motor systems: reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit...

Contents: 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal system of movement - Basal ganglia - Cerebellum Motor systems : Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal system , cerebellum Literatur: Dudel et al., Neurowissenschaft (Springer) Reichert, Neurobiologie (Thieme) Kandel et al., Principles of Neural Science (McGraw Hill) Kahle, Taschenatlas der Anatomie, Band 3: Nervensystem und Sinnesorgane (Thieme) Greenstein and Greenstein, Color Atlas of Neuroscience (Thieme)

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Page 1: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal


1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and


2. Voluntary movement: Organization

and major pathways

3. Extrapyramidal system of movement

- Basal ganglia

- Cerebellum

Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal

system, cerebellum


Dudel et al., Neurowissenschaft (Springer)

Reichert, Neurobiologie (Thieme)

Kandel et al., Principles of Neural Science (McGraw Hill)

Kahle, Taschenatlas der Anatomie, Band 3: Nervensystem und

Sinnesorgane (Thieme)

Greenstein and Greenstein, Color Atlas of Neuroscience (Thieme)

Page 2: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

Organization of muscles

Skeletal muscle

→ Muscle fiber (fused cells, surrounded

by a plasma-membrane (sarcolemma))

→ myofibril (surrounded by

sarcoplasmic reticulum)

→ sarcomere

(functional motor unit)

1.5 – 3.5 µm

Sliding filament


(A.F. Huxley et al., 1950s)

Contains thick and thin

filaments (myosin,



Page 3: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Sensing muscle tension

Muscle spindles: encapsulated sensory receptors

located within muscles

signal changes in the length of the muscle (stretch sensor)

Anatomy: encapsulated muscle fibers located parallel to the muscle fibers

large-diameter sensory endings in the middle noncontractile portion

and small sensory endings at contractile portions (blue),

small-diameter motor endings at the polar portions (gamma motor

neurons; red)

Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

(Kahle, Taschenatlas der Anatomie Bd. III)

Page 4: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Basic motor unit: a-motoneuron in the

ventral horn + innervated muscle fibers

Most of efferent tracts (orange) do not directly end at

a-motoneurons but at interneurons (black) →

complex integration

Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

Peripheral tracts (blue) may directly end at a-


(Kahle, Taschenatlas der Anatomie Bd. III)

Page 5: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Recruitment of motoneurons

(Campbell, Biologie)

Basic motor unit: a-motoneuron in the ventral horn + innervated muscle


Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

Tetanic contraction (physiologic tetanus):

Sustained muscle contraction evoked

when the motor nerve that innervates a

skeletal muscle emits action potentials at a

very high rate (interval < 75 ms)


Page 6: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Coordinated work of muscles

Muscles pull but cannot push → hinge requires at least two antagonist muscles

Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

Page 7: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Reflex pathways

What are reflexes?

Involuntary coordinated patterns of muscle contraction and relaxation

elicited by peripheral stimuli

traditionally seen as automatic, stereotyped movement

modern view: can be modified via supraspinal signals

Test: complete transection of the spinal cord from the brain

Receptors in muscles: stretch reflexes

Cutaneous receptors: withdrawal reflexes

Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

Page 8: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Stretch reflex

Receptors in muscles (spindle)

Most studied and most simple

reflex: Contraction of a

muscle when the

muscle is lengthened

Experiment by Sherrington

(beginning of 20th century):

reflex was abolished by cutting

either dorsal or ventral root

Involves monosynaptic pathway

Heteronymous innervation

Reciprocal innervation

Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

(Kandel, Principles of Neural Science)

Page 9: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Flexion-withdrawal reflex

Cutaneous receptors

Polysynaptic pathway

Reciprocal innervation

Crossed-extension reflex

Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

Page 10: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Modification of reflexes

Supraspinal contacts to alpha or

gamma motoneurons

„Spinal shock“

Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes

Page 11: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways

Control of subcortical motoric centers by the cortex

primary motor cortex (area 4) →

lowest intensity of stimulation

elicits movement

premotor cortex (area 6)


Motor homunculus

Page 12: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Major pathway of voluntary motor information: Corticospinal tract


Massive bundles of fibers (approx. 1 million of


Originates from primary motor cortex, premotor

cortex and somatosensory cortex

Somatotopic organization

Main tract crosses at the

medulla (pyramidal

decussation) and

descends in the lateral

column (Tractus

corticospinalis lateralis)

Most end at interneurons

between dorsal and

ventral horn

Pyramidal decussation

Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways

Page 13: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Majority (70-90%) of the axonal fibres cross at the

pyramidal decussation

Remaining uncrossed fibers descend in the ventral

column (Tractus corticospinalis anterior) and cross

at the position of their endings

Tractus corticospinalis


Tractus corticospinalis


Control more


limb muscles

→important for



Control of posture by integrating

visual, vestibular and

somatosensory information

Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways

Page 14: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Corticospinal tract usually ends at Zona intermedia between ventral and

dorsal horn at interneurons

Minority directly contact motoneurons at the ventral horn (in most cases

motor neurons that innervate flexors of the distal limb) → direct control

by the corticospinal tract

Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways

Page 15: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Phylogenetically old extrapyramidal

motor system

multisynaptic chain of neurons

In the narrower sense: group of nuclei

with a high iron content (basal


In a broader sense: together with the

cerebellum as an integration center

Function: regulation of involuntary

movements for keeping posture and

trained movements

Acts as a „servo-mechanism“ for

voluntary movement and provide feed-

back loops

→ required for „smooth“ movement

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 16: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Basal ganglia

Striatum (putamen and caudatum)


Nucleus subthalamicus

Nucleus ruber

Substantia nigra

Belong to different parts of the


telencephalon (Striatum),

diencephalon (Pallidum, N.


brain stem (N. ruber, S. nigra)

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 17: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Connections of the basal ganglia (schematic representation)

Reciprocal coupling between - Striatum and S. Nigra

- Pallidum and N. subthalamicus

Nigrostriatal pathway

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 18: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Lesions in the basal ganglia lead to characteristic disturbances of movement:

e.g., Lesion of the N. subthalamicus:

Hemiballism – involuntary (often violent) movement of the limbs

e.g., Degeneration of the Striatum:

Chorea Huntington – involuntary movement, cognitive impairment (dementia)

genetic disease

Extrapyramidal syndromes

Parkinson‘s diseaseMost frequent disease of the motoric system

(incidence: 1-5% of 70-90 year old


paucity of spontaneous movement

(„Maskengesicht“), increased muscle

tone (rigidity), characteristic tremor at rest


Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 19: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Functional structure:

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Cerebellum: Integration unit of the extrapyrimadal system

Latin: „little brain“, constitutes 10% of the brain volume but 50% of its neurons

Neurons are arranged in highly regular manner as repeating units → basic

circuit modules

Major output: premotor and motor cortex, basal ganglia of the brain stem

Many parallel convolutions called folia („leaves“)

Connected to the brain stem via pedunculi cerebellaris („Kleinhirnstiele“)

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(Fischer et al. (1998) Neuron 20: 847-854)

Cells of the cerebellar cortex

Neurons are highly ordered and organized in repeat units → „modules“

Only five types of neurons:

- Stellate neurons (“Sternzellen”)

- Basket neurons (“Korbzellen”)

- Purkinje neurons

- Golgi neurons

- Granule cells (“Körnerzellen”)





Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 21: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Molecular layer: cell bodies of stellate and basket cells, axons of granule cells

(oriented as parallel fibers along the “folia”), dendrites of Purkinje cells

(oriented perpendicular to the parallel fibers)

Purkinje cell layer: single layer of Purkinje cell bodies, axons project to white


Granule layer: many granule cells and some Golgi neurons

Organized in

3 layers:

Organization of the cerebellar cortex

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 22: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Input connections of the cerebellar cortex

Two main types of inputs:

- input from mossy fibers - input from climbing fibers

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 23: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

1. Axons of granule cells travel to

molecular layer and excite as

“parallel fibers” many Purkinje

neurons in the same transverse


2. Basket cells and stellate cells

make inhibitory contacts to

Purkinje neurons, thus

producing an inhibitory side-


Connections within the cerebellar cortex

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 24: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Output connections of the cerebellar cortex

Axons of the Purkinje neurons project

into the white matter (deep nuclei of the

cerebellum) and provide the (entirely

inhibitory) output of the cerebellar

cortex (mediated by GABA)

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 25: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Incoming signals from mossy fibers

(from spinal cord and brain stem)

synapse at dendrites of granule and

golgi cells

Parallel fibers of granule cells excite

only one row of Purkinje cells

→ Enhancement of contrast

Golgi cells are much larger than granule cells and

have dendrites filling a large volume in all directions →

are excited in a larger volume and locally inhibit (via

short axons) neighboring Purkinje cells

Principles of function of the cerebellar cortex I

Golgi cells

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 26: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Inhibitory interneurons

Climbing fiber

Mossy fiber

Neurons of

subcortical nuclei

Principles of function of the cerebellar cortex II

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Neurons of the subcortical nuclei are

excited by axon collaterals of

climbing and mossy fibers but

inhibited by Purkinje neurons.

Thus, the output to the descending

motor systems is modulated by the

cortical side loop.

Page 27: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Principles of function of the cerebellar cortex II

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Neurons of the subcortical nuclei are

excited by axon collaterals of

climbing and mossy fibers but

inhibited by Purkinje neurons.

Thus, the output to the descending

motor systems is modulated by the

cortical side loop.

Page 28: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

Neighboring purkinje cells

receive signal of the

same granule cell via the

parallel fiber with

increasing delay

(speed of conductance of a

parallel fiber: 0.2 m/s;

corresponds to about 0.1

ms for every neighboring

Purkinje cell)

→ Temporal correlation of signals can be determined and movement

(activation of muscle fibers) can be segmented (there are often difficulties

with cerebellar lesions)

Principles of function of the cerebellar cortex III

Extrapyramidal system of movement

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e.g. vestibulo-ocular reflex: ensures that the eyes can fix a target when turning the


When wearing prismatic glasses, the reflex turns after a learning phase.

Destruction of the vestibulocerebellum prevents this adaptation

The cerebellum in motor learning

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 30: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

The cerebellum in motor learning

Simple model system: Rabbit eyelid conditioning




Stimulus (CS)


Stimulus (US)

Mossy fiber

Climbing fiber



Deep nuclei of the


(Interpositus nuclei)

(from: Ohyama et al. (2003) What

the cerebellum computes. Trends

Neurosci. 26: 222-227)

Learning depends on the interstimulus interval (ISI):

Extrapyramidal system of movement

Page 31: Motor systems: Reflexes, pyramidal and extrapyramidal ... · 1. Muscle, muscle spindle, motor unit and reflexes 2. Voluntary movement: Organization and major pathways 3. Extrapyramidal

The cerebellum in motor learning

Simple model system: Rabbit eyelid conditioning

tonePuff (CS)(US)




Cerebellar cortex

Deep nuclei of the


(Interpositus nuclei)




Extrapyramidal system of movement