mongodb world 2016: scaling mongodb with docker and cgroups

Scaling MongoDB with Docker and cgroups Marco Bonezzi Technical Services Engineer, MongoDB [email protected] @marcobonezzi

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Scaling MongoDB with Docker and cgroups

Marco Bonezzi

Technical Services Engineer, MongoDB

[email protected]



About the speaker I am Marco Bonezzi, TSE at MongoDB

TSE = helping customers with a variety of issues

Based in Dublin, Ireland Experience in distributed systems, high availability:


How many of you have ever... 1.  … manually deployed a MongoDB replica sets or sharded clusters?

2.  ... had issues with resource allocation?

3.  ... used Docker?

4.  … used MongoDB running on Docker?


We know how it feels…

Different architectures in

Development and Production

Co-located MongoDB processes

Production != docker run mongodb



Complex architectures and deployment patterns Resource Contention

Multiple instances competing for resources MongoDB & Docker

Combining both: network configuration, container location, other



Using predefined cluster patterns Replicating environments

Resource Control Setting limits to key resources

MongoDB & Docker Create once, deploy everywhere Deploy patterns, not processes


Resource Management

Automate for scaling


AboutthistalkPatterns for successful deployments

Difference between success and failure Orchestrating MongoDB with Docker

MongoDB cluster on AWS with containers Patterns with Swarm and Compose

Managing container resources with cgroups Benefits of cgroups in a MongoDB cluster




Redundancy and fault tolerance Deploy an odd number of voting members Members ó Majority required ó Fault tolerance

High availability and resource colocation Single member of a replica set / server

Shards as Replica Set

Ideally: primary / secondary / secondary

Deployment patterns: Replica Set and Sharded Clusters

Server 3

Server 2

Server 1



Primary RS1

Secondary Secondary

Secondary RS2

Secondary RS3

Secondary RS1

Primary RS2

Secondary RS3

Secondary RS1

Secondary RS2

Primary RS3

mongos mongos

cfgsvr1 cfgsvr2 cfgsvr3


Docker •  Noun: a person employed in a port to load and unload ships (from “what

is docker” on Google)

Containers: Isolated process in userspace Application + dependencies Shared kernel and libraries Can run on any infrastructure (or cloud)


44% of orgs adopting


Why use Docker?

41% want application


13x improvement in

release frequency

62% MTTR on software


60% Using Docker to migrate to cloud

Reason to run containers:

SPEED Microservices architectures Efficiency Cloud




Orchestration Coordinate MongoDB containers to deploy a recommended deployment pattern

Resource Control Sizing each instance (and each cluster) to avoid resource contention issues


Orchestrating MongoDB with Docker How can we use Docker for MongoDB deployments?

How can we deploy these patterns using Docker containers? Why should we use Docker?

Our recipe:



Provisioning and managing your Dockerized hosts Native clustering: turns a pool of Docker hosts into a single, virtual Docker host.

Define a multi-container application with all of its dependencies in a single file




5x faster than Kubernetes to spin up

a new container

7x faster than Kubernetes to list all

running containers

Evaluating Container Platforms at Scale 1000 EC2 instances in a cluster What is their performance at scale? Can they operate at scale? What does it take to support them at scale?






Swarm multi-host networking How each mongod process connects to other processes outside of the host? •  Swarm overlay container-to-container network •  Using the hostname defined in the Compose file


Swarm filters to build our patterns Constraint filters

Mark each mongod container with a label:

“role=mongod” “replset=rs1”


Affinity filters Prevent multiple RS members on the same host:





Affinity filters for container distribution


Road to container success Deploying containers to the right node is not enough…

Next step: Resource control on each swarm cluster node using cgroups

Maritime New Zealand


Resource control with cgroups and Docker Simple parameters to add to docker run or compose:




--blkio-weight --net


MongoDB Memory usage in 3.2 with WiredTiger

MongoDB Memory: mongod process: connections, aggregations, mapReduce, etc WiredTiger cache: (0.6 x total memory) – 1 GB

Total = mem(mongod) + mem(WiredTiger cache)

WiredTiger cache


mongod memory



Process memory with containers and cgroups

WiredTiger cache


mongod memory

total memory (seen from mongod process) !

Inside the container •  Can see total memory and not

memory limit WiredTiger cache: •  memory_limit *0.6


cgroups: Memory and CPU limits

mongod! mongod! mongod! mongod!

MEM = (TOTAL_MEM - OS_MEM) / NUM_MONGOD WiredTiger cache = (MEM * 0.6) CPUSET= 0, 1, …, MAX_CPU_CORES






MongoDB on Docker + cgroups: Memory

WiredTiger cache: 60% of the container memory limit (for each mongod)

Compose: mem_limit!Docker Engine: --memory !

WiredTiger cache !


mongod memory !

WiredTiger cache !


mongod memory !

WiredTiger cache !


mongod memory !

WiredTiger cache !


mongod memory !

OS Memory !


MongoDB on Docker + cgroups: CPU

mongod (and mongos) mapped to 1+ core Compose: cpuset!

Docker Engine: --cpuset-cpus!

mongod!rs1a !

mongod!rs1a !

mongod!rs2b !

mongod!rs2b !

core0 ! core1 ! core2 ! core3 !

OS ! OS !mongod cfgsrv

-c !mongos !

core4 ! core5 ! core6 ! core7 !

--cpuset-mems (NUMA) !


Understanding resource usage:

•  docker top rs1a !

•  docker stats rs1a !

Container stats available via Docker remote API:

GET /containers/(id)/stats Also available from docker-py:

Resource usage with Docker


Resource usage with Docker

Multiple statistics for each container: Memory limit and usage, CPU (per core level), Network, Disk

Useful to combine with MongoDB metrics (like db.serverStatus())


Creating a Swarm cluster on AWS to deploy MongoDB


Creating a Swarm cluster on AWS to deploy MongoDB


Configure docker-machine with ec2 driver (AWS)

Deploy discovery service for Swarm Master

Deploy AWS instances for: •  Swarm master •  Swarm worker nodes

Connect to the Swarm master

Define compose file for deployment

Define Swarm filters and constraints and cgroup


Deploy the environment with a single command using the compose file

Configure our MongoDB sharded cluster using

Cloud Manager API


What our dockerized sharded cluster looks like…

rs1a !

rs1c !rs1b ! rs2b !

rs2a !

rs2c ! rs3b !

rs3a !

rs3c !

mongos !

cfgsvr-a !

cfgsvr-b !

cfgsvr-c !

dockerC1 ! dockerC2 ! dockerC3 !




Advantages of using MongoDB with Docker

Speed: testing and deploying cluster patterns easily Build once, deploy everywhere

Control: Resource control and utilization

Key to success with containers

Agility: Microservices architectures Making change less expensive

Flexibility: Multi vendor cloud opportunities

AWS, Azure, Google, IBM, CloudFoundry




How successful customers use MongoDB with Docker

•  Case Studies @hGps://

•  Whitepaper:

“Enabling Microservices – Containers & Orchestration Explained”


Now it’s YOUR turn

Share with us your use case of MongoDB & Docker:


You can actually try this at home:

Thank You!

Marco Bonezzi [email protected]
