monologues[11 19]

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  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]




    Thinking about a recent disaster, L'Aquila earthquake came to my mind. It was at the

    beginning of the Easter holidaysand my sister was visiting Rome at that time. LAquilapeople were woken at about half past three in the morning by severe tremors that shook

    the earth violently. The consequences of the earthquake were considerably serious:

    nearly 300 people were dead, 1500 injured and 50000 homeless. In addition, several

    historic buildings were seriously damaged. Even some buildings that were believed to

    be "earthquake-proof" were damaged

    There are several earthquake survival tips, even though maybe they are not so useful if

    the earthquake destroys nearly everything around you. Some of them are:

    Keep food and water supplies on hand to take care of your loved ones for a

    period of 72 hours before the help arrives.

    Record the emergency telephone numbers by every phone and teach children

    how and when to call police, fire department or hospital.

    Turn off gas, electricity and water.

    Define some Safety Zones: in your home (against inside walls, under tables or

    desk) or outside your neighborhood.

    Locate your nearest fire and police stations and emergency medical facility.

    In my opinion, maybe the government should have listened to some of the earthquake

    prediction, even though nowadays measurements of radon emissions are more or less

    worthless as earthquake prediction For example an earthquake was predicted to occur at

    Sulmora about 30 km from LAquila on Sunday 29 March - but it didnt! A week later,

    however, on Monday 6 April an earthquake did occur at LAquila. What would have

    happened if the inhabitants of Sulmora had been evacuated to LAquila for shelter?

  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]



    In my English class we read an article called How I trained my husband in which an

    American wife showed how she achieved her dream of getting an obedient husband

    when nagging failed.

    She wondered how to get her husband to pick up his dirty clothes, to stop leaving his

    dirty dishes in the sink or to just take the initiative with anything related to housework

    and, finally, her dream came true. For this purpose, she used the same technique that the

    one used to train a dolphin:

    She studied the strengths and weaknesses of her husband and used this knowledge in an

    appropriate way to achieve her aim. She rewarded good behaviors, even the smallest

    ones and ignore the bad behaviors.

    Sometimes, if he annoyed her when she was doing the housework, she gave him

    something else to do in order to redirect the unwanted actions.

    She was proud about her experiment in spite of the fact that she had treated her husband

    like an animal. How would she feel if she discovered that he had treated her in the same

    way? In my opinion, the power of the human brain and our capacity of communication

    make us different from the animals so she should have used the dialogue to make him

    see sense. (Entrar en razn)

  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]



    Body language has a relevant importance in human communication. The gestures,

    postures, and facial expressions can show different physical, mental, or emotional states

    and help us to communicate non verbally with others.

    Often words are not enough to transmit a suitable message to someone. To make the

    meaning of our words clear we usebody language, for example, looking someone in the

    eyes means something different than not doing it. Usually body language occurs

    unconsciously. Even some groups have developed a whole specific such as gay people,

    people in slavery, prisoners, etc.

    It is relevant to note thatbody language has different meanings in different cultures. The

    interpretation of thebody language depends on the situation, the culture, the relationship

    we have with the person as well as the gender of the other. This means that there is not

    one signal that has the same meaning all over the world. If you do not take this into

    account you may get yourself into some serious trouble!

    If we give an overview of the meaning associated to frequent gestures in different

    countries we can be surprised:

    a) For example beckon with index finger means Come here in some cultures

    meanwhile in others can be insulting or even obscene and it is better to beckon

    with the whole hand waving.

    b) Make a "V" sign means "Victory" in most of Europe. However, when you make

    this sign with your palm facing you it is rude in countries such as The United


    c) When people nod their head up and down to say Yes can be misunderstood in

    Turkey or Greece where this gesture means No.

    Body language is used especially to express feelings. For instance if we do not like

    someone, it is often difficult to say that directly to the person. However we can make it

    clear either intentionally or unintentionally throughbody language.
  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]



    In my everyday life I dont usually listen to music. When I lived in Ciudad Rodrigo, in

    Salamanca, I used to drive 10 kilometres per day to commute and, sometimes I listened

    to music in my car, but, little by little, I got used to listening to the news or discussion

    programmes on the radio, I found it more entertaining and helped me to be awake. I

    should also recognise that I have never had a good ear for music, even though I enjoy

    listening to it sometimes.

    So, if we wonder why do people listen to music?, On the one hand the answer to this

    question is simple, because they like it and also, because today, we can have music

    whenever and wherever we want. However, on the other hand, the answer can be also

    more complex because we listen to music in a variety of different ways that satisfy

    specific needs at certain times. For example, the pleasure we can get attending to an

    orchestra concert is completely different from the one obtain by hearing a violin in the

    background during a romantic dinner. Normally, music produces a feeling of euphoria

    but it can also produces a feeling of sadness or make us experience a great number of


    From my point of view, the main reasons why human beings listen to music are:

    a) As a way to calm down when they feel nervous

    b) As a background sound for our lives: we play music in weddings, religious

    ceremonies in general, parties and other social events.

    c) It should be mentioned that some specific group of people concentrate on the

    music itself: the rhythm, the melody, the lyrics, etc.

    In conclusion, nowadays we can take advantage of the fact that we can listen to music

    wherever we want but, in my opinion, it is a pleasure that we must enjoy without

    annoying our neighbours

  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]



    Nowadays, we live in a 24-hour society where sleep deprivation is extremely common:

    shops and services must be available all hours; we spend longer at work that we used to

    and more time getting to work. It means, the more the speed of the society increases, the

    more sleep deprivation become more common. And why? Because the easiest solution

    to get the time we need to do everything we have to do during the weekdays is to sleep


    Sleep deprivation can have serious effects on our physical and mental health. In fact,

    sleep is so important to our health that total sleep deprivation has been proved to be fatal

    in lab rats.

    Not only the job keeps us away from our beds, but also the new technologies such as:

    the Internet or the mobile phones or even the late-night TV programs. Im keen on

    watching this kind of programs, especially the Spanish TV series, what makes me

    difficult to get up in the mornings and to keep awake in some situations such as

    meetings or every task I have to do after having lunch.

    The older we get, the more likely it is that we will suffer from some kind of sleep

    disorder.I usually sleep like a log whenever I can and I dont have any nightmare but

    anyway, I would like to improve my sleep habits: keeping consistence in my sleep and

    wake times, even on the weekends, avoiding caffeine or removing the TV from my

    bedroom. That time Im convinced that Ill increase my activity and be all the time in a

    better mood.

  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]



    I get pleasure from every kind of news stories except the dramatic ones. For example, in

    the mornings, when I commute I like listening to the news or discussion programmes on

    the radio I found it more entertaining than listening to music.

    I should also recognise that Im keen on sports, especially football so, what I enjoy the

    most on Sunday afternoons is listening to the sports programs such as: Carrusell

    Deportivo, even though the football team I support (Recreativo) wont play in the stars

    league next year.

    On the other hand, I also get used to watching the TV news bulletin to be informed

    about what happens in the world. I usually pay attention to most of the news, except the

    ones related to traffic accidents, terrorist attacks or politicians insulting to each other.

    On Friday evenings I often watch a celebrity gossip program called Donde ests

    corazn. I used to enjoy watching it but, little by little, Im getting fed up with it. In my

    opinion, the Spanish law isnt strong enough to defend the rights of the Spanish famous

    people so, everyone can go to the TV and tell whatever she/he wants without any


    My favourite newsreader is Matas Prats and, related to my opinion about the TV

    channels; of course, it is obvious and everybody agrees that they are biased when they

    broadcast news so that the channel four tends to the left-wing and the channel three

    tends to the right-wing.

  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]



    Do you think that people living in cities enjoy a better living standard than people

    who live in villages or small towns?

    Its certainly true that living in a city, for example in Seville, has several advantages.

    For example, people can normally go to their jobs on foot or public transports so that

    they dont need to use their cars and spend a long time in a traffic-jam. They also live

    surrounded by some of the most well known monuments, gardens and museums. And

    have a variety of amenities and servicesavailable, they can reach the shopping center

    easily where they have the opportunity to comfortably visit several shops, supermarkets,

    restaurants, hairdressers, and cinemas. In addition there can find close nurseries and


    On the other hand, if you live in a village or a small town, maybe you dont have so

    many services to your disposal but you can live comfortably in a big home for the same

    price that you would pay for a tiny flat in the city centre. You have more room and your

    children can grow up in a marvellous atmosphere: playing on the streets with friends

    and in contact with the nature. You can also find park easily and the cost of living is not

    as high as in the city.

    In my opinion, living in the outskirts is not a disadvantage if the city has a suitable

    public transport system and, of course, it is always depends on the area. For example,

    living in las tres mil viviendas in Seville is not the best option.

  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]



    I graduated in Chemistry at the University of Seville. When I was in the school, I used

    to enjoy studying mathematics, biology and chemistry. In general I liked all of the

    scientific subjects but I felt fascinated by the chemistry so that I made up my mind to

    study it.

    Throughout the history scientists have risked their health and their lives in their search

    for new discoveries; for example Marie Curie discovered the radiation and died due to

    the risk of her experiments.

    In my opinion, one of the most important discoveries of recent years has been the onerelated to the stem cells. The stem cells have the ability to renew themselves through

    mitoticcell divisions. Their power is in the fact that they arent still specialized. Stem

    cells can now be grown and transformed into specialized cells with characteristics of

    several tissues such as muscles or nerves. The main sources to get them are umbilical

    cord blood andbone marrow and they are used in medical therapies.

    On the other hand, I think all of the scientific discoveries have been positives for the

    development of the humans. The world has always been damaged for the mans actions

    using these discoveries in an inappropriate way but not for the discoveries themselves.

    Thinking about the future, I wish someone would invent something to see properly

    without glasses or surgery.
  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]



    I dont really like wondering about my regrets in life because it makes me feel sad and,

    as my husband says: If your problem has a solution, solve it and, if it doesnt have,

    forget about it because itll only cause you a headache. For me, speaking about this

    topic is similar to the meaning of this sentence because, from my point of view,

    regretting things or actions you did or didnt do its worthless and a waste of time, even

    though, obviously, you can often learn something from your past mistakes.

    Anyway, no matter what you do in life, youre always going to regret something.

    Whether it was taking a wrong way, trusting someone, or letting someone go, you will

    regret something. In my opinion what counts it is what you do with your regrets. We

    need to learn from our mistakes instead of regretting them. For example, in my case, if I

    could go back in time:

    Firstly, Id try to keep in contact with my current friends and loved ones, because my

    experience tells me that its really easy to give up mailing or phoning and lose the


    Secondly, if I had known that I liked being a teacher in a high school, I would have

    studied the exam to be a civil servant before.

    Also, If I hadnt been so fearful about everything, I would have enjoyed more my life.

    University degrees-wise, maybe I shouldnt have studied Chemistry but, who knows if

    my job or my life would have been better than now?


    Speed dating is a formalized matchmaking process ordating systemwhose purpose is

    to encourage people to meet a large number of new people. Its origins are credited to

    Rabbi Yaacov Deyo ofAish HaTorah, originally as a way to help Jewish singles meet

    and marry.[1][2][3] "SpeedDating", as a single word, is a registeredtrademarkof Aish

    HaTorah. "Speed dating", as two separate words, is often used as a generic term for

    similar events.
  • 7/29/2019 Monologues[11 19]


    The first speed-dating event took place at Petes Caf in Beverly Hillsin late 1998.[1]

    Soon afterward, several commercial services began offering secularround-robin dating

    events across the United States. By 2000, speed dating had really taken off, perhaps

    boosted by its portrayal in shows such asSex and the City as something that glamorous

    people did. Supporters argue that speed dating saves time, as most people quickly

    decide if they are romantically compatible[citation needed]

    , and first impressions are oftenpermanent[citation needed].


    Men and women are rotated to meet each other over a series of short "dates", usually

    lasting from 3 to 8 minutes depending on the organization running the event. At the end

    of each interval, the organizer rings a bell or clinks a glass to signal the participants to

    move on to the next date. At the end of the event participants submit to the organizers a

    list of who they would like to provide theircontact informationto. If there is a match,

    contact information is forwarded to both parties. Contact information cannot be traded

    during the initial meeting, in order to reduce pressure (especially on women) to accept

    or reject a suitor to his or her face.

    These events typically require advance registration, often an online prepayment by

    credit card. However, they may accept a few walk-ins when needed to balance the

    gender ratio. Some services make use of waitlists when signing up to strive for exactly

    the same number of men and women, while others have a more "party" atmosphere and

    only aim for an approximately matching number.

    There are many speed dating events now in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the

    United States. Many of these simply specify an age range for ladies and gentlemen;sometimes a slightly older range is specified for men. On the other hand, many

    organizers offerniche events such as nights forgraduatesonly, gays and lesbians, older

    men with younger women and vice versa, book lovers, ethnic events, and religious

    affiliation such as Christian speed dating[4].,_California,_California,_California