more than nazi money went underground

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  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    More than Nazi money went underground.

    " ... Himmler was quoted as summing up his talk with

    Bormann to his most

    trusted lieutenants in these words:'It is possible that ermany will be

    de!eated on the military !ront. It is

    een possible that she may hae to

    #apitulate. But neer must the National $o#ialist erman

    %orkers' &arty

    #apitulate. hat is what we hae

    to work !or !rom now on.'"


    he Nazis o )nderground

    * by +urt ,iass* -oubleday* -oran* and +o.*

    In#./00* p. 012

    "34"1$.$. men in!iltrated* among other things*

    eery ma5or intelligen#e apparatus on earth.hey hae been ma5or players in postwar

    history. $py master ,einhardt ehlen* !or

    e4ample* #reated the rationale !or starting th

    e +old %ar out o! whole #loth. 6s we now

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    know* had the ,ed 6rmy a#tually been intendin

    g to #ontinue their drie westward* as

    ehlen said they did* they would not hae

    been tearing up railroad tra#k in !ront o!themseles. hey relied heaily on rail to tr

    ansport their troops. 7u

    r leaders didn't know8

    they belieed ehlen* and a#ted a##ordingly. 7r

    they knew* and they lied to us. here is

    no third possibility. his #omes as no surpri

    se to those who hae a#tually studied war.

    ruth is the !irst #asualty.

    "6dol! Hitler's top intelligen#e o!!i#ial

    s worked with ).$. intelligen#e

    o!!i#ials worked with ).$. intelligen#e during %orld %ar

    II* a##ording to a

    trans#ript made aailable uesdayo! se#ret testimony by 6llen -ulles

    be!ore a House $ele#t #ommittee in /09."



    * /;/

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    '=>. It is interesting to note that -ulles's law !irm*

    +romwell and $ullian* also represented I.. ?arben

    be!ore the %ar.

    he $.$. was designed !rom in#eption to stand alone* a thing apart. It was* and is* more o!

    a religious institution than a politi#al or military

    one. hink o! it as one o! those "#ults that


    $hadows o! its #ontinued e4is

    ten#e #an be seen in the

    arious "e4"1$.$. o!!i#er's

    beneolent asso#iations

    : the 7dessa* -ie $pinne* the "@

    ommeradenwerk*" et#.* in su#h

    mer#enary armies as the "?ian#ees o! -eath*"

    and in the "arious" #o#aine #artels. Now

    they wear white shirts8 #amou!lage works again. he organization lies on* though the "old

    !ighters" hae by and large died o!!. hey

    had no more trouble re

    #ruiting new blood than

    they had !inding new soil. he organization is

    stronger than eer. It

    too is a business. Inpart* its business is prote#tion. "34"1$.$ men

    !looded $outh 6meri#a* where they were met

    with open arms. hey took oer day to day

    operation o! the lu#ratie #o#aine trade.

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    ermans hae maintained a monopoly on the $outh

    6meri#an pharma#euti#al business

    sin#e the middle o! the last #entury. heir!ortunes hae multiplied enormously. 7ne good

    al#hemist is worth a !orest o! knights.

    "-r. Aose! Mengele* the nazi 'angel o!

    death*' was a ma5or dealer in the

    international drug tra!!i# !or many year

    s ... a##ording to testimony in a ).$.

    $enate inestigation ...... Be#ause o! the partial bla#kout o! the +I6 reports* the

    senators said*

    many questions are unanswered.

    It is di!!i#ult to determine to what e4tent ... ).$. agen#ies

    attempted on a

    serious determined basis to bring Mengele to Austi#e.

    ... he +I6 unit* whi#h had prepared an

    arti#le on Mengele's a#tiities !or

    the International Nar#oti#s ,eiew* w

    ithdrew the arti#le* whi#h has sin#e

    been 'mispla#ed.'"


    Heritage* 0

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    " ... a##ording to de#lassi!ied +I6 do#

    uments released by two ,epubli#an


    Mengele's reported inolement in drugs#ould e4plain how he was able to

    !inan#e his li!e and traels in $outh 6m

    eri#a !or years* a##ording to one o!

    the senators* 6lphonse M. -'6mato o!

    New ork. 7ne +I6 do#ument said

    Mengele may hae used a !arm ma#h

    inery business in &araguay 'as a

    me#hanism to moe or launder large sums

    o! money* as well as to #oer the

    moement o! illi#it nar#oti#s.'

    But the ;< heaily #ensored pages o!

    long hidden +I6 re#ords were o!ten

    ague and in#on#lusie* -'6matoand $en. 6rlen @. $pe#ter o!

    &ennsylania a#knowledged at a news #on!eren#e.

    Be#ause many senten#es

    were bla#ked out to #on#eal the +I6's sour#es o!

    in!ormation about

    Mengele* it is di!!i#ult to determine wh

    at data in the do#uments might be#redible ...

    ... ,e!erring to the do#uments* $pe#ter sa

    id* 'hey're ague* but that's the

    starting point !or our

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground




    Cos 6ngeles imes News $eri#e

    * ;;9

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    authorities hae un#oered a web o!

    international right1wing #onta#ts

    stret#hing !rom the )nited $tates thr

    ough 3urope that also tou#hed the &C7and Iran.

    he network #ame to light in a diary

    poli#e seized !rom a leading %est

    erman neo1Nazi* Man!red ,oeder...

    ,oeder and @arl1Hienze Ho!!man* leader

    o! a neo1Nazi group banned last

    year* also had #onta#ts in Cebanon ...

    ... Ho!!man has !or seeral years sold

    se#ond1hand military ehi#les to

    Cebanon and other Middle 3ast #ountries.

    7ne su#h shipment was seized on the 6ustrian border

    a!ter a young

    member o! Ho!!man's group planted a bomb at the Muni#h 7ktober!est last

    $eptember* blowing himsel! up and killing ; others."


    Maini#hi FokyoG -aily News

    * >>

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    * >>

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    go. 6dministration is

    to be handled through

    ?3M6. he plan was drawn up mainly by 7llie

    North* when he was still in power. Hedrew heaily on a plan !rom the si4ties #alle

    d 7peration arden &lot. 7llie's !irst plan*

    ,e4 * was run in #omputer simulati

    on and !ound la#king in manpower.

    Bodies #alled $tate -e!ense ?or#es were then

    set up to supplement law en!or#ement and

    the national guard. hey are to be essentia

    lly armed and deputized #iilians. +adre

    elements meet and train regularly. hey are r

    e#ruited !rom the !as#istra#ist para1militaries*

    and !rom the !loating pool o! !reelan#e mer#enaries who

    adertise in

    $oldier o! ?ortunemagazine. $ome suspi#ious types hae #onsid

    ered the possibility that the name itsel! may

    be an allusion to the in!amous "@ing 6l

    !red &lan" to round up 6meri#ans o! 6!ri#an



  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    north o! the Ni#araguan border.

    he degree o! protest it sparked #aused the goe

    rnment to ba#k down. In $an ?ran#is#o we

    !illed the streets !our nights in one week. he e4tent o!protest in other #ities was bla#ked

    out o! national* though not lo#al news. he mo

    st reliable reports

    were on the Internet.

    Broad#ast 5ournalism was grossly dis!easant*

    but the protests spread anyhow. hey were

    #learly not "#opy1#at" protes

    ts. hey were spontaneous*

    sin#ere and broad1based. No

    wonder the #rypto1!as#ists Fand their so1#alle

    d "demo#rati#" interen

    tionist alliesG in

    goernment ba#ked down. Home !ront resistan#eto 6meri#an !ighting on the ground in

    +entral 6meri#a would hae been massie.

    Neer the less* ,e4

  • 8/12/2019 More Than Nazi Money Went Underground


    en and their new !ound allies the totalitarian

    Fso1#alledG "+hristian" ,ight hae in!

    iltrated 6meri#a's goernment* military* law

    en!or#ement* and business at eery leel !romthe #op on the #orner to the Aoint +hie!s o!


    I! their o!!i#ial plan* the one they admit to* #a

    lls then !or "dissidents" to hae their doors

    ki#ked in by a bun#h o! deputized @lansmen

    and Nazis* you #an imagine what it is that

    they plan but do not admit also. he lesson o!

    history is #lear. hese people are #old1

    blooded killers. hey are ruthle

    ss* tena#ious* and ery well !inan#ed. hey are adept liars