mood boards

Mood boards Bekki Asquith

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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Mood boards

Mood boards

Bekki Asquith

Page 2: Mood boards

Idea 1 - Fonts

I have chosen these fonts to choose out of. All of these fonts are quite casual and have a handwritten element to them. I think that the handwritten element would be a good feature seeing as the copy will be of what the person in the advert is thinking. This fits well with what the advert will show.

I like the font ‘Whatever It Takes’ the best. This is because I think that it looks the most casual and this is what I want for my advert. Some of the existing Irn-Bru adverts also use a casual font so I think that this would be good to use, to carry on the brand theme. I will use this font for the words that the character in the advert will be thinking.

For the other text ‘What would make Irn-Bru better?’ I would like to use the font ‘Into The Vortex’, and ‘Irn-Bru 32 can’t do that, but it can now give you energy!!!’ The use of a font using capital, upper case letters is popular among the Irn-Bru brand, with the can design and also the adverts. So this will again carry on the theme.

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These images are a few that are representative of the sorts of images that I would like to use in this advert idea. The images that contain the thought bubble or the idea of somebody thinking about something show the image that I would like to use of a headshot of somebody with a thought bubble coming out of their head. Inside the thought bubble I would like images like the one of the man with money bags. However, I would like them to be photographs of the thought/fantasy rather than a cartoon image.

Idea 1 - Images

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These are the types of colours that I would like to use on this advert. The blue and orange colours are the Irn-Bru brand colours so I would like to use them and keep to the colour scheme of the brand. The Irn-Bru 32 colour scheme is more of a lighter blue with small hints of orange and black and white so I will have to consider this.

The colour scheme that I like the most out of the ones that are shown here is the one that I have put an arrow to with the letters I, H and K. This contains a very light blue, a middle blue colour and orange which I think will be appropriate and relevant for this idea and for my advert.

I will use these colours for the background behind the image, and for the banners of text at the top. I might even possibly contrast the two colours and write orange text over a blue background or vice versa.

Idea 1 - Colours

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Idea 2 – Fonts

These are the types of fonts that I would consider using for my second idea for the advert. They are all quite casual fonts. This is good because it means that the fonts will echo the tone and style of my advert; I want it to have an element of comedy and informality in it. Most of the Irn-Bru adverts that I have looked at have an element of comedy in them so I want to carry this on as brand recognition and the brand style.

The fonts that I particularly like and would like to use in my advert to represent this style are ‘Lighthouse’ and ‘Whatever It Takes’.

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Idea 2 - ImagesThese images represent some of the images that I would like to use for my second advert idea. I want to have someone dressed up, but somebody who is like a normal person e.g. a middle aged man who is slightly overweight. I would like them to be in an area that fits with whatever it is that the character wants to be and is dressed as. The example that I have used in my initial ideas

I want to have a background image of a scene such as a garden/park and in that image I would like there to be a person dressed up and something stupid.

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Idea 2 – Colours I would like to stick with the Irn-Bru colours; orange and blue. These show the brand recognition of Irn-Bru.

I like the idea of having orange on blue when it comes to the writing because I think that this will stand out more and be more eye-catching. I think that blue on orange might decrease readability and therefore there would be a lack of attention drawn to it.

I want to use a dramatic blue colour like ‘123567’ and an orange colour like ‘carrot’. I think that they contrast well together.