mopcon2014 - 使用 sinatra 結合 ruby on rails 輕鬆打造完整 full stack 網站加 api...

使 Sinatra 結合 Ruby on Rails 輕鬆打造完整 Full Stack 網站加 API Service服務 慕凡(@ryudoawaruat MOPCON 2014

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使用 Sinatra 結合 Ruby on Rails 輕鬆打造完整 Full Stack 網站加 API Service服務


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使⽤用 Sinatra 結合 Ruby on Rails 輕鬆打造完整 Full Stack

網站加 API Service服務 慕凡(@ryudoawaru) at MOPCON 2014

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遊戲業 10 年1997 - 2007

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2007.03 開始全職創業

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2007.03 開始全職創業遊⺠民

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FSC 福特⾞車友會

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全端技術教育訓練包含但不限於 Ruby / Rails / iOS / Git

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專案開發與技術顧問服務Ruby / Rails / iOS

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Co-Working Space台北⾞車站旁,三鐵共構加⾼高速網路

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⽀支援各式社群活動以 Ruby 為主但不限於 Ruby

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Ruby Taiwan 社群

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Ruby Tuesday已舉辦 31 次

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Rails Girls Taipei已舉辦四屆,學員超過 200 ⼈人

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RubyConf Taiwan2010 - 2014,2015 預定於 9⽉月

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WebConf Taiwan下⼀一屆預定於 2015

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• Sinatra 簡介

• Sinatra on Rails

• 撰寫 Mobile API Service 的⼼心得

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• 2007年開始

• 主要作者Konstantin Haase(@rkh)

• ⺫⽬目前版本1.4

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Micro Framework2,000⾏行程式碼,只有Rails 的 1%

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With Minimal Effort只負責路由與Controller,其它組件任選

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Smaller Change Between Releases


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Easy to Bootstrap幾乎不需設定即可啟動

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Let’s Try

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Hello Sinatra

require 'sinatra' get '/hello' do 'Hello World!' end get '/hello/:name' do "Hello #{params[:name]}!" end

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1. 將 HTTP Request 抽象為 request 物件

2. 依據 PATH 決定對應的路由(Route)們

3. 依序執⾏行路由中的程式,以返回值為 Response

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RouteCode Block for Making Response

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get '/hello/:name' do # matches "GET /hello/foo" and "GET /hello/bar" # params[:name] is 'foo' or 'bar' "Hello #{params[:name]}!" end




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Route Type

• Named Parameters

• Splat(Wildcard) Parameters

• Regular Expressions Parameters

• Block Parameters

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Wildcard Params

get '/say/*/to/*' do # matches /say/hello/to/world params[:splat] # => ["hello", "world"] end

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RegExp Params

get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do "Hello, #{params[:captures].first}!" end

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Block Params

get '/hello/:name' do |n| # n stores params[:name] "Hello #{n}!" end get '/download/*.*' do |path, ext| [path, ext] # => ["path/to/file", "xml"] end get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do |c| "Hello, #{c}!" end

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Post Form Params和 Rails ⼀一樣,被歸納在 params Hash 內

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Render Response

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Render View

get '/' do @products = Product.all #render index view by default layout file erb :index end

Default to ERB

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Render View#./vies/layout.erb <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title>Page Title</title></head> <body><%=yield%></body> </html> #./view/products.erb <ul> <%@products.each do |product|%> <li><></li> <%end%> </ul>

File Template

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和 Rails Render的差異

• 沒有 Partial

• 檔名強制 Symbol

• 沒有 collection

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before do @member = Member.find(session[:member_id]) end !after do "Request Finished!" end

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和 Route ⼀一樣有 Paramsbefore "/products/:product_id" do @current_product = Product.find(params[:product_id]) end !before /\/products\/(\d+?).*" do |product_id| @current_product = Product.find(product_id) end

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可執⾏行複數 Filter

before do @member = Member.find(session[:member_id]) end !#GET /products/1 before "/products/:product_id" do @product = Product.find(params[:product_id]) end !get "/products/:id" do # @member / @product 都有值 end


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Filter 參數延續傳遞問題

#GET /products/1 before "/products/:product_id" do #params[:product_id] => 1 end !get "/products/:id" do #params[:product_id] => nil #params[:id] => 1 end

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Request Object

• 繼承⾃自 Rack::Request

• 和 Rails ⼀一樣,request 物件具有 xhr? / path… 等⽅方法讓你存取 request 的資訊

• 不具備部份 Rails的 request 物件的⽅方法例如 subdomain 等

• 預設 cookies 只能從這裡取

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request.accept # 可接受Response Type request.body # request body request.scheme # "http" request.url # "" # "" request.path # "/example/foo" request.script_name # "/example" request.path_info # "/foo" request.query_string# GET 查詢參數 request.(get|post)? # 是否為指定 Method request.referrer # 參照⾴頁⾯面URL request.user_agent # user agent request.cookies # Cookie Hash request.xhr? # 是否為 Ajax request.ip # client IP address request.env # Rack ENV Hash

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Error Block

not_found do 'This is nowhere to be found.' end error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do 404, erb(:not_found) end

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helpers do def post_path(post) to "/posts/#{}" end end

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重要的 Helper們• session

• cookies

• to / url

• redirect

• halt

• settings

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get '/:value' do session[:value] = params[:value] end

和 Rails 相同,名為 session 的Hash

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Use Another Session Store

require "rack/session/redis" use Rack::Session::Redis, { :url => "redis://localhost:6379/0", :namespace => "rack:session", :expire_after => 600 }

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get '/:value' do request.cookies['cdb_sid'] end

預設其實沒有 cookie helper,要從 request 物件取得 Hash

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to Helper

#mount in '/' to('/') #=> ‘/' !#mount in '/api/v1' to('/') #=> '/api/v1/'


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get '/foo' do redirect to('/bar') end

等同 Rails 的 redirect_to

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before "/products/:id" do begin @member = Member.find(session[:member_id]) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound halt 401, erb(:notfound) end end !delete "/products/:id" do #halt後,將不會執⾏行 end

離開現有流程,停⽌止後續 Route 處理並 Render Response

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Setting Valueconfigure do set :foo, 'bar' enable :session #set :session, true disable :logging set(:css_dir) { File.join(views, 'css') } end !get '/' do # => true # => 'bar' ... end

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Configure Block

configure :development do #Only execute when development env enable :logging end !configure do enable :method_override set :view, "app/views" end

在程式啟動時執⾏行⼀一次,開啟 DB 連接或執⾏行設定

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Variable Scopeclass MyApp < Sinatra::Base #此處為 Class Scope set :foo, 42 foo # => 42 get '/foo' do # 進⼊入 Request Scope end end

Class Scope

Instance Scope

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Variable Scope

• Application / Class Scope

• 發⽣生於Class 宣告或 Configure 區塊

• Instance / Request Scope

• 發⽣生於Route / Filter 區塊

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Class 宣告


Request 發⽣生 尋找 Route

是否還有下⼀一個 Code Block?

執⾏行 Code Block

最後⼀一個 Code Block結束 返回 Response

等待下⼀一個 Request



class MyApp

此時還會執⾏行 After Filters

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Variable Scope

• Application / Class Scope

• 只發⽣生在載⼊入程式時

• Instance / Request Scope

• 每次 Request 發⽣生,都會產⽣生⼀一個新的 Instance(實體)

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Named Params

Form Params

Instance Variables

Request Object

持久性 僅限於 Route Block 有 有 有

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Modular App Stylerequire 'sinatra/base' class MyApp < Sinatra::Base # OR Sinatra::Application set :sessions, true set :foo, 'bar' get '/' do 'Hello world!' end end

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Modular V.S. Classic Style

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Rackup File

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Rackup File

# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application. !require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__) run Rails.application

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Rack Middlewares in Rails

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Modular App in Rackup File require 'sinatra/base' class MyApp < Sinatra::Base # OR Sinatra::Application set :sessions, true set :foo, 'bar' get '/' do 'Hello world!' end end run MyApp

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Why need Modular?

• 在 Rackup 中被識別(middleware)

• 在 Rails 中被識別

• 做為⼀一個獨⽴立的模組

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Ruby Web


Application Server

Middlewares End Point

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Run Multi App in 1 Rackuprequire 'sinatra/base' class App1 < Sinatra::Application get '/' do 'app1' end end class App2 < Sinatra::Application get '/' do 'app2' end end map('/app1'){run App1} map('/app2'){run App2}

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Sinatra on RailsMount Rack Middleware in your Rails App

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Mount in Rails Route#routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do root 'hello#world' resources :customers mount Api::V1, at: '/api/v1' end #lib/api/v1.rb class Api::V1 < Sinatra::Application get '/' do 'API' end end

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Mount Outside Rails# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application. require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__) require ::File.expand_path('../lib/api/v1', __FILE__) map '/api/v1' do run Api::V1 end run Rails.application

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Test Suite

• MacPro Retina ’13 2012

• DB:PostgreSQL

• Rails:4.1,Sinatra:1.4.5

• App Server:Thin

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• 從 DB 的 Customer 資料庫抓 頭 10筆資料 render JSON

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• ab -c 10 -n 10 <URL>

• 反覆測試五次

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Model Code

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base def self.fetch(idgt = nil) where("customerid > ?", idgt.to_i).limit(20).map(&:ser) end end

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Rails Controller Code

class CustomersController < ApplicationController def index respond_to do |f| f.json do render json: Customer.fetch.to_json end end end end

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Sinatra Code

module Api class V1 < Sinatra::Application get '/customers.json' do Customer.fetch.to_json end end end

Page 93: Mopcon2014 - 使用 Sinatra 結合 Ruby on Rails 輕鬆打造完整 Full Stack 網站加 API Service服務 This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application. require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__) require ::File.expand_path('../lib/api/v1', __FILE__) map '/ext/api/v1' do run Api::V1 end run Rails.application

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Rails.application.routes.draw do mount Api::V1, at: '/api/v1' root 'hello#world' resources :customers end

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URL 對應表

Rails http://localhost:3000/customers.json

Mount in Rails Route http://localhost:3000/api/v1/customers.json

Mount in Rackup http://localhost:3000/ext/api/v1/customers.json

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Rails Mount in Rails Route

Mount in Rackup (outside of Rails)

RPQ平均 150~ 200~ 300+

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Why Rails Slow?

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Middlewares Stack

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Rack Middleware就是

Endpoint APP

Application Server



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Rails + Sinatra

Application Server



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Application Server







map ‘/’

map ‘/ext/api/v1’

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其實 Rails 也有 rails-api Gem

減少 Middleware Stack

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Sinatra on Rails 架構的好處

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• 程式碼在同⼀一個專案

• 維護性++

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• ⽤用 Rails 寫後台—> 快速⽅方便

• Sinatra 寫 API —> 簡潔有⼒力

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• Model

• Library

• 載⼊入的 Gem

• Helper(不建議)

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節省⾃自⾏行編寫 Bootstrap 程序的時間與精⼒力

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沒有 Rails 就要⾃自⼰己寫

• Rubygem / Bundler

• Require

• Model / DB 連接

• Library的前置作業或設定(例如 Uploader)

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前後台⽤用 Hostname 分離

• -> API ⽤用

• -> 管理介⾯面⽤用

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可以只開啟Rails或只開啟Sinatra if ENV['RUN_ONLY'] == 'rails' run Rails.application elsif ENV['RUN_ONLY'] == 'sinatra' run MySinatraApp else map '/api/v1' do run MySinatraApp end run Rails.application end

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使⽤用 Sinatra 開發 Mobile API的注意事項

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注意 Content-Type Header

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before '*.json' do headers "Content-Type" => "text/json" end

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活⽤用 Status Code

get '/events/:id.json' do begin event = Event.find(params[:id]) halt 404 end end

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活⽤用 Response Header

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Response Page Information

get '/events.json' do collection = Event.api_search(…) headers 'total_pages' => collection.total_pages.to_s headers 'total_count' => collection.total_count.to_s headers 'current_size' => collection.size.to_s render_collection(collection).to_json_with_encode end

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Mobile API ⾝身份認證⽅方式


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Request Header通常 APP 的 WEB Client 都不具備 Session 功能

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Auth By Header#Helper def current_mobile_session token = request.env[‘HTTP_AUTHTOKEN'] || session[:authtoken] @current_mobile_session ||= MobileSession.auth_api_session(token) end !def current_user @current_user ||= current_mobile_session.user if current_mobile_session.present? end

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• 裝置的 UUID(裝置辨認)

• 某種時間段戳記(例如 EPOCH / ⼀一週 or ⼀一天秒數)

• User Table 的某個欄位(Access Token)

• 以上三者 MD5 加密

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WebView in APP問題

• 有時會遇到需要辨認⾝身份的 WebView(如購物)

• WebView 在啟動同時發出的 Request 可以包含⾃自訂 Header,但是在 WebView 內的連結或表單不⾏行

• 反過來,在 WebView 內可以⽤用 Cookie / Session

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1. 開啟WebView,發出初始 HTML Request(有Header)

2. Server 端接收 Request 時,設定 Session

3. WebView 內由 User 點擊再發出的 Request 就會有 Session

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before do token = request.env['HTTP_AUTHTOKEN'] || session[:authtoken] ##接下來⽤用 token 進⾏行認證 end

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JSON Generation

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#config/initializer/hash.rb [Array, Hash].each do |klass| klass.class_eval do def to_json_with_encode JSON.generate(self, ascii_only: true) end end end

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對於從寫 Web 轉到寫 Mobile API 的幾點⼩小建議

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時間欄位請傳EPOCH 整數

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base def created_at_i created_at.to_i end end

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使⽤用 before / after_id⽽而⾮非分⾴頁

#in Controller # GET ‘/pms/before/12345’ get '/pms/before/:pmid' do Pm.before_pmid(params[:pmid]) .... end

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減少 Request 數量顧及流暢性

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get '/all.json' do {unread_messages: current_user.pms.all, events: Event.recent(10) }.to_json end

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論寫 Sinatra 的必要性藏在魔法後⾯面的東⻄西

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標準的 Rails 程式碼# in app/controllers/customers_controller.rb class CustomersController < ApplicatoController ... def index @customers = end end # in app/views/customers/index.html.erb <ul> <%=render @customers%> </ul> # in app/views/customers/_customer.html.erb <li><>:<></li>

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它可以產⽣生的 HTML

<ul> <li>1:很好填</li> <li>2:⾃自⼰己填</li> <li>3:不想填</li> <li>4:給你填</li> </ul>

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你知道 render 那⾏行發⽣生了神⾺馬事嗎?

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1. 查看@customers 集合中的成員 Class -> Customer

2. 以 Class Name 查詢是否有相對應的 Partial View 存在

3. 以 @customers 為 collection 的值來 render Partial

<%=render @customers%>

<%=render partial: 'customer', collection: @customers%>

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# <%=form_for @customer do |f|%> .... <%end%> #將會產⽣生 <form action="/customers/1" method="post"> <input name="_method" value="put"/> ... </form>

假設 @customer 是⼀一筆存在的 Customer 紀錄, id為 1

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Q:為何 @customer 可以轉成 /customers/1

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@customer.new_record? # false @customer.class.to_s # Customer @customer.class.to_s.underscore # customer @customer.class.to_s.underscore.pluralize # => customers

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Q:請問 pluralize 是 Ruby 預設的 String Instance


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i[~] $ irb 2.1.3 :001 > 'customer' => "customer" 2.1.3 :002 > 'customer'.pluralize NoMethodError: undefined method `pluralize' for "customer":String from (irb):2 from /Users/ryudo/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.3/bin/irb:11:in `<main>' 2.1.3 :003 >

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Q:_method 是什麼?

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_method Param


• ⽤用 _method 代替 REQUEST METHOD

• 簡稱 Method Override

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寫 Sinatra ,預設你必需⾃自⾏行處理這些問題

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“Difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has

even tried.”⼤大師與新⼿手之間的差別,就是⼤大師失敗過的次


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Contact Me• 慕凡


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