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Mary M. Cain, MPH

July 8, 2011

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I am a part of all that I have met – Tennyson Institute for the Future > role of

consumers & technology LifeMasters > application of activation and

motivational interviewing in disease management call centers decreased HC utilization by 11%

StayWell > health coaches have an advantage in engaging members

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Improving Member Engagement

From Case Management Team: We need to improve engagement with members Case Managers don’t like “selling” themselves We want to improve member’s health by

ensuring access to the services available The value of case management not clear to the

member or to case managers Current results:

Short interactions Missed opportunities No connection made with the member

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How to improve CM results

Revisit the value of case management from the case manager’s perspective

Introduce Motivational Interviewing Meet the member where they are Learn how to listen, collaborate and

connect with the member

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Objectives for training

Describe the core skills of motivational interviewing and the concept of engagement as they apply it to the case management process

Demonstrate basic motivational interviewing techniques and an understanding of how to engage members in assessment, goal setting and achieving plan of care

Practice specific techniques to increase member engagement to facilitate assessment, goal setting and achieving plan of care

Demonstrate skills to utilize effective responses designed to reduce member resistance, allowing facilitation of goal setting and continued member engagement with the plan of care

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Process for developing and conducting training

Learn about the context for case management How are staff trained? What are they measured on? What do they think works and why?

Develop customized training Provide training

Train-the-trainer Clinical: 3 modules trained in August

2 virtual 2-hour trainings over 2 weeks, 1 onsite 4-hour training

Non-clinical: 2 modules trained in September 2 virtual 2-hour trainings over 2 weeks

Post-training evaluation

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Success Metrics

CM staff’s ability to articulate an understanding of the case management program

CM staff’s comfort with ability to engage members as measured by pre- and post-training assessments

Effective communication with members as measured by member surveys

Efficient process for staff that doesn’t increase perception of workload burden as measured by pre- and post-training assessments (i.e. revisiting the process, not just piling more on top)

Long-term measures of success Fewer “one and done” cases, fewer incidences of “lost contact” Greater member satisfaction with case management services

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Context of Case Management

Why do people choose to be case managers?

What helps them connect with their members?

What are the barriers to connecting?

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Motivational Interviewing

Collaborative, person-centered form of guiding to elicit and strengthen a person’s motivation for change – Bill Miller

Goal: give the staff tools to draw the member out and support the member’s own motivation for change in the context of an appropriate care plan

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Spirit of MI

Collaborative > a partnership, not top down

Evocative > the member has the resources within herself to make a change

Honors autonomy > Case Manager can’t make choices for the member

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Principles of MI

Support self-efficacy Express empathy Roll with resistance Develop discrepancy

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MI Techniques

OARS Open-ended questions Affirmative statements Reflective statements Summary statements

Listening for change talk Desire: Why would you want to make this change? Ability: How would you do it if you decided? Reason: What are the three best reasons? Need: How important is it? and why? Commitment: What do you think you’ll do?

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MI works

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Keys to success

Training is the first step in a journey Evidence supports ongoing coaching and

management support will make or break the sustainability of the change

Supporting infrastructure is key Performance evaluation and measurement

must adjust to continue staff growth in skills

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MI is a big change

Change is hard Congratulations on taking this first step This is a marathon, not a sprint

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To member: greater self-efficacy, help when they need it and ultimately better quality of life

To staff: job satisfaction, more efficient process and time well spent

To Corporation: more appropriate use of services, improvement in the health of the member population

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Thank You

Mary M. Cain, MPH [email protected] 415-656-6788