

Upload: paigeward96

Post on 24-Jun-2015




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I have used these images because I am planning on creating a rock based music video. A variety of these images are different types of rock E.G. soft rock, rap rock heavy metal. Even though they are all different types of rock all the music videos are done in the same way they’re performance based videos, so you see the band playing the instruments and the vocalist singing/screaming. Also the colours are mainly dark and grey scaled.

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Camera angles

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I have used these images to look at what camera angles are used mostly in this genre of music videos. There is a variety of good examples of angles in these images. I have looked into different types of rock; rap rock, heavy metal, pop rock etc… A lot of close ups on the bands instrument, long shots showing the whole band performing and long shots on the audience/mosh pits. These two are the main camera angles used in the rock music videos (performance based) I have looked at.

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When it comes to clothing in a rock music video they all tend to be dark colours and simple clothing especially for the lads. Sometimes the woman tend to wear weird, old fashioned dark dresses. I used the images so I know what colour clothing I should mainly use and what sort of clothing I should include when I make my own music video. Looking at the images the women tend to wear dark and old fashioned dresses/ clothing. The males in the music videos always seem to wear black and white clothing, but sometimes the vocalist wears something different to the rest of them.

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The setting is important in music videos. I have used these images to get an idea on where to set my music video. These images show that if a rock music video isn't a live performance they tend to be in a dark places. There is a variety of crowded places and empty rooms/spaces.

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Props are important in a music video, the bands instruments are included in the props and since most rock music are performance based the props would be important. Most of the audience would want to see the band playing because it is like a live performance, even though it isn’t the same experience. I have used these images for the props so I know what I should include in my music video and what sort of props are included in a rock video. Also to see what the audience would want to see within the music video.