monumental and portrait sculpture by: madison cleff, ashton broussard, anjali mangrola and hayley...

MONUMENTAL AND PORTRAIT SCULPTURE By: Madison Cleff, Ashton Broussard, Anjali Mangrola and Hayley Young

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SCULPTUREBy: Madison Cleff,

Ashton Broussard, Anjali Mangrola and Hayley


Arch of Titus

The Arch of Titus is a triumphal arch located in Rome, known for its opulent reliefs.

81 CE

Triumphal arches were used to commemorate a formal victory, such as a general paddling with his troops.

The Arch of Titus

Triumphal Processions

After the capture of a city or a great war victory, a lavish triumphal procession was held to commemorate the victor.

For example, Titus’ triumphal procession after the capture of Jerusalem to end a revolt was described by Jewish historian, Josephus as opulent and elegant.

Depiction of Triumphal Procession in The Arch of Titus

The relief on the inside of the arch depicts Titus’ soldiers and the crowd as joyous and bombastic.

This joy is shown through the wreaths on the head of the people and the carrying of the menorah.

The Ara Pacis

The mood of The Arch of Titus relief contrasts the formal tranquility of the procession portrayed on the Ara Pacis.

The Arch of Titus Relief vs. The Ara Pacis

The scene in the Arch of Titus is depicted as crowded and jumbled, not at all peaceful. The characters

wear wreaths, which are the equivalent of a party hat. There

are trumpets and a menorah which give the scene a festive air.

To contrast with the scene depicted in the Arch of Titus; the Ara Pacis is depicted as a more calm scene. This is shown through the slightly, more rigid and vertical body posture.

The Column of Trajan

The Column of Trajan

unlike the Arch of Titus

is a continuous narrative of

pictures which include natural and

architectural elements.

Uses spiral relief to show the might of the Trajan army, as well as vaunt their accomplishments and victories.

Spiral relief is the winding in a continuous and gradually widening (or tightening) curve, either around a central point on a flat plane or about an axis.

113 to 117 CE

The Column of Trajan

Hadrian Hunting a Boar and Sacrificing to Apollo and Constantine Addresses the People in the Roman Forum

Large circular relief

Commissioned by Trajan's successor Hadrian to establish his imperial stature and vaunt his physical prowess

130 to 38 CE

Shows the characterization of a crowded composition.

Depicts deeply undercut forms, stocky figures and unrealistic images.

The Haterius Family Tomb

Mausoleum Under Construction

Funeral relief Created to honor

the dead in the Haterius Tomb

Uses egg and dart moldings

This relief would have been depicted to honor the builder of the tomb

Late 1st Century CE

The Young Flavian Woman

The Young Flavian Woman, created in 90 CE, depicts an idealistic version of a young woman; depending on the patron the sculpture may be depicted more or less realistic.

A More Realistic Representation

A more realistic representation of art was revived from the Republican Period in the Flavian Era. This realistic representation is shown in the depiction of the Middle-Aged Flavian Woman, created in the late 1st century CE.


Commissioned by Hadrian Example of syncretic art as it

displayed Egyptian idealism with Greek and Roman influence

As the story goes… Antinous was a friend of Hadrian who died in the Nile

130 to 38 CE


The sculpture of Marcus Aurelius depicts him as a wise man through the sculpting of a beard and thick hair. The absence of weapons in this sculpture shows that Marcus Aurelius conquerors by the favor of the Gods; a style borrowed from Egypt.

Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius

Equestrian Portrait Proportions

Artists often find it difficult to display the correct proportions when constructing and equestrian portrait or sculpture, yet the sculpture of Marcus Aurelius found proportions acceptable to viewers.

Commodus as Hercules

Commodus commissioned a sculpture to depict him as Hercules.

Although this sculpture was made to make Commodus look powerful it instead depicted his pretentiousness in assuming he had the attributes of Hercules.