, and fi lled these with massive 21-inch wheels with contrasting black and silver spokes. The length of the concept is 184.6 inches, which is exactly two inches longer than the BMW 4-Series, one of the Q60’s main rivals.

The same sporty theme of the exterior extends inside; here, we see a 2+2 layout and a luxuri-ous, hand-crafted look and feel. The seats are trimmed in quilted leather and around the rest of the cabin are Alcantara and carbon fi -ber accents to emphasize the car’s performance edge. Many of the ve-hicle functions are controlled via a touchscreen and the Infi niti In-Tuition system, the latter of which w o r k s

with the vehicle’s key to recognize the vehicle settings for up to four different drivers, including prefer-ences for driving position, heating and cooling, audio, navigation, telematics.

The Q60’s platform is an alu-minum unibody structure be-lieved to be derived from the one in the Q50. Though mostly alu-minum, some high-strength steel is featured in the structure and Infi niti says some carbon fi ber has also been used for the body, though it’s not clear if this will feature in the production model.

As expected, the powertrain is a new twin-turbocharged 3.0-liter V-6 that was fi rst previewed in the Q80 Inspiration concept. Output hasn’t been mentioned, but we know the powertrain delivers as much as 550 horsepower and up to 553 pound-feet of torque when paired with a hybrid system. In-fi niti says the production Q60 will be available with a seven-speed automatic transmission with pad-dle shifters, as well as rear- and all-wheel-drive confi gurations. The automaker’s troubled Infniti Direct Adaptive Steering by-wire system, which is said to offer bet-

ter feedback than a conven-tional hydraulic setup,

will also feature.

The Q60, for those still not up to date with Infi niti’s new nam-ing strategy, is essentially the G coupe, whose last complete rede-sign was back in 2008. The new de-

a touchscreen and the Infi niti In-Tuition system, the latter of which w o r k s

The automaker’s troubled Infniti Direct Adaptive Steering by-wire system, which is said to offer bet-

ter feedback than a conven-tional hydraulic setup,

will also feature.

Care and maintenance tips to keep your car running in top-notch condition

We’ve compiled our best expert advice, sur-prising tricks, and car care tips to prolong the life of your automobile!

1. Be patient during the break-in period: You’ve bought your dream car and now you want to make it last at long as possible in top condition. Here are some things to re-member as you pull it out of the dealer’s lot:

During the break-in period, typically the fi rst 1,000 miles (1,600 km), keep your speed under 55 mph (88 kpm) or to the speed recommended by your car’s manu-facturer.

Avoid heavy loads on the drive train, such as towing trailers, and loading the roof rack or trunk with heavy construction materials

Do not allow your new car to idle for long periods — this is good advice for the life of your

car, but especially during break-in. The oil pressure generated by doing so may not be sending oil to every part of your engine.

Use only light to medium acceleration, keeping the engine rpms below 3,000 for the fi rst few hours of driving.

2. Drive with care everyday: Being car consider-ate shouldn’t stop after the break-in. Drive with care every day and your car will reward you with longer intervals without repair.

Do not race your car’s engine during start-up.This is a quick way to add years of wear to your engine, especially if it’s cold outside.

Accelerate slowly when you begin your drive.The most wear to the engine and drive train occurs in the fi rst ten to twenty minutes of operation.

Warming the engine by letting it idle in the drive-way is not a smart idea.The engine doesn’t operate at its peak temperature, resulting in incomplete fuel combustion, soot deposits on cylinder walls, oil con-tamination, and ultimately damaged components.

Put less strain on your engine and automatic transmission by shifting to neutral at red lights. Otherwise, the engine is still working to push the car even while it’s stopped.

Avoid driving at high speeds and accelerating quickly, especially when it’s very hot or very cold outside. Such driving behavior will result in more frequent repairs.

Extend the life of your tires with careful driv-ing. Observe posted speed limits. Avoid fast starts, stops, and turns. Avoid potholes and objects on the road. Don’t run over curbs or hit the tire against the curb when parking. And, of course, don’t burn rubber.

When turning your steering wheel, don’t hold it in an extreme right or left position for more than a few seconds. Doing so can damage the power-steering pump.

Consolidate your short driving trips. Most of the wear and tear — as well as the pollution your car generates — takes place in the fi rst few minutes of driving. Doing several errands at once, during low traffi c hours if possible, will keep your engine hap-pier longer.

3. Buy gas at reputable service stations: Ask whether the gas you buy is fi ltered at the pump and if the station has a policy about changing the pump fi lters regularly. If you get a song and dance, fi nd another gas station. Some stations don’t have pump fi lters, making you more vulnerable to dirty gasoline. Other stations may not mix

alcohol and fuel properly — or worse, water down their product. Find a station you trust

and stick to it. BC


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The winners of the So-cial Media Award Africa have received the sum

of $15,000 as prize money from Sterling Bank Plc. The prize money was handed over to the winners at the SMAA presentations tagged: “Night of Virtual Wonders” designed to reward excellence among social media practitioners in the African continent. Each of the winners went home with $1,000 each.

Already, the Award is gen-erating interest among institu-tions across the continent as a Non-Governmental Organiza-tion (NGO), African Media Ini-tiative has indicated interest and confi rmed training for all the fi nalists. It’s Chief Execu-tive, Eric Chije who spoke with the journalist after the Award presentation commended the Bank for appreciating excel-lence and contributing to the continued growth of social me-dia both in Nigeria and on the African continent.

The 15 winners include Ben Kiruthi (Kenya), Blogger of the Year Award; Ayari Yassine (Tu-nisia), Social Media Personal-ity of the Year Award; Michael Hlatshwayo (South Africa, So-cial Media Hero; Barefootlaw (Uganda) Facebook Page of the Year; Jimi Tewe (Nigeria), Twit-ter Handle of the Year and The Love Tour KE (Kenya), Infl u-encer of the Year.

In the continuous bid to serve her customers bet-ter, the Enterprise Bank

Limited on Monday Janu-ary 26, 2015 commenced MoneyGram “Naija Send” – Outbound money transfer services from Nigeria with MoneyGram International.

MoneyGram “Naija Sends” enables walk-in and exist-ing customers enjoy the op-portunity of sending money abroad on the MoneyGram International platform. The product is designed for ev-erybody, and has proven to be a convenient means of meeting personal fi nancial

Enterprise bank begins moneygram ‘naija send’

needs. Such needs include payment of school fees, pock-et money and other educa-tional expenses particularly for parents who have chil-dren schooling abroad.

Under this service, money is sent in naira but received in the currency of the receiv-ing country. This eliminates the risk attached to carry-ing physical cash in transit while travelling abroad. For additional security, money sent from Nigeria cannot be received in Nigeria.

With its introduction, customers can now walk into over 150 branches of

Others Award winners are Republic of Rwanda Minis-try of Youth and ICT, use of the social media for Govern-ment/Public Sector segment; DHL Africa for Private Sector; Stand to End Rape Nigeria for Non-Profi t Organization; Adfo-rumco (Nigeria) for Start-up/MSME; KCB Group (Kenya), Financial Institution; Afri-nolly (Nigeria) for App of the Year; #TheNiteTalk (Kenya) for Hashtag of the Year; Raha 2.0, Brand of the Year and Nigeria Trade Hub,(Nigeria) for Best Rated Platform.

Speaking at the event, Ini Onuk, a member of the Advi-sory Board of the SMAA noted that the Awards was created to recognize and celebrate ex-cellence and creativity in the use of social media tools and platforms by individuals and organizations.

She noted that “the reality of an emerging social conti-nent is what the SMAA stands to celebrate in order to deepen and broaden the sustainable continental developments”.

She described the Award which is in 4 major categories and with 15 winners as a gen-uine, timely intervention for promoting distinctive creativ-ity, peerless innovation and pervasive developments on the African continent through the best use of social media plat-forms.

the bank across the country to receive or send money to their loved ones in over 200 countries. This establishes Enterprise Bank fi rmly as a Send and Receive Agent of MoneyGram International.

A statement from the Cor-porate Communications De-partment of the bank said that this is one of the many ways Enterprise Bank Lim-ited, which is currently un-dergoing a business combi-nation with Heritage Bank Limited, will positively im-pact the lives of her custom-ers both in Nigeria and in the Diaspora.

Vital Products posted an impressive perfor-mance in its audited

result 2014 as its turnover dipped marginal by 5.37 per-cent from N4.452bn in the preceding year to N4.213bn. Its Gross profi t rose from N542.279m previously to N688.167m, which translates to an increase of +26.9%. This was disclosed by the Chair-man of the Company, Alhaji Bashari Aminu during the 6th Annual General Meeting, AGM, of the company held re-cently at their location, Vital House on Acme Road, Ikeja, Lagos. A critical analysis of its result shows a drastic re-duction in cost in spite of the drastic operating environ-ment.

In the opinion of their nu-merous shareholders, the company has done well and if the trend is sustained this year, it might be able to pay dividend. However, they opined that the company’s products has not reached the grassroots in terms of creat-

ing awareness to the consum-ers and advised the company to engage in aggressive mar-keting especially in various consumers’ markets in Lagos such as Oke-arin and Oying-bo markets. In order to main-tain its leadership position in the Nigerian Food & Beverag-es industry as well as add val-ue to its shareholders’ wealth, it must grow market for its products in the southern part of the country with effective supply chain and robust mar-keting strategies.

The Vice Chairman,. San-jeev Raj Kapoor, in his reac-tion said “our company is ma-jorly established in Northern Nigeria and we have not been so successful in Lagos but now, we are coming back to Lagos because this is where the market is and we are re-grouping to make our pres-ence felt there.” The company has engaged in marketing in the area through advertising and also media/ sales promo-tions. He went further “we are seriously considering cutting

down on our operational ex-penses in the face of devalua-tion and exchange rate distor-tion since we cannot increase our products prices. We have to slow down on our rate of production and go back to one shift instead of two shifts and this might lead to job loss for some of our workers. I foresee the market contract-ing at least by 35 percent and the government has to do se-rious belt tightening. Unless the price of Oil goes back to $60 or $70 dollars in the near future, the situation will be bleak.”

The company started oper-ation in May 2009 and it’s en-gaged in the manufacturing, sales and distribution of fruit juices, fruit drinks and toma-to paste. They also engaged in packaging of rice in small packs of 1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg. Its products are distributed across the country and there is the prospect of extending to the West African sub-regions in order to expand its market in future.

Vital Products Plc posts N4.2bn turnover

SMAA winners receive $15,000 prize money from Sterling Bank




PZ Cussons Nigeria PLC, in Abuja on Friday, presented prizes to fi ve

award winners who distin-guished themselves in the distribution of vegetable oil in 2014.

The PZ Wilmar’s Head of Sales, Ademola Atolagbe, who made the presentation, said the award was to enhance motivation and promotion of

partnership between the com-pany and its distributors.

Atolagbe presented Hyun-dai Jeep, N1.8m, N1.4m, N800,000 and N300,000 to the respective winners.

Victoria Mohammed, the Managing Director, Geo-Systems Ltd, Abuja, who got N1.8million, thanked PZ for recognising her marketing ca-pabiility.

Speaking on behalf of the winners, Niyi Oluogunleko, said the award would go a long way in motivating them to enhance the distribution of vegetable oil.

PZ Wilmar formed in Dec. 2010, is a joint venture be-tween PZ Cussons, an inter-national consumer products group with headquarters in the UK.

It operates in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe and Wilmar International Limited founded in 1991 with headquarters in Singapore and is Asia’s leading agribusi-ness group.

It is also helping to build a future for palm oil in Nigeria by combining industry-lead-ing knowledge, investment and technology.

PZ Cussons Nigeria Plc presents prizes to 5 distributors of vegetable oil


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Thirty-three automobile mechanics were pre-sented with modern

diagnostic tools in Enugu on Friday after undergoing a three-week training aimed at closing the skills gap in mod-ern vehicle repairs.

The training was a pri-vate-public partnership in-volving the National Auto-motive Council, NAC, the Small and Medium Enter-prises Development Agency, SMEDAN, SURE-P, the Na-tional Automotives Techni-cians Association,NATA, and Chibueze Motors Nig. Ltd, Enugu.

Addressing the trainees, the Director-General of NAC, Aminu Jalal, said the training became necessary after the council realised from a skill gap analysis that Nigerian mechanics lacked the skills and equipment to properly maintain modern vehicles.

Jalal, who was represented by a director in the council, Chika Nwokoye, said the col-laboration with other agencies and the private sector was to bridge this gap and place the mechanics in a good stead to move with the trends.

``Technology in the auto sector advances continually

and at a very fast pace. Most cars on our roads today are built with a lot of electroni-cally controlled systems.

``The only way to meet up with this advancement is training and re-training, which is one of the main aims of the national automotive in-dustry development plan,’’ he said.

He said that 1002 mechan-ics were involved in the train-ing nationwide, adding that 1004 persons were trained in a similar programme last year.

Also speaking, the Zonal Coordinator of SMEDAN in

the South East, Rev. Levi Any-ikwa, said the agency provided entrepreneurship training for the mechanics to turn their skills into profi table ventures.

One of the benefi ciaries of the training, Benjamin Ude-kwe, thanked the sponsors for the programme, saying it had made them to realise the need for knowledge acquisition in the trade.

Udekwe called on the Enu-gu State Government to fast-track the movement of the mechanics to their permanent site at Umuatugboma in Enu-gu South Local Government Area.

33 auto mechanics get modern diagnostic equipment in Enugu

Jalal BC

The Shippers’ Associa-tion Lagos State on Fri-day said it would seek

more concessions from the Federal Government with re-gard to duty waivers for man-ufacturing industries.

The President of the asso-ciation, Jonathan Nicol, said this in his speech on the oc-casion of the First Shippers’ (Importers and Exports) Day celebration in Lagos.

He said that the associa-tion would vigorously pur-sue exportation of agro-allied products and would encour-age local industries.

``Imports will continue to come but agriculture and ex-portation of agro-allied prod-ucts would be promoted.

``We,shippers, support the revamping and construction of cottage refi neries and for the by-products to be export-ed.

``Clearance of cargo will be more scientifi c and cost effec-tive,’’ Nicol said.

According to him, indus-tries should be able to over-

come heavy fi nancial burden in clearing their raw materi-als.

He noted that the associa-tion was formed more than nine years ago, primarily to protect the interest of ship-pers and their investments, and act as a pressure group.

``The Nigerian Shippers’ Council, after noticing the ef-forts of the shippers, made available a space on the 10th fl oor of the Shippers’ Plaza for us to work as one of its pri-mary partners.

``We, therefore, solicit for a bigger, more spacious and be-fi tting secretariat.

``It is our belief that in a few years’ time, we will achieve an enviable status, as problem of members would have been solved at least 90 per cent, when the New Port Order comes into manifestation.

``Industries will overcome their heavy fi nancial burden in clearing their raw materi-als,’’ he said.

He urged that the 33 min-eral resources of the nation

should be properly used to improve revenue.

``In the early 70’s, Nigeria’s crude oil was sold at 13 dol-lars per barrel; three dollars was saved, while 10 dollars used for budgetary purposes.

``We suggest that 10 dol-lars be set aside for our re-serves which should not be shared, ‘’the shipper said.

Nicol called for resusci-tation of the Price Control Board, adding out that em-phasis should be on aggres-sive farming, warehousing and preservation of agricul-tural products.

``Shippers’ Association is available to act as an instru-ment of hope in all segments of the maritime community.

``We will encourage owner-ship of vessels by Nigerians and reintroduce barges for evacuation of cargo.

``We need all to support the objective of the Shippers’ As-sociation to lay the foundation for a veritable and trusted rail track toward a total economic freedom.

Shippers’ association seeks duty waivers for more manufacturers

``In this process, govern-ment will be approached to re-lax levies on exportable items, simplify cargo clearing pro-cess and make farming imple-ments duty-free.

``Shippers across the coun-try and outside, especially in Cotonou, will be reached and made to relocate to Nigeria,’’ Nicol said.

He said that shippers would hold conferences and workshops at least two times yearly until `we form the Fed-eration of Nigerian Shippers’

Association,FONSA’ .The Chairman of Ports

Consultative Council, PCC, Chief Kunle Folarin, com-mended the association for moving the nation’s com-merce and industry forward.

He noted that without the ports, there would be no ships and that without shippers, there would be no cargo.

``A total of 5,400 vessels came into the country in 2014 with the efforts of the ship-pers,’’ he said.

He called for investment and co-operation opportuni-ties as well as opportunities for the new Economic Agenda for the maritime sector.

The highpoint of the event was the investiture of Chief Kunle Folarin, Chair-man, Ports Consultative Council, and the Director-General, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency,NIMASA, Patrick Ak-pobolokemi, as the associa-tion’s patrons. The next Ship-pers’ Day will hold on Jan. 30, 2016.



Experts urge Nigerian marine engineers to seek more knowledge

about turbochargersPascal Blaise-Mooh, the

Head of Service Station, Cen-tral Africa Area, on Friday urged Nigerian marine engi-neers to seek more knowledge about turbochargers. Blaise-Mooh made the call in Lagos

A turbocharger is a device driven by exhaust gases which increases engine power by pumping air into the combus-tion chambers

He said that almost 75 per

cent of an engine’s mechani-cal power output was attribut-able to its turbocharger which helped in making gas engines and cogeneration plants more effi cient than ever.

He said that turbocharg-ers would enable engines to be more effective and reduce haz-ards in ship operations.

``Turbocharger is a product which is installed on engines, mounted on engines to multi-ply the power of engines.

``So is a very environmen-tally good product. And I think we need to service in Nigeria so

we’ve been trying to get some contacts with its salesmen.

``We have a service station near to Nigeria. We’ve edu-cated the people that can do a good job here in Nigeria.

``In import or offshore or where ever you need people for doing service on turbocharg-ers.``

Also speaking, Karl Stuche-li, Senior Manager, ABB Turbo Systems AG, said that Turbo-chargers would make ships available for duties.

``We have a full complement locally to fully support them in

terms of maintenance; mainly preventive maintenance to avoid this kind of breakdown.

``In case of breakdown, we are here also for pro-active maintenance. Think this will be a good impact in making the ships available for the du-ties they will be assigned for.

`` This is how we want to support the Nigerian marine sector.

``Our plan is to invest lo-cally here in Lagos for a ser-vice station with on hand a Nigerian service engineer to be ready to support the maritime

sector.``The benefi t is for example

they should know they can have spare parts directly from the product manufacturer; we are the manufacturer.

``For spare parts, for exam-ple, they can get directly from us. This will be cheap.

``Also, they can benefi t with very shut-down time when there is a problem.

``And also the benefi t can be to avoid the down-time (outage duration) of engine by doing pro-active maintenance of engine.”

Experts urge Nigerian marine engineers to seek more knowledge about turbochargers

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Stock Updates



Seplat Plc 301.51 305.23 +3.72

PZ Plc 27.09 29.64 +2.55

Dangote Sugar Plc 6.28 6.82 +0.54

Cadbury Nigeria Plc 39.90 40.25 +0.35

UACN Plc 37.00 37.20 +0.20



Nestle Nigeria Plc 810.00 800.25 -9.75

Seven-up Bottling Co. Plc 161.00 156.00 -5.00

Guaranty Trust Bank Plc 20.41 20.03 -0.38

SCOA Plc 4.67 4.44 -0.23

Nahco Plc 5.00 4.80 -0.20

Inter-Bank Rates

TENOR RATE%(PREV) 29-Jan-2015 RATE%(CURR) 30-Jan-2015

CALL 10.5000 - 10.5000% 10.5000 - 10.5000%

OBB 10.5000 - 12.0000% 10.2500 - 10.5000%

Primary Market Auction


91-Day 21538.34 9.95 31-DEC-14

182-Day 33783.25 10.1 8-JAN-15

364-Day 59081.14 10.35 8-JAN-15

Open Market Operation


167Day 40000 11 31-DEC-14

169Day 50000 11 9-JAN-15

170Day 70000 11 9-JAN-15


$500m US$ 804,102,803.13m US$ 499,939,154.55m 31-DEC-14

$350m US$ 349,977,055.35m US$ 349,977,055.35m 28-DEC-14

Market Indicators for Week Ended 30-01-15All-Share Index 29,562.07 Basis PointsMarket Capitalization N 12,436,971,298,260.61

Business CourageCourage


The Managing Director of Asha Microfi nance Bank, Aminul Bhuiya

said in Lagos last week that more microfi nance banks in the country might collapse due to the high cost of op-eration being incurred by the banks.

Bhuiya said that over 860 out of over 890 microfi nance banks in the country were struggling to survive because they were competing with the commercial banks.

He said most of them col-lapsed because they operated on a mini commercial bank model, adding that no micro-fi nance bank would succeed under such model.

According to the expert, microfi nance banks need not to rent a gigantic or exotic building to offer their services.

“Some of us operators even amass vehicles, this is not supposed to be so,” he said

According to Bhuiya, the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, has designed a model and rules for microfi nance banks in Nigeria but most operators have deviated from the rules.

“For example, if we follow real microfi nance practice as laid down by the Asha mi-crofi nance banking model in Bangdalesh, the sector will thrive.

“So I therefore urged my colleagues to make efforts at reducing unnecessary cost to

More microfi nance banks may collapse – Operator

prevent more collapse.“Our business should be

for the active poor; I mean for people into small businesses of selling pepper, tomatoes and other petty traders.’’

He also urged the operators to always adhere strictly to the laid rules by the CBN.

“According to the CBN rules, loans to an individual should not go beyond N500,000 and that those who borrow money should always be monitored.

“We must ensure that the loan is used strictly for the purpose for which it is bor-rowed and attempt to divert such loan requires the lender’s advice,” he said.

He urged operators to stop giving huge loans to individu-als because such loans could affect their shareholders’ funds and lead to bad debt.

Bhuiya, who is from Ban-gladesh, said that such bank was bound to fail in the long run.

He said that it might also be diffi cult for many micro-fi nance banks to access the N220bn intervention funds for the sector by the Federal Government because of their mode of operations.

He said it was wrong to blame the government for their inability to access the fund.

“The rules are not stringent only that most of them will prefer not to access the loan than exposing their weakness-

es,” he said. To access the fund, a mi-

crofi nance bank must submit its latest CBN/NDIC exami-nation report and audited and management reports for two years.

It must also have an ac-ceptable risk management framework, sound corporate governance culture, adher-ence to ethical value, degree of separation of ownership from control.

The bank must also have evidence of a membership of an association; up-to-date payment of annual subscrip-tions and timely rendition of monthly returns to the CBN, among others.

Only six microfi nance banks had accessed the inter-vention fund.

Bhuiya appealed to opera-tors to assist the government in attaining its set objectives of reducing poverty by 2020.

PZ Cussons Plc, the mak-er of Imperial Leather soaps, fi rst-half profi t

fell 8.2 percent, hurt by the continued unrest in northern Nigeria and due to the devalu-ation of the naira.

PZ Cussons said it saw continued “challenging trad-ing conditions” in Nigeria, hurting its revenue from Af-rica, which fell 6 percent to 156.2 million pounds.

The unrest in northeast Ni-geria, which is the scene of the numerous attacks by Islamist militants, has made distribu-tors diffi cult and customers there more cautious.

Nigeria is Cussons’ biggest market, though it also sells in Ghana and Kenya. Africa ac-counted for about 42 percent of Cussons’ total revenue in the year ended May 31.

“There are few indications of a short-term improvement in the environment, with po-tentially some further disrup-tion around the forthcoming presidential elections,” In-vestec Securities analyst Nic-ola Mallard writes in a note.

The brokerage has a “hold” rating on the stock with a tar-get price of 357 pence.

The British soap and shampoo maker said profi t before tax and exception-al items fell to 43.7 million pounds ($65.95m) for the six months to Nov. 30, from 47.6 million pounds last year.

The company, which also sells Carex handwash, Charles Worthington sham-poos and St Tropez spray tan, said revenue fell 10.4 percent to 386.7 million pounds in the fi rst half.

PZ Cussons raised its in-terim dividend to 2.61 pence from 2.53 pence a year earlier.

Shares in the company were up 1.1 percent at 314.5 pence at in thin trading.

Shares in the company closed at 311 pence on Mon-day, down 20 percent on a year ago, valuing the business at 1.33 billion pound.

PZ Cussons fi rst-half profi t falls 8 per cent

Christos Giannopoulos, PZ Cussons CEO



Page 38: Monday, february 2, 2015

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netMonday, February 2, 2015A22 38 Business CourageCourage


By Johnson Okanlawon

For the nine months ended September 30, 2014, Diamond Bank’s

loan book was largely consti-tuted of “high risk” sectors of the economy, especially those that are expected to be most affected in the coming year owing to anticipated macro-economic shocks in the coun-try, research analysts said.

According to Meristem Se-curities Limited, the bank’s exposure to oil and gas, gen-eral commerce and power stood at 27 per cent, 21 per cent and nine per cent respec-tively.

The bank’s non- perform-ing ratio stood at 4.6 per cent, cost of risk at 2.7 per cent and given the realities of the cur-rent economic environment, there is the possibility of loan defaults. The power sector has become a high risk seg-ment in the economy given challenges which accompa-nied its privatization.

Even though, the Capital Adequacy Ratio, CAR, was 16.90 per cent, marginally above the 15 per cent of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, requirement, the inclusion of capital from the rights issue is expected to improve CAR by 2014 year end.

First quarter performanceThe bank posted a profi t

after tax of N8.447bn for the fi rst quarter of 2014, an in-crease of 34 per cent, from N6.289bn recorded in the same period of 2013.

Its total assets rose four per cent to N1.584trn from N1.519trn recorded in the corresponding period of 2013.

Six months performanceThe bank recorded nine

per cent increase in its prof-it after tax for the fi rst half year of 2014. The half year result showed that profi t af-ter tax rose to N13.8bn, from N12.6bn in the same period of 2013.

Also, the bank grew its to-tal income from N11.9bn in 2013 half year to N14.1bn in the six months ended June

Diamond Bank: Profi ts drop on regulatory headwind

30, 2014, an increase of 19 per cent.

The result indicated an in-creased appetite for funding the real sector as loans and advances to customers were rose 10 per cent to N756bn, fromN689bn in 2013 half year.

Total assets of the bank rose to N1.7trn, up 15 per cent from N1.5trn in Decem-ber 2013, while deposits from customers rose to N1.3trn, up eight per cent from N1.2trn in December 2013.

Nine months performanceThe bank announced a

profi t after tax of N20.3bn for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2014, representing a one per cent increase on the N20.05bn it posted in the corresponding period of 2013. The increase in profi tability was marginal; it grew its asset base 11 per cent from N1.52trn as of De-cember 31, 2013 to N1.68tn at the end of the nine months under review. Its deposit base increased four per cent from N1.206trn at the end of De-cember 2013 to N1.255trn at the end of September 2014.

Also, deposit from other banks appreciated 61 per cent, from N54.6bn in 2013 nine months to N87.7bn in 2014 nine months, while its cumulative loan portfolio to banks rose 43 per cent to N184.7bn in the review pe-riod, from N129.4bn recorded in the same period of 2013. Loans to customers increased four per cent to N718.8bn, from the N689.2bn it recorded as of December 2013.

Outlook However, the CBN regula-

tion affected investors and their demand for banking stocks was the one which bor-dered on prudential capital adequacy guidelines, which states that banks with cer-tain fundamental ratios were limited to paying a certain amount of their funds out as dividends.

For example, banks which have a CAR lower than the minimum are restricted from paying out dividends.

The guidelines signifi cantly dragged down returns on the affected and potentially af-fected stocks, aggravating the prevailing negative senti-ments.

As the bank is expected to resume its expansion plans in 2015, coupled with the gloom surrounding the banking space, we do not envisage that 2015 performance will signifi -cantly surpass the general underperformance of 2014. However, we expect increased efforts from the bank, which

may place it above its current standing, hence our 2015 tar-get price of N6.38 per share, the analysts said.

Business StrategyThe bank creates value

for shareholders through the quality of partnership with like-minded institutions and organizations in the country and around the world. Over the years, it has productive partnership with Internation-al Finance Corporation, En-hancing Financial Innovation

and Access and World Women Banking.

The bank’s expanded out-side the country to build-ing business synergies that have been creating value for its shareholders. It has three district business subsidiar-ies, which include Diamond Bank, Benin (with Diamond Bank Togo and Coted’lvoire). Others are Diamond Bank (UK) and Diamond Pension Fund Custodian. This is the bank’s strategy to consolidate core banking business. The bank continued to explore all opportunities to grow busi-ness and market share, as it leveraged on growing custom-er relationships, enhanced by delivery channels and excel-lent service delivery.

BackgroundDiamond Bank Plc began

as a private limited liability company on March 21, 1991 (the company was incorpo-rated on December 20, 1990). Ten years later, in February 2001, it became a universal bank. In January 2005, fol-lowing a highly successful Private Placement share offer which substantially raised the Bank’s equity base, Diamond Bank became a public limited company. In May 2005, the Bank was listed on The Nigeri-an Stock Exchange. Moreover, in January 2008, Diamond Bank’s Global Depository Re-ceipts (GDR) was listed on the Professional Securities Mar-ket of the London Stock Ex-change. The fi rst bank in Af-rica to record that feat.

Today, the bank is one of the leading banks in Nige-ria - respected for its excel-lent service delivery, driven by innovation and operating on the most advanced bank-ing technology platform in the market. It has over the years leveraged on its underlying resilience to grow its asset base and to successfully re-tain its key business relation-ships

Diamond Bank continues to develop and to build on its core competencies. By contin-ually cutting from the rough, it has improved its services and banking facilities.

Uzoma Dozie, MD CEO Diamond Bank Plc

Page 39: Monday, february 2, 2015

National Monday, February 2, 2015 A23 39


AGRICULTURE/AGRO-ALLIED Crop Production FTN COCOA PROCESSORS PLC 0.50 93,830 0.64 0.50 2,200,000,000 0.10 N/A 0.50OKOMU OIL PALM PLC. 33.00 37,150 107.81 20.92 476,955,000 2.29 -2.94 34.00PRESCO PLC 32.05 813,078 41.14 8.24 1,000,000,000 7.55 -14.53 37.50Fishing/Hunting/Trapping ELLAH LAKES PLC. NT 70 4.26 4.26 60,000,000 0.00 N/A NTLivestock/Animal Specialties LIVESTOCK FEEDS PLC. 2.95 511,645 7.18 0.68 1,199,549,736 0.07 -1.34 2.99CONGLOMERATES Diversifi ed Industries A.G. LEVENTIS NIGERIA PLC. 1.45 110,583 2.08 0.71 2,191,895,983 0.11 -5.84 1.54CHELLARAMS PLC. 3.95 200 6.43 4.15 963,900,300 0.16 N/A NTJOHN HOLT PLC. NT 1,000 5.89 1.07 389,151,408 1.09 N/A 1.08SCOA NIG PLC NT 3,600 4.67TRANSNATIONAL CORP. OF NIG.PLC 5.00 20,073,190 5.89 0.50 821,666,666 0.09 N/A 5.79U A C N PLC. 54.02 138,745 71.10 28.00 1,600,720,323 4.38 N/A 58.00CONSTRUCTION/REAL ESTATE Building Construction ARBICO PLC. NT 375 26.00 5.05 148,500,000 0.33 N/A NTCAPPA & D’ALBERTO PLC. NT 3 95.49 95.49 196,876,000 4.50 N/A NTBuilding Structure/Completion/Other COSTAIN (W A) PLC. 0.93 364,928 2.66 0.72 920,573,765 0.00 N/A 0.90G CAPPA PLC 14.46 10000 14.46 14.46 125,000,000 0.00 N/A NTNon--Building/Heavy Construction JULIUS BERGER NIG. PLC. 67.20 86,183 83.75 19.86 1,200,000,000 6.74 0.00 67.20ROADS NIG PLC. NT 25,000 10.60 6.61 20,000,000 1.69 N/A NTReal Estate Development PINNACLE POINT GROUP PLC NT NT 7.28 7.28 0.00 N/A NTUACN PROPERTY DEV 14.00 129,844 20.90 8.82 1,375,000,000 2.20 -11.67 15.85Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) SKYE SHELTER FUND PLC NT 5,000 100.00 100.00 20,000,000 5.82 N/A 100.00UNION HOMES REAL ESTATE INV NT 100 50.00 50.00 250,019,781 0.19 N/A NTUPDC REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST NT 5,150 10.50 0.00 NTCONSUMER GOODS Automobiles/Auto Parts DN TYRE & RUBBER PLC NT 6,125 0.50 0.50 4,772,528,415 0.00 N/A 0.50Beverages--Brewers/Distillers CHAMPION BREW. PLC. 14.94 3,333 19.48 3.13 900,000,000 0.00 N/A 12.35GOLDEN GUINEA BREW. PLC. 0.88 50,000 0.68 0.68 272,160,000 0.00 N/A NTGUINNESS NIG PLC 182.00 3,770,765 297.41 209.10 1,474,925,519 8.66 -7.00 195.70INTERNATIONAL BREWERIES PLC. 31.82 2,026,434 30.00 5.34 2,112,914,681 0.63 N/A 30.90JOS INT. BREWERIES PLC. NT 33,224 9.09 0.81 562,000,000 0.00 N/A NTNIGERIAN BREW. PLC. 170.00 1,618,898 179.40 91.10 7,562,562,340 5.03 -3.77 176.66PREMIER BREWERIES PLC 3.98 11,087 0.97 0.93 126,000,000 0.00 N/A 4.40Beverages--Non-Alcoholic 7-UP BOTTLING COMP. PLC. 162.86 79,018 75.90 38.12 640,590,362 4.46 N/A 147.73Food Products BIG TREAT PLC NT NT 0.50 0.50 2,000,000,000 0.00 N/A NTDANGOTE FLOUR MILLS PLC 6.55 44,555 10.68 3.85 5,000,000,000 0.00 0.00 6.55DANGOTE SUGAR REFINERY PLC 7.70 673,421 12.85 3.26 12,000,000,000 0.81 -5.75 8.17FLOUR MILLS NIG. PLC. 61.40 132,002 109.24 50.00 1,879,210,666 3.38 -0.97 62.00HONEYWELL FLOUR MILL PLC 3.99 139,758 4.11 1.83 7,930,197,658 0.34 -0.25 4.00MULTI-TREX INTEGRATED FOODS PLC NT 100,000 1.21 0.50 3,722,493,620 0.00 N/A NTN NIG. FLOUR MILLS PLC. 21.99 25,000 29.70 17.51 178,200,000 0.00 N/A 21.99NATIONAL SALT CO. NIG. PLC 9.00 569,100 14.00 3.65 1.05 -3.95 9.37P S MANDRIDES & CO PLC. NT 2.08124,000 5.94 5.35 40,000,000 0.08 N/A NTU T C NIG. PLC. NT 10,000 0.93 0.50 1,233,375,004 1.13 #VALUE! NTUNION DICON SALT PLC. 13.41 100,000 13.31 4.22 360,000,000 0.00 N/A NTFood Products--Diversifi ed CADBURY NIGERIA PLC. 49.89 842,400 64.53 8.33 3,129,188,160 1.57 -7.08 53.69NESTLE NIGERIA PLC. 999.00 39,682 1250.00 400.00 792,656,250 28.34 -4.86 1,050.00Household Durables BETA GLASS CO PLC. NT 25,333 15.58 10.03 3.90 N/A NTNIGERIAN ENAMELWARE PLC. NT 100 36.19 32.27 63,360,000 13.92 N/A NTVITAFOAM NIG PLC. 4.30 370,895 5.54 2.91 819,000,000 0.71 0.70 4.27VONO PRODUCTS PLC. NT 14,900 2.88 0.57 300,000,001 0.00 N/A 1.42Personal/Household Products P Z CUSSONS NIGERIA PLC. 26.99 1,536,523 56.00 21.02 3,176,381,636 1.34 -16.05 32.15UNILEVER NIGERIA PLC. 40.00 215,904 76.00 27.60 3,783,296,250 1.42 -16.65 47.99Textiles/Apparel UNITED NIG. TEXTILES PLC. NT NT 0.97 0.57 843,284,027 0.00 N/A NTFINANCIAL SERVICES Banking ACCESS BANK PLC. 8.60 12,492,060 12.39 4.70 17,888,251,479 1.61 -4.66 9.02DIAMOND BANK PLC 6.30 2,209,267 7.85 1.92 14,475,243,105 1.71 0.80 6.25ECOBANK TRANSNATIONAL INC. 18.26 3,662,513 17.51 9.90 9,873,614,567 3.67 -2.35 18.70FIDELITY BANK PLC 1.95 1,046,865 3.47 1.13 28,974,797,023 0.68 -4.88 2.05FIRST CITY MONUMENT BANK PLC. NT NT 8.30 3.04 16,271,192,202 0.60 #VALUE! NTGUARANTY TRUST BANK PLC. 27.30 29,017,815 29.99 13.02 29,146,482,209 3.08 -9.03 30.01SKYE BANK PLC 2.75 1,122,478 7.05 2.65 13,219,334,676 0.97 -4.18 2.87STERLING BANK PLC. 2.23 19,185,130 3.05 0.80 12,563,091,545 0.63 -3.04 2.30U B A PLC 5.66 13,232,270 9.60 1.64 32,334,693,693 1.70 -14.89 6.65UNION BANK NIG.PLC. 9.06 223,168 15.30 2.34 13,509,726,273 0.44 -3.51 9.39UNITY BANK PLC 0.50 5,158,100 1.16 0.50 33,675,576,085 0.18 0.00 0.50WEMA BANK PLC. 0.94 2,424,482 1.88 0.50 12,821,249,880 0.00 -1.05 0.95ZENITH BANK PLC 22.59 15,687,721 27.40 11.96 31,396,493,790 3.30 -7.04 24.30Insurance Carriers, Brokers & Services AFRICAN ALLIANCE INS. COY. PLC NT 250 0.50 0.50 20,585,000,000 0.00 N/A NTAIICO INSURANCE PLC. 0.81 521,138 1.42 0.50 7,809,391,256 0.19 0.00 0.80CONFIDENCE INSURANCE PLC NT NT 0.64 0.61 211,626,000 0.00 N/A NTCONSOLIDATED HALLMARK INS. PLC 0.50 1,000,000 0.52 0.50 6,000,000,000 0.05 N/A NTCONTINENTAL REINSURANCE PLC 0.92 1,055,541 1.45 0.58 10,372,624,157 0.15 0.00 1.00CORNERSTONE INS. COY. PLC. NT 456,127 0.72 0.50 8,820,010,363 0.02 0.00 0.50CUSTODIAN AND ALLIED INS. PLC NT 9,054,578 2.44 1.08 5,100,846,808 0.24 0.00 NTEQUITY ASSURANCE PLC. 0.50 145,200 0.50 0.50 8,847,298,420 0.01 N/A NTGOLDLINK INSURANCE PLC NT NT 0.69 0.50 4,549,947,000 0.00 N/A NTGREAT NIGERIAN INSURANCE PLC NT 1,000 0.60 0.50 3,827,485,380 0.03 N/A 0.50GUINEA INSURANCE PLC. 0.50 40,000 0.50 0.50 720,000,000 0.01 N/A 0.50INTERCONTINENTAL WAPIC INS. PLC NT NT 2.50 0.50 5,061,804,000 0.00 N/A NTINTERNATIONAL ENERGY INS. PLC 0.52 50,530 2.50 0.50 6,420,427,449 0.00 0.00 0.59INVESTMENT AND ALLIED ARN. NT NT 0.50 0.50 28,000,000,000 0.02 N/A NTLASACO ASSURANCE PLC. 0.50 160 0.50 0.50 7,323,313,227 0.00 N/A 0.50LAW UNION AND ROCK INS. PLC. NT 4,771,900 0.61 0.50 3,437,330,500 0.00 N/A 0.50LINKAGE ASSURANCE PLC NT 50,685 0.50 0.50 4,083,713,569 0.02 0.00 NTMANSARD INSURANCE PLC 2.98 1,207,028 2.87 1.06 10,000,000,000 0.25 2.76 2.90MUTUAL BENEFITS ASSURANCE PLC. 0.54 1,177,700 0.63 0.50 7,998,705,336 0.00 N/A 0.54N.E.M INSURANCE CO (NIG) PLC. 0.76 2,004,443 1.01 0.50 5,332,830,881 0.37 -3.80 0.79NIGER INSURANCE CO. PLC. NT 20,055 1.11 0.50 5,649,693,923 0.02 N/A NTOASIS INSURANCE PLC NT 1,654,611 0.50 0.50 5,003,506,791 0.04 N/A NTPRESTIGE ASSURANCE CO. PLC. 0.50 885,641 1.24 0.50 2,508,315,436 0.06 0.00 0.50REGENCY ALLIANCE INS. COY PLC NT 12,000,000 0.53 0.50 6,668,750,000 0.04 N/A NTSOVEREIGN TRUST INSURANCE PLC 0.50 1,000 0.59 0.50 5,203,757,266 0.09 0.00 NTSTANDARD TRUSTASSURANCE PLC NT 600 NTSTANDARD ALLIANCE INS. PLC. 0.50 5,000 0.50 0.50 8,493,173,450 0.00 N/A 0.50UNIC INSURANCE PLC. 0.50 3,774 0.50 0.50 2,581,733,505 0.00 N/A NTUNITY KAPITAL ASSURANCE PLC NT 100 0.50 0.50 13,000,000,000 0.02 N/A NTUNIVERSAL INS. COMPANY PLC 0.50 1,182,550 0.50 0.50 16,000,000,000 0.00 N/A NTWAPIC INSURANCE PLC 0.65 4,303,775 1.55 0.50 0.07 0.74Micro Finance Banks FORTIS MICROFINANCE BANK PLC NT 10,000,000 6.60 0.00 1.18 NTNPF MICROFINANCE BANK PLC 0.97 767,000 1.22 0.72 0.19 NTMortgage Carriers, Brokers &Services ABBEY MORTGAGE BANK PLC 1.30 300 1.65 1.37 4,200,000,000 0.03 N/A NTASO SAVINGS AND LOANS PLC NT 300 0.50 0.50 8,679,148,676 0.02 N/A NTINFINITY TRUST MORTGAGE BANK PLC NT 5,000 NTRESORT SAVINGS & LOANS PLC 0.50 200,000 0.50 0.50 13,175,732,404 0.30 N/A 0.50UNION HOMES SAVINGS&LOANS PLC 0.5 40,522 0.99 0.50 7,812,500,000 0.00 N/A 1000Other Financial Institutions AFRICA PRUDENTIAL REGISTRARS 3.2 1,361,199 2.1 0.5 0.63 3.3CUSTODIAN AND ALLIED INS. PLC 4.00 50,919 4.09CRUSADER ( NIG) PLC. NT 500 0.61 0.50 3,778,005,975 0.00 N/A NTDEAP CAPITAL MGT & TRUST PLC NT 3,000 2.02 2.02 1,333,333,333 0.15 N/A NTFBN HOLDINGS PLC 12.32 11,878,966 21.50 8.57 32,632,084,358 2.45 -8.61 13.48FCMB GROUP PLC 4.09 4323419 5.70 2.90 1.23 4.51ROYAL EXCHANGE PLC. 0.51 700,000 1.33 0.50 3,608,657,661 0.13 N/A 0.59STANBIC IBTC HOLDINGS PLC 31.00 9,360,409 20.72 10.64 18,750,000,000 1.53 -11.43 35.00UBA CAPITAL PLC 2.00 2,122,515 1.70 0.00 0.29 2.18HEALTHCARE Healthcare Providers EKOCORP PLC. NT 170 5.05 4.32 498,600,908 0.13 N/A NTUNION DIAGNOSTIC &CLINICAL PLC 0.50 600,000 0.50 0.50 3,553,138,528 0.00 N/A NTMedical Supplies

NOTE NT=Not Traded on 30-01-15 N/A=Not Avialable

MORISON INDUSTRIES PLC. NT 92 10.54 7.39 152,178,750 0.00 N/A 1.82Pharmaceuticals EVANS MEDICAL PLC. 1.95 74,500 4.80 0.50 486,473,856 0.58 -4.88 2.05FIDSON HEALTHCARE PLC 3.33 95,417 2.50 0.61 1,500,000,000 0.24 0.00 3.33GLAXO SMITHKLINE CONSUMER PLC 54.00 1,226,438 69.00 18.97 956,701,192 3.07 -13.75 62.61MAY & BAKER NIGERIA PLC. 1.71 252,273 3.38 1.23 980,000,000 0.09 -0.58 1.72NEIMETH INT PHARM PLC 1.11 397,345 1.76 0.58 1,925,717,268 0.00 4.72 1.06NIGERIA-GERMAN CHEMICALS PLC. NT 46 8.59 7.36 153,786,012 0.00 N/A NTPHARMA-DEKO PLC. NT 1,000 3.50 1.83 100,000,000 0.00 N/A 2.49ICT Computer Based Systems COURTEVILLE BUSINESS SLN PLC 0.57 4,403,634 0.96 0.50 2,960,000,000 0.11 0.00 0.52Computers and Peripherals OMATEK VENTURES PLC NT 24,000 0.50 0.50 2,941,789,472 0.00 N/A NTElectronic Communications Services MTECH COMMUNICATIONS PLC NT NT 0.91 0.91 4,966,666,668 0.00 N/A NTIT Services COMPUTER WAREHOUSE GROUP PLC 4.8 10 NTNCR (NIGERIA) PLC. 12.83 694 18.70 13.12 108,000,000 0.00 N/A NTTRIPPLE GEE AND COMPANY PLC. NT 200 2.94 2.07 492,825,600 0.03 N/A NTProcessing Systems CHAMS PLC 0.50 1,000,000 0.50 0.50 4,620,600,000 0.04 N/A 0.50E-TRANZACT INTERNATIONAL PLC NT 5,000 4.97 3.13 4,200,000,000 0.04 N/A NTTelecommunications Services MTI PLC NT 400 0.50 0.50 4,893,594,400 0.00 N/A NTINDUSTRIAL GOODS Building Materials AFRICAN PAINTS (NIGERIA) PLC. NT 2,000 2.86 2.86 260,000,000 0.07 N/A NTASHAKA CEM PLC 32.25 1,671,056 29.98 8.01 2,239,453,125 0.80 0.78 32.00BERGER PAINTS PLC 8.08 16,226 12.20 6.82 217,367,585 0.91 -6.05 8.60CAP PLC 41.00 458,360 67.50 13.78 560,000,000 1.66 5.13 39.00CEMENT CO. OF NORTH.NIG. PLC 14.49 73,217 12.99 4.00 1,241,548,285 1.12 -8.00 15.75DANGOTE CEMENT PLC 215.00 672,671 210.01 102.00 15,494,019,668 5.77 -2.63 220.80DN MEYER PLC. 1.05 2,000 3.54 0.50 242,908,200 0.06 N/A NTFIRST ALUMINIUM NIGERIA PLC NT 38,000 0.75 0.50 2,109,928,275 0.00 N/A NTIPWA PLC 0.50 11,000 1.34 0.50 513,696,000 0.00 N/A 0.50LAFARGE WAPCO PLC. 115.93 1,444,136 110.00 39.80 3,001,600,004 6.83 -8.72 127.00PAINTS & COATINGS MANFACT.PLC NT 650 2.41 0.50 792,914,256 0.36 N/A 1.60PORTLAND PAINTS & PRDT NIG. PLC 5.01 5,000 7.22 2.27 400,000,000 0.43 N/A NTElectronic and Electrical Products AUSTIN LAZ & COMPANY PLC NT 70 2.00 2.00 0.05 N/A NTCUTIX PLC. 1.75 250,200 2.39 1.20 510,396,608 0.19 -2.78 1.80NIGERIAN WIRE AND CABLE PLC. NT 100 0.73 0.50 2,220,000,000 0.00 N/A NTPackaging/Containers ABPLAST PRODUCTS PLC. NT NT 3.98 3.98 25,000,000 0.00 N/A NTAVON CROWNCAPS & CONTAINERS 1.59 15,341 5.94 1.71 683,974,528 0.00 N/A 1.59BETA GLASS CO PLC. 20.00 135,155 13.18 9.04 3.23 20.00GREIF NIGERIA PLC NT 100 13.28 12.68 42,640,000 0.90 N/A NTNIG. BAGS MANFACT. COY PLC NT NT 3.60 1.60 6,215,000,000 0.24 #VALUE! NTPOLY PRODUCTS (NIG) PLC. NT NT 1.86 1.05 240,000,000 0.22 N/A NTW A GLASS IND. PLC. NT NT 0.63 0.63 199,066,550 0.00 N/A NTTools and Machinery NIGERIAN ROPES PLC NT 1,200 8.69 8.26 265,409,280 0.00 N/A NTSTOKVIS NIG PLC. NT NT 0.14 0.14 2,918,000 0.00 N/A NTNATURAL RESOURCES Chemicals B.O.C. GASES PLC. NT 28,255 9.35 5.68 393,120,000 0.76 #VALUE! NTMetals ALUMACO PLC NT 10 7.75 7.75 75,600,000 0.00 N/A NTALUMINIUM EXTRUSION IND. PLC. NT 100 12.39 10.55 100,000,000 0.24 N/A NTMINING SERVICES MULTIVERSE PLC 0.50 950,000 0.50 0.50 4,058,989,226 0.01 N/A 0.50Paper/Forest Products HALLMARK PAPER PRODUCTS PLC. NT NT 3.22 3.22 50,000,000 0.04 N/A NTTHOMAS WYATT NIG. PLC. NT 100 1.38 0.67 220,000,000 0.00 N/A NTOIL AND GAS Energy Equipment and Services JAPAUL OIL & MARITIME SER. PLC 0.50 2,599,332 1.02 0.50 6,262,701,716 0.00 0.00 0.50Integrated Oil and Gas Services OANDO PLC 23.56 1,781,446 24.80 9.32 2,262,711,568 1.24 -10.66 26.37Petroleum &Petroleum Products Distributors BECO PETROLEUM PRODUCT PLC NT 10000 NTCONOIL PLC 49.23 112,677 76.00 16.96 693,952,117 2.69 4.72 47.01ETERNA PLC. 3.80 84,115 4.87 1.32 1,249,162,828 0.61 1.60 3.74FORTE OIL PLC. 219.00 111,017 115.64 7.73 1,080,280,628 1.43 -2.67 225.00MOBIL OIL NIG PLC. 169.25 15,748 146.00 106.00 300,496,051 9.93 -2.21 173.08MRS OIL NIGERIA PLC. 56.00 100 59.00 16.20 253,988,672 1.04 N/A 56.00TOTAL NIGERIA PLC. 173.00 33,978 190.01 118.75 339,521,837 12.91 -3.89 180.00Exploration and Production SEPLAT PETROLEUM DEVT. CO, LTD. 574.00 1,537 28,677,671 640.00SERVICES Advertising AFROMEDIA PLC NT 200 0.72 0.50 4,035,497,307 0.00 N/A NTApparel Retailers LENNARDS (NIG) PLC. NT 100 3.48 3.48 0 N/A NTAutomobile/Auto Part Retailers R T BRISCOE PLC. 0.84 317,660 2.45 1.00 980,294,400 0.00 #VALUE! NTCourier/Freight/Delivery RED STAR EXPRESS PLC 4.15 97,500 5.10 2.19 589,496,310 0.52 -5.68 4.40TRANS-NATIONWIDE EXPRESS PLC. NT 14,654 3.45 0.73 198,819,763 0.00 N/A 1.35Employment Solutions C & I LEASING PLC. NT 10,515 1.64 0.85 865,808,912 0.00 N/A 0.50Hospitality TANTALIZERS PLC NT 30,500 0.75 0.50 3,211,627,907 0.00 N/A NTHotels/Lodging CAPITAL HOTEL NT 69200 NTIKEJA HOTEL PLC 3.12 3,191,600 1.72 0.64 2,078,796,396 0.00 56.00 2.00Media/Entertainment DAAR COMMUNICATIONS PLC 0.50 650,000 0.51 0.50 8,000,000,000 0.43 N/A NTPrinting/Publishing ACADEMY PRESS NT 1 1.32LEARN AFRICA PLC 1.45 115,855 3.09 1.39 771,450,000 0.00 N/A 1.32STUDIO PRESS (NIG) PLC. NT 75 2.78 2.52 0.00 N/A NTUNIVERSITY PRESS PLC. 4.14 53,899 5.77 3.00 425,641,111 0.61 0.98 4.10Road Transportation ABC TRANSPORT PLCPLC 0.69 83,723 1.29 0.50 1,507,000,000 0.21 N/A 0.68Specialty INTERLINKED TECHNOLOGIES PLC NT 54,281 5.15 4.90 236,699,511 0.00 N/A 4.66SECURE ELECTRONIC TECH.PLC NT 1,000 1.88 0.80 5,631,539,736 0.00 N/A 0.5Transport-Related Services AIRLINE SERVICES AND LOGISTICS PLC 1.83 820,000 5.90 1.27 634,000,000 0.50 N/A 2.01NIG. AVIATION HANDLING COY PLC 5.01 265,724 8.81 5.08 1,230,468,750 0.43 0.60 4.98SUPPORT AND LOGISTICS CAVERTON OFFSHORE GROUP PLC 4.21 47101 5ASeM CONSTRUCTION/REAL ESTATE Property Management SMART PRODUCTS NIGERIA PLC NT 60 1.43 1.04 45,000,000 0.12 N/A NTCONSUMER GOODS Food Products MCNICHOLS PLC NT 103,000 2.26 1.02 201,885,335 0.00 N/A NTOIL AND GAS CAPITAL OIL PLC NT 30 NTNAVITUS ENERGY PLC NT 1000 NTPetroleum &Petroleum Products Distributors ANINO INTERNATIONAL PLC NT 30000 NTPersonal/Household Products ROKANA INDUSTRIES PLC. NT NT 0.60 0.60 30,000,000 0.00 N/A NTHEALTHCARE Pharmaceuticals AFRIK PHARMACEUTICALS PLC. NT NT 0.50 0.50 24,898,850 0.00 N/A NTINDUSTRIAL GOODS Electronic and Electrical Products NT NT NTADSWITCH PLC. NT NT 1.88 1.63 125,005,250 0.00 N/A NTNATURAL RESOURCES Metals W.A. ALUM. PRODUCTS PLC. NT NT 0.50 0.50 6,650,000 0.00 N/A NTFood/Drug Retailers and Wholesalers NT NT NTJULI PLC. NT 1,000 3.05 2.76 194,700,000 0.00 N/A NTETF’s Sector ETF NEWGOLD EXCHANGE TRADED FUND 1,964.00 62 2,706 2,003 2.94 1,908.00VETIVA GRIFFIN 30 ETF 17.63 595072 49467 18.73



Stock Exchange weekly equities summary as at Friday, Jan 30, 2015

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Monday, February 2, 2015

‘The provisions of the Constitution regarding Fundamental Human Rights are unique and cannot be treated by reference to any

technicality rules of interpretation’–Justice Adolphus Karibi-Whyte, retired Justice of the Supreme Court

Law & Justice‘Th


Buharigate: How disgraced ex-Speaker was tried, convicted

Adekeye: Amazon of S’ Court, epitome of quiet jurist



There’s no equality before our law in Nigeria –Baiyeshea

President Goodluck JonathanGen. Muhammadu Buhari

As the clock ticks toward February 14 Presidential poll in the country, FRANCIS FAMOROTI, Head, Judiciary, gives an insight into the constitutional hurdles and statutory requirements the presidential candidates should surmount and satisfy before any of them can be deemed constitutionally elected.




2015: How the President‘ll emerge on February 14


About 36 years ago, the ab-sence of legal explana-tion and guidance in the

provisions of Electoral Decree No 73 of 1977 generated dust af-ter the defunct Federal Electoral Commission (FEDECO) declared the Presidential candidate of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) Alhaji Shehu Shagari, as the Pres-ident-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

In a two-page statement read by the FEDECO returning officer, Mr. Frederick Menkiti, at a press conference in Lagos on August 17, 1979, while declaring the NPN presidential candidate duly elect-ed, he said Alhaji Shagari satisfied the provision of section 34(A), (1) (c ) (1) of the Electoral Decree No 73 of 1977 by scoring the highest number of votes cast at the elec-tion.

According to him, ‘’ He also sat-isfied the provision of subsection (1) (c ) (11) of the same section. He has not less than one-quarter of the votes cast at the election in each of at least two-thirds of all the states of the Federation.’’

Menkiti declared ‘’ The Elec-toral Commission considers that in the absence of any legal expla-nation of guidance in the Elec-toral Decree, it has no alternative than to give the phrase at least two thirds of all the states in the Feder-ation- in section 34(A) subsection 1( c ) 11 of the enabling decree the ordinary meaning which applies to it.

‘’In the circumstances, the candidate who scores at least one-quarter of the votes cast in 12 states and one-quarter of two-thirds, that is, at least one-sixth of the votes cast in the 13th state satis-fies the requirement of the subsec-

tion. ‘’The opposition parties at the

time, especially the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) rejected the re-sult and dragged FEDECO to the Tribunal over its interpretation of two-thirds of 19 states in the Fed-eration. The election petition filed by the UPN was later judicially determined by the Supreme Court, which affirmed the tribunal’s deci-sion and in the process, the 12 2/3 mathematical joker was imported into the country’s electoral juris-prudence. This was several years back under the military era when the country had 19 states.

However, the federation is now

made up of 36 states and the Fed-eral Capital Territory, Abuja. In-terpreting the provisions of the constitution, a former second Vice -President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Mr. Ad-ekunle Ojo said that ‘’ the posi-tion of the constitution is straight forward a presidential candidate must not have less than one quar-ter of the vote cast at the election in each of the States”.

“If that fails, the presidential candidate must have at least two-thirds of all the States and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. It means that the presidential candidate must win 24 States of the Federation” he added.

In his contribution, the for-mer chairman of the NBA, Ikeja branch, Mr. Monday Ubani, cor-roborated this position, and said that the presidential candidate must win the two-thirds of the 36 States of the federation including the FCT, Abuja.

By simple mathematical cal-culation, two-thirds of 36 states is basically 24 states of the federa-tion.

From the foregoing, the infer-ence deducible from the provi-sions of the constitution is that the presidential candidate that will emerge the winner between President Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples’ Democratic Party,

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42 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netMonday, February 2, 2015Law & Justice

There’s no equality before our What lessons did you learn at the last International Bar Association (IBA) Con-ference in Japan?

I was fortunate to be part of that con-ference. For many Nigerians, it is usu-ally a jamboree because many of them get sponsored from their places of as-signment, namely; the ministries and parastatals. It is a good time for us to meet and when we meet like that we al-ways grow more and more. Why do I say so? Because of what we see, the whole world has left Nigeria behind. It is an eye- opener for Nigerian lawyers that when we get to these countries, we see how much damage has been done to our system in this country, how much our country has been badly run down. Even those in government who were in atten-dance have always been talking about it but, when we come back, it is business as usual.

Beyond the legal framework we went for, it is an eye-opener for us politically, economically, socially, even culturally, that those countries have gone, struc-turally. Are we to talk about public in-frastructure, the roads, of course don’t talk about electricity? Talk about public transport, as the public transport is busy on land that is how the subways and the trains are busy. The crowd that is in the ground is almost as much as the one on ground, if not more, thousands of rail lines under the ground. All the facilities working with workers who have superb work ethics, the courtesy is serious, the love for the country is heavy then there is zero tolerance for corruption.

Do you see Nigeria hosting IBA Confer-ence in the nearest future?

No, I don’t want us to disgrace our-selves, we don’t have the facilities. We don’t have the capacity, we don’t have the infrastructure. If you are hosting an international conference, power is very important, all the places we went to, we never experienced power failure. Maybe the best place we can say we will manage to do something like that is Abuja but Abuja is in a disorganised state. Is it at the International Conference Centre? If you see the place we used in Japan, the lawyers that went knows we are not in a position to do that.

So far, we have gone to Dubai before that is why the international commu-nity could not trust us to host world cup rather they gave it to South Africa some-times ago, the first time -ever in Africa. There are many other countries in Af-rica; Morocco, Egypt that can host Inter-national Bar conference but I don’t think Nigeria can do that except if they give us five years notice we will try to package and repackage or just manage to white-wash what we have otherwise, in our present state, it is doubtful and I want to be corrected. I am a patriotic Nigerian, I mean well for my country but, I am sick for Nigeria that is why I am talking the way I am talking. I am not necessarily running down the system. The attitudes of our people and leaders are such that we need God to help us get out of our negative tendencies, it is too much. It is

not about praying hard because those people are also praying but as they are praying they are serious, they give an enabling environment for their prayers to be answered but, we are praying and we are sinning. No, the two are mutually exclusive because the Bible says that you cannot be sinning and expect the grace of God to abound. In fact, the Bible says it cannot happen.

As a senior member of the Bar, how do you see the huge amount of money do-nated towards election campaign? Does this contravene the Electoral law?

Of course, there is standard in the electoral law limiting the amount of do-nation. The problem we are having in this country is that when our laws are desecrated and broken by even the high-est level and the system seems to be help-less. If it is in America or any of these Western democracies, this kind of thing cannot happen. Obviously that jamboree is absolutely contrary to Nigeria law lim-iting the amount of money that can be donated. Again, the question to be asked is, when Nigerians are hungry and are jobless and are hopeless and frustrated,

how can people be spinning money like that for campaign? N21 billion is a lot of money that can build roads, it can gener-ate employments, the one that is worse is that of the governors donating N50 mil-lion even in States where they are unable to pay salaries. These people don’t even fear God, they don’t even think there is God anymore and of course, the presi-dent accepts these donations and pre-tends as if he doesn’t know anything is happening but, he’s our leader.

I personally expect him to ask where these people are getting all the money from even an individual donating N5 bil-lion and some faceless people will hide to say it is jointly contributed. I know one person from my area who donated N1 billion yet, there is no water in his community, no good road, people are suf-fering, there are many who cannot afford to go to school, I mean this is a show of recklessness and godlessness especially when the thing is totally against our laws. Tell me, the rule of law is merely window dressing in this country. One of the cardinal principles of Rule of Law is equality of everyone before the law. Is there equality before the law now? Who

is going to prosecute them? This can lead the president of the most powerful coun-try in the world to jail because those sys-tems are so sure; it is not a respecter of anybody. But, it has happened and it has happened, we are helpless, hopeless.

How can we use the law to curb the insurgency in the North-East?

What is happening in the North-East is beyond the law. There is politics in it, there is religion in it. It seems to me more political than legal. How many people are you going to put on trial now? Going by newspaper reports, 20 out of 27 local governments in Borno state are in the hands of Boko Haram so, who is going to be prosecuting who? If we are not care-ful they will be the ones to prosecute us. How can we allow ourselves to be boxed into a corner like this, to the extent that these people ravaged us so badly and we are so helpless and we are on our knees? This is not a question for you nor myself, this is a question for the government and the military to answer.

God forbid then that we should have any serious confrontation with any army, then it means that Nigeria can be captured or conquered within a minute. Ordinary Boko Haram in just North-Eastern axis of this country and we are fumbling and crawling? Sincerely, I don’t understand. That is why I am saying the matter is more political, more religious than legal. The only aspect where I will want to talk about on the issue of law is




John Olusola Baiyeshea is an Ilorin-based Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) with 33 years’ post-call experience. In this interview with WALE IGBINTADE, he speaks on the Electoral law, donations for political campaigns and insurgency in the North-East, among other issues. Excerpts.

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National 43Monday, February 2, 2015 Law & Justice

law in Nigeria –Baiyesheathat some Boko Haram sponsors that are known or that have been mentioned but who are being curried and favoured at least government we can start with those ones.

But, when you give them patron-age, people who should be avoided like a plague, you give them patronage, the President is going somewhere, he car-ries the chief suspect. Whether rightly or wrongly, let the laws take its course by dispassionately investigating the per-son, subject him to national and interna-tional scrutiny because if you don’t cut the source of their funding how do you tackle it? If you cannot try those ones how do you try somebody in the bush? Ragtag guerrilla fighters, look at how they have made a mess of our soldiers and the soldiers don’t want to die like chicken again that is why when they hear the people are coming they run away. We are in so much trouble.

Look at our girls, our daughters, for almost one year now we can’t find them and the nation is going on as if noth-ing has happened. For me, I think about it as a parent every day, I weep for the children, I weep for their parents, some of their parents have even died out of frustration and agony. We seem not to be addressing it at all. In fact nobody is talking about them again. We only get to hear it when some people are organizing rally on their behalf.

How will you react to the mass failure during the 2013/2014 August result of the Nigerian Law School?

Well, if they failed, there is nothing anybody can do about it. Law School actually is not a place where you lower the standard. We passed through the law school ourselves, what you worked for is what you get. It is unfortunate that there was mass failure and I think the problem is from the universities be-cause, we interact with some of these students and many of them are not able to express themselves properly in Eng-lish language and that is bad. While we

were in the law school over 32 years ago, of course we were taught and it is obvi-ous that English language is the tool of a lawyer.

So if a lawyer cannot speak good English or cannot write it well, how is he going to manage to talk about the knowledge of the law which for many of them is very shallow? The founda-tion must be very solid from the univer-sity for you to be able to cope at the law school. It is hard, tough and it is meant to be so when you are coming into an honourable and noble profession, you have to work hard. The mass failure is very unfortunate but, there is nothing we can do about it except that maybe the universities will have to work more to prepare the students for the challenges at the law school.

Again, I have heard some side talk that the result should have been tin-kered with but the Director- General of the Law School now, Dr. Onadeko, is not the one that will lower the standard for anybody and it is not in the interest of the profession for you to start packag-ing and repackaging students’ results, giving students marks they don’t de-serve is dishonourable, it is not a noble thing to do at all. It is ignoble and dis-honourable. I don’t think they should be marked up in order to make up the number as much as I don’t expect them to be marked down.

How do you see the suggestion that law be made a second degree course?

Well, I don’t think it should be so as a matter of policy because for some-body like me to be advocating such will be tantamount to getting to the top and now removing the ladder. I don’t think so, that cannot be the answer. In Nige-ria of today you don’t deny people the opportunity of becoming learned at any age. Already, there are so many people that had other degrees that are read-ing law, so many people, elderly people, very old people, they are there in the law school, their ambition in life is to



become lawyers before they die. Some have even retired in the civil service and many are still reading law especially at the National Open University of Nige-ria (NOUN) even though the council of legal education said that graduates of such school are not supposed to come to law school because the law school as far as the curriculum is concerned is not for part time students.

I don’t subscribe to the view that law must necessarily be made to be a second degree. In the first place, if somebody’s first degree is faulty, are we saying those that have the first degree are necessar-ily better? We have Nigeria graduates in other disciplines who also have deficien-cy in self-expression in English language or writing it, so that will not necessarily make the situation better. If the think-ing is that if you make law the second degree, it will curb mass failure it may not necessarily be so. I don’t subscribe to that as a matter of policy that it should be second degree course.

You just mentioned the issue of those studying law at NOUN. Do you support the stance of the Council of Legal Edu-cation on this?

I think it is an unfortunate policy be-cause some of the people in the NOUN are matured, highly successful people in other fields who on any day may even be better than those who went to conven-tional university. The aim and objective

of people going to NOUN to study law is that they themselves will become law-yers one day, go to the law school to qual-ify. If they were told that they will not be able to achieve that aim, then they would have saved their time and resources for better things rather than getting them there and later tell them they can’t go to the law school.

That takes me to the point that I think that seems to be an unfair policy because there are many of our heavy jurists, some are still living, some dead who read law by correspondence, some of them were using telegraph. We don’t even have the sophisticated electronic com-munication we have today where you can source for material on the internet. At that time, they were using telegraph, just as many of our big people today did not even know the four walls of a second-ary school, it was only GCE O/L they did at home and succeeded. Also, some did GCE A/L, succeeded and the next school they went after primary school was the university and they are doing well. The curriculum they have in NOUN is not anything less than what they have at the conventional university. NOUN has very experienced lecturers because they have lawyers and academics who volunteer to go and teach there. It is not about lower-ing of standard at all, I don’t understand that kind of policy and I am sure they cannot sustain it, they will review it. I believe so because it is not correct.

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National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net44 Monday, February 2, 2015Law & Justice

CJN, Justice Mahmud Mohammed President, Court of Appeal, Justice Zainab BulkachuwaINEC Chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega



Election of President: What the Constitution says PDP and Gen. Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives’ Congress, APC, must not only have majority of votes cast at the elec-tion but secure not less than one-quarter of the votes cast at the election in each of at least two-thirds of all the States in the Federation, i.e. 24 States and the Federal Capital Terri-tory, Abuja. Baring all odds, whoever fulfils the requirements among the candidates will ultimately be declared the President-elect.

Today, the 1999 Constitution is the coun-try’s organic law and its provisions would be applied by the Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC) in conduct-ing the forthcoming election.

Section 130 (1) of the Constitution pro-vides that, - There shall be for the Federa-tion a President. Subsection 2 states ‘ The President shall be the Head of State, the Chief Executive of the Federation and Commander-in –Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation.

Section 131 states ‘’A person shall be qual-ified for election to the office of President if- (a) He is citizen of Nigeria by birth;

(b) He has attained the age of forty years;( c ) He is a member of political party and

is sponsored by that political party; and(d ) He has been educated up to at least

School Certificate level or its equivalent.’’Moreso, Section 134 (1) of the constitution

provides that ‘’ A candidate for an election to the office of President shall be deemed to have been duly elected, where, there being only two candidates for the election-

( a) He has majority of votes cast at the election; and

(b ) He has not less than one-quarter of the votes cast at the election in each of at least two-thirds of all the States in the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

Subsection 2 states that ‘’ A candidate for an election to the office of President shall

be deemed to have been duly elected where, there being more than two candidates for the election-

(a ) He has the highest number of votes cast at the election; and

(b ) He has not less than one -quarter of the votes cast at the election in each of at least two-thirds of all the States in the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory ,Abuja.’’

Subsection 3 of the S. 134 states that ‘’ In default of a candidate duly elected in accordance with subsection (2) of this sec-tion there shall be a second election in ac-cordance with subsection (4) of section at which the only candidate shall be-

(a ) The candidate who scored the highest number of votes at any election held in ac-cordance with the said subsection (2) of this

Adekeye: Amazon of S’ Court, epitome of quiet jurist



Justice Olufunlola Adekeye, a retired jurist rose through the lowly rungs of the Magistracy to the apex court

in Nigeria. She has been described by a notable Senior Advocate as ‘’one of the most forthright, hardworking, diligent, productive, dutiful, well-cultured and good mannered Justices ever produced by the Nigerian Bench”.

This is not surprising because she is the first female Justice-ever from the South West to sit at the Supreme Court of Nigeria. After an unblemished and impressive career at the Bench spanning nearly four decades, she bowed out from the Bench in October 2012.

Thus in commemoration of her sterling qualities as an outstanding jurist, a public presentation of her book, Justice O. O. Ad-ekeye, Landmark Judgements, a compen-dium of her selected leading decisions at the Supreme Court, was organised in her hon-our by the cream of the judiciary shortly be-


fore her retirement. It was indeed a celebra-tion of judicial excellence in the service of humanity, unparalleled honour and integ-rity in the service of her fatherland. At the celebration was the then Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Aloma Mariam Mukhtar, among others.

During the ceremony, Justice Emmanuel Ayoola (rtd) said a judge could be tested on four virtues: impartiality, resistance to both external and internal pressure, industry and learning. Justice Ayoola said Justice Adekeye passed all these virtues with dis-tinction.

The then CJN, Justice Mukhtar said: “My Lord, Hon. Justice O. O. Adekeye has had an unblemished and impressive career at the Bench spanning nearly four decades. This collection of some of her leading judgments is a fitting tribute to her diligence, sagacity and industry”.

Former President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN) was also quoted as saying “Justice Adekeye is not only learned in real sense and by factual definition of the word, but also, unarguably one of the most forthright thorough, delightful, hardworking, diligent, productive, dutiful, well-cultured and good mannered Justices ever produced by the Nigerian Bench”. Some of Adekeye’s col-

leagues on the Bench bore witness to her unflinching diligence; disarming and en-dearing sagacity, breath-taking industry, unparalleled commitment to judicial ethos and consummate attachment to collegial ca-maraderie”.

Justice Adekeye, who clocked the man-datory retirement age of 70 years on Octo-ber 28, 2012 attended St. Andrews Primary School, Ondo between 1947 and 1954; and later proceeded to St. Anne’s School, Ibadan in 1955.

After graduating from college in 1959, she got admission into North Western Poly-technic, London in 1961 and later moved to Leeds University, Yorkshire, United King-dom in 1963. Between 1966 and 1967, she was at Sheffield College of Commerce, Sheffield, from where she proceeded to the Nigeria Law School in 1967; and was later called to the Nigerian Bar in October, 1968.

Justice Adekeye began her law practice in 1968 in Akin Oloko & Co. Omonigbehin Chambers, Ibadan. She was State Counsel, Ministry of Justice Ibadan, in the defunct Western State between 1970 and 1974; and was later appointed Chief Magistrate Grade 11 and Chief Magistrate Grade 1 in 1974 and 1979 respectively. She became a High Court Judge in June 1987 and was elevated to the Court of Appeal Bench in November, 1998.

She was the Presiding Justice in the Ilorin Division of Court of Appeal between 2008 and 2009; and was appointed a Justice of the Supreme Court on March 12, 2009.

Adekeye has presented several papers covering: Role of Women in a developing nation, administration of justice and role of Magistrates, sentencing policy, mar-riage and divorce under the customary law, sentencing probation, court injunctions, domestic violence, among others.

She has attended several conferences within and outside the country and equally served the Federal Government of Nigeria in different capacities such as Chairman, Gov-ernorship Election Petition Appeals-Ilorin, Calabar, Enugu, Port Harcourt Divisions.

section; and(b ) One among the remaining candidates

who has a majority of votes in the highest number of States, so however that where there are more than one candidate with a majority of votes in the highest number of States, the candidate among them with the highest total of votes cast at the election shall be the second candidate for the elec-tion.

4. In default of a candidate duly elected under the foregoing subsections, the Inde-pendent National Electoral Commission shall within seven days of the result of the election held under the said subsections, ar-range for an election between the two candi-dates and a candidate at such election shall be deemed to have been duly elected to the


office of president if-( a) He has majority of votes cast at the

election; and(b ) He has not less than one quarter of the

votes cast at the election in each of at least two-thirds of all the States in the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

By subsection 5., it provides that ‘’In de-fault of a candidates duly elected under subsection (4) of this section, the Indepen-dent National Electoral Commission shall, within seven days of the result of the elec-tion held under the aforesaid subsection (4), arrange for another election between the two candidates to which the subsection re-lates and a candidate at such election shall be deemed to have been elected to the office of President if he has a majority of the votes cast at the election.’’

By the provision of S. 233 of the Const itution ‘’ an appeal shall lie from decisions of the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court as of right’’ on any question whether any person has been validly elected to the office of President or Vice-President under the constitution.

Page 45: Monday, february 2, 2015

National 45Monday, February 2, 2015 Law & Justice

Salisu Buhari Ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo

About 16 years ago, the then Speaker, House of Representatives, Alhaji Salisu Buhari, was convicted by an Abuja Magistrate’s Court in August 1999 after being found guilty of forgery and perjury. FRANCIS FAMOROTI, Head, Judiciary, recalls how the embattled politician lost his coveted seat as the country’s number four citizen over Toronto certificate scam, among others.

Salisu Buhari came into political lime-light when he became Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1999. His

rise was meteoric. According to reports, his nomination and election as speaker could be located within the context of heavy finan-cial inducement made by the ruling Peo-ples’ Democratic Party (PDP) to members of the defunct Alliance for Democracy (AD) and All Peoples’ Party (APP) in the House at the time.

But barely three months after Buhari as-sumed office, he was enmeshed in scandal-ous controversies. The controversies arose from wagon of lies he told about his age and academic qualifications. For the speaker who had clinched the post, which was then zoned by the dominant PDP to the North West part of the country, Kano, he had a ped-igree of being a product from wealthy home.

He attended King’s College, Lagos and walked out of the school’s gates in 1986. In his school leaving certificate signed by the then Principal, Mr. S.O Agun, he described him as ‘’a quiet well-behaved boy’’ and of ‘’average academic ability’’.

About 13 years after he left the school, Buhari had perfected the tactics of lies and he was able to sweet-tongue his way into the hearts of his colleagues. He claimed that he was born on January 3, 1963 whereas; incon-trovertible documents show he was born on January 3, 1970. The cacophony of lies that came out from Buhari’s mouth ranged from age juggling and certificate scam and they ran through his academic, business and po-litical garlands.

This made The News, a weekly magazine to probe into his claims and eventually, it unearthed in-depth details that led to the publication of a series of stories such as ‘’ Buharigate: The Speaker’s Crisis; The Face of a Liar: House Speaker Deceives His Na-tion; FG Begins Probe: The Fall of Buhari ’’.

As it were, The News, which broke these mind-boggling stories on the then embattled speaker had established that Buhari who claimed he was 36 years old to enable him qualify for election into the House, was actu-ally 29 at the time of the election. As a result, having been born on January 3, 1970, he was not qualified to run for election as a member of the House when he did so in February 1999.

Besides, the magazine punctured Bu-hari’s claims of having his tertiary educa-tion at Ahmadu Bello University, ABU, Zaria and University of Toronto, Canada.

Although it was true Buhari gained ad-mission to ABU to read for a Diploma in Ac-counting, he was rusticated and hence, did not complete the course of study in the in-stitution. In a bid to substantiate the stories, The News magazine also quoted authorities’ of the University of Toronto denying the claims of Buhari that he was a Business Administration graduate of the university

in 1990. Indeed, by the provisions of the 1999

Constitution, Buhari was not qualified for election as a member of the House of Rep-resentatives’ in the first place. Section 65 (1(b) disqualifies anybody under the age of 30 years from contesting membership of the House of Representatives’. Subsection 2(a ) of the same section requires an academic qualification of, at least, the school certifi-cate level.

The most scandalous issue was the To-ronto University certificate claim. Buhari’s lies about Toronto were finally punctured after an enquiry in a reply letter signed by Miss Angie Camardi, the University’s re-cords officer, ‘’We have searched our records and are unable to verify attendance or grad-uation for Mr. Buhari.’’

She wrote: ‘’You may want to ask Mr. Bu-hari to supply you his student number, and if that is not possible, please ask him to sub-mit for verification a copy of his diploma.’’

Miss. Camardi added that efforts at try-ing ‘’several variations of his name’’ with a view at eliminating doubts ‘’came up with no records’’.

The News magazine enquiries in Toronto generated a response from Carlo Villanueva of the Office of Statistics, Records and Con-vocation.

In a reply dated July 8, 1999, Villanueva said ‘’Regarding your request for confir-

mation of degree for Mr. Ibrahim Salisu Buhari. We have searched our records and could not find anybody with the name you are inquiring with.’’

Buhari’s claim too that he did the youth service in 1991 was also spurious because in-vestigation at the NYSC secretariat in Abuja could not produce his name among the 1991 corps members who served in the scheme.

All through this period, Buhari having discovered that the lid had blown up decided to be evasive.

Convinced that facts behind the allega-tions against Buhari appeared uncontro-verted, some members of the House as-sembled documents to challenge his right to further sit in the House. The concerned members asked him resign and quit the House.

Sensing that the game was up, Buhari an-nounced his resignation as the Speaker and also his membership of the House on July 23, 1999. While making a farewell speech, he apologised to the House in tears. Having be-ing disgraced out of the lower chamber, he was arraigned before an Abuja Magistrate’s Court on July 28, 1999 on charges of forg-ing a certificate of University of Toronto, Canada and falsifying his age. He pleaded guilty and the trial magistrate deferred his judgment.

When the judgment was eventually read on August 3, 1999 he was given lighter sen-




tence. Delivering the verdict, Chief Magistrate

Mohammed Kolo, said ‘’ I make bold to say that sentencing the convict to prison with-out an option of fine will not serve the pur-pose of this case.

‘’I know that the convict is a first offender. The fact of being, first offender and show-ing of remorse over the act for which he was convicted and the restricted nature of pun-ishment resulting from conviction under section 157 of the Criminal Procedure Code are factors that have qualified the convict for mercy of this court.

‘’I, therefore, agree that he should receive light sentences and option of fine if relevant laws so permit. I am moved by the call of the generality to extend the spirit of forgiveness ’’.

The magistrate said Buhari’s confession of guilt as well as public opinion were taken into cognizance by the court.

The court sentenced him to one year imprisonment on each count of two-count charge preferred against him. Each was to run concurrently. He, was, however, given an option of N2,000 fine.

But mixed reactions greeted the sentence as most critics said the judgment was han-dled with kid and velvet gloves.

Although the late activist, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, described the punishment im-posed on Buhari as ‘’very ridiculous and a laughing stock of the judicial process of this country’’ given the gravity of the offence, some other lawyers also argued that the punishment did not sufficiently capture the seriousness of the offence committed.

Indeed, the lesson learnt from the Bu-harigate scandal may be summed up in Prof. Itse Sagay’s words at the time that ‘’the democratic process had been cleansed. He was found out and disgraced.’’

Buharigate: How disgraced ex-Speaker was tried, convicted


Page 46: Monday, february 2, 2015

National 47Monday, February 2, 2015


A fortnight ago, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Anan and Chief Emeka

Anyaoku, a former secretary-general of the Commonwealth, jointly presided over the signing of a Non-Violence Accord by the presidential candidates of the politi-cal parties that are taking part in the 2015 General Election scheduled to hold in Ni-geria next month. At the well- celebrated ceremony which held in Abuja the candi-dates of the two leading political parties embraced each other. While the media and several people were excited with the devel-opment I expressed the view that the so called peace accord would not stem the tide of political violence in the country due to the violent nature of the electoral system coupled with official impunity.

In a number of decided cases, the courts have held that candidates sponsored by po-litical parties cannot be held vicariously li-able for politically- motivated violence and electoral malpractice carried out on their behalf unless they can be directly linked with instigating or directing their support-ers to engage in such criminality. Indeed, political leaders usually dissociate them-selves from acts of violence by condemn-ing the perpetrators. However, if the sus-pects are charged to court the leaders turn round to engage the services of lawyers to defend them. In many cases, attorneys-general are directed to file nolle prosequi to stop the prosecution of suspects who belong to the ruling parties. Hence, the cases of the hundreds of suspects charged to court by the Police for electoral offences committed during the 2003, 2007 and 2011 general elections were abruptly terminat-

Putting an end to political violence

Mr. Francis Ojo and former President, NBA, Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN Mr. Victor Eije and Mr Godwin Obla, SAN

Dr. Mrs Taiwo Ipaye and Prof. Oluwatoyin Ogundipe at UNILAG Alumni Association reunion din-ner and award night in Lagos, recently.





ed in all the states of the federation. In the last few months, Nigerian shave

witnessed a reign of terror by armed thugs who have engaged in the bombing or burn-ing of party secretariats, the destruction of vehicles belonging to political parties, the harassment of political opponents , the wearing of masks by “security personnel “at campaign rallies, the extrajudicial kill-ing and brutal attacks of innocent people at party congresses and primary elections, the unprovoked assault on judges, the throwing of stones at leaders etc. In spite of the warning by the electoral officials the illegal use of official vehicles by public officers for political campaigns has contin-ued. Top political leaders have continued to make inciting statements. A governor published a death wish advert which could have provoked ethno-religious riots. An-other governor attended a meeting where ex-militants threatened to declare a war on the Republic if the President is “de-throned” in the forthcoming general elec-tion.

It is hoped that those who are beating the drum of war will be called to order by President Jonathan. After all, they never took part in the streets protests held in Lagos and Abuja which compelled the Na-tional Assembly to recognise Dr.Jonathan as the Acting President in May 2010. Nei-ther did they blackmail Nigerians from all parts of the country to vote for the Presi-dent in 2011. With respect to the stoning of President Jonathan during a political rally in Bauchi, last week, Governor Isa Yaguda has pointed accusing fingers at some un-named members of the ruling party. This is a serious allegation which should be investigated by the Police with a view to bringing the culprits to book..

It is common knowledge that the bulk

of the infractions of the Law highlighted above took place after the signing of the peace accord. The National Human Rights Commission has said that “signing a peace pact is easy; the more difficult part is to ensure that the political office seekers and their supporters work within the rules of engagement.” But office seekers and their supporters cannot operate within ‘the rules of engagement” if they are treated like sacred cows. It ought to be pointed out that executive immunity does not cover election petitions and electoral offences! In Turaki v. Dalhaltu (2003) 38 WRN 54 at 168 Oguntade JCA (as he then was) held that “If a Governor were to be considered im-muned from court proceedings, that would create the position where a sitting Gover-nor would be able to flout election laws and regulations to the detriment of other per-sons contesting with him. This will make nonsense of the election process and be against the spirit of our national Constitu-tion which in its tenor provides for a free and fair election.”

Since ours is a country which claims to operate under the Rule of Law it is in-explicable that the suspects involved in sabotaging the electoral process have not been charged to any criminal court. The crisis of impunity in the land has been compounded by the partisan involvement of the authorities of the police, the armed forces and other security agencies in the political process. Although there are ade-quate and elaborate provisions in the Elec-toral Act, 2010 as amended and the penal statutes to deal with political violence and electoral malfeasance the managers of the neo-colonial state lack the political will to bring electoral offenders to book.

In 2007, President Umaru Yar’Adua admitted that the election which brought him to power was flawed. In a bid to sani-tize the electoral system he set up the Muhammadu Uwais Electoral Commit-tee. Among other recommendations the Committee called for the establishment of

an Electoral Offences Tribunal. The Yar’ Adua administration rejected the recom-mendation without any justification. How-ever, following the political violence which greeted the announcement of the results of the presidential election in some states in the North and Akwa Ibom in April2011, President Goodluck Jonathan set up the Ahmed Lemu Panel to investigate the cri-sis. From the detailed report of the Panel, 943 people were killed while 838 others were injured. While the Federal Govern-ment has paid over N10billion as repara-tion to the victims of the riots, the 626 suspects who were arrested in connection with arson, culpable homicide and other grave offences perpetrated during the civil disturbances have been left off the hook on account of official impunity that has become the order of the day under the cur-rent political dispensation.

Convinced that electoral offenders ought to be prosecuted in order to stop electoral violence the Panel equally made a strong case for the setting up of “an autonomous and constitutionally recognized Electoral Offences Tribunal, but which may be an ad hoc body as it may not have much to do in between election periods.” In accepting the recommendation, the Federal Government undertook to take all necessary actions to establish the Tribunal. Although the rec-ommendation was adopted in August 2012, the Tribunal is yet to be set up. Having signed the non-violence accord President Goodluck Jonathan should now proceed to institute the Electoral Offences Tribunal. It is high time an end was put to the official endorsement of politically motivated vio-lence in the country.

However, if the Federal Government is desirous to maintain the status quo it is pertinent to note that section 150 of the Electoral Act has empowered the Inde-pendent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to deal with prosecute electoral offenders. But since the INEC lacks the ca-pacity to discharge the onerous statutory duty the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) should take up the task of prosecuting electoral offenders throughout the coun-try. To ensure the success of the proposal the NBA should be prepared to collaborate with the Body of Attorneys-General and the Nigeria Police Force. Unless electoral offenders are punished as envisaged by the Electoral Act and the Constitution the subversion of the democratic process will continue unabated.

Falana, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria writes from Lagos.

Law & Justice

Page 47: Monday, february 2, 2015

National 47Monday, February 2, 2015 North

Report PVC collection problems, Aliyu urges electoratePRISCILLA DENNIS MINNA

Niger State Gov-ernor, Dr. Muazu Babangida Aliyu,

has enjoined people of the state to report any challenge that could hin-der collection of their Permanent Voter Cards, PVCs, to the state govern-ment.

Aliyu, who stated this at a Maulud celebration

organised by Tijanniyya Islamic sect in Minna, urged the people to col-lect their PVCs to enable them perform their civic responsibility.

“The PVC is a right and the only tool to elect people who can deliver on campaign promises. The state government is pre-pared to intervene once electorates alert on any form of challenges that might hinder collection.”

He described the turn-out in previous elections as low, noting that most registered voters either failed to get their voter cards or just refused to come out and exercise their civic duties during the election.

According to him, “Zone B has over 900,000 voters, but only 200,000 of them bothered to vote in the last election.”

The governor also

called on the people to respect the result of a valid election and accept its outcome as an act or-dained by God and sup-port whoever emerges victorious to foster peace.

While calling on peo-ple of the state to eschew religious and ethnic sen-timents, he urged them to vote candidates strictly based on their ability to deliver on their campaign promises.


Outgoing governor of Benue State, Dr Ga-briel Suswam, has

said he had mixed experi-ence governing Benue State for eight years, even as he said the allegation of forg-ing his Secondary School Certificate by his detractors

was the most ridiculous.He will mandatorily va-

cate office on May 29 this year upon expiration of his ongoing four-year term in office.

Suswam spoke with news-men on his experience in of-fice, achievements and chal-lenges during his ongoing eight-year rule in the state moments after he flagged off

his senatorial campaign at Katsina-Ala.

According to him, “the past eight years have been quite an experience and it is mixed with some very excit-ing moments and some sad; that sometimes you ask why did I get myself into this? But you know that is life. Life is mixed. You don’t ex-pect it should be rosy all the

Wife of Bauchi State Governor, Hajia Aisha Yuguda (3rd left); Bauchi State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Child Development, Hajia Talatu Barwa (4th left) and Director-General, Ministry of Women Affiars, Hajia Ladi Ilelah (right), during the skill acquisition support programme for women in 20 LGAs of Bauchi State, at the weekend.


Nigerian health workers under the umbrella of Joint

Health Sector Unions, JOHESU, have pledged to end their three-month-old strike, but on condition that President Goodluck Jonathan meets with their leaders and approve their demands.

The pledge came amidst raging contro-versy over alleged attacks by the workers on doctors working in public hospi-tals in Abuja few days ago.

The workers were alleged to have carried out the attacks over the doctors’ failure to shut down hos-pitals.

JOHESU, however, de-nied the attacks said to have taken place at the National Hospital, Uni-versity of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada, and Gwarinmpa General Hospital, all in the Feder-al Capital Territory, FCT.

A statement jointly signed by chairperson and secretary of JOHESU, comrades Ayuba Wabba and Yusuf Badmus re-spectively, a copy of which

was made available to Na-tional Mirror at the week-end, said there was hope the workers will soon re-sume at their duty posts.

The workers said the president had expressed willingness to intervene in the strike.

JOHESU downed tools in October last year over some demands from the Federal Government, part of which had created long-standing rivalries between the workers and doctors in the country. The strike has since re-sulted in virtual absence of services in most pub-

Health workers give condition to end strikelic hospitals in the country.

Part of the release said: “It would be recalled that government met with JO-HESU leaders on Decem-ber 22, 2014, to discuss matters that led to the strike by JOHESU.

“Among the issues re-solved that day was the financial implication of the adjusted salary for JOHESU members, which was confirmed to have been calculated for pre-sentation to Mr. President for his approval within a period of two weeks and that the relevant circu-


As the February elections draw nearer, Jama’atu

Nasril Islam, JNI, un-der leadership of its President-General, His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, has called on all Muslims and Nigerians in general to demonstrate real and genuine sense of patriotism, responsibil-ity, tolerance and com-mitment to peace and sta-bility in Nigeria, before, during and after the forth-coming elections.

The appeal was con-tained in a release made available to National Mir-ror, which says the call for peace is both a religious and civic obligations as it is apparent that elections in the next two weeks are the most keenly contest-ed in the history of our country with the political atmosphere increasingly getting charged.

In view of this rather worrisome situation, JNI therefore, calls on all Ni-gerians to shun violence in any way, in any form and at all phases of the elections and its after-math.

The body specially called on the prime actors; INEC, the presidential candidates and contes-tants at all levels, as well as political party leaders and officials, to do what-

ever it takes to avoid ut-terances and actions that could precipitate violence.

JNI asserted that the most significant antidotes to violence are free, fair and credible elections, on one hand, and faithful ac-ceptance of the outcome of elections by all.

“In any election, there must be winners and los-ers, and we would only get it right when the elections are obviously and mani-festly seen to be transpar-ent and credible in con-duct, and consequently the losers accept defeat in good faith.”

The sultan made a clar-ion call on the principal contenders in the presi-dential and gubernato-rial races to, as a matter of faith, personal reputa-tion, and statesmanship, respect the Abuja Peace Accord and guard against actions and utterances that may trigger violence, while INEC should keep to its duty with faith and sincerity to God and to the country by demonstrating real commitment to free, fair and credible elec-tions.

“It is our firm belief that doing everything pos-sible to forestall violence and save lives and prop-erty in the forthcoming elections is our collective obligation that we all have to discharge and we must therefore, stand up to do it faithfully.

Sultan tasks Nigerians on patriotism, tolerance

I’ve mixed experience governing Benue —Suswamtime, or life of agitation all the time.

“I would say I have gotten a load of experience, some bad, some good. I have got-ten to know human beings. I have gotten to know people and human behaviour. Poli-tics is a better teacher even more than psychology as a subject and when you join politics and participate and

contest elections, you will get to know who human beings are, so I have gotten to know that. You will also get to know if your father is actually your real father; people will tell you all kinds of things.

“For instance, I woke up one day and I was told that I forged Form Five (5) Cer-tificate. And to me, initially,

I thought it was a joke be-cause I did my secondary school in Government Col-lege, Makurdi, then went to SBS, Makurdi, and UNILAG to read Law.

“But the allegation be-came an issue, both locally and internationally. Then, I decided I was going to face the issue. I wanted it to go through the process.”

lars on the matter and oth-ers would be released.

“Regrettably, it is five weeks today at the time of this press release and the unions are still looking up to the government to re-convene the meeting.

“However, the national rally expected in Abuja

today, January 28, 2014, has been put on hold to give room and respect for Mr. President, who has ex-pressed willingness to hold meet with the leadership of JOHESU to end the strike.

“If Mr. President fulfills his promise soon, the strike will come to an end.

Page 48: Monday, february 2, 2015

48 News National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netWednesday, April 23, 201448 National Mirror Monday, February 2, 2014

Community MirrorI have been part of the civilian administration since 1999 and reasonably I know some of the things responsible for

the crisis in the state. Governor of Delta State – Emmanuel Uduaghan

Dare akogun

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp, NSCDC, in Lagos has

said no stone will be left un-turned in its effort to provide a safe atmosphere for eligible voters before, during and after the elections.

Just as the command has promised to ensure a peaceful conduct of the general elec-

tions in the state.Lagos State Commandant

Mr. Gabriel Abafi stated this at a workshop organised by the command to train and to enlighten its officers on their conduct during the general election.

He said the training was nec-essary for the officers in order to prepare and enlighten them of their duties before during and after the elections.

According to him “Most Poli-

Matthew IrInoye

A non-governmental or-ganisation, NGO, un-der the umbrella of

‘Lawyers4change’ has urged political leaders to desist from violent and uncivilized mode of electioneering in the country.

Addressing the press men in Lagos, on pre-election violence and attacks on supporters of rival groups involving griev-ous bodily injuries and wanton destruction of properties, the National Coordinator of the group Mr. Adesina Ogunlana, said the quest for political of-fice is a warfare among barbar-ians, adding that people who are genuinely interested in serving a community cannot be inter-ested in destroying the same community.

aza Msue kaDuna

With the Commence-ment of January immunization cam-

paign, a group Journalists Against Polio, JAP, have called on parents to ensure that their children between the ages of 0-5 years were immunized against polio in Kaduna state.

In a statement signed by

Dare akogun

Another pipeline explo-sion occurred early Sunday along Pipe-

lines and Products Market-ing Company, PPMC, network at Imagbon, and Arepo both

in Lagos and Ogun states re-spectively. National Emergency Manage-ment Authority, NEMA South West Spokes person Mr. Ibra-him Farinloye, confirmed the incident to community mir-ror in Lagos.According to Farinloye, some

vandals ruptured the PPMC/NNPC Pipelines network at Arepo around 5.20 a.m. and their unpatriotic act resulted in an explosion “with heavy billowing fireballs. “Pipeline fire fighting ex-perts from NNPC have been mobilised, supplies have been

stopped and valves locked up immediately.“We can’t confirm if there are casualties or not, we just planning to get into the place.”Huge fireballs were still vis-ible at the time of filing this report.

NSCDC promises to ensure peaceful election

Group cautions politicians on election violence

JAP tasks parents on immunizing children against polio

Pipeline explosion rocks Ogun community

ticians are very desperate and wanted to win at all cost, so putting this into consideration we as security agency see it as matter of civic duty to provide them with a booklet that con-tains the dos and don’ts during the election.

“NSCDC has fared well, espe-cially in the area of gathering intelligence and the security of life and property. The agency is poised to ensure a peaceful conduct of the 2015 elections”,

the Secretary of JAP, Ka-duna State Chapter, Lawal Dogara, urged the parents to give all the needed support to ensure no child is left out between the periods of the exercise.

The Statement said the Executive Secretary, Kaduna State Primary Health Care Agency, SPHCA, Dr Safiyan Muawuyya Babale, assured that all required arrange-

he said.The commandant said that

both the police and the NSCDC had the same mandate of se-curing life and property in the state and making it conducive for local and foreign investors.

“The Nigeria police and the civil defence have to work together in securing life and property of the citizens of the state during and after the elec-tions.

“Aside from our usual func-tion of curtailing and arrest-ing of suspects vandalising the country’s pipeline, monitoring elections, ensuring free and fair process was also our duty.

“The agency will be pro-active in curtailing pre- and post-election violence that may arise during and after the elec-tions following the activities of

miscreants,’’ Abafi said.He enjoined the officers to be

steadfast and be contented with the provision given to them by the agency warning that any officer found wanting would be decisively dealt with by the agency.

Speaking earlier the chair-man of the occasion Dr. Ona Ekhomu stated that if the gen-eral public did not participate in violence the election will be peaceful saying that politicians will be restricted to their wards during the election.

Ekhomu who is the Chair-man School of Management and Security enjoined the gen-eral public to eschew violence and any act that can undermine the credibility of the polls, say-ing that the country is on the threshold of history.

He said, “Our politicians must not be allowed to turn our country to a war zone and a killing field”.

The coordinator however, charged the security agencies to eschew partisanship and embrace professionalism in the discharge of their duties.

According to him, “Let all the security heads and offi-cials know that they are agen-cies set up for the protection of the state and not to serve the interests of any political party”

Ogunlana who made a com-ment on the certificate of the presidential candidate of All Progressives Congress, APC, General Muhammadu Buari, said that those who are against him have not used the proper and lawful portal to ventilate their grievances.

“The portal is the Court of Law, not street marches “, he said.

The National Coordinator also enjoined the Independent Electoral Commission, INEC, to re-strategize and ensure that the election takes place as scheduled.

“We support INEC instead of postponing the election, the electoral body should redouble its efforts and meet their tar-gets” he said.

ments have been put in place to ensure that eligible chil-dren were vaccinated.

Dr Babale said the Agency have already distributed vac-cines to all the Local Govern-ments for the exercise.

He commended the effort of traditional rulers and reli-gious leaders for their effort and urged them to re-double effort for the overall success of the exercise.

Residents of Afikpo in Ebonyi, receiving free medical service at NACA and SURE-P free health care programme, recently. PHOTO: NAN

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What the West will say or do is not my business. My business is to ensure the decisions we take here (AU) are implemented.


Al Jazeera journalist Peter Greste was released from a Cairo jail on Sunday and left Egypt for his native Australia after 400 days in prison on charges that included aiding a ter-rorist group, security officials said.

There was no official word on the fate of his two Al Jazeera colleagues - Canadian-Egyptian Mohamed Fahmy and Egyptian na-tional Baher Mohamed - who were also jailed in the case that provoked an international outcry.

The three were sentenced to seven to 10 years on charges including spreading lies to help a terrorist organization - a reference to the outlawed Muslim Brother-hood. One month ago, however, a court ordered their retrial.

Six Bulgarian U.N. aid workers who were detained by rebels in Sudan’s strife-torn South Kordofan region have been released, the Bulgarian foreign ministry said yesterday.

“They are in good health and are in a safe place with a team of the United Nations (World) Food Pro-gramme,” foreign ministry spokes-woman Betina Zhoteva said.

The WFP six workers were taken into custody by Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) on Jan 26, when their helicopter made an emergency landing in South Kordofan.

SPLM-N spokesman Mubarak Ardol confirmed to Reuters that the six Bulgarians’ transfer to the United Nations was complete, after they were moved from rebel-held territories in Sudan to the Yida refugee camp in South Sudan, where they were handed over to the United Nations.

A bomb tore apart a bus thought to be carrying Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim pilgrims in Damascus on Sunday, killing at least six people and wounding 19 in a rare attack at the centre of the Syrian capital, a Reuters witness and local media said.

A social media account linked to al Qaeda’s Nusra Front said the hardline Sunni group was behind what it described as a suicide attack on the bus near a market place.

The vehicle had Lebanese number plates and Syrian security services had cordoned off the area close to Hamidiyeh market, the Reuters witness said. Rescue work-ers sifted through the rubble and cleared away pools of blood from the ground.


Japan and other nations condemned with outrage and horror yesterday the

beheading purportedly by the Is-lamic State group of Kenji Goto, a journalist who sought through his coverage of Syria to convey the plight of refugees, children and other victims of war.

The failure to save Goto raised fears for the life of a Jordanian fighter pilot also held hostage by the extremists. Unlike earlier messages, an online video pur-porting to show an Islamic State group militant beheading Goto, circulated via social media late Saturday by militant sympathiz-ers, did not mention the pilot.

Goto’s slaying shocked this country, which up to now had not become directly embroiled in the fight against the militants.

“I feel indignation over this im-moral and heinous act of terror-ism,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters after convening an emergency Cabinet meeting.

“When I think of the grief of his family, I am left speechless,” he said. “The government has been doing its utmost in respond-ing to win his release, and we are filled with deep regret.”

In light of threats from the Islamic State group, the govern-ment ordered heightened secu-rity at airports and at Japanese facilities overseas, such as em-bassies and schools, government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said.

Thirteen government sol-diers and at least as many civilians have been killed

in the past 24 hours in eastern Ukraine’s separatist conflict af-ter the collapse of peace talks, Kiev authorities said.

Hopes of easing the situation evaporated on Saturday with Ukraine’s representative and sep-aratist envoys accusing the other of sabotaging negotiations.

“Fighting continues across all sections of the frontline,” Kiev military spokesman Volodymyr Polyovy said in a briefing.

The Organization for Secu-rity and Cooperation in Europe, which took part in the talks in Minsk, Belarus, along with en-voys from Ukraine and Russia, said rebel delegates had not been ready to discuss key points of a peace plan.

He said it would be “inappro-priate” to comment on the status of the Jordanian pilot, Muath al-Kaseasbeh. He was captured in December when his F-16 crashed near the de facto capital of the Islamic State group, which con-trols about a third of both Syria and neighboring Iraq in a self-declared caliphate.

Jordan’s government spokes-man, Mohammed al-Momani, also declined comment. Earlier this week, Jordan offered to free an al-Qaida prisoner for the pilot, but demanded and said it never

“In fact, they were not even pre-pared to discuss implementation of a ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons,” the OSCE said in a statement.

It said rebels had instead pushed for a revision of a cease-fire plan agreed in Minsk last Sep-tember.

The terms of that 12-point

Japanese expressed shock and horror over Goto’s killing.

Yukawa’s father, Shoichi, said Goto was trying to rescue his son “only to suffer the worst possible outcome.”

“I just have no words. It’s ut-terly heartbreaking,” he said. “People killing other people — it’s so deplorable. How can this be happening?”

Abe vowed not to give in to terrorism and said Japan will continue to provide humanitar-ian aid to countries fighting the Islamic State extremists.

protocol have been repeatedly violated but Kiev and foreign gov-ernments see it as the only viable roadmap to end the nine-month-long conflict in which more than 5,000 people have been killed.

In eastern Ukraine, the Kiev military reported no let-up in rebel attacks on government posi-tions.

Jailed Al Jazeera journalist leaves Egypt for Australia

Sudan rebels release Bulgarian aid workers

Bomb blast kills six in Damascus

ISIS butcher ‘Jihadi John’ standing in between the two Japanese hostages

Pro-Russian separatists ride on top of a tank in the Lugansk region of Ukraine .

Ukraine’s war death toll rises after peace talks fail

Japan outraged over ISIS beheading of its citizen

got proof he was still alive.Goto, 47, was a freelance journal-

ist and father who braved hardship and peril to convey the suffering caused by conflict and poverty.

“Kenji has died, and my heart is broken. Facing such a tragic death, I’m just speechless,” Goto’s mother Junko Ishido told reporters.

“I was hoping Kenji might be able to come home,” said Goto’s brother, Junichi Goto, in a sepa-rate interview. “I was hoping he would return and thank everyone for his rescue, but that’s impossi-ble, and I’m bitterly disappointed.”

World News


National Mirrorwww.nationalmirroronline.netMonday, February 2, 2015 49

Clashes are intense around the town of Debaltseve, Polyy-ovy said, referring to a Kiev-held transport hub connecting the two main rebel strongholds that sepa-ratists aim to cut off.

“There is no question of encir-clement or cutting off of the main communication lines. The situa-tion is under control,” he said.

The rebel advance has suc-ceeded in seizing part of nearby Vuhlehirsk from Kiev troops, Polyovy said. On Sunday the town was being pounded by near-con-stant shelling, a Reuters witness reported.

The Interior Ministry said on Sunday seven civilians had been killed in shelling on Sunday of Debaltseve, while the Luhansk re-gional administration said three civilians had been killed in shell-ing across the region overnight.

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Politics National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net50 Monday, February 2, 2015


Kwara state Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, gubernatorial

candidate, Senator Simeon Ajibola, has challenged Kwara State governor, Ab-dulfatah Ahmed, to a live radio and television debate

Ajibola challenges Ahmed to live debate on performance

L-R: Lagos State Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, chairman, Mr. Tunji Shelle; deputy gubernatorial candidate, Alhaja Safurat Abdul Kareem; gubernatorial candidate, Mr. Jimi Agbaje and Akran of Badagry, HRM De Wheno Aholu Menu-Toyi 1, during a visit to the Oba at the weekend. PHOTO: SAMUEL ADETIMEHIN


Crises seems to be looming within the ruling Peoples Dem-

ocratic, PDP in Cross River State, following agitation by Northern senatorial district stakeholders for immediate replacement of Dr. Rose Oko, PDP candi-date for the district over ill health.

Oko, a House of Repre-sentatives’ member repre-senting Ogoja/Yala federal constituency won the ticket and became the party stan-dard bearer for the Febru-ary 14 senatorial elections after defeating Speaker of the state House of Assem-bly, Larry Odey, even while on sick bed.

The stakeholders said Oko should be replaced with another candidate to represent the Northern senatorial district so that PDP doesn’t lose the sena-


Taraba State Peoples Democratic Party, PDP gubernato-

rial candidate, Arc Dairus Dickson Ishaku, has pledged to use agriculture to create wealth and jobs for the people if elected governor.

Ishaku made the prom-ise yesterday in Karim Lamido Local Government Area in continuation of his campaign tour of the state.

Promising to open up rural roads, especially the over 20-kilometer Jalingo-Lau-Karim road, Ishaku noted that he will revamp agriculture and boost dry season farming by provid-

torial elections to another opposition candidate.

They expressed worry that Oko, currently seeking medical attention abroad, may not repeat the feat that gave her the ticket, now that opposition parties are ag-gressively making consulta-tion and doing the necessar-ies to ensure that they outwit Oko in the February poll.

The agitating stakehold-ers include members of the PDP elders/caucus com-mittee, wards, local gov-ernment officers and some youth groups.

They averred that it is

ing irrigation facilities, a gesture he said would create wealth and jobs for the teem-ing youths of the state.

Ishaku who lauded the transformation agenda of President Jonathan especial-ly in agriculture, road and other sectors of the economy, called on the people to vote for President Jonathan and all PDP candidates in the forthcoming election.

State acting governor, Sani Danladi while ad-dressing party supporters called for massive votes for President Jonathan and all PDP candidates, describing votes for Presi-dent Jonathan as votes for development and better op-portunities for the people of the state.

unacceptable for the ruling party to field a candidate that is indisposed and is currently receiving treat-ment abroad for an undis-closed ailment.

Wondering the rationale for PDP to impose an ailing candidate, the stakeholders said it is an insult on the sensibilities of the people to insist that she is the best material at the moment.

They said: “We have come to a stage where we all have to speak up against what is bad and the treat-ment meted out on us. In 2011 election, when Dr. Oko

won PDP primaries into the House of Representa-tives for Ogoja/Yala, she was on sick bed and later won in the general elec-tions; last December again, she still won from sick bed against all protestations from party members.”

However, state PDP chairman, Ntufam John Okon, stated: “I can tell you that Hon. Oko is in London and I have spoken with her. She had a successful treat-ment and she is now in London recuperating. Be-sides, I can assure you that she will win her election.

Crises looms in C’River PDP over substitution of senatorial candidate

Taraba PDP guber candidate to create wealth, jobs through agriculture


Ndi-Igbo in the Unit-ed States, under the aegis of Pan

Ndi-Igbo Foundation USA, Inc., PNF USA, unequivo-cally and strongly declared its support for Senator Ike Ekweremadu, who it de-scribed as a knowledgeable and educated legislator.

This was the resolution of PNF USA, after a spe-cial emergency meeting of its executive council. It said its decision followed Ekweremadu’s stellar per-formance in the National

Assembly, wher he has sponsored and shepherded bills that became law, add-ing that his antecedents show that he is a true Nige-rian of Igbo ethnic decent.

PNF USA National Pres-ident, Geoffrey Nzeadibe, in a statement made avail-able to National Mirror, said: “We have no doubt that Ekweremadu will be re-elected to continue his commendable services to the people of Nigeria, while working collegially with the leadership of the upper chamber, as well as the presidency. “Ekwer-emadu is a reflection of a


Ahead of the Febru-ary 14 presidential election, a political

group, Dass Youths Aware-ness for Jonathan has fi-nally endorse President Goodluck Jonathan, in its renewed commitment to ensure continuity of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, administration

The forum said its deci-sion followed his credibil-ity and the giant strides of the Jonathan-led Federal government through the transformation agenda.

Chairman of the forum, Mohammed Abubakar, dis-closed this while address-ing PDP supporters in Dass Local Government Area of Bauchi State, during the tour of the 13 wards of the area, under the supervi-sion of Gideon Bawa

Abubakar said the fo-rum decided to tour the area to create awareness on the need to vote Jonathan as the next president, say-ing PDP is the only party with good foresight and without violence compared to the opposition party.

He said the forum will leave no stone unturned to

true Nigerian whose vir-tue is to work within the system to effect meaning-ful change. We give him our maximum support as we beckon on Nigerians to support Ekweremadu’s party, the Peoples Demo-cratic Party, PDP, to main-tain majority in the Na-tional Assembly so that he will continue to serve us.”

Expressing pride in Ekweremadu as “a formi-dable leader and a flawless and consummate legislator who knows how to work well with people from a diverse background to ac-complish our country’s

ensure that President Jona-than is returned to office, cautioning the opposition to desist from the callous campaign linking Jona-than with Insurgency in its quest for power.

He said: “Don’t allow yourself to be deceived with religion and ethnic-ity by the All Progressives Congress, APC, in its des-peration to rule, when it has indoctrinated its sup-porters to use arms to cause violence in the North, but remain committed and law abiding citizens.”

Stressing that Jonathan deserves total votes in Bau-chi State for appointing Adamu Mu’azu as PDP Na-tional Chairman, Moham-med as the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Minister and Professor Sule Elias Bogoro as TETFUND exec-utive secretary, the forum said that Bogoro’s appoint-ment has attracted the es-tablishment of federal uni-versities in Tafawa-Balewa and Bogoro to cater for Bauchi indigenes

work,” PNF USA said the senator has used his posi-tion to benefit the masses, by giving scholarships to many people and sponsor-ing several human-orient-ed projects in the zone.

PNF USA, a political pressure group, is a nation-al organisation with head-quarters in Dallas, Texas, United States. Founded 14 years ago, it is a platform for the articulation, devel-opment, promotion, and protection of the common/political interests of Ndi-Igbo in particular and Ni-geria in general around the world.


Dass youth group endorses Jonathan

over performance claims.Ajibola threw the chal-

lenge yesterday in Ilorin while addressing women and youths from the 16 local councils in the state.

Ajibola and Ahmed of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, have been

trading words over perfor-mance, with Ajibola saying he was ready to confront Ahmed with proof of his contributions to capital projects and developmental initiatives in the state.

Declaring that he was ready to prove that he con-

tributed N1.5 billion to the construction of the Ilorin cargo terminal, the Interna-tional Vocational Centre at Ajasse-Ipo and the Kaiama-Kosubosu highway, Ajibola said evidence of payments, such as cheques would be made available to members

of the public for their ap-praisal.

He insisted that he had done more for the people of the state than the APC- led government, despite that he had no executive control over funds like the gover-nor, being only a lawmaker.

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National 51NorthMonday, February 2, 2015

1,500 dump PDP, APC for Niger SDP

Guber poll: I’m not scared of Aliyu –APC candidate

Transport minister fl ags off Gombe-P’Harcourt train service

Don’t disenfranchise the physically-challenged, group cautions Jega


Social Democratic Party, SDP, in Niger State says it has re-

ceived a total of 1,500 sup-porters from the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and All Progressives Con-gress, APC, that dumped the parties and moved into its camp.

It also revealed that SDP was fielding 26 candidates for various offices in the forthcoming elections, thereby making it the third largest party to be reckoned with in the political hierar-chy of the state.

State chairman of the party, Mohammed Alfa, who disclosed this in Minna dur-ing presentation of flags to its candidates, stressed that his party was the third largest political party in the state in terms of candidates fielded for the February elec-tions.

According to him, “our party is the third biggest


Following a declara-tion at the weekend by the Senatorial

Election Tribunal as the senator-elect for Niger East district in the August/Sep-tember 2014 bye-election, Barr David Umar of the All Progressives Congress, APC, has said he was not afraid to confront his ri-val, Dr. Mu’azu Aliyu, in the February 28 senatorial election.

Umar in a chat with journalists in Minna add-ed that he was not scared of whatever financial resources the governor would deploy in his bid to

win the election.The lawmaker assured

that the outcome of the election between him and the governor would prove that it was not the high and mighty that triumphs, but the will of the people.

“I am not afraid, we are very ready. I can assure you this election is not going to be for the high and mighty, but for credible people. I predict something higher than a landslide victory,” the APC candidate stated.

He maintained that his victory at the tribunal has shown there is no insur-mountable challenge as long as one is persistent, noting that this would boost his chances and gal-

vanise efforts of the APC in the general elections.

On move by the PDP to appeal the tribunal’s Fri-day judgment, Umar said, “It does not really matter if I spend only a day in the Senate to represent my people as a senator of the Federal Republic of Nige-ria. I am not bothered if the PDP chooses to appeal, I am well-prepared for that; there are lawyers to defend me; the right to appeal is fundamental in the legal system.

“The PDP cannot keep trampling on people or continue to do the wrong things. This is a clear mes-sage to the PDP that time is over for its reliance over

the years, on rigging and manipulation of results.”

Umar also dispelled fears that PDP has started intimidating APC support-ers in the state in order to woo them to vote for their party during the general elections, while sounding a note of warning that APC will no longer allow the stealing of its mandate as it had always done since 2003.

Last Friday, the National Assembly Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Minna or-dered the state’s Independent National Electoral Commis-sion, INEC, to declare Umar winner of the senatorial bye-election in which Dr. Shem Zagbayi Nuhu was earlier declared winner.


Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, has extended

the deadline for collec-tion of Permanent Voter Cards, PVCs to Sunday, February 8.

The extension is con-tained in a statement the Chief Press Secretary to

INEC chairman, Kayode Idowu, made available to journalists in Abuja.

“This supersedes the earlier deadline of Satur-day, January 31, 2015, and is intended to give regis-tered voters yet to collect their PVCs the opportuni-ty to do so in readiness for the February 2015 general elections,” Idowu said.

The distribution of the

cards has suffered several hitches since the exercise commenced last year.

The development, which has only seen less than 50 million of the over 68 million registered voters collect their cards, had culminated in calls by some groups to postpone the elections.

The statement called on duly registered persons

INEC extends PVC collection deadline

by National Women leader, Maryam Batubo, urged women in the country to give all necessary support to all candidates, especially the gubernatorial candidate

in the state, the only female in the governorship contest.

Falae also appealed to men to allow their wives vote for one of their own in the election.

Members of the Civilian JTF at Molai, Maiduguri, after repelling Boko Haram attack yesterday


Minister of Trans-port, Idris Umar, yesterday flagged

off the Gombe-Kafanchan-Port Harcourt and Gombe-Kafanchan-Kaduna inter-city train services with a call on Nigerians to utilise the services for their ben-efit.

The Minister said at the Gombe railway station that series of such commission-ing in the last few weeks followed the massive trans-formation of rail transport system embarked by the Goodluck Jonathan admin-istration.

He said as a result of res-toration of the services in the last couple of weeks, a lot of interest and hopes had been rekindled, thus heightening confidence in the President’s transformation agenda.

The occasion was also used to commission five 68-seater air-conditioned coaches, which is yet another milestone attained by the Jonathan administration in transforming railway trans-port.

The Minister restated the Federal Government’s commitment to restoration of full services along the Gombe-Maiduguri corridor as soon as the security situa-tion substantially improves.

In his speech, Governor Ibrahim Dankwambo lauded the Federal Government for restoring the railway trans-port system, noting that it would create 7,000 jobs in Gombe alone and generally boost economic activities.

He added that it would also cut not less than 50 per cent cost of transportation of goods and services from Gombe corridor to other parts of the country.


Eleven days to the general elections, the Nigeria Asso-

ciation for the Blind, NAB, has called on the Prof Atta-hiru Jega-led Independent National Electoral Com-mission, INEC, to ensure that physically challenged persons are not disenfran-chised.

The association also ap-pealed that they be provid-ed with vital materials to assist them vote freely and independently in the elec-

tions.The association made

the calls in a communiqué made available to news-men in Gombe by the new national president, Mallam Ishaku Adamu, after its 24th national convention held in Ikorodu, Lagos last week.

It said the inclusion of the physically-challenged in the election as voters is among ingredients that would ascertain the gen-eral elections as free, fair and credible, thus ensuring that no section of the soci-ety is disenfranchised.

not to delay in collecting their cards before expira-tion of the new deadline.

“The commission reaf-firms its determination to make the 2015 elections free, fair, credible and peaceful; and urges all stakeholders, including voters, to spare no effort in working towards the same objective,” the statement added.

force in the state politically, having fielded 26 candidates contesting for various po-litical offices at national and state levels. We have fielded 15 candidates for the state’s House of Assembly, eight for House of Representatives, three for Senate and one gov-ernorship candidate.”

He also noted that should SDP be elected into office, attention would be given to security, especially with insecurity confronting the northern region, quality health care, integrated rural development, among others.

Alfa further stated that though out of wisdom, the SDP decided to concentrate its energy in dominating the national and state Assem-blies without fielding a presi-dential candidate, “we will surely decide who wins the next presidential election be-cause we are a potent third force in the 2015 election.”

Earlier, national chair-man of the party, Chief Olu Falae, who was represented

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National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net52 Monday, February 2, 2015

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Imoh Maryrose Ezinne, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Maryrose Ezinne Okeke All former documents remain valid. General public take note

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Udeze Chizoba Queendaline, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Ezeonyeche Chizoba Queendaline. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Anidibie Chiyenum Daniella, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Anagwu Chiyenum Daniella. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I,formerly known and addressed as Mr. Komolafe Oluwashola Adewale, now wish to be known and addressed as Mr.Komolafe Oluwashola Adebayo. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME OBIALOR: Formerly known and addressed as Miss. Obialor Ngozi Maureen, now wish to be known and Addressed as Mrs Edo David Ngozi. All former documents remain valid. General public to please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME NZEKWE: Formerly known and addressed as Mrs. Nzekwe Celestina Ngozika, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Adesoji Celestina Ngozika. All former documents remain valid. Sheda Science and Technology Complex Sheda Abuja and general public take note.

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CHANGE OF NAME MUOJINDU: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Muojindu Amaka Loretha, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Agu Amaka Loretha. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME AKUNNA: Formerly known and addressed as Miss. Akunna Lynder Adaobi, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Eluagu Lynder Adaobi. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

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LOSS OF DOCUMENTThis is to inform the general public that Chief Prince Rufus Nwabueze Agu lost original lease allocation papers with Plot No 1A Federal Staff Close Independent Layout, Enugu, The document got lost as a result of misplacement. No 11 Umunano Street Independent Layout Enugu. Federal Ministry of Lands and Housing should take note.

CONFIRMATION OF NAMEThis is to confi rm that the bearer of these names John Apereyere Evelyn, Apreyere Evelyn And Apreyere Evelyn Ebikaboere refers to one and the same person. All documents remain valid. Niger Delta University and the general public should please take note.

CONFIRMATION OF NAMEThis is to confi rm that the bearer of these names Bokade Tamarau-Ebi and Tamarauebi Bokade refers to one and the same person. All documents remain valid. Niger Delta University and the general public should please take note.

CONFIRMATION OF NAMEThis is to confi rm that the bearer of these names Macaulay Barry Omojevwe and Macaulay Barry. Belongs to one and the same person. All documents remain valid. Niger Delta University and the general public rhould please take note.

CONFIRMATION OF NAMEThis is to confi rm that the bearer of these names Odoko Itari Blessed and Odoko Blessed. Belongs to one and the same person. All documents remain valid. Niger Delta University and the general public rhould please take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Agatha Chinyere Okafor now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Agatha Chinyere Nwosu. All documents remain valid. The general public should please take note

CHANGE OF NAMENWAIWU: Formerly known and addressed as Nwaiwu Paul Abuchi, now wish to be known, called and addressed as Nnanna Maduabuchi Paul. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEONWU: Formerly known and addressed as Maxwell Chizubar Onwu, now wish to be known, called and addressed as Agolu Maxwell. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Fadele Olayemi Arinola, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ibigbami Olayemi Arinola. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Odeyemi Aina Abimbola, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ajomole Abimbola Aina. All formal documents remain valid, general public note

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Babajide Adebukola Hellem, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Oseni Adebukola Hellen. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Adepoju Oluwaseyi Rebecca, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Rasaq Adepoju Oluwaseyi Rebecca. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Alabi Iyabode Adewunmi, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Balogun Iyabode Adewunmi. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Ameenah Omowunmi Ayoade, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ameenah Olawunmi Kadri. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Eunice Aanuoluwapo Dahunsi, now wish to be known and addressed as Eunice Aanuoluwapo Badetan. All former documents remain valid. NOUN and general public take note

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Gbolahan Elizabeth Adebola, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Okunbor Elizabeth Adebola. All former documents remain valid. NOUN and general public take note

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Okhilua Catherine Akaluwa Obehioye, now wish to be known and addressed as Catherine Akaluwa Obehioye Johnmacars. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

LOSS OF ORIGINAL LAND DOCUMENTS LOSS OF ORIGINAL LAND DOCUMENTSThis is to inform the general public of the loss of original land documents and re-issue belonging to Mrs Cynthia Adaora Okolo Approval No. KB.41790( Old fi le No. FCT .2033) in favour of CHRISTY AUGUSTINE issued by the Abuja Geographic Information System (AGIS) situated at Plot No J284. Of about 1200sqm in Mpape Layout. If found contact Abuja Geographic Information System and the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA).

This is to inform the general public of the loss of original land documents and re-issue belonging to Mrs Cynthia Adaora Okolo with Approval No. KB.0sqm in Mpape Layout.. If found contact Abuja Geographic Information System and the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA).

CHANGE OF NAMEOWOLABI: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Abimbola Basirat Owolabi, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Abimbola Basirat Amodu. All former documents remain valid. General public take note

CHANGE OF NAMEOKEKE: Formerly known and addressed as Okeke Obumneke Lovelyn, now wish to be known and addressed as Nwobodo Obumneke Lovelyn. All former documents remain valid. General public take note

CHANGE OF NAMEALABI: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Alabi Lydia Arinade, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ibidokun Lydia Arinade. All former documents remain valid. OYSUBEB and the general public take note

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Mr Amos Oluwafemi Aremu now wish to be known and addressed as Mr Amos Oluwafemi Sunday. All former documents remain valid. Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Abeokuta and general public take note

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Nzegwu Blessing Ijeoma, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Iloka Blessing Ijeoma. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Okereke Amarachi Miracle, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Kelechukwu Amarachi Miracle. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Agwu Goodnews Chidinma, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Joshua Goodness Chidinma. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Agbai Comfort Obioma now wish to be known and addressed as James Comfort Obioma. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Iketalu Monica Chinonye, now wish to known and addressed as Mrs. Ositadinma Chinenye Monica. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Achilihu Eziaku Gift, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Iloka Nwanma Uloma Gift. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly addressed and known as Miss Oladunjoye Abosede Foluke, now wish to be called and addressed as Mrs Obasanjo Abosede Foluke. All former documents remain valid,Osun State Polytechnic, Iree and general public should please take note

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Emekekwue Ursula Ebere, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Onuoha Ursula Ebere. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and the general public take note

CONFIRMATION OF NAMEThis is to inform the public that Maduako Aduako Glory Njideka and Uzoatuegwu .G. Njide refer as one person but now Mrs Maduako Aduako Glory Njideka. All former documents remain valid. Abia Poly and general public take note

CHANGE OF NAMENJOKU: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Njoku Ebere Martina, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Chukwu Ebere Martina. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Adekoya Adefowope Tope, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Mayungbe Adefowope Tope. All former document remain valid. Ogun State Ministry of Education Science and Technology and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Olatunji Kehinde Kabirat, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Anise Kehinde Kabirat. All former document remain valid Ogun State Ministry of Education Science and Technology and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Miss Morolake Kehinde Ogunbanwo, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Morolake Kehinde Sokunbi. All former document remain valid. The general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEUGOCHUKWU: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Ugochukwu Charity Nwuka, now wish to be known and address as Mrs Udalla Charity Nwuka. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEFormerly known and addressed as Abdulrasaq Abdulkareem, now wish to be addressed as Mr. Adetela Abdulkareem Adeniyi. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAMEANOZIE: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Chinenye Tessy Anozie, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Chinenye Tessy Aghaji. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.












KINGS LIGHT OUTREACHThis is to inform the general public that the above named Ministry has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration under part ‘C’ of the company and Allied matters Act of 1990.

This is to notify the general public that the property/land lying/situate at No. 141 Yoruba Road, Sapele Delta State of Nigeria belongs to the LATE PA SUNJI .P. FOMBO’S FAMILY of Bonny Town, In Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State.The general public is hereby warned against any act of trespass on the said property, any person (Private or Corporate) who trespasses on the said property does so at his or her own risk. Any person(s) or (Private or Corporate) interested in the property for whatever purpose should contact the rightful owners i.e. MR. BENNET FOMBO Head of Fombo’s Family through their solicitor. Any dealings pertaining to the property with person(s) outside the rightful owners will be null and void of no effect. So be warned!!!

This is to inform the general public that the above named FOUNDATION has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja for registration under part ‘C’ of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 1990.

This is to notify the general public that the above mentioned church has applied to the Corporate Affair Commission for registration under the part C of the companies and Allied Matters Act, CAP 591 laws of 1990.

1. Ayandele Olufemi Adekunle2. Ayandele Temitope Olubunmi3. Raji Folorunsho John4. Adeboyejo Seun

1. Omole Babatunde Alexander - President2. Omole Olufunke Mary - Vice President3. Odeyemi Segun - Secretary

(1) Pastor Adegoke Kehinde - Chaiman(2) Adeyemi Joshua - Secretary(3)Hezekiah Adeyemi(4) Oladeji Kunle

1. To lead people across the planet earth back to God through God centered worship.2. To raise worshipers among the youths and elderly ones from all nations

1. To initiate strategic facilitate resources and provide supports towards holistic youth and community development.2. To assist the less privileges in the society

A. To prepare the saint for the coming of christ.B. To prepare the saint for the work of ministry. C.To set the captive free from the oppression of Satan. And this will be accomplished through the preaching and the teaching of the word of God.

Any objection to this registration to be forwarded to the Registrar-General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Maitama, Abuja, within 28 days of this


Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the Registrar-General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, Off Aguiyi Ironsi Street,

Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria within 28 days of this publication.

Any objection(s)to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar - General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this








CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Ofongo Abigail Belemo, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Kunde Belemo Abigail. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Coleman Akpoboere Apiakise, now wish to be known and addressed as Coleman Akpoboere All former documents remain valid. N.D.U Amasoma and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Evisi Emmanuel, now wish to be known and addressed as Evisi Emmanuel Justice. All former documents remain valid. N.D.U Amasoma and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Stephen Ozu Denebi Azibaolobha, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Joel Ozu Denebi Azibaolobha All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CONFIRMATION OF NAMEThis is to confi rm that Benjamin Eze Sophia Chinenye is one and same person as Eze Sophia Chinenye which appears in my WASSC 2013. Therefore, I wish to be known and addressed as Benjamin Eze Sophia Chinenye. All former documents remain valid. N.D. U Amasoma and general public take note.

Page 53: Monday, february 2, 2015

2015:Aussie Open


I have to congratulate Maria (Sharapova); she played a wonderful match and she

really pushed me

National 53Monday, February 2, 2015


I can’t change now – Costa

World No.1, Novak Djokovic, takes his fifth Australian Open title,

winning a war of attrition over Scot, Andy Murray, in the men’s singles final yesterday.

On a day attendance at Mel-bourne Park reached a record 703,899 (2012 final day was 686,006; last year 643,280), Djokovic was often scintillating, occasionally stumbling and ultimately surging away with the victory.

The champion secured a re-cord-breaking fifth Australian

Open crown with a hard-fought 7-6(5) 6-7(4) 6-3 6-0 win over Mur-ray, the Scot beaten for the fourth time in the past six years in the final at Melbourne Park.

Djokovic now stands alone as the most decorated Australian Open champion of the Open era, surpassing Andre Agassi and Roger Federer’s quartet of titles. Only Roy Emerson, with six, stands above him in the men’s all-time records, while he draws level with Agassi, Jimmy Con-nors, Ivan Lendl, Fred Perry and

t h e i r fifth major title match and third in Melbourne. The 27-year-old duo, born a week apart, drew the best from one another for long spells, splitting two marathon sets littered with extended rallies, breathtaking angles and gut-bust-ing court coverage.

Both men fought their demons on Rod Laver Arena. Djokovic battled a scuffed hand and a con-

Ken Rosewall after winning his eighth Grand Slam crown, and first as a father.

“I wish you and (fiancé) Kim (Sears) many kids,” Djokovic said during his tribute to Murray in the trophy ceremony, before thanking Coach Boris Becker and his entourage: “They sacrificed their lives in order for me to be out here. Without their support, this wouldn’t be possible.”

A tetchy, snarling Murray pushed the world No.1 for the first three hours of an intense finale,

f o u n d -ing problem with his left ankle, tripping and slipping early in the second and third sets before sud-denly springing back to action.

But Murray’s struggles were mental, openly criticising his own wastefulness and inability to focus on his own game rather than second-guess the state of the man across the net.

Champion Novak Djokovic. Inset: With his trophy. Left: Serena Williams with her own trophy Murray falls in final

t h e i r

g ,

) kovic

Nigeria’s proposed international friendly with the Selecao of Brazil might not see the light of the day after the South Americans confirmed they will play fellow South Ameri-cans, Chile. Super Eagles were to meet the Brazilian national team on March 29 at the newly built Akwa Ibom International Stadium in Uyo, but Brazil has now made alternative plans. The Selecao will meet Chile’s national team at Arsenal’s Emir-ates Stadium in London, the Brazil Global Tour has confirmed. Akwa Ibom State governor, Godswill Akpabio, had last year during the inauguration of the ‘Nest of ‘Champions’ stadium an-nounced the high profile match between the two countries which NFF President, Amaju Pinnick, confirmed in December 2014.’s quest to get confirmation from the Nigeria Football Federationj in regards to the latest development proved abortive.

It is left to see what the NFF will do to get a game for the Eagles on the FIFA date if they officially confirm its cancellation.

Friendly: Braziloverlooks Eagles


orld No 1 Novak Open crown with a hard fo

ppppppp yyyyyyyyyown trophy

High fi ve for

Page 54: Monday, february 2, 2015

54 Sports National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netMonday, February 2, 2015

Pape Souare

Crystal Palace signs Senegal’s Pape from Lille

I can’t change now – Costa

Gunners bomb Aston Villa

Crystal Palace says it has completed the signing of full-back Pape Souare

from Lille on a three-and-half-year deal for an undisclosed fee, subject to a work permit.

The 24-year-old Lille acad-emy product has five caps for

Describing himself as “no angel,” Chelsea striker, Diego Costa, has insisted

he won’t alter his aggressive and confrontational playing style in the wake of his three-match ban for stamping on an opponent’s leg.

The Spain international missed Chelsea’s 1-1 Premier League draw with title rival Manchester City on Saturday af-ter failing to overturn a charge of violent conduct for tread-ing on the ankle of Liverpool’s

According to BBC Sport, Eagles chairman, Steve Parish, originally announced the deal last Friday.

He tweeted: “Delighted that Pape Souare has just this min-ute signed for Crystal Palace. A warm welcome from all of us.”

Senegal and played at the ongo-ing Africa Cup of Nations be-fore the Teranga Lions crashed out last month.

Souare is manager Alan Pardew’s third signing in a week after the arrivals of Jor-don Mutch and Shola Ameobi.

Emre Can during the League Cup semi-final last Tuesday.

“I’ve never injured another colleague, another player on purpose,” the former Atletico Madrid striker was quoted by the Sunday Telegraph as saying. “Yes, I’ve had loads of incidents, maybe even more in Spain. But that’s the way I play.

“I’m not going to change the way I play because I got banned for a few games now.”

Costa is the Premier League’s top scorer this season with 17 goals, but has picked up eight yellow cards for Chelsea already.

Arsenal moved above Tot-tenham to fifth slot in the Premier League table

courtesy of an emphatic victory over struggling Aston Villa yes-terday.

The Gunners dominated and took the lead when Olivier Gir-oud collected Mesut Ozil’s neat flick and finished well.

Santi Cazorla’s shot struck the post before well-taken fin-ishes from Ozil and Theo Walcott made it 3-0.

BBC Sport reports that Gir-oud hit the bar with a header be-fore Cazorla fired home a penalty and Hector Bellerin made it 5-0

from 30 yards out. It is the first time the Gunners

have hit five goals in a match this season and completes a hat-trick of successive league victories for Arsene Wenger’s side.

Arsenal has now claimed 19 points out of a possible 24, has not conceded in its last three league games and, with signifi-cant players returning from inju-ry, the team is in a strong position to make a push for a 19th succes-sive top-four finish.

Even without injured leading scorer Alexis Sanchez, the home side had too much quality for Villa.

Coach Georges Leekens has described his Tuni-sia side’s Africa Cup of

Nations quarter-final defeat by host Equatorial Guinea as “a shame for football.”

Tunisia were 1-0 up when they conceded a controversial penalty in the 91st minute and

It looked a harsh decision when Mauritian referee, Ra-jindraparsad Seechur, pointed to the penalty spot in stoppage time, ruling that Ali Maaloul had fouled Ivan Bolado.

Javier Balboa slotted in the kick and he went on to score the winner with a free-kick

lost 2-1 after extra-time. “The referee has made a

huge error. It’s an injustice,” said Leekens told BBC Sport.

“In all my 45 years in foot-ball, 15 as a player and 30 as a coach, I’ve never seen anything like it, the result was forced. I can’t accept it.”

from 25 yards in the 102nd min-ute.

“We played a good game, we’ve worked like mad men, we had a difficult first two weeks and we didn’t deserve that,” Leekens said after Saturday’s match in Bata.

“If they had played better

than us, then I would accept de-feat but I can’t in this fashion.

“My players gave everything and I am very proud. But I am very, very disappointed, not just for me but for Tunisia and my team. I think we deserved to go through but I wish Equa-torial Guinea luck.”

AFCON 2015 h Georges Leekens It looked a harsh decisionlost 2 1 after extra time from 25 yards in

Tunisia rejects Tunisia rejects E’Guinea defeatE’Guinea defeat Arsenal 5 0 Aston Villa

Southampton 0 1 Swansea


Ghana 3 0 Guinea


Tunisia players contesting Mauritian referee Rajindraparsad Seechur’s penalty decision

Costa sees Red

Page 55: Monday, february 2, 2015

National 55Monday, February 2, 2015 Sports

Ambassador John Fasha-nu has called on sports men and women to give

President Goodluck Jonathan all the support he needs as he seeks re-election.

Speaking in Abuja yester-day, the former Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) board member noted that Nigerian sports men and women have had the best of time under President Jonathan.

He said the hunger to win laurels became stronger with Nigeria sports men and women because of the conducive envi-ronment created by the Jonathan Administration.

Fashanu therefore called on all Nigerian athletes to come out to support the President as he seeks a fresh mandate to govern the country, stressing that this is not a period for them to keep quite, but a time for them to lend their voices in the campaign.

“I am calling on all the Nigeria sports men and women to come out and support President Jona-

than because the man protected their interests so very much. And such a person deserves their sup-port at this point in time,

“I am particularly calling on Blessing Okagbare and the other Nigerian athletes, John

Obi Mikel and the other Nige-rian footballers to come out

and show their support to a man that supported them so much. They should speak out and let Nigerians know that they belong to President Goodluck Jonathan.

“I am happy with what Joseph Yobo and Nwankwo Kanu are do-ing so far. They have shown their support and we are happy with that. This is the kind of support that we expect the other ex-inter-nationals to display for Mr. Presi-dent,” Fashanu said.

The former Wimbledon FC of England striker stressed that the reason he is supporting President Jonathan is because of his area of interest which is sports and he has carefully observed that the president has done so well and so deserved to be re-elected.

“It is always a blessing to have a President who shows support to sports because most of them hardly have time for sports at all. To them sports is a secondary matter. But President Jonathan does see sport as a very impor-tant sector of the economy,” he concluded.


After reviewing the just-concluded Super 4 com-petition in Abuja, Gen-

eral Secretary of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Barr Musa Amadu, has declared that Nigerian representatives at the forthcoming CAF Champions League and Confederation Cup are not to be blamed for their not too impressive showing.

Amadu who spoke exclusive-ly to National mirror thumped up the League Management Company (LMC) for organising

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar looks set to avoid a clash with the Winter Olym-

pic and Paralympic Games that year after Asian Football Confed-eration (AFC) President, Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa, claimed last week that the best months for the tournament to take part are November and December.

Shaikh Salman, who heads the FIFA Task Force charged with sourcing potential dates to host the competition, is quoted as say-ing the “matter is resolved”, ac-cording to Chinese news agency Xinhua.

“The period best suited for host-ing the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will be in November and Decem-ber because for sure it needs to be played in the winter,” he said.

FIFA are keen to stage the World Cup in the winter due to the searing temperatures in the summer in Qatar, and January and February 2022 were originally

Super 4: Club owners fault LMC’s Abuja choice

Fashanu charges Okagbare, others to lead Jonathan campaign

...Why top clubs failed –Amadu

Qatar 2022 LOC thinks Nov/Dec fi nals

the pre-season championship despite intense criticisms from concerned stakeholders who lambasted the LMC for the pro-longed delay in resuming the 2014/2015 season and the empty stadium in which the tourna-ment was played.

“I don’t have any criticism for the Super 4; I think it is perfectly organised by the premier league handler, LMC, and I think it has come at a very good time,” Ama-du said.

The NFF secretary added, “Don’t use the result of Super Four to judge Nigerian teams. Don’t also forget that premier

suggested as potential dates for the tournament to take place.

But after Almaty and Beijing, the two cities in the running to host the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in 2022, both touted February 4 to 20 as the dates to stage the Games in their candi-dature files released earlier this month, the prospect of a clash with the World Cup loomed large.

That fear looks to have been quashed, according to Shaikh Salman, which will come as a wel-come relief to the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Current FIFA President Sepp Blatter, who will bid to earn a fifth term in office when the Presiden-tial election takes place in Zurich on May 29, is opposed to the idea of a clash between the World Cup and Winter Olympics, which would have had serious repercussions for broadcasters around the world and a number of sponsors who are involved in both events.

league clubs are just coming up from their break, so you don’t expect players to be as fit as Flying Eagles who have been around for quite a while.”

On the resumption of the new season, he said, “The start of the season also depends on some circumstances and I’m sure that if circumstances are right the league will always commence on time. And we all know the rea-son league did not start on time last season and how it ended late and this is the reason it’s start-ing late now. But I am sure that all this things will be corrected in the season to come.”


Nigeria Professional Foot-ball League (NPFL) clubs managers have slammed

the League Management Com-pany (LMC) over what they de-scribed as “noticeable flaws” es-pecially as it concerned the choice of hosting the just-ended Super Four in Abuja.

Acting Secretary of the Club Owners, Alloy Chukwuemeka, who spoke to National Mirror in Abuja heavily criticised the choice of Abuja as venue because of the perennial absence of fans at the Abuja National Stadium during even international games.

“If you are going to site a venue,

it should be a place where we have a premier league club. If you take the tournament to Kano or Akure, that would be a good venue. We advocated Akure as host, but the LMC knew the reason they chose Abuja, which has confirmed our fears,” Chukwuemeka said.

“Ordinarily, no premier league club is from Abuja, siting the venue in Abuja which is a civil servants town and playing the matches during the week, you don’t expect any miracle to see fans.

“But in terms of organisation, if you look at the level of officiat-ing, level of security, teams that are motivated to be here, LMC took care of the teams and the organisng of media briefings af-

ter every match. Everything was put in place, so the issue of fans should be excused.”

On the confusion around the new LMC leadership, Chukwue-meka explained, “The inaugura-tion of Shehu Dikko as the new chairman of the LMC will hold soon. He was duly and unani-mously adopted by the Congress which had in attendance the NFF, Club Owners, LMC and other foot-ball stakeholders.”

The manager of Ilorin-based ABS blamed the delay in prompt resumption of the new season on some overwhelming societal prob-lems, promising that the club own-ers would, in conjunction with the LMC work towards reviewing the trend.

than because the man prtheir interests so very musuch a person deserves thport at this point in time,

“I am particularlyon Blessing Okagbare aotoooo her Nigerian athletes

Obi Mikel and the otherian footballers to com

A Nigerian Premier League action

Page 56: Monday, february 2, 2015

Vol. 05 No. 1039 Monday, February 2, 2015


Filipino boxer, Man-ny Pacquiao, says he is almost certain

his showdown with Floyd Mayweather Jnr will take place in May but warns of the consequences if it

doesn’t.Pacquiao’s advisors

claimed to have agreed to fight Mayweather in Las Vegas having accepted the terms and conditions laid out by the American.

Amid talk of a re-match with Miguel Cotto, Mayweather’s team in-sists there is no contract drawn up but is expected to make an announce-ment this weekend on Su-

per Bowl Sunday.Pacquiao, who claims

he will gladly accept a smaller percentage of the purse to force the fight through, hinted it was now or never for poten-

tially the richest fight in boxing history.

“I think it will happen, I believe that,” he said, adding, “If this doesn’t happen now I don’t think it will, so now is the time.”

Boxing: Pacquaio, Mayweather bout ‘almost done deal’Sport Extra

Fastest mile fi reman’s carry


Printed and Published by Global Media Mirror Ltd: Head Offi ce: Mirror House, 155/161 Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 07027107407, Abuja Offi ce: NICON Insurance House, Second Floor, Central Business District Area, Abuja Tel: 08070428249, Advert hotline: 01-8446073, Port-Harcourt Offi ce: Suite 115, NICON Hotel, 6, Benjamin Opara Street, Off Olusegun Obasanjo Rd, GRA Phaze 3, Phone: 07032323254 Email: [email protected].

Editor: SEYI FASUGBA. All correspondence to PMB 10001, Marina, Lagos. Printed simultaneously in Lagos, Abuja and Akure. ISSN 0794-232X.



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A nation stuck with regionalised leadershipCome February 14, Nigerians will

troop out in their millions to either reelect President Goodluck Jona-

than of the PDP for a second term, or in-vest the presidential powers on his main challenger and APC flag bearer, General Muhammadu Buhari. As for the other 12 ‘I-also-ran’ candidates, they are only sta-tistically relevant even though the logos of their parties are in the ballot papers. They are also relevant in one other sense: reinforcement of the status of Nigeria as a multi-party democracy.

Pause awhile and ask yourself if this ritual of periodic elections has helped the cause of nation building? Given our electoral trajectory since independence on October 1, 1960, I have personally come to the conclusion that we have not met our expectation of a one united country. Indeed, there are times I denounce com-

petitive politics for being responsible for our national woes. Reason is that politics exacerbates the forces that divide us as a pluralistic state.

Perhaps, my position will become clearer if I contextualize the warfare scenario the current electioneering has assumed. Before the Dr. Goodluck Jonathan presidency, the agreeable national political orthodoxy was for our national leader to emerge from the three major political blocs, namely, Hausa/Fulani; Yoruba; and Igbo, reflecting their dominance in the three original regions into which Nigeria was divided by the colonial-ists. This ‘golden rule’ was violated by our military, largely because of the preponder-ance of officers of northern extraction. This is an incontestable truth.

Be that as it may, the emergence of Dr. Jonathan, a minority from the old Igbo political bloc, as the president of the coun-try following the death of his boss, Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, on May 5, 2010, significantly altered the balance of power in the country. The development decon-structed that agreeable orthodoxy.

For a country steeped in chronic atavisms, geopolitical particularism and extreme religious emotionalisms, a minor-ity presidency would be too bitter a pill to swallow by an arrogant major power bloc. This is the basis for the opposition of the core North to Jonathan presidency. And also the reason for the fierce and rancor-ous electioneering we have seen so far. While the North has gone into the fray

with bruised ego, the Niger Delta region from where Mr. President hails, is putting up a strong face in the maelstrom of the bullying by the North.

It is, therefore, not surprising that red lines have appeared in parts of the country which the imaginary political enemies are not expected to cross. In Katsina, Yola, Jalin-go, Bauchi and Jos, pro Buhari elements at-tempted to enforce the restriction, an action that produced unpalatable consequences. On January 5 in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, when the APC flagged off its presidential campaign, there were attacks on Buhari supporters by pro Jonathan elements. These might be considered small political infrac-tions, but they have major implications for the unity of the country. This is the context we should situate the current posturing of Tompolo, Asari Dokubo, Boyloaf and a host of other Niger Delta militants to do battle with the North should their kinsman be denied a second term.

The throw up from this development is the reduction of the two frontrunner candidates to provincial leaders seeking national glory. In that reckoning, General Buhari has become a northern candidate, while the pan-Nigerian status President

Jonathan has been enjoying since 2011 has been compromised by the clannish pro-clivities of his Ijaw kinsmen.

I have heard glib talks that Mr. President has been encouraging his Ijaw people on this dangerous path they are treading. Does that also apply to General Buhari? Is he the mastermind of the manifest anti-Jonathan effusions in the North? While I agree that political actors can at times be instrumental to electioneering-induced violence, more often than not, such un-wholesome political behavior could erupt spontaneously without the prompting of key political actors.

My fear is that the way things now stand, the leader that might emerge on Feb-ruary 14 might not realistically meet our expectation of a nationalistic leader. We have been living with this paradox since 1960. This country has never had a unify-ing leader in its 54 years of nationhood, and the present generation may never see one of such leaders with the way things are! The late General Murtala Ramat Mu-hammed could have passed for one. I doubt if the short tenure of his regime of less than seven months (July 29, 1975-February 13, 1976) could be sufficient to certify his pan Nigerian credentials.

The painful reality is that under both the military and civilian systems of political recruitment, no nationalistic leader has been thrown up. The inherited Westminster (Parliamentary) was dis-credited because of the frictions it created among our politicians and the pressures it exerted on their manifest conducts that projected them as ethno-religious jingoists; the recourse to military styled-governance succeeded in compromising the profession-alism of the officers and imbued them with insidious values that had serious implica-tions for national cohesion and national-ism; and of course, the extant presidential system has engendered extreme geopoliti-cal and religious forces that are undermin-ing national unity.

So, where do we stand as a nation?