monty python - witch hunting

Monty Python - Witch Hunting v=yp_l5ntikaU

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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Monty Python - Witch Hunting

Monty Python - Witch Hunting

Page 2: Monty Python - Witch Hunting


Objective…Describe how the U.S. government fought the Cold War in America.

A propaganda comic book published in 1947 that raised the

concern of a Communist takeover in America.

Propaganda film: How to spot a Communist:

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* Why were Americans worried about the security of the US?  

• The Soviet control of Eastern Europe• Communist take over in China

• 100K Americans in the Communist Party

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The Dot Game• You will receive a small piece of paper that will

either be blank or have a dot on it. • Do not show your card to anyone. • The goal of the game is for the non dots to form

the largest possible group of non dot people. The largest group of non dots will receive bonus points.

• The goal of a dot is to become included in the non dot group. Dots that become included in non dot groups will receive bonus points.

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National Security StateThe national security state….

- 1941 - 900K employees… 10% in security- 1945 - 4M employees… 75 % in security

1) National Security Act (1947)…

-Dept. of Defense…


-N.S.C…President, VP, Sec of State, Sec of Defense, Sec. of Treasury, Joint Chiefs, CIA…

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2) Executive Order 9835 The Federal Employment Loyalty Program

- Investigated government employees from 1947-58.

- 3.2M investigated…378 fired… 5,000 resigned

- Employees fired for "reasonable doubt" of:

Crimes, violent overthrow, disclosure of confidential information, or membership in a subversive organizations.

- No appeal beyond loyalty boards

- No permission to confront a "confidential informant"

3) Evaluate the success of the Federal Employees Loyalty & Security Program.

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4) I & E: Attorney General Tom Clark

Referring to: Unions, strikes & preventing law & order…

“ a sinister & deep-seated plot on the part of communists, ideologists & small groups of radicals”

Who did Clark target with his actions?...

5) Were Clark’s actions a violation of civil liberties?...

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National Security State

* 6) Internal Security (or McCarran) Act (1950)…

- Communist groups must register with the government- Illegal to plan for totalitarianism - Banned Communist Immigrants- Deport all Communists

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Describe the major causes, personalities & events of the Red Scare.

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* 7) I & E: House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

• Investigated “un-American” activities• HUAC believed that Hollywood film writers &

directors were sneaking Communist propaganda into films.

HUAC: House Un-American Activities Committee…

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8) Describe how the Red Scare affected Hollywood & the motion

picture industry?

1947:Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover warns HUAC that communists had launched "a furtive attack on Hollywood."

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• 1947: HUAC investigates Hollywood• The Hollywood Ten…• The “Hollywood Blacklists”…

HUAC: The Hollywood Ten

A list of screenwriters, actors & directors barred from working in Hollywood because of their alleged membership in Communist Party

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Protesting in support of the Hollywood Ten

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What commentary

is this cartoon making on the

HUAC hearings?

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Spy Cases

9) I & E: Alger Hiss...

Who was his accuser?...

The results of this case?...

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• Hiss was a U.S. State Dept. official accused of being a Soviet spy.• Whittaker Chambers, a former Communist Party member, before HUAC testified that Hiss had been a Communist while working for the State Dept.• Called before HUAC, Hiss categorically denied the charge, but was eventually convicted of perjury

The Alger Hiss Case

1945 Truman (Hiss left of HST)

Alger Hiss testifies before HUAC

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Whittaker Chambers testifies before HUAC

Whittaker Chambers

The “Pumpkin Papers” key evidence in the Hiss case

R.M. Nixon examines micro film during the Hiss


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10) I&E Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

• J & E Rosenberg were Jewish American communists.

• The Rosenberg's were convicted & executed for passing atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets.

• The first execution of civilians for espionage in US history.

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Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

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11) I & E: Senator Joseph McCarthy McCarthyism ...“Witch Hunts”

12) Who were the targets of McCarthyism…

McCarthy testifying:

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McCarthyism13) Supporting McCarthy?...

Opposing McCarthy?...

14) Why did McCarthy lose his popularity?...

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What commentary is this cartoon making on the actions of Senator Joe


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What commentary is this cartoon making on the actions of Senator

Joe McCarthy?

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May , 1954“I have here in my hand . . .”

What commentary is this cartoon making on the actions of Senator Joe


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February, 1950"You mean I'm supposed to

stand on that?“

What commentary is this cartoon making on the actions of Senator

Joe McCarthy?

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August 13, 1951"Say, what ever happened to 'freedom-from-fear'?”

What commentary is this cartoon making on the actions of Senator Joe


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What commentary is this cartoon making on the actions of Senator

Joe McCarthy?

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* The Legacy of McCarthyism

- Results in repressive federal & state laws… i.e. McCarran Act

- Basic freedoms compromised

- Dissent can be dangerous

- US Gov. investigates: Unions, librarians, teachers, reporters, entertainers & scientists

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Objective… HOMEWORK

Compare the Red Scare of the 1920s to the Red Scare of the 1940s & 50s.