motion and energy (notes)

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  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Motion and Energy

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)



    Motion – an object’s changein position relative to areference point.

    • The Earth’s surface isused as a commonreference point

    • A moving object can beused as a reference

    point as well

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)



    Speed is the distance traveled divided bythe time interval during which the motionoccurred.

    • Normally, objects do not travel at aconstant speed.

    • Average peed !total distance "m#  total time "s#

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)



    Velocity is the speed of an object in aparticular direction.• $magine two birds leave the same tree at the

    same time.

    • They both fly at %&'m(hr for ) minutes.

    *hy don’t they end up atthe same place+

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Velocity• Velocity appears to be very similar to

    speed, however, when describing thevelocity of an object you need toprovide a magnitude and a direction.

    • Magnitude – the speed of the object.• Direction – the direction in which the

    object is moving.• elocity ! total displacement "m#

    total time "s#

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Speed vs. Velocity

    peed is simply how fast you are travelling-

    ,elocity is .speed in a given direction/-

    This car is travellingat a speed of 0&m(s

    This car is travelling at avelocity of 0&m(s east

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)



    • Acceleration is the rate at which velocitychanges over time.

    • Average acceleration (m/s2) =final velocity(m/s) – starting velocity(m/s)time taen to c!ange velocity (s)

    • As velocity increases, so does acceleration•

    As velocity decreases, so does acceleration• *hen direction changes, so does


    *hen there is a constant velocity, there is

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    'rap!s and "#uations• E2uations are great for describing

    ideali3ed situations, but they don4t alwayscut it.• ometimes you need a picture to show

    what4s going on a mathematical picturecalled a graph of several sentences.

    • 6raphs are often the best way to conveydescriptions of real world events in a

    compact form.• 6raphs of motion come in several typesdepending on which of the 'inematic2uantities "time, displacement, velocity,

    acceleration# are assigned to which a7is.

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Distance ime 'rap!s(nderstanding and interpreting)

    8lotting distance against time can tell you a lot about a journey. 9et4s loo' atthe a7is:

    • Time "s# always runs hori3ontally "the 7;a7is#.

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Distance ime 'rap!s *ot moving+ ,o- -ill it loo lie+++• $f something is not moving, a hori3ontal line is

    drawn on a distance;time graph "dt;graph#.

    • Time is increasing to the right, but itsdistance does not change. $t is stationary.

    • =ere both velocity and acceleration is 3ero.

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Distance ime 'rap!s Moving+ ,o- -ill it loo lie+++

    • $f something is moving at a steady velocity, itmeans we e7pect the same increase indistance in a given time:

    • Time is increasing to the right, and distanceis increasing steadily with time.• $t moves at a steady velocity ">ero


  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Distance ime 'rap!s !at is t!e effect of line Steepness0

    or slope0 or gradient0+++• ?oth the lines below show that each object moved

    the same distance, but the steeper yellow line gotthere before the other one:

    • lope of distance;time graph represents velocity.• A steeper gradient indicates a more distance moved

    in a given time. $n other words, higher velocity.• ?oth lines are of constant gradient, so both speeds

    are constant but of different value.

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Distance ime 'rap!s Moving+ !at if it is not steady+++• The line below is curving upwards. Thisshows an increase in velocity, since the

    gradient is getting steeper:

    • $n other words, in a given time, thedistance the object moves is larger. $t is


  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Distance ime 'rap!s Moving+ !at if it is not steady+++• The line below is curving upwards. Thisshows an decrease in velocity, since the

    gradient is getting lesser:

    • $n other words, in a given time, thedistance the object moves is lesser. $t is


  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Distance ime 'rap!s (Summary)

    ero velocity

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Velocity ime 'rap!s(nderstanding and interpreting)

    8lotting velocity against time can tell youa lot about a journey. 9et4s loo' at thea7is:

    • Time"s# always runs hori3ontally "the 7;a7is#.• elocity"m(s# runs vertically "the y;


  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Velocity ime 'rap!s *ot moving+ ,o- -ill it loo lie+++• $f something is not moving, a hori3ontalline is drawn on a velocity;time graph "vt;


    • Time is increasing to the right, but itsvelocity remains 3ero.

    • =ere also velocity is constant but isalwa s 3ero.

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Velocity ime 'rap!s

     Moving+ ,o- -ill it loo lie+++• $f something is moving at a steady

    velocity, a hori3ontal line is drawn on avelocity;time graph "vt;graph#.

    • Time is increasing to the right, but itsvelocity does not change.

    V l i i ' !

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Velocity ime 'rap!s Moving+ ,o- -ill it loo lie+++•

    $f something is moving with a steadyacceleration(deceleration, it means we e7pectthe same increase(decrease in velocity in agiven time

    • Time is increasing to the right, and velocity issteadily increasing(decreasing with time.

    @oves at a uniform acceleration(deceleration.



  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Velocity ime 'rap!s !at is t!e effect of line Steepness0

    or slope0 or gradient0+++• ?oth the lines below show that each object moved atthe same velocity, but the steeper yellow line gotthere before the other one:

    • lope of such graph represents acceleration.• A steeper gradient indicates a more velocity is

    gained "more acceleration# in a given time.• ?oth lines are of constant gradient, so both

    accelerations are constant but different.

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Velocity ime 'rap!s Moving+ !at if it is not steady+++

    • The line below is curving upwards(downwards.This shows an increase(decrease in velocity,since the gradient is getting steeper:

    • $n other words, in a given time, the velocitywith which the object moves is increasing ordecreasing. $t is non;uniform acceleration or




  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    Area nderneat! v$t 'rap!

    • Area underneath a v;t  graph would

    get the distance covered.• $f you calculate the area underneath a

    v;t  graph, you would multiply height B

    width.• ?ecause height is actually velocity and

    width is actually time, areaunderneath the graph is e2ual to» elocity B time or ,;t 


  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    "nergy• Energy can be defined as the ability to do wor'

    "measured in Coules C/ #.• 1inetic "nergy (1.". = 3Mass3velocity4) –The energy due to motion is called 'inetic

    energy. –Dinetic energy is proportional to mass and

    velocity. –E7ample ; moving a s'ateboard, blowing wind,

    motion of pendulum.• 5otential "nergy (5." = -eig!t3!eig!t = mg!) – 8otential Energy is stored energy.

    ! t0 i t t 6 t

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    !at0s so important a6out5" and 1"+

    • *e call the sum of 8E and DE mechanicalenergy.

    @.E ! D.E 1 8.E

    • @echanical energy is important because it isconserved "as long as there are no forces, li'efriction#

    • Therefore, if one goes down, the other goesup by the same amount.• 9oss of 8.E ! 6ain of D.E and vice;versa.

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    "nergy ransfers

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    8 d i d f t

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    8ar design and safety• To be a safe driver you need to understand

    the factors that affect a car4s stoppingdistance.• 8rimary safety factors li'e car’s road holding,

    bra'es, steering, handling and above all the

    driver help to prevent accidents.• There are secondary safety devices which aid

    survival in the event of an accident. These areas follows ;

    • rumple >ones – 8resent in front and at the bac'. Absorbs 'inetic energy. E7tends collision time Feduces decelerating force and potential injury.

    8 d i d f t

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    8ar design and safety• E7tensible eat ?elts –

    E7erts a bac'ward force "of %&&&& N# over &.) m. $n a car moving at %) m(s, the effect of notwearing belt is same as that produced by jumpingoff from %0m high.

    • Air ?ags – $t inflates and protects from injury by the

    steering wheel.• =ead restraints – Ensures that if the car is hit from behind, the

    head goes forward with the body and notbac'wards over the seat.

    8revents damage to the top of the spine.

    9 lli 6 di

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)


    9alling 6odies• All bodies falling freely under the force of

    gravity do so with uniform acceleration ifthe air resistance is negligible "all bodies fallat the same rate in vacuum#.

    • This acceleration, also called as acceleration

    of free fall, is denoted as Gg’.• $ts appro7imate value is H.I m(sJ but we will

    ta'e it as %& m(sJ.

    • $f two bodies with different mass arethrown from the same height in vacuum theywill reach the ground at same time.

  • 8/18/2019 Motion and Energy (Notes)
