moodle report

Moodle re-design report Brief: Undertake a re-design of the current Blackburn College/University intranet service – Moodle. Do so specifically from a student user perspective (for now), taking certain key factors into account – the existing problems that are faced by students using Moodle, from a functionality and aesthetic perspective, alongside improving the service with regards to usability and modernity in general. I want to create a new surge of excitement and enthusiasm with the re-vamp of moodle, allowing users to want to feel involved and proud of the interactivity and usage of their new-look Moodle. Research: In terms of researching relevant material to successfully aid the re- vamp, I looked into Jesse James Garrett’s elements of user experience (specifically the 5-tier model ‘skeleton’ of web design), alongside Jakob Nielsen’s breadth of information on usability. I also looked into web design trends – general aesthetic trends and the evolution of interface design over the last few years (e.g. flat design, minimalism, parallax etc.). Another aspect I divulged in was the most used websites by the student demographic, across the U.K (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Tumblr etc.), contemplating and incorporating the factors that are enjoyed by many on these sites – that they choose to visit out of choice, not by being obliged to. However, the most important area of research was the direct feedback from students - oral feedback, but primarily questionnaire responses. Design content: I have created visual mock-ups to give a feel of what the overall described aesthetic would look like, as well as to describe certain details visually. However, the majority of the proposed changes will be detailed in a written format via this report, and if the proposed re-vamp is to take place in accordance with this proposal, and thus further visuals need to be created for, I would be willing to comply. Proposed elements of the re-vamp: In terms of all the changes proposed, they will include additions, deletions and improvements of the current Moodle. Everything proposed is aided by the intention of keeping the users in mind, and creating added ease to the compulsory and additional functions that Moodle should essentially provide. Some of this will include technical specifics, which would be undertaken by web-design professionals.

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Moodle re-design report Br ief : Undertake a re-design of the current Blackburn Col lege/Univers ity intranet service – Moodle. Do so specif ical ly from a student user perspect ive (for now), tak ing certa in key factors into account – the exist ing problems that are faced by students us ing Moodle, from a funct ional i ty and aesthet ic perspect ive, a longside improving the service with regards to usabi l i ty and modernity in general . I want to create a new surge of excitement and enthusiasm with the re-vamp of moodle, a l lowing users to want to feel involved and proud of the interact iv i ty and usage of their new-look Moodle. Research: In terms of researching relevant mater ia l to successful ly a id the re-vamp, I looked into Jesse James Garrett ’s e lements of user exper ience (specif ical ly the 5-t ier model ‘skeleton’ of web design) , a longside Jakob Nie lsen’s breadth of informat ion on usabi l i ty . I a lso looked into web design trends – general aesthet ic trends and the evolut ion of interface design over the last few years (e .g. f lat design, min imal ism, paral lax etc. ) . Another aspect I d ivulged in was the most used websites by the student demographic , across the U.K (e .g . Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Tumblr etc . ) , contemplat ing and incorporat ing the factors that are enjoyed by many on these s ites – that they choose to v is i t out of choice, not by being obl iged to. However, the most important area of research was the direct feedback from students - oral feedback, but pr imar i ly quest ionnaire responses. Design content : I have created visual mock-ups to give a feel of what the overal l descr ibed aesthet ic would look l ike, as wel l as to descr ibe certa in detai ls v isual ly . However, the major i ty of the proposed changes wi l l be detai led in a wr itten format v ia th is report , and i f the proposed re-vamp is to take place in accordance with th is proposal , and thus further v isuals need to be created for, I would be wi l l ing to comply. Proposed elements of the re-vamp: In terms of a l l the changes proposed, they wi l l inc lude addit ions, delet ions and improvements of the current Moodle. Everything proposed is a ided by the intent ion of keeping the users in mind, and creat ing added ease to the compulsory and addit ional funct ions that Moodle should essent ia l ly provide. Some of th is wi l l inc lude technical specif ics , which would be undertaken by web-design professionals .


Aesthet ics From analys ing the quest ionnaire results , I decided to g ive Moodle a radical aesthet ic transformat ion as there was s ignif icant negat iv i ty surrounding the c luttered (47% said needs to look less c luttered) and mundane look. (50% said one of Moodle’s worst aspects was i ts look. ) I in i t ia l ly decided whether a change of logo would be relevant and decided in favour, as the current logo is synchronised with Moodle’s present theme, and an overhaul in l ine with the new simpl ic i ty and min imal ism intended was a key decis ion. As the logo is the heart of Moodle’s branding, I fe lt i t would v isual ly ref lect and re-invigorate user ’s v iews of the s ite . I decided on the font ‘Maven Pro’ ( font used to write th is report) , as not only is i t s imi lar to the Blackburn Col lege logo, but a lso personif ies the key qual i t ies I have previously ment ioned. I a lso stuck with ‘Basic t i t le font ’ for the logo’s strapl ine. I then contemplated whether I should use ‘Joe Hand 2’ for the ‘my’ in the logo, to v isual ise a largely customised and personal feel to the s ite .


I in i t ia l ly decided to keep the f i rst logo shown, as i t is min imal ist ic and showcases s impl ic i ty , and thus my visual mock-ups inc luded th is as the logo, however I recent ly changed to the last logo (above) , as the f inal choice, again, due to the personal ised aspect to i t . I consciously wanted to keep the font in b lack/white and considered i ts scalabi l i ty for the versat i le appl icabi l i ty of i t on a range of mediums (web, pr int , etc . ) . I completed th is re-design in order of use, natural ly a l luding to the homepage that users would f i rst encounter . I not iced from personal exper ience, and mainly the quest ionnaire results (predominant ly comments/answers regarding confusion and need to de-clutter) , that a) most of the l isted features of Moodle pre-login (emai l , l ibrary, etc . ) were present yet required a login from the user , and b) that students d id not want to use any excess mater ia l and just log in to access course-specif ic features. This a lso a ided the s imple and photographic look I wanted to achieve for the homepage; enthusing users with the fresh and excit ing ‘ f i rst impress ion’ .


The basic theme of a l l of my homepage mock-ups carr ies the fol lowing compulsory funct ions – the logo in i ts convent ional top-left p lace, funct ioning as a ‘back to homepage’ l ink (again, convent ional , and would serve as th is after login and throughout, as i t reconci les user fami l iar i ty with modern web convent ions) , addit ional pre-login l inks in the top-r ight – courses/s ite news) , and the central login feature, with a l ink to help with forgotten passwords. Upon inspect ion and analys is , these are the only used and needed elements to the login funct ion, and the l inks are al l that may be used before login – courses whether someone would l ike to v iew the course l ist (no log-in needed, stra ight to course l ist > module l ist . ) An addit ional point to bear in mind is the overal l use of lowercase typography (even on f i rst letters) to converge towards trends, but more important ly exempl i fy informal i ty and comfortabi l i ty . I have created 3 var iat ions of the homepage i tself . The f i rst is as shown above, with the photographic background of the col lege bui ld ing. Al l of the homepages have photographic content intended to be changed dai ly/weekly, further adding to the customised and evolved nature of the s ite, adding personal s ignif icance to i t . This f i rst var iat ion would inc lude different snapshots of the col lege/univers ity bui ld ings, external ly as wel l as internal ly . An example of an alternate col lege image is shown below:


The second var iat ion would exclude the ‘s i te news’ feature being integrated into the homepage. Current ly , the v isual ised homepage shows 4:5 rat io of homepage to s ite news, with just part of the s ite news being v is ib le to then scrol l down and view it fu l ly :


As shown above, the s i te news would be presented in a gr id format ( in accordance with modern ‘ f lat ’ web design, and consist ing of a very recent trend in web design – monochromatic design) . This would consist of b lue hues, complement ing the col lege’s branding. Also, th is eradicates a user-based issue with Moodle, in that i t is current ly perceived as too vert ical , with endless scrol l ing downwards, rather than quick and obtainable informat ion, as the young demographic is used to with many other s i tes. Each gr id would d isplay just a snippet of a news poster/art ic le/bul let in (again compl iment ing the fact that users have the choice to v iew which they wish in further detai l , as quest ionnaire comments showed an annoyance with too much emphasis on al l s i te news.) The s ite news feature would funct ion in a ‘hover-above’ manner, whereby users would hover above the news topic of their interest , enlarg ing i t to d isplay the fu l l v isual/text (as shown in the second news s ite v isual ) , to the s ize of 4/6/8 squares as depicted, depending on the s ize of the content . The other news gr ids would become transparent and just the chosen content would be opaque. Upon enlarg ing the chosen new item, the major i ty of i t (a l l i f i t is smal l enough) would be displayed, but upon c l ick ing, the fu l l content would open up in i ts own window. The f inal var iat ion would be without the s ite news being present/scrol lable, and would instead be displayed as an opt ional pre-login l ink (however would be displayed in the manner expla ined above but post-login, with the same style, and 1/5th of the screen showing i t part ia l ly a lso. ) This var iat ion also inc ludes more versat i l i ty in the photographic content d isplayed as the page background – a var iety of industry/topic re lated images, or preferably students’ work (or for non-art based students, photos of them in their study environment) , interchangeably v isual ised. This then created an ever-changing homepage, with a very personal and customised feel , with potent ia l for a ‘submit your work for Moodle’s cover ’ type of theme – creat ing a sense of pr ide and enthusiasm upon viewing work on the cover . Students could also send images in (whether academia re lated, or seasonal , scenery-based etc. , g iv ing a sense of involvement/personal isat ion, as wel l as broadening the potent ia l scope of the ever-changing aesthet ic of the Moodle homepage massively . (Could have an opt ion to have your own work as the background to the Moodle homepage upon submiss ion) , Below are examples of the col lege bui ld ing, text i les and engineer ing work/study environments as the Moodle homepage, with the s ite news as an opt ional l ink :



Upon login, the user would navigate h is/her way through al l of the features by a s imple set of 7 icons. I wanted to further exempl i fy min imal ism and s impl ic i ty with these, to a id ease of use. I a lso introduced certa in key features, to remain consistent throughout the major i ty of the pages from this point onwards – colour , s impl ic i ty (the icon symbols, font sty le, layout, etc . ) and sol id , f lat c i rc le l inks – moving away from the convent ional rectangular hyper l inks (specif ic quest ionnaire answer’s showed a distaste for th is , but I a lso did th is to introduce a radical transformat ion and associat ion with a more smoother, fr iendl ier user- interface) . Also, the ‘ logout’ funct ion would be consistent ly p laced as a l ink at the top r ight of the screen, grant ing further ease v ia a one-cl ick , quick and easy exit . The user would be met with the fol lowing page direct ly after login :


The icons are designed to character ise min imal ism, a l l shar ing key qual i t ies – l ine vectors, with d ist inct ive spacing with in each, g iv ing a fresh var iance rather than the exist ing c l iché symbols . The white background/black wr it ing over la id with the br ight icons a ids the youthful , d iverse and excit ing new look of Moodle, as wel l as a l lowing potent ia l for d ist inct colour co-ordinat ion, which would become second nature to users . The look is a lso reminiscent of key modern trends e.g . 2-d/f lat interface design, s imi lar to that of windows (8) , etc .


Upon hover ing above each symbol , i ts name would be displayed, g iv ing further c lar i ty to each category. Alongside doing so, a drop-down menu would appear, a l lowing instant access to each sub-category, and highl ight ing each one as i t is hovered above, with a c l ick required to access the area.

Each sub-category would be placed in order of pr ior i ty , i .e . in correlat ion with what is used the most (only part ia l ly evident from the quest ionnaire results – needs to be assessed through usage stat ist ics) . EDIT: Upon revis ing/reviewing the s ite looks/goals , etc . I have decided to inc lude a default ‘search’ feature on every page post-


log in , a l lowing users to search any word with in a l l pages of Moodle, and displaying results in a search-engine type fashion. The search results would preferably be shown in the same t i led fashion as shown above, with hover-above and further c l ick opt ions (as I want th is to be the key funct ional access to mass informat ion on Moodle) , however i f i t is too hard/unviable to do so, then convent ional search-engine format would do.

The above visual ises the most used category (76% of quest ionnaire part ic ipants put ‘my courses’ as their most used category on the whole of Moodle) , and what i t would look l ike .


Also, under the ‘courses’ tab, there are two sub-categor ies, ‘a l l courses’ , and (now revised) ‘my course’ , as opposed to the plural . A couple of issues specif ic to the ‘my course’ page that are revised inc lude, the delet ion of a central module l ist with repeated module l inks on the left of the screen, a lso the delet ion of ‘col lege l ibrary’ , ‘Moodle student induct ion’ ‘student voice, ‘computer helpdesk’ and ‘student tutor ia l resources’ as part of the ‘my course’ module l ist , but would be organised and categor ised where relevant (e .g . under the ‘more’ , tab) . This would not only increase informat ion placement/relevance, but a lso g ive a more categor ical ly organised exposure to th is misplaced informat ion. A lot of the ‘my course’ pages’ v isual isat ion carr ies forth to the major i ty of the sub-category pages, with th is serv ing as a v isual template for most pages to be v is i ted. The monochromatic theme would carry on into each page (colour coded strongly around each category icon colour) , however due to accessib i l i ty (see more on accessib i l i ty further on) issues, th is could easi ly be changed to monochromatic colours of the users’ choice, or t i les a l l the same (one) b lock colour for s impl ic i ty and ease. Any icons on pages would have the same hover above feature, whereby the wr itten t i t le would be displayed with the out l ined c irc le , (e .g . ‘ t imetable’ , ‘attendance’ and ‘assessment’ on the example v isual ised above) .

…………………REST NEEDS COMPLETING…………………… I wi l l inc lude some further v isuals that are needed specif ical ly to exempl i fy certa in points .


An example of th is is shown above - the modif ied ‘customise th is page’ feature, as a separate sub-category, under the ‘prof i le ’ tab g iv ing the opt ion to customise the post-login homepage to inc lude whatever is best suited to the user needs, in a more in-depth manner than i t is at present, e .g . a l lowing students to place funct ions from a l ist of a l l feasib le funct ions with in Moodle onto t i les onto the post-login homepage (so random things l ike l ibrary loans on the post-login homepage, etc . ) The addit ion delet ion of t i les , re-s iz ing, etc . funct ions on each t i le , I have a reference to the website – drag & drop word press themes: which exempl i f ies th is ‘ f ront-end’ customisabi l i ty perfect ly) . This would be under the ‘prof i le ’ category due to assessing the needs of a l l users – not everyone l ikes to customise and prefer th ings set for them to get used to – however, could th is customisable opt ion be defaulted to the homepage of those who use i t , or would i t be more v iable to keep i t as a separate ‘my homepage’ sub category under the ‘prof i le ’ category. Other points I wi l l be discuss ing in wr it ing are:

- Complete l ist of each sub-category with in the 7 categor ies, out l in ing the funct ion of each (a lthough the major i ty wi l l remain the same, except that which I have discussed)

- Delet ions of pages (main ly of the components with in exist ing pages)

- Improvement/re-vamp of ‘Mahara’ – converging to socia l-media type standards, quick and easy student instant messaging, photo-shar ing

- May be a possib i l i ty of tutor/student instant messaging dur ing col lege/univers ity hours?

- More features under ‘prof i le ’ category, e .g . : eas ier to upload an avatar , d isplay portfol io more easi ly – many are unaware of Mahara. Inc lude re-vamped calendar under ‘prof i le ’ category s imi lar to the drag & drop customisable home-page opt ion above – re-vamp and invigorate the calendar feature.


- Option for students to upload work – unrestr ict ive of just ‘ turn-it- in ’ , but onto a platform viewable to al l students/teachers (of course tak ing plagiar ism into account- e ither work not specif ic to assessment e.g . coursework, but anything outs ide of th is , or a l low th is and make sure th is is not copied through turn-it- in check-ups. I f not then def in i te ly a platform for students/teachers to upload research – a col lect ive pool of academic resources for a l l to benef it from – accessib le universal ly (cross-subject) , This would be invaluable for t imes when a student is undertak ing something related specif ical ly to another topic area and could access an array of pre-categor ised related info. etc .

- A sub-category (under the ‘more’ category) specif ica l ly for

univers ity protocols – whether i t is general univers ity guidel ines, or (col lated v ia staff ) protocols specif ic to each course indiv idual ly , an easy place for teachers to c lar i fy/students to v iew course-specif ic guidel ines/rules/requirements, etc .

- Virtual helper/v ideo-chat help-desk feature? Quicker

response to quer ies (would probably be deciphered from acknowledging whether the current ‘help-desk’ feature is commonly used or not) .

- Responsive design – on trend, from a pr imar i ly funct ional

perspect ive as wel l as aesthet ical ly . This too is in response to users’ comments regarding Moodle being hard to use on phone, with most stat ing they’re unaware i t could even be accessed via Phone – responsive design, marketed wel l , could def in i te ly contr ibute s ignif icant ly in boost ing extra curr icular Moodle usage via Phone/tablet . Also t ies in with a specif ic user comment about making the calendar feature appl icable to iOS and Android ( l inks in with my previous point about rejuvenat ing the calendar to make i t fun and customisable)

- Some specif ic user comments on suggest ions are as fol lows

(a lthough I understand tak ing each user point and incorporat ing i t is impossib le , but these are the few that are in l ine with the re-vamp’s a im) : A forum/chat-room for the whole univers ity (could have issues such as bul ly ing etc . thus would have to be managed accordingly) , but further a l ludes to the youthful more socia l media-esque feel that is wanted by students. Access to any course on a read-only basis – students may wish to change course, browse other


courses, etc . which is why the ‘a l l courses’ sub-category is v isual ised where re levant above, The al lowance of us ing one’s own emai l address seems to be a b ig want from students – further making the Moodle journey a more personal one and giv ing students a unique showcase rather than being v iewed as a number! Al lowing users to update contact detai ls through Moodle – probably to get away from forms to do so every semester (could be a part of the protocol/ ’more’ category) . Also, comments have been made regarding teachers not us ing Moodle yet pushing students to, not regular ly updat ing Moodle (v ita l for consistent student trust in i t/usage) , or even being adequate in i ts usage – Again, P interest sty le f i rst-t ime instruct ions, a longside internal meet ings and a k ick up the…in the r ight d irect ion. . .might help!

- Final ly , a point that was ra ised by users, has been personal ly

exper ienced by me, and also t ies in with the re-vamp – is one that is out of my forte – some k ind of technical improvement/upgrade. Most common problems l ie with:

Turn-it- in crashing near deadl ines (res istance to h igher level of usage?) , Repeated emai l logins needed, or not logging people in consistent ly . Moodle not being logged in but st i l l d isplaying logout (may not be technical but delet ion of the drop –down l ink before login is needed) , attendance sometimes not being specif ic to the users’ course, overal l crashes when high volume of users, e .g . deadl ine t imes, and a specif ic comment about i t being down on weekends too – a solut ion needs to be created ( important ly) as i f students are want ing to use i t extra-curr icular but cant then i t loses conf idence towards Moodle. Conclus ion I wi l l go into the detai ls of some of the above more pract ical ly , and try to v isual ise certa in aspects i f necessary. Overal l , I feel the report has consistent ly dealt with the two proposed issues (from the or ig inal br ief ) – the look of Moodle, and the funct ion ( informat ional organisat ion, pr ior i t isat ion, and even addit ion/delet ion, etc . ) in the best manner I could do. I feel that adding new things just for the sake of i t is point less as the usage is confusing for users as i t is , so the s impl i f icat ion of exist ing features, a longside


addit ions that are specif ica l ly for user enhancement/enjoyment were made. I a lso feel nothing was deleted (couple more specif ics about what should be deleted) apart from what was necessary, e .g . repeated l ists of l inks when not needed, misplacement of l inks, delet ing pre-login excess l inks when login is required for them anyway, etc . In a l l honest ly , everything that is needed for Moodle to be perfect ly re-designed probably isn’t present, but I feel that there is a sat isfactory amount to inst igate a sense of d irect ion and act ion towards the path of doing so. Nabeel Mahmood 20229338