monoids monoids everywhere

Tetra Data Blitz 10/1/2015

Upload: kevin-faro

Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Monoids monoids everywhere

Tetra Data Blitz10/1/2015

Page 2: Monoids monoids everywhere

Monoids Monoids

Everywherein ~5 minutes

Kevin Faro

Page 3: Monoids monoids everywhere

Page 4: Monoids monoids everywhere

Oh, that wasn’t clear enough?An operation is considered a monoid if:

1. it is associative a. (a●b)●c=a●(b●c)

2. it has an identity element a. e●a=a●e=a

Page 5: Monoids monoids everywhere

Examples● Addition

○ associative: (1+2)+3=1+(2+3)=6○ identity: 0+1=1+0=1

● Multiplication○ associative: (1*2)*3=1*(2*3)=6○ identity: 1*2=2*1=2

● Min○ you get the idea ...

● Max● Set Union

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Let’s take a look at algebird

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Why is this so awesome?!?!● Divide and Conquer● Parallelization● Incrementalism

Sound Familiar?

● map/REDUCE○ perfect for the reduce phase ○ see Scalding: expenses.groupBy('shoppingLocation) { _.sum[Double]('cost -> 'totalCost) }

● Streaming○ perfect for maintaining running calculations on streams of data (storm, …)

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Approximate Data Structures● HyperLogLog

○ an algorithm for the count-distinct problem, approximating the number of distinct elements in a Set.

● Count-min Sketch○ a probabilistic data structure that provides an approximate frequency table.

● MinHash○ estimates how similar two sets are (approximate Jaccard Similarity)

● Bloom filter○ a probabilistic data structure that is used to test whether an element is a member of a Set ○ can answer definitely No or maybe Yes

Page 10: Monoids monoids everywhere

Examples● HyperLogLog

○ How many unique twitter handles tweeted @justinbieber in the past month?

● Count-min Sketch○ What are the frequencies of the hashtags in those tweets?

● MinHash○ How similar are the followers of @justinbieber(~70M) to the followers of @katyperry


● Bloom filter○ Did Kevin tweet to @justinbieber in the past month? maybe yes. Must be a false positive,

can you really trust a bloom filter?!?!?

Page 11: Monoids monoids everywhere

How did that get in there?

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This is better than Spanks™!

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Thanks Twitter*

* Sorry, Algebird doesn’t have a cool logo. Don’t blame me, blame Twitter!

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Kevin Faro

[email protected]://