monsanto grazer n

VERSIONE 2008 Sorgo GRAZER N Il sorgo GRAZER N è un incrocio di sorgo zuccherino con sorgo gentile o sudangrass (S. bicolor x S. sudanense), che presenta notevoli vantaggi perché unisce i pregi dei sorghi zuccherini (buon contenuto in zucchero ed alta capacità produttiva) a quelli dei sorghi gentili (forte capacità di accrescimento, rapidità di ricaccio e stabilità di pianta). Recenti esperienze evidenziano la capacità di accrescimento di GRAZER N quantificabile in: 2,7 culmi per pianta dopo il primo taglio 5,5 culmi per pianta dopo il secondo taglio 6,0 culmi per pianta dopo il terzo taglio Il GRAZER N può essere destinato per foraggio verde, per fieno, per pascolo, trinciato ed insilato per uso zootecnico o per biomassa ad uso energetico. Foraggio verde, fieno, pascolo Se la destinazione è per foraggio verde o fieno, Io sfalcio deve essere fatto quando la pianta ha raggiunto l'altezza di 80/100 cm (prima della fase di botticella). In questa fase vegetativa il foraggio presenta il più alto contenuto di proteine e zuccheri. Il contenuto proteico varia, infatti, in funzione dello stadio vegetativo (dal 18-20% s.s. nelle fasi giovanili fino al 8-10% s.s. in fioritura). Data la forte capacità di ricaccio di questo ibrido, con semine primaverili ed in ambienti fertili con buona disponibilità idrica e con il taglio da foraggio sopradescritto, si possono ottenere fino a 4-5 sfalci per anno. Per ottenere il massimo della produzione è opportuno che, dopo il taglio, si effettui una distribuzione di 40-50 kg/ha di Azoto facendo seguire un'irrigazione. Nel caso si voglia produrre fieno, Io sfalcio dovrà essere effettuato con falcia-condizionatrice per rendere più rapida ed uniforme l'essiccazione del foraggio che verrà successivamente imballato. Il fieno di GRAZER N è molto appetito dal bestiame ed ha un ottimo valore nutritivo, come si può rilevare dall'analisi qui riportata: FIENO DI GRAZER N Sul tal quale (90% s.s.) Sulla sostanza secca Protidi grezzi (N x 6.25) 15,1% 16,8% Lipidi grezzi (etere petrolio) 2,3% 2,6% Fibra grezza (Weende) 21,5% 23,9% Ceneri 8,4% 9,4% Estrattivi inazotati 37,5% 41,7% Unità foraggiere 77,4 UF/100 kg 86,0 UF/100 kg Silice 2,6% 2,9% ADF 26,7% 28,6% NDF 49,9% 55,4%

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Dossier Monsanto di 23 pagine sul prodotto "Grazer N" un foraggio geneticamente modificato as uso zootecnico Per approfondimenti: “I segreti di Monsanto”


Page 1: Monsanto Grazer  N



Il sorgo GRAZER N è un incrocio di sorgo zuccherino con sorgo gentile o sudangrass (S.

bicolor x S. sudanense), che presenta notevoli vantaggi perché unisce i pregi dei sorghi

zuccherini (buon contenuto in zucchero ed alta capacità produttiva) a quelli dei sorghi gentili

(forte capacità di accrescimento, rapidità di ricaccio e stabilità di pianta).

Recenti esperienze evidenziano la capacità di accrescimento di GRAZER N quantificabile in:

2,7 culmi per pianta dopo il primo taglio

5,5 culmi per pianta dopo il secondo taglio

6,0 culmi per pianta dopo il terzo taglio

Il GRAZER N può essere destinato per foraggio verde, per fieno, per pascolo, trinciato ed

insilato per uso zootecnico o per biomassa ad uso energetico.

Foraggio verde, fieno, pascolo

Se la destinazione è per foraggio verde o fieno, Io sfalcio deve essere fatto quando la pianta ha

raggiunto l'altezza di 80/100 cm (prima della fase di botticella). In questa fase vegetativa il

foraggio presenta il più alto contenuto di proteine e zuccheri. Il contenuto proteico varia, infatti,

in funzione dello stadio vegetativo (dal 18-20% s.s. nelle fasi giovanili fino al 8-10% s.s. in


Data la forte capacità di ricaccio di questo ibrido, con semine primaverili ed in ambienti fertili

con buona disponibilità idrica e con il taglio da foraggio sopradescritto, si possono ottenere fino

a 4-5 sfalci per anno.

Per ottenere il massimo della produzione è opportuno che, dopo il taglio, si effettui una

distribuzione di 40-50 kg/ha di Azoto facendo seguire un'irrigazione.

Nel caso si voglia produrre fieno, Io sfalcio dovrà essere effettuato con falcia-condizionatrice per

rendere più rapida ed uniforme l'essiccazione del foraggio che verrà successivamente


Il fieno di GRAZER N è molto appetito dal bestiame ed ha un ottimo valore nutritivo, come si

può rilevare dall'analisi qui riportata:

FIENO DI GRAZER N Sul tal quale (90% s.s.) Sulla sostanza secca

Protidi grezzi (N x 6.25) 15,1% 16,8%

Lipidi grezzi (etere petrolio) 2,3% 2,6%

Fibra grezza (Weende) 21,5% 23,9%

Ceneri 8,4% 9,4%

Estrattivi inazotati 37,5% 41,7%

Unità foraggiere 77,4 UF/100 kg 86,0 UF/100 kg

Silice 2,6% 2,9%

ADF 26,7% 28,6%

NDF 49,9% 55,4%

Page 2: Monsanto Grazer  N


Negli allevamenti di ovini, il GRAZER N viene utilizzato come pascolo. Per questo uso è

opportuno provvedere alla semina in primavera avanzata, quando le temperature consentono

uno sviluppo molto rapido. Con semina di maggio, la coltura può essere pronta dopo soli 20-30

giorni. In ambienti ben dotati di umidità è possibile proseguire le semine fino al 15 luglio senza

pregiudicare eccessivamente l'esito della coltura. E' stato dimostrato che, in condizioni

adeguate di dotazione idrica, l'alto ritmo di accrescimento e la velocità di sviluppo di nuove

foglie consentono di rinnovare il pascolo di GRAZER N ogni mattina. Per la sua resistenza alla

siccità e la notevole capacità di accestimento, GRAZER N produce un pascolo ottimo come

qualità e quantità. Si raccomanda di non far pascolare e non alimentare equini con foraggio

fresco di GRAZER N.

Trinciato e insilato ad uso zootecnico o energetico Oltre agli utilizzi conosciuti e sopradescritti, negli ultimi anni, alcune aziende agricole

zootecniche delle province lombarde, hanno utilizzato GRAZER N in sostituzione dei prati polifiti

con soddisfazione, sia dal punto di vista agronomico che zootecnico.

Sono prevedibili da 2 a 3 sfalci, a seconda delle condizioni ambientali, di fertilità del terreno e

dell’epoca di semina, ogni 45-60 giorni. Per questi utilizzi, la raccolta di GRAZER N si effettua

quando la pianta del sorgo è alta tra i 140 cm e i 160 cm (fase di botticella), utilizzando una

falcia-condizionatrice-andanatrice. Dopo 24-36 ore di pre-appassimento, con un carro-

autocaricante munito di coltelli (4-5 cm distanza fra i coltelli), si provvederà alla raccolta

tagliando il prodotto (8-10 cm). Si effettua successivamente l’insilamento di un prodotto al 25-

28% s.s. Ulteriori esperienze hanno evidenziato che il sorgo GRAZER N può essere raccolto e

trinciato contemporaneamente dalle moderne trince con punta KEMPER, all’emissione del

panicolo. Si riporta un’analisi tipo di un insilato di GRAZER N.

INSILATO DI GRAZER N Sul tal quale (25% s.s.) Sulla sostanza secca

Protidi Grezzi 1,9% 7.4%

Estratto Etereo 0,55% 2,2%

Ceneri 1,7% 6,9%

Amido 0,8% 3,2%

NDF 15,4% 61,4%

ADF 9,9% 39,6%

ADL 1,3% 5,3%

pH 4,11

A. lattico 1,3% 5,2%

A. acetico 0,7% 2,7%

A. butirrico tracce tracce

A. propionico tracce tracce

Ammoniaca 197.4 ppm 789,5 ppm

Azoto ammoniacale 162.9 ppm 651,7 ppm

La produzione di prodotto tal quale è compresa tra i 300 e 500 q/ha di tal quale, per taglio. Nelle

aree più fertili, si possono raggiungere quindi i 125-130 q/ha di sostanza secca.

Page 3: Monsanto Grazer  N


Dopo un adeguato periodo in trincea il prodotto può essere utilizzato nella razione alimentare

nell’ordine dei 10-15 kg/giorno per capo.

Alla luce di questi risultati produttivi, abbiamo sperimentato l’utilizzo di GRAZER N per la

produzione di BIOGAS utilizzando le stesse pratiche agronomiche.

Il sorgo GRAZER N si è infatti dimostrato un ottimo substrato per la digestione anaerobica e

quindi per la produzione di biogas. I risultati preliminari della nostra sperimentazione hanno

evidenziato una resa unitaria in biogas di 0.22 m3/kg s.s. con una resa media in metano del 53-

55%. Uno sfalcio di GRAZER N (125 q/ha s.s.) può quindi fornire una resa in metano di circa

2800 m3/ha.

Prod tq q/ha s.s.% Prod ss q/ha Metano

m3/q s.s. Metano m3/ha














I sfalcio

II sfalcio

















Queste caratteristiche rendono GRAZER N particolarmente interessante soprattutto per gli ambienti meno vocati ad altre colture energetiche, come il mais. Inoltre, la coltivazione del sorgo, anche in rotazione al mais e in successione a colture autunno-vernine, permette una più facile ed efficace gestione della componente liquida del digestato, consentendo di frazionarne lo spargimento dopo ogni sfalcio e riducendone tempi e dimensioni dello stoccaggio.

Brevi cenni di tecnica colturale

Epoca di semina

Per germinare e per ottenere un accrescimento rapido, il sorgo necessita di una temperatura

del terreno di almeno 12-15°C. Se ne consiglia la semina, quindi, orientativamente 10-15 giorni

dopo le normali semine del mais.

In buone condizioni climatiche e di umidità, la pianta raggiunge Io stadio di 5 foglie dopo 12

giorni. Dopo circa 30 giorni raggiunge un’altezza di 30 cm (11 foglie). In seguito, durante i mesi

estivi con temperature di 25-27°C e con buon approvvigionamento idrico, può crescere da 4 a 6

centimetri al giorno. E’ possibile seminare GRAZER N in successione a cereale vernino

trinciato, dalla seconda metà di maggio.

Profondità di semina

In condizioni di buona umidità del suolo 2,5-3,0 cm

In condizioni di scarsa umidità del suolo 4,5-5,0 cm

Distanza tra le file

Per produzione sia di foraggio verde, che fieno o pascolo è consigliabile seminare a file distanti

17-40 cm in funzione delle seminatrici aziendali. Per questo scopo, oltre alle seminatrici di

precisione (utilizzando un normale disco per sorgo), si possono utilizzare anche seminatrici da

grano, chiudendo alcune bocchette per ottenere la distanza tra le file desiderata. La semina può

essere effettuata anche a spaglio, ma in questo caso avremmo una difformità di emergenza,

profondità, investimento ed un maggior consumo di seme. Per questi utilizzi sono consigliabili

Page 4: Monsanto Grazer  N


da 50 a 70 kg di seme per ettaro in funzione delle disponibilità idriche.

Per la produzione di trinciato zootecnico o energetico, le pratiche agronomiche da adottare

prevedono la semina a 17-40 cm tra le file, con seminatrici di precisione o a fila continua. La

quantità di seme, in questo caso, è in dipendenza del cantiere di raccolta previsto:

se si prevede lo sfalcio con falcia-condizionatrice e successiva trinciatura con carro trinciante-

autocaricante, per ottenere steli uniformi e facilmente condizionabili, utilizzare 65-75 kg di

seme/ha in dipendenza della fertilità del terreno.

Se si raccoglierà con un unico passaggio (punta KEMPER), le migliori performance sono

ottenute con 50-60 kg/ha di seme.

Fare riferimento alla tabella in appendice per la regolazione della distanza sulla fila.


In terreni di buona o media fertilità, le quantità dovranno essere di 200 kg/ha di N; 100 kg/ha di

P�O5 e 100 kg/ha di K�O.

Se si opera in ambiente irriguo, ricordiamo che dopo ogni sfalcio è opportuno distribuire 40-50

kg/ha di Azoto. Per le Aziende che producono biogas da biomassa, dopo ogni sfalcio, potrebbe

essere distribuita la componente liquida del digestato, fonte di N (il contenuto in N del digestato

è variabile in funzione della dieta del digestore).


Fare riferimento alla tabella sotto riportata (elaborata da “Inf. Agrario” n.13/2008, pag 82).

PRE-semina PRE-emergenza POST-emergenza

Roundup Miscele preformulate di

Terbutilazina + propaclor

(dicotiledoni perenni e

graminacee estive)

Interventi precoci (2-3 foglie)


Terbutilazina + S-metolaclor

(dicotiledoni e graminacee


Terbutilazina + propaclor



(aumento attività su

amaranto, chenopodio,

crucifere, poligonacee.

Buona azione su

graminacee, abutilon)

2,4-D + MCPA

(dicotiledoni perenni)

La lotta alle infestanti si avvantaggia della tecnica della falsa semina seguita da interventi con

Roundup. Da notare la mancanza di graminicidi specifici in post emergenza.


Il sorgo ha un minor fabbisogno idrico rispetto al mais (circa il 65% del consumo idrico del mais

per unità di sostanza secca prodotta). In particolari situazioni di stress idrico la coltura subisce

un rallentamento dello sviluppo vegetativo ma risponde prontamente agli apporti idrici naturali o

irrigui. Si avvantaggia di eventuali apporti idrici dopo ogni sfalcio.

Page 5: Monsanto Grazer  N

1000 semi (g) 23,275

# semi/g 43

sacco (kg) 22,7

kg/ha 30 40 50 60 70 75 # sacchi/ha 1,3 1,8 2,2 2,6 3,1 3,3 # semi/ha 1’288’937 1’718’582 2’148’228 2’577’873 3’007’519 3’222’342 semi/mq 129 172 215 258 301 322

12 6,47 4,85 3,88 3,23 2,77 2,59 14 5,54 4,16 3,33 2,77 2,38 2,22 15 5,17 3,88 3,10 2,59 2,22 2,07 17 4,56 3,42 2,74 2,28 1,96 1,83 20 3,88 2,91 2,33 1,94 1,66 1,55 24 3,23 2,42 1,94 1,62 1,39 1,29 26 2,98 2,24 1,79 1,49 1,28 1,19 28 2,77 2,08 1,66 1,39 1,19 1,11 30 2,59 1,94 1,55 1,29 1,11 1,03 34 2,28 1,71 1,37 1,14 0,98 0,91 38 2,07 1,55 1,24 1,03 0,89 0,83

interfila (cm)


sulla fila (cm)

1,94 1,45 1,16 0,97 0,83 0,78

Page 6: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage4 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A.Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO) Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621791, 26-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621791/002434224 26-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 895 280

pH 4,1 3,9

VEM 583 652 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 551 616 820

DVE 30 33 29

OEB -30 -34 -6

VOS 490 547 653

FOSp 459 513 544

OEB 2 hours -8 -9 28

FOSp 2 hours 186 208 219

Structure value 3,9 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 93 45

VCOS (%) 60,3 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 2 5

Nitrate 0,2

Crude protein 76 80

Cr.Protein total 77 84

Crude fat 22 25

Crude fibre 324 275

Sugar 58 20

Starch < 19 30

Additional oDM (%) 90,7 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 484 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 455 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 248 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 369 135

Methan (%) 55 55

Page 7: Monsanto Grazer  N

4 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621791, 26-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 4,2

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 23 g DVE, -12 g OEB, 456 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter

Page 8: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage11 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A. Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO)Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621794, 26-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621794/002434224 26-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 915 280

pH 4,0 3,9

VEM 769 840 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 781 854 820

DVE 52 57 29

OEB -54 -59 -6

VOS 596 651 653

FOSp 586 641 544

OEB 2 hours -33 -36 28

FOSp 2 hours 380 415 219

Structure value 2,2 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 54 45

VCOS (%) 68,8 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 1 5

Nitrate 0,2

Crude protein 75 80

Cr.Protein total 76 84

Crude fat 28 25

Crude fibre 189 275

Sugar < 12 20

Starch 343 30

Additional oDM (%) 94,6 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 653 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 499 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 273 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 432 135

Methan (%) 55 55

Page 9: Monsanto Grazer  N

11 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621794, 26-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 0,2

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 39 g DVE, -28 g OEB, 554 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter

Page 10: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage12 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A. Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO)Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621796, 26-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621796/002434224 26-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 887 280

pH 3,8 3,9

VEM 595 670 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 563 635 820

DVE 23 26 29

OEB -24 -27 -6

VOS 485 547 653

FOSp 445 501 544

OEB 2 hours -2 -2 28

FOSp 2 hours 152 171 219

Structure value 3,5 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 72 45

VCOS (%) 58,9 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 1 5

Nitrate 0,3

Crude protein 71 80

Cr.Protein total 72 84

Crude fat 29 25

Crude fibre 296 275

Sugar 12 20

Starch 24 30

Additional oDM (%) 92,8 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 531 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 479 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 262 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 394 135

Methan (%) 55 55

Page 11: Monsanto Grazer  N

12 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621796, 26-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 0,2

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 21 g DVE, -15 g OEB, 450 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter

Page 12: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage19 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A. Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO)Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621790, 26-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621790/002434224 26-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 911 280

pH 4,0 3,9

VEM 497 546 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 437 480 820

DVE 19 21 29

OEB -41 -45 -6

VOS 431 473 653

FOSp 422 463 544

OEB 2 hours -11 -12 28

FOSp 2 hours 179 197 219

Structure value 4,1 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 50 45

VCOS (%) 49,8 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 2 5

Nitrate 0,2

Crude protein 53 80

Cr.Protein total 54 84

Crude fat 22 25

Crude fibre 342 275

Sugar < 12 20

Starch 67 30

Additional oDM (%) 95,0 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 532 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 502 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 271 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 434 135

Methan (%) 54 55

Page 13: Monsanto Grazer  N

19 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621790, 26-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 0,8

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 6 g DVE, -19 g OEB, 388 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter

Page 14: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage20 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A. Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO)Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621789, 26-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621789/002434224 26-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 900 280

pH 3,8 3,9

VEM 542 603 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 496 551 820

DVE 22 25 29

OEB -31 -34 -6

VOS 457 508 653

FOSp 450 500 544

OEB 2 hours -4 -4 28

FOSp 2 hours 156 173 219

Structure value 3,9 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 73 45

VCOS (%) 54,8 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 2 5

Nitrate 0,7

Crude protein 68 80

Cr.Protein total 69 84

Crude fat 25 25

Crude fibre 331 275

Sugar < 12 20

Starch 29 30

Additional oDM (%) 92,7 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 502 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 477 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 260 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 398 135

Methan (%) 55 55

Page 15: Monsanto Grazer  N

20 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621789, 26-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 0,8

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 14 g DVE, -12 g OEB, 416 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter

Page 16: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage24 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A. Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO)Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621792, 26-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621792/002434224 26-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 908 280

pH 3,9 3,9

VEM 480 529 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 416 458 820

DVE 16 18 29

OEB -39 -43 -6

VOS 429 472 653

FOSp 420 462 544

OEB 2 hours -7 -8 28

FOSp 2 hours 153 168 219

Structure value 4,8 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 46 45

VCOS (%) 49,5 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 2 5

Nitrate 0,2

Crude protein 50 80

Cr.Protein total 51 84

Crude fat 18 25

Crude fibre 398 275

Sugar 15 20

Starch < 20 30

Additional oDM (%) 95,4 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 487 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 504 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 272 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 437 135

Methan (%) 54 55

Page 17: Monsanto Grazer  N

24 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621792, 26-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 1,1

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 6 g DVE, -22 g OEB, 391 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter

Page 18: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage36 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A. Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO)Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621795, 26-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621795/002434224 26-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 919 280

pH 4,0 3,9

VEM 661 719 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 640 697 820

DVE 36 39 29

OEB -40 -43 -6

VOS 530 577 653

FOSp 521 567 544

OEB 2 hours -22 -24 28

FOSp 2 hours 301 328 219

Structure value 2,7 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 57 45

VCOS (%) 61,2 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 1 5

Nitrate 0,2

Crude protein 70 80

Cr.Protein total 71 84

Crude fat 26 25

Crude fibre 231 275

Sugar < 12 20

Starch 234 30

Additional oDM (%) 94,3 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 615 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 495 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 270 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 429 135

Methan (%) 55 55

Page 19: Monsanto Grazer  N

36 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621795, 26-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 0,3

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 26 g DVE, -21 g OEB, 483 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter

Page 20: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage44 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A. Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO)Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621797, 26-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621797/002434224 26-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 919 280

pH 4,2 3,9

VEM 464 505 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 397 432 820

DVE 16 17 29

OEB -37 -40 -6

VOS 415 451 653

FOSp 405 441 544

OEB 2 hours -6 -6 28

FOSp 2 hours 151 164 219

Structure value 4,7 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 65 45

VCOS (%) 48,2 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 2 5

Nitrate 0,3

Crude protein 54 80

Cr.Protein total 55 84

Crude fat 19 25

Crude fibre 389 275

Sugar < 12 20

Starch < 19 30

Additional oDM (%) 93,5 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 472 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 484 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 262 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 416 135

Methan (%) 54 55

Page 21: Monsanto Grazer  N

44 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621797, 26-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 1,0

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 3 g DVE, -15 g OEB, 368 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter

Page 22: Monsanto Grazer  N

NutritionalValue analysisSorghum GPS silage45 campione

More Information:T: +31 (0)26-3346346F: +31 (0)26-3346409E: [email protected]:

Postbus 115NL-6860 AC Oosterbeek

This report has been released under the responsibility of H.Hekman, interim manager OperationalAffairs. All our services are covered by our General Conditions. These conditions and/or thespecifications of the analysis methods will be sent to you on request. Blgg is not liablefor any adverse consequences resulting from the use of test results and/or recommendationssupplied by or on behalf of Blgg.Blgg is registered in the RvA register for testing laboratories as described further in the recognition:under no. L122 for only the analysis methods.

Your client number is: 8080038

Monsanto Agricoltura Italia S.P.A. Via San Colombano 81 A26900 LODI (LO)Italië

Page: 1Total number of pages: 2

621793, 27-11-2009

Analysis Investigation/order number: Date report: 621793/002434224 27-11-2009

Date mowing: Date sampling: Sample was taken by: Contact sampling: - 13-11-2009 Third party Monsanto:

Results Result Target- Meanin gram/kg, product dry matter valueunless stateddifferently. DM 913 280

pH 4,5 3,9

VEM 554 607 819Nutritional

analysis resultvalue and VEVI 509 558 820

DVE 28 31 29

OEB -46 -50 -6

VOS 471 516 653

FOSp 462 506 544

OEB 2 hours -22 -24 28

FOSp 2 hours 264 289 219

Structure value 3,3 3,2

Result Target- Mean dry matter value

Crude ash 58 45

VCOS (%) 54,8 68,3

NH3-fraction (%) 2 5

Nitrate 0,2

Crude protein 58 80

Cr.Protein total 59 84

Crude fat 16 25

Crude fibre 278 275

Sugar < 12 20

Starch 189 30

Additional oDM (%) 94,2 95,5calculationsBiogas NFE (g/kg DM) 589 571

Biogas (l/kg oDM) 492 506

Methan (l/kg oDM) 266 276

Biogas (m3/1000 kg) 423 135

Methan (%) 54 55

Page 23: Monsanto Grazer  N

45 campione

Page: 2Total number of pages: 2

621793, 27-11-2009

Results Result Target- Mean Dry matter valueMinerals Sodium






Chlorine 0,4

Cation Anion Bal (meq)

Result Target- Mean Dry matter value

Manganese (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Copper (mg)

Molybdenum (mg)

Iodine (mg)

Cobalt (µg)

Selenium (µg)

Remark The sample is stored at Blgg for 2 weeks after mailing of this report. Within this period you can request additional analyses.

WARNING concerning the calulated feed values: From this product we recieved a dried sample. That means that the measured content of dry matter is not the real amount. The dry matter content is used for calculating the feed values. That can cause different results.

DVE 1991: DVE-1991: 15 g DVE, -23 g OEB, 435 g FOS.

Explanation ANALYSIS METHOD: . Dry matter Q Em:GEWAS.OVB NH3-fraction (%) Q Em: NIRS Crude protein (for silage: ammonia-free) Q Em: NIRS Cr.Protein total Calculated value Crude fibre Q Em: NIRS Crude ash Q Em: VAS1 VCOS (%) Q Em: NIRS Sugar Q Em: NIRS Starch Q Em: NIRS Crude fat Em: NIRS Nitrate Q Em: NIRS Chlorine Q Em: NIRS pH Em: NIRS

Em; Gw; Cf Method Blgg; Equivalent of; In conformity with Q Method accredited by RvA

All procedures have been completed within the maximum shelf life between sampling and analysis. The reported results only refer to the material supplied to Blgg on 17-11-2009


Analysis: VCOS Digestion coefficient Organic Matter

Energy and protein (calculated): VEM Feed Unit Milk VEVI Feed Unit Beef Cattle Intensive DVE Intestine Digestible Protein OEB Degradable Protein Balance VOS Digestible Organic Matter FOS(p) Fermentable Organic Matter (rumen) 2 hours Amount of OEB and FOS left after being 2 hours in the rumen. Structure value Structure value/kg DM (CVB 1998) oDM Organic matter